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>Official WoW News

https://youtu.be/o03STclgxSc [Embed] [Open]
>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
https://youtu.be/brOSi_rpGj4 [Embed] [Open]

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview
https://youtu.be/MNeQdGV5_2U?si=GTerY-rZZSnTPzP2 [Embed] [Open]

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Previously on /wowg/: >>495994772
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About to do a +4 siege with 3 ragnaros and 1 azralon, gonna post results later if remember to do it
time to goon
what is a nice happy medium melee spec between the absolute brainlessnes of ret and the convoluted nonsense of enhance?

cant play casters, get absolutely bored to tears with hard casts.
me when i see a tauren bvll on my draenei
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thoughts on this mog?
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>unholy dk unstoppable unoutplayable uncc'able braindead spec in minigames

Yeah that seems fine.
>brainlessnes of ret
I take it you haven't tried Frost DK.
Three words
"Yike, yikety, yikes"
lol good luck
>spending my evening with 15 year old gold guides on second monitor
Tarou's gay voice is very soothing to me
I liked his videos, he seemed to have some level of selfrespect, no retarded titles/thumbnails
today's youtubers are shameless
impossible to kite either. truly easy mode
uhm... back off??? everyone knows that tauren exist to fuck exclusively night elves, so go get dicked down by someone else okay?
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they fixed the ascendance forms
>it's true
Sorry sweetie but Night Elves fuck Worgen. Tauren are for draebabes now.
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Do you think we will be able to have our own elf wife in Midnight?

Really hoping for some player housing where you can invite NPCs into. My human male needs a onahole blood elf wife real bad.
Here's to more fury nerfs, lads, Fuck those apes.
she so fucking horny for my dick bros
Slayer arms.
Bloody Drill, the spec
even better, you now have your choice between that, the crazy voodo super sayan, and the old forms, via glyphs
Wish i had a friend on goonguard...
yo Blizzard. good job.
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>people unironically play shaman
hopefully they make the cooldown last more than like 5 seconds every 3 minutes. seems like so much effort for such an incredibly short effect cooldown with long cooldown timer
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Anons please. There's enough tauren for both.
not me though im cool right im a taur shaman player
Middle is superior
My thoughts are that they need to expend a raid tier or two getting all these old ass textures out of the game.
Haven't been by this general since Shadowlands. Fucking hated Dargon Lands' story. Just finished the campaign for War Within the other day. It's actually good to the point that I want to stay subbed and actually play the game. Any doubters can at least sub to play the campaign it's worth a month of sub for that and the hero specs.
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>Ask Mr. Robot
>"Worst in bags, items to discard/delete"
>Pic rel is what it wants to delete.
How about fuck no, Mr. Robot?
what is with you idiots and this lately? you're over a decade late
>using ask mr robot in 2024
anon, why?
It's time to let go, gramps.
those ilvls suck lol... probably looks dumb too might as well delete
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Nelf x Orc > Nelf x Tauren
do you also have a subscription to the azeroth advisor?
Dragon shit was packed unlike the empty wastes i was used to back when i used to play in cata but it was so fucking gay holy shit
soon bros..
What else does the same thing? I just want to click a button and get a sense of which enchants to get, where to find upgrades etc..
I haven't played in years, you young Thundercats.
Is that Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?
simcraft addon + raidbots
type /simc and copy the text wall, go to raidbots, paste it into the top gear sim and select the items you want to sim.
moonglade exists for a reason stupid
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No, it's just a replica.
Thank you kindly, sir. You're a gentleman and a scholar.
This little toughguy needs his "Big Boy" shirt.
Lets see this set on real men, please.
That set has always looked goofy as fuck. They should have remade Might (they halfway did it for Saurfang's BFA model).
item level > everything except set bonus because it gives you primary stat and stamina
primary stat > everything except set bonus
once you have to choose between multiple pieces of gear at the same ilvl, then look up a guide on like murlok.io or method.gg or something to find your stat priorities etc
Those Legion swords are literally a PERFECT match for that set
>Thank you kindly, sir. You're a gentleman and a scholar
this ain't r*ddit, you NIGGER
she fucks human male paladins (handholding and consensual missionary only)
maybe the recolor will save this clown set
More like a derivative of 1800s Britain you uneducated cunt, but whatever. You reap what you sow.
I can't slutmog this...

>tyrande_whisperwind tauren animated
time to pump
This is what the armor looked like to me when i was a kid
For the low price of 1000 tendies.
yeah shit looks cool af
im pretty sure everyone is going to use the ssj one
Sure thing, retard. You totally came here straight from 19th century britain and not from r*ddit. Dumb fucking r*ddit catchphrase using faggot
Rare Bliz W
oh no no no max not like this hahahahaha
Warping your whole character model into some avatar is a goofy stupid idea and needs to be dropped as a concept immediately. People farm for hundreds of hours to get transmogs. I know DH's even who complain constantly that there isn't a glyph for removing demon form.
>swap color pattern with dreadnaught
>now this is the most iconic warcraft set ever made
thats a dk
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if you havent been posting here since 2006 then shut the fuck up about reddit, you are just as cancerous

on topic: FUCK paladins
it had the dumbest errors and mistakes i have seen with 20+ deaths but we managed to time it with 1 minute left
based af
Keep that mouth open, bitch
You my toilet now
Cheating, traitorous whores are so hot
My NTR boner cannot be sated
What is the minimum level of M+ that i need to complete for KSM?
they should have never fucking taught indians how to use computers
it's a white fetish thoughbeit
im white and i enjoy it immensely
Is there a list of current slutmog pieces? I havent played in awhile and want to make sure I look like a whore.
What makes unholy DK worse to fight than frost DK?
Citizens of Moon Guard!

I, a proud Mag'har Orc, will raid Goldshire and see your orgasms ruined. The sound of Horde conquest will interrupt your goon session and bring despair to your clan.

I have no need for war brides or slaves. No want for treasure. Only the total eradication of your degenerate ways.

This is not a threat. This is a promise. You will not know peace when I have climbed to the apex of my ambitions.

Lok-Tar Ogar!
maze level 7
Army of adds on demand and the 5 super aids dots on you while you're slowed
War mode goldshire is on a different shard with nobody in it orcsissy.
Ok, go stand in the pvp corner with LC and get periodically spawncamped as Rytes runs away.
Toilet mouth guy here. I'm an aryan nord chad
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ayo wow Gz
new drop y'all
where's my troll gf?? Do I have to be black?
wow m+ 1000x more fun as a DPS, the fuck was I tanking for
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the meme with the dps singing payphone and the tank sweating and button mashing is 100% true
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>You want to play a rogue who's just... good at combat? Heh... forget about it.
>You are going to be a pirate and you WILL enjoy it.
>anything above M+3
>suddenly everyone is toxic
nice community wowisters
go play d&d then, retard
t. cringe reddit pirate
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This season is no joke. The dungeons are HARD. If you're shit, you are wasting time. I'm not complaining about the difficulty btw. I just think it's asking a lot from the players as of writing this.
nobody defends rogues, retard. i was giving a sggestion
shak is so hilarious
Not exactly, but it's called reading more than Reddit or Tumblr, you uneducated piece of shit.
I am glad someone else understand show reddit manchild pirates are.
I hate this stupid fucking shit so much.
60% and 140 pulls lmao
>spell reflect a web bolt in a high delve
>mob hits itself for 75% of its health

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>main hunter
>3 friends, 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 dps
>do some keystones
>fail miserably, failing to time 4s on the account of fucking up mechanics and straight dying to stupid shit
>they all reroll dps, which leaves me to my tank alt with shit secondaries and no enchants, and a pug healer
>we are now timing 5s comfortably when they can just unga bunga dps
Another expansion, same story as ever, I'm totally having fun again.
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Let me guess, for the purpose of impregnation?
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make new friends (me)
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What is your favorite thing about Goblins?
combat rogue being essentially a thug was way more fitting for the rogue class fantasy than a fucking pirate
what a waste
>exposing yourself as not even having done normal queen
This season really exposes all the whining about affixes for what it was: People just sucked ass and want m+ to be a snoozefest with no possibility of failure.
The current dungeons are pretty easy, you just have to actually interact with the mechanics instead of ignoring everything with OP healer cooldowns and AoE stops. Retards screamed from the rooftops about how "difficulty should come from the dungeon not affixes!!!" and when blizzard listened they immediately started complaining that the dungeons are too hard.
>and straight dying to stupid shit
your friends probably hate you because you talk like a nigger
Rimming them
I agree completely. It makes me remember the beginning of Cataclysm. Let's see if Blizzard decides to nerf dungeons this time.
They make great knot holsters.
as someone who cleared the raid and has zero desire to push m+ keys whats next? pvp? pet battles? craft maxxing?
>splinterstorm STILL randomly targets mobs not in combat
awesome so I can't raid or m+ and it even breaks cc in arenas, what in the fuck
but I like the iron maiden looking freak with the wild hair
Good thing you can get that through a glyph
the entire rogue class has been nothing but downhill since vanilla
the class will never feel better than timing an opener with your energy tick and ganking some non plate wearer 100-0 in a chain stun
people are whining because the dungeon pool fucking sucks. two Shadowlands dungeons for some reason and it was unanimously decided the first couple of days into the expansion that The War Within dungeons all fucking suck. nobody wants to play this this m+ rotation at all
>this dungeon sucks!!!
the classic howl of the terminal shitter who sucks ass at the game.
The dungeons are cool, NW and Mists were two of the best SL dungeons. You just suck dick and balls. The only genuinely bad dungeon in the pool is dawnbreaker because it's a buggy gimmick dungeon
>unanimously decided
By fucking speed runners that dropped the game already cause they're shit
heroic raid obviously
>unanimously decided the first couple of days into the expansion that The War Within dungeons all fucking suck.
The crowd of voices in your head don't count.
Dawnbreakers the best dungeon in ages.
The maze rat squeaks with anger when his life is insulted. Have fun headbanging in Stonevault and Dawnbreaker, rat.
>implying mists isn't a gimmick dungeon
at least dawnbreaker is straightforward
i wish dragonflight was better so i didnt miss out on welfare mounts/tusks from pandaria remix
are there any melee classes with purple effects?
you know, like trails when you swing your weapon(s) and whatnot
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>13-4 on blitz
>last 2 wins gave me +9
>the last 2 loses (being 13-5) cost me -15
is there some retarded MMR trench that they broke with that alleged hotfix they made? Everywhere I go it's either 1600 CR matches or 2600
forgot to mention this was at 1600 and 13-4 is my total matches, not just weekly
ridiculous feature creep made rogue's damage profile so fucking retarded, imo its the worst designed class in retail by far
in old wow you used to be able to open with double ambush instead of garrote on some idiot mage because it did so much fucking damage you could shit on him before he even realized what happened
now rogues have. i dont even know what they do anymore, shadow dance and john fucking madden with 300 energy. combat rogues are using yellow eviscerate like six times in a row
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That shit right there is exactly why I don't play PvP. Fuck that rat race bullshit.
Dawnbreaker is a hecking epic "LOOK MA IM DRAGONFLYING!!!" dungeon from start to finish.
Mists just has a maze that's thematic to the boss you fight after it. It's kino.
You're just mad because bad.
>Everywhere I go it's either 1600 CR matches or 2600
That's just how blitz works. All of my games were like this when i grinded 1800. Every game was either 1500 rated or 2300 and there was genuinely no difference between them. They were all the same quality with equally retarded players.

Kind of funny actually. If you're 1500 in BG blitz you can unironically say you're as good as a 2200+ player.
>cant solve a simple visual puzzle
oh no no no
You are a fullblown mongoloid if you think you can comvince anyone thst you aren't a redditard when you are literally repeating one of their cringiest catchphrases
i just resubbed because that void chick looks sexy
Uh oh mazie melty! I'm too busy working on my delving gladiator title by myself to care about dungeons. That's right, I don't have to play an idle game in a menu getting declined from groups for 30 minutes anymore. My pal brann is ready to go any time!
>look ma i'm hecking picking the odd one out for over half the dungeon and the boss is the same gimmick
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How asinine do you have to be to take offense from someone showing gratitude for received help? People like you disgust me at a level you cannot possibly fathom.
Am I using too many big words for you? How about this:
fr fr bussin on god bet
yo dat shits fire
after i buy the honor greens im more or less set for gear for the rest of the season as a pvp andy
meanwhile i have to spend hours doing annoying shit for a chance to roll on gear in pve....
>half the dungeon
it takes less time than the bug section
you really are just mad because bad
Funny characters with cool and interesting aesthetics and lore and the girls are cute
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I think this belt strap over the chest is really cute along with the belt on the waist.
Built for you know who to do you know what (Keys).
>How asinine do you have to be to take offense from someone showing gratitude for received help?
Way to miss the point, retard. Why are all redditors so fucking stupid?
You seem to know a lot about Reddit for someone who makes every effort to make it known he's not a fan of Reddit.
>I think this belt strap over the chest is really cute along with the belt on the waist.
Yeah we can tell cause you use them on 99% of your mogs along with a scarf. You're very one note.
shadowy apparitions are the coolest looking ability in the game but i dont like spriest as a class
i carry everyone through that maze every single time. you no doubt get carried too. i know how long it is.
It's literally one other mog but okay seethe and rage about it I guess
I just wanted the 2100 weapons maaan...
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lurk more
not being rude, genuine advice
I've been on here since Jessi Slaughter. Try again, kiddo.
>i, redditor Mcredditstein is not reddit, YOU are the real reddit
Wow such a genius. Drop the act, you aren't smart enough to lie your way out of this one
Why do you lie all the time like this? Or is your memory that bad you forget your own posts? I can list two others just to literally prove you wrong. You use all 3 of those on the white mog you got fanart made of, and you also use all 3 on the male nightborne you were posting during MoP remix.
is there a set route? i led once and got them all right but i swear we went backwards at one point
>You're definitely a Redditor because I say so.
It's all so tiresome. I hope you have a great life, buddy. It seems like you need someone to wish you well for a change.
Dayum this nigga brought receipts!
Holy fuck you are pissed
Over a transmog lol
Please touch grass
>You're definitely a Redditor because I say so
Dishonest little rat. Everyone knows and associates that phrase with cringy, insufferable redditor types like you.

Get the fuck out of my website, bitch
>NA neet hours
>avatarfagging trannies active
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>Built for you know who to do you know what
Getting pounded in the face so you can do your pumping, I know.
i just want the fucking gooners to die
you gotta have dem epics
and a lowrider mount
you feel me
im getting Narcissus to goon to my character more and i bet my parses are better
Based, expose these faggot clowns
haha tranny avatar faggot
Yeah not surprised that's your response, you do this all the time. You're so weird. Anyone ever calls you out on anything you immediately get defensive and paint the person like a schizo, then a few days or a week later you'll be admitting the exact same thing the person accused you of.
Like i've seen you get super defensive about being called a furry exactly like you just did about your mogs, then next you're posting about jizzing over worgen feet or homo lusting over your next dracthyr warrior.
>gets mogged by a tranny
>starts making long yap posts about trannymogs
>mythic raiding - bro just schedule your life around a 20 year old mmo :^)
>m+ outright obnoxious and unrewarding
>delves are free hero gear for 1-2 hours a week
so this is an alt season, huh?
my guild just did 2/8 casually when do i get sponsors
Ugly ass character with a shitty transmog
>avatarfagging tranny getting called out by a 200 IQ anon with pattern recognition
>gets offended and pretends not to care
I hope you die
what you think you're better than me?
did you loose?
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i haven't set foot in a dungeon so far, just raids + delves
is it really as bad as its made out to be this season? my bis trinkets are dungeon trinkets, so i'll probably need to get in there eventually. but i might just hold off til the anniversary patch, when they'll inevitably be nerfed and my spec is getting buffed.
cmon guys, the least you could do was post this new void elf mommy for me
>my guild just did 2/8 casually
the point remains that you do need to raid on schedule to do mythic at all, no matter how easy the first four bosses are
so lockout sharing dont work anymore to get old mounts?
pile up gold in profitable early expansion when mats sell well and tokens are cheap and set aside both gold and tokens so you can resub for free whenever you fee like it later on
Ive got both accounts sub for 6 months and 5 tokens in the pocket one each.
If it was a brand new mmo would that make it ok?
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post her feet
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Why is the Horde aiding the Arathi Empire anyways?
Yes? Honestly would probably be a smart move on the devs' part.
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>one handed weapon = 55k in mats
how am I supposed to afford this shit?
go pick flowers
just do delves or something for gear lol
war is racist
its been like 5 years or something since the last time the orcs committed genocide get over it already everyone in game has moved on
Blizzard forgot again. Also enemy of my enemy in foreign territory. It'd be more tolerable if it wasn't right before Anduin going "whoa these non-human looking spiders have a culture and civilization. Can you believe it?" Made me want to punch him in the kidneys.
need some advice. i want to pick up ravager, but i really like having both bolster and spell block

can you find a point anywhere else here that can be spared to pick up ravager? or should i just part with one of those two talents?
that's less than an hour of gathering
You don't have to craft it
I think they look like trash because it's clearly a fem undead wearing that one priest set that got a remake in tomb
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So that they'll owe me a favour.
lmfao pve will never be an esport
me on the left
Thank you for playing the long game, troll anon
You're mad because you're bad
are you making it 636?
if no then stop and use a champion or hero weapon while you actually get the 90 crests
inb4 you want a 619 for ascension. just don't
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>gnome (female) in brewfest really wants your dick
what did blizz mean by this
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If she insists....
>click on an herb
>you can't loot that
>it despawns
your honest reaction?
shield charge and bloodsurge are both overrated imo
M+ is just a cancer format.

until they get rid of timers and the ability for a bad player or bad run to ruin other peoples progression its going to continue to be cancer.
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Don't deny her
Did a good hc raid yesterday, looted cool sword.
Is Fire mage good yet or do I just keep declining fire tards?
Happens way too often
I find those fucking bots and I kill them dead. Especially if it's a rich vein
keep declining firetards yeah
>trying out ?? zekvir because bored
>half my pulls end because he melee crits me twice in a row
very well designed blizzard. Bravo.
Some highlights.
what's the best rogue pvp spec rn
Are there any youtubefags like Nobbel who cover lore, but don't have distracting third world accents?
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>Act like a retard
>I treat you like one
>Heh not surprised
It's a transmog lol
Yknow I've noticed something too bro, I post <literally anything> and your colon collapses and you shit all over the thread rofl. You're very one note. :^)
What rig/skeleton is the new shaman ascedance using?
No problem.
Druid Feral
Rogue Subtlety
Monk Windwalker
Rogue Outlaw
Rogue Assassination
Hunter Survival
post her feet
Platinum wow kinda
female orc
you don't like full stops in the middle of sentences with weird inflections because he's distracted by reading ahead in the wiki he's plagiarizing?
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I only play WoW to level random characters 1-80 via questing.
may've i'll try windwalker or survival. not a fan of combo points classes. feels too.....slippery. to easy to accidently overcap combo points with all the random procs and waste resources. also not a big fan of tracking and snapshotting dots, so ass and feral are out on that count too.
You cannot go wrong with picking up any of those.
I personally stay away from rogues solely because of the thief and assassin lore.
Monk is the purest.
I have a cat so feral is attractive.
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me too
>arms warrior
>like the single target setup
>absolutely fucking detest the aoe/cleave builds
I fucking hate both Slayer and Colossus.
can someone help me out with this macro?

/castsequence reset=10 [@cursor] spell1, [@cursor] spell2

it seems to be skipping the first spell in the sequence, no matter which one it is, but automatically casts the second spell in the sequence. havent run into this problem before with castsequence when not using @cursor, so something about the @cursor syntax is breaking it but i dont know what or where
tfw they will never show alex's feet
Oh makes sense, they should use fem orc more for models, it has the best proportions in the game
>hating slayer
>THE bladestorm hero tree on THE bladestorm spec
>when bladestorm finally does damage again in the first time since Wrath or something
Why are you even playing arms?
When the fuck are we getting info on october's tendies?
nvm, i fixed it

for any interested, the answer is

/castsequence [@cursor] reset=10 spell1, spell2
cool for you anon
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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
How can you hate slayer?
>entirely passive
>procs filling your GCD that do huge damage
>press execute more often
It's the kind of stuff warrior is about.
>spell queuing means you get a different ability order every time
>some egg spawns require you to walk thee boss halfway across the room which never works because he spam casts other abilities
>it's a 50/50 if he decides to aim a cone eat you or brann and if he picks you during an egg break it's an instant loss, especially on bad egg spawns
>he can melee crit and his crit chance is high enough that you're basically guaranteed to get crit twice in a row at least once on most pulls
>the usual blizzard classic of abilities deciding to not show their graphics at all
"Mage tower like" challenge my ass. Those fights were deterministic and fair, this is just rolling dice until you win.
Friendlet spotted
colossus demolish should have been such a slam dunk hero spec but they made it some fucking stupid channel that can get interrupted
should have just been a 2 sec cast that did one fuckhuge slam instead of three little hits
Its like that one female throll that is deepthroathing the blood elf guy behind the fence
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And it should be 2hander + shield
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>31 Crafts of 3 star alloy
>21% multicraft

Imagine if nu-wow devs made the legion magetowers.
>3 mechanics in total that are super simple
>huge boss hp
>autoattack damage set to 500 million because they think that makes it difficult
No wonder they haven't made anything like that since the magetower, they probably fucking don't know how to.
>I have a cat so feral is attractive
weird bro
I also forgot that brann is supposed to have a cleanse with a 1 minute cooldown but he only ever casts it once per fight for no reason and also just sometimes doesn't cast it so you can't rely on him to remove your poison when you have to kick the heal lol!!!!!!!!!
nigger boss made by nigger developers
I pretend to be him lol. Nothing sexual.
I'm not bad btw, I actually think his scizoposting is pretty funny.
who are you replying to, schizo?
well ok as long as you didn't remove his claws then
A cat is fine too
>bad instead of mad
imagine seething so hard at people who actually socialize and use the general like it's meant to be used that you can't even spell correctly lol
Mine doesn't even survive long enough to be useful. There's no indication of what exactly is killing him he just goes "AHHH CHAMPION I'M FUCKEN DYING" and then actually dies for no apparent reason. Not like I can actually control what he does anyway so it wouldn't matter if I did know how he was dying.
warrior should never cast full stop
Demolish should have been a the three stage telegraphed combo the the twin colossals in MoguShan Vaults do.

Huge cleaves to either side followed by a stomp, aimable by the warrior but slows him while comboing so its avoidable if you're not snared or stunned into it.
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what are the easiest delves to do at tier 8 i'm bad
Mythic Ansurek looks way harder than any Ultimate.
Brann ruins literally everything
Why on earth did blizzard go "Hey you know what would make our SOLO content more fun??? The dogshit island AI that we haven't bothered to iimprove even slightly since they were added to the game 6 years ago!!! yeaaaah!!!!!
just remove the retarded AI shit and actually balance these things around being SOLO
there's no excuse to be bad, your brain was capable to execute the complex task of deciphering the captcha, controlling your fingers to pick it then also bring an image that match your emotion... this is 10x cognitive levels above the minimum required to perform in the highest levels of pve.
>enter mythic 0 dungeon
>tank aimlessly walks around and keyboard turns until he eventually finds the way forward like its the first dungeon he's ever done in his life
how does this keep happening
>farmed over 3 millions from delves
>cleared normal and 4/8 heroic on day 1
>only joining queen normal pugs to sell curios
>gonna get ksm this or next week but might delay it more
>not forced to level alts
>not forced to do 40x maze runs per week
>not forced to pay 100K to (((crafters))) for a weapon

Life is so good this expansion. There's nothing better than watching mazed rats squirm and screech how much they hate every second of their gametime.
The companion is an excuse to make it seasonal fomo. Players are encouraged to sub and farm Brann to max before Rexxar comes out since it's a temporary thing.
when i say i'm bad i mean that i'm not a m10 pro gamer that breathes wow
I really don't understand why they made demolish like how it is.
>target mob in the middle of a pack
>it runs away or gets gripped or whatever out of the pack
>aoe strike hits nothing because it's laser focused on that one mob
>target mob for big aoe strike
>it dies before the aoe happens
>demolish cancelled
It just feels so unnatural
why not? Why is that so hard? Most of them do it with less than 15 hours per week
heroic rag was harder than any ultimate are you retarded?
because i'm a slow learner and have anxiety over messing things up for others
No such thing as a slow learner or learning styles, you're applying retarded techniques.
Step into your fears.
well like I said series of YUGE slightly delayed cleaves that hit everything they hit for full value, cus youre a big guy.

also I agree with >>496050069
it should just get 2h and shield as a passive thing

Game needs more "this spec get bonus stats" specs. Like instead of giving specs "aura" stats arbitrarily give them extra stat stick slots.
Surv hunter getting both a melee 2h and a ranged weapon comes immediately to mind

Let warlocks use a sword and a staff
They should have made him like a mix between a hunter pet and a companion from swtor.
>fighting cluster of tiny spiders that apply a stacking dot
>brann cleanses me at 1 stack
>use hp pots to survive being melted by the 15 stacks i now have
Fucking let me dictate when he interupts or cleanses. The ammount of overlapping interupts and him interupting shit I was going to spell reflect was infuriating.
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i just did ansurek in lfr
the fight kinda reminds me of the sarkareth and raszageth fights combined
you are in fact not force to carry insurance on a property you own anon.

I own my own house there is absolutely nothing mandating I pay insurance on it, just taxes.
I DO have fire insurance, but theres no rule, ordinance or law saying I have to.
heroic raszageth was much harder than heroic ansurek imo. pre nerf and post nerf
uh oh meltie
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Why do I have 3 weapons?
yet they cant be bothered making a few new visuals for dogshit hero specs with no new visuals
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>hordefags will never have this
reminds me of the warlock skull bug thats been in the game for like a year now
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Oh you mean this one?
>Echo and Liquid swapped every single possible class to Gnomes
Doesn't count doesn't count doesn't count
they did this with trolls in jaina
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>alliancefags will never have this
Thank god...
one of anduin's gay orc dad (saurfang) also did that though
s-shut the fuck up
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are you thanking god for being able to keep vulperas all to yourself? or...did that mean something else
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fucking KEK
i played shadowlands and i dont even remember where or what this cutscene is about
what's the benefit of gnomes specifically
I want them to stay horde so I can incinerate their flesh and harvest their souls for my demons to gnaw on while the still alive ones watch
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our jaina loves her trolls doesn't she folks
Escaping the web root.
Gnome snare break has always been one of the most objectively op racials next to shadowmeld, dunno why everyone always screeches about rng stun resist or one specific spec getting assraped by undead instead.
get help
stop gooning you fucking loser
But that's a worgen behind her
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I will not listen to human male priests
It's niche and doesn't make minigamers randomly seethe, that's about it.
Minigamers squeal the loudest, then casuals and finally raiders.
M+ players are on meth so they can't physically scream, instead they tweak out.
you know when you think about it, the assault of a legitimate military target with allowances for civilian evacuation nonetheless being lied into a fake atrocity that's used as a pretext for escalation is pretty appropriate
i wonder if they knew
i've been using disengage to avoid that mechanic this whole time, those faggots better not get it nerfed
the expression that unironically ruined porn forever, guess I should be thankful
I'm waiting for Ancestral Protection Totem to eat a nerf because of these faggots abusing it for solo tanking.
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>Met someone at the start of expansion
>In the same guild as me
>They're super chill and friendly
>We talk in the guild Discord while doing stuff
>Suddenly notice they aren't talking anymore
>Ask why they won't talk to me anymore
>They tell me they want to be friends
>But not talk to each other at all
>Ask what the fuck they mean

Whelp, that sucks...thought I made a friend, oh well.
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*blocks your fucking path*
you must be hella creepy if this actually happened kek
fake and gay
You mean paladins.
Paladins make up the majority of the wow population and having their HoJ resisted completely invalidates their power fantasy hence the essays worth of seething immediately posted to the forums.
Horrific visions>Torghast>Islands>Delves
There is nothing more cringe than some needy fuck asking to be friends. I totally get the other guy. This reeks of desperation.
I already mentioned casuals :^}
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>Paladins make up the majority of the wow population
um ackchyually they form a PLURALITY
>keep ignore pain up
>keep shield block up

Is this it? Have I mastered prot warrior?
Islands would have been great if the island part was shorter and it was followed by a 3v3 arena fight aboard your ship.
Built for futa humans
>can't solo t8's as paladin
What the fuck did they do to ret paladins
>some honor level 10 paladin runs at the team
>fucking visibly turns with his keys
>some piss line coming out of him is dealing milion hp and kills a druid at random
delves are actually fun unlike choregast and the dogshit islands
visions > delves >>>> everything else
>checking calendar to see what next weeks pvp brawl is
>delves bonus event next week
What does that even do?
No, but you are pretty much ready to tank heroic/mythic and m10+ rotation wise.
more brann exp probably
See >>496053843
prob a extra loot roll at the end of bountiful delves
Nevermind did some googling.
No reason to hold onto keys.
skill issue? i've solo'd 8s on my paladin and he's only like ilvl 554
Can't belive I'm spoonfeeding you this, took 30 seconds to look up on Wowhead:
Delves Bonus Event: While this event is active, Brann will have 50% louder voicelines. Begins on October 1st at 8:00 AM.
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Anyone else pick up the Sylvanas Widowmaker skin? She's so hot. Had to spend the money.
I'm looking forward to the delve weekly next week giving me another cloak or maybe another Abyssal Trap trinket.
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herbalism mon
Jah bless! Rastafari
why isn't mark of honor a fucking currency?
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1 more point and I'll be able to have an opinion on dungeon balance
>trying to do the enchanting patron orders
>they are all gleeful glamours
why, who specs into this shit even
>thinking anyone cares about you or your opinions
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i don't play overwatch but i'm unsure if i would have regardless even if i did
her model looks weird to me. is it supposed to be widowmaker cosplaying as sylvanas? sylvanas' face is more angular and not as round as the overwatch model, the hair is too curly, her boobs aren't big enough. just looks like wish.com sylvanas.
the minimum is 2500 for fotm players sorry
no matter how high your rating is people will always find a way to shit on you sorry bro
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FINALLY Got the transmog, holy shit, took literal DAYS to farm this gun transmog!
>that candle trinket
any specific reason? I playthe ara kira one and detachable fang but I also have the candle
how... mobs kill me way too fast and there's no damage as prot
oh he looks very racist
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got the same piece I got last week but lower ilvl
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im ready to heal some keys :)
What gun is that anyway?
I don't even play vdh but I know for a fact that detachable fang is dogshit for you
wait that gun is fucking cool af, i need that shit
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>10 min qs to get into 2s, half-hour/hour-long qs for 3s and rbgs
>everyone solo qing now
>not realizing they're literally killing the actual pvp scene

WoW players unironically eat shit and wonder why the game is shit.
incongruous transmog
Nice mod bro
>simple mog
>except a huge fucking runed sword
Swap the sword out for something simpler, looks fucking retarded
I did google it on bloodmallet but you might be right
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>Liquid is only 5% ahead despite having 2x the pulls
Are they stupid?
sorry chud the old system involved talking to other people
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I skipped DF but I've mained VDH since Legion
It's actually great, everyone's bitching about how weak it is now but to me it feels more or less the same
I use the fang for raid since it's solid ST, unless the healers are bad in which case I switch to pic rel. I use candle for M+ since it synergises well with meta.
I'm probably gonna switch candle for pic rel in M+ when I get to 10s since I'm starting to struggle to live.
meant for
whats your talent trees look like? post a screenshot

until like 570 you have to take it slow, you can clear 8s but you need to make sure you are only pulling 1 or 2 mobs at a time. rotate through your cooldowns, dont overlap them if you dont absolutely have to. also almost every mob has a 15~ sec interruptable, so interrupting that is pretty important, and you should also make sure you arent forgetting your stuns as everything but the bosses are stunnable, and those should be used pretty much on cooldown.

some of the melee mobs also have attacks which are avoidable if you can move out of the way (or behind them) fast enough saving you a lot of damage through positioning

and yeah, the mobs have huge spongy health bars, fights are gonna take a while, T8s are like mage tower difficulty in terms of health and damage until you get better gear in the 570s+
You've already posted this bait 8 times tonight
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is the delver's track bugged or have i truly made almost no progress after a few dozen delves
>Those guild runs
oof ouch sorry you didn't make it into the inner circle
Nice gobbo
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>jump down the shaft in Fungal Folly
>hit a small bump in the wall
end of covenant questline, anduin cries really hard and breaks control arthas had, saurfang rests his big palm on the side of his head and looks down at him and says "muh honor" and anduin finally has the power to beat lich king and j'lor the jailer, alex afrisidijourijarnikarninarabi's last laugh
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i have the wow pack in ow, and the wow skins in D4, which i'm bout ta bust out in the D4 expansion in...10 days?
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hope they finally fix frost's game breaking bug so I can play more maze+ tomorrow
D4 was unironically so bad that its expansion will be the first game blizzard has ever released that I won't buy
The weekly lore dump quest is more cosmic shit. I mean we all knew this because it's the WorldSoul Saga but it still stink of Danuser.
>hey you know these new systems that literally saved pvp from the brink of irrelevance?
>yeah ACKSHUALLY they're bad and killing the pvp scene!
lol, lmao even
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>Metzen... I don't feel so good
lmao get follied
what ilvl do i need for zekvir hard mode?
>playing overwatch "2"
min 640
i think this game (World of Warcraft: The War Within) actually sucks assholes
Better than still playing TWW for anything outside of ERP
well, the power creep is out of control on PTR, but the same was true for last PTR so i imagine they'll knock it down so it's not so out of control with the power creep that it's starting to resemble D3 with updated graphics. the build diversity is going way up in the expansion, more mythic uniques. i only skipped season of the construct, anyway i said all that but i'm gonna be running a one button dance of knives rogue, the new spin to win move where you just holding down one button and go really fast and clear the whole map.
Hows your PVE mode that was promised... oh wait
Hows the mount farm coming?
i'm just about done with overwatch until some major changes like 6v6 because all it does is make me angry when i play it
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>you can clear 8s but you need to make sure you are only pulling 1 or 2 mobs at a time
so a single t8 delve, assuming i'm able to complete it, is meant to take me like 40 minutes to do on my own?
Is there a 3d map viewer (preferably browser based) for WoW? I know about noclip.website and it works fine. But it only has data for WoW vanilla.
that's not gonna sting anyone still playing OW, who only ever played it for PvP and or mercy main egirls that trade feet pics for carries.
Overwatch 2 was a massive flop and its funny how much people try to downplay it now
get hekili
you're just pointing at your brother and saying "haha ur dad's shitty"
there are too many core rotational abilities on sub
ahegao is so fucking hot bros
Anyone got that decently high quality image of Xal's feet in the Alleria cutscene?
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I ran out of delve keys. What are my other options for getting upgrades? I'd like to replace the four low ilvl slots before I try doing any group content, as I have no idea what to expect
also what are those guys called who change how your gear looks?
At 30 ilvl under the recommended?
Why not
NTA but basically true. Not only am i about ready to drop overwatch cause of how shit it is to play, but retail is heading the same way with how incompetent these devs are. It's like they actually want to drive me away from their games.
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Full. Now.
Get bloody coins from the weekly world pvp quest for one of those slots
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how do these stats compare to yours? i know i'm not a good player or anything like that
I like that, but I really need the in-game one
Bloody coins for 4/8 veteran gear.
damn when the fuck are they nerfing resto shamans, what the actual fuck is going on?
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Why do I hate MW in PvE but love it in PvP?
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>Dark Ranger already the preferred spec for BM
>getting a complete rework next month that will make it even better
>zero mention of Pack Leader despite everyone saying it's absolute ass and is in dire need of a total overhaul
Because it's rancid dog ass in one and hilariously overpowered in the other.
people like sex elves
why would he conjure magic wheels for a chair
Anywhere I ask people say that MW is literally trash in every form of content though
Thank you so much, anon.
Can only do one spec at a time pls understand. Pack Leader rework in 11.1.
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dark ranger should be bis for MM
pack leader should be bis for BM
sentinel survival i guess pair them up who gives a shit
simple as
pack leader was a weak thematic to begin with and its numbers are bad. i don't know what they could do to spruce it up besides buffing the numbers - it would still be boring though.
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i have to say this season might be one of the worst experiences i've had so far in terms of leavers and the keys themselves being putrid dogshit
M+ is dying
anyone with sense is abandoning it.
only maze trapped giga spergs remain.
>make a group
>the title of it is chill
>get into dungeon
>the dps aren't chill
chill weed vibes only
chill is just code for no leavers and a party leader with shit gear/spec/io
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>+4 NW as a tank
>run is smooth af
>take a 10s pause inbetween packs
>havoc dh loses his mind and spams the chat with "meta" "meta"
>right click my name leave the dungeon
simple as that, shut the fuck up or spend another 10 minutes looking for a group nigger

alternatively, french people are so fucking bad it's absurd, I came to the point of leaving groups if one of them is in it. 24hours of doing so and I havent had a bad run outside this subhuman ravencrest dh earlier
>so a single t8 delve, assuming i'm able to complete it, is meant to take me like 40 minutes to do on my own?
no, you're just bad
bountiful: you're shit out of luck if you have one of those "clear all kobolds" at low ilvl, but most go by fairly quickly if you do objectives instead of clearing everything
non-bountiful (ie vault only): go to one of the two fungal ones, use the spinning exploding things to kill mobs that are in your way, it goes by very quickly (like 10 minutes per delve, no matter your ilvl). only challenge is last boss.
in 2 weeks i havent gotten a single weapon upgrade across 3 characters. do i need to craft weapon upgrades or what? or have i just been profoundly unlucky?

none in the bountiful chests, none in the weekly chests, none in the vault, nothing. i've just been stuck with my fully upgraded 560 crap weapons on every character
>non-bountiful (ie vault only): go to one of the two fungal ones, use the spinning exploding things to kill mobs that are in your way, it goes by very quickly (like 10 minutes per delve, no matter your ilvl). only challenge is last boss.
i'm not meant to do the spiral weave?
>chill is just code for no leavers
funnily enough no leavers is a code for leave after first wipe
a major part of it is the new -15 seconds per death affix, it makes mistakes into key killers
dunno what it means
he is asking if the mushroom delves are harder than the spiral weave
what i meant was that i've heard that the spiral weave is the easiest delve in the world but are the mushroom ones even easier?
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What's with all the shit healers? Really makes me wish my IRL friend was healing me. I would already be at +10.
I'm at 2.2k io and I'm having fun. Yeah there's people who are getting into 7's and higher and still don't know how to do hooks on NW, or not to blast shards in SV, but it's only week 2 and honestly the difficulty mostly seems pretty fair
fuck french people though, I got invited to a key and a couple of them were talking to each other in french, I said 'hon hon hon baguette' and they kicked me.
most intelligent post ITT
its safe to assume every group and raid leader ins an ungeared piece of shit too
based tank chad, cant you get reported and banned for leaving keys for no reason
>tfw tank with a healer friend (not irl friend but I know him sice 2008)


This is one of the hardest m+ seasons for healers, which means its the first time in awhile healers have to actually try, which means the huge population of awful healers are finally exposed as frauds and are bricking keys left and right
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I'm not some delve optimizer, I just like the fungal ones because Sporbits deal a shitload of damage when they explode and the damage doesn't scale with your ilvl - so you can kill mobs at 560 at the same speed you can kill them at 620
play healer yourself then you whiny fucks jesus christ lol
until warlock has a healing spec, no
Only because of them, I managed to complete the Win 4 battlegrounds weekly in less than an hour.
It's really absurd at this point, how consistently they're bad at PvP.
>This is one of the hardest m+ seasons for healers, which means its the first time in awhile healers have to actually try
true but why? what was wrong with shadowlands' "do 80% of tank's dps, spend half your time healing, spend half your time dpsing"?
healer shortage was always there, incl shadowlands, but it was nowhere near as bad as it is now - a direct result of healers being underpowered
Elves are trash and shouldn't be invited. You did the right thing.
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>wake up
>log in to worlo
>instantly feel like this
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then you have no right to complain dpsfag
This expansion made tanks take a little more damage, healers heal a little less, and just go fucking wild on AoE damage trying to force everyone to start using their own self preservation abilities.
Hasn't really worked, bunch of dps still blissfully unaware of their own health bar.
im not complaining, im explaining the situation since he asked a question

stay in your lane healslut
I am french and I had to reroll on a nonfrog realm for obvious reasons I can list if you are interested, More often than not they are complete shitter subhumans, but when you fin a bunch that know how to play they truly are something else
>true but why?
even in lower keys shit hit hard as fuck, tank busters are -80% if no mitig up; damage profile is more about "claps" that ticks for all your hp bars instead of insta-50%hp
healers have to heal now, and as a tank or healer you genuinely have to learn dungeons
I remember getting ksm without knowing a third of what I know this season, and Im doing sub 7 baby keys
Healthbar? Not my problem. I've unchecked all my defensives because they don't help me with my dps.
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>stay in your lane healslut
if by lane you mean being grossly under ilvl yet getting accepted to any and all content because there are only 2 healers for every 50 dps then you got it
is it just me or do rogues suck in pvp? I feel like I get 1 shot and everyone is so tanky.
Blizz thinks that tanks shouldn't be able to self-sustain anymore, healers just caught in the crossfire.
Also it's the beginning of the expac/season and game devs can get away with making content too hard and then nerfing it, but they can't get away with making content too easy then buffing it, so they err on the side of overtuning.
hon hon hon baguette
Goblin game
the pvp meta is disc/pres/unholy
mages also seem pretty strong too.
hon hon baguette
god gamers can make it work (somewhat) (in solo rated bg)
>if by lane you mean being grossly under ilvl yet getting accepted to any and all content
Not in my groups lmao
t. top dps that spends about a minute max applying to groups
No I won't post my character
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What should I spend my omen of spark on? i didn't play DF
>it's another episode of applying for key for 30 minutes

no, I've played healer and tanks last 5 season, fuck off
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>healer acting uppity
know your place, you slut.
>get a rare drop that supposedly "rewards a mount"
>it's a questline and I need to farm the stonevault double boss lady to get the second drop
nice game valve, all that for a mediocre mount
Rogue has shit defensives and don't let minigamers stuck ~13 years in the past tell you otherwise
Crimson Vial is one of the worst self heals in the game
bro you don't understand you NEED to go disc
why though? so i can handicap myself even more?
holy is easy and actually heals people unlike disc
just use the filter and check tank in group, haven't spent more than a minute applying the entire expansion
>start late
>having fun leveling rogue
>know I'll have basically no chance or getting into groups at end game
Feels bad
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maybe you shouldn't of made fun of me when i told you this was a problem back in legion , bfa, shadowlands and dragonflight.
maybe you should have taken my request to just add a m+ queue system more seriously.
You reap what you sow.
The fuck is there to do in retail wow besides being a slut anyway?
>play healer yourself then you whiny fucks jesus christ lol
I'm not a sissy though.
make your own group unironically
Anduin when the wart on his dick has gotten bigger and the doctor kindly tells him to die
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my friend got that quest and the trinket from SV does not even drop for his class lmao
Guess you're playing it wrong, because any time I see a rogue pop out of stealth, it's to murder someone on the spot while being immune to everything, then when they get their Cheat Death to pop, they use their second charge of vanish and emerge once their CDs are ready and their health full.
Not an issue with warbvll, btw.
i enjoy m+ and personally enjoy how the difficulty level filters shitters. reminder: there is no toxicity in high keys if you actually play properly.
should i perceptionmaxx to get null stones? i have the tree on bismuth to get perfect ones every time.
healing is the hardest role in the game right now. I'm surprised tanks are still in more demand tanking is 10x easier than trying to heal all the avoidable damage people take.
>capped on runed crests
>can't bypass it with harbinger conversion
>too low ilvl to get into +9s for gilded crest
what's my play here? play an alt?
Tank is in demand because people are "le afraid" that's it. Don't tell anyone tho ;)
t. Tank toddler since vanilla
does r.io not show main IO scores anymore? it shows my mains raid progress but not score
i don't know about you but as a healchad i am never blamed for keys going wrong. maybe its my perfect heals or maybe EU chads stay winning by knowing that its not a healers responsibility to fix mistakes of unavoidable damage. either way, i win.
yes perception and finesse for chance of double stones
they're in demand because no one wants to do homework learning routes
are dps players so fucking retarded that doing a dungeon once means they don't memorize the route automatically? it must be so hard afking mentally, standing in shit 24/7 and pressing the same 4 buttons in rotation that your addon tells you to
unsub and play something fun
will people expect me to raidlead?
hardest role in the game cope
raid leading is literally just reading wowhead and telling people that are too fucking retarded to read it what to do, and sometimes putting down markers and splitting people into groups. it's not as scary as you think

t. pugged to 8/8h as raid lead
social contract probably, you cant open flame people or you risk a ban.
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How long till he comes back as a raid boss for a final raid or penultimate raid?
hopefully never
at what level will I stop meeting toxic retards, people unable to kick more than 5 for an entire dungeon and leavers?
>anything sloplands coming back
m+ queue system sounds equally as bad, endless shitters to brick your keys
not true, people open flame on dps or tank constantly. whats going on over on those US servers bud? doesn't sound like a good time
metzen likely shitcanned all of danuser's terrible plot points from bfa and sl
expect to seem them ignored forever
time to hold on for a bit then, I plan to time all the +4 and work from there
never, if a key bricks there's a chance someone will leave simply because its quicker to start a new one immediately. leavers are almost always zoomers because its the same mentality they have in forfeiting games like league of legends and moving to the next one asap.
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>pack leader was a weak thematic to begin with and its numbers are bad. i don't know what they could do to spruce it up besides buffing the numbers - it would still be boring though.
Literally moar pets.
>A pet launches from your stable with every third ability.
league is a millennial game btw
>demonology but for hunters

ship it
it's sad how true this is
they need to change the title to 'Retard Leader'
i hate m+, i spend 30+ minutes to get invited into a group only for it to disband within 5 minutes.
this not a fun experience.
idk whats worse between playing dps (tank but less fun) or not having friends ingame to run content with
Pack leader should be like Diabolist and summon legendary beast that rotates with different effect
How do we save m+?
Yes, that is what most of them do.
I personally prefer to do a run as a dps, see how the tank does it and if he does well, I just do it the same way when I'm tanking.
Fuck looking up guides.
Focus it I to big pulls and zesty skips.
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max already debunked this
how do you perceptionmaxx anyway outside of selecting a percep weapon?
>"...and uhh uhh Anduin was subjected to domination magic. Anyawy..."
That was the whole of SL summed up in the cinematics meant to get people up to the pace.
>enter blackrock caverns
>people randomly just die in the latter half
They are "the help" for a reason.
>Pack Leader can randomly summon Misha, Huffer or Leokk for a big buff
would be kino but Alliance players would sneed
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Keep your fetish away from here, please
>which means its the first time in awhile healers have to actually try
I disagree. The current dungeons don't have a lot of heal checks. Maybe it's just because everyone is trying to push 10s with dogshit champ/vet gear but 90% of the deaths I'm seeing are one-shots to avoidable mechanics. If the DPS stands in a swirlie or the tank fails to use a defensive CD and gets beaned for 10M that's not a healer problem.
The biggest problem is dogshit DPS players. This always happens in the first season of a new expansion when the tourists come back. Most of the DPS players in pugs are doing sub-Dragonflight levels of damage. If you can't do 1M average and 3M burst you need to go back to hitting target dummies.
>I am not going to look up guides!
>I'll have someone else do it!
>I am such a unique hardcore gaaaamer
By giving it a queue system so you're not sitting for 30 minutes getting spam declined and left on read even if you vastly surpass the qualification.
Literally stop giving retards the ability to make decisions is the only way forward for WoW. Volunteer mechanics needs to disappear, all mechanics should be auto assigned to a player.
>Tank hitting 500-700k st and 1m-1.5m aoe
>Dps can't do 2m on aoe
We bricked btw
all my friends think wow is shit and ask me to play league with them instead. but since you're curious enjoying something but having none of your friends enjoy it is worse.
really, just have a q system tied to r.io score since it's so embedded now, can't q for +5 without x r.io score. there i fixed it
>Seething antisocial shitter wants to force people to play with him
keklmao, best part of Chad+ making turdboys like you seeth
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What the fuck even happened
I used Restoral on this btw
>DM'd the druid
>He told me it was his first game as Feral
I doubt it would matter that much, alliance seethe at everything.
I think it would be fucking insane though wild gods would also be good summons.
where do I farm bismuth
Why is Anduin so fucking lame? Like bro you got controlled by a death god from the shadowlands, no one can hold that against you.
>If you can't do 1M average and 3M burst you need to go back to hitting target dummies.
bro you're actually insane.
>Stuck between lol and wow
forced humiliation ritual
he already had his le sad arc in legion with varian's death but they felt the need to humiliate him again
yea instead you're sitting in queue for 50 minutes then get put in SV+10 with a BM hunter and destro lock, where the tank will immediately leave instead of wasting his time then you're back to another 50 minute queue
anon 8/8h 4 months into the raid isn't a real 8/8
He ain't wrong, I hit half of those as prot war and if your DPS isn't x2 the tank you should kys
this would improve the game but you'll never see support for it becasue wow players are very much niggers who hate to see other people have fun without having to suffer through the same bullshit they did or love the fact they're in privledged positions and refuse to let go.
look at any attempt to bring back old transmog and you'll see a pattern of thinking.
Take your schizo meds, faggot.
What do I pic as an alt between hunter and warlock I want a “pet” class

ele sham main btw
He needs a STRONG WOMAN to pick him up, unfortunately he got... whatever Faerin is instead of a soft elven/draenei mommy
dreadpit or either of the mushroom ones i think
kobold ones are easy if you are not down syndrome
Alleria feet when?
you don't hit either of those as a prot war
>t. prot war with higher io and ilvl than you
same thing as for gnomes. people like to rp them as kids.
People are finally starting to leave the maze. Hopefully they make even worse dungeons and gut loot even harder. Only maze rats are left cuz they'll eat all the whit blizzard gives them and actually beg for more.
bruh you people really have no clue what you're talking about.
if i got curve it is. simple as
mob packs after third boss give magic debuff that you take more and more damage if you move and you die rly fast. non of you idiots dispell or care to read dot. i giggle every time seeing people die to it.
4 months? i'm talking about last week
>He can't hit 500k dps as prot warrior
Post Rio lmao
Yup, it's really this simple.

If you don't want me to carry you just say so. Then give me a soloq so i can give you the finger and carry the group anyway.

Nah cause after a system like this exists more people would realize m+ is actually not hard it's pretty easy and relaxing if you just press your buttons and try not to stress or overthink it.
Ah its the fucking shadow chains or whatever
is it just me or do the dragonriding world quests no longer give rep?
>Brooo I'd carry you Broooooo!!1!1!
Mhm I'll think about it ;)
>Waits for another dps instead
oh I read that as you hit half of the metrics, as in 1 of them. yea 500k overall and a low 1m burst is reasonable
The fact you also can't read proves you play warrior ;^).
Everyone with the mount did it prior to the nerfs when Brann actually did dmg to him
your post was ambiguously worded, I made no mistake in "reading" whatsoever
when is yrel coming back
>Healer asks for mana break
>I sit with the healer while he's getting mana
>All 3 DPS fly off to the next pack and pull
>They die
>Warrior quits
>Look at the interrupts and he's done 3 the entire instance
>Consider talking shit, but the other 2 DPS have also done 3 and 5 interrupts
Pug life
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are those worth buying if I still have half the gear below 603?
I can afford 2
imagine Yrel as a femboy
I'm having a crisis /wowg/
Undead or Goblin rogue? The idea of playing a Goblin pirate as outlaw is great but Undead look so good in leather and fit every spec thematically great.
Did you snuggle with the healer afterward?
you can't buy it anyway
I rarely use interrupts. Such a retarded mechanic in Retail.
because interrupting in Dawnbreaker fucking sucks. it's either practically pointless like the first boss or makes it feel useless like the mobs before the second boss
they also are the most toxic
had a dh cry over "use kicks" while this megafaggot was dead last with 5 of them
that's something I witnessed from hours and hours of dota, cs etc : people that talk shit the most are usually the shittiest in your group, good people stfu or just complain once and move on
if someone talks a lot and complains like a baby he is the worst
Finally someone fucking mentions this. They should just remove it and make all damage avoiadable via movement.
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"Zebu'tan says: Lookie what Zebu'tan got for you! Roses for da rose!
Alys Vol'tyr says: Ewwww!
Zebutan grumbles.
Alys Vol'tyr says: Not if you were the last Troll on Azeroth!
Alys Vol'tyr says: I've got a man! Now take a hike!
Zebu'tan says: Don't be shy, elfy. Don't you feel dis burnin' love formin' between us?
Alys Vol'tyr says: Never!
Alys Vol'tyr says: Get lost, creep!
Zebu'tan says: Dis Troll think you got a crush on he! Come on over!
Alys Vol'tyr says: Get lost, creep!
Zebu'tan says: Hey pretty lady, Zebu'tan got two rugs over here! Why don't you come on over and keep he warm, eh?"

Agmar's Hammer, Dragonblight
i'm not sure, that was basically what i meant. perception tool + perception enchant + perception flask.
Calling warriors retarded is a time honored tradition.
he is definitely coming back to please reddit/xwitter and other fellow lgbtq homos
pls stay in your containment general
can you filter by key lvl or does blizzard want me to just see a sea of +7 through +10 i'll never get invited to when I look for a group? why is this system so ass?
Play a windwalker and just kill anybody in red that you see out in the world. Warmode toggle means I have consent to splatter you
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>*barges into your thread*
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it fucking says it right there you dumb piece of shit
>furfag doesn't know how hinges work
what a retard
>nerubians are undead old god worshippers with unique architecture that influenced the scourge
>jk jk actually its from maldraxxus they just dreamed about it when they became undead
>jkjkjk HACHEWALLEE it was nerubian all along but also the void

Why take the writing and world building seriously when Blizzard clearly gave up years ago and none of it matters?
>echo running three paladins
Last time Metzen was talking about WoD, he called it "that one expansion", so he realizes it was a stretch for sake of the movie or just a fail in general, and probably won't want to touch it again.
Last time there was anything regarding AU Draenor was just to have a way to make brown orcs playable and even that story has been half-retconned.
I want a range you monolithic mongoloid, not an exact search.
Go goblin. Undead rogue is cliche
Stop designing new dungeons around the MDI where every trash mob has 5 abilities
I mean you could, I just find 2k for the weapon enchant to be on the retarded side, miight take a while for it to pay back
also call me schizo but Im sure null stones are a finesse drop, and percep allows you to get a chance or getting 2 or more
this, there's a reason the only time M+ was actually fun was in Legion
What a couple of retards
nuke aoe cap
Different chefs taking turns at cooking.
I just wish they would say fuck it and just erased BfA to Dragonfaggotlands.
it's not designed around mdi, it's just blizzard who seethes about people pulling a bunch of shit at once no matter how much bullshit they add to the packs. they've been at war with their own playerbase over it since sneedlands, since the very first misguided target cap changes
Blizz gave up making M+ fun when they started bending to the demands of every class. "wahhh overhealing disproportionately affects holy paladins, wahhh" good you bunch of spoiled niggers, your class can also go immune and stand still to heal for 8 seconds whenever necessary. Entitled bitches. Blizz has to let some imbalance exist in order for the game to feel good. Coddling every single class is so fucking lame
what ilvl to get into babby's first m+ keys (so like 2-5) as a healslut?
>they make mechanics harder
>addon makes it easier to cope with it
>blizzard: "hmm they are still running it with no issues"
>add more retarded mechanics
>addon makes it easier to cope with it
Last time I played was in BfA and there was no need for target plates to tell you what mob has what priority, what should be interrupted or "paused", which cast is important to interrupt and which is just a filler you can ignore, and so on and so on.
i hate shartlands so much
especially the maldraxxus and night fae because they were essentially "scourge, but disney" and "night elves, but disney"
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feel like a fucking retard

Picked up a new class, my parses are all over the place, from 90 to 20. Damage in m+ randomly varries by a factor for 30%. I have no fucking clue what's going on.
why would you want a range? that's retarded. only +2 +4 +7 and +10 matter
no amount of addons will help pugs coordinate their interrupts, ie m+ is slowly becoming impossible to mass-pull in, ie I'm going to stop playing worlowacca because single-pulling isn't fun
Go to warcraft logs, find high performing player. Look at the timeline of their events. Literally write down the order they use their abilities, and copy it. If they used X ability Y times in Z minutes, try to copy that. If they prioritized a stat or saving cd's for a specific phase, try to copy that too. Are you optimizing your talents for each fight?
But anon they had all your favorite dead characters like Draka. Member Draka?
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how do i get this
>tfw human females are not real
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mograine and vashj were cool, but what the actual fuck were they thinking with draka?
Open up
*unzips penis*
Wow I'm so heckin glad they killed off Baelgrim, the only likable new male character so he could be replaced by a strong womyn.
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But I have such retarded damage variance in m+, last dungeon I matched the overall dps of other swith the same ilvl, current one I lost to a guy 10 ilvls lower than me and I geniunly have no clue what I did wrong. I haven't really played this class on competitive level before, but this is so frustrating.
that doesn't answer my question
they wanted to put garona there, but forgot to kill her off
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here comes princess :))
awwww she's smiling :)D:D:))
very funny
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I make it.
Or some other Blacksmith does, whatever.
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is there any point tracking interrupts in pugs?
seems like either they'll interrupt or not
so the guide im looking at is saying most BM hunters are skipping the whole beast cleave/multishot talent section entirely for M+. how does that even work? wouldnt their multi target damage be basically zero? just explosive shot and stomp to cover multi target pulls?

that has to be wrong or i'm not understanding something
>remove depletes
>add 6 hour leaver debuff if you leave to make rats seethe even more
>remove tyrannical and fortified
>give m+ only gear like the pvp one that scales only in keys so you aren't forced to raid

Your mode is fixed.
if this post ends in 9, on god march 2025 tednie post will be bussin
it's crafted? uggghhh

hey screw you i hope your keys brick or something
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I feel like I am getting away with murder, this is hilarious
I'll lay my brick on your chest homo
Depletos should stay, mostly because I want to depleto other players keys (i am bad)
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it's hilarious how everyone made fun of Legion for being the "bring back everything people thought was cool even if it makes no fucking sense" expansion, then every expansion after Legion has continued doing it to less and less memorable things from previous expansions, in even stupider ways
member Warcraft 2?
member Draka and Ysera?
member Deathwing? member End Times heroics?
member earthen? member neurbians? member kobolds?
What is so bad about failing your m+ key? Don't you get another?
>starting council is three men and one woman
>one of the men is a villain who ends up dead and deposed and replaced by a wiser woman
>one of the men is a headstrong fool who ends up dying and replaced by a wiser woman
>one of the men is a wallflower who just quietly does busywork and doesn't do anything interesting
>the sole woman is strong, independent and correct and everyone bends to her ideology in the end and abandons their old ways
it's a little much
It's ironic that most crafters can do anything with t2 mats, but everyone demands t3 mats so they can fish resourcefulness procs
Augvoker btw
It is, yeah.
But that's kinda what makes them better when you can specify stats and add an embellishment.
Maxed out its only like 3 ilvls below what you'd get out of a mythic raid.
Ew you're a furry
this is why I say we need to take all of modern WoW's content and retool it for the Classic environment
the bulk of problems today are from bastardizing the initial vision of WoW into the grotesque amalgamation you see today
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that sounds gross please don't i just want to play the game

i don't even know how crafting works would a weapon from mythic+ be way worse?
Do shamanfags really? This doesn't look like a Warcraft unit, hero or otherwise. Why are you cumming? I don't get it.
Too bad here comes the subway
so we're not allowed kobolds anymore or its nostalgiafagging
>not calling it Logvoker
Hire all devs from v+, give them an unlimited budget (69k usd).
I'll be one once I am done with ur chest
mythic ansurek looks like a ball buster
oh well, time to delve
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In the chaotic realm of 4chan's sprawl,
Where memes collide and laughter calls,
The Doomjeet pranced, a trickster bold,
With tales of glory, yet to be told.

But fate, a fickle friend, turned sly,
In the depths of threads, the laughter ran dry.
With every post, a stumble, a fall,
The jester's reign met a muted call.

Once a beacon of chaos and cheer,
Now shadows linger, a hint of fear.
Lost in the noise, the jests lost their spark,
As the echoes faded into the dark.

Oh, Doomjeet, sprite of the wildest schemes,
What happened to laughter? What happened to dreams?
In the tapestry woven with jokes and delight,
You faded away, swallowed by night.

Yet still, in the corners of the internet’s heart,
Whispers of you will never depart.
For though you may stumble, your spirit remains,
A legend of chaos that forever sustains.
you are meant to put your better weapon in the mainhand right? is that still a thing?
Good thing we have the arathi who are lead by a strong woman and have rebellious but still good strong woman as a backup so we can work with the strong woman spider to take down the evil strong woman spider.
what the other anons said. also crafting. also farm key fragments from radiant echoes.
>also what are those guys called who change how your gear looks?
which ones? there's multiple things that do that. there's an npc for changing your tmog at the tendie post
ele/resto use 1h + shield
>it was unanimously decided the first couple of days into the expansion that The War Within dungeons all fucking suck. nobody wants to play this this m+ rotation at all
>>unanimously decided
Ok. Sure. Ruin this expansion for yourselves like you did BfA with this collective groupthink nonsense. Seems smart.
>iirc demon hunter generates meter when they interrupt because that faggot class gets everything for free
nope, they have to talent into it
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If you're not doing the profession yourself, then you put in a work order for it. Work orders are just so that all the cool high end profession epics aren't exclusive to those doing the profession anymore, so it's still Bind on Pickup, but in such a way that mails it to you before anyone picks it up. And if there's room to improve it, you can submit it to be recrafted for half the mats (minus sparks and optional reagents).
Crafting has a flat base ilevel and conditions, in this case, your axe is 599, random stats when you add nothing to it.
Missive of whatever will add whichever stats you want, most popular being Crit and Haste for example, and that will scale with the end result ilvl.
ilvl goes up when you add crests to it, runed (from mid-level mythics or heroic raids) for the 609-619 range, weapon quality dependant, or gilded (from high level mythics or mythic raids) for the 623-636 ilvl range. So ontop of mats provided for the axe, you'll have to put in an order for an enchanter to make that crest for you too.
And embellishments are just extra effects that are optional, you can only have two maximum for any crafted gear, some things come with their own embellishments which also count towards that max. In this case though, the axe doesn't, so up to you on adding one.

So for the most part its better than M+, but really just depends what level you're going for and how lucky you are for the drop with those.
oh right i couldnt even tell that he was wearing a shield
nah bro I'm pogging out 'membering how fun Kobolds and Catacombs was before Hearthstone went to shit
yea. the retard doesn't want to use his shield in main hand because streamers and wowhead writers keep saying it's "suboptimal" or "impossible".
the amount of interrupts necessary is getting into outright absurd territory, surely you agree with this much?
I don't mind more difficult bosses, like the duo in stonevault. but having garden variety trash that needs to be babysat is silly, nobody cares to struggle excessively on trash or wants to go back to classic-esque "hex one, sheep another, wait for tank to get threat" nonsense
best poster itt. troll anon
what is even stopping shamans, warriors or paladins using two shields, what a rip off
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that's an amazing explanation thank you so much, would i be able to get that axe crafted for me using this plus my spark of omens plus materials that i buy?
the bulk of problems today are from the fact Ion Hazzikostas is a certified gitmo spook who can't design a video game to save America, only torture chambers.
You can make a game that is neither classic nor current expansion, but you'd need an actual game dev to do so.
why do only they matter?
aim 585-590 for +2
Dont wanna do siege
Dont wanna do grim batol
Dont wanna do sneedvault
Dont wanna do mists again
Dont wanna do nw again
You can do it in Grim Yawn
Yes, and any decent skill Blacksmith would max the ilvl of it to 619.
Guaranteeing it you'd want to ask around trade or whatever for someone to craft it so you can send that person specifically the crafting order so you can specify the minimum quality you want. Leaving it as a public order will have any rando snatch it and chance the lowest quality which would just have you recraft it with more mats later.
what ilv do i need to get into +4 and +7 as dps?
wait so if you make a public order for example you can't set a minimum required quality?
>the amount of interrupts necessary is getting into outright absurd territory, surely you agree with this much?
Avenger's Shield
if all else is on CD, just kill the mob
sometimes the DPS can do one of their interrupts or stuns
I'm used to mobs that need interrupts, BfA was mostly fun for me, cry about it. The only thing that actually ruined BfA for me is how infrequently people pugged previous season raids compared to Legion.
Nope. First in, first served. Anyone leveling their BSing can grab it for those skill points and give you crap quality.
I would be aiming 603+ and 610+
You gotta remember you are competing against other dps so the group lead will just take someone more geared if they are available
No. Welcome to jewcraft where you get charged 50k for something that costs 5k in mats, or possibly 45k in mats. Who knows? Not you when you just want a fucking item and don’t care about crafting.
>610 ilvl for a +7
>end of run gives 610
>vault gives 616
dpsissies… not like this….
why would they even design a system like that, is it to encourage socializing with people in trade chat. such a bizarre decision... anyhow thank you a ton i'll do some googling to find out what materials i need
jewcraft sure sounds appropriate
Metzen's attitude toward WoD is understandable considering its failure is the reason he either chose or was asked to plot out the cosmic chart for the next writers and take an 8 year sabbatical so that he could write about Meeting My Dad Again Would Be Nice on his free time instead of into WoW.
God I want to bend her over and blow a load on that alliance stamp
should i craft an item from my prot warrior or my furry warior?
Gear up prot
Shave the furry
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Nerub sisters!
lets play!
I hate the new crafting system so much it’s unreal
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>why would they even design a system like that
Because sometimes you just want an item asap, like a profession tool or something, and don't care what quality it is.
>find out what materials i need
Here, I'm midway to making it myself.
You can also go see the craft order people, find the axe and track the recipe to work toward it.
>overload ez-mine deposit
>0 chunks spawn
Speaking of which, did any evidence actually turn up about Alex Afrasiabi or was it just the typical unpersoning dogpile?
Never mind the fact that even if he was an actual serial rapist he would still be a better storyteller than Danuser.
You just know that they're going to bring her back this expansion in a girlboss moment where she helps against xal'atath.
bros I'm constantly horny, even a thought of a cute void elf or a futamommy draenei makes my weenie leak. What do?
well they are literal sex, I don't blame you desu
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>hook mobs in siege
why did everyone quit already
Because this isn't WoW, It's Wowo Caca.
get a doctor's appointment and get some meds
[Goon Chitin]
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>spend 8 seconds collecting this bullshit
>node despawns
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so how much money would soemone want to craft this?
anal [Obliteration]
once again wow is fun the the playerbase is not fun to play with.
delves need to be fleshed out more before wow can retain players.
i wanna start playing
is this a bad idea/time?
wow won
that is all.
I'd love a wow solo version ngl.
Cap out at level 60 or so, scale all the dungeons for that level and solo.
DF style professions.
Its pretty much the low point in the history of WoW. Its no longer a social experience as people play like its a single player offline game.
i thought people liked this expansion? did i fall for a shilling?
someone decide for me what race my horde pally should be
holyshit why is healing so hard
thanks frenn
how are you so gullible?
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because you're a druid
People like every expansion lil bro. if you've already bought it just play it, if you've not play something else.
goblins confirmed to have a fart fetish
game is still mediocre at best but we are having fun with a bro
we will stop in a month or two but learning dungeons and applying knowledge is fun and they are challenging enough
tanks would have been more popular if you had an option to trade resources you spend for mitigation for damage.

give prot war rampage and obliterate/frost strike to blood DK and watch numbers skyrocket
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is this m+ mount even worth it if i have to group with the absolute biggest fucking retards to ever exist
you do though?
>every single daily cd is a net loss

honestly i think it looks ugly as do all m+ mounts.
in my opinion tanking would be more fun if all the DPS sissies fucking knelt and thanked me for succesfully tanking the final boss of every raid
just a nice
>my lords... we KNEEL
moment to acknowledge the fact they would never be able to accomplish their goal without me and my battle brother tank leading the valourous charge against big spider asshole mommy
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concentration is the new money making
or nigging mats with resourcefullness
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the shadowlands mounts are the best
i have every one apart from the korthia patch mount
fuck the korthia patch
you really don't
on prot you dump rage on ignore pain even if you don't need to to reduce cd of avatar
on dk you only have marrowstrike; shield and runic power generator and death strike which is runic strike spender and self heal
both of them hit like a wet noodle
prot warrior can talent the hell out of revenge and dump rage there if they dont need it for mitigation, guardian druid can talent like a 50% increase in its damage if it doesnt need the defensives.

the problem is that the tanks are so fucking squishy and dependent on their active mitigations consuming 100% of their resources and GCDs that they usually dont have time or resources for extra damage in all but the most trivial content
But... They do?

This is a better idea.
Personally I think tanks should be given ML rights and enforce a GDKP scheme.
i love this
Dont even sign up to tank if your vers is below 35%
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Yes, I can blow all my concetration for 10k gold profit per alt. Complete waste of time and gold
>She isn't revenge'ing
You should stick to bear ngl :/
Crit > vers for tanking because crit gives parry
source: my brainmind
what the fuck is verse?
depends on the tank. the more self sustain a tank has the more it benefits from vers
Haste>crit>cucky stats (mast, vers).
Source: I MADE IT THE FUCK UP *thunderclaps* NIGGER!!! *heroic Jumps away*
okay i'm rerolling tried playing rogue, i get no group invites for dungeons. SO fuck it what's the most in demand role in the game atm?
dps only classes are just delve only now I guess.
you want to max out haste so you can kill faster
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fak u noobs
you can crit on a heal too, so more crit more haste is best for tanking, it is what it is.
Blood DK has a fat Death Coil though you dumb brainlet faggot?
Healsissies or tankchuds.
>tanking the dawnbreaker
>get onto the first ship with the fat caster mob and another fat caster mob to the side far away
>know shitter healers struggle if both are pulled
>purposely just fight the one pack before moving onto the next
>retard death knight decides to pull the second fat caster mob just after i charge in
>healer can't keep up with the damage and 1 dps dies
>healer insta leaves
dont know whether to blame the healer, the dps for not using defensives, or the retarded deathknight dps
you know what you're totally right. I'm brewmaster and it feels like all my energy has to go to mitigation.
skill issue
Definitely the DK
Dpsissies are at fault, then heal.
are you a plate tank? if so it's bants
are not a plate tank? then he's challenging you because he knows you shouldn't be tanking little bro
It's the DKs fault honestly. Part of being a tank is realizing if the group is strong or weak and pulling accordingly.
That ship back comes after I'm assuming dps wasted all theirt CD's on the far weaker broadway pack.
Without good stuns or DPS healer was fucked.
prot paladin bar should be 50% longer to justify the mage tower tanking challenge having 50% more health
Now post the m+ rank
God warrior being under paladin and druid feels weird.
>riding around on a "I am a fucking idiot and played SL" mount
>Be platechad
>See dk pulls caster
>Cave it's fucking retarded dress wearing cranium in
It demonstrates stoic resolve in the face of suffering and adversity.
what's easier to do?
tanking is easier in dungeons but harder in raids
Any tank with a good heal or dps spec for raid
Heals are easy
This. >>496071595
Basically you play a tank but you swap to non-tank for raids unless you want to do the highest responsibility and least acknowledged role in the game.
verse, or a verse, is a line of writing usually in some sort of meter used in poetry or music. Vers is shorthand for Versatility.
100% the retarded DK. You had proper knowledge and pulled according to how well the group could handle the situation. The DK went pants on head retarded, as most DKs are.
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u mad
u jelly
only bad patch was korthia which i didnt play rightfully so.
*poos on ur head*
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>Be DK
>Solo Shuffle arenas
>Do highest damage out of everyone
>Never die
>Still lose every round
>Priest bitches at me for not doing enough damage
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ilvl 571, currently doing WQ for gear, and I already bought renown gear.
Is the next step LFR, Delves, Mythic and M+?
what happens if i join this, get the weapon, and dont give it over
you forgot your passfag icon, troon
Is master loot not in the game anymore?
if ML
if need/greed
roll need
>get kicked instantly
>still might win the item
wont be a kill group
Would her feet be dirty since shes flying all the time? She probably doesn't shower thats kinda gross.
Siege of boralus has to be the most comfy dungeon ever. Probably my favorite nu-wow dungeon.
you for sure don't play casters if you think it's comfy
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redpill me on blood dk for blitz bg
Reminder that it makes perfect sense for all the male leaders to be replaced by women, because the men should be busy dying in droves on the battlefield since they are an expendable resource. These men must face this truth with stoicism and heroism because to self-indulge in whining about it is being a pussy ass bitch.
>caster has to move once per fight maybe
>melee dps has to move the entire time
>caster crying
>9 hours ago
deserved desu

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