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Previous: >>495884114

>Ordeal Call III: Neo-Primate Succession War, Archetype Inception:
●Event period: Aug 28~Oct 31 JST (2 Months).
▶NEW Limited Master Missions (~Oct 4): 10 SQ, 1 Crystallized Lore, 9 Stargazer's Teapots and 4 Silver Apples.
▶Login Bonus (~Oct 2): 5 Gold Apples, 10 5* Embers, 3M QP, 20 3* Fou-kun (10ATK, 10HP), 1 Footprint and 3 Teapots.
▶Welfare Servant: 4*Moon Cancer Kishinami Hakuno (Male and Female). These Servants will be featured in the FP Gacha in October's Event (you must clear OC III).
▶Moon Cancer will be added to the EXTRA I Class Score after clearing OC III.
▶Animation Update for Sesshōin Kiara.
▶Strengthening Quest for Sesshōin Kiara and Kingprotea.
▶Teapots expire October 31.

>Kyoto International Manga and Anime Fair 2024:
>Kyomaf 2024 PU Summon:
●Sep 21~28.
5*Berserker Sen no Rikyū
4*Saber Saitō Hajime
3*Assassin Okada Izō
All limited

>Lostbelt No.4 Clear Support Campaign:
●Sep 1~30 JST.
▶Recollection Quests: 6 Gold Apples and 600 Mana Prism
▶Limited Master Missions: 20 *5 Embers, 400 Leaves, 1 Rare Prism, 3 SQ and 1 Lore
▶Next event requirement: LB4
▶0 AP for LB4 Main Quests

>Archetype Inception Part 3 PU Summon:
●Sep 20~27.
5*Moon Cancer Archetype: Earth (limited)
●Sep 22~29.
5*Alter Ego Sesshōin Kiara (limited)
4*Saber Roland (permanent)

>Current Pick Ups:
●~Oct 2 JST.
5*Moon Cancer C.I.E.L.
4*Lancer Dobrynya Nikitich
4*Avenger Xu Fu
All limited.
5*Lancer Karna
4*Lancer Percival
Both permanent.
●~Oct 9 JST.
5*Moon Cancer BB Dubai
4*Moon Cancer Tenochtitlan
4*Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX Alter
All limited.

>Pastebin for utility links:
Nah, I'll just settle for BB
Illya is love
If BB Dubai is a creation of humanity, does that mean she lives inside the Gate of Babylon too?
Just gettin blue apples during dead weeks after clearing recollection quests
I bet this is what the devs were thinking last week, instead focusing on making the story good.
Non-/tmg/cuck thread
Iirc Gate of Babylon has weapons from the past and legends, but not futuristic concepts and creations, especially ones past the Age of Gods and the Age of Man, since apparently it ended during the 30th century.
Is it hot in your area today?
It's never hot here in Canada
*unzips pants* Here.
All bitches belong to Goldie.
Even Hakunon, who he acts as an almost equal to.
bored mommy
Then why was Enkidu taken from him?
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Angry corgi is angry
Because jealous as hell Ishtar wanted to replace Enkidu as Gil's top lover and sent to bull to slae the clae.
>zero references to Shitki in OC3
fuck off retard
LB7, don't get greedy Shikeks ;^)
Go back, you don't belongs here
piss off alternigger
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Shut the FUCK UP, imbecile ESL
Shut the fuck up, ESL
men are beasts
What new community guidelines?
no post LB4 spoilers on youtube
LB5 allowed in less than a week, we'll be allowed to discuss four years old content
where's translated ciel my room lines..
Do not post ripped data on youtube 5 minutes after a story chapter goes live
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>sacrificed Summer for Nasu's CCC self-masturbation
Xu Fu and City robbed. At least they are performing well fanart wise despite the serious shaft
Lipkeks lost at least
But I like lipfags...
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It would have been better to have OC3 going first, THEN summer. And leave both Hakunons for later, maybe next month.
I would have absolutely if they got her as the welfare, instead of how right now we have no summer welfare, or welfare AT ALL. No, Hakunons are NOT welfares.
The most bizarre thing about OC3 is the fact that we got Arc YEARS before her in-story appearance
Bit of the day? The cutest any day.
We know Tez
Because Arc wasn't supposed to have a role in the story.
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So you agree with me that Daybit is the cutest?
yeah wasn't she introduced as a collab character or something
Her and MoonCancers. That's why it's so bizarre, yes.

Yes Tez, you are correct even if ORT is also cute.
The cutest when Tez cums into his ass
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Naus just does whatever the fuck he wants, as they say.

>Beast Ordeal Call
That's the Gudaguda Ordeal Call with Nobu Beast and it will somehow be less of a joke than Eresh
Good morning
It would take actual effort to make an even JOKIER Beast than Beast Eresh, literally someone's bad fanfiction. Sakurai could turn around and declare Ibuki is Beast V and it would still be less absurd than Servantverse Beasts
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Please consider sex with the banana
So, did Xu Fu do anything at the end?
Did they ever confirm if Banana is Tsuya's daughter who ran away and because of ??? somehow turned into an oni? Or childhood friend. One of those, it's been a while and I forgot which
People always ask what is special about Xu Fu. What is special about her is that she was born into this world.
Most of the cast was irrelevant. Bart got the most screentime though.
She cleans Kiara's pool the entire chapter then get unsummoned by BB Dubai.
>Tsuya's daughter
The theories are him being her older brother or just someone in love with her mother
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Just like they sacrificed Halloween for SW2 and Christmas. Because fuck seasonal events I guess.
Correct, Nasu first got the idea for the Mooncancer OC and then "Oh yeah, Arc is already in the game, lets use her while we're at it"
>>Beast Ordeal Call
That's prototype, yes
There's no event that's safe from Nasu's whimsical nature, except for GudaGuda.
Nasu knows Keikenchi is consistent when it comes to pleasing the nips.
And I say again: After YEARS of nothing more relevant to Prototype than Pururin, I am still unconvinced it will ever appear in FGO
We lived long enough to see GUDAGUDA become the most consistent and down to earth part of FGO lore. I'm not sure how to feel about that.
Even she fucks off whenever Arthur appears lmao
I feel very good about it
It must be nice to retain such optimism through literal IRL yeras.
Gudaguda is mostly cut off from the main story which is why it's the most consistent
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Sex with Okita
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>The reason why HakunoxBB has more fanart is that BB acts genuine near Hakuno. She breaks down and loses her shit for Hakuno only.
>Melt meanwhile feels genuine with Guda.
To be fair, this is a result of the original CCC's storyline. Hakuno and Melt never managed to get along THAT WELL in a single CCC route or Foxtail. Reminder that if you chose to play as Hakunon, Melt would even fall for Mumei instead of her. That's why it made more sense for her to move on and get along better with a new Master in FGO. There are no narrative reasons for Melt to care more for Hakuno than Guda.

BB is the opposite. She got along with Hakuno better than even Lip in CCC, especially in the true route. This is likely one of the reasons Nasu didn't even bother putting Melt in the recent OC. To Melt, Hakuno's death doesn't have much weight. To BB, Hakuno's death was very important.
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Let me improve her a bit
honestly it's hilarious how pointlessly shafted Lip got
mostly cause no swimsuit but wow imagine having two big sacrifices rendered to nothing and then just being a small battery for Puta
at least she was cute this summer
dunno if she actually understood what BB's summer plan was though, both Proteas were aware of the boss thing, yet Lip is all in with the guide thing instead
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>honestly it's hilarious how pointlessly shafted Lip got
It's so sad it becomes hilarious because it makes you wonder what the fuck is wrong with TM's writers. Why do they hate and shaft Lip so much, but Kiara and BB get treated so well? Even Protea gets treated with more respect and nicely than Lip. There's no reason for her not to be a welfare or have a swimsuit at this point. TM is just being an asshole to her.
Have you ever tried to draw your favorite(s), /fgog/?
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Imagine if Higashide was the main writer.
Everything is grounded, moderate, things stay urban fantasy, only occasionally getting intense. Everything is fair, everyone has their strengths, but weaknesses as well.
Ahsokagods we won
A hand-drawn chibi Rin, but that was over a decade ago. I don't know where exactly is the illustration now.

I think India has the most broken lore and mythos IRL. Makes sense.
But minase wrote LB4
I think Type-Moon need to find a new generation of writers. The current lineup is unsalvageable.
Sounds boring
FGO 2...
Imagine if Masada wrote something for Fate. But he probably wouldn't, Dies Irae is Fate's strongest rival.
Akutami gege for a nip centered chapter
>Dies Irae is Fate's strongest rival.
That is such a failed IP, no one can name a girl that isn't Rusalka. You know, the loli who doesn't even have a route.
You forget holmes moriarty for 99th time.
it very specifically does have futuristic stuff, as long as it was created by something that can still be called humanity.
plus it has ancient supertech too
Ban evading and deleted, lmao
where's the (dead)?
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>sacrificed Summer for Nasu's CCC self-masturbation
It's so weird that I like Melt but hate the EXTRA-verse. I wouldn't have minded this Hakuno x BB pandering... If it didn't have hijacked a summer event and was forced to be an OC/main story chapter. I think many mostly hate OC3 because if it had been contained to a Servant-verse gag event everything would have been fine. But that wasn't the case. It's also perplexing that Servants like Lip keep getting the boot or actual good summer picks like City were ignored in benefit of shilling EXTRA, servant-verse, and Tsukihime. It was a nice chapter for Proteafags, I suppose. But this being OC3 and summer 2024 was a mistake.
If you hate Fate/Extra, imagine how people that hate F/GO feel. Laugh at them and you will feel better.
>Because Arc wasn't supposed to have a role in the story.
Considering how outlandish and fanfic-ish OC3 feels, it still doesn't feel that she got a role in the actual story. OC3 was so bad at shilling Tsukihime, I'm barely seeing fanart of those two.
I'm talking about case in the past.
I think OC3 had a strong finale desu
really strong
only neutered by the LOL AMNESIA bits
part 1 was fine, part 2 was a rushed POS, part 3 was mostly "those were decoy corpses" tier but the finale was top 5 in FGO
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She has a route in the same sense Illya does. As in, the scenes with Rusalka got shoved into the what's-her-face white-haired girl's route. IIRC the route even ends with the scene of her and past MC being together.
They just need to shuffle around the "minor" writers into writing main chapters, and retire the burned out main story writers into doing their own thing.
why are (you) like this?
The Dies Irae writer is so bad at writing female characters. Again, people only like or remember Rusalka because of her design. Why would you want him to work at Fate of all things?
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BB is probably hoping that Hakuno reincarnates into her child.
He's Nasu on steroids
LB7 but written by Kojima
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I want to scream KINOko Nasu again but he fails too much.
What would be FGO version of pic related btw?
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Could Kojima salvage Kuku?
I feel good because I like GudaGuda, I prefer to not think about the rest of Fate
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The Demonbane guy was pretty, right? He wrote the Arcade collab and something else. I don't remember what that something is but it probably wasn't bad.
fuck off back to alter with your shit memes
Samurai Slop collab and it was shit. So he's 50/50 right now
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Is the final chapter really called "Continuation of the Dream"? He can't be that shameless.
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>The Demonbane guy was pretty
Idk man. We do know that Raita is very tall and handsomu though.
Maybe because it wasn't shilling Tsukihime in the first place, the characters having a cameo isn't "shilling" but rather throwing a bone to those characters' fans.
Also Arcueid was in Extra too and is going to be in Extra Record.
Save us Nisio.
what is this
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>Like melt
>Hate the extra-verse
Because you have retarded and are hating the wrong thing. The main issue with Extra-verse stems directly from FGOverse. Everything in that picture even is a result of FGO.

Every day I pray deeply for EoS and I dont mean just "Service" I also mean Story. Sure everyone can argue there were some decent parts like LB6 and Camalot but who gives an actual f u c k when that is behind so much character slaughter,mediocritity and embarassment. I am more than ready to kiss it good fucking bye because having such a looooooonnnnnnnnnng story going with constant characters is certainly having an effect on TMs media
A girl getting shot to death
Based, but consider: At the rate Nasu is going.

What if the next Type-Moon thing he works on is somehow even MORE absurd than FGO? What if he goes back and writes an Angel Notes sequel or something?
FGO wouldn't be so bad if it was an actual real game. Unicorn Overlod style would work perfectly.
Agreed, FGO feels like a long rambling deranged VN fanfic tacked clumsily onto the skeleton of a gacha.
I actually like FGO's gameplay and don't want it to EoS, but I agree that the story needs to. Maybe we could end Guda's story and do shorter, self contained chapters with different casts. They can even chop up a single story into multiple chapters and spread it out. Then we can have a single writer working on any given storyline and have them alternate releases or something. They already do something kinda similar with events. I think it'd be best to take the same approach to the "main" story.
In some ways, it feels like Ordeal Call and the U-Olga fights ARE that. With the major problem of them in fact being (theoretically) major components of the main story, and perpetually delaying it's conclusion instead of coming after it like Epic of Remnant.

But it does feel like the writers are sick of the main story and using OC to just do their own things
i'm finishing summer event
do i need to speedrun oc to get welfare servant
Actually I take that back because Fox Tail is there. ALMOST everything. Fox Tail in particular is bad because people expect Tamamo the manga and instead get Suzuka the manga.

No itd still be bad. Extella and Samurai Remnant are proof where the gameplay is mid to whatever but the writing is still majorly bland with some decent parts and really controversial see Human Iori kicking Musashis ass and Extella being neropowerhour while diminishing the other two
By speedrun you mean the main story too or did you clear LB7?
You need to clear the summer event and unlock the bleached earth, after that you can clear OC 3 (you have one month left) to get one Hakuno and unlock him/her in the FP gacha
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>I take that back because Fox Tail
Close shave, anon.
Close fucking shave.

>That fucking scene where Suzuka's idea of proper reconciliation with her true love is screaming about NTR instead of having a fucking conversation about why she went off to fuck an oni for 2 years to "weaken" him
Amazing. Fox Tail somehow turned Suzuka not being for (you) into a net positive, because apparently if she actually is for (you) she will betray you for the most retarded of reasons while vigorously fucking anything else with a pulse. Just don't expect a meaningful relationship with a fucking demon princess, and she's a reliably warm wet hole.
And I think that would be okay if they're not constrained by the main story. I feel like they're trying to get their cake and eat it too. They can't both be one long continuity and disjoint at the same time. Trying to have it both ways degrades the quality of both the overarching main story and the little segment we're currently in.
>after that you can clear OC 3 (you have one month left) to get one Hakuno and unlock him/her in the FP gacha
i mean this, thanks
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Post /alter/ OC
Yeah, basically you don't have to "speedrun it" with over a month left and at least 2 weeks until they add any new event like the one which will have Hakuno on a FP servant rate up.
Is as easy as get better, and ACTUAL competent writers that CARE.
How do you guys feel about this bond CE? If it had been ATK instead of NP, this would have easily been the best CE for her (not counting poster girl). I think it might still be okay, but I will probably use golden sumo over this in most cases.
>it's a bond CE
>It's not Castoria's or Hercules'
And into the trash it goes
It's a modern bond CE.
Good effects kneecapped by utter garbage stats.
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>I actually like FGO's gameplay
You can take the biggest most infuriating troll do a massive psyop over a greater timeframe to fuck with people on to a scale, he still will lose to fucking retards that simply post that they play this fucking decade old, outdated on release kusoge for the fucking gameplay.
rolling for new and shiny is gameplay
that's what was meant
enkidu? for me
Not all people are born with good taste Anon you just gotta live with it.

That or educate them on better games. Whether looking at FGO as a gacha or a Turn based RPG its considerably easy to mog it.
We know Gil
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Lahmu's cock...
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Farming to lvl120 for an Extra Class servant is so annoying
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It's foggsu~ for me
And? Collecting and training not-pokemons then having them fight each other is fun.
I don't think anyone asked for your favorite snack bro
But I'm playing a kusoge that I like, bro... Is that really more retarded than sticking around a kusoge you dislike...?
City? For me.
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I need more pouting/needy Morgan/Tonelico in my life
I still remember the sadness from a couple of JP players when GudaGuda8 dropped with Shingen and how the player base thought of them as a couple. I don’t know how sad these users were but a couple of anons here sympathized with them including myself. The relief GudaKagetota fans felt when the relationship between Kagetora and Shingen was extremely exaggerated by the fanbase must have been immense. Even an anon from here felt happy for a Kagetora x Guda fan. Now with OC 3 out, it’s almost the same exact situation, but with different characters. I’m currently feeling what those GudaKagetora fans felt. It sucks tremendously but that’s my fault for the emotional investment and attachment I put into GudaBB. I don’t know whether Guda x BB is dead or the fans are exaggerating their interpretations which is fine but I doubt I’m ever going to see any Guda x BB stuff again, or even bother paying for a commission. I’m feeling jaded in the current state of things but I’m thinking of taking a hiatus from here and perhaps FGO(only logging in, etc) and focus on other hobbies that can cheer me up. Apologies for the vent-post.
Thats your problem for refusing to read the game.
only shipper and shitposters care about that shit, kenshin is for (you) and that's the end of it
okay but what if futa koyanskaya
i hardly knew ya
i-if you want
NP6 target.
I opened boru and there's a Gudao railing BB Dubai and Gudako with BB Cosmos in space. Just stop.
i opened boru and there's sex
wrong thread?
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No, it's on topic.
Morgan is uthers slutty little whore
Prototype is the blueprint of FGO itself according to Nasu. It makes sense is the last collab before the main story (true) ends. It fits Nasu autistic urges. Besides First Beast Master (Rider) vs Last Beast Master (Rider) for the class grade. I don't think it'll be an OC but something to make the Beast score active since Manaka is the one behind Beast as a Servant class.
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>ruins summer
>I think OC3 had a strong finale desu
The only good thing was the design of Mooncancer and what happens after the battle (Guda's introspection and Hakuno battle). The rest (including Moon cancer class "lore") was a pile of feces.
How weird I see fanart of all HakuxGuda combination but HakunonxGudao.
Meltfag is starting to get annoying again

"Ugh yeah... I know, I hate extra as well. Ugh yeah none of the other sakuras are heroine material, ugh Lip and BB shouldn't even exist, I'm not even really a fan of CCC event. I'm not like the other sakurafags, I'm different I actually hate sakura. Ugh yeah OC3 was terrible because that's the common opinion here, yeah I know I hate BB and extra as well ugh. Have you read my self insert fanfiction where Hakuno summons Melt and wins the mooncell tournament that I used to post here all the time yet? Ugh I mean I hate extra and all but melt y'know, she's alright, she should have been in FSN(the only real Fate entry, none of this recent shit counts). I'm not like the other girls, really Melt is more of a Rin clone really, I'm not like the other fans, I'm cool"
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Squirrel is too much of a rapist
Neutral fan here. I think Nasu played both sides. There is pandering with Guda, HOWEVER is it really romantic love? BB plays a role of "devilish" (or godlike) impish kohai heroine as her motto. She did before and Nasu clarified it wasn't romantic in mats. It's her duty toward humanity she looks after transferred to Guda. She does keep the sexual bullying, teasing and all that which seems what BBGudafans like, but is it truly love? I don't know because she has never displayed the depths of her feelings as a girl (not a troll) to Guda as she did with the Hakus. I played CCC recently, and there's this cg of her arms spread, looking in absolute love toward the player (Hakuno) that is completely absent from FGO. Her relationship with Hakuno, on the other hand, conflicts with her duty, but is about her desire, she calls them, the one who "gave me everything." There is a tenderness in their interaction that's never present in the relationship with Guda which is a nod to the fans of CCC that know BB's sadistic urges are a sham and she's actually a masochistic good girl who is prone to waterworks pretending to be this devilish kohai act. Dubai shows that, no matter how BB comes to be, Hakuno remains her weakness. The last CG, the heroine one, was directed at Hakuno too, the clear CE does not include Guda not even off-screen (like Avengers one). BB moved on her task to ensure the welfare of Masters/humanity from Extra to FGO, but doesn't mean her heart did. So there's this conflict about duty vs desire which is a component in hr line to Hakunos. This means all got something, and everyone got nothing. Because she will be loyal to her duty (FGO Humanity/Guda), but her heart is still on the Moon with Hakuno. That's how I see it.
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>I hate extra and all but melt y'know, she's alright, she should have been in FSN(the only real Fate entry, none of this recent shit counts). I'm not like the other girls, really Melt is more of a Rin clone really, I'm not like the other fans, I'm cool
This is a fact though. I see no lies.
Nobody tell him about the GG8 official AMV
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Just newfags, secondaries, and tertiaries don't like FSN. They rather have Sakura acting like a clown for SOULLESS self-inserts through BB. And unlike OC3, at least FSN and Hollow Ataraxia could balance their comedy and serious scenes.
your post also applies to her >>496102076
Regardless, from a fan standpoint it’s just not going to roll. Compared to the amount of HakuBB stuff I get on X, it’s hardly a comparison. The fans already decided who they’re going to pair BB with, hell, the anons here already accepted that GudaBB is simply nonexistent. Go read the last couple of posts for yourself, even the most recent ones. I’m already unfollowing most FGO artists because it’s just going to hurt even more. There’s practically no one that I can sympathize with, I’m all alone, anon. That’s the reality, I supported others GudaSaba but when it comes to mine, no one’s there. When it comes to others, if the devs decide to pair the player’s waifu with another character I’m sure as hell hypocrites will spring up like flowers, doomposting about their favorite waifu not loving Guda anymore. I don’t know if you’re trying to fuck with me but if not, I appreciate you for defending Guda x BB.
I was at fault for believing BB loving Guda in the first place. I honestly should have never believed in it the first place but I bought into the arguments made by some users from here, reddit, x.
Lip love is eternal at least
even if she'd stay in the cuckshed according to mats
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No one loves Lip though
kill yourself cuckposter
BB is not For (You) EX, we get it. You still have plenty of characters that are actually For (You). And less obnoxious than BB, I might add. Heck, she isn't even the best Sakuraface in FGO because of Kama and Melt.

However, if you invested grails, spent quartz, money for figures, and other stuff into BB, then I can see where the problem is. My sympathies in that regard. Tamamo and Nero fags also don't have it easy now, so you aren't the only victims here.
What proof do you want me to show that I’m not the c*ckposter
I do
that alone is enough
I’ve spent money on commissions and grailed both BB’s anon. I can never recover from that.
>falseflagging as bb
Oh, it's georgie, then.
can you put two of the same Servant on Supports, I wanna put my 120 Lip and my OC3 Lip up...
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Why don't we have a USO equivalent for 4* yet, bros?
I like fierce bitches like Jeanne Alter, Kama, and Melt. Plus, Morgan. That has saved me lots of trouble from the cuckposters, I guess. Some of us get lucky, others don't. Surprised Liz has been spared from Hakuno shipping. Anons don't point it out often but she's also one of those EXTRA Servants who are pretty much more Guda and FGO Servants nowadays.
In a way, this is similar to SemiGuda fans. They take her role as femme fatale as 'feelings for Guda' and got smacked when Amakusa thing became more unambiguous. Amakusa is special because she doesn't act that way toward him, and is a grumpy tsun with tenderness after she accepts it. Same happens to Kiara/Hans too. And Tamamo/Guda. All these 'femme fatale' characters if they solely act that way toward Guda, they aren't truly into them. They might be sexbuddies but it's not romantic love. Compare to Kama who gets melted and shy near Guda outside the femme fatale act because she likes him.
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Can't believe I'm not having it easy now.
Morgan is far from being free from cuckposting
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We should have stayed on the moon with the cute princess.
What’s the /fgog/ approved method of cooking your Tamagos?
Over easy?
Sunny side up?
Hard boiled?
Soft boiled?
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Foggsu fan, I finished Extra with Casko some days ago, the reveal at the end that she was aware of Twice's presence near the core all along recontextualizes her scenes through the whole playthrough and is pretty neat, I can see why you like her so much, here's hoping her gameplay is fun in Extra Record.
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Goddamn it I don't have the time to paste tamagofaces onto every possible Tamago someone else do this.
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Runny yolk.
First, I want pity for SRs on rate up...
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Glad you enjoyed the adventure with her.
She changed my life that fateful night I met her in November '11.
Even if the gameplay would be a slog, I'm gonna enjoy the visually improved experience next year regardless. But F/ER is in good hands after those interviews with Ninou. I'm quite sure of that.
It’s not him anon but me lamenting.There are others agreeing that BB is not in love with Guda, that, along with the jp fans it’s so over for Guda x BB. I love it so much.
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You can tell OC3 made many waifufags butthurt because the For (You) charts keep getting deleted. It's not so fun when you are on the receiving end of the cuckposting, right?
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Me protecting my wife from the two evil whores
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Musashi if real.
As a Cityfag I was very pleased by how aggressively for (you) she was during the entire thing. I don't care about the rest.
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Her story role sucked but everyone agrees that it's a good thing she was a proper summer Servant not sucking another master's dick. That's why she keeps getting nice fanart that doesn't stir trouble.
"Yo, where the little kids at?"
Everyone from summer not named Bart was wasted, it's not just her
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>Musashi is friends with P Diddy
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Make sure to play CCC if you want more foxy content.
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kawaii Arisu
>BBspic just turned to be another cuckposter days after GudaBB chads won
Of course, what else do I expect. Always the same breed of pathetic schizo.
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Are you okay, BBfags? Want a glass of Chocomilk?
How am I cuckposting when I’m lamenting about GudaBB. There are others above that even agree that GudaBB is dead. if most of fgog agrees then it’s officially over.
Won what? It's never stated she's in love with Guda.
Divorciados or A La Mexicana.
Yeah, that's what we call them.
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Yeah right raikouschizo, go take a hike.
Her post story bond 5 is clear about it as a whole. BB chose to stay with Guda even before the Hakuno died.

Fuck off. You don't give a shit at all.
You know the truth, you've been told the truth and you still feed into raikouschizo narratives allowing him to spam and cuckpost a character like BB who a lot of people here love.
You're cancer, do as you said and take a break instead of being an ass like this.
>he depends on the consensus of /frog/ to like a self-insert ship
Dude, if it's make-believe why do you need to give a damn what anyone but you thinks about it. Look at the Uther shitposter, no amount of reality will ever stop it, and it somehow finds or commissions art nonstop for a ship it doesn't even like just to piss off everyone else, enjoy your thing by yourself instead of whining.
>that fucking nothing line
That's it? Shallow teasing which is her bragging about her powerlevel is your "proof"? Goddamn. Your waifu is barebones.
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Fluffing is truly a wonderful thing.
She's friends with a hooker in Samurai Remnant
That scene doesn't imply romance. Are you for real? BB has also joked about lamenting Melt stole her heroine slot in Seraphix and Nasu specifically said her feelings weren't romantic at all. There's literally zero romantic interaction between Guda and BB, outside her generic teasing to keep up her role. Wait until the mats, but I'm sure Nasu never intended it as romantic or he wouldn't be so ambiguous about it. Look at the scenes with Kama, Jeanne Alter or Dantes got even before the drama. They were overtly making known their feelings.
If only Guda could actually talk so Nasu's point would get better across..
Not just them: City and Eresh in this very chapter.
If I didn’t give a shit I wouldn’t have requested pic related among others that I posted here.
I only paired BB with Guda because I thought she loved him, anon. From bond lines to story and events. I thought there was legitimacy to it or at least a foundation. I don’t pair Guda with those that obviously don’t hold feelings for him.
Why does BB call you センパイ instead of 先輩?
I guess targetting melusine got stale for a moment
Fried egg with a runny yolk on a rippling hot pan so it almost gets burnt, and with a little hot sauce for breakfast. Tamago Kake Gohan when I'm lazy. And those Korean steamed eggs they cook with dashi you get at Korean BBQ, kinda like tamagoyaki but cooked slightly differently.
He doesn't need to talk. We have a whole game about how BB acts when she's in love for real. You all need to play CCC. In this chapter, they said even if it's not the same BB, she's still BB and acts the same. I was saying above. It's like retards thinking Semi acting like a seductress meant she loved Guda and getting pissy about Amakusa later. That is because none of them read Apocrypha and know she wouldn't act this way toward the man she likes. Same as Kiara with Hans. BB, Kiara, Semi could be sexfriends, but not romantic partners.
Bro all you fags do is talk about the art that gets posted and try to compare numbers. How many views does it take for you for you to consider it popular? That's the threshold for you?
>Attitude towards the Master
>Without tearing down her wicked underclassman character, BB sincerely serves as a Servant. There are no personal romantic feelings in that. Although BB’s misanthropy is not any different, she loves the “good humans themselves” as gratitude to the person who once taught her.

BB loves Guda ("good humanity") but isn't in love with them. This hasn't changed. That's why she keeps equating Guda with humanity in My Room lines, calling them a sample of it.
>power up Tamano until she have eight tails (not nine or she turn into Amaterasu)
>have Hakuno, Hakunon, Guda and Gudako play with all the tails (two for each of them)
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Why does anyone give a single fuck about GudaBB? Honest question. 'Romance' in FGO, regardless of character, is all, by nature, hollow, unreciprocated pandering. Why would any BB fan look at her connection to Hakuno in CCC, then the pandering in FGO, and prefer the later?
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It indeed is.
She deserves all the もふもふ~service.
The people replying sure do, and I don't care, if they didn't completely butcher her characterization to push their ship. They don't like BB or have a grasp of her character if they think her surface behavior is genuine. That's what annoys me. I wouldn't care if she loved Guda, but if she did, she would act differently. They don't get it. Eresh was definitely the heroine this chapter.
I get your point, but i am not going to play a game just to understand a character.
Nasu is clearly writing Guda to have some personality so making him talk during the story wouldn't mess with anything.
I don't take any opinion here seriously
It's been shown before that probably 90% of people here can't read Japanese, and just kinda go off summaries to decide whether a story is "good".

The YouTube videos hardsubbing each part of the story was doing wonders to cut down on people bullshitting or making excuses to not read, but now that's dead again. Only time will tell whether they start uploading videos again somewhere else soon. LB6 being subbed almost as soon as it came out helped cut down on a lot of shitposting and cuckposting at the time, we need an easily accessible way to point out translated (non MTL) story when people start lying.
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>The line towards Eresh
>Her choosing to remain with Guda
>Her new bond 5 line
>Her entire backstory through FGO
Yeah right, go take a hike raikouschizo.
lmao, even
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Isn't that depending on the Servant? I agree the connection with BB is shallow, but there are Servants in FGO that had deeper connection with Guda. For example, Castoria, Oberon, Takasugi, Eresh, Dantes, Kama, and others. Takasugi himself got a whole event about Guda breaking out his exterior, getting closer, and help him change and mature, relying on them all portrayed unambiguously romantic with the conclusion of them sleeping together and with that famous love poem. I don't remember any other character getting that onscreen other than Eresh. A lot of characters got bonding scenes but there was also another character important, like Nemo was important in the Goth relationship and vice-versa.
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Because CCC is dogshit just like BBHakuno that goes nowhere since he clearly just wants White Sakura who is boring as fuck and nobody cares for.
You can tell because nobody draws nor cares for HakunoBB over GudaBB which is actually only of Fate's most popular pairings.

Honestly you people will just live to cuckpost and pretend your shit was ever meaningful or popular. CCC is the lowest level of the entire TM franchise that FGO needed to salvage hard.
It’s over anon, BB doesn’t love Guda at all and I’m sure the mats Nasu will release on BB Dubai would further cement that she doesn’t love them. It hurts so much thinking about that now when I think about it.
This mentality is the reason why faggots like kizu infest the fanbase
also the for (you) charts were a tool for cuckposting before this chapter thanks to georgie
I don't think you're ready to learn White Sakura and BB are the same person. BB is simply White Sakura who acts wild due to a virus. Her entire crafted "Impish kohai" shit is a larp. When you finish her secret garden, she's literally just Sakura. When Hakuno confesses to her, he calls her "Sakura" and THAT makes her happy, not being called BB.
Sakura in the end admits she's BB.
Just like how Castoria and Morgan are the same person
Thank you for proving our point.
>most fgog users besides only one agree that BB isn’t in love with Guda
And there you have it.
>I don't think you're ready to learn White Sakura and BB are the same person
Thankfully not, that's just platitudes from people who pretend to care about EXTRA and its dogshit cast while they never did any effort to do so in the past 10+ years.
White Sakura is White Sakura. BB is BB.
>Her entire crafted "Impish kohai" shit is a larp. When you finish her secret garden, she's literally just Sakura
Good thing that BB died and we never got stuck with Parvati 2.0
Really saved BB from being forgotten since she exploded in FGO thanks to the personality that makes her unique and has her stand out.
>When Hakuno confesses to her
Confirmed not canon.
>I don't need any contact with the Master of the Moon. >I'm this world's BB. Being next to the one I owe my everything to would be detrimental to my duties. >It certainly would, but... HMM, I STILL WANT TO MEET THEM! I WANT TO THANK THEM! I WANT TO GET PRAISED! I WANT TO GET A TEAM UP NOBLE PHANTASM WITH SENPAI!
>>most fgog users
the BBspic barely counts
No, because Castoria was modeled after PHH Artoria. BB is literally White Sakura before she wiped herself to start over virus free. White Sakura did the Exact SAME SHIT as BB, trapping Hakuno into a School loop to save them until she removed her memories and feelings, tossed her to the Far Side and that became BB.

BB is literally the White Sakura that loved Hakuno first. Since she has her memories and feelings. It's just that White Sakura (reset) fell in love again.
Side note what’s with femme fatale characters not acting like that when there in love that aspect of their character is usually the reason they’re popular in the first place does anyone know any girls in anime who keep their more dominant side during romance?
>Doesn't understand that she could just stay in Moon Dubai and going back to Chaldea is her own choice now since she's not bound by any directive after fusing with BB Dubai
Even gets reiterated in her bond 5:
>Mooncancers can't be equals to mankind, but they can be friends. That was my dream when I was deployed to Chaldea.
>Yes... A dream. As much as we try to put our sorority into words, humans can't understand an AI's love.
>But you proved me wrong. You never repudiated the excessives acts of this gremlin, always solving the problems with a smile and saying that's just the way I am.
>Through the Archetype Inception event, the Mooncancers have been officially approved as friends of mankind.
>Thank you, Chaldean Master. My Senpai from this timeline.
>I'll be with Chaldea to the very end, to live up to your meritous deeds.

Sorry but GudaBB will continue to live and be canon.
Meanwhile Hakuno canonically died, like HakunoBB who never even had legs to live before this.
>My Room 4 (if you have An-ki Ereshkigal)
>She goes through the whole process from first encounter to officially dating on every fight? Not fair! I also want to do that!
Your answer? You have a gag line, I have a straight up line saying she wants to date Guda and have a mechanic like Space Eresh does.
Because femme fatale would act like that towards everyone. BB even teases Robin too, did you forget? Only the one they love gets them insecure and girlish like.
That's why Kiara runs embarrassed if you tel her Hans considers her special in her mats. Because she can't deal with real affection.
I do feel bad for fans not understanding this point. And they are absolutely baited to think her interest goes beyond sex. Douman is the male version of this. He's a fuckbuddy, not a love interest.
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Tamamo doesn't become Golden White Face when she goes nine-tailed. She's able to retain her sense of self after training to save Hakuno. That's the entire point of her CCC ending.
Why do you keep defending GudaBB? There are several posters here(with unique file names from the images they post) who disagree with you?
>fgog users
Yeah sure, lmao you're so fucking disingenous.
That's an emotional line unlike yours which is indeed a gag line.
>What answer?
She was "jealous" of Melt being your heroine in CCC which turned out to be just her larp. Just like this one.
You're duty, confirmed. While Hakuno is desire.
nasu played both sides, retards, he did the same shit with melt until she became too popular for him to get away with it
How can you tell its reverseside? Also there are other users agreeing with them.
>There are several posters here
All i see the same two faggots that keep perpetuating this song and dance with the BBspic joining in the middle
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>Why do you keep defending GudaBB?
Why shouldn't I whenever there's people spreading lies and pretending they care for a ship nobody even cares for like HakunoBB that literally has less fans than RaniHakuno?
Atleast GudaBB is canon, unlike Hakuno who first let BB die and now just sent her off once more without any kind of romance acknowledged.
Even the younger Hakunos are once again all over Neros.
So what's the ship? Where's the scenes? CCC? Nobody cares, that's not FGO BB.
>There are several posters here
Hahahahaha, yeah right.
>who disagree with you?
Can't disagree with the truth.
GudaBB is canon. GudaBB being more popular than HakunoBB is also true.
And HakunoBB being forgotten once more past OC3 ( which doesn't even feature it ) will also happen. Fake shippers are so disgusting.
Again, read what you post. It's about humanity accepting her, not about her falling in love with someone.
You're completely broken to think the only love someone can feel is romantic. BB isn't in love with Guda, she loves them as part of humanity that has accepted and now has a duty to walk towards. Her change is her role grown from devilish to good/divine instead.
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>BBGuda is canon
Show me her love confession to Guda. A real one. Not her typical performance. You'll know what I mean if you were a real BBfag instead of a larper.
>emotional line
LMAO did you even hear it? She literally complains like a baby and her complaints literally get more 4th wall breaking like the combined NP which was fight only.
Here, let me offer another one since you're already coping Mr. "there's no proof"
>Likes I like... Huh? Weird, I can't answer as promptly as I used to. What are you even asking what you already know for?
I wonder what BB likes that she hesitates to tell to (You) about now, I wonder.
>She was "jealous" of Melt being your heroine in CCC which turned out to be just her larp. Just like
Her larp confirmed where? That's your headcanon LMAO
You literally cannot accept that BB expresses romantic interest to Guda in both OC3 and lines while to Hakuno there's no romance whatsoever.

Because Reverseside is a retard who exactly wants to spread GudaBB isn't canon to fuel his ego of ruining FGO characters.
>hakuno die
Yes? So? They died in 3000+ year. You'll so be dead then. You're back to year "2017" (frozen date), so they are perfectly fine.
Look anon, it’s all different people posting.
>larp where
Please read her mats and play CCC. We're tired to say this to secondaries. It's not our fault if they don't understand the character they waifu.
BB is a M not a S. She gasses herself up a lot. Hakuno know she's a loser at heart (they bring it up this event). While Guda has no idea.
Nearly every single post you replied to had a 1-2 minutes of downtime each
You're not going to gaslight me in there's a majority that doesn't exist when this thread is habited by the same 5-7 retards normally
Playing both sides never works because it creates confusion and contention between the fanbase
it's over for GudaBB
Why was Cagliostor written as Douman 2 instead of Moriarty 2?
>Show me her love confession to Guda
BB's grail front. She creates and locks herself and Guda in a stadium that's heart shaped.
Summer BB entire motivation, which is to keep Guda trapped with her forever out of love for him.
OC3 where despite having Hakuno, BB still prioritizes Guda, thinks of him and returns to him faithfully.
>A real one. Not her typical performance. You'll know what I mean if you were a real BBfag
If YOU were a real BBfag you'd know that FGO BB has nothing to do with CCC BB and the story even acknowledges as much.
She never confessed to Hakuno, never loved Hakuno and is entirely developed and explored in FGO.
I loathe retards like you who ignore that characters like her have a plotline in FGO that spans miles and is more appreciated than CCC as a whole.
Because Sakurai.
We already have two Moriartys
Perhaps but thanks for proving to me that you’re still defending GudaBB amongst those deniers. While I want to take a hiatus, I want to remain hopeful that my favorite pairing is valid. I would recommend to read the file names from the images anons are posting, by pattern recognition, you’ll find out which poster is which.
>Please read her mats and play CCC
No thanks. I play FGO and consider her FGO character, not your game born of irrelevant drivel that's not relevant to what's being discussed.
CCC BB never met Guda. Never interacted with Chaldea. Never became Summer BB. Never tried to trap Guda in a mooncell like stage. Never got hijacked by Castoria. Never interacted with Kama.
You should read FGO instead. Since that's the BB people care and have in this game.
>We're tired to say this to secondaries. It's not our fault
Who even are you? A tertiary that can't distinguish between a CCC character and a FGO one?
Do you also think Castoria is Saber and Ishtar is Rin?
Fuck off lmao
>While Guda has no idea.
Absolutely false.
You don't even count in the discussion, you don't even play the fucking game, it's gullible retards like you that gives cancer like georgie ammo to keep shitting this place
Yeah guess what, we're defending gudaBB while you give ammo to schizos like Reverside or the raikouschizo to shit up the thread.
Start to consider your priorities maybe.
>BB's grail front. She creates and locks herself and Guda in a stadium that's heart shaped.
>Summer BB entire motivation, which is to keep Guda trapped with her forever out of love for him.
These are extrapolations.Please show me a SS she confess. She confessed to Hakuno in CCC.
>BB still prioritizes Guda
Where? She also doesn't prioritize Guda because of Guda, but because he's representative of humanity and says is her duty. Read her mats.
Was the chapter spelling out to everyone that Chaldea BB is not CCC BB that mindbroke people? Or was she being insanely jealous of Ereshkigak and her dating gimmicky? Or was it them being proved wrong with that scene of BB meeting Hakuno and later on just her being sad that they are dying?
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No, it's simply the fact BB is the new subject for shitting up the threads, this is going to be a recurring theme until OC3 runs its course which it'll just be melusine and LB6 shitposting again
>These are extrapolations
Those are facts, you want to devalue actions versus words? That's on you, not the character.
The character won't break her personality and appeal to suit how you think she should behave.
>She confessed to Hakuno in CCC.
Non canon + not FGO BB, who never confessed nor show romantic interest.
The entirety of OC3 where BB was ready to die for Guda and never expressed the desire to be with Hakuno anywhere.
Also her bond 5 which literally spells it out that in the FGO world, the FGO BB, Guda is her sole senpai now. There's no Hakuno, they died and are fine like that.
>Read her ma-
Read the game. Play the game.
You call other secondaries while waving a sheet of paper that's also outdated and doesn't matter compared to the game itself.
All 3.
People like Reverseside expected a clear cut return to HakunoBB meanwhile they got GudaBB being locked in.
Also how they straight up showed Hakuno die and treat BB like a daughter/kid instead of a romantic interest. Down to the point of making them Nero sexual as servants.
No, it's just some bored fag shitting the place
None of the cuckposting or whatever that happens in here is coming from a sincere place (if that's even possible), it's just another way to bait others and be insufferable
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>me who don't give a fuck about bb
what a shit thread
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It's still a shit thread even if you do give a fuck.
>ruins summer
I imagine the melt fan with a unique file name, among others is probably the same anon
Similar file name, probably same user
Similar file name, probably same user
Similar file name, probably same user
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This. The schizo plays stupid and ignores lore to try to push his agenda. I don't even bother replying to him to call him out on it, just report and move on. We all need to stop feeding the troll.
With enough autism, I can figure out which user is c*ckposting. Tell me, whatever happened to the samrem fujoposter? Or to City and Moteczuma shipper?
One is a 4chin filename and the other are random generated numbers you tard
All me.
Random numbers generated my ass, there is a pattern I found among those numbers that happen to line up to certain posters uploading those images.
Nasu likes to wank Ciel, right? Does that mean she's likely to get an upgrade?
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>the other are random generated numbers
Technically, it's the filename you get from saving something from Twitter, right now it's at GY next it will be GZ and so on.
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Sometimes I'll sit there and think about Camazotz.
It makes me kinda sad
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fuck off shipcuck
Yeah, the fact that all three of those first filenames happen to be a specific date and time in unix time is way too coincidental to be anything but samefaging.
>GudaBB being more popular than HakunoBB is also true.
False. Wada is retweeting plenty HakuBB but zero GudaBB. And on my feed, I am... thankfully getting more non-OC3 fanart, such as Morgan and JA.
While I know that this c*ckposter is obviously being obnoxious, if you read the file name there are random numbers then finishing with _p0. I know it’s schizophrenic but there’s a pattern to be seen when it comes to image posters
Went back to his usual delusions
>if you read the file name there are random numbers then finishing with _p0
>Picture 0 in a pixiv gallery
I don't know which is a stronger condemnation of this general, if you're serious or that I can't tell.
>False. Wada is retweeting plenty HakuBB but
Oh yeah? A couple retweets?
Call me when HakunoBB has 150+ doujinshi, and not a temporary art boost from FGO story scenes please.
That's not popular at all, that's just FOTM and it's already fading off fast since all I see is Hakuno with the Gudas on my end.
HakunoBB is unpopular as fuck.
There's a schizophrenic BB/Hakuno enjoyer on a roleplaying website who commissions at least one piece of Hakuno x BB or Tamamo x Hakuno a day. Don't do this to yourself.
I don’t know anon, there’s a surge of fanart and I know it’s due to the story but there’s also users thinking HakuBB is correct on x, go do a general search for fgo bb then you’ll see. Regardless, I’m afraid that they’ll only ever think that BB only loves the Hakus but not Guda.
It's so fucking predictable
The whole BB situation really reminded me of what happened with Kagetora and how fans drew her with shingen as if they’re a couple.
to be fair shipping kagetora and shingen regardless of franchise has very old roots
Barely anyone is drawing them as a couple, like none at all. It's just story scenes with BB crying and that's it. Romance isn't even a factor.
The few who do are those who already did before. Shippers.
You got me laughing. Thanks.
>until she became too popular for him to get away with it
Thank goodness. Even he knew forcing her into this OC3 shit would have been a mistake. Frankly, I would have preferred to see an actual summer event that focused on Guda spending time with the summer picks, especially City, not a 1-month EXTRA ad focusing on BB and Hakuno.
I’m aware of that but I’m referring to FGO here, where she was practically pandered to (you) in her valentines.
I’m giving it a couple of weeks for it to die down.
Is OC3's Nasu's worst story chapter?
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It's his worst part 2 story chapter.
No, that will always be Fuyuki
The original Fuyuki is barely even canon after all the retcons.
It feels action movie-like with the party moving from threat to threat while uncovering the Moon Dubai backstory and honestly it works just fine? Fuyuki's probably the weakest of the bunch by now.
Yeah, not using CS for the storm pods clears is retarded.
If it wasn't for events, I'd even regret filling the berserker score.
>all those replies with "it's actually fuyuki"
The level of quality expected from launch to nowdays it's not the same
I just don’t have any motivation to finish OC3 between how annoying the fights are and how little I care about this story.
I don’t know if I’m going to make it bros…
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>consider her FGO character,
She's not though. She's a collab character. Hope this helps.
>Was the chapter spelling out to everyone that Chaldea BB is not CCC BB that mindbroke people?
The chapter also spelled out that all BBs are the same even if it's not the same BB. Dubai's personality is nastier because is a BB who split some stuff into the Alter Egos as the other one did.
What do you mean annoying fights? It's one of the easiest chapters.
>Tamamo is still considered a meta support from how absolute trash all the other Arts supports are Except for Castoria and Xu Fu (aka discount Castoria)
>Xu Fu (aka discount Castoria)
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Can't improve perfection.
>tfw still no anni pic with Morgan and Guda
Weird, one would expect to have them in there. There was also a high amount of Arjuna x Gudako
>charges NP
>increases NP gain
>increases Arts performance + damage
Is Ciel the Fatfish then?
>Tamamo is still considered a meta support
She's simply one of the oldest retardbro
Proto Merlin isn't there either and Tamamo's farming utility isn't any better than hers
BB Dubai isn't even BB
>It's one of the easiest chapters
It's by far the shittiest OC gameplay-wise.
And that's including the chapter that essentially bans you from fighting servants with anything that isn't an avenger.
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I love my wife
News tomorrow
Okay, I believe you.
Shut the fuck up. I don’t understand why respond to an hours long post if you’re desperately trying to c*ckpost again.
Only one delusional retard schizo in fgog, lmao.
I use Tamamo more ProtoMerlin
>forces you to use a story support servant along Mashu
Nothing personnel, kid.
Reminder that Raikouschizo is a Russianscum and a terrorist too.
There are others too, unfortunately. Whether they acting alone or in unison is another thing.
Someone once told me he was a gypsy
sweet abby
Slavs are still preferable to anyone from south of the equator.
I heard that he also caused the 9/11.
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We were talking about negative things
based and based
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I don't believe it. Ten tickets.
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What's the last interlude we got? Does Lasagna even bother anymore?
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>When the salary man books a compensating threesome
Based Tea enjoyer, I got her this rateup too. It cost me 450 quartz though.
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How do you guys feel about Ciel as an anchor? S3 buys a decent amount of time and guarantees she can do a brave chain even if some of your other servants are still around. Her damage is pretty low though so even though she's likely to get two NPBB chains, it might not be enough to clean up. The few times I've used her (against Arjuna recollections), I rarely managed to get a second cast of S3.

I don't have Herc or Cu Alter, so I was kinda hoping she could fill the role at NP4, but it's seeming like not having guts is a big detriment to cleaning up.
I guess that it can work in a pinch but it's far from ideal, that being said Ciel would be a really good servant for Grailfronts.
Still to early to judge for me.
What's funny to me is that if you have a Super Ciel you can bruteforce stuff, just like Arcueid.
How I'm seeing things I'm gonna say she's doomed to only be good against Berserkers and Avengers.
I don't know he is that based
Kinda what I thought. Was hoping others found a way to make her good at that. Maybe I'll try giving her an invuln CE next time and hope she can S3 twice.

I've mostly been using her for that. Being able to brute force all sorts of different nodes feels pretty nice.
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We need bunny Bob.
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>this OP
>Piercing Anti-Purge Defense doesn't reach evade
>Bob has one turn invencible for her and team Evade for 1 attack
She is such a good girl!
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egao with egao
I wish this event would be over already, bros.
I wish this cycle of death and rebirth would be over already bro…
Its not so bad
I wish OC would have never happened and instead we would be low budget mode and have the popular servants have their big moments in between the chapters for development
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Castoria won.
One of the OC HAS to make her return
Won what
The award for dumbest country bumpkin.
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What if Oberon was a hedgehog?
I wish this filler arc would be over already, bros.
Please do. It will be better for both you and this thread. I think people like you tend to make things worse for themselves, by being too invested on this "for (you)" bullcrap (which is mostly a fandom construct) and putting every little thing they think into the internet aether.

Try to enjoy things in moderation dude. Introspect positively and leave it there in your head, you don't have to share it all, and also try to not over-expose your emotional investments. By overdoing it, you make yourself a bigger target as well. Give it a break, let things cool off and start fresh. Go back, level up, and come back. Wiser and lighter, hopefully.
Fun fact, he also manipulated most of the story and managed to achieve his mission.
It was never about for (you). I don’t view Guda as my self insert at all. I simply paired Guda x BB and became too emotionally invested in it. I loved it so much that in the end I got fucked for it.
Something Nasu and Sakurai will never understand
Its not about owning every woman and having a harem
Its about "Every girl is some players waifu". No matter how unpopular the girl is, someone out there likes Kagetora or Boudica. And when you ship away that girl five years later during a random event, you destroy that relationship. I remember some japanese kagetora fan who was seriously suffering thinking his waifu was gone, he posted about her daily or something. When her myroom lines came out he was relieved in a way the cuckposters here will never understand. Players can understand a girl who was specifically for someone else from the start being off the table, but players will never accept a girl who was specifically for you for years or she was open for years suddenly being shipped for someone else, its one thing that sours players. Yes BB was specifically shipped with guda in a dozen events, and the original CCC event specified she wasn't the CCC BB, she was your own BB which is why she could be for you, just like making a copy of a file, guda gets one and Hakuno gets one, but both get one. And if you blur that line and give guda's BB to Hakuno, fans will riot.

I've seen so many big fanartists just quit the game after their waifu has a cuck event or gets shipped away. I remember that one guy that used to draw Circe art and then suddenly stopped when he realized you would always be the eternal second place and she would still choose Odysseus in the end, that one cut him deep realizing you're just a consolation prize. I think he eventually switched over to BA, but I saw him still do some art during fairy summer.
>Its not about owning every woman and having a harem
For you losers, maybe. I don't give a shit about the for (you) wars because gacha women are literally objects. Clinging to your kino 00s era Type-Moon ship is garbage, and so is pretending the jpeg can love you back.
im tired of your obvious falseflagging
What happens if Daybit can remember 40 minutes a day?
He becomes Daybyte
That somehow makes even less sense and makes your posts even more pathetic.
You basically identified the person I was talking about. I’m glad he got his happy ending but for others like myself I ended up getting crushed and it’s my fault desu. Just seeing all those tweets about BB and Haku is pretty grueling, be it fan art or a post. I’m glad one of the anon’s here is arguing for GudaBB but I’m too demoralized for it, especially with almost all the entire fanbase backing the thing to the point where I’m basically unfollowing most FGO artists and followers. It hurts tremendously but what should I do? I’m hoping I’m wrong.
All I can imagine is k*zu laughing his ass off as I type this but maybe I deserve it. Anyway, the artist that used to draw Circe was probably Hirame.
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>getting emotionally invested in things
The real FGO meta is to realise that damage numbers and absolutely nothing else matter. Emotions are fleeting and subjective experiences. Only victory is absolute.
You don't even play the game, all you do is taking the posts of this place as face value. i wasn't wrong about calling you a tumor that'll soon become cancerous because that's what you are
Well k*zu cant laugh at shit considering his waifu saber has gone on several dates with other masters hakuno in extella and guda in vr. Its like the pot and kettpe
You don't have to lie here.
You seriously need to grow the fuck up if you ''waifu'' fictional characters. Niggas pushing 40 getting emotional and bitching about how mythological characters aren't '''''''''''''''for (you)'''''''''''''. Get some fucking help
Haha you people are patheric
Based. Pick the one with the biggest tits/ass/whatever and stop your bellyaching. The story itself clearly doesn't care anymore about what's even happening, why should you? Do you WANT to sit here and take the nonsense of Filler Call at face value?
Personally I like happy endings, or at least some good bittersweet ending that has a hopeful note, and I don't want that hope to die until it is over.
Why does Nasu have to generalize that Latinos are violent and unreasonable people every 5 seconds whenever Tenoch is on screen
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*whenever Tenoch, Kuku or Tezca is onscreen
FTFY, and because it's based. I love my hyperviolent wife who is the embodiment of the strongest Ultimate One's heart.
If there’s one thing that bothers me are Sakura 5 fans getting all happy about the haku bb voice lines and meeting yet I fucking bet you if any of the Sakura Five, especially Melt, were to share a screen or have a voice line about them, those fucking hypocrites would feel like complete shit.
Daybyte would be far too powerful…
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I honestly hate how we never gonna get the anni ce as skins
>every single story chapter of part 2 is about how trying to run way from the ending is pathetic and kinda cringe
>meanwhile we're in the middle of a flimsy filler arc that only exists to drag out the end part 2
literally what the fuck did hacknoko hacksu mean by this?
Even he can't win against Aniplex greed.
Kuku isn't a latina
Its deflection they are happy about it because it means less cuckbait for their favourites its why that melt fan shits on evwry other ship but his own. Most waifufags are hypocrites especially k*zu
For me it's giantess Daybitko
We know Tez written by Nasu
>tfw need 50 yellow, red, and blue caster gems
I hate this, bros...
Yayaukinoko Nasulipoca...
What if Tez writes LB7?
It becomes a giant sex scene between him and Daybit while Izcalli watches. I fuck City at the same time.
>Tezca won
>(You) won
>Izcalli lost
>Mashu lost
>Olga lost
>Kuku lost
>Pepe lost
What will be (You)r final team against Marisbury?
So can I hit pity if I've already rolled a servant? I have NP 4 Ciel, rolling for NP5. I haven't seen one in 600 or SQ or so. I'm willing to call it quits now, but if I can just hit pity, I think I'll just do that.
Yes, everytime you don't roll the servant in 900 quartz they give it to you
So now what? A month of nothing?
They confirmed an event for early october like a month ago
I just wanted a place to where players could share and enjoy Guda x Servant stuff without putting others down or making fun of them. That’s pretty much what I wanted from here.
Guess that's ~2400 for NP5. I never really chased for NP5 before. More than I was expecting.
Well worst case scenario you need 4500SQ for NP5. 2400 isn't really that bad in comparison
Yeah, that's true I guess. That's probably the last time I'm chasing NP5 unless I get a really good start though.
if the new Mexican presidenta is consider Mexican enough to be president then kuku is a latina. simple as
Read lb7
>look for recent fgo art in xitter
>it's all floptsugi
These 3-4 years were fine, see you soon space masters.
Not a flop then
She's literally a copy of BB made by Nigen dumbass. She, unlike the BB in the Moon, didn't split her nasty parts into Alter Egos.
It's his birthday today
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Speaking of Mexico, someone should send this to Nasu.
Lb7 was in pangea retard tourist
How does he feel now that they made an official KagetoraxShigen mv for anniversary?
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His birthday.
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EoS coming soon in 2025
Huge news from 2 months ago
>Forget to turn on teapot for the first 90** of the day
>Forget to turn it off when I do other nodes
At this point I just need to let it cap and do 9 in a row.
>Sayuri died today
The Last Encore's curse...
imagine if miyazaki of fromsoft fame was like "you can't stream this boss!!" kek, japs are so retarded when it comes to this stuff.
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I think it's just Nasu specifically.
Like how he just randomly picks story important characters to have locked ascensions just because.
>nooo you can't know about golden bb even though she appears for just like five minutes at the end of the 2 month event and nothing in the design spoils plot points because... you just can't, okay
>we have to lock Tez' third ascension behind story progression, it's not like there's actually a twist about who he is, he's just Tez, his ascension is just Tez, but we need to lock his ascension because I want to
Even now I'm still confused why Tez's third ascension is storylocked. City makes perfect sense since it literally spoils her identity but why Tez?
Because Douman and Oberon made them a bunch of money, so Nasu tried to turn it into a big event to accompany every chapter from that point on.
The problem is that Tez's artist didn't give a fuck, so no one cared about a hidden third ascension since the quality of his art was a meme.
>imagine if miyazaki of fromsoft fame was like "you can't stream this boss!!" kek, japs are so retarded when it comes to this stuff.

Miyazaki has no say actually. It's entirely Sony for Demon's Souls & Bloodborne. Bandai Namco for Dark Souls & Elden Ring
Reminder that Nasu's biggest fear when F/SN released was people finding out about Archer's identity and the worms
Tez gets ridiculously popular anyway
Reminder that the only servant that got even close to be loved by Guda is Kama

Everyone else can go home
Reminder that the only servant that got even close to be loved by Guda is Castoria

Everyone else can go home
Not really. That was an alter ego that wanted to experience love not Guda and Kama's alter ego of that isolate affection (she can't really have romantic feelings as she's the god of general love). When you re-read OC1 while is pandering, it also kills Kama as a love interest because she can't truly and fully commit to a person as she is.
Reminder the only one who brings Guda's positive change, comfort and eases their suffering is Romani. Reminder Aphrodite's deepest desire/longing was leading to Romani and Guda went ahead of it even if he was warned would kill Mashu. Only the knowledge that can't face him like this (and Dantes) snapped Guda out.
>from bb to kama
Oh fuck off
(I)(Guda) don't love them though
A part of Kama does love Guda. But she can't have a relationship with him, and she can't prioritize him over everything else because of what she's god of. Like read OC1. The only way she could if its her emotion split as an individual Alter Ego of just that.
Reminder that the only servant that is Guda's home is City

Everyone else can go outside
My man, anon isn't saying Kama doesn't love God, but that, as the God of Love, she can't only love Guda and end up with him. That's wholly why the Kama Alter Ego was created and why was important: because it permitted Kama to experience a singular target love and romance that otherwise would be impossible.
Only turd like you who gives a shit about it here.
Why are you surprised? Raikouschizo and reversecuck be like that.
Ignoring the fact that the ending of OC1 exists for example.
>Ignoring the fact that the ending of OC1 exists for example.
The ending reinforces what was established in OC1.
that's bullshit and you know it
When was the last time BG had a rate up?
BG never got a rate up bro...
Surely, according to a cuck's interpretation aka you. Very trustable.
Bro... Am I a schizo? I could have sworn it had one...
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What are you talking about? Sion's entire reason to create that alter ego is because she can't be Guda/Chaldea's ally, so a part of her might be. The message is that Alter Egos allow the Servant/person to experience something they couldn't bring themselves to be, as they are isolated parts of that specific thing. It's still part of themselves.
Kama couldn't truly be in a relationship or hope for one because as the God of Love, Kama loves everything even if she hates doing so. It's exhausting to Kama. She does have romantic feelings for Guda or that Alter Ego wouldn't exist.
I'm talking about how you ignore Summer Kama exists and it's literally proof she can do that normally.
The Alter Ego thing is just bringing that exact same development for her but doing it forcefully instead.
By the end of OC1 it even shows that thanks to that adventure she can do it. But yet here you are, cuckposting, because she's a sakuraface and you oldfags who pretend to love sakura just act like complete clowns.
>I'm talking about how you ignore Summer Kama exists and it's literally proof she can do that normally.
It's a Summer Servant. Aka fanservice. You think Summer Jannu is normal now?
OC1 establishes that and speaks about that specific about Kama. I suggest you to read it before you accuse me of cuckposting. Kama cannot actually pursue a romantic relationship with anyone because is embodiment of Love itself and must supply love to everything (hello? the reason why she was suicidal in ooku?).
This is all by Kama author. Take it up to him, not me.
> it even shows that thanks to that adventure she can do it
No, it shows she remembers what happened and is happy with that experience. It goes back to status quo. That's why she's not trying to fuck Guda in his room as soon as he awakes while Alter Ego Kama was constantly horny. Similar how Sion appreciates what happened but she's not Guda's ally.
Reminder that the one that gets loved by Guda is whoever is your favorite.

For me? It's Daybit.
We know Tez
I agree
The proper shitpost is to state that Kama is factually a tranny
We know Pepe
Yeah, I hear that. I want Lancer golds.
Sorry Brozca, Brorenji, but it's (Me)
>It's a Summer Servant. Aka fanservice
And there we go, exactly why your arguments are complete dogwash.
>You think Summer Jannu is normal now?
Oh you mean the Summer Jeanne that's in OC3? Is that also fanservice?
>OC1 establishes that and
Yeah and her Summer alt exists and establishes she can do that normally.
I suggest you try to pretend you play the game instead of making arguments with huge " * " being
>I selectively decide what matters and not
Kama author also wrote her summer alt, event and development that doesn't limit itself to what you believe it does.
>No, it shows she
Can do it even after OC1, specifically pointing out it didn't return to a status quo.
We know (Me)
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Can I please have Galahad now Nasu
If he's not the 10th anni servant idk if they'll ever put him in
Man it would be such a waste to design a silver-hair, gold-eyes boyish knight and not implement him.
We're not getting a male anni servant
Bro? Your Holmes?
Prediction on NY servant?
we got da vinci twice though
2017 and then never again
BB Peru
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Teach me how to use Ciel

I require guidance. People for example say she can 3 turn and loop but...how?
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I wish my wife got a CG ever...
Who's your wife, anon?
Got cucked by her mom and sister this chap. At least KD didn't get one either.
My condolence bro.
Maybe one day bro, my wife is also a SR and she got it
kazura was a gag character in the story but she's pretty much guaranteed to star in the next event sooo
She's not guaranteed anything though. I could see her being NY
Probably a character from Einherjar if we're getting a collab next year.
Deibitto Zemu Voido onegai...
I'm sorry to hear about your shit taste, faggot
Too non Nipponese for it
What's the big deal about CG anyway?
Shut up, EMIYA.
S1 10% np charge per turn
S2 gives buster card (NP card also count) 10% np charge
light koyan S2 gives buster card 10% charge
NP gives 20% refund

With NPBB you will got
NP 20%+10%=30%
BB (10%+20%)*2=60%
S1 +10%
Which gives you full refund
Yeah Koyanskaya and Yang were my favorite japanese NY servants
don't forget to have sex with koyanskaya masta
koyanskaya's a not-quite-tamamo so she's technically japanese
She's russian
Olga Quest 3 soon
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News Doko?
I don't and I won't have a Koyanskaya
Really? Nothing? Not even a stream to announce a new event next week?
fuck off hoyokek
She's guaranteed to be in a gag event though. You better hope she doesn't job to Liz for stealing her Halloween.
>next week
Event is most likely october 9 so not even next week
nooo zzz means hoyo it doesn't mean other stuff.
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ano rite now theresu a summer evento
why would they announcesu newto evento stremu for nexto weeku?
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Nothing wrong with defending the motherland comrade.Now, talking shit about my most precious and beloved servant, deserves death penalty.
What servant class is he?
So I can sell him away immediately.
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Guda going
When the avengers left
This is like Arc-V giving Hosoya throat cancer and ending several VA carrers. Can't believe OnoKen recovered what I'll give to have his manager.
So young...
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Do we like neco-arc here?
This is stupid. If you don't wanna get spoiled then don't look for them.Internet has to bend over backward because of a bunch of retarded niggers that can't help but look at spoils when they don't want to.
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wtf it's fern from that one anime
>You can tell OC3 made many waifufags butthurt because the For (You) charts keep getting deleted
Those were always getting deleted newfag since they incite shitposting. And also, wtf are you talking about?
Waifufags won. And also, /fgog/ is always on the receicing end of cuckposting because mentally ill schizos like you cannot help yourselfs.
>>Likes I like... Huh? Weird, I can't answer as promptly as I used to. What are you even asking what you already know for?
>I wonder what BB likes that she hesitates to tell to (You) about now, I wonder.
I mean, that is pretty damn blatant. But anon, you really shouldn't give cucks attention. Remember the Uther poster who basically died when Tonelico's valentine releases? Just wait.
Retardbro here, does Lasengle actually have enough lawyers to sue every Tom, Dick and Harry uploading footage if like 20 youtubers do it and none of them give a fuck about getting videos taken down? Can't you do something "transformative" to make youtube glance over you, like add an intro or something?
No, she's meme material for disgusting quaternaries who don't know shit about TM
Lip clearly lost but I agree with the rest
It says they are for monetizing, so if it's some dude who doesn't get money from the video or doesn't care about getting money then I'm not sure they can do something about it in the first place (I don't know how YT works by the way).
Real TsukiCHADS know ball.
Got it, thanks. Some of the youtubers at least CLAIM they're not in it for the viewerbux so that gives me a small amount of hope even if it is still a retarded decision
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>getting my login sq literally 8hrs after all the gacha ends on the same day
I'm fucking seething so hard holy shit, was my last chance to get BB. Fuck this dogshit game for barely handing out sq, especially when they do a 3 month event and only give out fucking crumbs.
>he didn't swipe
You don't deserve her.
Nice try Lasengle employee but I'd rather give money to a homeless man than spend it on this "game"
I'm sorry, man. I personally have never been interested in BB from the start, but I'd feel terrible if I got mocked like this for someone I was all in for.
>spending money on this game
>in 2024
lmao even
>My man, anon isn't saying Kama doesn't love God, but that, as the God of Love, she can't only love Guda and end up with him.
>part of Kama does love Guda. But she can't have a relationship with him, and she can't prioritize him over everything else because of what she's god of. Like read OC1.
Holy FUCKING skipgods. The reason her Assassin self has a hard time doing that is linked to "Kama's personality" and NOT hee identity, which is directly acknowledged in OC1 since her Alter Ego is clearly capable of loving a single individual. Her Alter Ego was still a God of Love, but as an Alter Ego, a part of her pessimistic personality in love was stripped away. Her personal feelings were put on front and that is why she was so aggressive.

It has nothing to do with her indentity as God of Love since Kama also acknowledged that her summer seld is also capable of it. It was a PERSONALITY issue you dumb cucks.
You're arguing with someone who discredits Summer Kama and her event because "muh fanservice" and tripped over himself citing Summer Jeanne since she was in OC3.
Don't bother. Those people never argue in good faith.
That Meltfag on Twitter was losing sleep over the idea of Hakuno talking to his waifu lmao
>losing sleep
>our most loyal artist has started playing BA
It's over
Anon... it's been over for years...
>>our most loyal artist
literally who
Thank god
Thank fucking god please swarm that shit game and have him fuck off
Who gives a shit about that guy beside hrt filled ladyboys in the first place
The thread shitting on him because he's seething there's no other male in BA is pretty funny if you want to take a look.
Shows that japanese otakus don't like him at all either for ruining FGO.
Anko should stick to fgo. Cuck artist for a cuck game.
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Sorry not sorry, enjoy him baggot.
"Enjoy him"? Lol. He will return to fgo after having everyone telling him to fuck off.
See >>496198083. Fucking pussy is the kind of artist you retards truly deserve.
>thinks complaints do anything when in that same thread there's people defending him too
lol lmao he's going to bring such garbage to your game, enjoy
Sometimes I like to think it's just one dude replying to himself
You don’t understand bro, anyone that ever dares to make something I don’t like or post something I don’t like or likes something I like in a way I don’t like lives rent free in my head and I need to bring them up every day in /fgog/.
Indeed. Everything it's possible if thy reality is stretched enough. Reject reason, embrace illusions. Logic is unrequired in one's world.
Broberon was right...
I have passionate sex with City every night
>Even fucking Monster Strike went full 3D
We are the dinosaur of mobage
This but Kuku
>anko managed singehandedly turning Astolfo and Nemo from a trap option, safe men that will be a bros or a lovers into NTR vilains that want (You) to suffer
>more and more artists copy him
This but Draco, I'm not gay
I meant Quetz. Jaguarman calls her Kuku sometimes so I got confused.
she may as well be just another version of quetz
Quetz is definitely better. At least her design is unique.
An*o is literally baby sweet for pandering game, huh?
BA stole most of our artists, this is why almost all new servants are flopping
Bro it's OK to like Draco, you don't have to try to make other people hate her

Nah, I meant Kuku. Quetz is great too, though.
Sony being retarded sure isn't helping
Of course it's okay to like Draco, she's female at least.
Sounds like they have /fgog/ living rent free in their head
Again with this anon? okita alter is NOT for (you), her bond line straight up says the one who who's always by her side is RENGOKU and not fujimaru.
Fix this damn list
This but comfy cuddling and movie watching with Daybit
We know Tez
Abigail too, she's literally using guda as a replacement till she finds lavinia, remove her too.
3D isn't always good, zoomer retard
Kill yourself Georgie
Semetolfo was a thing before Ankoman. There has been a movement within NTR artists to have femboys/children NTR women for years. It's just always been the least popular NTR bull compared to ugly fat old man, foreigner, and literal monster
>no one replies to his randomized tierlist so he's samefagging
That's both hilarious and sad
Has anyone here given a shit about tierlists in years?
Besides georgie not really
>>no one replies to his randomized tierlist so he's samefagging
I'm not him; I'm just insulting his retarded tier list with retarded takes, that's all
>>Archetype Earth canonically lost in this event
Fuck this shit
Fuck the MCwank
Now Arc is in the list of jobbers too
Is Buddha the only untouchable one now? Hakunos have to kill Twice to win against him. Hell it's not even a win. Buddha simply left.
We know Pepe
Melusine should be even lower.
>Now Arc is in the list of jobbers too
>He didn't play CCC
>He didn't play Melty Blood
>He didn't play Remake Tsukihime
>He didn't read the future story where Arc is catatonic from her bloodthirst growing to the point Shiki needs to kill giant forest vampires for her to feed on
>He didn't play OG Tsukihime
I agree the way she jobbed was just embarrassing, but come on. Arc's reputation has been in the shitter for a long time.

>Is Buddha the only untouchable one now
Throughout heaven and earth, God is alone is the honored one. Because Buddha was indirectly powerscaled to Beast Kiara having skills to negate him.

Also technically ORT is 2-0 vs you because Kuku (who was ORT too) was the one that actually ended it
It was a not so thinly veiled "my waifu > your waifu" shitpost so no.
If Georgie washington is a servant? What class would he be?
Kill yourself faggot and at least read the fucking event before shitposting
It was Cielwank, Guda had little to do with AE jobbing
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The Arc in those medias are just funny vamp Arcueid.
The Arc here is Archetype Earth, the ultimate life form, and she jobs.
>>b-but she is a just a servant here
Her opponents are servants too.
Lore wise Arc has been known to be a shitter for a while. Archetype Earth is far below every other Archetype, and we just got finished with dealing with ORT.
post the real one, not the bait ones
When did it go so wrong, even their PS3 had superb solid games.
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What the fuck were they thinking with this dogshit servant. Nobody even remember this thing exists. The NPCs in xer event was way more popular than this garbage.
Remember the stream guidelines gaijins.
That wouldn't be a round 2 for Ort if Chaldeas didn't feed him servants like a retard.
The only combo needed to kill Ort is Olga + Excalibur.
Kuku is only needed because Chaldeas fucked up.
What fucks me up is it has nothing to do with Sirius the star, the Greek legend behind that star. Instead it's the Japanese legend behind the star, but the Greek name. As though Japanese people don't realize there are stories and mythologies behind Greek/English star names. So instead of Sirius the wolf, it's Sirius the fisherman god.
To be fair, she is a Servant who can apparently shake the whole planet or something so she is basically Grand-tier in terms of pure powerlevel. I said this a few threads back, but I've always seen Arc as having a princess-like mentality who always thinks she's "above all that" and doesn't really need to try or adapt to changing circumstances. She's not a jobber because of her loadout, which should be theoretically busted, she's a jobber because she doesn't want to win hard enough-and in Nasu's stories, people who want to win hard enough get extra reserves of strength/damage bonuses/pure asspulls like Ciel having Servantverse powerlevels, while people who don't fuck around until they find out.

I mean look at how she opened the fight, just spamming Marble Phantasm projections at you rather than take murking you seriously
Being only needed for a deus ex machina is fitting for the shitpost servant
It's traditional.
Around May to June there will be an event that no one gives a fuck about with literally who servants.
To be fair it then becomes a chicken and egg problem because you need Servant-level allies to hurt ORT at all in the first place so...oh wait, the plot FORCED you to fight Batschizo so he wasn't available to fuck up ORT like he already did.
You could say the same about every event servant in the past three years or so. Even most main story servants are like that too.
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Maybe they should stop making cuckshit and clap servants
She was fighting Super Ciel, Ciel who's undergone thousands of years of training
>thousands of years of training
If I punch a rock for thousands of years, can I eventually punch out the sun?
>The Arc in those medias are just funny vamp Arcueid.
Uh...anon, Shiki fought the actual Arc in Remake as well as her new asspull Evangelion reference emergency backup form
If you have limitless mana maybe
After the remake Nasu said ciel is the absolute apex of humanity who has more mana and circuit quality than anything ever born on earth before, and is basically the ultimate lifeform.
I like and dislike this tier chart compare to the others.
I mean, it's a Japanese game. All legends will ultimately be subservient to some random Nip.
>>a random French girl is apex of mankind
Yeah, whatever you say Nasu
FGO really gave him genuine brainrot, holy shit.
>Nasu got caught up in powerlevels
>the ham, egg and cheese breakfast thing
Finally a good tierlist
Finally a bad tierlist
Ciel was always made to be Arc's equal

Because they're based on "Le Arc en Ciel", they're a destined pair for all eternity with each other even more than with Shiki. They're two halves of the whole. In the original draft of Tsukihime Nasu was going to put in a scene where Arc futa fucks Ciel, but it was cut in the final draft.
That's stupid, Nasu. Ciel was fine as a human with a lot of magic circuits because she was Roa's host, there was literally no reason to make her this unprecedented built different thing "just because"

For that matter there was NO reason to fix Roa's reincarnation cycle so it makes him STRONGER in the remake
Who in the actual fuck would put the breakfast sandwich AND sundae lower than A, not to mention S?
How long does it usually take to reach bond 15? What about level 120? I can't decide if I wanna unlock appends right now. If I do it, I'll have to reach bond 15 to level to 120.
>anons are more invested in the fastfood tierlist than the cuck one
/fgog/ is healing
Sorry fries...I'm in love with dessert.
Do we have tierlist for jobber yet?
>>Gilkek and Herckek at the top as usual
I just copied the average result and posted it, bro.
No hard feelings.
Nah, he's doing a great job with FSN, the cuck VN by excellence
it's ruined by this schizoid subhuman >>496202236 and like this guy say>>496206653
The breakfast menu are the best things about Mcdonald though.
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Noo that was kino. We need full scenes of that
Soo whats the story about. Chaldea BB wasn't real and its still Hakuno BB? I thought that what dubai BB was about.
>Limbus will have their own Arcueid
Based. Can't wait.
BB and Hakuno is like Melusine and Aurora but far more healthy. (BB is existing thanks to Hakuno, same for Melusine with Aurora, both loves them forever and yearn for them), and even then both games, mats and bond CEs (and artists) say the same.
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Chaldea BB is Chaldea BB
Even during the climax she says she's not the BB Hakuno knew, she was born for the sake of Chaldea
They say it's fine, BB is BB. Even if it's not the original one and even if it's a BB for someone else, the fact that it's BB is enough. Hakuno wanted to tell BB that she's their gift to the world before dying, since Hakuno was dying of natural causes this event due to being 1000 years old, and they wanted one last adventure to go out on. The entire story is about graduating and passing on your will to someone else. It's supposed to be thematic for FGO2 since Nasu wants guda to pass on his will to the next generation. The entire story is about how humanity passes on their will to AI as the next prime species
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>nasu is pro-AI
oh no no no
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Looks like a NTR cover desu
just cover their eyes
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>as usual
nice try, karnakek.
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The story literally tells you that she was just playing a role. If it was the first stage AE, she would have dropped the earth without warning and ended things right then. It wouldn't have taken anywhere near 3 hours. a lot of the "final bosses" in OC3 lose because they just don't care enough about Chaldea to hit them as hard from the onset. Even Koyan did nothing to stop you.
Fitting for a mushroom.
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preemptive sorry to the artist
NTA but it's perfect. I will fap to this pic later.
But Melusine has a lot of sexy (you) lines for valentine, summer and in most events she wants to get in your pants so those dumb CE doesn't matter nor chara material or artbooks. Unless BB does the same I don't see how can she be considered waifu.
>tfw FGO2
>New mc
>Can recruit Guda
>but we to steal Mashu!
As long as is written better OC3 it work for me. Probably will.
Yeah, also hated that shit. But in general, I just didn't like OC3 outside of some City and Protea scenes. Archetype's appearance in FGO's main story is a joke. You know it's bad when Kuku is the only archetype you kinda can take seriously.
AI is the future. Only subhumans would reject it.
BB as an archetype is so bad, it's not getting fanart. And you thought Quirinus as a Grand was underwhelming. Archetypes got ruined faster. At least Grands still got Tez to save some face.
>HakuBB art out of nowhere

Pretty much this. I don’t really see any romantic connotation from their meeting but a farewell. Although, fans will still interpret it as romantic given some of the fanart being posted here. Fans keep on exaggerating, even with the voice lines(save for BB’s line to the Hakus). They always ignore anything prior to oc3 and post.
Thats because other game dropped a loli that groom you
As someone who doesn't care at all about BB and Hakuno, this OC was a pain in the ass to go through. Imagine wanting to spend time with Summer City, but Nasu keeps insisting on shoving the worst aspect of EXTRA at your face.
Why would your delusions get fanart?
Revenue chart will still rank FGO among the top ones this month. I saw jp performance and it seems it went to the top just because Arcueid rerun.
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>it seems it went to the top just because Arcueid rerun.
OC3 did bad work at shilling her but cannot deny many have been desperate to roll for her since years ago.
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Pure love.
How can I give a shit about sakuras? Not matter how much I try, I just couldn't care less about them at all.
Could have fooled me by how much you post about them.
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Mmh no Kuzura drop? no Lipp summer? not even Violet mention? ah yess they will appear in OC4. I can see Nasu master plan now.
The schizo is just getting nuclear because he got BTFO earlier about both BB and Kama. Doesn't help Reversecuck is also around.
I think Golden BB fanart is still being gatekept by spoiler concerns, though I don't think she'll get an especially large amount of art anyway.
Some of you should seek help. It's not healthy to be this obsessed with jpegs
But Hoyo games live like that.
So it seems. I was wondering if you can explain the context for the spoiler’d images above. It’s the graduation scene from the chapter.
Hmm, this calls for several more sakurafaces.
Bringing back Tsukihime and trying to weirdly integrate it into Fate and vice versa has to be one of the worst decisions Nasu has ever made.
So when is the summer event starting?
The Hakunos are dying, she says goodbye. You've been told this 200 times already.
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So why does it say “Ai, this life for that purpose.” And the other “I will use it for the humanity that helped me”.
the evilest pits
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Bitto rabu
We know Tez
Drill bit
Drill the bit
She says that her life born out of love for white sakura will be used for the purpose of helping Guda.
that looks like peak comedy
You tell me Tez gets so bored waiting for Novum Chaldea going back to Antartica that he spends his time shitposting on /fgog/?
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He was supposed to get his summer costume with City since they are the only LB7 characters that could get summer stuff. But Tez decided to stay behind to shitpost on /fgog/ instead.
God was directly power scaled to be below sefar
As much as I want Melt to be relevant in OC4, I feel that Kama and BB ruined her chances of appearing in the OCs. Nasu wanted those two to take off as hard as Melt, and although it didn't work because people have only liked OC2 so far, that doesn't erase the fact that two OCs are about Sakurafaces.

3 of 4 OCs being Sakura-centered would be too much.
What, by comparison to LB Zeus? Pretty sure that's contradicted by the kind of buffs Samson had in life, in Samurai Remnant
Chaldea BB was larping as CCC BB, Hakunos call her on her shit and she says she was trying her hardest to be like that BB, they say not to worry and that BB is BB and they are proud of her and she is their greatest gift to mankind and that they want BB to keep helping humanity, in which she says she will help the humanity that helped her.
That's what I gather from it at least, I could be wrong. But you can just read it.
Can we agree to never try the gag event leading into (what is intended to be) serious story chapter thing again?
This is on top of the damage done in trying to cram in an epilogue to CCC and turning Mooncancers into Beast Jrs.
I think we should just all agree to pretend anything involving Mooncancer never existed or happened.
>Tez sees all these anons posting Sex in the City
I mean it'll never come up again anyways or will be retconned so might as well.
Only if we can agree to pretend that Filler Call as a whole was a mass hallucination, and that also Olga in no way, shape or form came back after LB7, and that there is no retarded forcefield between (you) and the final boss of FGO part 2, and everything past LB7 has just been a REALLY bad burrito that Beni fucked up giving you food poisoning-induced hallucinations
As a Cityfag I sure hope Tez saw it and accept I impregnate her to keep the bloodline going
"Out of all the beings that lived on Earth during 12,000 BC, no one could have beaten the White Titan."
And which character was this stated by?

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