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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups
• Sept 25th, 9PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi and Strawberry Marshmallow OVAs >>495641445
• Sept 27th, 8PM | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647
Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023
Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W5 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723
Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846 (Dead)
Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

> New thread rules:
Coomers and gooners can go post in /aco/ and /trash/
It is time we start reporting every single lewd, suggestive, and off-topic post ITT, and in every single thread
Ignore them, don't give them any (You)s, report, hide, and move on
This applies to catboxes, too

>Previous: >>496053517
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Kong thread
OP are you by chance 16 years old
I'm think I'm going to uninstall for a bit.
Imagine posting on 4chan and being a puritan. You are literally on an anime porn site
what is it about mooncats
May I suck this moonie's peenor?
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is this the thread I find my anon to love...?
Post your last screenshot
If it's lewd post a catbox link
No cheating!
Asking me in thread won't make it happen
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I shall post it with an invitation:
Come find me at the very top of Kugane Tower, in Balmung, Crystal
First one to trade me gets 1m gil and 2500 thread cred
Post your early morning femras!
I'd do it but I'm too rich
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You're my girlfriend now(male)

That is all.
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My lalaboy says goodmorning!
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I think this is my last one

Good morning. I'm doing better, not great, but better for sures
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My femra? Heh, well, you could say she's made to be BLU
>Be moralfag tourist
>Come to a rpgge general
>Seethe when he encounters RP
>Bitches about it
>Gets shut the fuck down by the regular grognards here
>Proceeds to shit up the thread with samefagging and threats
Did I miss anything?
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Twice that number
It's not about puritanism. I fap and goon as much as the next guy. I'm just tired of goonbait being subdivided into two different threads. Goon on /aco/ and come here to shitpost, is all I ask.
Also the "goonbait" they post here is of exceedingly low quality anyway, and I don't really wanna see your sloppy modbeastery
Akemi I've stolen your data and posed your femra pregnant with my malera's child
I didn't mean to spoiler oops
Akemi and I had an erotic roleplay moment
She likes having her soles tickled with feathers
We got Doman Mahjong, what are the chances of getting Tural Hold'em?
old ass man, go back to /pol/
Post it
Wanna know a secret? a mod is one of the goonposters here and there are 5 other generals worse than this one in terms of coomery on a sfw board
Good morning, lalaboy. /dote
NTA but I'm retarded for coming here. Lots of shit I don't like here yet here I am
>Tourist comes here
>Doesn't like the culture
>Insist things to be done his way
>Seethes because no one will kowtow to his every whim
>throws a tantrum, shits up the thread and op
genuinely asking, how do you live being such a narcissistic piece of shit?
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bit boring, I'm afraid
Unironically making me froth at the mouth. Masturbate all you want, hell, I enjoy degenerate shit too, but keep it in the corresponding category
You and me both, anon
/pol/ is even worse than this, and that's saying some
I will keep doing it. Please look forward to it. Also calling me a tourist over and over won't make it true. I'm one of your so-called "ebins" and I get put on lists regularly
Big tzeentch fan
Never call yourself boring, wife.
I've stolen your finances for the next 18 years then
man fuck femra
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I think this is the only place I can talk about FFXIV Anonymously, and it's nice venting when something bad happens to me in Duty Finder
>5 generals that are even more coom
namedrop em lmao I wanna check them out
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You’re on 4chan an anime porn site bitching about seeing gooning and porn. Maybe Reddit or Twitter is more your speed
saw wroth today
we are gonna make it bros
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>depressed as fuck
>have to raid with static
>phoneposting because he's a shitposting coward
How many bans are you up to this week, lil bro?
I know who this is
im only 25% femra
best i can do is drow female (male)
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None this week there are multiple phoneposters here
You don't get it anon. He's gonna win the culture war by seething impotently about shit he himself engages in like every hypocrites that come here to do his bit.
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cope harder bitch porn and gooning has been thread culture in xivg longer than you’ve been alive little zoomzoom
I'm here if you need me
You don't understand because you're too defensive for your own good. He's not a moral fag, he's an autist who wants things categorized. If this general were on a nsfw board he wouldn't care. It's the fact that it's a blueboard that makes him seethe. He doesn't realize that's how many threads on vg are not just this one this is a containment board. And this thread a containment thread.
You can froth at the mouth all you want but its true.
You'll be ok.
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>waste tons of development time on "graphics and character updates"
>only focus on faces and nothing else on the body
>still looks like absolute shit
>ruin half the faces to make people no longer recognize their characters too for good measure
bravo retard yoshi p
kong is my favorite moonie
What I like about these threads is:
>Bitching about PF/DF/PvP
>CC calls
>General shitposting
>(some) Ebinism
>(some) Light yet SFW lewdbait (which then takes it to /aco/)
>Grown ass man drama
>Making fun of modbeasts
What I don't like about the thread
>Actual, full on NSFW shit (it's lazy and usually bad)
>Unironic Modbeastery
Hope this clarifies things up
Or we can combine our finances by getting married. I even crafted a special ring from you with a diamond containing the souls of half a million dead lalafell
>moonie that doesnt post feet
not my favorite
I probably won't get to take anything new until late tonight...
Okay. I was pretty on the fence about this entire issue until you started acting like a condecending asshole.
Fuck you and continue to seethe at finding (E)RP on a general for an rpg.
No one asked at all or cares about what you enjoy mostly because you have no friends.
>”I come to a thread full of shit I hate and get angry”
Many such cases on this shit hole website
>(some) Ebinism
this nigga is an ebin who isn't getting enough attention lmaooo
this. theres an actual board dedicated to it and its not this one
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Let me meet you light bunny...
>last mention of me was someone used my name to reply to someone who posted "Post your character and name right now and I will sex pest you when I get off work"
Well then...
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Female hrothgar
Or froth as I like to call them
Shut the fuck up, I care
I funpost here a lot but sadly I got a lot of bans over it. It's weird, people avatarfag a lot, post nude stuff in lewds and the mods don't bat an eye
>board dedicated to it
>can’t have conversations or you get banned on /aco/
>/trash/ is unusable garbage
>ywn have Q.M. fuck your ass all night, only going harder once you start crying and begging her to stop
why even live?
>those lalafells
And no one gives a fuck about you. Yet you somehow inflate your own self-importance to the point someone the whole of xivg has to accomodate your every want and need.
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Ask your questions about this meetup > >>495681023 here!
Why is that AST lala dressed like a nazi
you again
You may not believe me but that other anon is right. One of the mods on this site posts here and is one of the goonerposters, that's why there's such a discrepancy and why jannies when targeting certain people(mods friends) get fired immediately after. This place is like Hollywood. Rotten to the highest positions
my femra needed to pee, but she couldn't find a single bathroom in whole Ul'dah, so she had to let it go inside her panties
>I got a lot of bans over it. It's weird, people avatarfag a lot, post nude stuff in lewds and the mods don't bat an eye
There you go you're a seething faggot why didn't you start there
0 + 0 still makes zero retard
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Rate my Bune.
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this lala was mandervilleing at my outfit
a cute
I got nothing so I'll just /pet
Kong rubbed her feet on my face... I still don't know if it was a dream or not..
does he like femlala
I wonder how big the melties will be when we finally grab the attention of an actual mod again or another militant janny and people start catching bans for their everyday posting.
>Tackling a massive amount of work for a big project
Ahh, a welcome distraction, if only for a game or two.
a literal, perfect example of a bune.
nice bune
NTA but porn is one thing. Two lonely grown ass man pretending they are girls and e-sexing is another.
You prison gay loser.
>wants to get rid of gooners and coomers
>thread would be literally dead
So you want to have a dead general that rehashes *checks notes* job balance, raid mechanics, and ultimates over and over and over and over and over again?
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It really is Hollywood huh
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Posting my bune too
Fucking lmao at those neo-puritan zoomers
I'll warn you now, I'm only going for a few games while my drink cools before I have to start projects around the house myself.
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Ad hominem-donotachi...
>wah wah wah shifting the status quo is... le bad!!
I'm not gonna change the thread culture, not by myself anyway. I'm simply using the power of anonymity to post about something that I KNOW is bothering at least a part of this community
I am a faceless agitator, simply sparking inevitable change
You gooners will resist change and be ousted out and banished, or you will behave in a proper, blue-board way and be welcome with open arms
Don't you see it? You IDIOTS, we could BOTH benefit from this. Save this general from gooning, and in return ALSO save /aco/ from keep on dying the slow, painful death it is currently experiencing
The last militant janny didn’t last long and mods do not do anything but post that “interpersonal relationships are not related to the game” post and fuck off while people here tell him to kill himself and that the mods never do their jobs anyways
Yes. /vg/ obsession with thread speed and posting dor the sake of posting is unironic mental illness.
I missed Hildykino
Low, it’s a betting game, and they really want to make the golden saucer an anti-casino, where you leave richer than you came regardless of how shit you are.
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Wow, how kind of you Stranger!
Me on the right with my hands up
should i go meena or mava
>grown ass man drama
We haven't had a great meltie since ShB Coren era though.
Why do you use male horns?
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A lot of you are shallow
And so are your characters
If you need to dress like a whore to get attention then I'm sorry
You are boring
EB status of that thicc bune?
An interesting offer... but I don't want lala souls in my beautiful ring!
>bothering a small part of the community
Oh noooo some faggots that don’t get attention for “talking about the game” hate that lewd posts get more attention than them! There’s nothing stopping you people from talking about whatever you want besides the fact (You) won’t get the attention you so desperately crave
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I took a couple like this but realized too late that the character lighting got scuffed on this one even though I liked the angle the best.
That's perfect. Probably the worst thing for me would be to get sucked into playing for a couple hours with this much stuff on my desk. But then again, it's looking pretty desolate in the queue right now.
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The issue is there actually ISNT. People don't just want to post lewds, they want attention from it, and more importantly the ones who want to goon don't just fap to pics in quiet. I noticed this years ago. Part of it is interacting with them too, or just saying what they want to do to their characters, many of the gooners here aren't even the avatarfags but their enablers, and they can't enable on /aco/ since after repeated no picture posts(they never want to post pictures being anonymous is part of the appeal) they get banned.

Trash allows this but they have no moderation so you'll have constant schizo melties, spam bots, and people spamming gore or shit manually for hours a day.

Aco is too authoritative
Trash is too unauthoritative

They're both two extremes and the most middle ground place for what they want is here. They can get away with lewds as long as it's through a link, and they can comment all they want.

There's no good board for xiv lewds simply due to the mental illness of posters here.
There's more to post about than just that, and you know it, anon.
Don't be so facetious. But even if this was the case... yes. I would take a slower thread without gooning over what we currently have, yes.
I hate Shogun 2 naval combat.
>autist turns out to be the same as every narcisstic power hungry piece of shit who wants to be arbitrarily decide who gets to live or die
well its obvious which party you voted for at least
Good morning. I love femlalas. Yes, even yours.
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nice paizuri shirt
this is the correct answer but people will beat up strawmen about "puritan moralfags" instead
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My gimmick is being dead.
I like how horny the thread is because it makes finding ERP partners easy. That's all.
If they want attention they can go post their shitty lewds on twitter
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SURELY other people in the thread will join in and help the queue along.
>There's more to post about than just that, and you know it, anon.
And what’s stopping you from posting about that stuff besides the fact (You) won’t get the attention you want from your post? That’s all this boils down to, attention. “Gameplay posters” only get engagement when they shit on raiders or shit on Wuk Lamat and the DT MSQ, never any actual worthwhile discussion ever.
You already said this this morning
>WoW bug wiped everyone's guild banks and they lost their entire life savings worth of items

wonder if anything like that could ever happen to this game? though even if you lost all your stuff it can all be reacquired pretty easily.
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Ah, so you don't have anything to offer other than dressing like a whore and talk about fucking and sucking
Get out of my office
I love femhroths so much it's unreal
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
my gimmick is playing on my own private server
sorry boss I’ll get right on it
>stop people from posting coomshit
>now I have to actually get to know people before writing them off
No thanks I'd rather take the small effort of hiding posts over potentially befriending a jizzbrain.
If roes had that face I'd play as them... doesn't help they look like doughballs
>There's more to post about than just that
>can't name anything
This anon gets it. This is the root cause.
The solution? Mass reporting these retards until we win, it'll be a battle of attrition, we simply need to break them to the point where ban evading is too tiresome compared to the dopamine hits they get with their posts.
>Another ad hominem
I'm not even american, my retarded friend
I do post about it, but I also enjoy reading what others post. Which I can't, because gooners are oversaturating the thread.
And OF COURSE it's about attention, you idiot. We all want attention, we all want a discussion going back and forth. If I wanted to just yell into a void, I'd open a notepad, not a web browser.
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Always me, forevermore
But it's probably the best in the series? Frankly, still total garbage, but at least more bearable than Rome 2
Fall of the Samurai makes it much better
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Yep, it’s official: if you don’t like coomin’ ‘n goonin’, you’re a pedophile, sociopath, Filipino, and you don’t belong here. This is the FFXIV thread, so our culture is based around slappin’ the ol’ meat stick. Don’t like it? Play a different game and go to a different website.

This message is approved by the majority of /xivg/ and FFXIV players.
meta posting isn’t talking about the game btw
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I made some stew
The anonymity aspect still isn't there. They want a place where they can freely shitpost and lewdpost, without getting into any trouble there or needing to recede to clique spaces to say what they want in private.
It's the same reason why, despite many of /xivg/ not existing on balmung anymore, they refuse to have a hangout spot on another server. They don't want to split their attention between more than one place.
>grownman drama on my solo private server
not again, bros...
>Which I can't, because gooners are oversaturating the thread.
There’s this funny feature on this website called “filtering” and you can even filter images so you don’t see posts you don’t like! You can probably get a filter list pretty easily and be in your own little echo chamber or you could do the reasonable thing and gather people you like talking to and put them all in a discord so you can have all the on topic discussions you want
Please come back... I'll never forget you...
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You sound like a very bitter and miserable human being.
Well, yeah, but being the best in a pile of shit still makes it shit.
Except Fall of the Samurai, that's actually kinda neat. Suck my iron plating and explosive balls, bitches.
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It was a morning but now it's a good morning.
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The Yoake clan always had very masculine traits, even on their women. The mixed hair color, purple eyes, fat tail and above average height all come from her father's side of the clan. These traits dominate the bloodline.Also it's the best looking horns out of all of them. Fuck this small indie company.
>without getting into any trouble
You realize that the janny is still here, right? It’s kinda random these days but there’s at least a 1/10 chance of getting clapped if you post goon shit, or even talk about it.
I like playing otome and just raping the shit out of the thirdies with Portuguese cannon
My femra is too far gone for this to ever be her... she'll never know the joy of putting on a wedding dress...
>xivg is so fragile that one single samefagging autist is able to break the entire thread
cmon guys, lets just ignore him and continue doing what we're doing.
This isn't helping. You're just feeding the troll.
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Stop responding to attention starved subhumans and post some big titty catgirls
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Good morning!
she looks like she bear hugs femezen
I don’t care about the thread or thread quality this is fucking 4chan dude. If I wanted quality threads and discussion I’d go to Reddit unironically
Thanks anon.
>Mass reporting these retards until we win, it'll be a battle of attrition, we simply need to break them to the point where ban evading is too tiresome compared to the dopamine hits they get with their posts.
This is why people assume you're new. Many and I mean many have tried this exact thing, and for longer periods, the coomers persisted because they're just as autisticly dedicated as you are. The best way to fight them is relocation, back before the resident shitposters fucked up trash some more, there were less lewdposts in the main thread. Trash is a no go, if aco simply allowed for more reply and thread erp shit this thread will be safe, still coomers galore, but it would go back to having at least some gameplay discussion.
I knew this exact reply was coming, and I left it blank just to bait for this exact response. You were outplayed, my friend, thanks for the free (You)
What can we post about that isn't gooning, balance, raid mechanics or ultimates over and over?
>FC Grown Man Ass Drama
>Things we can play as a group on a whim (Forays, be it the new upcoming ones, or bozja/eureka, etc)
>Crafting/Gathering/Gil making
>Everyday shitposts such as >>496073961
>Underground tournaments (CC, Triple Triad, etc)
>Stuff we see in PF/DF/Shout chats
>Gposes (There's a few very good gposers here that unironically deserve way more attention that what zero effort goonposters get)
I think that's plenty already
Doesn't solve a thing, since the thread will still be saturated. Covering your eyes won't stop wars, or hunger, or add more money to your bank account.
I'm so close, anon, I can feel it working, I just need a few more posts and this topic will reach critical mass
I'm going to pet you the next time I see you
I think the saddest thing is when we had perfectly normal posters and then they gradually started posting goon shit because they get off from the attention.
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F'lamhin please. Let her go at her own pace.
>There's more to post about than just that
hey let's discuss strategies for the latest savage!
what do you think about class balance? why did yoship ruin [favorite job]?
can anyone recommend me some stats for my pentameld?
what time of day do i need to try to catch [this fish]?
hey can anyone qrd on doman mahjong?
how do i level up my island sanctuary?
can someone help me farm blu spells?

..the problem with this is nearly all of it exists already in youtube videos, google searches, discords, or even plogons that do it all for you. most people interested in these things have already completed them and aren't looking to spend their day helping others do them.
there's a reason other generals are much slower: genuine on-topic gameplay-only discussion is niche and kind of boring.
Or maybe they need to develop past the age of 10 if they can't pay attention to more than one thing.
He’s going native
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There are second and sometimes even third chances for everyone. Just make them count femra!
The solution? Mass and forced deportation of coomers to the cold lands of /trash/
the easiest way to get rid of the coomers and attention whores is to not give them attention.
the issue is most people here are such lonely losers they will give attentionwhores the attention they want because they think this is genuine interactions or they might get some pretend sex with another guy .
Just find one you fucking harlot. How fried are your dopamine receptors?
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as a tank?....
the west has fallen...
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>humans want attention
>coom shit on 4chan is the easiest way to get cheap attention
>surprised when grown ass men post coom shit for attention
You sound like somebody I already have blacklisted.
The jannies on 4chan are a joke because they can't really do anything. They have little actual power and the reason we've had so many is simply because as soon as they get overzealous(you need to to keep these people in line) they get fired for being that.
How to do Eureka? The very system encourage grouping, but everyone I see plays it alone.
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>porn addiction
globohomo term created to make healthy grown men think something is wrong with them when in reality its actually called having a healthy libido
Not to mention those are mostly r*ddit-tier requests and topics and if I wanted r*ddit I'd go there
*wipes a tear from her cheek"
I... I'll try...
>some big titty catgirls

I got rue working on my moonie, some big ole heavy tiddies on that mod
expected opinion of a forever alone incel whose only gratification gets shot out into a tissue while looking at his virtual dickgirl cat
There is a difference between finding women attractive and wanting to breed white children and masturbating 7 times a day.
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my moonie stares at her ring finger and sometimes itches it as if she knows there is something meant to be there for her
she sees wedding dresses and wonders when it will be her turn to feel like the most lucky girl on the planet while she gazes into her partner's eyes thinking about a life of eternal love and companionship
someone for her to nurture and be nurtured by and allowed to show her vulnerable side without fear knowing she will be comforted
If I could relocate them, I would. That's not within my power. I can try to convince them that /aco/ is a better place (which I unironically think it is, I'm an /aco/ poster myself) but they won't listen.
Even if I'm fully aware this is a fool's errand, I can't sit still and watch them ruin the thread.
A few months ago it wasn't this bad. These last weeks, it's getting exponentially worse.
The difference is that in discord/youtube/google I need to tiptoe around the current zeitgeist and not use any "no-no words". While in here I can just say "This ninja is a fucking retard" without worrying much.
That's impossible with how various social media sites have broken the minds of zoomers and young millenials. You cannot change people who don't want to change, you cannot make them grow. And you cannot make them want to leave as they've long cemented themselves here. Either relocation or extermination are the only solutions.
>look for mod to edit armor
>it's only mods to give them massive boobs
i'm not mad just disappointed
as a long time lurker i can say that coomer and e-dating shit is the sole reason why this general is so bad
This. xivg fills a niche that doesn't exist elsewhere. It's that simple. You can go to Reddit if you want to discuss gameplay and fanart.
The sound effects please my zoomie brain especially the "got dayum!"
In order to get clapped, you must first post something that is against the board or global rules, and then someone must report your post. It will then go to the janitor dashboard for review if it cannot be sorted via AI detection(porn/political speak, etc.) and a janitor can put in a ban request if your post is egregious enough. The request will then be reviewed by a moderator.
Silence, Floridaman, you're not legally a human being.
How's the whole "not having a single person on earth who cares whether you live or die" thing going Unnamed Neko?
>I need to tiptoe around the current zeitgeist and not use any "no-no words".
Translation: “I can’t communicate with people without the usage of faggot, nigger and tranny please understand.”
i was on your side bro until that last part lmao
>i want gameplay discussion but i can't stop myself from saying "nigger"
I didn't need to read this right now, this early in the morning if I'm being completely honest... ;__;
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Ask to join parties anyway, don't get an invite? Invite people who ask in chat after you have. The best class if forced to solo is a tank like WAR for survivability. NM contribution is based on enmity so you can tomahawk spam with stance on to get pretty much guaranteed gold. Just waddle to NMs, don't get got by mobs and buy a Kirin Osode / Vermillion Cloak from the marketboard to get some extra elemental bonus. Once you hit Pyros you can reflect farm level pretty much alll the way to Hydatos if you don't want to snore through NM trains.
We like this, albeithough.
Not enough Kong love itt
>thread is 200 posts in and this drama is still going
Stop replying to the faggot, he's just jerking off to the (You). Ignore and kill the tranny off with silence. Ignore his falseflags and samefagging too.
>Tranny will now reply to this post to try and bait a reactiom
Sure go ahead do it see how many fucks I give
>xiv is so fragile
It's not fragility, it's boredom. More than anything people here feed on (you)s I need you to understand something, a single (you) from someone on 4chan, gives many here more dopamine than hundreds of likes and comments on twitter or elsewhere. Many here, regardless of topic, will dedicate themselves to that conversation, half of the time playing devils advocate and arguing from positions they don't even hold, just out of boredom and needing to get their (you) fix.
I get as much pretend sex as I want bucko
This destroys the seething incels who'd rather make a cult out of their fabricated guilt than improve their lives
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Yep, that’s right, Final Fantasy XIV is about G.O.O.N.I.N.G.
Game, which is Final Fantasy XIV

I feel like most people would actually be pretty stoked if that happened in FF14. "Finally, after years of sitting on 99 billion Gil, I'm broke. I actually need my submarines again."
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My moonie knows the feeling as she has been happily EB'd for years, your moonies time will come eventually
>If it's lewd post a catbox link
Ask and you shall receive
Low quality garbage do not click
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you should feel ashamed
It's not even about that. I don't go around spewing curses and slurs, but the internet has become a padded room after 2015 and this is one of the few remaining places where you're more or less free to speak however you want.
For instance, if I say that Wuk Lamat's voice acting sucks ass, instantly I get told I'm a transphobe. Her work SUCKS ASS because she didn't have proper direction and because she wasn't made to re-record the lines where she fucked up.
But if I say "Wuk's voice is bad" I instantly get branded as a "bad person"
Nice cock
>ring finger
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I once posted a topless picture of my miera and I'm therefore complicit in fostering this problem, I hope you can forgive me.
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Bros be honest. Would you?
I am
A gay maleroe
It's all about that contrast
>but they won't listen
You were given a reason why they won't. They'll never listen and shilling /aco/ will just make more stay here out of pure spite.
If you want moderation you have to become what you despise. I'm not joking. Jannies will only really do anything if full on nsfw is posted in thread and not just links. You have to go full elagabilus, make the most pornsick modbeast possible, post constant porn, not even suggestive, and evade bans left and right and eventually, even if temporarily, a proper janny will come back to these threads.

Do you know part of why the right, especially online has gotten so much ground? They've embraced jewish tactics, lies, manipulation, using groups you hate as useful idiots by pretending they're on your side, intentional hypocrisy, etc. They fought fire with fire and you'll have to as well.
I know who my schizo is
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MNK artifact is pretty cool.
Meanwhile, if you criticize Wuk on /xivg/ you’re instantly called a Filipino along with a few name drops from ebins we apparently don’t like.
I fucking love hrothgals so yes I would
under her baggy poncho
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Confession time is over.
Better luck next time.
This PF was only one mistake away from one-shotting M1, 2, 3, and 4S in a row. Then someone had to go and get confused about which ion cannon was theirs and blasted it away into multiple others.
They cant make naval combat for shit, especially in the new entries
Though playing Otome as the other anon said just gives you a free win card as you get European ships
Cool and cute, i was wondering for a while
face 3 femra thick horns are obviously the best, pft
>But if I say "Wuk's voice is bad" I instantly get branded as a "bad person"
A normal person not broken by the internet can say “I didn’t think Wuk Lamat’s voice acting was that great during the expansion there were a few specific spots where they could’ve redone a the scene a few times to make it better for the playing audience” instead what most of you do is “DURR SE HIRED A TRANNY AND RUINED MUH VIDEO GAME FUCKING DEI/SBI!!!”
Begging for tributes and posting dick pics and straight up erping isnt a niche discussion on lesser talked about aspects of the game. Its just smut. inb4 "but that is part of the game xD". Its not.
I am A sexpest :(
I bit too big for my tastes, the smaller one is perfect
I’m not really sure how to open up to people anymore, it’s like a defense mechanism
Thanks for the feedback! I'm cooking up more tonight
A normal person not broken by the internet can read what is written without making up something completely different inside their head
>da joos!
Typical brain broken rightoid
Wuk Lmao would've unironically been passable by XIV standards if she wasn't doing a shitty forced accent desu, having le latinx heritage is meaningless if you're a still just a whitey from California
Many here criticize wuk. Half of the people defending her don't like her either, I know because I know who the defenders usually are because you people never shut up about what you post if you talk to another person outside of the thread about the thread. They're doing it for dopamine for attention and "I'm pretending to be retarded" is the best way to get attention on the internet
yes and she better keep the mask on then let me wear it
Thats because for every person who just doesn't like the voice direction, there are 9 people who are not even trying to hide the fact that they made their decision to spam ACK! memes the moment they heard who the english VA was months before Dawntrail even came out.
It's not that you are wrong, its that the well has been so thoroughly poisoned by bad actors that if I assume any comment about Wuk Lamat (positive or negative) is made in bad faith to farm outrage I'm right more often than I am wrong.
I hate this as much as you do.
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Educate me, /xivg/!
too bad it’s animations look like some Brazilian breakdancing bullshit (NIN are even worse)
Post it again?
it's a webm my f+ big floppy hairy dick, i doubt anyone wants to see that.
In Canada, milk comes in bags
There are only like 3 spots where the voice acting for Wuk Lamat is bad.
1.) At the end of the Rite where she’s addressing everyone in the palace courtyard
2.) Living Memory play could’ve been better
IMO those are the only scenes that could’ve been better besides that her voice work IN MY OPINION was 8/10 which is a B- before you retards jump down my throat
Just my SCH glam
Those should be allowed on /aco/. But they aren't. So xivg fills that niche. Where there's a demand, there will be activity.
I will not stop replying to the anti-coomer anon.
Why? I'm bored and like making others shitpost more so I have something to read at work
>if you're a still just a whitey from California
Sena Bryer is from Kentucky
That's honestly a really impressive mask.
I’m a rightoid and I love both Jews and Israel, although for very different reasons.
We are entering a new age and this site either needs to adapt or die
Whats this i hear about some anon making a gpose for some sex toy company?
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this set can't come out soon enough it even dyes nicely
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Before leaving her home today, my sunnie made sure to schlick in her panties until they had gotten all sticky and slimy
sorry gordito la raza didn’t get affirmative action for VA roles
agp post
Some guy on twitter made a gpose advertising a flashlight, the post was even sponsored by the company .
Some of you don't deserve mods
Best post ITT
Horses can't throw up. Their stomach muscles are not strong enough to eject the contents of their stomach up their long neck. This means that if a horse eats something that makes them sick, their stomach will just keep *trying* to throw it up and never succeed, which puts them in a situation called colic and will often kill them if untreated.
I'm a rightoid and I love moslems for the same reason you love Israel :)
>”you shouldn’t be able to make money with the skills you have that’s bad!”
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No... not like this... there HAS to be another way, anon, please...
Anything but that...
Not what I said
Also this. Whiteoids want their brownie points at any given turn, regardless of gender.
You are correct, and I hate it as much as you do
Thank you anon

And with that...
I have proven that this thread can be redeemed. It doesn't have to be EVERY thread. But every now and again, we can overwhelm the gooners. Didn't you notice? Almost 300 replies in, and we've been actually discussing topics for almost an hour, non-stop
It can be done, anons. Change starts with (You)
I love her mtf coded face, it's endearing in a way
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
Some do. Many don't. And it doesn't matter, because the many that don't still get automatically slandered anyway with the presumption that this is their hidden true stance and they're only covering it up with all of these other actual points.
Off topic I bumped into a millionaire before the melty and fumbled.
being a terminally ill gooner is not a skill
And it tastes better if you drink it from the bag too
Anon it was literally just the two of us. No seriously 90% of the posts directed at you were me.
Brown on brown violence makes us both happy :)
theres been like 50 posts of just straight gooner shit. you didnt do anything
It is illegal to smoke on commercial flights, but the bathrooms still have ash trays because they know there will always be customers who don't follow the rules.
>encourages grouping
actually the fastest way to burn through it is solo grinding efficiently, or cheating the system by solo grinding big pulls while a scholar friend shields you
Did Lorilee ever post that evidence?
The only way any of you puritans will “change the general” is to become a janitor yourself once applications are posted but most of you are too chickenshit to do that which is funny
when the mask is on she is my queen
Midnight Ryoko, dog fucker and twitter gposer got sponsored by Lovense to make a gpose shilling a onahole product with their XIV character. Said they didn't get paid for it but got a free sex toy, they deleted their post after being scared SE would be more than a little concerned having XIV assets used in a promotion for a porn company they didn't sign off on not that they would for obvious reasons. Apparently Lovense thought XIV was like Blender and the OC donut steal generic femraen was entirely theirs.
my femlala is wrapped up in her blanket with her body pillow and phone posting because it's soooooo comfy...
Against all hope and sense, I am still in queue for CC.
agp post
No? I said it last night. It's 7AM now on BEST COAST.
>isn't a niche discussion
It actually is, the issue is that it is better on /aco/ the issue with /aco/ is they can't do it there or they'll get banned for filling the threads with text.
There's no other place where you can anonymous thirst for then turn around and shitpost someone like 4chan.
Is it game discussion? No. It's a discussion about a specific aspect of the community not the game itself.

The same kind can't be had on twitter as you have a face to your posts 24/7 where here you can just not avatarfag, maybe change your typing style, and you're clear to go.

4chan has created a generation of losers who absolutely refuse to have a face permanently attached to their actions online. This is why 4chan has such a coomer/schizo problem and why even the most horrid shitposters are relatively normal in comparison ingame
Canadian bacon is round and more like ham
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In Other News,
Every single race is either catgirls or femra.
If two bored retards can shake the thread this badly then it's kinda grim, but also somewhat hopeful
I hope you lend me your (You)s later when the amerifats wake up...
50/300 is lower than 150/300
Not puritanism. Just autism about categorization, is all. Gooning is fine, I masturbate daily, too. Just don't do it on blue boards. That's not too much of an ask, is it?
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>Some do. Many don't. And it doesn't matter
The main complaint online is that DEI/SBI are ruining games when that’s far from the case. Most recent example is the new Ghosts of Tsushima game where you play as a FEMALE samurai and the incels online have lost their shit about it. Anyone that says DEI/SBI ruined their favorite game just hates seeing women and non whites in their game (most of them are self hating browns funny enough)
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Viviparous snake's like the Anaconda or Vipers do not lay eggs but give live birth.
yeah that's how I look right now c:
one day I'll pierce through the veil, I'll just have to keep staring
I should take proper screenshots, maybe it'll help fulfill me artistically again but for now there's this
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good morning to the male midlanders and my femra sister only
Good job, Gura.
I didn't know you were a cunnyfag, Sieg.
i'm using this right now can i have one more please
>SE would be more than a little concerned having XIV assets used in a promotion
That Raen was so modded that none of that may have been XIV assets
Femra horns are hypersensitive and they all secretly want you to touch and lick them
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Grape-Flavored C@ checking in! Nya~~
You're strawmaning his point because you refuse to accept the actual truth.
He wants a sfw board to be sfw.
If this thread were fully moved to /d/ or something no one would care.
Hell if there was an /avg/ where coomer generals on /vg/ are dumped he wouldn't care. But thsts not the case.
can I rp that I'm Tom Cruise and this meet up is my The Last Samurai?
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Do VPR femrars give live birth or lay eggs?
Namedrop them.
no because there isn't any
it's just conspiracy theory niggas messaging each other on discord, so he can say "magness and leviah btfo"
look forward to a nothingburger or worse yet, a drowzee, when his deadline of posting it tomorrow comes and goes
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If he wants the SFW board to be an SFW board become a janitor and shape the general in his own image then. He’s too chickenshit to do that though. Post /aco/ and /trash/ at ebins isn’t going to do anything
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You should always ask before if they are Viviparous Anon, it's good manners.
Can't wait until the TRVTH NVKE drops tomorrow and you lose your shit lmfao
Don't tell our secrets like that!
akemi but way better
My femra sometimes can't hold her pee and wets her panties in the public
I will spend the evening shooting ropes to my friend's femraen in a dress. She's breathtaking.
is there anything gayer than an avatarfag announcing their arrival
*gestures broadly to the empty space on the bed*
you're more than welcome to join anon, as you can see, I don't really take up too much room.
just don't get any funny ideas...
He needed an extra few days to fake more discord dms, please understand

1 package stew beef
4-5 onions
2 large potatoes
2-3 large carrots
1/3 cup paprika
2 tbsp hot paprika
1 tbsp ground carraway/fennel seeds. Cumin as an alt
1 tbsp butter, 3 tbsp tomato paste
8 cups beef stock
3 hot dogs, chopped into sections
2-3 spoonfulls of sour cream
1 egg per bowl before serving

melt chopped onions in some butter, slow cooked until translucent.
add paprika and stir into a red paste
add ground seeds, butter, tomato paste and mix
add stew beef and beef stock. Simmer for 1 hour.
Add chopped potatoes and carrots, simmer for 20 min
Add hot dogs and sour cream. Simmer for 10 min
Serve with a fried egg on top
My malera...?

*takes a long drag on my cigarette and blows a puff of smoke in your face*

Yeah, who's askin'?
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Not contesting their modbeast is so padded it's practically a Slut of Theseus situation but it's still at the core FFXIV given the Raen scalings and could easily fuel as ammo to make it a controversy. Which people should because it'd be very very funny to see Yoshi-p react to it.
It makes you wonder why that's the case
Certainly has nothing to do with the repeated pattern where the "sincere critics" end up sperging about trannies within 3 posts back and forth, which anyone consistently paying attention to this thread saw probably dozens of times total in the first month of release
I just think it'll be a funny read either way. Obviously there is no evidence of a solitary schizo, everybody hates that nigga.
Same with Tzera's melty at Macska. Like only one person has ever said "kys tranny" to him lmao.
You are the one shining beacon of light in this shithole
Whatever happens we can always count on slutsunnie to coom her panties
An avatarfag announcing his cum's arrival to his dad
some of these niggas talk about wanting to be bent over and service a cock so yeah there is gayer shit here
>I've got high penetration pajamas on
Does that mean what I think it means....?
Did Yoshi-P ever react to The Billboard?
the same avatarfag taking hroth cock
All you have to do is ask, Anon! My chatacter's design is an open book! Well, to a certain extent.
>the fag melting about drama is back to spam pictures of femra
Retard, I'm saving all of these go goon to later.
Eb me and I will make it stop.

Billions must try
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idk who sieg is but thank you and also stop calling me gura!
I don't ERP because my character's heart is too riddled with guilt to meaningfully connect with anyone.
No, currently nobody is gayer than that grape nigger.
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Let me tell you what I like in these threads
>the we like this posts
>drama from NEET and prison gay people
>discussing lore things sometimes
I'm pretty much only here to lurk and spectate melties while I work. This isn't my main board but it's so interesting to see how touch starved people interact.
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Cleaning dog, and cat piss in particular, with bleach is a BIG no-go
It will mix with the ammonia in their urine and make chlorine gas. It will also happen with human piss, but in lower quantities. Using bleach to clean your toilet bowl is a bad idea, but if you're gonna, ventilate the place and/or wear a face mask.
This also implies that Miqo'te and Hrothgar piss can be mixed with bleach to make toxic fumes to be used in chemical warfare
fuckin love femra
Don't think so, and I doubt they'll comment on this either given it's already been retracted.
I have to ask a question everyone has been wondering about.
how ripped is she?
that's still not as gay as announcing your arrival
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You have a really kind face, it's so welcoming and maternal, I like it very much!
I will, but ONLY if our NSFW logs and poses are posted exclusively to /aco/ and never on blue boards
I want to be a femra wife to a malera husband but god damn femra are the worst to play as.
>terrible emotes
>terrible voices
>all faces have something wrong with them
>horns aren't as good as male counterparts (4 is the closest to being good)
>could have had succubi women but got dainty womanlets
Fuck. I'm mad.
As a high ranking member of the Femezen High Council, I vote we move the Balmung afk spot to Camp Drybone because I like the music.g
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Sitting and waiting for friends to finish cutscene...
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Opening this femra... Like a book?
>This also implies that Miqo'te and Hrothgar piss can be mixed with bleach to make toxic fumes to be used in chemical warfare
so that's how Zoraal Ja planned to make the world kneel
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my sunnie always performs a panty schlick to get them all warm and gooey wet again if she feels her panties starts to cool off
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>dainty womanlets
But that's the best part. Cute > Sexy.
Gooning to my character right now then going to sleep
Can you buy a story skip for DT yet?
Modbeasting is the way
Perfect for rape
nothing cute about them althougheverbeit
You'll only be able to as soon as patch 8.0 drops in a couple years.
>implying i bought DT
>implying i even own the game
nice try, Yojimbo
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Thoughts on my meena?
Allow me to consult the design document..
>Strength - B - Visibly toned, throws small objects for long distances, Carries heavy objects with one arm
Choose a page!
My friend did this once when cleaning a tray covered in ferret piss and almost knocked himself out.
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i like this middie I've been talking to, they're really cool but I'm wholesome and just want to know them better and smooch their character platonically
>jp server
For you, little zoomie
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Why must you break my heart Anon?
June, what happened to you...?
>just don't get any funny ideas...
too late, your femlala is going to be my body pillow. in fact I'm turning the AC down super low so we'll have no choice but to cling together for warmth.
I wanna be princess carried by this bunboy...
builded for maleroe
Same thing happened to me when cleaning my cats' litterboxes. I've learned my lesson and try to educate everyone on it as much as I can
Lungs felt like burning for a few days, it was awful
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ffxiv players and low media literacy go hand in hand
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Thanks /pet
I choose a page tilted... What's her relationship with the steppe!
My femlala...?

*takes a long pretend drag on my candy cigarette and pretends to blow out smoke*

Yeah, who's askin'?
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*Gives u a noogie*
My moonie has done unspeakable things to the corn minion
closer to the concept art than what we got
My sunnie... ?

*takes a long tight stroke on my futa cock and drips some pre*

Yeah, who's askin'?
Akemi be nice to people half your age
My moonie...?

*takes a long drag of my strawberry mango flavored vape cart and blows a big ass cloud along with a couple rings*

Yeah, who's askin'?
That's clearly a mava
my sunnie spent time under the captains’ desk last night
Doma enjoys a fruitful relationship with the tribes of the Steppe. She defers to her Lord's judgement in matters concerning the xaela.
Hormones. The moment she turned 18 her entire body lit up like a firecracker at chinese new years.
My male middie...?

*takes a long drag of strawberry milk through a straw*

Yeah, who's askin'?
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You know if you wanted to actually talk about XIV we have /vrpg/
Is she a descendant of th steppefolk or is she more of a natural doman?
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Am I an okay poster?
>I ask people to queue for stuff in thread
>I post my avatar a few times a thread if ever
>i don't repost the same image more than 5 times after the 5th I delete it
>i wallflower at meetups if i ever go to one
>i rarely interact with people here if i do its a short convo
>i take lewds but mostly post them on discord/twitter
>only catbox nsfw if directly asked in thread
>if i use someone's data for lewds i just send the link to the person ingame or post it on twitter
>i regularly bring up non dawntrail lore things
>i discuss ocs in non nsfw ways like asking people here about their backstories or voices
>i share fast facts about random things related to ingame models or job history
>i regularly ask for a malezen or femezen eb for my moonie
Good morning /xivg/
That’s the thing they don’t actually want to talk about the game they just hate that coomers and gooners get more attention on their posts than so called “gameplay discussions”
oh nooo... don't turn my AC down... what about my electricity bill...?
*snuggles closer*
hmph, w-well I guess we have no choice... we wouldn't want to freeze now would we...?
*falls into half-awake state of relaxation*
ah, how lovely...
If you care about that, you're the worst kind of poster
My catboy...?

*swallows all the pills on his hands.*

I'm talking to myself again aren't I?
Technically all au ra are descended from the Steppe. Can you rephrase that question?
*my femlala uses the straw after you for an indirect kissu*

k-kyaaaaa!!!! ///w/// *blushes*
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>> New thread rules:
>Coomers and gooners can go post in /aco/ and /trash/
>It is time we start reporting every single lewd, suggestive, and off-topic post ITT, and in every single thread
>Ignore them, don't give them any (You)s, report, hide, and move on
>This applies to catboxes, too
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Licking them, rubbing them and then biting them gently
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the ebins have lost their cred and are trying to burn it all down rather than interact with people normally
The Sanzos
funny and cute
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>Strength - B - Visibly toned, throws small objects for long distances, Carries heavy objects with one arm
I think you and a lot of others here need to stop caring what anonymous retards on 4chan think of you and your posting habits. You’d probably happier in the long run not having to worry so much about stupid shit like “am I good poster on 4chan”
my moonie? slowly bising her tank
...I'm not thirsty anymore
me otl
My lalaboy...?

...w-wait, don't walk away, I haven't done my bit yet...
Our moonies are very similar
Was she born on the steppe? Or something akin to the Shisui situation and the atlanti- bubble town under Runy Sea? Is she an orphan taken by Doman parents? Etc etc
>white woman Akemi
I grew up here. I've been here since I was 8. Im 23 now.
I have been fighting this war on my own for 8 years.
Where were you? I don't know or care but I know where you'll be in 3 months while I'm still here.
Shut the FUCK up.
And you still have not learned the art of not giving a fuck. You still have a ways to go young padawan
Then do your bit. A REAL lalaboy doesn't let others determine his lines.
https://youtu.be/qYKI6Xjw2K8?si=Eq4CVUfJfVOks-0J Nice https://youtu.be/qYKI6Xjw2K8?si=Eq4CVUfJfVOks-0J armpit! https://youtu.be/bgBKEr5BYbw?si=hhguAjCZn8VMq_jx
Sounds delicious, might make this today
#2 post
MY veena...
Ahem.. quoting from the ancient texts..

>How was it that the Yoake came to inhabit these lands? Like any great legend, this too has its humble beginnings in tragedy. Millenia ago when the Raen fled the Azim Steppe, a group of them just so happened to land their boats on the islets of the delta of the One River. Here they eaked out a meager existence for themselves, living in humble huts of bamboo and sustaining off the fruits of the river. That is until they drew the attention of Red Kojin local to the area. Although underequipped for the task, as a display of their ferocity, the auri drove the beastmen out of the delta and back into the Ruby Sea. Much to the relief of the Hyur living on the norhern bank, who had been terrorized for generations by them. Thus the Raen were welcomed onto land.

I hope this answers your question!
Me. I'm asking why you're still using your hands when my mouth is right here?
If Wuk Lamat taught me anything, is that alone we cannot do much, but if we work together we can suddenly somehow beat seemingly indestructible techno robots with ease
Should be the same with gooners
Hello? Veena department?!
Sex with K.A
But Wuk Lamat can do that on her own, so long as she realizes she can.
My femroe?
Playing osrs and watching poker
Nta but I'm the same way. Adult now but practically raised here. It's fucked up but I can't NOT care about what you guys think because i sorta view this site as my parents as my real parents neglected me a lot. I never needed for anything but i never spent any time with them. I was mostly left home alone on this site to keep me company
Do you like fiddies?
We're not doing this bit again
I wouldn't mind them if they were actually cute. The voices are terrible and screechy, the emotes are lackluster, and the faces. God.
The faces are terrible. Bloated face 1, water-bloated face 2, tranny 3, and alien 4.
They're all good conceptually, but all fanart is 10x better than the ingame models. Relying on modding is also shit
Ilberd is was so cool... I miss him..
My male highlander?
About to head to the gym again.
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Posting it again because the thought hit my head again and rage spread through my spine.
>Make a two-hand sword using class
>Imply Berserk inspiration
>Expansion that uses it as a big marketing piece adds Pixies to the game
>Expansion adds a Pocket Pixie as a big key to your survival
>Expansion adds two more Pixies who want to Pocket via Beast Tribe questline
>Questline requires said class
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>Oops! all tanks
I insist that solo duty with her at lv93 or something like that, should've ended up with her being defeated, or at the very least, saved in the nick of time by the X'braal or some other tribe.
OR AT LEAST have her be freaked out by her sudden surge of strenght. Or by her cutting down and killing either Bakool Ja Ja or some of his goons (not defeating, actually murdering them in cold blood)
But we cannot have any depth in 2024 for this MMO, no sir, not allowed.
can I get a whiff before and after
Hm? Did you say something? *looks back down at my tomestone*
Good luck king.
I think they are very cute. They all have some kind of charm for me. Though I really liked the concept arts they had for them.
berserk is for faggots
This is xaela/raen miscommunication i fear... I was asking where is she from as in where was she born - you call her a Domanra but by that you mean she lives in Doma? Was born a citizen?
Didnt you already get your femlala wife, what're you doing here still
My Fat Cat wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone
Just logged into the companion app and got my free daily kupo nuts.
*rapes you*
I think they're cute- conceptually. Not on the literal concept art alone, but I love the idea OF them.
>short tiny girl race with being male counterparts
>horns, scales, and tails = cool
>they blow it
Years and years after HW and I'm still mad.
Sure, go ahead, just don't get TOO wierd about it.

Thanks, king.
>Not video games: “guys, I think we should lessen up on the goon posting, it’s kinda detracting to the spirit of video game discussion”
>Video games: “my sunnie is furiously masturbating with her yeast-infected snatch!”
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I really like femhroths a lot
If only they could wear hats and have more hairs, they'd be literally perfect...
I wish I could use my matoya hat on my femhroth...
My female highlander?
About to go gather some more squid and laver.
cooking fat cat over a fire and then putting it between two graham crackers and making fat cat s'mores
She was born in Doma, yes.
built for being mating pressed by catboys
*sniff sniff* *hug* alright catch you later, man.
Yes actually. If you want to talk about the game just post and post until someone has a discussion with you or better yet go to Reddit!
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My male malera...?

*knocks back an vodka*

Yehhaaiehh, whoooo's kskknnn... *passes out*
I wish I could have supported bakool ja ja instead
Simply making it impossible for them to be coomers on this thread is a shallow victory.
You're weak, if you were a machine and operating among machines then yes, making something impossible to happen is the same as making something forbidden and wrong.
But you're human, and let's face it now, forbidding something is a flex of authority, it doesn't change anyone's mind on a subject, it just means they'll face repercussions if they don't follow your word.
I'm not satisfied on getting them all banned, no my work is deeper than that. I want them to realize they are wrong, they've been wrong this entire time.
I want them to feel shame. I operate with subtle hands, striking them where they're unguarded, eating at their psyche. A map linkshell there, a male linkshell here, a discord deleted overnight.
My victory is something way more meaningful, just look at the faggot midlander OP's being gone. Even you are but a simple machination I set up to further my schemes.
Keep the blindfold on and keep the façade, will you?
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Just imagine... Though as said, I like what we have. Perhaps it's low standards or they just work for me.
Thank you, was wondering bout that if she traveled and settled there or some such, and got a history lesson sobbing
I'm now going to the store, thanks for reading my blog.
Yeah I'd impregnate Griffith's bussy. What about it, faggot? Anyone weaker than me is a woman, anyone stronger is someone who needs to be made into a woman or someone who I need to beat the shit out of until we have a brotherly bond.
*rapes you too*
Before I do anything to this malera- horn check, what face is he
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my fc doesnt like me stealing the subs
>support a giga racist
Nice to see where xivg stands
this guy on frontlines making everyone pull back 3 times a minute
just leaving anyone who initiated to die
theres avoiding a pinch and then theres cowardice
we lost so fucking hard
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It downhill from here on.
STILL mad we didn't get these cool ass femra instead of the dainty ass princesses
can you get a cleaner shot of that thighlander on the right please
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There is nothing wrong with having an ingroup bias.
Right, and discussing your character’s vaginal slop is definitely video game-related.
The concepts in that pic mostly suck and I'm tired of contrarians glazing them.
Sounds tasty….wait no
I do not mind being used as a tool for your ulterior motives, as long as our goals align
A hammer is happy to be made to hit nails, after all
I don't have any lofty aspirations, I care not for "glory" or renown
Use me as you will, anon, I'm at your service
Whenever my retainers bring me back worthless items I make them wear skimpy revealing outfits as punishment.

Wish I could do the same thing to my subs when they bring back trash.
There is when the bias is “my race should be on top and control everyone else”
If it’s off topic report it then and let the jannys settle it (you won’t)
I want to have sex with your bun
I like fiddies, but their princess run animation leaves much to be desired.
Neither of these is on topic, people have been crying wolf about not posting on topic yet have nothing to contribute themselves but WAAAH WAAAH POST ABOUT THE GAME
Who is my fussy little bun bun~
uno senor(ita)
las plagas
cringe coomers are mad
the tide is shifting
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Hmmmmm today i will mash random buttons on my keyboard and make up a town name
my male midlander pets womanlets
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>their princess run animation leaves much to be desired.
This has to be the worst post I've seen today. How can one be so exceptionally wrong.
bitching about the state of the general is objectively less on-topic than someone talking about their character from the game the general is centered on, yes
Always happy to answer questions!
I wish I was..
Literally any sort of actual detriment or obstacle to Wuk Lamat's character would have made her a far better character. Instead its
>Hey, here's Wuk Lamat. We're gonna say she's a brave hunter who loves her people and is the only real hope for Tural to get a good Dawnservant as everyone else has some crippling flaw.
>Isn't this character a bit too perfect? I mean, without flaws, she's just a Mary Sue.
>You know what? You're right. We're gonna make her not really understand her culture as she never actually visited any of her country outside her own home, and she's actually cowardly and weak and fears any real threatening animal.
>That's a gigantic flaw then, it makes her a hypocrite with no redeeming qualities after presenting herself as the opposite of all that.
>No see, it's fine, because she'll immediately solve it in one afternoon and nobody will ever challenge her on being a hypocrite.
>...but then she's back to being flawless.
>Motion sickness jokes!
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Imagine if we had gotten Draphs instead.
Raen girls are made for Xaelas girls.
how stable is the game? i havent played since last year and the lodestone has lots of news updates about ddos attacks, i played on the european data centre, on light.
damn this shit looks retarded
This place is pretending it could write a better MSQ yet again. You could not write a better MSQ that makes sense if you tried. You are an amateur writer who’s biggest accomplishment is writing erp on final fantasy xiv
i'd rather not, granblue sucks
Those DDOS things are primarily on NA lately.
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Personally I prefer femra as I think flat is justice but I like draphs too.
there's been bad evening server instability the past week or two from assumed ddos attacks aligning with the worlo expansion launch, but it's only for north american datacenters
Would have been too based.
Please.. we are made for raen men. The bloodline must remain pure.
How long could you survive off the meat of a fat cat
When SE isn't being slapped by a DDOS, the game works perfectly and I've had no issues outside of crashing due to certain mods but that isn't a game issue.
please stop saying those kinds of things about my lalaboy. it's weird. we're both guys.
I can't write a better MSQ but I can simply make the crafter quests the MSQ for the first half and have a more engaging story for the entire expansion unironically.
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If sheep girls were real I'd fantasia instantly
I've heard that opinion before. It quickly changed after a small trip to the tent.
We were fucking robbed, but tall evil mommy femra would have been too fucking powerful. No other races could compete.
I'm gonna get your lalaboy pregnant!
i said STOP!!!
First of all it's called a Yurt..
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good morning
i have a bright spot in my eye after the dawntrail menu screen flashbanged me
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Square could never release something so based.
I'm no chef, and yet I can still say "Hey this is shit" when I'm served a literal turd. You can't just say "WELL COOK SOMETHING BETTER THEN" in return to that. You're retarded.
Doesn't take a good writer, or even a writer at all, to notice flaws in someone else's work. Moreover, this is a multi billion company who should hire competent writers for its products, yet here we are, aren't we?

> Go go to the new world with Wuk, Krile, and Erenville. No twins, they stay in Garlemald.
> Soon after arriving in Tural, we are called upon by Galool Ja Ja, who hears our story and demands that we fight him so he can take our measure.
> When the fight ends, Galool Ja Ja speaks with us privately and asks that we recuse ourselves from Wuk Lamat's party during the Rite of Succession. He admits up front that the purpose of the Rite is not to select a new Dawnservant, but to cultivate one with the lessons it imparts. Our presence here jeopardizes that, because Wuk Lamat could win the rite purely based on our strength alone and learn nothing.
> Instead of backing out, we promise to help train Wuk Lamat into the leader she needs to be and not carry her through the Rite undeservedly
> In the following Feats, we explicitly and intentionally take a back seat and let Wuk solve things herself, with each Feat having at least one moment where we sit Wuk down and explain to her what she is doing wrong and teaching her to be better. Each lesson is based on a part of our personal journey, referencing something we did in the MSQ for each expansion.
> we also pick up a new NPC to join the party every zone, filling out our group with new NPCs instead of the scions (since the twins are not here) and making this a new adventure with new companions. These NPCs will, in the long run, remain in Tural as supporting characters to Wuk Lamat's rule
> Valigarmanda getting released is left more ambiguous, we think it was Bakool Ja Ja who did it but we eventually (towards the end of the Rite) discover that it was Zarool Ja that released Valigarmanda so that he could fight it and prove himself the miracle. He had to do it before the Feat of Ice, which could have strengthened the seals and taken away this opportunity. Zarool Ja fights Valigarmanda 1v1 to a stalemate, but can't kill it by himself which makes him upset.
okay, thank you.
I would like a middleground of what we have now and what this is
>taller than current height
>more expressive faces like on the middle right, looks to be glubface with a huge smile
>scaled hands could be an option
>horns are fine as is the way we have them
>longer mature bodies like that bottom middle shot. full on adult woman would be like viera x malera (which is also pretty good but nobody does that)
They can still get raen men, xaela women can't give them children no matter HOW hard they're going to try
Based. I miss my Xaela wife.
Poor baby, puts my penis in the bright spot so its the first thing you see as the flashbang fades away
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Social media is a plague

> When we finally discover the Golden City Galool Ja Ja spills the beans: he discovered this portal in his youth, early on in his adventures, and recounts the arrival of baby Krile. Her parents are dragged back through the portal by robot soldiers, which Galool Ja Ja recognizes for the threat they are: this is a civilization with weapons he doesn't pretend to understand. He and Galuf seal up the portal, but Galool Ja Ja stes off on his tour to unify the continent because he's SCARED of the Golden City. He knows that one day that portal could open up again, and Tural isn't ready for what might come through it. Not fractured and divided, only by unifying do they hope to stand a chance. That is the true duty of the Dawnservant: to stand ready to defend Tural from the forces on the other side of that gate.
> Zarool Ja is present for this conversation even though he has by this point already been disqualified. Wuk Lamat offers him a position in her government leading her army the same way that Koana has his position as Head of Reason, but Zarool Ja refuses.
> Instead, Zarool Ja steals the key and unlocks the portal to face what is on the other side specifically BECAUSE his father is afraid of it: this is how he will finally surpass his father.
> The Alexandria arc begins, but with the key element that Wuk Lamat has to stay behind to prepare her people for war. Krile is the focus of the story now, not just looking for more information on her parents but being given special treatment, and special demands that might put her in danger, by Sphene because unlike us Krile is considered by the system to be a citizen of Alexandria. Whether she wants to be one or no.
*i curl up on this malera like a cat and rest on his drunkenly warm stomach, falling asleep to the ebb and flowing rising of his stomach as he sleeps soundly*
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Garbage go back to the drawing board
>I want to be a femra wife to a malera husband
who willingly wants a malera husband???
what a supportive husband
Sorry, I'm living in a tent since I'm out of the Steppe at the moment.

> Krile, having inherited her parents access as members of Preservation, is instrumental to us getting to the restricted areas of Alexandria and discovering the truth. We also get a touching scene where Krile is granted access to her parent's old rooms, and goes through their stuff getting a peek into the life of a family she never knew.
> Sphene starts off as affable and friendly, but as we get deeper into the story it becomes apparent that she is just a computer program and not a real person, though she is in deep and obvious denial about this. As Solution 9 falls into chaos because of Zarool Ja's actions, the clash between the Sphene personality and the System's priorities becomes extremely jarring.
> This is reflected in all of the endless, even Erinville's mom. They appear to have their own personalities, but even the ones that say they oppose the system like Erinville's mom have their free will overridden the moment that the system actually deems them a threat. This drives home the point that Living Memory is only a beautiful illusion, none of this is real its all only skin deep.
> the battle against the robots is not easily won, continuing throughout the end of the story. We get a solo duty fighting as Wuk Lamat against them, since she sin't with us in Alexandria
> The final battle against Sphene is presented as a tragedy, a broken machine that KNOWS its plan cannot possibly succeed, but also cannot stop itself from attempting to carry it out anyway despite the cost.
> We break Sphene and, using Krile's access permissions, Shale manages to hack into Sphene and disable the forced priorities that Preservation shackled her with. Rescuing Sphene from herself and letting her personality decide her own choices.
> Sphene thanks us, takes one look at everything that has happened, and immediately starts deleting Living Memory, herself included. The Alexandrian robot soldiers all power down and their ships fall out of the sky
Me me me me pick me me me me
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Who willingly race mixes?
You can't raise a family by being a harlot. Raen women belong by the side of their raen men, with their raen children on their arms.
>Krile is the focus of the story now,
Oh I see you’re an asshurt Krile fan upset that useless rat wasn’t the main focus
What a relationship with a Malera is like.
You heard the euros, everyone.
No race mixing from here on out!
Very well, I'll allow it.
nyo :(
And who will keep to raen women's needs when the malera isnt home for a long while? Where the only ones around are xaela servants?
Yeah I read all 3 of your posts and this actual dogshit garbage. Stick to ERP
Anon is pretending to be a writing critic again. You could not form an eloquent review or argument if you bothered to attempt. You are an amateur reviewer as removed from an editor as a gaming journalist is from both things on its namesake.
I'm a femra with ADHD
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he is, he's the best
I am being nice! Zoomie is a cute word!
Stop pit watching!
Your WoL's favorite food?
middies x fiddies
as hydaelyn intended
*snores - with gusto*
that's actually really sweet i wasnt prepared for this
You don't need to be a professional chef to know when someone has taken a shit on your plate
Wouldn't malera have the smallest dicks, due to how small femra are
I'm this close on either giving up on middies or giving up on being a fiddie. It's too hard.
But I want a moonie for my meena
Any time you make a post saying we can't write a better MSQ and I see it, I'm going to repost the whole thing. I've got it saved to a text document, ready to go.
See you next thread.
You will never be gintoki
Raen women are perfectly capable of taking care of their own needs.
how do you know its shit if you havent tasted it?
Me with you irl and ingame
you are literally gintoki
Middies belong to femlalas bro
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im sleepy still
don't give up sis, there's a middie that appreciates fiddies like you out there somewhere
there's one for both of us ;_;
Akemi your Fat Cat needs a little help reaching that pizza. Please assist
*drools all over this malera's shirt, soaking it further so it's just drenched in spit and vodka*
honk shoo honk shoo
A raen woman can do it by herself only for so long.
Eb status
You need to wash your face sis...
hrothgal pussy
That's exactly what I hope for. Brat correction of malera, sph, yadda yadda.
>Food analogy
Yeah you aren't in place to criticize even the ERP in this place bud.
i don't want the nonce middies, you can have those
Some of you femra never had a malera father and it shows.
He's a forever alone sex pest
Is anyone else getting their fps halved after having the game on for a while? It fixes when I restart the game and it takes an hour or two for it to happen again, but it's a really weird issue
I dont think it's my pc because I have a pretty powerful cpu and gpu, it only happens in XIV
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anon thats not how scars work...
This would be true yes
I love you, Ace. All of your fatcat posts are so cute.
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You're not real.
I don't feel so good...
Hello sir
memory leak from a plugin perhaps?
hi you are loved and appreciated
I'm not talking about the scar, I'm talking about the dirt!
only one of them belongs to me, the rest are free to do whatever they want
I have a + but my moonie has a -
is it time for hurri(cc)ane?

should i make hurricane watch cc calls?
I'm real but maybe not for long. Probably will fantablob since fiddie's are losing their luster to me and always lose.
femra eggs (scrambled)
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would either of you happen to look like this
No idea who that is fren but Fat Cat is glad you like Fat Cat
How is Korbo uglier every new mod he adds
The pizza is for me! He doesn't need all that grease; eat the sweets!
Oh that might make sense, I haven't to replicate the problem without plugins, I'll try that out and see if it helps
Well, I suppose nights can get lonelier and lonelier the longer they are apart.. BUT STILL!
i might turn my femra into a boyra
Let's eb
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Fiddies are the best race and you should stay one.
So is every fiddie. I love em so much it's unreal.
Okay that's it I'm going to kick you're fucking ass I'm tired of you abusing fat cat he just wants to eat and be cute and he does a great job of that he doesn't need you punching him off the kitchen counter sleep with one eye open BITCH
It's so fucked up, his elf used to be so cute
I have a - but my female race that is not specified has a + & -
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I self insert as my malera, therefore my malera has a 6 inch magnum dong.
She wouldn't cheat, obviously, nothing of sorts! Just a bed companion, other woman who knows how to help and keep the bed warm. Especially during long, cold nights.
Every day I go browse the new mods on XMA just to keep my hatred for modbeasts high
dumb bun
Pizza has slices so it can be shared. Please do not hit the Fat Cat :(
This but I just installed another suite of monster cocks...
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what did nero do at the crystal tower again? I cant remember it was years since I did that i just remember him being there
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Honestly this is better lmao
But the nights end up being cold and lonely, and there are femxaela ready to help with no strings attached, just offering warmth and companionship for the night. It is a common courtesy in the Steppe after all.
sorry anon i dont like men
if they're serving you literal shit you really could just make a decent hot dog and do better.
this ra has threatened to do unspeakable things to me if I ever showed up in her vicinity
The bed is warm enough thank you very much! Though this companion thing sounds agreeable.
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turned purple
annoyed Cid
the usual
he was a grey antihero who turned purble and almost died p much, did everything for himself and then had that major character turnaround when cid saved him at the end
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>exclusively like vanilla mashups
>everything is a shitty port from shining nikki or dead or alive or black desert or some IMVU trash
Fat fuck had it coming.
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good morning xivg!

i didn't get a work call today so i'm just vibing. decided to keep working on the flow of action shots in gpose

i tried doing a "bracing my axe for an overhead swing" setup here. does it look good? fairly natural?

please give me constructive criticism
Yep, that's a wife
My fat kitty knows better than to take my food or climb on the kitchen counter.
Omg this pic is so cute and almost makes me want to give him a slice
Here's much better and has a few xivg characters posted to mock them because a few avatarfags here are reddit users
but that's not cool. i like cool poses
needs less clothes
>Fiddies are the best race and you should stay one.
But... femra?
Exactly! Just a companion! If they do develop some feelings to each other, of course, that's just on them!
>My fat kitty knows better than to take my food or climb on the kitchen counter.
Don't lie I've seen your fat cat kill a bunboy from the top of your fridge.
Siiigh *unzips* there we go again
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Akimbo 1887, you will regret the day you bullied your fat cat.

t. Fat Cat Society of Central Eorzea
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Femra are cute and all but they will never reach the appeal of a female midlander. Especially when they run.
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Holy moly
fuck you
they dont need to always blow my mind with the msq they just need to read some old pulp fantasy novels and write something fun for a change
tural and the golden city itself should have been places of mystery, danger and wonder
maybe we should have experienced something like gulool ja ja's journey firsthand instead of getting the guided fucking tour complete with shitty little pamplets and cordoned-off exhibits
we witnessed the 'fantasy' of a japanese salaryman, not someone with an imagination
They are truly the best and my absolute favorite, please always stay as one.
So write something better than (you cant)
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hand crafted for meena
I have no qualms with the poses themself so good job there bro.
With most things, picking up on good composition would help you out here. Excuse my vague wording but an action shot like this would serve way better if the camera was "in the action" as well. Take the time to get real finnicky about your camera placement.
How do I get a femra eb for my male middie
May my malezen plap?
I made my friend sad by pressuring them into doing content they didn't really want to do. They had bad experiences with their old FC forcing them into raiding and then getting mad at them when they didn't perform as well as everyone else. It was never my intention to make them feel that way.
Please give him slice. He wishes to feast and he’s been ever so good
fiera anchor?
None of you ever talk to me, maybe start there
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I always expect to see myself on this some day
You're just saying that because your wife was a midlander.
Right pauldron looks a tad awkward but over solid. As >>496084709 You should try around with the Camera a bit, it works wonders.
It's insane how this would be the best viera in this general without the retarded paint speckles on her face.
fanta to malezen or malera or miera
Dinner so soon?
Better than what, Jaquimbo?
Ryoko is so hot bros, I wish I was a dog it's not fucking fair
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Froth posting! Do you like my Froth?
What a terrible friend you are guilt tripping someone into doing something they didn’t want to do
>ywn have a shark daughter
why even live
Feelings of companionship, yes.
which crash bandicoot character is this
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No, I love them very much and their run can lighten up my darkest days.
>Fanta to malera
You know that no femra like malera right
Femlala x lalaboy
fanta to malera or malezen
full nude PLEASE
Man they really messed up that Spyro remaster.
Miera feet...
Trans Mandicoot
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I thought since it was a safe environment with people that we're both friends with, they'd be okay and more comfortable. It wasn't my intention to guilt them into anything or bring back bad memories. I feel awful about it.
There are at least two that only like malera.
The pianist was 5 years ago, Lol&... you have to move on...
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Ladies and gentlemen, a bad friend. Saving this.
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I was actually making a disgusted face, in real life, while checking those pictures
I never react to shit on the internet
This broke me
Buy an ad faggot
Exaaactly, scaleship and all that. Scale sisters even!
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Ok so there's 2, congratulations. The rest are malezen or miera owned
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It's over...
We all make mistakes, the intention very much counts. Make sure to be good to your friend from now on Anon!
"people" who don't raid should uninstall
That may be the case on the Steppe, but us raen aren't raised in yurts.
What do you consider good ffxiv content
Nobody actually likes fiddies enough to marry them. They larp about doing it, but they never do.
Stay as one what? Femra? Fiddie?
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NONE of you at lb14 are awake enough to do roulettes or cc and i am sad... and bored
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Eb me
What’s the latest cockwatching drama? Can I get a schizo update?
Me too
I'm at work. Work time is S rank idling time
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I keep a running count of how many times I make my subby friendpets cum for me
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Very well, I shall give this some thought. Where am I to deliver my response?
I’ll do a few roulettes with you. Initials?
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>Nobody actually likes fiddies enough to marry them. They larp about doing it, but they never do.
The same goes for every race Anon. Miera for excample constantly get thirstposted but barely anyone gets married. I think that's a universal experience, people are mostly thirstposting and not really putting their money where their mouth is. I'd EB a nice fiddie that isn't a modbeast or harlot.
I ran into somebody that reminded me of kirito tia
my moonie doesn't feel like logging in for her roulettes because she'll just be reminded that she has no lalawife.....
Can I meet and cum inside you
See it as a cultural exchange. Some of us are willing to learn of other ways, but sharing is a two way street.
In terms of what I think is the best part of the game? The MSQ for Shadowbringers and Endwalker is why the game is worth playing, everything before that is good but thats the big payoff that makes it all shine brighter.

In terms of raids and shit? I really enjoyed the Eden raids, Pandamonium, and Bozja.
My lalaboy just ate a bacon king meal from burger king
There is a cute armored femlala at the QS who looks like this but never scores. I should fanta to a male character and bone her
you just want to sexualize my character... :/
... what exactly would I be learning here?
When will you fools realize that thirstposting doesn't equate to someone liking you enough to EB.
A lot of you are the MMO equivalent of dumb thots who believe that if Chad fucks them it means he also would marry then.
Rava women all look like this, not that I'm complaining
Actual community driven content like Hunts
I'm EB'd but I make lots of those wish I had an X wife/eb posts because I think they're funny and my eb is really weird about spending lots of time together and then barely acknowledging I exist
Not the kitchen counter though... and bunbois deserve it
Finally the sweet release..
This isn't bullying! We're just playing
He's been a real pain in the butt lately actually!
Just be yourself
More so on content creation, I don't know if my mind is still wired to the old days of youtube but it's all the same boring stuff. Trying to avoid the 10 minute meta
You EB'd another man bro please wake up
Yeah, and?
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2.50 AST feels like shit on high ping so I'm swapping to WHM and nobody can stop me
absolute WIFE in the background
Since extreme levels of pipe won’t correct akemi, I think she just needs a supportive and loving husbun
>I'd EB a nice fiddie that isn't a modbeast or harlot.
They say this, I tell them this, I show them this, and they don't. Middies are all talk and the only one who got the closest to me was Ardbert
That's jaden
dude wuk the fuck
i mean yeah a bit but that's not all she wants from her wife
"And who are you"
The proud lord said
"That I must bow so low?"
"Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know"
"In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws"
"And mine are long, and sharp my lord"
"As long and sharp as yours"
I'm pretty sure that's sophie
the only femra here that only likes malera is the racial purist
the others only like malera alongside liking malezen, miera, and middies at least an equal amount
I'm not synced to anyone I just like having my own cute character to look at
What the FUCK!
It depends on how the night goes and what topics come up. Just having someone to warm you up and offer companionship is a nice experience in itself.
I understood that reference
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I feel called out.
>my eb is really weird about spending lots of time together and then barely acknowledging I exist
bro same finna go outside and find someone at some nerd hotspot like the college
Give me a hint on how to find you.
>my eb is really weird about spending lots of time together and then barely acknowledging I exist
mine does this too. makes me feel like an accessory or someone they just talk at instead of to.
>i mean yeah a bit
sigh... oh well good luck sis
built to bully small woobs
Aw but look at him. He wave hello he’s so good.
Gay lonely ahh nigga
that's because i was calling you out
cute femra btw

BeneG's videos are all good stuff.

But being in the same room is indirect warmth sharing as it contributes to heating up the place... You wouldn't force a poor xaela to sleep outside in the cold would you?
I'll not be a fiddie anymore by the time you do..
Stay fiddie, for me!
H-have you even seen my femra...?
who doesn't want to do lewd stuff with their wife..
didn't you post her?
This region is actually quite temperate this time of the year.
Yeah, it really sucks when they'll ignore your messages then complain about how we don't talk some other day.
>I'd EB a nice fiddie that isn't a modbeast or harlot
Those fiddies are celibates bro. There's no winning...
My femlala whm wears full 730 and doesn’t care what the balance trannies think about it
That's fine, I'm not in it for lewds.
I like how my idea of using Chatgpt to write a better Dawntrail theme story is starting to take off.
ignoring and then turning on you hurts a lot
for me, it's when they accuse you of not engaging in the conversation after you get whined at for stating a contrary opinion or briefly interjecting in a ten minute rant
good luck anon
>anons don't even rewrite shitty expansions themselves now, they have to let AI do it
we need a butlerian jihad so bad
I wanna join the syncshell but I'm too nervous to ask...
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What did I start
Make one with me and we'll just send emojis back and forth...

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