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No edition

>Official WoW News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o03STclgxSc [Embed]
>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brOSi_rpGj4 [Embed]

>October Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNeQdGV5_2U [Embed]

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>496212678
Bring Afrasiabi back. We Must Meet Dad Again!
Forsaken should never be paladins and should be kicked out of Lordaeron
The lore is shit until this happens
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Thoughts on next months Trader shit?

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wow won
2 years away from wow made me realize how fucking miserable the playerbase is
I'll buy harvest golem's and warden's sets
why does china love ulduar so much?
>rolling in war mode with the boys
>spot an unsuspecting sucker
>5 of us descend upon him at once
>he just stands there spamming bur as we gape him
Why are Alliancucks like this?
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Enjoying your Diablo-lite MMO guys? Its not even WoW anymore.
why are so many mobs in m+ immune to stuns
Okay. What is the ideal version of a modern wow to you?
Forsaken should've been a secondary antagonist in Wrath and been completely eradicated just as the Blood Elves (non-Alliance minority) should've been eradicated in TBC neither being playable and then we immediately go to Legion and kill the entire Burning Legion. There, 4 games, you are done. You are not the guy. Military grade treadmills.
yeah, i've been playing off and on since release and since DF it's finally back to a point where i'm having quite a lot of fun with it
i loved old MMOs like EQ and early WoW at the time but i'm too fucking old for that shit now
literally who?
NTA but personally I'd like SoD's pace of combat, level of exploration and community interaction, the rune system, and have that combined with retail's graphics and a scaling raid system from 10-40 players.
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World of Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
>tier 8 delve vault rewards are equivelant to a +7 M+ dungeon

the fuck? they over did this for sure.
boomers really fapped to this
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original whirling dragon punch
season 3 DF clears whatever the hell we have right now (TWW is still pretty fun tho)
What you don't like retards having the same gear as you for less work? Check your privilege chuddy
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>beat zekvir last night
>only person in dorn on the mount
>log in today
you'd have to be gay not to fap to that tummy and that boobs cleavage gap and the fur underwear
night elves were NEVER as sexy in WoW
thats not part of the underwear anon
>The more powerful feminism grows the less appealing female characters become
political horseshoe theory
on that note this is why personalami's night elf art is kind of gay, not just the futa stuff but also the non-futa stuff has night elves in stockings and shit instead of just being hairy fur near-troll savage creatures
>liking soft feminine women in lingerie is gay
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Let's see compared to Elden Ring
>World of Warcraft has better lore?
Absolutely. Fromshartware throwed the entire IP to the window with the disaster of the DLC. We're talking about damage even beyond than what Shadowlands did. Completely fucked up beyond repair.
>World of Warcraft has better gameplay?
also true, L2den slop is a self-explained joke, to this day this hasn't been addressed despite there being weird shit patches from time to time, which are another joke on their own.
>World of Warcraft better balance?
Unironically ridiculously better, Elden Slop balance is retarded bc fromslop doesn't know how to tune shit.
Also going back to L2den Slop, every ranged move literally makes every similar spell/incantation (which there are a lot, ehem reusedassets software) useless.
>World of Warcraft has better worldbuilding?
Also true but unfair point, WoW has a ton of years on it's back but then again Elden Slop has copypastes of Limgrave in different colours and only a few actually good unique zones in between the slop areas. Leyndell, Elphael and Stormveil are kino though.
>WoW has better gameplay?
True, Elden Ring was made so even the most retarded monkey can beat it with closed eyes. Even WoW minigames are 20 times more serious and skill-based than whiff punish ER pvp slop is.
>WoW has better tracks?
First point where they are on par i'd say.
>WoW has better characters?
True as well.
Almost every important and used-to-be-good character was completely raped by the DLC, ER has almost no good characters left. Maybe just Morgott.

Do i really need to keep going. Fromsoftware has fallen. And WoW is back. Bittersweet taste for me, as i used to love From but they went downhill, meanwhile AC6 made me a hopebro for the DLC it just went downhill again and beyond all recognition.
ya it sucks
siege isnt even that bad honestly but people are fucking retarded
>dimly remember mists and nw
>know nothing about any other dungeon
>590 ilv on rsham
so I'm ready for +7s, right?
doubt youll get an invite
Delve chads stay winning
but people will draw/animate copious amounts of porn of them or mod the games/models anyway, i never got why nerds get worked up about this anymore
There doesnt exist a piece of media that has had more damage to it than Shadowlands did

Full stop. No cap. Fr.
>siege isnt even that bad honestly
maybe if you're a meleecuck who doesn't care about the endless fucking mass grips and knockbacks and conveniently ignore all the bullshit overlaps
>I want night elves but they're not night elves
they're night elves you faggot
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why would you ever go the final 5 points in this?
Go back to Teldrassil
Oh wait...
I didn't get many invites to +4s on a 599 ilvl rshaman and when I did it was a retard who was about to brick his own key.
>dishonorably gang up 5v1, showing how much of a pussy you are
>not happening across 1 person and /point them to let them know youre gonna kill them
Idk bro, post-Lucas Star Wars and off-book Game of Thrones is some top tier IP destruction.
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>got enough pvp gear ilvl together to try solo rbg
>have to wait 15 minutes for this slop
i bet i will do terrible and never re-queue
you're not winning anything delves are boring as fuck, literally whatre you even going to use the gear for? to clear the choreghast lite instance faster? i cant imagine anything more boring.
the m+ changes are going to murder participation in the long term
two more weeks people that are hardstuck under 9s are going to cap their gear at 619 and abandon the game en masse
ya im a ret but seriously just move out of the firebombs and walk out of the grip, its really not that big of a deal
my condolences on captain redhook tho that shit looks like it SUCKS
more skill points
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Wrath was the perfect in between.
>Still people in the old world
>Able to create your own fun like leveling a warrior naked and not using spells
>There were grinds there still if you wanted to do them
>The ability to help newbies out in dungeons or questing, less phasing
>Achievements; Hear me out. If you're new to the game, achieves give you an idea of ''hey here's Dire Maul, you can go visit it!''
>item/loot system; The old way of gearing, There's more memorable items in the trilogy, how loot drops, how items were handled.
>Northrend was vast for the time. The zones were WIDE and open instead of the clusterfuck that is the ringing deeps.
>PVP was still active in a lot of brackets, twinking was still healthy
>Classes: Classes felt finished, every spec felt worthwhile, new spells like thunderstorm, living bomb, bladestorm, starfall
At the time; everyone felt connected to the world like we all knew who leeroy was and all the big machinima songs etc
There was just less bloat in systems, classes, specs and races overall.
And there was just the feeling of more to do that felt meaningful.
>Go run delves and m+ then go raid lmao
its kind of pointless to put more than 5 points into it in the first place
just guarantee you can concentrate rank 5 and move on to the next thing
for me that was like 5 points in that tree
that's just where their version of wotlk classic was at the time he posted
also ulduar was the only raid where china (via taiwan) had a world first kill with Yogg+0 watchers.
As an addition to that last part, I don't know why people keep saying this classic version of wotlk was the "first time" China ever had wrath when they literally got a world first kill during the original release, lol.
was a cool zone
amirdrasil needs its own shadowglen
this isn't an rp forum retard, it's an image board and we're discussing what kind of porn is gay or not can you take this seriously motherfucker? yes making night elves into generic lingerie and stockings soft whores is fucking gay and stupid
>dungeon run completed
> loading a transition to city takes ages
> figured to close the game & restart it
> can't login anymore
> when I can log in, the loading takes ages
3rd time that this shit has become a problem for me.
How do I solve this?
I wish we could kill all these retarded Classic boomers
I'm glad they are not making the game for retards like you anymore.
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>siege isnt even that bad
It is. Didn't even get to the last boss in my last run, but that's the worst part of the whole dungeon as a healer.
>> figured to close the game & restart it
just don't do this retarded thing always you retard
buff holy priest!
It's like the only dungeon with bosses that are worse than the dogshit trash packs
No! Buff every healer except dracthyr and shaman!
>Go run delves and m+ then go raid lmao
You now remember that WotLK was literally
>Go run heroics then go raid lmao
i raid, delves, cata for gear, and M+ for KSM/fun. im doing dungeons at a time in order of upgrades and do +2 to +7 in a row then move on to the next dungeon
this way i can learn easily and coast on the ramp up
hope this RWF shit that no one gives a fuck about ends soon so they can fix frost mages bricking keys just by being spellslinger and nerf the living fuck out of resto shamans
you literally just raid log in wrath wtf you talking about faggot. you people have such insane nostalgia goggles holy shit
yeah bro, these retards are so fucking lost.
The fact that 99% of the people playing classic only play it to parse is all you need to know about the great "MMO" content of the original trilogy.
He said "you can make your own fun" so he's just admitting that there's nothing to do and trying to spin it into a positive
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>do raid
>afk in dalaran
literally all there was
wotlk was also cut content central
+rehashed first tier ulduar still wasnt that good
i still enjoyed it tho dont get me le... wrong!
OH wow so you're saying the game was better because it was the year 2009!?
When are then going to fix Azeroth and undo the damages of the cataclysm? Or at least slowly recovering?
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>Been waiting for 40 minutes now
Kill me.
Stiww peopwe in the old wowld~ Abwe to cweate youw own fun wike wevewing a wawwior naked and not using spewws~ Thewe wewwe gwinds thewe stiww if you wanted to do them~ The abiwity to hewp newbies out in dungeons ow questing, wess phasing~ Achievements! Heaw me out, if you'we new to the game, achieves give you an idea of ''hey hewe's Diwe Maw, you can go visit it!'' uwu Item/loot system; the old way of geawing, thewe's mowe memowabwe items in the twiwogy, how woot dwops, how items wewe handwed~ Nwothwend was vast fow the time! The zones wewe WIDE and open instead of the cwustewfuw that is the winging deeps~ PVP was stiww active in a wot of bwackets, twinking was stiww heawthy~ Cwasses: Cwasses fewt finished, evewy spec fewt wowthwhile, new spewws wike thundewstowm, wiving bomb, bwadestowm, stawfaww~ At the time, evewyone fewt connected to the wowld, wike we all knew who Lee-woy was and aww the big machinima songs, etc~ Thewe was just wess bwoat in systems, cwasses, specs, and waces ovewaww~ And thewe was just the feewing of mowe to do that fewt meaningful~ Go wun dewves and m+ then go waid, wmao~
I didn't read all of this but I assume you're glazing the fuck out of Wrath. This might have worked if not for the fact that we literally just got out of wrath classic a few months ago and it was raidlog central.
classic is exclusively played by zoomshits, why are you babbling about it in wowg... just go back to your dead containment thread
Grubby, Sodapopping, TylerOne and a bunch of other streamers are going to make Warcraft 3 a comeback, Warcraft 3 will be the game people actually play not this stupid ripbozo mmo garbage for fucking diiots
Imagine if any modern expansion released with a refurbished raid and 4 open world bosses in a fucking room, just lmao
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disband rate is really high for anything above 7 and its not going to change until they scrap the 15 second penalty or nerf the dungeons into the ground
either give up now, find a guild, or deal with it
the bosses are free if you're not a brainlet and someone uses a snare on the kul tiran broad
the only trash thats an issue are at the front of the dungeon, the fuckers with the singing steel one shot are awful, the broadside pack before second boss is a pain because retard tanks wont pull it off to the cubby to the left and theres a pack in the corner with the sea giant that has a nasty poison for the tank
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I honestly can't believe they got away with a 1:1 copy of naxx
LiDERALLY just copy pasted it
nothing new
WoW is back
I love Chris Metzen
>the bosses are free if you're not a brainlet and someone uses a snare on the kul tiran broad
The point is that every boss is a boring piece of shit
They are barely bosses
I don't even know why they kept the last boss, that shit is dogshit
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alleria windrunner
the excuse was that very few people had actually done naxx, which was true. though thats hardly an excuse to not also have an entire new raid available.
If a modern expansion released in the state wrath did you would never hear the fucking end of it.
bro your eye?
your obsidian sanctum?
>have to interrupt Zekvirs HP restore and enfeebling spittle

I dont have enough interrupts for this shit
>nothing but posts about classic
you don't get it you cucks, it's because WoW could release an expansion like Wrath and be a good game that proves the point that WoW used to be better, ex propter ipso facto
>I don't even know why they kept the last boss, that shit is dogshit
man its really bad and the worst part is that the dungeon doesnt complete until the npc finishes his script after the tentacles die
i did three 9s in a row where we missed the timer by 5 seconds
because of that fucking mob
so stupid
You know I said ENTIRE raids not fun sized raids
>WotLK had the most subscribers
>"N-no it was bad ackshually"
Imagine calling a single room a raid
You only need to interrupt his heal. Anything that removes slows will get rid of the DoT, or Brann will remove it for you nearly every time.
literally made for BOC
>Still people in the old world
that is still true and still nobody gives a fuck because why would you go there
>>Able to create your own fun like leveling a warrior naked and not using spells
you can still do that except you have more ways to level too
>>There were grinds there still if you wanted to do them
those same grinds are still in the game and there are more grinds than ever
>>The ability to help newbies out in dungeons or questing, less phasing
by the time wrath came out nobody did that shit
>>Achievements; Hear me out. If you're new to the game, achieves give you an idea of ''hey here's Dire Maul, you can go visit it!''
there are more achievements than ever so what the fuck is your point retard?
>>item/loot system; The old way of gearing, There's more memorable items in the trilogy, how loot drops, how items were handled.
maybe in classic. wrath is all about gearscore
>>Northrend was vast for the time. The zones were WIDE and open instead of the clusterfuck that is the ringing deeps.
new zones are just as if not bigger and arent empty anymore
>>PVP was still active in a lot of brackets, twinking was still healthy
still is, twinks can fuck off
>>Classes: Classes felt finished, every spec felt worthwhile, new spells like thunderstorm, living bomb, bladestorm, starfall
you are thinking of tbc. wrath homogenized all the classes because "bring le player not le class"
"Disney bloat" in **World of Warcraft (WoW)** refers to the perception that the game has become overly "disnified" or softened in tone, deviating from its darker, more serious, and war-driven roots. Players who use this term feel that **modern WoW** has incorporated too many quirky, whimsical, or lighthearted elements, making it feel more like a Disney-style fantasy than the gritty, dangerous world it originally portrayed.

In the early versions of WoW and its predecessor games (*Warcraft* series), the lore and atmosphere were much more grim, focusing on brutal wars, political intrigue, and mature themes like betrayal, death, and survival. However, over time, players believe that the game's tone shifted to appeal to a broader, more family-friendly audience. This shift can include:

1. **Cutesy characters and races** (e.g., Pandaren, Vulpera) that feel more cartoonish or playful.
2. **Goofy quests or NPCs** that break immersion or have a comical tone instead of maintaining the game's darker atmosphere.
3. **Bright, colorful visuals** that contrast with the grimmer aesthetic of classic WoW.
4. **Simplification of storylines and gameplay** to appeal to a wider and more casual audience.

To these players, the game's overall atmosphere has been diluted by these elements, making it feel more like a mainstream, sanitized fantasy world—akin to Disney productions—rather than the intense and dangerous world of war it used to be. This concept of "Disney bloat" captures the feeling that the original essence of *Warcraft* has been watered down by an excess of "soft" or "quirky" content.
didnt ask, chatGPT
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wrath sucks
fresh banilla or tbc?
now thats a real game
What ilvl for a retchad?
It was a bad game, and was entirely carried by the inertia of being attached to orc and elf second life for borderline normalfag geeks. That's why I spent that time more productively, I was playing Brood War to get good for Starcraft 2 release, I am smart and you mmofags are fucking stupid.
subscriber count has never been a measure of quality, WoD had a ton of subs too. If anything the sub numbers of an expac is more impacted by how good the previous expansion was and overall sentiment of the direction of the game.
Like you're any better
And most of the subscribers were from CHINA and people buying 1 hour of gametime were counted as subs, so your 12 million subs in wrath were boosted by gold sellers and gaming cafes
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WotLK was for normal fags who didnt play mmos
Woah so BfA was actually amazing because Shadowlands season 1 had so many subs?
>TFT nostalgia keeps bringing in new players
>subs stopped rising because the game is shit and can't retain them
>Anything that removes slows will get rid of the DoT
any item I can get that removes it?
better than wrathbabs
SL was boosted by the covid coff
Freedom will remove the DoT every single time.
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why so many shitskins play retail these days?
ashes to ashes
Wash my back while i goon on the machine
I would make the argument that World of Warcraft wasn't even a good game in any sense of the word until Mists of Pandaria and anyone who disagrees is a wowandy warcraft secondary. MoP was the first time the game's quality could actually be matched with the RTS that it replaced.
Wrath was when most normalfags started playing the game, it was also the start of WoW getting streamlined content and started handing out gear left and right with easy heroic dungeons.
back to your /wowcg/ jail cell, cromagnon
stfu foxxo no one gives a shit about your ugly cm sets
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>huh sorry guys we only have money for 2 actual NEW raids
>but please enjoy another room we call raid! tier sets for every class? nah we can't do that, maybe next tier
EQ2 was shit so I don't want a 3.
Some things worked a lot better just because of abilities changing like taunting on four horsemen. Adding the orbs to MC the death knights in the razuvious fight, which I don't think we're present in the original. Anyway I didn't have a problem with Naxx being used again because it fit the theme and so few people saw it, and it was a really good raid. Having Malygos and Sartharion during that tier also made the reuse more acceptable.
I finished the questline, killed the kween, c00m'd to Xal's grippers.
Which characters should I level next? Drae Shaman, LFDin, or HMDr00d?
Ulduar and ICC citadel still have not been topped after all these years. VOLUMES
She was a total cunt to Sylvanas so she's a bitch in my eyes
Even wowcg was shitting on wrath classic
>hmm should we go kill the lich king?
>nah let's create a literal circus in his front yard and kill each other so he can raise our corpses
post you're best druid puns
The "a team" were working on Project Titan (which failed lmao)
The b team churned this out from the leftovers of the abandoned Nerubian raid
>gunship battle
>ulduar vehicles
they should have "infinite raids" in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, that go beyond what you can currently handle and each expansion you get more powerful just so you can come back to the old world and do more of the infinite raids
Now this was the real beginning of the downfall. This was just a blatant how little can we get away with?
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wrathsissies we are getting dragged...
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what a cute mount
too bad it cant fly
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whichever one (You) main
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Ok you cheeky fucker
well played
disc/holy priests
not sure if all priests are bad but they just make keys so much harder is not even fun
To the moon!
did they disable being able to mail gold to a class trial character? i was making a hunter to get the dark ranger armour set and i can't send anything to it?
Come on now. Even the final cutscene was hamfisted with the there must always be a lich king crap.
>put a group together using my own key
>nervous as fuck can't stop shaking
>join someone elses key
>ez pz no worries at all

why am I like this?
You're only worried when you....
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is it good?
I finally got him bros :)
I'm a dumb retard nomath kinda stupid midwit. Anyone tell me please how long first seasons of an expansion usually last? Was it like 3 months?
>we have magic dragons and old gods and shit but we can't fix some mute lady
almost every single ulduar boss is about mindlessly killing trash while the boss sits there like a target dummy
it's fine
I only liked it the second time I did it. The first time I was trying to just freeroam instead of following quest chains and got completely disoriented and mentally drained.
1 new tier every 6 months, if they can keep up
yes but we need to make every single person feel R E P R E S E N T E D in this world full of orcs, goblins, elves, dwarves, spacegoats, undead and demons!!!!!! it's important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first time through, yeah. Great descent from the bright reefs into the madness of the unknown depths.
It becomes tedious on a reply so you'd just end up taking alts through Hyjal instead.
I'd love to see the Cathedral of Light in updated Silvermoon
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guess the location
do people still use the raider.io addon? whats the point if there are built in M+ scores now?
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Race/class for this feel?
Ret because 99% of ret players are clinically retarded. They don't kick, they don't sac, they don't bop, they don't freedom, they only bubble to save themselves(and even that's not consistent) not to deal with mechanics, they don't offheal, and so on. If you invite a ret pug that does two of those you might as well buy a lottery ticket. The handful that does all of them don't pug ever because high quality rets are actually in demand.
the gate to Grim Batol
I would never guessed but someone said Twilight Highlands last time and it suddenly made sense
sar key plese

EQ in a modern engine would be nice
add some more spells, classes, races, QoL improvements too, it wouldn't be hard
Night Elf Druid
This. Huntard’s melee spec isn’t survical, it’s ret.
Is it push week yet?
We did a little trolling and gave shitskins access to modern civilization.
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It has been an action RPG with lite MMO elements since Legion, and that's fine. Most people playing aren't interested in a real MMO experience and want to do everything outside of instances by themselves (and those too, if possible).
And a lot of the time Classic is the same way. The old style of MMO where you meet people in the game and spend a lot of time together chatting and 'living' in a virtual space is over. If you want that play VRChat.
maybe you did but pvpGODS didn't
I really wanted EQ Next to be real. I knew the features they were promising were absolute bullshit and would never make it into a final product, but you kinda thought they'd at least push some slop out the door instead of just selling it off to some sucker and leaving them with the bag. There were some genuinely interesting ideas in there.
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>hammer pulls another pack
haha woopsies im just so quirky!
congrats but
>kill post nerf
better than
>getting it when it was bugged with brann tanking every hit
what ya pushing bud
for being a beta cuck furry? Vulpera priest
I looked at it as a sort of redemption for Arthas in that the good part of him was in there holding back the scourge
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The main issue with modern WoW and outdoor content is that almost everything you get from outdoor content, particularly in old content, is basically useless. Outdoor content exists to funnel you towards endgame, which upon reaching you need to immediately replace everything you have equipped with new gear.

There's no connection between leveling and endgame, there's nothing you get while leveling that continues to be useful when you hit endgame. They're not organically connected and so they feel like different games.
This is why people feel that leveling is a chore and why the level 80 boost exists.
That makes no sense considering how in your face the Icecrown Glacier storyline is about how he doesn't have a good part anymore.
I have chosen the path of protection warrior, tell me what lies ahead.
>method losing to china
>echo still behind
I am 100% convinced Josh getting #MeToo'd was an NA plot
max's victory will be sweet
he's got the end in his sights
Echo also recruited an American player since DF (Hopeful was a former Liquid raider).
>they don't offheal
why the fuck would they, retard
i'm an MMO babby so the most i played was P99 but at a glance it looks neat
hopefully someone picks it up one day
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got my first ever rbg win
Your average ret player here ladies and gentlemen.
deal with it, nerd
>can time a +4 with 25 deaths
>somehow possible to brick a +2 at all
doesn't make sense really
>Rerelease a raid that virtually nobody saw the inside of
Is it really that surprising
I just wish the zones were bigger/we had one more area, it feels far too fast to just zip around each zone.
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guess the location
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So now that the dust ha settled, is TWW bussin or is it cap
>still have not gotten the 50% crit curio yet
is that supposed to be an ogre? i'm thinking of stranglethorn, but i'm very unsure about that
bussin ong
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>There's no connection between leveling and endgame, there's nothing you get while leveling that continues to be useful when you hit endgame.
theres only an illusion of that in classic. you replace all your preraid bis with raid gear eventually. the biggest reason for this perception is that classic only has 1 difficulty for raids. people think leveling gear is 1 tier below molten core raid gear, and having 1 tier below literal bis is acceptable. nobody thinks leveling greens are acceptable compared to nax gear

in retail you can go into lfr wearing leveling greens, just like you can go into molten core wearing leveling greens. spending 10 seconds at max level doing anything else lets you skip lfr and get a completely new set of gear so it seems like theres this huge rift between leveling gear and proper endgame gear
whats the most fun caster dps
mount hyjal or hillsbrad foothills
fury warrior
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Why should I do anything that doesn't make my number go up? Give me a legitimate reason that isn't
Not going to waste a moment to click shit that doesn't increase my dps. How about you click your interrupt, loser?
>C-c-cast a heal
Do I look like a healer to you? Heals are only for myself, so I can keep blasting.
>B-b-b-b-but cast freedom on me bloobloo
Try not being so bad, faggot. I'm not going to waste time on you.
There are how many other people in the group/raid? I'm not doing mechanics, someone else can. If it's going to kill me, I'll just bubble and ignore it. Not my problem.
that's a mill on the left or idk what is this and elevator to thunder bluff on the right
>nobody played shadowlands
>nobody saw shadowlands raids
>tww starts with a re-release of sanctum of domination
>this is acceptable according to wotlkfags

big lol
you should only heal other people if your spec has shit like ancestral or that spriest cooldown that makes your damage heal allies
in every other scenario your regular heal wouldn't do anything and you are better off trying to kill the enemy
how do i have fun?
Bingo! Try a drawing
play with friends
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Click on this button
there were also trinkets and junk you got from leveling in classic that were useful for a long time, in retail they have ensured this never happens again by either only having the effect work in a specific zone or making the effect not work after the level range of the zone you got it in
...how do i have friends?
Kara is definitely one of the best raids theve ever done. TK was neato too.
The thing that i liked the most about BC tho was the "Oh fuck LK isnt ready yet" sunwell isle content. You could spend all day there doing dailies and pvp. And pvp was ALWAYS by the murloc camp. You get ganked, then youd call friends to counter gank, theyd call friend and soon two entire guilds were fighting.
its not about "nobody playing". Plenty of people played vanilla, but something like less than 50k players ever stepped inside of naxx during vanilla, and I think less than 80 guilds ever full cleared it. It wasn't alright for that to be the primary content of the first tier but it makes complete sense why they released it without changing it.
fury warrior or blood dk
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somebody help me
when i upgrade this, do i still get better stats when i enter arenas or battle grounds? because it says it scales to 626 and when i enter the stats stay the same, how does it scale then upwards? can somebody explain this? I'm a PVP let
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honest thoughts on the warrior set?
No the upgrades are only outside of pvp, you don't need to upgrade at all if you only want to do pvp
Echo went to bed :3
This is a traditional blessing where they overseason and cook the meat as an offering to Maruuk and Teera
the upgrade level is independent of the level it scales to in pvp
least favorite war tier set in a while
the horns could do with being a bit smaller, especially on the shoulder
pretty bad, horns are too big. good colors tho.
>turn in quest
>game freezes
>using over 10 gigs of RAM in task manager
so when are these useless niggers going to fix the memory leak that has been in the game since the first beta build?
One of warrior's worst ever.
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so how does this "scaling" work then? because if the stats are shittier than my non pvp gear (despite the -37 vers) is it better to use my current chest? or the PVP specific one?
i understand now that the upgrades is outside of PVP, but how does the gear then upscale to 626 in PVP? do the stats get increased when in arena for example or do they stay the same? because i swear they stayed the same
do you think they have sex with each other in bed? or is that bad for gamer performance?
Works on my machine
>play classic
>be warlock
>get a trinket that lets me summon a demon without using a soulshard once every 30 minutes
>holy shit!!! leveling matters!!! you get gear thats useful in endgame!!!!!!!

sorry no i think you were just a noob who cared more about the shitty noob gear they had at the time because it was your first time experiencing an mmo. i have similar feelings for getting noob gear in runescape back in the day, but replaying osrs as an adult made me realize how much stuff was just nostalgia for being a retarded naive child
>Ummmm tank? Tactyks doesn't pull those in his youtube m+ guide
the very best warrior set ever made probably ever
God i wish they gave us the option to make Lili fun sized playable pandas...
so the horns are the biggest issue with the set?
what about it do you like?
doesnt feel nice to wear on my orc. why would i, an orc, put dorfs on my shoulders
>raid leader starts removing guild members from the raid after a single mistake hoping he will kill the boss faster
>the people making mistakes are usually those getting the ability for the first time in 2 hours
>"uhh you have been here for 2 hours already so you have no excuse"
>the boss doesn't go down because raid is full of new people replacing the competent members
>it's not even mythic
It's too late to find another guild. How they even got 7/9M last tier is beyond me but even 6/8 seems impossible now...
Sex is bad for performance, pretty much universally known amongst athletes doing competitions. Also stop being a cringe fag please
you forgot to add tail in negatives bro
you know something
i fucking hate scheduled raiding
especially at night
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ok that's an easy one
>guy sitting in dornogal
lazy cunt get kicked
Colors are fucking dire.
Horns look off.
Since Undead Paladins aren't a thing, what Horde race should my Pally be?
>>the people making mistakes are usually those getting the ability for the first time in 2 hours
it always blows my mind how this happens. it took like 10 pulls for me to get targeted by a nexus princess mechanic lol
Blood Elf to be a true post-TBC Light worshipper
why?pandas have tails bro
Hinterlands, aerie peak, i was just there on my earthen, tooo easy!
these tier sets are mostly trash
oh boy 10% more damage on a secondary ability very fun really influences my rotation
>what about it do you like?
screams mountain thane
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>copied retail spells, class identity, legendaries, affixes to classic
>is more popular than retail
If you can't spend the two minutes to watch an ADHD zoomer-friendly video on the boss BEFORE the raid, you're getting kicked. Zero fucking excuse.
blood elf has great casting animations and i like fem belf's 2h attack animations

can't go wrong with zandalari. could also do earthen
>But daddy, me, does. Silence, cucky. +5kg penalty.
>Sorry daddy this dumb dpsissy didn't meant to speak! Cucky will pay 100k for your tankchud servic-
>Tankmandigod-ArgentDawn has left the group.
>Black listed by the tank god union, cuckies didn't get to play m+ for the season
I honestly do like Blood Elf lore, but the playerbase and the one male animation where they swing their fucking weapon behind their back run them for me.
Fair, might roll with them. Dwarfs look good in plate, why I was also thinking Zandalari.
The stats increase when you're in pvp situations. That's how you go from 3500K hp to 8000K when you enter PVP combat. You gain all the stamina, strength and secondaries.
I wish i could level through delves instead of dungeons
I want to create a blood elf and create Church of Holy Light of Silvermoon guild
people would rather bitch and whine and fling shit then finish a 10 on the last boss for vault
the most miserable people play this game bros ijdgi
get in line buddy
ah ok ty anon, so i'll use the pvp gear then
When do you use the stupid spear in NW? hate dungeons that make you use this stuff
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Try guess
>this months trading post
and... another save month
the midnight cloaks/hoods are back which i will be buying right away
not him but watching a video isn't doing it yourself
videos are always easy and then you get the ability and you fuck up
the south eastern corner of Searing Gorge
third boss
you could possibly use anima orbs on the second without losing to much for the third boss tho
Flame Crest in Burning Steppes?
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this M+ im in has an Oceanic Shaman Healer. Should I leave before it starts?
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>join +6 on my 570 tank
>immediately accepted
>"brb wife aggro"
>actually just grabbing choccy milk and cereals
>come back 5 minutes later
>all 4 of them are waiting for me by the dungeon stone like good dogs
Classic won
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remember nightborne?
niggas wiping normal fucking dungeon because niggas can't read one line of text fuck your m+
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>fucked up my professions massively
>somehow made a milly gold anyways
i thought you guys said it was impossible to make gold?
based but i'd probably kick anyone that pulled this
I'd be playing as one if they weren't traitor elves
Horde players got them and even after begging for and getting fixed customizations still won't play as them
tanaan jungle in the beginning of wod?
>unique characters who raided MC last week in SoD
>unique characters who raided Normal Nerub'ar palace last week
do you remember wow companion app
Thread is slow people, make art.
i still have it on my phone dunno why
i used to use it in legion for my order hall missions at work
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>want to play a 2h tank
>have to be a drunk retard or an undead edgelord
Not fair...
you can join any random normal nerubar and clear the entire thing with maybe a few wipes, nobody cares too much. to get into an SoD raid you better be prepared for multiple interviews, have university degree, show investment portfolio, and have BiS gear, all so you can survive the terrifying 2 mechanics that every boss has
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As if I could forget. Listen Lor'themar, there's something about these nightborne you should know...
Oh no. These babes have already been ovulating! It's only a matter of time until they lose the impregnation period.
This entire Suramar must be bred!
Damnit Lor'themar as your counselor I advise you to fuck this arcanist!
this is a literal cope and also you missed the point of the post which is not about difficulty
I leave the party if i see that shit
just go for the fallen-paladin transmog and pretend you're like Sir Zeliek from Naxx
i want them do delete healers and tanks so i can play vampire edgelord without being shitty tank just like in my cool korean mmos
the point is that raiding in SoD is gatekept like a secret society with comical requirements to get in
Aff warlock here, why does my guy feel strong in mythic+ but weak as fuck in raids? The rotation is simple, I use food and two star potions/flasks, yet I see other classes doing bigger numbers despite having similar iLvls, what gives?
does ANYONE who still plays this game do anything that's not for a reward??
it feels like no one still plays the game for the experience itself but rather for long-term rewards, like what's even the point of doing anything if you're not having fun?
I'm not playing the game but I will soon so that I can avatarfag here, does that count as having fun?
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just play vermintide bwo...
i did all the dragon races because i thought they were fun
>blizzard removed the pvp factions from the vanilla timewalking vendor
is over...
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just a liiitle bit more than that i'd say.
I love her bros.
>get gladiator in tbc
>can't hit 1.6k in tww
its not impossible but the margins have collapsed on a lot of things and morons want to spoonfed
take that retard that totalbiscuited us just the other day
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it was virtually impossible pre nerf for most specs

its better than all the fags who got it pre buff when brann did 99% of the work
I wish I didnt.
Can someone post the image of pepe crossing his arms and saying "I'm gonna play TWW" meanwhile there's a basedjack raging at him with walls of text? I need it to own the liberals
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would it have killed them to give nightborne their own casting animation
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Who would win in a death match?
>half a million furysissies
>90k arms chads
From my experience, resto shamans, they tend to be awful at healing and braindead
now my keys are alternating between nw and stonevault
I have never actually given a fuck about any potential new race save Zandalari but I really would like Haranir.
This but to own a faggot friend who betrayed me for Cata
a mistake
>cast beacon of virtue
>spam flash of light using combos for flame
godzamn that is a lot of healing
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>it costs 400 artisan's acuity to make a fishing pole and fishing line but there's literally no way to actually make AA from fishing
NE have one of the best casting animations anyway so whatever
never met a Bardin player that wasn't overconfident and fucking useless
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someone coach me to get to 16000 rating
its a sliding scale
can you find a dad guild?
but classic players are completely fucking unhinged what he says here >>496260893
is true in classic and mythic raiding, the main difference is that the classic players couldnt go 5/8 in the heroic raid
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While I'm enjoying the content of TWW, this might be the most checked out of the plot of an expac I've ever been

Who the fuck is Xal'atath?
Who the fuck is Aleria?
Why is Anduin being such a bitch?
Where the fuck is Thrall during the entire campaign?
Where are the Dragon Aspects we just saved?
Why is Khadgar in a fucking magic wheelchair?

Its impossible to care about any of this
>ret alone 564k parses
jesus christ.
dont forget must be willing to move for world buff world tour
Weaverlines are warbound, so you can order the fishing line on alt and save 100 acuity at least
>last 2 week.png
maybe, but I also specified normal mode, since you can double dip difficulties on the same character
if this post ends in 9, on god t dubs is bussin
i need to watch HotD again for the 14th time
The best thing about this expansion is that you don't have to care about any of this.
>post anything on r/wow
>get auto-downvoted to 0 and shadowbanned if you arent one of a handful of content arbitrators delivering preapproved messages
I was playing SoD during phase 1 and people were absolutely unhinged, gear inspections to get into the BFD raid because two bosses had two mechanics each, groups requiring pvp cloaks and trinkets that gave like +4 stamina on week 2, in the meanwhile I was pugging heroic raids on DF.
That's normal mode only yes
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I found out where Varian's been hiding. He didn't die, he went out for milk one night because he couldn't take the queen and her constant nagging anymore
Guys, I'm getting the WoW itch again. Bluepill me on getting back in.
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can't believe they put zovaal in a wheelchair
its fun to push your ilvl and do more damage/throughput
im pretty close to swearing off m+ at this point tho
im keeping a notepad with my runs and its just a pointless exercise in futility if im being honest i got fucked in the vault last week and this week ill be lucky to get 2 slot and i basically dont need anything from the raid thats not a very rare drop, i cant upgrade anything besides +2 on my pants and i still have like 130 cap on my crests
week 1
gb 10 completed
SV 10 disband
NW 10 disband
week 2
GB 10 disband
SoB 10 disband
SoB 10 disband
NW 10 disband
TS 10 complete
TS 10 disband
If you like M+ this is probably the worst M+ season in history

otherwise its pretty good
but the queen got ROCKED
people just have absolutely no patience for mistakes anymore and want to gatekeep the game as hard as possible from subpar players, and gear is the best way to do this, which is exactly why people are getting upset about delves being an easy way to get gear
if this post ends in anything but 9 t dubs ain't bussin
I like doing all the quests on all my characters even if there's no actual benefit to having done so, aside from exclamation points no longer showing up on the map.
i want to play turtle wow
I miss amirdrassil
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Do you pay attention to the quest text though?
what's stopping you
The first time, yes. After that only sometimes.
why is this character looking through toilet rolls. Is she a retoilet player?
tl;dr - lol, lmao even
the fuck is a turtle wow
what do you have to offer me
are you a childless woman perhaps?
if not and you're willing to donate to me 20 vicious blood stones i will carry you to 1800 free of charge.
I paid for retail WoW
Pure draenei wives
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All thanks to her btw.
and who exactly are you balding incel? post prev season rating or fuck off.
the only thing thats good is pvp
everything else sucks
the raid is alright but its piss easy on heroic
Oh yeah, you slut, give me that 6th trinket in a row *slaps Blizzard's ass*
they really need to let us solo m+ and heroic raids with npc companions
Huoguo Hero has this race in the bag.
>Doesn't even have 2 slot yet
We've had two catalysts and if you're doing 10's you've got the tier piece from hitting 2k, you should be 3/4 minimum.
>FRESH (lockout says they're on council)
>*insert boss here* WL
these should be illegal
I kind of want to try ascension
>when they were trying to think of a name for a new nerubian zone they literally just took AZJol-nerub + ahn'KAHET and called it a day
mage or hunter. they always cause problems
WL? wesewved loot? why tweety bird listing groups
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why it's so ugly
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im not the retard that cant even get 1600 lmao
the offer still stands, lil bro
Whos the Scalie at Blizzard with so much power he forced an entire dogshit race on the game?
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I did a +6 and that felt manageable but I'm really not in the mood for +7s when it comes to M+. I get that it has to be challenging after a certain point, but anything past 6 doesn't really feel fun at all.
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Why do people say moonkins are squishy when they have such wonderful talents such as this?
i have had HEROIC 4p since tuesday last week
im talking about 2 slot in the vault 2 out of 3
i got the spelunkers mark doing shuffle the first week it was available
I think you are.
Jesus fucking christ how do i access all of the old content?
Can't sail to Drustvar becuase NPCs in the 6 year old guides are missing
Can't loot any azurite dungeon armor becuase i haven't done a quest that i can't even access when i talk to the quest giver
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>its an underwater delve
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The shoulders are the worst part.
ah yes, the "i should still be in legend but i dont understand how to push, dodge or shoot specials but i'll still play cata and use my useless trollhammer torpedo for ebic damage" starter pack
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What's the issue?
ok then well enjoy your stay in the bush leagues
maybe youll get 16hundie in 2 months when blizzy cranks the knob for you
tell juan and jorge i said hello
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im a paladin im retarded
yes it really was one loser who gave 0 shits about warcraft and wanted their OC in
they got demoted to some research job after
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I did a +7 and that felt manageable but I'm really not in the mood for +8s when it comes to M+. I get that it has to be challenging after a certain point, but anything past 7 doesn't really feel fun at all.
Howd a researcher get a race put in
you literally can't kill a mistweaver even in 3v1
They should kill Ion Hazzikostas and bring back Dustin Browder.
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purity not guaranteed
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its ok paladins are resistent to drowning (physical damage) due to high armor you made the right play
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Doing TBC HC dungeons for transmog, find out i have most of the mogs despite having no memory of doing them outside TBC Classic.
dont worry little brother
when mop KKULASSIC drops and you finally get another arena tournament lythi will be there casting your game as well
lythi isnt even a tranny hes just a crossdressing german, they're all like that
no choice when you're caged...
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based blizzard putting the looney troons on the pvp shit that no one cares about
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*throws a salute*
this is literally how all wow influencers look. it's so fucking sad. not a single game has worse looking gamers.
they researched how to get a race put in
>running around hallowfall without flying
Haters were right, flying was a mistake. They should lock flying at least until you complete the campaign or something so you can properly experience the zone, once without flying and then another with flying
Just wait until the only way for you to upgrade is doing +9s for crests or 10's for a vault. I think they forgot most people play this game for loot not to be challenged.
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undead are the only thing I miss about playing horde. so fucking kino
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Hope you're ready for Ahn'jorub next patch
Few races do not at all match the Horde's themes as little as the NBs.
Even putting aside the Unga aesthetic, because the literal Golden Horde was a dominant and thriving civilisation during its time, the Horde's races are united in their pursuit of finding their place in the world. The Belves at least were entirely displaced (or so we thought until TBC revealed that their homeland wasn't all that devastated, after all), so while they returned and rebuilt their most important civilization it underwent crucial changes.
The NBs have lived in Suramar for 10'000 years and have firmly preserved the original culture of the Highborn, and while their Empire has collapsed around them, they have been its stalwart heirs and stewards. The NBs are thematically, culturarly and visually an Alliance race that has to shack up in Shitgrimmar.
The only positive is that they can now dutifully serve Tauren cock all day long, as all Horde females should.
holy fucking moly that's a pumpable draebae
Tazavesh is 100% coming back this expansion in the rotation. So far they've brought back all of the mega dungeons (except DoTI which is too recent).
sorry, but tauren cock belongs to Alliance girls exclusively
tazavesh is my favourite
troon game
cut your dick vile tranny
Okay, who the fuck thought it was a cool idea putting Khadgar in a wheelchair? How does this make sense?
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Truth. I still think flying is what killed the fun in having a shared world. And sharding, obviously.
that would be fantastic
i love both instances
i really love all the SL dungeons, even plaguefall
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Be humble, r*etoilet.
it is genuinely one of the worst things they ever added to the game, you don't actually experience the world if you're just flying over it all the time
Leveling up with dragonriding was so dumb, zooming from point A to point B.
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Oh yea .... THAT happened ...
delete this, clvssic chvd
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*burps* HAMMERS UP
i can't believe you retards simped for method lmao
12.0 will be different
sneed within is a filler expansion
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Tazavesh is my favourite dungeon in terms of visual design and trash/boss mechanics. The soundtrack slaps too. I only hope they don't fuck up the tuning. This dungeon needed a lot of nerfs for it before it became playable.
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my wife
thank you for sharing
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Why do people call our game "retoilet" ....?
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>Only one cape drops from the raid
>It is very rare
first mistake
theyre not people
anime was a mistake
oops nevermind first boss drops one hehe ignore me i am silly ;3 im a dumb healer!!!
>Another RWF that is going to be decided by which raid team is active when the boss gets a massive nerf
its 6pm est
im ready to read the weekly tuning notes but you have not posted them?
no one cares you fucking loser
what are they gonna do with classic after cataclysm?
>another rwf that almost no one cares about
now cripples can be happy and represented in warcraft
I only care about Max losing.
MoP. The WotLK to Cata shift was a real question mark as to how far they'd be willing to go but if they've done cata they might as well do MoP. WoD is a very clear stinker that puts up another round of ??? but the base game of WoD was liked well enough so if you can shove that out and make people go through all of that in a very fast pace you get to Legion which I'd argue is the absolute last example of a lot of people going "hey I'm nostalgic for this".
pandaria undoubtedly, the question is what comes after that
are they really going to do classic wod? calling cata "classic" was already a stretch, at the point of WoD the game got its big graphics update and really became the retail game we know today
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deathlord have arrived, make way for my chariot of crippled death(me wheels is small)
suffer well, Deathlord
here's a secret
you can, get this... you can get off your mount and walk around to appreciate the areas you think look cool in greater detail! you could even use a ground mount if you want to! no one's stopping you!
>buhhh shared world epic adventures
this hasn't been the case for a good portion of this games' lifetime and you fucking know it. 90% of people are going to be hanging around cities, likely raidlogging or working on other instanced content. stop deluding yourself.
I think they should have just left the infinite WOTLK
I really don't know what they should do with the classic servers now, except at the end just move all the characters to retail and close them down, leaving only season of something
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>want to make crafting order
>it wants 150 gloom chitin
>it is automatically trying to use up my rank 3 gloom chitin
>put all my rank 2 and 3 gloom chitin in the bank to save them and use concentration on my shitty rank 1 gloom chitins
>it takes all the rank 3 gloom chitin out of my bank while at the crafting table and burns 200k gold on 1 profession knowledge
fuck this game and fuck you
Multiple sources have confirmed that classic is going to go until legion and then allow players to transfer to retail.
stop shoving action figures up your ass, bitchtits
who the fuck wants to do that lol
"heavily invested classic players share their delusions on nerubian silk weaving forum"
more at 11
and then start all over again?
>no one's stopping you!
wew, that one went right over your head huh?
may i see them?
Baby girl did you check the box that says "always use best crafting materials"
siege is
in fact
What addons are there to show frozen runes inside naxx?
It's just not a fun dungeon
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>have an overwhelming urge to roll a male human prot warrior after solely playing horde for 12 years and never tanking once
if you let the news of a transfer out early enough, people will do MoP/WoD for the challenge mode skins and Legion for mage tower stuff.
The power of fake exclusivity is impossibly alluring to the hoarder.
they're working late
>just don't use it!
every time
i suppose i could also just not take any talents or wear any gear because they make killing mobs easier, which would give me more time to appreciate the zones because the whole process would take longer
>150 gloom chitin costing 200k gold

where is this? i have about 500 to sell
only way to bring back fomo without ruining the original challenge
I'm sure all those five people who gave a shit are happy now.
Oh look, it's Khadgar with a scythe.
sex with fox girls
Yes but I didn't know it would take it out of my BANK because I didn't think it mattered because I only had rank 1 items in my bags
the crafting is fucked
i can slot all 3 star reagents and barely reach halfway to a 2 star quality
>good enough to be competent but still bad enough to not be great
how do i overcome this.
no, i just went through expansion after expansion of blizzard making me jump through stupid fucking hoops to get flying and i would prefer to have the choice of how instead of people wanting it forced on me for the same stupid reasons blizzard cited every time they were stubborn as fuck about it
dragonriding is a nice compromise because it makes it easier to get to somewhere i need quickly but active enough that i can still enjoy the journey instead of aiming my mount and alt-tabbing
not even remotely the same thing
>do +9 stonevault
>envoker healer does breath in 1st hallway
>we all wipe due to it
>party disbanded in less than 30 seconds
kek what the fuck
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classic chads won't invite retoilet tourists to challenge mode groups btw so get ready to pay again, piggy
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Post your characters
>be tank
>instant queues
>infinite keys and gear
>get to set the pace
>immortal in solo content
>rarest role

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user error
That's Lich King coping that Arthas' will is holding back the scourge. There are quests where you see him as a child and the Lich King is 100% coping and seething about it.
can you do zekvir more than once?
this fucking bug fuck isnt invading my delves nearly enough and i need more maps and echos.

peice of shit bug come try me
Classic+ will be the main focus moving forward it seems. It's why Metzen came back btw
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pvpminigamers wtf is going on?!?!?!?!?!?!?
We got Lorgok for mythic raiding and this is the best pvp can offer?
alright this rocket blimp thing is starting to grow on me, even if just because of how silly it is
shame about the incessant noise even while standing still though
>transfer to retail
oh great my classic characters can join my 25 other max level alts

who gives a fuck.
>take all the blame when things go wrong, even if it isn't your fault
>expected to carry shitters with no thanks
>these same shitters will criticize and opine on your tanking as you time the key with no deaths and deal more damage and interrupt more than they did
Why does no one want to do this role???
it looks stupid
>white "men"
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Didn't this guy quit? Why is he still making videos about wow?
Okay, I gotta ask, does anyone actually care about "muh DEI hirees" that Asmongold can't shut up about? Geniuenly curious, cuz I got a feeling his fanbase is in an info bubble while normal people don't give frogs fat ass about it.
i desire to breed a femgoblin
infinity indians is why we have 6 hour weekly resets.
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>PLEASE give traffic to my shitty website PLEASE
Pretty sure those are reuploads? I guarantee I've seen that thumbnail and title before. That's some real bottom of the barrel content if its true
time and time again shit like this happens and I feel nothing because it's not the same company

but that cinematic

we're really going home over 20 years later
Isn't that infamous players video something that he already made? Is he just reuploading videos?
Holy shit, got me right in the feels when WC2 theme started playing
collection TROONS, you know "people" who only play the game to play dress up and farm mounties
>Liquid imploding on stream
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>implying people wont just buy them again like last time
ty bro, keep us posted
money for nothing and your chicks for free
Long time coming
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>my BIS neck is a random delve drop
>1 day advantage
>Eurochads 3% away from you
>Barely progged your % since yesterday
What's the cope gonna be this time? Also if dubs the chinks beat them as well.
1. It's called Handmaiden.
2. Why would anyone ever play Handmaiden?
3. This would never happen. Elf can singlehandedly solo missions.

Lumberfoots cope and seethe.
I'd rather have a Sienna that keeps nuking herself than bring a Tardin.
i saw arthas and i clapped
He "quit," then came back to do SoD and will undoubtedly continue to play whatever new Classic release comes out.
That reupload is a compilation video of a whole series.

only safe thing is to mail shit off and learn to slow down unfortunately. dealing with the ui and muscle memory issues is just a cost of doing business.
won't be so bad once the leveling tails off and you're not trying to do 6 different things 4 different ways in one sitting anymore.
handmaidens are arguably even more useless but at least they take a weapon to kill ranged specials with
>manage to somehow luck into a competent guild group
>they invite me for more keys
>everything goes smooth
oooh I had almost forgotten what it was like to actually time keys
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im bricking keys
sex with dumb anime posters!
>Be in good raid guild
>Can't bother to catch them online outside raid time
>Forced to suffer low keys to grind M+ score, seething at my disgrace as I do 60% of the dps
Same old, same old
it's just the yurostain having a melty because he had to walk away from the bosses hitbox for 0.01 seconds to follow an assignment
why arent you watching the word race , goyim? dont you know the future of wow esports depend on you watching and donating? you fuckin prick
it's like that because filthy poorfags complained about having to buy the expensive shit so they made it more about concentration lmao
I'm surprised he hasnt shit on SoD because as of right now it is objectively the worst version of the game.
wait this dude is just reuploading shit now? lmao
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>timelocked crafting
wtf everything is on a timer
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Why is the raid so uninspired? Can't they come up with more mechanics than just don't stand in bad?
no point in watching it. this is what happens every time
>echo struggles and is behind liquid for most of the raid
>liquid chokes on the last boss
>echo gets a god pull and kills it
>echo wins
wdym, silken court is kino
>lose 5 rating for every loss
>gain 23 rating for every win
how am i expected to climb with rates like this?
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I feel bad for my friend regarding the Guild Bank disappearing issue.

My friend is a 72 year old lady. She plays WoW everyday collecting super rare items(Mounts, pets, toys) to giveaway to her new player guild. For example, during Pet Battle week, she fills up a whole guild bank tab daily and let's each person take 3 pets a day. These pets range from 5g pets to 25k pets. She also hosts events like Gnome toss where each player jumps off the entrance of Ironforge and trys to land onto a targetted area, the top 3 players usually receive a pet/toy/mount ranging from 30-80k. There's so many events hosted with such rare giveaways and she can no longer host any of these as all the gifts are gone and it takes time to rebuild a collection like that. She doesn't buy these, she gets them made or hunts them down herself.

She has an alt that had it's own guild, it had 8 tabs of rare pets/mounts/toys. She has asked Blizzard Support for help but they just close the ticket on her with a automated reply that they're working on it.

How is this allowed? Why are we allowing Blizzard to get away with this? People pay monthly and dedicate time just to lose it all from no fault of their own.

Got a picture of one of the tabs to show the recent months of what she deposited. The other 7 tabs all had pets but the Log just states "Pet Cage" so I didn't wanna upload that. All 8 tabs have been rinsed by Blizzards mistake.

Just wanted to share.
classic bvlls and gachaGODS run /wowg/
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I'm so sick of the nerubian theme bros
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HSR is the only /wowg approved gacha
It's pretty much gone forever blizzard has said they aren't gonna restore any of them
you probably couldnt run a mile if your life depended on it
I reinstalled Epic Seven.
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why doesn't Blizzard just make the items that were deleted and give them back to the players?
Does any of you know how to get the azurite armors now? I need to the battle for azeroth shit it seems but i don't know how. do i have t use a charater under lvl 70 and time travel to the BFA period?

And how do i unlock the ship to drustvar?
BfA is infamously fucked with the amount of hidden soft-attunements needed to progress forward. I would guess you need to finish the MSQ if each zone
how do I unlock zeret mortis I need to farm the one handed blades
how rare are the rares
go back to Chromie and switch to a timeline that isn't one of the worst expansions ever made
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>run around donagol for an hour trying to get into a key
>key into one
>tank dies
>instant leave
>0 drops from raid this reset
>0 maps from delves last week
>items I need dont come from M+
they lost the backups and records, chud
they can't guarantee people aren't lying, chud
what's that? the logs are still observable and prove what was in the bank? just shut the fuck up and keep paying us money, chud
He's not wrong. Just add more world-event stuff, better cosmetics, and current WoW is a better open-world ARPG experience than Diablo 4. Which is good, because D4 has some annoyingly bad mechanics (tempering, masterworking) that kinda ruin it.
Nelf Warrior
Orc Warrior
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i'm already lvl 70. i would have to use my lower level character and then level it to 70 to farm the azurite stuff. i did freehold 14 times and didnt get anything before realizing i need to have finished a certain BFA quest
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How hard is arcane if I have never played a DPS?
Mag looks cool
sorry i'm out of concentration for a few days.
it's for pvp, so i don't need max level
but i finally got it
nobody had it who was offering it from trade chat
then a guy finally came that crafted it for me, the fun thing about is that he recraftred my pvp sword and also was the same person that recrafted my charged slicer
i somehow forgot everything about shadowlands
>no tuning this week
alright boys well it was a fun couple of weeks ill be seeing most of you in midnight i guess
we going back to shadowlands levels of exodus
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>raid settings set to 5
>Still massive frame drops on the pizza slices for silken court

nice game retoilets
what are you gay or what?
nobody cares metafag
After years of playing I realized something. I can just make my own rules. Why go for dungeons or pvp if I just become a full profession main? I like my old elven warlock and he has been there for years but I could use demonic circle and gateway to swap between fishing pools to reach true peak performance after all these years. The alliance alt I made? Full time mine and make some nice items. Its a dwarf so its time to diggy diggy hole. Am I... finally free?
they should turn outlaw into a tank spec
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>bead of sweat
>buys prebuilt
>plays on a 1690 super
>default settings w/e the fuck they are
>no frame drops
works on my machine
imagine buying a 4090 for fucking worlo
Crazy DSLs
is wow flat or sharp?
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>get this piece of shit to level 70
>start doing TWW dungeons
>immediate feeling of "fuck this" overwhelms me
>tfw rolled a paladin
phew i'm safe to continue playing war within!
doesnt matter how good a class might be, if i dont like staring at my character, i aint playing that shit
i hate when people call attention to their monotone voice and try to market it
Jandive Barov in a class room.
tick tock europoors
humans are so fucking lucky...
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>spend 30 minutes looking for Blood in the Water
>finally find one
>Dilly-Dally Dace
>Cursed Ghostfish
>Cursed Ghostfish
>Bloody Perch
>Sanguine Dogfish
fuck OFF
god i wish i were my dracthyr
It should be a ranged dps spec purely based on pistols and gunslinging
more flatchested draes
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I always wondered what is this black stone thing on the old Stormwind keep
>Queue for every single fucking m+ because I'm playing DPS
>Eventually get picked for one
>Siege of Boralus +6, okay cool
>Leader (blood DK) is trying to pay close attention to the comp
>Asks if I can BL (my spec can)
>Asks if I have all the flasks/food/rune/weapon stuff (I do)
>Eventually just take the first semi-decent looking healer that comes because we're waiting a while
>Unusually high communication for a pug
>They're normally all 'hi', nothing through the dungeon and then 'gg' at the end
>Getting good vibes
>Get to dungeon
>Ready check, use your shit
>Let's go!
>Tank fails to dodge the frontal knockback from a mob in the very first pack
>Gets knocked into the water
>Bricks his key
Why do they have to make end game so confusing?
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Is Ragnaros so bad that 2kio people will pass on a 2.1kio healer from that server??
what happened sis
why are healers such a joke in wow the war within?

no healer needed for a +11 key lol

Holy fucking SOVL
Flying mounts were a mistake
i can't stop laughing at this story lmao
can someone show me how stormwind looked in the classic if you looked on it from the sea (when harbor wasn't built yet)? I can't find any images
It was just a massive cliff
>12 deaths
>nothing but hybrids who instead heal themselves
>normal dungeons
>heroic dungeons
>lfr raids
>heroic raids
>m0 dungeons
>m+ dungeons
>mythic raids
in that order
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It's ending today.
no walls were visible?
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>*hoots at u*
I expected blood
Please give Echo your energy to make sure Liquit Max loses.
worst participation of any season since sl1, you heard it here first
honestly thats so low that its not really any kind of indication of skill
latam server players dont all speak english, most do but some dont
they also have a higher probability that their internet just dies on them mid run
as far as competency goes - its a mixed bag
ive been burned by just as many latam players as US players either doing dumb shit, failing mechanics, or poor throughput
is +12 the equivalent of a +22 or a +24?
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im better at the game than you
thats right
i play blood dk
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>yoo hoo
No. https://www.whereinwarcraft.net/ - Look at the map
Its mostly all the currencies and shit they throw at you. Like it gives me delve stuff, delve keys, valorstones, crests, sparks, catalysts on top of all the rep events. I feel like I have no idea what to focus on first or what is best used for what.
post wedding drae backshots
very interesting
I'd say the average player is pretty noticeably worse than the average player of a "normal" server and the often lack of english is a big issue but beyond all that the biggest thing with Ragnaros or Azralon or Illidan is confirmation bias. Everyone knows Ragnaros and Azralon are notoriously shitty servers so even if you have 20 perfectly fine runs with people from there the second you have one BR brick your key people lose their minds and say never again. I don't think everyone from that server is a raging subhuman but even while I can accept that logically I see Ragnaros and kind of go "no".
I showed my deaf friend that pair of characters and she thought it was really nice. She doesn't get to see people like her in games often.
if they add a ranged spec everyone is going to be forced to play it
I wanna play with Metro's hair!
There's some nuance to it, but it still ultimately boils down to spamming arcane blast and missiles.
where do I find the delve item pool
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I think his "CONTENT" showing insane bricked keys is pretty funny but for a man so invested in properly doing M+ in pugs any time I have watched him play a key himself he shits the bed regularly. The other day I saw a clip of him doing Grim Batol on a +8 and he stood perfectly still as his double enforcers(?) stacked their scaling auto attack buff to 10+ in his face and he instantly got gibbed only to go "?????".
this dude is extremely based
i tuned into his stream today and he was shitting on augvokers for 5 minutes straight
They have no plan once it gets to that point. They start panicking and dying to stupid shit. It'll take another 50 pulls before they figure out how to navigate execute.
>Holy healer
>Shadow caster
Delete priests!
>"O-oh anon thanks for showing me th-this i guess... but my disability isn't really my personality h-haha. I guess it's kinda cool and all I don't see why they'd add it to the game though."
im guessing you didnt play df then. its pretty much an exact copy of the system there. took me a little while to get used to it but its not so bad once you do.
what age is this?
>didn't meant to
Quel'thalas spotted
>finally get a bountiful delve map
>but it drops on my hunter not my main
>it gives me a fucking ascendancy serum trinket
What makes Prot Pallies so shit?
For Zekvir?? which is the cast Im supposed to interrupt?
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>"afk" on my void Dirigible
>can see people inspecting me
im so fucking epic
what does this dude do for work?
at like 10am on a tuesday nigga is doing endless keys in his wood paneled basement.
this will only last until people find out zekvir got nerfed
Take a look at your paycheck. Do you see why 30% of what you earned is not there?
I love Demo because of the summoner fantasy but god damn Destro is so braindead and so strong.
I havent touched it in years and Im topping charts easily
show me where you do a +11 with a healer
can someone actually good at the game explain why mists is the easiest dungeon. I've only done every dungeon at +5 and siege was the only one that felt crazy overtuned while the rest felt about the same
Beating ?? Zekvir should unironically reward the heroic tier token
the youtubers said so on their tier lists
yup, destro is doing good and is very unga bunga rn

only thing that blows is when the tank keeps moving the pack out of your RoF

Demo is pretty good for lower keys when you just need burst but itneeds more dmg
I hate that there's no way to actually see the customizations someone has equipped to their DF mounts
>blizzard broke the skull of manari
Fu blizz
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>Doing normal queen
>retards being retards
>tank dies
>other tank gets infest
>I bubble as they explode
>kill the boss
>i'm the only one alive
We call it the “pimp blimp” over here
Word of glory is a joke, not even worth casting. We just seem to take more damage than other tanks, but it's a little overblown. Prot can tank anything anyone is looking to pug.
Is the dps difference between templar and herald too big?
I just resubbed yesterday and I already see a plot hole in the story.

Why would 'I' want to stop this void mommy? Doesn't make sense. Seems silly that blizzard doesn't let me just instantly fall to my knees and start worshiping her.
go check 99% of r.io +11 runs
Teach me senpai
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give me ara keys
yeah not sure why a shadow priest in particular would give a shit
The Maze+ would have a melty
Since blizzard are fags and made it so I can spit at people, how do I express my complete disdain for furries and faggot elves?
Maybe not, but the tier set pushes the radiant glory setup which dawn light greatly benefits from
man I don't have motivation to do delves on any character other than my dk
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brutal mog
It was massive a few weeks ago. Not sure now with the tier set bonus but I suspect Templar is still ahead. It was just that far ahead.
Dornogal is a top 5 city.
it is comfy
Name 5 non-story NPCs there without looking
>Word of glory is a joke, not even worth casting
it bumps you up to 90% block chance
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>all those lived in comfy dwarf hobbit homes
>all those open public hotspring baths
>all the greenery and stone everywhere
>vault is close, ah is close, portals are close, inn is close but it doesn't feel too cramped or laggy like valdrakken
dornogal is the #1 city they've ever made
Nipper the spooder
I couldn't do that for any city
templar is a lot worse than herald
heralds talents allows you to stack crusade to 10 stacks in 3 GCDs, does a lot of dot dmg, and gives you a huge haste buff too
also chance on dot dmg to make megabuff your hammer of wrath for one cast, making it crit for over a million
They're weak on pull like a lot of other tanks but have the most ramp uptime to get going (obviously this is offset by going into a pack with a major CD rolling) so that takes a lot of people off guard and they get instantly gibbed because in addition prot has really low base HP. They actually have a completely reasonable set of defensive CDs they can rotate throughout but their core AM of both literally just standing in their consecration and SotR kind of sucks. If either of those two things (not consecration god not consecration) were at a baseline better and if they had a little bit more HP they'd be fine.
I miss Boralus
Boralus also has that feel of being an actual city. Its up there in the top 5.
Wu Ping (weapons shop)
Bryan Drinkhammer (flight master)
Matthias Shaw (SI7)
Ma Jackson
Jackie chan
you can go there
right now
there is no reason to afk in dornogal
if you really want to see players just sit around the summon stone
shield of righteous bad, conscrecration bad for mobility, self heals and absorbs bad
Cro Threadstrong
Granny Smith
Rilakh the Redeemed
Haris Pilton
>Haris Pilton
>Do delve
>Get item for slot i already have item
>Key stolen
can i sue?
how did blizzard kill the casual pvp scene this hard?
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>find two maps
>dup item
>shitty poo stanky trinket
I missed out on BFA in its entirety and going back and doing the intro quests a bit actually gives me some regret I missed out. Boralus seems really comfy and the world building in BFA is really exquisite.
Much like Shadowlands, the art and world team was great but all the gameplay was fucked
Is this the bottom of the sword? Or just some random crystal? Spoil me please.
did it? shuffle and blitz are bussin no cap
no idea but I dont think we will get to know this xpac. they will probably use it in the next one and then turn it into the gate to heaven or whatever
shadowlands gameplay was fine tho
random crystal
What's that do for you when you need to heal?
azeroth buttplug
It's not the sword. Its been explained that the crystal started switching to void after the sword was stabbed into Azeroth, so it was already there. No idea what it is though, maybe some kind of mega naaru.
The arathi expedition were following a fallen star (beledar) in azeroths ocean when it transported them to khaz algar, over a decade ago. When sargeras plunged his sword into the world that was the first time the crystal started doing shadow shit
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What if Azeroth was a femboy cat.
>"new" zones are literally just Eredath, Icecrown, Gilneas and Val'sharah
I never said they carried, nor did I say "Le". Don't ever respond to one of my posts again, you disingenuous cunt.
It's another light ship.
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so Liquid get it to like 5% tonight, and then Echo wake up, copy their strat, and kill it tomorrow.
Wow so entertaining.
At least we'll get to see Max have a meltie after losing again.
beledar is just what the arathoids named it
next expac the light will be the villain, and we'll have to dismantle the chud arathi empire
kys danuser
Hallowfall is the most kino zone they've made in years. I honestly didnt think nu Blizzard were capable of such.
the bread and circuses sure are strange in the year 2024
it's a collection of good old employees and new blood
the retards are all fired
illidan had his eyes gauged and now has demon vision, that's a cool way to be blind in wow
the centaur lady has a service dog with a corny "do not pet" dialogue (she's not blind, why would she need one) and an interpreter, that's a lame way to be deaf/mute in wow
>Unzips mic
>Bubbling water
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shoutout to that one time a gross goblin made me dance and shake my ass for him in silvermoon.. greedy fuck didnt even pay me..
based, I love Electric Wizard
Shut the fuck up Afrasabi
centaurs from dragon isles suck
they even have the original lore screwed up, because blizzard when asked “how could two same races appear at different times in different ways?”, blizzard said “well, they just appeared”.
>get up to second firing squad in siege of boralus
>we hit them while they reload
>they start firing again and we all die
what the NIGGER FUCK
should have played around it
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if you die more than 4 times before we even reach 1st boss in a m+ key, i am going to bail
sorry, not sorry. Not wasting my time on a bricked key
based gobber working the marks
Those won't stop firing unless you hit the spotter, it's a new bug
I am Basedris Basedtzen
>expecting pay from a trial
are people unironically using pots in warmode?
delves give you a ton of exclusive outdoor buff items. i have a bunch of barrels that heal you to full and banners that give you 2k mainstat for an hour
why is moonguard trade chat so reddit? i get secondhand embarrassment whenever a new character doesn't have it disabled by deault
new noname55 kino just dropped
what do you think about the Great Glorious Alliance
Naaru parasitic egg sent to yoink Azeroth's world soul for the Light. Now partially void-fucked for reasons?
Horde sex slaves
I believe it, xalanath main plan was corrupting it with the essence of galakrond
as a fan of both jaina and assumi, i always love that he does variants of both. it is indeed kino and the wink always gets me.
everyone needs to compete with furryboomer
yay... assumi animation #105924
we really needed another one instead of anything new
Nonames Orc female and Troll female animations > Nonames assumi and jaina animations
what's his password?
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did it have a chance?
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Love going on diplomatic missions to horde negotiations.
Based and true. Tired of human women
>6 hours ago
retards I'm speaking about a faction from warlands
AI Slop > Current WoW R34 scene
no because they strayed from the story immediately invalidating itself

they could have a made an epic about a level 1 human leveling to 12 and fighting hogger if they wanted to but instead they shat this abortion out their cunts
too many short races
fem belf and male gob is an underrated duo
so the new tanky m+ build for bears only consist of 3 offensive abilities besides juggling and timing your defensive cooldowns.

thrash and mangle on CD and then fill with moonfire to reduce the cooldown of lunar beam.

no more swipe or raze for aoe
Actually she was really excited and asked me to send more screenshots and said it made her feel good
Keep imagining negative stuff though
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Pandaren, not "pandas".
no she said I can't hear you
you got me
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aw yea
>alliance fanatic panda
she takes human dick
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do you like new dragon aspects (and tyrande)
>player on liquid raid team dies at the end of intermission with no battle rezzes loft
>max's face drop, he lets out a soft "no...", a defeated look washes over him, he stops doing callouts for ~30 seconds
they aint killing this shit tonight
>get blown off of eye of the storm
>try to heroic leap back on land
>"no path available"
This game is garbage
Naaru collapse into void lords when they are mortally wounded or despairing but not just instantly obliterated like Xe'ra was.

See Mu'ru in Sunwell plateau, or the "Dark Star" of shadowmoon valley.

The Crystal is a Naaru of some sort, lodged into the world, probably like that one anon says to "claim" azeroth for the light. It called the arathi to serve its purposes and they have, but the Sargeras sword wounded it, perhaps mortally and now it is flickering into a void creature, the sword was likely aimed at beledar, not Azeroth, and was partially successful, wounding Beledar, but by wounding it and not killing it hes made it fall into a void state. Sargeras wants to claim azeroth, not kill it.
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based ion helping max while echo are asleep
what do you mean merithra has a son
did she have sex with someone
>didn't get this week 1
I never liked any of the dragon aspects. Richard Knaak is a fucking hack who ruined Warcraft lore forever. Total dragon death
But anon
Alexstrasza's tits
LiqSHIT still wiping even after nerfs
yea, me
wrathion is the only dragon I like and they somewhat butchered him
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>still no fixes for resto druid reforestation breaking roots on ara-kara last boss
>liquid going to kill queen to nickelback
In the end: it won't even matter.
>Resto druid in a M+

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