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Dumb smug monkey begging to get his face caved in

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJpKRWYNkE

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>496280068
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huntress soles!
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>he isn't a soles hunter
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We LOVE huntresses
gb2/ >>>/trash/
I love monstresses
>He pre-ordered
Enjoy getting fucked like the DD2 fags did while I wait for Capcom to fix their shit port and get the game on a 40% sale.
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petition to remove rise from the OP and replace it with mhnow
I love huntresses
Why does this thing have porn?
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Huntress coded weapons?
Evens I sleep
Odds I hoont
Hoont time
Go hunt a monster you havent hunted before. That or go back to one you haven't hunted in a while.
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what's mhfu completed version and why is it way smaller file than regular mhfu
has jp exclusive events and stuff
jp exclusive content and some QoL options such as hold to gather, change equipment from gathering hall, and early kill lao shan
>why is it way smaller file than regular mhfu
it's just a patch file
It's an translation patch with some upgrades for the Japanese iso.
I love huntresses
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ready for my first quest brehs
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They still havent shown Kut-ku fights. They arent gonna be killable are they? they look domesticated by the Wudwud's. They are either just for show, or maybe we hook on to them to travel around.
It's really starting to hit me that the older games can LITERALLY waste hours of your life because a quest went horribly wrong.
Do you guys use MKB for ranged weapons? Its pretty nice to aim with vs a controller but everything else to do with hotbars and keybinds is super odd
Only thing I use keyboard for is item and sticker shortcuts because I fucking hate radial wheels. Mouse aiming would be snappy and all but MH isn't that dire in needing to pinpoint little pinprick heads in an instant and I rarely use guns anyway.
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It took us almost 4-6 hours trying to do a 4 man powderstone delivery quest in MH1JP with a bunch of other people in the old school discord. Oldschool MH did not fuck around.
Yeah I'm a melee player but I'm learning the ranged weapons for a bit of fun. I'm not good at aiming with controller hence I tried MKB but I do miss everything else about the controller. I actually like the radial menu haha
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
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>cart in an arena quest
>immediately try to get back into the arena
>get on that wire ride
>just as I get on that long ride, the other players kill the monster
>I can't skip the monster kill scene until I get off the wire ride

Well, I guess learn something new every day. So if you happen to cart when the monster is almost ready to die and you're on that wire ride on the way back, you have to suffer a humiliation ritual in the form of an unskippable cutscene.
Everyone should learn HBG so they can farm shit twice as fast.
you said the same thing twice
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ayo wtf is this shit
welcome to the old world
>he playded FU
enjoy lol
is this the new thing? ironic esl posting?
>he fell for the "MHFU is good" meme
it is, you're just shit
>he boughted morld
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>anon tries 2nd gen
>gets slapped with a reality check on the first quest
>he dilationed him neo-vaganis
Is that Wilds Congalala?
He monke. He smug. He wild.
Is this an old render?
6th genners are gonna be called what, sixers?
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Conga liners
that's 9th gen anon
no anon, that's you
you are a nigger
Yooooo... the grind is real in FU.... or my game buggeded? I killed the charging boar and only got one carve like I held done the button untill the time ran out and my waifu just carved once what the hell and where are all the mining rocks I ran all over the snowy map facing ever wall and not once did the prompt to mine come up anywhere how am i supposed to get mats like rocks and bugs??
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*farts and gets a little poop on my balls*
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I really hate the "monster if he real" look Wilds has going on
You need a pickaxe in your inventory and you need to find the spots yourself. There might be a guide that shows the locations online. But they are difficult to find otherwise.
horror engine
Just give me cool looking armor and I won't complain.
I trust they will deliver.
>gen 5+
>cool looking armor
I'm just gonna use the guild knight layered armor 2bqh
When did they show gameplay of the shitting farting nigger?
>current festival theme in World is the Halloween theme
>not only does the waiter palico wear that cute Frankenstein outfit, his voice is also much lower pitched to make him sound like Frankenstein

TGS stream, wandered about the forest and showed little bits including congas and the farty man himself. Was a bit back so I'm assuming the gameplay snippets will be going up on youtube by now.
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>Doj once again pretending to be new to a game
1080p 60fps (with frame gen)
lmao just imagine
That is alot of carve, or maybe i am just too used to GU's tiny carve
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dont forget your meds
>2 plates and 2 gems
So I was right.
I killed a few diablos, maybe can make his weapons will check in the morning
You're a genuine moron if you prefer RNG deco.
Also the HH gameplay looks like trash. Recital spam again.
There's a third plate in the quest rewards
Stop calling me a tranny for playing SA
Okay sister :)
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>he isn't a solo hunter
stop trying so hard to fit in
>no one was allowed to play Wilds on a PS5 Pro
ohnonnononno sonysisters.......
ive been posting since 2015 faggot. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
dang you started young huh
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>Actual Electionigger
Explains so much
>ive been posting since 2015 faggot.
We know.
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Why did it take so long for the "Quest Start" popup to appear? It only came up like 30-40 seconds after attacking Congalala. What actually triggers this popup to appear?
>Wilds LS Helm Breaker into Spirit Release combo is over 400 MV combined
how the fuck is this okay
idc i just play what i find fun
PvE games shouldn't be balanced
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You're almost ready to make yourself a nice Normal 3 HBG setup. It's super fun, comfy and satisfying.
I see judging by your other wishlisted armor pieces that you were planning on making one of those already.
>meanwhile IG has to lose all of its extracts for a 72 MV attack that will never hit weakpoints
Thanks for the hunts
I'm super new to ranged so I still don't get when I should be using spread, pierce or normal. I just know that the Fatalis HBG is the best for all of them. What are the use cases for them?

There's also sticky, cluster and the ailment ammo too, is that more of a LBG/Bow thing or should I be poisoning shit too with HBG
Oh and there's elemental ammo but that's LBG only I think?
ps5 pro barely has a better cpu so it's still the same 30 fps lmaoooo
Nergibros I'm losing hope...
I don't think he'll be in Wilds...
Meanwhile Capcom is forcing japanese content creators giving negative feedback about their favorite weapon to delete their tweets
Spread is technically the strongest way of playing, but it's super cancerous since you have to be literally at point blank range and use a special scope to get the most possible damage.
Pierce allows for long range playstyles, but your positioning has to be on point since you need to ensure your ammo does the most tics of damage at the proper angles.
Normal is the comfiest, as you can stay within mid range and attack from just about any angle.
If you're gonna go for Sticky, then the Furious Rajang HBG is way better since you won't have to worry about recoil. The Fatalis HBG can do Sticky too, but you're left with TERRIBLE recoil per shot but higher damage per shot.
You can use elemental ammo with HBG as well, but I haven't delved too deep into elemental gunning, so I can't give you any answers on that.
i missed all news about wilds
Amount of damage dealt seems to be the trigger
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he's sleeping
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Craftable decos & No Charms >>>>>>> RNG Decos & Craftable Charms >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Craftable Decos & RNG Charms

This is the objectively correct opinion. If you disagree you're a retarded nigger.
No decos and no charms > everything else
Mods or CE or save editors to give yourself RNG drops >>>>>>>>>>>> everything you listed there.
Fuck dealing with RNG loot.
what about console?
Post your Gen 1 Fatalis clear you larper
You can play without a charm in a craftable deco and rng charm game and only miss out on 10% total power compared to the slop that is rng deco.
That’s the whole game.
t. Retarded nigger.
I haven't played gen 1, I just don't like charms or decos
I think they devalue the armor itself and make minmaxing by mixing different armor pieces too easy
Man fuck the special scope
Craftable decos AND charms, but the crit-stacking shit is oppressively hard to slot in so the skills slots can actually be used for defensive and utility skills.
>but the crit-stacking shit is oppressively hard to slot in
that just means that you're still stacking crit but now can't fit in anything else
I'd say it depends on the charm's cap but throughout the years it's always been busted and it did more did to the community than crafted deco & charm and RNG deco & crafted charms.
>what about console?
Consoleshitters get what they deserve.
*Me to my 3060 laptop*

"If I can run Ghost of Tsushima, Rdr2 and DD2 at HIGH SETTINGS WITH 50 TO 60 FPS on you, you can run Monster Hunter Wilds!"
Oops I decided your build enabling skills are locked behind random deco drops. Have fun grinding for 300hrs just so you can play the game normally!
>build enabling skills
name one
Guard that has probably been split into 6 skills this time
He can't. Because there's always craftable armor or craftable charm alternatives and nothing is 100% locked behind decos alone.
rng decos with multiple skills and the casuul fifth Gen skill system is how you end up with five fucking pages of activated skills
it's shit power creep and endgame decos enable that
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Yes, very much locked behind random deco drops.
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I fucking hate capitalism man. I hate throwing out shit that are perfectly good even though they are abit obsolete
Why can't shit last for 10+ years anymore
literally what shitter build would use such a charm
are you retarded?
Artillery being lvl 1 decos and not getting them means wasting two slots on absolutely garbage pieces
Same with Guard. Guard Up was a set bonus from shitty uragaan set.
Bow Charge Plus needed 4 pieces of legiana OR a fucking lvl 2 deco.
Razorsharp being locked to 3 piece final boss or wasting your charm slot on it instead of being craftable in every games prior.

You wouldn't know this because you're a shit stirring monkey who only every plays the only weapon in the game that requires nothing to work.
This is still infinitely better than RNG charms in the long run.
>rey dau is just astalos but 4x slower
bro what the fuck
Melding solves the RNG problem but they need to stop making it only functional by the endgame of Master Rank. Please just let us pick our skills.
And 4x more powerful
Rey Dau would DESTROY Astalos in a fight
You didn't fall for the meme of not buying the best cpu, right anon?
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>rng charms
wow I just need to farm dragon charms from x quest
>rng decos
I need to do my daily quest for the extra bonus red charm and then farm white charms for x skill and then I
>Artillery being lvl 1 decos and not getting them means wasting two slots on absolutely garbage pieces
Artillery Charm III
>Same with Guard.
Ironside Charm V
>Guard Up was a set bonus from shitty uragaan set.
Bulwark Charm
>Bow Charge Plus needed 4 pieces of legiana OR a fucking lvl 2 deco.
A LV2 deco that you can meld at the Elder Melder.
>Razorsharp being locked to 3 piece final boss or wasting your charm slot on it instead of being craftable in every games prior.
This isn't a "build enabling skill" though. You can easily just use 3 pieces of Teostra for Master's Touch+3 or use any pieces that give you Protective Polish as alternatives.
>rng charms
wow I just need to farm dragon charms from x quest
>rng decos
wow I just need to farm decos from y quest
Or just roll with what you have and stop caring
Imagine being this stupid to fall for a carrot on a stick
Doesn't matter. I'm just going to download the mod for boosted RNG rates.
Just use Longsword
Just use Longsword
Guarding sucks. Just use Longsword
decos have colors, charms just have a set level
>character already doing a small flip
>still get hit by roar
How fucking small is the evade window?
>why can't shit
because of inflated numbers that used to be compressed is now left unchecked
fifth of a second or something with no evade extender
evade extender is roll distance
evade +
Rise is about 8 frames so about 0.13 sec without any evade window. World is about 1.5x more than Rise without evade window. They probably nerf it in Rise because of the silkbind skills.
i'll stick with 5800 x3d
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palicos are for loving
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Craftable Deco + Charms / Craftable Charms + RNG Deco
>Much easier to complete the grind
>Easier grind completion stops people from hunting to farm
>Endgame sets are limited to a certain option but offers just enough space to exhange damage skills for QoL/comfort skills
>People can cheat their decos in and their sets will still be very limited regardless

Craftable Deco + RNG Charms
>Near-infinite grind because of charm potential
>Endless grind encourages people to "farm" rather than to hunt just for the sake of hunting
>This gave birth to GU Brachydios farming, Various 4U charm farming methods, 3U Save Resetting, etc.
>Encourages people to cheat in and save edit the most broken charms possible
>Enables powercreep far beyond what Craft Deco+Charm / Craft Charm+RNG Deco are capable of

Craftable Deco + Charms is the best option while RNG deco is at least more fair than RNG charm.
If you support RNG Charm you are a colossal faggot.
Yep threadripper and it's already outdated
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I get along well with RNG decos because I just accrued a massive hoard of them through my playtime and had fun seeing what sets I could build every now and again. If you were looking for something specific ASAP it would be a problem though, which is exactly the same with RNG charms.
How many days do I have left before Safi rotates out?
Yes, that's fine
>Near-infinite grind because of charm potential
Meanwhile in reality, most people get a charm with one or two skill they want with deco slots and call it a day.
Hence the complaints about Rise HR being so easy to finish because you could get an optimized meta seta in barely 30hrs and most of that was farming attack/wex/critup decos while useless mats were cooking at the melder.

Don't give me this bullshit about rng decos being much easier to complete a grind for when you still got dudes 600hrs in that never saw an attack jewel or the horrible combo deco they introduced in iceborne.
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No, you see, RNG decos is clearly worse because....ummm....*checks notes and finds nothing*....WORLDBADWORLDBADWORLDBADWORLDBADWORLDBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!
you had me until the cheating argument
cheating (likely chinks) players would just edit all their decos too.
brachy farming is cancer though I agree.
Supporting RNG at all means you can't hunt unless you get lucky with your drops.
Everyone who does it is a colossal shitter
I just mod them in and then have fun fighting the monsters, I don't get you retards who are so focused on material RNG build progression when it's so much more engaging to get better at fighting the monsters instead
HR Rise was so easy to finish because the game is too easy. It has nothing to do with what kind of RNG grind people had to deal with at endgame. It didn't even get remotely challenging until emergency Apex quests, and even then it was still a joke.
>skips progression
>I j-j-j-just have fun wif da monsters (I have optimal dps btw)
chink mindset everyone
if your #1 priority isn't having fun fighting the monsters I don't know what to tell you
RNG decos favor the kind of person who plays 1000+ hours and would accrue every decoration they would ever want
Craftable decos favor the kind of person who needs their skills RIGHT NOW aka casual shitters
If you don't like RNG decorations then you suck at Monster Hunter
uh I have fun fighting them without having optimal gear sets?
ok and
Also, in some cases, you could get an optimized meta set in barely 30hrs simply because the game is dogshit at balancing.
Think of IG players.
Their progression literally ends at Narga IG. No other IG that came afterwards in the base game, even with DLC title updates, was able to usurp Narga IG. It wasn't until Sunbreak that you actually had to upgrade.
So in that specific case, it's just Itchynose being retarded. It has nothing to do with charms or talismans.
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holy fiverbab take
you might be that retard with +9s in every skill in my lobby
so I don't cheat to feel like I have fun
>Arguing about which you prefer when you're just going to cheat them in
Honestly funny.
>N-no I won't
Nigger we've been through this for several games. You always cheat them in.
They literally had to patch World and Rise to try and stop even console players from cheating them.
>so I don't cheat to feel like I have fun
nobody asked you to
Narga weapons are le bad.
Blos weapons with Elementless now that's soul...
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this is the funniest shit i've read in my life LOL
>speedtrannies are also racists
color me surprised
yeah but your defense of rng with your own moral shortcomings with regards to leisure activities was what I was replying to
>rng charms argument
>I just mod them in
I called my palico negrogigante. Means black giant or something in some monkey language.
>he's so deep in poverty he can't afford to pre order

WAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. What a bunch of turd worlders.
i think they lied it playing on ps5
It's okay just make a pc script that corrupts anyone save file if they join your game. Then post a lobby in the thread. GG ez
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The more things change, the more they stay the same
>most people get a charm with one or two skill they want with deco slots
This. RNG decos aren't just bad on their own, they also come with craftable charms. They all have NO slots and either only have a single skill or two Lv 1 skills. The average RNG charm is objectively better than the best craftable one.
Striked a chord huh? lmao enjoy not eating shit I will be eating shit DAY ONE
>Despite this...[] I'm not a racist person at all

Where have I heard this before? Was he about to say "Despite being 13% of the speedrun video, 50% of them are trannies"
>either only have a single skill
That you can max out.
That's something you're omitting from your description.
You can max out skills like Agitator, Critical Eye, Critical Boost or [insert element here] Attack.
All of this footage is 60 fps with minor drops.
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RNG deco is sucks because each deco has different weighting, so you will end up with a shiton of useless decos and never see that one rare deco that almost never drop until the last update that lets you meld whatever the fuck you want.
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Eyoooooooooo what the fuck man. This shit is brutal as fuck
I would totally name my palamute niggergante and use him during speed runs like that top GG player playing as YWNBAW
As opposed to going through 10000 useless charms until you get the 1 charm you need?
That's not gonna be relevant until the g-rank expac.
Crit boost charm in mhw only went up to lvl 1 and weaker skill like guard to lvl 3
No you can't. Craftable decorations only go up to Lv 5.
one maxed skills out of the twenty I need for my build poggers
also your charm slot will be shoehorned into the one thing you can't deco
you didn't see that in the sunken hollow?
they confirmed the lead platform for this game is ps5 so that makes sense
>out of the twenty I need for my build
I don't think you understand what "need" means
>Craftable decorations
Craftable charms
Maybe i was too busy getting my face raped. Only now i noticed it because i am on a gathering quest
>and use him during speed runs like that top GG player playing as YWNBAW
he'll never admit it but he regrets doing that or he wouldn't have made like 40 alts to try and compete with still while complaining
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>people talking about damage up deco and charm
>meanwhile I'm searching for guard and defensive ones

Searching through 30000+ legit charms and still haven't found a perfect one, but got a close one with rarity 9.
>playing GS
>can't even look around
no wonder you are struggling
that's such a relief holy fuck
you should really spend twenty hours farming rng decos vs farming rng charms and see how much more useful charms you get vs decos
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Y-you too
Monsters are too big in Wilds and mess up the camera. Pierce gunning will be the only viable way to hunt them properly.
>falling for post processing reprojection
you're the kind of people who turns on frame generation in game aren't you
lol you can whistle seikret while being stunned so cheap
>10000 useless charms until you get the 1 charm you need
You still have way more chances to a get a charm with the skill you want than that one rare deco you will never see.
>You can max out skills
Yeah in the G rank 2 years latter
>Twenty hours
That's it? Your complaining about less than 1 day of grinding lol. This is your avg ADHD zoomer
I genuinely cannot fucking disagree more, RNG decos will always be worse no matter the situation
Set bonsues + RNG decos means that fun set building is once again going to be dead in the fucking water, just like it was world
No variety, no options, forced to use the same armor from the same monsters every rank because you literally have no choice unless the game magically blesses you with every deco you want to actually have fun with
I will still start SnS and if they get too big I will swap to Lance
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>too big
You are weak and your bloodline shall perish
>twenty hours
>1 day of grinding
Anyone would have ADHD compared to that
you realize my number can be extrapolated to any high number and what I say will still be true? until the hundreds of hours you need for the god drops.
is it natural or frame generated 60 fps
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why are they like this? is it the lack of a father figure in their lives?
Almost certainly framegen
I'm trying to see if there's frame gen but I can't actually see any obvious signs of it.
he honestly feels fucking microsized vs in tri
And his point is that your first example of a "high number" is so low that your sample size betrays your argument.
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Just realized it's the pre-order price for the base game is the equivalent of 53USD in my country. I might actually consider getting it.
it doesn't betray my argument because you will try and it will be true.
I sure am looking forward to using [Guard + Guard Up set] and [Evasion + Evade Distance] sets for 95% of the game for the 8th time.
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You can tell that people who defend RNG deco clearly didnt play World at the launch
have you niggas considered not being bad at the game
Yeah he was cool then. I need to get back on Tri, I did the village and started online but the community there is so fragmented everyone just goes into separate lobbies and the grind takes forever on my own
That's a problem of armor skill distribution and 90% of sets being worthless, not RNG systems
90 percent of armor sets have always been useless throughout the series, the majority of the power being outside of the armor sets is a fifth Gen thing thanks in large part to decos.
i dont get why world is only game that crashes my pc and pc only shows kernel 41 error. i bought new psu because thought system didn't get enough power but still just walking at guiding lands gets system crash any other game can play 24/7 without issues
I played it on launch. And I defend RNG decos. What now? You gonna call me liar?
Not him but I call you retarded or new to the series.
Did. Still prefer it over charm cancer any day of the week.
number of god charms you need to minmax - one or two
number of god decos you need to minmax - I'll wait
It's an inherent problem with RNG decos because they have to create these cope mechanics (Alpha/Beta, set bonuses) to make up for the fact that you're probably not gonna get what you want
And it's funny you say that when older games, or hell even rise, had significantly better skill distribution. And none of it would fucking matter if you could just make your own decos in the first place.
Kill yourself you subhuman nigger, RNG decos was the worst shit.
The answer to armor sets sucking should be to make armor sets better, not to make systems that render armor irrelevant
>god decos
The reason why "god charms" are called that in the first place is because the amount of RNG you need to get those perfect rolls is absolutely absurd (so something like a Tenderizer+6 Expert+10 OOO).
There is no equivalent for decoration RNG. "God decos" is as such a meaningless term.
Cope mechanics that, mind you, become COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT once you get the decos you actually want, lmao
That's literally impossible. Everyone's going to want a specific handful of skills that they like, and you're not going to make every set be that list of skills for some hypothetical hunter without them all being incredibly samey. By allowing the sets to facilitate the basic skills the average player would want by slotting them in manually, the skills on the armor itself can shine on a case by case basis.
*gives you another poisoncoat jewel*
rare decos
good decos
how many of those do you need? isn't the combination of those slightly more common good deco drops outweigh the odds for a single god charm?
rng decos are just twenty part charms that you can collect in two skill chunks. wow.
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PS4 button icons being weirdly mishmashed. Maybe it's in-game frame generation or could be post process but looks off and most likely will feel laggy in-game. Not like ps5 plebs will notice.
I remember tried to cheat and gave myself a fuckzillion tickets to see how many gacha pulls would it take me to get the deco that i want in World. It was Atk 4 or something if i remember it right

Anyway, it took me a solid 20 minute of constant max pulling to get a single deco. Averages out to around 600 max pull if i remember it right
They're fading in and the stream is murdering bitrate which causes artifacting. PS5 doesn't have framegeneration. So either they were using a PC with a PS5 controller or they were using a dev kit (ps5 pro?) which is why the keyboard thing was in the menu.
>and you're not going to make every set be that list of skills
I didn't say that, just that instead of only a handful of pieces having a points budget that isn't laughably bad and actually useful skills, you add a good variety of strong skills that different weapons will favor and then make all of those skills accessible through armor sets without having to severely gimp yourself in the process
RNG charms/decos were always supposed to be something you built around, using the deterministic parts to compensate for what you're missing through RNG, but in practice you just use the 1 combination of armor pieces that doesn't suck and then go chase after the precise charm or decos you need to put your required skills onto that one set
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Well I looked up some raw 60fps footage from mhw from a ps5 so can't even blame the encoder at this point.
The icons deforming/blurring in the wilds video screams framegen to me but I'd love to be wrong since no one really wants a game that runs like shit
Wouldn't the UI still run at 60fps even with framegen? I thought that was the whole thing with DLSS and FSR 2+, only the 3D part of the scene is upscaled/framegen'd.
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>There is no equivalent for decoration RNG
Attack and guard up
>so rare that Crapcom just gave them away in late updates
>cool monster types are all low tier fodder
>high tier monsters are just the usual lizards and dragons
4U all over again
anyone have the congalala broly ass edit?
It's a different animation entirely for the prompts showing up. They're fading in differently.
Might be possible to do from a programming standpoint but I don't think anyone bothered to yet. Since framegen uses motion vectors like TAA/DLSS/FSR does, your hud elements don't move and there's minimal hud artifacting
if this runs better on ps5 than pc i'm gonna be fucking pissed lol
It'll run better on like the top 20% of pcs.
I mean the average PC is worse than a PS5 according to steam
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Weird how RNG deco defenders get real quiet once you mention the Att-ACK! deco
gets me every time
You see a player with a god charm like I mentioned earlier (such as Tenderizer+6 Expert+10 OOO), and you know 100% for a fact that he cheated that in. There is ZERO doubt.
You see a player with Attack or Guard Up decos, and it's still very much in the realm of possibility that he got those from grinding.
It's not even close.
That's our MH.
>That's literally impossible.
That's more or less how armor was in MHGU due to how the skill system worked and how slots worked (you got at most 4-5 points on a 3 slot gem, which took up all 3 slots on your armor)
You maybe get 4 or 5 skills, 6 if you're lucky. On my current character I've got:
Skills from my armor
>Evasion +1
>Evade distance
>critical eye +1
>Normal up
Skills from my decorations
>evasion +1 (for total of +2)
>chain crit
skills from my charm
>6 points of evasion
>3 gem slot
Your charm definitely makes or breaks a build but I could still give up a level of evasion with a shitty charm and still have ~5 skills, mostly from armor. But now with rng decos you're going to get ONE SINGLE skill from your charm (which you cant even upgrade to max until G rank) and then a bunch of shitty decorations that probably wont fully help your hunter.
>it's still very much in the realm of possibility
>that he got those from grinding
Actually correct.
You gradually get decorations just by hunting and you don't even need to minmax on farming.
Meanwhile if you look back you have mining strats for charm farming and the atrocious GU brachy farm.

>inb4 muh attack deco
Attack boost is like the least of your concerns when it comes to making sets in Worldborne. Skill order has always been Tax Skills > Health Boost 3 > 100% Crit + CritBoost3 > Sharpness/Ammo >>>>> Attack boost
>craft decos
>craft charms
>augment charm slots into the charms
there, I fixed your shitty grindfest rng
>don't add RNG shit to your game
>jap head explode
>That's more or less how armor was in MHGU due to how the skill system worked and how slots worked
MHGU despite having the most sets of any game in the series had abysmal variety in actually useful sets because of the crit stranglehold combined with abysmal rates for good charms and not nearly enough slots on most armors
>can only get rank 3 of the skill
>rank 4 and 5 are locked behind guiding lands and MR100 at minimum
Have fun having half a charm for the entire game
rng already exists by virtue of monster materials and other special materials for augments. You don't need a secondary layer of rng on top of it.
>don't add carrot on a stick end-game systems
>beat all there is to do in the game in 50hrs
>whine on the forums that World was better
>beat all there is to do in the game in 50hrs
That's a good thing, fuck artificial bloat
No understandu. Prease exprain. Add more RNG yes?
why are japs like this
>beat all there is to do in the game in 50hrs
Wasn't the case in gen 3 and before, maybe nu-MH isn't challenging enough?
No because the mats grind was still here.
but what will endgame MinMaxers do now? hunt monsters?? for fun???
>artificial bloat
That’s the whole game
either that or troon out i guess
Started watching the forest footage.
Did they say which platform they did the demo on?
It looks way smoother than anything they've shown before. Though maybe it's a more recent build.
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Damn, if I only I could also get those remaining two points of Guard from other sources that aren't decorations. A shame the game doesn't have that. A shame that the ONLY way to get those is from decorations.
They said it was PS5 but there was a keyboard binding option so it was probably PC and they just lied
PS5 Devkits
They've got much stronger specs than even a pro because they're meant for gamedev and debugging
>A LV2 deco that you can meld at the Elder Melder
Mighty bow jewel can only be melded AFTER you reach the guiding lands. You don't even get melding until after killing xeno jiiva in base world.
If you didn't get lucky from a mysterious feystone, bow was literally just locked out of a critical part of its kit until you did (or run 3 pieces of legiana). You didn't have shrieking legiana either, so you had to deal with the shitty base set, which probably meant legiana beta, with fuckall for slots.
All of the public demos also ran on dev kits though.
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>the forest footage.
>2 faggots talking over the video wont shut up
>bow was literally just locked out of a critical part of its kit
Holy shitter cope. I wasn't expecting Charm RNG dicksuckers to be shitters also.
How do speed runners get to dodge everything while I get anally pounded by shitboxes??
Bow was completely broken with mighty bow, not having it merely means being on par with other high tiers
bow literally can't do its proper rotation without bow charge plus, it's the most transformative skill in the entire game
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>not watching the Japanese source footage
In addition to knowing WHEN to dodge, you also have to know WHICH DIRECTION to dodge.
Sometimes you have to dodge into the attack. Sometimes you have to dodge AWAY from the attack. It all depends on the monster attack.
Will we get Tempered Congalala?
damn you're right
What's stopping you from just settling with a legiana set until you get it? What's stopping you from literally just using the bow as is? Are you so shit, you have to use a maxxed out bow set just for the bow to work?
the actual answer here is scripting when you get good at the game
Some of you need to remember the game is called Monster Hunter, not Monster Fighter. A hunting quest is the climax to celebrate item and gear preparation and the other systems in the game, not the only thing worth doing and is absolutely not dependant on mechanical proficiency alone, it’s why you get 50 minutes on almost everything. You are not expected to have the best sets at all times.
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uh oh dog mald
true, but this is also a cope. if you kill stuff slowly you're objectively worse than someone who kills stuff quickly. which is fine, but don't pretend you're equally skilled for rpging in camp for longer.
They are good players
He was so wrong but also new not-gore and 2 new leviathans and frontier goodness so in the end he was right
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We copeposting now?
Play HBG
this time wilds is actually going to sell like shit compared to world and i cannot wait to see the cope
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>runs on playstation
>rajang tier filter
Bring it, I say.
lol that explains a lot
I do wonder what the new monster but stronger gimmick will be.
anyone posted this on xitter and exposed them yet?
>Generic couldn't connect to server message
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>what's wrong with high rank legiana set
you get a bunch of shit skills for one skill that lets you actually use all of bow instead of a worse version of it
Person A: ignore everything and hunt the main monster and kills it in 19mins

Person B: explore around the map and gather stuff, fish and BBQ for 30 mins then kill the main monster in 15mins for a total of 45mins.

According to your logic Person B is a shitter and Person A isn't.
You didn't answer my question. Plus that's like, what? Not even endgame.
You get to Guiding Lands once you finished tutorial MR quests.
Also the bow is a ranged weapon, mind you. A 5th gen ranged weapon. That means it's carefully designed so that drooling retarded troglodytes can use it.
I'll repeat my question in case you didn't catch it. Are you so shit, you have to use a maxxed out bow set just for the bow to work?
>Add more RNG
>Not LNG

This guy isn't real japanese. Dont trust him
yeah lets fuck around for 30 minutes on the hyper diablos quest
>talking about pre-G rank since that's what wilds will be for quite some time
>suddenly talking about end game and trying to justify base game mechanics with things added in G rank DLC
I could have sworn these goalposts were right here before you showed up
Yeah it’s fun
scroll up
we've been talking about the system in the context of HR (implied but obvious) for more than two hours
Based flower sniffer.

Alternate Rise Arena theme

Nargacuga theme
Let's go by your context then you retarded shitter. Answer the question: Are you so shit, you have to use a maxxed out bow set just for the bow to work even in LR/HR?
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r u a herbs
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lmao wtf happened here

Also I'm reminded why I dropped SnS in the first place, makes the game so ridiculously easy it's not even funny
Emerald Congalala will be the MR version
>makes the game so ridiculously easy it's not even funny
one could argue this is any weapon with a shield
why dodge an attack when you can just shield it?
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After almost 200 hours, I've gotten to High Rank in Dos. What a ride.

Currently getting raped by eleven small hermitaurs in the jungle - I just wanted to hunt a rathian. I think they're respawning infinitely (there's like 5 of them at a time).
chip damij :(
Because the SnS shield sucks and everyone just uses backhop like in the clip?
I don't even block on GL, I just hop through stuff. The only weapon I bother shielding with is Lance
gard + gard up :^)
>Extra iframes on base moveset
>Easy access to GS-tier damage
>Low-to no commitment gameplay
The ranged weapon of melee followed by LS. It's the kind of weapon that one would use if one don't want to bother putting any form of effort into playing the game.
it was kind of fun in rise with the wide range + that one skill that buffed you for buffing allies
I think my dog was doing almost as much damage as I was doing at some point since I minmaxed a ranged damage build forit
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>Wide range
>Bringing pets
pc lumu?
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>Stuck using Uragaan/Barroth Mixset for 90% of IB because Guard/Guard Up decos wouldn't drop

Rise, and oldergen games, had the right idea.
You can make do with any random charm but the decos make up most of your skillset.
Autists can sit around rolling charms until they get something to speedrun with, while the normal people can just fight a variety of monsters to craft the decos they want.
>No you're not allowed to craft and use fun new sets because we RNG locked you out of it
I've definitely seen lance + GL block the fire cone but I'm not sure I've seen a charge blade / SnS do it.
But I don't really ever see SnS played in world in any of the rooms I'm in.
I fought this guy with a bow so I didn't really have the luxury of taking hits, even his regular fireballs oneshot me
rise is not a serious game why would I take it seriously when I can go be serious in another MH game
>all that animated fur on congalala
jesus christ
how was there not a single person to tell the graphics team "nah niggas, this looks good on monsters but the whole game is chugging hard, fuck off"
See >>496332075 and >>496324579
what's worst is those fur effects are downsampled, masked with dithering and then taa blur on top
it's almost 10pm
That's how Capcom does hair in RE engine. It's why when you shut off TAA hair looks like complete shit.
I’ve slain him once with my Lance by stacking health recov augment and fire defense with Alatreon set so survive the chip damage, had like 20 seconds left before he died
my two friends I regularly hunt with stepped back from world for a bit and after they returned we only really killed fatalis on their characters after they got health augment unlocked.
I tried using it but the return was so low for me I just ended up stacking more crit. Even a dragon piercer wouldn't fill up as much hp as a single lance poke or switch axe hit did for them.
I think we were under 5 left.
That's a pretty nice save right there. You're cool.
For Fatty with Lance it's better to sheath and run or dive than to shield every single attack.His vertical flamethrower for example, is not good to shield unless you absolutely have to because it'll eat a good chunk of HP/stam.
Has anyone /here/ killed Tempered Furious Rajang with the final blow being a dung pod?
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Lance probably has the hardest time with Fatty... of the weapons I killed him with, easy to hard:
Switch Axe >>>> GS >>SnS > Hammer > Gunlance >>>> Lance

Phase 1 is alright but you NEED to break the head or it's hopeless. Bluefire blockstun/chip kills.
The bellyflop can't be helped either, I just tank that shit and hope I live.
kys, you have a containment board
>ps5 will be playing on frame generated 60 fps with a billion missed inputes
I can't wait to finally break 60fps for medium-high graphics at 1080p in 2027 after upgrading to an RTX 7090 (with frame gen and upscaled from 768p)
Someone tell capcom about object culling
Damn the Glavenus HH music slaps
>Event Zinorge
man it felt like the fight should have been over 5 mins before it really was over
>run 60 fps with 7090
>whole pc shuts down after 10 seconds because it pulls 1200 watts
I was really, really hoping Shoryugeki comes back as an offset attack
Maybe in MH Paradise
This argument is stupid, might as well ask why does he bother to use anything but starting weapons.
Speaking of which, can you explain in laymen's terms why GPUs keep demanding more and more wattage lately? For decades, it seems like high wattage was never an issue for GPUs. But in the past 4-5 years, it seems each new generation of GPU demands more and more watts in order to operate.
Why is the GPU market so fucked? It has so many problems. It can't just be the pandemic. That ended like almost 2 years ago. Why haven't things (like prices) gone back to normal for GPUs?
It ran on a devkit, do you acually think they brought a real PS5 and decided to hide the console from view for shits and giggles?
This would heal the community
Moore's Law has slowed down significantly. This is actually a much bigger reason for price increases than people think. It's also why new flagship GPUs are absolutely massive bricks compared to the past. It's harder now to fit more transistors in the same amount of space, so they make it bigger and more of a power sucker and they have to charge you more for it. It's very likely going to get worse in the future.
Probably as an anti mining measure. Those farms (when already using power optimized GPUs) took huge amounts of power but with the more watt heavy GPU's that's harder to do
>Run it at 30? Nah, time to trash this computer.

I still don't like how weightless everything feels, but I'll take back what I doomposted about Hammer being awful. This looks fun.
Being able to spinning charge to cancel end lag is great, and also you can go straight into the new mighty charge spin from the end of a normal triangle combo. I'm excited to see just how much you can link together, the only flaw is that the offset attack is the golfswing, which isn't easily accessible and I still haven't seen any hammer players land it
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For fuck sake why does every SnS have to look like a silly balloon whack a mole pool toy
Only a handful of them genuinely look nice, every other model is some silly wacky toy
Checks out
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Hey gay tranny faggot cocksucker, tell me how this inflatable assplug is in any shape a good design, just because it looks like your dilator doesn't mean it looks good for anyone else.
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These are my skills, I just killed flaming espinas(kino fight)
How good is my set for my current MR Sunbreak pros?
>tfw always play the games solo until I beat most of it but don't want to miss out on prime early wilds lumus
Still better than world designs
If it makes retarded catposters seethe like deranged troons then its good. Plain and simple.
Nigga thats just porn
pussy too big
>monster list in stream has 4* monsters, with orange star
Are there only 3 ranks of LR monsters?
if anyone cares it's out
Ditch Defense Boost 5 and get Attack Boost to 4
Get Weakness Exploit to 3
Get Crit Boost 3
Get rid of Pierce 3
You must be running some wack armour set
I'm too lazy to grind monsters for decorations.I think I got used to World's system of never having to craft them and just getting by with whatever you have.
>Congalala has a special Mushroom it can dig up called "Conga Truffle" that if it manages to eat, it receives an "enhanced moveset", but if you interrupt it, you can use it as a rare cooking ingredient
>Dead Monsters in MHWilds decaying into gatherable bone piles over time

Ok damn, they got some cool af details for monsters
Now I just hope they can at least manage a decent difficulty in endgame, otherwise this will just pass unnoticed like usual
>enhanced moveset
Imagine the smell.
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>Arkveld is an extinct species
>we find Nata in the middle of nowhere
>ripple imagery in the logo/menus etc
>ripples are sometimes associated with spacetime shit
it's going to be about time travel isn't it
The wudwuds suck
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>what are living fossils
Concession accepted, shitter.
He's just a relict. Like a coelacanth or a a gingko tree. They've already stated that we're exploring a continent unmapped by the guild.
>Congalala's nest is near a giant sized beehive full of honey.
I bet we're getting a bee monster.
>I'm too lazy to grind monsters for decorations
Without using decos you can still get Crit Boost 3, Crit Eye and Weakness Exploit with the right mixed set
Go kill a Teostra, Valstrax and a Rajang
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What concession you absolute retard?
>time travel
I dont think we're there YET
Why dont we have a deadass frog monster?
We iguanas but do we just have frog with big tongue?
Chatacabtra isnt a frog btw
Also that huge arena near the lake looks talor made for Lagi.
The devs said this game won't be heavy on Elder Dragons so I expect a ton of returning flagships and 4a monsters.
Tetsucabra bro....
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new wilds monster
Over 9000 hours in Worlds Iceborn and I just now got the tutorial for some zombification event shit. I didn't even know it was a thing lol
God I fucking hate zoos. This shit isn't cute that thing should be swimming around in its natural habitat not trained into doing tricks for mouthbreathers without a shred of empathy for other living things
Yuya Tokuda: In “Monster Hunter: World,” there were a lot of investigations involving Elder Dragons, so we featured many Elder Dragons in various forms. However, this time, our focus is not on Elder Dragons, but on themes that include both nature and human influence. We want to express the diversity of the environment, showing both its bountiful and harsh sides. At this point, it’s difficult to reveal what kinds of monsters will appear. And since it’s not essential to have Elder Dragons for the game’s theme, we decided during development which monster types would be included.
Hmm I wonder then if we'll get more apexes than expected. Also that leaves a question for endgame as well.
TL note: 3 elder dragons will be arriving in the first title update.
Should've been born human.
>Hmm I wonder then if we'll get more apexes than expected
No, it just means more low tier shitters
Elder dragon focused expansion.
I wish there was a way to buy higher-tier weapons and armor with just money in shops, as a safety net for those who can't craft them due to shit luck with material drops.
i just want the Dos ED trio/quartet to fuck off for one(1) gen
Yeah it must be terrible to have a constant supply of food provided for you and to never have to worry about apex predators. What a horrible experience it must be.
Not really, it can mean many things.
>Late game has more powerful variants with meaningful changes
>More Apexes and biomes than expected
>More returning flagships and other monsters like Zamtrios and Seltas.
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Everyone in the north are silly creatures regardless of setting
Extinct Species are probably going to be taking the place of elders
They all got flinch free on?
hyper monsters will not filter me, hyper monsters will not filter me, hyper monsters will not filter me.
Nvm, looks like you’ve just got a little more hyperarmour when attacking
Since they're bringing some monsters that were sitting out for a long time I believe they'll bring these back
>Yama Tsukami
Be it on launch or DLC, I thoroughly believe these will come back.
Most offset attacks have pretty slow startup, they're not really supposed to be something you can use against every attack on reaction
>Yama Tsukami
That's probably a good call, it'll would be a new variant kind of monster.
King Shakalaka is coming back in Wilds?
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Man early Monster Hunter concepts were so fucking weird. I really wonder what the original world they had planned out for this game was considering things like Shakalakas, the Equal Dragon Weapon, the ancient civilisation seemingly playing a much bigger role and stuff like this with a hostile humanoid race actively attacking and the hunt being centered around literally raiding their castle and killing them
The original idea for the game must have been much more high fantasy
They were literally in the most recent release.
I want peco, his gimmick would be so good in Wilds.
From what I gather, there was no greater plan they had. They just had the art team come up with a bunch of unique elements and MH came into cohesion thereafter. There was definitely more of a fantasy focus in the art though.
>Most recent release
They were not in world
World isn't the latest game, no matter how hard you whine and shitpost about a series you don't play.
just ignore the retards anon, easier and less thread clutter.
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Wilds status?
You joke, anon. They aren't gonna "eradicate" the entire Elder dragon line in Wilds, i.e not making use of those already existing models. I will eat my fucking shorts if Teo, Kushala, Kirin and fucking Niggergante not making a come back

At best, extinct fags are just gonna be NotElder Dragon in Wilds
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China - Hong Kong region is a weird one to play in. Hunts will go perfectly fine until the monster is almost dead then a couple of players will quickly eat all the carts up. I've had 4 failed hunts like that so far. I'm going back to glorious Nippon. Thanks for asking, reading and caring. Just thought you all should know.
wasn't Duremudira a "???" at first?
i wonder if it was meant to be frontier's take on the "artificial/bioweapon monster" idea before they backpedaled and made it an ED
which game?
I'm not whining though, you are ironically.
cumbrains aren't sending their brightest
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Monster Hunter
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Are MH4 and Generations different games entirely or is Generations like Emerald version to Ruby and Sapphire?
The wiki page says it's a version of MH4, but it looks like everything is completely different?

also how did we go from palico babushka makes you 20lt of hot soup to this actual pajeet slop?
You lost your right to complain when they showed how good the La la Barina SnS looked like
It's paralysis too, so be a good little boy, equip Paralysis Attack + Wide Range 5 and be a good little support slut
>"I'm a solo goonter"
Then heal the NPCs
>top is several different games
>bottom is all 1 game
way to look like an asshole lol
>cheese and flatbread
It’s pretty much pizza, seems fine to me. GU is just Portable 4, they seem similar because of their shared platform only.
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>It’s pretty much pizza
That's what pizza was like before americans shit all over it.
Pizza is an American word, moran. Italian-Americans invented pizza.
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Congalala will have a weakpoint on his ass shortly after farting
That's me after some Taco Bell
>I bet you didn't think I'd be BACK!
Toot toot Conga warriors!
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Oh no
im praying to god that you can meld decos into the ones you ACTUALLY want instead of the shitty world melding where you can only meld a handful of decos.
>The term pizza was first recorded in the year 997 AD, in a Latin manuscript from the southern Italian town of Gaeta, in Lazio, on the border with Campania.
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Shop mod will fix the rng bullshit.
>Tetsucabra & Daimyo Hermitaur turf war
*gives you a sixth sleepcoat jewel*
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>rng bullshit
That’s the whole game
>Kushala and Teostra are now title updates
No, it's not. Mastering the monsters movesets and getting solo sub 5 clears is the whole game. Gacha gambling type shit can fuck off.
Both the talismans and the decos should be RNG

Fuck buildniggers
Kill all metafags
>Mastering the monsters movesets and getting solo sub 5
Nobody but 0.00000001 percentage of polayerbase cares about that lol
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>GameFAQs guide says the only way to get a Rathalos plate is a 3% carve from the tail or a 2% shiny drop
>Have been abandoning quests over and over if the first shiny drop isn't a plate
>Accidentally do too much damage while fishing for a shiny and kill the Rath
>Plate in the broken parts reward
How do I wirebug hang in the air with a controller?
o ye u right sorry

nta, but I think title updates should be for the expansion.
Base game should just be complete, and I have feeling the story is gonna e half complete and released in a title update like Rise.
Now? Rise already did it.
I just want to have artillery, capacity up, and offensive guard without twisting my dick into a balloon sword
You other weapons dont need it as much
Counting on weapon/armour skills desu. Perhaps late game gunlances would have included ammo up or similar like how Kulve weapons had included crit element.
>Perhaps late game gunlances would have included ammo up
God i hope so. I just dont want to be shafted like in world
I dont want "muh attack and expert decos" I just want my weapon specific decos. LIKE FUCKING GUARD UP
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I think title updates just shouldn't exist. Release the game, don't change shit, and then release an updated G version later, AS A SEPARATE GAME, not an update.
What’s the benefit of Master Rank being a seperate full game?
I've never liked Kushala, won't miss them.
Why do you want them as new games, the DLC expansions were the best thing added in this generation.
Here's a crazy theory
>Arkveld is an extra adaptable Apex
>He fights the Apexes of each region and gains new forms based on that monster and region
>Final fight he keeps changing forms from all regions and apexes.
>The "whips" are actually what he uses to suck the energy from the other apexes and adapt.
Um it's tradition!
engagement metrics don't lie
every title update coming out is new customers buying your games
It reminds him of his younger, happier days before his parents divorced and he's been searching for that inner peace ever since.
It doesn't erase the base game from existence. Base World no longer exists. Base Rise no longer exists (though nobody will miss that one). Playing the games without all the catch up patches to speed players towards the "endgame" is no longer possible either. Fuck off with all this MMO shit. Just release a normal fucking game. No title updates, and no patches outside of drastic game breaking shit.
I don't see why Guard Up exists. I don't think it will upset the balance of the game if the 5 people playing Lance have an easier time dealing with a deco slot. Maybe there are fights where you don't need it so it frees up a slot but that's not very compelling decision making. At the very least make it as easy to build in as other skills. Lance and Gunlance already have a bigger tax than most weapons.
I think you will continue to be disappointed.
>Kushala and Teostra will be in the game
Another garbage game
I think guard up should be innate to Lance
Where was this confirmed? idc either way desu im just wondering about the source
I know. I just won't play future titles. I already skipped Rise, and World left an unbelievably sour taste in my mouth with all of its MMO design elements.
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giant mushroom or ancient ruins?
.... What if we got a venus flytrap elder dragon???? what if tho???
I do believe he'll have some kind of transformation since he just looks too "normal" for now.
Kike detected.
Giant bug hive zone.
>G rank as separate games
You had me and then you lost me.
I HATED he era of re-releasing games but ULTIMATE, ULTRA, SUPER versions every five seconds that CRAPcom spammed to hell and back, I WILL NOT go back!
I'd rather pay $20 more for the expansion than have the game I originally bought stolen from me, thank you.
Not to mention already slower walk speed compared to the likes of LS/DB etc
why are wilds palicos such little shits
Sucks the most that ultimate versions would ultimately break the better balance of base game, remove or downgrade mechanics of the base game and then add monster but blue as more content and people will still suck it off
they are cats
>I don't see why Guard Up exists
So you can't just hide behind a greatsword and tank a punch from god himself.
This so hard, just give us guard up by default. I think guard should exist tho, yknow you get better and better at blocking attacks. But i think you should be able to block everything (minus grabs and OHKOs) by default
That's kind of core to the weapon. I don't want a rework just making a core part of the weapon easier to access. Guard already exists as an equivalent to skills like Rapid Morph, make the existing mechanic better, instead of needing a skill just to enable the mechanic in the first place.

Keep it for everything else just make it inherent to Lances like the other poster said
Dos guard up unlocks with getting guard+2, could just include guard up at 3 or 5 points of guard as an extra bonus
It didn't seem like the usual high fantasy, more tribal fantasy from the concepts we've seen
I can see the gameplay being something similar to Dragon's Dogma Online
Butter bread with cheese is a WORLDWIDE food because it's the most basic shit you get from dairy and grain you fucking retard.

Gen/GU are different games to MH4/4U, they're the same generation but different games.
Ok sure for greatsword, sns, chargeblade sure. but the lances, who are BUILT around blocking, shouldnt need it
Remorph Guard Up into highest levels of Guard skill. Done. Fixed. It was dumb to separate them.
I think that might also just be (your) base, the guild has a giant airship again
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>Lance gets Guard Up automatically from Power Guard
>But only after a full second of guarding

I don't like that, especially in Wilds
A lot of guard counters seem really good without Guard, like SnS taking zero knockback from a big Doshaguma slam using a perfect block Guard Slash.
Letting me just slot Guard Up so I can guardslash beams without Guard itself sounfs good
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>absent in /mhg/ lobbies and most of S.O.S quests
what the fuck is going on
Guys does anyone have this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ3L0-Q5tHw but just the presentation?
Also, did they show Congalala in game? I just watched the Capcum Online Program for TGS, didn't think they'd show more stuff.
Having different guard levels and guard up for the monster with moves that need it makes perfect sense. Study the monsters and build your sets accordingly.
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stole this from reddit, did you
You mean without the 2 fags? Yeah, here:

>Also, did they show Congalala in game? I just watched the Capcum Online Program for TGS, didn't think they'd show more stuff.
Yes, in that stream at 27:00, they kept it as a surprise. I guess they really want to focus on new monsters in the trailers, and leave returning ones for these side events.
Nanaca in the discord made it. She's pretty funny and creative and cool and the best huntress.
My guess where Wilds monsters fit into the game so far progression wise compared to World monsters:

Great Jagras - Chatacabra
Kulu-Ya-Ku - ???
Pukei-Pukei - Balahara
Rathian - Kut-Ku
Barroth - Congalala
Jyuratodus - Lala Barina
Tobi-Kadachi - Quematrice
Anjanath - Doshaguma

This covers most of the expected progression path for the first 2 maps, so I wouldn't expect more monster reveals for those aside from Rathian probably fitting somewhere in here. The rest of the year will most likely be focusing on the 3rd and 4th maps, with the 5th map's monsters being revealed maybe at TGS with more details in January.
and a redditor
I feel like one of the artbooks talking about plants being offlimits, same as them not wanting something with multiple heads
>teo is now title update tier
>which means kjaiser crown will be even more busted
kaiser crown
silver sol
you VILL farm it again and again
Balahara has anus on texture
I wanna fuck balaharas oddly hunter cock sized cute anus
Lala was hitting the player way harder and faster than a mudfish ever could
Still not 'hard', but it's a poor comparison
Ok but an elder dragon that USES a big flytrap like a weapon. Maybe a turtle that has the plant growing out of its shell or something. Idk i think itd be cool

Or a "normal" monster that disguises itself as a big flytrap

I feel like there are plenty of ways to have an elder have a flytrap theme. We have a rose spider now so
I honestly wouldn't mind if base game was new EDs and some returning in title updates.
You mean Jump Festa right?
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Well, it was a high rank one, but maybe. Lala Barina is a little hard to place since we didn't see star ratings for the Scarlet Forest monsters.
I meant to type TGA, not TGS, sorry.
>be me
>watch youtubers religiously as a 12yr old iPad kid in the 2010s
>my favorite ytber at the time tries this new game on the wiiu
>monster hunter 3u
>um yeah ok I'll buy that, it's also a 3ds game
>um this looks weird, why is my guy half naked?
>These quests are easy, gather mushrooms? mine ores?
>There must be harder quests
>These weapons are too slow
>Dual blades seem quick, I'll use those
>Me and my DBs fuck up some ludroths
>I'm into the game and loving it
>Quest Target Lagombi?
>It's a big rabbit
>I just made a new iron sword
>Hunting time
>I get my ass kicked for hundreds of times literally
>I time out of the quest dozens of times
>I go days without making noticeable progress
>He's limping? OH FUCK IM CLOSE
>I time out again
>It's my white Whale (rabbit)
>one attempt, literally a minute left
>It dies and I yell so loud my dad almost crashes the car
>I make dbs from its corpse
>I put the game down and don't touch it again until I play world
>>watch youtubers religiously as a 12yr old iPad kid in the 2010s
I call bullshit on that one. Sticking your kids in front of a tablet is a recent thing.
Never post again.
All of us?
I feel extremely targeted by Capcom's inclusion of literally me in Wilds.
Hello I want a guard up deco in mhw
What event should I grind for it? Can it come from greatest jagras or does it need to be master rank?
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Sorry bro...
>Hello I want a guard up deco in mhw
edit it in
my mom died and dad worked 24/7
I put myself in front of the screen desu
I am playing on console besides I don't like to cheat
It's just boring as fuck. It had pretty clean deliberate gameplay before gen 4 but then they made it about it about funny spinning attacks and it's become so monotous.
Can't reach the head, has to scratch the monsters legs
>no range
>forced to use consumables constantly
>have to build element sets to deal respectable damage
>evasion skill tax required
>constant bingshit spam require (in rise)
>Dual Blades
Just play bow, same playstyle but you do more damage and can hit weak spots
>no range
irrelevant when every weapon that isn't ranged is going to be playing right in the monster's face no matter what
>have to build element sets to deal respectable damage
Oh no needing to play the game and build sets and scary build variety that isn't 4 piece Fatty and in return you get one of the highest DPS weapons in the game
>evasion skill tax required
The dash has the same i-frames as a regular roll and recovers faster than a roll
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bingshaker is so cool
>irrelevant when every weapon that isn't ranged is going to be playing right in the monster's face no matter what
ok have fun getting fucked by special attacks because you can't break parts to disable them
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>Hammer looks strong as fuck with all the new Golfswing combos
>I haven't played GS in a while and it might be cool
>SnS is my life-long obsession
>Lance looks so fuawking good man
>HH looking a bit meek but I've wanted to learn it since forever and the recital attacks look cool as hell
I know I can pick two, but which two

I just had an Alatreon hunt with 3 of then
Was lmaoing at them tripping each other refusing to slot in FF1
>special attacks because you can't break parts to disable them
what game are you talking about because it's certainly not monster hunter
>The dash has the same i-frames as a regular roll and recovers faster than a roll
Akschually it has one extra i-frame.
you didn't know you could disable certain attacks and/or tweak their behaviour by breaking parts of a monster? have you even played a single game in this series?
randoms are shit and can't properly use the power of frostcraft dual blades
I tried playing it before, i just fucking roll my face on the keyboard and occasionally spin across the mon's body from head to tail or vice versa. It looks flashy but it is boring as ass
If you don't use all 14 weapons you're not a real hunter. Just saying.
A: GS, CB, Lance
B: HH, Hammer, SA, GL, DB
C: IG, SnS

My impressions of Wilds blademaster weapons so far
Never noticed how clever this crab is. The moment it gets scooped up, it grabs hold of the floor.
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Is HBG actually fun?
guard shotgun is
No it's mindnumbingly boring. The only game gunning has ever been fun in is GU
i hope they put rng decos to game
None of the ranged weapons are any fun
LT while airborne
Yes. Very much so.
SnS seems kinda shafted this game, but it's an Elemental weapon tbf and a lot of it's new stuff hasn't been figured out yet (charges mid combo? Haven't seen a single person use them)

I'd move up GS to S, Ha/SA/GL to A
CB to C
Fun? I just want to farm based on the weapon with the fasted TA time
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>Gen is just portable 4
>Gen/GU are different games to MH4/4U
Bow is fun
Industry standard changed. You will have to learn to like it or leave it
Fat rolling to dodge monsters is fun?
They're built on the same base gameplay and engine but they're completely different games otherwise.
>Fat rolling
That is the best part
Portable 4 as in the game that followed Portable 3. 4U was already portable, what with being a 3DS game, so they couldn’t call it that. Ichinose directed GU, Fujioka directed 4U


Hammer hasn't really gained that much, GL will always be screwed by lategame scaling, and SA having IB MVs without the parts that made IB SA good is looking pretty rough.
GS doesn't seem very different and the damage it deals isnt that impressive either so far...
Ichinose girected Generations but GU was by Ichihara.
i would need to write a fucking thesis on why db are dogshit and capcucks are incompetent
been a ds main since ps2 and it hurts so much that theres clearly zero devs that play it at a high level and there hasnt been for a very long time
I’ve been had! I just refer to Ultimate releases as the whole game anyway once they’re out really
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I have been informed that GL in GU goes to shit around late high rank, is this true?
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Just say you're bad at the game, it makes you look less stupid
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SA has the Rise-style transforms, a counter in sword mode and the fastest Offset attack in the game in Axe mode
Hammer does really good damage compared to the other weapons and has really fast combos compared to IB Hammer, plus Keeping Sway
Seems like GS's damage isn't centered around TCS which is a huge plus, and it gets to aim 360°
Also it's doing plenty of damage. A single lvl3 charge does as much as 10-12 SnS slashes
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Thanks bro.
It's shit in every rank for having to deal with muh heat gauge
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Unironically yes. It teaches proper positioning and mindfulness of your surroundings.
You're not just dodging to get out of harm's way, you're also dodging to put yourself in the best spot for doing damage. There's a reason why the tails and backs of monsters often make for good gunning hitzones. Like, for example, if you're fighting Anjanath, you gain easy and immediate access to its back fins and its tail for very meaty hitzones.
Besides, Worldborne offsets the "sluggishness" by giving players access to slinger ammo with instant stopping power. Put yourself in a bad spot to dodge Tigrex's stampeding attack? Quickly shoot a Crystalburst (or any other flinch pods) and watch as he immediately stop so that you can recover and put yourself in a better position to dodge his attacks.
Don't be one of those people who just slap a shield and maxes out guarding power. Now THAT way of playing is boring.
Did you draw that?
>SA has the Rise-style transforms
It doesn't really. Double slash transform is only after heavy slam, and the axe swing transform is gone entirely, quasi-reworked into spiral burst slash which is nice but much weaker than Rise's axe morph.
>a counter in sword mode
Sword mode having a real defensive tool is nice but it doesn't really get good payoff in terms of damage out of it. Compressed and Full Release Slash are supposed to be SA's big damage moves but their damage output is pretty pitiful right now.
>Hammer does really good damage compared to the other weapons
Not really, GS's regular lv3 draw charge outdamages the big mighty charge despite requiring more setup most of the time, and the rest of the moveset didn't really get improved much.
>People bitching you can just TP out in the middle of the battle using the map

Not any different than using a farcaster.
I can already see the discourse for MH7
>people bitching about regenerating health
>Not any different than chugging a potion
/v/ is making fun of wilds again and no i will not go back there and yes i made you read all of this lol
>GS's regular lv3 draw charge outdamages the big mighty charge
It's actually about the same damage as TCS.
yeah, I did that desert crab the other day, too
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Been fucking around with it so far, heat gauge doesn't seem as bad as I thought. As long as you poke it goes down anyways. Need to play with the different styles but AA flare feels good.
Let me just kill the monsters with pure skill without having to pad out my stats with stronger weapons and armor, please. Even if it requires crafting trap consumables that guarantee stuns.
Nice shit anon, what are you using? Csp? paint tool sai?
Are there any weapons that get more fun in multiplayer?
crisp 30fps from ps5 https://youtu.be/Xjy808ewWCY?feature=shared
thanks, and Krita, because its free
Ah valid i have pals who use krita
Btw csp goes on sale for like 25 during the holidays
A lot of weapons are very fun if you're playing the same weapon
LS players syncing up and landing the same counter
Hammer players swarming the head
GS players landing the same headsnipes
Swaxe and GL get stronger the more of you there are because Swaxe users proc each other's phial explosions in amped sword mode and GL users can set off each other's wyrmstake multiplying the group's damage by however many of you there are
Just posting this if anyone cares about the new shit in Wilds
I really don't know about this wound system, sounds too gamified for me
How much will the FPS increase once that fog is disabled?
it's actually to improve fps as you don't have to render with the same accuracy what's behind the fog
>that fog
What is this, Silent Hill 2?
Watching this makes me want to main Hunting Horn and be the next Murdae!
Can't you just turn the draw distance down instead?
draw distance doesn't matter when the game is keeping dead monsters in the locale and making it's body decay even if you aren't in vision
Volumetric fog was a CPU hog in World and in other games, such as Darktide
>keeping dead monsters in the locale and making it's body decay even if you aren't in vision
Who asked for this?
if you're a lobotomite, sure
me, much better than them just fading away
I did.
Fuck yeah finally some good changes.
what does "gamified" even mean bro
No fucking way. I'm not a metafag by any stretch, but rng like that is absolute ass.
Fuck you with a rake.
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look what i found i my old shit
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>hunter attacks are never interrupted, even with a monster attacking him directly multiple times.
Lmao. I know its early game monster but fuck, even velociprey were more intimidating than this.
this makes me /vr/y hard
Jew menu???
Doesn't HH's self improvement song give flinch free
>doesn't recognize french
/mhg/ is french clay
flinch free
Is it true that you're all genetically predisposed to enjoying insect glaive, pierre?
no i actually dislike it, and i wanted to like it since i like the bug but it didn't work out
GS is king
Les jours défilent
Sans que rien ne change
Mes mots s’éclipsent
Pour peindre le manque incessant
De ton feu qui chavire
Et de l’Ailleurs qui nous attend
Échappée d’une autre heure
J’entends ta voix familière
Noyée dans un violent
Silence dépeuplé
Éloigné de ton coeur
Lors de matins glacés
Figés dans le temps
La nuit m’enserre
Tout oublier
Pour enfin me souvenir
J’erre sans pouvoir
Retrouver mon chemin
Dans toujours plus de nuit
Ta main contre la mienne
Les mémoires incandescentes
De ton visage rieur
Et tout pour pouvoir les revivre
someone make a room im tired of retard pubs dying to AT velk's bullshit instakill ice laser
Anon I don't know how to tell you this but a solid 8/10 AT Velk hunts in the lumus end up triple carting. It's gotten to the point I just refuse to join them anymore because even if we pull it off it's infuriating the entire time but more than likely we'll triple cart it
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>Smog everywhere like it is fucking China
I wish they would take whichever nigger thought of this shit to the back alley and shot him in the head
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>looking for gameplay
>Click on an arekz video
Can this absolute retard faggot learn another adjective? Who talks like this?
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>wanted a good honest hunting spear in the games since my first monhun
>wanted a customisable hunting pet in the games sometime after
>we finally get both
and then the Monkey's finger curled
>another adjective
American please understand. Did you prefer they say Juicy or Yummy?
That's some juicy yummy damage haha let's go monster hunters!
arekz himself was already annoying as fuck
now the other guy that runs the channel is even worse
How the fuck did they manage to get so big as a monster hunter channel
Use high Elderseal, shitters.
I bet everyone is bringing their meta speedrun ultra damage sets and don't even have eldearseal
yall just contrarians and haters

gaijin hunter said wilds looks good so....
Uth Duna has a good design but that fight doesn't look very fun
Gaijin is notorious for his house of pankcakes bullshit where he flips opinion based on sentiment from his group chat
rent free, per the usual
Wilds is just world all over again. The entire roster is low tier fodder and you'll spend the endgame fighting three elders over and over.
/room/lobby/session ID:

Down for anything but Fatalis because I want to practice horn
Will there ever be a MonHun that caters to what I need?
like every MH then?
What do you need?
Wow that knockout is so sweet!
The helm splitter is really tender
Man I sure hope the risenigs aren't salty and bitter
Yuropeen please understand. Their minds are functionally wired to run all input through "AMERICANS DID THIS" before any other mental processing, even breathing.
Anyone wanna do all lynian research requests today? im starting from 0
at least we don't have trannies in europe
what is every fucking fatalis weapon retard
Elderseal doesn't do much when elders immediately re-enrage
Don't think dicks come in that size.
Tasty post
Z-targeting and health bars for the monsters.
I'll have you know we endlessly cap 1 kill 1 double zinogre in p3rd instead.

Far more varied in between endlessly doing mining loops in the volcano for charms. They don't make 'em like they used to.
I'm really excited for wilds every trailer and gameplay video i've seen is really succulent and I can't wait to try it out myself!
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Then hopefully not
Why not? They're objective improvements to the gameplay.
Dulls my sense of verisimilitude :)
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I still remember my brother getting mad at me for making a transsexual joke about this dragon.
I'm going to make swords out of you
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How do the HH recitals work in Wilds?
I'm seeing the Hunter do multiple recital attacks to move through songs. Is there no Encore now?
Mon HP bar is the gayest possible thing that you could apply to monhun, maybe right there next to "cinematic experience"
Me blind? where lobby?
Encore only at recital end, I don’t remember the name but there’s a new thing you do with R2 between each song
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Unfortunately it's only fun for the high T
Kek the insane amount of seethe from people about the wilds specs is hilarious. People are literally falling over themselves to defend this shit and even places like reddit and twitter are fuming. It feels so fucking good to be right about this. I fucking told you morons a long time ago that endlessly chasing this stupid ass graphics and immersion meme would come back to bite everyone in the ass. Now a bunch of people are saying they won't be buying wilds because of the performance and all I can do is laugh
>Poorfags filtered out
I missed the specs drop. What are they?
You can look them up but they'll basically melt your computer if you don't have top of the line stuff
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Typical. Big budget publishers chasing big budget graphics because they envy the movies and TV.
Here >>496369451
>2070 Super or 4060
>Top of the line
>people keep bringing up the same demo that they have brought to every event since June
>new gameplay at TGS already runs a lot better on base PS5
At the end it will run in a similar way to Wukong, which still has a lot of problems on PS5 but nobody discussed them because pushing agendas is more important than actually playing the games
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>Top of the line
>2070s or 4060
It's always the same thing with you capdrones. You said the same thing about dd2 before release and that ran terribly
>bite everyone in the ass
Huh? I have it pre-ordered. Sorry that you're a peasant.
>top of the line
>it's literally the PC equivalent of a PS5
I like how PC fags will constatly complain about consoles, but the moment we start to see current gen titles that simply recommend a similar hardware to console they shit their pants
I'll punch those fake glasses off that smug cat's fucking face
Wukong has problems? I'm waiting for its physical but are the problems game breaking?

Also what agenda did Wukong run? I thought dei fags hated the monke.
>I bought it so everyone is buying it
Ah the cope starts early
PC players are jokes to be honest. It's not worth the time and effort to speak to these delusional trannies.
PS5 GPU is weaker than a 4060
>fighting magma almudron
>about to capture it, trap is set and it walks into it
>spider fuck out of nowhere and webs me
>magma almudron gets out of the trap and runs away
I didn't say everyone's buying it. I'm saying I'm not deep in poverty like you thus I can afford to play it.
DD2 never had a stage presentation like that months before launch, where they straight up show you 30 mins of gameplay directly from PS5
DD2 at TGS showed just footage in the Capcom presentation, and it ran much worse than the Scarlet Forest demo

It's playable, nothing too harsh
But performance mode suffers from very noticeable frame gen artifacts, balance mode has very shaky frametime and quality mode is 30 fps but with some occasional frame drops.

>Also what agenda did Wukong run? I thought dei fags hated the monke.
Yes, by agenda I meant anons spamming thread about the game selling well and BTFO woketards, ignoring the rest of the discussion
My point is that game still had problems on console, but nobody focused on that
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Incelshaguma, he's literally me
I can afford it. I'm just not supporting these kind of development practices. Especially since wilds looks pretty bland anyway. Rule #1 of having money is not wasting it on stupid shit
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Lmao is your brother a troon? Do people actually give a shit about tranny shit irl?
That game must be a graphics hog, 3600x is not bad but I'm sure the game is going to be thirsty for more, if DD2's absolutely pathetic state is anything to go by, MH:Wilds will fuck your PC without condom for as long as you run it, I expect 100% CPU usage out of the box and people with 4090's and 7090XD with have problems running the game until they patch it.
I'll kill anyone who dares harm a spider...
>I expect 100% CPU usage out of the box
DD2 didn't even max out old hardware it's so badly optimized it's not even bottlenecking it just runs that way
Every time I fight one of these shovelfaced monkies, I'll remember this. Spiders are frens.
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>RX 6600
I'm gonna br alright.
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>actually it won't sell like crazy
>for the 5th MH release in a row

At some point it's just mental illness
probably me.
fed up with family members bring up trans stuff constantly like an Ai reading the same script on repeat.
Whatever you say, poorjeet
wish the balcony was walkable there
>anons spamming thread about the game selling well and BTFO woketards,
Which is funny, because Black Myth: Wukong is a Chinese game, and therefore automatically woke to the alt-right American gamer base.
I really hate that gray filter over everything in the previews. They should really tone it down before release. I wish people would complain about it so they can change it like they did to the cum rain in RE4R before it released.
Isn’t it a result of the Inclemency/Fallow? Clears up for the Plenty I think
It almost looks like the HDR is fucking up the game capture or something cause I've seen other footage of the game in the same areas that looks fine
Everything going brown during the dust storm is one thing but a lot of the footage even the UI is washed out
>even with a higher end pc(not highest, still poor for that), I might still run the game on medium settings WITH frame gen crutch
Man, what's with games today being unoptimized as shit?
don't worry chinks got buckbroken into thinking their successes can't be co-opted by both the woke and redpilled crowd because they're soulless like that
It's still really noticeable in the previews during the clearer weather. It's just super heavy handed.
Speak for yourself fag, that game made my poor i5 7600k scream for mercy and just running the it made the entire room hot.
Lmao in what context? Elaborate. Does somebody troon out in your family? Where are you from? Do they want to perform forced tranny dick slicing surgery on somebody? Or they just worship and fetishize them for some retarded reason? The fuck?
World? Sold like crazy.
Rise? Sold like crazy.
Wilds? Won't sell like crazy actually, it will be 1% less than world it will be a flop actually no one will buy it, wilds isn't real actually.
>Where are you from?
Nice try glowie
What the fuck does this thread have to do with transgenderism?
It saves on dev time and costs to not spend a ton of time on optimization and just let DLSS/FSR do the work on top of the next gen of hardware around the corner. I think the only company still actually doing good optimization is id software considering you could run Doom Eternal on a 2012 potato and hit 60 FPS. Everyone else doesn't give a single fuck.
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I'm going to play Hammer in Wilds, so I'm gonna to need everyone else to unslot Diversion when hunting with me. Thanks.
I'm sure that Wilds will be a big seller like World and Rise were, barring any exceptional circumstances.
But I still don't think it will appeal to me.
I think Wilds won't outsell World, and that World will retain a higher playercount than Wilds once the release hype wears off due to lack of content at launch.
Personally I think it will sell less than World but more than Rise. Simply because of poor people who can't afford a PS5 or 4060.
Speaking of World, how long will it remain up on PC before it closes due to lack of multiplayer subscribers.
The multiplayer on PC is run through Steam there's hardly any reason to take it down until it's selling less than 100 copies in a year
But everyone who would have gotten World has bought it already, haven't they?
>1500 hours in world
>A new tutorial was added!
Never too old to learn, anon
Finally played long enough to call yourself a rookie
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i want to hammer, but I want to bring my 2 cats
Got none :(
This is very likely to happen. I think Capcom has totally fucked the pre launch marketing for wilds and the specs are not doing them any favors. Given how ambitious they're being with wilds and the fact world and rise were pretty barren at launch I'm sure wilds will get boring quickly to most people
I cannot create webms on my Switch Lite.
kitty looking fabulous
World is going to be hard to beat sales wise, everyone and their mother got it.
but now everyone knows what monhun is, so the demographic of casual players is inherently not gonna be as big as they have a frame of reference for the game and likely won't buy it since this isn't a big new thing.
Wilds will sell better than Rise, slightly less than world.
smug cat needs rape correction
Love the palico gear.
I love dressing up my cats giving them stylish wigs.
Can't wait for the game to go on sale. Which I can wait because I hate paying for full price.
Wilds win because of the chill water-y area. I don't even want water combat, I am just sick of 80% of Worls's areas being either dusty or boney or firey or snowy. The forest being the neutral map but looks depressing as fuck in most areas. Wilds maps look a bit better so far.
>everyone and their mother got it.
I didn't.
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I bought it twice, so it counts for you as well
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When Wilds is released I DEMAND anon record this cat doing the knife fakeout
Actually I'm cheapskate.
Capcom should be happy I even think about buying their products.
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No, no, it's too hard for me. I got filtered by base Rise.

This genuinely looks worse than Rise and the heart monitor health bar doesn't help.
By resetting and only uploading their best run.
I'm genuinely praying that as soon as we disable volumetric fog, even the Fallow will light up with real colors again

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