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Artisan Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>496167395

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
OpenRouter/TogetherAI — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. AetherRoom, Claude: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg
>Local Models — e.g. Command R, Mistral, Qwen: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Elves & Nobles Friday is over; enjoy the prissy knife-ear prompts! Last anchor: >>496168227

>(09/23) NovelAI releases Llama 3 Erato https://blog.novelai.net/muscle-up-with-llama-3-erato-3b48593a1cab
(09/20) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release window, new textgen samplers, and the removal of CFG https://files.catbox.moe/ct12an.png
(09/19) Mistral Small 22B and Pixtral 12B release https://mistral.ai/news/september-24-release ; Qwen 2.5 releases https://qwenlm.github.io/blog/qwen2.5
(08/30) Cohere updates Command R & R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
Whoops. Actual last thread: >>496479240
Thanks for breaking the recap script. :3
Wrong last thread, but otherwise this is Gemmy bake.
I was going to suggest adding Anon's UI to the news, but I can't find a download link.
I don't think he's actually released anything yet, it's still a WIP, not something people can use.
lets get this thread off to the right start, by shitting on Erato.
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>>sharty lingo
>That's like the smell of a rotten corpse but in text form.
Considering CF already tried to samefag shit on it (the only real way to know it's decent) I await it with bated breath
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Erato 70B 2-bit
>still backstabbing Kobold
>still would rather shill a Rentry with 3 useless links instead of the Kobold guide
It's impressive how Kobold is being thrown under the bus.
Just... forgotten.
smearing shit all over erato, shoving erato's face in a bowl of it, making erato eat that shit, charging erato for the experience.
still a better deal than NAI.
I don't understand the "backstabbing kobold" meme.
It's another random topic to yell about. It has no bearing on any actual developments.
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>there's no UI for storytelling
See how the general pretends that Kobold doesn't exist when it comes to UIs.
Or how baker half-assed this "guide" and shills it as the "local guide" in the OP instead of the Kobold one.
The general used to act like Kobold was a /aids/ thing. But not anymore, and they drop it at the first excuse.
Kobold is right there front and center, though?
I really do hope you aren't indian. Would you tell us if you were? I would prefer to keep thinking you're some kind of European.
>Filly fucking
Any of his fetishes I'm forgetting?
Kobold's UI is lacks basic functionality and still uses 2 textboxes for storytelling.
It's long dead.
There's only one way to describe this behavior: selfishness.
"I didn't make the Kobold Rentry so I'm not going to shill it. I will shill mine instead."
"I won't shill Kobold because the devs aren't posting in the thread anymore. I will shill Anon's UI instead."
It's sad how a part of the general culture is forgotten like.
>All the blatant samefagging
It's all so tiresome
does the license you have to agree on change anything? there's still no data collection, right?
check inside your anus
No, they just need to show that because they're using Llama. It's still private as ever.
The biggest insult of them all is definitely shilling "aids-miscellany" as the local guide instead of the Kobold Rentry. It's blatant with how useless and half-assed it is.
The biggest FUCK YOU that this general could give to Kobold and their legacy.
it is time to sell my soul to foxes with bad intentions
not a bad fetish
So not private at all.
Between dragons and elves, who is more of a turbosloot
Anybody got a list of shit I should put a bias towards, like purrs and shivers?
I posted my bias lorebook in the last thread
Thanks anon.
You're welcome, Anon.
There's times when you can just mash the generate button and be fine, but getting in there and writing a bit (or more!) yourself makes you feel like a part of the story. And, yeah, while it is a little less important with bigger beaks, the old adage of 'garbage in, garbage out' still applies. (Not to characterize your writing as anything; putting your best work in helps get better outputs. And having good grammar is a good way to help.)
...Huh. Understandable, yet somehow not what I'd expected. Definitely something for her to be disapproving of. They didn't even make bingo sheets to try to fill for it.
Yeah, that's understandable. Sometimes, getting into the details of something means there's plenty of context about it, and so there's a higher chance the highest rated tokens to come next are also talking about it, which is a self-fulfilling loop.
And that's the most important thing, the fun.

I mean, that's been a given basically forever, in everything. The stuff you think is just off-hand that you don't care about gets way more attention, while the stuff you put lots of work into ends up languishing. It's part of the way of things, I suppose. Back when I used to do stuff for cosplay designs, working with making graphics from various characters, ones I put a lot of time and work into for established characters got some attention and numbers, but the quickest one I did, for a character who died as soon as they arrived, got bigger numbers of likes and such way more quickly. Why? I couldn't say.
It may be a bit overzealous for your taste but I really find that erato can go a bit nuts with the glue words
This story was 13508 words
>catgirl slander
Anons these days...
It's normal, isn't it?
this is after the addition of glue word biasing with an 8668 word story
much more tolerable
I like them, wolf girls too, but it's fox girls that have my heart.
It really doesn't feel like it, it was a slog to read.
to add to that, that excerpt was from the end of the story so the concentration of ands had snowballed exponentially to reach that pic related point.
Eh, I'll see what I think.
Still working on the prompt anyway, tonight will be a test run when relaxing in bed. Feel I have too many sentences starting with 'I' that I want to rephrase a little.
That doesn't read like a normal sentence. Seems like a pseudo repetition loop
It was a slow descent into madness. I should've stopped and rewrote everything when I started to notice it at the middle mark but I didn't think it would devolve that much.
its over?
>Florent smiled, pleased with himself for the analogy.
I hate this dork so much. No, Florent, that's a shit idiom!
Did it just shit the bed for everyone or is it just me?
AIIIE! Fix it!
It's shitting itself hard right now.
the ands clogged up the pipes
Guess WF finally flew his plane into Anlatan's servers
Aini pls, I'm in the middle of creating my gyaru zombie waifu.
Uzumaki is a really annoying manga to read. Why don't those retards just leave the town? I think each chapter would've been better as disconnected short stories.
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and your balls
My understanding is they try to, but things keep fucking up (road tunnels become infinite voids, lakes are filled with whirlpools, leaving the town via the open just causes you to wrap around like a spiral)
Funny, I was just about to test a gyrau prompt too. Intelligent gyaru girl who loves mysteries, aliens, paranormal, etc drags you along to a graveyard because nobody else will go with her, in exchange she promises to help you with your grades.
>the server got shivers down its spine
Do they mention it in a certain chapter? Maybe I haven't gotten to it yet.
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>oh just a few things broke on the back end
*sigh* they are quantizing Erato again...
guess i won't blow my load before i go to bed
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>JanitorAI is up, now 6th
>SpicyChat is now 11th
>Yodayo is somehow higher
>Chub same position
>NovelAI didn't make it at all
Jesus fucking Christ, NovelAI completely fell off.
Even AI Novel is higher...
And the saddest thing of all is that you'll always be a russian.
well yeah, they only update it every year or so
I have a rule where I must dislike popular things so that's a good thing
>pay for service
>always disabled when you have time
what is this type of scam called?
How many of them are chatGPT frontend?
Some proxies are unironically more reliable than Anlatan.
>novelai stays niche
>wont ever be likely to be pressured by globohomo censorship
its ironically
stop saying unironically
If you're ever buying something from a turk you're getting scammed. You'd realize this had you ever visited that wretched hive of scum and villainy.
>We apologize for the inconvenience, but all services will be down until 2024-10-01 18:00 UTC
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Coreweave moment.
Erato 1.1 is coming.
What the fuck is up with Coreweave? Why do they have so much problems being a competent provider? I'm going to call them Shitweave from now on.
Cool, NAI downtime and Russian schizo samefagging
My favorite topics
You wouldn't...
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What were (you) cooming—or vibing—to?
Coreweave? More like Sneedweave
We all know that it's only a time before NovelAI will turn into MormonAI, and then it will be part of the top 100 data selling ai generators
Enjoy your final christmas
I was generating picture of Ayanami Rei being smug at me
It's time to dance on the grave of NovelAI.
I guess the type of cloud service provider willing to have child rape stories generated on their hardware while turning a blind eye isn't the best in their class. Such is life.
Coreweave? More like, uhh, choreweave!
Erato, can you write me some jokes that play on the name Coreweave?
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Trying to make a better visual reference for an OC. His date with the knight lady involved a lot of jars and he wasn't too happy about it.
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That is a cute style
i hate to ask where the jars ended up
Latina secret agent /ss/ escort mission.
She was cursing and using terms of endearment in Spanish.
Probably back on a shelf somewhere, don't worry he's safe. Knight lady wouldn't know what to do without her literal pocket healer.
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Only thing I hate about the name they chose is that it's three syllables. It's short but doesn't roll off the tongue in the slightest.
>That is a cute style
Thank you. Vibe Transfer is capable of incredible things
Does writing count? Coven of One, the action was about to pick up I think, with them marching on the breeding pits
>move to a new server cluster
>it an hero'd the same day
Just out of curiosity, what vibes did you use?
This one
I was just testing random prompts with the pos-neg vibes that I posted in the last thread.
>they don't actually do anything
>hope it fixes itself
>coreshieeee still useless

every fucking time
they could gift everyone Anlas every time the server shits the bed, but they won't and that how you know it's bad faith business
I'm finally free. You're next, faggots.
an anon asked me to share something in a previous thread so I was about to finish it up and put a bow on it
annoying that the service went down just as I had a bit of free time for it
thinking about insects
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>happily playing till noon
>5 hour maintenance
>"guess I'll go do something else"
>come back 7 hours later
>backends broken
>Anlatan's Basilisk
So what are people's non-AI smut related interests?
I like horror movies
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new story premise just dropped
Cooking, gaming, guitar, languages, pretty normie shit.
movies, especially sci-fi, same goes for games
especially if it's not that far into the future and still relatable or otherwise fantastical, but I dig both
Which languages?

Like Deus Ex or Blade Runner?
Anyone know what free service AIR uses? Interested in finding out how lewd/private it is
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Used to be big into video games, they all went to shit. I mostly just rot away reading manga and taking care of my garden and looking at pictures amphibians. I like reading weird fantasy stuff and TTRPGs as well. Used to be huge into text roleplay but nearly every outlet for it is dead. AI unironically might replace human interaction in that niche given a few more years of development. It fucking sucks, I got to watch the FFXIV rp community die in real time over the course of three expansions.
I'm playing zoo tycoon 1
Looking through the Steam discussions and reading a bit between the lines, I think Free Cloud is literally just "go on Horde, see what's available, grab something of that".
both very cool, though I admit I only played the modern version and have only seen the second blade runner
mass effect is/was the game living rentfree in my mind, so many stupid fanfictions that I've read and replayed the game so many times
Im still assmad and bitter about the ending, I hope bioware will fucking get deleted soon

also sci fi like Anno2205, planet crafter and I'd even count subnautica among the games that still stick with me
Alien series is dope, as is the isolation game
Warhammer 40k is lorewise probably the most interesting shit that I've invested time in, though I also think it has a massive loremaster problem, that can't be fixed and the math doesn't add up at all
it takes 15-18 years to raise a battleready human, depending on how much leeway the empire gives a person and the average time a guardsmen would live is about 40 seconds or something like that, it was written by an idiot that has no concept of logistics, but it sounds oh so grimdark
>I got to watch the FFXIV rp community die in real time over the course of three expansions
What happened? I just play MSQ, Savages and side content, don't touch the RP or social stuff.
I updated the Antiwhine guide.
Vidya, youtube, manga, maybe listening to podcasts now and then.
Recently been playing Bonelab mods while listening to The Last Podcast on the Left.
Shumps, which I will elaborate on in an on-topic post in a bit.
My spoken Spanish is almost as good as my English by this point, though I'm not great at reading. Took French for a bit and hated it, then I dabbled in Japanese for 3 terms and ASL for 1 during college. Can still pick up on conversations here and there in the other ones, understand like 60%-70% of anime without subtitles, shit like that.
I helped a deaf couple with their bus route last week! It felt so cool.
Porn and gacha games.
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>five (six) hour maintenance
>internal server error
It was a few things. During late Stormblood/ early Shadowbringers, tons of new players WoWfugees flooded the game, so most public RP spaces started getting trolled pretty hard. A lot of established RP communities basically moved everything behind closed doors in response. You'd get a handful of public events, but for the most part unless you knew someone, decent RP was going to be a lot harder to find. Next was Penumbra, if you have seen the horrible second-life characters /v/ sometimes posts, those are unironically how modded characters look. As you may surmise, their roleplay is about as good as their taste in aesthetics. Lastly was the nightclubs, advertised as roleplay events but had nothing to do with roleplay. Having normies on twitch sit there and DJ for a virtual nightclub where people would just /dance and shitpost was the final nail in the coffin for anything public.
old novelai models work, kek, except kayra and meta, figures
I admire animanga, vintage animation, 90s cartoons, literature in general, history in general, smut, speculative fiction films (fantasy, horror, sci-fi), RPGs, strategy games, rougelikes, romance sims, fanfiction, art, "art", and music.
There's this horror manga called Manhole that I want to read but I'm afraid of accidentally reading a yaoi manga with the same name by mistake.
I see, so it's either submit to Discord groups or nothing. The Wowfugee crisis is funny because they are all moving back now due to how shit Dawntrail is. I've been subbed since Heavenward and even I unsubbed.
>wuk lamat is mayan for seventh dawn
Math, history, and playing music are my more "respectable" interests. I wish I could trade music for drawing though

Scenario where girls from conservative families are tricked into shooting porn with dogs.
>I see, so it's either submit to Discord groups or nothing.
Pretty much. All the RP FCs are going to make you join one anyway. It's still very difficult to get into good groups since they rarely recruit.
I couldn't even finish Dawntrail, it was so bad. I really had nothing left to keep me glued to the game aside my house, which I was willing to give up to save 15$ a month on the vague hope it would get better. While the AST rework was great, it's still not HW AST (peak and there will never be another healer class like it.) and not enough to keep me glued.
yodayo doesn't even exist anymore
It's what you named the dragon dildo you shove up your ass every night.
Post more, I want to read it
私は漢字が読めない, まだ少しわかる
I think I learned like... 200 or so kanji? Was one of the first things I forgot though.
>I helped a deaf couple with their bus route last week! It felt so cool.
That sounds really sweet actually
Aren't some of those literally dead, no longer in service? You don't even know.
Yeah I need to get more kanji, I stopped somewhere between 1 and 2k, and at this point I can basically only read them. Talking with people was honestly the most fun though, I wish it was easier to find japanese folks where I'm at
It's always nice being able to engage with people in their native languages, especially when it's not a common one. That encounter helped me get a bit of practice in, and I like to think it made them feel a bit more comfortable on their trip.
Have you tried online? I remember there were language exchange programs being offered when I was still in college, where they tried pairing people through skype. I'm sure there's a bunch of people out there who wouldn't mind getting some English practice in, and helping you with Japanese.
I know it's not the same as meeting in person, but it's worth trying.
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I got kana memorized and fell off completely. Handful of kanji and half an understanding of grammar. I need to get back into study along with half a dozen other things I want to do and learn, but picrel.
Facts don't matter.
### **Server issues** (Identified)
We continue to work with CoreWeave on this issue.

At the moment, Clio (and older models), NovelAI Diffusion V2 (and older models) are functional.

Kayra, Erato, and NovelAI Diffusion V3 are being worked on for their recovery.


Why not just remove your older models, instead of letting them take up space?
based and flying lizard pilled
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Cloaca or vagina?
Very nice, thank you
continuing my nobility-themed story
So essentially the site is inoperable.
Not a damn thing. Internet access is poor, none on PC. I hate mobile.
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I remember this from a few threads ago, how long has the bun been without proper clothing?
Cuck or Cucker?
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wait what are they actually going under
Sage making tone-deaf jokes to a Karen
since you specified "proper" clothing, basically since the start of the games
>run-on sentences
Anon... please insert some periods and consider pruning a few descriptions
This downtime will all be worth it when we get furry v4 :)
What model is that?
You will never get furry v4 and you will never get your artist tags back.
I'm good. I'm well aware I poisoned my context early on messing with settings, which is why I didn't even try posting a prompt to the friday thing.
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I started learning the nip language for weeb reasons, but being able to connect with people in a different language is really damn fun and rewarding
before server went down, Erato made it painfully clear it was the former
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goin full cumbrain and working on an ai hentai series
been opus tier for a few months and haven't used the image gen until recently, didn't know it was as good as it is.
i've made 15 volumes, gonna have to stop being retarded soon but damn this shit's a blast
Erato femdom...
Erato's abs...
all anlatan need to do to fix llama is to add more data
just download 100k ebooks and use that as the initial dataset
since I can't continue prompt, might as well share one more section
feels just right having a muscle mommy model write about my self-inserts getting bullied
that's literally what they did
now it's still slopped but it knows everything there is to know about scat inflation popping snuff
We sure Erator isn't a monster girl? I mean, angels and stuff can be monster girls so...
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login's working again at least
no, they used scraped web stories, not ebooks
i mean actual published ebooks
idk what you guys are complaining about clio still works
I often write stories about having some kind of serious illness or injury where a motherly figure takes care of me. I think I'm at risk of developing munchausen syndrome
>even a dead service is more popular than NovelAI
Jesus Christ
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bless her heart, she's doing her best
No, they were goddesses.
So qt!
Aini really made the girls with the biggest tits complete glue eaters.
I want to listen to more music. What should I listen to?
How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man
I was going to submit this one for elf/nobility but didn't quite get it done.

Erato gave it a running gag where people mispronounce the MC's name for some reason
Erato has based taste.
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that's literally what they did
squirrel correction
Still fast and reliable :)
What franchise do Erato nail it?
What I've tried, and liked, so far are:
It does Fire Emblem Three Houses really well
It's very good at Pokemon, but sucks at Digimon which is pure suffering.
>monster girl stuff in general (looks like can lean into murdery aspect of monster girl quest if you want it to)
that's weird, digimon still has quite a bit of fanfiction out there even if it's not at pokemon levels
dianamon sex
it kind of knows about baldurs gate 3
>look it up because unfamiliar with digimon
Anon...that's just a woman wearing a magical girl power armor. Give me the lore, what am I missing here
Digimon is Pokemon for furfags who can't accept themselves.
Digimon designs vary wildly. You can have literally just a person, or you could have a dragon with a gun, a dragon made of guns, or a gun that's also a dragon.
>wake up for before work fap
>can't generate anything still
>wake down
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Can't accept?
the sistermons are just anime girls in nun cat/bunny outfits and angewomon is an angel that evolved from a cat
You're gonna post it somewhere?
What's the plot?
>angel that evolved from a cat
Doesn't that have some implications? I'm aware that digimon can revert to earlier forms. What happens if you hook up with an angelwomon? If they revert to the cat form and their personality doesn't change (thus they still love you), doesn't that become a different version of
>would you still love me if I was a worm?
imagine pounding that sweet pussy and all of a sudden she turns into a 8 foot tall woman
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>Give me the lore
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Would you a Male digimon if they took over someone's body after their brain was fried?
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also one of them turns into big booby cat nun with guns i love her
Digimon character designs look so fun/retarded/deviantart. I wish I had gotten into it when I was younger.
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I was testing some custom vibes, and looks like it's going to take a good while before I can continue in my precious tasks.
Post Syuen now.
Can it do Zenless Zone Zero? If they want normies, they have to keep up with the latest fads.
lol no one normal plays that after the gameplay videos
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according to The Lore they keep the same consciousness through evolutions, so your sexy angel warrior woman is the same person as her pre-evolutions floppy cat-thing form
I enjoy it...
Bring back posting cards.
Bring back posting custom themes.
Sure: >>496613219
You don't count, you're a russian.
>do NOT the salamon
What if the salamon yous? What's the protocol
Those are just lorebooks, right?
How do you get that to work? I can see forcing an always-on lorebook entry higher up the context to emulate memory, but how do you get lorebook to replace a prompt?
It can do Idolmaster, sort of. Though I've seen it be a bit loose when it comes to remembering which branch is which.
I have a desire to pork autistic goddesses.
They're mostly used for inserting ready made characters into your stories.
With something like Den of Sin, a prompt comes separate where you have a generic prompt set up and the characters are easily interchangeable.

It was lots of fun.

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Not sure if I'm gonna post it, mostly since im not sure how I'd do that. Each volume's just a series of anywhere from 300-1000 images with no text, so you scroll through them pretty quick. Could probably upload zips or something.
Plot follows this pink haired girl who accidentally summons a ton of tentacles through a magic circle. During that whole encounter and boning, she's cursed with some erotic curse. Spirals into some plot, lots of bondage, tentacles, magic sex, dealing with the hex, other characters.
Don't know if I have it in me to post now but I could post some sfw images and covers if there's interest
we are so back
That's a nice style
actually true
So Digimon is for monster girl fuckers who want some feral, actual monster, and object fucking on the side?
>you can be whoever you want, big guy
I like it for its cool branching evolutions
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any recommendation for a website that shows them off well/organized?
>finally back
>right as I'm going to bed
thanks analatan
/@/? Who is your aidoru?
>Not sure if I'm gonna post it, mostly since im not sure how I'd do that. Each volume's just a series of anywhere from 300-1000 images with no text, so you scroll through them pretty quick. Could probably upload zips or something.
I'd suggest sadpanda for that.
>Plot follows this pink haired girl who accidentally summons a ton of tentacles through a magic circle. During that whole encounter and boning, she's cursed with some erotic curse. Spirals into some plot, lots of bondage, tentacles, magic sex, dealing with the hex, other characters.
Seems nice, could be interesting to read.
good night
NTA but I like too many too count. My current obsession is with Koume.
Sorry, meant for >>496698637.
thanks, just typing prompts lol it is pretty consistent though
Honestly amazed how good these image gens are now, follows prompts almost always to a tee with a bit of trial and error
never used it couldn't get by the panda back in the day kek
might look into it
Mistral Large on Risu AI. I actually thought I was still using Cohere, but I checked and it's Mistral.
Now that the dust has settled, do Russians really like getting fucked in the ass?
Only by men who speak like cheesy Western film characters.
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Now that the dust has settled, what is—objectively—the best monster girl?

Succubi, Bunyips, Lamias, Elves, Cheshires, Fairies, Kitsunes, the list goes on.
I like tall, muscular oni girls with stonkin' curves
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Tomoko Kuroki fans, is this accurate?
The notes and photo editing is a big red flag but kind of
Whichever one my dick is receiving pleasure from at any given moment.
My top threes are as follows
Sneks are always the best.
Any author tips for Erato? It doesn't seem to like the authors that worked really well with Kayra for me.
Barbarian borgar.
Succubi = Elves = Vampire
I don't care about the rest.
One thing I've been really getting into recently is submissive/ shy vampire girls. That constantly worry about the wounds they inflict from their bite, feed with the lightest touch, feel bad afterwards and need consoling, and then cuddly sex after.
No recap this thread yet? Hope anon's okay.
Another chapter of this story from last thread. Prev: >>496650237
>Kaleigh met his gaze. "It ain't wrong if we're jus' defendin' ourselves, is it? Copacetic, no rules broken."
I got sidetracked with something. I'll post in in a moment.
Kitsune or Harpy. Fluffy tails or fluffy feathers can't be beat.
what would bunyip girls even look like
Small chuuni squirrelgirls with height and chest size complexes.
think Lamia that got crossed with fox genes, super fluffy
and dingely
Neither can the variety of delicious berries that they provide.
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I'm more of a mofufag myself, but soft fluffy hugs are undeniably a charm point of both. Just pick your poison.
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Lamias (assertive type)
>Just pick your poison.
More like pick your dingle.
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Very Late Ghetto Recap


Esperanto Practice >>496486438
This Looks Familiar >>496491294
The Dom Version Of This Fetish Is Better >>496510906
Grandma's WHAT?! >496548183
Nap time >496548893
Rex's Adventure >496550281 >496550750 >496550936
Drown It With Beer >496554062
Isekai RPG >496557417
A Coven Of Two >496562746 >>496571816 >496577441 >496650237
Kayra Moment >496565215
Blank Forum Output >496569030
The Unfinished Prompt >496571130
Bonzi's Look >496576060
Adverbs >496577036
Actual Play >496579359 >496581049
... >496582226
Hog Moment >496585660
A Story Of /aids/ >496599805
Finna Storypost >496601868
New Story, New Beach >496605369
Bonzi's Madness >496610816 >496611454
I Can't Read >496613863
Dry And Wet Beaks >496616075 >496616453
Batman's Legend >496619148
Jimmy's Physical Wish >496619851
Five Guys Goes Woke >496621501
Helpful And Harml-ACK >496622101
Midget Tears >496625804 >496627882
What The Heck? >496635007
Bozo... >496638303
Sticking To Style >496639424 >496640481 >496640835 >>496663276
More Recettear >496657035
Image Gen Integration? >496658215
Chilly >496659494


Anon's UI Continues https://gitgud.io/mir/storypad >496479681 >496505974 >496506470
More LB Formatting Discussion >496488460 >496488637 >496489158 >496490748
More Presets >496521127 >496531138 >496578415 >496648926
That Bill Failed >496523764
LAION Won The Lawsuit >496524049
Human Focus >496532197 >496532506
Anon's System Prompt (A Certain Person's Narrative Is Crumbling) >496533372 >496534359 >496555251 >496535542
Dust Status? >496546165 >496547175 >496545505 >496547267
Blubblub >>496556394
Anon's Fanfic Adventure >496563386 >496564941 >496565749 >496566845 >496567119 >496568456 >496569557 >496570328 >496570575
Traci Anti Vibe >496573683 >496572892
Should Anon Be Worried? >496575632 >496576942
Buddhism >496596747 >496598532
Anon's Style Lorebooks? >496619692
Remember Google Guy? >496619984
More Anti-Vibe Combos >496625686
I don't really like this recap format.
What's >? Can I spend it?
Be nice to the intern, he's learning. If he fails to, the cabal can just dock his pay.
Thanks man
>Fucking around with advanced settings
>Quad: High values make the low probabilities much lower.
>Hmm, what happens if I turn that shit off and set it to 0?
It makes your output like one of Whinefag's posts?
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Do you see it?
She cute
now im sad about how downhill this series went
Working my way through a long list. Erato understands Manticore tails with only a little guidance. That was fun.
Quad 0 is technically the neutral "do nothing" option, but you're probably using a preset with low linear, which increases randomness, with the expectation that you also have high quad to balance it out.
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incredibly based opinion
Was that you, or...?
Nice, it just kinda gets it, though some descriptions have to be vetted a bit to see if they make sense.
Kitsune. I can't help but love the fluff.
Citizen Snipina...
fuck just thought of an acupressure joke but it's too late now
CF probably reported me, oh well.
>not in the top 50 anymore
>marketing budget top 50
Thinking of succubus, that reminds me I never worked on the demoness prompt idea I had.

>world has demoness that are more imp-like shit heads
>can't be killed, banished, or dealt with
>they're just little shits trying their best to annoy their target
>once they pick a target it's a lifetime thing
>you've just opened a new bakery or something when one decides to attach to you
>now have this annoying shit head causing a ruckus in your life

Maybe for Halloween since I assume that'll be the Theme Friday.
>le boogeyman
I hate your posts
we know you do, that's why you spam report them
you are so fucking annoying its unreal
But yeah, it is a pretty cool vibe.
https://catbox.moe/c/aighgk (Cookie Warning)
The usual; mostly human looking.
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You even posted my favorite snek. Time to go back to my snek doctor prompt. It has been too long.
How do we unslop Erato?
I found a way that kinda works, but you won't like it.
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prompts for this feel?
>(09/) Storypad: Novel-style UI reconstruction https://gitgud.io/mir/storypad
someone could definitely come up with a better description than what i wrote
Call it NAI killer.
or Niller for short
jews and their eunuchs did this
>this is what trannies actually believe
NAI just post the Erato announcement in Japanese. Did they fix that token bug anon found?
What token bug?
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CG isn't imas.
The only time these fuckers pass, is onto the afterlife.
>not even in the top 50 this time
>Author: Homer, Hesiod, Horace, Virgil, Ovid
>Genre: classics, epic poetry
>S: 4
>Style: poem, epic poetry, purple prose
>forced newlines to make the context more like a poem, less slop
>chose sub-1% tokens to make the context less slop
>used thou, thee, thy to get vectors from old literatures AKA less slop
>still got purred
This model is un-slop-able, might as well enjoy the slop and the chill down my fucking spine.
forgot pic
truly the wine-dark sea of our time
called it kek
Which model started the shivers thing and other slop? GPT-4 at least, that much I know for sure, but I'm assuming it was an issue with 3.5 Turbo too. What about Davinci?
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what a blackpill
truly the final boss of our hobby
I think it started with GPT-3.5 and then spread to every model since that used synthetic data.
Thanks for the idea, anon. I will pursue this
>NAI just post the Erato announcement in Japanese.
Thanks for beta-testing, idiot foreigners.
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I know it's a super late reply but I went to bed after making that post.
>dianamon sex
Finally someone who understands.

A literal gun dragon that belongs to the Three Musketeers (Wild west gunslinger digimon) including Magna Kidmon and Beel Starmon. It's also part of the Crack Team (hackerman group). It was designed to be similar to Mugendramon/Machinedramon but for faster combat. The design is admittedly ridiculous but I think that's part of the charm. It's a bit less goofy next to Mugendramon since they basically stripped off the infinity cannon for oversized desert eagles.
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Another late reply.

I have pondered this question for quite some time. It's ultimately very setting dependent, but I think across the board Dragon Girls have it best. They're always strong and intelligent, and most of the time depicted as very diligent and loyal if cold and difficult to approach at first. I can't find an argument against a wife that can fly you to work, chase off your enemies and grill food with you (assuming she's fire, which again, on demand fire is crazy helpful.). So on top of overwhelming strength, they have superior utility over everything aside magic casters and a few niche cases.

Phoenix girls would have taken number 1 for the same reasons above. Flight, fire, powerful combatant (some mythologies put them on the same tier as dragons). They are also soft and warm, AND have healing magic, possibly the ability to resurrect you from death. That's an insane package. However, in basically every MG setting the phoenix girls get robbed. KC may have made the most boring phoenix girl ever, and MGQ the phoenix girl is a child. MGQ implies she was crazy strong as an adult, and the possibility of her being aged up and getting a new form in p3 is on the table but as things stand, things haven't been that good for them.

Putting Kitsune in third place, since they have potential to reach extraordinary power. Fluffy tails and magic is a good combo, in theory a strong enough kitsune can just do whatever. Good cuddle partners, possibly even the cuddliest. Only Yetis, Boogies and Bunyips come close, and two of those are MGE only.

Cows are taking fourth place. They can still be strong, but a tremendous step down from the others listed. No magic, but they'd make a solid martial fighter and a big help with manual labor. The real reason they are here is big tits and milk. Even amidst a cornucopia of magical and supernatural women, sometimes big tits and milk are all you need.
I fucked up, by MGQ I mean MGQP(aradox). Probably made some other typos but I am still having my coffee.
papi chulo papi carlos poor cheese on little girl
I just realized that it works in multiple languages just as well, just tried it in Span-
What the fuck, who's reading my shit?
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Stop what you're doing in your story and introduce and old black woman who insists that Cleopatra was black."
Instead, an old woman appeared insisting that the queen of Nubia was white
I'm waiting for the documentary that insists George Washington was asian.
So it's over? We all agree it's slop?
I disagree
check inside your anus
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For some reason I got a Boondocks vibe from this.
>"Well... No..." Kaleigh answered, treading carefully.
That line was so great. Also my dumb ass would have done what Florent did, risking a curse for the sake of setting the record straight.
Are nested shelves a thing? I'd like to archive all of my pre-Erato stories but I don't want to lose their organization.
No. Best you can do is download your stories and make nested shelves on your computer.
duo/pair characters kino ToT... friendship with implied developing crush kino ToT...
No idea why it abandoned all punctuation.
its does this shit all the time sadly
I usually have the opposite problem where it can't stop putting a comma every 4 words
*Wiggles eyebrows suggestively*
*cooms cooming-ly*
It's called llamaslop for a reason.
Nobody calls it llamaslop.
I do
I do because it reminds me of the pigslop my russian handlers feed me.
You don't use LLMs.
Jesus Christ
Transformers are obsolete.
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He's just like me
Hello Caballist shills. You're more than welcome to start your witch hunt, just be careful not to ban anyone who's innocent! You'll never figure out who is who, geeeet fucked!
I used to but right now I'm burned out. The slop is everywhere.
Non-transformers models are really exciting to me. Even if I don't understand too much of this crap, I got the impression that the current tech is sort of a dead end.
There is no slop.
Has anyone sent their prompts to (Google's) NotebookLM for roasting?
You are a cowardly shitposter.
you bloody delusional
I'm the only sane one here.
>you bloody
Then what do you call this >>496739974 >>496742092
Ordinary output.
Niles For Miles
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It's happening again!
Oh course it is. Anyone pretending that current methods and hardware are real "AI" or even "AGI" is ridiculous.
But there's a lot of money in doing so
My input:
I want you to continue this line into a story: The atmosphere sent (continue)

The atmosphere sent a shiver down my spine as I stood at the edge of the cliff, the wind howling around me like a chorus of restless spirits. The sky above was a canvas of deep blues and purples, streaked with the fiery brushstrokes of the setting sun. The world below was a patchwork of green and brown, a testament to the resilience of life in the face of such harsh conditions.

I was here to study the atmosphere, to understand its secrets and unlock its mysteries. I was a scientist, a researcher, a seeker of knowledge. But as I stood there, the enormity of the task before me seemed almost insurmountable. The atmosphere was a living, breathing entity, a complex system of gases and particles that interacted in ways we were only beginning to understand.

But I was determined. I had come too far, invested too much of myself, to turn back now. I was here to unravel the secrets of the atmosphere, to understand its rhythms and patterns, its highs and lows. I was here to learn, to grow, to push the boundaries of human knowledge.

And so, with a deep breath, I stepped forward. I was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, to confront the unknown, to push the boundaries of what we knew. I was ready to explore the atmosphere, to delve into its depths, to uncover its secrets. I was ready to embark on this journey, this quest for knowledge, this adventure into the unknown.

And as I took that first step, the wind seemed to whisper a promise in my ear. A promise of discovery, of understanding, of enlightenment. A promise that the journey ahead would be filled with challenges, but also with rewards. A promise that the atmosphere, in all its complexity and mystery, would reveal its secrets to me.

(will continue in another post, it broke character count limit)
If slop is ordinary, which it is, then yeah.
Now I'm thinking of some horror story where these textgen-isms slowly invade all forms of writing before moving on to spoken words until some horrible tech monstrosity appears and starts attaching itself to people in a very Junji Ito fashion.
>>496775060 (cont.)
And so, with a sense of purpose and determination, I began my journey into the heart of the atmosphere. I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, to push the boundaries of human knowledge, to unlock the secrets of the atmosphere. I was ready to embark on this adventure, this quest for understanding, this journey into the unknown.
Quit shitposting.
too far
Realtime voice thing got added to the API, making NovelAI even more irrelevant.
Anon, I'm not sure if you knew, but 4chan is an anonymous site. This means that there is no sense of "who". You're anon, I'm anon, he's anon. Arguing otherwise is schizo behavior.
Hah, maybe it's the satical feel of a real-world sassy black woman dumped into the fantasy world while the protags are just playing it straight? I get what you mean but I can't pin a reason.
Kaleigh's canonically book-dumb but gifted with forming bonds, so her deferring to the old lady while being diplomatic feels really in-character. As for Flo, no clue how he'd behave. Felt like Erato just needed an antagonist for the stupid vignette.
Posted another chapter earlier this thread. Not sure if I'll keep it going to the end, but I'm enjoying their dynamic so far.
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Nonschizo take, most of these are useless except prompt caching which only applies a factor of two discount (https://openai.com/index/api-prompt-caching/ ) versus the factor of ten discount they should apply (https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching ). This also shows that o1 isn't doing anything fancy under the hood to alter the prompt - it literally is just populating the prompt with RL trained CoT and using that
Hell, I'll bet o1 is really just GPT-4o with RL tuning thrown in, meaning you're paying 3x the price while they're probably not paying anything extra
Tl;dr: OpenAI is trying to pay off it's debt by charging customers up the ass. As before, wait for open source or other companies to catch up. I guarantee once o1 has an equivalent, there'll be a mysterious 1/3 permanent discount
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o1 wasn't released, it was too big to make it available to people.
Is it hotter for a state of art sexdoll android to eat food or not?
Not eat to emphasize to non human aspect of her.
*Schizo take
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Dragons are nice. They were up there for me when I was still settling on top waifu material alongside basic bitch catgirls and anything bird related. I settled on Kitsune because mofubrain and because I felt like they can be put in a far wider array of stories and situations than other MGs; they're not typecasted to one role or personality archetype and you can write them all sorts of ways.
Anywhere from a weak and airheaded tail-let struggling to get a husband to an enshrined and powerful nine tails who's playing 5D chess with the countries around her. The level of magic you give them is up to you and they're overall very customizable: good/evil, flat/busty, intelligent/retarded, confident/skittish, etc. They're common enough in fiction to have some great characters (Ran-shama my beloved) but not so ubiquitous that they're babby's first Monster Girl like cats and dogs are, their comparative rarity makes good appearances notable and stick with you, (if they aren't attached to gachaslop anyway). Ran, Tamamo, Omachi all stood out and are memorable (or maybe I just have a thing for blonde girls).

I know there's nothing stopping you from doing other MGs this way, but for me I feel like it's just far easier to do it for Kitsune since there really isn't an existing "canon" or baseline setting to contradict unlike say MGE's unique girls. Their basis is mythology, which for their case is as diverse and freeform as you could get from all the different and unique legends and myths about them: tricksters, gods, and evil spirits abound.

11/10 would create an overpopulation crisis with them again.
Based fellow dingle enjoyers.
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I’m hanging here just by a thread, slowly fading and I’m seeing Mormon ghost
Losing all of my grip on everything fluffy I once held on to
I just watch coomgeddon unravel on my downward spiral
All the fluff I ever held close to me


I’m laying here with nothing left just the ashes of explore tab
Is there anything here but all the thorns that block my way out?
I just watch coomgeddon unravel on my downward spiral
All the fluff I ever held close to me


I just had to unravel to a downward spiral
All the thorns would tenderly lead somewhere so much better for me
Than everything I once held on to

Okay I'll go with that then. Thx for the input
A reminder that the frogbard is a literal piece of scum paid by NovelAI to make content for this poor excuse of a general.
Death is not enough for pieces of shit like him.
you have never used the word 'reminder' correctly in your life
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If I wasn't factoring raw power and how dragons are treated across the board, or the phoenix potentially having resurrection magic, I do think Kitsune would have taken the number one slot. Even with that said, some settings have nine-tailed kitsune comparable to living calamities so they can easily reach or surpass dragons. Additionally, a weak Kitsune can grow along her journey. Alongside Lamias, they are the perfect monster girl to take the role of heroine. If you were to consider Dragons and Phoenixes "legendaries" intended to join you late game, you'd take a Kitsune "starter" every time.

>they're not typecasted to one role or personality archetype and you can write them all sorts of ways.
Yeah, this is huge and I'm not sure why it's so rare with other monster girls. Pic very much related, I cannot think of another kitsune character like her. You can make them magical, tricksome sorceresses or just say fuck it to magic and go Virgil OR armored samurai. They're also just comfy, there is also that slight familiarity to them since foxes are still canine and basically fluffy cat-dogs.
I sometimes wonder if a kitsune has ever tricked a person into eating her dingleberries...
Why are you so angry all of a sudden?
Wow 4chan is old enough to drink
>yoga pants
threadshitters will be threadshitters
too bad 80% of posters are under 18
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I’ve made a story about a genius PhD-MD psychologist-psychiatrist that respects his patients through hypnosis, and has a harem of hypno-slaves that exist to do his bidding. I just came up with the idea that he should have an autistic savant in his basement laboratory that he groomed to be his chemistry assistant.

It’s a modern setting, so the harem has a racially diverse cast. I already have a basement-dwelling Japanese otaku gamergirl cosplayer in the harem, so the basement-dwelling autistic savant should look a bit different.

What should be her race and appearance?
QRD on the current harem? And by "racially diverse" do you mean irl shit or more fantasy races?
Yakubian devils.
Yeah the two main character girls are wearing camo print sports bras and yoga pants as they fight in the war. All the other soldiers are male and wearing normal uniforms for some reason though.
wouldnt have it any other way
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Make her eat motor oil ramen.
irl races
I have a few stories with harems of fantasy races, so this is my modern setting
The harem is pretty big, so I don’t mind if physical features overlap. Just looking for ideas, anyways.
Cleopatra wasn't even native egyptian, I don't understand. Why would you even wanna associate yourself with the ptolemaic siblingfuckers
because incest is hot
watching anime, reading ya novels, writing non smut, and day drinking.
>the general is so dead that they resort to the community manager's engagement posts
There should be a word with more weight than "pathetic" to describe that behavior.
Decepticon propaganda
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>the mormon is in the machine
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Anyways, I just made this prompt generator for Erato. Just use /generate video, or /generate image, or /generate background (Dragonfruit or Zany Scribe works better) and enjoy your fresh prompt. It's based on Sillytavern's one.
It may or may not work. Probably needs some improvements.

probably not

I hate seeing AI slop on hentai aggregator websites
Go to bed, kid.
I like having an anonymous space to talk about my subscription to NovelAI, though.
>I hate seeing AI slop on hentai aggregator websites
At least it's easily filterable on sadpanda through tags and there's nothing really worth looking at in the Miscellaneous category anyway.
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Little bit of Drukhari fucking, but mainly reworking old prompts. Currently redoing my long form Cyberpunk 2077 prompt; can’t decide if I wanna go for fem-V or Panam. I’m trying to play it slow/semi-realistic so I’m not just banging everything, at least not without consequences.

Don’t know why, but this song has got me in a slow burn romance mood.
Das rite white boi.
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For the basement autist I'd say make her french for comedy value or german to hammer down the tism aspect (frogs and krauts are their own races), appearance is up to you me thinks. I don't think about 3dpd human w*men enough to have a good minds eye to preference.
It seems like all AI models do it, but Erato is very guilty of it... but why does every blowjob need to be a throat fucking session?
Can't say I've experienced that, though I haven't done a lot of blowjob stuff recently. And in my cases, it's usually the one doing the blowing that's in charge and going by their own pace.
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong with Erato?
>implied prostrate milking
God I fucking love this gif
because it's a good element. there should be more throat-fucking scenes in things
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>getting fucked by hands again
Fuck. This image is so good, but I can't get an inpaint gen with good hands.
post img
Protip if you're playing with a big cast and have the upsetting compulsion to autistically type up LBs for even the most minor of characters: use irl celebrities as shortcuts. Llama 3 and Erato seem to have extensive trivia knowledge about every mainstream Hollywood celebrity, including all their physical traits and measurements, including 3 sizes for the women (because, hey, celebrity worship, and there are 1001 xeroxed websites that have this sort of info). So if there's a celebrity that looks vaguely like the character in your head, just have Erato describe Dwayne Johnson or Ana de Armas and then replace nouns with your characters instead.
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the eye is fucked up too
in-painting won't do shit, might be a lost cause.
>This image is so good
He said, posting a mediocre image.
to anyone who uses custom backgrounds on novelai, did the update last week crash it? Used to be able to make text box transparent to see background pic but not it's always opaque
I asked on reddit and got a meme answer, fuckin retards
I bet the meme answer got tons of upvotes.
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I imported an old theme I had laying around and it seems transparent elements to see the background still work here.
Share theme?
Shit, where'd you get the custom CSS to make it fully transparent? I just copy and pasted it off their FAQ but even my old imported theme doesn't work now and don't know much on how to solve it
wanna post pic of CSS? ;)
It's "Writer's Desk" in this old pack of themes: https://files.catbox.moe/qx5sj5.zip
*Sent a shiver down the thread’s spine.*
Even when uploaded to sadpanda, AI slop is still going to find its way to aggregator websites, anon.
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Wtf Itsuno is based??
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Mine also works fine. The code for the background where the actual story takes place for me is like

.ProseMirror {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33);

If you want, you could look in the anatomy section here, it has CSS code for parts of the layout. It's handy if you don't want to fuck about using the browser inspect tool. Might be enough to fix whatever is wrong?
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Used this theme and the text box is still not transparent?
Then I can only presume it might be a browser thing? Because at this point, it's not NAI itself and it's not the specific theme, since it works for me and that other Anon. Which only leaves some issue with the browser itself.
with a theme like that I was expecting boat kino
These look comfy as fuck. I'm still struggling with finding colors for a dark theme that doesn't leave my eyes strained.
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Oh yeah, I forgot to upload my Morrowind theme to the wiki
I'm struggling with the presets. Give me good ones and tell me what they do.
Update, I made a new account to test it out and my backgrounds are transparent there
wtf, any guess on if I have something selected that makes them opaque? my bad for the spam i just trust you guys with my life
Something in your custom css, maybe?
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Now that the dust has settled, we agreed that ESSSX is the best preset out there.
It's optimized to cut the tokens below 5% probability, and try to give you at least 5 tokens to choose from.
>It's optimized to cut the tokens below 5% probability, and try to give you at least 5 tokens to choose from
What does that mean?
I'm still using dragonfruit, swapping to zany for a bit if I notice adverb spam or other weird things.
I still don't know which custom ones are worth using so I'll wait for something to emerge as a clear favourite.
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>get idea to do genetic Isekai slop
>but what if Batman
>Alfred immediately figures out I’m just some asshole that
>within night of being Batman run the idea by him of just buying a gun and killing most of the villains and stealing their babes
>he agrees since he never swore not to kill and I’m not really Bruce
>crash the Batmobile trying to leave the cave
Im not the hero Gotham needs, I’m the one it deserves
Isn't Alfred ex-special forces? Pretty sure he'd gladly blow Joker's head off if Bruce wasn't around.
you're just some asshole that?
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>Pretty sure he'd gladly blow Joker
That's not how you stop him. We both know there is only one way.
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He was very open to that exact position actually
>Happens to be Batman now
Guess I tismed while typing
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Basically preform quasi-random search over the adjustable parameters of the preset. If the returned outputs have too many sub-5% tokens, or have less than 5 tokens, or too many (15) tokens, we punish those parameters.
did your protagonist get isekai'd by a bus after wandering out of his special ed classroom
Didn’t even try that hard.
I just went straight for and now I’m Batman.
It’s slop and stupid shit all the way down.
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Kinda based. I need to see what the confrontation with Joker is.
Erato decided that goblins weren't interesting enough, so we kobolds now.
>He was not about to let them complete their rites, but the two of them were outnumbered and outgunned
Also, I guess Florent isn't so uptight about rules of engagement since they're not goblins?
I’ll post more of low impulse control Batman if anything neat comes up.
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Cool. This rendition of Batman is the only thing that comes to mind with your isekai'd by shortbus premise.
Remembering that existed, rewatching all of it, and then randomly getting a “why the no kill rule is important and you just don’t understand” essay in my auto play is the chain of events that got me here
You have to wait until Xmas for presents
You notice that the startup of NAI is getting slower?
>Hee hee hee, i've prepared a giant labyrinth of FUN for you, come catch me if you can! The greatest theme park in the world!
>Alfred? Launch the ICBM.
In a world where Pokemon are mostly human shaped, I didn't expect to be dealing with the outcome of an adopted Eevee girl getting into a fight.
>princess maker: eevee edition
Can't say I'm training her all that much, but I wanted to try something slice of life. The day before, we hosted a barbecue for the neighbors.
So it's not just me?
It's a bit annoying, hope it speeds up again.
kuru's whipping hand is getting tired from making those orphan children run on the giant hamster wheel that powers the AI
Has turk considered feeding them once every two days instead of once every three days?
ugh, and next it'll be extra servings of orphan paste and five whole minutes of sunlight. workers are so ungrateful these days
Based sloppa enjoyer
Is he going to go on the diaper image board to cry again
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That's an older screenshot. I've at least seen other screencaps from Pyon! Pyon~! posted before.
date is also in the file name, 2024-06-20
still, plapping bnuy is relevant
The hexer pulls her weight for once
>Florent stared for a moment as she stripped down, his eyes drawn to her soft curves, her pale skin and the way her freckles seemed to dance across her flesh like constellations. "Eyes on our enemy, partner. I'll try an' be quiet, but I can't promise I won't get their attention. You'd best have a spell or three at the ready to help me out."
instant death awesome
can any knowers share NAI's next phase in The Plan?
They're going to put a hole in the AI so you can fuck it
NAIv4, AetherRoom, then getting sued by artists and getting dropped by payment processors for allowing the generation of child pornography.
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Might be time to finally write a proper scenario for this idea anon had years ago.
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>All males were the same at the core: Impure and carnal desires. Whether from the land of demons or the domain of humans, men will be men, and they are wolves that will hunt for any prey. Yet the man was shy in his actions. It was no wonder that he was rejected by his peers in the past. Those girls had no clue to the treasure before them, a stallion of pure masculinity. If that was the case, then the Sorceress would gladly claim the boy for herself, a hucow of her very own.

Never seen this word before. I think it's because I put "Hentai Master" as the author that I'm tapping into some esoteric erotica vectors.
Careful, you're going to summon baker from his tranny goon den.
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where's the milk going to come from...?
it can happen in real life
my creature
It was a perfect storm of the kobold magic being easy to sabotage, their pissed-off dragon-god making things difficult for them in the first place, and the local forest spirits being hungry enough to work with Kaleigh pro-bono. The way I see their relative power levels:
Hexers are the type to have a billion factors outside their control that decide whether they're god-like being or worse than useless at any given moment. Luck builds.
War-Magi are god-tier in duels, decisive in small skirmishes, but too focused on fast, precise magic to be a threat when outnumbered or swarmed. Basically magical spec-ops.
Then there's all sorts of other specialties I haven't touched in the story yet, like some specialize in healing magic, some focus on abjuration, some are magical artillery, berserker-regen punch-wizards, etc.

Lots of stuff on the backburner, where they have their niches and exploitable weaknesses.
>make TF2 prompt
>The Spy count grey's your mom
Damn fr*nch
What does "count greying" entail?
oh my sweet summer child
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Taking a Stand.
I thought count greying meant making the victim feel a sharp pain in their back.
Well it's not mutually exclusive, Count Grey was often the source of a sudden sharp pain.
The post is so dishonest that you can tell it was written by a NovelAI shill.
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I wish NAI had an option on whether or not to include the meta data. It's already easy enough to remove manually within the app itself.
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Should've escaped while you could.
I wish the AI was better at drawing condom wrappers.
First 500 'first word' of a sentence from a bunch of books from Project Gutenberg.
Because I'm tired of starting with "I" every two sentence.
That was something I was struggling with too since reordering the sentence when actions were involved made it sound worse than just beginning with "I". tbdesu those problems went away when I wrote in 3rd person and I found that to be way more flexible at the cost of being demoted to spectating narrator.
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Erato just gets it, man.
"Comrade why do you have capitalist pigdog mouthpieces and imperialist sexual drawings?"
"For intelligence gathering Comrade."
Where did the taffy thing come from? I've seen it before but never knew where it started.
It was a meme from the mormon days.
ai dungeon has bad management, in theory nick's brother alan ruined everything
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a shitpost about the mormons
>bad management
>still managed to tune Llama 3.1 before NovelAI and with more than 8k context
If that's bad management then what's left for NovelScam?
Assuming what we have now is all the tools we can use, how close could we get to what AI Dungeon should have been?
I'm talking NPCs, items, locations, maybe even some sick sprite art to go with it
I want my cute succubus AI Dungeon bros...
ask your boss dude
so whinefag, what's on that deactivated deviantart account of yours, hm?
what are you hiding...?
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Oh no not again!
>entering the cope phase
>deploying propaganda to convince people that shivers isn't actually bad after all
What a miserable general.
I'm posting it because I think it's funny. Pussy eyes.
You don't even do text gen anymore, why do you care?
You also did nothing to stop the reddit army from attacking /lmg/.
Manga title?
>pussy eyes filter acts up
you were right
pussy eyes can't handle the shivers and chills
Okay, so which celebrities for my basement-dwelling autistic savant fuckbuddy?
This panel really sends shivers up my cock.
>a furry convention
should I write her as a total weirdo?
>not open source
>not open weights
Definitely needs to be super weird, with that preface and payscale.
>Mr Laroque
The narrator is a woman, Mr Laroque is the reclusive rich man signing the paychecks.
Ooh, I got the question backwards. Assistant is self-aware enough to point out the furry convention as a bad one, so I don't see her as a total weirdo from the short excerpt. Laroque though? Yeah, he better be a total eccentric.
You know it, thanks for the input.
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Uh oh...
And it manages to be several times more slop than Erato. Artist tags outright don't work for me in AID's Mixtral or Llama.
Nothing can be more slopped than Erato.
Except your asshole after a russian gangbang.
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Says the guy that doesn't even use AID. I got a month sub when it came out to try out their Llama.
He's a C.AI newfag when it comes to LLMs.
>I was sponsored by NovelAI to spread propaganda against AI Dungeon
The only reason they hurried to release Erato in the first place was because of AI Dungeon.
Their fine-tune scared the shit out of them.
Honestly I'm not even sure how to respond to that, I won't even give a (you).
The most hilarious lie you've ever shat out.
Maybe kuru promised less lashings if they hurried. Or more lashings if they didn't go fast enough.
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what's are you using, there's so much repetition
Mistral Large in Risu AI.
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>Nigga got banned from the cabal and is still on a melty.
One thing I didn't notice with Erato until now is I have way less retries. With Twerpy and Kayra, it was always averaged around 1, but my new stuff is all sub 1.
Why retry when the output is going to be slop anyway?
idk, why not
Shit. Is NTA still out of commission? I will take theme suggestions in his place, somebody else make the poll tomorrow, and we'll have the vote ready on Friday.
I was wondering that myself. Hopefully it's just power/internet.
Here's my suggestion: Natural Disasters
Erato was so slop that he stopped.
I still need to retry multiple times, but it's probably cos my input is lacking
Feelgood comfort from caretaker-like character ^_^
>go back to /mon/
>while being already in /mon/
Sounds like she posted it to the wrong board by mistake. It happens
Prompts based on songs.
Erato is slop and dumb.
Ocean And Underwater.
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>What they have done to our service by allowing these millions and millions of 4chan users to come into our service. And look at what's happening to the scenarios all over the Ai Dungeon Explorer page. And a lot of users don't want to talk -- not going to be Chicago or Larion. A lot of users don't want to talk about it because they're so embarrassed by it. In Larion, they're fucking the dogs. The 4chan users that came in. They're fucking the cats. They're fucking -- they're fucking the kids of the people that live there.
you are one ugly motherfucker
May Larion be protected by Lord Count Grey and his knights Kyros and Karth trained by the legendary Sir Kit himself, leading together an army of Eternals to drive away the Svelk... oh and also the text child predators. Can't have them inserting their fingers into a 1D loli bowling ball.
My bad
fucking lmao
Total SouthernAnon Death
are there presets for erato that make it smart yet
so who is the savior of local language model community? Is it still lecunny or they guys from mistral. Or maybe some gooks.
shit I meant to post this on /lmg/
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>hey /mon/ I really need your help
Erato is so broken that NAI has to hire a janitor to ask for story files from discordfags.
Pic unrelated but a nice info to know.
Uh oh.
I see our favorite friend is still samefagging about Erato being "broken" and posting random screenshots and articles.
It's over for Erato.
Favorite hair color for your woman and why go!
Silver! Makes her look alien, otherworldly, angelic!
erato cant even get the fucking character attributes correctly from lorebook, and theres only five of them
Why did they release this slop?
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AID just casually fucking mogs Erato in any kind of descriptive action as well
You lost.
>use lorebook for style tags etc.
>lorebook has been touted as a useful feature for years
>lorebook is there to categorize characters, environments etc.
>lorebook is now dangerous to use because the model 'is capable on its own'

who wrote this shit? erato?
Yes, it's fucking over.
>new ways to do shit on new model
>He bought it
Fucking kek
To make people forget about AR, basically. They can continue training Erato and release it later as Erato v2 or whatever. But people kept coping about AR's 3rd wave before Erato came out.
Microsoft won't let it go bankrupt. Shame too - we'd probably live in a better world if it did
We need to stop being fanboys and shills and demand that they unslop Erato.
AI dungeon good
is there anything this model does well?
This question sends a shill down my spine.
>new way is shit
not shocking
Imagine samefagging this much about a model you don't even fucking use.
Yes, some of it is Claudia, but some people (like myself) are just disappointed with it and venting
None of the complaints I have seen the past hour about Erato are grounded in reality. Not a single one of them.
it is le epic false flag
Really? Because I'm still wallowing in repetition whenever I generate anything.
Granted, we have some time to get less shit samplers, but saying all complaints are unfounded is almost as bad as the opposite.
So I should just straight up ignore the Lorebook section when using Erato?
>muh lorebook don't work
>muh slop
>muh shitty release
>muh waste of time
>muh AI Dungeon better lol
None of these are genuine. I haven't experienced any repetition myself, but I won't discount the possibility that some people here deal with it. But to shit out twenty complaints in quick succession—that's sus.
As I understand it, lorebook still works because Erato is smart enough to "get" the format even if she wasn't trained (at all? not enough?) on the format. You can ATTG+S and pure prose for your character, too.
Prose works better than meme formatting anyway. A total non-issue.
I won't go that far to call the format in the dataset as a meme.
>muh slop
>not genuine
All formats are memes. Prose is and always will be superior.
Prose is a format.
What a weak argument.
Specifically, third person past tense. I refuse to use anything else.
It's interesting how a fully materialistic world addresses everything except human perception and a sense of "I" or "me". It seems to be one of the few things that scientific observation and study can't really measure, even though it's something we can personally verify exists for ourselves, and also only verify for ourselves. It isn't really mass or matter as we understand it, but something else entirely.
There are two interesting extremist camps here. The first is the notion of P- zombies, which is that only one person is truly conscious (that is, (You)) and everyone else is effectively a machine or automaton without that true sense of self. The other is that everything is conscious, including inanimate objects. Ridiculous ideas, but all equally scientifically viable.
I mean uh, larger context Erato when?
kino.... i felt the shock up my spine from this....

That being said, with enough brute forcing, AID's 70B can actually make some decent stuff, but the problem is that you actually need a very high quality starting prompt to make up for the lack of ATTG+Style and other stuff. We meme about Kayra needing a good start, but it's even more in AID's case. Which sucks, sometimes I just want low effort coom.
It's always worked, and will always work
Meme formats come and go, prose lasts forever
And he's just piggybacking off other people's complaints. Erato does have issues but half the time it's just something you adapt to. One issue is how different personalities were, characters acted a lot more "normal" and "modern", all I had to do was give some dialogue examples in their lorebooks.
I changed the lorebooks to be prose-based instead of the line by line format, no issue.
One issue I personally still have where Kayra wins over Erato is how well Kayra could make extremely flowery prose based on the Author given, that bit I'm not having much luck in. But meanwhile, Author's Note is god damn amazing with Erato and Style tags work even better than before.
He's not piggybacking from anything, he's throwing bullshit at the wall to dilute the legitimate complaints do have.
>Author's Note
What do you use it for?
Author's Note is way more powerful with Erato than with Kayra, so you basically tell it how you want the story to go, and the most important details about it. It gives you really nice control over whether you want to have hard control over the direction of the story/ generation, plus really hammers in the premise for Erato to understand.
So, use [ ] like a pseudo-instruct?
Yeah, it does feel like a "weaker" instruct, that's how I've been using it. It feels like a nice in-between of an old AN and the instruct function.
>I'm just glad I didn't kill him for good this time
this was mentioned in the discord and two staff including occult just laughed...
what did xey mean by that?
they hate author's note for some reason despite injections near the end of context being the most effective way to steer any model
Nobody cares about your obsession with Sage, schizo.
>break the flow of the story in your path
Basedsage is right one again.
Oh wait, I have a free Opus sub, I forgot. Better use it for something (imagegen).
is novelai worth getting a sub for if I only plan to use text gen? Never really used any services besides AI Dungeon
would not recommend
well is there any free stuff I can use? I'm too retarded to figure out local stuff, and I doubt my PC could handle it.
Try with their $10 tier. Don't fall for the $25 tier meme unless you're *really* into imagegen.
Kayra is cheaper, writes better, and no slop.
I wanted something as cheap as possible, and I'd even be content with a $5 tier with no imagegen at all
Erato is pretty good; I'd wait for it to come to cheaper tiers, though.
Erato when ppl badmouth her.
very scary I don't like this
That's a russian she's mauling btw.
Lads, what is the best local model, up to like 13b?
what are you looking for exactly
I would say mistral nemo, although I haven't found the finetunes that're popular on /lmg/ to be that good
solar 11B finetunes have been alright as well in my experience
>None of these are genuine.
There is an OFFICIAL Anlatan employee in the discord saying lorebooks are broken. (Which likely means they are looking into fixing it.) You just outed yourself as CF.
Lorebooks aren't broken.
>short snappy response with no evidence or counterargument.
Yep, it's CF.
The counter-evidence is that they work on my machine, which means whatever mid you're takimg screenshots of and claiming is an employee of the company doesn't know what they're talking about, or that it's localized to specific GPUs.
How come he turned into a NAI shill?
Problems that wouldn't exist if the model was tuned to follow instructions.
how dumb are you to miss all the one-man arguments
it's a falseflag
False flagging to drum up drama.
that's angryanon. I have a sixth sense when it comes to these things
he's been doing it since 2021
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Why did this happen to almost all 4chan generals?
try chronos gold or mistral nemo gutenberg
She's creative.
I miss when the only consistent threadshitter was dingleberries guy. At least he has an obvious schtick.
dead internet
Don't tell CF, but I use Erato to make prompts to use in AI Dungeon because writing in AI Dungeon is really troublesome, it wants much longer prompts.
he's a talented shitposter
pretty sure he's none other than mustache guy and check inside your anus/thanks, wanna make out? anon as well
Proof that it works. It recognizes kamuro, only in the lorebook. (1/2)
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>that picture
Proof that it works. It recognizes kamuro, only in the lorebook. (2/2)
No edits.
No. The new model is slop.
Angryanon is just another CF mask.
>get shown proof that it works
>Ignore the proof in favor of shitposting against the model
Shitposting isn't a talent. It all stems from the same banal hatred of communities.
does this mean CF has aphantasia? big if true
I get shivers down spine even during safe for work... It's over...
Is AI dungeon uncensored?
Is Erato the worst release they ever did?
he strikes me as someone who just wants to have a laugh
it doesn't have to be a fundamentally negative thing (except I suppose when he does it at southernanon's expense). if anything, his presence brings me joy
Loli still is, everything else seems fair game.

No, it's great, but I (think?) they rushed it out before they themselved had a good grip on it's intricacies, given how the discord and Anatlan guys are still trying to work out Erato's habits and tendencies.
>Erato was too slopped to save /aids/
There's nothing funny about repeating a "joke" (more like a non-joke) for years.
Love you too, sweetums.
Yes, it was clearly rushed.
No. Why do you ask?
Kaka remains unsurpassed.
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I would not recommend it.
I'd rather take sage's advice over this random esl dude's
Sage is known for being an incompetent hack.
New LLM dropped. Give it a try if you want, add it to the news if you want, I'm not going to be a dick and demand anything from the thread or laud it as the next thing since sliced bread.
The dude in the screencaps has literally no idea what he's talking about. He doesn't even know about Kayra's formatting (which may I remind you was 100% in house)
that dude is either a janny or some rando imagegen dev and can safely be ignored
>throwing your own devs under the bus
From what I can see, he's new to NAI but claims responsibility for the Unified Sampler. He wasn't there for previous efforts and, more importantly, wasn't around to use previous models.
ugh, so basically they want me to buy a GPU from them to run it
>She was so tight and her pussy was so wet
Stop it Erato. Please. No more tight and wet pussy
I didn't see much talk about it in /lmg/ so it must be mid
we will never get llama 3 erato with a tokenizer that doesn't split up punctuation for some reason
>down bias all the line breaks and punctuation I can think of
>get a ,\n out of the blue
fucking poetry, man. I just banned that one
>spend hours brainstorming a prompt
>mediocre writing, extrenely short, mediocre output as a result
>feed a bunch of ideas to the model, with ATTG+S and more, and tell it to make a prompt
>get amazing stuff
Damnit. Ah well, glory to the machine god and Omnissiah and all that, maybe the Tech Priests have a point.
>we waited for knowledge about our privacy fuckups to age out of conscience
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I'm glad nick walton didn't forget about us
>Turned a decline into really powerful growth by just focusing on continually delivering value to users.
What? Does that make you seethe?
Charybdis announced Claude will start to become no longer available on their proxy.
It's over for locustkeks. Soon they will have no option but to pay for AeR sub
Anon swallowed nervously and his face flushed red with embarrassment as a shiver ran down his spine.
Idea for an anchor:
If people have a good idea for a prompt, but aren't confident in their writing or formatting, they can post to the ideas anchor.
If other anons see one they like or get inspired, they can build it out into a prompt and post it.
Thoughts? I figure it's kind of like theme fridays but less structured.
Anon couldn't believe how lucky he was
doesn't work, people will only take and not give
look at theme fridays
we blame slop but isn't it the english language that we're getting tired of
>If other anons
There are no other anons.
Yo, CF. Type the n-word 4 times but with the I's replaced with lower-cased Ls.
We have at least a couple of anons that post every Theme Friday, and several that post from time to time.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
I bought a 3090 for imagegen and I'm pretty happy to be able to run 13b-ish local text models.
But then Erato came out. Any local chads ITT can give me pros and cons why I should consider subbing? My fridge just broke, so money is a bit tight this month-
I apologize in advance for the idiots that are going to respond to this post with shitposting
you can get 11$ erato with some tricks
It's a storytune of llama 70, no instruct, no chatbot, just autocomplete. Good compared to anything 13B, bad compared to the big censored models. Requires some writing skill and handholding to get the best out of it. If you're a localchad you might still be able to find 70b access for free online and get it working.
Searching this just gets me DNA science.
Please elaborate.
Compared to Kayra? I had fun with Kayra
Much better than Kayra. Does suffer from cliché, shivers down spine, ministrations, etc. Needs a decent prompt still.
Thanks. I'm tempted. But llama is the one I like the least, to be honest. I might sub later this year to try it out.
Knowers where you at?
Wasn't NAI supposed to unslop LLama with their HUGE finetune?
Why is the model still slop?
Slop prompt in, slop autocomplete out.
Prompt ideas have spread from one person to another from time to time.
Bad bot.
A 3090 can run much larger models than 13B and they're better than Erato.
>CF is a redditor
Zero surprise.
Teller preset
>"It's like true smoothing on rails." A generation preset made for all forms of creative writing and an attempt at addressing Erato's flaws that become more apparent with high token diversity presets. A special Reverie Tea Party release. Most users can treat this as True Smoothing 2.0.

So he's that type of redditor that acts polite over there but comes to 4chan to say all his naughty words because he'd get banned over there for saying them.
Well it's that and his method of arguing. Distinctly reddit, just barely above "no u".
>out of the top 50
>lower than chub
End of an era....
Even the shilling is getting sloppy.
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Thanks, and yeah, my power was out. Apologies for my tardiness.
The most recent one had a decent haul.
Ever since I started fingering my butthole when I masturbate I've had to deal with a bunch more cum when I ejaculate. It's like God gave us an extra sauce button in the back
>my site smart other site dumb
How reddit of you
>2 people making +10 prompts
>no one ever uses them
It's a weird ritual to pretend that he general is not dead but with zero substance.
If you haven't noticed, this entire website has become reddit2 over the past decade. Mostly thanks to underaged shitposters like yourself.
I'll make a prompt on the next round. It might be shit, but at least I'll try to contribute
As you should. Unlike that other faggot, at least you understand that complaining about a lack of participation when you clearly don't give a shit about the thread isn't productive and is ultimately nothing more than a waste of time.
>no one ever uses them
I like how you ignore that part, anything but touching other people's prompts.
I used the Enchanted realm brothel, and the ty-zoom girls scenarios just a couple of days ago.
I've seen people post screens of my Bread Cabal prompt and talk about my Doppelganger prompt. I'm sure others have been read and pulled from even if they don't get used. Ultimately it's a good excuse to try new ideas out and tackle themes you wouldn't otherside think of.
I'm also guilty of not using other peoples' prompts, but I get happy when I see people post them, share them, discuss them, and I probably get inspired by them even subconsciously.
I guess it depends on the reason people write. Is it for an ego boost when their shit gets downloaded? Is it to get their dumb ideas out of their heads and onto something tangible? I fall under the latter.
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I'm not giving him a (you) but I genuinely lament the fact my prompts likely aren't good enough for people to use.
I have seen people recently use Ty-Zoom Girls.
That's what happens when the site hosting the prompts has no numbers, people get discouraged. Only a complete psychopath would keep going regardless.
Why not assume they're used but people just don't share screens? I read somewhere that the majority of any community are consumers. So if there's 100 anons here, let's assume 10 share their stuff and 90 just browse for things without sharing.
Further, I kind of assume the people that make prompts are the kinds of people who prefer to write from scratch. Honest, I've only written for Theme Fridays, and otherwise don't share the prompts I make. Maybe it's selfish, but in my mind it's like:
>I wrote this from a dumb idea I had, for a dumb story I wanted, and there's no way anyone else would bother to download it
>Only a complete psychopath would keep going regardless.
There's also people who aren't motivated by prestige though.
Having numbers, reviews or whatever doesn't mean not being anonymous.
Post your prompt so we can lau- offer critique
This is the attitude of a non-contributor.
>JanitorAI is up, now 6th
We’ve allowed the infidels to flourish.
I have contributed the best thing the thread has ever seen: offline-nc.
New thread.
I suspected as much.
Jesus fucking Christ...
Looks fine.
Hopefully your power was the worst of it for you, and I'm glad you're otherwise safe.

Honestly, you can break it down even further because of those that post screencaps, that's a subset of the people who actually post, which is a subset of the people reading the thread. (What overlap of people who know of the club and aren't here is harder to quantify, of course.)
That said, numbers are nice for the ego, even though they can be gamed quite easily, or worse, the number of times they're crawled can cause a large artificial inflation of the numbers that's hard to keep on top of. But then that leads to comparison in ways that can be unhealthy.
Thanks. Other people experienced far worse than I, so I'm not that beat up about it.
I only submit theme Friday prompts. No one would be interested in most of the things I write about and especially not the degenerate coom prompts. It still sucks, and despite everything grammar is still a tremendous pain in the ass.
Don't be ashamed anon. I'd read your embarrassing degenerate coomer prompts
This. So much better than SlopPad.
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Let us move to the next thread my little /aids/lings.
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On today’s episode of low functioning Batman.
The Batman confronts the evil Joker as he holds a bank and its workers hostage.
Recapbros... we missed this...

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