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Previous: >>497039927

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade now live!
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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banging . . . BOOS!
I've got like 90 pulls, more by the time she rolls around, but probably not enough to guarantee.
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am I allowed to roll her even if I'm not planning to go for Yanagi?
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I hope everyone pulls him so they can know love.
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why is he so gay
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I will have the strongest Miyabi.
She will be the most powerful Miyabi, with the widest face, the highest DPS, and the strongest team of all the other Miyabis. Even once her face is fixed, and her eyes are no longer separated by the atlantic ocean, my Miyabi will stand as the strongest.
Others will see me post her build and they will wonder to themselves "does somebody need a Miyabi this powerful?" "Why would anyone have a Miyabi this strong?" "Surely, there is a limit to how far apart her eyes can be?"
And I will answer, simply:
"This is what it is, to possess the strongest Miyabi."
I'm curious to see what will be the players of /zzz/ divegrass team. Any suggestions?
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My Yabi is the widest.
Your Yabi is not.
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Planing what to get from the selector, M2 Rina or M1 Grace?
What compels the ritualposters?
he's a huge loser it's actually pretty funny
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This is what zzz is about.
Ive got a guarantee and 120 pulls so I'm getting burnice. Wondering if I should get her sig. Energy regen is going to determine if shes useful or not
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I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Jane. I try to play Ellen. My Jane deals more damage. I try to play Zhu Yuan. My Jane deals more damage. I try to play Soldier 11. My Jane deals more damage. I want to play Burnice. Her best team has Jane. I want to play with Seth and Rina. They both want Jane.

She grabs me by the throat. I farm chips for her. I use my batteries for her. I give her the food buffs. She isn't satisfied. I pull Caesar. "I don't need a stunner" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs Seth and forces him off screen. "You just need to buff me more. I can deal more damage with AP substats."

I can't roll for more AP, I don't have enough materials. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She summons Shadow Jane. She says "Shadow Jane, get them." There is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing but pure, 1.8 million assault crit damage as she Salchow Jumps towards me. What a cruel world.
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kot has to be in it
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I'll try
Yeah I think I like wise and belle x jane
>Billy solos everything
Not wide enough.
This woman's feet must smell incredible
We melt the cheese with flamethrowers here in cheesetopia so you know we are authentic.
I fucking wish, his later events are just him rambling about his family issues endlessly
Answer my questions last thread
execute all divegrass niggers
thanatos should be named notthing personnele
>kys (kiss your sister)
>the shining golden kot
what does burnice do
I have fun with that in the fgo na thread
When are we making a team?
What is Piper's best team?
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Shining Golden Kot
umm nyo
Qingyi with her Frieren face?
Corin Rape
Caesar in her pinKing outfit?
Hmm nyo
Corin rape
why aren't they animated and dancing
inflicts burn while not on the field
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She's holding back to not break the website.
>umm nyo
forced meme from that dead gacha
she's the pyro sub dps genkeks have been waiting for four years
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Picrel, Papichulo
La Rata
Corin Rape
Leave it.. TO HIM (Billy)
Purrrokushii-san (Lucy)
Nyo (Ellen)
don't divegrass teams need a manager/3D model maker autistic enough to care?
>Wideyabi as Goalie
>Starlight Knight Billy
>Sjal Rabi
>Touch tail?
>Corrin rape
Are you saying we don't have an autist strong enough here to take care of it?
Are we that weak?
what we need to start?
mmmmh well... you see, I'm more of an idea guy
Shouldn't be too hard to just export/import the existing character models. I'm no expert though.
An organizer/manager for one
I'll make the logo!
I’ve had bad diarrhea the past four days and slept 13 hours last night. I don’t know if I’ll make it Burnice I drank like 4 bottles of water but I’m still thirsty. Pull her for me.
drink more water
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I will be pulling Jane instead through the standard channel.
So on the jackr.ca website theres a bunch of giggers and hrsodomites posting selfies in mihoyo gear, its pretty funny
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I wuv wucy.
this is belle's pov when jane slept with her
Wanna start this beautiful day with a win?
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could it be worse than this?
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>Caesar in her pinKing outfit?
I recommend the name, "shoujo at heart".
Enthusiastically awaiting the Caesar King Agent story where we can explore her girly side.
>a ball
>a dupe
Is 12000 enough for burnice how many is enough for her I’m new
Why is Miyabi so autistic?
why are there ponies...
>Enthusiastically awaiting the Caesar King Agent story
i have bad news...
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80 rolls with average luck
I have enough to guarantee her so it's a matter if I want to brick myself by getting Caesar's wengine or not...
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Say sike.
you need about 24000 to be absolutely safe, but 12000 is already enough for at least one coinflip so just get lucky lol
no, that as bad as it gets.
Isn't the Caesar meta a stun engine? So you technically don't need her W-Engine.
It's more like 100 on average, but that anon >>497064348 can probably get her if he keeps doing the story, events and dailies.
it's about 12k per S-rank
when you pull an S-rank it's a 50% chance to be the banner unit 50% chance to be a brick
if you have 12k right now you're in good shape to get burnice before her banner is gone (5 weeks)
i don't know why but i have anxiety attacks when i play jane
i need help
240000 is a lot I did a mission and only got 30 I feel like I saved for days now getting my number so high how is that fair
Give her to me. In fact, I will take ALL unwanted KOTS directly into my account. I'll care for ALL of them.
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What would be a /zzz/ anthem?
Keep playing through the game and you'll have enough for her banner.
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For me?
Yea, it has to be THE STARLIGHT KNIGHT!
just unzip your trusty visa bwo
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One question, I saw the leaks about her having a playable character ID and already having placeholder data, but how does this character ID thing work, are they in the order that the characters are released?
I saw someone commenting that between her and Miyabi there are about 6 more IDs.
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I only have anxiety attacks when playing League of Legends. Every other game is chill even if I might get upset for a moment when bullshit happens, but LoL just had me shaking and hyperventilating just sitting in queue or champ select. Must've been years of built up trauma from interactions with other players and the crushing feeling of their expectations that I'll play at least decently and not throw the game, every single match.
Zenless Zone Zigger
>What would be a /zzz/ anthem?
Kek, good shit
Wide Miyabi jokes are not funny
>are they in the order that the characters are released?
We don't know if Yanagi or Lighter is coming first, right? I hope Lighter is first and I have another couple weeks to save for her.
ONE DAY AND ANOTHER DAY would be a good anthem, and Shining Golden Kot/character songs like pinKing would fit well as goalhorns
>3 2 1 *bass drop*
Would be good
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They've followed drip marketing two patches in a row so far. Yanagi was dripped first.
Lighter's first but leakers think otherwise for whatever reason
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I love her for who she is
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NPCs in ZZZ are so fucking good bros
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Alas. I will catch Burnice on the rerun.
I want to cum in her ears
that was me, the 6 ids are between pulchra and piper. the number basically represents when a character's development was started. the IDs are all visible in the URLs on hakushin. early dev characters like miyabi and caesar have low ones like 09 and 07, even though we can see they're releasing way later.
IDs are used for character sorting ingame. 1st prio is level, 2nd prio is rarity, 3rd prio is ID. and the animated wallpaper list is only sorted by ID.
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this disc could have been so much better...
KEK I love these
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I have one great disc.
perfectly balanced
Which characters are going to fill out patch 1.X until 2.0 and (presumably) the idols get introduced?
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What did he mean by this?
They are
And they make me love Miyabi even more than I already did
that one kind of sucks bro
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I was wondering, don't you think Ellen's tits are nice and big?
bretty good
I'm more interested in her tail tbdesu
Meebers has the most staying power in this thread's collective conscious, so she must be doing something right. Zhu/Qing/Jane posting had sharp fall off after they got released, but the miyabi gang persists.
I don’t even get this joke, is it a pronunciation thing? Or do they just really like rabbit ass?
Janeposting is pretty strong compared to the other 2 but yeah.
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My wife sure is popular. She will be sure not to disappoint!
I’m down to 356 pounds last year I was 490 pounds about to hit 500 and it’s all thanks to ZZZ and no soda
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Fat tail love
Wider head means wider brain which means smart
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>Qing/Jane posting had sharp fall off
I've seen them in every thread for weeks now
Ellen only gets posted here and there but the moment she gets brought up everyone drops a bunch of Ellen pics
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No bro. It's seat. Drop the seat when you're done. I've told you that 1 million times already!
This is not funny
Just be happy the the datamining suggests she will become playable.
did they actually add a bathroom sign to the door on the second floor or was that always there
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So, about those fat furry tits...
For sure they're still around, but compared to the couple weeks leading up to their respective banners?
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true, it's not just funny, it's hilarious
Giga based
Kek that's much better
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meebs supremacy
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I like her ginormous ears, they should have given her a tail to match
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Interesting, so it's basically their development order, so Nekomata will always be the first in that order, for being the first S rank and basically one of the first 3 characters.
non canon
she has shorts
you just put the cursed idea of a calarts style zzz kids show into my brain
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How does Mihomo do it. Like Firefly was designed to make millions of dollars and it worked. Like some kind of freak perfect waifu made in a lab. Now it’s happening again with Miyabi. Like she was created in some Mihomo lab on the perfect waifu to mass appeal and shill ZZZ. How do they keep getting away with it?
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her thread
her game
her meta
it's like the intro to Powerpuff Girls
Because a lot of retards use her to shitpost
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I used to get this when I played dota
it's performance anxiety from playing in a team game
then i realized mobas are shite and just quite them altogether
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Hola, Proxy!
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Who's the third?
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I want to motorboat those big breasts!
I really hope her trust events are very flirty.
I like where your head's at but please consider the following:

I'm like 140 lbs and I could stand to lose 15 lbs of fat ; just how fucking fat are you?
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>he thinks the Ayaka expy will do it
As always, you need to wait for the Raiden expy
This shit has been consistent in all their games
whoever's genshin's designated waifu
Yeah, I am gooning to them.
So what exactly is disorder? Is it true damage as in bypasses enemy defenses/resistances 100%? Why is it better for electric / fire, I thought it was just its own burst of damage.
ZZZ needs its own Firefly to truly take off
>and everything flat
>These were the incredients to make the perfect little lolis, but then Waterkuma added and extra incredient
>Chemical UOOGH
>*explosion sfx*
Piper still mogs them all and is the better hag.
Our Raiden is Yanagi they have the same voice actor
Anyone test if Piper wengine works well with Burnice?
Jane doe because she slept with you
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Post Meeber abominations
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Futa Belle is now /ourgirl/
>game is so bad characters can only exist in comparison to other, better characters
what's taht
>ctrl f
both this thread and last, you claim doesn't check out
It did, but they fixed it because they realised they wouldn't sell her weapon otherwise
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>The shoplifter 0.5s after Zhu Yuan told him not to resist
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>Firefly is HSR's Elysia
>ZZZ's Elysia will be ZZZ's Firefly
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Vergil archetype is popular and Hoyo has the channel to shill it to the masses.
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Miyabi is ZZZ's Hoshimi
ZZZ is the better GayHoyo game actually
pretty interesting post-chain.
Is this real? It looks like waterkuma's artstyle. If it is then they really changed k0t for the better. Nicole's pretty much indistinguishable other than the briefcase. But I do prefer her current design.
>Anby's ass crack
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6 more hours until the mutts leave the thread
This is Ayaka/Raiden all over again >>497066839
fuck, when was this?
what about swordmaster
What a nice wish
He'll come home for me eventually! And I hope you're enjoying his company too
Belle Bigger
No way, is this true?
yeah and SEApags come to spam shipshit and homoposting
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it's big spike of damage that happens when you overwrite an anoimaly status effect with an anomaly status of a diferent type. Normally the non ice/physical anomalies are dots and reapplying them just refreshes the duration. So the damage sucks. But if you alternative between two different types of anomaly you don't "waste" any damage since it all gets converted into the Disorder effect. Thgis means that two anomaly characters trading back and forth can apply consistent high DPS. The Damage Calculation Doc in the OP links has the exact numbers for how this is calculated.
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Bong bro here, I'm going to bed
Good it mibibros
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I said it specifically because she's not alive in the events of ZZZ, and only one hoshimi is left.
well, you know, maybe.
meant for >>497067083
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What the fuck are these green plugs on their ass?
jokes on you, i'm on the demon hours sleep schedule
File deleted.
Fuck you whoever posted it a few days ago. I can't stop thinking about Ellen caviar since then.
i wonder if the siblings could start a caviar business if the video store falls under
Can I use mods if I only have 4 gigs of VRAM?
uh oh amerifat melty
For me it's Mono stunner/support/dps teams
Used for charging.
Who the fuck keeps making these. I hate them.
Am I the only one who gets a little intimidated by interacting with rat? Every other character is a sort of dumbass or simpleton or softie or a literal gay dog, and then there's a veteran infiltrator/criminal investigator, as smart and lethal as they come, and out character is like -Heeeyy lets hang out together <3. Feels like MC doesn't get what she's signing for. Kinda hot tho.
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This is ZZZ's Raiden "Bosenmori" [M]ei
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>Ellen caviar
Aren't sharks mammals? Do they produce enough eggs to make a normal caviar serving?
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Banging boos?
Yes I rolled Ellen
Yes I will roll for Burnice
Yes I will roll for Miyabi

I’m what you call a sexually charged waifu roller and no you can’t stop me from getting my wife’s and gooning to them daily
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I surprised you are even running this game on 4 gigs
>Aren't sharks mammals
Sharks are fish.
You are thinking about dolphins and whales.
the void hunters aren't that old
arche went into hollow zero, the hollow that ate up old eridu like 10 years ago
lady sunbringer invented bangboos, which were made during the beginning of new eridu's creation
The siblings don't even know she's a glowie.
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puffy shark pussy
I've churned out dozens in the ai slopper. Unfortunately most come out looking like
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do you want one in particular
yeah she's in love with the MC
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ran out of content...
this game's archon raiden sonsomonso reisemori ben is billy kid forma de starlight knight
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>I surprised you
how nice of you
>Is it true damage as in bypasses enemy defenses/resistances 100%?
>Why is it better for electric / fire, I thought it was just its own burst of damage.
The Disorder "know" what effect is being removed to cause the disorder damage and caluclates it's damage based on this. It roughly correlated with the remaining damage in the status effect. For Ice and Physical they aply almost all their damage up front in the assault and shattter, so their disorder damage is relatively tiny. Shock, Burn, and Corruptioon however have thier damage tied into a DoT, so when you end them early the Disorder damage accunts for this and does a LOT more damage. This means that if you can dependable alternate back and forth quickly Electric/Fire/Ether gain a lot more from a disorder style. With Physical you can more or less ignore the Flinch effect and just apply Assault over and since you aren't losing much in the way of damage doing that.
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>Aren't sharks mammals?
What the actual fuck am I reading here
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How does the quality of life in New Eridu compare with real life cities?
its a guy obcessed with making her a meme so he pumps out hundreds of AI images of her every day, they are hard to block because most of them are new.
It runs at a solid 60
I just turned off meme shit like volumetrics
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Hoshimi Miyabi!!! Ahhh!!!! Hoshimi Miyabi in the flesh!!!
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Sharks are weird, some have live birth and some have egg cases depending on the species. Ellen could theoretically shoot this funky looking drill case from her shark snatch.
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Better than in the US but worse than in Russia on average.
kys with you ugly bitches
Someone make the trolly problem but the trolly is miyabi and the left is ellen and make the right something else funny
Yes, I want to do all kinds of sex-related activities with Ellen's big tits
>t. I'm gay btw
>WIDEyabi as the goalkeeper
>Never lose
I rather live in New Eridu than any other big American city
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Why is she like this
Post Ben cosplayers
Vastly superior to all cities in the west
the left is mibibi and the right is also mibibi
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>How does the quality of life in New Eridu compare with real life cities?
Picrel but at least it has no niggers
Most people don't have panic attacks every time they see a wide fox make a new facial expression so I'm not surprised nobody sympathizes with you
That makes a lot of sense thanks
economy is fucked
bangboos occupy most low-level jobs
hollow breakouts are an eternal threat to be scared about, basically a scarier version of any generic natural disaster since there is literally nothing you can do if one pops up on top of you
criminal activity is through the god damn roof (seriously, there's like a 50/50 split between civilians and straight up criminals)
mega corporations own everything and run the government, basically mirroring every cyberpunk dystopia setting ever
there has clearly been tangible loss of technology, as a lot of entertainment media is stuck in the 90's or the future (your choices are arcade cabinets or full-dive VR)
those are her ass bones you fucking idiot
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I think the chances of getting killed by a basketball american are higher than getting turned into an ethereal
Her personal life is a mess. And she doesn't share any of her Job with Wise and Belle. As far as they know she's just that flirty older-sister type who tips REALLY well.
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Sex with bangboos
So better than Toronto
there hasn't been many because all his stuff is hard to wear and his weapon is a giant cement brick that would get you kicked out of a lot of places even if its fake.
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Time for some hard labour?
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The most rapeable bangboo
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Rats are prolific breeders and can give birth to up to 13 pups in each litter.
The mother is also ready to mate again within 24 hours.
Fuck, I don't even like seafood, let alone caviar. But thinking about Ellen caviar makes me so fucking hard
I mean as good as you are going to get without a bear costume
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I regret not buying top-up for qingyi guarantee
Where the f*ck are her legs?
Did someone post "squeezing sturgeon.gif" or something?
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Artists who draw Qingyi smaller should be rounded up into labor camps with no access to pencils or pens.
I took them off so she couldn't escape. I raped her.
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Have some more of my sloppa
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There has already been 21 Miyabi images in this thread and we haven't even hit 300 posts. Try to guess the ratio on all the other characters.
I should make more of these edits. They're so quick and easy to make (liquify tool) and so funny.
>normal mibibi fans embraced the memes and thrive on it
>still have 1-2 fags that hate anyone that has fun with the memes
>akin to the ayaka posters back in the day trying to convince everyone that they're wrong and how beautiful she is
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Sharks have 2 penises over 30cm
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How hard will she break reddit on release? I imagine they'll preemptively ban all fanart of her to avoid another civil war.
Time to drift
Any new events coming up?
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Got a nice chuckle out of this one.
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ZZZ for this?
no more events
just play holocure until yanagi
but Ellen is a girl
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Sweaty biker ass...
/zzz/ truly has the most creative minds working around the clock for these masterpieces
play the actual holocure not the ZZZ bastardization of the survivors genre
Do new S ranks always get the music videos and multiple trailers and stuff or is that just Caesar?
Where is the usual schizo
god imagine the smell
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Wise is so lucky
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I hope the trailer and demo are all ecchi as fuck.
I dont play shart rail (what Im assuming this is), so none of this means anything to me other than this game peaked with Seele at 1.0 and it took a double banner to finally beat her
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Man you can't even post Lucy and Piper anymore because of the "child coded" memes. Reddit jannies need to realise they can't police people's thoughts. The antipedos get downvoted to hell there because the truth is nobody gives a shit about loli, so of course they ban everyone else to control the narrative.
i mean its fairly obvous
people don't want to dump endless amounts of money into gachas when they all look the same
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Maybe they shouldn’t have made a whale only character that requires E1 Firefly to be marginally better than a 4 star
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Silent since Israel got bombed and went into a state of emergency. Coincidence?
Fuck.. 13 a pop with no downtime?.. you can have an army
which one of the 100 schizos
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Hopefully dead so I can post cunny in peace
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>The antipedos get downvoted to hell
Why are they consistently the most mentally ill?
anal with this rat
anon everyone knew this 2 months ago when the game started, because they shitposted it everyday here that the leddit mods turned into hyperwarriors
if you decided to ignore this and post on their super containment unit its not our problem.
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that's wild
>end of trailer is a hotspring scene with the steamy wisps just barely able to cover their flat chests
>blonde and dark hair fighting, causing them to get soaked, the steam clouds giving more and more revealing pixels of titty
>one of the girls gets up and you see her full ass for a split second before it cuts to the robot sitting quietly, recording them through her eyes
>1 billion WAS THIS NECESSARY posts on reddit
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nta but anons here have gotten knotted twice in a row while I get nothing but BALL'D i'm just going to force him home from the standard selector and get it over with
Imagine entering Random Play asking for Joker 2 but the siblings just laugh at you because it was a huge flop
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Fuck yes (koledabro here) this is C2

finna boutta buy her ball
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I think it's interesting to look and see a little of Waterkuma's original designs, I'm still sad that there isn't a full version of Miyabi.
I like the makeup
Whats so special about her c2
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What would they say if I asked for District 9
Which zzz would eat the egg bowl
>red eyeliner
Holy SEX... Why didn't we get this
funny of you to think that
there were a lot of games that were flops in history generally speaking but somehow became clult classics, which allowed some breakthrough insane movie sequels and other offshoots in the movie industry today.

In fact without that kind of cult classic history we probably wouldn't have seen a game like ZZZ now, or it would be very different if there wasn't flops in the movie system for the last 50 years.
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I just want c6 as soon as possible
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>The mother is also ready to mate again within 24 hours.
There are only 2 of them, both are active during mutt times, one got exposed for seething over lolis for 4 years straight, the other is a frognigger, got exposed for samefagging and having CP saved on his computer to own le hecking lolicons.
Both of their posting activity have been documented and hopefully they've fucked off to another thread or website
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>Asking for a movie where the main character gets raped and murdered
When Koleda's EX Special Attack hits an enemy, she recovers 60 Energy. Can trigger once every 45s.
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>District 9
Pretty sure there's a movie about that Japanese girl that was tortured for months and then sealed in a barrel of concrete, except it's shot like a snuff film instead of a documentary.
Just get her into Otome VNs. Seriously, if there's one thing women can do right, it's bad ends for their female protagonists.
This >>497070060 she can daze anything in about 3 seconds tops
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Calm down bro, if you want to see Qingyi's fat ass I got you covered
Nobody gets raped in Fruits Basket though?
It gives her an extra EX Special and means that with a full or nearly full energy bar she can near instantly stun any enemy in the game including all the major bosses. Koleda's so EX centric that she does a ton of stun very quickly if she has energy, but if she runs out her stun speed slows way down.
Yeah it's real rough, I keep staring at that standard tracker and having to resist the urge to spend the 90 pulls to force it.
I wish I could have taken all those knots for those other anons, and that they could have gotten what they wanted in turn. I'm sorry you didn't get knotted.
As always, I hate how they handle standard characters in these games.
I have a Koleda collecting dust. What engine have you been running on her? I want to use her but not having Hellfire Gears held me back.
El gran padre...
Still can't decide to roll either caesar or burnice . any skippers? caesar must have for easier life?
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Hey, We're looking for a movie with a beginning, middle and end. Any recommendations?
Post more smol qingyi please
The fact there's 0 art of Xueyi disassembled like this is a crime
I was using lycaon's ball before hand (I probably still will since I use her on field a lot, hellfire gears I wanted for the options and the hair glow)
I wish for Anby to rape me
No murder though
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Same, that's why I can't get it out of my head
imagine routinely milking her tail for the eggs
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Friendly reminder that this robot can convert your semen into energy
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It's not a movie but check out the series "Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku (Now and Then, Here and There)".
How do I beat this Vampire survivors clone in max Difficulty...?
At least in the other game there's almost infinite space but here? You're fighting in a fucking box...
You would use steam oven otherwise
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Damn, she's strong!
Going by the number of pixiv art, Ellen is the most popular ZZZ character and it's not even close.
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who else is skipping until 1.4 at earliest
Jane is a hag?!
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Oh neat that seems really good
does burnice work without yanagi
does yanagi work without burnice

which one do i need more
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The doc said I need to gradually reduce my amount of Miyabi posting, he mentioned something like a width disorder I wasn't really paying attention
>don't repost/use
>use for AI is prohibited
Who does this faggot think he is? I'm gonna look up his art and try to train a bot to replicate his style, then send it to him.
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Is Corin cute?
hang yourself
you're not gonna do shit
Really depends on which character you are playing. Some of them feel near impossible for me.
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Burnice works with any other anomaly character. Yanagi needs Burnice more than Burnice needs Yanagi imo
Only when she's doing the most depraved sexual acts known to man at my request.
>does burnice work without yanagi
yes you can cope with piper or use her with jane if you want to waste her

>does yanagi work without burnice
probably not but hard to tell
/ss/ website thoughever
She's my least favorite zuhzuhzuh, I'm sorry. Clumsy socially retarded maid is just sort of played out.
What's the best character for me if I'm into cuckoldry?
will mibyaibibi have her own disk set
I saw someone post a tier list for it but I didn't save it
Anyway I just used card queen and beat it by going afk after the first few rounds
More than likely.
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Dawei knows his audience, don't worry.
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>lycaon's charged basic 3 and ex special
Zhu yuan and Caesar are the best kinda women. Sexy but adorable and not self aware/care of their sexy.
Burnice works with Grace/Piper/Jane
Yanagi works with Piper/Jane
>When another character in your squad can activate Defensive Assist or shares the same Faction:

Goddam I didn't realize Caesar's additional core skill was that easy to activate, you really can throw her into any team huh.
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Joker 2 apparently but be warned it may make you act like the Joker in real life
The powercreep to powercreep all powercreeps: Sashimi Minabi
Agreed. Marriage material them both. Caesar being illiterate and an illegal might make getting a marriage license difficult however
Belle, everyone is fucki
kite the enemies until you get the right combination of rng items that makes the character you chose overpowered. then you'll either nuke everything before it can touch you, or you'll tank/dodge everything they throw at you
>He just goes ahead and says it

God damn
Is Mibibi a virgin
what does her farts smell like?
That ass is made to destroy me
i wonder if deep down he still thinks this, or the corpos got him
Yes and Yes. Yanagi (if leaks real) buffs disorder damage applied by anyone on the team, so you just need any non-electric anomaly to make her work.
I thought Officer Booty's booty was a robot booty, a robooty.
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Yanagi seems to be on-field though, so her damage will go down a lot if you need to swap between her and your phys anomaly a lot.
I'm sure it'll be strong enough for Shiyu but most likely players will feel gimped with Burnice, which is by design so they're pressure to swipe.
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Who is /zzz/ picking with their free S selector we are getting in 1.3?
who you get from the S selector is variant a bit on who you are planning from the 300 standard ticket and who you get spooked by in the next few banners. Since it's a way off I wont decide now.
Why don't my neurons activate to zzz girls? I would like blue archive style schoolgirls, now the designs are weak
Gay maybe, dunno man who cares? Not me
Wait for OBOL and idols
>free S selector
Is this real
Already got Rina m1 so I'll probably get my furry bro if I don't get him before that.
he's plays it very safe but probably
there is logic to the madness
Why are there so many of you people? No one can post an ass on the internet without some deranged brapfag showing up instantly and exclaiming how much they love the smell of shit. What event in your childhood made you this way. You are equivalent to blackedposters in my eyes
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>can't throw her in a Grace/Rina team for huge jiggling tits team
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Can you blame him? He doesn't even have other friends. Closest he gets to that is the rest of the Criminal Investigation Special Purpose team, and even then doesn't seem to be too close to them. I don't think I've ever seen his daily trust events ever interact with Zhu, Qingyi or Jane. It's all by his lonesome, buying stuff for himself or just passing by.
Kind of a shame really, because despite being a team of three (four if you include Jane who isn't really there), only Zhu and Qingyi are the only members who feel like being together as a faction.
I want to be her chair whenever she's working long hours at the desk
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BA is the pinnacle of character design because most of the girls are as simple as possible (except for Azoos), it's the polar opposite of Hoyo designs which are all overdesigned.
You will never get a character with as clean a design as Kisaki or even Izuna (more complex by BA standards) in a Hoyo game.
I have KOT M0W1, so I'd like to pick up her M1
>tfw just learned Burnice can go straight to EX double shot after parrying, a quick assist, or a chain attack
>this means the optimal way to play Burnice is to swap her in off a parry, double shot until her nitrofuel is full, then fuck off
What the fuck isn't she just another Grace? Grace plays the exact same way, swapping in to dance and throw grenades twice, then fucks off. Why are anomaly units like this?
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The strongest individual
Jane and Piper are field hogs and Yanagi probably is too.
Tsundere and Huohuo coded characters are the best. Hags and lolis are cringe. I’d much rather have Ellen with a attitude than them.
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look at this guys
There's such a small chance of it going off, take him!
jane and seth's trust events do mention the other members, but yeah it's a real shame there not ever shown interacting
was seth in zhu's "everyone showed up late so now I'll lecture them" event? I think he was

Who cares, I'm gonna spray fire everywhere and spin spin spin and have a great time because this game is easy and she's HOT
You could literally try her out in the HIA course now stop with your retarded "theory"crafting.
you spend around 1/4 second doing single stream before switching to double. who cares
The only games where this statement applies are GGZ and early Honkai Impact 3rd. Dawei sold out.
burnice has off-field app and doesn't have graces energy problems you ARE rolling W1 right?
>Why are anomaly units like this?
Your fieldhog sexrat JANE?
I don't own Zhu so I don't know lol
Yes, Seth and Chinky are in that one but Jane isn't.
based cuckbro

Probably either Neko M1 or Rina M1. I'd like to use S11 but I wouldn't have the ressources to build her up.
imagine her smile as you walk in the door with a bag filled with boxed mac and cheese
her pouting after you remind her to take her weekly shower
her predator eyes and smile as she's slamming down on you and using her tail to make you feel things you've never felt before
SmellCHAD game
sorry vanillafag
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This guy is fucking great
this + the hag with 1000 armor is probably viable
are you ever going to stop having this melty? it's pathetic
Panty and Stocking crossover when
Unironically, it would be fucking rad
More like fucking retarded. It couldn't have been more obvious he was gonna get betrayed by his ass kisser.
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Drilling Ellen Joe's anus!
Pulling out right before I cum!
Jizzing all over Corin's face!
i love jane x seth
>t's the polar opposite of Hoyo designs which are all overdesigned.
While that's true for a lot of their games, none of ZZZ's characters are really overcomplicated or overdesigned. If anything they're pretty simple, even Ellen's design just maid with a big old shark tail
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>Can you blame him? He doesn't even have other friends. Closest he gets to that is the rest of the Criminal Investigation Special Purpose team, and even then doesn't seem to be too close to them. I don't think I've ever seen his daily trust events ever interact with Zhu, Qingyi or Jane. It's all by his lonesome, buying stuff for himself or just passing by.
H-Haha that's so weird and not at all a mood
Ellen Joe if she was HSR
i am curious about lycaons dick
Actual smellGOD here, I have to filter out scat because of fucking weirdos like you
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this is not a proper build for a princess...
Yes, I noticed that, it's sad, BA like minimalistic designs could be nice in hoyo games
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Very disappointed with how quick his appearance was, along with his little screen time and how quick the final act of the update was, I felt it was a bit rushed and I feel like if there had been a little more build up his death could have had a much bigger impact.
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Asha owes me sex
>SHARK painted on her tail
>fucking random stickers
>the stupid spike collar
I'll give you the rest of the cast but Ellen has a pretty retarded mihomo design. Quite reigned in compared to shartrailslop, but still. Still cute but they couldn't help themselves.
Feel free to go back /bag/.
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Only the brave can pierce Caesar's shielded hymen.
lore wise, only anby and billy will have 5* upgrades right?
Soldier 11 + Piper + Lucy is surprisingly good for speedrunning Disputed Node 8 second half
Pompey did literally nothing wrong.

Bro, he had 3 scenes total, so literally all we saw of him and his asskisser was the betrayal. For all we know, he raised that kid from childhood.
Jane's slow ass banner is killing the game
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Hi schizo
Tactical event that unlock node with 150 energy/day is permanent right?
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this schizo's long ass melty is killing /zzz/
am I retarded or is this shiyu way harder than the last one
I would like to ply your knowledge on the scrapped character "Lucia".
I knew they were gonna kill him off and be a goodie goodie in the end. It just sucks it wasn't even that shocking he was going to be betrayed.
smellbro (false)
excrement is disgusting, fart is just fart
>a-actually fart are shit particles!
don't care, I want to huff Jane rotten cheese farts
Anby, forma de Soldier 0
Billy, forma de RoboCop
Nicole, forma de Inheritance Money
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It's fun
nah they buffed the fuck out of the hp
even the mobs have a lot
its gonna get worse next rotation too
That's how Yanagi is going to be in 1.3.
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Trouble clearing Shiyu Defense?
Why don't you invest 16000 Polychromes to go from A Rank to S Rank?
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Yes, he didn't do anything wrong, they could have just given a flashback justifying him blindly trusting Lucius, even if it's just him saying that he took care of the kid since childhood. He has a really cool design, and I wonder if this arc didn't go through problems of being rewritten or changes like Lighter becoming S rank and the two Thirens being mercenaries instead of Pompey's gang.
God damn it I forgot to use the bathroom and peed my pants again
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70% more mob HP and big buff to shields. You did pull Jane and Caesar right?
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Reminder that the sibling you didn't choose becomes playable after getting corrupted.
You did choose Wise for playable Belle, right?
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I'm guessing you didn't roll for Caesar
I need a high quality version of this
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hehe, that's me!
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I'm guessing you don't have BILLY KID?
Learn how to play retard
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>No quest bubble or any indicator
>Just old quest NPC has story development that goes on based on a schedule
>You just bump into them and get a little chunk of it
>The robot is going through puberty and has an attitude

I really like this about the game. They do this with so many quests. Hell there were a few that have a whole little in engine mini-cutscene. Makes the world feel bigger than it is. It's also just very comfy.
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My clear time is about the same as last cycle
the 5th level is a weird difficulty spike, it gets easier after that
Is Caesar with zero dupes and no signature weapon any good? Do I bother leveling her?
>my clear time
>doesn't show clear time
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5 star Zhu yuan support/defender soon, trust the plan bros
>Is +1000 ATK and +25% damage increase any good?
You can have 10 Impact and just dodge for the shield and she'd be good.
Just slap a Stun W-Engine on her.
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>watching jstern trying out soldier 11
>complaining the entire time about how bad she is
>this was his drive disc set
>her dodge and assist skills were also at level 1 and her ex at level 5
I hope nobody here takes this guy seriously.
Does anyone have that dialog that shows up when belle is in wise's room? the one where she smells his clothes or bed or something
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Whenever Qingyi recharges at the station, the rest of the staff play rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to use her torso.
>has every S-rank
How much did he whale on this game?
Thanks bro.
feels like this is a cry for help
anon please my game won't open so I can't find it myself
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is that...
i can see her charging port...
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>my game won't open
Why are you hate-watching this nobody
Meh, I like all of those since it adds some personal flair to Ellen's design. I don't think it's something bad like twenty different ribbons and a buttcape and a tassle and all of that.
But I don't think BA has peak character design either.
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Bro, this game is so ass
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sometimes when i launch it i get a "files corrupted!" error and have to repair the game for a long time
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Sorry wrong thread
Burnice is sterile.
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Its stupidly annoying that there are so many electric weak enemies and only electric weak.

We don't have a good electric unit yet, its fucking annoying.
>Miyabi is such a poorly designed character the only thing people talk about is her deformed face and how she stole everything good from a different game
I like how even the designers knew she was shit so they gave her a little flying mascot character to distract from her boring excuse of a character, so smart!
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Well he's not a depressed male, he buries himself in training and police work. His main weakness is his social skills. Sure, he's pretty good at appealing to people (trying it on Jane, convinced the Lion ganger jailer to turn over a new leaf), but his actual ability to understand people is highly lacking. Sort of a dumb muscle brick, high charisma and low wisdom kind of person.
Sure, he complains a lot about his brother, but his brother meant a lot to him, and he doesn't have anyone to really talk to about it. Phaeton just happens to be at a spot where they're not a police co-worker and interested enough in him to let him open himself up.
At least, that's my working theory on Seth's character design.
It's wierd I haven't seen practically any Belle x Seth art. What a shame.
Just use Qingyi as a DPS
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they really need to fix that in the story. her just casually mentions she works at the precinct during her trust events felt really out of place considering there was never any "oh yeah, I'm a cop btw" to belle/wise
You don't fuck your buddy
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The movie felt really bad compared to the first one, what did you think.
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This kills the asscop
How much PEN does a max level Rina need to get the maximum amount passed onto her allies? I'm a mathlet and don't want to overcap.
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I regret rolling for Red Moccus Lawrence
Thats weird i use a lot of mods but that never happened
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>rolling for stunners
Physical Bangboos are shit.
Only Butler is worth using.
>just casually mentions she works at the precinct during her trust events
Does she even mention it? I don't remember her ever mentioning it, I only remember her going to the station with (You) to help you with some paperwork but I don't remember her saying she worked there while helping you.
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bro your KYOUDAI?
yeah, at the hot pot restaurant
plus if you invite her to go out and eat noodles, she'll tell you stories about zhu, seth, and I'm pretty sure one is qingyi as well
You think I could trick Qingy into letting me plug her holes if I tell her I just want to give her energy and it's a special plug?
By plugging her holes I mean dicking her hard if you catch my drift
I'm not open my PC, it's already 3 AM
>It's wierd I haven't seen practically any Belle x Seth art. What a shame
i wonder why...
Oh, I don't think I saw the noodle event, but you're right. I wish they had her dorkier OL outfit and glasses for when you see her out in the world outside of her actual work.
it's a good ship
at this point, i'd rather just get ball'd in the standard banner for the 40 residual signals rather than a standard s rank
I kinda want them to do an Ellen sort of deal with a casual outfit for every agent but I can see it not only being a lot of work but players wanting to use them during combat as well which could require some tweaking
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idk the firth node didn't seem much different than any other node
why is her pussy so fat
God I love small women
i look like this

Ambush Node was harder than expected(though not by much) but Critical Node is pretty much the same(except for shadowJane who almost kicked my ass). The game is getting more punishing for people who are bad at dodging though, casuals and newbies are probably getting filtered by the newer bosses.
post billy
faction leaders only might be a decent compromise. i swear i'm not saying it because zhu caesar and MIBIBI are my favorites
Thanks bro
>almost 3 minutes to clear with ellen's meta team
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made for big belle cock
Shadow Jane is too easy to dodge and I hope they keep it that way so phonefags don't get royally fucked
How come in the switch character menu it says "switch to protagonist or any of your obtained agents" but I can only select Wise or Belle
She is the type of old woman to shit herself daily and not care.
Why did they give her fat tits?
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They'll add more agents in future patches, right now you only have Caesar and Burnice
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Don't say it.
I know why.
It's because they're all busy drawing Belle with Lycaon instead...
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This passive doesn't make sense. What are you even supposed to build around
I'll say it, it's because Seth and Jane get shipped more
based cameraman team
for that one I just reset until I got ranged guys and then built full ranged damage. I didn't even pay attention to the swapping thing and had no issues, once rng stopped giving me 9 melee fuckers for every 1 ranged chad
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it was a joke damn you
would you say C6 is necessary? I have him C4
I love Seth, he's best boy
so is this confirmation that clitoral hood peeks are sfw
what? all of my wives are in these teams
>go to Lumina Square
>see children
>get hard
C4 can do it, but C6 trivializes it significantly with the damage boost, as long as you keep it sustained
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no, it's just confirmation that /vg/ is barely moderated unless something gets reported (probably multiple times) and no one here cares
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Man I'm so close to just biting the bullet and leveling him up to 60. I already have two DPS's but seeing his gameplay and power makes it hard to resist
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i want to puke
That's 74 PEN Ratio, not 74 flat PEN. I don't think 74 flat PEN is even possible right now.

Core passive: 14.4%
W-engine: 24%
Disc 5: 24%
Puffer electro: 8%

That's only 70.4% PEN ratio.

70.4 * 0.25 = 17.6 + 12 = 29.6%
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I plan on organizing a divegrass team. But you should be aware that /zzz/ is only eligible to form a team for /vg/ league 24, which should be June 2025. I'll bring up the matter around late April/early May.
Okay, P Diddy
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This game needs more A ranks Im seriously struggling over here
Jesus, Jane is fucking tall.
if you puke you'll probably feel better afterwards
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Whoops, I meant 74 PEN ratio. I don't think you can overcap Rina's PEN yet.
Stop skipping characters, retard
Literally everything can be solved with Piper you stupid faggot. You don't need any other S or A rank.
they banned me for posting qingyi staring at zhu yuan's abs with an underboob peek. doesn't matter though I just ban evaded
Bro, your Zhu and Ellen?
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I bet those children are so warm.
mihoyo HATES making lower ranked units in their games, so don't expect this problem to ever get solved
Genshin and HSR is filled with BiS 4* cope options
She's a biiig ratgirl
i jerked off with grace like 10 minutes ago and i want to jerk off again
Same but with Burnice
It’s all just her high heel boots
What do you need A ranks for?
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Same with Baddieboo
Same but with Corin
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Bros... what the fuck is going on in /hsrg/? Did Caesar restore order here?
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what the fuck, its not real?
go back
Same but to some idolslop characters that I will never give a shit about but Ringoya makes really good porn of them so I can't stop going back to the same doujins even though it's because characters I do not give a shit about.
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>knockback knock enemy into you
same but with this >>497075396
>those shill replies
agree, zzz main problem is the small cast, yes you have jane cope options (billy and piper) but theres no cope option for zhu yuan, ellen and soldier 11
I stopped going there when it became a worm haven.
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So basically all you have to do with her is block with a ex special, get her shield and she buffs your party as long as the shield is up?
I want to fuck that old lady.
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Same but with this furry
soukaku, lucy
dunno about nicole
I wish training mode was more versatile. My best time against the shadow Jane in Shiyu is 1m41s with Jane/Seth/Lucy. It's 100% a skill problem, and I really wish I could practice against bosses in training mode. Not only is shadow jane not an option in there but enemies clearly use a more aggressive AI in shiyu that they don't use anywhere else.
im going to post a really creative thought that i had

is it time is sex included

get it i replaced food with sex

it is because i want to have sex with soukaku
i'm about to jerk off to grace getting tickled
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Remember when Perlman was going to kill an entire ghetto's worth of people to build a highway or something?
Remember when a principal was going to let a small, dormant Hollow fester around his school just so that he could get a gang to illegally mine the ether crystals inside of it?
Remember how there was an entire army of mercenaries operating inside of the Ballet Twins Towers?
Remember how there were actually 2 more mercenary squads other than that one inside of the Ballet Twins Towers?
Remember how Victoria Housekeeping is also basically a small sized PMC that the ultra wealthy and powerful can hire for whatever they wish?
And there was also that part in the chapter 2 interlude about the police commissioner doing something fishy but I can't quite remember it.
Yeah. Life in New Eridu might not be all sunshine and rainbows after all.
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I'm going to sleep. There's blood coming out of my ear and I'm feeling really dizzy so it's hard to stay up any longer. Good night Burnice bros.
im about to jerk off to either a lycaon or billy vore animation, maybe both
wow that's pretty good anon you should become a writer for mihoyo
same but with futa Grace getting a blowjob from Wise.
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nice try grace dev.
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go to the doctor bwo... take care
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zhu yuan is fucked up
What causes this?
anal sex
Why not just use normal bullets?
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I cannot believe that anon got brainaids from browsing /zzz/ and fukken died.
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Bringer is actually one of the plot threads I'm most interested in. Like is he being blackmailed, did he get body snatched? Surprised they didn't touch on that more during cop story time.
(Ignore underline, not my screenshot)
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Another criminal put to justice. Ah, looks like my Bodycam malfunctioned again, we'll have to grab a new one down at the precinct.
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It's about sending a message to the thire- I mean criminal scum.
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this but with Jane and without a gun.
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All criminals should have their hands and tongue cut off, just like the old days.
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but zhu isn't your friend a thiren
Which agent would be a bug chaser
hope zhu yuan never mets nekomata.
Where is the Lucy sex scene
1.5, trust the process
I bet if you told Anton you had HIV, he’d be a bro and let you share it with him to help lift your burden.
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a pat on the ass will ease Zhu Yuan's nervousness, she'll be more hesitant to use ether bullets
he rejected that hoe
Seth is a loyal man
I'd die
>got Caesar 30 rolls after getting knotted one week ago
>got Lucy M4 on standard banner
Today is a good day.
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I shouldn't speed roll at the start of a channel cause it makes the rest of the weeks bare....
Which Bangboo should I get between Red Moccus and Rocketboo for my future Burnice/Piper/Lucy team?
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He's cheating razor...
Just change his batteries bro...
Lizzie can't never compete with Jane
extremely disgusting
so much good porn and you're choosing a terrible piece
PubSec has killed millions
I liked it because it's canon
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old system was better
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genocide spics
but I complete all of those in 1 run now
do janecopers really
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>shoots you and gives you super ether cancer
>goes home and does this with her boyfriend
me on the right
burnice and a lucy built for an anomaly team should fill burn insanely quickly so rocketboo is overkill, do moccus for the grouping and higher damage
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criminals already sit around in ether cancer generating hollows so whatever
just don't be a criminal
this guys pulling bitches left and right
I wish I was Seth
HZ was fun. Blitz completely sucked the soul out of it and I hate doing it now.
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but anon

we the protagonist ARE criminals
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if a dork like seth can bag women so can you
just get into physical fitness and be earnest about your ideals
then don't do blitz and do normal hollow zero?
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Wow, you're so hot...
Use your male characters, incel.
she's one of the good ones.
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I will once I've sapped all the rewards from it.
I'll be done next reset.
Sat Rex
goku would never
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Anyone have a pic of that furry girl from the Vanquisher's camp? Not Pulchra, it was one with white fur that popped up during a cutscene.
I know, she's such a sweetie :)
From the trial it feels like, Burnice, Piper, Lucy needs some more Phys Anomaly. Red Moccus would be perfect in this one scenario.Getting his passive and applying that little bit more of phys anaomaly needed to proc assault. But that's just my impression. If you're short on phys anomaly then you would have to basic attack a few times on Piper. May or may not be a big deal but I just hate using Piper's Basic Attacks. Especially against more aggressive monsters that attack often.
is this even so bad? they just get corrupted, the vanquishers at the overlord feast where saying that piper almost decapitated them, burnice will fucking roast you and even billy's bullets will just murder you because they are real bullets
They should give Lighter fighting game inputs
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krystal, my wife
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I need zzz to become more popular in japan so that my fav asmr va might make a piper knockoff r18 asmr..
The way her shirt clips into her pants kills me. Please fix it Hoyo.
>Western salesfags
>Stop resisting!
>Oh no, they've been corrupted and turned into an ethereal
>I guess I'll have to put them out of their misery
Bizarre carnival was a massive step forward in the right direction for the arcadey sections of this game. Imagine if the tv sections were a bit more gamey like that where you could make actual decisions with combat peppered throughout
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we also know it is possible to survive and live with even severe corruption, based on what we know about trigger's backstory. if anything, she's being too merciful on those thiren scu-I mean, criminals.
sex with futa Piper
yaniga’s gameplay seems fun ngl
Not sure how it was for HSR but Genshin has a massive drought for 4* characters. I think it went several patches in 1.0 to get 4 stars. Right now, they have to fill out the limited roster. You'll see more A ranks once the reruns start.
smoochchuki is eternal
piperGODS im getting around to building her for a physical dps in Lucy / Caesar / Piper, how should I build her? Freedom 4pc and fang 2pc and max anomaly?
imagine licking Piper's big sweaty ballsack.
As a Seong Mi-na enjoyer, I'm happy to have a female naginata user.
Sex with Ellen.
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Well, go out and shoot yourself with normal bullets then come back and tell me how thats somehow worse or different.
>Imagine if the tv sections were a bit more gamey like that where you could make actual decisions with combat peppered throughout
That's pretty much Hallow Zero. Chapter 3 had some TV sections that had pressure build up and the racing TV section was kind of cool. Hopefully they keep improving the TV sections. It seems like they are trying but they need to keep them for Hallow Zero and the story as well.
It's kind of crazy how much weight her gameplay is carrying in selling her. Disorder is an entire style of team comp and she'll be the unquestioned queen of it for the foreseeable future.
I feel nothing for her as a character and even I'm tempted.
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here's my piper build for reference. i don't think it makes a huge difference if you use freedom or fang as your 4 pc but the main thing is just to stack ATK and AP
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corin chan
I prefer 4 piece Fanged Metal 2 piece Swing Jazz. She builds Assault fast enough as is, so I think Freedom Blues is overkill, plus you're keeping her on the field so she'll almost always have the Fanged Metal damage bonus up. And I like the Swing Jazz for more frequent EX spins, but 2 piece Freedom or Chaos Jazz for the extra AP is a solid choice too.
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HSR has new 4* units pretty often, the more recent ones even end up being pretty meta. Gallagher and March 7th's second form are both really good.
instantly better
all girls are better with tan
wrong thread htrg sister.
Have testers shown how good / not so good Burnice is?
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mi-na mogs brickyagi though
cute. makes me wish I had friends
I no longer want rape
This is where the proxy's forget about the date and she ends up in the hospital with a deadly case of salmonella because Lyacon made a mistake while cooking the eggs.
the arcade has a lot of potential, i hope we eventually get a co-op beat-em up starlight knight game and it better have friendly fire so you can knock down your teammates like in battletoads
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Where’s the rape?
I'm waiting for a 2D anime fighter type game.
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wise and belle are going to RAPE her
But Misaka is a born loser...
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>we have Leverboo at home
>trying to build a 3rd team

This is rough. I’m already holding off grinding for Nicole’s core skills but it’s still a long grind
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She asked for it
/zzz/ - Zenless Zone Zero General Anonymous 10/03/24(Thu)19:15:01 No.497062483▶>>497062660 >>497062684 >>497064818
Previous: >>497039927

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzElFb4S64s [Embed]
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc9mQZyUJQA [Embed]
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8zsNS5FNEI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d17pewXhrI8 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaxI5oNATLE [Embed]

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade now live!
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
Anonymous 10/03/24(Thu)19:16:43 No.497062660▶
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>>497062483 (OP)
Anonymous 10/03/24(Thu)19:16:46 No.497062663▶
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banging . . . BOOS!
Anonymous 10/03/24(Thu)19:16:52 No.497062680▶
I've got like 90 pulls, more by the time she rolls around, but probably not enough to guarantee.
Anonymous 10/03/24(Thu)19:16:54 No.497062684▶
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>>497062483 (OP)
Anonymous 10/03/24(Thu)19:16:56 No.49706
get fucked retard
It's a surprisingly fun game.
Can't wait.
weird melty.
>co-op for a single player minigame
I'd rather have MORE rewards than having to deal with someone else's dogshit ping
Okay thanks bwos
How would you rank fusion compiler vs Roaring ride?
I only have r1 roaring ride and Fusion Compiler. Im guessing fusion compiler?
he is merely weary from his constant vigil
were never getting another soulcal...
Kek, literally
Roaring Ride is a uniquely strong A rank engine. It outweighs everything on Piper because of how easy it is for her to abuse it.
poor spammers can no longer mass reply
Roaring Ride > Compiler, at least on Piper. Roaring Ride is actually really strong, but so far Piper's the only one who can utilize it very well.
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yeah we had sex
QRD? Did jannies fix 4chan?
How do you even fuck up this badly?
Are you actually retarded?
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BASED janny. Fuck /zzz/.
The tail... I want to touch...
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It's OVER. /zzz/ is FINISHED
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I don't know what I did wrong I waited until it was time to get a new thread? I found a cute image with Ellen and Corin too.
bro I'm 52 years old and playing a chinese gacha
ist over für mich
The absolute of ni/zzz/ers

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