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civilized edition

1d6chan: https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts: https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Hotfix 5.2.2: https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-522
Patch 5.2 Devblog: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/29-total-war-warhammer-iii-patch-5-2-dev-blog
Hotfix 5.2.6: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1142710/view/4656249009455105640
CA future plans and further 6.0 details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTHkI2GSVJw

>Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2951630
Pharaoh Hotfix 2.0.2: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/31-total-war-pharaoh-dynasties-patch-notes-2-0-2
Concept Art: https://twitter.com/totalwar/status/1829541017567256915

>Older Titles
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/TotalWar-Official/

Previous thread: >>497254236
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Yin-Yin before th*nquol, friends!
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does Kislev have any good units?
it all seems like such mediocre slop to me outside the stealth crossbowmen
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Real thread, seething tranny
Empire Divided was pretty kino
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Thanquol soon, friends!
Streltsi are good, bear cavalry are good, tzar guard are good, big dlc monster is good. And most of their other units, too, although the key is to be careful with positioning.
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Nothing comes close to Roma...
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Their early game halberd unit is very strong for the first 60 or so turns
Kill yourself, you autistic faggot retard
T. Not even OP
i think the akina ambushers are basically like shades which are kind of busted
heavy war sleds and the heavy bear riders are also really strong
elemental incarnate of beasts is also pretty good
armoured kossar is really strong in auto resolve
too bad ice guard really lack armour piercing
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It's an ambush!
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Rae stocks are pumping
are naked people really that scary?
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seeing men standing in ordered ranks makes me hard as diamonds
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The purpose of so called "civilized" people is to build military docks so that I can seize their military docks and build the funny barbarian heavy ships.
same, especially when they go into formation
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Lol deleted again

How do you feel Ratnigger?
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guys im doing my first hard diff campaign as nurgle ive never played them their military buildings blow ass, im conquering this next contentent and taking out all the other factions on a 3 front war then im taking cogath and zerging for each demon soul all my shit has no portals so i am forced into invading to get the portals
is that norsca in immortal empires? it looks a bit off for some reason
It's the realms of chaos map
No one plays realms of chaos for a reason. Nurgle military buildings are great if you aren't needing to constantly recruit. You could just sit around and build up enough units and cash to hot drop entire armies in a single turn. Not going to work in that shitty campaign tho
this is the realm chaos campaign where u find the bear, i fucked up super hard on the first portal opening i just went in and fought a bunch of armies going to random points on the thing, i thought it was like a do it in any order, but theres a specific order, i think i got it anyways bc the second time around i just had to click 1 more then i had to fight a fight
i haven't tried it yet
He can't respond, he's banned and resetting his router as we speak.
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Reliving this glorious victory with you all again
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>Be anti-squire ratfag
>Waste time waiting for the thread to reach the page limit
>Post cringe fake thread with the image
>Nobody goes there
>Thread deleted
>Get banned
>Wasting time getting a new IP
Never-never happened
You are crazy-schizo
Dawi from another hold!
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One earthquake wasn't enough
i still remember those dark days when you would emerge into the mountains and discover that thorgrim and queek were allied to each other over their shared experience of fighting greenskins
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soul vs soulless
Legible vs illegible (when used as a tiny unit card)
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Chosokabe zero defeats, low turn count, Chi arts only. Which clan should I use for Bushido arts only, Takeda or Tokugawa?
Are the Castle Stormer and Man the defenses achievements bugged or multiplayer only? I can't get them.
Nobody in WH3 has ever played:
Every Total War: Warhammer 3 player has tried:
Karl Franz
I played Cylostra in WH3
She's one of the better Coast lords
I have not tried Karl or Kat yet
they are when they're hyped on psychedelics and opiates that make them not even realize they've taken mortal wounds, and they fight on even still.
I've played Khazrak. It was alright.
And I have actually been considering starting a Tretch campaign.
Khazrak is my preferred beastlord tbqhwyf.
Taurox is too focused on his own army.
Morghur is fine but I don't like his start position, and corruption doesn't matter as much as it did once.
Malagor is fine, though he starts with absolute dogshit units.
Legendary Heroes that you do not want to cross:
Harald Hammerstorm
Berserkers being a bunch of psychos who took a bunch of psychedelics before battle somehow makes them more badass. It's like when some crack addict breaks into your house and they won't go down after being shot.
I really enjoy Tretch, he has a nasty start location and his focus on Stormvermin lets you get some nasty heavy infantry with less investment than Throt. I like him as a mid-late game focused generalist, as opposed to Queek's early-mid game focus.
>all my shit has no portals
stop building the anti-portal buildings, build one in all but one province near the front lines and park ku'gath there when you get the rift warning, plus a hero/army to close it behind him
>changeling furiously writing this list down
Actually I haven't done Tyrion.
I did Alariel and Eltharian, got the achievement with Eltharian, and then I'll never play Helfs again because god I hate them they suck so much.
This is canon btw
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fuck the portals i just lost a settlement bc of them im letting the ai deal with them
discipline trumps brave retards
source: literally every battle where a roman legion fought celts, kept mowing them down even when outnumbered 10 to 1 lmao
Did real Celts take combat stims before battle?
Personally when I think of that archetype I'm thinking more of WW2 troops taking pervitin
Yes, hence why they lost during Caesar's conquest of Gaul.
I didn't say it was effective, I just said it was scary.
Reading comprehension, retard.
also the reason why i just went and swept the continent was bc they were easier to reach and besides that i was competing with them regardless, my vassal really hated the idea of me killing the chaos warriors for whatever reason so i got rid of him now im just going to continue going south, i dont think im going to win this at all like ive completely shit on everyone but i dont think i can compete when ive fucked up on that initial set of portals
Are you a cold iron general or a hot iron general?
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lukewarm copper general.
hot iron general sounds like someone who shouldnt be a general...
this is bronze general kid
get used to it
Painfully unfunny.
stay mad, ironboy.
High elves are amazing, were you just spamming melee infantry?
And yet... many hot iron temperaments found themselves in position of great power.
Grave Guard are cold iron
Infernal Ironsworn are hot iron
you can always catch up to the 2 soul factions by sniping them in the realms and sniping the the 3 soul factions in the last realms, save slannesh for last as they already did it
what freezing iron
Tzar Guard
thx but rn im doing the tzeentch one and its fucked bc i am on the cusp of not getting this one, im not even fighting the armies in this one im just walking past them but teleporting eats a turn
good, fuck those tits ratties
>It's like when some crack addict breaks into your house and they won't go down after being shot.
How many times has that happened to you anon??
Nah, I just don't like them.
Much prefer Lizardmen, Khorne, Ogres and the like
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Staunch line of spears is unironically awesome, especially paired with silver helms Calvary. The donut just fucking sucks with archers
You must be excited for the next DLC.
imagine how fun it must be worshipping slaanesh
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Lords for this feel?
Yeah, I am.
I could care less about Orcs, but yes I REALLY am.

I am putting off getting the Khorne achievement until then, Slaanesh same though not as excited.
It's actually quite boring worshipping Slaanesh, a life seeking experiences gets tedious after a while until you just don't feel anything anymore and you have to do some stupid spikes-in-the-body armor shit just to feel something
Just stop worshipping her for a while and start back up when your dopamine receptors go back to normal
It's probably like being addicted to heroin, in the beginning it's the greatest thing you can possibly imagine, until eventually the amount of pain associated with all of the drawbacks massively outnumbers the pleasure.
Doesn't work like that, you stop worshipping xer, xhe'll turn you into a Chaos Spawn.
that's when you have alarielle purify you
then you can start again
>no nose
The worshipper who was purified in the lore, was turned into a Chaos Spawn, or he died straight away, point is, there's no way to cheat the Chaos Gods.
Be'lakor couldn't
Not even Archaon could loophole them.
What makes you think some jobber from /twg/ would be able to rules lawyer Slaanesh into submission.
>Be'lakor couldn't
I mean, he did pretty well to be fair
I wouldn't mind being a demon prince
and the second he wanted more than what the Chaos Gods decided he was worth, his physical form was taken and he was forced to crown the everchosen for all of eternity.
>What makes you think some jobber from /twg/ would be able to rules lawyer Slaanesh into submission.
I'm a 3 dimensional being while slaanesh is like 2 dimensional
I'm a god compared to they/them
Doesn't sound too bad honesetly. He basically just has to show up for work once every few hundred years for less than 10 minutes, and once his job is done he can go back to enjoying the perks of his power.
>enjoying the perks
and what the fuck is he gonna do as a puff of smoke
the best he could do in WH3 was troll some kislevites until he got his body back for like a month, then whoever won gets to use him as a slave for as long as his body lasts
It doesn't sound so bad to you, because you have no interest in being the Everchosen, Be'lakor making a play to be the Everchosen is what the gods punished him for, he is forced to give others the position that he truly believes is his by right.
Probably the worst case of NTR in Warhammer history.
Because we're real
>and what the fuck is he gonna do as a puff of smoke
watch alarielle have sex
How long will this fag keep doing this lol
Is this a new mainstay schizo
bout 4 weeks.
I hope not, Thanquolfag is enough.
Early game units that are really good at standing still:
Dwarf Warriors
Greek Hoplites
Jade Warriors
Armoured Kossars

Do you like defensive frontlines?
Um, bwo, where's the Macedonian Phalanx Pikemen?
>Dwarf DLC for Thrones of Decay is mostly additional Slayer shit, Grudgerakers and the Thunderbarge
>Two units of fairly mediocre missile units can take it down despite its health, armor and missile resistance
>New Slayer units feel redundant as the original Slayers from the first game still get the job done.
>Grudgerakers feel worse than Irondrakes
>Get a Slayer Lord and Hero but no Engineer lord
>No Thunderbarge option for Malakai
Anybody else feel this race pack was disjointed and disappointing?
youre buying the pack because of flavor, not function
the lizardmen need a massive buff, what an underwhelming faction
Late game units that can change the tide of battle:
Great Unclean One
Keeper of Secrets
Lord of Change
Dreadquake Mortar
>Great Unclean One
Literally just a giant but worse unless you have late game Nurgle tech
I’m aware of that, but we already had that flavour with Ungrim so why do we need more of the same?
and you get more flavor. what are you, french, you hate flavor.
I was taking a shower and I was thinking of Malekith
Do you think he can ever be redeemed
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>t. Morathi
>or Teclis
>or Alarielle
>or Alith Anar
he doesn't look like a coupon to me, so no
damn... Lost a unit of Ushabti. At least that was my only loss.
Face masks are so fucking kino
do the needful and redeem malekith saar
he literally saved the world bro he's a good guy
he gets vindicated on all fronts, read up on the end times
>hyped up
>on opiates
Oh nonononono
Ratsisters... not like this...
I can't play her because she says her own name wrong
>DLC based on Slayer's army list add slayer stuff
Wow, who would expect that?
Khorne dlc can't come soon enough
If you don't have at least ONE nurgling unit in your army at all times you have failed Nurgle
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I ordered my Sohei to mount and everything was fine until I noticed this one guy running everywhere they were going. I thought it was a weird glitched enemy unit chasing them around but nope, it's one of the Sohei who failed somehow to mount his horse and is now stuck chasing the rest of his unit around on foot.
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you guys never told me queek was fun wtf. stormvermin + chieftain goon squads going straight from badlandsbowl goblins to dawi hunting to karl's doorstep is kino
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repostin my minotaur charge clip

these guys are awesome, most fun beastman unit by far, especially the rolling animation lmao
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where's the Bretonnia rework??
nobody cares
glad to hear you're having fun
or not
anyway, thanks for the superchat
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here we go again...
spirit leech spam got him
>tfw when I played my Drycha campaign and got the "win 3 battles against Dwarfs" mission to confed Durthu, I went for Ungrim because he was just closer.
I should just have taken the time to go south and fuck up Karak Hirn or something.
That bald faggot not reacting to treb launching ruins it. Shame.
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can anyone sort these most op to most shitty
this does not mean the last is actually shitty however, still viable in a pinch
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pulling off a clean ambush is so satisfying

hmm I see I assumed death was best because it has op aoe with sun + op single target with leech, I just mostly ignored magic in this game so idk whats good
spirit leech is even aids to mpfags supposedly
isn't mp all just single entity abuse bullshit, if it is ofc
Am I mistaken or is there still no Empire LL that buffs these guys?
>imperial authority
>collages of magic and decrees
>elector count seats

>special extra build slots
>crafting items
>book of grudges
>special movement stances

>murder captives to get points to temporarily have a mid hero
I hope Bretonnia gets better mechanics than just being able to recruit the Green Knight in their rework.
Bretonnia also has vows and the peasant economy, I get bitching about the current state of the faction but imperial authority is also dogshit and pretty comparable to the peasant economy so you should really be making it a fairer comparison
I hate that I relate to this guy.
Lore of Hashut is pretty much the best lore of all. Flames of Azgorh, Hell Hammer, Curse of Hashut, all very solid damage dealing spells with the last being a SEM killer AND a passive that does even MORE damage! Shit is zibbartu!
>special movement stances
They get teleport. I hate that the underway is so lazily implemented and not in the manner of a subway where you can move between any two adjacent predetermined points on the map with set points of entry/exit.
hypothetically would Valkia keep a human pet sex slave to mate with as she pleases to spawn more demons and could that slave hypothetically be me?
stop posting this shit and go fetch the breastplate stretcher like your lord asked
>breastplate stretcher
More like helmet stretcher for that conehead lmao
>Bretonnia also has vows and the peasant economy
Vows are meh and the peasant economy is shit.
I don't mind that vows exist, but some of them seem much more difficult to achieve than others.
For that reason I pick the same vows every time with lords and paladins:
>Pledge to Chivalry: Rank up five times after taking the pledge
>Pledge to Manaan: Win a battle
>Pledge to Valor: Kill 5 enemy Lords in battle
These just seem to be the easiest to achieve. Win a battle at sea or have to defeat a Beastmen, Greenskin, or Dark Elf LL? If you only had to defeat a lord from that race (or other races like any of the undead or Skaven), whether legendary or not it would be much less of a hassle.
Vows in general would benefit from having more broad definitions, or alternate conditions. Like, you can either defeat a LL, or win a battle against a large enough army of that faction.
>Tomb Kings Extended for Warhammer 2 mod doesn't exist anymore
Fuck my life.
mp is actually fairly diverse. I see more variety in mp builds than in sp template armies posted here.
Imperial Authority is a great mechanic, designed to give Empire players an actual reason to care about the health of the Empire. It adds to game enjoyment.
Peasant Economy is a dogshit mechanic designed to disencentivize you from using many of your terrible weak chaff units whose advantage is supposed to be low cost and high quantity. It makes you hate peasants and lowers game enjoyment.

In addition, every Empire lord has a cool unique mechanic while no Bretonnian lords have unique mechanics except Repanse's desert attrition stuff (is there even a big enough desert for that to be relevant?)
Why haven't you switched yet?
The southern continent is in the best state it's been in for years and is getting even better next DLC
What are fun non-objective campaigns?
>all norsca monster hunts
>all beastmen unique herdstones
>vamp coast all pieces of 8
>tk/mannfred/volkar all books of nagash
>grom all ingredients
Hm, maybe pack-and-leave campaign. As far as you can from your start position.
The chinkwank with Cathay and the all powerful bugmen annoyed me so much that I refused to buy WH3 out of pure spite. The game being a visual downgrade from WH2 and being released in an unfinished state was also a contributing factor. Giving them money after their catastrophic decisions seems like rewarding them for their own shitty practices.
it still exists on smods though.
purple sun sucks, fate of bjuna is just too expensive compared to traitor kin or flock of doom, the only reason spirit leech does not suck so much is because life leeching practically reduce the WoM cost.
There are now mods that make the game look more like WH2.
Cathay existing is necessary for a global map, and Ogres wouldn't really make sense if they weren't there. They've also been in the lore for ages, and have had conversions featured in White Dwarf multiple times, so it's not like they're unprecedented. They never leave their box so you don't have to deal with them at all if you don't want to.
There's no reason to play WH2 in 2024 other than quixotic stubbornness.
>They've also been in the lore for ages
They were a sidenote and were complete fodder for most of their history as opposed to this current iteration that is supposedly the most powerful faction on the planet. Hell they didn't even have any army list iirc as opposed to Araby which CA explicitly stated would never get added. It's gay as fuck and still makes me mad from when it was first announced to this day.
>were complete fodder for most of their history
So just like Empire, Brettonnnia, Sissylev etc?
Cathay have always had ridiculous power, they had gunpowder when they showed up in the Nagash origin story book and their leader can drop the great maw (which I'm pretty sure used to just be a rock)
But you're right that they always jobbed, and they always job in this game too. They're programmed to never want to leave their highly defendable box, and they typically can't even keep that together. As a normal faction, your interaction with Cathay is as a distant trade partner. The only time you're in the region as someone who doesn't play them is when you beat them up and take their shit, even Gelt is encouraged to go on a small adventure then return home.
You're not wrong. It seems to follow on directly from the embarrassing chinkpandering of 3k. Cathay is total wank.
Different anon but for me the issue is more their presentation than their gameplay impact. The writing for them is just pure cringe. Very similar to Kislev, thematically unsatisfying. TTWH3 has trash tier design in this sense.
Agreed, not enough dragons, doesn't fit in Warhammer at all
If you had to do Cathay (you do, you can't have immortal empires without them) how would you have done it? How would you make them not "wank" while still incorporating Chinese mythological concepts like wise heavenly dragons, Longma, terracotta soldiers, and the spirit of chinese exceptionalism?
Going into Cathay as the Chorfs sucks because it's a dead end with a billion settlements that count toward your victory objectives when you could be fighting in the coolass Empire or Ulthuan. And Cathay ALWAYS ganks you because the Ogres do so first and Coke Dragon hates seeing Ogres get rekt.
just make them commies
chinese don't have a real culture
That would be contrary to previous lore, unlike current Cathay which aligns with old lore in all ways except makeup.
there was no old lore for Cathay, you retarded fuck
Have you considered that you don't have to play Drazoath? He's supposed to be the southern chaos dwarf that does stuff in Cathay and the Southlands. Just play Astragoth or Zhatan.
Remove female soldiers (the they're so evil they throw away women cope makes no sense), go for a more Ming visual style to match the early modern vibes of the Empire and have the dragon emperor and his children be much more sinister if they have to be kept.
Your ignorance on this matter shows you need to read more
Like read WA: Ogre Kingdoms, 6th or 8th edition.
unlike current Cathay which aligns with old lore in all ways except makeup
Lol in previous lore the dragon emperor was emphatically not an actual dragon
>have the dragon emperor and his children be much more sinister
Because every other order faction has LLs with serious flaws. The only exceptions are really Karl, Repanse and Alarielle but otherwise the societal flaws of every other order faction are pretty well represented in many of the LLs. Dwarfs are an especially good example.
I'd stress the stuffy, conservative and dogmatic social structure, how miserable the starving and oppressed peasants are, and the tyrannical nature of the upper classes and their arbitrary power over the lower orders, as opposed to the current "everything is in Cathay super orderly, nice and enlightened and they look down on everyone else because they're so dogshit" vibe
so you're the sort of tranny that whined and bitched until they turned Brettonia from a noble kingdom of cool knights into a fucking grimderp joke
All three of these factions had long pre-established lore that didn't conflict much with the world. Cathay is somehow worse than Abaddon and his 13 Black Crusades as we are meant to believe this joke of a nation that spent most of it's existence getting it's teeth kicked in was actually the strongest faction all along.
>they had gunpowder when they showed up in the Nagash origin story book
Ahh yes that brilliant book that retconned Nehekara being the most advanced faction in Fantasy to ants below the Chinks. Lee can kill himself along with the rest of the BL authors because they are complete subhumans.
It was blatant chink pandering. Araby had an existing armybook and lore and yet was still ignored in favour of Cathay. They wanted to go all in on the chinese market after 3 kingdoms cause they saw the potential money.
Eat shit you insect chink, it makes no sense at all that Cathay is presented as some fucking paradise on Earth when everywhere else is some kind of trash or other
>we are meant to believe this joke of a nation that spent most of it's existence getting it's teeth kicked in was actually the strongest faction all along
So just like Empire?
>retconned Nehekara being the most advanced faction in Fantasy
Um... being big doesn't make you the most advanced faction. If they're so advanced, where are their cannons?
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What about news on the new dlc
Every order faction is supposed to have flaws while still being ultimately good you absolute faggot, the Dwarfs, Empire and Helves have major flaws just like the Bretonnians. They probably went too far with Bretonnia but the fact of the matter is Cathay is fucking boring and has very little apparent flaws, minor flavor text in a building doesn't mean jack shit.
Araby wasn't allowed because CA wants to make total war a Whites Only game. Cathay was added to be the exotic foreigners, as white men find chinese girls less threatening than durka durkas.
>Cathay is fucking boring and has very little apparent flaws, minor flavor text in a building doesn't mean jack shit.
yeah, EXACTLY the "muh Brettonia too good, they must live in shit, be covered in shit and be actually secretly bad and psychotic" argument
Your headcanon is literally the inversion if reality, the actual reason they're not adding Araby is they don't want to have their studio bombed or designers beheaded by pakis.
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>empiretranny malding again
fucking clown looking asses they wish they were half as based as Kislev, the White Man's faction
No, they need to have FLAWS, you retarded faggot. That's all anyone is requesting, not your strawman of them having to be outright evil.
>and the spirit of chinese exceptionalism?
First of all get rid of this dumbass notion. As for how to do them right, don't tread over established factions to wank them. You can have chinese dragons and terractotta soliders but don't have stupid shit like "Err actually they were here before the old ones and survived chaos too". Give a good reason as to why they are isolationist and haven't had an impact on the World. I would have gone with the Monkey King and Dragon Emperor being involved in an eternal power struggle or some shit along those lines.
>No, they need to have FLAWS
Kek. And you will seethe and bitch until these flaws are so glaring that they completely ruin the entire point of the faction, just like your ilk did with Brettonia.
Bearfaggots should go back to warcraft where they belong.
No, I won't, I'd complain if they went too far and made them dark elf tier. Your faction is fucking boring, chink, stop seething about it.
It has the nice side effect of no non-whites in Total War
Would you really want a bunch of boring brown guys with elephants and djinns over the fantastic state Araby and Nehekhara are in now?
>Give a good reason as to why they are isolationist and haven't had an impact on the World.
Having to deal with chaos invasions, orges and other shit 24/7 isn't a good enough reason?
Both are by definition high fantasy.
No, it's not, literally every other faction has to deal with equivalent issues.
>literally every other faction has to deal with equivalent issues.
Literally every other literally faction literally doesn't have to literally deal with literally equvalient issues.
>Would you really want a bunch of boring brown guys with elephants and djinns over the fantastic state Araby and Nehekhara are in now?
Yes because it'd be fun to shit all over them as repantsu or Volkmar
But seriously, the idea that the studio behind Hyenas, the absolute gayest tranny shit ever to get a major budget, are secretly anti-woke heroes, is top delusion
The truth is they axed Araby because they're scared to death of being accused of orientalism, insulting Islam, being insensitive to British muslims, etc etc etc
>the two most popular factions are... le boring!
why are contrarian faggots always like this?
Yes, they do. Helves have to deal with Slaanesh cults and constant dark elf invasions, the Empire has to deal with a massive vampire infestation, beastmen and Norscans constantly invading, dwarfs have to deal with rats and Greenskins invading their holds, every faction has to deal with chaos shits. Acting like Cathay is the only faction that deals with chaos is absurd and the fact that you just repeated my statement mockingly without any rebuttal shows you have no counter argument.
Please show me where people claim the empire is the strongest faction. They can barely handle the vampires in their backdoor let alone chaos invasions.
Nagash was kicking before the Empire had even been made and retards were using gunpowder.
As the other anon said other factions also have to deal with similar if not worse bullshit, hell Ulthuan nearly got sunk by an obese goblin and still had more of an impact. You also cannot use stuff like Ogres as an excuse when you decide to jerk off Cathay and let them summon civilisation destroying meteorites that buckbroke an entire race into worshipping the crater as a god.
>Norscans constantly invading,
yea because some guys raiding your coastline is the same of having so much chaosniggers and demons on your doorstep that you have to build a fucking wall along your bordrer just to keep them at bay, and even that that requires an insane amount of manpower
Yeah that would be quite minor if the Empire also didn't have to deal with beastmen constantly emerging from the forest to attack them, vampires constantly trying to infiltrate and attack them and on top of that I forgot the greenskins constantly trying to attack them, to the point they destroyed an entire province. But please, keep coping about how Cathay has to deal with shit no one else has to so they deserve to be wanked off.
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Sorry anon, Tiktaq'to crashed two Terradons into Araby and caused such a constant amount of REEEEEing that the Liggers decided to just gas them all anyway.
>Cathay is total wank.
3kingdoms had a hand on this given all the Asians they hired for VA work and consultants at the least. May as well use them for more if they were gonna yank the chain on 3k2
>having enough time to build a wall
Have you forgotten about the constant Everchosen invasions? United Chaos hordes are worse than anything Cathay has had to face.
I haven't played Lizardmen since around the launch of Mortal Empires and now I'm playing Oxyotl. Seems pretty fun so far, I think I was missing out by playing all of those Karl campaigns
I really wonder what the point of slayer pirates is when we have great weapon rangers
>boring things are popular
More news at 11
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Cope sigmaroid
How is Thorgrim worse than Yuan Bo who sends crowmen to murder people in their beds if they're suspected of practising magic outside astromancy school?
Um, I'm sorry, but my favorite meta-ironic clickbait-producing youtuber said that Kislev is bad and boring, so I can't like Kislev...
>retconned Nehekara being the most advanced faction in Fantasy
they never were, not with dwarfs and the Empire existing
>cathay is pure mary sue goody two shoes
I got a dilemma to huff pure magic or dump it into a river for the peasants to drink. I force the peasantry to adhere to my vision of national feng shui in order to maintain harmony. I also conscript those peasants to die en masse. My first order of business as Zhao Ming/ Miao Ying is to crush a rebellion (there's one for each of them). I bicker with the other primarch dragons constantly like children. Also I fuck horses
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>covering up the cute cone
Absolutely degenerate and slaaneshi
>Also I fuck horses
so does every Empire noble, what of it?
I don't watch youtubers and I know if Kislev is bad or boring, but it's a cringey, disneyfied shitshow of a faction, and that's why I don't like it
I dunno, if Valten spent a little time around the stables and a while later we had questionably divine half horse half gryphons there would be some questions about Sigmar himself
The crowmen are literally infallible at finding chaos and they're killing Tzeentch shit you retard.
There's also no audience for araby. Westoids play fantasy china/japan but muslims won't touch strategy games at all, the closest they get are MOBAs.
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Rat sex status?
WoC all dark forts
I would play Araby if they had the army comp I made up
It's illegal to practise magic in Cathay that isn't astromancy and the alchemists exist because Zhao protects them and the Empress (who controls the crowmen) likes him. But try to be a secret fire caster and you get fucked like you worshipped Chaos.
>another week no news
>not even 5.4 let alone the dlc
I’m dying here
>Crow-men are the agents of the Moon Empress who she uses in particular to spy upon the servants of the Chaos God Chi'an Chi, known as Tzeentch in the west, who represent a constant threat to the people of the Celestial Empire.
>Magical creatures by nature, the Crow-men are imbued with witchsight attuned to the four Winds of Yin: Amber, Iron, Amethyst, and Darkness. This allows them to be especially capable of hunting down Chaos Sorcerers.
>There's also no audience for araby. Westoids play fantasy china/japan but muslims won't touch strategy games at all
This is kind of a nonsense argument. I'm not Egyptian or Romanian but I still play Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts, and I'd play Araby too. Just gimme that Aladdin shit.
>if they had the army comp I made up
Anon, five types of harem girls with big cocks isn't a valid roster
Total War: Alien Isolation 2
>especially capable
>means they are literally infallible
mhm sure
No no no I had multiple idle daydreams about this, they would have a glass cannony skirmishing playstyle, like Wood Elves but with gunpowder.
>crowmen just kill random wizards dude
>o-okay so they're actually hunting down chaos sorcerers and can detect them with magic but trust me there's some innocents in there bro!
Backtracking already huh?
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>glass cannony skirmishing
no no no FUCK OFF
I expect dlc news very soon. but at the same time CA are known for end of the year meaning the day before christmas too then releasing a bugged dlc and going on holiday. I really look forward to ogre fixes. The rest are okay, I guess. The game is actually in a pretty good spot since they managed to up the difficulty.
Enjoyed by all.
This is the month of the lady.
You VILL fight the pajama boys with javelins
You VILL fight the "laborer" gunners
You VILL fight the camel gunners
You VILL fight the djinn
You VILL fight the siege elephants
You VILL fight the grat bombards
>realistic armour
Even non-chaos wizardry is illegal outside astromancy and a random hedge wizard casting fire spells would get killed for it.
What does that mean?
We are getting a big patch this month and there is a possibility that it may include a Bretonnia rework.
Other possibilities are a Kislev rework or a follower/ancillary rework.
I'm out of the loop. Bretonnia had confirmed rework for this month?
I can't find a single source saying practicing non-lore of heavens magic is punishable by death, nor can I find a source saying Yuan Bo uses crowmen to murder random wizards in their sleep, can you actually link it or are you going to keep pulling it out of your ass?
The rework is confirmed to be happening but we aren't certain if it will be this month.
CA have said that they want to release a big patch in October.
Time will tell.
Got it. Thanks.
>a big patch this month an
CA have really upped the content cadence. I guess it means hyenas really is dead.
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Hey is it too late to get into Total War Warhammer?
We had a nice thread about it yesterday on /v/ and honestly it feels like a fun game.
try before you buy
what games are these
>skarsnik still doesn’t have stalk stance and/or masterful ambush
Seems so obvious.
Yes. Buy warhammer 3. It should be around 20 when on sale. Don't worry about dlc, we never do.
He gets lightning strike from turn 1.
you're supposed to seethe and mald here instead of playing
Buy warhammer 3, play the prolonged tutorial first
>520 replies in 10 hours
I mean, that should be a good indicator that no, it's absolutely not too late.
What do you think happens to unsanctioned wizards witch hunters find in warhams? It's always a death penalty, alchemists are technically outlaws too but Shang-Yang gives them a sanction.
That's the empire. Once again, like any source saying unsanctioned magic is punishable by death in Cathay. I've searched every article and in-game quote I can and haven't been able to find jack shit. Most non lore of heaven practitioners seem to just go to the west and there's mentions of them being hired out to Cathayan generals, absolutely nothing about them being hunted down.
Why would it be too late? Too late for what?
>We had a nice thread about it yesterday on /v/
lol, lmao even
nta but non-sanctioned wizards that aren't specifically trained in the arts by the various colleges are immediately considered hedge wizards and/or witches, therefore killed on sight by any member of the cult of sigmar (witch hunters) or after a lenghty, useless process
this is only valid in the empire however, hedge wizards have a different reputation in kislev as an example, as they dont exactly have colleges of magic there and the lore of ice is very common
bretonnians kill mages on sight, especially if they are just children
i dont know about cathay sorry
We're specifically discussing Carhay, anon. He seems to be under the impression that nonsanctioned magic works like the Empire there, and I'm not seeing any source suggesting so.
>bretonnians kill mages on sight
nice, finally some good fucking flaws! those dumb knights were too cool for their own good
my bad then should've read the entire reply chain
carry on and praise sigmar
Wizards (non Astromancer ones) are outlawed in Cathay and by definition outlaws don't enjoy any protection from the state so anyone can kill them without sanction. Shugengan can use yin and yang but they're in a different social class, ditto for jade blooded.
Has the streamer leaked anything?
Bretonnians have plenty of flaws thoughbeiteverst.
Their chivalry is more than often just a boring façade.
Magic being only under the lady has been in Bretonnia's lore as long as it's been solidified but keep seething chink
>bretonnians kill mages on sight, especially if they are just children
Is this why Bretonnia doesn't have a Merlin knockoff LL?
Damsels are too mysterious to be killed on sight so brets worship them instead.
>bretonnians kill mages on sight, especially if they are just children
Then what the fuck are damsels?
>bretonnians kill mages on sight, especially if they are just children
Only males, the females get kidnapped by elves and become damsels priestess of the lady.
Link. A. Source.
So you don't know what outlaw means?
do you have any proof that wizards are outlawed in Cathay tho
also post link that proves that Cathay has laws at all
There wasn't enough ratposts but besides that it was fine
No, I know what it means, I don't know that non astromancy magic is even outlawed in Cathay because you haven't linked a single fucking source saying so.
CA is making Alien Isolation 2. Please don't kill it like you did Hyenas, Legend
>CA is making a sequel to a game nobody bought or cared about!!!!!
Truly amazing
no. in bretonnia magical children are kidnapped by the lady of the lake, the girls return as the damsels, the boy are never seen again, unless you count the sons of bretonnia
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There actually isn't a document or a license that allows college-trained mages to roam freely in the Empire, their existance as "sanctioned" wizards is extremely nebulous and plays a role in fueling the bad reputation they all have.
Of course a direct request in the form of a missive to one of the colleges asking if the wizard held captive was, indeed, trained in that college in the great arcane arts clears any doubt, but that doesn't happen often. Your average witch hunter doesn't care about bureaucracy.
Magic of any kind is highly distrusted in the Empire, even the pure Qhaysh of the elves.
But enough about Pharaoh
>grail propaganda
for ze lady to you zoo mon ami
would you still fight for the lady if she had a penis tho
how is that propaganda, some water witch steals your children to join her cult; thats the reality, im not down playing anything
>pretending to not be a bretonnian by calling the lady a water witch
i've seen this trickery before, many such cases.
You poor fool, Legend was in the pack.
>bretonnians kill mages on sight, especially if they are just children
But thats wrong you retard.
But I thought that Legentotawa is a based and redpilled gigachad?
I think he's just entrenched at this point but there's tentative "implication" that non-Celestial and Yin/Yang magic is ostracized in Cathay, but not to the extent of open state persecution.
>The lores of Yin and Yang are not the only magics practiced in Grand Cathay, though they are the most favoured. Alchemists gravitate to the Iron Dragon in the West and the city of Shang-Yang precisely because he is uncommonly accepting of their talents and practices.
>Astromancers are the accepted Sorcerers of Grand Cathay, practicing the Celestial Dragon Emperor’s favoured lore of Heavens and harnessing it to an expert level thanks to the natural affinity between their leader and the Azyr wind.
>Outcast elemental Wizards often gravitate towards Shang-Yang and the west. Here they have formed their own shadow Celestial Court known as the House of Secrets.

Coupled with the pervasive surveillance state and Tzeentch-paranoia that is endemic to Cathay I don't think it's too far of a stretch to say they'd be taken off with by the secret police. But there's no source to say they are, he's making that up.
The introduction of cathay's roster on CA's site said Astromancers are the accepted wizards of cathay, not anyone else, and alchemists shout at you about how they're outcasts every time you click them on the map.
this doesn't prove anything
no outcast in Warhammer has ever been hunted down and killed
You don't leave wizard pogroms to peasants, instead of a lore of shadows hedge wizard it might be a necromancer who raises the peasants as a zombie horde if they get killed. So Yuan Bo and Crowmen handling hedge wizards is logical.
The first game sold well under requirements to break even, and it also went from a fresh, tension filled experience in to dumb slop the moment they decided to give you weapons that could just fight off the alien. Not to mention it was too long and dragged by the end. This is just gonna be another Hyenas where they sink money in to a project nobody asked for
lore of shadows is illusion magic
>instead of a lore of shadows hedge wizard it might be a necromancer who raises the peasants as a zombie horde if they get killed.
Like that has ever happened.
Archaon was killed after he was outcast from the Temple of Sigmar many times, but Be'lakor always reset the timeline.
Archaon is a dumb faggot, that's why he was killed. This doesn't count.
he was killed because he was a half blood because the sisters of sigmar went on a crusade killing half bloods because of a doomsday prophecy that said a half blood was going to destroy the world, its the basic greek tragedy
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>and...Daughter of the Dragon

That's the best they could come up with? What is this, Warhammer?
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Daughter of the Dragon is a based title and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
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It's literally Yuan Bo's description, people, not that hard to find.
Now post link to a source that isn't your photoshopped screenshot, you retarded chink.
The fact that only astromancers are "sanctioned", i.e. supported by the government, doesn't mean everyone else is actively hunted down and killed, though, which was the original claim
I'm sure unsanctioned mages are allowed to run around freely in a country gripped by paranoia, buerocracy, schizoid tradition worship and draconic tyranny
I mean its not like there's Tzeench to consider or anything
In a feudal medieval state or absolute fantasy monarchy with god emperors and shiet if you don't have the approval or protection of the government you're going to get fucked up.
Also Yuan Bo ignores states rights, he invented an extra tribute to Wei-Jin for Miao to pay on the spot as punishment because Tzeentch cultists had been found.
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As much as I'm enjoying this campaign, I'd like to share my current plight: Any time I am at war, I am faced with the inevitable problem of enemy agents. As the ̶I̶k̶k̶o̶ Honganji, I'm already at an agent disadvantage with my lack of metsuke, so any time I am at war with more than one faction at a time I am so swamped with enemy agents it becomes a lightning war to kill the faction before the wave of incited rebellions, geisha/ninja bitches, and metsuke drown me in a wave of frustration. If I am at war with two factions, god help me, it becomes this terrible, terrible gacha game rolling low chance actions turn after turn to kill their agents. No matter how good mine are, one lucky kill sets me back immensely. One lucky wound sends the agent back to my capital across the map, functionally killing them since I have to disband them and recruit a new one to have that agent slot meaningfully contribute anything to the agent war. I typically face at a minimum 2 incited rebellions per turn, and my game freezes when my turn comes under the wave of notifications
So... what will they be?
Hyenas assets were recycled into a survival horror game where you escape a derelict amusement park while Galaxia chases you with a big ass knife.
>Warhammer 40k
>Empire 2
>Alien: Isolation(but with Predator this time)
>Medieval 3
>Alien: Isolation(but with Alien again)
The survival horror game is referring to Alien Isolation 2. Anon is probably asking about the fantasy and historical total wars
legend said he will murder every single one of you chuds
im thinking based
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Think they already confirmed it that it's gonna be Isolation 2.
40k is sci-fi, not fantasy. It's Total War AoS or Total War ASOIAF (with Gurm as co-writer so he has another excuse to not finish the series).
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>but with predator this time
Do sci-fi and fantasy not overlap?
Technically yes, some even dub settings like 40k and Doctor Who as science fantasy but that's a fan term, the IP holders say it's sci-fi.
GW class 40k as Space-Fantasy
Alien vs Predator is kino, I should have made it clear that I meant both of them in the game, not just Predator and not just Alien.
Three reasons why Warhammer 40k is likely the next Total War game:
1. There is clearly high demand for it.
2. CA is already in bed with Games Workshop
3. The new Steam Tank looks like a Leman Russ and the Thunderbarge uses a unique archetype known as "gunship".

Not saying it is 100% guaranteed but Warhammer 40k Total War is what I would bet on.
I what Total War Three Kingdoms II.
Wow they announced a Pharaoh sequel? Hope we get early iron age exploits and the formation of the Persian empire.
At one point, so did Creative Assembly.
Not impossible.
No you're not, you'll just hang our with Zhao and get hired out in the west. Once again, not a single source saying other magics are outlawed and ruthlessly punished with death, just that only the lore of the heavens is officially sanctioned by the government.
>Empire 2
No one wants that shit, Medieval 3 should be in the ideally category. It will PROBABLY be another ToB tier pet project since CA doesn't learn.
Kino DLC in a trash game
If we're talking about how the terms are generally used rather than discussing literary genre theory, they're two pretty strictly distinct things.
>No one wants that shit
Different anon but I very much want it, assuming they actually made it good this time
>unqiue archtype known as gunship
Thats indicative of nothing. That’s like 2 database entries.
I made a packmaster infantry mod and labeled it as ‘thing-catcher infantry’ with a unique icon.
what the fuck else would you categorize the Thunderbarge as?
I know 40k fans are mouthbreathers, but jesus christ.
Why? Current CA is obviously not interested in making grounded historical games again, selling low fantasy games masked as history is obviously more profitable, 3K is proof of that.
>Med 3
Not only is it too ambitious for current CA but its fans are absolutely rabid and will burn the studio to the ground if it resembles Rome II, 3K, Troy or Pharaoh in any way, which it likely will because they definitely aren't changing engines.
>Empire 2
No one seriously wants that when the original was and still is CA's worst game by a good margin, CA can't into gunpowder.
There will be a Total War AoS and you WILL like it.
>steal beaked tzaangors and mod them into wh3
Thanks aosfags.
I don’t even like beaked beasts, but I am spiteful.
No one gives a shit about Volound and the small amount of boomers still playing Med 2, CA would want to attract the CK3 players and other assorted medieval interested zoomers with Med 3. It would absolutely do well.
>the next mainline history title will be in the same niche setting as the one before last
It is the most profitable hist title, it is not niche.
CA cannot come close to the roleplaying possibilities of CK, so on that account they won't appeal to anyone with their half-baked "dilemmas" and glorified menus with buttons that just waste your time. The only thing they have going for them are battles and without a new engine those will be a watered down version of Warhammer without any of the cool stuff zoomers enjoy.
The chink sequel was cancelled, get over it. We're back to trve Euro kino.
Only if it comes before total war 40k so I can enjoy the seethe
>no proof
If we can get the End Times. We can get anything.
It's entirely niche for their core market, which is western. It's only got broad appeal for chinks.
There's no proof that 40k is coming either but all the leaks suggest so, and that's why people are discussing it. Those same leaks said the chink game is dead. But keep coping that what people truly want is a sequel to the dumb chink game that came out only a few years ago and died pathetically rather than one of the games that gave CA its reputation.
Do we know how well it performed in the west or is this just eurofag cope?
So: Alien Isolation 2, TW:WW1 SAGA to beta test stuff for TW:40k.
3 Titles, mystery solved.
>you're entitled to your opinion, like if you believe the world is flat or you identify as an attack helicopter
>you're not entitled to the facts though
I'm not aware of any sales figures by region having been released, but it's just self-evident and obvious in the first instance that RotTK and Chinese history generally is a niche interest in the West, and it's very unlikely that demand for a second such title would be high especially so shortly after the previous one
Anyone who denies this is just being contrarian
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>Takes chaos steroids lite and acts tough
Post rifle size, bearfucker
You don't even need leaks to know Warhammer III isn't the last we're seeing of Warhammer TW games. If not 40K then it's AoS, it doesn't matter.
>one of the games that gave CA its reputation
As if they give a shit when they didn't even throw their boomer fans a bone remastering Med II to modern systems, they outright confirmed it is not happening. When was the last time we had an actual historical game without any of the low fantasy shit? ToB, which was garbage and performed poorly.
CA has expressly tried to attract fantasy fans by making their historical games less grounded. Medieval 3 won't work with that design for obvious reasons, but glorified settings like 3K do, so unless CA finally gets its shit together that's a much more likely candidate, though Shogun 3 could be a possible alternative due to weebs.
I played Khazrak in WH1 and it was really fun. I spent the first 20 or so turns doing gorilla warfare in Estalia.
Never played Tretch or Cylostra.

I only played Franz in WH1. I never played Tyrion or Katarin.
Medieval 3 would work because it is the medieval period, it's that simple. To deny otherwise is delusional. Especially hilarious is to compare Med 3 to ToB which failed because not only was it marketed outright as not a full game but also because it takes place in the dark ages which like the late Roman Empire isn't particularly popular.
I want to play Total War but have to work on an R project for a stats class
LLs for this feel?
>If not 40K then it's AoS, it doesn't matter.
shit they could just do The Old World
>literally the exact same map
>just shuffle around factions and add the "new" characters
some form of end turn simulator faction
Orion, Durthu, Tyrion, Alarielle, Louen for starters.
>full game
what does that mean?
that's awesome
Not a saga title, which CA upfront said were not full games.
ToB was one of the first saga titles, advertised as being smaller in scope and content than a normal total war game and sold at a reduced price.
>Magic of any kind is highly distrusted in the Empire, even the pure Qhaysh of the elves.
With good reason. Sure, when a wizard burns some whaaaggers it's cool but then you get shit like the night of a thousands duels and any good PR is lost. All the secrecy of the collages doesn't really inspire trust in the common folk. Elves should always be considered suspicious.
I haven't played Nurgle yet, is a full daemon focus viable? I've done a ton of campaigns with nothing but heavy infantry recently
For people saying 3 kingdoms of china is video game nich for only asian go see dynasty warriors origins on the video game board every time something new is revealed.
wouldn't Shogun 2 also classify as saga on release for being smaller in scope?
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Witch hunters don't exactly have legal protection in the Empire, Elspeth has killed many and Emmanuelle doesn't care.
I thought the same thing until the 3 kingdoms 2010 show pulled me into the setting since then I enjoy 3K, awesome show
why would she kill them tho...
Probably, and FotS was made into a saga title for partly that reason, but Shogun 2 had a lot of new assets. ToB really was basically an asset flip of Attila. Calling Troy a saga game was arguably unfair as a result, but it is what it is. Point is, ToB failed because CA themselves claimed before release that ToB wasn't a "true" main title.
What are we expecting from the next TWW3 dlc compare to the previous ones in this game? And when are we expecting more news on it?

In English, doc
ESL-kun, you'd be lucky to find 1 person in 100 in the West who even knows what the 3 kingdoms is, let alone is specifically interested in media of that setting
Dynasty Warriors has achieved a cult following in spite of that rather than because of it
DLC late 2024
DLC mid 2025
DLC late 2025
DLC mid 2026
Next mainline titles late 2026

10 years of Total War: Warhammer to be followed by... ???
Upcoming 3 kingdoms game.
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She doesn't want random creeps peeping on her yoga
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I don't think a 40k game is very likely, too much work adapting the engine for squad based combat.
>Just imagined a Chaos Sorcerer who is planning to summon a Lord of Change in Wei-Jin getting swarmed and eaten by a murder of giant crows
Wow, Cathay may actually be kino.
And how many out of a 100 people know about total war or any wahammer outside of meme
We are expecting stuff for Khorne, Greenskins and Ogres.
It will launch within 2 months.
The contents will include (each race)
1 Legendary Lord
1 Legendary Hero (2 for Khorne)
1 Generic Lord
1 Generic Hero (0 for Khorne)
5 units

There will also be:
1 FLC Legendary Lord (Khorne)
Free reworks/additions to the 3 races.
why the fuck do both elspeth and katarin wear that awful hijab? For efficiency sake in warfare the hair to not get in the way or?
Thrones of Britannia 2.
Kill yourself.
/v/ likes dynasty warriors which the ESL says is indicative of 3K's popularity, but I wouldn't take the opinions of a mongolian basket-weaving forum as an accurate sample of the larger gaming community
well idk the technical term for it but its the same shit
Total War Warhammer Remastered
Wartotal War Warhammer Warmastered
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Katarin probably because some Russian women used it.
Elspeth because that's on her model, as GW sculpted her to look like a disney villain.

They would look hotter not wearing them ofc
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Sometimes the AI should just turn and fuck your asshole in an ambush
Like yeah I'm so sad that Ungrim is staying out of a fight
Yeah and people wouldn't be happy seeing single entity immortal generals soloing whole armies in an otherwise fully historical medieval game, not even zoomers with a passing interest in history (which would be the target audience if you really want to exclude boomers from the equation) want that because it is obviously fucking stupid
>all the sandbox maps AND the focused campaign maps (including welf and beastman mini-campiagns) in one package with improvements to smooth over the parts people hated about them
yes fucking please
Because Death wizards are the most hated wizards outside of Chaos and Necromancy.
It's a thankless job because lore-wise Death Wizards are the ones who deal with small-scale undead but because their lore of magic has negative connotations, they are stigmatized.
Like an evil looking character who is actually a good guy in every way but appearance.
Now that I see that pic, do we have a release date for the new DLC? I'm so fucking hype to play Golgfag and Gorbad.
People are definitely much more broadly aware of Warhammer, at least superficially, than either 3k or Total War
The pool of people in western countriest who would come to Total War because of 3k specifically is absolutely miniscule, guaranteed
Other historical periods and settings have much broader appeal here
3k only has broad appeal in Asia
3k performed well and is well regarded even by western fans, denying that is the real cope
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I know elspeth is probably the most fun campaign in the game rn played her, and tamurkhan is an absolute beast, but is this guy any good? What's his shtick
>is well regarded even by western fans
>[citation needed]
I for one thought it was poor
Hopefully we are in the right timeline for this to happen.
I would accept Total Warhammer 40K if there's a promotional tie-in with Fantasy
>order factions can get Kaldor Draigo as a LH
>chaos factions can very rarely get gifted OP chaos marine units
>if you set the endgame chaos crisis (whenever it's added) to max strength they get OP chaos marine units
Are you retarded?
Malakai is fun af but also busted af. His deal is buffing gunpowder to the stratosphere and buffing slayers on the side, having what are basically the old Norscan monster hunts but easier and more broken, plus the possibility of having one stack that acts like a horde with horde buildings and everything and putting Gorek, Felix, Ulrika and maybe even Garagrim in it.

He also specializes in THOONDERBARGES which are very probably the most op unit in the game right now.
Artillery, War Machines and Slayers.
He specializes in Gyrocopters, Thunderbarges, Grudgerakers and Slayer Pirates.
Basically he is the gunpowder Dwarf lord whereas the others are all about infantry(Thorgrim) or non-ap missiles like crossbows(Belegar), low tier artillery(Thorek) and TED(Grombrindal).
I'm shocked it took so long to get a dwarf all about artillery and gyros.
Stop insulting fellow Anons and instead engage in thoughtful debate and speculation.
>i don't like it so no one does!
He's the Ikit Claw/Elespeth of the Dwarfs
His schtick is being absurdly overpowered with his faction abilities in exchange for starting in one of the most hostile locations in the game
He can spawn in late-game artillery into his armies and has a thunderbarge summon that he can make last all battle, but more importantly as you do his missions he turns specific artillery units ABSURDLY overpowered, like making cannons shoot a grapeshot that pulps any infantry it touches or making thunderbarges effectively unkillable
>I liked it so everyone liked it!
sounds kino, the power creep in the DLCs are insane lmao but still I say keep em OP, more fun
We need Skaven to prank call Eldar via space phone and ask them if they left the fridge open.
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Do you ever get mad at TWW, /twg/?
If yes, why and how?
I'm too mad at myself, people around me and my entire life to spare any rage for videogames these days
There's a fine line to tread, honestly. Changeling is still so ridiculously busted it actually ends up diminishing the campaign, as you can have zero armies and the whole world at war with you and still not give a damn.
Your lord has an arbitrary amount of health points.
My lord has a health bar that is rounded to the nearest thousand.
Sometimes my game crashes over the end turn and it bricks the campaign, I know it is a mod that does it but i've never worked out which one so when it happens I restart with half the mods I was using switched off.
One trip to the store page will show you are full of shit
>I'm shocked it took so long to get a dwarf all about artillery and gyros.
Thorgrim is mostly about longbeards/hammerers/ironbreakers but he does have a landmark for gyrocopters in his capital. If you're based you switch out all of his ranged and artillery units with gyrocopters/bombers and pretend to be an aggressive rush faction
>steam reviews tell me how it was received by western fans specifically
Whoops you're a retard
Mostly I just get mad at CA for wasting time on stupid shit
Imagine how much more Total War we'd have right now if not for Hyenas
Imagine how much better many of the Saga games could have been
Imagine how much better WH3 could have been if they didn't fuck it up multiple times even though they basically had THREE SERPERATE LAUNCHES (launch, i.e beta, chaos dwarfs/i.e out of beta)
Imagine how much better Total War could be if they actually kept interesting mechanics between games
Imagine how much better WH2 could have been with real naval battles
Imagine how good it would have been if we actually had Med 3
Fuck CA they ruined CA
rn with beastmen I'm just declaring war on every order faction at once then scurrying around with beastpaths, its fun, but I think this campaign lacks a clear goal, I like map-painting, and I think its gonna take a while to purge the whole empire of life as beastmemes, I won't be satisfied if I simply play out the final battle and have it end like that, I have to destroy humanity or something
Total Elf Death.
If I had to give Grombrindal a niche i'd say ironbreakers and miners but generally he buffs everything and is more about who he faces rather than what he faces them with.
3k compared to for example Rome 2 has different player peaks at different times. 3k peaks at UTC asian time, Rome 2 peaks at UTC european time, WH3 for example has 2 noticable player peaks, both at asian time and european time. 3k is mostly played by Asians. You can check it on steamdb.
>real naval battles
>I want a giant ocean map with nothing to do in it
>All those cool fantasy naval units from Dreadfleet and Man o War? Throw 'em out!
I just watched a group of intellectuals argue about whether the Byzantine Empire was the Roman Empire and I instantly thought of this place.
It isn't btw.
There's nothing to argue about, it is the Roman Empire.
it is though
>called themselves roman for all of their history
>some homos in 1980s invent the term "byzantine" to diminish the roman character just because the average plebs spoke greek instead of latin
Is there seriously any doubt about it? When I studied history at uni, there wasn't any, every single teacher unanimously agreed and said it was accepted in the field that byzantine empire was the roman empire. They weren't even really called byzantines.
The Eastern Roman Empire was Roman, yes.
>Mostly I just get mad at CA for wasting time on stupid shit
Based. We all knew that nobody wanted the chungus dwarfs. There's no way CA didn't know it too.
>how much better WH2 could have been with real naval battles
Unfathomably cringe. Bumper boats was easily the worst thing CA has ever made, and that's including Hyenas. #JoinThePack
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heh.. nothing personnel...
name one time naval battles were fun in this series, they're always a slog, waste of resources
Chaos Dwarfs are kino, were asked for since WH1, and are one of the very few examples of CA doing something mostly right
WH2 if naval battles were in
I'm not gonna lie, I quite liked naval battles in empire and napoopan, I'm not even ashamed to admit it
Lining up a big fleet of capital ships and blasting the fuck out of an enemy squadron was pure kino
Only thing I didn't like about it was the poor enemy AI mixed with occasionally annoying randomness in the damage models
they were disgusting gr**ks and sl*vs, not roman at all
Legend says that the next historical game will be the biggest yet, even bigger than Empire or Medieval 2. Timespan is 1600 to 1900, or thereabouts. Whole world is included in the map, but only Europe and North America to start with. Middle East and India are second DLC or major expansion (may work like Warhammer, three games?). Features such as squad combat will carry over from 40k Total War, but interestingly for Native American units in particular.
western rome were disgusting c*lts, ge*ms, etru*cans, ar*bs, eg*ptians etc by the same logic
Yes, and? Nobody calls the Frankish Kingdom "actually the Roman Empire".
And in fact naval battles in Warhammer would have been good BECAUSE they're in Warhammer
There would be no more ship-only slog, since you'd have flying units that are much more maneuverable and sea monsters that could turn much faster than ships in exchange for being mostly able to deal damage only in melee
If you played either of the Warhammer Fantasy naval games you'd know they're really fun
Also, it would give some factions big advantages on the sea which would make Vampire Coast, Norsca, High Elves and Dark Elves campaigns feel right
The first line of defense for Ulthuan should be its navy, much of Vamp Pirates, Dark Elves and Norscan campaigns should be raiding coasts, major port settlements of any faction should have a noticeable naval presence
But NONE of this is actually true
Not to mention s*mnites and it*lians
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I agree that vampirate campaigns without naval battles are some clown shit, but the most popular factions in this game (Empire/Dwarfs/Kislev/Cathay) would never even see a naval battle, so it doesn't make sense for CA
Literally all of those factions have active navies in lore albeit
>being this much of a lorelet
ok? all of them barely interact with the sea in campaigns
even in their best form (Empire/S2/FOTS) they're an uninvolved clunky mess though the details are impressive
a better developer could make them work within total war's system but CA is not that developer
Cathay supposedly have the mightiest human navy, Yin-Yin(while probably coping) says that it is mighty enough to match the Elves.
Empire have a strong navy, particularly for trade.
Dwarfs idk.
Kislev has one of the main port cities of the old world so would logically have a decent navy.
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This thing is stoopid, I was barely directing it
there's literally nothing in cathay's east sea ingame... maybe if they made the world actually function as a sphere instead of those portals the AI never uses
>Dwarfs idk.
They have the strongest ships of all, actual dreadnoughts, but have the lowest numbers because the entire dwarf race has a grand total of ONE port (Barak Varr).
Barak Varr's description in lore also makes it up to be super comfy, probably one of the best places to live in the Warhammer world.
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>active navy
Do they load bears into the cannons or something?
Yin-Yin needs a short story about her adventures in Lothern.
Yes that is my point, that is a problem that needs to be fixed
Each of those factions SHOULD have a massive and active navy, none of them actually do and there's no reason for any of them to

Dwarfs have Barak Varr, and naval characters like Long Drong and Red Brokk, plus a surprisingly large naval presence given they're playable in literally all Warhammer Fantasy naval games

Yet another problem, there should be Nippon at the very least
There's no way you're not old enough to be posting here if you think it's feasible to include proper, and more importantly FUN, naval combat in Total War. That's a completely separate game, and something most campaigns wont engage with.
>but muh lore
Grow up. Its better to have no naval combat than to have the slop that CA have shat out before.
I hope CA makes Yin-Yin at least half as goofy as the stories and memes make her out to be
it isn't any more than modern Liechtenstein is the Holy Roman Empire
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>charge cavalry into enemy infantry unit
>just some crappy skelly swordsmen
>no real threat to my unit
>pull back out intending to reform and charge again
>couple of entities won't pull away
>they run from enemy unit
>enemy unit advancing upon my cavalry
>a few entities from skellies are out ahead of their unit and right next to a few of the entities from my cavalry
>it's like they're glued together
>prevents the cav from escaping properly
Kislev have a bunch of Imperial ships and armed merchants stationed at Erengrad
Personally I think CA could have done a lot more with an "ice witch navy" concept, like giant icebergs turned into floating fortresses or even just normal ships that have an ice witch on them being able to sail through frozen water that any other navy would have to stop for
If I recall correctly, most of the Empire's navy is stuck up the Reik because Marienburg charges exorbitant toll fees.
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>Imagine how much better WH2 could have been with real naval battles
How the hell do you implement that in a world where the Dark Elves and High Elves have black arks/dragonships and the Norscans have shitty little longships?
meaning? slaan shit all over yinyin's navy?
Fortunately, Marienburg Freebooters are more than happy to offer their services for a very reasonable (extortionatary) fee.
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Fall of the Samurai had the best naval combat and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't.
why doesn't Franz simply take over Marienburg
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Damn this mod slaps
Doesn't want humans to fight amongst themselves when Chaos, Death and Destruction are growing in power, he thinks Order should unify diplomatically.
All the ships blow up immediately, Napoleon was way better.
He can't.
Maybe a ramming ship with a tempest witch at the helm blowing magic straight into the sails to make it go sanic speed
You implement it by letting it be completely unfair and if you want to sail the seas you gotta dodge the elves/pirates or face the consequences
Didn't control Rome, didn't speak Latin, not Roman, no one gives a shit about law codes or academics. Actual Romans living in Rome called them what they were, Greek despots.
>40k is sci-fi, not fantasy
language means nothing though, they carried on many of the law and traditions, even after justinian, and I bet tons of people still spoke latin over there even if you care about that, but what the romans in rome that weren't assraped by celts and germans at that point thought who knows
Franz' father declared war on Marienburg and the Empire lost.
I bet he can do it if he wants to though, Franz is pretty powerful
they didn't try hard enough
Language means everything, France wouldn't be France if it was a rump state situated in north Africa and they spoke Arabic. Calling the Byazantines (sure, really the remains of the ERE) the actual Romans is like calling Northern Yuan China. That's not how it works. And if the opinions of actual Romans ruled by Germans about who is Roman doesn't matter, the opinion of full on Greeks about who is Roman doesn't matter.
Luitpold I (KFs dad) seems to had absorbed the traits of the early editions "Crazy Old Man" Karl
language means nothing in an empire that was always defined by its rule of law, bureaucracy, traditions and allegiances more than by its ethnic character, latins were always a massive minority in rome

you can't compare it to modern creations like "france" or "china", eastern romans thougth themselves roman, they did everything in the name of rome, they continued the traditions of rome and so on
>You implement it by letting it be completely unfair and if you want to sail the seas you gotta dodge the elves/pirates or face the consequences
tbhwy I still don't know how you could make naval battles work in Warhammer.
I'd like it if certain factions had additional advantages whilst at sea aside from immunity to storm etc, like better movement range on the world map for one thing. It would make it more difficult for land-focused factions to cross the sea.
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Why lie? FOTS early meta is explosive shells.
>legend says
Rome was defined by speaking fucking Latin on top of the bureaucracy, now I know you're talking out of your ass. Every Roman emperor born even in the provinces spoke native Latin. But if laws, ruling over Romans and divine right from the pontifex maximus is all that matters about being Roman in your fantasy world, then the HRE was also unquestionably Roman.
Just take cues from Dreadfleet, then fill stuff in where Dreadfleet didn't expand on and where it makes sense to.
Yeah, I don't care about any of that. Start discussing /vtwg/ related matters, or I will leverage my powerful influence to force CA to aggressively prevent cheats from being used on their games.
They pivoted.
the HRE lacks the continuity the ERE had though
GW was pretty mad about cheats in Warhammer 3, so expect 40k to not allow them.
According to whom? The law in the final days of Rome said the bishop of Rome had primacy over all the others and was the legal pontifex maximus, all the continuity the HRE needed was given by the Pope. Northern Yuan also had continuity from the Yuan Dynasty, still not China.
>HRE continuity
>the Pope in Rome
>ERE continuity
>"Well you see the Roman Emperor Grassius the Dacian wanted to live near his homeland, so he moved the administrative capital to Greece... and that's why the ERE is more Roman than the actual city of Rome despite being completely Hellenized."
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She tried to save us from the cheating scum, and the DEI department at CA, punished her for it. Never forget our Chud Queen's sacrifice.
The Roman Empire ended on the 30th December 1922.
rome basically had two capitals at the time because it was just that big, but you can't deny that the ERE was unquestionably roman at least until justinian, the continuity was never broken, he simply got replaced by native greek speaking mutts, versus latin speaking mutts such as himself, I feel a lot of this comes from modern ideas of nationality and nationalism and state-building, if you go to 1000 ad and ask anyone in or near the ERE if they're roman, they'll say of course... NOT the case for the HRE's folk
I actually won't be surprised if 40k doesn't allow cheats, GW is far more draconian with 40k than they are with Fantasy, and even with fantasy CA have run every decision past GW, imagine how constrained CA will be with an IP like 40k.
>rome basically had two capitals at the time because it was just that big
>but you can't deny that the ERE was unquestionably roman at least until justinian
So not Roman.
>the continuity was never broken
Except when they were divided from Rome.
>he simply got replaced by native greek speaking mutts
So nobody in the ERE was Roman.
I don't give a shit what someone calls themselves. Northern Yuan can call themselves Chinese, they're not. I can call myself Martian, doesn't make me Martian when I'm not on Mars. And yes, people in the HRE called themselves Roman.
being "Roman" was more like self-identifying as "Western" today versus belonging to a nationality, a much broader category than modern ethnic groups you keep trying to project onto empires a millennia ago
>when they were divided from rome
why the fuck does that matter if the institutions themselves were of undeniably roman character? so you don't consider idk, egypt for example a part of the roman empire because the natives there might have had 0 interaction with the city itself
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>try trials for the first time
>only realise this was a mechanic right at the very end
Wrong. Please go be a historylet somewhere else. "Roman" as a citizenship term only mattered in barbarian - i.e. non-Roman and Greek - areas where there was no previous rule of law. The Greeks always considered themselves under occupation and the Romans themselves always considered the Greeks as a separate but equal civilization under their rule, which is why the ERE reverted back to Greek culture and customs so quickly. They NEVER became "Roman", they were always a sibling civilization that Rome happened to conquer.
If Egypt broke off from Rome and called themselves Roman they would not be Roman, yes. Let me put it in a way your peabrain can understand, the Sultanate of Rum and later Ottoman Empire had unbroken continuity from Rome after they conquered Constantinople and called themselves Roman, keeping Roman laws in place, were they Roman?
northern yuan was basically a foreign occupation like any other (especially because that shit was formed so far into the modern period where there was a semblance of "Chinese" being a distinct identity), where was the occupation in ERE? It was a grass roots process through romanization that led the greeks in that empire to consider themselves roman, and you're forgetting that the roman empire west or east was always hugely diverse and there were probably tons of latins in the ERE for its whole history
>The Greeks always considered themselves under occupation and the Romans themselves always considered the Greeks as a separate but equal civilization under their rule
bullshit, they called themselves Roman for more than a millennia, and yes that's important when it comes to defining if they were Roman or not, "Greece" is a modern concept
Romans, as in actual Romans no matter how much you cope about Roman being a mystery meat mush term, always considered Greece a separate civilization under their rule and even after the split Greeks were considered to be Greeks with Roman citizenship, not Romans. I do not give a shit what the Greeks called themselves.
>If Egypt broke off from Rome and called themselves Roman they would not be Roman, yes
if they kept the traditions/cultures/law of rome then yes, the Ottomans were a fucking islamic empire at their core, ERE was a christian roman empire at its core, how is that a comparison, the roman empire was bigger than the city of rome, simple as
>Roman being a mystery meat mush term
but it fucking is though, its more a mentality than an actual group, from the early republic days latins were simply a ruling class that themselves got mutted, how many latin people (aka the only "Romans according to you) do you think were around during the 3rd century?
>gayreeks once again buttmad when confronted with the fact that their empire wasn't actually Roman
Oh so suddenly religion is the defining factor? So all Romes are illegitimate after converting to Christianity then. It's hilarious seeing Byzaboos cope when their own arguments are used against them in favor of the Ottomans by suddenly bringing in Christianity as a requirement to be Rome. All to jump through hoops to deny the simple fact that to be Rome you have to control Rome.
>to be Rome you have to control Rome.
thats where we disagree though, thats bullshit, Rome is not a place, its a culture, civilization and a concept, to put it in modern terms since you think like that, its like the US, there's no such thing as an "American" ethnicity but one was created by the mayflower folks (the latins) and they assimilated mush form all over the place to their new identity, now the mayflower folks are like 1-2% of the US population, but the identity they formed is massive
CA used GW as an excuse to handicap modding for TWW1 even back then. Only now that they released 90% of content they intended to release, they made TWW3 properly moddable. But I don't think this is really on GW. They will find an excuse to limit modding capability of 40k, lotr or whatever other fantasy game they will make anyway. And it will remain limited until the very end at least. If they make tw40k moddable with mesh import possible, in a month all important chapters will be playable, with unique models and units, before CA manages to even announce a single lord pack dlc equivalent. Obviously this wouldn't matter in practice, modders don't compete with developer and will make room for developer if need be, even make their previously standalone mods require new dlc and playerbase will buy dlc anyway, even if better mod is available.
But that won't interest shareholders and management and they simply won't like existence of those mods. So mods will have to be dealt with.
Rome is an actual place and a people, yes, no matter how much you want to deny it. America is the name of a fucking continent. If the nation was called New York and some retarded rump state in Texas claimed they were the real New York while New York was doing its own thing they'd be laughed at.
As I said, go be a historylet somewhere else, and stop trying to conflate "modern Greece" with Ancient Greece. You are the only one doing that here. The Hellenistic Civilization is not a modern concept at all.
>Rome is an actual place and a people
it was, once, but by the time of Trajan it morphed into more of a civilizational concept than simply just that, I'm aware that my line of thought kinda implies the HRE is real rome too though, but they lack the continuity the ERE had, and I def don't agree that the roman identity was as entrenched there, I rly doubt Gottfried from Hessen considered himself fucking roman while 50 years prior he was fighting other germs n slavs for his city state to continue producing scat porn, versus idk Alexios whose 20 generations back family considered themselves roman and fought for "ROME"

Tell me by your own logic why was Trajans Rome Roman when the vast majority of the population were non latins?
Because it controlled Rome, Rome was its capitol, and Trajan was Roman and ruled from Rome. By your logic on religion because it also followed the ancestral Roman religion when compared to later Christianity and Islam.
Trajan was a Roman by what standard? He like many other emperors was likely some Iberian or Celtic or Greek etc etc mutt which was Romanized, but when its Romanized Greeks suddenly it stops being Roman because the magical influence of the physical city couldn't be felt anymore in the east
The Ulpians were old school Romans by blood you fucking dumbass. Oh yeah, he also spoke Latin, the language of the Romans.
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Regardless of the overinflated relevance n value you place on the language of Latin itself, the vast majority of historians will not dispute the fact that the ERE was Roman... but whatever if we have different definitions of what Roman is we'll never agree
Yeah, those would be Byzantine historians who want them to be Rome because they're invested in them being Rome. Like northern Macedonian historians who really want Alexander to be a slav when he wasn't so they make up nonsense.
I hope you're aware that by your logic though if a emperor that wasn't latin and that didn't speak Latin as his native language took power then suddenly the whole empire stops being Roman and goes right back to it when a latin emperor takes power, it's simply reductionary to what "Roman" is, imo it's bigger than the city of Rome, by the times of the empire of course
is the realm of chaos campaign any good
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>smol headpiece Morathi
It's fun for a couple of playthroughs. Worth trying for N'Kari's better start.
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hotter than the full one
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Is Daniel as fun as he looks?
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CA has confirmed that they've got both a new fantasy TW game and a historical TW game in the works, alongside the Alien Isolation sequel.

What are your hopes, fears and predictions?
>total war: one ring
I mean, i'd play it i guess?
Warring states period China
His skill tree is peak unfun and the dress-up-doll mechanic also isn't as nice as a normal lord's equip and skill systems
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Always has been.
>What are your hopes, fears and predictions?
Hopes: medieval or empire, or some cool wildcard new idea
Fears: more chink pandering, Age of Sigmar
Predictions: honestly no idea what to expect, I'm not sure whether I want or don't want a TW:WH40k but I really have a hard time picturing how it would work
Nah, next historical game will be even bigger than that. Timespan is prehistory to far future and it will be called Total War: Empire Earth.
What is legends source
age of sigmar could be cool, tho the campaign map would be a complete shitshow
He's just shit.
Daemonspam sounds cool but they're so expensive and you have such a shit economy that the first 30 turns(the most crucial and most played part of Total War) are a complete slog.
They called themselves "Roman" because nobody would respect a gr**k empire.
Unfortunately no. The build-a-bear aspect is neat but not as much fun as it seems at first glance, plus it's his only real unique mechanic so the rest of his faction feels lacklustre.

His faction is, by far, the worst to play. As in least fun
I don't trust Legend's "leaks" for shit, but the idea itself isn't implausible and rather makes sense, it's basically just extending the Empire timeframe a bit at both ends
Early modern warfare with pike and shot progressing into lines of musketmen, incorporating development of gunpowder technology and related tactics is a reasonable premise and one we haven't really revisited in some time
Why would they make a 17th cent TW before medieval why why why medieval is easier to dev and everyone wants it
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What the hell I didn't know birdbrain could even get that strong he's going in the fucking train
I think the histoical title will either be Medieval 3 or Empire 2. After the mixed receptions of their recent historical (or "historical") titles it makes sense to go for a certain hit. I doubt they'll go for something completely new at this time.

Not sure about the fantasy title. I doubt it's more Warhammer despite what the 40kiddies have been screeching about. If it's more pop-culture slop like LotR or GoT I will seethe. Stupid wildcard answer: A Baldur's Gate spinoff. I hope it'll be something original though, even if it wont sell as well I'm really fed up with franchiseshit in general.
Empire 2 is not a certain hit
Med 3 is
Early modern total war would be a bit more distinct from Warhammer/3k/Pharaoh, I guess.
Empire was the entry point for a new generation of players and many still hold it in high regard while recognizing that it was pure jank. The fact that it was so jank also gives them more room to improve the game and not have it feel like a rehash. Medi2 fans are obsessed grognards, they'll tear apart every flaw in a sequel while ignoring the fact that Medi2 was incredibly jank as well. Medi3 is absolutely not more of a certain hit than Empire2, because it'll draw way more aggressive criticism even if it's good.
I'm gonna manifest Med 3 into reality through the modern era slop
I can't wait for him to be catastrophically wrong yet again and then you retards will come here and claim that CA pivoted from a massive multi-million dollar project just to spite him rather than admitting he's just a bald liar.
you're just assuming, most med bros will simply be happy to see a sequel even if its jank
No one cares, grognards cry about Warhammer and has tons of players. Everyone wants Medieval 3, stop coping about other games.
I want Medieval 3
I also want Empire 2
I'll be happy if we get either one
I also want a Rome 3 that's actually good because Rome 2 sucked dick and it never became good even with patches no matter what some people say, but I recognize it's realistically too soon now after Pharaoh
There's no reason to be upset about this
Nobody cares that Medi2 fans hate Warhammer, because Warhammer is a completely different audience. Warhammer kids will buy literally anything that's part of the franchise but most of them don't care about history so it doesn't translate into sales for non-Warhammer titles. a large chunk of the TWWH playerbase didn't play TW before it and won't play TW after it so it's not a metric you can use for the success of historical titles.
I enjoy both Med2 and Warhammer
Okay then I can use the success of Rome 2 which is still heavily played to gauge the success of Medieval 3. Once again, grognards are a non-factor. There's an entirely new generation of TW fans that like Rome 2 and Attila.
Son, go get yourself to the Googles and look up the difference between "most of them" and "literally everyone".

I guess there's no point in arguing with someone who's already convinced he's right. We'll find out eventually anyway.
>Once again, grognards are a non-factor.
Then there's no reason to choose Med3 over other popular eras.
Do Tzeentch factions have an ability that forces an army to take attrition for 5 turns? This is cancer
Yeah, there is, the reason is called "the medieval period is the most popular historical period in western imagination competing only with WW2" you fucking retard.
hey maybe the historical title is Total War: World War 2
it'd be the first time in the series when the term "total war" actually makes sense lmao
> The teaser for the game ends with a close-up of Goebbels yelling, "Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?!"
Med2fags are really not relevant and nor is their screeching. Ck2fags are in a better position to complain about ck3 and yet ck3 is still massively popular and sells well.
>Warhammer kids will buy literally anything that's part of the franchise
And yet DoW3 failed. Many Warhammer games are aborted instantly because nobody is buying them.
The only more popular historical time period than Medieval is WW2. Everyone likes and wants Medieval games. It's a no-brainer choice of a setting for any strategy game
CA will never be based enough to touch WW2, can't do WW2 without nazis and CA will get loads of shit for including playable nazis because they haven't got a community of autists like Paradox do. Nobody who plays Total War will care, but a good amount of Warhammer-onlys and xitterfags will have a field day, imagine the sotek seethe if WW2 had Germany playable with all the nazi shit intact(which it has to be if they want to go back to realism which is what Pharaoh implies).
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>We should have destroyed Germany, every man, woman, and child, twenty years ago!
>ENOUGH! Poland is lost and and our Eastern Allies have failed us. Where was the last report of his whereabouts?
>My spies in Wilhelmshaven tell me the Bismarck has sailed, we must expect an an Invasion of England!
>*images of a massive German army landing in England's shores*
>THIS IS NONSENSE! No fleet has sailed, the Royal Navy controls the North Sea!
>He's not attacking, he's making allies! AT THIS VERY MOMENT he courts the Soviet Union, the Communists! The Red Army will push through Iran and the Middle East will be lost once more!
>*images of Ribbentrop meeting Molotov and Stalin in Moscow*
>RIDICULOUS! Turkey won't stand for it! Ankara would join the allies if the Soviets surrounded their nation.
>I believe the attack will come from Central Europe itself. He intends to cross the Alps and invade from Italy, the French Mediterranean Fleet at Marseille will be captured and sweep up from the south.
>*images of Germans and Italians taking over Switzerland*
>That's wild speculation!
>We should reduce taxation!
>He will come not from the South nor the North Sea... Our agents in Westphalia report a build up of military forces near the Benelux border. He intends to bypass the Maginot and march his arm-
>He would lose half his vehicles from lack of fuel alone! The other half would get stuck in the rough terrain!
>We must defend the Belgian border!
>Do you expect the Dutch to capitulate when he arrives!?
>I suppose he will bring with him AN ARMY OF PANZERS!?
>*footage of Rommel driving a panzer through the forest*
>Members of Parliament! I dare say that would be quite a feat, even for the great Adolf Hitler!
TWWW2 makes zero sense in the first place just conceptually, it doesn't fit the battle mechanics in the slightest. In order to portray WW2 combat you'd have to rework the system to such a degree that it wouldn't really be Total War gameplay anymore at all, but a completely different game.
so exactly like how you'd need an engine rework for a 40k game?
sounds like they'd be killing two birds with one stone then
>so exactly like how you'd need an engine rework for a 40k game?
Very similar problems, yes, though at least 40k still has some melee engagements and other stuff that makes it a bit closer to WHFB than realistic WW2 gameplay would be.
But yeah, this is also why I find it quite hard to picture TW40k. Why would that or TWWW2 need to be a thing when it seems like DoW and CoH do it better already?
There was a (((rumour))) that WW1 is next and it will be used to help CA learn how to do majority missile combat and to work out the kinks in the (((new engine))) all in preparation for 40k.
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Look at what happens when you make too many silly edits. Be careful what you're posting
I tried to put this in one of those sloppa AI video gen sites and got this...
WW2 is oversaturated.
>imagine the sotek seethe if
Why the fuck would I do that
Why are you thinking about some random youtuber
When it got to the map with accurate names I was surprised AI got it right, but it seems like it's just picking random videos from stock video sites for the most part.
>*images of a massive German army landing in England's shores*
mm yeah didn't quite go that way though
Crusader Kings 2 battles can be played in Attila.
Hearts of Iron IV battles could be played in Total War: World War 2.
I don't think CA should design Total Wars with Paradox Games in in mind..
Also do you have any idea how many battles that would make? you'd spend a real life year going through a single year of a hoi4 campaign.
I still don't understand how people can relentlessly shit on empire for being jank when medieval 2 is even more jank to the point of being barely playable without fixes. medieval 3 isn't a guaranteed hit, it's a guaranteed flop because there's no way that ca can fix all of the fundamental problems 2 had in a way that will satisfy fans.
What makes you think Medieval 3 would just use the same systems and engines as 2?
Which is why the correct play is to get Feral to make Med 2 remastered like they did for Rome 1.
Medieval 2 is not "barely playable without fixes" and I'm one of those people who point out some of its major bugs when people deny it. Empire on the other hand is a disaster of a game that to this day rivals Rome 2's launch state. You empirefags are genuinely delusional.
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There should be Orc slingers and they should just throw bricks
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I'll be trying Elspeth or Malakai for my next campaign. I've yet to try any of the ToD LLs. I won't play Tamurkhan for a long time as I've basically OD'd on Chaos lately. Which between the two are easier? More fun? I'll pick the easier/less fun one first, then do the other one later. I'm estimating Elspeth is harder. Do any of you guys particularly like or dislike any of the ToD LLs? I was taking a break from /twg/ and TW in general when it came out.
see that's the problem, if they keep using the rome 2 systems people will say it's soulless and an unworthy sequel, but if they go back to rome 1 systems people will say they're shit because they were actually irredeemable shit without 12 layers of nostalgia.

at least you can play out battles in empire without wanting to kill yourself. I hate autoresolve but I had to ar 90% of my med2 playthrough because simply trying to control your units is physically painful.
No, you can't. I have never seen a more broken and retarded battle AI than in Empire. Kill yourself faggot, it's a shit game.
Just use Pharaoh systems
Is Albion filled w chaos nigs in lore?
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video generated AI is still caveman-tier compared to text and image generation
Ind soon, my friends. By the end of this year, not joking.
I think Elspeth and Malakai are both about as strong and fun. Maybe I'd give an edge to Malakai, but not by much. And honestly, I liked all three LLs this time around, marked improvement from SoC.
All of the Karak Eight Peaks lords are fun.
thought it was for CK3
>female nazi officers
if I tell my musketmanii to go somehwere they go there and stand where I tell them. if I spam click hard enough I can even sort of make my cuirassiermanii charge through a unit. in medieval 2 every unit is a downs syndrome retard that can't respond to anything but right clicking on the enemy. if you don't notice anything wrong that says more about you than me.
The AI literally cannot play the game in Empire. It is braindead. It is beyond braindead, it is outright broken. No matter how much you shill Empire everyone still thinks it's a broken mess because that's what it is.
I played an entire campaign in empire and had fun fighting out every battle. I didn't autoresolve once because it had a demand surrender feature. I played 2 campaigns in medieval 2 and both were a constant struggle with terrible mechanics. it's clear that you are incapable of looking at things objectively.
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>Alien Isolation 2 confirmed
>TW40K confirmed
>Total War of 1812 confirmed
What a time to be alive.
The demand surrender feature barely works which is another indication of Empire being a complete mess of a game. You can barely even use AR in Empire anyways because as with most things it's fucking broken. The only one who can't look at things objectively is you, Empire is widely considered to be a shit game and the opposite is true of Medieval 2.
Has Legend provided his thoughts on the news?
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>Legend provided
>Legend provided
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It's up. It ain't much, but it's up.
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>Legend provided
Albion spends most of the time as a fog-shrouded island cut off from the world, but in the modern day their wards broke down and every major faction went their for various reasons, all at the same time.
They were occupied by good guy tribesmen, by the end I think the high elves and lizardmen are on it?
Has Ash chimed in?
Better question, has Heir of Carthage chimed in?
I wish the "legend said" meme was so big that a modding theme made a Basheera + Mung the Terrible mod that follows the "leaked" DLC idea.
I want to play with the Wukong Ru
yes, actually!
i just finished working on my mod, i worked on it for 2 weeks
is it ok to post the link here or is it not allowed?
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So was all the news Alien Isolation 2? I mean that's all I expected from the AI anniversary event but people here are acting like we got more.
No its illegal, the TCA's internet police will hunt you down if you post it
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I literally did that like 10 minutes ago, and do it every time I make a mod.
Go for it.
They said both a historic and a fantasy TW are currently. In dev
Wait, was that Lore of Heavens and Death for Ogres mod you? If that's the case then thanks a bunch anon, I love using that mod.
ok ty!
but pls dont dislike it
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Am I in a fucking ARG or what? Why do you shill it every thread? And more to the point, why do you ask permission every time like you don't know if it's allowed.
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Pain in the ass to get the portraits/portholes to play nice, and likely to be outdated with the next dlc, but my pleasure, buddy.
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Is this a weird troll I don't get?
cheeky little cunt ain't ya
this guy is weird
are you really him? can i make a request for a mod?
Just post a mod request, there are many modders here.
>The demand surrender feature barely works
it worked fine when you were facing a shitty garrison with only like 3 levy units which is the only time you should be using ar.
No promises, I'm essentially done with mod making, but if its like some 5 minutes shit, maybe.
how hard would it be to make all factions of a race confederate to into 1 faction so its just 1 faction for every race at the start of the game?
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Okay, I figured out how to do FOTS sieges. Artillery simply doesn't have enough ammunition to deal with a full stack. If the castle was upgraded a lot, you can do sort of a covert stealth missions with Elite units. If the castle isn't that upgraded, you can clear one section of the wall with artillery or even better sharpshooters and then quickly position your Infantry in many rows in front of it. With kneel fire and high stats you are basically shredding the enemy like you have German MG nests. Doing this does NOT look like Napoleonic warfare. You have like 8 Infantry units being able to shoot at 1-2 enemy levies (because the FOTS AI is shit and often builds levy armies) shooting at the same time with kneel fire, which actually works well in FOTS.

But fuck the campaign is a slog. It takes so long to do anything. You can't upgrade the roads, so you armies are ridiculously slow. And all it takes on Legendary difficulty is fighting 3 stacks at the same time, while you can only afford one.
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I can't wait for the horus dlc in total war 40k
horus looks like a fucking retard lmao
Give me 10$ and I will do it
Isn't there already a mod like that or was it Warhammer 2 only?
Already exists anon-kun, search better
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Deceptively simple, but out of my wheelhouse.
It'd pretty much just be a script that runs at the end of turn 1, or that's how'd I go about it initially.
I briefly meddled with the concept of monogod's confederating their respective CoC through quests, but dropped it.
I'm not a script-guy though, its the thing I loathe most in the like 2-3 mods I have that use it.
Not to mention it'd likely create 'anomalous' results.
The biggest worry is that CA makes a fully-fledged historical Total War and the player base decides to reject it, causing CA to go all-in on fantasy.
>Artillery simply doesn't have enough ammunition to deal with a full stack.
you clearly aren't bringing enough artillery. are you using foreign veterans with the skill that increases ammo?
>Okay, I figured out how to do FOTS sieges.
What I would do as a younger anon was use manual targeting to blast the fuck out of defenders from beyond the normal cannon range
The ammo really goes a long way like that
sorry i cant read that much
changing an entry dosent make you a modder
there are only 2 modders that lurk here
mixu, and the weird asian girl with creepy mods
Tbh he kinda is
Multiple semi-prominent modders lurk here, I confirm that. I'm one of them.
Post Asian girl mods?
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oh yeah? then who the fuck are you?
Is Tw40K confirmed?
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I didn't get trade ports. I realize now that I should have rushed them much sooner. Upgrading the ports isn't as expensive as I thought it would be. It's funny how I had to learn the same thing twice. First I was playing Aizu. But in FOTS the difficulty of provinces being very far apart in eastern Japan has a multiplier of like 10 for many reasons. I don't think anyone on youtube has finished an Aizu playthrough on Legendary. So when I was playing Aizu I realized how import railways were and I realized I should have gone for them sooner. Now playing Nagaoka and realizing that I can just autoresolve naval battles with a cheap early game and casually get easy heroic victories at sea, just like you can get miracle results, when using yari wall with yari ashigaru fighting battles manually, I also realized that trade ports would have been pretty epic for me.

But my playthrough is really something. I get attacked in my capital and a 5-star general just casually defects to me with 80% of his army. He was the same level as my Daimyo. I have never seen anything like this ever. Not in any of my 1000 hours of playing and I have never seen anyone else get a defection without doing anything. It wasn't my turn. How does that even happen?

I always hated that. Manually targeting seems boring to me. I want to play a strategy game.
you should at least attack the ground instead of clicking on the unit directly
Has there been any news at all since the last "uh youll get the pile of violence dlc sometime"
you get the best build in like the first dozen turns if you divvy up the glory correctly
>nurgle wings with mortis engine
>khorne/tzeentch tail with mortis engine
>khorne head with gorefeast
>tzeentch chest with the blue horror spawns
>tzeentch left bracer with the winds recharge boost
you now have a blob melter that can also disrupt range units and jumpstart your spellcasting at the start of battle
not for total war, CA will also be making another horror game but other than that it's just info we already knew
People invoking the grognards are silly because who fucking cares what some scottish puppet thinks. Doesn't he shit on warhammer? And isn't warhammer the best performing total war to date? So big fucking whoop.

>Fantasy Hope
Total War: Hyboria, Total War: Westeros, Total War: The Ring, Total War: Faerun (I've come around to liking this idea for sandbox potential, but WOTC are notorious bitches to work with so nm)
I'm both not wanting 40k TW but I'd accept and roll with the punches if we got it. Just think DOW4 done like DOW1 with a campaign like total war is better.
>Fantasy Fear
Age of Sigmar TW.
Warcraft. And no, you wouldn't get WC3. You'd get the ridiculous marvel slop today.

>Historical Hope
Pike and shot 1500-1700, or Medieval 3.
Victoria Total War would be fine

>Historical Fear
WW1. I think it just isn't suitable.
Another zoomed in focus. I'd be a little hypocritical that Total War: Holy War being Constantinople to Bengal would be nice, especially as a three parter release to do medieval 3. But Total war: 100 years and I'd fucking sleep and not bother getting it until something more got added.
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I have been meaning to ask, to what extent is Immortal Empires complete in terms of individual factions, their soundtracks, their units, their bonuses, settlements, quest battles and etc.?
Is it truly a megamerge of all 3 games, or are there some things not included?
age of sigmar is fine
stop with this bullshit, you've never touched a single aos mini in your entire life
We're basically just missing some cutscenes and the Chaos Invasion
But the Chaos Invasion was replaced by the endgame crises
Wtf who bothers with that gay shit, nta but I just read the lore, and smegmar lore is trash
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And I never will
AoS original models generally look like retarded shit
>horror game
Well, ill try to be positive and think they learned their lesson from hyenas
After I saw the retarded balloon steampunk dwarf model Im glad I never will
vermintide, total warhammer, and now space marine 2 are the only games from the franchise that had any fans or large scale success in recent memory. GW churns out a nonstop stream of slop tier vidya nobody buys because they're not picky about who gets to license shit
>they're not picky about who gets to license shit
One of the oldest myths from this franchise.
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I really want to see stuff like that in a TW campaign map.
>And yet DoW3 failed. Many Warhammer games are aborted instantly because nobody is buying them.
>And yet DoW3 failed. Many Warhammer games are aborted instantly because nobody is buying them.
DoW failed after sales.
It sold a lot then people stoped playing it almost imediatly because it was not what they expected from a DoW.
Everyone I know who bought vermintide or total warhammer doesnt care about warhammer they just like classic fantasy shit when its in a genre I like
I bought age of wonders 4 and TW3 for the same reason, I grew up with LOTR and I like fantasyslop
best-case scenario
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>New fantasy TW
We all knew it was coming
Though it makes psueds sperg, Generica is the best Fantasy setting
This map makes me want to kms every time I look at it
Still more original than the Warhammer map, somehow.
Why would you kilometers?
Not enough mileage.
Isn't this also the updated version and not the initial one with even worse art
>Easy to write for and get immersed in
>Instantly have basic context for any part of the map
>Untold numbers of stories from fiction and real life to draw off of
Enemy Lords that cause players to experience anguish:
Ungrim Ironfist
Thorek Ironbrow
Grimgor Ironhide
Vlad von Carstein
Malus Darkblade
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>starting country for the pathfinder campaign I had that my players loved but was crushed by wagie schedules had just dwarfholm as the starting country
It still hurts every time I see this
Imagine how different it would be if CA was capable of having the AI use magic properly
I defy you to fight him with throgg at turn fucking 5 or wulfrik at like turn 20.
I always get scared of the idea of fighting Be'lakor but then he flies about 500 metres ahead of his army and gets pelted with missiles.
If the ai knew how to keep him at a distance and then charge in once the lines had already clashed then I would lose most of my battles against him.
I am guessing that his Thunderbarge caused you a problem or two?
Grombrindal ended a Malekith campaign I did once
I just couldn't kill him in battle and auto-resolving felt like shit
He curbstomps Malekith hard, especially with that Runesmith of his
And the slayers, and the impossible artillery he pulls out of his ass from his mechanic.
Having the best t5 unit in the game as a summon and the best single-target artillery in the game by turn 5 is just a little silly
At least late game he isnt anything special, just +1 THOONDABARGE as opposed to Tamurkhan being a rape train that can only be stopped by Ungrim
It's makes more sense burger.
Just saw the news guys. Holy dooly. Are we back? Are we freaking back bros? This could be a return to the golden era of Total War (2018-2020).
It has some unused depth guard lines that they probably recorded for artillery pieces
and its undodgeable
thats it
Lords with more than 500 weapon strength:
Crone Hellebron
Who are the lords with more than 500 weapon strength? List them in no particular order, one lord name per line. Do not include bullet points. Do not include any other content.
that's basically just the IE map tho
and I never will, not autistic enough to play with overpriced plastic toys
sparking zero sucks so I guess I'm back bros
I've been maining Pepsi Max for a while now. It just works.
I'm quite sure CA working on a new Historical title and on Aliens 2 was already confirmed.
You're quite sure?
I'm seropositive
how come no total war game has anything close to realistic movement speed on the map? why do my armies only move 3 miles per day? i think the original map style from the first two was better honestly. at least it was half-way realistic and allowed for more field battles instead of wasting my time on endless repetitive sieges. free movement is just a waste of time that doesn't add anything in the way of strategy.
Every turn is several years
Positive means good. Congratulations!
shogun 2 is one turn per season, about 3 months. it would take 20 days max to move from kyoto to tokyo irl but it takes multiple years in shogun 2. every game is like this.
I wish they would expose the full battle creation interface in Lua. I could create a simple campaign map mod that skips over all the boring shit and focuses on setting up interesting battles.
40k bros.. I thought CA's next sci-fi game could be ours.. It's over
40k is fucking trash
Do we REALLY need to fight over the eight peaks? Can't we all just get along?
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No more brother wars
Are you optimistic about the future of Total War?
hasbullah ass looking goblin
>The Future of Total War
*clutches chest and slumps back against wall*
What future?
Never made a navy outside of an autoresolve machine in a historical title due to how dogshit naval combat is.
It would be the same for Warhammer.
Yes I would like a giant ocean map that defaults battles to land battles, because land battles are fun and naval battles are not fun.
I want to love iron hail gunners but they do teerrrible damage for how inconvenient they are to use. It's a shame because they're a unique concept, but they just don't do work if you weren't already going to win. They should have at least 1.5x the speed they currently do as well.
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I wish you at least had to build ships to cross bodies of water instead of having your armies able to just turn into ships instantly.
Because being on an island or peninsula should provide a major defensive advantage.
Guess my lord with the information provided:
As durable as stone
A master of fire
With an upbeat tone
That draws his former apprentice's ire
A master of bulls
A slayer of fools
The goal is profit
For this one true prophet
Cylostra Direfin
they do, this is represented by the near-total movement point loss when transitioning from land to sea
Imagine how powerful they would be if there were a DLC unit
your average tw player recoils at the thought of 12 turns per year, wimpers at 24 turns per year, and shits his pants even trying to imagine 52 turns per year.
>noooooo what about my family tree? my heir has to come of age before I get bored and quit 50 turns in
>any timeline spanning under 50 years is a saga game
You'd be able to do 80% unit damage and break leadership with one shot. Currently to produce that effect you need about 5-6 gunners, assuming they actually shoot instead of a couple troops shooting while the rest shuffle their feet.
>assuming they actually shoot instead of a couple troops shooting while the rest shuffle their feet.
skill issue
Financial issue, my rig doesn't run Warhammer 3 at full 60+fps so my units are less responsive, get stuck in shuffles, and drop orders.
>my units are less responsive, get stuck in shuffles, and drop orders.
thats normal
still a skill issue. if your units aren't shooting it's because you put them somewhere where they can't see to shoot. you can deploy in a good formation and put everyone in guard mode and everyone should be able to shoot even without giving any more orders.
LOL this isn't me but it's fucking hilarious.
please tell me AI isn't tied to framerate...
Where are the news?
AoS would be literal reskin of TWW with barely any content. It's SAGA game at best. They still could announce it next year if their next proper Fantasy title is still not ready, but in that case what the fuck are they doing?
Are there even any characters or places in that setting?
>steals your camera
>start new campaign
>have to change camera setting for the billionth time
Why does this shit not save between campaigns it's so fucking stupid
I only played some of the older games do new tw games ever unfuck the camera? even with it set on "rts camera" it still has the fucked up screen edge rotation. I don't know about you but I've been playing rts since 1995 and I've never played a single one with a camera that did that.
There's a few that are "Warhammer character, but they're a god now" and "used to be a Warhammer character, but they're a ground marine with no memories or personality now".
Also Gotrek. Gotrek's still cool.
There are no new characters worth mentioning.
you mean you don't like the dwarf with the mustache gun?
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Bal'a dash, malanore Anons
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Hold your head high elfbro
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>was wondering for a second why I can't build ships in a city
>checked everything multiple times couldn't figure it out until I realized its a landlocked city
am not stupid!
Sqvire why do those elves have such big shoulderguards?
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Because pauldron fetishism in Warcraft has become as much of a disease as in Warhammer 40k. So everyone gets them.

I know this is bait but I must oppose AoS wherever I go
How do I get into chaos dwarfs?
The reason behind big paudrons in Warcraft actually made sense back in the day as Samwise Didier explain. The unit had to be clearly readable from a top-down view. Hence, big pauldrons, because that's what you'll see for the 90% of the game.
>can't figure out boat go in water
you sound stupid
Is Pharaoh Dynasties any good? I love me my antiquity, but there are only so many times I can play Rome 2.
it's excellent
It's pretty good unless you're gonna get hung up about most factions lacking cavalry.
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Wave after wave hits the high elves in Durotar. Prince Kaedis and his forces managed to relieve some of the colonists but he alone was not able to launch a much needed counter offensive. The reinforcements from Quel'thalas have trouble reaching their destination due to the Trade Coalitions navy. Only a small number of elves trickle down to Durotar, it is unclear for how long they will be able to hold against the growing tide of mercenaries.
chariots are cooler than cavalry.
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Ratfag you reading this?
so cool they've been useless all throughout history and always quickly got phased out of warfare and only used sparingly for entertainment
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I do?
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do you also think swords are not cool because guns exist?
you bloody nonce.
did you have a stroke? chariots were dogshit during the time of swords and alike. not only ignorant but blatantly fallacious. /twg/ for you though sadly
kinda, yeah.
>protect you from the wicked spells of squirefags
but the ratfag is seething about them
chariots dominated warfare for centuries you absolute fucking cretin, yes including when the game takes place
game shouldn't even have any cavalry units and they only added them to appease absolute fucking dipshits like you
read a fucking history book before replying again, shit-for-brains
Just wait till page 9 or 10 ignore the ratschizo if he posts thread
Pharaoh Dynasties has been around for months, and yet ther haven't been any cute Tausret mods so far.
Explain yourself, modders.
Wow /twg/ gets more shitty every year
Have they replaced the generic fantasy barbarians with real Norsca yet?
you dont look like that
it begins
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>kinda, yeah.
No you!
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5.2.7 just dropped?
ok, anyone else wanna bake the bread this time?
with today's update in the OP

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