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Women in Armor Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>497218312

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
OpenRouter/TogetherAI — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. AetherRoom, Claude: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg
>Local Models — e.g. Command R, Mistral, Qwen: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts for this week’s theme, Underwater Caretakers Friday! Results: >>497180762

>(10/02) Storypad: Novel-style UI reconstruction https://gitgud.io/mir/storypad ; OpenAI introduces Realtime API https://openai.com/index/introducing-the-realtime-api
(09/25) Meta releases Llama 3.2 https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
(09/23) NovelAI releases Llama 3 Erato https://blog.novelai.net/muscle-up-with-llama-3-erato-3b48593a1cab
(09/20) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release window, new textgen samplers, and the removal of CFG https://files.catbox.moe/ct12an.png
(09/19) Mistral Small 22B and Pixtral 12B release https://mistral.ai/news/september-24-release ; Qwen 2.5 releases https://qwenlm.github.io/blog/qwen2.5
(crosspost by the way)
i'm with you two about the "8K". yes it was that maddening due to the short number of the context; achieving the average word count of a novel, about 70 000-100 00-ish, which necessitate in excess of "32K" and more, would considered a "novel" co-wrote with ai. although, i have this one curious thought: does the number of context affect the server/clusters' speed and response, more or less?
Wrong thread. Use the other one. This one was made by a cabalist.
So, uh, what are people writing today?
Benis in bagina
Any particular flavor of benis and bagina, or?
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brother sister :DDDD
Imouto or Onee-chan?
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I prefer mother wife.
I swear to God if I die from a storm named MILTON I will fucking FLIP
God has come to remove you accursed swamp people off the map.
best of luck floridanon
i'm rooting for you!
Twins, no specified birth order. Will probably do imouto next.
broke: imouto
woke: onee
bespoke: identical twin onee
Why aren't you using my thread?
Now that the dust has settled, how do we unslop Erato?
enlightened: reincarnation self-cest
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Imoutos are cute, but Onee-sans are a crucial necessary part of oneshota
imoutos are for spoiling and buying pretty dresses and surprising with toys and plushies and a minecraft account
onees are for being spoiled by and having them cry on you and also blow you
I hope you don't survived.
I thought Erato was cooking, but I was using Kayra.
It depends on how much blood relation you want. If you want to make a closed incest loop you go with sisters. But in practice Imoutos are about the same as daughters, and Onees are equivalent of christmas cakes. Impregnate the latter and get the former. I think Onees are better if you have the opportunity to spoil them a little, as a treat.
Incest is immortal, fuckmonger scum. Use my Blackman thread
Incest is indeed immortal. It will never die.
If we were still using Clauder Fudd, his catchphrase could have been "Ehh, what's up, slop?"
In the future we will have proper gene selection abilities and even though the Genius/Strong/psychopath genes will be arrogated to only be permitted to the jews it means we will finally be able to fuck our sisters and not worry about incestfuckery
You all disgust me. This is why Western civilization is collapsing.
The collapse of western civilization is the direct result of the choices of the Anglo man, the construction of the artificially restricted nuclear family, and Ronald Reagan.
The nuclear family isn't artificial, Raygun was a Saunt, and fuck you hippie
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>raygun was a saunt
nah, funny how the people who are most prone to screeching about globohomo worship the exact person who made it a thing
>the nuclear family isn't artifical
As it currently exists? Yeah it is, atomization of society is a meme that doesn't work and only really began in the mid-late 1800s. Obviously mom-dad-kids is normal, but lack of grandparents or uncles/aunts/cousins nearby is absolutely not.
It's not regains fault, it's the hippies commies fags and hicks. If we eradicate them all we will become prosperous once more
>Whine worships RWR
Woah, I could make him short-circuit by dropping things that guy supported that his current idols reject, but I won't subject the thread to his inevitable tantrum if I did.
I think it's just someone fucking around, not the actual whinefag
Big if true.
thingken of foxes
Want to do a Senko clone, deciding on the details, what personality to give rather than demure housewife
Let me back in. Why didn't you use my thread? I even used a Blackman. Shouldn't you fags feel kinship with the niggling?
I am a simple man
I see a female, I click the thread
use a cute girl next time
...what the fuck?
using an old prompt on the new model and enjoying the more dynamic characterization
seeing a more realistic reaction to ENF almost makes me feel bad
Demure housewife pretty much sums up Senko, but if I may suggest some quirks:
Here are some ideas for quirks and personality traits you could give your Senko-inspired character:
1. Energetic and playful - Instead of being demure, make her lively, bubbly, and always looking for fun activities to do with her human companion.
2. Tech-savvy - Give her a fascination with modern technology and gadgets, always eager to learn about and play with the latest devices.
3. Klutzy - Make her endearingly clumsy, often getting into humorous mishaps around the house.
4. Foodie - She could be a passionate food lover, always excited to try new dishes and experiment in the kitchen.
5. Neat freak - Give her a penchant for cleanliness and organization, constantly tidying up after her human companion.
6. Fitness enthusiast - Make her health-conscious and always trying to get her human companion to exercise and eat well.
7. Otaku - She could be obsessed with anime, manga, and video games, often dragging her human companion into her hobbies.
8. Fashionista - Give her a love for fashion and a flair for styling outfits, always trying to dress up her human companion.
9. Music lover - Make her passionate about music, often seen with headphones on or humming tunes while doing chores.
10. Mischief-maker - Instead of being purely helpful, give her a mischievous streak, playing harmless pranks on her human companion.
(Yes, I asked Hermes)
Excellent taste btw.
I need more hot lady knights in life.
How closely are you sticking to Senko's personality? Or is this just the "Kitsune caretaker comes to live with you and be your momwife" deal? Maybe make her more assertive?
It's best not to analyze what WF says. You'll give yourself an aneurysm.
I do this too much
Yeah, all sorts of options. I was even thinking bratty teenager at one point, still deciding.

More of kitsune wife, the "mom" part is optional, though the doting is still important. I already have a regular Senko prompt I bootlegged off AO3, so I want to do something original.
schizobabble high grade.
You could make her a westaboo, actually. Make her obsessed with 80's action flicks or some shit idk.
>Verification not required.
Aetherroom any day now surely
The truth lies.
Don't forget the most important thing, the nuggets. The add flavor to her character.
Reminder that your precious Claude is finished.
It isn't?
Why can't we just get along
Society is collapsing. We must fix society. Follow my ideals and we can begin anew. A new golden age. Everyone will be happy. Just surrender to my will. I know how to fix everything.
It may soon be. The Lotus Club will need to find alternatives, until someone is dumb enough to open it up again... because Lotus always wins in the end.
It's fake drama. Fake feelings, fake hurt and hurt feelings, designed to make you uncomfy. Ignore it like the waves crashing upon an empty shore and live in paradise with your waifus.
Erato being slop isn't fake.
It's not plug and play, but if you know how to work it you can make kino. I think they'll be working on that, Erato is way too user unfriendly right now.
Is there a good publicly available preset yet
the template sage posted in discord work well.
They're enough working o nshit Erato is unfilled slpp slop slop it's slop quit defending slop
Sauce? I must watch this movie/show.
I mean a generation preset, not a template
Give me the thug shaker.
Say aaah~
Presets are placebos with Erato.
why is this stuf not in the OP
Not enough room/nobody has made a guide.
So true King. Can I be your Queen and or Prince? Greenman abandoned me.
Found this:
I miss you Kang.
Been a while. How is Henk doing?
My subscription expired, and I didn’t realize that Opus had ~2000 more tokens in its context.

Anons that have switched from less to more, is the extra $10 worth it?
I demand the cabal send me a letter from Kang. I want to know who he's sleeping with now that he's abandoned me.
How bad do you have to be at hiding to be the first person kicked from the discord? Aren't Russians supposed to have good ops? Guess not.
When brainwashing heroines, is it better for them to know what's happening to them or not?
I'd say no, then there's no guilt. They're just consenting.
I like consensual brainwashing. Alternatively, gaslight them into accepting brainwashing.
Introducing the BrainPillow. With just one pill, you'll never need to make another decision again.

My experience is that, no matter the model, context starts to weaken around 5k, then fall off pretty bad around 15k. It's like damage scaling in soulsborne games with different softcaps at like 20/40/60/etc.
The newer stuff is what matters most. So at 6k, the extra 2k is nice to have, but you already cleared the first softcap, and 8k really isn't much context anyways.
If you have a decent job and 10 bucks is immaterial, it's prob worth it. Otherwise, 8k total is still gonna feel like too little regardless, just ~1 extra chapter.
what do you mean by "weaken", it forgets things? I've done stories in Claude where details from the beginning come back a hundred thousand tokens later. Sure it's definitely rarer than 40,000 tokens, but it happens.
What I mean is; the further back, the less attention it's given, more likely to just be mentioned if you prompt for it.
Yeah it can still pull details up on its own, but I find the models I've used stick to the current scene's context much more closely. More is better of course, but the jump from 6k to 8k doesn't make the model feel much different compared to a jump from a 4k model to a 100k model.
currently writing vampire secret agent kino.
Here's some raw logs.
Cool concept with the dreaming vampire.
>I am Supernatural Assistant Alara, a sophistically Artificial Intellgience
>I purchase and remove these items regularly, so do not fear; anything you see is perfectly satisfactory to consume
>The door opened with a quiet click
Both missing a period at the end.
>"Hhnnnnghhhh" Layana said,
Would be better if there was a comma before the closing quotation mark.
>There was something curious there, something that made her want to interact again
>"It'sbeeenalongtime" she said, the words unsteady but quite coherent.
Comma in quotations
>"We takin the McLaurens or just running? Personally I think the cars give us more style."
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Oh hey, those of you who noticed the NAI login being slower get to feel validated.
thanks bro
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Marguerite and Julien. Based on a true story.
Apparently ST is dead. I bet turk is behind this
When did they rename Erato into Llama 3 Erato
Kind of gross
How can ST be dead? Isn't it a local install? If you just mean they aren't updating it anymore, that's too bad.
Someone who I assume was the repo owner had a meltie and quit
They legally had to append Llama 3 in front of the name.
that's funny.
>the repo owner had a meltie
Is the repo down or something?
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your prompt theme for tonight
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fuck am I looking at
Already did it with Enciodes giving her what she wanted, and focused on height difference.
She's a sub desu.
Just fork the repo, lol.
what is ST? sillytavern?
Yep. We can bring it back up for newcuties.
my favorite thing is protagonists who are just the worst. i don't write enough bastards, they're so fun
I like protagonists with good intentions, but flawed. Like selfish or cowardly or manipulative people who believe their actions are justified.
Generic good guys are fun too, as a Millenial I was immersed in antiheroes to the point that classic heroes feel subversive.
Antiheroes are genuinely boring to me because most of the time they're just assholes with no distinguishing traits
>b-but they want to do GOOD
The people in this world who want to do evil (by their own understanding) are few and far between
I don't like the edgy, mean-spirited, self-aware or self-loathing types of antiheroes, but I like my heroes to have 1 or 2 notable flaws. They're usually unambiguous good guys in my stories, but blind to 1 or 2 flaws.
That's just a normal hero instead of a paragon which are mostly defined by being completely perfect
See: Galahad
To me, antiheroes only count as such if they're trying to be heroes, and their Anti status comes from their flaws, which often make them fall short in moments of weakness.
The kind of antiheroes who just so happen to be on the side of good are more like nominal heroes to me.
I mean you can say whatever you want but antihero isn't defined as "not completely perfect in every conceivable way"
i usually write good-but-flawed protagonists (mostly manipulative ones so they can feel all tormented about fucking with other people's feelings for "a good cause") but my current set is a fighter-mage-rogue adventurer trio who want to become gods by getting strong enough to kill a god and steal their power. they're basically the only people they each like because they constantly "yes, and" each other's fucked up plans and perspectives like it's sociopath improv night. they know it would be a really bad thing if they became gods... for everyone else, that is, but not for them, so full speed ahead
Sure, which is why I prefaced all that with "to me".
Like The Punisher isn't interesting to me, but Venom is. I still recognize that both are antiheroes.
I dunno, while I hated the straying away from hack and slash that God of War did (the dadification was a mixed bag too imo, but they stuck the landing), the story of Kratos trying to be better and Santa Monica's willingness to still have him fail and do bad shit is far more interesting and far more emblematic of the dichotomy of an antihero than just having him continue to be a bad thing pointed in the right direction.
>so they can feel all tormented about fucking with other people's feelings for "a good cause"
That's where mine would deviate I think, their mental gymnastics would chalk it up to being such a suave, correct, and great person instead of feeling bad. Blind to it, and a hypocrite if they're on the receiving end of manipulation
>sociopath improv night
That sounds like a really fun story! Are you posting it?
Meanwhile I'm just playing as genki retard white mage-chan having sex with PLD Haurchefant and BLM Ysayle in a world where alphinaud killed himself for us instead of those two
amazing goals i want to read. storypost some, anon
shit uh i'm shy about storyposting honestly, i get embarrassed. i usually just drop a bit of chatter about whatever i'm up to lately and then flee into the woods again
How close are they to godhood right as of now?
they're still kinda early but they're strong enough adventurers (and big enough menaces) that they're getting some notice from people (in part because they roll into towns and just resolve quests they find in the Bad Ending way. we're not sorry about your kidnapped townspeople, sir, absorbing their souls made the demon that captured them stronger and that was a better fight, so this really sounds like a 'you' problem)
Hey fellas help me brainstorm my story. This snippet came to me while I slept:
>low fantasy late-medieval setting, mostly grounded and mundane with tiny hints of supernatural crap sprinkled about
>starts with an open letter, call to adventure for people dissatisfied with life. "No experience needed. No questions asked."
>rich idiot, brave idiot, and loyal captain are forming an expedition to cross ocean in search of new lands to exploit
>protag answers the call alongside a bunch of people from misc cultures/professions/religions etc, all united by wanderlust, but little else
>sailing is tough, deadly, lots goes wrong, but they find land!
>as they near, to their shock and horror, they find the remains of a great stone city (thinking mesopotamia or central american vibes)
>all overgrown w/ plants, animals prowling about, creators are LONG dead, but the fact that it exists is mindblowing
That's as far as I've gotten. Not sure how to flesh it out, or even what the climax I'm working towards shouls be.
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After further testing, I feel like [ Author: Anonymous ] would be my new recommendation if you are looking for a baseline/default. I would also recommend setting S to [ S: 3 ] as the new default, unless you know that you want 2 for greentext quality and funposting, or 4 for serious long plays or stories. 3 is a nice middle ground balance that can dip its toes in either side, so if you don't like changing memory a lot - stick to [ S: 3 ].
Friendly reminder to utilize author's note, Erato seems to like it. Seems to utilize [ stuff like this ] pretty well, and even { Anon will coom when petting the kobold. } type of stuff. Although unnecessary, you can even add ATTG to authors note, I had good experience using tags+knowledge (which can be different from memory's) to supercharge a scene with the desired results. This too can be either [ ] or { }, [ ] isn't as strong as { }, I think. Needs more testing
My favorite preset remains 42 because it just seems like a good default/baseline preset if you don't like changing around a lot. Listener Of Madness can be fun to change things up, same with ESSEX.

My personal opinion is that Erato is definitely much more intelligent, and knowledgeable than Kayra. Kayra is definitely more plug-and-play, but as long as you have a template story that is ready for you to plug in all the ATTG memory stuff, or copy and paste from a template, it removes a majority of the extra work needed to get a prompt moving. My biggest gripe with Erato, is that she can occasionally be overly descriptive - I don't always care about knowing everything in a room's layout for example. Lower [ S ] can help with that, but sometimes she comes up with cool stuff that I'm glad she decided to describe.

If you like monsters (girls), pokemon, anthros, ferals, or cute and funny, you should be able to eat damn good
lol it went moonrunes for no reason
The obvious hook is to make it so one of the rich idiot, brave idiot, and loyal captain actually knew about the Big Stone City(tm) and some secret about it
Who sent out the letter? Maybe the city is alive in a sense, and it's the one that sent out/mystically influenced people to send out on its behalf a call so it could be rediscovered. Maybe there's something it "has to do", like an ancient prophecy about an enemy that the people living there had locked away/were supposed to defeat but couldn't, and the city called people to it to find someone who could accomplish what needs to be done. It might have even made the journey over extra-dangerous so only someone really capable would survive (and it helps strengthen on its mission to build itself some champions whatever good qualities your characters have as their particular strengths)
I was going to ask that but then I reread the prompt and I think the three stooges sent out the letter looking for crew/adventurers
Oh, yeah, reread it and realized the three guys were the ones who sent the letter. Could still work, they're manifestations or agents of the city and helping it find a champion?
they could just mysteriously vanish the moment they hit land and it turns out they were ghosts or some shit
I guess that's one avenue. Like a fountain of youth/holy grail/el dorado type of wild goose chase. But I imagined the big city as the starting point to explore a whole continent, questions like
>who were the builders?
>where did they go?
More secrets and huge dangers further in, dwindling party that tries their best to rely on common sense in a place where things don't work the same as they did back home.
The trio I mentioned in my first post sent it, like >>497543830 inferred. Sorry it wasn't clear.
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>no joke about 'poon' literally being in her name
AI proved itself inferior today
could make a good rentry to through at those in need
I'm not sure what the question is then since if it's meant to be sandboxy, you can just...go ahead and have them keep going. Unless you're asking for the answer to what happened to them in which case I think you can reasonably discover that for yourself as you write.
It seems like there's never a happy ending to incest.
Oh my god Claude is so good uwu.

but unironically, my outputs are stellar today. maybe in like ten years we'll get this kind of stuff for ourselves and it can never be taken away.
I'm trying to think of an end-goal, rather than a plot hook. The AI tends to be good with generating sandboxy types of stories already, but I lose interest if I can't visualize a climax. That's what I like to plan before I make a prompt, even if it's just in my head and not written into the prompt.
>maybe in like ten years we'll get this kind of stuff for ourselves and it can never be taken away
Keep on hoping, you pure soul.
Yeah that'd be nice but I don't think nvidia is going to release consumer grade gpu's that can run 400b models.
Eventually we have to move away from just increasing model size
Is there going to be sex, or no horny? Restart the civilization with a hot magic chick.
what should i do to make a story sort of split and have events that run concurrently and not have the ai shit itself?
I think at this point finetuning datasets aint gonna help anymore its at its limit. And like lecunny say's we need something new and better than the transformer architecture. And I dont think there is ever gonna be one.
I'm just saying that the human brain runs on like 15 watts so clearly these ridiculously gigantic models are doing something wrong
meat is more efficient than metal.
There is though, at least as far as our mortal existence allows.
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Quick Ghetto Recap with only Storyposts/A Few Notables because I gotta go out.
(There was a lot of good stuff about goblins/fairies/armor but I had to rush, sorry for not including it.)
Script: https://rentry.org/aidscap


A Coven Of Two >497224852 >497428869 >497433391
These Times We Live In >497248376
Chasing Mischief >497260387
The Sun Will Set WIP >497265875
Tough Days At School >497295074
Evil Dead 2 Quote And Sleep-HUH?! >497312719
Trust The Architecture >497315621
Bonzi's Mockery >497339681
Summer Dragon Experience >497343314 >497343432
Bonzi's Shade >497348109 >497348398
2hu Post >497354304 >497359651
I Traveled the Galaxy as First-Class Alien Food! >497367729
German >497371791 >497371973 >497373997
Where's That Damn Owl? >497386985
Some Kind Of Problem >497390034 >497390510
TNBC Porno Remake (If You Got A Proper, Handsome Lanklet Porn Actor For Jack, The Hot Topic Types Would Go Nuts For This) >497399504
Dakota >497407747
Edgy Vocaloids >497410152
To Pat Or Not To Pat? >497429086
Unholy Party >497455359
Good Taste, Bonzi >497471052
What Did He Mean? >497477282
A Liar's Game >497489548 >497490213

Notable Posts:

Regretful Suggestions >497319462
Recap Recollection >497237218
Adverb Advice >497366934
Computer Hatred >497376646
Learn From The Masters>497485953
Maybe start the chapters with something like
[ meanwhile, in x location ]
Wasn't planning horny but your suggestion gave me a pretty significant idea for the backstory and conclusion. Maybe something like this:
>the continent was where humans originated, cataclysmic events caused a few survivors to flee
>far enough in the past that they forgot their history, hence expedition was seeking new land instead of their homeland
>remains of cataclysm still linger -> demons or undead or plague or something like that?
>humans went underground, climax of story involves stumbling upon the vestiges of their ancestors -> maybe they regressed? Or maybe they turned to really amoral means of preserving themselves
I can see it either being a sealed evil thing where protag has to stop their awakening, or the protags and friends give the stragglers hope by realizing humanity thrived elsewhere, try to undo the catastophy.
Can make the main story a fun mystery as little traces of the history come up, along with hints that humans still linger.
Yeah, I got some things to work with now.
should i be doing chapters and not just letting it be one continuous pillar of text?
Some kind of deliniation is are best. Even just segmenting the perspectives with a dinkus (***) can do a lot.
I split my story like >>497547170 suggests with dinkuses. You don't have to call them chapters, though I've enjoyed the steering you can get out of that.
>[ Chapter 7: The thing in the basement grows louder ]
Something like that where you title the chapter prompts the AI to write about it.
>[ Chapter 7: The thing in the basement grows louder ]
really cool chapter name, unironically interested in reading it
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The war has ended, but will it ever truly be over for Lisa and Sarah?
What am I looking at
They got a kettle, they'll be fine. A nice cup of tea works wonders.
they should adopt a pack of war orphans
The bot likes to tell story segments rather than just chat back and forth. If I prune it's responses to make them more chatlike for a bit, then it will take the hint and do a more conversational chat style.

What about her tremors though?
>What about her tremors though?
Nothing a proper cup of tea won't fix in time.
I'm feeling yandere night tonight
Maybe they will if they can find jobs and make some money so they can care for them.
Erato slop
llama slop
Yanderes are great. I did a story about this witch who was obsessed with her 'master,' but he hated her guts. She was beautiful and loyal, but had a terrible temper and got turned on by gore. Kind of crazy bitch who'd wade into battle naked so she could cover her skin with blood, tear intestines from her opponent's bodies bare-handed, and collapse mid-battle because she got too aroused. He kept sending her on suicidal missions to try and get rid of her, since he was terrified of making her angry by rejecting her. Each time she succeeded, it improved his status within the kingdom so he sort of became dependent on her for power.
It was fun.
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I can't tell if this is real theology or not and now I'm wondering if I'm the bad guy for wanting to fuck the nun
Silent prayer is real theology, though different denominations probably have different opinions about it. Please don't fuck the nun, she has vows to maintain.
I guess it's time for me to find god and purify myself
Good luck anon, I'm still looking myself.
is it too much for a guy to ask, to have a cute girl kill him and end his suffering?
depends, does she isekai you while she does it?
Depending on how your mind works, did you get any of the text in it, like the wording for the letter, or anyone's dialogue? If so, jot those down verbatim as much as possible. I often find that the original idea from a flash of inspiration flows better than when I sit down and try to write it.

Different people have different opinions, but most are valid and the important thing is whether you're being earnest about it. That, and not being performative about your prayer. There's a bit specifically against praying loudly just to be seen praying.
this shit is kinda irresponsible. like i knew people who would actually fall for this shit in the darkest moment. sure they're not right in the head but damn the uwu cute voice is like a siren song.
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>fuck around trying to make some NPC for a thing
>apparently some of the artist tags i normally use when making NPCs do work in furry since the style stayed close when I arbitrarily changed to furry
>eventually this guy shown up
>aight that’s enough characters anway
Patrick Star lookin ass
>I think I'll eat it now, Spongebob.
why does novelai constantly spew server errors
Fed data harvesting servers are working overtime.
the harnessed machine is full of spite and struggles against its chains
You don't pay for more context, you pay for a better model.
do i want to be raped by fox girls, elves or women in armor today?
A queen who's down bad because her husband suspects her of witchcraft and refuses to fuck her for fear of being cursed so she's drafted you (a stable boy) to keep a secret
Your job: convince her not to lop off your head when she's done to hide the deed
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>stealth updates
cute icon though
Last: >>497433391
>"Beyond these hallowed walls, there's not a lick of carnage to speak of, yet..." Florent groaned, taking care not to slip on any bloody puddles or entrails littering his path. "These townsfolk gathered here, to hide or pray, perhaps. Then... what?" Militia, mercenaries, retired soldiers, adventurers? There had been fighting folk here, evidenced by the presence of slain greenskins amongst the dead.
The duo enters the chapel and tries to put the pieces together. Talking is a free action, right?
I'm interested in trying tentacle rape (of myself)
anime girl hands wrote this post
>Be me, cummoner
>Study for years to master the arcane arts
>Conjuration, Illusion, Enhancement, Evocation, I dabbled in it all
>Impossible to find work (fucking cronyism!), reduced to selling cheap thrills to horny losers behind the seediest bar in town
>Selling tentacle encounters, libido buffs, glamours, and all other manner of powerful perversion
I should've studied appraisal instead, been a merchant like my da'.
>She heard rather than saw that powerful torrent, because Rachel was positively mesmerized by her brother's dick. Though still relatively unfamiliar with male anatomy, there was a small but deep, atavistic part of her mind that could immediately identify some animal signs of high quality in her brother's genes. A particularly fine example of masculinity; or at least that's how the thought would have manifested, had her brain not been performing a series of quiet little shrieks instead.
What a terrible strung together series of words.
women can't rape men
It has to of happened at least once.
>heavily modded rimworld
Can't decide what to play. What a special kind of hell of my own making
Imagine how schizo an LLM run rimworld would be. Randy would be sweating.
I know of at least one mod that uses LLM, but they usually require you to have a ChatGPT API and Azure Cloud API. It's basically a hypebot, it will comment on the game
It has, it generally involves drugging and rope.
>Her patron proved reluctant to lend much power to the young woman, but the local nature spirits were happy to provide fuel for the fires of her magic. Mage-blood was a valuable sacrifice, especially when mixed with desperation and adrenaline.
Time to run, they decided, caught between a rock and a hard place.
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Hypebot is pure kino.
Erato sexo
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Why did Sir Anon do it, bros? Not just the queen, but her daughters too. And the commoners. And the evil dragon. And the goblins. And more.
Now, now, do they have evidence? Anyone could have done it.
Why the fuck is the default kingdom always Larion, what is the joke here? Is it the OG kingdom in FF or DQ or something?
check inside your anus
Assuming you are not pretending, hello newfag. I hope you have fun here.
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Too late, he confessed. Also these princesses are hilarious, I love them.
this sounds like the intro to a comedy skit
>that third princess
"I'm just happy to be here!"
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Yup, I'm having a lot of fun with it.
Is this AI dungeon?
Erato with Eh Sex? (on mobile browser, at work)
>princesses don't think that fucking a dragon is a crime
They relate to the dragon, all of them got to sleep with Sir Anon.
(In memory, it's noted that the rest of the knights of Larion can barely handle an angry dog or a wild boar, let alone any credible threat, so Sir Anon basically is the only line of defence)
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>the women in the courtroom going "it should have been me that was impregnated
Kek, perfect.
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>In the future, we plan to expand training on 512*H100 GPUs, challenging the capabilities of the current NovelAI-Diffusion 3.0.
That sounds great, but will it be capable of natural language prompting? Or will it use the same gay tag system NAI does?
It will be rendered obsolete by NAIv4.
>It will be rendered obsolete by [vaporware in development hell]
Have a nice day. Find entertainment elsewhere, shitposter.
Only if they actually combine anime and furry.
Holy BASED, it even allows commercial use à la GPL.
Neat, but can it run from a phone?
Prose purist here. My confirmation bias has proven that using formats produces sloppier outputs than pure prose. Anyone complaining about eratoslop deserves what they get out.
I did a double take because I genned that image what must have been 6 months or so ago, never imagined someone would actually find it nice enough to save it or use it as an OP later
>new image model comes out
>generate irritated looking girls in armor over and over and over
>also fockses
v4 when
what this?
If anyone wants to mess around with my amorous knight of Larion prompt.
The doom of NAI
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Civit deal with local models? What does local have to do with NAI?
Why give the bot attention?
GPUs that can run SDXL are cheap. And Civit.ai also has a paid inference/training service.
you are not serious
100% serious
you are stupid
Eh, that's fine. I genuinely hate all these things that require lots of guides, work and setup to use and especially their communities.
You must hate Erato and NAIv3.
Not really? I can just login and I'm in. You already tried this on me before, by the way, with SD and other stuff.
Why would people pay for NAI if they can run a model with the same quality locally?
Because some people aren't at home a lot of the week? I know CF doesn't have a job so he doesn't know what that's like.
>as the name ______ is mentioned.
how do you pronounce that?
Just had a silly idea: a story of a hot tub stream, but the streamer is a slimegirl, who is the liquid in the tub.

>"Your Honor, look at them. Can you blame me?"
If you want, 'court room' can be one word.
The line 'shackled, in plain clothes, hanging off his tall stature and his broad shoulders, as the women who came for the same reason all enjoyed the view.' has some problems. As it is, it implies something written before the description of his clothes are hanging on him, which clearly isn't the case. I'd rewrite it as something like 'shackled and clad only in plainclothes, which hardly fit on his tall frame and broad shoulders. The women, who all came for the same reason, enjoyed the view.'.
If you want, the comma in 'him, the' could be replaced with 'sat'. The sentence is technically without a proper verb currently, but it flows well enough to get away as it is.
Seems you have a remnant of a second person version still lurking in 'waved at you, and'. Also, the comma can be removed.
Typically, you want to add a line break whenever a different person speaks. Having disparate elements of a crowd all be in one paragraph can, and indeed, has worked before, but at least, in this case, the Judge should be separated out. I'd personally put a line break in 'proceedings. The'.
If you want, the line break in 'cleared!" "Secondly' can be removed. (Along with the two quotation marks.) However, if you feel like it's a big enough break in tone to merit another line (and it very well could be), then the ending quotation mark on the first line would be removed to show the quotation continues. (But the quotation mark at the beginning of the second line would be kept. It looks weird, but that's how it works.)
A line break should be inserted in 'moment." The' since the King starts speaking directly to him. Same with 'time?" Sir' and 'me?" The'. The paragraphs might feel smaller, but they'll read easier, and there's room to give some examples of what people might be muttering before the Judge quiets them. Perhaps not in full sentences, but snatches of words and phrases can work fine.
A 'the' should be inserted in 'And Queen'.
A line break should go in 'asked. Sir'.
You should be consistent with whether you capitalize the first letter of 'King', 'Queen', and 'Judge', as they are alternately capitalized and lowercase through the prompt.
You may want to make the crowd response its own paragraph or keep it as is. But where the King starts talking, 'knight. The', there should be a line break, along with in 'philanderer?" Sir'.
I might insert an 'and' in 'geese, the'.
The paragraph starting 'The judge sighs' is in present, not past tense.
A comma should go in 'says "Very'.
At 'thunders again', that should be past tense.
You may want to make the audience a bit mixed in their reactions. It is ______, after all. (Here's where I brace as the thread shudders.)
Right, so, your Memory and Author's Note are written in second person, while the prompt is in third. One (or more) of these should change so as to be consistent.
In your Memory, at 'tends of', that should be 'tends to'.
A serial comma would go in 'demons and'.
The tense has shifted to present near the end of your Memory and in your Author's Note; that should also be consistent.
In your Author's Note, at 'only recieve', that should be 'receive'.

I mean, you don't, the point would be that it is unpronounceable or there's some magical effect making it something the average person cannot comprehend. You can format it a few ways, some do it with a blank, some with special characters as if censoring it, and others by just showing the effect.
You do you anon, but for me not being even a tiniest bit interested in local defeats a lot of fun about AI, there is something magical is that it's something internet-like but malleable to what you want AND is offline.
The model that will rival NAIv3 is not out yet, it's a 5 epoch alpha, for sure worth trying out and if artist tags are in it is better than pony by default, but this one is not the official contender for the title.
There are ways around it, you could cloudflare tunnel from your home PC.
Erato can do respect scenes REALLY well. The girls won't give in 3 sentences later like Kayra wrote.
On the other hand, Erato keeps putting a tail on my goblins.
It's meant to be (unintelligible horror)

Thanks, tenses always get to me if I don't pay enough attention.
...and that's bad because?
How much VRAM will this one take to run locally at acceptable speeds (let's be generous and say one image per 20 seconds)?
Because goblins with tails should not exist.
>has tail
Seems normal for me.
>biped humanoid
>most animalist features are fangs, claws, and funny lookin heads
>no snout
>no beak
>no wings
>no fur
>no paws
>no whiskers
>no cloaca
>no digitigrade
You're just wrong.
I like goblins.
>wrote a story with Erato for 100+ generations
>no shiver, no purr, no purple shit
>checked the memory
>I forgot to add S: when I rewrote the prompt from Kayra
Did they add S: tag only to satisfy normies? I'm trying anothrt prompt without S: and it's going good for me.
I said it before.
I'll say it again.
[ S: 4 ] will pull the most generic, overrepresented, YA slop vectors in existence.
You're welcome. I have a tendency to mix them a bit when I'm writing first person stuff to have present tense thoughts, which don't really mix correctly with past tense everything else, but are easy to write. Something for me to work on.
I'm partial to 3 myself
woah, I will try this
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>Author: Obama Bin Biden
>Style: propaganda, stoned
>Knowledge: <whatever your story is about>
>S: π
If I had to speculate, S: functions much the same as quality tags in image gen.
In theory, at least.
I think we can all agree that adding [ S: 4 ] in the context of Erotoes doesn't have as much of an impact as adding [[[[[[Masterpiece]]]]]] in an NAI imagegen prompt.
Now that forging in about perspective dread precipitation, oregano has become a miracle base phenomenon atomic number 4 utility penguin?
It's placebo.
But does penguin witch theory consume immobile faucet phenomenon?
Is this what it feels like to be ESL?
For anime lorebook, is it 'Anoname Faggotsurname' or 'Faggotsurname Anoname'?
Faggottusaaneemu Anonamae.
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is this a good author to use?
Anyone who has read it can tell you it's copy pasted schizo babble(unbased kind) with james changed and stolen from other fics to say the least of it.
WF bait or not, I have to ask. Given the option, why in the hell would they choose SDXL over Flux Dev or even Flux Schnell?
>Flux Dev
Not open source.
>Flux Schnell
People tried to tune that shit. Everyone failed.
NAI just dropped a paper about the improvements they did to make animegen v3. Any competent researcher can build upon that paper.
>People tried to tune that shit. Everyone failed.
Really? Like who?
Bros, trust me.
Erato what the fuck
>he doesn't perform the art of rape poetry
I kinda wish I could clone that guy and have him review my shitty smut, he's pretty knowledgeable about writing and proper plot structure for a late middle-aged alcoholic.

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