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Previous Thread: >>497612802

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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FUCK your students
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sexy seia thread
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Leave all your concerns to Professor Sexo
convince me to build kaho
I really can't to be honest
I should die
Happy birthday big Seia
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Credit check.
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Why is yellow Ako less popular than Ako?
Seia + Ako
lick seia tits
lick big seia tits
lick big dog seia tits
Hina should transfer
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> Not meta
> People don't read momo cause they are faggots.
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Her rerun is in a week. Are you excited?
Aru is the best girl in this game. I have no proofs, but I have no doubts either.
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My adorable daughterwife Azusa.
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Noa when she realizes that Sensei will never love her and Yuuka will always come first.
I'm really excited to brick myself by pulling her because I can't resist limited banners
Excited to save my pyros? Yes
The only student I regret making ue50. But I still love her.
Already have her at UE40 so no
That's just how kids are now
I'm gonna get both of them even if I have to double spark.
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I used up all my pyros, got me a dumb daughter.
Cute Nagisa
>Aru is good enough for stage 4 despite resisted damage types
Non SHanako purples were a mistake
fucking normalfag
All pantyhosed students owe me footjobs
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Rape Arona.
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I am the only Kaho fan.
How do I make exactly 7 pyros?
same, there's no one I won't pull for, even farmable students
>iphone user
Damn shame. She was almost perfect.
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plana's notebook says to factory reset her not rape her
Mika should die
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Kaya should be acquitted
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It's not an iphone camera setup though?
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So many of my students still stuck in *3 but I ran out of elephs and there's no new banner to pull
Some specific pvp rank
almost all your students are normalfags
>new sensei package offers 1200 gems for .99 cents
Is this new...? I never noticed it.
Oh yeah?
Post your maxed Kaho!
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But anon were all dying slowly.
But I've already gotten rank 1
damn, I shouldn't have stopped the chroma
please ignore this post
I thought it was 500 and you could get 3, or am I thinking of another one?
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go ahead and buy it
When can i roll?
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Cause she is nothing like Ako.
The only common thing is that both of them obsess over a child from their group.
Otherwise she has none of that Ako charm.
Before Seia for sure

>Yellow Ako
>Not shilled
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I was wrong, you're right. I just never noticed it. 1500 gems for $3.
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Total Airi Rape
> inb4 why aren't you +25
yellow ako almost never shows up in the story
Kaho would fuck Chise given the chance. Ako just really admires Hina.
what did she mean by this?
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adrenaline is pumping
ADRENALINE is pumping
Kaho is a cotton candy and wants you to know the best of Hyakkiyako through her knowledge.

She is nothing like Ako.
Kaho's duty is to breastfeed mine and Chise's child
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no way
shiroko is balling
Ahh similar to how /bag/ anons view their mother. Makes sense.
>finally find a team that can gain enough momentum to get 45+ seconds for the last wave
>can't heal fast enough to actually clear it
Fucking anti-newfag purple armor.
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Use Iori or Aru
Kaho would never defile her idol
she raped me
Artists should draw Ako in casual clothes more often
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Total Rin marriage
It's that easy
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this isn't about you
I have neither.
You act like her normal clothes are a mistake
She dresses like that on purpose because she's a pervert
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I almost forgot to claim my platinum rewards, silly me.
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My mother is seventy two you sick fuck.
I am not pulling off chris chan on her.
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>Ako's VA
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One day, I'll finally hear Niya's Nyahahaha.
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Wtf is this shit
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Silence, bottom.
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Friendly reminder to pat your students before reset.
>given the chance
It's not like Chise is very guarded
Any student and sensei could probably trick Chise into sex
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No, her normal ones are perfection. I just want to see her in other variety of clothes as well
My siren wife
this looks like a shop, don't believe him
nom nom
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you're old and he was singing brain power
Imagine the smell…
>the gookakofag is 50 years old or geriatric pregnancy autist
Hey, finally some faces I can recognize.
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>Ako is cute in every dimension
How can we stop winning so hard Akobros?
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Post JFD teams I don't want to watch a video
*Consensual love making
ん。FTFY, sensei.
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> Did a bare minimum 2T
> Plat anyway
Peroro will never not be a filter raid.
>test with 'k'er
>it actually works
so this is what the schizo has been using for his daily seething? totally lame
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Thanks for the free plat
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I am not. My parents just had me very late.
Can't say anything about the pregnancy autism tho.
For some reason, all this time I believed she shared the same VA as current Bulma.
Silly me.
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What server? I barely squeezed into plat with 1T Karin team-comp after a lot critmalding retries.
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toki tuesdays
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I wonder if her and the other one from Sore ga Seiyuu look at Rieri with jealousy now given she became a huge name while the other two have not gotten the same amount of popularity.

Student voiced by Rieri when?
Post teams you useless sack of shit
/bag/ is out of shape
I don't understand Japan's declining birth rate now. There are some Japanese VAs that are in their mid-thirties that still look attractive but they never marry or have kids.

Y tho?
women's rights
Satsuki, next year.
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Ako is an onahole
Having children is too expensive
Ako preferred black senseis
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Asia, of course.
Developed asians are autistics.
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free proxy website "ecker" has always been a disaster for 4chan
news at 10
She can't dress in anything non perveeted
She wants her breasts to breath
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When it comes to the VA industry, you want to maintain an image of purity. I know it sounds stupid but there are some VA's that have had their careers absolutely ruined because people found out they had boyfriends or were not virgins. Otaku's are a crazy bunch.
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God I love using her
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my wife Mika
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This is factor for VAs (and not disputing it) but doesn't mean shit for birthrates
I'm neither this big nor this fast.
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I love my wife.
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Let's be real. It's simply because she's not meta. She's obsessed about Chise like ako is about Hina and has honkers and she's cuter than ako, but she didn't catch on because nobody wants to use her crappy kit.
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Jumby my beloved...
I don't know about that. I feel like a cheery girl like Chiaki is more suited for Rieri. I always imagine Satsuki to sound sexy but dumb
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fat fuck
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What can she do to be a better friend to Lisa and the Sweeties?
She loves using you too
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Off yourself subhuman
Next thread will be better.
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presume away, fat fuck
The reason Ako works is because despite being Hina's cocksucker, her momo's weren't actually about Hina. Her momo's were about sex with sensei.
No one would care about Ako at all if her momo's were about how much she loves Hina
She caught on with people because she developed a niche as a huge pervert who wants to be humiliated and is a masochistic bitch for sensei deep down.
You said that last thread
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I'm not a living dildo...
I have rights and feelings...
uh oh melty
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Uh oh melty
I felt guilty fapping those few times to this guy's sets. Not sure if anatomy is too real or if he draws characters too young.
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Someone posted teams in the last thread too
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Rumi the Rock!
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Stop having sex with cats.
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Has everyone here accepted yet that Reisa's friends aren't real?
I got her the first time around. She's just so COOL, even if she's not strong. Autistic Stacys are the best.
The opposite side to bimbofication on the secondaries coin is toddlerification.
Working with Arius, a group that hates her and her academy, was truly an outstanding move on Makotard's part.
I don't think that's how it works
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Used in top clears of GA Wakaboat.
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What's her build?
There's nothing to do in this game
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We have like 2-3 more months of nothing worth pulling for. Might as well build random students.
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seia wank status report week#53
by next week it'll have been more than an entire year fuck you nexon
I fear for the day that my son will come to hate me for bringing him into this world. Blue Archive.
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Just refer to art of Toki depicted as a hambeast and Neru depicted as a baby.
Why can't all momos show more of the characters' personality other than what we've seen in the main story? You'd think they'd write those better so the banners would be more appealing to whales.

Yes Nagisa I'm talking about you. Stop talking about tea, tea, tea!
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Set status?
Um sir? Did you get permission to repost that?
Anything works as long as Trinity gets destroyed
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saving for the last day
Erika had to suffer even longer, and she already has a model.
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Nagisa (sundress) will save her
Cockblocked by lack of UE40 Sakurako.
>sewered middle finger
I can't believe Hina is a Yakuza.
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That's ai
47, too lazy to learn rotation for next tier for now. And I ran out of credits after raid/drill..
Thank God Hinafags hide their hideous wife behind spoilers
i got that dog in me
oh yeah, thanks. i might grab nagisa... idk yet
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They need to put Makoto, Kasumi, Haruna, and Aru together in the same room. One big Gehenna story where Benriya 68 actually got involved and there's no Hina in sight
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No. It's Hina...
Bro your borrow?
farfie spotted
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Don't forget her.
what the fuck
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I want Koharu to violate me...
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First time?
lots of western slop today
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sit down you'll get to complain after we get Anna
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A banner with both Mika alt and Nagisa alt and still no Seia
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Gyunyu jikan...
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Say something nice about my daughter. Go ahead, I'll wait.
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Babusafags are truly the worst posters
she's got a nice vagina
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I'm fine with the current BA, because that beta gameplay looks like a nightmare on high level play.
And shut up, Erika is cooler than Seia.
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Technically speaking basically every unreleased year 1 character is in the same boat as the story was written in advance.
>steals her jackson pollock crackers
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I am stunned, you caught me by surprise.
Assault and run, you outdid yourselves.
Beaten numb, I didn't see you sneaking 'round the corner, how could I?
There is no sight in my third eye.
We're not done, I will hunt you down.
One by one, I'll blow you all to Hell!
For you faceless, nameless cowards cannot hide,
The day of reckoning will arrive.
Strike from behind and knock me to ground.
Kick me while I'm down!
Stab me in the back you bastards,
Tear my heart out of my chest.
I'll rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine.
From the wreckage
I'm right on your track, you bastards.
A dozen of eyes for an eye, vengeance is mine.
I have dreams of hammering your skulls,
Fantasies of bashing in your brains.
Obsessively, I am watching, I am stalking,
I am following, and then the massacre begins.
cute chibi on the left
both lose to the mysterious Anna also kirara is better than erika
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holy shit you weren't joking about how shit this jfd is
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where face?
>shanako (borrow)
>your dickpick purples
it's super ez tho?
>aoi event
Fucking hell not again
Gow do you guys protect your protaste against her? I hated to learn why she wear the gloves....
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Farting loudly.
Wasn't SHanako the only one I needed?
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>haven't watched any anime for so long that I only recognize only one or two excluding Ako
Manga only reader have made me missed out a decade worth of trivial animu knowledge.
yes but also no
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Hina should Nn
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You said Gematria was my bros but this fucker just bombed me, what the fuck?
That's exactly why she wear the gloves. Cheap cop-out like this doesn't work
just use your strong yellow or blues then
worst case scenario you get -5 coins from a less than ideal time
he got kicked out of gematria for a reason
He's the Pete Best of the group.
he's just playing a game
just joshin dude chill out
More like SHITroko.
the edges canceled out into a relatively soft fox...

And 2 dogs = a fox???
The way she talks is funny
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So /bag/ lied to me...AGAIN?
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Have you not seen the Chise chop? Chise is beyond you.
long hair saibasex
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>didn't break 236,500
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Suzumi alt when
sh-she'll get bond gear one day, and be even better than Neru......
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>Ibuki: 11 uses
>Natsu: 22 uses
>Reisa: 0 uses
Its okay, they'll use you next Perorodzilla.
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shiroko never bounced a ball before this
Going on a date eating sweets with the other kot that's not from the sweets club
sHanako alone is fine for Insane raids but for more than that and JFDs you will obviously need more than just her.
Which story mission is the best for farming Kaiser PMC kills?
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Student for thks feel?
>half the sites I visit today lagging like shit
I didn't know half the internet was located in Florida.
Blue Archive
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I wonder what kind of books Junko is into
Wakawaka or the cats
One of the first ones I'd guess
pantsu ahhhh
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she ate my chips and stole my underwear
I put up my Ibuki but nobody used her :(
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You borrow a 2nd S.Hanako for the 2nd team you idiot.
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How do you go from this...
isn't Milton making landfall on Wednesday night
Did Kisaki being a master of disguises was a thing before the current JP event or have Pikachu never thought of it?
Why Toki and Shiroko are like that?
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I called the HoA on my animal hoarding mother because her cats are pissing all over her new $500000 that she bought with somebody else's money house and it reeks like stale urine and cat litter dust already.
arona should die
i will shoulder this task brothers
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To this!
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How invested was she? My Ibuki was UE40
She disguises herself as a mob during the first Mine/Rumi event
Saw some discussions earlier today about emulators and just reinstalled the game on MuMu instead of LDPlayer, game feels soo much nicer and smoother
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3* 5711 I thought that was all that mattered
I placed ~2300ish with her, was using an Iroha borrow
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What about the third SHanako, bitch?
>use some purple
I only have 2* Momiji
I think I''ll do this.
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wait, I thought SMari would be broken for this jfd and yet she seem like hot garbage even though I heal the whole team.
Am I doing something wrong or what?
The only emulator i've had actual issues with is bluestacks, LDPlayer is completely fine, what happened on your end?
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Where Ogogee banner
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I regret not rolling dAru. Not even for meta, I just want all my PS68s to be together and in my care...
heal over time students are way better, like Rumi, cHanae and Hanako, Atsuko seems to be good but I don't have her
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>3* 5711 I thought that was all that mattered
My rule of thumb is to only borrow UE40/50 maxed across the board students.
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coom in doom
she can't even heal the dummy
spMari's AI is a work of art (in a bad way).
I had some audio and visual stutters from time to time, some days zero, some days very noticable. And lately random fps drops to single digits for like 10 seconds and then back
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Post students wearing dolphin shorts.
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okay, I don't remember if anyone else in the club put up an Ibuki better than mine but I guess theirs wouldn't show if I had mine on my team... oh well I got the plat it's whatever
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she got sensei'd
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Those are the same issues i had on bluestacks, weird. Couldn't tell you why it happens though, maybe its just compatibility with our systems and hardware that differ
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Probably yeah, i played PGR couple years ago on Bluestacks, worked flawlessly, but didnt use it since. Welp, if MuMu will continue working this smooth, i have no problems in switching from LD alltogether
kono gaki
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Off yourself trannyfaggot
unironically looks pretty good
Nice. Got any more of short hair Iroha?
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Arata lookin ass haircut
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You get short hair Iroha, but her pubes are now as long and fluffy as her hair was. Yay or nay?
I mean there's more to the comic, but no
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So true bestie
Post the one where she's stealing my chocolate
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Quoting to the future?
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Miyako needs to just show me her ass.
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Stop posting images
Yes, now we wait and see what I agreed with.
My thousands of years old elf hag wife...
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b4k archive being down really sucks
Miyako is the sexiest. I love her the most.
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Who are the banners after this patch? I want to know if I should spend my GA ticket now or after the next maintenance.
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The only thing you're ever capable of doing is spamming your putrid tranny garbage just like the worthless niggerfaggot you are
Hilarious how you think this shit somehow counts as an "own"
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toki/nagisa then band alts
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Uh oh melty
>shorthairfags seethe when long hair is pushed
>longhairfags seethe when short hair is pushed
Meanwhile I get both. Being a ShirokoGOD sure is nice.
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do you really though, considering thats the wrong eye color...?
Who are you talking to?
>like all hair
>like all boobs
I just always win.
I don't think any well adjusted person seethes at hair length
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no that guy seethes about CUTTING long haired students because he thinks it's like NTR (as quoted by him)
not the idea of natural short hair students
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NTA but I'm talking to you.
There are no shorthairfags
There are only the 3 or so longhairfags that cry everytime someone gets a haircut
short hair is for boys
>you can only be a well adjusted person if you never negatively react to garbage spam
It's one guy, probably you
Stop pretending you have friends to sperg with
It's not.
Who is to you?
There is nothing wrong with posting students.
But I posted one of the iroha pics?
her eyes are purple. dont tell me youre slightly color blind, anon...
Eh, better than the 4/2/2 I was expecting...
Scarecrow gets healed by 6k for each tick no matter how much they heal for. Use Eimi since her heals tick fast. I cleared 4 with 1 team with Koharu, borrowed sHanako Eimi Cherino Hanako Ako
it's literally just long haired students with a different hairstyle
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There is nothing wrong
Speaking as a megane appreciator, I can understand why people get mad at short haired girls being drawn with long hair. When you take a megane girl and take away her glasses, it's like, you already have the majority of girls, why do you have to try and steal the glasses girls too? Let me have something please.
I imagine it's the same for short hair lovers when their girls are drawn with long hair.
there is nothing wrong with your students sending you unwarranted nudes
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good job anon
Bad analogy
Go away elf glasses
Her eye color is correct. The difference is due to environmental lighting.
all nudes are warranted
not from hags
nor girls with short hair
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I wish there were more flat Kaede art. I think it is funny.
what the heck is chihiro talking about
i assed
Agreed. I need it in food analogy form or I can't understand it (I'm fat)
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There is nothing.
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My wife's time to shine
You're sleeping so she's going to rape you
It's like if you're a big fan of mint choco, but people keep taking various mint choco food items and making them without the mint or without the choco. You already have thousands of non mint choco recipes, make those instead of stealing the few that mint choco lovers have.
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Excuse me?
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My wife is looking cute today
she could just ask
lol sensei is just pretending
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Careful anon...
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>Bring Ichika for JFD with Atsuko
>Use Atsuko's EX
>Every 3-5 seconds https://static.miraheze.org/bluearchivewiki/f/fd/Ichika_Battle_Recovery_1.ogg
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What makes Shiroko so cool?
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You guys do JFD?
Music to my ears.
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She just is.
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>There could 100% be a club within Kivotos consisting solely on members streaming and whoring themselves on whatever's the Kivotos alternative of Twitch as part of their club activities.
I need the credits...
/bag/ is a Millennium general
Vtuber squad..
/bag/ is a Valkyrie general
Sensei is the only whore in Kivotos
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Kayoko more like Kayocoom
yellow crafting stones don't just automatically appear in my inventory unless I do Floor 60+ each month or buy the crafting pakejis
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/bag/ will fall
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Don't forget that while Rin and Aoi work you to the bone Kaya offered to lower your workload
Phat baby
its heartbreaking sharing a birthday with the worst bag
A responsible sense would not push his work onto someone else. Go back to jail, Kaya.
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I'm bad chise
no thanks that's communism
Rin and Aoi are sexier though
How did they get away with this but the Neru figure got censored?
rin and aoi working my bone
Good job Chise!
No it isn't
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Happy birthday!
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My precious desert rose.
nice bait
She was going to take all the credit for what work I do though.
One it's official and the other just a fan creation
why is she answering her shoe?
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No, I fucking hate JFD
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Which school would have an Anime/Comic Book Club? That was the one club I did back in high school.
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I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind

It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day

Oh, yes I can make it now the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for

It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day

Look all around, there's nothing but blue skies
Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies

I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for

It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day

Bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright)
Sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright)
Sunshiny day

Bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright (bright) so bright (bright)
Sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright)
Sunshiny day
Good Morning /bag/, I want to suck on Kaede's perfect tits all day
Red Winter basically has a manga club
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oh yeah?
She likes Get Smart.
Fuck, I'm old.
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Enter once
Give up instantly
Still get 50 coins and 10 rocks
Enjoy rest of day
Same, same thing with set, its just too much of a bother, especially since you need to do 3 whole fights every single day in JFD
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Red Winter you dumbass
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Is this JFD supposed to be hard as fuck, it's so tight for me

how funny is that movie I should watch it
but you can't get it today
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Students who are gonna peak in high school and then hit a downfall after graduating?
It's a TV show retard.
Can I get it by the time the next banners come around?
Aru will probably end up as a down-on-her-luck office lady
all of them (except miyako who peaked as a JC)
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This is their way of dealing with people using sHanako in purple AoE content (it didn't work)
it's also a movie asshole
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Zungo did it better
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How come these two star rate up banners are so rare
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bringing Atsuko and sHoshino together to the same fight is maddening sometimes
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isn't it great
Ako will end up as either an HR manger or a moderate liberal politician
Makoto has too much charisma and manic energy to ever not be wealthy. She will make and lose at least a dozen fortunes though. She'll be rich one day, then make a stupid decision and lose it all, only to be fabulously wealthy 6 months later from an equally retarded decision.
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I'm quitting /bag/ until every hour is Ibuki hour. Bye.
there would be pee everywhere though
Keep the door closed on your way out
but you are quitting... hw are you gonna know that it's ibuki hour
Ichika is a rapist.
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I was implying that you should watch the show.
I know nobody wants to see him go, but we cant just lock him in.
>12k eligma

I know i should UE40 some students, but I'm a habitual hoarder.
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Renge is SUPER STRONG for this even just at 3 stars. we will have lots of high energy sex to celebrate
I understand that but you called me a retard even though I didn't say anything wrong
As long as you can still do torments it doesn't matter
she doesn't look so strong in this image
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>"I got raped!"
bitch please
I can't do torments, but I also don't have any Akos or Himari, so I don't think I'm in a good position even if I UE50 my DPSs
I can never have more than 2000 at any time.
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Peroro rewards just dropped!
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nonstop seia hours
Where is Atsuko dancing like Hakari
I can't believe Mutsuki fucking killed Aru
Who the fuck is going to roll on a 2* banner
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she doesn't want me to notice her wet dragon vagina but I could already smell it
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Double Iori
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haha yeah
>meanwhile me who rolled on meru's banner specifically because I wanted momiji only
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what are they gonna do
You were going to get her eventually
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I hate resetting for position in this JFD. No I will not use a reposition ability.
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Beat Sensei
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Iori made me a footfag
Meru is actually pretty based and her hot springs sprite reveals she is pretty stacked can't wait for the official release
whose position is getting fucked up?
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I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
sexy seia
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eventually doesn't mean now
Junga deserved it.
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Prefects are based off Schutztaffelq
Her name is Juniper you fucking retards, 3 years and people still get it wrong
Her name is Bojangles.
The main damage dealer position on second group gets affected by how fast and in what order the first group dies.
Momiji fans don't actually exist
based impulsebro
They’re all my precious students so I am a fan of them all. Except Koharu.
Its June.
Its Jonathan
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She's not my wife but I'll gladly adopt and molest her
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I'm beating up Mutsuki for wasting food.
hi Jonathan
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>job gave me discount on Sam's Club
Guess I'm a true /bag/got now since everyone goes to a similar store here
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if it's not Costco it doesn't count
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Is it against Gehenna's rules to pick up Hina to hug and sniff her all day?
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What if we made a game that was like an RPG but it's a soulslike also it's an autorunner but also it's a roguelike and with pixel graphics?
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I'm using Cherino to make things worse...
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oh no my biggest weakness
Not if it's in private
>hmm maybe if I use Cherino the cost recovery will make me clear stage 4 fast enough
>Cherino runs into the cover immediately so the enemies just stand there instead of coming forwards so S. Hanako can hit them all

I fucking HATE it.
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I tried it now she's latched onto my brain, its over
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Yes. Makoto just made the rule outlawing shit taste
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Why did Millennium disband the Native schools?
With ba chibis?
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The charges, officer?
birth rates had a huge dive during women's rights bs in Japan, that might have to do something with it
And once she shoots her focus fire, everyone moves out of Hanako's healing, and the enemies reposition so I can't hit both big guys at the same time...

Apparently, Momoi's VA got married.
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To me.
>last name is Goku
Satsuki should've been a monkee girl
Anyway the end result is don't use that gremlin.
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lust provoking chibi
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Ugly old hag
Men have truly no standards
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Mor like TARDku
Happy birthday Sensei!
sauce please
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fotm status?
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>Club all about upholding public morals
>Sensei gets into sexually explicit situations with all of them
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I spent years on /d/ and I thought no fetish would be unbelievable to me but now you lost me.
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There are quite a lot of gundam and BA cross-over
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Bros. It feels like I'm being watched.
I am getting a massive deja vu seeing this crop. I wonder why.
What kind of team can I build with this roaster? Chapter 3 is already kicking my ass.
happy birfday
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I post it when someone has a birthday because I like it.
>wasted books on Hanae when I could have just used Rumi
I'll never doubt you again sweaty fox tits
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Finally, my investment pays dividends.
yes come to Rumi
you and I know people are going to borrow sHanako but I want to believe
you might need to take a break from masturbating if you think I'm fetishizing pajamas and not thinking students wearing pajamas is extremely cute
We don’t sexualize the grandma maid enough
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Been really enjoying the game recently. Good events, surprised at how much I like the Chinawank shit. Can't wait for Cherino's alt next year.
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Okay, but what about Hoshino's cool story?
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ogogees cute and sexy little stick body
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Wait until you're 35, at the very least.
I will borrow any Rumi I see.
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Pre-reset cafe tap reminder. You have roughly 15 minutes.
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Rumi the Rock
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There are currently zero Kaho drawings in the aggie, someone draw her
based serina rejecter & chinatsu embracer
It's kind of refreshing to see non-loli Rumi
i tapped them 20 minutes ago my wife
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*teleports beside you*
Like anon said you need at least level 35 to do some reliable attempts (that will need positioning strats and some malding)
Either that or get lucky and pull Iroha and have her rape everything Hieronymous spawns
You don't need that many healers, you can always use Chise or something with neutral attack
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Nexon didn't capitalize on sweaty loli so it's back to the superior Rumi
Will BA ever have another collab with any other Vidya ever again?
Rummy banner in 8 hours
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Don't know. Don't care.
We get Lady with a halo
it came to me in a dream
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Toki Tuesday
Sadly no good Toki dj out there
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>didnt bite the hopebait
What? The jump goes from 7 to 35? That's weird. Even the recommended level is 20
I'll try that. Let's see if that works
BA x Project KV
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Nobody's going to spoonfeed you any, don't even try.
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I saw it don't worry anon
Why would anyone borrow this over the swimsuit cow
That was two months ago.
They're responding as though you're talking about a particular story fight in vol 3, not mission stage 3
>Can only do 4/4/3
>Don't have enough dps to kill the mob
Beside S.Hanako who else can be use for this JFD ? I tried Iori and Kasumi but they aint dealing enough dmg
i love chinese food
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Iori + Haruna seems to barely clear
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Renge. I cleared Stage 4 with her at level 70.
Use Kotama instead of Hanako
ATK buffing is pretty much how you're gonna play this game going forward
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sexy reset
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Let today be okay (T_T)set
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My shitty internet hates me set!
fuck you
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>just did JFD
>reset means doing it again
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so is yours!
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Just finished a 4/4/3 less than a minute before reset, sweeped twice, and got my daily pyros. Phew. I should stop being retarded.
oh well back to the grind
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Enter both cafes. Nobody to pat. WTF?
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>rape my sensei
>he doesn’t shoot cum
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I think we were too harsh on the blueanime
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team for current JFD?
pretty please
skill issue
>her sensei got no cum left
sorry that was me
enjoy nothing slut
Chinese food is really interesting. You have Chinese-American food, Chinese-Japanese food, and Chinese-Korean food. All three of them are unique and completely different from traditional Chinese cuisine.
unfortunate anon
Nn, enjoy those sloppy seconds
just be yourself
Was this made by an AI? what the fuck am I looking at?
I'm currently in 3-3. Damn, the final node of this chapter is that brutal?
I don't know if a atk buff will be enough to push through. I have a hard time keeping the tank alive.
I failed. I managed to get further than before but they killed the someone just at the end (of the second battle, not even the boss).
>someone mentions reposition reset malding in JFD
>"haha what is he talking about"
>load into JFD after reset
>hanako now absolutely REFUSES to move up compared to runs I did before reset
Which healers are good for JFD?
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Skill issue
Poo Archive
atsuko, hanako, rumi
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overworked and underpaid
Apparently there was a change in studio and staffs in episode 2.
Netflix problem
They dint understand the spiral
no fucking way...that is the spiral...? FUUUUUU
it was looking so good....
try this anon, sorry they're low scoring tho

also hanae and chanae
>episode TWO
Aren't there 12 episodes in a season
You need self-heal tank like Eimi, Tsuyuko and Atsuko
My only purple units are hanako momiji kasumi and yukari. Is it possible to 3-3-3 my JFD?
I did 4/4/4 with SHanako as my only purple
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>Noa in 5 different lessons locations today
I'm 4-4-4ing the JFD with these units (actually I didn't even use momiji)
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She owns me.
Eat shit, Toxoplasma spreader
Doxx his ass.
Post other students affection.
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She IS protecting public morals, it's all your fault that things got out of hand!
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she lost after this lol
I only have 3 purple attackers
You only need SHanako and SHanako (A)
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1v3 and won btw
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I am severely lacking in units for this JFD, but thanks anyways.
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From what range?
>level 77 borrow
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>The same NPC is still the FoTM
I just don't get it
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Happy little day, Jimmy went away
Met his little Jenny on a public holiday
A happy pair they made, so decorously laid
'Neath the gay illuminations all along the promenade
"It's so good to know there's still a little magic in the air
I'll weave my spell"
"Jenny will you stay, tarry with me pray
Nothing 'ere need come between us tell me love, what do you say?"
"Oh no I must away to my Mum in disarray
If my mother should discover how I spent my holiday
It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air
I'll say farewell"
Oh Rock of Ages, do not crumble, love is breathing still
Oh Lady Moon, shine down a little people magic if you will
Jenny pines away, writes a letter everyday
"We must ever be together, nothing can my love erase"
"Oh no I'm compromised, I must apologize
If my lady should discover how I spent my holidays"
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>page 4
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you need to wait... there's still nothing new yet
>Kaiser mobs from story battles don't count toward event task
They really expect me to waste AP on the early stages?
Any automatons count. I got most of the required amount from farming Area 23 and the rest from Bounties.
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>page 4
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bricked up for toki
Child pussy just hits different
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you guys suck
I think 1 sweep of 5-4 is enough to get 100 mobs but I'm not 100% certain. I was farming low level items and after 1 or 2 sweeps I got the notification that I completed the task.
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Sorry, I was doing JFD
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Blue Archive X Touhou when?
I randomly threw away 100 AP at Mission 5 and I already have Day 7 already completed which is 400 mobs
it's not that bad, and I just randomly threw a number at it so it probably costs even less
nya nya nya
YJK type of students?
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Midomo more like Midumbo
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no u
who do I focus on lvling next, Iori, Kikyou, NY. Kayoko, Ui, Serina, Koharu, or Ichika? or do I save and hope Ako is coming?
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5-4 is the highest but it wasn't quite 100
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nyKayoko is the cutest so level her first.
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>page 1
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you can't do it like that!!
seia archive
>seia has no sag
>seia cant even be in her own general
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Bleach mentioned!
I like that idea
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Cunny Hunter Shunnywink
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small sag!
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My golden retriever wife!
>uzawa sexa
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JFD teams?
be urself
take sHanako and ignore the gimmick x2
It depends on how new you are, what content you're attempting, and what the rest of your roster looks like. But probably Iori.

NYKayoko, Ui, and Koharu are both useful in raids, but as supporting strikers they only need levels to survive, rather than deal damage. And if you're new enough to still be doing things like Missions and Commissions then they're not as important yet.
Kikyou and Ichika are low priority. Though, I suppose Ichika might work for missions if you're low on blue attackers, in combination with Ui.
Serina doesn't need much levelling to do her job. Obviously it matters but generally a support slot character, even if she's a healer, can be underlevelled relative to the strikers on the team.
Meanwhile Iori is one of the yellow queens (and not just in the negress sense). You will use her all the damn time for anything yellow, and in a pinch for blue and purple too.
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Allow me to play double advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts, instead of making a half-harded effort. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like its a peach of cake.
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Didn't read
Shuro cunnilingus
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Sensei, your skin looks kinda dry
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sHanako and the child
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>run the file to automatically disable Hyper-V/VBS
does anyone know if this shit is safe to run?
Cumming inside Kei while she analyzes the properties of my thick semen which she is currently taking in. While also positively commenting on the reproductive capabilities of my member and estimating the chances of her getting pregnant. Then she proceeds to announce with a poker face that her fertile (robot) womb is fully ready to receive my more than healthy seed. Her bedchamber had made all the preparations for the imminent fertilization. Her processors are about to receive and experience pleasure like never before and yet her calculating stare is as cold as ever Yes, those emotionless red eyes of hers It feels like she is scanning me, collecting data of every jitter, every slight movement of my crotch area Her expression tells me she couldn't care less, yet she continues to closely stare and observe I wonder what kind of data regarding our compatibility has she already found?
To begin with, the overlapping contrasts of the whole situation is enough to make me go crazy. An innocent childlike body, yet strong, artificial and calculative in nature The genius AI-mind that could, without a doubt, control whole armies of machinery to destroy everything in its path, is now using all of its unimaginable processing power to satisfy the body of one single man This small in stature, yet monstrous in reality, mechanical body of a little girl is currently doing everything in its capabilities to fulfill her one prime objective of making me cum As if it was solely made... As if it was solely CREATED by the beyond-genius minds of an ancient civilization for that exact purpose It has the capacity to destroy her partner in a fraction of a second, and yet it chooses to make love together with me I think this is the hardest that I'll ever be. Releasing right now would ruin every other woman for me forever It feels like her insides were constructed to make a human male ejaculate as hard and as vigorously as possible inside her womb There is no way I can hold on any longer
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any albums besides picrel that Sensei would enjoy?
It's over
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3 people itt asked for teams already you guys have ctrl-f right?
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sorry I don't speak thai
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phew, another hard JFD
last night, i jacked off to this pic. i came to the idea of playing with her pussy under the guise of cleaning her, which she happily obliged to
is it better to do 4/3/2 or 3/3/3?
idk what that mounting shit is below all the dism lines but I'm pretty sure the stuff for the first few lines will just turn off everything in "Turn Windows features on or off" control panel menu, so just go do that manually and not run that
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Thanks Farfie, very cool.
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I don't know. I could probably do 4/4/4 I'm just very lazy
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Please stop telling us about your masturbation habits, especially going into excessive detail like this. It's gross, uncalled for, and inappropriate for /bag/.
Do two different mocks and check which one gives more score.
check if 4-3-2 reaches a higher threshold than 3-3-3
i assume it will be similar but I don't know how much score the 2 gives atm
should i come in here every day to tell you guys what i fapped to the night prior? it's only one post per day...
I will jerk off to Saki soon
based ibukisex haver
I literally can't even clear the level 25 jfd, jesus christ
>barely killed the images
guh phew
now post that gif/webm of her in the bath doing magic tricks in front of me
Did you heal the dummy?
kanabun is pretty good
proof that nobody likes kaho
I miss my niece
is that how you're supposed to do this? fuck
Niya and Kaho being in the same club means they directly compete for attention, and I would rather Niya.
you're so cute *smoooooooch*
technically you're supposed to tick heal your teammates to heal the scarecrow unless you have a maxed healer which I don't think anyone here expects you to have but yeah
based FarGOD

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