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/pet a FemHroth edition!
>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 9th, 9:00 PM EST | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi Movie and Inu-Oh >>497338807
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>497624153
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929

Previously on /xivg/: >>497623979
catboy supremacy
Catboy supremacy
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My fiddie looks like this while she debates fantasiaing
Finger-pumping lalagirls while patting her head and praising her for taking it so well.
I'm a sunnie+ who just rejected a council maliddie, expect an uptick in futa hatepost.
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NVDIA deleted my game filters and now the game looks like a shitty dramatic french movie. What are your filters?
how do I fix this weird issue with glamourer? it's not applying people's data from mare and it's been happening on and off for the past couple days
Would you still like my femlala if you found out I'm a 230lbs /fit/fag irl?
Eb status
This nigga is about to start namedropping himself
sorry sis but all malidies only like male cocks
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>Got Tank Busted as a WHM and lost out on my duel chance
Yes, Sun Rosa. I love you, not your lala.
My moonie can sense there are other moonies lurking in the shadows
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How do I fix this weird issue with this thread being filled with porn brained gooners?
Be like Clive and Jill, hetrosexuals in a loving relationship modestly dressed.
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my femra is built for rough mating sex!
update it to 1.3.2
I'm black guy
playing a white fiddie
yes she has a dumpy on her
no I won't post her
My moonie feels called out by this post...
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goddess and her hound
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Thank you for updating the backlink OP. Very cool.
Sun Rosa… I will take your hand in marriage…
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I'm on 1.3.2 though...
Post the PAWG fiddie goddammit
Let's eb
then others need to update theirs
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So true. Agreed bigly.
giwtwmy fiddie doing that to a femlala
South Americans, specifically Brazilians were psyoped by the CIA into being a testing ground for the feminisation of modern men.
No I'm not going to elaborate.
Anyone else hit their weekly male character quota, or cap to be more accurate
I need to wait until this weekend before I can post mine again


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hag supremacy
No, as in "yes I am"
ovulation status?
No. I'm addicted to bwc and know she won't attract bwc lalaboys
okay so it's my dumbass friends and not me then, I was worried
femezen when they hit 40
She can see you. Your moonie is not safe
i thought that was the old man elezen face at first
max height and bust thighlander save me...
my femroe comes with heated and cooled seats, power mirrors, reverse camera with parking sensors and other convenience options.
except a heated steering wheel...
Will the Ex trial drop 715 weapon or 725 weapon?
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>characters being deleted at random
>Kate getting death threats
>sub growth at an all-time low
Can it get any worse for Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.?
Hey sis, maybe you should reconsider. Your character satisfaction comes first and if you're not happy then I think it's wort-
a random femlala regen'd me
am I doomed bros?
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Harassment is mean and wrong. Anyone who does it or justifies it is not a nice person and I wouldn't want to spend time around them. Why do so many people love hate and outrage? I think it's exhausting being mad for too long or too often.
The japs kinda invented the whole 'kill yourself' thing huh
Jamslop would look better if he didn't have severe sameface syndrome.
>I paid the price, now die!
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That's... a rather personal question, Ser. Care to ask another?
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Mine cannot see yours..
It is an even fight.
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Reminds me of Fuchi from Junji Ito
Just goon it's okay as long as we can goon, I don't care about content updates all I want to do is goon
I'm glad the malera stereotype exists so I have an excuse not to socialize
god damn i love thighlanders
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it's that time of the week again mr anden
I'm not that femlala, but he's also a /fit/fag? Might link up with him, then.
Yoshi doesn't play the game anymore he only logs in to goon with his modbeast character. This is how bad things have gotten. He only uses xiv to coom.
>>characters being deleted at random
I’ll take “Shit That Isn’t Happening” for 600, Alex.
What EX trial?
He benches 300
Yeah maybe I should continue just cope-fantasiaing by using glamourer. It's not that ba--
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I am now accepting suitors for my new femraen
Only malera need apply
My moonie is not the brightest but your moonie math doesnt seem to add up..
Fertility status?
yeah i posted mine twice this week so im gonna have to wait till next week to post him again, especially shirtless like how i was thinking
The Interphos Extreme, coming with 7.1
See >>497631925
Always do red chocobo on a tank with bloodsucker + reflect if you want to get the duel. It's pretty much the only options, since otherwise you get tankbustered or die to a solo stack.
Who the fuck is Kate?
She said she was born with "masculine features" shown most clearly by the horns. She's a futa but the large clit kind
An infamous femlala from /xivg/
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My bad hehe...
You didn't put the ":3"
Who hurt you..
My moonie never did math, even basic addition can muddle her mind.
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I know one of the lonely fuckers in this general would be having a legendary meltdown if their toon got deleted so no fucking way that's act happening
Any free use lalas at LB14?
Moonie milking time...
My dick off frame throating this moonie and bulging her collar
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What now?
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>becomes alternative
>refugees are coming back en masse
>literally copies good parts about FF14 and enhances cinematics, allowing you to actually walk with npcs as they narrate instead of backtrack to 4-5 quest markers to progress the MSQ
>is multiple versions of itself
>1 sub = 5 different games
>subs at all time high
>11mil parses in China alone
>will stand the test of time
>Metzen.png retvrns
>extremely hot antagonist
Why does WoW keep winning bwos?
All of them are
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Hello I have a item/raid question:

Me and my static are progging Aloalo savage, and because we're kind of bad, I want to pump up my gear numbers as much as I could for better odds.
I know getting BiS usually involves getting a mixture of tome and raid gear, but what about next-expac white gear?

My specific question is: Does using gear above the level of the duty but below the ilvl sync shear off materia bonuses?
For example these white crafted pants are lvl 94 which is above 90, but ilvl 663 which is below the level sync 665. If I were to pentameld it, would the original substats + materia substats still stay the same in duty, or would I lose out?
This is true I really wish outrage culture wouldn’t be as prominent as it is
looked like a femroe in the thumbnail
For sure, lesson learned.
What boob mod
NTA but you expect us to believe someone on 4chan without any proof?
As I type this, I realize just how many people will in fact, believe this.
I didn't want any connections to be made but it seems it's too late for that :3
I’ll take “Shit That Still Isn’t Happening” for 1200, Alex.
Name, DC and EB status of that moonie?
i said, "god DAMN i love thighlanders"
especially this golem
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Anything good from the Australia live letter with yoshi-p ????????????????????????
you leave like a reasonable heterosexual in a loving relationship while moderately dressed
>bench more than him by 15lbs
Heh, I win.
what if you knotted me in wolf form anon..
I hate hrothgar. I hate them.
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>Noffletoff making animations specifically for the bench gooners
Your moonie deserves another braincell but my moonie only has one so she cannot share
it'd have to be a level 90 item to work
Yes it turn offs the materia bonuses, which is lame as fuck, I was looking forward making a dope BiS for Aloalo Savage.

Best thing you can get for Aloalo currently is EW third tier BiS+Relic
Stay fiddie please... I think you're adorable sis
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if I don't get love bombed by a cute femlala in the next 24 hours I'm gonna kms
I bet you also don’t believe that Macchi raped someone’s kids or that Val and Proxy are frequently plapping. Not a good look!
why are you all obsessed with sex?
>WoWfag copium
He personally takes care of fuats there sometimes, so why not.
Uranus Redux!
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Me. Femlala.
You. Ardbert.
Noff not only is a known gooner from years ago but he's a former /xivg/er and still hangs out with older xivg posters.
Because it feels nice, like good food or a deep rest
Yeah I should have probably taken a different snip..I deserve this.
You need to message me, you shy schizo..but that's much better :3
It's so nyover..
I’ll take “Historical Inaccuracies” for 800, Alex.
Literally nothingburger.
>stupid easy questions that nobody literally cares about
>still defends dawntrail like a fucking cuck
>Posted a stupid chart about amount of accounts created showing that ff14 is in it slowest period of account creation (basically mean people arent playing the game)
basically he fucked up and goes on apologize tour instead of returning japan and working on the fucking game
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Didn't read that but Hardcore Classic is coming back soon so I'm ready to jump ship for the better lalafells.
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>Try viper in M3S
>Burst is in final fusedown
>Can't see my fuse timer because my character is spazzing out
More than ever I wish it was a debuff icon
what sculpt is this?
What did I do...
Based modesty appreciator.
Cringe ESL gooner.
oh, one thing i'll say though
unless your group is somehow failing the relatively low dps checks it's a lot comfier to go in with higher gear that syncs down to 665
the survival checks are considerably harsher than the dps checks (which barely exist)
with dt food and pots and the existence of pct the entire thing is kind of a joke now
>better lalafells
>posts that
Lmao even
why are you the only one with a shadow
I mean I was actually just going to change my face and stuff. Nobody sees her face, though, so I believe you are Lying.
>Posted a stupid chart about amount of accounts created showing that ff14 is in it slowest period of account creation (basically mean people arent playing the game)
Surely that means they will stop pampering and protecting new players and focus up on the current veteran players instead
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based post
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I believe it's a private one this person is making themselves
Are you a faerie?
I fap to my femlala friend regularly...
How would you know? If you’re a sex-haver you don’t belong here. Don’t you have a Stacy to knock up?
In a way... Would. But she looks like she would destroy me with her bare hands without even getting a single speck of dust on her clothes. Extremely experienced.
Worry nyot my moonie is cunningly brutal and will find a way to acquire an extra braincell for your moonie for a price.. some /pets
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Anyone want something crafted for them?
is she a lewd lala?
>People wont believe things without proof
Yeah can I get uhhh....20 gemdraughts of strength
Me too but it's Chi Albarea
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Malelala x Femlala
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>Viper Awaken has blue aura
>Associated with venom
>Which is associated with the colour Green
>Viper is given a Blue aura

>Throne and Liberty
>Has a similar class you can build to Viper with movesets
>Double blades
>Fast moving
>Skillsets have a Green aura

I'm so fucking mad. How can a shitty KoreanMMO understand Jobfantasy/ Role fantasy but not FFXIV?
Gnomes >>>>>> lalas
I play short races for pvp and because they make a funny sound when they die. I don't play short races because of thinky veiled pedophilia. I don't play them to join discord cliques with other pedos who have filtered their responses behind 5 different layers of mental gymnastics.
why is this allowed to happen
they should just trust me

mine isn't but when we're talking together and she goes afk thats when i start the fap
she is...
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SIRS all my shaders look like shit now

I need good shaders for my screenshots
can you craft me a pentamelded summoner book thanks
can i get a set of jewelry for tanks
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craft me an EB ring and EB me
so fucking over
>passes out
>sleeps for 3 hours
>wakes up to my upstairs neighbors sounding like they released wild horses in their apartment
>still hears the banging and stomping after taking a shower and making lunch.
Someone put me a horrible mood today...
It's more absurd that Viper doesnt has a poison DoT, or well it used to but it was "too hard"
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Alright well... I did say to ask something else...erh... able to conceive?
You play short races because you're a pedo.
Before they give hardcore players more content they need to bridge the gap between normal and extreme difficulties because there’s nothing there to prepare players for the jump in difficulty. Normal mode is too easy and Extreme trials just get harder and harder as the expansions go on.
Would femlalas use shopping carts like on the left or right?
Can you craft a good day and a feeling of contentment? You can keep them they're for you, I just want to see you make them.
i do that but to a femra
y-you filth..
Ah, that sucks... thought I'd finally figured out a good use for white gear but that's a shame.
I guess the most I can do is attempt P9S for accessories, though I've never raided anabaseios.
I see, I see.. thanks for the insight. My group's dps are viper and machinist so we don't have that advantage, but at least food/pots should make for easier time.
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Don't fucking remind me, Gnoxious Gnash being removed after one single month of the class being released is still absolute fucking bullshit to this day, didn't even let it last long enough to hit M1S.
My Queen of Skatay...

Do you like Veena+?
XIVG is too coombrained to understand what pvp actually is. It's sad really.
The gap between normal and ex is making it through a 16 minute hector guide.
no wait
No way people are gonna spend $7.50 to e-fuck man
Boy ain't no way boy
I shouldn’t have to watch 15 minute long guides
>he's looking at their faces
Yeah, don't show off dogshit wow models like they're any good
>16 minute
Too long
Ain't watching or reading allat
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Ok, where would you like them to be delivered?
I can make you the book but I don't wanna pentameld. Is that ok?
Yes, where would you like it to be delivered?
Sorry, I can't do this request...
lmao I'm not sure if I can do that either...
>11mil+ chinks for one version of wow
Do you guys think if they launched FF14 Classic but all it did was give you HW/SB patch progression and jobs back, do you think people would play that?
i don't want to do homework to play my simon says game and then wipe because some catboy healer didn't do his homework
What's funny about this? Do you know where you are?
I am a INFP femlala…
Here comes the mental gynastics
just find the nigga and steal it with snap plugin
People would play it for a week, realize how awful those eras of the game really were and come back to the main game
>Yes, where would you like it to be delivered?
can you reach aether? if not i'll hop on over to some other DC
people still play on official xi servers and pay for them
No. ARR/HW actually sucked so bad
Most people aren't just running around paired with randos
guides shouldn't be twice as long as the fights they're made for
enough people do for it to be profitable.
and the rest just get it for free easily
I don't dwell in extremes, anon. I'm not some chad thundercock fuck-24/7 meathunk.
Also I cannot stand most normies just as the same being surrounded by insane virgins gets annoying, it's a lonely existence for sure but meeting good people in both sides is nice enough to keep going back and forth.
Ah so the noffletoff I see by the bench while I'm sleeving is actually this guy? Damn, I wonder if he'd let me hit that.
No way.
can i have sex with ur femlala
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indie company please understand
My femlala would send you screenshots to help out…
They look silly and cartoonish. Perfect for an MMO about doing content. FFXIV lost the plot by catering to lolicons and shotacons with toddler-shaped retards.
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No because HW fucking sucked
Can you craft me a way to enjoy crafting so I can finally max them and get dopamine from making things for others and giving/selling them
My moonie does not enjoy playing ast but the artifact gear looks cute so she is going to do a roulette as ast
same but to a femraen and she knows
All xiv has to do is make a system that syncs characters to an expansion
Don't even have to make random servers for that shit
Just lock a character to their skills and abilities for an expansion
How poor are you?
I wish I could lift this heavy again... Getting old as a haglala sucks ass.
extremes are the gap between easy and hard content though
and it wouldn't matter if they added another step inbetween because casuals are already complaining about normal content being too hard
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I went to check and no I can't visit aether right now it is locked down
Left if shopping with their eb, right if alone.
Would you like a femlala to do the same for you? I'm feeling jealous that they have someone and I don't..
I'm not paired with random people
There's a new version
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I mean I have taught ex trial with just party chat in some fresh groups
we are all adults here, it is not something impossible to learn in a lockout
Aight then let me hop over toooo Crystal, Mateus, Shirogane aetheryte?
Did you anons watch YoshiP's Melborne talk?
He didn't look as confident and confident as he did at the Tokyo Game Show. Even mentioned a few of the grumblings of criticisms that people have said as well which kind surprised me.
Why is it so easy to upskirt Lalafells?
Still new to this game, but noticed how easy it is to see underneath my lalafell's skirt whenever she jumps and rolls from the bed.
Aren't their looks supposed to resemble children?
As a human, would kissing an adult lalafell woman on the lips in public not be frowned upon?
Would it then be acceptable to have children with them?
Can you share the repo?
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need me a bitch like this
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>check xiv piracy mod website
>see this
she cute
Sounds good, take your time though because I gotta get to crafting your accessories
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>Sorry, I can't do this request...
then its the end of the road for me...
Chi does it to my femlala
It's over...
yeah kinda.. i'm too shy to be openly lewd though
I'll park myself there then, initials ON
Crazy stuff
I get paid $30 an hour, it's just a matter of principle.
Instead of spensing a price of a starbucks coffee on an e-fuck animation where I pretend fuck grown ass men, I choose to keep my money.
I will secretly send you lewd images of my femlala..
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>most jobs are shit or straight up unplayable
>half the battle content sucks and the other half you've played already every day for past 10 years in roulettes
>non battle content is either the worst thing imaginable or straight up doesn't exits yet
Why would anyone want FF Classic? Vanilla wow works solely because blizzard removed 99% of wow content over the years and then went all in on borrowed power meme, so no new content ever stayed for more than until the end of the expansion with most of it being 1 patch only thing
Need a femlala to lovenuke
Is Hodrick x Chi happening?
At least I'm Copenhagen and not Seethenation like the rest of this thread post DT. Just play another game bwo, you'll be happier :)
Everyday, the same people in this thread the same posts, the same masturbatory comments and cry for attention.
It's encouraged to dick down femlalas. I'm pretty sure they even have a tutorial at the start of the game on how to get your own femlala onahole.
Post your male characters and be judged!
Well aren't you a morally upstanding chap. Makes one wonder how you ended up here.
Ah yes, the shitty gacha model of pointless grindy dailies and content that's all about numbers and 0 mechanical substance
That game is better enjoyed by consuming the fan art like any other shit game with characters trapped in a garbage game
Now that you’ve seen the general for what it really is you can have fun shitposting in this dumpster fire of a general
Femlala Courtesans and Girlfriends are commonly seen sights
Poor excuse anon, just be more consistent and you'll hit those numbers again
>cry every single patch that your skills get locked level range when in roulettes instead of giving you full kit
>also cry the game doens't lock you to the expansion at all times
kill yourself
Same melties treating this as new.
i am a femlala

that woke up in the middle of the night after eating 4 mcdoubles a few nights from doordash ago to leg cramps

i will be ordering more for lunch today
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How can a malezen hook up with this highest quality thighlander?
tubby go for a jog
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She looks like the announcer from tf2
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Where is Rori Chan, I need to pump
i would play sb probably not hw though or at least not for very long
can you make me a set of level 74 crafter gear...
This is the fork, I actually haven't tested it yet so I guess I'm unsure.
It loads though. And you can find it through the Snapper github.
HW alex raids were BRUTAL but yeah it would suck.
Give us bowmage back.
I'm not morally upstanding, I just find that to be crazy. I download mods because they're free, but spending money on mods will always be crazy to me.
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Why are the poof things on the sleeves like the maid outfit and this outfit scaled so badly on femhroth.
It could be like with blu where its locked put of standard pool roulette and only people in the expansion lock can queue together
I just want to go back to stance dancing in stormblood raids
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>wowtroon nefags don't remember the HW/SB schizos
If you think the current expansion is idling simulator, then imagine HW/SB where the only reason to log in was raidlogging or to melt at someone else's raidlogs and nothing else.
Yes, I can do that! Just let me know where you want it delivered.
So if I get shaders, will I see the overworld in that shader, or is it just for screenshots?
t. Newfag retard
I already posted him yesterday
Nigga you're playing a game where all the content is either a visual novel or Simon Says. You can't throw stones
I'm an INFJ male aura
oh you meant me as the..
i gotta go
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Off topic.
why i will just get more cramps
I'm already posing just for you...
>the only reason to log in was raidlogging or to melt at someone else's raidlogs and nothing else.
Sounding awful similar to DT here
I am currently 29.167% through weekly reclears. Time for a nap.
Sorry its more popular than the nipponese jrpg game about gooning. The chinese have spoken. We like this. Creating uggos is great for wpvp because your victims have to live with the fact a 2ft short grandpa with green hair hemorrhaged them by Ambushing their testicles.
because the race is WIP
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fucking karmic justice.
>treats veteran player for shit for years
>they quit
>they shit talk the game
>new players dont want to try it because veteran players hate teh game
>game lose players according to every fucking charts
couldn't have happen to a more deserving mother fucker. he was more busy creating a PR imagine than taking care of the fucking game. STORY WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF THIS FUCKING GAME AND HE FUCKS IT UP IN DAWNTRAIL. FUCK HIM AND FUCK WUK LAMAT
femlala on femlala lewding isn't in the bible, anon..
Balmung Gridania aetheryte?
Oh.. I was talking to a fellow femlala...
Low effort race
Would u tribute my lewd lala screenshot if I sent it?
Do it again.

Looks a little gay but acceptable. He could be in a Wuxian gatcha and fit in
>there are retards here that think a beach vacation with Krile and Erenville to find the golden city would have been a compelling MSQ
2 more years of people pretending they could write a good MSQ
I knew that femlalas gets all the lewd fun with other femlalas. It just isn't the same as a male character.
Real chads watch MTQ guides.
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Do your worst
Alrighty, I'll make your set after I finish these accessories and drop them off.
I think their shoulder scaling is just fucked up for some reason. like everything is comically big on them or flattened at the half way point of the bicep.
little to no q&a
they look amazing in full plate armour though
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it took one mid MSQ to turn entire cult of people into FFXIV truthers

one day FFXIV will get its own BfA and the meltdown will be legendary
It happens because only other femlalas have the guts to initiate… It even happened on the golem alt meetup.
I'm a male infj au'ra that can change personalities to suit your needs
This dude looks like the male version of that purple girl Viera
Green Day lookin ass
Yes I can. It looks better and I don't have to worry about loot lockouts on content older enough to drink. WoW is a dogshit game where it wants you in the stupid grinds in literally every aspect. The worst xiv does maybe has you grind for like a month instead of never getting a .00001% drop on some color variation of a flying dick
Things never actually changed. Shb seemed different because most of you were new and by that time many older ebins moved to Chen. This threads behavior outside of modbeasting is its natural state. Only you changed that, now things are returning to tradition except there's more modbeasts. It was only ever the most mentally ill faggots who'd schizo you for not playing the game correctly or schizo you for grownman drama.
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My femlala would lewdpose just for you but only if you promise sending me a recorded video tributing my femlala
this happened with stormblood too
nothing new under the sun
Yes, Chinese people have shit tastes. And apparently so do you
My male middie's theme song on the 24th of October:
Like something out of the late 00s, this is respectable but still a bit faggy
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who do I /tell…
deal, where can I find you
Sweaty female WoL armpits
my favorite meena... emo now... what happened
My Chemical Romance frontman
gm xivg
>shisui gear as event rewards
lmao even
My male gets ignored by them or hit with one word responses when I try.
I hate hate haaaaaate people who are like this… Are you just always putting up an act around others? Act as you normally are or I'll dislike you for being a suck up
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>xiv fanfests normally cost well over 100USD
>costs avg of 10usd after DT
I don't know anon I think YoshiP wouldn't mind an influx of chinkboomers...
Wow, I heard most of the people who make the good stuff on the mod archive are /xivg/ers
I'm starting to notice a trend... the more "successful" people end up leaving their home generals...
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I like your hrothgal alt
hey did anyone roll me in the roulette?
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>gacha devs understood long time ago that keeping the player in is much mure difficult than getting new players
>MMO devs still don't get it and try to bring in new players with shitte features
"Ccritically acclaimed free trial" meme and its consequences have been a disaster for this game.
I know you hate me lol
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my male middie's theme song the entire month of October:
I'm an INFP femezen that will cry about literally anything and surprise you with random gifts
Is that supposed to be bad?
>being Christian means you are pretending to be a good person
dawntrail really damage the game.
why do you and your hrothgirl look uncannily alike? how did you do that? was it on purpose?
no jokes, it's actually just extremely accurate.
You're a disgusting as fuck femezen
i hate second life i hate second life i hate second life i hate second life i hate second life i hate second life
just buy it off the vendor retard
What the fuck do you actually want?
I haven't seen ANY male send me a tell before so clearly you're doing something wrong here…
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What would FFXIV's Shadowlands look like?
>make a friend on xiv
>talk a lot in-game, but they barely play the game
>stop playing, add them on discord so we can keep talking
>constantly try to initiate conversation like usual, barely ever responds
>log back in on a whim later to scope out the state of the game
>"omg hi i havent seen you in forever, how have you been"
is it true that someone else broke your heart recently?
I'm an INFJ au'ra with a God complex
froth get really big shoulder/upper arm scaling
one of the ghimlyt sets looks absurd on them
without the free trial, nobody would pay to play the old storylines of ARR or HW
you would have to do like Destiny 2 and remove all the old content
eureka 2 but bigger, grindier, and with more rewards
>game has 1 bad story expansion that is universally hated by reviewers and gamers
>the game shatters
How can wow survive several bad expansion and yet ff14 cant even have a single "bad" story expansion before falling into ruins?
Its a Japanese game, those fuckers unironically think its their patriotic to not play xiv
I want people to know instinctively where they're supposed to be standing for each and every mechanic of M4S.

They often forget.
You could say that about literally anything anyone asks them to craft.
something to do ingame
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Someone I could mesh with as a femlala..
Exactly this >>497640251 but also with Bozja CEs
I like you now only because your Viera and Femhroth alt look good.
Your highlander sux though, sorry
yoship resigns and soken's cancer returns
I want to ascend my mortal bounds… I yearn for overwhelming power that can let me do as I please…
I want:
>collection log
>monster based gear drops with drop rates ex: ilvl 735 WHM cane has a 1/650 chance to drop in the Normal mode M4N coffer
>instanced housing of all sizes
>no loot lockouts after 2 months of the content being out
But this game's grind is finite and lasts 8 weeks every 2 patches (8 months) instead of being an endless treadmill like M+, gemsocket/avoidance raid tier pieces, statstick trinkets and whatever the shit
>HW was raidlogging
>SB was raidlogging
>ShB was raidlogging
>EW was raidlogging
>DT is raidlogging
I'm starting to think this game has no content unless you enjoy doing 4 fights once a week for 6 months
They remove the /pet emote and billions of lalas and catgirls die because of it
i was spamming eureka and bozja in sb and shb tho
i need ALL of these cat gifs. NOW
An influx of emo viera today, the bruised eye would be good for fujoshit but as it stands you are serviceable
Oh right, do you want the tools for some specific job as well or just the armor?
>Do it again
Fine, but only if I finish my gpose before this thread dies
I came here too late, it's over
Because WoW was designed predatorially to addict its players while FFXIV didn't. The "just play other games" meme is unironically true. If the game is bad, people will play other things, while WoW was made in such a way that even if the game was literal shit on a plate, it would still have people who cannot fathom doing anything else playing it.
and yet people have thousands of hours logged in
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I love being a proud Doman, every day i wake up and praise the portrait of the Doman emperor that hangs inside my Doman home which is situated in the heart of Doma city then i go outside and wave to all my Doman friends they come up to me and tell me how good of a Doman i am i love Doma Doma so cool Doma Doma Doma i am best Doman better than all other Doman i eat Doman noodles with Doman dipping sauce in my favourite part of Doma town.

Did i tell you? im Doman.
>How can wow survive several bad expansion and yet ff14 cant even have a single "bad" story expansion before falling into ruins?
WoW has gameplay
I'm completely honest in saying that the only reason I stay subbed beside raiding is to ERP as a femlala onahole
I'll be real, i just want that motivation that the other autists have where they can sit down and level something for hours on end. I fucking want to get done with my tanks but i get so tired of doing the same shit over and over and my attention goes to youtube or fucking roblox of all places.
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>took one mid MSQ
Don't say that or you'll get the Woke Lamat haters on your dick. Yeah, the MSQ was mid at best, but the constant bitching and whining from the community made it worse.

>one day XIV will get a BfA.
And given their record of releasing shit content lately and the player base slurping it up, they deserve it. It's what happens when you constantly feed your audience table scraps for years.
Tempted to make a cute lalaboy just so I can meet up with this cute dorky femezen
Yeah, playing a male while the femlalas just pair off to apartments after a single exchange. Dying out here.
>Hospital Bill
>Annual Depression Screening 15 Min
>My moonie told them the medication they gave her didn't work and she's still depressed. Got prescribed betterhelp.com
My moonie wants to say the N word
get a trip already
May my lalaboy smooch
People who've played during that era will till you that gameplay was shit
I'm going to LB14 to hit on every femlala there...
Just the armor. I leveled everything up to 74 or just below it these past few days off of ~62 armor, and buying the materials for restoration + daily GC turnins has completely bankrupted me. I'm having to spam roulettes and sell the materia I get to keep up the pace.
I look like this IRL.
110% Doman
Ishikawa back as lead WRITER and as my wife yes I would so marry her in an instant you have no idea
Koji back as LEAD localisation.
Hiroir removed
Kate demoted or fired, preferable fired but let's be realistic here demoted I'll settle for.
No Wuk Lamar.
Story to be good.
Gameplay to be good
Class fantasy back
Fights/ Encounters to be designed around the JOBS and not the JOBS to be designed for the Encounters as they are now.
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Your elezen is very cute. I love her. >>497640218
They turn all the No.2 Type B Leggings into fruit. They turn anything showing a small iota of skin into fruit. (You) are now fruit.
Do you have to unlock the Doman Enclave to attend?
Yes? Each piece of shisui gear is 15 tomes a pop. You could complete all gearsets from that dungeon in a fraction of the time it would take to grind enough tomes.
>2nd StB dungeon
>levelling dungeon so you are guaranteed a piece of gear on completition
Just solo unsync that bitch.

So yeah, they are both filler and a trap.
This is the chad type of alpha-male middie that gets women wet. Council, take notes.
Before 5.3 gave F2P access to HW, Destiny 2's short stint of Newlight was considered the best F2P offering in any vidya at that time. It went from best to worst after 90% of that F2P content was removed in the following expansion.
Elidibus, Yotsuyu and Hermes did nothing wrong
because ff14 was made for NORMIES to enjoy. They don't want to hear a transexual voice actor, they don't want to deal with a nepo baby main character called wuk lamat. fuck yoshi-p AND FUCK FF14 THAT SUPPORTS THIS GAY SHIT. I have already unsubscribed and im just spreading my doom energy as far as possible to make this game suffer until yoshi-p unironically apologize for dawntrail.
can I have uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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femra will use this hairstyle
that is an order!!!!
>he unironically believes this
lol, mazed retard
I actually didn't think Wuk Lamat was that bad herself, but I find online Wuk Lamat fanboys to be exceedingly annoying.
i wouldnt say that since they seem so adamant on telling everyone they arent into me. they were exposed for trying to manipulate a bunch of their friends though, and have been having a massive schizophrenic episode these past couple weeks as a result of that.
I am no longer full grey parsing in this tier! one blue and three greens though...
I need an Ilberd EB
wow I hate that. Like a lot. they cut off hair to put it on a loop?
They don't put out. I tried once and they ghosted me.
No one wants to stand around spamming “LFM INTERPHOS NEED ALL” that era of MMOs died and you’re never getting it back
My moonie is very proud of you anon she loves to see improvements
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>Pay 15/mo to play
>Play for an hour
>Get disconnected due to a DDoS again
>Play for another hour
>"Okay go do something else for 6 days, cuck. Thanks for the cash. Buy the new Sony console to play the new games you're directly funding you little faggot."
>*Spits on you*
>"... Oh right. Don't bother unsubbing either. I'll delete your house."
I thought that drama was a long time ago
what did they do?
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well no, it can just be tassel painted to match
Did you talk to any of them though?
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>you get Lyse instead of this reality.
Sex with Y'mhitra
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I am literally my character if you don't talk to me while standing face to face no more than 2 feet away from me you might as well not exist to me
You need Doma
>Ishikawa back as lead WRITER
>bring back le sad piano retard
fuck off
houses are overrated
do you look like this
I'll let you know in a little fact. If you didn't meet them before DT there's almost a 0% chance they'll do anything lewd with you now because of how many people have been leaking logs to the general. We lost a lot of femlalas due to it.
I like fighting you in CC so you get a 10/10 by default
The earlier posts have the answer
A lot of you would be happier if you could just let go of this game and general
Post Simon says logs on the funny website or no balls
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And yet you can just quit. Meanwhile WoW has spent the last fifteen years being designed explicitly to addict your brain to dailies and number go up so that even if you hate it, you won't quit.
okay but imagine kiting the SS-Rank into Solution 9 and having it kill everyone afk-ing
This games always been boring between content cycles. It's always been made to unsub and resub. Even 1.0 forced you to stop playing via inability to progress over time.
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I mean, I asked here yesterday how to be appealing as a lalaboy and unanimously got the response to play up naivety and "shota energy". Was told it's creepy when lalaboys act like "men", and I agree with that. I know you femlalas want to be approached but it's just so weird as a lalaboy, you gotta help us out here man... A cute little woman has the sex appeal to be aggressive and forward, a little potato dude just doesn't... Not to mention, femlalas actually get sexed up mods (just look at the shit Seishun wears), everything boys get looks ridiculous.
My beloved
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Thanks bro.
My moonie has been deployed to chaos. God forbid she has to interact with the french again
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Blizzdrones are a real thing, unlike xivcultists that blizzdrones made up to have someone to seethe at on /v/ together with the blizzdrone janny
>that era of MMOs died and you’re never getting it back
Try playing Throne and Liberty you can have an Open world and Party finder without having to idle in the city or out of combat. The system they have there works. In fact they have multiple systems, one where you can idle if you chose where people use Bounty boards in towns to post their party group, or use the party finder, or shout while they're about playing. Imagine that, probably one or two more ways they have that I haven't listed here either but the current FFXIV system is incredibly stifling and discouraging for mmo play.
Tell me more. I am highly interested.
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I don't want to be happy. I want to make everyone else miserable
Best female character here.
>raid faggotry
I hide my logs because it triggers raid fags when I join their parties
>act like a shota
Whoever told you that set you up for failure or you're larping and that's what you wanted to be.
That’s what a child would do anon, you are yearning for an era of video games that doesn’t exist anymore and you will never get it back. Move on nostalgia is blinding you to how dogshit things really were back in “ye olde days”
Housing slot limit to increase at least 2x more.
>anyone ever expresses a smidge of an idea that they want the MM part of the MMORPG
>someone replies back with a strawman about LFG spamming
it happens every time
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We have content at home.
They can't.
there's a specific fate that triggers it, i think its in shaaloani?
Let gra'ha be an example to you all
Femlalas don't like lalaboys, just trust me on this dude. If you want to slay lalapoon fanta to catboy or middie
A fishra wife
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My moonie looks and acts like this
you have a history of failed attempts at relationships for being manipulative and dishonest, so I don't know who this is, but I bet they have a very different take on what happened
>Try playing “Korean dogshit that will die in 2 months”
Nah I prefer good MMOs with good progression systems
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She's a little annoying at parts, but not like I had similar experiences with Y'shtola or Lyse. I find both the fan boys and the haters absolutely obnoxious, because they can't get off of her dick because she identifies as transsexual. I give zero shit what a voice actor identifies as and their identity has zero relevance on how they did their job on the role. You have female VAs doing male characters, such as Goku and Ash Ketchum, and no one made a public outrage at them for it.
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You haven’t had sex…? Wow chud, that’s just embarrassing. What do you think this is, World of Warcraft? Sex is great. I love having sex and talking about sex with my friends. If you’re not normal then maybe this isn’t the game for you, incel.
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ShB was nightclubbing
EW was ERPing
DT is mare syncing and animation gooning
Don't lean into either, just treat yourself like a normal guy. Don't lean into the heavy masculine or shota vibes unless you specifically want people into that. Plenty of femlala have approached me and we've ERP'd/made gpose porn together. t. lalaboy
is ur moonie a poonie
You can literally do this right now to people gathering timed nodes. You've been able to do this forever, as most nodes are still near mobs.
i'm a lalaman and i'm proud

i'm a lalaman and i'm proud
I'll be honest. /xivg/ lalaboys are called lalaboys for a reason.
Maybe if you were a lalaman I'd talk to you.
The people who are most vocal about content never do content even when it's new and current (namely limsa dwellers and LB14 afkers).
>That’s what a child would do anon,
You are sitting around pretending to be a girl for 8+ hours a day or logging in once a week for your advanced form of Simon says or both.
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>popularity poll from chink netizens
>assume for every 1 vote there are 1k who simply lurked and never interacted with poll
just do what PP/JV/DS/SR does
or the opposite of what SK does
Yes, kind, thoughtful and loyal boi
I'd show you but the archive seems to be fucked still. I was told that by like 3 different posters I think.

Yeah see that's what I'm saying, they approached YOU
>Not real
Bro your Redditors?
You know Ishikawa was one of the writers on Stormblood? Maehiro wrote ARR, Heavensward and FF16, so these are your choices.
Ishikawa, Hiroi or Maehiro.
Actually plausible.
*gets on one knee and pets you*
what's up little guy
QRD on all of these shotafell.
>le addiction meme
2021 asked for its talking points back, WoWfugee.
Seething at wuk together with me
ok ur mine now
Take notes from lalaboys like Rinko or Jeb if you want to up your game
middo sexo
I miss my nigga the Crystal Exarch like you wouldn't believe.
i'll see you there dude
I think its because they're a shit voice actor for a character that needed a better VA. Like Wuk is a genki MC and all the emotional bits fell flat because the VA just couldn't pull it off. The death scene in the throne room is a lot different in even the German dub.
That veena cultist used to post here too years ago. You can even see in the xiv mod archive page, some of the models they used were people that used to and sometimes occasionally still post here alongside a moonie alt they posted a lot that's flat chested. The guy who runs the archive is an xivger too.
It also means to fellow femlala sisters too. People just don't trust new faces because it could literally be someone's alt trying to make another femlala cry
What's with all the newfags getting baited by some low effort wowtard?
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good mornyan
What is there for “MMO group content” besides the LFG stuff anon? That’s all you see in Eureka and Bozja which you guys here jack off as the pinnacle of MMO content, people asking to join parties together and do content. Is that not what you guys claiming to want the “massively multiplayer” part of MMOs want? Don’t you want to spend your free time spamming LFG while you wait at the entrance to the raid/dungeon/trial? Isn’t that the MMO SOVL you guys go on and on and on about
I was going to post what my malelala looks like but I think I will wait until the next thread instead.
I want, in no particular order:

> MSQ story to retroactively make DT's zones and characters interesting and make it an expansion I care about as much I I care about previous expansions
> Zero outfit and hair to be released on the cash shop
> Old Feast rewards to slowly trickle in to the Wolf's Den crystal shop for purchase
> next expansion to have a much better story
> I want to use dimensional fusion to take islands in the Void and plop them down in the Empty as life boats to get the voidsent out of their hell dimension, while also injecting darkness into the light-ruined First, to the benefit of both realms. This storyline should require Eden, the SHB Role Quests, Shadows of Mhach, and Warring Triad to all be done as mandatory for MSQ. Just a captsone to everything we've done with the void as we save both their world and the First.
Then why are you playing FFXIV?
>People won't believe things without proof
>No proof of Kong being a weirdo
>msq is this games main sell
>80% of msq is just walking to a guy and and reading
>this msq is more awful than even ARR slop, without the soul
>less new gameplay content added each expansion unless you count farmville and and variants as content
>speeds up raid release content to satisfy the 1%
>no varied gear progression, you must play another job if you want to gear more
>level sync straight up removes materia if it is above ilvl instead of syncing that down too
Like really you have to be asking g who this game is for? Because it certainly isn't for ff fans and it certainly isn't for anyone that, know, likes gameplay
He was serious
He got btfo and ran away
>same content slop that can be ran through roulette time and time again
I rather hang myself.
a lalaboy waits

a lalaman posts
Open the FINAL FANTASY XIV Lodestone playguide in your default web browser?
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Why does it have to be a femlala? Why can't it be whatever comes your way?
It was a bad expansion + EW's shitty post patch.

XIV can survive the same way wow has but that is a monkeys paw curling its finger situation so if you want that feel free to wish it.
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I could've fixed his broken heart... or failed spectacularly in a romantic tragedy like in all my fanfictions of him.
i found out that it had happened earlier this year, but they tried showing people logs of our arguments to convince them i was a horrible person. that kinda ended up backfiring since they got curious and wanted to know what im actually like, and we ended up becoming friends. fastforward to like three weeks ago, they get upset that im hanging out with someone that they're friends with (i didn't know they were mutuals) and start sending them all kinds of hateful stuff about me and then saying hateful stuff to them, trying to break off their friendship ect. the person was also nice enough to get to know me and we became friends. eventually they ended up doing this to like six people and i made a bunch of new friends in the last couple of weeks. and now they just freak out at any of their friends who try to interact with me. it probably hasnt helped that i refused to talk to them ever since i found out that they were doing this kind of stuff any time i tried making new friends with someone theyve happened to have a passing conversation with before.
This is true
I have my guard up on /xivg/ers and ask around with friends before even thinking of talking to them in a lewd way
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Because I enjoy playing the game, grinding out achievements and looking at my character
WoW's gameplay has more depth than XIV currently has, that's just a fact.
>Take notes from lalaboys like Rinko or Jeb if you want to up your game
>One acts like a shota
>The other acts like a chunni shota.
>whatever comes your way
That's quitter talk nigga
Just buy your gc turn ins off the mb every day until you're maxed.
>You know Ishikawa was one of the writers on Stormblood?
That explains why it was so shit and disjointed
Thank you job-berd! Picto is slowly becoming my favorite job on PVE but I can't betray my rdm rapiers...
If you just want to meet up I'm happy to chat... Right now I'm just organizing mods and looking for some more in Ishgard, The Holy Stables if you want to come by!
I've never intentionally ghosted anyone, but if someone came across as really off-putting, I might have distanced myself... That said, I did lose access to my old discord so if I seemed to disappear that might be why!
Lose the eye marks and you would be cuter.
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what's wrong with that femezen? what do you know?
Based no balls poster
Lying to yourself and others isn't healthy anon
Why is this moonie angerey?
>less new gameplay content added each expansion
>meanwhile in HW we had diadem fate spam and fucking potd as the only non savage content to do
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Maybe you're just ugly LMFAO
Show your lalaboy nigga, show yourself to the unknown
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I am easy to egg on so I will post what my malelala looks like. It's this btw
>You have female VAs doing male characters, such as Goku and Ash Ketchum, and no one made a public outrage at them for it.
The chief difference being that those actresses playing male roles (usually young boys, because women are far better at sounding like them than postpubescent men are) never once decided to embrace or champion the idea that they actually became men somewhere along the way.
Poor Meteion being tormented by Hermes
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ShB and EW were more damaging to this game's lore and setting overall than DT
No they do-
>Rinko leans into oneeshota type dynamic with viera
>Jeb leans into oneeshota type dynamic with femezen
Huh. Lalabros..?
I said she was one of the writers, not the lead writer. She was lead writer for Shadowbringers and Endwalker.
But out of those three then who are you choosing? Those are your options for FFXIV story.
>Yeah see that's what I'm saying, they approached YOU
This is a femra falseflag. Femlalas don't approach lalaboys.
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I like the pairing.

You didn't really think that'd work, did you?
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You (and people like you) literally fall to this arguement of "you all want LFG" nobody bought up LFG nobody asked for LFG you fucking schizo so stop trying to strawman people because your shit tier barbie island dressup lobby simulator is starting to show its cracks.
I wouldn't say Val is dishonest, but he has a habit of lovebombing people and quickly moving on to new crushes
I'm sure there was some of that here causing the drama >>497641920
>I am forgotten
Seriously why do people always forget Oda handmade HW and postpatch ARR?
lol he looks like he's made of poop!
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Just be a normal ass dude.
If you want to go the femboy route, you can and unironically will have an easy time doing it.
Or just be yourself I know this is hard but you are a GAM talking to another GAM

<Thank you.>
Then what the fuck does “we want the MM back in MMOs” mean then? What do you people actually want
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I fucking love Thighlanders.
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there is no guarantee you will ever live to see 8.0
we can all die any day
SHB I disagree with
EW I agree with to a decent extent. Rushing Thavnair, Garlemald, and Sharalyan storylines in a single expansion and also burning through tons of other threads at the same time has left the world weaker for it.
Oda is more World building and lore guy than character and Story writer. Oda isn't lead writer material, don't get me wrong I like him a lot he's literally the reason I bought EE1 and 2. But he's not lead writer material.
Then when are you stopping?
ok for the next media you post make sure ur wearing those cute paw print gloves
>we can all die any day
I pray for this everyday.
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good morning

if you dont count content from other expansions, what more does dawntrail have to offer? because by my count its exactly the same, except you dont even have potd
Is your WoL a boy or a girl
I dont know im not a fucking game designer you retard, it doesnt take a fucking chef to know food tastes like shit though and if you present me with a plate full of shit im going to tell you about it.
If you're trying to be a successful lalaboy you gotta lean into someway somehow...
A what?
I had a good life
Because Oda wrote SB and it sucks ass. Plus HW main scenario writer was Kazutoyo Maehiro who went on to write XVI.
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Be a shota.
Lean into the shota energy.
>their identity has zero relevance on how they did their job on the role
I think being a man has some general effect on voicing a woman that isn't supposed to sound like a man
>Koji back as LEAD localisation.
Koji did more damage to the game's localization than Kate has or will ever do.
In fact no one who hates Kate can say anything about her work more than posting her ugly face and pink hair.
a pale moonie
this guy sux
File deleted.
And that's actually good and valid criticism, unlike the assholes who keep running for the tranny card. I do believe Sera fell flat in several sections of the story and that's something I blame SE's VA staff on. Either it's on her or the directors not leading her in the right direction with the acting. I know several English VAs (like Zenos) who admitted they watched their Japanese counterpart do the role and mimicked their emotions in their own dub.

Yet, Wuk Lamat was poorly received worldwide. This is more of a writing issue too, because she comes off as that "I'm gonna become the next Hokage" Naruto persona and kept stealing the spotlight away from everyone.
I am a sunnie who had a really nice lunch and was surprised by someone doing something nice for me. Today is already a good day.
>patch x.0 vs entire expansion
Hell yeah
What a disingenuous post, this is the only (You) you'll get from me.
uuooohhh dungeonsloppa
Why are femlala thighs so fat?
it is 10am lady
That is true, however vast majority of players are shadowbabs who have made playing SHB their only form of online identity so it doesn't really matter because these are the people XIV will cater to until EoS.

You think that whole Ardbert singing Close in the Distance thing was even considered in 2021? Fuck no, they made it up on the spot last month to held mitigate the bad press DT was getting. And it worked, modern XIV fans are that shit up, Yoshida knows he has them by the balls.
Girl 99.5% of the time, took like 3 pics with a dong once but doesn't really fit her (heh)
petting this sunnie to make their day even better
good stability
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
same reason yours are, unhealthy diet and lifestyle
Is there a way for me to lock the chatbox so it does not move around accidentally
i accept your concession
Black man playing a catboy here
Where do I find a gay white bf
My femlala caught up on an ongoing manga and is feeling SAD
>implying i'd give her my finger
*unzips dick*
our big heads would topple us over if we didn't have tree trunks for legs
Post a SINGLE mistranslated section from ShB-EW-DT as bad the Midgarsomnr dialogue
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What I want is for the stupid blue dots to stop appearing in instances. I want to climb the long ass ladder or run through the long ass hall with my mates and appreciate the background, not for the next zone to load
What even is shota energy?
>no hunt trains yet
time for bozja I guess...
Good morning
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can i see ur moonie
So you don’t know what will put the MM back in MMOs but want content like that anyways? That makes no sense people bitching usually have solutions or concepts of solutions they would implement
i have a problem
Ah yes, then the next 2 expansion they added CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT then decided EW was the one to say fuck it here's farming lol
You're quite literally playing on easy mode
Add some hints that you're gay on your search info and you won
As per other English VAs, they weren't given context for scenes, just lines to read. They decided to cut several corners with the English dub for what should be an important expansion as the first one post-Endwalker.
Acting like a what a porn sick terminally online degenerate thinks underage boys act like
The timestamped point remains correct. Infinite content is not a realistic thing to hope for, and anything less than infinite will always have complaints that they did this content already and don't want to do it again.
I don't know why you're so obsessed for "PURE FEMLALA DISTILLED ESSENCE"
Crazy. That's why you're alone.
*tanks your judgement*
i hate how much my ex eb ruined this game for me
i cant have fun with it or do things without just feeling sad and lonely
Anythings better than what you are doing shit eater.
Hottake but SB didn't suck ass and contextualized why a gigantic, global empire like Garlemald was falling to multiple rebellions happening on two fronts. Caused by you. Lyse was the only weakpoint. It was a soap opera / war drama that concluded with Ala Mhigan liberation, which was set up since the beginning of ARR.
I can fix him.
easier to give _________ with
What dc..
>If you discount all of the content and say its not Real Content, then EW didnt have Content
Kill yourself
not even giving you a (you)
call me back in 7.35 then we can talk
Balmung. Everyone who's anyone is on Balmung
Eb me
I am on crystal! What's up?
>if you dont count content from other expansions, what more does dawntrail have to offer?
DT gets a pass because it just came out, every single .0 patch always sucks ass so I don't know why you're even surprised that the post-expac release patch doesn't have more content. Meanwhile HW didn't have anything the entire expansion.

Either way, right now you have
>22 jobs to level up
>11 DoH/DoL jobs to level and gear
>updated fishing log
>6 shared fate zones to cap and the new bicolor mount
>2 extremes with rare mounts that you can farm
>savage and gear farming for ult prep
Add the rest of assorted grinding for mounts and minions and you have a lot to do.
i am a femezen
with a cold (covid does not exist)
easier to give thighjobs with
I seriously don't get why the thread obsesses over femlalas like this… Only caring about what's on the outside rather than personality first
male middie status?
need to sex this fiddie
You really can't even follow the conversation you're a part of. Amazing
buck broken
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I only have water cannon, that frog stun move and ultravibration on my BLU.
>I seriously don't get why the thread obsesses over femlalas like this
Have you not figured out that its femlala astroturfing?
About how long until 7.1? I need to grind out my PVP series and I am only at series lvl 10.
>get feedback people didn’t really care for Bozja
>relics were too grindy (still are)
>make relics easier and scrap foray
>foray autists bitch about no fate grinding zone
>we’re getting one in 7.25
We are here right now
>foray comes out
>easy to progress
>foray autists cry about this and say it’s DoA
The future looks bright
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>horrible person
But you are
Did you get that shit where your throat hurts like hell when you drink or eat anything?
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I don't get the appeal.
femlalas are the most aesthetically pleasing race when beaten black and blue and leaking drool and cum from every hole
its just femlalas posting about themselves but most race players do that, the other one belligerent about this is midlanders atm
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My moonie looks and acts like this
2 days
someone to step on my malera
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>"I'm gonna become the next Hokage" Naruto persona
I think it's funnier because we could've had a Team 7 type shit with Bakool, Koana and Wuk for the second half of the game and the MSQ would've been in a way better place. It feels very weird to have these three characters go through an arc and all of sudden be dropped off a cliff for the second half of the game (especially Koana and Solution 9, given that his WHOLE ENTIRE SCHTICK was wanting to use technology to progress Tural).It also would've helped alleviate the fact of constant Lamat by being able to spread it between the three.
This is a well-made if not a tad slutty catboy, impressive

You've got about a month
So, did you get an acceptable answer? So far I've seen copy some other person, and the other option is act like a normal guy, which is apparently different here than in the real world.
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>It's shit on purpose
That's fine asf
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Ive been enjoying the game and life a lot more without my ex
Not having to worry aboit one moody fucking retard all the damn time
>When I see a Mhigger in my CC calls
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>SHB I disagree with
ShB was the expansion that completely shifted the world building to be Emet-Selch and the Ancients Show ft. Azem. Now everyone and everything see's something new introduced and can't help but connect it all back to the Ancients/Ascians and Azem, constantly wondering about our shards and if we'll kill them so we can get some nebulous power up. Every monster we face, hunt we do, god we slay, its all related to some Ancient's deviantart OC/adoptable they had submitted to their account that garnered a bunch of likes. Introducing Azem was the Sungod Nika/Haki and Indra/Ashura of FFXIV.
Who runs the archive?
yeah it hit my tonsils a couple days ago now it's in my sinus giving me a leaky nose
Mid November
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>How it feels being getting EB'd before before DT
>i made a bunch of new friends in the last couple of weeks
you plapped a bunch of people after saying you didn't erp anymore and leading people on, but nice spin
nah that ain't it, there's no connection to real life there at all
almost all character tropes you see itt are purely based on fictional and one-dimensional (usually from mangas) tropes
haughty and/or "ara ara" hags, genki tomboys that must have short hair and tan skin, goths, shotas, chuunis, little ladies/lolis, religious zealots, armor dudes
they're all just nerds mimicking tropes from fiction
Sorry, gays, this is your reality.
Yeah but hiring 37 year old man, to play a 17 year old female character that is meant to have a South American accent is retarded on three different levels. People already give shit to Bethany Walker for voicing Alisaie so you can't be surprised that people would shit on Sena Bryer, an almost 40 year old man playing a 17 year old girl. Come on now, tell me you aren't this naïve.
Lyse was still more tolerable than Wuk. She was told to fuck off when she tried to galvanize people, got an important position because of her dad, got people killed, and got most of the bravado beaten out of her. She also took a back seat to Hien for most of the Othard half.
>my hero
just hurry up and grade my paper lil bro
>being getting
>before before
So you're going to keep lying to yourself?
File deleted.
>oh, it's because they didn't transition!
Yet, if they did the role 20 or 30 years later in the era of cancel culture as completely fresh male characters and no one knew them, then would your criticism actually hold up? Doubt it.

I believe both genders can do the opposite gender role, if they have the right voice to do it. If a man with a deep baritone or bass voice, then there's very little chance they can VA a female. Sera has a mid-range level voice or a contralto voice in terms of females.
WoW is designed to trap you in the maze while XIV is the MMO that "respects your time" but at the expense of being boring as hell, so you can only really stomach it for a few hours a week which is perfect for dadgamers and heckin wholesome girlfriend gamers
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nyes, my moony only fears fall damage (this kills the dark knight)
>>relics were too grindy (still are)
That's literally the entire point of relics. Maybe stick to talking about gooning in Baldung shout chat instead of trying to discuss things you're clueless about.
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Got two more music boxes today. One is Torn From the Heavens, the other is Night in the Brume.
SB had the same general issue as DT where everything that's needed is there, but the execution is lacking. That said, Lyse is more tolerable than Wuk because she's supposed to be naive and is told repeatedly in the first half that people won't throw themselves to the Empire for their freedomburgers just because she asks, but then she conveniently becomes resistance leader and that's where it kinda fucks up. Wuk on the other hand doesn't really go through any growth, she just solves things and people start to respect her.
im drunk
Nobody tell him.
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Wonder whats the story here
I'm in love with you. Please be my bf
the tonsils part is the suckiest part of it, once that part is over then you're good. Run a vaporizer.
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okay for the two dudes that said yujiro i put him in the outfit

NGL its kinda weird for a midlander to be jacked as fuck
I have 3 relics from ShB and have 4 more in process of being done anon. I’ve also done a relic from each expansion so I think I know what I’m talking about when I say that Bozja relics are still too grindy
You know damn well you don't see a bright, clashing two-color hair with heterochromia and clothes died green and bright yellow, and think "yeah, I want to talk to that person, since they probably have a great personality."
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>my hero
>be a lalaboy
>be gay
>only like other lalaboys
>only get hit on by bigger women
this is the fate of being a male lalafell, you will never get what you want
Based, I have brume as well
Post them!
he lost an inch to your mom's holes
then i don't need to kill or harm you, your life is a hell created by yoshi-p
The weather forecast changed
I think the voice directors did give with literally every other va. Even the king with his thick as shit accent wasn't awful. Erenville's mom had me emotional. Autistic Hrothgar played his role. And there's a reason there are fuckers lusting after bakool jaja
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>I believe both genders can do the opposite gender role,
You are a retard, then.

Can you post any examples of men voicing women convincingly that isn't done as a joke?
I wonder if you're talking about me?
I legit eat those throat soothing analgesic sweets in bed while sleeping when it's at the painful swallowing stage. it fuckin sucks.
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>my hero
Full of muscle (and some fat). They have a 6 foot vertical leap in full plate. Femlala are strong and can take care of themselves….
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I think I wasn't clear with my post because I wasn't seeking more advice, just saying that femlalas who want lalaboys should approach them instead of waiting around to be approached. This is maybe just all in my head, I dunno, but it just seems to me they are better equipped to be flirty and seductive in a natural way than their male counterparts. But it was heartening to see some people saying just be normal this time around, instead of everyone advising me I had to act like a young boy to get femlala attention.
>this nigga living in his own world
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Women don't play this game much less post here anon. Everyone who wants to romance Ilberd probably is some porn sick bastard who likes and posts BLACKED stuff.
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thank you i needed these this morning
lalaboys only into lalaboys are the most common type of lalaboy though
lalaboys into biggers are the secondmost common
lalaboys into femlalas are the true minority
I know who this is, they're doing it as a joke
fucking lmfao
SEX with catMEN.
>Lying to yourself
It isnt though
WoW content has always been better about being content you want to go back and experience again
xiv content is an annoying hurdle you deal with to get the rewards now there is no point where i do the content because the content is fun, it is always the people i am with making it fun
i can hop on wow, log on any of my characters and have a good time just spamming dungeon finder for xp, there isnt a single dungeon or trial in xiv i can justify wanting to go back and do again except maybe seat of sacrifice let alone having to queue that among a huge pool or i dont get my good girl points to buy gear that doesnt even make me kill the synced content faster
xiv really only does gooning better and thats not even the players its just mods giving good visuals because you guys suck at erp and most of it is using mods and typing boring pillow talk while you work it
I am not reading all that show me your armpits
I just had that not too long ago, what you need to do is go to the store / drug store, they'll have those sugarless popsicle sticks (Like Orange, rootbeer, cherry, grape) they come in like packs of 12. Those will help you so much you have no idea. along with running a cool mist vaporizor, get a bigger one not one of those tiny desk ones. The popsicles will help a ton though, as will hot tea. I know where you're at, everytime you swallow it feels like your eating glass.
>You're a retard, then.
He's also an avatarfag ESL who posts on the Official Forums some of the most retarded shit.
Add me lalafell erp
Luca asaha -midgard
>lalaboys into femlalas are the true minority
With good reason.
Wasting one of my Verification Not Requireds to call you a disingenuous niggerfaggot.
My femlala isn’t interested in lalaboys…
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My femra looks and acts like this
Lalaboys don't like femlalas
Or at least not mine
Is it because I'm black?
This is me when I see a CC call.

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Women definitely play this game
gay lalaboys are the only people who approach my lalaboy for anything and I fucking hate it. Gays be gone!
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Looking for a babysitter who will help me get all BLU spells. I have 5/124.
>Women don't play this game
I don't think you interact with other players much do you?
Does language matter? I can think of one nip that was decent.
my house runs out in a few days, not even sure if I want to resub to get the 20 million back
>buff masculine jawline
>understandable motivations
>turns batshit insane due to MSQ constantly sidelining him / Ala Mhigans to pave way for Stormblood
>never get to truly save his broken soul
>passionate, patriotic, obsessed
I just want an EB to love me like Ilberd loves Ala Mhigo.
is it possible to look like this without mods
Do something!
I mean you basically said what I meant by "what retards online think boys act like" there but with many times more words, I didn't mean to imply there was any grounding irl there
>be malera
>into femlalas
>only disgusting fieras and catgirls talk to me
( 'H')
Oh, I thought you were pretending
You actually wrote all that unironically
My condolences
the image he posted was a good indicator that he doesn’t

The poll that will decide the fate of the World™ (the world is me, actually).
Kinda but on gsm only and you need paypigged shoes (maid set)
those books are going to get wet
There’s no such thing as “WoW addiction”. You know why people play WoW despite the off-expansions? Because it’s a video game. That’s right, a VIDEO GAME. People sometimes like video games even if they’re not a 10/10.

Dawntrail doesn’t even deserve to be called a video game. It’s the world’s most boring visual novel. I don’t know how SE made something worse than the worst MMO, but it did.
uhh treasure dungeon items???

glam items???

old end-game gear for glam???
>step 1:fanta to femlala
>step 2: don't get approached by any lalaboys
>step 3: ???
>step 4: gays be gone!
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>Struggle for pull after pull so much time wasted on M1S spend months to get the clear
>M2S down to 50% after 3 pulls
What the fuck?
bro is putting "fates" as content
Trannies don't count. Try again.
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..EB status?
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These anons are hopeless, I'm afraid.
Wow it must be great content if you're willing to do it that many times. Guess nothing needs to change.
Make sure you do your heckin’ dailies sister so you can get gear from your vault at the end of the week
this kinda just reads like you have no confidence and want femlalas to do the work for you
the only femlalas that approach others tend to be the sexpesty lewd types
the normal ones are all the shyest people you'll ever meet

your lala is not black
why is this clown avataring with majima?
are you a catboy
Acting normal would be approaching them, which they have shown to stonewall. Obviously, it is more likely that a lalaboy would accept a femlalas advance, rather than the opposite, which you've mentioned as well. It applies to all the males, rather than just lalaboys, though.
I put diadem for HW too so it's only fair to put shared fates as content. If we go by your logic HW didn't have any other content than potd.
>months on M1S
what the fuck
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My citizenwife feet. Apparently I'm going to have to learn how to fly a bucc soon; might get a welfare one and then it'll be the only "ok" ship I have since they stolen my mk1 hornet
Yes, and we make fun of losers like that
You think I respect faggots playing gacha games? WoW is just a bad as that garbage
Are you a femra
It needs to be made easier especially the Dalriada, DR and CLL steps.
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it is over
Okay so how do you dress and what does your lalaboy look like? Color scheme of clothes, hair and eyes. It might be why you get hit on by guys.
Do...femra...like ghh
>proof that two nukes wasn't enough
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No, they don't, all the (((women))) you see online are just flamboyant men who happen to have feminine voices that (((coincidently))) act like women and will yap your ear off for hours
Good, thanks for reminding me. Make sure you idle and do jack shit while gooning, “sister”.
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Don't approach my femlala.
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Dawntrail should've had more Spheen feet. That would've saved the game according to wowfags.
But then I get approached by gay femlalas, think anon, think.

I'm well aware it could be a confidence issue. But I don't have a problem approaching people with my ERP alt of a different race, so I don't know. I just feel really awkward about it on a lalaboy.

>It applies to all the males, rather than just lalaboys, though.
Yeah, you make a good point.
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I will finally achieve BiS tonight!
Strolling around Il Mheg with my catboi husbando
m2s is easier than its normal raid counterpart
What sord is that
You don't want to know, I posted yesterday about it. M2S though feels so free in comparison.
I’m gonna send a tell to lalaboys at the ‘beds to wear a randoseru
>join m1s group
>1 shot
>join m2s group
>1 shot
>join m3s group
>2 shot

man I love reclearing on Tuesdays
What race makes the best butler for a nouveau rich femlala?
You mean that's the result of two nukes.
>Does language matter?

Oh that explains everything
link to your posts... I'm curious now...
That ship is such a piece of tissue paper, but it does smack hard. I love how everyone is pissed at what they did to the redeemer too.
>Paying $15 a months to grind 4 corrent expansion dungeons and 4 reused dungeons from past 10 years because blizzard can't be assed to do proper m+ balance tuning anymore
>Every single day
>Since Legion (2016)
>When you could be playing any other game
It least it beats doing 25 carrot picking MoP dailies a day on 3+ characters or grinding 500k apex crystals one at a time.
>to wear a randoseru
Where can I get one? It would be perfect for the lalaboy I modeled after Tokiyuki.
I'm and EWbab and I like Shb the most.
fafnircoded malezen
I'm holding my post for the next thread.
this >>497645171
but also huge and bulking just barely able to fit in his clothes, his muscles look ready to rip his shirt to shreds
>bumps into your femlala and pretends it was an accident
Okay, and? They’re video games. It’s okay to dislike them because video games are subjective.

Dawntrail is not a video game. This is simply an objective fact.
Is it actually possible to get a female EB as a maleroe?
midlander post..?
Every FC i have been in has had non tranny women in it and usually they are leading the free companies too, maybe you should stop hanging out on tranny data centers like Crystal and you might meet some?
EW is my fave, but technically Shb is better
I'm ngl I'm malding about the Corsair but at least I can just migrate to an Andro
do i post my lodestone now?
>ctrl+F wow
>29 results
FFXIV "critics" trying to not mention wow once challenge (impossible).
You know there are other games out there right? Both with better story and with better gameplay, you don't have to be constantly comparing XIV with WoW like you did nothing but only play wow for 2 decades and now its your only frame of reference.
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What did they mean by this


Et tu, Brutus..?
I just like guyliner, I'll go back to the old look before the roleplay meetup
Mistaking your feelings as objective is funny
SO true sister. Make sure to do your 4 fights for the well so you can.... Uh.... Well I guess you could....

>wowtards getting bullied
Nah, we're doing fine
This is (supposed) to be a mmo yes there should be content you have to slowly work up towards and not hammer out in one day, this is why the game is becoming pornhub because there's fuck all to do and any hard content that drops is only 8-man so it incentivises small cliques that fall apart hard instead of actual guilds so gl. Not to mention you are fucked for raiding on console because PC has plug-ins while the game had no anti-cheat.
2021 was three years ago anon. It’s time to move on. Shadowlands won’t hurt you anymore.
>FFXIV "critics" trying to not mention wow once challenge (impossible).
Guild Wars 2 mounts blow XIV out of the water so hard it's not even funny.
honestly im on the fence between a tarus and a zeus cl for cargo. I wish they explained wtf the purpose of exploration is, but you know the ando is gonna get a nerf
There are only wowfagsleft in this thread no one else cares about the game being bad because they're already playing better game
I am a catboy.
Listing every game that has better story and gameplay than XIV would take years.
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chicks dig guys who can talk their ears off about stuff too because chicks dig men who are driven and are passionate about stuff
i get asked to yap about stuff because they want to hear me speak about stuff im knowledgeable or a fan of
hence why ilberd and emet do so well with women
t. midlander
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Holy shit that's really good. Thank you Anon. Saving this.
>do my 4 raids
>free to do whatever else I want
>don’t have to worry about dailies for gear
>no m+
Feels good to play an MMO that respects my time and doesn’t rely on dailies and FOMO to keep me subbed
Nobody's holding a gun to your head forcing you to grind all those. The average player is intended to get just one or two as a statement that they love the job/weapon. Deciding to do a big completionist grind you don't enjoy is a (You) problem.
>play an MMO
>Don't like grinding
So you're fucking retarded is what you're saying?
I'm on Aether.
It's just like >>497645048 said. Women don't exist. Only fags with voice modulation of varying quality.
Eh, if they nerf Connie they nerf all the variants, put them back to 2 S5 2 S4. The Andro's the missile boat, the Aquilla is the explo one. But yeah, I want to enjoy 4 S5 as long as I can
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>FFXIV "critics" trying to not mention wow once challenge (impossible).
Gw2 mounts and world content blow ff14 out of the water but gw2 lacks ANY sort of end game content unless u want to fractals.
XIV is a singleplayer JRPG
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As time has gone on mmo creators have listened more and more to these fags and made mmos more like theme parks. I hate it. It's gay.
This meetup will not be at the Enclave. It will be hosted at the Plum Spring in Yanxia.
Look the damage is so fucked this expansion 50% could be anywhere in the fight so just know that the hardest mechanic in the fight is hoping your melees don't greed and fuck you all over followed by alarm 1. Hope this helps good luck
I play RuneScape motherfucker I love grinds but they have to be fun and rewarding to be worth the grind in the first place. Having grind just for the sake of grind is retarded and only hurts the playerbase
do you also like catboys...
Why would I play XIV for grinding content when there are better grinding simulators out there?
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Hot take but XIV would benefit greatly from stealing fractals.
So are you going to post any examples to support your claim that men can convincingly sound like women in serious roles?
Hey wait why does the fucking femra who has been spamming for a couple of weeks get custom fanart, that's not fair... I've been here for 2yrs!
>t. femlala
You are both posting the most sad incel shit to exist, have you thought maybe you are the reason you dont meet women?
it's the worst single player JRPG i've ever played if that's the case, even Neptunia 1 is better and has more gameplay
new thread pls ?
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>takes a knife out of her thights
>stares at you while motioning her body from one side to another, similar to an RPG battle animation
Prepare thyself, fiend!
can they just start putting like 1-2 "critical engagement" like FATEs in each zone? having more reasons to play with a massive amount of players (like A rank trains/S rank hunts) would be great.
Baker-san my moonie needs a place to make biscuits she's run out of space in this thread
need an eb like this that isn't a xivgger
Who put a knife in your thigh?! Do you require a healer?
I love grinding, for cool shit I actually want. I'm not grinding for it's own sake I already have a job and it pays me money.
What about an old-money femlala?
Unfortunately this is the mentality FFXIV has pushed into new players of the game, people who joined in Endwalker and after.
But would it get more than 1 fractal every couple years?
>pulls an axe as big as she is from her femlala cleavage
Your achievement fates?
You pay a sub to not play the game and brag about it

You play a fucking browser game that borderline plays itself shut the fuck up
No, but I can pretend I like them if you will help me.
So you do in fact play WoW, right?
I'm grinding for BiS so that afterwards I can start collecting weekly books for alt job gear too.
>RuneScape grinds
>fun and rewarding
kek based retard
Who put an axe in your chest?! Such a lust for violence! WHO!?
>buy game
>have to pay extra for the mount
File deleted.
>men acting as women
Tina from Bob's Burger. (Dan Mitz)
Linda from Bob's Burger. (John Roberts)
Grenda from Gravity Falls. (Carl Faruolo)
Dr. Girlfriend from Venture Brothers. (Christopher McCulloch)
Saki Mizushima from Idolm@ster. (Daiki Kobayashi)

I can pull more examples, but I'm not going to beat a dead horse any further to prove a sexist / transphobic asshole wrong.

I've only posted on the Official Forums about the DDoS situation, because there are too many retarded fucks (including /xivg/) who believe WoW is DDoSing the game. Yet, it's really just NTT America being a dog shit ISP provider.
Duels should have been implemented as overworld content in EW and DT.
To the edge intensifies
>wowfags got btfo so hard they ran to anon posting
ERP alt of a non-lala race is basically free, unless you are legit meme tier name. Approaching as lalaboy is just inherently playing on hard mode. You can do it with the utmost confidence, but your success rate will have a auto decrease, compared to a taller race. Min height catboy and max height lalaboy could do the same shtick to a sample size of 100 and will undeniably get noticeably more success on one rather than the other.
it was one of the fall guys event traps
I am that melee and I will greed for uptime
Look, its nice that you want to justify your weird blacked fetish using Ilberd as a dildo but I know for a fact that's true. /xivg/ is loaded with coomers who wish they had vaginas or have unhealthy thoughts about women in the first place, and use xiv as an outlet to act out their deranged fetishes.

None of this means their biofems. Majority of the time those don't exist.
idk i havent seen any particularly annoying femlalas so try harder next time
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Welcome to the Internet, where the men are men and the women are men
Women only exist IRL and you're gaslighting yourselves into believing women actually play video games unironically lol
Based, SO TRUE oomfie SO TRUE
this is why I bot exp
>get higher stats
>can kill higher level monsters for gear
>get get and get stronger
>be able to take on stronger monsters and bosses
>can even pk with said gear where gear and skill matters
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when do I get good clothes?
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>gw2 lacks ANY sort of end game content
They've been releasing CMs if you want difficult instanced content
It's not an addiction; it's an obligation. Everything is engineering to throw some kind of FOMO at you where you're required to perma-sub or miss out on dopamine goodies. And the community is so toxic that everyone will look at you like some kind of faggot if you don't have The Goodies™.
>Tina from Bob's Burger. (Dan Mitz)
>Linda from Bob's Burger. (John Roberts)
>Grenda from Gravity Falls. (Carl Faruolo)
>Dr. Girlfriend from Venture Brothers. (Christopher McCulloch)
Literal joke roles and COMEDY roles.
>Saki Mizushima from Idolm@ster. (Daiki Kobayashi)
Back to Google with you buddy
NA woke up and the thread went to shit
>Saki Mizushima
But that a guy
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this nigger zesty
>All those western roles
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Why are people clinging to the "muh 4 raids" or "muh M+" arguments when WoW got 13 instances with 8 difficulty levels each, all in a single expansion, alongside the usual content? Is that somehow supposed to be WORSE than what we got? Oh wait, there's more content therefore you're FORCED to play it, am I right my fellow Speeners? The ideal MMO has no content so you're not pressured to do anything at all, right my fellow plappers?
Up until the pk but you described Minster Hunter
Which is infinitely more fun and rewarding than runescape
Nta but doesn't that femra in particular have a skinwalker following them, posting under the same sage and talking about nsfw?
I filter both of them but it does seem like that dude's skinwalker contributes a lot to the annoying posts.
I'm fine though
Ah... eh.. uh.......
>casts BLACK SUN, making you get swallowed by a black hole on the spot. Your femlala dies and drops her hyper rare quality axe on the floor
>They're comedy roles!
>They're Japanese!
Accept the L and stop making excuses.
Ah, yes. Inflated stats. Difficult
Just because they are characters in comedy shows doesn't mean their voices are played as a joke. Dr. Girlfriend is a pretty stupid one to list thoughbeit.
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I hope you learn to dread the sound of rescue going off as I have taught my dragoon and samurai.
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Blessed, thank you anon.
+5% HP & damage per level is not a difficulty scale
Marketboard and I hope you been been doing yellow quests and leves for money
It's not the americans falling for this wowtard bait, friend. I don't think it's euros either
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>Grenda Grendinator[7] is Mabel Pines' and Candy Chiu's best friend, notable for her large physique, obsession with boys, great physical strength, and a deep, gruff, and masculine voice.
>Literally "it's supposed to sound like a man: the character"
Nigga you used this as an example?
>Saki Mizushima from Idolm@ster.
This is a male character.
Fresh Cats
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WoW is ugly so I shan't be playing it, simple as
not even the drippiest fit can save you
>makes a brand new femlala alt named Previous Femlala'Two and buys her a job boost, who then picks up the Previous Femlala's axe and gets ready to fight.
I'm going to Alice!
Nigger im not even the same guy who posted the original Ilberd thing so get a grip schizo, i never specified /XIVG/ so stop moving the goalposts you kissless loser.

>None of this means their biofems.
Also lel learn basic communication skills and maybe you will get to talk to one that isn't your mom.
>add difficulty percentage slider
>make it go from 1% to 1000%
>drones will say this counts as 1000 new game modes
holy fuck
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>Accept the L and stop making excuses.
I literally asked for serious roles that SOUND LIKE WOMEN
These roles are comedy roles that SOUND LIKE MEN

This is the exact opposite of what I asked him to provide
So you’re saying you haven’t actually played it, right? Do you know what the fuck you’re even talking about? The Sneedolands boogeyman won’t touch your no-no square anymore, you don’t have to do what Gremlo tells you to.
But enough about Gordias Savage.
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>add a slider
Infernal Cape
Shadow of Tumeken which trivializes a lot of early endgame content
Crystal gear from CG that makes zammy GWD tolerable
Coliseum feels rewarding to master because the boss is the best in the game
The blood powering the erection I got when unlocking stam pots on my iron could fill a bloodbank for 30 years
>1st expansion
>they stopped doing that
Crash Bandicoot's ugly compared to the kpop models in xiv and other kslop mmos yet that doesn't stop it from being fun.
Ugliness filters goontards. Which is why Balmung is the quarantine server for your ilk.
Yet MvCI failed despite being an incredibly fun game because it was ugly. Curious.
Difference between WoW and Crash Bandicoot is that Crash actually has gameplay
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Counter point
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Every time I read about oscucks having a gigantic bitchgasms about not having to wait 15 real life minutes for their character to be able to run again it makes me laugh really hard thanks for the laugh really hard
Delves are content equal to guildhests
Yet Tera online was discontinued despite having actual loli race and big titted, anime dolls.
We can do this all day.
I goofed on the Saki one. The VA for Saki actually plays some female roles and I thought Saki was a female given how feminine the asshole looks.
You didn't say serious roles, you said "isn't done as a joke," and there is a difference. I get what your point is but I'm being pedantic here and saying at the very least Tina and Linda fit the criteria of your original post, their voices are not played as jokes, they are just characters in a comedy show.
Only retard redditors that started playing OS when mobile came out bitch about it, its infuriating to see Jagex cater to these mongoloids that don't even enjoy the game constantly
Made me stop playing OS the first time around
With that being said the stam pots are nice because I can do Zily much more easily
And the serious, non-comedy examples?
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>You didn't say serious roles, you said "isn't done as a joke,"
You knew exactly what the intent was, you disingenuous rat.
I don’t think catboys have big enough of hands to open my femlala’s saurkraut jars tho…
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Ciarán Strange
Laura Stahl
I'm not who you're arguing with, and I said in my post I was both aware of what you actually meant and also I was being pedantic about it.
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>he thinks he'll be able to predict it and won't need to use it for mechanics
You are nothing to me and I will end your life at any moment. Your confusion will give way to anger, anger will give way to fear, and your fear will keep you from the fire of my wrath.
This is bait
remember when every healer got their own version of esuna and actually had to use it?
why did they even change that but let every phys ranged have different versions of troubadour?
You wanted men playing female characters, i gave you men playing female characters.
Bro Laura Stahl is a woman. She's just a mutt
>Bro Laura Stahl is a woman
anon.... if shes a woman then so is the voice "actress" of wuk lamat
No I mean she's a biohole
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Now make em shit

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