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Previous Thread: >>497662608

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
Reijo (3*)
Kisaki (3*)
Shun (Small) (3* - Rerun), Kirino (2*- Rerun)
Saya (Casual) (3* - Rerun)

Descent of the Five Senses - 9/25 (Wed) After Maint - 10/10 (Thu) 10:59 (JST)
SCHALE Settlement Task with General Student Council - 10/10 (Thu) After Maint - 10/23 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Kaiten (Urban - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 10/2 (Wed) 11:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Defense) - 10/10 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/26 (Thu) 11:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions/Lessons - 10/2 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/10 (Thu) 3:59 (JST)
2x Hards - 10/10 (Thu) 4:00 - 10/16 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals/Scrimmages - 10/16 (Wed) 4:00 - 10/23 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/15 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Kazusa (3* - Rerun)
Reisa (3* - Rerun)
Natsu (3* - Rerun), Mari (2* - Rerun)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2658579
Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council - 10/8 (Tue) After Maint - 10/22 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Joint Firing Drill (Breakthrough) - 10/8 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Gregorius (Indoors - Torment w/Heavy Armor) - 10/15 (Tue) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 9/25 (Wed) 2:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 10/7 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/14 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 10/14 (Mon) 19:00 - 10/21 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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Post it
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Getting drunk during the camping trip and fucking my son in the tent all night
nom nom
Mika should die
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thank you for posting Kaho
Right now
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Please give thanks to pic related for consistently saving Blue Archive
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>bag/ - Blue Archive General #6496 bag/ - Blue Archive General !NgZBzNpT4.
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getting drunk is just an added bonus, not absolutely necessary to accomplish the latter
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Thanks, Nell
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im so fuckin dead tired
Eat Chisecake
Kaho more like Kawho
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Good night tiredanon
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Mika pillow!
You are the best Akane, thanks for all your effort, you are the greatest and sexiest maid too!
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Would she like that?
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She peed from that touch, didn't she?
Post it if so.
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Holy based
gn anon
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Gonna get Neru pregnant with triplets
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Kisaki forgotten...
I typed this post
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>best damage dealer for this firedrill
>ALSO one of the best healers for it
Hanako season
>/bag/ suddenly loves Akane
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Lolis are FOTM
Hags and Maids are forever
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What makes Maki so erotic?
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she's still getting art daily.
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ok faggot nobody asked
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fuukafag triggered
how do I get my game to look this good is there a way to increase AA through the GPU instead?
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Fuck yeah Maki hours
I asked.
Akane seems like she could make you cum entirely by stimulating your balls.
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Ignore the faggots, you are right
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I would sex all versions of Yukari.
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Twitter/X has been unbanned in Brazil
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>seems like
Stfu Reisa
Post brown Koyuki (teal hair)
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Do I really need to max out Yukari just for a drill?
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AC collab would be kino.
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I want to go back to my youth.
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I believe in a happy ending
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we got ac collab
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Kuzunoha cunnilingus
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We need wincest in BA.
post em
Read this as Armored Core which would also be fucking kino.
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What the fuck is that last thread. Why was Kaho not in the OP? Why did you all follow into it, you retarded newfags?
>remembers her hair color
What color would her pubes be? The orange, the blonde, or switch halfway like her hair?
perky shimiko
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Just what the Internet needs, more brownoids
Dark orange
Maybe you can force AA through driver control panel on whatever emulator.exe you use on PC.. not sure if that works.
But more likely the clip was recorded at 1080p and then downscaled, that basically has the same effect as MSAA.
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thankeding these for blue archive!
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So does Aoi's new battleship game give you shit rewards over time? I want to know if I should clear the board and get everything or just aim for the purple reports from big items
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Blue Archive radio. This week's guest is Kisaki's VA.
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Momoi's name is like a cool covered ramp in Extreme-G 3 or F Zero.
Damn, she's so flat.
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I've been thinking /bag/ and I must say none of us actually like 「cunny」.

What you are really drawn to is merely the social taboo nature of 「cunny」.

To give you an example, when I was a 「child」, my parents placed a threshold limit on my 「vidya」 consumption. I was only allowed a certain amount of time to indulge in 「vidya」. Of course, I would seek ways to indulge in 「vidya」 beyond my allowed limit in secrecy. Such acts of 「defiance」 gave me unparalled rush of 「Excitement」.

However, now that I am an adult and no longer a 「child」, I hardly seek 「vidya」 with the same fervor I once had back then. Even though I now have much greater amount of 「freedom」 and 「power」 in comparison to the days when I was but a 「child」, I no longer find such joy or any feelings of 「defiance」.

What you are truly attracted to is this feeling of 「defiance」.

From evolutionary biological perspective, it's just not possible for a male to find sexual attraction to the female body incapable of reproduction.

What you are truly being drawn to is the taboo of it. The scarcity and the prohibition placed on 「cunny」 makes you feel 「defiant」.
Why do they have a vibrator? Do girls just casually masturbate together?

not that I dislike it, but I want to know what they were thinking when they designed her
kimono mixed with sports outfit for a timeless being outside of reality?

What will be the meta and terrain for the next PVP season?
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I'm thinking Mika love
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My precious desert rose.
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I like both hags and lolis because I have a functional dick.
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Urban, six months of SHanako
Outdoors, six months of NYHaruna
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Her shoes still bother me
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Yuuka or Noa
how many uheees is too many
I hate you so much Kotori you nasty ass bitch but the f2p game ridiculous.
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>not using the official one
>or the groovy remix

The remix project is one of my favourite things project aces have done. Lots of good stuff in it.
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I haven't masturbated in 3 days and I feel like I'm about to explode but still have to make it through my shift
Modern geta
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Just jack off at work, boss makes a dollar yada yada
Don't play dumb
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Wow, Hoshino's an asshole.
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>Hoshino's asshole
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>No Birthday on BA calendar
>/bag/ made me realize I don't have kaho

It's joever
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5 is the magic number.
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Voice lines for Kisaki were recorded in June, so it was not a panic release by any means.
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why didn't you roll for her
When was the last global roadmap?
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Don't forget to roll for Toki to get bricked up.
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Toki isn't used for anything though?
>AI slop
You didn't complain with that Mari
Global doesnt really get roadmaps anymore as we're just on the JP schedule, pretty sure our last roadmap ended with Dress PS68.
3rd Anni is just around the corner so maybe something will pop up then.
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When mine alt
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Hifumi but better
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More like Hifumi but dead
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>"you didnt call out every single AIslop image I kept spamming so that means you're okay with it"
Maybe go drown yourself in the Ganges.
I prefer a student that respects me, thanks
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What makes you think he wasn't?
pretty sure we just got one that showed GA greg coming up?
So no one?
We're in the managed decline phase. Planning out a roadmap just isn't something they're going to put the resources into, things will come when they come.
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I mean we get patch notes? I guess if that's what you're talking about.
I was thinking of the fancy roadmaps that show a few months ahead.
>bocchi the reddit
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Where is the Halloween event?
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I have been in a Kanna mood lately.
Imagine the tightness
pagan holidays get nothing
Korean 9/11 please understand
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Will you release her?
christmas is a pagan holiday you dip
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There's no strap connecting to the back lug, besides a Les Paul would be too heavy for Miyu.
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Next thread won't be better
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Toki the Rock
*tips fedora*
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Mine this mine that
Why dont you mine some bitches
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>fatposting hours
Very based.
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It's literally Christ's birth retard
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>he doesn't know
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I think fat "people" should die
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Mine my beloved...
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Time for Kayoko's Freshman Fifteen!
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Halloween SUCKS
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Less than 24 hours before this poll ends.

Sign ups will also be soon (Oct 25th - Nov 8th)

VGL23 will be Nov 29th-Dec 1st, Dec 6th-8th, 13th-15th, 20th-22nd
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Nobody actually likes Mine, she's just a meme
We have one actual Minefag
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Fuck off the worst limited healer. Kokona > T. Mari
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Where's Rad Chise?
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do you expect people to scold you 24/7 you failed abortion
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I'm gonna cummax to Kaho today.
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Piss drinker hours
I'm out
hes claiming that christmas is saturnalia
Kazusa gf
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Another sort of victory
where's kisaki?
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when are they going to fire those faggots holy shit
I was 18 when I played the holy trinity.
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I am surprised the shupogakis didn't get scuffed laughing lines.
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holy shit
Things might be improving, haha
the wind is gusting so hard my house is shaking and my monitors are too
it might finally be over
blue archive
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Florida-anon...I hope your death is an enjoyable one...
all me
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Just stay in your home and close all the windows. It will be over before you know it.
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Hello everybody welcome back to another gameplay commentary by your favourite gamer Momoi. Remember to smash that like button and subscribe to win a chance at a $10 gamestop gift card.
It's your fault for continuing to live in a place that Mother Nature routinely rapes every couple years.
Are you talking about the rape from Kaho or the hurricane
is your home made out of plywood exclusively
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Damn, it's almost always a line where the students are showing affection towards Sensei huh
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Kaho would never rape me.
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My favorite better be in or else I am starting a petition.
That's every house in the US
Just evacuate bro, or is it already too late
Do americans not use bricks in their houses?
imagine evacuating for some windy rain
What kinda goofy ass laugh?
>All hurricanes to ever exist have traveled from right to left in a spiraling pattern, there are no hurricanes that travel from left to right
>Hurricanes only hit basically the east coast of America, and Japan because they only travel in a very certain way, they require a very certain type of travel path to be possible.
>Suddenly one appears out of nowhere traveling left to right
>Weatherfags are saying there's no metric where this is possible
>Its called the strongest hurricane to ever exist
>They're considering upgrading it to category 6
>Specifically targeting Florida
>Right after NC was destroyed by a hurricane

I dunno, everything about it is suspicious
It really is a blue archive
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The poll is the petition.
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Bocchi the fox
Don't worry, they made sure to fill their heehee quota by not giving Hoshino her uhe in the trailer.
I'm petitioning the poll.
It's an australian hurricane toilet water spins the other way too
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>bocchi the reddit
I've heard brick housed still get shitted on by hurricanes and tornados.
students that have sensei's permission list:

In no particular order
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Have you never seen what hurricanes and tornadoes do in America? The entire foundation of the house gets ripped away, nothing is left behind, and they happen at the same time every year. Solid concrete and brick structures are entirely wiped out. When a tornado happens in America, all you can really do is pray. If you have an underground shelter you might have a chance, but not against a hurricane.

I get that it's not a good idea to use bricks in places where tornados hit, but what about the places that don't get tornados?
Particle board, or OrientedStrandBoard(OSB) when they're trying to convince you that it isn't complete fucking garbage, is a sheet of wood made of tiny little slivers, scraps, and junk pieces of wood, pressed and glued together into something vaguely resembling plywood. The instant it gets wet it starts to bloat up and deform, and any orientation other than perfectly vertical or horizontal will start to bend it
Those 100k+ homes you see in your gentrifying areas are made of the construction equivalent of popsicle sticks and elmers glue
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Rumi the Rock
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>google forms
Will this grab my pp?
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Add Alice, Fuuka and Kokona
Anyone else hate W̶a̶k̶a̶m̶o̶ Akira?
>shilling your shitty channel
buy an ad
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>it's almost always a line where the students are showing affection towards Sensei
>Got asked to refill company car
>Forgot to ask for the receipt
Uhh... will I get fired?

Blue Archive!
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permission for what
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Jokes on you every localizer is trannylator
Not mine, I just watch channels of British people who's minds are blown by American food lately.
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I saw a video of a British person putting tuna and beans on a baked potato and I don't understand what's wrong with Britain.
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https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122883508 dogsex
wouldnt all the cities be gone then? i imagine things like skyscrapers have to deal with a lot of lateral force
Why so fast?
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Hurricanes aren't just an issue for the wind, the flooding can get intense enough to lift houses off their foundation and flow them down river. Crazy to see
that's pretty obvious since everything is settled months to years before it's available, because it can take months to get shit ready. c&c included. only retards (shitposters) push the idea that it was a panic button.
From what I've heard the height of British cuisine is either KFC or those middle eastern meat cones. They can't imagine food better than a KFC yet.
Nyo nyot everything. See Kirara
You share a general with people that believed that vol 4 got canceled after 1 chapter because it was unpopular.
Did they fix this I didn't see this one when I sent the ticket
So how was the translation for the new story chapter. Did it sit well with non-dekinais here? I saw that they gave Nozomi a trademark laugh, is it accurate to the original?
I prefer kot impregnation.
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
Brits eat like the blitz is still happening
Its fairly rare for tornadoes to fully touch the ground and become death cycles. About once or twice a year you hear sirens that are louder than you can imagine, everything is dark outside, and you have to hide in a closet or a bathroom for an hour until all the sirens stop. Its actually fairly uncommon for you to ever see a tornado, but you feel it, and you don't have any real chance if it does hit.
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A Kivitos teenager eating their Lunchly, hitting up the Talk Tuah podcast before listening to the new KSI song
Its accurate enough that no one here would complain, at the moment no one has found any issue with it
Which is odd because last main chapter update definitely had some issues, but this one seems fine.
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they didn't fix it.
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Kill every gookako poster
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Yes, the laugh is accurate
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Authentic Trinity cuisine
Anime adaptation of Vol.2 will save Buraka and extend its lifespan for another month.
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I can finally post this
Remove the peas and it should be ok
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They could use concrete like the rest of the world does but they'd rather stick with the FREEDOM PLYWOOD and LIBERTY DRYWALL to stick it to them third worlders who dare use WOKE COMMUNIST building materials like concrete
Blue Archive
mushy peas good
Hoshitno should die
Yup because it's trannylators on a crusade to fix problematic games
They should just pretend season 1 doesn't exist if theyre gonna make another season. Give sensei a new design and shit
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Never trust Airifags. They always claim that she's plain and normal even though she's clearly not.
Unironically tastes better than it looks.
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Ironic zoomer posting is still zoomer posting.
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>the joke is sex
Monkey should die
I'm gonna get Fuuka pregnant
you're right, they initially planned to have 2 14-days rerun events back to back, sure that would have ended well. oh yea and released 3 new chars in a single phase which has never happened before.
These chapters make me teary eyed too easily, great read though, I feel everything about these flashbacks, especially for Nonomi's character were much needed. Shiroko is funnier, Serika is the butt of jokes, Ayame and Nonomi feel more proactive, Hoshino's backstory makes the events more depressing, the train twins are great, not enough of Souo to say much still
I'm mostly unspoiled by this chapter which is nice
Calm down, Sensei.
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Haruna cunnilingus
For better /bag/
you are like little baby
watch this
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Bros, is it bad to not know how to drive a manual
>posts a cook student
>can't cook up a good opinion
No, most cars are an automatic nowadays anyways
You're supposed to read those
As oppose to what?
>the joke is rape
Unless you suddenly time travel back to the 1950s, no.
Nigga just start with 1, wait a few secs then 2, stop at 3 if the limit is 45 km/h and push to 4 if 60+ km/h allowed
It's like a rythm game
>be N5 tranny
>dislike teacher-student harem content
>apply as translator for teacher-student harem game
>don't actually translate
>insist on twitter the the game isn't a teacher-student harem simulator
i wouldn't judge you
but i drive a manual
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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I don't even know how to drive.
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Draw your wife in the aggie /bag/gots
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yes, because not all cars are automatic
your right foot is for either pedal or brake, left is for clutch exclusively, take off your right foot when engaging clutch, shift, take off clutch, continue vrooming
to not stall from a dead start like a noob, think of disengaging the clutch as a two step process, you first disengage to halfway, then let it off completely
The giant monkey guy is kicking my ass in Sparking Zero
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Now that I have read Yume's dialogue, I can finally say that I like her and that she didn't deserve it.
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lol n00b
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Britain got fucked hard for the first half of the 20th century. They were still rationing some food in the late 50s. Entire generations growing up through that more or less obliterated what culinary culture hadn't already been lost to the social changes of the Industrial Revolution and urbanization.
Also, tastes changed. A lot of old recipes don't get made because they seem strange, or are no longer relevant. For example, the separation between savoury meals for the meal and sweet courses for dessert. While present, it wasn't as strict. So apple pie, rather than being purely dessert, could be a main course if you couldn't afford to include meat. I sometimes make a recipe I got from an 1740s cookbook: layer apple with sliced pork loin in a pie crust, season with salt, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg, add white wine and butter to form a gravy as it cooks, and bake. It's good, but most people don't even consider apple pie as a valid meal.
And the memes are somewhat self-fulfilling. To most people, if you suggest a meal with a selection of French cheeses and bread, it sounds fancy. If you suggest the same of British cheese, people picture a boring slab of cheddar, even though Britain has many excellent cheeses.
Sweet ride
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I'm 28 and I don't even know how to drive
I either have my roommates drop me off places or I just walk/bike.
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It'd be funny but that's not even a joke, I remember when the public discord has revealed that they gain positions of power specifically to change what the game is from the inside and remove harem elements. During the Kikyo controversy the mods all teamed up to say it isn't a harem game at all and defend each other in this opinion, it started with some retard new mod who didn't even play the game deciding that student and teacher stuff is "icky" and this should be a yuri game, and they didn't want to make a discord channel about localziation issues because it would make the localizers feel bad, all of the mods were running defense for the localization saying it wsa perfect and they didn't want anything changed, a fucking Nexon dev eventually had to step in and say that they were fixing Kikyo to cool down the war.

It wouldn't be an issue if that wasn't the OFFICIAL discord which is directly advertised in the game, so everything the random ass mods say carries the weight of the devs and localizers. The devs will take what the retard discord mods say as fact for the community because the mods ban every opinion they don't like.
At every chokepoint these people align themselves into positions of power to change and break shit from the inside.
You must be real good at pleasing dick, no one rides for free
just say you live a healthy blue archive life.
post more
kinda based

but kinda not

no one as unlikeable as you, anyway
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why is eroha like this????
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Weasel sex
>Forgot when I last headpat
Headpat timer when?
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How about not thinking about anything sexual for a day?
she knows how powerful her fluffy ass hair is, and she uses it to her advantage
Unerotic, unerotic and unerotic.
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Car hour?
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>couple years ago
>eurofag lefties say America has no culture
>fast forward to now
>eurofags blown away with US food that blows their weak tastebuds

American South based BA school when? And no, Abydos isn't Arizona.
fluffy... ass hair?
Where’s the Kotori picture?
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>car hour
I still drive an ecoshitbox built in 93
while blasting blue archive on the stereo btw
All the schools to date are vaguely based on real world countries

Abydos - Egypt
Gehenna - Germany
Trinity - Britain
Highlander - America

You can usually tell which country a school is based on what guns they use, what traits the students have, and what traits their school has.
Highlander uses American guns
Trinity uses british guns
I mean... isn't that the strategy for many leftist institutions now? Hence we fucking gatekeep BA.

Project KV sadly invited the people we gatekept and they now have futas to satisfy trannies
The Shupos don’t have guns though.
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stoatfuckers online?
The mobs you imbecile.
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Challenge: Don't seethe about project KV for one day
Difficulty: Impossible
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The mobs and Suou do
Also all students have guns, its literally a requirement to be part of society as seen in volume 2. To be without a gun in society is worse than being naked.
Would love a C&C Race Queens gacha but I know others have been traumatized due to AL race queen stuff...

oh well...
Gotta be honest, I went into the discord and searched up the quote word for word from the still existing mod and it's gone.
Huh, didn’t know that. I didn’t realise the mobs had guns as well since their CGs don’t show it.
for me it's medium stoat.
egypt made guns?!
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what quote? I'm mostly paraphrasing shit from memory unless you mean they scrubbed the mod.
Zoomers are in their twenties now
Bro..your field fights? Did you think they were using generic guns this entire time?
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Will always make fun of PKV and pikachuman. Artist egos kill multiple artists and they need their egos crushed everytime.
where is blue archive content?
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Every group/school tends to have themes for what guns they use.
I remember someone talking about how the sisterhood seems to use isreali guns
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I must defend the billion dollar company!!11!
What happened with AL?
Not sure why everyone's sad about KV inviting tourists when it died in a week. Whispered good to faggots and broke it to their hope. Now we get to laugh at their loss.
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>Season 2's 1st episode is the game's actual and more thoroughly explained prologue and makes it so chapter 1 of Vol2 occurs chronologically before V1.
>Actually bother to make the 12 episode run about one chapter instead of rushing in both chapters into one. S1 is already proof of how creativelet and stagnating it can get with this direction.
>Hire a better animator director, Hagiwara is a hack.
>Make it so Sensei is unironically just starting to get the hang of how things works in Kivotos like an average shonen protag so that, in the extremely rare case we get the adaptation of Eden Treaty, we can see some actual character growth on him instead of the lame yesman shit we see in S1.
>Insert some actual add-on contents as a side dish from the main story, like the group story about Yuuka's 100kg meme from Veritas, the hot sauce SMG from EGD and some momotalk interactions
>Butt in Noa and Koyuki so that Yuuka isn't centered as the sole headache in seminar besides Rio (for Koyuki they could make it pass as if she's in the self reflection room being a dork when Hare's EMP drops and the reinforced steel doors pop into the entrance).
It'll probably suck a bit less but I don't see what other approach they could use to improve the quality.

Alternatively just fucking pump and dump movies or OVAs, it kinda worked for Kaguya-sama.
I was pretty miffed but honestly at this point all I feel is pity. Seriously did none of em realize it was just a suicide? Did none of em ever have a single second thought?
>discord trannies that hate the game are translating the game
how did we let this happen bros...
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>sisterhood seems to use isreali guns
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I like breasts
Isn’t Highlander named after a region in Scotland?
I like pussies
the Shupos are obviously going to be a special
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Ah I meant the screenshot of a mod saying that BA "wasn't a teacher and student" game or some shit like that. It was either edited or the mod deleted it.
Why is this a binary shit to you? I can recognize them as the retards they are without siding with nexon
This looks like a Megaman X boss intro screen before the stage starts
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>New event
>It's basically battle royale race all around Kivotos
Would you?
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I'm now a Kahofan.
Remember folks, sucking dick is okay and entirely heterosexual as long as the dick in question belongs to a flaky artistic type
Wacky race doujin was highest of kino so yes
see >>497697881 that is actually sad about it. They can't reflect on why and how fucked up what DynamisOne did and just go "Oh you hate artists and suck on corporate dick".

I concur to you tho. I will even argue it's our duty to laugh at Dynamis One so other artists at least start to have some business sense.
Nothing wrong with RQ alts anon
Muh poor indie artist can do no wrong!
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>they should have just quit Nexon and not release anything ever again.
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Criticising creative boneheads who haven't had a good history outside of the only work they're praised for means you're a slurper.
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Where's my Negev student?
pat pat pat
The shuppos also talk in random English, which isn't necessarily going to translate that well in the english version. There's also a lot of Metal Gear elements with their entire plotline.



Scotland has no history of trains, but the early eras of America were defined by their trains. trains were once a very big thing in America.
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we shitposting with kaho now bros? i never got the memo...
What's the BR/race for?
What's the prize? Nothing seems to be worth it to have an entire not-war around it
Mobs use Galils, Sakurako uses a Tavor, and Mari and Hinata both use Deagles.
>Wacky race doujin
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>What's the prize
Sensei rights
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shut up retards i wanna read more shupogaki content
brown students
>no big side booba obsessed with sensei
it's over
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>Seriously did none of em realize it was just a suicide? Did none of em ever have a single second thought?

Many artists that initially "made it" start to have egos and think they can make everything right while not acknowledging the other people who either make their thing better or tardwrangle them. It's got to a point where if you go to coloso courses, professionals actually tell students from the get go what is commercial art (art catering to your CUSTOMER BASE/CLIENT, not you the artist).
What event is JP getting today?
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sensei doesn't have rights
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when's the seia stream
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That was a funny story.
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Look at the OP dumbass
What's the ending?
>But she doesn't
shut up
Why is Sumire there?
>washing clothes
>pick up hamper
>weird liquid coming out
>taste to see if it's beer or soda or something
>wash clothes
>remember that I had to clean up after my dog the other day
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Sumire got robbed.

You can participate in the race however you want. Tanks, Shirokos bike, Moe and Ayanes copters, or in the case of Hasumi and Sumire feet.
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Its a race between all of kivitos, the winner gets sensei's virginity
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>>It's basically battle royale race all around Kivotos

So Kivotos Mario Cart with C&C Race Queens, Millenium Blue Shells, Kai turning everyone small for a moment, and other Kivotos Hijinks? IM FUCKING IN
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If it means kuroko gets to have an alt then yeah, sure.
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So a dead week...
We don't need a fifth fucking version of Shiroko.
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It will probably have banner rerun of Trinity summer or Gehenna summer.
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This will never not be funny.
Did the Perez-uzzah misspell get fixed?
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I don't think sensei consented this...
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All of the racers exploded, except Hasumi and Sumire.
Traitors should die
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I am here.
Junko is fucking dying
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Yes we do.

Tsubaki you fat fuck...
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0 decides which rabi i make
Millennium will fall.
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What would a drunk Ako look like?
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Based, artists are fucking insufferable, motherfuckers had one programmer and they probably were planning to slave him away
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Ayane and Moe had the best chance of winning if not for this moment.
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S Cheese
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The real victim is Fuuka
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____ ______ ____?
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Onsen Meru, if that doesn't already exist.
I mean they're in a fucking chopper, that's cheating already
Pandemonium Society Mob
Shiroko was in front of Ayane
She was saving her energy for the last sprint until she purposefully dropped out.
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I'm tired of people in Kivotos trying to kill me.
Junko deserved that
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Faustina vs. Zorro
Hifumi would later become known as the bandit queen Faustina, and Wakamo as the vigilante Zorro, the Fox of Calamity. Their fierce rivalry dates back to their time as the top two students of the Spanish-style fencing grandmaster Karin
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Akari seems like she could've easily be the star of GRS but she lets Haruna to lead.

What a girl.
Junko did nothing wrong
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>that's cheating already
Anything goes. ANYTHING!
Kinda surprised Kasumi didn't participate with her driller.
I need an event where Akari leads GRS for a day, or just an event where we can see Akari actually shine because she's kinda unhinged at times.
Bald sensei
Kai with a gas mask
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Sensei in a Maid dress
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Gangsters vs Yakuza

Dogs and cats
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>I'm tired of people in Kivotos trying to rape me.

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people really need to stop making avant garde-kun look cool it's not fair
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taking more
He still looks retarded fuck you Rio.
Kill yourself subhuman
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Avant-Garde feels like it'd be slower than a Tiger I, mostly because it could topple over if it goes too fast. That's on top of the supposed hard top speed of tracked vehicles because if they go faster than that the tracks will break.
Forget your scat pic stinky.
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First of All... Kivotos Cart would be a fucking great minigame

Second of all... why is this not getting translated? where is this uploaded? wtf
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I unironically fucking love the gourmets, they made me laugh a lot in volume 3 and and I was glad I saw them just randomly tagging in for volume F
>only have 2 purple units for the joint drill
So much for pulling for "meta" units
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The time hotspring club adopted a cat
Prefect team raided their base and attacked them unprovoked as usual, and you could tell there was a moment Iori was debating on whether she should shoot the cat
The race sucked. Hifumi should have been riding Crusader-chan instead of a scooter.

She's probably heavier than him too
JK kisaki
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I want akane if not done yet
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Shutup nobody loves the Gourmets here we hate the Gourmets here
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These chapters have been scanned for months and no one seems to want to translate any of them

The time sensei has work in another academy for a few days, so his wife Wakamo graciously decides to watch over Schale for him while he's gone.
Maybe someone else from Trinity got to it before her.
I don't know how many hours I spent reading but I read half of chapter 3 and entire chapter 4 of Vol3 in one sitting. I must first get this one thing out here. Calling Mika a princess was priceless.
I really do enjoy how shameless this game is with the plot armour. Especially so since this is what adults do for their children. Give them chances and will sacrifice anything for them. Will do everything for them. Even use the card and rewrite the story to give each student the happy ending.
Without knowing the circumstances fully halfway through I hated Saori. Now I blame the circumstances and see that she was created to be bad by someone else, manipulated. I will forgive her.
Now my only problems is that it's 4am. And I have only 16k pyros and I must secure 2 sparks at least and preferably 3 to be 100% sure I will get s.Izuna, Shiroko Terror and Mika cause I picked up the game right after her banner ended and she didn't spook me on bluefes.
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Gestapo fucking Prefects.

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>why is this not getting translated?
the official anthologies are basically never translated for reasons we just don't know

pretty sure it's on ex if you want to read it raw though
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>eats my chips
>princess holds my neru
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If Wakamo is the star then post the link on Wakamo's birthday and I will translate it.
Hifumi and Zoo
Might translate tomorrow if I remember (I won't)
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isn't it a good event to farm, since it's always paired with 2x missions/commissions?
I translated it
but it was transient aka all in my head
sorry bros
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I like that one a lot since Toki gets a chance to talk to Sensei about her insecurities 1 on 1. That artist is a hardcore Kayoko fan so I was surprised they did a C&C chapter.
Yeah but why is there a lack of Kaho porn?
The moment when the translation team was forced to listen to the fans for the first time was when they princess line was cut out of the original version of volume 3 translation
Fans caused such an uproar over this that eventually the localization team was forced to kneel and fix their mistake, it was bad
Even now there's honestly a lot of issues with volume 3 translation the devs haven't' really addressed yet. But at this point we've had some victories fixing the translation of the game by submitting tickets any time someone finds more fuck ups. As long as enough people send in tickets the devs sometimes listen and sometimes fix issues with the game. Every time the game releases anything new in the game there's usually a number of fuck ups that need to be addressed, and tickets need to be sent in to fix them while the iron is hot.
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>I will forgive her.

But she fucking shot you.
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Ako at Costco
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Why don't we post Hibiki anymore?
Anythology has been posted several times
Its not a doujinshi, or it sorta is and sorta isn't. Its one of those semi official fan books.

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i have 0 purples built and i still cleared its stages 3 and 2
Would she get mad if i buy the hodog after shopping with her
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Based canons sensei. Good luck in your future rolls.
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My Kamen Rider autism flares up when I hear Hibiki and I don't wanna get bullied by /bag/
What are some sistercore student ?
Biggest thing newfags should notice; anything at all that is semi-romantic, between sensei and a student, gets cut from the game unless enough people complain about it. The fans all have to gang up to shout down the localizers to have any hope of things getting fixed.
>"sensei calling his student a princess, no no that's way way too risque, people will think this is some sort of harem game, I must change it"
Someone in the localization team lives to remove stuff like that
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>Now I blame the circumstances and see that she was created to be bad by someone else, manipulated. I will forgive her.
Congratulations. That's one of the core ideas in the main story of this game. Children can end up "evil" either through neglect or outright misguidance and manipulation.
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I can't believe the idea for Seia 2 the musical came to Seia in a dream. Is this the matrix?
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This plus the discord tranny mods made me realize it won't matter if the devs are in good faith trying to fix the localization issue. The issue is the people they consult with are some fucking California lefty who with insert their shit on the game.

Bet they will actually make the Hina Hoshino ending in Abydos Vol 3 into full blown Yuri shit. Screenshot this.
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Izuna. She's a daughter, little sister and wife all in one.
I still can’t believe there are spiteful cunts like that who join a fanservice game and makes it a point to kill any fanservice. How the fuck those people keep their jobs is beyond me.
Let's not pretend Mika wasn't pure woman moment from the start, a lot of what happened was on her
I heehee'd.
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BlueFes is 3 months away. Just don't impulse rolling like a retard.
She was manipulated. I will correct her. I will also make sure Haruka gets a giant garden to take care of to keep her away from planting bombs.
Oh god
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I'm gonna buy the big cookie and make her eat all of it
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You're late
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The entire sisterhood of course
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S. Hanako really is THE go-to unit for this JFD, huh.
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>She's a daughter, little sister and wife all in one.
This sound oddly familiar
>How the fuck those people keep their jobs is beyond me.

1. They all live in Cali (Nepotism/DEI hires)
2. They establish their lefty culture and cover for themselves
3. Corporate does not understand what is actually happening on the ground
4. They wonder why is they product failing
5. Feds bail them out
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Nobody likes my shares.
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>Costco shills in my thread again
I haven't been using /bag/ much lately... I'm getting rusty.
They also don't let people who disagree with them join, which is how they ruin everything
I will shoot her in her womb with my semen as revenge. Bet she won't see that coming.
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if you say that then you literally missed the entire conversation at the end where Saori confirms Mika was entirely pure, and everything that happened was Saori tricking her until it all exploded on Mika who felt so trapped that she adopted a fake persona trying to pretend to be evil to rationalize why things turned out like this. In reality she was stupidly pure, she was so pure she thought her life was a Disney movie and she would create peace between Arius and trinity and everything would be happy and peaceful and her friends would tell her she really did good, only for everything to blow up on her because Saori and beatrice were tricking her from the start. Mika pretending it was all her plan, Saori confirmed that was all a lie, Mika just created a convenient truth for herself to escape from the fact sometimes things go badly even without you having any bad intentions.
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Yeah but when people are scrolling through the assists they'll see a Rumi and be like 'the fuck' and click on her and see she's maxed UE50 and go 'based' before moving along.
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Most likely because someone else has an S. Hanako (and base Hanako) that has a slightly higher bond than yours.
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Foomy. Imoutos are not sexual after all.
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I treat it like an afterthought, I don't bother going for the AP achievement targets and do at most a couple PvP refreshes
>2 cost
>ridiculous damage
She's the choice even in single target shit because of her stupidly high damage AND def down normal. AOE stuff has no chance.
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>Corporate does not understand what is actually happening on the ground
Are they that out of touch
Why did they all blame their intended customer base when the chart dip instead of reflect on themselves
My lovely fox onahole
>no sound
>even without you having any bad intentions
That's not excuse for a fuckup that almost got people killed, I'm not saying she wanted it to happen but she acted like a complete 3d woman
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>Corporate does not understand what is actually happening on the ground
You think they don't notice numbers going down?
Stop making me want to rape Kaho
It has hands and cannons, surely it can set itself back straight. and doesn't it land with some jet propulsion?
I try and borrow a different one each day since literally everyone puts her up.
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>le 3d
oh it was just xir shitposting again
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They only see the numbers going down or not going up in the first place. They don't understand the real reason, and maybe the DEI cockroaches will go "It's because of the incels!" and that somehow convinces corporate to keep hiring them. Maybe it's high time someone tries to find the common denominator.
Oh look it's noticer hours again
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Oh look It's damage control hours again
One of the chapters is literally just the 227 side story all over again. Shigure and Nodoka are all over sensei but Meru(or the artist) being a faggot shits out another y*ricrap fanfiction. Thanks for bringing down the whole anthology, fucking faggot. Glad they retconned Meru.
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That'd be X5 then.
oh look it's hour hours again
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Reminder that Kaho is Chisexual.
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I've noticed the temperature going down lately. Always around this time of year. Bit too consistent to be a coincidence.
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Train mob
There's a 50/50 chance next thread will be better, either it's shit or it's not
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It's still getting in the 90s, I fucking wish the temperature would go down.
Zerg Seia love
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>Are they that out of touch

Yes. Go to downtown of California cities and realize those posh rich people (funny enough mostly ideologue lefties) are living on a different planet than most of us. They will literally blame racism or mysoginy for sales going down, then just talk to their banker/politician friend to give them money or outlaw some things.

It's that bad. Everything wrong with the US started/starts in Cali.
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What if Mimori kept her cat or fox ears..?
I'm honestly surprised Nexon hasn't embraced AI translations yet and fired all the trannylators to save money
It's the government conspiracy to make you pay higher heating bills, they are trying to pad out annual revenue numbers.
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I just came
nice try arona we all know you control the weather
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To the birthday girl, right?
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She's so powerful she generates her own anti aliasing.
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>You look lonely, I can fix that
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
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I like Mimori as she is.
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We love Mimori, but we also love animal ears here. In short Mimori would be the most popular student.
Back at using the classic schizobait images
Yeah, fuck you
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Hyakki should be mostly animal people
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already done unless if you wanted some other mob
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It's Horus hours
What am I looking at here
Holy fuck, someone saved that drawing from back then.
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Considering the news around a month ago about Nexon focusing on "hyperlocalization" strategies and forming new teams for it, I'd say it's the opposite. But that's why the tickets should keep rolling in.
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She looks like Niko here
It was funny.
The megumob (big)
too much boobs
i'm already dry
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That's Hayase Yuuka from the mobile game Blue Archive™
Arona looks like THAT??
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You think AI translations are better than trannylators?
Glad you like it.
Man fuck localizers
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Remember to recycle to save the environment so future generations wouldn't have to deal with natural disasters!
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> Autumn
> 34 celsius outside
> Sunny as shit
Kill yourself mother nature.
Kayoko makes me soil my underwear
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We were supposed to get AI momo talks at some point
>JP text
What does the KR say...
/bag/ has great aggies.
Neko Mimori died for Niko...
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I officially ran out of Kaho pics.
It's over.
Kill yourself.
ah the hot spring mob
maybe next time
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I want ice cream, should I get mint chocolate or raspberry chip
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Whatever you'll get, grab some vanilla ones for me.
Thank you for milking me, Toki
My favorite!
The fuck is with that reaction?
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SG Valkyrie mob
E46 M3 my beloved...
It will never be a gook game.
what's happening bros
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My trust in people is so low that I'd rather have robots doing shit
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Get some cardio tubby
I'm noticing
I know that car from Need for Speed Most Wanted.
hyakkiyako looks like that?
Comfy hours got murdered
>your student
>your masturbation habits
I don't give a shit.
EN translates from the gook script so if you want to get things changed you have to compare to that otherwise you're just throwing a hissyfit for the sake of throwing a hissyfit.
The vast majority of lines are the same in KR:JP, but without the KR screenshot they're just going to ignore any potential tickets.
No, mikafag can't help but make everything about her
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>AI that at the very least will translate literally, while sometimes being able to "pick up" context and meaning and keep that too
>A human intentionally changing meaning and/or context because they find it problematic
The choice should be obvious.
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Thank you for your service.
Saori the fat fuck ate it.
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Pretty Ako
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| ̄ ̄( ᓀ‸ᓂ) ̄|
| \⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒\
\ |⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒|
\|________|Hop in, Sensei
potato saori...
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Thanks for the images *buuuuuuurp*
Is that a hot tub or a bed?
proper language models? yeah
bargain bin garbage the average SEA faggot will use to churn out MTL trash? no
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Next thread will be shit
Sensei is getting naked either way ᓀ‸ᓂ
/bag/, I think a lot of you will like this manga called Koibumi to 13-sai no Actress.
its a tissue box
Spankings are needed
I'd rather have a japanese poverb literally translated and taking 5 minutes to google what it actually means rather than having fanservice intentionally cut out.
A lot of the ironic weebs here don't actually care about accuracy.
Hmmm no, I don't sleep with my students
That DOT raid can't come soon enough, please give me a reason to use S.Saori.
The cost is 7 meaning Ui or NY.Fuuka will only reduce it to 4.
The only relevant language is Japanese.
>le concerned momoi expression
The gsc president
>Bunny Toki

you already did, Sensei.
I should fap to Kaho for her birthday, yet that butt is making me want to do it to Toki instead..
Can the Engineering Club build a Getter Robo if you have them Getter Rays?
You did with Akane, manwhore.
kisakiball again
>your student wife
>first AC game
They ambushed me and I didn't consent.
last time raw korean script was in jp version the retard snuck in a terrorist attack joke
A rat tatat tat
I was forced
>>first AC game
Is this a trick question? Surely it's literally AC?
I have never played an Ace Combat, Animal Crossing or Asscreed game
They can't understand unscientific things like getter rays
The weakness of all sciencefags is they can't accept the unknown as part of the equation.
> AC
You fucking bastard.
Air Conditioning is not a video game, patrick
It would have one little bug that would make the Getter sentient
Last Raven or Fires of Liberation
I only played the first Assassin's Creed because doing it in the crusades caught my attention
I haven't played Animal Crossing
The one from PS1.
Hina dress or Ako dress
I've never played any Animal Crossing, Armored Core, Ace Combat, or Assassin's Creed game
For ace combat, AC7
For armored core, AC6, considering trying the previous ones
Casual Toki
Feels like one of the Gematria guys will get their hands on getter tech first.
It's a gook game with anime and otaku culture elements. I won't really call it a nip game when they don't own the IP and did not make, develop, and contribute to it.
> Not birthday thread
Eat shit.
It's shit hours anyway who cares?
>not bday girl
Kill yourself schizo
>For armored core, AC6, considering trying the previous ones
be sure to map the camera controls to your right analogue stick for armored core.
>Thought it was the 10 already in JP
>Turns out it was midday and I was reading the world clock wrong
I apologize actually.
Set in fantasy Japan with only Japanese characters
>with anime and otaku culture elements
Oh well, you do you. Whatever help you escape reality.
Neither the setting itself nor the nationality has to do with anime and otaku culture.
I'm still here
Other thread is garbage, you are not missing anything
images were a mistake.
are you one of those retards who defended the 「欲の皮が突っ張ったアンコウの群れ」 and 「ヴァルキューレのスズメ」 fuckups that even the nips noticed?
Not that anon, just want to share additional nips wiki site for compiling Yostar mistranslation.
The old wiki administrator no longer interested, so supposedly the current site for that is https://wikiwiki.jp/cibacl/
However, as you can see, it's still empty and the old wiki is used to document Project KV. The things is, the old wiki content still exist there https://wikiwiki.jp/bludictinary/Wiki%E6%97%A7%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%86%E3%83%B3%E3%83%84 (Wiki旧コンテンツ).
damn, there are a lot more than I thought. I only saw the Kazusa and Descartes ones by chance plus whatever localization differences people have noticed and posted here like nyAkari's momotalk.

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