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Previous Thread: >>497711516

Happy birthday to Suzuran!

[9/27-10/11][Standard]6* Vanguard Saileach, 6* Defender Horn (Shop), 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Specialist Kirara (Shop)
[9/5-10/10][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Tuye, Mulberry, Suzuran, Mint, Scene
[9/26-10/11][CC2#2]Operation Underdawn - Plume skin
[9/26-10/11][Joint Action]6* Medic Kal'tsit, 6* Sniper Pozemka, 6* Defender Jessica the Liberated, 6* Guard Executor the Ex Foedere, 5* Guard La Pluma, 5* Guard Wind Chimes, 5* Defender Firewhistle, 5* Specialist Kazemaru, 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Corroserum
[10/10-11/1]Babel - 5* Guard Odda
[10/10-10/24][Like Ending Like Death]6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Sniper April, 4* Defender Lutonada
[10/10-10/31][EPOQUE]Qiubai, Cement, Corroserum, Pinecone
[10/10-10/24][EPOQUE + Raythean Striker + Vitafield Re-Edition]Horn, Harmonie, Heidi; Siege, Indra, Scavenger; Heavyrain
[10/17-10/31][Marthe Re-Edition]Skadi

[9/26-10/10][Standard]6* Caster Carnelian, 6* Vanguard Flametail (Shop), 5* Supporter Lucilla, 5* Supporter Grain Buds, 5* Sniper Lunacub (Shop)
[9/27-10/11]Vector Breakthrough - Vanilla skin
[9/27-10/11][Orienteering]6* Caster Logos, 6* Guard Viviana, 6* Guard Hoederer, 6* Caster Ebenholz, 6* Vanguard Saileach, 6* Vanguard Ines, 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Sniper Melanite, 5* Sniper Greyy the Lightningbearer, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Medic Mulberry
[10/9-10/23]Ending A Grand Overture - 5* Supporter Catherine
[10/9-10/23][Never Gilded]6* Guard Vina Victoria, 5* Supporter Bobbing, 5* Defender Bassline
[10/9-10/23][Witch Feast]Degenbrecher, Blaze, Bassline, Popukar
[10/9-10/23][Witch Feast Re-Edition]Lee, Kazemaru, Iris; Fiammetta, Dorothy, Quercus, Whisperain

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
>Allerdale's redemption
Who asked
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Bnuuy love
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The Sarkaz "God of War", that has lived for 8000 years and was stronger than Patriot, was killed in the new sidestory with 0 CGs and no boss fight.
>was killed in the new sidestory with 0 CGs and no boss fight.
We literally already heard he died all the way back in Nymph's vignette
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Well looks like they can still pull shenanigans with the source stone they got. The dukes letting them go was also due to a quick threat.
SHITtoria strikes again!
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Eblana LOVE
Pretty sure his death will be the theme of the either new sidestory or main episode later, think of this news as some sort of teaser from Lowlight
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IS#5 Spoilers.

New Ending is picrel.

New Datamines: https://nga.178.com/read.php?tid=41985412
Mr Columbian glowie is there helping set up drug deals since Londinium's industry can't cope and the Dukes couldn't be fucked ruining their profit margins for the infected.
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>the new vampire chick likes Ascalon and flirts with her
Oh boy.
Holee kek, almost got it right
>My predictions
>>Seaborne redeployment time -10 seconds
>>Allied units take 15% less damage from Sarkaz enemies
>>-40% HP, +22 ASPD and +22% DEF
>>Has 50% chance to restore 60% SP
>>Skill 1 +8% atk, skill2 +8% def
>>Can carry 4 support devices (deployment 2)
No, he dies here in this story's plot. Siege+Steam Knight+ others against his army.
There is no new story possible for him (unless he is alive).
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So this is Mudrock in her Anasa form?
Assclownfag was this close to being home free
>main episode later
No fucking way. You're either saying that the Victoria arc still hasn't ended yet, or Arc 3 is still going to be Sarkaztent.
Sarkaz samsara...
Thoughts on Priestess?
Victoria is over
Sarkaztent in main story is over
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I thought some anons said that he got offscreen'd
>Reunion is occupying Londinium
>Chen is supposedly reuniting with Nine.
So what happened to these plot lines...?
Not into evil women personally
Can't blame her, Ascalon has a bombshell of a body.
I like her, though there's not much to say about her beyond being the most Doctor-centric character so far. Would be cool if she was a rogue/double-agent Observer too.
Saved for Reunion event, duh
>tfw people hated on Mudrock so much for being a winglet, tailet Gargoyle that she became an Anasa
By offscreen it means that there is no focus on him. He doesn't get any lines or any CGs, but the fight is from Siege's PoV and they skip over the fight.
It's start->node ends->he's mentioned dead
>Sarkaztent is over
Good, I'm sick of this one race
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I'm just gonna say it
Amiya is a better leader and would be a better king than Siege.
Eblana is a better leader and would be a better king than Siege.
Talulah (pre-mind break) is a better leader and would be a better king than Siege.
/akg/ doesn't like her type of evil woman
'luv me Ansel
Reunion was just there to help the Infected citizens weather the storm, now that shit's stabilized they're off to help the next gang of losers
Chen's riding along so she can hang with her big sis
You will still get your regularly scheduled wank of Sarkaz-are-suffering monologue, there'll just be no actual story tied to it anymore
Hibiscus or bust, I will NEVER touch that faggot
Amiya wont be Sarkaz leader, skipkek
When has Amiya showed leadership? She’s a glorified mascot.
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The Dukes try to pull a fast one by pretending there's basically no one alive in the city to justify halting the advance into Londinium until they're done talking but the people in there fire up the factories to disrupt that.
>broken unit for maximum profit
>write shit rushed story
>go back to working on Endfield
in the main story you didn't read, duh
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>they made siege for (You)
who asked for this
So how are Stainless' and Horn's new modules? Worth?
I just want my Precursortent so I can see my Kally Wally...
She's not that broken either thankfully, we can comfortably skip for Lappalter.

In IS, there is no way she is better than Kal for true damage.
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Holy shit how's this game keep growing each year
Why does Reunion 2.0 still exist? The story has moved past them long ago, it’s all observers and Endfield now.
>I want to learn from you
>Holy shit she loves me
>vampire tells you there was a traitor who left the group at Londinium
>she's more concerned with finding her than anything to do with Theresis
Could be a traitor fucked him up honestly, seems like the vamp is the next step in the Victoria/Sarkaz main story conclusion.
>who knows what happens when candle is off
>omg she wants to fuck me and ride me
It's the same everytime
You can be as autistic as you can, gameplay wise in either full metafagging or full niche gameplay.
Nothing there indicates anything for (you) related, stop being so insecure
Is that supposed to be any more for you than this?
>If we're ever put in a tough situation... then I may well act on my own motives. And if it comes to that, Doctor, I hope you'll join me too in... no, never mind for now.
>completely different from Ch14
Eh, that one's vague and mildly suggestive so it can go anywhere, Siege's line is pretty clear on what's going on.
Changing habits is hard for neurodiverse individuals.
She’s not ‘Kally Wally’, nor is she your ‘daughter’, because Ama-10 is not a person. She’s a tool, and a defective one at that. Treat that thing as the machine it is Doctor, and stop wasting time and energy on such pointless exercise.
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Kroos feet!
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20 rolls, wow
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>omg she wants to ride me
yup, it's true
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So is Ascalon named after the city or the sword?
Protector's fold to arts without a healer too. You can just use skadiva s2 if it's shit arts and s1 if it's the real deal.
I'm not going to fall into your arms until you acknowledge her as a living being with her own wants and agency, Priestess.
>She's not that broken either thankfully
Explain, how is she not that broken?
Because RI isn't actually fighting for the infected.
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Good QoL but it took them way too long
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Ok I hope I never have to hear the word "Victoria" from now on ever again.
Give me Kollamkino, then Siracusakino to wash off the bad taste.
Is this level of growth really that impressive?
It's not like it's FGO level or the hoyofuckers
those wounds they did actually heal
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They are alright but I prefer other parts.
>no tits
One of them is a fake.
Kroos is an all purpose bunny.
8 tiles around herself only
Less true damage than Kal in IS, more outside but even then it slashes her usefulness in half
>true damage condition
Enemies need to be blocked, the harder the content the harder this is to do

Don't get me wrong, she's a 9/10 but she's not "top 5 units" material.
The only QoL I want from them is the ability to bypass Recruitment Lines. I have hundreds of tickets lying around all because it's a slog to go through them.
Yeah, Closure. She barely looks like a vampire.
Ishar'mla won
Didi won too
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So the Sanguinarch left a few surprises behind for if they had to leave Londinium.
Most likely the city since she's an old character.
In-universe she's named after a mythical king killing sword. It's not her real name, she doesn't have one of those yet.
That unit was never meant have wants and agency. It was created to only obey its directives and our commands. It’s better to give it a hard reset, once you remember. Why can’t you understand that?
Gacha games rarely grow outside of their first year.
Fat Kroos is off model. She has some form but
is overall lithe.
>Blade bellow the shoulder like Ascalon
>Learning from Ascalon's old mentors
Allerdale really is robbing Ascalon blind
>Dukes were literally going to leave everyone in Londinium to rot, until the citizens with Nu-Reunion's help fired up all the factories leaving them unable to pretend that citizens are all dead and there's nothing to save
>non-zero possibility of Mudrock Asana Alter
it'd be a Skadi2 considering IS5 canon status but I'll take it
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Also Allerdale is responsible for Siege's new outfit.
obesoids constantly project nothingpipi
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she has the thighs
Honestly? I want to see an alchemist added to the game that lets zombie archetypes to heal for more with their on hits.
>no mention of mandy in Vina event
inevitable alliance with rhodes island
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Kroos has a little bit of extra belly in her DM outfit.
The victorian leaders are nonces, the horrific betrayal of 1400 children is canon.
Wait for Dublinn event, this event had nothing to do with Dublinn.
Ascalon sacrificing her body's purity to save us.
>visible hip bones, no paunch with literal abdominal strain
>ratio of arm, legs and said bossom aren't uneven
If she's getting a skin for it she's not getting an alt
Through marriage between Talulah Artorias and the Doctor of Rhodes Island.
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>CAM ON VICTORIAA *bang bang bang*
To be an Infected Rights Movement
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Datamines were fun, but I need to head to bed.
Goodnight friends.
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Eblana cameo
Wait so it is a crow with bat ears and wings. .. she is batcat now..
Why hasn’t HG admitted that RI is a paramilitary company??? It literally participated in the Victorian civil war as an ally of the current monarch.
And why would they even want to ally with RI?
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But she's my ride or die buddy. She's the best Vampire on Rhodes Island.
We got not time for that we need to save the Sarkaz
I said non-zero, not that it was likely
and we got alter versions for less
>tfw we get a tie to the Yan, and Victorian thrones, plus Kashchey's Dukedom
It's like I'm really playing CK2!!!
>Mystery vampire
All these ladies and Ascalon fixates on the weird bnnuy adopter that gave her some food.
The only vampire I can respect is Arcueid
Usually they tank and die in the coming years not continually grow.

So you know how NTR was shit cause she couldn't block for one reason or another and therefore couldn't do true damage? It's the same this time.
Based Banana burning the devils.
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Same old routine.
Love goes through the stomach
Who would be the first to steal Doctor's snacks? Who would defend Doctor's snacks?
Not talking about Kal's inedible cubes
>Who would be the first to steal Doctor's snacks?
>Who would defend Doctor's snacks?
Honeyberry or Gummy
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He's a very cute dope
No 2 friendship points LMD for you for a year after that rude claim Doctor
Okay, but who would be both willing and able to protect Doctor's snacks from Ceobe?
New event stream if anyone wants to see
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The great lewd bnuy, Amiya
How are Vina's mana costs? Degen S3 tier?
>but who would be both willing and able to protect Doctor's snacks from Ceobe?
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>inedible cubes
>Kal'tsit saw to it the cubes before you have both nutrition and flavor
I think it was 50 but don't quote me. It's like 2 threads ago or something.
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something about the infected probably
Why wouldn't they? Guard only had good things to say about Rhodes, and all od the innovations he taught them came from Rhodes. As well as Nine having a positive opinion.
Official art. HG is really going all out for this event.
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Extra visible paws too
When it doesn't come to writing
fuck this guy
I shall trust the process
Siege will do something about the Dukes fucking the kingdom up this badly. Long live monarchy!
All those lucky bastards getting the low angle....
Did you read it?
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It shows now if your friends supports are M6/M9'd with triangles
At least he’s dead. Hopefully Percival, red blade and the rest will follow soon.
Do I mastery Gravel's S1 or S2
Ally isn't on the picture. Shit one.
The three main heroines of Arknights...
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Kind, strong, cute... What can't she do?
Not be a cannibal
you don't really need either, but her main use is s2
The shield to give her one extra second of being alive to die to whatever she was meant to
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gummy too
They just ate dogs bwo
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S1 is stronger against physical, but S2 is all purpose.
If you're only doing one, go with S2 so she can tank arts too.
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>nah, I'd win
the madlad
Oh they finally added a new strong flying mob.

44k HP, 1000 attack flying drone that when it is killed, does 2000 AoE damage and drops a bunch of buffs (for both you and enemies)
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I've heard the Doctor of Rhode Island is weak to full frontal assault by direct ladies.
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If they went all out then they wouldn't have dumpstered Nacho hard enough it'll be a meme if it's real.

Also Reunion just left town as people said.
Bwos... I think Siege is cool.
No wonder every single duke tried to hold him back. Man literally carries the honor and martial prowess of Viccy army on his back.
It's almost scary to imagine a future without this dude fucking around and winning everytime
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I've heard the Doctor of Rhode Island is weak.
Didn't he die in chapter 14
In the new retcon ending Siege beats him, not the Duke.
I'll know in a few days
Weren't Logos and Siege both there?
My friends will finally see my M6 Dobermann!
He was losing his battle before Nacho got called off but he was still in position to threaten the Dukes into accepting Taran independence.
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>BTFO Sarkaz
>OP kit
>Banger OST
Vina Victoria... won!
Holyfuck, go touch grass.
>Percival decided to stick around
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Sex with bnuys.
on a posting rampage today, eh Mr Nothing?
You can read the story yourself.
Siege+Steam Knight.
>Unicorn murder arc has been cancelled because Talulah skipped town
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There is something wrong with this bunny. Mr. Nothing is so unlucky.
Wienerbros... not like this...
Myrtle, I think.
what did they mean by this?
Wiener the King of Propulsion...
Steam Knight once again
Her pinkness offends me
Siegepapa was a furry
What or who is the new lady with heterocromia? I want to say she is a cat but she may well be a fox as well.
Is he something that exists in Victoria or is the whole encounter similar to Reed's idea of standing up against ebturd?
unironically what did he mean with this
Looks like a memory of old King or something, the first king perhaps.
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It might not have even been Siege who took him out.
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>My Lord, we are losing Victoria.
>The Duke of Wellington's attitude was very clear and firm. Without provoking another war, we cannot respond too strongly for the time being. Tara's economic structure is unbalanced, but its foundation is not weak. To clamp Wellington's lifeline economically, you need to work closely with the other dukes, even more than you can do now.
Nope, the other dukes are trapped between him and Vina
You must be in the know. Pinks betray. Pinks ALWAYS betray. Even Sill was running a long con as seen in Rance X
He's a cuckposter, not even Ceobe should try to understand the mind of someone that far gone
Yeah, the whole point is that Siege gave away the sword and that no one knows who actually killed him
Doesn't change the fact that this fucking sucks ass
Kroos's arrow, entering Fang's tummy?
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>Nacho might have been shanked by a random peasant
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comically easy event
>instead of EKSUKALIBAAAAAAA bullshit, all of Victoria's citizens were given a chance to murder their enemies with the blade
Oh thank god, they stuck to their guns and didn't ruin the themes they've been building up
He jobbed against a Gaulish general though
Wow it'd be awful if Frostleaf would park it far away from you while Ela killed it.
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This is the one.
I like Guard.
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[Good news]

There is a good chance that they fixed IS#5.
The Kollam branch happens in the option that gives the broken emergency relic, so you cannot take it anymore.

That alone isn't enough to fix it but we will see.

Please save IS#5 Kollam-buddha!
>broken emergency relic
What does it do?
A man denied his honor, denied to die a honorable death...
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>killed by a random faceless shit smelling peasant
RIP bozo
At least he can cope with the fact that he got crippled by Logos, but still... even if he was crippled, losing to some peasant? Really?
So what's next? Sanktatent?
Mating press
>King of Jobbers is too pussy to fight so she gives her sword to a literal conga of jihadists who die to stab sarkiggers with it
>check the event gameplay
>the boss stands around with 0 animations and doesn't even have a phase 2
>there are only THREE new mobs in this event, the 4th one is a reskinned Steam Knight

LMFAO they really wanted to hurry up and be done with Midctoria
The nacho fears this
How many tiers has nacho been knocked down on the tierlist?
The Dukes being left to hoof it on the cold streets of Victoria because Speaker Siege told them to fuck off, is pretty based
>is Eblana's subordinate
The scariest thing about Tara rn is the fact that they literally have undead army that can rise and rise again with even more fervor because Eblana's flame also refines their will as she wished.
During my Ch.14 read, I was scared of Wellington dying until Eblana showed up.
"Boss" is weaker than LT elites unironically
He's now the Weakest Royal.
Siege shares her sword with the people like a true righteous leader
Same with her pussy
Yeppers, this event gets a.... 3/10 from me.
I can't even call this B team, they just didn't put any effort on purpose.

Love the Degen skin though.
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I'm glad the Nachzerer died like a bitch. It was really tiring seeing /akg/ powerlevel fags wank him to high heaven. Ohh he can one shot Rhodes Island, he can one shot this, he can one shot that...all of that hype only to get BTFO and fade into irrelevancy!
Calm down delpipi
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Sounds like the peasant should have been purged.
From some preliminary testing she didn't pass the h7-1 leak test with both S1 and S2. Some smarter people than me will have to find combos or synergies with her. Her passive atk+5% works on skadoo's summon and turrets like wuh's etc. Doesn't work on placable boxes/objects from the map itself.
But can she solo 1-7
>I'm glad the Nachzerer died like a bitch. It was really tiring seeing /akg/ powerlevel fags wank him to high heaven.
Good mandypost for once
While I think the writing is shit, I'm glad it is, tired of this guy getting wanked
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numbers>>>personal power
everyone on Terra would job to a gorillion peasants with pitchforks
Well, he was around Patriot tier who died like a BITCH to Amiya so I'm not sure why people expected anything from him
Bitchzerer king
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Most likely
Except demons
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Arturia my keyholder.
I mean, he's never been shown to have super speed or strength, I think?
Considering that old scavengers died of rotting from the inside out, it's possible that despite his posturing, Nachoz was already on his last legs.
How do he fight, anyway?
I'm under the impression that he's a summoner.
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I spot a new max pot wife
i can't go on... take this, and stab an infected for me...
>block uno
>but with summons and infinite skill
Maybe with stun
Eblana is dogshit.
Define "fix"? What was fixed and how?
Siege, lend me your sword. I need to butter my bread.
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Always was, skipnigger
There is a relic that increases the chance of emergency nodes and IS#5 in general has many tools for you to reroll nodes.

So people just took that relic and rerolled everything into emergencies and got 100+ relics.

IS#5 in general was very broken and not fun. Chinese are hoping it gets fixed.
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Slay, King slay
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job to some farmers in Shu event
>I'm under the impression that he's a summoner.
Pretty much just sits on his throne commanding soldiers and constructs while his rot aura keeps him safe.
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You have my sword
I mean literally
Take it and go shank someone
I didn't visit the threads for a week and anon dislike Eblana?
>I mean, he's never been shown to have super speed or strength, I think?
He's fast enough with either his moves or his casting to stop Shining from being able to draw her sword or dodge it if she does manage.
anal pronebone, lube optional
These are SEA hours and they hate Eblana, wait for the Americans to wake up.
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>HG about to go 3/3 for using expansion II to turn it into ruined shit for the sake of esport faggots that hate the game
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what the fuck
So she's like 5'4" or something, right?
>Demons die if you don't understand them
>Feranmutts die if you prove their fantasies wrong
>Originium dies if you know the code
>SEA dies if you know the code
It's that easy
>Nachz meet Shining
I need to re-read the chapters. It's been one year.
I don't think my butt can endure that.
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>nacho's death is supposed to represent the symbolism of Siege handing power back to the Victorian people instead of taking the crown
>akg calls her a jobber instead
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>Main Chapter/Midtoria
>Summershit with Pepe
Good content doko?
>Fear my seething anger
>Dies after being stabbed by a dirty cat who was probably starving for weeks
Kind of funny how it is the majority of seashitters that actually like eblana. But whatever you say, sis.
SiracusaKINO next month.
Also yea, there was nothing good post-babel. I have uninstalled the game until Siracusa (CNbro).
>cn will dropped patched IS5 and not allow me to spam fun relic spam because niggers complained while taking advantage of it.
Cute headcanon.
I think it, and literally giving the sword to the people was based though
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Bring me the updates. I am ready.
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Smoose Supremacy (non operator terms) will continue
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You can still have broken bullshit fun though, just not when facing the CHAD Kollam
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God, please. I've been a good man.
Bro I don't even think a highschooler's creative writing assignment would turn out this bad.
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Boss Name:
Qui'lon the Mahāsattva.
It's the giant surtr ice cream spoon son of a bitch
Prized Lappy...
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Needs a mole under her boob.
Lutonada chips?
Odda chips?
Aroma chips?
I saw Nymph or Jieyun on the left.
oh no no no what's that weapon lmao
is that supposed to be a scythe?
Its nice to finally get a proper sexy vampire lady
Shame he ultimately ended up raging himself to death from Yanese treachery anyway
It's a large sickle.
So Sil stayed with Rance in order to fix him and make him become a better person? Even when she died?
She needs a giant sickle because she's a farmer chad
Only had 10 pulls I got really lucky
Hair is ugly. Should've had long hair.
Also face looks too much like Surtr.
And I didn't believe there will be that many people with the ironic adolescence shtick in here but then again it is 4chan.
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Cute hair.
14 pulls, thank you CCP
How good is Wiener Victoria?
Do you really want to defend this godawful ending? Really?
done procrastinating
waiting 6 months for my Best Friend(wife)'s new skin is gonna kill me
Ascalon's English VA credits:
>Liara in Mass Effect series
>Harding in Dragon Age series
>Palutena in Kid Icarus
>Lightning in Final Fantasy 13
Personally I've played the shit out of the Mass Effect games and I can't unhear Liara...
should be stupid good unless they fucked her stats up
How do you feel about undeployable tiles and enemies with stun/freeze?
She can beat Patriot on s3m0 despite being an arts fighter
Hate em
>English VA
Don't care
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She's no longer trying to hide it. Clovisia outs herself to Siege.
She succeeded with s3
cared enough to reply
Well they stop Alexandrina from dealing true damage on her s3. Or even attacking. She is exactly as able to function as NTR s3 was.
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I've studied transformers my entire life. My mother hid them from me.
It must have been such a joke to her when i became OPTIMUS PRIME.
Link to vid?
Siege module thoughts? There's the boring "longer tremble" or "more atk" that would be the obvious answer, but what if the range of talent 1 was increased into a diamond?
99% of gachas peak in the first year and keep tanking into irrelevant, what is happening to ak is not normal
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>Liara in Mass Effect series
We'll bang, ok
Kyostin was trying it
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English edges anime style characters closer to the uncanny valley, I hate it.
Aceship not updating their character sprite gallery anymore? Any alternatives?
It'll just add 5% hp and def cause they're cowards.

Ah yes, the "arts" fighter that deals true damage
If you can attack multitarget at all that stage is incredibly easy.
Looks like a caster
Read the OP
>implying a centuries old immortal never learned how to fight
the unicorn's gone? just like that?
at least kashchey had some fucking substance in going against the emperor's wishes "for the ursus empire", clovisia is just gone like that.
this sidestory was a mistake. made nacho job and made clovisia look like a coward.
Columbia is stronger than Victoria lol.
>America is stronger than (lost the war)
>hides for centuries
>manipulates key players from the shadows
>never seen in open combat unlike old well
Clovisa IS a coward
>still alive
There's still hope for a Quintus-style slaughter.
the main difference being that the text tells you that Clovisia is tired of the same constant song and dance and Kaschey is a madman acting on his own
I can't stop cringing at the writing
PRTS or https://hermitzplanner.github.io/skins/.
Gone? She got her sales pitch rejected. What was she supposed to do, just say fuck it and knife her?
>thinking she won't try to manipulate Talulah into killing Siege, just as she justified murdering Edward Artorius for Fredrerick, and then Frederick to the nobles and citizens
I wonder how autistic she'll sound on the scale of Harding to Lightning
She's going to show up in RI.
victoria is a den of cowards, people and dukes alike. was it really THAT wrong to just let Theresis destroy the entirety of victoria THEN stop him? (of course, we shouldnt stop him at all, considering he is loyal to the p l a n)
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They heard you complain about Viccytent dragging to long, so they're now offscreening a bunch of characters and dropping a sublot from before Victoria, all in a side story. You rike?
How the fuck is this a side story and Ch9 was a main story again?
Talulah already left Londinium. She's more likely to work the dukes into killing Siege.
I mean... it is LONDONium
Bro, the boss fight of this event is a random ass thing that stands in place and does nothing and dies.

This entire event is phoned in to quickly wrap up and move on.
>loyal to the plan
didn't Babel reveal he actively opposed the precursor's designs for terra and he actively worked to free the sarkaz from the remnants of their actions?
Columbia is united under MARK MAX's flawless leadership. Victoria is split between a bunch of shitty cats and lizards. It was never a question who would end up on top.
They’re CATS, what did you expect? Bravery in the face of danger?
blink twice if you have a bird with a gun on your shoulder
He's opposed to Priestess but he's also utterly fucked on a meta level and sending him to Victoria was the Doctor manipulating him IIRC.
Columbia is a sarkaz puppet state
/akg/ shits on the game's writing time and time again, yet people still get hyped for new events and main story chapters. What gives? Masochists or memory holers?
>Mark max's flawless leadership
>literally knows jack shit and is puppeted by Maylander
Sarkaz serves the President.
Imagine the philosophical drivel justifies Siege being the Queen in the new chapter lol.
While ch9 was a good enough chapter to start the 2nd arc, it could've literally been a side story. This was unironically the start of the issue.
>Divided opinions
>You can like something and also shit on parts of it
Take your pick
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>I've strangled and killed my fate
holy chuunikino
what does her module do, is is mandatory?
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Here is the new event Boss btw.

I think this is the first time they are releasing a boss without phase 2 since... year 2? For side-events atleast.
Hope to be wrong, resigned that the expected pain happened again. Queue up to go again.
Victoria beat the Sarkaz
Columbia is controlled by Sarkaz
Mark Max IS Maylander.
We shit on it to cope with the shit writing and hope the next chapter/event would be better (it isn’t).
Level 1 is good, don't bother upgrading.
Have you considered that /akg/ might not be just one person?
Theresis' deal with the doctor was that he would be granted the tools to unite the sarkaz (which as far as i know is happening due to amiya and logos shenanigans) but he would later have to transform all of terra into originium, which is presumably why he fucked off at the end of the arc with a special piece of originium
>/akg/ shits on the game's writing
AK does NOT have one writer and this is very obvious.
The Victoria arc is probably one of the worst written things I have ever seen.
Completely aimless garbage slop.

Good stories in AK are found in sidestories.
You'd serve the Son of Friston too if you were smart
But it's me
>what does her module do, is is mandatory?
20% mspd reduction 3% more damage perstack on her DoT and 5 second of duration. It gives the lowest attack of any ambusher module so leaving it at lvl1 is fine.
Or so he'd like to think
>Good stories in AK are found in sidestories.
But this new Siege event is a sidestory...
It’s a live service game designed to continue as long as possible to rake in the money. Of course the story will continually degrade as it gets dragged out with no end until EoS in sight.
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I think I have enough to get Assclown, W2, and Lapp Alter if I skip everyone else?
Is Ulpipi worth getting without Skadi and Specter2?
What was the verdict on Pepe and Marcille?
remember: The question on whether a story is good is: Is it sarkazslop?
If no, it's probably good
>literally knows jack shit and is puppeted by Maylander
Maylander gives him info and some semblance of a conscience and he gives them results.
For example, the shard was one the things the doctor gave to theresis (though that was more of a way to stop theresis from murdering him once they met), the whole reason why doc turned traitor was, outside of the fact he already wanted babel gone, was that theresis had him kill, or atleast help kill, theresa as his part of the deal
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considered and rejected
If you want an actual finished product, read a good book or even a VN.
>Is Ulpipi worth getting without Skadi and Specter2
if you have Hoe, no, if not then eh why not
Yeah but it's in Victoria
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Depends on how lucky you are.
Yea he works well even with just Gladiia. t. AH user
You can skip them if you value meta, otherwise, they're ok.
Best side story:
>What the Firelight Casts
No? Normally you reassign or fire the hacks then get someone with experience and common sense under their belt to head it. This is just failing at the fundamental outlining of the story which is so much worse than the rookies just fumbling the filler. To put it in better context, Lowlight approved this mess.
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Gladidi is enough for Ulpipi
Good joke
This. You can't spell kino without Reed
Gladiia and Ulpipi are the only fishe CN uses regularly
As soon as you realize that most of it boils down to
>this isn't m-muh fishes
>this isn't m-muh horses
and so on you realize you are just dealing with self-centered retards. And of course in addition to this we are currently dealing with sad excuses of losers that shitpost just because they have nothing better to do.
This new "sidestory" is just an epilogue to the main story.
It wraps the "loose ends" in the most retarded way possible (yay nacho is le dead and unicorn was a nothingburger!)

It's by the same writer I would assume.
Reed always make me smile, yes.
Gonna roll Wuh and that dungeon elf.
Don't forget Reunion dropping out of the city with nothing more than a cameo from Percival.
Steamknight was kino thougheverbeit
I want to blast her walls white.
Sex with Percival.
How do you reconcile nacho's in-universe power and getting pogged on by literal conscripts with no training?
Sex with Reunion
I like to think about the countries, going ons, politics, with fantasy tech embellishments. I will not read a lick of the story.
Especially since feeding him tons of cannon fodder should be the worst way possible to fight a guy who feeds on war.
Vivi showcase
I am glad at the very least that Siege didn't turn out to be OP.
I couldn't handle another poorly written but OP garbage so soon after Walter.
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on one hand, thank god victoria is over.
on the other, the way the loose ends were wrapped is entirely retarded. Clovisia just fucking outing herself like that was supremely stupid, what even was her goal there? Nacho king jobbing to a bunch of peasants is bullshit, and his death should have been treated with more respect, like atleast make him go out being the rearguard for the rest of his army instead of getting shanked by a bunch of civies then his people just marching away with being chased or whatever.
this isnt B team, hell it isnt even C team. Whoever made this story is a hack, and deserves to get raped, tortured and killed by the sarkaz.
Details on arts fighter modules or are they releasing later?
>I couldn't handle another poorly written but OP garbage so soon after Walter.
Don't worry, Lappland's alt will surely be a paragon of balance.
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Do not touch my daughter.
That he had to deal with Logos, and army and quite possibly Siege and her gang of nobodies. He got worn down because of it and eventually met his end.

The ambiguity around who had the final blow is there just to show the reader there actually isn't that much of a difference between a royalty and the average Joe.
We love Lappy though
I will be watching Arcane 2 and playing with my Lappalter in November.
Devils are well known jobbers, they jobbed so hard they had to use precursor technology and originium to weaken other races and they kept jobbing afterwards to said weakened races
Well that's a comedic timing if I ever saw one
So they puppet him
>That he had to deal with Logos, and army and quite possibly Siege and her gang of nobodies. He got worn down because of it and eventually met his end.
There was a fortnight long gap between the first half of that and the city fighting. That's a shitload of time for a guy who can normally just stick his limbs back on.
She's not OP, she's just Nearlter with multitarget and switch up her stun with tremble.
Low imagination kit.
>just to show the reader there actually isn't that much of a difference between a royalty and the average Joe
This is why the writing is so stupid. It makes no sense. Here they try to show that but literally last chapter dude was flying around and destroying the battlefield
>normally just stick his limbs back on
Bro, he's literally rotting.
devilshitter mad that nacho king got shanked
And was introduced as the guy who could solo RI if he wanted to.
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Man we're eating good on NPCs It hurts...Playable when :(
Leak was fake. Nyodules already got weibo'd then datamined 8 hours ago.
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>sloppy lupo mouth "greeting"
Logos gave him unhealable wounds
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Sex kot
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He is sharing what's left of his lunch.
>there actually isn't that much of a difference between a royalty and the average Joe
your special bloodlines?
drawing reps when?
Nacho king died?????? what the fuck he was the coolest court sarkaz we'd met
Haven't checked, how is Vina's number?
That came was a "for now" attached to it. Not a forever deal.
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They lost the forest for the trees unironically
>get comfortable in your writing, start going cool anime fights with floating ghoul kings devouring armies, vampires turning entire duchies into blood sacrifices and Confessarii 1v200ing elite regiments of troops
>get slapped by Highdark himself because you were supposed to write a story about "actually, monarchies bad" and the power of proletariat like the Yan censors intended
Like go ahead and tell me that all of Ch13 and this event were part of the same high-level story design
turns out she was 6 all along
>for now
For a long time
Certainly not within a month
But without the "royalty" they never would have won? The Queen of banshees needed tracy's special eyes I mean getsuga tenshou

Skywalkers in shambles.
Both Sanguinepipi and the lore book said that the Aslan are frauds who faked being special, they're just normal felines how happened to have a gigachad ancestor who was only special because of his own merits
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No CG, no bossfight, no oneliners. He got absolutely fucked over if he actually died.
multi-target NTR s3. block req headache and all.
Me with AH/Seaborne people
Watching devilshitters get knocked down a peg is absolutely delicious
They made four different sprites for Allerdale but she's still not playable wtf
ok this whole nacho disrespect business makes me sad, can we go back to speaking how kal'tsit is a fucking hypocrite who forced her father to choose between his civilization and a bunch of savages, and he when he made his choice she got mad? atleast theresis understood the ordeal, and he DIDNT have more than 10k years under his belt
The story itself was sucking them off as invincible demigods since at least Ch12. All while telling us that we should feel bad for them because they're so oppressed btw
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New shop UI goyim
Just wait until Babel, it's impossible to dislike Kelsey after that.
No one made Doctor chose anything, he did everything himself including giving the directives to Kal.
Well clearly not.
I like the Royal Court, but think this seething over nacho king is retarded. Nigga fought an army ala Wellington, then faced SSJ Logos and finally the viccies, the old dude was plain spent
She will definitely become playable
Holy based, HG listened and delivered the QoL we've been begging for. AK is saved.
Isn't a hoard of trash literally his ideal fight and way to recover though?
Not so much when she has the lions and aoe on her attacks.
Shame that Logos neutered his ability to heal himself then, ain't it?
Plot twist, he choked on a femur
Sweetie, you do not understand the real point.
HG does not understand how to write plots.

You see all those Reunion, Unicorn plots? They were.... Irrelevant all this time. All those screentimes they took up? Ch'en traveling to find Talulah and what not? Irrelevant.

Nacho is just another victim of the godawful writing.
It's kind of annoying because they were legends that survived great eras of war against superpowers far exceeding a bunch of plucky rabble and mutineers.
Still. Even with that
>he didn't even get an appearance
>he didn't even get a boss fight
>he didn't even get a CG of his body
All that happened was
>OK were gonna fight
>next scene
>fight over
it is exactly babel that makes one dislike kelsey. she wakes up doctor with the express purpose of having him fight originium, which she probably knows was made by him and priestess as a form to combat/survive the observers. she DID make him choose between his civilization and terra, this only becomes more clear when theresa begins meddling with the unzip function of originium, which is what makes the doctor realize that he needs to get rid of babel asap.
besides, theresis did make him choose the death of theresa so that he would work with him.
>All those screentimes they took up
All that screentime they took up, ESL.
It's extra funny when you remember that his arrival into Londinium was such a big deal that it completely broke off the fighting in Ch11 and everyone was shitting themselves over it, but even that happened off-screen and he wasn't shown
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He flat out says he'll bare the viccies ire too after Theresa finishes doing her thing.
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>he didn't even get a CG of his body
I guess irrelevant pitiable bastards just don't get that.
This was a Siege event so obviously they had to focus on siege, everything else will be made into a side story. It is what it is.
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Remind me again why nacho didn't just pack up and fuck off when things got real?
Looks like you skipchadded.
>she wakes up Doc with fighting originium
She wakes up Doc because she thinks she found a solution to save Terra. Theresa was a being that could control originium
>which she probably knows was made by him and priesess
Doc and Priestess hid from everyone the real purpose of Originium. Everyone on Terra would die and be sealed inside. New universe with Originium as basis. This is a betrayal to Kal.
>she did make him choose
His choice was from his own guilt as he saw Terra had flourished now. In the past there were only animals here, now there were sapient beings who were very similar to Humanity
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The resemblance is uncanny
But anon, this IS a side story.
Devilshit really did ruin the Victoria arc. Maybe if they spent less time wanking them they could have had an arc.
yes, theresa being capable of controlling originium means she would be a threat to the plan, however cruel it might be.
i'd try to reply to the other stuff, but sadly i have other things to do, was fun discussing with you btw. also yea i dunno chinese.
Don't ask me, even Theresis had fucked off by the time the army got to Londinium.
meant to say that the other viccy plots would also be made into side events.
Methinks people are missing the point of the story
Reunion is there to actually take care of the infected, you daft fag. As it turns out Rhodes were always after something else and just happened to help some along the way.

It isn't that hard. I am sorry you didn't get your Talulah activating lazur blue eyes and throwing purple black holes against the unicorn who as it turns out was able to steal arts and was gigasad because her brother died and she missed him. But maybe next time.
Any actually entertaining and likeable AKtubers to watch go through the story?
Everything coming up PRTS in the end?
Nigger your understanding of what happens in the chapter is based on shitty MTL.
Maybe actually read it first in two days.
people didn't read, you mean.
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Goodnight, /akg/ and if I don't get another chance before then, good luck to anyone pulling for Ascalon.
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She passed the /akg/ test
Who knows, he stopped making this a Test for Amiya at some point.
He wanted to die to a peasant
Clovisia will be playable, i can feel it
>nacho lost to a good ol londinium shankin
Oh no no no ahahahahhaha
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>spent most of her skill duration
>need six spots
Who called her OP?
Texalt can clear Misha in two deployment. Maybe one, even. But I never tried it, so idk.
Clovisia will be slaughtered, Quintus-style.
>on THAT tile
KWABzerer king
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GuideKEKS won......
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now post 1-7
thanks anon
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Death of Nacho, Victoria 109x Colorized
I thought we weren't going to need guides anymore after next month?
There are at least six tutorials of the entire game on Youtube, I think.
I don't think adding one is going to help.
It's like that meme about making a standard for everything because there are 20 standards, and when they were done, the result was there were 21 standards now.
Honestly everyone knew this was gonna happen.
Lowlight could barely write a story about 2 factions + 1 extra somewhat.

How did he expect to write a story with:
>Glasgow, RI, Londinium Defense, Sarkaz Royals, LE DUKES, Dublinn, Unicorns, NU-Reunion, etc etc
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Oh no no no
God imagine being this retarded even when being spoonfed by people doing guides for years already, jesus fucking christ.
It do be like that sometimes
>worse than moose
siege..... LOST
So we can all agree now that sarkaz ruined the victoria arc because it became all about wanking them right?
Somebody needs to take the viccies blows so they don't chase after the rest of the Sarkaz
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Nvm, she clears it with S2
Vanguard spin > Guard spin
The Dukes are what piss me off the most, I don't even remember their individual names+motivations apart from the Dublinn one.
I thought she is multi-hit?
Story needed more Doc wank for me to consider it well written. We didn't even get any for (You) characters.
>forgetting Caster
>or Goddoddin giving Quercus ultra PTSD
Chase with what? Their steam knights are dead. Before he rolled in they were busy killing each other's landships at least two of which had dukes on them when they exploded too. Windermere's dead and her forces routed. Wellington and the gang wanted to piss off to make Tara great again or something. Caster just wants to kill everyone else so all of Victoria was hers.
Here is another dropped plot point.
Horn's dad was supposed to be important and a soft-betrayer (he was working with Wellington).
Only mentioned in her module/story then forgotten alongside Horn.
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What is Vinas base skill?
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Cute kot
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Glasgow exodia
I will ask again - who is the new unique npc in the story? Fox or feline, pretty woman with heterochromia.
she's just another shitty duke with the same smug and condescending attitude of caster
a non-character
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>pretty woman with heterochromia
Speaker Vina...
Idk but this is the only new relevant NPC. Dukare's tomboy cousin
Strongest sarkaz king vs the weakest victorian shiv
I'm going to assume that doesn't work with Morgan.
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Trust the stoat.
>so many options on how to play the game
>the "proper" way is using the units who doesn't help you learn
>everyone recommends them
>they actually believe it
I will not proceed to be condescending to new players, since you fucks always win anyway because the human brain is still a primitive monkey anyway.
Salter theme goes hard, lads.
I'd trust her with my body
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>came out yesterday and barely anyone talked about it since
I doubt that
Most likely
Remember Blaze’s dad and Lezi’s investigation on him? Dropped and never going to be mentioned. (Yan does not have conspiracies)
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>Remember Blaze’s dad and Lezi’s investigation on him? Dropped and never going to be mentioned
What do you want people to talk about songs bro, it's nice and thats it.
We kicked out all the schizos from Victoria, sorry
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No more schizos allowed in Victoria, you're now Taran starting from today
If a song is good it gets brought up more, simple as
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Was he working with wellington? From what I can find he got told to sit down after the king flossed his last fortnite dance.

The White Wolf Count... If she's the "White Wolf," so to speak, then maybe I can guess. Since the upheaval two decades or so ago, nobility loyal to the Royal Family, especially those in the military, went through harder times. Count Skamandros had been nestling in the border city of Caladon for years by that point. The "White Wolf's" prowess in the military still remained, and many a Duke feared crossing him, but any of the slightest indication from him could wipe out his whole family then and there. I hear Horn hasn't been back to see her father in years, too. If her choice to join the Tempest Platoon right after graduating is any indication, she likely doesn't approve of her father receding away in self-protection.
Colonel Hamilton I once saw your father–over twenty years ago, at a ball the Duke of Caster was holding. Of course, I was still a bottom-rung guard then, so all I had was a glimpse from afar at the White Wolf Count of legend.
Not long after, I heard a deformed feathered reptile struck illness into him at a Londinium beastlife garden, and he quickly took leave from the aristocratic circles.
Ever since, he hasn't taken a step beyond his manor at Portsmouth City.
Is your father still in fine spirits?
>A light spark in the darkness
"White Wolf" Skamandros... He hasn't expressed any governmental viewpoint for a good half a year. And it's anyone's guess why...
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Duke of Gododdin vassal I think
>fishnet one piece
What would princess Fumizuki say if she saw her bodyguard dress this trashy...
Yea, in the module they hint that he was the reason Horn wasn't hurt when she was captured by Dublinn aka he had connections with Wellington (he funds Dublinn).
>IS3 expansion 2
Made the mode better and actually easier
>IS4 expansion 2
Made the mode better and actually easier (on A12 and lower)
This looks like a buttplug now
Shame. I hoped she would be playable.
They probably just blackmailed him
wasn't that mandy?
People who do that hate themselves anyway. HG still acknowledges them, despite themselves play casually anyway.
Mandy received a letter with a noble stamp.
>>IS4 expansion 2
>Made the mode better and actually easier
El gran retardo...
>Horn wasn't okay cause Mandy just wanted a big lupo daki to warm her bed
>Metal crab friends aren't emancipated either
Light spark in the darkness? More like Last...
They could have implemented it without going full retard for anyone engaging the ending.
Pull out a camera, much to Yuki's dismay.
How much do the event only tickets cost?
CC currency won't expire if I don't use all of it?
Clovisia, Reunion and Nacho all getting shafted in one event is really something.
They'll get bigger after a second or third pregnancy. Those latent Sarkaz genes will be expressed.
Man, how did my arknights became a den for mentally ill retards
Why are you on tw*tter? Are you trying to become dumber?
unironically tits too big

>only morgan has a trade skill
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>best part of the update was a skin
When somebody started looking for the dumbest social media posts they could find.
The effects are hypnotic, I really like it.
Reunion will probably be made into an ursus event.
Clovisia will either become a dindu or be forgotten
Why the fuck is Nadine still in Londinium two months later or whenever the scene with her and the vampire is?
You're still waiting on the edgecat
stop replying to your own posts
The worst part is that's a literal nobody account replying to themselves so anon had to actively search this shit out.
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Best part of the update is vamp girl.
ooc, W would reply to you in disgust if you suggested her wearing a bunnysuit and that's kinda hot
What if we Sanktafied W? Would she be better or worse?

I like her. S1 feels meh though.
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Can I still dump down a ton of battlements to reroute enemies in RA2?
Will Arc 3 be better...?
no it's vamp girl and also skadidi winning
Give up hope on Main Story entirely my friend.
They are getting into "time slices" bullshit nowadays, there is 0 chance it's gonna be good.

Let's hope for some Siracusa fun and Columbia fun instead that is coming up.
Kal alt spoiled
>module for a what if
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Reset Ceobe!
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Reset Pram
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Reset Amiya
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based and cute!
Based and cute
kill yourself
Well done
You tried
>couldn't be bothered in inpainting the disappearing underwear strings
What's good about Skatwo's module?
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Here you go
Based and cute
what the fuck is this made up currency
Is Siege good now
Will probably show up again to do more shit before being hired or killed
Not their main stage, Reunion stuff right now is just set up for later. Reunion is a worldwide organisation so they can show up anywhere.
Next is probably Columbia since that's where Djikstra is
Seaborn consume the universe then Skadi gathers all matter back into itself to kick off another big bang.
I genuinely appreciate how you spend your life like that in 2024 with access to the entire planet's cumulative cultural works.
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>Next is probably Columbia since that's where Djikstra is
You're being sarcastic, but this reads like a ChatGPT answer.
One of Closure's hacker buddies, the one that hacked Rhodes for the Great Talulah Snatching
Closure's ex
Ishar'mla can consume the universe
Didi is crucial for the birth of the new universe
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sorter anon here, updated the site with saber alter and moved ascalon event to global, have a great day /akg/
Didi is crucial for the birth of my children
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I felt this was coming when I knew Horncucks were here
>using ears to cover eyes
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What the fuck is wrong with this guy
This is as noncanon as it gets because the bioweapon loses to collapsals and precursors.
that's because she can peek through them
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He is (you) and I
>literally ingame text
/akg/ brainrot
He's just like me fr fr
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kin won
You just want to be called a retard, don't you?
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ascalon's body is fucking outrageous, what is it with sarkaz and being pure sex
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Reading the previous thread, just wanna point and laugh at this fag in particular
Several millennia of selective genocide leave only the hot and strong ones
Genuinely, what was the point of Skadi2's module story? We either discard it as another one of those what-ifs that wouldn't really be a thing in reality, or we see it as an actual possibility and now Kin are confirmed to be able to grow strong enough to win against the Observers and birth universes. What the fuck. Way to downplay your game's Big Bag (that we haven't even seen yet) with Fishewank.
only if you spank me and call me a bad boy, daddy
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Bros I caught a voyeur.
I don't plan to read any fish-slop, but why are you surprised the what-if operator has a what-if module?
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They need to mate fast otherwise they won't be able to pass on their genes. At least that is what /akg/ told me.
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Oh my pretty feminine edgy goth clown wife...
Cador status?
Unicorn status?
Talulah status?
Eblana status?
Reed status?
Theresis status?
Shining status?
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The SARKAZ woman is the epitome of female dominance and femininity.

Let's start by looking at her body. Her horns are large. Their domineering size make her presence known without her even needing to point herself out. She is thick, as a result of her high levels of estrogen. This gives her the appearance of health and fertility. She is then covered by originium crystals. These originium crystals remind us of her infection, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the catastrophes of the north, or the war-torn wastelands of Kazdel, she has been made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The black rocks remind us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The SARKAZ woman's demeanor is one of alphaness. She is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. Her behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of Terra.

The summit of expression of her femininity on her body are her breasts. The SARKAZ breasts are the largest of all the races. As the breasts are the penultimate symbol of womanhood, this alone would suffice to make the SARKAZ woman the most feminine of women. These large breasts are able fulfill the desire of the neediest of men, being able to envelop the entire length of the penis. Their size ensures that when they lactate, the potent SARKAZ milk will immediately fill up the stomach of the baby she breastfeeds.

In total, the SARKAZ woman expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When she breeds, she unleashes the entirety of her lusts and desires upon her partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the SARKAZ woman is the epitome of femininity.
We already know that they'll work out how to clean up their stains in a few decades.
I hate it
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Theresa bioengineered all Sarkaz women to be as fuckable as possible for Doctor. Gotta repopulate Kazdel.
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One that isn't trillion dollars in debt.
Cador status? cucked
Unicorn status? cucked
Talulah status? bred
Eblana status? bred
Reed status? mega bred
Theresis status? deported
Shining status? smooched
>Cador status?
On better terms and done looking after the gym
>Unicorn status?
Revealed and malding
>Talulah status?
Fucked off
>Eblana status?
Got a cameo burning a hole in Londinium's defences
>Reed status?
Who cares
>Theresis status?
Fucked off and left his army holding the bag
>Shining status?
Who cares
So all of Vinas Lions have 4k health, 300 defense and deal 500 true damage. Thats kind of weak.
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same but also not really the same
>Cador status?
Killing sarkaz
>Unicorn status?
>Talulah status?
>Eblana status?
Nothing changed since ch14
>Reed status?
>Theresis status?
Same as eblana
>Shining status?
Not even relevant
>Cador status?
Filled out and signed his apology form
>Unicorn status?
NWF'd by Siege
>Talulah status?
Off to save Infected elsewhere with the rest of Reunion, plus her sister
>Eblana status?
Helped murder some nacho
>Reed status?
Still walking
>Theresis status?
Still working to kill God
>Shining status?
Horse and Cripple sex
Executor status?
>War has ended
China also has trillions of debt. Less than Burgerland, yeah, but's it there.
Executing wills
Still autistic as fuck.
Sounds okay for something you just dump down that since you can easily surround enemies with at least 2 of them
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So much effort for a character that does and accomplishes nothing. Might as well have handed Caster the sword with how she did literally everything the dukes wanted to see done.
not enough to stop passport bros clearly
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An ebin chad had already beaten them to the punch
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Very nice
Can someone give me QRD on Theresis's motivations? Because all I'm hearing are some pretty self-destructive stuff like letting Doc consume the world in Originium for some reason.
Remind me again what Lee did to deserve a Live2D skin?
That's right, nothing.
Soon to get a skin
He wants to be able to tell god to fuck off. The fact that his current plan also let him conjure up a bunch of catastrophes globally as a threat is also convenient.
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Honest talk I think she is able to deal with stuff like the shamans, the runner fags and the dagger ones, probably the stag champions too if we are being daring but she absolutely cannot deal with the crazykemon level of collapsals.
The entire point is no Lin crutch, anon
Lin is in again!!!! We're so back
>protagonist of ItW
>tanks stuns
>infinite block count meme
Pick any number.
Is it just me or is Vina really tanky?
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I fear any indicator that an anime girl might be adult or independent, not subject to my whims or only existing to serve me. The ear rings scare me since they are seen as a symbol of mature women.
What the fuck. So he's just being another spiteful piece of shit like the rest of his kind? And people WANT him to be playable?
He's your greatest soldier, working tirelessly to create a world fully covered by originium
Crazychad is enough to destroy Terra on his own.
The big demons need more corruption to spawn in though, he was on the other side of the gate.
No but I couldn't be fucked doing an extended summary of the stuff we have about him.
>shitposters talk out of their ass?
Who was in the wrong?

All IS#4 data is canon unlike the IS#3 fanfiction.
Clovisia = Unis
By which i mean, you know what to do Doctor
Ascalon should die desu
Typhon's cute girlfriend, queen of gameplay
>bringing up unrelated IS literally out of nowhere
You are mentally ill, seaschizo.
Ascalon was a bit of a bully in her youth.
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I just rolled my Egg2 and am working on getting him to S3M3 mod3
He's fun and cool.
Unicorns are for giving footjobs as they glare at (you)
What's going on here?
>All IS#4 data is canon, unlike the one before it and the one after it. It was revealed to me in a dream
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>Crazychad is enough to destroy Terra on his own.
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Sarkaz Sexo
Popukar footjob
I would like to see them fuck
Glaucus footjob
Spoken like a true cuck
Nope he's chad, you're out of luck.
but she's not my wife?
Franka footjob
desu their spawn probably would be the peak of Sarkaz hotness
oh man, you're in for a real shock once you hear about this thing called porn
I mean so far only is3 has been omega level fan fiction. Is5 is similar but at least the sarkaz are being honest about pulling pranks on Nymph. Now if you want to be serious about we can ponder why instead of this kind of scenario we didn't get them showing Nymph why they fall and what they could have done differently.
Go back schizo
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Siege2 is ugly
If your first thought upon seeing a hot woman is immediately wishing another man would fuck her, you are on the cuck spectrum
they hated him cause he spoke the truth
Yeah how dare he. It's not like his homeland has a history of getting dogpiled by everyone including la great lynx. Wait...
I just want my operators to be happy dude...
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hahaha fool!
>trusting prophecies of the Cyclopes
why would they, the stories are meant to be just that, stories to amuse and soothe them, the sarkaz ghosts have already spent way too long raging and moping about their past
Did Nymph see the gay marriage between Manfred and Theresis?
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>throws him off a plane
>I bet they fug!!!
Don't reply to yourself
Spoken like a true cuck
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>childhood friends (or "friends") to enemies to fuckbuddies
they would absolutely destroy each other (positive)
Sorry, I'm monogamous
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Filters are going crazy, someone must be having a melty
Sorry askybros, he's fucking Hoe.
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>I just want my operators to be happy
Manfred loves Hoe.
Theresis is his dad mentor
Samefagging his horncuck porn dump for 2 hours didn't get any traction so he's upped the tempo, huh?
Sarkaz, it's always those damn Sarkaz
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oh man, you're in for a real shock once you hear about this thing called bisexuals
Spoken like a true cuck
Truly severe mental illness on display
Sounds hot
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>I mean so far only is3 has been omega level fan fiction.
And most of IS1 and a bunch of stuff in IS4 and all of IS5. What is it with this turbo autism surrounding IS3 and pretending it is the only one telling a what if story?. Cob fucking dies in one of the IS1 endings, is that canon according to you?
Wow the original is as pathetic as the edit.
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He wishes
What is this bullshit? Find your fucking bike retard
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Hornbros catching strays...
the /akg/ fears the fishe
Fuck off Dr. Roland
Why does the horncuck come here anyways, he is literally paying for horns fanbox so we all know he is an actual cuck and laugh at him
You guys don't even care about Ascalon. Why the melty?
It's just seaschizo losing his shit again because new module story for skadoo being related to IS3, nothing new.
I guess W stands for Wheel, as in third wheel..
cute and canon

W stands for williage bicycle. everyone gets a ride.
Manfred is hot too so it's OK
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It stands for Watching your parents making your younger siblings.
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On behalf of everyone from /akg/, we hate the seaborn
What the fuck, what a disgusting mentality
Someone like that should honestly just kill themselves
Wrong, I love the fishe
Wrong, I love the fishe
We love kin here.
Ignore this lost soul, he does not speak for us
Nyo, Clovisia footjob
oh really? how do you explain this: >>497741807
missing scars
showing off scars in a summer dress after retirement would be super hot
Wrong, I love the fishe
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Happy Birthday to the birthday foxy!
I love Lisa!
>no cc2 text
>Manfred pines for Hoe
>Raped and his body trained by his dad mentor Theresis as an outlet for his frustrations from trying to free his people while Hoe doesn't give Manfred a second glance
>Eureka's bank account with Ines' negative bank balance in the corner superimposed over the ruined rubble of a shop
>Doc as the mastermind who pretended to be mentally retarded for four years to evade the authorities
>Plucky donkey with attitude and her band of meddling teenagers (sarkaz scale) ruin his schemes
>Cattle baron (caster) strong-arming and killing settlers for their land
>Man literally too angry to die ascends to become the doom knight (steam)
>The key item to everything was in the party for 3 chapters but you didn't grind enough bond levels to get it then lost it when the scripted battle removed her from your party
>8,000 year old grandmaster kills himself for no reason but you can always find him in the drift
>The vocaloid of the girl you had an affair with is achieving sentience at an unstoppable pace
How did we end up with a fucked up soap opera?
Uhhh, which one?
The other one doesn't have it either, retard.
I'm not up to date with whatever yall are talking about but IS1 was a drug trip, IS2 was only out of order but was otherwise true. IS3 after ending 1 was simulation shit. IS4 was back to all canon but bizarrely far before chernobog in some undefined timeline so it's really bad to think deeply on the implications.
I haven't spoiled myself on IS5
I choose Suzu one, let the kin one die so another one could be made

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