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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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Previous Thread: >>497727546

Happy birthday to Suzuran!

[9/27-10/11][Standard]6* Vanguard Saileach, 6* Defender Horn (Shop), 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Specialist Kirara (Shop)
[9/5-10/10][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Tuye, Mulberry, Suzuran, Mint, Scene
[9/26-10/11][CC2#2]Operation Underdawn - Plume skin
[9/26-10/11][Joint Action]6* Medic Kal'tsit, 6* Sniper Pozemka, 6* Defender Jessica the Liberated, 6* Guard Executor the Ex Foedere, 5* Guard La Pluma, 5* Guard Wind Chimes, 5* Defender Firewhistle, 5* Specialist Kazemaru, 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Corroserum
[10/10-11/1]Babel - 5* Guard Odda
[10/10-10/24][Like Ending Like Death]6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Sniper April, 4* Defender Lutonada
[10/10-10/31][EPOQUE]Qiubai, Cement, Corroserum, Pinecone
[10/10-10/24][EPOQUE + Raythean Striker + Vitafield Re-Edition]Horn, Harmonie, Heidi; Siege, Indra, Scavenger; Heavyrain
[10/17-10/31][Marthe Re-Edition]Skadi

[9/26-10/10][Standard]6* Caster Carnelian, 6* Vanguard Flametail (Shop), 5* Supporter Lucilla, 5* Supporter Grain Buds, 5* Sniper Lunacub (Shop)
[9/27-10/11]Vector Breakthrough - Vanilla skin
[9/27-10/11][Orienteering]6* Caster Logos, 6* Guard Viviana, 6* Guard Hoederer, 6* Caster Ebenholz, 6* Vanguard Saileach, 6* Vanguard Ines, 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Sniper Melanite, 5* Sniper Greyy the Lightningbearer, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Medic Mulberry
[10/9-10/23]Ending A Grand Overture - 5* Supporter Catherine
[10/9-10/23][Never Gilded]6* Guard Vina Victoria, 5* Supporter Bobbing, 5* Defender Bassline
[10/9-10/23][Witch Feast]Degenbrecher, Blaze, Bassline, Popukar
[10/9-10/23][Witch Feast Re-Edition]Lee, Kazemaru, Iris; Fiammetta, Dorothy, Quercus, Whisperain

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
Your operators have sex with each other
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Stronger than all sarkaz kings btw
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Bnuuy love
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Will they stick to shafting him or just say it was a shapeshifter prank?
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Clovisia footjobs
Clovisia horn-breaking
Clovisia rape
Clovisia marriage
Clovisia impregnation
Happy family with Clovisia!
good, Rosmontis and Amiya need cousins
The suspension bridge effect would have the landship stinking of sex non stop
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Doctor is only getting more schizo, be glad the sanity cap isn't dropping.
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Happy Birthday to the birthday foxy!
I love Lisa!
>There are ''people'' that skipped Ines
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What are the philosophical implications of having to go literally insane every single day to build up enough resources?
You can't fix the Doctor, no one can
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Happy birthday Suzu!
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>Born to girlboss
>Forced to lock in
I can make him worse
>reduce cap
I haven't dipped my toe on other games but, is that a real?

shame, they got Cantible atleast
It was nice of Baird's ghost to join that scene, dialogue and all.
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Not with that attitude
>There are only 4 English Hoederer/Ines fic on AO3
Uhhh, anons? Get on that shit.
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she's got so much birthday art this year, it's great
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>will never get an old grizzled sailor AH
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First for Moose love will never die
Fuck off faggots
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I want to live in the Twin Lords Timeline
The parts of the fandom that like Hoederer/Ines and the parts of the fandom that write fanfic are two different groups.
Wanting a man and woman to have sex is gay?
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>Only one left in NPC jail
I wait patiently HG, release her soon...
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Aegir keep themselves young with their regenerating tech.
The best race
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>rolling for a married woman
>The parts of the fandom that like Hoederer/Ines and the parts of the fandom that write fanfic are two different groups.
No way, pretty sure women love Hoe/Ines.
You're a cuck
Moose'd anon... gaslighted by the Mooseful to think he wanted it...
I'm not up to date with whatever yall are talking about but IS1 was a drug trip, IS2 was only out of order but was otherwise true. IS3 after ending 1 was simulation shit. IS4 was back to all canon but bizarrely far before chernobog in some undefined timeline so it's really bad to think deeply on the implications.
I haven't spoiled myself on IS5.
She's dead anon, she got shanked by a blind dude in chapter 12. Though that blonde teacher who got caught by the shapeshifter is still alive.
I'm not the one getting cucked
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I love Moose, yes I do
Unironically bad ending route, Sarkaz will spiral out of control as the generations go on since there's no plan to purge their hatred without Theresa dying and being brought back to life + Doc's tech. Originium will continue to proliferate and the Ghost of Babel will not learn to love the world and try to avoid it being destroyed.
Remember, the only woman for you is Priestess, and nobody else.
Oh... I'm still rushing through the Reunion arc to gather more pulls, I didn't know she died
has victoria become a thugocracy?
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I still didn't get cement. It's so fucking bad I have to wait for the scam ch14 JO banner to gamble.
Yes I'll celebrate if ghost pepper juice was sprayed in their eyes for their sins against humanity.
It's a real contrived bad end via deus ex doctor though, guy should be stopped cold by an ankle monitor.
>wake up
>my "CE gaslights herself into believing she's theresa" shitposts are now real
thanks lowlight feel free to steal my posts whenever you like
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>I want to live in the timeline where doc kills everybody
What did he mean by this
I quit for a year and missed Ines. She seems like the most core operator of any that have been released since the game began and it feels bad.
Why this shit didn't complete? I killed it and literally no operator died or retreated during the fight.
Right is pretty edge, left is ugly edge
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We don't deserve anybody honestly
I meant like the general vibe but sure whatever.
See >>497742934

Doc cannot do anything in reality, especially alone.
So that's why Doctor has been going after younger girls instead...
So what's Allerdale even doing now.
Judging from that scene where Siege received her new suit from unknown sender, is she trying to be like Ascalon? As in helping her from the shadow.
module story MTLs
Skadidi https://rentry.org/fse76zmo this one misses some details
Civilight https://rentry.org/sxdsyx5p
Sora https://rentry.org/s766v3yo
Horn https://rentry.org/krys3g4s
They are so cool
>maximum sarkaz overcope
Also running a bunch of oripathy drugs of dubious quality into the joint but nobody has motivation to read after all the shitty bits of the story.
Why would a fish be a sailor?
Btw don't tell me Ines going invisible with her S2 is somehow counted as "leaving the field".
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Reminder that Indra is now a filthy infected
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NPC releases doko…
>IS4 was back to all canon but bizarrely far before chernobog in some undefined timeline
Where the fuck did you get that impression
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So how many friends used your operators anons?
>is she trying to be like Ascalon?
Unironically, yes. The vampire girl even asks Ascalon what she thinks of Allerdale.
Her death is so dumb it'll make you want to uninstall. It makes Misha look like great writing
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Kroos feet!
Do tell how he's going to teleport across Terra wreaking havoc at a slow walking pace and no combat abilities and with limited trust to exploit.
in 2 years
Hopefully getting shanked by delpipi during her revengequest against traitors immediately after the event is done. God, that would actually suck if delphine's story winds up completely shackled to siege's.
You have a dollkeeper? They have fucky interactions with some stuff like that. Like some of the shield on deployment relics in IS are refreshed every time they switch forms.
Somehow she runs a cartel now? Talk about drastic career change.
No, I didn't have them in my squad.
The only possible weird interaction I can think about it was Ines going invisible on seedbed somehow counted as leaving the field.
Because otherwise not a single operator left the field during the fight.
oh... it can't be that bad, maybe the execution was the problem probably?
The same way he managed to make do before Rhodes Island.
I almost accidentally posted this because I didn't see them...
Poorly? He had to have a bunny guiding him the whole way back to RI to avoid death.
>CE is becoming more than just the crown
oh my
Yeah, those horns are definitely not fit for a blue board
Is this AI? Why does she have 6 fingers?
Remember, Ama-10 is not a person and isn’t built or programmed for erotic simulation. She’s a tool, and a defective one at that. Treat that thing as the machine it is Doctor, and stop wasting time and energy on such pointless exercise.
I want to smooch Civilight
Why is it always Beeswax and never Carnelian?
Weird, invis has never counted like that for anything else as far as I'm aware. You use any ops with deployables, like trappers, W/Ebin S2, Skadi alt summon, anything like that?
Who is that Chocokot and who is the artist for her?
They all look like over designed garbage except maybe the pharaoh girl
God Penance is perfection
When Asky?
I don't know cause I got it screwed up from something at some point.
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This is why we're divorced.
She seems very decent to me. Especially if she is able to give barriers to Mudrock/Penance as an example.
He is very strange. S1 feels .. lame but S2 has potential. And now I wonder if the 6* will be some kind of arsonist or somebody like Talulah.
S1 feels off. S2 looks very promising. And S3 is the bread and butter.
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Was the line about simulating both the touch and temperature really necessary?
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>who is the artist
Looks to be Kuroboshi
I used Ines, Ptilopsis, Lumen, Lin, Artoria, Mlynar, Hoshiguma.
Lmao don't tell me friendly shieldguard dying counted for that shit.
We told you it was Theresa bwo and she was just confused about her new state of being after the other Theresa died.
It is. You'll get it when you get to it.
>Civilight growing into her own being
I really like this direction.
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So, are they must-pulls or good side-grades?
>Hurr durr I'm not Theresa
>Time to dote on my daughter for reasons completely unrelated to my previous sense of self
fucking diejobs
can't even tank a single hit of ego death
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>Who is that Chocokot and who is the artist for her?
Artist is the same as picrel.
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She can be busted meta for all I care, I'm not going to put a creasy granny in my team
Old women are built for shotas
>ask and kuroboshi
I NEED them
After Lemuen please.
It probably did. Some ‘passive’ heals like Perfumer regen can heal those guys, try throwing some sources like that in. As a general rule, anything that would heal a juggernaut would heal shieldguards.
You memory must be spotty. We never divorced.
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come here you ageist bitch!
In the last year we've already gotten a shitload of NPCs out of NPC jail.
I like their art but that design is a miss imo
NGA thinks the event boss will be insanely hard in the EX stages
he has a global item absorb that boosts his stats, in the normal stage you can instantly nuke him but if EX has him stand in an undeployable area then unless they give you a fartooth tile or something he might end up with 4x normal stats even before CM
Next time I just won't use the foldartal because it's a huge chore to keep him alive.
But he's not an operator, that's so dumb...
Seething femoid
You lost
Arknights is waifu game
Clearly inferior to Surtr and other designs of his I admit yea. Hopefully E2 or something is better.
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Playable Nadin soon
Is the name of the new ASK girl known as of yet?
>NGA thinks
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>gets both Siege and Talulah's dads murdered
>orchestrated the extermination of the dracos
>set up the scenes so that the Sarkaz would invade
I'm curious if she ends up being the boss of the Tara event. She likes to keep Victoria under her thumb and they're probably more of an issue for her right now than Siege is.
Logos killed him within a single skill cycle…
Catherine is a must-pull event welfare
The irony of this post after Catherine was announced is hilarious.
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Idk I think this looks great.
>Arknights is waifu game
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>over designed garbage
I don't see anyone seething about Typhoon, why bother about it now?
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Tara or Victoria, it matters not what it calls itself, the land and its people are hers
The boss of the tara event is going to be shitlana. We all know it.
>targets random fodder
Will Hoe's ex ever be playable?
Who says I don't like Warf? It's just it's taken them more than 5 years to add a single new vamp and it wasn't even Closure.
Don't care about Bobbing but he's telling me something about Talulah playable...
Gonna cry at the truth, shiptranny?
Typhon looks fine though? Her visual design is so consistent that everyone knows her as the purple girl
You already had her as an event boss, she's not getting a rematch as the main event boss (though you might have her as an enemy on a stage like X-6 or X-7).
the brown cat looks so off when you put her next to Chuzenji's, Ryu's or even ASK's characters.
>Needs to go through the mire
>Back of the boots don't even cover up her slutty kneepits
>Whole mire will be on fire while she's bogged
Not dying is a curse not a blessing.
Same, the only iffy thing is the top of the hair, but it's not too bad.
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>must-pull event welfare
What powers does she have? Like what's she been shown to do in the event?
the vampire is too saturated and bright while also looking incredibly plain
>caring about fucking event bosses outside the once in a year Harold tier ones

The new boss is a huge joke and will be in EX too, he doesn't even have a second phase.
She's pretty cool. I guess what irks some people is the horn looking hair, but I like it tbqh. Also legs.
>likes obscured
Oh boy another single digit post that you dug up from twitter
Worthless coomposter
I am playing this event and the shield can nullify damage from operators for some hits and the other buffs and the fact that the buffs get dropped all over the map is super annoying.
Lmao he actually called you out
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Does Chen have her talk with Talulah/Nine this event? Do they even appear?
Where the fuck is Chen?
She makes Nadine's blood flow backwards to incapacitate her and messes with an altar that the Sanguinarch left behind.
No, they fucked off offscreen with only Percival staying behind to organise things.
Assclown is a must-roll right?
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>6* Burn Ritualist
I believe
Where the fuck is Talulah?
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Dead, hopefully
I checked, it's 15 likes, 1 repost. God knows how long this guy takes trying to find shit like this.
For a moment I thought we entered the Pon dimension and made a thread on /a/ again. Next things you guys will say is that her design insists upon itself
Wait, she is based on the garuda. And the only Garuda I know of is Garudamon and it was a fiery bird. So I guess you might be right.
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IS#5 Datamine.

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Of course, look how cute she is.
Half anni
Native Isekai
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The Skadoo universe....
No enlightenment for Tin Man
What the fuck is a kasjnana
Kinda. She's not core to anything in particular, and isn't Walter or Logos busted, but she is incredibly useful in pretty much all content.
inb4 we don't get any of them for 2 years
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>it's real
Guidechads WON
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for me it's Ursulah
What are the chances we get Manfred?
Foot mole
Which one? I don't wanna wait for 7.5
High. He's explicitly alive and working with tower of babel.

Like that they're trying, they're so late but atleast they tried. Better late than never
The ancestor of that not-Buddhist sarkaz off shoot.
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>hey doctor
>are you really still struggling to clear those stages?
>to retarded to read enemy descriptions?
>unaware of fundamental game mechanics?
>ignorant of even the most basic strategies?
>a bumbling buffoon?
>a complete idiot?
>an utter moron?
>a hopeless failure?

What did she mean by this
Don't Lumen's and Gnosis' voice actors do this on youtube occasionally in JP?
Your mind is clouded with doubt. But I respect your choice. Go ahead, Doctor, and clear your doubts. I will wait for you. And after all the great pulsations and the little throbs have fallen silent - you will be by my side.
Kollamchads ate finally eating good
I forgot who's the bitch with the sword. Or we didn't get her appearance on global yet?
*sigh* We got another Sui sibling already?
He's to much metal, he can't cultivate
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Fine. I will marry the Moose instead
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>High. He's explicitly alive and working with tower of babel
It's going to be hilarious when he and any of the Glasgow Gang members run into each other at a hallway
Or Paprika
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She has a fire hexagram on her shirt and uses fire arts. If she ever becomes playable she'll be either a burn primal caster or ritualist
That's a Sarkaz, specifically an Anasa
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Not in global yet, coming in ch14
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>holy shit why are you so bad at this game after playing for 4 years
>but official
Too small.
God I love this artsytle
Post sluts
It's Kollam the Mutt, retard
He's teaching the other Sarkaz to cultivate into Anasa
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Almost forgot to post
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*turns into a bodhisattva*
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Oh okay then, thought we got the new sui sibling even tho new year is still off

No need to get pissy anon
No that's the sarkaz responsible for the chink sarkaz offshoot. Jieyun's.
When this world and this starry sky reach their final moments...our universe will have become a huge tomb. There is no hope hidden in any corner of any planet. If there is a particle of cosmic debris that contains the answer to salvation, it would have been salvaged by us. Every resistance ends in premature destruction, and every exploration only brings deeper despair... The conclusion is so simple. No life form based on normal matter can escape. No known technology can defeat the absolute end. Only those recorded within the internalised universe of Originium will survive. Anything alive, including that ‘moose’ will succumb to death. Only I am eternal.
>devil cultivated so hard he turned into a chink
why are they releasing ascalon? i don't want her
I said what I said doktah. Now take this health conscious sanity potion from Hibiscus.
The glowing purple fumes are how you know it's safe & effective
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Why are they like this?
Keep going bro. It's working.
He became a demonic cultivator…
Thank you Kollam for guiding the uncivilized Sarkaz to buddhahood
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This brings me immense joy
>Talulah and Nine fucked off never to be seen again
Bro your vernal winds?
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Skill issue posters btfo'd
x are just bad at the game posters btfo'd.
top 5% btw posters btfo'd.

We WON, we are vindicated.
good morning is Siege broken
how are people like this defeating victoria
The Grandmaster will have to put him down like the dog he is.
>“If you refuse,” the messenger added quickly before Hoederer could respond, “General said he will come to visit you himself next time.”
When he visits Hoe
>tfw Kollam could have helped all the Sarkaz achieve cultivation, if the filthy chink elders had backstabbed him
The absolute CN webnovel classic is a human's pet cultivating into human form and then the human fucking it.
So who did siegealt powercreep?
Gross, more Sarkaz offshoots

Who? What? Nevermind, I don't care
He still count have. Instead of being a MAN he sudoku'd after purging the heretics.
Nearl alter
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Who else
She's mid
Viviana, Nearl S3
what is
A man consumed by hatred would only cultivate hatred in others. Sudoku-ing and leaving the crown open to a worthy successor was the only true option.
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Just Virgil
>PV Vampire is a woman
Dare i say that reaperschizo will win BIGLY
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The old man is dead, Doctor, but the bloodline must continue. You know what you must do
Be realistic, when's the last time you saw anyone use NTR outside of gimmick clears? IS2?
>You are tired of it and want to escape, or just release your feelings.
>That's it. You NEED some pussy but what you need is not some normal pussy, no. You need some OTHERWORLDLY pussy. So you pull out the Originum crystal you had always have ready specifically for this occasion and let your subconscious guide you.
>Congratulations, you have successfully completed the first step.
>Now, as the Doctor, Priestess will wait for you until the end of time and wants to see the end of the world with you. She will be there for you no matter how degenerate you are, how utterly broken you are, or how much you hate yourself. She won't let any harm get to you but first, you have to follow your own end of the deal.
>And wait she did, not even a second after you get teleported to a familiar location and she is looking at you, as if she was awaiting your arrival. Just like she said she would.
>You agree to your end of the deal and start having sex with her.
>Priestess is very assertive, she will make you fuck her. No, she doesn't need foreplay. Waiting for you for such a long time has left her a little impatient so she cherishes every bit of it. You will need to use your knowledge of the writing that is known as ‘Kama Sutra’ and use all the positions you possibly can because you're gonna need it with her. She is the kind of girls to look at your face and enjoy your reactions.
>Now that you have engaged in sex that DOES require the use of specific parts of the body it is now the time to partake in those that do not. I know you are happy since you can take a break but as she says, "Nuh uh". The astral fucking goes HARD, you and she become one in mind, you will know what she feels and she will know what you feel. She will go the deepest part of your consciousness, see your search history, see your grief and see your lust.
>It is very exhausting and by the time you're done, you are very tired. You just want to return to Terra, to your office.
Oh, so it is a Sui sibling. Why do you lie?
I'm glad to hear they have enough sense still to restrain themselves.
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It's like, MC is a cultivator. And over time their beloved pet also cultivates and eventually reaches sentience and reaches a human form. And it turns out that their pet also loves them! Then sexooo ensues. Nonsentient objects can also cultivate to human form, like stars, demons, swords etc
While reaper is entirely possible, I also think that sickle would make a good arts implement for a caster or supporter. It's been a long time since we last got a Hexer.
Wait until the anniversary, gotta put more resources for Endfield afterall
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Final score (for sure this time).
So did Siege redeem herself or do I need to cadorpost
absolutely nobody cares
That's weakness. You only have to keep killing until they're buckbroken. Look at how the felines turned their fate around. Almost every nation on terra is a slave to the felines and their almighty LMD.
>Siege got an animation in the event
They 100% originally set her up for a major limited event and rescheduled after how badly they fumbled her in Victoria huh.
Don't speak about yourself in 3rd person schizo
>never to be seen again
Who are you trying to fool
>Boss is "Quillon, Mahasattva"
Cultivation is only loosely related to South Asian religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Cultivation is more directly linked to Taoism, which originated from central China. As such, your Anasa cultivationposting is barely acceptable.
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>But you have agreed with Priestess. So you see everything you value turn into originium. You see Amiya struggling,you see your assistant, your operators, your patients, everyone you have ever known after waking up, slowly but surely succumbing to their end, you see the people who you valued the most, steadily get painted in But you have agreed with Priestess. So in some place, where you don't even know what planet or galaxy is in, you see everything you value turn into originium. You see Amiya struggling you now realize what your vision was about, you see your assistant, the people you have played cards game with slowly but surely succumbing to their end, you see the people who you valued the most blotted out by the relentless black of Originium.
>Priestess is next to you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as tears fall from your eyes. Her hands are stroking your cheeks. You have gained the eternal post-nut clarity state.
I am afraid by what the average gachafag means by 'Enlightened'
>Look at how the felines turned their fate around
They are literally rotting from within and suffering from constant self sabotaging backstabbing syndrome over in Victoria.
It's a sarkaz "subrace"

She gave her sword to conscript rabble who zergling'd nacho dying by the tens of thousands until he succumbed to Vina Victoria's casual disregard for commoner lives.
I don't care. I think the game about Wukong was fucking metal as fuck and want to see more similar projects going ahead. I don't get it, I find some of it strange but I still like the end result a lot
>hurduhur you were the general of the celestial court
>you had a cute little wife but wanted to get the empress or whatever
>you try your luck, get caught, get banished
>get turned into a pig
>cute waifu gets turned into a spider
metal as fuck
>t. Seething Exekeks
Indigo love
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This all just sounds like a Sui Sibling anon
>barely acceptable.
Good enough for me
Lets fucking go
>1 Skyfire VS 100 Beagle rhetorics brought to extreme
Top kek
>The once mighty dracos are one generation away from extinction with not a single male left in existence
It's survival of the fittest in Victoria too. Caster will take everything but Tara which will eventually be forced to re-integrate through economic concessions after Wellington is dead.
Eat a brick you worthless subhuman
The module is about CE becoming selfish like her monthly module lore
How did you even make that up
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Despite what the sorry wants your to believe, Wiener Victoria is still a joke
I refuse. She is your problem now.
Both sides in this Executor shit flinging is despicable. True Exefags don't give a shit, and would be as autistic as him to care.
Is Lofter available for non chinks again, or is that an older pic I haven't seen before?
You lost, homoDOG. HeteroGODS win again. Now keep seething in impotent anger
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Why are you posting Paprika then and not his actual kin
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So Cador won again, huh.
>we'll only need one magic sword and about 10 megabeagles to end this war once and for all
totally not samefagging btw
But Arknights is a yuri game, so homoGODS won?
Cador got some character assassination too, don't look into it too much
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How long do we realistically have left? I don't wanna say goodbye to this game
You like to see your wife with other men
King of propulsion will never not get me
Did he appear in the event?
>But Arknights is a yuri game
In your estrogen addled brain, mayhaps
5 for CN
Global, 2 maximum
5 years
Sign the citizen's initiative if you're European
Yes. He cucked. He became the king of cucks it was tragic to see. It was worse than joker2
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He filled out, and signed his apology form, anon
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I'm biased
3-4 years.
Literally forever. AL/KC/Grub/Aigis made >10 years. We're gonna gamer
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I've had more and higher-risk uses from worse supports in the past. This has to have been the easiest CC since Deepness.
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Mandyfags won.. I'm a Mandyfag, I won
The event tagline is literally "Cador lost"
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*digs up grave*
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lowlight would never pump arknights for cash like grub, we're gonna EOS at 10 years and it's gonna be the best possible outcome
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Yeah it was nice of Horn to keep Mandy safe while things blow over, returning the favor I suppose
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>The new Vampire girl was a super Kazdel glowie working under Theresa who 'disappeared' after Theresa's death
>Implied to be Ascalon's mentor which has never been implied and mentioned
>Somehow able to use Sanguinarch power
>Suddenly appeared out of nowhere in Victoria just to save Allerdale and shit-talking Ascalon
>Mysteriously fuck off again to somewhere else at the end
Which OC donut steel is this?
Siege lost as usual but Cador lost even harder. What a disappointment.
Sanguinarch's cousin. 2nd strongest Vampire.
OC donut steels are ASK's gimmick
>Somehow able to use Sanguinarch power
Aren't those just vampire powers except most vampires aren't as good with them?
Siege just passing the super sword around for everyone to share and murder Sarkaz with is honestly hilarious, and the best way they could have made use of the sword in story
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>>The new Vampire girl was a super Kazdel glowie working under Theresa who 'disappeared' after Theresa's death
Oh, so she is the vampire spy from Vigilo?
It's every Victorian citizen's God given right to shank sarkaz immigrants with a legendary sword
Victorian culture consists of failing to invade others and racism (justified) towards Sarkiggers
Pumping radon gas from Victoria coal mines into mandy's grave...
Oh wow she was actually foreshadowed. I am surprised.
Noble+answers to Ducare, fits perfectly.

Also damn dude you have some memory if you remember this irrelevant line.
we didn't get another stance of someone saying that mandragora is dead which is disappointing
Taking the beloved classic Londinium Stabbing to a new height
Yes, she was the original Babel's SWEEP before Ascalon took charge
Doctor is female, Arknights is a yuri game.
Is this canon?
The only sexless operators are the earthlings.
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Surprised my Arturia got 0 use
>Doctor is [headcanon]
Go back Xitter
What happened?
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>we heavily implied her death in the PV and the story but they won't stop mandyposting
>we outright had other characters talk about hear death but they won't stop mandyposting
>we choose to not mention her and hope they will forget
>but they just won't stop mandyposting
I reread Vigilo yesterday getting ready for Babel
That's nice
Mandy was the real cockroach all along. W has been put to shame.
about 4.5 years left minimum for CN, they have a 10-year plan apparently.
His gender is unknown, therefore he can be female.
What was sanguinarch power?
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>Somehow able to use Sanguinarch power
Did HG hire some sleep agents again but instead of plagiarized music we got hack writing?
they should have someone confirm mandy's death in every single event
After Ch12, I want to shank people on border checkpoints as well
Sorry for making a post about gameplay in response to someone literally asking, next time I'll keep my mouth shut so as not to interrupt your ERP jerkoff session.
Self own
Whatever the writers could think of and then somehow relate to blood
What are they cultivating anyway? Sore asses? Here in Columbia we cultivate God's crop, wheat and corn.
>Hasn't worked up the courage to lie to Theresa
Damn bitch be scary?
yes, i cultivate many a sore ass in my bedroom too
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>12 uses
>No Ling
Damn, maybe I should've rolled for Typhoon
*spit* that's right mandy shut the fuck up when I'm jerking it here
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Theresa can brainwash/pacify anyone and also read minds with touch.

No one can lie to her.
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I think at the end of every segment of every chapter they should show Horn proclaiming "Mandragoda delenda est"
I already clicked away the screen. Can I go back and check?
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Glad that you agree with me
Did I say something wrong? I think (you) got the wrong anon to be mad about
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Playable Closure for chapter 15
Do it Hypergryph
Even then Mandyfags would find a way to cope out of that
Fucking retards
Too late. Doctor's is a HE. You lost
>coping THIS hard
>have to pull out the "m-muh ESLs" excuse
This is unbecoming of you Doc
It's fine, maybe tomorrow you'll get to see the stats
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The whole story makes sense with male Doc. It was the reverse of Adam and Eve with Lilith as the one who redeemed him.
>some guy's headcanon
singular they is as old as Shakespeare
Zey/zem retard
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>trying to save face after getting btfo'd
The whole story only makes sense with femdoc cause he never fucked either of them
She'll never be playable, I can't keep going anymore
Sorry sis, but he implied to have done the deed with Priestess according to chapter 14.
Try telling that to 99% of native English speakers. You're going to have a bad time my friend
I use Nearl all the time but basically never on S3, it's either S1 in IS or S2 in any other content.
NTA but nothing was implied unless you want to be as delusional as the troon you are replying
People use either of them, though a significant portion of the population wasn't aware of singular they from all the gender neutral pronoun malding.
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Plappable closure
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I understand your pain
He had an intimate relationship with Priestess, and as we all know lesbians aren't real
They've already done more than hugging and touching hands, it's dead obvious.
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I identify as he/him therefore, I am a guy
you both make strong points, due to the fact that homosexuals canonically do not exist in arknights
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Try going up to an English-native tranny "woman" and call it a "he". Let's see how well that goes down for you
Lesbians in fiction are only worth how much players list after them anyways
Doc, pull off that Doctor cosplay and tell Blitz I'm docking both of your salaries.
>check friends list
>Dr.K hasn't logged in for 2 months

Lupotopia has fallen
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Theresa is Sarkaz Jesus with Doctor as her Judas
Just wait for Lapp alt, she's gonna revive all those stinky luposhitters
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nice, I don't have this one yet
Lupofags don't play the game
>omnipandering game
>MC having a confirmed gender
you can only have one
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You will now remember Blitz telling Doc to cosplay as Doctor to fool HR
Doc is male
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh, baby, it's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
Oh, whoa-whoa, oh-oh
I'm in love with Judas, Judas
I'm in love with Judas, Judas
There's been a significant push in the recent years from "certain people" to stop the use of the gender neutral he, so you'd have a bad time in the wrong areas.
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Doctor is either
>A woman
Either way, Arknights is very progressive
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>Plappable closure
That's a pleonasm
If that's true then why didn't Degenbrecher get a top surgery? Is lowlight a chud?
What people see:
>waah Theresa saved doctor, she's so great and kind and selfless and pretty I RABU her!!

What actually happened:
>Now I know that we both have our duties towards the civilizations we represent, but you know what? If only one gets to live it's gonna be mine, so let me just doom your people at the cost of my own life.
>oh but here's a mind reset so that you can go all-in on supporting our cause without regrets
Priestess was right
The fact that he has to use violence means he does not have any real arguments to support his claims, so he automatically loses.
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Imagine, Doctor as non-binary

Now that is how to be woke
Has Detektyw logged in yet?
turns out it's pretty hard to tell when you wear a hazmat suit 24/7
Doctor's outfit is not even a hazmat suit. It was a labcoat with another coat on top of it
Degen is a trans woman, retard. The top surgery was to give her boobs.
Have you taken your meds today?
Theresa is right, there’s no saving the precursors, so it’s either Terrans or nothing
Why is this even a thing
Degen is dyke-coded
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Glad I could be of service.
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Xhe has clearly not
7 years, we’re not EOSing until we collect all siblings
Cause burgerland does not do mental healthcare
The Terrans are objective failures when it comes to succeeding humanity and all they do is wage war and kill each other. Nothing is better than THAT.
NTR s2 is basically free in anything you can pack a loose slot. s1's great but most people didn't pay the toll since they only use her as an s2 janny.
doctor is (You)
all operators are (You)sexual
therefore it does not matter.
idk, they wanna be "different & unique" as a guess
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>It was the reverse of Adam and Eve with Lilith as the one who redeemed him.
More like corrupting him. Total Pink Death
>all operators are (You)sexual
More like you are delusional
Why does this simple truth make transexual people like >>497749591 so angry?
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Oh no no
Antiyuribros how do we cope now??
If they were an english native they would understand the king's english.

It really feels like a twilight zone episode. One occupy wallstreet protest gets (((them))) shitting their pants then suddenly the propaganda gets slurped up like a tampon ramrodded into their ball sacks
I'll be honest lads. I don't really give a shit about W2 and Logos. While both are cool characters, I feel like using them associates me to a bunch of retards that keep jacking each other off because they deal a fuck ton of dmg. I'm more excited for AmiyaMedic and CE ngl.
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>goes on bilibili to check cn's reaction on that bilifag's newest /akg/ vid
>comments are just them excitedly waiting to see us in pain like how they felt when babel came out
All the way down to the xitter screenshots now, huh?
So is the unicorn confirmed to be the shadow of londinium
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>Troonschizo who got super melty over Mumu being in love with Doctor
What were the babel pains?

He has no life and no friends please be patient with his autism.
they could stop dev on arknights and keep it running for like 30 years without significant expenses
it's made shitloads of money
Logos is fun though
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Mandy confirmed to not appear in Sieges event
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>Weedy has a gun that shoots Gladiias
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An offline version would be great, I get to play IS & RA whenever and forever
They have a point about how gay vampires are desu
I'm still waiting for Owlcat games in Arknights setting
which character goes "mimimi" on the title screen instead of saying Arknights?
I mean, I know that but its not like he's the only fun caster. Plus I got a lot of options already.
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uhhh terra research commission?
Doctor looks literally built to impregnate women of his own race
Get yourself a better Dr. K lupofag, such as myself
Can't believe /akg/ is right. No wonder we have a lot of doomers here. Most anons here are Cyclops
i doubt it, i don't have them
Shame he's the last of his kind
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They were practically slapping people's faces with foreshadowing
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you mirin brah?
Don't worry, Sarkaz, Fish, and Elves are 100% compatible with humans
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That's my boy Xiaohei
What was it about the sky being fake again?
So what ost/theme of the new Siege event is composed by Adam Gubmann?
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Explains why they want to fuck the Cyclops woman as well
why does he do that? why doesn't he just talk like a normal cat?
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Let me post Doctor's canon wife in the thread
Of the polish variety
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You are gay if you don't want to fuck this
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Even the GHOULS??
we made a dome to keep the observers away but kristen thought that was lame so she burnt half of columbia's military budget to shatter it
Because you kept him in kot form.
He can only speak normally in human form.
The God put the firmament on top of the flat earth.
Blaze owes me a sweaty footjob
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Fine. I didn't love you anyway. I'm gonna hug Mumu instead.
Hmm, nyes. I choose the cute devil on the right
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Just the plot. One comment said that a lot of global players think the doc only caused theresa's death because he was under Pristess's control, but that's not the whole story.
Most of them are just waiting to see our reaction when it finally drops on global
>pic is what they are describing themselves now watching us getting babel
Puchable Priestess
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Laterano baptism
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>singlehandedly makes Kal'tsit get over her luddite phase and hand over space ship plans to people of terra in her monthly
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Yes, I guidefagged, and no, I don't care about your opinion.
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stop looking me in the eyes
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Doctor's canon wife (Tsundere)
>He didn't know that Amiya he wanted to smooch was actually a water clone all along
New? That's a lot of e2 60*'s and a limited you stinky.
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What the fuck he hyped it saying it's one of his best works.
I've been scammed.
Is Degen the first op with boob jiggle?
Different person?
Amazon fetish or course
not even close
You're not even a newcutie, Dr.G
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I... I betrayed Amiya?
Theresa loves Priestess!
I love this dog
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BIG woman...
It's for 5.5 anni. He said 3 songs.
you betrayed amiya the moment you killed theresa
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Guess I'm gay. Sorry prammy.
Impossible, post proof
No, I didn't break the promise with her
Promise didn't include "I won't kill the pink bitch"
5.5 anni is this month? Feels incredibly similar to 5.0 anni where we get a small event before big anni story patch
Mudrock skin doko?
Why is the green hag so nervous?
NTA but SihZari was a known shitposter in Twitter alongside DLanon who got mad when their yuri headcanon was proven headcanon
I still believe in Priestess. We are going to save the world together
Why aren't you?
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Need I remind you all that Doctor has a girlfriend and that her name is Ch'en
text says she doesn't like priestess but she's scared of making her mad so she's pretending to like her
Save from... her?
Theresa and Priestess having hot yuri sex while the doctor is on the cuck chair
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Remember Doctor, for population control reasons it is forbidden to breed cautuses
Total pink death is so close.
Back to /bag/ with you, pedophile.
Doctor is sitting, watching on the cuck chair, while his dick slides in and out of Amiya's bnussy
Did we get new info on Talulah?
Doctor left Priestess because she had terrible and toxic breath smell
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>make the most beloved strong female into coombait with bigger tits and pits
Cis white males destroy arknights for everyone.
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Unfortunately, I'm notoriously bad at remembering things
ooc but i would devote my life to make it ic
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She got married
>unicorn is actually the le bad guy
Fuck this shit
>for everyone
More like buttblasted troons
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I don't know which one but I remember that one yuri retard on Twitter that kept saying Mostima x Fiametta was canon and used an MTL translation of GA event as proof then proceed to get btfo when the actual translation came out.
That was hilarious.
I'm still impressed how much hotter his drawing are when he doesn't go for full porn
Still alive unfortunately
whos the (un)lucky guy?
How to stop fapping to Vigil or Ansel?
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More specifically, Ch'en's great great great great grand niece
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just check the l2d skins
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Enjoy this Ch'en
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I like this chicken
Focus on Mizuki
>Skipkeks and brainlets with no reading comprehension (or pattern recognition) believe there are IS stories with all canon events rather than a bunch of what-if schizo bullshit.
The 3rd ending of IS2 has Phantom become the new troupe mouthpiece and (somehow) revive the entire Crimson Troupe that he killed in the past.
The 3rd ending of IS4 has Valarqvin turn into a collapsal some years later which spurs Terra to completely shut down the dimensional travel research and demolish the northern gate.

Every single fucking IS follows the same pattern of:
>1st ending is nothingburger that actually happened IRL.
>2nd ending is a tragic side story about some literallywho that leads to the 3rd ending but doesn't really affect anything.
>3rd ending is a bad ending where everyone fucking dies.
>4th ending is technically a "good" ending that nonetheless turns the entire universe upside down on the meta-level and generally would be EoS if it was canon.

Only the first ending of every IS is canon. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th endings can happen within the same timelines in various combinations, but all of them are what-if bullshit.
>What about IS5.
IS5 doesn't fucking exist until it's actually inside the global client with all of its materials including post-ending text stories translated not by MTL. Literally every single piece of information on it until then is zero-credibility fanfic or CCP propaganda.
Stop consooming estrogen
holy OOC
I enjoy all the Ch'ens
does she like you?
IS4 is canon because it leads to Endfield
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Holy IC
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If you wanted more Ch'en x Doctor, you should've just asked
estrogen doesn't change your sexuality, anon
op liked men from the start
She left
>Her first banner
>Only one pull
>She appeared
IS5 also follows the same formula
But 2nd ending is TRAGIC and bad ending too.
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So I'm assuming HornX is better then? I kinda like bringing a couple of different defenders together.
A happy marriage!
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Time for the Ch'en revolution
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I don't know what it was about IS4 specifically that got people suddenly saying it's all canon. It's like one retard just posted
>lmao collapsals are jobbers
And now all of /akg/ gaslit itself into thinking we've defeated the space warp demons and literally every word of it is canon. Monthlies which were never ever canon and have discrepancies between each other? All canon. Different endings contradicting each other? Also canon.
Anon of low moral character.
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Ch'en's butt
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Yes, but HornY sounds funny so that's something to consider as well
Chen should cosplay as the cop from ZZZ
Chen sex status?
Pathetic little tail
3rd ending of IS4 is Amma saving Valarqvin's life by crashing Crazy back into the barrier, retard
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Who had the best glow up?
I remember this artist was a yurifag who drew a lot Ch'en x Hoshiguma drawing then suddenly became a waifufag out of nowhere and started making Ch'en x Doc instead.
Ch'en ironically turned him into a waifufag.
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Rich coming from a Dukedom that voted for killing Siege's dad.

Reminder that this based old mind is the only one Duke that didn't vote in affirmative.
Better question: who got a downgrade
arguably Irene
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Lin. Liduke would've been based.
in my face
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Ch'en remains the undefeated sex symbol of Arknights
I still don't get why her mom died
Of all the objectives they had with the attack she was the least important and they sent the strongest guy to do it and failed to get the donkey or the magic sword
Irene. Azling actually improved unlike *nf*k*n
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The power of Ch'en Hui Chieh. The sooner we can get back to Ch'en wank, then better. I'm so over Siege/Victoria wank
What did Priestess mean by this?
Delphine's dad was hardly in a position to vote on the matter and because he hesitated they gave him a good ol' "natural causes" treatment.
showing off the benefits of originium
Oh shit, she said the p-word
wtf whos this
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why did Logos horns change
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God I wish Ch'en was canonically Doctor's girlfriend because
1. I love her
2. I want other waifufags btfo'd
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Correct, Infukun didn't improve because his art was always perfect
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I love my wife. You don't love yours.
I don't have anything to say against this except Phantom doesn't become the new mouthpiece
The mouthpiece role belongs to the mouthpiece, he revives when Phantom starts singing
Phantom is the lead
He died from the Sarkaz though
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I have lofter account.
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Shut the fuck up you hateful spiteful bitch. I'm leaving Rhodes Island and I'm taking Amiya with me.
>Had to put a bunch of HG inhouse artists to fix his art
I've only skipped two events in my life and the one with this succubus is one... embarrassing. Guess I should read it.
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Consider the following:
Who grabbed her skirt
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Pulling Amiya's TAIL
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It's just a phase
Not this bitch again
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Stop acting like a spoiled, little bitch, and get back to working in your office, doctah.
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Yes, yes, that's nice, anon. However, check THIS out
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Mmmm, tailsex
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I'm sure the chinese have some saying about messing with the tail of a dragon
I'm gonna touch it anyway
Cute bunny
>sex symbol
yikes, is that all of you chuds care about in this game?
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You tell me
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You know what, I'm leaving.
Priestess, you can take me back now.
5+ years, gachas that survive first 2-3 years stay alive for much longer nowadays
Growth already slowed down. EOS in six months or less.
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what happened to Vigil?
Can't wait to read the event tomorrow and find out how much of things people are discussing is complete bullshit caused by shitty MTL translations.
That happened literally evere single chapter or event.
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That's still small, Amiya
Predict their classes
>Lord Guard
>Drone Caster
>Mystic Caster
>Reaper Guard
I am going to sexually FUCK an officer of the law...
>Nacho man is dead
it's so over
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Where do you think you are right now? Unironically? Just for a moment, how about you think about the kind of website you're in?
And? Red approved it so it's a good tail
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Chain Flinger
Disgusting tailets. Post women with big fat tails.
This is a futa image set isn't it?
We're gonna learn that mandy is 100% alive like every other time
>slowed growth
Owari da...
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Did someone say tail?
Just a femboy
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Doctor is always free to visit LM if he wishes.
Everyone calls him nacho but nobody gives him a sombrero
>(only 8 month for 2024)
Reed niggers REED
is endminpipi my son?
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Delete this.
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Our canon croc gf was once known as the poster girl for the thin tail lifestyle.
But she has evolved.
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More priestess content tomorrow, the wife is here
Only semi-related but I really really hope that Endfield has a ton of flavor text for different items and base facility descriptions, as well as detailed world building in some kind of in-game database/encyclopedia similar to the Arknights lore book.
Confirmation Clovisia was involved in her dad's death.
that's a fat tail
Irene, no contest. Wuh and Logos got downgraded.
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Your reaction photo. I like it. I'm taking it.
Kino as fuck
someone should put this over that webm kek
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you're next
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How is vivi? Did she powercreep the mooseless?
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No way, that's mine.
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>with so many people watching
So she's fine with it in private
I hope adult Suzuran is an oppai loli
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Max level cap increase when?
Imaging a perky Mandy rn.
Elite 3
Trust Lowlight's plan
Anon, she powercreeps surtr too
>hyperlimited mat to uncap to E3
Is bilibilo making videos with module showcases already?
I hope adult Suzuran is a yandere for Doctor
e3 adds a 4th skill
Did siege win?
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Lapipi bake the pipizza
Unfortunately yes
e3 lets you switch skills in battle
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I puta da lapipi in da pizza
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Too small for the best NPC in the game.
Good, Skip walter roll siege.
I wanna eat that ghoul ass
There's not enough shitposting for that to be true.
We already have modules though
This but instead of her nibbling on her tail it's me nibbling on her tail
Actors bro? Acting in my theater to reindoctrinate him until theaterbro's control?
What goes on Pipizza?
It should've been a thing since the start desu.
>Good, Skip walter roll siege.
Siege sucks though
Walter is still number 1
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Fine, fine
Even if it was true that she liked girls, they always rule out the posibility of the character being "bi" without proof for the simple reason that they are man-hating troons.
>The 3rd ending of IS4 has Valarqvin turn into a collapsal some years later which spurs Terra to completely shut down the dimensional travel research and demolish the northern gate.
So... it's canon and will happen in the future? What argument are you trying to make?
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Wrong. Mandy is temporarily unavailable operator.
Walter isn't #1 if you don't have her anon....
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which operators would benefit the most?
>shows attraction to females
>shows no attraction to malea
>S-she's bi!!!
But is Siegealt stronger than Ulpiss? It's the only thing i care about
and pipineapple?
>shows no attraction to male
No, she still is, you just don't have the number 1 op
for hardcore content nyes
for casual clears and IS nyo
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Good control on what target to attack
>t. Man hating troon
Wrong board.
tranny... stop coping
The event
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Horn would have peperoni nips.
If you have an operator at m6 or more and use both skills regularly, it's probably one that would benefit from it
SilverAsh, Reedic, Logos, Saileach, Ceobe
Eyja and others ops with a helidrop nuke and a fast auto skill could switch after blasting
You don't know what means, "ma'am".
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I think Irene looked cuter in her NPC form
ok but do you have at least the mtl or you are just sucking off the twitter tranny just because
So you don't have proof
Okay bro stop coping
Oh yeah? I think Horn looked cuter as a NPC.
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nyes, pipironippis.
Irene is perfect in all forms!
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>Spec2 uses S3 and then S2 right after
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I think you're right
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It's a fictional single player game think she's whatever you want and enjoy it. Stop biting his extremely low quality bait holy shit.
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post NPC horny.
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You can go read the event yourself BTW
Being able to switch skills is ridiculous, vame can't be balanced around that.
Just thinking of going from SilverAsh S3 drop to S2 is a big shift for his role on the field.
And there are operators that can do even more
Afk Skadi2 on s2 all map like a bonobo and then switch to s3 when you want to kill a boss.
>Tries to deflect by using le magic word without knowing what it means
>Gets called out
>Tries to deflect again with a more common meme word
I like both but I think the change is to crass
>that is what activated your tranny yuricuck neurons
NTR, Dorothy, and Pallas would be pretty incredible. Same with Dusk and Blemi
This a highly competitive multiplayer game though
Make up your mind "ma'am"
More than what most ops do to doc yet the delusional people here still claim they give a fuck about him
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Anon... read more books okay? Your lack of reading comprehension is pretty sad...
Horn, with such small boobs? nonsense gwai lo
I'm not seeing it, her S2 has forced retreat and her S1 takes too long to charge to be worth switching out of or into
This nigga can't even read lmao
SA switching from massive def and self-heal to massive attack
But they do, this is a pandering game discordtranny
now you can go back I've grown bored of you
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Is this canon?
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Finally managed to beat cliff with Ulpipi S2
Nobody had his S2 on supports for some reason
He tanks better than protectors even without the fish support
>this is a pandering game
Only if you're delusional
No, she has a bigger ass
>this is a pandering game
Again, delusional
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npcs? Wonder what this non playable character does, she was pretty strong in story I guess...
Still shows more attraction to females than to females.
YuriCHADs won.
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>to females than to females
recycle I guess
Mostly for s2ing when just half of a stage to solve a helidrop problem. s1 has some funky optimizations you can do with Warfarin, saga, or liskarm. Since it's common to have a dp generator or protector for strong elites you can partly offset it. Swapping from s1 to s3 would help in the situations where you don't want to just grind
are we recycling the fishthread?
well done /akg/, you mindbroke the yuritranny
>to females than to females.
This nigga is fuming lmao
than to males*

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