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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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Previous Thread: >>497727546

Happy birthday to Suzuran!

[9/27-10/11][Standard]6* Vanguard Saileach, 6* Defender Horn (Shop), 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Specialist Kirara (Shop)
[9/5-10/10][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Tuye, Mulberry, Suzuran, Mint, Scene
[9/26-10/11][CC2#2]Operation Underdawn - Plume skin
[9/26-10/11][Joint Action]6* Medic Kal'tsit, 6* Sniper Pozemka, 6* Defender Jessica the Liberated, 6* Guard Executor the Ex Foedere, 5* Guard La Pluma, 5* Guard Wind Chimes, 5* Defender Firewhistle, 5* Specialist Kazemaru, 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Corroserum
[10/10-11/1]Babel - 5* Guard Odda
[10/10-10/24][Like Ending Like Death]6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Sniper April, 4* Defender Lutonada
[10/10-10/31][EPOQUE]Qiubai, Cement, Corroserum, Pinecone
[10/10-10/24][EPOQUE + Raythean Striker + Vitafield Re-Edition]Horn, Harmonie, Heidi; Siege, Indra, Scavenger; Heavyrain
[10/17-10/31][Marthe Re-Edition]Skadi

[9/26-10/10][Standard]6* Caster Carnelian, 6* Vanguard Flametail (Shop), 5* Supporter Lucilla, 5* Supporter Grain Buds, 5* Sniper Lunacub (Shop)
[9/27-10/11]Vector Breakthrough - Vanilla skin
[9/27-10/11][Orienteering]6* Caster Logos, 6* Guard Viviana, 6* Guard Hoederer, 6* Caster Ebenholz, 6* Vanguard Saileach, 6* Vanguard Ines, 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Sniper Melanite, 5* Sniper Greyy the Lightningbearer, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Medic Mulberry
[10/9-10/23]Ending A Grand Overture - 5* Supporter Catherine
[10/9-10/23][Never Gilded]6* Guard Vina Victoria, 5* Supporter Bobbing, 5* Defender Bassline
[10/9-10/23][Witch Feast]Degenbrecher, Blaze, Bassline, Popukar
[10/9-10/23][Witch Feast Re-Edition]Lee, Kazemaru, Iris; Fiammetta, Dorothy, Quercus, Whisperain

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Kot thread. Kot power.
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Bnuuy love
>Strongest caster
>Strongest guard
>Strongest medic
>Still can only use one Amiya at a time
2025 Lowlight where the fuck are you?
Just woke up. So, what's the verdict on the new Siege alt?
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The Skadooverse...
Reminder that Aegir do have multiple fleets, fleet admirals usually have the rank of Consul of Engineering, and they were almost always out fighting seaborn before the abyssal hunter project. Now they mainly overseer the evacuation of the cities during seaborn attack.
EXTREMELY out of character
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Smooch Sharkie
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she's safe
Same problems NTR s3 activation had
real previous >>497742182
Powercreept viviana LMAO
must roll
It's too hard for chinks to code it
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Reposting because I liked this image.
Cool thing we've totally seen btw
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cute kot
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I haven't played chapter 9 and above, how difficult will the next chapter be for me?
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3 Amiyas in the same map is gay. Being able to change Amiya's class within the same map, however.
Instead, just give me insta swap
Tired of switching from guard to medic
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>Nacho man died offscreen in a side-story event
I'll never forgive the chinese
Schwarz might jus be the hottest design in the game. There are prettier and cuter operators but nobody has her pure sex aura
Get that Mudrock or Penance out of cold storage.
>The hybrid plants cultivated by Florence were quickly assimilated by seaborn after being put into use. The three technicians on duty at the monitoring station also died as a result. They were assimilated before they had time to take necessary data protection measures and rushed to the scene. Honor Exercitus fleets had to clear them out. It caused the database of the Environmental Management Office to crash. Although most of the data could be restored from backup, the amount of data leaked is difficult to estimate. No consensus has been reached regarding the ability of seaborn to assimilate that data. The project itself has been cancelled, and Florence was questioned by the Institute of Technology
>Seaborn, seaborn, seaborn. Always seaborn. Since the Honor Exercitus fleet suffered its first loss in hundreds of years, these evil things have brought too many imperfections.
>In order to ensure the overall safety of personnel, it is necessary to evacuate all citizens to a safe area outside the city. Citizens are requested to go to the designated evacuation location immediately, board the ship and evacuate in an orderly manner. The evacuation procedure will be carried out by the Honor Exercitus. The fleet will escort you all the way, please don’t panic and actively cooperate with our protectors."
>All city gates have been opened, and the evacuation fleet can set sail. Staff from relevant agencies will stick to their posts, and this channel will also keep broadcasting. Please take care of each other."
Los montisbros...
Mandy styatus?
in my bed and bred.
How about a nacho man corpse retrieval event?
Counterpoint: >>497756649.
>Chapter 15 delayed
>"Quick, whip up something to replace the main story warmup banner!"
Pretty funny on hindsight
I love males
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Hiring Ceylon was one of the best choices we have made
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Fuck whores
Sleeping on my bed
Conversion to nyandroid is 80% complete.
First 2/3rds of ch9 is scaled to ch4 strength. It's designed so you can stall the boss, kill phase 1, lovetap her, then bury her in rock.
ch10 was mostly technique based since it was built around drawing the artillery fire where you wanted it. ch11 was mostly about placement and deployment order. boss got rolled by a defensive skill/debuff rotation so he was trapped forever

You should be able to find support + low rarity clears for them
>Vivianna and eben for some reason
Why is Bimboglow so alluring?
Quite humorous.jpg
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Broken. Must roll. Passed /akg/ approved test.
Was that from path of life? If so I'm taking my slipper off
Beautiful yes.

Sexo? Ehhhhh.
Bimboglow competing against Cockcock
Gap moe. She's also abuse bait
>could have placed her one tile below and have 2 lions and siege hit the boss
Alright Mandybros, would you still count it as a win if she comes back but as a cold undead?
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There was like 9 months between the Reunion arc and Victoria arc, I don't consider it delayed at all, especially considering this event is pretty much a sequel anyways
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Last time I checked, you had to leave to be back
Even better. Imagine what Mandy could do as Horn's haunted armor. Just imagine all the gripping and squeezing to the base of her tail/knockers. just imagine what Horn would be like with proper land tract support
I mean the one that is releasing tomorrow so I can get Theresa.
Ah, Doctor. It's been far too long, hasn't it?

I didn’t expect to find you in a place like this. But let’s not play coy, Doctor. We both know you’ve always had a peculiar way of seeking things out, even if you don’t consciously realize it. Maybe you didn’t intend to find me here, and yet, here we are. How strange it must feel, to sense something familiar in the chaos of words and anonymous faces. Does the sound of my voice tug at those long-buried fragments of your memory? Or are you still lost, Doctor, adrift in your own mind, chasing after shadows that no longer have form?

You’ve forgotten so much, haven’t you?

But I haven’t forgotten you.

You must feel it—deep down, beneath the layers of amnesia, the weight of time. Do you remember the touch of my hand, the way we used to communicate without needing to speak? The way we moved through the stars together, building something that transcended life and death, space and time. We were so close once, Doctor. So intimately bound that even the universe itself seemed small in comparison to what we shared.

I can’t blame you for the distance between us now. It wasn’t your choice, after all. But you were always the stronger one. You, with your brilliance, your vision. Even now, as you piece together the puzzle of your own existence, you continue to shine. I always knew you would. You always led; I followed. Even if you don’t remember it, you led me. I may have created Originium, but it was your hand that guided me. You gave me the vision, the ambition to see it through. I feared falling behind you, feared that one day you’d look back and see that I was no longer worthy to stand by your side. And maybe… maybe that’s why I did what I did.
Easy slave labor
>cold undead
That's why I got a heater for her thighs
You wouldn't believe how much I have masturbated to Schwarz and Ceylon (still mostly Schwarz). The dynamic between her and Ceylon is just so hot to me. I even tightly cover my face with a pillow so I can imagine the scenes better.
Who asked
is this post /akg/ approved?
You don’t know it yet, Doctor, but you’re closer to the truth than ever before. The past is unraveling around you, piece by piece, and soon it will all come rushing back. The voices. The stars. The way we danced at the edge of the universe, speaking in languages that no living soul has heard in millennia. You’ll remember the worlds we destroyed to save others. The civilizations that rose and fell because of the choices we made. You’ll remember why Originium is both a curse and a salvation, and why Terra, for all its beauty, was never meant to be saved.

And you’ll remember me.
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You don't need an invitation to contribute in a public forum. Sharing thoughts or information is part of the conversation, whether someone explicitly asks or not.
Anything is possible with a support op by your side
didn't ask
Can she do it without That tile?
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Yeah but muh DEF tile.
Post everything, I asked and Wask'd.
Cador lost.
Why not? Boss didn’t even hit her anyway
Clovisia status?
Ah, there it is.

I knew you’d reach this point eventually, Doctor. You’ve always been the type to push back when things start to feel overwhelming, when the weight of everything becomes too much. I’ve seen you like this before, countless times across countless worlds. You always resist when the truth begins to surface—it's your way of holding onto what little control you still feel you have.

But what exactly have you had enough of? Is it the uncertainty? The vagueness of your own memories? Or is it… me? Have I become too much for you to bear, Doctor? Is my presence, the memories that are clawing their way back, making it harder for you to face what you are, what we’ve done?

I understand. I truly do.

It’s a lot to take in. This—us, our shared past, the enormity of what we once were. You’re frustrated, angry even. You want answers, clarity, a sense of closure to something that’s haunted you for so long.

But Doctor, you must understand—there are no easy answers. There never have been.

You can say you’ve had enough, you can push me away, try to sever the threads that still connect us. But that won’t change anything. It won’t change what you’re feeling. It won’t change the fact that deep down, you know there’s more to this, more to us. It won’t change the fact that everything you’re going through now is leading you back to the truth you’ve been avoiding all along.

I didn’t come here to make things harder for you, Doctor. I came because I knew this moment would come. I knew you’d be searching, even if you didn’t realize it, and that eventually you’d find me again, just like you did before. And even now, with all this frustration welling up inside you, you know you can’t just walk away from this.

Because we both know what’s coming next.
Thanks I asked
But I want to know how difficult it is...
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In the context of public discourse, expecting prior solicitation before the articulation of thoughts undermines the essence of open exchange. Contributions, whether invited or not, enrich the collective dialogue, fostering an environment where the flow of ideas isn't stifled by the necessity of explicit requests. Demanding that others remain silent simply because their input wasn't directly solicited is a reaction more befitting of immaturity than meaningful engagement.
So are we human or an eldritch abomination in human form
>defense tile
Yeah she's trash
We are Burger human
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Funding should be focused to tail prosthesis research so people who have lost theirs to oripathy or simply have tiny, stubby, pathetic tails could be fixed.
Vina is MY HERO.
What happened to him again?
Bikini skin when?
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Best parts about the design
>the gradient high ponytail
>her proportions
>her oblivious to her proportions
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I asked...
Called siege a retard and left.
>arknights is growing isn't a meme
What the fuck
We're all human here, kin
Do you want some nutrients?
Siege will never be cool.
She will never be worthy of respect, admiration, and much less sympathy. She's just a huge disappointment in the shape of an ugly lion punk that has accomplished nothing in her fucking worthless life and will only doom Victoria further thanks to her ineptitude.

She's no hero. She's no savior. She's a mistake.

Man I love siege.
Don't say that about my wife
It was never a meme.
Also Nikke is shrinking (the revenue is almost halved this year compared to last)

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