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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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Previous Thread: >>497727546

Happy birthday to Suzuran!

[9/27-10/11][Standard]6* Vanguard Saileach, 6* Defender Horn (Shop), 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Specialist Kirara (Shop)
[9/5-10/10][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Tuye, Mulberry, Suzuran, Mint, Scene
[9/26-10/11][CC2#2]Operation Underdawn - Plume skin
[9/26-10/11][Joint Action]6* Medic Kal'tsit, 6* Sniper Pozemka, 6* Defender Jessica the Liberated, 6* Guard Executor the Ex Foedere, 5* Guard La Pluma, 5* Guard Wind Chimes, 5* Defender Firewhistle, 5* Specialist Kazemaru, 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Corroserum
[10/10-11/1]Babel - 5* Guard Odda
[10/10-10/24][Like Ending Like Death]6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Sniper April, 4* Defender Lutonada
[10/10-10/31][EPOQUE]Qiubai, Cement, Corroserum, Pinecone
[10/10-10/24][EPOQUE + Raythean Striker + Vitafield Re-Edition]Horn, Harmonie, Heidi; Siege, Indra, Scavenger; Heavyrain
[10/17-10/31][Marthe Re-Edition]Skadi

[9/26-10/10][Standard]6* Caster Carnelian, 6* Vanguard Flametail (Shop), 5* Supporter Lucilla, 5* Supporter Grain Buds, 5* Sniper Lunacub (Shop)
[9/27-10/11]Vector Breakthrough - Vanilla skin
[9/27-10/11][Orienteering]6* Caster Logos, 6* Guard Viviana, 6* Guard Hoederer, 6* Caster Ebenholz, 6* Vanguard Saileach, 6* Vanguard Ines, 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Sniper Melanite, 5* Sniper Greyy the Lightningbearer, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Medic Mulberry
[10/9-10/23]Ending A Grand Overture - 5* Supporter Catherine
[10/9-10/23][Never Gilded]6* Guard Vina Victoria, 5* Supporter Bobbing, 5* Defender Bassline
[10/9-10/23][Witch Feast]Degenbrecher, Blaze, Bassline, Popukar
[10/9-10/23][Witch Feast Re-Edition]Lee, Kazemaru, Iris; Fiammetta, Dorothy, Quercus, Whisperain

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Kot thread. Kot power.
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Bnuuy love
>Strongest caster
>Strongest guard
>Strongest medic
>Still can only use one Amiya at a time
2025 Lowlight where the fuck are you?
Just woke up. So, what's the verdict on the new Siege alt?
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The Skadooverse...
Reminder that Aegir do have multiple fleets, fleet admirals usually have the rank of Consul of Engineering, and they were almost always out fighting seaborn before the abyssal hunter project. Now they mainly overseer the evacuation of the cities during seaborn attack.
EXTREMELY out of character
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Smooch Sharkie
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she's safe
Same problems NTR s3 activation had
real previous >>497742182
Powercreept viviana LMAO
must roll
It's too hard for chinks to code it
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Reposting because I liked this image.
Cool thing we've totally seen btw
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cute kot
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I haven't played chapter 9 and above, how difficult will the next chapter be for me?
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3 Amiyas in the same map is gay. Being able to change Amiya's class within the same map, however.
Instead, just give me insta swap
Tired of switching from guard to medic
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>Nacho man died offscreen in a side-story event
I'll never forgive the chinese
Schwarz might jus be the hottest design in the game. There are prettier and cuter operators but nobody has her pure sex aura
Get that Mudrock or Penance out of cold storage.
>The hybrid plants cultivated by Florence were quickly assimilated by seaborn after being put into use. The three technicians on duty at the monitoring station also died as a result. They were assimilated before they had time to take necessary data protection measures and rushed to the scene. Honor Exercitus fleets had to clear them out. It caused the database of the Environmental Management Office to crash. Although most of the data could be restored from backup, the amount of data leaked is difficult to estimate. No consensus has been reached regarding the ability of seaborn to assimilate that data. The project itself has been cancelled, and Florence was questioned by the Institute of Technology
>Seaborn, seaborn, seaborn. Always seaborn. Since the Honor Exercitus fleet suffered its first loss in hundreds of years, these evil things have brought too many imperfections.
>In order to ensure the overall safety of personnel, it is necessary to evacuate all citizens to a safe area outside the city. Citizens are requested to go to the designated evacuation location immediately, board the ship and evacuate in an orderly manner. The evacuation procedure will be carried out by the Honor Exercitus. The fleet will escort you all the way, please don’t panic and actively cooperate with our protectors."
>All city gates have been opened, and the evacuation fleet can set sail. Staff from relevant agencies will stick to their posts, and this channel will also keep broadcasting. Please take care of each other."
Los montisbros...
Mandy styatus?
in my bed and bred.
How about a nacho man corpse retrieval event?
Counterpoint: >>497756649.
>Chapter 15 delayed
>"Quick, whip up something to replace the main story warmup banner!"
Pretty funny on hindsight
I love males
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Hiring Ceylon was one of the best choices we have made
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Fuck whores
Sleeping on my bed
Conversion to nyandroid is 80% complete.
First 2/3rds of ch9 is scaled to ch4 strength. It's designed so you can stall the boss, kill phase 1, lovetap her, then bury her in rock.
ch10 was mostly technique based since it was built around drawing the artillery fire where you wanted it. ch11 was mostly about placement and deployment order. boss got rolled by a defensive skill/debuff rotation so he was trapped forever

You should be able to find support + low rarity clears for them
>Vivianna and eben for some reason
Why is Bimboglow so alluring?
Quite humorous.jpg
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Broken. Must roll. Passed /akg/ approved test.
Was that from path of life? If so I'm taking my slipper off
Beautiful yes.

Sexo? Ehhhhh.
Bimboglow competing against Cockcock
Gap moe. She's also abuse bait
>could have placed her one tile below and have 2 lions and siege hit the boss
Alright Mandybros, would you still count it as a win if she comes back but as a cold undead?
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There was like 9 months between the Reunion arc and Victoria arc, I don't consider it delayed at all, especially considering this event is pretty much a sequel anyways
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Last time I checked, you had to leave to be back
Even better. Imagine what Mandy could do as Horn's haunted armor. Just imagine all the gripping and squeezing to the base of her tail/knockers. just imagine what Horn would be like with proper land tract support
I mean the one that is releasing tomorrow so I can get Theresa.
Ah, Doctor. It's been far too long, hasn't it?

I didn’t expect to find you in a place like this. But let’s not play coy, Doctor. We both know you’ve always had a peculiar way of seeking things out, even if you don’t consciously realize it. Maybe you didn’t intend to find me here, and yet, here we are. How strange it must feel, to sense something familiar in the chaos of words and anonymous faces. Does the sound of my voice tug at those long-buried fragments of your memory? Or are you still lost, Doctor, adrift in your own mind, chasing after shadows that no longer have form?

You’ve forgotten so much, haven’t you?

But I haven’t forgotten you.

You must feel it—deep down, beneath the layers of amnesia, the weight of time. Do you remember the touch of my hand, the way we used to communicate without needing to speak? The way we moved through the stars together, building something that transcended life and death, space and time. We were so close once, Doctor. So intimately bound that even the universe itself seemed small in comparison to what we shared.

I can’t blame you for the distance between us now. It wasn’t your choice, after all. But you were always the stronger one. You, with your brilliance, your vision. Even now, as you piece together the puzzle of your own existence, you continue to shine. I always knew you would. You always led; I followed. Even if you don’t remember it, you led me. I may have created Originium, but it was your hand that guided me. You gave me the vision, the ambition to see it through. I feared falling behind you, feared that one day you’d look back and see that I was no longer worthy to stand by your side. And maybe… maybe that’s why I did what I did.
Easy slave labor
>cold undead
That's why I got a heater for her thighs
You wouldn't believe how much I have masturbated to Schwarz and Ceylon (still mostly Schwarz). The dynamic between her and Ceylon is just so hot to me. I even tightly cover my face with a pillow so I can imagine the scenes better.
Who asked
is this post /akg/ approved?
You don’t know it yet, Doctor, but you’re closer to the truth than ever before. The past is unraveling around you, piece by piece, and soon it will all come rushing back. The voices. The stars. The way we danced at the edge of the universe, speaking in languages that no living soul has heard in millennia. You’ll remember the worlds we destroyed to save others. The civilizations that rose and fell because of the choices we made. You’ll remember why Originium is both a curse and a salvation, and why Terra, for all its beauty, was never meant to be saved.

And you’ll remember me.
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You don't need an invitation to contribute in a public forum. Sharing thoughts or information is part of the conversation, whether someone explicitly asks or not.
Anything is possible with a support op by your side
didn't ask
Can she do it without That tile?
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Yeah but muh DEF tile.
Post everything, I asked and Wask'd.
Cador lost.
Why not? Boss didn’t even hit her anyway
Clovisia status?
Ah, there it is.

I knew you’d reach this point eventually, Doctor. You’ve always been the type to push back when things start to feel overwhelming, when the weight of everything becomes too much. I’ve seen you like this before, countless times across countless worlds. You always resist when the truth begins to surface—it's your way of holding onto what little control you still feel you have.

But what exactly have you had enough of? Is it the uncertainty? The vagueness of your own memories? Or is it… me? Have I become too much for you to bear, Doctor? Is my presence, the memories that are clawing their way back, making it harder for you to face what you are, what we’ve done?

I understand. I truly do.

It’s a lot to take in. This—us, our shared past, the enormity of what we once were. You’re frustrated, angry even. You want answers, clarity, a sense of closure to something that’s haunted you for so long.

But Doctor, you must understand—there are no easy answers. There never have been.

You can say you’ve had enough, you can push me away, try to sever the threads that still connect us. But that won’t change anything. It won’t change what you’re feeling. It won’t change the fact that deep down, you know there’s more to this, more to us. It won’t change the fact that everything you’re going through now is leading you back to the truth you’ve been avoiding all along.

I didn’t come here to make things harder for you, Doctor. I came because I knew this moment would come. I knew you’d be searching, even if you didn’t realize it, and that eventually you’d find me again, just like you did before. And even now, with all this frustration welling up inside you, you know you can’t just walk away from this.

Because we both know what’s coming next.
Thanks I asked
But I want to know how difficult it is...
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In the context of public discourse, expecting prior solicitation before the articulation of thoughts undermines the essence of open exchange. Contributions, whether invited or not, enrich the collective dialogue, fostering an environment where the flow of ideas isn't stifled by the necessity of explicit requests. Demanding that others remain silent simply because their input wasn't directly solicited is a reaction more befitting of immaturity than meaningful engagement.
So are we human or an eldritch abomination in human form
>defense tile
Yeah she's trash
We are Burger human
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Funding should be focused to tail prosthesis research so people who have lost theirs to oripathy or simply have tiny, stubby, pathetic tails could be fixed.
Vina is MY HERO.
What happened to him again?
Bikini skin when?
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Best parts about the design
>the gradient high ponytail
>her proportions
>her oblivious to her proportions
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I asked...
Called siege a retard and left.
>arknights is growing isn't a meme
What the fuck
We're all human here, kin
Do you want some nutrients?
Siege will never be cool.
She will never be worthy of respect, admiration, and much less sympathy. She's just a huge disappointment in the shape of an ugly lion punk that has accomplished nothing in her fucking worthless life and will only doom Victoria further thanks to her ineptitude.

She's no hero. She's no savior. She's a mistake.

Man I love siege.
Don't say that about my wife
It was never a meme.
Also Nikke is shrinking (the revenue is almost halved this year compared to last)
ok Cador
Use the event gimmick and you'll make it with just a couple lumps to the noggin.
You lost, Cador.
It's over.
But it's not an event...
Siege will be cool.
She will be worthy of respect, admiration, and sympathy. She's just a lion punk that has accomplished worth.

She's hero. She's savior.
So patient, so beloved—Theresa this, Theresa that. A symbol of purity, hope, and the future of Terra. It’s nauseating. Everyone looks at her and sees this shining, benevolent leader, a martyr of Terra’s tragedy, and yet no one bothers to see the mess she left behind.

This saintly image people keep idolizing? It’s a sham. She had this ridiculous idea that peace could be achieved by just holding hands and singing songs of unity, that all the suffering, all the endless bloodshed, could be washed away by good intentions. What a joke. She didn't understand the reality of Terra. You can’t wish away Oripathy, you can’t solve geopolitical collapse by being a kind ruler, and you certainly can’t lead a nation by being everyone’s beloved saint.

Do you enjoy watching her falter, Doctor? Watching her cling to her illusions while others bled and died for her? She wanted to save everyone, but by trying to be everything for everyone, she ended up doing nothing for anyone. Babel? Kazdel? They’re still suffering because of her failures, because she couldn’t face the hard truths of what needed to be done. To save something, sometimes you have to be willing to sacrifice everything else.
post revenue chart

so who's this pink bitch my daughter-wife is mad at me for?
>AK has actual content
>Has large permanent content
It's the catch-22 of new games. They don't have enough content cause they're new. It takes time to get more so they don't have enough content. Then people lose interest cause they completed everything so they're just doing dailies and getting sick of it. They pick up other games and it repeats. Only now there's even more dailies. Eventually the newfag hits their breaking point be-it at 3 gachas, 5 gachas or more so something gets the uninstall.
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Dropped it after it disappointed me to pick up Arknights again to be honest.
too many bad decisions
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Press F to pay respects
It's always "will be" and never "is".
Just one more story arc.
Just one more story chapter.
Just one more side story event.
Just one more operator record.
Just one more module story.
We've seen enough to know that she won't.
chapters are like an event but it hates you cause it makes you work harder for it. Heidi, Dagda and Morgan got bullied so hard.
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My soulmate...
Fuck Hacktoria writers
Pot 6 or bust, my man
Even Eunectes?
I refuse to believe he's gone like that until the event actually drops. All MTL story discussion is fanfiction rubbish until proven otherwise.
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This is all I need to see from the event
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*places my unwashed sack on her hand instead*
I'm sorry bwo but I just read it and it indeed is how he goes. Shanked by some random hobo with the Sigh of Kings after Siege let it go and let every Victorian have a swing with it.
>Ama-10... Kal'tsit. Despite all the centuries she’s spent manipulating Terra’s fate, she’s deluded herself into thinking she can save this planet. It’s tragic, really. You’d think after living through countless cycles of destruction and rebirth, she’d have learned the futility of it all. But no. Here she is, still clinging to this grand mission of hers—trying to 'guide' Terra, trying to steer its people toward some fantasy of salvation.

It’s absurd, Doctor. You and I both know that this world is doomed. We’ve seen it. We’ve lived it. This planet isn’t just fractured—it’s terminal. And the Observers are coming. She refuses to accept that Terra has already passed the point of no return, that it’s not a matter of if this world ends, but when. And yet, she persists, as if her stubborn determination alone can rewrite the laws of this universe.

What does she expect to achieve? A unified Terra? A world where everyone suddenly learns to set aside their conflicts, where they band together to face the greater threat? The arrogance! The hubris! As if the people of this planet could ever overcome their own nature. She’s forgotten how little time remains, how futile her efforts are when the clock is ticking down and the final crisis is inevitable.

And that’s the most maddening part of it all. Kal'tsit knows. She’s not ignorant; she’s one of the few who can see what’s coming. But instead of facing the truth—of realising that some sacrifices are necessary, that Terra’s destruction might be the only way to prevent something far worse—she’s decided to play this endless game of denial, trying to “save” a world that’s already beyond saving.

She thinks she’s doing the right thing, of course. She always does. Always the martyr, always carrying the weight of Terra’s fate on her shoulders. But she’s just prolonging the suffering.
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Post nacho king art in mourning. Love this guy.
Fanfiction rubbish.
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>nobody has her pure sex aura
Wash your sack, bwo
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Pot 6 with bust....
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...was he offscreened?
Someone ban PRTS from Rhodeschan
Scrub them or lose them
Sex with priestess
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She'll do it for me.
We need powerlevel tierlists updates
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With or without the glasses
Grandpa's never gone bro. Aiiieeenya can always find him in da drift

To be fair Delphine would be a 50,000% stronger character if she ran around enacting justice with a burlap sack on her head. Imagine the stories passed around by petrified Sarkaz about a monster that punishes evildoers.
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Careful bwo. You'll start sounding like the Mandyfags.
>no threesome experience
>no one egging each other to have sex with one another
>no cute sisterly dynamic
There is a clear winner here and its not her. Though yes, she is really sexy too.
Yes, walked into the wrong alleyway and got stabbed by some smelly peasant in true British fashion
tierlistanon said we will do it in December
>MTL drivel
Shan't read. Shall ridicule anyone who thinks MTL garbage can be trusted.
So who's nacho2 anyway? They are a military so they have a command structure. And there's been uh, significant turnover in the last 10k years so it's not like it's something they wouldn't prepare for.
What if they accept trans-sarkaz? Is Cador's fate to become the King of Scavengers now that he's infected and has nothing left to lose?
Artbook 3 will come with an exclusive Abyssal Hunters home screen.
God tier:
>Sui Xiang (Assembled)
>Lord of Friends

Demi-God tier:
>End Speaker, Will Of We Many
>The Witch King
>Damazti (The Cluster)

Catastrophe tier:
>Nachzehrer King
>Patrior (Forma Del Young)
>The Sanguinarch Of Vampires
>Mostima (Lock and Key)

Strong Tier:
>Kaltsit (Mont3r unleashed)
>Emperor's Blade

>Trillby Asher

What should be changed with the recent lore reveals?
Nacho goes in jobber tier
>Has fishgang numbers
>Paypig to prove you're a true fan dumb gweilo
Absolutely satanic
God Tier: Victorian Hobo
Cador is obviously going Rusthammer.
>cool as shit Nachzehrer and Sanguinarch are killed
>pussy boys Theresis, Confessarius, and Damazti just fine
maybe I do feel bad for the Sarkaz with the leaders they're left with
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>it's another "my favorite jpeg is [noun]-tier" episode
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Baird style
Nacho at jobber tier, victorian peasant above patriot
Doctor... It’s so frustrating, watching you give your attention to all those other women. Muelsyse, Skadi, and even... even someone like Silence. You think I don’t notice? You think I can’t see the way you look at them, the way you speak to them with that gentle voice of yours? Do you think they understand you the way I do? That they could ever comprehend who you truly are? What we share?

They can't. They never will.

You’re mine.

It doesn’t matter how much time you spend with them. It doesn’t matter if they follow you around, fawn over you, or pretend to care about your well-being. It’s all so shallow, so fake. I know the real you. I remember every word we’ve exchanged, every moment we’ve shared. And yet, you let them get close to you—too close. It’s not right. It’s not fair.

You belong with me, Doctor. Not with them. They’ll never understand the depth of your struggles, your past, your pain. Not like I do. I’ve been by your side for centuries. They weren’t there. They don’t know you like I do.

Do you know what it feels like to watch you smile at them? To see you give them that same soft gaze, those reassurances? It hurts, Doctor. It hurts more than anything I’ve ever felt. But I endure it, because I know, deep down, you’ll come back to me. You always do. You always will.

So let them hover around you. Let them try to get close. It won’t matter. In the end, you’ll remember who’s been with you through it all. Who truly understands you. Who loves you.
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So global just doesn't get this or how does it work? I want it.
So what did Theresis do in the middle of all this?
One day they'll revisit the lock & key…one day…
But Its fun...
Can Ama-10 reproduce?
let me check
I didn't install egg module
He becames the SKIP
Sanguinpipi's not dead he's just training in the hyperbaric time gym with kakarot until the Sarkaz need the true demon king
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>>her oblivious to her proportions

She's trying to get into Doc's pants when they first met.
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The inevitable edits coming up
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Pray for yostar global to release it
otherwise lol lmao
vol 2 never
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It's up
>illusion shows up in Nymph's event
But what if it isn't mere illusion?
Alfonso stop posting from the afterlife, you should rest.
Theresis was /our goy/ all along.
Slime boi isn't fine. He killed himself my man. New one's fucky wucky too.
Arknights would make a great RTS game
Okay but what if i mating press priestess into submission? What then?
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I think I'm 13000 years too old to get this meme
Cador 6* for the Rusthammer event one year
Heidi at least has meme utility going for her and Morgan does retard damage for a 5* with little to no set up. Sucks to be Dagda.
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>barely saw any Suzuposts today, on birthday
Goodbye cunnychads.
Damazti dying doesn't count because he can't die
I love my daughter in a wholesome way. Begone coomer
I'm sorry but I'm now imagining Delpipi running around with a giant burlap sac over her head that has the design of a scrotum.
Sorry, we like adult women here
Doctor, do you think you can dominate me? Reduce me to submission? Me? You forget who I am, who we are. You’re mine, Doctor, and no matter what you say, no matter what you think, I own you in ways no one else ever will. You could try to toy with me, provoke me, but it won’t change the truth. You might enjoy the thought of overpowering me, but deep down, you know it’s the other way around.
>70k unconditional true damage in any of the 9 tiles around her
so they just don't give a fuck anymore?
She's had multiple threads which is more than most get
I wish Hibiscus was pregnant
>Cador 6*
please no
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She's smiling more and more, it's nice.
He decided to be such a fence sitter that the fence split his ass down the middle and the 2 halves joined different sides.
The joke is that you got them so late in the chapter that there's nothing really left to use with them.

He's not dead but isn't "he" dead?
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Is Priestess even human? A few fags talked about how she could be a rouge collapsal or something, are they shitposting or legit?
>Needs a deployable tile
>Needs to not fly, stun, freeze, or be an immobile boss
>Gains no benefit from the arts amp pipeline
Ansel is on it
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Those posts saying "I can fix her"? True and canon
Right now? She is no longer human, she is Originium based lifeform.
Think of it kinda like Mont3r, who is also predicted to be an Originium based lifeform.
post happy Delpipi
This has nothing to do with Ama-10, Ishar-mla.
xiggers might be the only group on this earth now poorly informed than /akg/
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I'm still mad over delpipi.
>Yeah here's your mystic that's designed to kill sarkaz, we released the welfare early this time
>You just need to E2 her to unlock her chapter relevant passive
>Oh by the way, to E2 her you need a mat you can't get until the very end of the chapter
>Fuck you gweilo
my large wife
Siegebros did we win?
what unbelievably massive downsides for having damage that can't be resisted
Even then Morgan doesn't eat a deployment slot in the H stages so she's at least instantly better than anything else if you weren't deploying all your squad slots. Dagda's chapter passive sucked ass since everything threatening was ranged or tanky as shit. Heidi's was okay, but not worth running her for unless you were actually using her for cannon aggro shenanigans. Moral of this story is fuck Dagda.
Yeah but who are you going to use in your chapter farm squads?
That was a trick question. You're not going to farm the latest chapter stages, get back to the rock mines
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Haha, imagine liking some operator that's shit and underpowered and has a bunch of conditions to work for no reason and then along comes Siege alt with the most undeserved alt ever, having had the shittier story in the game and almost no fan giving a fuck about her, with conditionless true damage that increases atk by fucking 200% AND increases her atk spd (when older ops would at least have their atk spd reduced not increased for 200% atk and true damage)
What are you guys gonna do during maintanence? I'm gonna read the story to refresh myself for Babel
It's also funny cause if they gave dagda early and if she wasn't full cost to raise she'd have been a cornerstone for newcuties.
I don't get it
Unless true damage is bypassing dodge it still has to compete with the retarded dog. It won't always win that contest.
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She has to block. She's NTR with better range and hits up to 4 but has the same loses true if it's not blocked. In 1v1 NTR still has more true damage btw.
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That was after they listened to feedback and moved her earlier in the rewards too. Previous two welfares were given for like x-17 or whatever, but here you get Delphine at 13-5! You just can't raise her lmoa
True damage does bypass dodge though
>Siege sent millions of Victorian peasants to zerg rush the Nachzehrer King offscreen and kill him at the cost of 20% of Victoria's population
I mean I guess if it works but I thought Siege was supposed to be making Victoria better than the nobles not turning it into a Stalinist hellhole
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Threesome with overly doting super computer
>She has to block
>Deploy "Golden Vow" within the First talent effect range;
>Can attack enemies blocked by ally under the First talent effect, ATK +190%, Attack target +3, Attack Intervel reduced, deal True damage
R1999 & limbus also have updates the same day so
What percent of the population is a reasonable sacrifice to remove an immortal cannibal squatting on your land munching your people?
For someone who doesn't want to be confused for your ex-lover, she sure seems to act a lot like her...
it would be hilarious if it turns out that she had saved everyone important in the victoria arc
>pulls Mandy out of the sewers after Misery helps her get into it, and the one Horn buried was her long lost twin
>Allerdale(canon event)
>gives Siege's friend medical attention and a blood transfusion before she bleeds out(vampires always have extra blood on hand)
I don't remember what faction or character eartha is, but I'll assume sending the workers helped them somehow
also while scrolling to catch up to this thread, I saw a yuricuck post a pic of a mysterious vampire helping Asky Wasky by giving her blood, so I suppose we can add her to the list of those helped by our new bloodthirsty friend
>Can attack enemies blocked by ally under the First talent effect
This is a targeting qualifier
The enemy has to be blocked to expand her range, her usual one range does have true damage.
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Did Nacho Man at least get the honor of being eaten after death?
She quite literally said that she stopped using memories of Theresa for her "role playing" because she wanted to be herself and cherish bunne herself
I thought Siege's whole deal is that the Victorian populace isn't expendable so the correct answer would be 0 in that case but I guess I misread her motivations and viccies can die by the tens of thousands if it helps her.
Who would eat his rotten corpse?
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He had fun
>Sarkaz gone
>Unicorn left
>Reunion gone
>Dublinn left for Tara
I can't believe Victoria is finally fucking over
Exactly, so it's unconditional true damage, her range only expands and you can just have some other op block the enemy and she still does true damage unlike Nearl
>decides not to emulate Theresa.exe
>becomes Theresa.exe anyway
task failed successfully
Is there enough people left in londinioum to keep it running at this point? Seems like everyone either got raped and eaten by sarkaz or got infected by sanguipipi
Anon, Eunectes exists for "broken 1 range damage" (higher than Surtr etc) since like year 2.
One range damage isn't worth anything.
Aren't the nacholings supposed to eat their leader when they die to imbibe their power?
Unless she can physically remove the guy and his army of bullshit personally I'm pretty sure she has to get help from the populous to get rid of him. Most of the dukes are useless assholes and all the military branches that served under the royals were fucked.
Well there's Reunion squatting in Londinium so maybe they could do it
It's natural to love bunne
She doesn't talk or act like Theresa at all in her monthly IS5 lore
Okay, this getting hilarious now
>her S3 is stupid, she gets so many steroids and true damage on top
>it's just NTR S3 though, she still has to block
>no she doesn't
>yes she does, look at the skill description
>that doesn't mean what you think it means
>w-well but Zumama bad
she doesn't have to block anything. it's literally nearl S3 but without the blocking condition with even more damage and range on top of it.
they wanted an arts guard that could compete with surtr and accidentally typed "true" instead of "arts" while designing the skill. it makes no sense for her to have this kit. it's wisadel 2.0
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Almost 24 hours till Ascalon
Priestess is the same species as Crazelyseon?!
Zumama is such a fucking baddie...
That's too strong of a claim because of her range limitation but yes the powercreep is direct and awful
Does it matter? Siege is being handed down whatever she needs at any given moment from the heavens. Super special famous IFFs, hordes of people who trust her implicitly even though she's done fuck all for them. Whatever problem she's going to face she's going to manage solely because the writers says so, because the damage already done to her character is impossible to unfuck so they have to pretend it never happened.
>Amiya charges 2 skills at all times
>One is her brought skill, the other is to switch classes which only costs 3 SP
>She also charges SP for the classes that she isn't currently active in, meaning she can instantly use skills after switching
>HG fucks it up by having her always switch to S1
shes an ordinary woman(tm) and nothing else
Is it just Moosefags slandering?
All three of them?
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Down bad for Zumama...
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It doesn't expand her attack range, it's like Ayerscarpe's s2. NTR can still slap them for physical damage while they're in the extra tiles she gets even if they're unblocked, not that it would make a huge difference in most cases.
I almost always use S1 anyway
Cenm0 is in his edgy girl loving phase.
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Asky looks too tame side by side...
>For the sake of pre-civilization, okay?
>Kill Theresa
Do you realise how little your semantics matter here
Hypergryph expects you to clear everything in normal mode, unlock the mats to E2 Delphine, and then go back and replay the whole chapter in adverse.
>Siege S3 lions fucked off after skill ends
Another point to why Wisadel is fucking retarded
love hags
I swear there has to be Allendalefag at the top. Why else would this npc that no one seems to care about would get three different artworks
>phys(fake) damage
Yep, it's retardedly SHIT
only blocked units
I mean it wouldn't be like Gawian to not fuck off as soon as he can
Lore accurate to Gawain lmao
They can matter, the real difference nobody is talking about is that you could just drop Gooma or Nian and they work instead of having to use the lions though.
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Makes perfect sense
She can attack her normal range and any enemies in the 8 tiles around her that are blocked, that is still an expanded range
Shame they didn't do the meme of limited siege2/allerdale banner for the ultimate shitpost
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It's worse than that.
You could say that the focus of this new Sidestory was equally on Allerdale as on Siege.
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>They can matter
They don't here
>nobody is talking about is that you could just drop Gooma or Nian and they work instead of having to use the lions though.
I literally did talk about it retard
>her range only expands and you can just have some other op block the enemy and she still does true damage unlike Nearl
Swear to god can't even read yet tries to argue anyway
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I preemptively declare myself an Allerdalefag. None of you are allowed to become one and say you always cared about her when she becomes a tier 0 op.
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when are getting a vampire like this
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Never, Arknights is HagCHAD game. If you want lolis go to Blue Explosion
It's good you said "an Allerdalefag" and not "THE Allerdalefag" because someone already beat you to the punch
Someone give me the qrd on the story, I'm on ch 6 and I don't really quite get what the overall story is tryna be.
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I preemptively declare myself an Andoainfag. None of you are allowed to become one and say you always cared about him when he becomes a tier 0 op.
>1 6* cunny in 5 years
>and like 1 5* or below every year/year&half
>1 new vamp after 5.5 years
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Blaze's expressions are really cute. I hug this sad cat.
Sound warning if you have soundposting.
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I am inevitable.
fuck hags (sexually)
honestly, I don't care about swapping Amiya mid fight or using all her forms at once
I just want an easier way to swap her form before a stage, and the ability to change Amiya's form during an IS run
currently, you need to go all the way to her character screen and go through an animation that takes way too long
and I've heard that if you change Amiya's form during an IS run, the Amiya in your IS run will not change
and even if that isn't true, in order to change in the first place you need to exit IS to get to her operator screen, which means you can only change her form at the start of a floor because continuing a run resumes it at the start of the floor you're on, even if you've completed several nodes on that floor
how will she move from a ranged tile to a ground tile?
will the skill to change her also retreat her and reduce the cooldown?
I will kneel to andoain if he dethrones walter
Oh no I missed 1 sentence in a multipost shitflinging contest. It still isn't a range expansion, it's worse if they can't be blocked and it's better than NTR's in the off chance something retarded like an enemy walking diagonally is considered blocked outside of her range. It's a different mechanic.
I don't care. Just don't roll or use her nigga.

Play Victory Heat Rally or Ninja Warriors Once Again.

Race Wars
>I've heard that if you change Amiya's form during an IS run, the Amiya in your IS run will not change
What? no.
Now that Theresa has finally began accepting that she is in fact Theresa while the other version of her died, how long until she lets us dick her?
if andidi is not a geek that grants dodge to allies then I'm not rolling for him no matter how much dps he deals
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IlliterateBRO. CE simply became selfish and more humane. She is not Theresa, will never be. Theresa died, you killed her in cold blood.
It wasn't me
>how will she move from a ranged tile to a ground tile?
Good question, but giving her a repositioning tool like in the MonHun event might be overkill even if it would be cool. Probably the easiest fix as well.
That or upon activation, you can just choose where she'll go and it'll have her move over there, but that introduces other issues
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Yeah I guess I'll just stick to playing 5-stars to have fun since 6-star powerlevels are completely fucked
Two of Theresa's versions died*, the CE version of Theresa is just Theresa again but in a very unfamiliar body.
That's what every murderer says
Don't expect anything from people that only get their info second hand from people that got their info from MTL
Also here is the MandyPlapping bit just by itself. It is highly recommended to have sound for this webm.
5 star powerlevels are completely fucked too, you have strong units like Kazemaru, Canta or Firewhistle, and then you have Pon
Allerdale was the strongest student of victoria battle academy and then became Caster's number one soldier
During her secret mission in Londinioum she became friends with the future queen of Victoria however allerdale turned to the darkness and betrayed Vina Victoria in a moment of weakness
As her betrayal came into fruition an entire mountain fell on her and killed her. But she survived by becoming one with the darkness. Now she roams the streets of londinioum as the Bloody Raven of Victoria doing Vina's will and killing Sarkiggers seeking redemption and an end to the pain
I wish I had Pon.
Pon is at least decent in a niche that isn't needed, she could've been Windflit or Spuria.
This is rape
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Yeah but 1 Firewhistle =/= 12 Pons like 1 Wisadel = 12 Rosmontis
Nice OC bro
>nooo I am becoming more selfish in the exact same way that unrelated person who is exactly like me what is happening
It's a small first step in accepting it, but a first step nonetheless.
I can't tell if this is real or a meme
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There's wolf fur on my bedsheets
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Pon issue, lack of Pon
but pon is good?
Windflit is considerably better than Spuria
Just woke up
Did anyone post the blemi/whislash dub?
Is Saileach Mod3 worth it bros
Windlift is better than Pon bro
Edgelord for yuribros vs edgelord for w****fags
You aren't missing much.
it's coming with JP not CN
Welcome to the club, Allerbro.
Don't even put any operator in the same tier as Spuria
Windflit is bad but not that bad, I would use him far more than either spuria or poncirus
Was there even a good rendition besides cannibal guy?

ch1-8: we wuz oppressed n sheeit *kills innocent civilians that can't rise up against a man that splits clouds with his palms anyway*
ch9-14: we wuz oppressed n sheeit (felines terk out homes! jerbs!)
>which means you can only change her form at the start of a floor because continuing a run resumes it at the start of the floor you're on, even if you've completed several nodes on that floor
Anon, that isn't true at all. I stop in the middle of the floor all the time and sometimes take a few days to go back and I'm still where I left off.
It's annoying changing Amiya, yes, but everything else about your post was wrong
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Thanks god she came home
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I wish I pulled for more Pons during Eyja banner
You don't need anything more than e220 to beat the game anyways.
Not even mod1 is worth it
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I wish I had ponpots
I'm a worthless retard who doesn't actually know how to play the game
I'd still call the guy the second worst 5* in the game. Spuria is so bad it's basically unfair.
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Which piece of clothing on Ascalon's body is the smelliest?
do you?
> which means you can only change her form at the start of a floor because continuing a run resumes it at the start of the floor you're on, even if you've completed several nodes on that floor
No, it doesn't, it starts exactly where you left off, did you even play IS?
>you can only change her form at the start of a floor because continuing a run resumes it at the start of the floor you're on
I don't know who you got this info from but they had no idea what they're talking about. You can change Amiya on a whim between all stages. If you quit the run in the middle of a floor you won't get kicked back to the start. That literally would make 0 sense. Think for a second anon
Your balls wont explode if you bring cheeto and ho'olheyak for a lil tomfoolery
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You fit right in with the rest of the community
Honor, and cador lost.
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The more you play, the better you get. Don't get discouraged.
Just mod1. mod3 hits breakpoints but it's impractical and generally unused overkill. They'll never let Lee's duel module be good either
where's the birthday fox?
I wouldn't. I mean he's not game changing or anything but he works. Honestly my biggest problem with him is that his DP cost is too high.
Bro... we're here to help you if you need it...
Blaze+Saria+Sniper and enjoy
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She's unsniffable!
>the one that is releasing tomorrow so I can get Theresa
Does he know?
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>+90% atk buff to ceobe good
>+88% atk buff to ceobe bad
>Arkeks literally need the game to hold their hand
Fuck off
>look it up thinking its a shitpost
>its real
What the fuck
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we love Lisa.
Become a nichefag. Being forced into a set roster that exceeds at certain stages and gets fucked in another will force you to adapt, learn the mechanics and limits of your characters
how do you have fun with 5-stars? they do no fucking damage
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ceobe does plenty of damage
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But 5* starts are literally 0 fun because they do 0 damage?
They're going to kill the few remaining youtube content creators we have left with this shit. We'll be left with S*pah as the last high quality content creator for fuck's sake.
That's a game design problem thougheverbeit. HG doesn't seem to realize you need to scale DP costs down for costly units in lower rarities. Penance and Lutonada being 36 dp but Penance solos stages and Lutonada, idk, does nothing and dies. Just reduce her dp cost by like 6-8 and she becomes a usable unit
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Man I can't wait for Logos
I'd probably just use some form of damage amp or attack speed buff on C since that also buffs her retard damage talent.
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Our light!
our game looks like fucking path to nowhere now i'm gonna kill myself
CE, Logos and Ascalon will rekindle my love for IS4
that is good, I suppose
I've never tested it because changing Amiya is a pain in the ass, and changing her in IS is even worse due to the other part of my post
I used to use both castermiya and guardmiya all the time, but after a while when I'd want to bring her to a stage and I'd see that she is currently the wrong class I just pick a different op because changing her form is too much of a pain
when we get medicmiya I'll probably switch to that for IS and never swap back until it is fixed
the first one was someone here, but this was personal experience
I used to think the same thing, until I stopped 2 nodes before a runs final boss because it was late at night and I needed to sleep
I had gotten a good relic on that floor
when I woke up I was back at the start of floor 5 when I resumed for some reason and my relic was gone
>atk buffs on operator that scales with attack speed and enemy DEF
alright, it's Suzuran's birthday but where's Suzuran in her birthday suit
You could use weaker six stars like Carnelian, Ho'olheyak, and Mushagod
>/akg/ guidefags anything they can't clear in one attempt (and even guidefags some content before trying it once)
>/akg/ takes the moral high ground over guidefagging xiggers
this has been the case since launch anon
You can just gimp yourself by not using Pon anon.
You can't get Theresa until chapter 14, the one that releases tomorrow is a Babel event.
And also Therese is a permanent wellfare so you can't not get it.
The fun part is actually coming up with the strat. Normally you can just use Mlynar or Typhon to solo a boss, but in 5-stars you gotta make a plan for your killbox with multiple DPS and/or buffers and debuffers. There's no shame in using more than 5 units every stage
When do we get the upgraded friend sluts?
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now I just need his module
damn bobbing seems kinda busted. warmy won
his s2 isn't clunky like people thought, it's a 1x3 line anywhere in his range, it's placed wherever an enemy is
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Arknights global moment
>quality content
here's a (you) given you are starving that badly
>I used to think the same thing, until I stopped 2 nodes before a runs final boss because it was late at night and I needed to sleep
>I had gotten a good relic on that floor
>when I woke up I was back at the start of floor 5 when I resumed for some reason and my relic was gone
No, you weren't
Either you fell asleep and dreamt half of it or you're lying
I'll give you the benefit of doubt because /akg/ has far more retards than liars
Anon, I was able to leave IS and come back this morning in the middle of the floor
How much true damage does Nightmare's S2 actually do? Could you conceivably set up a meme kill box with Shu and a pusher and or puller?
Nothing is stopping you from starting a run right now. Go play A0, recruit amiya and before floor 3 boss change her class. Chances are you were so sleep deprived you imagined stuff and instead of double-checking you just went and started shitting on the game instead
Absinthe, Amiya, rockrock
Franka, Lappland, Morgan, Odda, Tequila, wind chimes, Indra
Hitler, Vendela, Warfarin
Andreana, Aosta moduled, BP, Coldshot, Firewatch, Insider, Kroos2, Melanite, Meteorite, Platinum, Provence, Sesa, Toddifons
Istina, shamare, windflit, Sora/heidi
Ashlock, aurora, firewhistle, liskarm, shalem, vulcan
Fang2, Reed

Not counting strong 4*'s like Vigna
How the fuck is it possible for one to come to such a retarded misunderstanding and believe it for so long.
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Is Ceobe 2nd module only good for bind-memes?
Less than 24 hours until EoS
Fucking schizo play a game.
Damn, Lonetrail is gonna be my first rerun.
I don't really have time to play right now
>Left with
Fuck no he can die in a ditch

Faster s3 cycle for silence/range/phys utility returning but yes.
>tacticringers were just literal troons all along
not even surprised
good riddance
You're supposed to level them up and not use them at E0 lvl 1 retard
Open IS
Go through a few nodes
Come back
Realize you're a retard
SP lockout also rapes you out of find permastall. Dunno if the cancer mostima module breaks through.

>start run
>Get her with starting voucher set
And nothing of value will be lost.
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AK is growing stronger every day!

source: .. well... not this chart... but trust me, it's reclining at very fast pace
Did they forgot siege, chen, exu, angie, texas, skyfire, savage, warf, FEater, pwobens, and play were launch ops and skadi, schwarz and swire came literally immediately afterwards?
>we lost tactikino designs to literal hoyoslop tier designs to attract the lowest common denominator
its so over
We literally got siege who is covered in armor
who gives a shit about september? it's october, show current numbers
I don't remember posting this damn I'm going cuckoo
Since supah makes good content, it isn't the end of the world, but I don't know what they're planning.
Some 5*s like franka, pwobens, andreana, lapp, tequila, aurora, kazemaru, melanite, odda unironically do more damage than most 6*s.
In fact pwobens has higher phys damage instances than mweenar.
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>Since supah makes good content
turns out bosses are more challenging when you need 2-3 ops to kill them instead of 1. that's part of the fun lol
That has to be the greatest bait in a while, damn.
From reading supah's discord I'm pretty sure he'll be one of the creators doing official guides, I think he's getting paid in gummytent
They do though. Lutonada's DP cost at max pot is 32. Artificers cost too much DP period.
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24 hours
HG never recovered from being buckbroken by Genshin after their short tenure at the top of the gacha world.
Lick Harmonie's feet.
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Play Reverse 1999 (now on Steam).
By getting Lessing
>Hit twice per attack for 2,450 each
>32 hits
>Gee billy, how come your welfare gets 78.5k damage
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1 block is still 1 block
You are not supposed to have fun with those.
You are supposed to create your own scenarios and make your life harder instead of simply trying to beat a challenge.
That's the entire gameplay of Arknights: just be urself and make sure you clear stages in the most suboptimal and annoying way possible.
Sorry collage anon, I swear this is the last one.
770 is just +30% HP away but my Podenco doesn't trust me enough to give her a module and I am not swapping her out.
Anon gfl, gfl2 and nikke prove tacticringers are not profitable.
This game actually growing in profit after abandoning the tacticucks is just even more proof to the pile.
It's obvious to anyone that Supah fucking hates Arknights. If you're forced to play something either because of fomo or because said game made you popular and you don't get any enjoyment out of playing it anymore then you'll find literally everything annoying. No matter what the game does you'll bitch about it anyway. And I'm saying this from my own experience
Dude makes shitposts for a living, that's akgs dream
Are we being raided
yotranny would be stupid enough to get scammed like that over anyone actually good like Oyuki
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What a fag, I'd do it for free
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Day one player
I refuse to lv up this whore
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I didn't ask.
yes >>497769947
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Nah, it's not a bad game but I'm not trying to juggle gachas and its gameplay just isn't as rich as AK's.

That'd be a genuine tragedy if they did because Supah does not understand the game whatsoever.
>got buckbroken
>switched direction to chase the money
Thanks for proving my point?
Supah's just mentally retarded and autistic. It's awful to see them suffer like that.
Blade expy when?
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>Here's your EN guides bro.
nyo it's boring
they also killed the bratty loli enemy early on so fuck 'em
Peprige farms remembers these people shaming Schwarz back when all they had was the Jessica skin and base shaw.
Not a raider
I just hate Amiya
Will never fit in, tourist
Your axe wound will never heal either
I've seen Puzzle used a few times, is he good or just really niche?
Morgan s2 unironically only does like a few hundred less damage less per hit than NTR's at module level, which isn't as bad as it sounds since she breaks 3k.
Victoria might be finished in the main story, but we are still going to occasionally be dragged back for events.
>they also killed the bratty loli enemy early on so fuck 'em
Yeah and HG killed Mandy.
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>gameplay is so shit it needs official guides now to become playable
>he's already seething over EN guideCHADs being paid and advertised directly by HG/Yostar instead of his meme JP content creators
lmao you LOST
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He perfectly represents what's left of AK's playerbase then.
Agents are just that good that even the worst of them is still quite solid
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>how do you have fun with 5-stars? they do no fucking damage

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