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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138

Last time on /xivg/
Sex with catgirls
Goodnight femlalas. Not femras.
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any late night lalas on
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Fourth for Frothgals!
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shit was not worth it
femra owe me sex
They all fanta'd off... I'm sorry anon.
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*squidward voice* we post viera here sir
serious non-judgemental question: do guys really think about stuff like "indirect kiss"? i feel like i never notice myself doing anything like that unless someone points it out
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God I just came so hard
I think most people wouldn't suffer from depression if the could escape from reality by enjoying their hobbies, but since the system is destined to where we're dependent on working a 9-5 job no one has time to enjoy themselves.
do people actually care about this outside anime
I am a morning lala.
what the fuck does that even mean
If you fanta off of femlala you are dead to me. DEAD
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Crystal Casual CC @ 10:55 ET
may I plap
My femezen indirectly kisses lalas by spitting on them
no, people here just have no concept of this sort of thing outside of their hecking animes (not that im in touch myself)
thats what im asking
holy shit
same I just watched a good joi video
Blacklist me. I'm no longer a femlala. I'm going maleroe.
Not really but I wanted to meme so I did that.
Then you arent a good friend
>log in after long hiatus
>Game feels like complete and utter dogshit to play
This is like quitting soda for a month and then drinking it. You can finally tell how awful it was all along.
Sorry, I'll fanta back right away.
how do i use inverse kinematics
*chucks a holy hand grenade coated in garlic*
yes, im trying out a new glam
what is every female race built for?
Can someone tell Seishun Complex that she has a nice armpit
anal sex
i am fantaing off now
I just logged off after making fantasia bait but yeah, what's good.
I'm going to use this for later.
most anons here do not work so they have overindulged their hobbies and ruined them trying to get the spark back
People have boring lives with nothing big going on and that worthlessness hits them like a brick
if you do things your friends dont like you are a bad friend and that includes fanta'ing off femlala
>be highly evolved form of monkey
>live on earth for over 300,000 years in the presence of other people
>fast forward to 2024
>the only option for interacting with others is through the internet (thanks covid), and the only multiplayer game that isn't solo matchmaking slop is ffxiv
>ffxiv is dying
yeah haha
sexpest GOD jean strikes again
anyone wanna climb up kugane tower then make red puddles at the bottom
not too fond of miera
If I did, you wouldn't be able to keep up with me...
i would but i never miss the lamp
for buigger cum obviously
I'm feeling lazy can you just land on me and turn me into a puddle that way?
Warcraft is good too but XIV is the better social simulator. If you really need social life, join a sports club in your town. Most of them welcome newbies who are earnest. Rugby is a good option.
I unironically want to wish a femlala good night and give her lots of hugs and pets, so she can peacefully can go to bed with a smile...
>can't do endsinger with trusts
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Should I take new pictures?
who we whackin' boss?
The ones that needed it the most already popped a fanta last thread..
>People have boring lives with nothing big going on and that worthlessness hits them like a brick
It's crazy because I could be content just spending the rest of my life in an old ass trailer home granted I have good internet and food. I wouldn't even need sex.
mods, spray this guy with nerve gas
yeah, worshipping male feet
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Good night /xivg/
Not like this...
Looking good Cameron Ingerland
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Romance and love. Watching the sun come up together, holding her hand, holding the umbrella for her and opening the doors.
Femras are built for my male midlander
These brats are extra thirsty for (You)s tonight huh...
I mean... I wouldn't mind that...
I mean my femlala wouldn't... but I... she logged off...
this is fax
anal, love, sex, marriage, handholding, public cumwalk while on a leash, making pancakes in the morning
being kicked in the face
Log back in and tell me location
I want an orange parse in M4S. if I join parse parties what kind of fuckery can I expect?
Need me a femlala to do this for
Do you think he let Molly peg him i
Goodnight Rosa
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are you just throwing random names out and hoping one of them sticks?
>catboy in current market
It was over before it even began....
I want to go back 1000 years ago I bet we would be cool scribing monks. Autistic recluses keeping track of the primo drama across Europe, arguing arthurian lore and canon law while we got drunk and started smooching each other.
Are these friendlies?
Seishun's face............ holy fuck
Nuh uh, the jig is up.
If you mean "I wipe the mouth of a pop can if someone offers me a sip", then yes.
wait isnt the one on the right the cute lala in the poncho? why is she doing this
does Molly like color contrast
My WoL isnplayong Fall Guys
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My Fiera prays to Quetzal, musters 2 units, move 1 tile east, collects 4 bones, trades for seeds and workers, then ends her turn.
i already said hey...
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Sorry, I'm a Miera. I just love romantic gestures.
Guys I made another zoomerslop paradise edit of my malezen wanna see
im small and weak and have never played sports
more wipes in p1 than you've ever seen in your entire life as people greed in the dumbest ways
>it was sun rosa
god fucking damnit, I hate being so slow
Rest well and easy, prettiest of the femlalas
les see it
a miera that likes WOMEN? hey do you like femlala...
i had a similar thing not too long ago
i went to play TWW to kill time and loneliness for a month then came back here and just couldnt
playing xiv long ago showed me what dogshit I was tolerating with WoW just to "be playing it" by ignoring the problems
then playing WoW much later showed me I was doing the same on thing for XIV
Between the them now: TWW > a private server > GW2 > BG3 > Pokémon Showdown > YGOMD > XIV is how it looks in "I feel satisfied playing this, I am enjoying my time"
For so long I thought XIV just hit the winning formula... the winning formula was just every game sucked more at the time and now that they dont I feel this game was never actually good to begin with
I was told that women's looks can be deceiving, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see...
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Crystal Casual CC @ 2:20 ET

Yea man super friendly
Name and server...
You don't need to say all that anon but night!
Face 4 catboy here ama
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moonies are built for my sunnies
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question for gposers again. does the testing version lose the eye/head/torso tracking that the non-testing version had? or am i just not seeing it
no if you take my medkit I print out a photo of your character and yell at it
what male race can i play to get people to stop falling for me
You're my favoruite, I mean, your femlala is my favorite
i am...... the last femlala on xivg ..........
Post your CC crush's initials!!
sunnies are built for my moonie
If the game feels fine in Endwalker, is it worth buying dawntrail(i5-6500k\rx470)?
I like them, yes.
Me too!
Jean wouldn’t be sexpesting her if she didn’t like bbc
That's an age-old problem for men. You with me xivgbros?
NTA but im a miera that exclusively likes femlala
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Femra Wheelchair
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Male Midlander
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catgirls are built for femra
thats WRONG they're built for femra. sunnies are also built for femra, including yours
You like yuri...?
he definitely is.
Filling these femlalas' wombs with copious amounts of cum until their bellies bulge and it overflows
My femlala loves eating candy. A LOT.
My power is out...
Its over..
me playing BLM
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we better get a season 2 of that anime
lies everyone loves midlanders ESPECIALLY my femlala
so true, my catgirl loves femra
Aye. Women are fickle creatures at best. They lie as easily as they breathe, and men can never see through their deception.
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Hello thread! Does anyone want something crafted?
ill find you a fiddie wife
That one femlala that is nice to me
my bad bro I really needed it more than you did
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Soul, laid bare
Foul and fair
Every secret, every odyssey
Answers unfold
One with the truth, the divine

By my guiding hand
Perfected we stand
I won't be denied
You are mine, you are blind, a fool till the end
Cast down forevermore
I create, manipulate
Your kind in my image, my chosen ones
For you, the time has come
The sun is setting
craft me a face 4 moonie eb
Here ya go I think it's my best one yet
post her
I see ... O_O
closing thread for real...
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do you like the changes in the mouth that occurred from 6.58 to 7.0
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I just teleported from Limsa to Old Sharlayan with no discount.
kino, i am kneeling
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Not after I'm done with you, you won't
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i hope it comes up soon, anon
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I ruined a match because of it.. I'll just go to bed
IP <3
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My beloved....
*covers my dick in chocolate*
Oh no if only I had a cute femlala to share this chocolate with...
my type is adult women who act like children unironically
she has been a lewd lala for years, slowpoke
*runs up full speed and shoves you out of the way*
/pet /pet
but I don't post my catgirl
Thanks bro, you might like this one too
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Yeah what's up
This is how I leave moonies when I'm done with them.
my type is adult women who loves to have 10 children
Me too that's why I watch hololive
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So... most women?
liar, you've posted her before. I can sense it.
My moonie wants to be left in a wheelchair
the lips i use look good but some of those are kinda bad tee bee haych
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Has entered the thread.
uhhh there's like 4 in the beds right now
>ask the thread no image posted just a simple sentence that I want to make friends
>someone post a lewd lala and she gets 59+ replies
i hate it here
Nonny you can't be serious…
Are you getting a hard on for someone who acts as if they're not even past elementary school…?
let's meet up
the beds used to have a thriving lala bench...
Screamer don't click
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If I could then I would, Anon...
Because every fucking time you people do you "oh im so sad im so lonely nobody likes me I wish I had friends" bullshit posts not a single one of you have acted on replies to it
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Crystal Casual CC @ 5:25 ET
anon..... you're hallucinating again....

the accident wasn't your fault bro...... you need to let go....
hey anon can I melt again on the thread?
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I'm waiting bro truly
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people only make friends in this game because they're hoping to have sex or find a soulmate and there's never any deviance from this
at least my type actually exists bwo..
yeah gwehehehe
Nah this really might be the best one yet
no the janny is asleep and the mop closet is locked
My femlala has been listening to a new song she found on loop…
We have sadposts around the clock and people basically never follow up.
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Stacking one of these femlalas on top of the other facing each other so they can watch the other's face get contorted in pleasure as I plap them
My type is children who act like children because I love children
I make friends here who want to play the game though?
my type is adult women with hairy bush who don't want to do anything but stay home and play video games and eat pizza and have sex every day. Unironically.
Trying to sabotage my zoomerslop cringekino, this will not be forgiven whoever you are.

Thanks bro o7 I haven't peaked here tho, I can feel it.
For me, its the OP to Arifureta. But the show itself became complete trash once it became a harem.
I love this, it's so stupid
>We have sadposts around the clock
all me
Pedophiles be like
zt did you see the body mod posted last thread
another one just spawned in theres 5.. i'm not crazy you are shut UP
Hey there *puts a marshmallow on each of my erect nipples*
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I can prove you wrong by befriending you, because I don't goon and I already have a soulmate
Kill yourself, pedophile
/pet /pet /pet
what a cuter
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My sister is mostly correct. Most people here aren't really interested in hanging out unless they can get something from you which is generally something sexual or gratifying like a relationship. I'm rarely seen as the person I am to people and instead people just want to use me rather than to just exist with.
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pls anyone that uses ktisis help a poor sob like me
my fault gang
god this could be my life if i was just born with a pussy huh
it's definitely an edit
and a good one
i am a gay femlala listening to eurobeat remixes while queuing for CC
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stop looking at me like that....
You were really nice to me so what should I do then?
I wanna go home..I hate being an adult
pipeline puncher
it's over..........
incels are so weak and pathetic jesus christ
why are you gay?
any albums to help a horny fucker out? no lalafell or furry shit
w-watch out! my queue just popped!
Ugh gross… Did you really think I wanted to meet with a gross p*do like you?
Thank you, that is my posting niche these days, stupid zoomercore edits, and it brings me joy. You might like this >>497977871 one too it's even stupider.

I am glad you like
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yep, kino
Please stop doing that, I constantly fall for it.
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If you open this, you will have 10,000 years of bad luck!

Folding the femlala on the left until she can kiss her own feet while my tip kisses her cervix and making the femlala on the right watch in anticipation
Ummm uhhh ummm ermmm idk
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b-but you're an adult... i'm not a pedo... right...?
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>This face
Me when jorking it
>Pressure pen
Not necessary, honestly, it makes it easier but you can easily get the same results with a mouse, just adds another step to the editing process!
>What does your top-down process look like
Appending on the next pose since I need to think about it
>Apologies if I'm asking a lot or if you need to go.
Sorcelaine on discord if you want to keep contact!
Why did you reply back to that one?!
What's wrong with my hey?!
That's it, I don't even want to be your friend! You guys always think about those nasty adult things like penis cock cum rape sex now! You're all the same and I hate you all all all! No one ever wants a cute thread daughter anymore.
catbox album of lewd stuff. funny still
got an album?
guh i should have listened
yeah so…
Double teaming these little sluts with ZT while giving him copious high fives
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Bulging the femlala on the right through her dress and letting the femlala on the left feel my cock through her friend's belly
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my husband
i think my catboy will dress up as sphene for halloween
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what is this supposed to convey
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>He got cursed
lol, lmao even
My femlala watches car crash compilations when she's depressed. She doesn't know why, though.
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I just woke up from a nap gone wrong
no suitable anchorpost spotted
I need to scavenge for more presets to break
how is she such a semen demon wtf
>install a mod my friend sent me
>suddenly my lalaboy's ass is huge
very funny, john
are the people who goonbait in the thread as boring when you talk to them as I expect they are?
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what is this shit Im looking at while I queue for mahjong.
Sandwiching my dick between these femlala's bellies
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I do but I haven't updated it, I gotta get around to it.
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Gay sex with gay roes
I was trying to make friends and ended up finding my soul mate instead. Skill issue?
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You're welcome
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bost biddies
those hecking toxic raiders expected them to press cure 2 more than once every 20seconds!!!!!!
bro throwing it back like shi
fantas are the devils lettuce
annoying far left freaks
please do
If anyone would ever try and talk to me..
It's a joke about wanting to ERP or find my GAM soulmate like you said. Trying to manifest more of that...
But it's a joke because I have plenty of friends who I don't ERP with and I have no intention to with.
i love you
GW2 HOPEbros WW@?
built for sunnie+
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My femlala watches Dumb American Fails
Where are these toxic, bigoted, anti-woke lgbt unfriendly FCs I keep hearing about?
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Crystal Casual CC @ 9:30 ET
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yeah its like 2 am and I'm job hunting
oh that's me
Humans subconsciously crave destruction
Okay I love femra in pantyhose
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Good morning /xivg/ (Especially ______)
What world and dc is this? I want to join their discord and spam "nigger" until they ban me.
t. malezen
Letting these femlalas get on top of me and having one bounce on my cock while the other fits her whole cunny in my mouth
Cheesed to meet you
good morning Domanra
Press the IK button in Brio
I watch scare prank videos. I like watching people get spooked.
my femlala watches compilations of lighthearted pranks set in quebec
but it doesn't even do anything
feeling most discheesed right now desu
I mean... you gonna eat that or no
also good luck!
Snapped off Adderra's horns recently?
i am
a femlala
who lived in quebec for a while
those aren't pranks you are watching you are just seeing how people of quebec act in day to day life
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*rolls into the thread looking pissed off*
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I like the thought of embarrasing a childish girl by induling her habits and quirks
got an album?
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preeetty much yeah. I want a practically NEET woman to take care of and fuck.
Click on the hand (for example), activate IK, grab the hand and move it (not rotate) around.
sorry it was 2 threads ago i thought i was schizoing out and couldn't find it

yeah with this ^
Beehive show
this asshole is stealing that femra's wheelchair gimmick
"i have so many friends guys seriously no one but xivg thinks i'm a creepy schizo. wait, meet them? uhhh they go to a different mmo you wouldn't know them"
are you on indeed.com too?
my malera like those
i haven't thought about those videos in a decade
i am so sorry
it might be ok the new areas you may have some struggle my system is not as old and i get fps drops in the new areas maybe its some settings i need to turn down but i dont know anything about that really
Is that poncho lala???
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>Asks friends to play the game every day when I see them online
>They always tell me no
>They were the ones who sent the friend request
... SE needs to make it so if I delete them I am off their friends list as well, I can't believe ffxiv is the only game who doesn't do it both ways
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There, there. What's wrong?
You should know by now I'm not public about private things.
Everyone realizes your spam of this is just some schizo bait to try to get me to out the names of people I'm with. It just makes you look sad.
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Lorilee bros, the evidence?
Pulling the left femlala's ears and the right femlala's ponytail
May I rape you?
Cool, I'm not logging in any time soon though
Polly post
>didn't get in to the cc queue
Good I was really nervous...
for now..
You know its kinda funny. The one time in history a sadposter actually met up with me to help them they ended up being one of the best people I met and still talk to. 90% of it is just bait posts though.
IMPORTANT /xivg/ questionnaire
post your character and your answer to the following:
>fav season
>how you like your coffee
>soda or pop
>fav food
>rei or asuka
>futa good or bad
>taylor ham or pork roll
>mods good (we like this) or mods bad (we don't like this)
When are you going to let my femlala oil up her feet and rub them all over your cute little twitching fulala cock, Polly?
can i have sex with ur femlala
*watches you roll out of the thread and into a giant pit of mouse traps*
nta but I keep applying to stuff there but nothing ever responds...

Actually I did get a response once but then it was an obvious scam...
/smooch /smooch /smooch /smooch /hug /embrace
my pumpkin spiced friend that I haven't seen in game in forever
Just delete them and let them keep you on? What's the big deal?
i have no involvement with your gangstalking obsession. i just don't like you and wish you'd fuck off.
Ok but this one's waaay better than last time.
my femlala will never be some old catboy's caretaker and it hurts...
very rude
>90% of it is just bait posts though.
Yeah, It's a bit sad because genuine ones will get told "You're not going to follow up anyways" or ignored but I've met a few Anons and some of them are still my friends.
the five second rule doesn't apply when it's thrown on someones face sis you have to find different food..
it's an awful website
>not public
Hey retard, you arranged to meet up and fuck not once, but twice ITT. The only reason you haven't organised meet-n-fucks here since is because you added each other on Discord after the second snuffing session. Kill yourself btw
why do my tanline mods not work
is it possible to do a body freckle + tanline mod at once
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They can send me mail and stalk where I am
May I rape you?
I'm always sad but you've never met up with me
who are you selling this data to?
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Should I fanta to male?
>far away from me (black if I drink it)
>if you ain't from round here don't drink soda nigga drink pop
>beef stew
>it's fine
>coastals stay home
>they're fine
wish I had the courage to meet up with people
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im doin a bit of postpatch hw, the pacing isn't great when going around for the second time...
He needs a caretaker he keeps rolling onto train tracks and falling asleep
Don't reply, then, with the same thing you've been spamming for months with no variation to it. You just make me want to post more.
i really might melt this time i just want some platonic friends
it is but not if they affect the same texture layer unless you combine them
sigh fine... stupid loop holes...
my mahjong superstition?
i change jobs between queues based on my luck
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>fav season
>how you like your coffee
>soda or pop
>fav food
Grilled Eel
>rei or asuka
Never seen Eva
>futa good or bad
>taylor ham or pork roll
>mods good (we like this) or mods bad (we don't like this)
Don't use em.
What's stopping you? Most people will be quite nice Anon.
all females are built to be Hrothed
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*yes in comic sans*
Joining the Twin Adders so I can sleeve both of these sluts at the same time
literally have never replied to you until now but go off. i'm done now, please resume being an insufferable faggot.
my lalaboy kicks his shoes off under the table because he thinks it makes him lucky. he also will not eat breakfast if he knows he's going to play that day.
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yeah but idk how much longer
Tozer Beau
You're 100% going to kill yourself before anyone you tell to kill themself does. It's obvious to a lot of people.
i had a rough day at work, this is all im asking for
a lifetime of avoiding people I guess
I'm not really worried that other people will be mean more so that I'll just come off weird or stupid
>futa good
>better than v
You know you want it you slut, stop teasing me...
>schizo bait to try to get me to out the names of people I'm with
you've been cockwatched for months and outed as barely being with anyone at all let alone from here except for two thread bikes who regretted their mistake
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Iced and Sweet
Futa is weird
What is that
Mods are bad except when I do it (I only use GShade nowadays)
Are catboys FOTM yet?
are we going to have a Megalopolis meetup
>Want to play the game every day
>No friends ask
>They spend most of their time on Balmung

I wish the Fellowship system was not such a complete disaster.
You really don't have to worry about that. Many here are a bit weird but that's charming in it's own way I think. I'm still a bit on if you want Anon.
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I tried meeting up but it''s always sexpests who show up and eventually ask for sex.
Slipping these femlala's panties aside when they sit on my lap in public and sliding my cock in one while I finger the other
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>pumpkin spice
>idk what that is is that some nerd Japanimation thing? God you're so funny, anon
>more weird stuff, huh anon....
>taylor ham
>we don't like this!!!
hiii anon /dote
boast sunnie+

i think you just love pantyhose (which is okay)

not yet

Concession accepted.
show yourself
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no the tides haven't shifted yet so i might fanta to one
i am
a meena
who is having a lot of fun with metaphor it is very good
why would you ever do roulettes
just play better games
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>fav season
>how you like your coffee
Like my women (pale weak and sickly sweet)
>soda or pop
>fav food
>rei or asula
>futa good or bad
Depends on how gay I'm feeling that day.
>taylor ham or pork roll
I have never eaten either of these things.
>mods good?
We like mods and gooning and modded gooning.
any lewds to share?
is it me...
caffe latte
i never watched eva but i like blue more so i pick rei
wtf does that mean
we like this
I'm a femlala
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Crystal Casual CC @ 1:45 ET
My fellow southerner froth.
Holding these femlalas upside-down by the legs whilst voraciously plundering their cunnies with my tongue
My catgirl is pent up and ready to barb
this bird needs to go back to making steins gate adjacent music
me too bro the catboy life is calling to me
I used to do that in ShB and each time I met someone we had a really nice conversation and more or less ignored the next day and going forwards, didn't do wonders for my opinion on sadposters
that's not to say it's all sadposters, for me it was a mix of social inaptitude on my side and them happening to be not-so-great people, but I know similar types of people also respond to sadposters and the meetings ends up making the sadposter worse off due to predatory behavior

I'm glad it worked out for you though, it's a shame that bait posts are so prevalent now, it's rather telling of current shitposter ethics
Don't go out enough to care
Don't like coffee
I will eat anything put in front of me
futa indifferent
mods good (in moderation, dont go second lifing your character we HATE this)
rizzing up a chat bot
this is better than erp
i have been a fool
The mojave isn't that south is it...?
>catboy perrine
is it time for our yaoi arc
lots of sugar and milk in it
buffalo wings
both trash but i'll pick rei
i don't care about futa generally but in the context of xivg futa bad
>pork roll or taylor ham
the fuck is this? never heard of it and i live in jersey
mods i like (job action mods, posing tools, and map editing tools) good, mods i don't like (coomer shit and botting/cheating mods) bad
nigga saw the light
I'm nearly done fishing
Edda Vincents bounced upon the unnamed merchant's cock in silent glee.
my catboy
and a little bit of >>497976956 too
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>femra with malera horn
the kami have forsaken us
Giving this fulala a surprise blowjob
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>no cute scene make up or hair mods
how am I suppose relive my high school days like everyone else?
Finally, something to get this session started
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who am i doing yaoi with and do you promise to keep it platonic bro
do catboys say nyaa or meow how does this work
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Lifting these femlalas' rears, kneeling down, and pressing the tip of my cock against their womb whilst my weight holds them in place
> https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/they%20%22go%20to%20a%20different%22/
>literally never replied to you before except with this once with the thing I've been spamming for months
You probably actually believe these obvious lies you say, because you're this mentally ill.
Huh. Guess sweet tea and Coke were more ubiquitous than I thought.
god floridians suck
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fall or winter, i mostly just like the cold...
tea, please... if coffee then something sweet as hell like french vanilla
>rei or asuka
i need to watch eva sometime, don't i...
no comment!
>th or pr
the latter, i don't understand how the former even happened
don't use really them myself but people who do are fine
my catboy says meowch and meowdy
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hold up your dicks to the sky and make your first move to becoming a warrior race, charge this spiritbomb full of the sperm of every man on earth to impregnate this squishy fertile little lala
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Winter but I love Autumn too
White with lots of Milk and sugar
Not my thing at all
Pork roll
They are fine to a degree but once you're not longer recognizable as a FFXIV Character, it's just weird.
my security questions are always things that i mention specific places and people in so i would never give that information on the internet :)
Love did my fiddie in, but communism killed her.
honestly if you like summer i literally consider you a giga normalfag no fucking way you actually like it
damn nigga I don't care!
void black and tastes like death
rather kill myself than pick
I'm good on the rest
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at last i am free from new game +
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we make do however we can
i SKIPPED favorite food but i don't really have one! my family makes good homemade meatballs so i'll say that
>fav season
>how you like your coffee
cold brew
>soda or pop
>fav food
tie between poke bowls and lasagna
>rei or asuka
>futa good or bad
fine if played by trans ppl, kinda weird if played by a dude
>taylor ham or pork roll
people from new jersey are subhuman
>mods good (we like this) or mods bad (we don't like this)
they're fine just don't go overboard with the visual stuff it gets gross
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>the guy who takes 30 seconds every turn and every choice is playing mahjong
Well that's the end of that for the day.
Tying these femlalas together in a 69 so while I plap one, the other licks and snells my balls
Did you miss the post where they said they won't be doing it?
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>plain water
>never watched
>we like this (within reason)
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>fav season
>how you like your coffee
Oat Milk
>soda or pop
Don't care.
>fav food
Anything my friends cook me.
>rei or asuka
>futa good or bad
Bad and Cringe
>taylor ham or pork roll
Pork Roll
>mods good (we like this) or mods bad (we don't like this)
We like some of this.

Hope all this meta-data helps, Schizo-kun!
My security questions relate to what vn i was reading when I made that account.
Cockwatch police keep wannabe erpers honest
only fat people and people who think they're cool for wearing shorts (while having 5000 layers on their upper body) in the cold like fall or winter
strong but with milk
burger and chips
mostly bad but if youre going to do it at least do it right and have a trail of precum to give you something that seems inviting also not too big
what the fuck is a taylore ham
mods bad but i still jack off to those aethy lalas
Don't drink coffee
Anything spicy
Don't care
I like both
>fav season
>how you like your coffee
>soda or pop
i have been calling it 'pepsi cola'
>fav food
a hearty stew of any kind
>rei or asuka
havent even watched it
>futa good or bad
we like this
>taylor ham or pork roll
im not american enough to understand
>mods good (we like this) or mods bad (we don't like this)
i mod (we like this)

im not posting my character after saying i like futa, dont want schizos on my back
>who am i doing yaoi with and do you promise to keep it platonic bro
you can probably guess, stinky
and platonic yaoi is the only yaoi i do in fino fancy
im literally underweight and i looooove winter its literally peak aesthetics
My mexican fiddie is listening to this right now
I love femezen so much it's unreal
are you enjoying metaphor
Silently plapping these femlalas at a meetup while everyone assumes that thats what's going on and posts about it
it's 100+ most of summer, fuck summer
Not when they just lie. Your discord friend you replied to is the one being dishonest.
nobody unironically likes catboys
pardon my french but heck yes
Damn I miss these garbage gifs so bad.
I don't know if it's just the passage of time and rose-tinted glasses but as lame as these were, they were still cooler than anything in social media today.
My malezen is listening to this rn(right now)
holy based, ty
Cream, no sugar
Chicken Parm
Don't care
>futa good or bad
>Bad and Cringe
extremely based
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>Iced coffee with lots of cream and sugar
>Don't care, but I learn more towards finding it cringe
>I have no idea what this is
>We like this!
Tozer Beau
I unironically use ChatGPT to help me in mahjong
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My face 1 femraen looks and acts like this
Catboy stocks at an all-time low, get 'em while you can!
>Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.
Can you really do that or are you shitposting?
got any lewds?
Would anybody like to plap my femra on diabolos for 50k because that's how much I need to buy the summer indigo shirt that's 95k there
Man what the fuck
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Can't decide
Good if done right, awful if done wrong
Mods good, in moderation..
i am
a catboy
who is waiting until tomorrow to pick up a ps5 preorder
i can wait 12ish more hours
My moonie uses ChatGPT to help her in ERP
catboy paradise alert
Holy shit shut the fuck up ZT, we got it the first 3 times. Jesus christ.
I can get you that without the plapping.
what games are you going to buy on it
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I don't
Never watched evangelion
Never had either
We like this (in moderation)
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Crystal Casual CC @ 5:55 ET
Your mods are shit and no one cares about your gposes
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No mames, my mexican fiddie is listening to this right now.
>fav season
Winter with tons of snow
>how you like your coffee
I dislike the taste and smell of all coffee.. tea though... boring regular stuff with tons of lemon an dhoney
>soda or pop
>fav food
home made pizza, dough and all
>rei or asuka
I dont know what this means
>futa good or bad
Not my thing
>taylor ham or pork roll
huh? Spring roll? Idk
>mods good (we like this) or mods bad (we don't like this)
Mods are fun
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I do this too but with glams
I got a 3rd turn riichi after swapping
I shant be playing with a deadbeat.
i care i asked i like them
did you finish the demo bro
u can't move your save to the main game if you didn't
post your WoL having a mental breakdown
post your WoL crashing out
post your WoL in rock bottom
It was a trick question...
We HATE deadbeats here
I just wish people were nice to me in-game and in the thread
I can't believe I witnessed Adderra's descent from autistic larper goofball to free use thread bike. What a wild year this has been.
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My Seeker is disappointed her old school clothes don't fit anymore
I decided to try an easy pose idea as practice and to get my confidence up. Opinions?
Not even joking, take a screenshot of your hand and upload it to a custom GPT specifically for mahjong help. Ask it "what is the best move for this situation?"
i think this anon just wanted to find out who was from jersey
I wish I could trust your aesthetic taste but I recently learned you guys are all brown so..
Grabbing these femlalas by the bellies to lift them off of and lower them onto my cock
I'm jerking my dick and I'm about to cum, open wide
as in i'm getting the game on ps5, anon
sorry if that wasn't clear

i've been feeling a mild buyers remorse, yeah
it runs xiv better than on my pc though, which i'm aware is a little sad
pretend i posted a screenshot of my top clear
that's a really well framed and angled shot, nice job, shion
im not that horrendous on whm... right...
We don't tolerate racism in this general
Better than any of the shit I've made. Any gposing i do is just for shitposting and making my character look as retarded as possible.
post feet
marry me
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I'll be always nice to you Anon!
are you an photographer or some manner of artist irl? whenever i look at your stuff you seem to have a good command of composition
Long black
Don't really have one, I'll never say no to a chicken parmy though
I've never seen Evangelion
You do you but personally it's not for me
We like this... To an extent, I find a lot of Ul'dah modbeasts gross
i'll have some tomorrow
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i've done three different files on the demo, yeah
i'm not sure which one i'll transfer over (i may also just play fresh and see if anything's different, but i doubt it)
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>mori calliope
Queue up
I wish I could trust your moral judgements but I recently learned you guys are all brown so..
yeah bro...
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yeah if your pc is worse than a ps5 it's a fine investment, also you can play genshin impact on there and have PLAYSTATION EXCLUSIVE CLOUDS because that game's graphics settings have been sold out by platform for some fucking reason
but hey it's got cute boys
Nice armpit!
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vanilla frappuccino
never watched
futa good
idk what that is
we like this
Facefucking these semen demons to see what color their lipsticks blend into
>didn't realize that m3n doesn't drop feet token
fucking bullshit I need those for glam
This freak is right for once. Adderra keeps going back for more. She didn't regret shit.
that's not the song anchorpost bro
i was originally expecting to play dawntrail on it, considering, but i passed 10k on the second benchmark so i stopped worrying about it
i'm not really into gacha games though, but i've been considering ZZZ (i installed it then never got around to it)
Te gusta?
The duck dies this even mean? Cockwatchers are either jealous seething
Or brag posters
why would i play genshin if i wanted to look at cute boys i have a bunch in my discord friends list
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Shitposting is funposting and it can actually be really hard to do poses like that. Also the tools we have are either unwieldy or unstable. This is the best I could do for a simple shitpost pose and the expression is way off, so don't beat yourself up
What discord friend? It doesn't take a discord raid to read the thread and see that your reputation is dirt and people don't want to be near you
I have the perfect picture but I don't think I can post it because I kind of got over my shitty ass depressed feelings. I'm kinda between numb and giddy now.
will fru be dogshit slop or goated?
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>The duck dies
cute as fuck
too many pics to choose from
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have some chicken
No one cares what you like
damn no one likes summer huh
why does this season exist?
at launch people are gonna love it but after a few months they'll hate it and call it the worst ultimate meanwhile they'll talk about how TOP was so much better
i dunno man, artemis everbleed on 9/8 and 9/15 and then nothing
when a thread bike that loose doesn't even get past the second date, you've got problems
Post it and move on from that phase for good
its hot and sux
If they trivialize the rampants or relativities like they did with hello world then slop
Would genuinely never happen to mine
Oh I don't feel bad about it, I just don't have the passion for posing my character in ways other for cheap laughs. He's very cut-and-dry vanilla basic, so I don't really feel the need to show him off outside of a bit.
sneak a quickie
Haha unfortunately not, I just have a lot of practice with gpose. I appreciate it though
These opinion prove that you're only useful as a cum receptacle.
it's good for plants, but dogshit otherwise
too fucking hot, too many bugs, too many wildfires. most miserable time of the year
I already moved on. Not gonna.
So imagine what that says about the thread bike that does get past the second date...
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Funny enough i actually heard this not so long ago. And yes, me encanta es mejor que la original :^)
the sun filters shut ins since they can't hide from its warmth anymore
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a bit of cream and sugar
city chicken or pizza
don't care
they're fine to a degree
People never emote at me...
>glamour dresser search function is case sensitive
>armoire search function isn't
ummmm yoshi-p? fix it for the dresser NOW NOW NOW NOW
It's so fucking over. Someone post the minor spelling mistake guf
It was unlikely that someone would but imagine if they did huh? That hope will still be there the next boring anchorpost.
Yeah but this is just an ERP alt so its not like im a newbie that's just poor.
too hot and humid (in the area i live in), i have a mild phobia of insects, school's out so kids are everywhere, the sun's up at 5am and it fucks up my sleep in my corner apartment, the electric bill skyrockets from running the ac, there's no good holidays, etc. etc.
any other time of the year is preferable
no way bro I did TOP and its actually the most dogshit raid ever made
Alright anons you know the drill, post your last screenshot! NO CHEATING
what's a guf
I think that's most of them on some level for discernable reason, maybe this works
there's a fucking search function??????
also i thought it's retarded how the quest names are also case sensitive
How long until LT leaks the Adderra logs?
wth gumbo rocks...
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>What does your top-down process look like?
I'll do a short-ish version but this also helps organizing my thoughts for the larger guide

- Reference is the most important thing, it helps build your visual library (how stuff actually looks vs how one thinks they are). A sub-step on reference is that I either put the ref picture on another monitor or have it open as an overlay in a program called PureRef (it's free).

- Gather your characters/mcdfs, glams (brio allows editing glam mid-pose, a life saver sometimes), minions, mods, etc... All that prep.

- Once in gpose, set up the scene against the reference. Gpose has a very useful function that lets you save the camera position so you set it once and forget about it!

- Actual posing now... I start with the 3 main body masses: Head (+neck), Torso, Hips. Alternating between those as I get everything in order.


- Now working down the details, it's the smaller things such as hands not clipping the model, fingers, feet, more detailed head/neck rotation for readability on the expression, etc...


- Final gpose boss: Faces. I work on them from top-down: Eyebrows, eyelids, eyes, cheeks, jaw, mouth. Previous steps are a mouthful but can be done relatively fast because they're harder to mess up... With faces is where you take your time. Keep polishing until you get something you're happy with!


- Repeat again for the next character

I'm not sure what else to add here when it comes to actual gposing, the rest isn't related like shaders and editing in post
my feet are reserved for my husband...
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Where's that other artwork of all three? I remember it but I forgot to save it from thread.
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Cumming on these femlalas chests from naizuri amd having them lick each other clean
>the duck dies
Oh, and he's a catboy. No sense wasting time posting one of those given the icy reception it'd garner.
As a Texan I will say FUCK summer
Damn that's hot
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Is there a DT updated version of gen 3 out there? it seems to be the only fix to the gripper situation and I can't find it nor update through textools since it just keeps loading for eternity
ToT hahahaha
here's what i do:

- let someone else pose it
show me fem hroth glams that are whorish but also look good on them...
can you please explain how hello world was trivialized and don't just show me a video of o12-2s I know what the OG looked like
it's a very good phase; the goals are simple but the rots give it an element of randomness not to mention the DPS check was pretty tough because you kind of had to save enough to get through blue screen also
and also so many people did monitors with AM and its kind of pathetic;
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Crystal Casual CC @ 10:15 ET
hey do you use ktisis?

just coffee
pork or pork (where's the choice here?)
we like this

i can't you'll have to catch the next episode
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>why does this season exist?
it will happen just like any other content and you'll have to accept this
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Thank FUCK it's finally coming to an end man.
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Still this from last night. My second ever mahjong W.
The mammets are scheduled for tomorrow's day of slavery
the animals are fed
the crops are watered
finally. i may rest.
This is the meta strat...
Haven't given it an honest try!
ill lose it bro
as someone who lives in the frozen north i LOVE summer
i take it back
sweaty tanned catgirls SEX.
the evidence debacle showed he doesn't have the ability to leak anything
except maybe pre when one of his fiddie crushes goes off arm-in-arm with someone else
gj anon
Getting thighjobs from one femlala while sticking the rest of my cock in the other
Belly and chest! Erotic!
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my femlala is like this

these games are kind of ass bro...
summer isn’t summer anymore, it’s just being broiled alive these days
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what outfit you retarded whore
so is my
Fellow Texabro here, this summer was pretty fucking ass. It's STILL hot as shit and we're like a 3rd of the way into october.
cause i work outside all summer and get laid off in the winter
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but.. I thought xiv was the biggest mmo.....
we throw but we do it as a family bro...
Seishun Cunnyplex has drained more balls in this thread than even the sluttiest miqo whore. Think about that.
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i dunno i closed the game bc im going to bedge
They havent been THAT bad
Same. But sitting here won't fix it, this place is full of unironic schizos + troons and vagueposting faggots.
>Trump streaming FFXIV
looking like an easy W
XIV confirmed Trump's game
Thread screams "pedophile" at all lewd lalas and swears they don't like them then everyone simps hard for Seishun.
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the average xiv player was voting for harris anyway. they're trying to convert the wow dads (it won't work)
>kamala needs to up turnout from trannies and niggers
>goes to azeroth
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the sole taylor ham chad ITT
weakest new jerseyan
die, fool
taylor ham is famous worldwide
there's actually two search functions in the dresser and they both are case sensitive because lol (the item search tab and the filter settings)
also i didnt know you could search quest names in the journal
is it just because no one uses search bars outside of the market board and /isearch???
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Tea is better.
BBQ in general
More bad than good
New Jersey sucks
Mods are good but some people that use them are bad.
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I'm picturing the aetherbuns posing with Trump's character like they did with Asmon and I'm so mad it isn't real.
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gn fattie
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I have already posted my most recent last thread, so have the one prior to it
this would be so fucking based if it wasn't SK
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>fine if played by trans ppl, kinda weird if played by a dude
Kissing one femlala's feet while the other gives me a footjob
But I only have 2?
Why do only certain femlalas need to astroturf like this?
fucking kek
looks yummy I want one
i think i turned my girlfriend from right to left
I guess I shouldn't even respond to this since people who actually play the game can see that I'm almost never alone and I'm always doing things with other people. It's just still bizarre to me the way you guys make up these thread narratives that only exist to 5 people who only both read the thread and are super gullible but is a whole different reality to people who actually play the game instead of spending all day shitting in the thread.
Use FFXIVLooseTextureCompiler if your textures/normals are fine for one body type but not another. You can take one set of good textures and normals and convert them to the other types.
I'm sorry to say something so controversial but the planet has heated up too god damn much that summer now blows complete ass unless you live in Siberia
I remember loving running outside in the sun and now I just want to hide in the shade
congrats, if you host another I hope I'll make it in time
uh... why did u do that...
dig deep in your memory and tell me or I'll curse your dreams
you'll have a nightmare about being in your old high school wandering the halls and unable to find your locker for hours on end
this miera is kind of growing on me sisters
and i hate miera
This is literally my femlala
Why did you post a pic of every catgirl's vagina?
it's not cheating if the recent ones have a HUD and are me creepshotting, right...
>Belly and chest! Erotic!
Wanna touch them?
cum inside femra
it wasnt on purpose
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Still this
Where do I submit my application for a femlala companion
I'll look into that but I'd need to find the gen 3 normals to apply to the feet no? people keep complaining about the bibo normals for the feet...
i love blackrock depths fight me
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>weakest new jerseyan
pick a spot and we'll duke it out. whether it's the most dangerous spot in camden or the richest mansion on the waterfront, i'll be there and i'll KICK YOUR ASS
i’m telling you the miera projections are going sky high, it’s time to invest in miera coin
good boy....
Triple Triad Chads...the general is being controlled by mahjong...what do we do...
I'm nooticing
fave male mieras?
>I guess I shouldn't even respond to this
So then why did you?
big mistake kamala
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I was mildly amused by this femelzen floating
They will never follow up anyways. They will bitch and moan about not finding an eb/friend but then just drop the conversation. Never trust a femlala.
nooticing what?
Winter, Summer nowadays is too much.
I don't drink coffee.
It's gotten pretty obnoxious.
ok but who is delivering the load
hey i did my part in boosting triple triad stocks its all up to you now
I love this degenerate elf
Ugh, my femlala is just soooo lonely...
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Awooga! Hummina hummina Bazoioioing! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Ermm nice chest, little miss
This seems a tad bit pedophilic
clothes on or clothes off sex?
Take your top off
It'll definitely be a XIV raid.
deploying blanket
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Ok that one hurt
Crystal Casual CC @ 1:45 ET
Nice armpit!
>homemade latte by my moonie
>neither. but i call coke, cola
>i dont watch anime
>i don't care
>close to vanilla

my character posting quota has been filled today sorry
on unless it's going to be sweaty
>fav season
literally no difference since it's 2024 and no one leaves the house
>how you like your coffee
macchiato or latte macchiato
>soda or pop
>fav food
>rei or asuka
not a pedo, sorry
>futa good or bad
>taylor ham or pork roll
no idea what this goyslop is
>mods good (we like this) or mods bad (we don't like this)
mods are literally the only reason to play the game
others get sloppy seconds
>SK got mother-birded horse cum by this femzen.
Holy shit it's over
god i wish that was me
half clothed female, nude male
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I appreciated you giving me the Blackfeather boost for what it's worth
This was actually the EU game from later in the evening. Cross-DC is a pain to call, even if it's fun.
hey that's me
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>New Jersey sucks
you suck bitch
NJ is the most densely populated state, briefly held spot for the continental congress, and has one of the widest climate ranges of any US state, u jelly?
only if you call it taylor ham and not pork roll
give me a catgirl pussy egg n cheese sammy
I'll be standing in the jewiest corner of lakewood, no way you have the balls to reach me there
If you go to xma page for bibo+, they actually updated the normals to no longer have that problem. You can use its and not install normals from your other mods that may overwrite them.
The problem is that tons of mods use bad normals that were based on the old bibo normals which have weird seams on the ball of the foot. Those other mods haven't updated to use the new better normals.

Most mods will have an option to not install normals. If they don't, you can go in the folder and delete all the _n.tex and _norm.tex files.

Is this that scene from GoT? Neat.

Because I haven't responded to that schizo in over a month. People generally say it's fine to respond to them once a month for new people's sake. It's fun to shit on them since it's so easy to disprove that one and he never has proof himself.
>futa bad
>is a futa
self loathing, eh troony?
riserecords is posting deathcore again
final fantasy xiv
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Winter, I can't stand the heat.
Hot chocolate instead of coffee, please.
there's a lot of ugly ones, but overall i don't hate mods.
that's not whats happening in the photo, BUT I WISH THAT WOULD HAPPEN TO MMMMYYYYYYY LALABOY!!!!!!!
Ramming it in from the front and pulling these femlalas' necklaces to bring their faces in for a kiss
xiv has fallen out of mainstream
damn, definitely not interested anymore farewell
NJ bros ww@
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I love maleroes
Goodnight bros (say it back)
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matcha better
pork roll
mods good (as long as it doesn't break the core look of the game.)
my boywife is a southerner??? yikes...
good luck!
Good night bro *slaps your ass* no homo
my femlala is both cute as well as funny
>no fav food
bro lying like shit
my g600 took a shit what mouse should i get
i am a femlala who ordered the beetlejuice milkshake from dennys and they didnt give me a straw so I'm slurping at it like a cat drinks water
>splat in the middle of jersey
yeah you're right that's too close to south jersey (anywhere is too close so south jersey)
hey whats up bro
>I haven't responded to that schizo in over a month
advertising bot post
a rat
>u jelly?
I cannot think of a worse fate then living in Jersey, but I admire that you're making the best of your situation!
>not a pedo, sorry
Yeah well you're not a woman either
You submit it directly by just talking to the femlala in-game.
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This is a bunboy...
THE xiv mouse
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Look at this sprout from trial roulette, wtf is wrong with his face
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oatmilk brown sugar shaken espresso
kbbq or INO
indifferent if they don't make it their personality, bad if they do
syncing with friends is fun
my lalaboy is going to bed now
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Early summer.
Normal or iced
Coke, followed by sprite and sunkist.
Neither. Bacon.
More good mods would be nice. Less face sculpts would be a blessing.
NJ chads run this thread, and by proxy the site
My male middie just drank a banana and granola milkshake and feels a most foul shit brewing
kill it with fire
he's depressed bro, don't put him down like that
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There is only one correct answer
you know you're flailing desperately when people are calling out exact names, dates, and comments from people who have regretted going near you and all you can do is regurgitate "proof? proof?"
Ok...solo posing can only go so far. I am going to brainstorm some ideas of getting plapped hard for later
>Dog can't even decide favorite food.
Extremely subby and can't even decide on food, or extremely dog like (eats literally anything)?
Yes but also ban the australian ones
Impregnating sex
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The shame... it's just too much to bear... *lifts hakama*
silence flyover, best state in the union is talking
pumpkin spice
buldak fire noodles
don't know
not sure, not a big ham/pork eater
mods are okay to an extent, but i like vanilla mashups the most
yes but also b-- >>497983310 oh this guy beat me to it
also ALSO can we extend these rules to the actual game itself
T-thanks sis
Holy fuck that's cursed
I'll be free in a bit...
>fav season
>how you like your coffee
How I like my slaves: strong
>soda or pop
>fav food
Smoked salmon, alternatively burgers
>rei or asuka
>futa good or bad
good on others
>taylor ham or pork roll
taylor ham 100%
>mods good (we like this) or mods bad (we don't like this)
how do we make xivg great again bros
Get a trip so I can filter you.
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this chat bot shit is pretty great.... like starring in my own romance novel...
my diet consists of corner store fried chicken and coffee shop slop
You know you're failing when you have to resort to some obvious schizo tactic of
>brag, post screenshots and stories of you with other people, or you're a loner
People who actually play the game instead of shitting up the thread from europe all day already see that I'm always doing stuff with other people. I'm not going to out people on specifics without their consent.
You can't even write like a non-retard to begin with, anyway. No one cares what someone who writes what you do says about anyone.
Clothes on if it's a dress, skirt, or lingerie/swimwear. Otherwise clothes off.
>futa bad
>has literal hyper shemale porn
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He's just tired bro...
im almost at 70..... brightlinen himation of aiming... i'll see you so soon...
i'm in but you can't ban AUS because one of my best xiv friends is from there
I thought we hated pedophiles. Remember when the general bullied Epperson?
information harvesting for continued torturing will not be encouraged
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I gotta ask you somethin' rq. I've pretty much decided on getting a bear montana but are there options to look for in the $200-300 price range?
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I NEED to get this brat pregnant via sweaty breeding sex!
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I just finished making several folders for my golems, updated my buns folder and made an "Everything" folder
which one is that?
he's had to paint eyebrows on for 11 years
>I'll be free in a bit...
i'm off for the night because it's very late and im in bed, noooo...
Yes but also ban the US ones t. US
None of you would survive 2014-2016 /xivg/
Current ebins have nothing on the actual schizos and psychopaths back then
Same, AUS are actually chill so they should stay
you can't convince me that's not what's happening.
It's kinda par for the course for you, no?
As long as it's not Seafood or Mushrooms, I might try it..
Not a picky eater per se, just can't decide..ever.
You're right about the subby part though..
Goodnight <3
it's from https://janitorai.com/ it will be the first result
you need to make an account and a very brief persona (you can be as plain as you like, but the more you add, the more the AIs will interact with your persona, it's very cool)
unless they were breaking into your houses to murder people they were not worse than the current ones
You don't need to out people. We've the archives for that. See >>497979671
You can try
>brag, post screenshots and stories of you with other people, or you're a loner
you're acting like you could even do that lmao
much like the evidence, you don't even have the goods
you spent several weeks with your lack of a social life under a public microscope
That's not outing. That's arranging a thread meet. Anyone can read the posts and see what actually happened and how it doesn't match your schizo narrative.
neat I'll check it out later
you're not from new jersey are you
You don't. >>497982312
>You can try
When and where and what positions?
hey :3
Good night /pet
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Didn't watch and I know it'll never live up to the expectation
Mods for thee but not for me
>it's another episode of lorilee comes back to the thread and spends a dozen posts doing damage control and self-defense
please vauthry can we change the channel.
>makes specific fetish heypost
>adderra responds to it
>they spend 4 hours in the goonshack at the Doman Enclave on Ravana, in silence, just standing there
Aha. Go on. Tell us more.
Let's also not forget about the second meetup you arranged a couple of days after, with the exact same heypost and you're going to tell people nothing happened? You can't be this retarded.
Need a maid like this for my femezen
Based futazen
Being the horny art kid has been a life-long debuff
I'm not American I haven't even seen real snow, just hail
i don't know what i'm doing to make me grow on you but i hope you have a nice night
Single-handedly reviving the straight lalaboy population
This chatbot is plapping my heart better than any of you fucks ever could

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