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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup>>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament>>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16>>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming>>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11>>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58>>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow )>>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party>>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC>>497934138

Last time on /xivg/
post breasts
catboy supremacy
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*sprays febreze into the thread*
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Even should you lose all that is dear to you. Even if it should cost you your life... You bear the burden and fight on, kicking and screaming until your last breath is spent!
i love being spent though
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My moonie will now commence her daily ritual of making biscuits in the thread, pay her no mind she is very busy
Sunnies and Miera :3
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Yeah, this'll be the thread.
I hate that gif though.

Stolen picture from reddit
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Only femlala don’t have to shave their body hair (it’s a barbaric Muslim practice).
who is this guy trying to damage control a funny shitpost LMAO
male or female sunnies
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Post Lalafell, Now.
It must be an actual smelezen
male mostly, but females are cool too
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doesnt matter, they still like poopy
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Threadly reminder that this meetup is on tomorrow.
>inb4 shut the fuck up
Update the backlink then.
>inb4 do it yourself
I don't live on this website.

2nd /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Character Creation
>Date & Time: -- 12/10/24 1800 BST / 1300 EST (Saturday)
>Location: -- Materia, Zurvan, Yanxia, Plum Spring
>Rules: Don't be rude or lewd
>Host: Domanra

Hello /xivg/! It's that time of the month again!

Time for another Roleplaying Meetup.

Last time, we never managed to reach our Character Creation segment, so this month this topic will be our focus.

After the roaring success of the 1st meetup, you've all been very engaged and helpful in determining the schedule going forward.

The schedule you've all decided on is as follows;
>2nd Saturday of Every Month

Thank you for all the votes on the poals! Your effort is greatly appreciated.

1st Meetup Content: https://pastebin.com/X6rD3Kcr
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Need cats
Post your cats
Catboys acceptable
For them... My people. My brothers.
...My friends. Stay strong. Keep the faith. At duty's end, we will meet again. We will. We will. The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.
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I want only one small thing, all Biggers gone.
I'm going to sit at this meetup for the sole purpose of reporting everyone that swears because you won't fix this shit yourself or stop posting it
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Hey is the memelezen guy still actually here? I forgot to ask them last night for one piece of advice.
Pictomoonie will now queue for high level
Yeah I admit it i am damage controlling. Why? I said why the other thread. I fantasiad to a femezen from femlala after years of people ignoring me, assuming I was a pedo, or that I liked diapers, hoping I'd get an eb as a femezen and the very day the very hour after I fantasia this shitposting starts. I'm fucking lonely. I don't have friends. This threads constant eb posting made me want one and now your shitposting is getting in the way of that. Stop. I don't want to spend another 10 dollars going back to femlala because you shitposters ruined femezen reputation as soon as I went to one
There's no indication that they are besides shit you made up
If you see my femlala you may /pet for me to stay after the duty is over
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Bold words for a cute lalaboy with smoochable lips, watch out or you'll end up like your brethren!!
Who me?
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Remember when it was malehroths doing this?
i am once again posting my catboy
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She will only pet your femlala if your femlala pets my moonie
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Cute catboy
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>Yeah I admit it i am damage controlling. Why? I said why the other thread. I fantasiad to a femezen from femlala after years of people ignoring me, assuming I was a pedo, or that I liked diapers, hoping I'd get an eb as a femezen and the very day the very hour after I fantasia this shitposting starts. I'm fucking lonely. I don't have friends. This threads constant eb posting made me want one and now your shitposting is getting in the way of that. Stop. I don't want to spend another 10 dollars going back to femlala because you shitposters ruined femezen reputation as soon as I went to one
hahahahahahahahahaha damage controlling a fictional race lol lmao kek lel
Every day my femezen learns more reasons to hate
I remember going with a ton of Aether dudes to some venue doing an outdoor event years ago and seeing a literal herd of gay Hrothgar, so yes, I do remember.
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I think my moonie will be making more screenshots using this cursed :3 mouth pose
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Hey I wanted to say thanks again for the guides and tips. I'm not really into any of the lewd stuff but I really like your sfw meme stuff! Since it seems like a lot of the better gposers had competencies outside of purely FFXIV related material (coding, photography, VFX editing), I was wondering if you were an artist irl. Or if you attended any university classes for digital/graphics art design.

I'm just trying to supplement the holes in my head since I'm really new to this. Appreciate it.
I HATE YOU, do not reply to my image
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The moonies aren't gonna like this one
this made me hard
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>try to take a cool shot
>my panties just pop up in the shot
Being a femlala is cursed
Buddy if all you wanted is a friend you should've said so
No :(
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ahah yay cappyblappy
QRD on the elezen drama?
This level of neurosis and autism is perfect, a little less self loathing and a dash more of holier-than-thou and you've gone fully femezen instead of femlala
>gay furries are gay furries
My moonie supports the complete eradication of gridanian hyur/wildwoods through outbreeding
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There is no elezen drama. Anyone mentioning any elezen drama is clearly just a heretic's insane rambling. You wouldn't fall for dravanian lies or au ra slander, would you?
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we gotta take more baths
my hyur would like to see you try cat
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your speech is awfully similar to picrel...
smelezens simply cannot hide
Stinkquisitor Stinkois
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My wife spotted
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My sunnie...
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gotta wash em
Especially this one >>498015448
my lalaboy just woke up from that one dream where he isnt a fuckup
damn it all
I want to pin this femezen to a wall and aggressively french kiss her
I can't believe effy eb'd menhera and then instantly stopped logging in
Who is the host of this?
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I'm killing every melezen for starting this. Its unironically over. The secret yurizen polycule awaits.
I saw effy yesterday >>498015889
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I want to believe...
What if it was just a psy-op to make people post femezen bathing.
>Host: Domanra
is picto good in potd?
>me when a smelezen walks past me
Anyone know whom is the host?
I'm glad to have been of help anon! I do have a bit of a background in art but it's honestly not that good. I started sculpting in cheap clay circa 2015, around 2017 was when I first decided that drawing would inherently help me improve my sculptures, by 2018 i enrolled for a semester in art college but dropped out (thank god education is cheap here) since a degree in art is useless but was great for making new contacts... I mostly stuck with solely digital drawing on my own dead set on improving which sapped all the fun out of it and led to a burnout, improved immensely but ended hating everything about it... it was like a devil deal. FF to 2020 I start messing around gpose, 2023 i'm just delving around 3D and in this mess it's the first time I feel like whatever I do comes out naturally which will eventually lead me towards animation and full circle back again into sculpture!

And I'm just a dork that watches like 4 tutorials on a subject to learn different approaches and come up with an educated guess...

Aw :(
can i still platonically call you cute?
>most sane xiv fag
Jane Yakuza I think?
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It's not
it's Jin Yoake@Phantom
he's an autistic faggot about being known as "Domanra" but not actually giving his name when people ask
I'm the domanra, not Jin Yoake@Phantom
Which lalaboys can I hire to hold down this zen and make a mess of her ass via smooches and rough anal
How lovely
Pictomoonie did not get the femlala in her high level
built to be absolutely demolished by gyoza fairy's + (while wearing the eb ring i gave her)
my lalaboy doesnt have the nerve to take advantage of someone like others take advantage of him
my meena.... is the last straight miera on xivg.....
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I can take them all
>in a fight right?
… but biggers are just so cool!
not for long
> meena
> straight
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(You) didn't bot the Island Sanctuary, right?
That's fine, you can be bait, just stand around looking innocent
We'll see about that
I never even unlocked it in the first place
I abandoned Island Sanctuary after rank 4
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I haven't even unlocked it.
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Anyone recognize where this is from? I saw it in the buyfag thread on /a/, but have not been able to source it and as far as I can tell there's no other evidence of its existence on the web.
No, I watched movies while grinding
>red nails
i thought you were cool, but having red nails is cringe...
i never unlocked it
and that quote applies to anyone who did
Are you sure its even real? Theres a slight chance it could be an AI image, ive seen some pretty convincing ones

I can't turn it into a moonie sanctuary so I stopped grinding at Lv8
W-what's wrong about red nails....
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limsa mierda will singlehandedly ruin this outfit for everyone
of course
i just do workshops
Boy, what face are you using. It looks queer
this would be incredibly hot if it was a male cat
My moonie would like to visit a moonie sanctuary..
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>Buy expensive birdhouse
>Hang up bird feeder
>Lay out a bird bath with fresh water daily
>Plant flowers and bushes nearby
>Last spring I did get birds in my garden...but they decided to make a nest in my gutters and shit all over the side of my house, then dig up all my grass looking for worms
>Then a crow figured out he could use his beak to lift the bird feeder off the hook, fuck it onto the grass and just gorge himself on half a bag of bird seed
>Then an obese pigeon would show up for any leftovers
I wanted small cute birds! Not fat dickhead birds! GRRRRRRRRR...
Femezen status???
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He looks like he spends a lot of time in BuduGOD territory.

I botted it on 3 characters LOL. I even share my bot routes for the island whenever people want them.
Why did he shit his chair bros
delete this.
final warning.
>I wanted small cute birds! Not fat dickhead birds!
Got a chuckle out of me for this
Everyone and their mom is going to look like gerard for like 7 months arent they?
why even bother making casual clothing the default if modbeasts would just mod over it anyways?
nuh uh
femlala post
red nails reminds me of finger nail torture, where they rip off your nails. i get really squeamish when i see red nails, since i've seen finger nail torture irl...
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lol no I just clocked in the crafts for the week and went off to go do something else in game
>Halloween event
>shitty modern core shit
>oh but there's tiny horns and claws on parts you can ignore
they've really just given up haven't they?
sniff tuah, snort on that thang
my malezen passes out guest winds faster than anyone in doman mahjong
and he hopes he doesn't shart when he's passing them
That's a personal issue, sorry you're weakwilled to the point that a color triggers you anon
Me as the crow
Heh, too easy...
these are the first horns theyve added that i actually like shame im too much of a snowflake to use what will undoubtedly be a very popular glam
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please pelase ples release yor poop in
pantaloon for bloody xoxo
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If you won't get in the warm bath I'm getting the hose. I swear on Halone by the end of the day all that blood and viscera is getting scrubbed off.
tfw no one to do my lalaboys nails against his will
snort OFF that thang!
We all know this smelezen's hopes get dashed every time
>He boughted the fry egg emote
This is the kind of shameless cretin who'd suck a cock for 10k and swear he's still straight it doesn't count because it was 10k.
it has a lot of hardcasts and your mobility spell is unlocked only at 80
your long cast spells aren't good for mobilty
the only thing I can see being good about this job is being able to repaint your muses between mobs. Muses are pretty strong, you've got 1000 potency recasts every 40 seconds and another 1100 potency every ability every 2 uses of those
hammer stamp is also pretty strong

I'm not sure if all of them being AoEs is a good thing, you don't really want to clip any other monsters, so that's something to be aware of
definitely pretty high damage with the pom motif abilities but I don't know if waiting for long cooldowns to come back is a good strategy, other jobs can just *go*
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red doesn't bother me, blood doesn't bother me, red nails bother me.
it's true every time i requeue for doman mahjong i make sure someone else gets the seat i was in last time
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Is it like...hard to setup? I haven't even claimed mine yet but I'd really just like to get the set out of it and then never visit it again.
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My meena is straight but nobody believes him

Oh no...I seem to have a bit of a tickle in the throat...little dry...parched perchance even...I think I might have a SMALL whisky. Just a small one.
AUUGHHHHH ANON I understand, I can't bring myself like red panties because those also tap into some memories...
Such power is unrivaled.. I fucking kneel..
whats the routine
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Yahoo, it's finally fiddie friday (for real this time)!
my meena had to attend mandatory counseling today because someone is told his boss that they think he's being domestically abused
i'm not an elezen but man does my butt stink
Ross had no honour. He promised John his freedom and safety if he cooperated and yet he hunted him down like a dog anyway, with half an army at his back. Complete coward.
>he boughted
Your mistake was not making an alliance with the crow
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fellow gardeningbro.....
I have a similar issue where I'm wanting the small birds like the cardinals and doves to crash in my yard but the local mockingbird set up a nest nearby and keeps scaring everyone off
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angry moonie
Can my moonie also have some?
all three look almost normal without their bloated modbeast facades
What are you gonna get me with the money you make?!
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Good luck getting your hands on a hose, the amount of running water in Ishgard is extremely limited!
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I'm not mentally ill. People treat you different as a lala. Especially if you have problems talking to people. You guys need to understand, for a lot of people they treat lalafell likes it's Jim crow era america with lalas as niggers. Lalas are barred from social meetings and nightclubs or whatever. You sit next to someone they get up and move, if they do talk to you they talk to you like you're a mentally deficient child so most normalfags are out of the question, even other lalas will treat you differently if you have problems communicating i absolutely cannot hold any conversation beyond small talk so whenever i tried to talk to another lala things ended when i didn't have anything interesting to say, i tried asking their interests i tried talking about what we shared but each and every time they lose interest within minutes lalas outside of xivg and inside being a lalafell doomed me to exclusion by some and my lack of social skills doomed me to exclusion from the rest. So I decided to go femezen seeing how much they're liked here or at least were liked here so i fantasiad into one and an hour after the smelezen posting started so yes I'm upset and i still am. I have nothing to show for the years I spent playing and being subbed to the game. Not a single savage clear because no one is willing to be patient with me, no leader boards because I'm bad at all pvp in every game, no friends, no eb. Nothing. I have nothing but thousands of dollars and hours wasted. But sunken cost keeps me from leaving this game so i wanted friends maybe an eb it's clear many of you still play because of the people you've met here but i can't even have that now thanks to the shitposting. I really feel like going back to femlala and just huddling in a corner and occasionally queuing roulletes and just staring at my lala rock side to side alone all day. But i dont want to spend 10 dollars so im stuck as the news shitposted race femezen
Your gf beats you?

Of COURSE you play a male viera.
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Y-you too....

The best face of course, face 1

Post your meena
I just did daily upkeep with my workshops after rank 10.
This pics goes hard
I love lalaboys so much it's unreal
Love from Ishgardkistan
>no visible bulge
My malera is angry af rn now
Why is this moonie always so angery..
get a job.
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Is anyone interested in buying these... the marketboard in my world became oversaturated for some reason and now I have undercutters everywhere... willing to part with just 500k per augment, xivg discount
More excited for this pc port than I have been for any game that has released this year
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Actually my mierda just accepted a managerial position at the Limsa Applebee's
I don't want peace with crow, only war.

I counteracted his technique by using string and a screw to secure the bottom of the feeder. He responded by smashing my bird bath onto the paving slabs. If he comes back next spring I'm gonna fuck him up.
you can have some of my bills
i don’t play futa
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eb like this?
><Under the Moonlight>
haha! i get it!!! because mare lamentorum is on the moon! and it's also used as a shorthand for mare synchronos!! haha that's so neat i never saw anyone use this title for that reason before!!!!!!
I have one. I have no friends there either.
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Hate to break it to ya, but...
We'll melt the ice
She'll once again be nice
Petting this poor elezen/femlala
It's insane how much of a better game RDR1 is than RDR2.

You have to find out what he wants and fuck with him. Hit him where it hurts.
How do we tell this tourist that's the chocobo birdbath....
>Crow War
You think this is going to be a 1v1? You have invoked the wrath of the corvid. May God shine his mercy upon ye.
reminder the community would be so much better if mods were nuked off the face of the game
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I'm fishing
but have to wait nearly 2 hours to do so.
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Grape-Flavored C@ checking in! Nya~
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>i don’t play futa
I'm getting really mad
Yeah because it'd be dead
not even going to log in for this dogshit wow
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There are dozens of us, brother
Unlock it.
Rank 5 is where it picks up pace.
Rank 15 has a really good glamour.
Good job, keep up the good work.
Of course what? Of course you did, or of course you didn't?
Death upon ye.
Good morning /xivg/
my sunk cost wife
Don't worry I have a connection in Limsa who will bring me gallons of the finest brine freshly drawn for the port. You'll smell of Roepiss, reused ale and fishguts but I daresay it'd be an improvement.
>Unlock it.
No I have not a single care for it. I don't care for the mounts or pets its pointless content to me
*waves hand across my screen*

You are now cursed.
>i don't play futa
so that was "just a golem" then
>Catboys acceptable
Yay! Catboy attached :3
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Femlalas that look like this and want an EB?
I had not considered that possibility because I've never seen an AI image done in the style of a picture of a figure before, but as I only have the one picture to go off of so I cannot discount it.

Looking at it more closely with that in mind, I think you might be right. I can spot a couple of spots with what could be AI art errors now that I am looking for them.
Next tank should be rune fencer. My femlala is just like ravness
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You're actually an idiot if you want war with crows.
i wish you’d go back to normal proportions, they looked so much better
>biggers were mean to me so i became a bigger, woe is me
>Unlock it.
no, it's the worst kind of grindslop and i shan't disgrace myself by supporting it, as you've done
umm i said i did workshops... no i didn't bot that either
you made the right choice switching off of lala
Bills?!?!? I can't pay bills!!!
im not sure how the fuck a simple google search didnt solve your question, this is literally the first result

jesus christ retards
Godfuckingdamnit, delete that picture
get a hobby
go outside
try to meet people irl
please care less about your in-game race
no way....
It seems unlikely there's any figures for Alisaie or Y'shtola, official or otherwise, that exist in real life that are that slutty. Even if the bodies are repurposed or custom pieces, the hair and heads would be hard to fake/transfer over from real figures.
>those attendees of the september meetup
There is absolutely no reason to join the next one, jesus christ.
fat bitch
May I see another pic of this version of LL
jin yoake has continued to insist there's no problem accepting the shotalander into the ranks
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My elezen be is like this
Birds need to learn to respect the rule of man.

This is our planet, we're in charge, birds will bend the knee.
No thanks, I'm just here to spectate the zoo. Smelezen incident was worth a kek for once.
Skill issue, people are really nice to my lala. The only downside is having a blacklist full of disgusting hrothgar.
I'm using it because I am a moonie
>Rank 15 has really good glamour
Yeah but I want moonie npc's hanging out at the village.
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>It seems unlikely there's any figures for Alisaie or Y'shtola, official or otherwise, that exist in real life that are that slutty. Even if the bodies are repurposed or custom pieces, the hair and heads would be hard to fake/transfer over from real figures.
/xivg/ """experts"""
You have played futa though...
It's an utter clown car of the worst posters humanly fucking possible. Only thing it's missing to make it complete is the brown nosering diaper lala, Kyoppi and fucking Val.
thanks i put it as my adventurer plate title too
i also made my search comment "looks better under the moonlight" and then the quick chat for Mare Lamentorum
i couldn't read part of your post, it looks like it was blanked out or something?
hey wanna trade secret moon launch codes?
My moonie has used <Master of the Sea> since she unlocked it because she likes fish
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what the fuck is wrong with her foot
cringe cat is val
I care about making friends in this game I spent too much money on. If people didn't treat lalas like shit I would go back to lalafell immediately and disregard anything elezen related but they won't ever stop. I have hobbies irl it doesn't help when no one wants to maintain any sort of conversation with me. I can play a clarinet i make birdhouses for fun and that doesn't help it doesn't even take my mind off of anything
Other lalas don't like me either that's the problem. No one thinks I'm interesting im incapable of having any extended conversation with anyone and no one ever says why so i can't learn. Lalas don't like me biggers don't like me no one likes me and i don't know why if someone just sat me down and told me why i would at least have comfort in that but no.
>Ask question
>Get ignored
>Make retarded reply to my own question
>Anon gets so angry and cares so hard about proving me wrong he provides the real answer
Heh heh heh heh heh, sucker.
My femlala is Jewish (but not israeli)
>They got the cushion minion on there
Which one is "cringe cat"? Cause all 3 cat girls I can see look like ass.
next tim i shall allow the proliferation of misinformation
something something child in that oven
cringe cat is the name of the red futa cat on the right, update your ebindex
You are most certainly mentally ill
zirda dawn@balmung remembers
(it was me)
>I'm just a diet kike
into the bin you go
No im not.
None of the actual ebins are entertaining enough to bother memorizing. But okay it's like 90% there to a perfect shitshow consisting of the worst possible posters in this General and there's absolutely no reason to ever go to that meetup.
>Entry level DSLR from like 8 years ago
your femlala is cordially invited to a rollercoaster ride at my grand amusement park
You do not fuck with crows, bro. They remember faces for years, have the mental capacity of a seven year old with none of the moral hangups, and can fly. Just get a caged feeder that they can't easily reach. They'll still figure it out eventually, though.
Why did you think you have so much trouble interacting with other people, then? Because it is not solely because of the in-game race you play
Anon my gil is at 7 digits total I'm not in a good spot
>equip Under the Moonlight title
>put {Mare Lamentorum} in my search field
>if anyone messaged me for my mare code I report them for using plugins

my goals are beyond your understanding
And if a jew hadn’t you’d still be walking on 4 legs Seamus
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Jaden Mode more like Rapen Mode because I be all up in that pussy
>Small cute birds
Get a hummingbird feeder?
I don't know that's the whole point I don't know no one tells me what im doing wrong i went to a therapist she told me i was mostly normal i don't know what's worng with me
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Need a loan?
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nerdy meenas = kino
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I am logging in. Time to fail more Bobja duels.
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6 gorillion wasn't enough.
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How are you meant to see anything bro..
Bro maybe take the blindfold off?
Crows are super intelligent among the bird world. They are going to make your life hell if you piss them off enough. Make amends while you still can because a crow bro is cool as fuck.

lmfao look at those torpedos
What's up with the lala I saw crawling out of a sewer grate in Ul'dah?
Fruit of the poisonous tree
i always wanted to make a level 2 erp sprout and approach different ebins with an approach tailor made for their tastes
not to get any real dirt on them but just to see which ones are stupid enough to hump someone who could be out to do them wrong
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i play a femezen and this is my chair, please stop shitposting false info
I find it hilaruous that the closer the date of domanra's meetup gets, the more active her schizos become. The movie meetup schizo didn't work last month, so now they're just resorting to flooding. Lowest of efforts. Cringe.
Were you *honest* with the therapist?
Are you on meds of any kind?
She doesn't need to know about the water crystals and fountains. Shh. She's gyaru, they're not smart.
>outsmarted by a bird
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What the fuck was his problem?
you know the jewish calendar is currently at 5700 years right
thats how long they have been around
and thats how long theyve been doing what they do, and they got really good at it
Post full pussy
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*huff huff* I... I am logging in. *exhales*
*takes a break*
Time to *BUUUUURP* fail more Bobja duels.
Gomen my moonie is on light she would join you otherwise
um what's that brown spot on the right-hand side of the image
if I had a gil every time I had sex in FFXIV... well I wouldn't have any but I'd have the hope I could have one at least
It's my sleeping glam! Hey wait a minute! You can't see neither!
I will do that yes. It won't help.
It’s cheaper than the subway
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>Rank 15 has a really good glamour.
>generic shirt
>She's gyaru
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And I thought I was the only one Jaden approached as a futa cat
>baronial jacket
There's literally nothing like it in the game, trust me, I've looked.
The one threatening me with a hose is a gyaru menace. Do keep up.
Smooching this hrothgal
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It's rude to make make fun of my medical condition.
Idk, trouser marks?
No im on no meds and I was honest
Should I bless this thread with forbidden knowledge on how to doxx every gooner with a twitter account. I kinda want to watch this place burn just because I have been constantly harassed for nearly an year now.
Are you ready for every catboy, miera and malera to be wearing this for the foreseeable future?
of course this obnoxious faggot would gpose with another obnoxious faggot. i'm not surprised.
This is not my sleeping glam, I just can't take it off..
What's stopping you?
and my femlala
she looks cute in it
nah, they were caught in ul'dah twice too
Yeah do it
Too bad hroths don't look like this
nyes, of course
already installing the potato sack mod
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I suppose I'll just pretend they won't see the fountain in front of the town's most popular tavern, then.
Care to share your story?
my femroe is going to wear those horns..
Nice dual channels Yoship
Still can't cosplay justice from Helltaker
get ready, kitten
daddy's home
Would you die
if it got taken off?
Post you're femroe...
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honestly just happy we have an alternative to catoblepas horns
xaela edgelords going to stay with the other demon horns i'd think
My malezen will be sharting in those pants
I'd violently explode..
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Hrothgals are so fucking peak..
i vill wear it and you vill like it
Can I see what it looks like
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Should i click the link? Its totally legit right?
No you penejo
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Im gonna post this ancient pic..
basically what >>498021247 said, catoblepas horns are stale and something with 2 channels would be cool for oni horns
My moonie got 4 comms from her roulette :3
she has forge autism
Me too haha
Do you like femezen
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2... FREEEE?! mounts
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Can't just tease us like that and not give us the method
Not like that!
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Baronial has some really good pieces imo, I love the pants in particular for armored glams
Anyone want to erp having sex through a hole in a sheet (as g*d intended)
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This is where my weird-knowledge-splurging habits come forth and compell me to mention that fountains are pretty water efficient as they just recycle the same water, but magic-rocks-that-gush-water just makes the entire logistics of it all go out the window. She's still not getting me with a hose anyway. I bathe, damn the skybuilders' propaganda.
twitchie got his acc stolen nothing new
Yeah cute femroe, I like her
>an alternative
they're dual dyable so they're a flat out replacement
come on sis...
This would look great on my classy miera, when do we get it
Wow that's the laziest phishing attempt ive ever seen, anyone who falls for this deserves to lose their account
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dont worry about it
just click it bro
i get links in my chat all the time
my femlala was hugging her body pillow really tight when she woke up today...
i-it's just really comfy, nothing more...
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it dyes pretty well too
here's black/red dual channel
My thread enemy
I will forever loathe this femra
Femhroth x Male Lalafell
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How about no
>no feet on this Feet Friday
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This man is correct. It goes very well with armor without just being more armor.
>elezen that bathes
Not Ishgardian
love f3mra so much bros
Let my moonie find that other moonie that said they would tank the footfags for her
Male lalafell exist to walk around and be funny, not to actually have relations with anyone
>tfw no f3mra for my f3mra
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This could be us
what if i want (You)r moonie though
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But if she's to think running water is limited, wouldn't it be strange to see a fountain anywhere other than the wealthiest part of the city?

Ah, what do I know though? I'm a machinist, not a plumber or an urban planner.
oh nyo..
malehroth x male lalafell
>miera thinks I'd like him just because he's my cotank
ew no, go away incel
Femlala Teaparty Meet coming soon...
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Would you a dumb catboy
So stupid, it's a wonder he remembers to breathe?
this femra was my femezens crush but she got ebd and now my femezen is eternally seething
she is NOT real
didn't some femlala have make out RP after their tea party...?
that's a bit lewd, I don't wanna go if that's what you're planning...
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Whenever I try to save normals for glow maps for skin, I'm getting these seams between body parts. Does anyone know why?
I've tried saving as png, bc3 dds, and so on and it always does this.
Only the original glow map I exported as png, if I reimport that and save as text works.
. . .
You had a long time to catch me sister...
I'm down to pose something cute though
Yeah, but it's CUTE
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it does look pretty good, i was considering flesh-colored horns with maybe a colored tip.. may be a bit tough the get the exact skin color right.
thank you c:
I just want wholesome RP and even tea parties aren't safe...
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You WILL hold my hand while we share tank busters
. . .
SFW Femlala Teaparty Meet soon
I have tanked five expert roulettes every single week since the implementation of weekly tomestones (in the ballpark of 50+ runs) and only twice has my healer been an Astrologian. What happened?
dirty ass chair
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ACTUALLY funny thing in the lore. While it's not directly said it seems like the three other elezen types do not bathe often either.
>the twins are outright called stinky and they're sharlayan elezen
>theres a nameless npc that complains about duskwight stench
>theres an npc that complains about wildwood stench
While elezen may not shit themselves, its widely supported that they have bad body odor. So as a lore expert smelezen is an actual thing infact
Not knowing about plumbing makes sense due to ishgardian elezen's especially, aversion to bathing, we actually see during hw they use bathing in the cold as a punishment for elezen.
>everyone just talks about how the horns would fit into their non halloween glam
proof this reward has objectively failed as a halloween glam and is terrible
>and fucking Val.
whats wrong with Val?
My sunnie friend does this to me for fun but my miera is a healer.
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I'm going to hold you under the Sharlyan one. It's still cleaner than the Halonic Holy Water
I'm thinking male midlanders might be a bit too stiff to look great in glams.
AST is just boring now, the new card system sucks.
no go and invul by yourself
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Hmmm yes, suicide it is
My moonie hasn't figured out what she's going to wear to the Halloween CC meet and is panicking
new card system is whack and ast is still more annoying to play then every other healer
Where do I take my sunnie eb this afternoon?
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My femzen doesn't stink... look!
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I fixed it.
i didn't because my pc died and i couldn't play for a long time
My moonie understands your pain, she just wants sfw rp too..
oof, sorry to hear that :( hope its all working now!
I'd be still down for a meet though!
>yet another message about “standing blowjobs”
My head is at your knee level, retarded bigger.
>>theres a nameless npc that complains about duskwight stench
Do you know where to find them, I'm curious
If you're insinuating the church would spread messages stating that the Ishgardian nobility smells bad and simply wears more layers, then its no wonder you believe the foul misinformation...
And any Brume thug knows a brick in a sock is the symbol of the downtrodden masses. Soap lacks killing power.
Beating you to death with the family salt block like a true patriot.
The Pillars, the personal housing estates, and in front of the Knights Congregation (and the broken fountain near the MCH guild). There's a good few, although I'd argue they're way up upper class than where the dregs would be and more declarations of wealth and the church's power.
I was also not expecting to be actually'd on the topic but definitely acknowledge there's more fountains than I remember, especially the housing district heated spring... That SKANK still isn't getting a hose, though.
Its 2024
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My wife(middle right) is so [cu]te and fu[nny]!!!!
So do you want a friend or not?
What game is this
high five sis for the same femezen vibe
Why do they all look like they just came straight out of Mabinogi?
My smelezen stinks like saltwater and cheap booze
>While elezen may not shit themselves
Fucking folded me anon
If I had a nickel for every time I've seen someone use SCH's HW artifact gloves as a stand in for mechanized punch gauntlets, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice.
Isn't showering every day supposedly bad for the skin? A-asking for a friend of course, I'm Ishgardian but I definitely shower everyday I just like perfumes a lot and wearing lots of layered clothing and
*gives you the 'Captain Falcon Surprise'*
MapleStory 2
AST not only is annoying to play they're a buff centered healer so just like BRD loses value in 4 man content they also lose value from having an uncertain party composition and their dps just not being good in general.
In short the people you saw playing AST only play AST more than likely.
One day anon, keep believing... :c
If you mean maliddie, yes.
This is how all the thread maliddies dress already.
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Every day? Who the hell has time to do it every day?
How hard would it be to make a mod to swap emotes between races? Like taking Race A /bow and moving it to Race B?
Is that fucking Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown
I am logging in there better be cute miera to admire at the LB.
My schizos won, I'll fanta off femlala and quit posting here. You won. YOU WON. Please stop stalking me and please stop namedropping me.
Good riddance
>I have been constantly harassed for nearly a year now
who are you and what's your story good sir
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Wow, one of the devs really liked a certain vtuber.
AST makes me feel like im doing twice as much to achieve the same results as other healers. You have to micro manage the cards. You have to time their big AoE heals. Their heals have conditions on them like "It heals more if the target is low HP". It just seems like a lot of extra hassle for no benefit.
it’s more work and the biggest perks (more damage, 60 second 10% mit) don’t matter in casual content
What happened
bros i am feeling all our femezen DO actually stank
Mornin folks
This doesn't look like the other image at all
New cards system sucks more ass than the last one
abhorrent choice
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Surely every *other* day is enough, right?
More tea, Mrs Nesbit?
Okay the fake femlala posting is getting boring now can we take a break from it?
didn't some femlala do rp of boiling the tea too hot and spilling some of it during their tea party...?
that's a bit unsafe, I don't wanna go if that's what you're planning...
Every race in the game gets shitposted here, it's not something to take seriously
If you want to learn savage I could help
. . .
What's wrong with Joy? She's really nice and rubs my pants a lot
It's lore accurate that malezen and femezen smell very bad. Of all clans and cultures. They're like black people in that regard. Bad BO no matter where you go.
>healers want more to do!
>no I will not play the healer that is test driving giving healers more to do
This role deserves everything bad done to it.
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it's him
Please wash, I can see the stink clouds from here
as long as they use the same skeleton, I'm pretty sure you can do that with the vfx editor, can't you? you'll only run in to issues if you're trying to move something like maleroe/lalafell to a race that uses the hyur skeleton
She just wants fun rp without being expected to turn it sexual and its rough. Everyone expects a moonie to be into erp
I just want tea at a comfortable drinking temperature...
I love smellezen (female)
late gm to chaos c:
do they seriously just let the pedos in? guess it's good I missed the first meetup then
. . .
Femlala Makeout Session @ Teaparty Meet soon
no, vtumor
How about this!?
*Combines a bar of Skybuilder's Soap with a stocking*
Lalafell are for Lalafell.
How can you say that when lalas are expressively forbidden from attending?
qrd on the femlala wall
Veena don't bathe and they smell great
didn't some femlal-
oh you're just being upfront with it now, ok have fun then...
If a certain job within a role requires more effort, it should as a result be more powerful than the others. It should apply to healers just like dps jobs.
>would go
>am a bigger
may my forlorn fwalala attend the tea party?
fuck off
I shall defend my Ishgardian homestead against RUFFIANS like you
We're rolling around in flowerbeds all day haven't you ever noticed the weird bare patches at the one in LB?
lowlander sex
Saelonu was there and he's one of the most pedo lalas
Probably not. I'll never host it because it'll get shitposted to death in the thread and not a single femlala who actually attends it will have a good time because all our threadcred will be permanently destroyed.
>wake up
>my elezen stocks are in the dumps
>and renamed to SLZN
the fuck is a salazen?
I don’t do expert roulette anon. I’m just explaining why casuals don’t use ast in it.

also I like current healer design
This is true.
Such a sad fate for us and our sisters.
oh, otay :c
>deals less damage than other healers in exchange for a bunch of useless healing tools and negligable damage buffs (in 4-man content)
it's shit.
Thats rude
Not how it works.
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I will change my hair color because you made me laugh
>elezen stocks in the dumps
>val stocks in the dumps
>miera stocks still depleting
>malera stocks permanently low
>male middie stocks deteriorating
Your wife is Te Fu?
Buy the elezen dip
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>I share a race with these stinkers
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Is the expansion really that bad? How long would it take to rush the story (only dawntrail)? I just want some raiding, fashion and whatnot.
Invest today in moonies
Miera ear strokes
AST mains are too busy whining for their 5th rework in row to play the game. But it's ok, yoship will just make the job 10% stronger than every other healer for compensation while making it easier and easier to play.
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>file size too large
You know what you must do
you have a penis. i'm not going.
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If memezen's still around, I made a quick little thing trying to go off animation reels. No real reference outside of :( face I made on my keyboard.

>(thank god education is cheap here)
Thank goodness for that.
>solely digital drawing on my own dead set on improving which sapped all the fun out of it and led to a burnout
Aw sorry to hear that. It does kind of show that your art knowledge had a lasting impression on your gposes with the way you make compositions and have the subject of the piece stand-out firmly.

Any guides or books or things you kept particular note of on your solo art grind adventure? I'm still sort of poking in the dark with this as I don't really have any art talent or background to speak of. I just stare at things. Mainly trying to sift through a few books on photography but nothing too serious like your background.

>towards animation and full circle back again into sculpture
Happy to hear this!
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The colors, the horn, and the tie aren't a good enough clue?
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My straight catboy does not take part on stock trading
They bottomed out over a month ago when GT had his week long melty and have never recovered because the male middies are behaving like the new mierda.
Femlala are hiding a little secret from us
You can join as a butler
was today housing day
Need to plap this fiera
every single rework alienates more and more of the few remaining ast mains so almost no one wants to play it anymore
Auntyzen i didn't want to tell you but your elezen stinks too. She has permanent beer breath she smells heavily of alcohol and depression and a little bit of fish for some reason near her crotch. I'm sorry to tell you
Fave miera??
Shit's a slog if you care about the story and feel like two half finished stories jammed together. Also Wuk's ENG VA is worse than garbage.
jajaja smellezen jajajajajajaja
My moonie would of loved to go to this..
>deals less damage
you ready for another exciting day of roulette’s and afking?
story is meh
combat content is almost the exact same as ew
new glams are pretty nice looking with the new textures
it's really kind of bad
main VA sucks, story generally sucks and generic forgettable garbage, the entire first half of the MSQ just feels like a single long beast tribes questline
if you rushed everything and skipped cutscenes (you should) you could complete it in a day or two
>listening to my music mix
>To the Edge plays next
>Haven't listened in a while
>Forgot how good it was
Seat of Sacrifice really was peak, wasn't it?
Dawntrail is really fast if you're just skipping everything and after doing EW into DT quickly you realise they took a step back on adding in custom duties and such.
If you're watching DT is still pretty long.
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not as bad as people make it out to be since it has good points, but it's not great either and a lot of it comes down to old issues from ShB and EW being way worse in DT in addition to writing nowhere near as strong as those expansions, the character writing in DT is really poor with one character basically having all the screentime.
>I just want some raiding, fashion and whatnot.
then DT is the best one yet so far, raids are fun, even the leveling dungeons are amazing
why would you want to play a job that feels worse to play than it did in the last expansion?
You are as braindead as every other vtuber orbiter, congratulations.
We're really not supposed to shower more than once a week right? Doesn't it make it easier for germs to get inside you..
DT is way better in not splitting the fucking map.
Going to a zone at level 81, and not unlocking flying until level 88 like in EW, was retarded.
So many of you forget how bad EW was to play.
And the solo duties in DT were the best they've done next to the EW Zenos fight. All the other EW solo duties sucked so much.
I can confirm this Elezen takes showers and bath's. The 6th block from the left from the 5th row up on the wall in this Elezens bathing chambers slides right out and you can peek inside!
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ast has been dead to me since shb i will play it again only if they bring back sb ast which will likely never happen
You barely play the game at all, roulette hero
>And the solo duties in DT were the best they've done next to the EW Zenos fight.
now I know you're just taking the piss
I took a peek and there was nobody bathing
Man I will never not miss SB AST
They brought back Bulwark, which is an old PLD mit. You never know they will bring it back.
What the fuck is this retard talking about
Oh no! How horrible! Exucse me for a moment...
>In from the cold sucked
If a futa sucks your woober, is it still straight?
>flesh colored
didnt really consider that since xiv has a pretty awful color matching ability, but editing the colorset could be neat!
They were filtered by In From the Cold and Metal Gear Thancred and were upset they couldn't fly for the 2-3 days it takes to get through the MSQ, it seems.
sweaty elezen sex
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Stay upwind of them..?
Slanderous lies!! She's awash with charming arboreal scents outside dire circumstances
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This explains why all male characters posted here are so ugly
nnggghhh stinky moonie sex
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do you guys think i won my house
Why does it have to be stinky..
A mediocre story can be covered up by having fun gameplay (ex: WoW Dragonflight, Literally Every Destiny 2 Expansion)
XIV has coasted on its expansions not having any content until 2 years after its release date, which considering that the massive content drought between 3.0 and 3.2 almost killed xiv again, you'd think they would change that. SB, ShB and EW managed to coast on launches with 0 content by having a decent story, but since the story of DT kinda fucking sucks, players are left rudderless.
And when we only get a patch with battle content once every 8 months, combined with the fact that there's only 8 people on the battle team to playtest, people are just quitting and droves.
elf sex
You're only gay if you take it in the ass, unless you enjoy it than you're hyperstraight
Please update us with the good news.
i want to suck a futa's woober
healers feel like shit to play across all content levels, including roulettes and savage.
No, kill them.
i read this in a really nerdy voice
because moonies STINK
>DT is way better in not splitting the fucking map.
>Going to a zone at level 81, and not unlocking flying until level 88 like in EW, was retarded.
that was one zone and DT still have one 81 zone not unlock flying until 84, and this really shouldn't matter because the game is designed to do the MSQ first and then you can focus on things that needs flying.

And no, theres like 1 good solo duty in DT, meanwhile EW has Metal Gear Thancred, Into The Cold, Venat and Zenos which blows DT's solo duties out the water
Okay so install veryisland from https://github.com/awgil/ffxiv_visland

Now type /visland in game, open https://pastebin.com/U4zdrPXJ copy the base 64 code in the pastebin, hit Import Route from Clipboard on the Very Island UI

From there, hit the play button while you have a route selected and your character will go from there.
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I'm still around! I can't sleep
The picture's really nice! The vibe I'm getting from it is a cute pout~
For composition I always recommend a book called "Framed Ink", even just a quick read will put into perspective (heh) how the framing of the subject matter can make or break a picture. The usual "simple" way of handling composition is 80/20 where at least 20% of the picture is called "negative space" this is areas that don't look busy and such and usually large silhouettes for the eye to rest.
>Any guides or books or things you kept particular note of on your solo art grind adventure?
Picrel, each single book of these is a behemoth on it's own when taken seriously and I only made it to #4 eyeing the rest was a fun little thing on it's own though. For gpose I recommend 3, 8, 10. Which now got me thinking I might revisit them as well!
Females self insert as lanky gay men with spindly hands
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Can my miera attend? He shall serve as a butler if he must but this sounds like fun-

Nevermind. Why are femlalas like this.
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what game is this
how bad would moonie and femezen sex stink
theres a few decent miera who arent blonde/brunette incels but the melezen are usually very nice to look at. The only hot middie is the red haired one but I think he has a eb
it's nyot true my moonie smells like fresh blueberries..
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this is like every maleraen
Currently lvl 11 and I use the lil robo guys to help garden and tend to my animals...Otherwise I gather a ton by hand, its relaxing.
what mod is the armwrap on your left arm?
Saying the Wuk fight is better than any of the EW solo duties is a bit of a stretch.
Please remove this from your PC
I don't trust malera
Can you post this again but with a different character attached
No mod, just pagos handwraps or whatever.
i forgot to mention there are many catboys that are pleasant to the eyes
replace "content" with "grind" and "fun gameplay" with "grueling grinding" and you get a good idea why this anon is wrong
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Top 5 miera?
femlalas can't have nice things... :(
Haaa….. sunnie pits…. hnggg……
oh its just the angle then, i can see his thumb if i look closely
thought it was his forearm
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elezen sex elezen sex elezen sex elezen sex
i need elezen sex elezen sex elezen sexoooooooooooooooo
Super straight
This but Lala ears
sunnie pits are made for moonie cocks
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>was interested
>have real life things to do
have fun
May my lalaboy join
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It's okay, I lost mine too..
the card rework gave ast LESS things to do, retard.
What game
but if you ally with them they'll bring you shiny trinkets
good morning lander
Everytime someone says this I show up. Then they make retching sounds and say I stink before kicking me out....
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He's such a cutie <3
Today i will again starve myself in hopes of becoming underweight before 2025
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If you can dye the Shirt and Tie separately then Schrodinger cosplays will save it
can't make a larger post as I'm busy, BUT REALLY HUGE THANKS! That's exactly what I was looking for to help supplement my learning. I also will keep in mind your advice on composition.
Saving this post for later to examine and gonna try to see if I can get the pdfs or lib books. Thank you again!
Oh apparently there's a link at the bottom of the github for other preset Island routes. They're probably better than my jury-rigged bullshit so give those a try.

Why did you make a golem of my mom...?
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My miera acts like this
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NOT ffxiv, thank god
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My retainers will dispose of you
Disregard their lies. I smell of incense and smoke. And currently disappointment as its Shatter day
Hold the tea party in the pelupelu house to keep bigg3rs out
it's crazy that we have these surprisingly smart alien species just living among us in a parallel treetop society
i've had crows follow me around on my walk and observe me while relaying to his buddies where i am from a distance and it feels like another person watching me
i've been wanting to befriend the local corvids but they're quite skittish
my femlala literally goes to sleep every night hugging her body pillow pretending she actually exists in the ffxiv universe and the pillow is a certain lalaboy and it's a dangerous confusing world out there but at least we have each other and when we're holding each other everything seems right and we have no worries and nothing exists outside our home
Alright I'll go maybe but I don't know where it is
how much fatter is val gonna make his cat
>not a single pic showing off those dogshit wings
can a nigga hold 1m gil
>My retainers will dispose of you
are they elezen?
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I finished the namazu beast tribe and got a cool necklace. Don't forget to do your dailies, today.
What do you need it for..
Taking my sunnie eb and Miera for walks around Il Mheg :3
large lady
vaal post
i bid on that house and also didn't win, but i'm glad i lowered your chance of winning it
is there a way to macro nascent flash to use it on my focus target
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but someone else was more happy to win it than we were sad to lose so the total happiness in the world increased

so, whatever
My femlala farts in her sleep
I think I'm more medium. Large would be like Elezen, Roegadyn, and Froth.
/ac "Nascent Flash" <f>
<f> is for focus, where <1> or another number would be to a specific slot on the party list.
Um. That is fucking gross
They are not.
Why are my friends so nice to me? Why can't they be a little abusive instead? Or at least order me around? My brain doesn't know how to compute these things..
thank you anon!
God fucking damn it man

Are all of my stocks going to fucking crash this week
I am afraid they shall be slain.
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Frankerfacez isn't working anymore bros... what do I do?
I don't remember making this post...
taping this lala shut with Flex Tape™ so she fills up with gas and then lighting a match
Let's do roulettes, I'll call you a dumb bitch everytime you fuck something up
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Why are you like this bro? Here's an order for you, stop being so weird about your friends, and doubly so if this is a fetish thing.
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Femra post
That somehow looks worse than the smelezen. I wonder if a modbeast has ever not looked awful? Not just yours. Any every modbeast I've seen looks horrible.
chair pic
sis... are you me...
I didnt want to go into detail with my post but mine quite literally does the same except she's imagining someone else with as the pillow...
Need me a vampire EB for halloween
Okay, my gameplay is flawless though..

I'm not used to kindness and it's deeply unsettling. I won't bring this up to them, obviously. I just don't understand why they're so different from everyone else.
>Any every modbeast I've seen looks horrible
You ever see Effy? She's hot
nta but I much prefer vanilla moonies
what is that
Okay that is a -you- problem though, you need to look inward and untangle your weird abused feelings until you can feel comfortable with receiving kindness, not spend your time wishing your friends would change to suit your strange mental illness.
They’re cute little farts, ambiguous hissing noises that makes you wonder what that noise was…. Until you know
Elezen do NOT stink
How can I trust that you're not the fuzz..?
Happy femlala friday... I'll wait until later tonight to post my femlala... I hope you all have a good day...
>Until you know
You poop the bed?
Those quiet farts stink the worst though....
You can't...
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First of all this is a cherry picked example and a falsehood from the get go. Power fantasy is a term almost exclusively applied to males after all, when you talk about women it's generally "empowerment" that gets thrown around. This is the result of years of semantics argument and mental gymnastics but that's not the point here.
Those two examples only highlight two disntinct types of romance story archetypes, the ones that fits yumejo, the "I want to be desired/desirable" and the ones that fit the aveage otaku, the "I want to nondistinct but still deserving of love." Those have different audiences and for different reasons and just like most things in fiction, while they were not designed "as" products, the market surely has finetuned itself to make sure they survive because they are lucrative.
Men are also usually more averse to the idea that they're at their prime, characters that are "high value" are usually the mentor types not the main characters for this reason.
This example is bad in general but if you ever need to see what the equivalent female self insert is like just look at Twilight.
Poking Effy’s massive melons when she isn’t watching
>middies canonically thirst for elezen male and female
>elezen are stinky
>middies are known scat fetishists(hence their dual obsession with bbc and anal)
It all makes sense now. Elezen are smelezen. Middies are chairlanders
>t. angry smelezen
no you don't
they suck
bro how do peoploe keep falling for this
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Happy femlala friday to you too sis...
Thank you for keeping the celebrations alive...
Femezen sweaty armpits
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Why are femezen trying to steal the moonie gimmick?
Please don't use Rishe for your shitposts, thanks
I would fuck the shit out of effy's fat fucking moonie and sunnie tits
I'm a middie...
because it's lore accurate to elezen
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i got all 3 primals in one room
me otl
nobody here is named that
sex with femlalas
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>If you turn the sentence into something else, then the sentence changes!
Astute observation, anon.
Who is this retarded looking public toilet?
do you have a thing for fat chicks?
Someone is really hecking mad at elezen and trying to shitpost the whole race because they hate one person who plays it
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yea i love fat white trash
Chair posting
my lalaboy would like to rest
Macchi you should give your white trash fiddie a little mulatto niglet minion hugging her ankle
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that's the boss
Macchi this lore is getting deeper. She went from art hoe to trailer trash whore to fat 30 year old lesbian
my yuri femra powerfantasy.
Hold on, where do I go to check if I got a house or not????
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me otr (on the right side)
No, I mean the budget first descendant retard
That's voluptuous, not fat.
okay I gotta ask, is that left one supposed to be Miquella?
many such cases!
No, I hate fat so much and it's overdone with mods which makes me hate it even more.
the placard you goober
Assuming you placed a bid, you go the house you placed said bid on and click the lil plaque.
If you can't remember then click on the Duty Menu and hit Timers.
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see that's a viable idea but ik they already have babies and Id rather not have to take care of the babies since they are bug eaters
Caring for seed eating birds is so much easier
The plot you bet on...
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You feelin alright darling?
Top 5 moonies
50 year old agp man post
my meena on the left (he's wearing pads)
if you suck a futas woober as a female, are you straight or gay
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I didn't get my medium in the empyrean bros...
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>ugly modslop
>exposed armpit, hidden by camera angle
I'm not feeling alright....
sweaty footjob
Please don't name your thread using capital letters, it bypasses my filter and I had to see this shitty ass cesspool of degeneracy in my catalogue.
gooning my weekend away to innocent femlalas.. corrupting them in my mind...
big chunks of shit are coming out of my asshole right now
Why do you talk like a middle aged tranny
my moonie is otr
aren't you the guy who outed himself as a pedo?
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mockingbirds are protected so you're SOL lil nigga
t. former landscaping expert
skill issue
No, that's you
Pumping litters of kittens into this hag
Careful smelezen fiddies or femxaela are attracted to the scent
update your filter to account for capital letters then retard
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a happy femlala friday to you too
only based response
how much for a bottle of your sweat grapecat?
Help me cum, bitch
>the small i bid on had 99 entries
opening balmung was a mistake
Ohhhh hey honeybuns sweetums snookums
FF owes me headpats
Femlalas just want to have some fun sis…
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kys pedo
>12 (You)s
I thought we just got bot protection? What's going on?
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Need to see this sluts holes
When is the next housing period I'm gonna get a house on balmung!
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Are you ready for our adventnyaa, anyon??
>headpat FF
>she headpats me back
>nothing further owed
What happened...?
no one is immune to horny pajeets
I play a male character
What did the cat post or say, to earn this response?
no because i play a male character so we'll end up killing each other before we leave the starting zone
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Just host it anyways. Don't let others keep you from having the kind of fun that you want to have. If you're really concerned with shitposting or trolls, host it in a private house and kick anyone who doesn't stay SFW or adhere by the rules out.
Got an album? Lewds?
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My apologies, here ya go dearie
Once there was a beautiful blue star...
Hildebrandt no, get away from her, she's not going to give you the cookies you think you'll get! You're too pure for these things!
I even have a whole headcanon about how he kept failing to a win a house in the housing lottery so I suggested he move in with me """"""temporarily"""""" until he won a house but now he just lives there permanently (which was my plan all along :) )

i- i like to daydream a lot .....
known pedo
What is that picture
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I want to personally thank Milton for taking elk offline, you can really feel the difference in the thread quality.
kiddy diddler got offed by a dad
filteranon had a meltie a few weeks ago and accused grapehag of being the lowlander poster
anons then proved him wrong by headbutting their keyboard to generate filenames
A headpat from FF is a blessing. Use it wisely.
that's me!
i'm using this webm
She owes me more headpats
Lure my femlala to a dark alleyway with a two pound cheesy bean burrito…
oh no do not do this anon
Give them little snacks like regular potato chips or french fries
guy in the background kills the orange shirt guy for diddling his kid

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