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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138

Last time on /xivg/
I love big breasts so much bros
All Elezen past this post are confirmed stinky sharters
My smelezen wife, the stinquisitor
Smelezen giving shitposting a new meaning for us today.
For me it's:

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lizards run this shit
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Do you think the new dungeon looks like that because they tried to make clones of Zoraal Ja in an attempt to keep him immortal like Sphene .....
Hold on maybe they're onto something
Are there any plugins to automate all of the island stuff for me? Cheater bros, help a nigga out.
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i hate it here
sphenes obscene wuk dream
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new basic bitch fotm glam dropping Oct 18
>There's 2 smelezen
>all lower case
Smelezen? Is that you?
Final Fantasy XIV?
my femra is sleepness as usual
Was it you?
black cock addicted smelezen
my meena yearns for this
>Final Fantasy XIV?
Wasn't that that MMO that was briefly popular during the scamdemic lockdowns and was put on maintenance mode a few years later?
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Now that you're all grown up, surely you've realized sunnies are better then moonies?
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MMO players are likely to be filthy animals with poor digestive health due to the trash they eat, more at 11.
is this the first time you've gotten event gear? this happens every time new glam comes out
Funfact, that femezen is greek. Leo and Greek are two of the five euro elezen posters. That smelezen pic was taken by a euro as it was during the day. It's either one of them or one of the chaos/light elezens
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*pffft* Uh oh Stinky! Poop hahahahaha Poopies Funny poopies alalalahahaha Funny poop Poop funny Weeeeee Haha yay more poopy Good poopy Poopy funny hahahahaha poo poo poopoopoopoopoo funny Yay fun poop hehehe poo Poopy yay poop make me happy happy happy hahahahahahaaa uh oh I think I made a poopy Poop in pants no diaper That's funny hahahaha Oopsie Poopy underwear now hehehehe We want poopies! We want poopies! hahahahahahahhahahhaaa Poo cough POO!
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>With that said, our older dungeons have mechanics that were made back when we were still testing the waters, which don’t fit our current design standards. Adding support for these dungeons is quite the undertaking, so we’ll be implementing them little by little from Patch 7.1 onward.
Ah yes design decisions such as
Not being hallways
Having mechanics other than stack, spread, and donut
Cats all suck
adult man in his 30's living in a basement btw
I wish I had a femlala to hold while I sleep.
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Threadly reminder that this meetup is on tomorrow.
>inb4 shut the fuck up
Update the backlink then.
>inb4 do it yourself
I don't live on this website.

2nd /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Character Creation
>Date & Time: -- 12/10/24 1800 BST / 1300 EST (Saturday)
>Location: -- Materia, Zurvan, Yanxia, Plum Spring
>Rules: Don't be rude or lewd
>Host: Domanra

Hello /xivg/! It's that time of the month again!

Time for another Roleplaying Meetup.

Last time, we never managed to reach our Character Creation segment, so this month this topic will be our focus.

After the roaring success of the 1st meetup, you've all been very engaged and helpful in determining the schedule going forward.

The schedule you've all decided on is as follows;
>2nd Saturday of Every Month

Thank you for all the votes on the poals! Your effort is greatly appreciated.

1st Meetup Content: https://pastebin.com/X6rD3Kcr
shut yo bitch ass up
I think you meant
>2 smelezen
What's the status on elezen stocks? Should I sell?
Good middiepost
EB like this?
>Make a funny screenshot or webm
>If people open one of my links it usually at least makes them go "heh"

Everyone else:
stop spamming this holy fuck
worthless trannyra
My moonie has fainted from the smell of the smelezen. Not even her moonie sisters were this bad
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my femra relates and gives an assuring pat
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I am
a male middie still playing FF16
QRD on the stained chair?
t. shits in a box
Weird that you come back time after time then don't you think?
my femra is more like
Elyssa D'etoile ... Elyssa D'etoilet ...
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Were you so thirsty for lala porn?
>people have been mocking lalas for years for diaper stuff
>elezen shit their pants and chairs without a diaper
they should bring back old totorak for halloween
Got any femroe pics?
an elezen player literally sharts himself so now elezenfags are damage controlling
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zepla live reaction
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This is propoganda, a smear campaign, likely formented by a femra. Elezen players are clean and we do not shart ourselves.
My moonie is civilized thank you very much although she has seen other moonies do this
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>Only 20%
Regardless of what the other people who are literally discussing matters of excrement, I commend you for organizing this event.
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Vocaroo anchor, Songbirds edition
Post any vocaroo of your voice
Bonus if you also post your race, face, or main job to content interest
>A smear campaign
My wife!!! she has the cutest eyelashes ever.
What about:

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>a smear campaign
thank you for reminding me, i will hopefully make it this time
>1st Meetup Content: https://pastebin.com/X6rD3Kcr
oh this will be helpful
I'd completely forgotten about the endless cycle of race falseflag shitposting, I appreciate it's back in force but come on guys it's not that kind of show
Yes, please.
oh something smeared alright
stinky femezen hands wrote this
Calling a miqo'te a 'cat' is like calling a hyur a monkey.
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My male middie says this after having sex too
no, but this is modern core enough to be used beyond Halloween and in a lot of bad chainsaw man glams
Hm... Another coincidence?
First LT, then Claire, and now Domanra? And looking at the timestamps... Just off of cooldown.

Interesting that Claire ceased posting once again while the Domanra suddenly appears, only to reply to her shortly after her cooldown would be finished.

Meanwhile, in the previous thread it seemed that someone anonymously posting had remarks to share on the LT issue... Could this be another clue, or merely happenstance?

This may be a turning point in the investigation.
This post has stink lines.
Yeah when erenvilles whore mother kept calling him a "bunbun" if i feel like that should be incredibly insulting (though likely just a cringe localization thing, thanks kate!)
>a smear campaign
was this on purpose
All racial false flag shitposts are done by fiddies, cats and femra players without exception.
not sure how i feel about being present for the birth of another xivg meme term

i truly thought smelezen were infallible
May I sniff your femezen to verify?
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>turn on yt
>watch a grown man play baby shark to alleged ax murder ghost children at 2am
>go to thread
>watch grown ass men talk about excrement in relation to some elezen poster
You know at some point I have to blame myself for my poor choices in life.
this femezen has SOME STANKY pits
yep this is a chair sharter post
can you please block L.O. the pedolander from coming next time?
He's just like me
im just running around in game looking for someone, no time to shitpost
Anon is noooticing
I'll try to attend this time. Thank you for setting this up kind raenra.
sis? that statement isn't going to look good on the police report
Who are you looking for?
No one innocent would respond this angrily, nor overcompensate with that much showering

Also Greeks are notorious for smelling like shit…
Who is L.O.?
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>posted last thread
>have to wait 15 minutes to make a post here
Fuck Hiroshimoot I swear to god.
Probably, they made a big deal about souls not being able to prevent deaths from old age, clones would circumvent that restriction. I assume Gulool Ja is his clone as a FF9 throwback.
Sis it's too early to be Adderra posting.
Why would you block LO?
cringe newfag get out
look i'm not gonna KILL him right away, we're just gonna talk instant annihilation
A serpent never sleeps.
Last thread went (literally) to shit, so here's a picture of my moonie wife and that little lad we adopted after the tuliyollal massacre

>15 minute post cooldown
Site confirmed dead by 2025
nta but assuming lecastera orane aka the "Morning." highlander who has posted a bunch of shota shit and other male lowlander stuff in the past
>at least 2 elezen posters have shit themselves and posted it here
>one likely a femezen duskwight named elyssa or a malezen/miera named theo
>the second smelezen identified as a malezen
So elezen lovers of /xivg/ how do you feel now knowing at least TWO elezen posters regularly shit themselves and don't clean
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I had a nightmare that people here found out my identity and were doxing me, and making fake posts and rumor about me and it spiked my anxiety so much I woke up in cold sweat...
my femra is more so
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Smell this smell that how about you smell some bitches? Me and the crew can smell your virgin ass a mile away. We are over here gooning and your stench is ruining the sesh. How about you grab some soap and wash your stanky ass. Otherwise you will never be able to join the goon crew and goon with us.
Fat Cat Fact #315

Fat Cats can identify their frens with 100% accuracy by taste alone. According to them all their frens taste sweet.
Another break in the Kira investigation...!
more like
>instant loss bait
Sharting is an exclusively American phenomenon.

American food isn't legal in the rest of the civilised world. It's literally poison.
>love women
i am a man, there's nothing more straight than yuri
instalossing this anon with a boot up their ass
my femra is like this
Can't sleep with snapped off horns.
Fatcat slippers fiddie from last night, I like your collection!! That one is HUGE!
I am fanta’ing to Moonie in the morning if the Smelezen meme sticks
Strange, my femlala's friends all taste like cum.
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my malera is like this
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I do NOT shit my chair and I do NOT smell bad. This is all propaganda make us look bad.
If everyone in this image died IRL I would be happy
Nope. That image was taken during the daylight there's clear daylight in that pic. It's not day anywhere in the us, or at least it wasn't when that image was posted. It HAD to come from a euro. There so happens to be two main culprits, a Greek femezen, greeks known for smelling bad, essentially the indians of europe. And theo a known shitposter who regularly swaps between his miera and malezen.

It's one of them
You cleaned your chair pretty fast smelezen
You forgot
>forced impregnation
>forced abortion
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My fellow stainee >>497997187 poster, I write your trail for thee...
As an Elezen noble, I prided myself on my composure and grace, but during an intense raid in Final Fantasy, the unthinkable happened. Caught up in the thrill of battle, I felt an urgent pressure that quickly turned into a chaotic mishap. In a moment of sheer panic, I shat my pants, leaving unexpected skid marks on my ornate chair—a stark contrast to my usual dignified demeanor. Instead of retreating in embarrassment, I laughed it off, embracing this honorary practice of taking a picture and posting it to my fare xivg. In a strange way, it bonded me with fellow adventurers. After all, even a noble can have a moment of folly in the pursuit of glory!
Yeah but it's grape flavored
>shitflecks in the lining
Imagine the smell
Okay now I 100% believe you shat your chair. You didn't have to show us this.
Fat Cats come in a few different shapes and sizes but all are big
I heard from some people who met him, it takes him just a couple of tells to start talking about hurting and raping the person he's "flirting" with. And they didn't know I'm aware of him, they just told a story about a creep and I guessed the name lol
>literal shitcrumbs on the fabric
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Why are these mamool kids so cute?
Metem: They're still in it! But for how long!?
You give Wicked Thunder a big hug.
Wicked Thunder: Dance, my blade, and carve my enemy's flesh!
You obtain 30 Allagan tomestones of heliometry.
You obtain a copy of AAC Illustrated: LHW Edition IV.
One or more party members completed this duty for the first time. A bonus has been awarded to all members.
You cannot carry any more Allagan tomestones of aesthetics.
One or more party members have yet to complete this duty. Second Chance points added to your journal. (2/9)
They have ball tails that I want to smoosh!
You guys are so dumb
I laughed. Beautiful and thoroughly in tune with XIV writing style and voice.
stinky smelezen detected
The elezen aren't just tanking their stocks
They are straight up committing suicide tonight
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Um sis? There's a brown smear on the floor that looks dried
God I can't wait for 7.1
I want to enjoy October but at the same time, mid-November can't get here soon enough.
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Goodnight, /xivg/
>2 Matches
Yeah, ok...
>Not even the toilet of Ala Mhigo could contain the smelezen affair
goodnight fren
Probably not even gonna play 7.1

The MSQ is guaranteed to be *tips hat* *eats food* 2.0
>find a cat in game
>first person cringer
>come to thread to laugh and cheer myself up
>stained chairposting
truly, today is a shit day
Same. I can't wait to log on and do the new alliance raid, forget MSQ exists, and not do the raids because I'm not a raidtranny.
But I'm happy in 7.4 we'll get a 1-map foray that'll give us a recolored Stormblood set as reward.
They are good tails
So that’s it? I’m going to be hit with “hurr you shit your pants SMELLY ELF SMELEZEN” every time I post my character?

I’m not going to bother raising a stink I’m just done posting here. Fuck you
My femra is an avid watersports enjoyer, but this elezen poop situation is too much even for her
watersports is based, scat is cringe
Ejinn hands typed this post
So this is how we force everyone to fanta to femra.
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>I’m not going to bother raising a stink
What sort of position does your WoL sleep in? My moonie likes to lay on her tummy.
If you're confident in the quality of your content

Then why did your moonie make this insecure ass post???
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quit that, fren is trying to sleep
You forget the best part, well there's 2 best parts.
>beast tribe for 90-100 leveling
>fucking Jeuno raid
Nice butt!!! now show me those freakin toe beanz!!!
>Someone is lying to me
>I don't care
>I give them a look that says "Dude c'mon, I know you're lying"
>Keeps lying and keeping up the ruse
>Don't know what game he's playing here, don't care, just utterly bemused
>Just play along like I believe him
People are so tiresome...
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throw away that chair...it must stink to high heaven...
my femezen sleeps in the fecal position
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I love femra so much it's unr-
*sniff* *sniff*
ew what is that horrible smell?
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Like this!
My moonie likes to lay on a sunnie's tummy
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heyyy baby, how smelly's that ass
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Wait my mistake, I got the throat goats and the throat toilets confused.
My moonie tosses and turns constantly like a rotisserie chicken
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yeah, and I'm sure you'd have the stink
Why do you not cut him off? Just end it


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For that second smelezen the only other instance of that pic being posted was on /erg/ after an anon spent so long seething about ranni he shit his pants and begged for forgiveness after.
Since he mentioned the pic was "from some time ago" I assume they're the same person. At least a handful of /xivg/ers went to /erg/ when the dlc first released as you can see in the archives by pics of zenos being posted there occasionally. I know of a few /xivg/ malezen that played elden ring around that time, so it's certainly one of them, if those two posters are the same person.

I will continue my investigating but I think I know who both smelezen are I will post my theory when I've gathered more information.
my femlala is curled up on her side in the fetal position, clinging tightly to a body pillow she imagines is her EB
Is it me?
What is he lying about?
Idk what Jeuno is, is it the normal alliance? If so yeah I meant that one.
Is the beast tribe for pve jobs? Thought we got crafter one first.
What if she is being held?
Okay I was ignoring Tycho but I think i'll go for the plap now, thats hot
my femra's a 12
She would overpower them and make them rotate with her
nice astroturf
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I hate you all so much.
On her back, her horns would go through the pillow if she tried any other position.
where's the Family Guy pose
>the smelezen was a euro
>tycho is a euro who constantly talks about being smelly
>tycho is a known dramafag as shown earlier today with the Val vs Lumy drama
>known to be desperate for drama and shitposting
Could it be...

>Elezen slander campaign

Looks like the miera are being jews again
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>What sort of position does your WoL sleep in?
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>tycho is a euro
what... no he's not.
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This thread is a Rollercoaster. I love xivg.
I don't care about this stupid joke you're very pretty
She sleeps between the legs of a Rava+ using her nutsack as a cushion and her futa cock as a blanket
nice dumpy
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why are my posts getting eaten
fix the fucking site
a slippery fellow
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>known to be desperate for drama and shitposting
talk about taking things too far
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good morning sirs!!
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Thanks bro
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>It wasnt real
Had us in the first half
Sorry my moonie was feeling peckish again and ate them :3
look how ass blasted they are
heads are pretty heavy, that sounds uncomfortable for them
Jeuno is from ffxi, if you weren't there, sorry anon. You missed one of the best mmo experiences ever. (though you can still play it)
and I can't find the pic but there's a Pelupelu pic somewhere saying it's for combat jobs. The moblins are going to be the crafters.
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My moonie does nyot need a diet your posts are low calorie so it is fine :3
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For me it's
Stop saying tranny four times in a row
I play a lala. I'm fine with shitposting if there's something there. But that image is fake. HOWEVER >>497996297 seems more legitimate and claims to be an elezen poster. The first smelezen is fake the second seems real
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Is petting moonies a good method of preventing nightmares?
my posts are dense because everything i write is pure gold
obese whale moonie
fanta to face 4 and eb my sunnie
Yes it is now pet my moonie right now
>smelezen post PROVEN false and the original image is taken from reddit
>people will still believe it regardless
It's that femezen schizo who's anti elezen fotm doing this right? It has to be
i really have no idea how they're going to make the story interesting again
if it wasn't a live service mmo the story would have entirely concluded with the endwalker msq
its too late the damage is already done
Wait, so >>497997827 posted their chair for no reason?
/pet /pet /pet
there is a plugin that automates collecting materials as well as take care of your crops. I think it was named V(ery) Island.
you do realize this is how most of the he said she said works around here right? no one ever has legit receipts most of the time
He's a known mentally ill melter people used to call him "schizozen" because it's easy to make him melt and cry irl
and here I thought yesterday's threads sucked
my meena on the left
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She loves this
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Any moonie that lets me give them pets is instantly consenting for me to plap them. That's the rules, you can't argue with them
>i really have no idea how they're going to make the story interesting again
Hard right turn.

Completely abandon the New World idea. Start fresh with Australia. Dragons, Allagans in the outback like Nazi's in Argentina, just do cowboy shit again but good this time you can have Australian cowboys riding kangaroos and having duels with oversized boomerangs.
Your rules do nyot apply to my moonie
Elezen have survived the smelezen posts with the smelezen poster being revealed to have used a pic from reddit to false flag. Elezen stocks will rise again soon
my meena on the right
No those are the global rules, you don't get a choice in the matter
This smell talk is just making stink fetishists horny
Fact-checking will ruin this podcast.
Nyope :3 my moonie will let you pet her but never let you plap. she's too retarded to understand consent anyways
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Then I have no choice...
I special summon Morpheus, Lord of Nocturne, the Primordial concept of Dreams, in attack mode.
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fuck :D
You have betrayed elezen by joining in on false shitposting. Your elezen fucker license is being revoked. Now my femra will be the only elezen lover who stuck with them when they were in heaven on high and down in the dumps
what are your thoughts on this whole elezen shitting themselves business Thancred?
>Smelly feet
Disgusting, kill yourself.

You deserve a long and slow death.

>Sweaty, musky girl armpits
my meena might be tempted to make your meena realise he's a fag...

Still none fitting your criteria here.
my face4 moonie wol was diagnosed autistic by sharlayan scholars upon arrival
so true, i approve
I thought that said morbius for a second and was very confused
>Sweaty, musky girl feet

You deserve a long and slow death.

>Sweaty, musky girl armpits
Don't worry kitten, my malera has a special serum that may cute your autism.
that reminds me I should finally read Sandman, I have no clue why I've put it off for so long it seems like something I'd be into
truth nuke
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My fiddie sleeps like this to mimic cuddling.
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my face4 moonie wol was diagnosed acoustic by sharlyan musicians upon arrival
>Sweaty, musky girlballs and girlcock
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Very true!
Meant for >>497999932
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Cross off or circle the ones that match you
kill yourself
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I've not read any of it and I don't think I will, anon.
I love this one.
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I never morb out unless absolutely necessary. That's the nuclear button.
Even if the story doesn't particularly interest you, the graphic designs are very surreal.
My favorite character was his sister, Death.
don't indulge the self diagnosers
I am a femra
washing my stinkyzen
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give me your (lewd) pose ideas so that i can use them as my own
ty :)
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We know. You're a relentless whore. It could be 6 in the mornig and you'd be fucking someone on Materia. Frankly, you're a huge disappointment.
i love thancred
y'all need to take a shower
don't bring this stink to the next thread
Unironically the healthiest relationship here and its a bdsm one.
Also a golem
Hetero content with a malezen
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Good morning good morning
its over...
I already got diagnosed...
It's a golem for my femra fun i am afraid
Femezen diapy...
Dead game. Dead expansion. Dead event.
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my moonie is like this
I stand by my point. The healthiest relationship anons here can hope to achieve is with one's own hand.
Don't be silly they've got chairs for that
should be topless and just cropped better
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all of them ahahaha!
I like surrealist things a lot, I'll go through a comic just for art
I think the amount of Sandman content that exists has just been intimidating me, I opened it up on my legal copy I bought from Walmart just now though
Now that malezen fotm is well and truly dead what should I fanta to?
I'm not her, anon
are you going to shit up threads with this for hours again?
red = current
orange = things I force-off'd as a teen
Do I win a prize?
I'm a moonie btw
i like the vocaroo
lmao kino
It wasn't real
Okay, chair-shitter.
I always knew kanchelle was into shit covered chairs.
I choose to believe it is, smelezen
>I'm a moonie btw
hi leo
i did that but it was with a hroth https://catbox.moe/c/o5kihh
that's a miera thoughbeit
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I didn't forget it, the site just ate it
do it with your femezen then
What do you put on your tacos when you make them at home?

>Mince meat
>Chopped tomatoes and spring onions
>Cheddar cheese
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you think they'll end up repackaging ff14's story somehow when the game gets too bloated over several more expansions or when the game inevitably dies after a long time?
final fantasy?
banana leaves
>final fantasy?
What about it?
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Okay, chair-shitter.
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Did I make it? How many do you need?
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ok, this is epic
Dawntrail was their one chance to do that, and they decided not to.

Before Dawntrail people were theorycrafting that your character would "die" in the MSQ and Dawntrail would be a fresh start for old and new players. Same account, all your shit is there, but MSQ wise it'd be as if you were reborn into a new body and started from scratch.
That's just social anxiety, not autism
That would've been really retarded and I don't remember seeing any speculation about that. Westwolves on the other hand...
Will there be maintance this upcoming week?
Bro you didn't even give me 2 minutes to respond I was going to say yes...
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My femlala is like this.
They kind of already are. What is this expansion story even aside from the aimless, learn the cultures pacing of mid Stormblood, Amarout from ShB in Alexandria and Living Memory, and the universe ending threat of Endwalker mashed into one?
tootsie tootsie tootsies
I will kiss fatcat toe beans.
duped again
Based on how you chose to illustrate your answers in this image I surmise you are an insufferable cunt and a huge drama queen
Sorry bro but I really needed to shit in someone's mouth, I couldn't hold it for another two minutes
oh. sorry i'll be back in a sec
i'm talking more about being able to play through the zodiark-hydaelyn storyline in the future where the game is either unrecognizable or shut down
you can go back and play the other singleplayer final fantasy games as is, but the nature of ff14 is really different although now that i'm typing this i remember that ff11 is still there, but i haven't played it so i can't comment
Moonie pets!
im that but catboy
You ishgardian skids gotta calm down
FF11 is apparently more like WoW in that you can wander around the world and blunder your way into entirely different story expansions without meaning to and they all run concurrently and overlap each other unlike in XIV where it's linear.
Insufferable I'll admit is very possible, but I'd like to think I'm pretty drama-free.
You have to give up on that slippery fellow
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I am
A fiddie going to all you can eat sushi later
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Hey that's my underwear! It's actually clean now as that happened months ago it surprisingly didn't stain at all! i did apologize for schizoposting rannifags but i do not play a male elezen i play a femlala.
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I got diagnosed already with aspergers pretty early
worlds cutest moonie here
I went to an all you can eat chinese food place but I felt guilty and left after two plates.
lmao that's the best response I could have gotten.
Ok thanks
keeping it hard for you until you get back
Prove you're a femlala
sounds yummy
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>die on lv15 ifrit as healer cause no one targeted the nail
>either they tried to dps race it on the boss himself or they didnt know ah well maybe theyre actually new
look at this portrait
hes clearly someone who should know better
lala belly lala belly
rub lalabelly while shes sleeping
Yes yes!
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cute femrapost!

Oh it definitely intimidated me at first as well. There are a lot of kino moments like when Dream barges into Hell or the chapters involving Shakespeare. Definitely walk into the books with the idea its sort of a perversion of fairytales, myths, and gods with some graphic artist flair. Sort of like how JoJo's Part 3 was a roadtrip across the world, Sandman is a roadtrip with the metaphysical concept of Dream
The only reason XIV is still standing is because there's nowhere better to go.

The MILLISECOND someone makes a new MMO that isn't pay-to-win slop and has cute girls and appeals to casuals XIV is fucking dead.
bro thats the fucking point
what do you mean feel guilty all you can eat is a direct challenge to you as a man you must make the owner regret his words
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I tried catching up with an old friend but it just felt awkward talking to them the whole time...
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i dont think bairon is meant to be taken seriously, its probably a bear grylls reference
Nice diaper.
which will never happen as companies aren't willing to invest in MMOs (that aren't pay-to-win gacha-like slop) anymore.
my maliddie is built like this
bairon are fremen survivalist kino
I don't think I've ever seen a Bairon, but I've seen lots of Ejinn.
Well yeah it's all you can eat but two plates is a lot of food and I don't wanna be "that guy" who's ruining it for everyone else by taking the piss and making the owner raise prices/start kicking people out.
Uhhh lalasisters???
I assume they don't raw-dog it, like >>498002081 said I assume it's a reference to the fremen and they probably have a way of cleaning it, because drinking piss and sweat straight is a pretty dumb idea if you have literally any other options for hydration
have you forgotten about my moonie
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I liked Gaiman's handling of mythology in American Gods a lot, I've been in a very metaphysical mood so I think I'll enjoy it a lot
you don't have a fire in you that burns
My moonie would never forget another moonie
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It’s for my birthday my little brother is taking me out. Arm day and free sushi
yes I have aphantasia please post her
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
>autistic comic nerd femra
hey... you really should read it... and cute...
Isn't the leader of the sunning rock a bairon?
>"shit" day
Happy birthday, anon..
my 2nd favorite moonie
Who is your first favourite moonie?
>It’s for my birthday my little brother is taking me out.
Is he cute? Do you treat him like your gf?
Whyd you guys have to link to reddit? The smelezen posting was the best thing to come out of this general in years and you ruined it because you can't take a joke.
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moonies have access to the akashic records and can't forget each other
get well soon
hard to say when its a shitty footnote just for world building. we know theres huge worms in the nhaama desert (the burn) might be reference
>Smelezens were so buttblasted they had to scour Reddit to prove they don't shit themselves
>people had an absolutely retarded idea and are upset it didn't happen
My moonie likes this goopy :3
why am i not the first........
If you play an elezen that could be you based on how quickly you shit yourself and cry at the mention of reddit.
I think one should be careful with self diagnosing but I fill all of these except one. Femra btw.
can i see your moonie
>face 4
ahhhhhhhhhhhh my heart
so XIV will live forever
The worst part is this means they thought it sounded plausible enough they needed to deny it...
give me reasons why you should be my first favorite moonie
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You may
My 78th favourite moonie
you are a transgender Indian
if you deny this then you're admitting that it's true
ho meow nermoonie
You only post the same 5 pictures for the past year
Who's your 27th favourite moonie?
My moonie is retarded she meant to quote >>498002621 I am sorry for her incompetence
No. Post anything ludicrous enough that isn't easily findable ITT and people will believe it easily. Unless proven wrong shortly after it will cement in thread posting. People still believe, for example, that I fucking died irl years ago just because i unsubbed and left my discord account
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I would say more but its time for wageslaving. I hope you enjoy anon.
haha smelly
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Thank you
Kill yourself faggot
nice bloonie
hello my favorite goon wife~
good luck! you can just reply to my old posts later if you want, I don't mind
Prove you're not dead smelezen
I play a miera
I can't believe anon shit himself to death and his stinky spirit still haunts the thread...
That makes you e v e n s m e l l i e r .
The price for seeing her is one /pet
That's what a smelezen would say
Its fiddie friday!!! WHat are your plans for fiddies today?
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lore wise there's no indication viera smell bad nothings ever mentioned about it nor are their bathing habits discussed your making shit up
asking for a leviah album then gooning to it all day
I was hoping to see this because it makes me smile, thank you.
post him
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what do meena smell like?
what do mava smell like?
They can't target the nail and you can't greentext. You guys make a great team.
My 300lbs lalaboy is leaking shit right now, I haven't been able to leave the toilet for half an hour
who did you EB?
I'm going to frot and 69 a fiddie.
>what do meena smell like?
mrava cum
>what do mava smell like?
meena cum
My meena uses a sandalwood and lavender soap, and a light pine perfume before he goes out
Hopefully get raped
t. fiddie
it's okay, my femlala'll clean you up (with her toungue)
Sorry, chuddie
but it is Femra x Femezen Friday
literally fall of rome but in virtual form
sad to see
What was your most embarrassing post on xivg?
how many eggs can she fit
What do you mean? Nothings happened
Raping this fiddie
That was back in shb. You're just seeing the effects bubble to the surface now the honeymoon is over with newbabs
yes you can you fucking retard
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We can all share this wonderful Friday! ^.^
look at the absolute state of this general
nothing but porn
nobody plays the game or organizes content runs
nobody discusses anything
nobody cares
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No, you cannot stay after class for a "personal lesson". What in the seven hells does that even mean? Go do your assignment.
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Of course, it's so rare that I get to talk about niche interests without getting a 3-day for unrelated stuff outside of this thread. Hope you have a good day too anon.
This nigga got messed up
who the heck is HM?
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This is moonie territory, you're never getting through to them
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But I didn't get it- professor, why does your face look like that? Is everything alright at home?
people do it in-game
I love how this fiddie posts all innocently but is actually a gigantic whore
Huge Mamool
Raping you
I miss when MM would host content runs during Shb
My moonie thinks that moonie or sunnie preference is subjective, you can enjoy one or the other more and that is fine
That's lame every fiddies gimmick
Sunnie tails are for my usage only
How come miera don't have original gimmicks? The moment one miera has a gimmick and gets attention for it they all copy him
>nobody plays the game or organizes content runs
Do it with your fc
phew, good thing i'm a moonie
Organize one.
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Now that everyone is talking about smelezen i can post again about my cringe wants and not be judged. I want an eb for my femezen that's a long term rp that starts with them not liking eachother, slowly falling in love, marrying, my femezen getting pregnant, and resulting in me taking pics of our characters with my femezen, their character, and their kids all being a happy family.
i like moonies too tho....
Sorry I only EB smelezens
>It's gonna be another schizo-kun episode seething at Tina and Adderra for not being the wholesome chungus ebins he wanted them to be
I'm out
It's over
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nuh uh it's frog friday
oh nyo...
No one likes tanned characters
please do nyot my moonies tail
Give me the palest girls
Has somebody ripped the games models from this scene?
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wtf? they based this npc on the xivg smelezen who shit his pants?
ok, i'm sorry :)
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>both of my thread wives love frogs too.
Total victory.
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hop on zadnor
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The world would be a better place if we weren't so afraid of clowning around. I'm going to eat a grilled cheese sandwich and I'm going to dip it in ketchup. The Beatles are trash.
Does this count?
>wake up
>look at thread
>its full of biggers
>log on
>go to lb14
>biggers everywhere
>goes to the new lala only hangout spot
>biggers there too
can never have shit without dirty biggers showing up
Thank you :3
>can't have shit
just go sit on a chair or something
It was a pic taken from reddit
:3 /hug
Rome never fell dipshit we call it Turkey nowdays.
>but muh roma
The greeks did it better
>The Beatles are trash.
Let me guess, you're a wigger who only listens to rap and droning electronic music with 3 notes.
because im really really really cute

ill take it

thats part of the charm
Jill's shaved pussy..
didnt YoshiP make a special chair just for you
Hugs is nice but not as good as pets :3c
SO true
>Rome never fell dipshit we call it Turkey nowdays.
*cracks whip*

Get back! Filthy roach! Back to your hovel! Shoo!
true, let me rectify that /pet :)
>our resident pant shitter post on reddit
it's even worse than i thought...
yeah we also have more rights than you do as the are places that biggers arent allowed to go
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Why should my bloonie do this
Italians are basically North Africans you can't play this game
>search telegram for pantyhose
>0 results
Like the daycare?
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Uh.. I was in a uh, a bar fight. There was no unauthorized archaeological expedition into ancient Yok Huy ruins that resulted in me stepping in a trap and nearly getting myself killed, and such an idea is patently ridiculous. I don't have anyone at home.
Old pic of someone's company chair. The op didn't shit the chair but the image was taken from him.
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Pass out
Try leggings
Yes yes thats more like it :3
We actually need to crash elezen stocks more so these people will leave my race. Keep shitposting
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>Italians are basically North Africans
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I prefer good music, clearly.
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Holy moly you have the exact same chair as me
Today I will give this middie a platinum bracelet
North Italians? Germans.
South Italians? Africans.
North Germans? Danish.
Central germans? French.
South germans? Italians.
Dutch? Swamp Germans.
All of them are pretenders to the throne.
This meowder loves smelling smelezen stinkies!
My moonie has started to sleep on her back instead of her stomach/sides, and it's freaky how much better she feels in the mornings now.
You live in Berlin shut the fuck up
if that existed the non lalafell races would cry about how they arent allowed in and that lalafell are excluding them
I'm a weeb who lives in japan with a japanese gf nice try
"just for you"
The "lalafellin" chair isn't even lalafell-sized...
They made it big enough for roes...
southern italians are indistinguishable from tunisians
Nice blank
Thanks you're too
>big enough for roes...
what in tarnation
Tina is the new /xivg/ bicycle
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How do you sleep on your back? I try to do this and it hurts. After like 30minutes I still can't fall asleep. Everytime I try to sleep on my back i'm wide awake for 2hours and then give up and roll to my side.
Adderra is BUILT for my meena.
how tf does that hurt?
try propping your pillow up a bit so you're at a slight incline
She doesn't even put out
>"You prefer to be on your own? There's something WRONG with you!"
Okay whatevs.
Well it doesn't hurt it just feels super weird and uncomfortable
post your MEENA
For you
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Goon goontasy goonteen
My moonie just realised the potential for screenshots in the ghost dungeon why didn't she think of this sooner
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I take this image claiming to be from your expedition is completely fake, then?
She had some carrot last weekend I believe. Something about helping a meena find his lost lance. Though let's be honest, she's built fot anything with a pulse. Sometimes even without.
Haukke tuah manor is pretty good for screenshots, yeah
Upstate new york actually
nyo the ghost carnival one, not the manor
Here she comes.
I'm stealing a male characters data from lb14 and posing him next to my femra pregnant
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ah yeah rome.... what a sight
what race is this thing underneath the mods?
I shan't, the mystery is enticing isn't it?
Who is "she"
Lost Ark looks weird
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i think femra?
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Ew, don't be gross
Modders always title their mods retarded shit like PASSION or BLIMBO'S STARPOWER so it's basically impossible to find something on description alone.
This is an old mod ported to DT but, give this a shot: https://files.catbox.moe/88bah6.ttmp2
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oh thank goodness, as another one of your students, and not the other poster, I was deeply concerned with your behavior in class. That shivering. That retraction from physical contact. That thousand-yard stare you had sometimes when you were discussing anthropological, fertility relics. Thank goodness that was nothing - silly me, I was about to inform the councilor about your genuine shock when looking at the ancient Yok Huy, hermaphroditic sculptures.
looks fucking badass
>inb4 meet me on Ravana at the Gold Saucer
Bwos I think I'm gonna log in and do some XIV-related activities like the weekly collectables
An "enticing mystery"?
I don't even play on NA...
She has arrived.
who is the intended audience for this?
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foids self inserting
Proxy literally collared and dumped her within 24hrs lol
My Sunnie is so stupid she forgot to wear her clothes this morning!

Oopsie! Lol
>anons say the large boob mods we have are unrealistic
>person makes a realistic one
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Do not miss this femlala..
My moonie can barely think and she doesn't forget such things I think your sunnie did it on purpose
NTA but try putting something soft like a rolled up blanket under your legs to find a good spot where your legs/lower butt can rest on it
also if you normally use two pillows, only use one
another thing to try is having a pillow around your chest to hug so your arms are resting more properly

lastly the impression on your bed might be optimized for side-sleeping and settling into it with your back can be uncomfortable, try to sleep on a part of the bed you usually don't or do a 180 and sleep with your head where you feet usually are(or spin your mattress topper around, if you have one)
I think i will
>I try to do this and it hurts
haha spinelet
Magneto Storm Psylocke staff the renewal desk.
I don't blame you.
If it wasn't for my beach house and my submarines, I would have stopped paying for my subs a long time ago too since I pretty much finished everything available right now.
However you naturally sleep is how you should sleep, your body knows what it needs.

"Ummm but studies sa-" Science is fake and gay in 2024, you can't trust a word those charlatans spew.
I can win with Ryu/Dhalsim/Roll...
Looks like one of my exs
it's usually my lower back I think might because i'm a giant? Or maybe I have weak lower back muscles since I have never slept on my back in 30years.

I was told anons find femlalas that can play CC hot.. so I'm in queue..
who the fuck are you
/petting this child
Correct, that is a false image fabricated by studium pictomancers with new magitek-assisted technologies
I sleep on my right and use my elbow as a pillow (it used to be more comfortable when i was fat)

If i sleep on my left side i get horrific nightmares and see sleep paralysis demons, science hasnt explained that one to me yet.
My femlala is ready to settle down with a nice lalaboy. Wow those were wild decades, though! Bigger Lives Matter!
Never thought I would see my reddit post from 5 years ago on 4chan of all places.

I play Male Viera now…
This is like one of those useless powers shounen protags have that ends up being the most OP thing ever.
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I am going home
grown ass man
Post proof it's yours
Could be weaker back, could just be your spine is older and need some support from a pillow or some shit. Floors are flat, spines are curved broseph. I sometimes put a soft pillow on my lower back if I'm sore from working out and want to lay on my back.
Do miera really?
Is it true Americans shart in mart
I'm NOT a child ;~:
Eorzean culture is centered around biggers. They have holidays for biggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of lalafell to free biggers. They listen to bigger music. They elect a bigger as their president. They dress and act like biggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from biggers. They make sassy paintings about biggers. They watch blitzball in worship of biggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of biggers playing sports. They use bigger slang like "potato" and "tater tot". When you say "Shantotto" they're not thinking of the mother of thaumaturgy. They're thinking of the bigger FATE. Their cities are completely overrun with biggers. They worship their Brass Blades police force disproportionately filled with biggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with biggers. Their men sit around watching bigger ball while their women sit around reading bigger novels ok it's too long
The Whore of Gridania
If you took Bigger cock my lalaboy has no interest as It would be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway, irreparable damage.
more studies need to be conducted but preliminary results say yes
:3 you are a big girl now yes
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that'd explain it, it can be multiple things but being tall is most likely a big part of it
when was the last time you bought a new bed? beds have an expiration date and a bad one can mess with your spine further

the reason I bought up having something below your lower butt/legs is that you want to prop up your hips so there's equal pressure across your whole spine as it touches the bed, the impressions of your weight on the bed can make it very uneven and create parts where your spine can't properly rest on the bed, causing discomfort, pain and longterm issues
on top of straightening your hips, by propping the hips and thighs up you're creating more surface area that's making contact with the bed and thus putting less stress on your spine
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I am merely an anon trying to queue...
Who is the whore of Gridania...
yes, and it's because of widespread use of orlistat causing them to be unable to contain the greasy shits
>3+ hour long thread
Multiple people who post 50+ times a thread must have gotten banned.
Please don't be true miera stocks would be irreprebaly damaged
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My Sunnie thinks your moonie should mind her own fucking business
I was just busy in an unusually long M4S reclear run.
me specifically, I wanted something like that for a while
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Once you go Big, you'll never accept any other dick
I bought my bed like 2years ago but I guess I can try putting a pillow under my knees next time I try to go to bed
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My moonie will nyot be doing this she is too nosy :3
Are you a smeener? (Smelly meener (meena(male veena)))
my male lala in the bushes thinks you two should kiss
I mean rustle rustle just a bush here
>filter "lala"
>thread quality improves tenfold
damn I'm never going back, annoying fucks lol.
No, it was wholesome lesbian clamslamming
Okay little lala do your best in CC and maybe you'll get your wish
Oh lord who would want to be pestered and annoyed by them, not me...haha
that's good, people usually recommend pillows but it can be hard to get someone to try it when they're being told to use one of their precious pillows for something like that
hopefully it helps, a certain kind of discomfort(not pain) will most likely happen when trying to get used to it but generally you'll wake up in another position if your body is in actual pain from the position
>free login at same time as fomo event
pretty based
My moonie is concerned about the noise making bush and doesnt like its suggestions
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Impromptu Chaos DC Mahjong Meet!

Come to the Mahjong Tables on Phantom and we'll queue together.
What's the most barbarian-style race?
Maybe Viera if you squint
i dont know how to play mahjong
I am a fiddie who
keeps trying to hold shift to run
Don't worry, not do I.
come on, Moses listened to a bush and things went great for him
to be honest same kind of, I also just have fun playing pvp in mmos but I ended up meeting my soulmate from it so im happy and just play exclusively for fun now
Wif e
Wi fe
W ife
Wi f e
W I fe
Uhm, she has a masters degree, incel
Alma Larenn @ Phantom
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My Sunnie will bop your moonie on her nosey nose with her claws slightly out

She also doesn't apreciate the lecherberry bush
Hello? Highlanders?
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I wasted 'Feeling Lucky' while doing an expert.
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Everyone on the DC stampeding to the table I guess.
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It's over...
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My moonie is pretty fast so she would dodge your sunnies violent outburst, but my moonie does agree she doesn't like the bush either
Fnaf coded glam
my male midlander is sleeping after his friends disappointed him
you want him to be a victim of domestic abuse so bad
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This made me happy
breeding Ryne while Gaia and Alisaie watch awaiting their turn
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Tschk...your moonie is fast...my Sunnie would be impressed if your moonie wasn't a moonie
Same but with alphinaud
what happened bro
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My moonie can see passed the sunnie-moonie divide and respects your sunnies tenacity and hopes one day your sunnie can too :3
It was my office chair… it got thrown into the dumpster after I took the pic.
Begone, spawn of shadow
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My Sunnie thinks your moonie should give war a chance
Where's the proof. Prove you're the poster. Post your reddit account or another pic of the chair miera
I hate lalafell and lalafell adjacent "people"
Alphinaud is for heterosexual romance and lovemaking with femWoL only
We still have have 2 spots open for this!
even a current pic of the same room without the chair would do
you say that like there's somewhere else to go
same, lalas always make me uncomfortable because I'm aware that 90% of them are unironic pedos
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My moonie is too kind for such a thing
and we hate you
I miss making good girls cum..
Slander. Lies and slander.
Uncle Ruckus (Hyur male) will never go out with a blonde, non-modded lalafel with a20 eyes and speaks entirely in Japanese.
I saw a lalaboy bawling on the lalabench and I didn't ask "what happened to lil bro why he crying" and I'll regret that forever it seemed like such a funny thing to say
it's over
Going to start my 3rd ERP today soon
I don't miss making GAMs playing girls cum
this except for the only part, he's perfect for romance with big handsome men as well as ladies
Sorry anon, alphinaud is for rough anal and marriage making him into a wife with my maleWoL
What's stopping you?
>inb4 I have a girlfriend
I look exactly like my miera irl I'm a ftm trans and it makes me happy
G'raha is straight and his wife is a femlala
This game will never have actually interesting combat unless it's rebuilt from the ground up so that tab-target slop can be replaced with actual combat. But SE will never do that so you're just gonna get recycled slop forever
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Imagine if femra were big
Na, his wife is a moonie :3
Name 10 bigger inventions right now and peanut butter doesnt count, go!
My chair looks like this...
femlala btw
Peanut b-
I want femra to be cute and smol :3
Allagan Technology
Peanut Butter
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I think we can all agree that Alphinaud is marriage material.
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i heard a thavnairian street food restaurant was going to open in pearl lane, ul'dah.

smelezens are going to be all over it
I was unironically looking for something like this. Thanks anon
Highlanders, Femroes and even max heigh Viera and Elezen can already fulfill this, stop trying to ruin a petite/feminine race with that shit
They're supposed to be cute and small
smelezen detected
Hello rddtor from r/ffxivdiscussion
I bet you would love hugely unrealistic notions as a completely refurbishment of ffxiv into a different game of a different genre or just wow
Alphinaud is a canonical pussy destroyer and NOT GAY
Soon this will be my sunnie
This doesn't work anymore sadly.
Kong's alt
Alphinaud is also straight and his wife is a femlala
Not according to the video evidence I have
Just telling you that tab target slop means you won't get any actually new boss mechanics lmao
Can my moonie see your sunnie?
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did i hear "i want a free sample"?
He's built to have fun with all genders.
Elezens eat poopy lmao ledge lol
>not only is it shit, it's burnt as fuck
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Should I use my free returner campaign time in few days, do the even and quit again, or just resub and finally do dawntrail side-content?
Xaela should be big and imposing
Raen should be small and dainty including the males
I dont need too you posted one retard
Doesn't matter of smelezen doesn't work. This femezens >>498011351 twitter and baraag does more damage than the fake chair reddit pic
not only are they a bicycle but they also have 2 week old pepperoni nipples... what a world.
People in this general are so evil. What makes people this way?
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I just want lizard girls, not dragon women
God I love lizard girls...
My moonie is nyot evil..
ok but she's funny and cool
when "alpha"-naud is cratering boipucci do you think he pronounces it the italian way, as god intended?
I cant jerk off to this
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spooky femras....
She didn't want to eb my lalaboy she gets the rope like all smelezen
It is the influence of femlalas that turns men evil
I need an ai with alphinauds voice to say boipucci now
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it's high school except you can completely anonymously shit on anyone you dislike, every 90 seconds without getting in trouble for it
How long is this schizo going to post for, can we fast forward to him getting bored and fucking off
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Petting this highly aggressive cato and hoping I dont lose a finger
shaped like wife, textured like ps1
My sunnie just farted
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You have never seen a ps1 game
their behavior is uncanny
reminder to contain the stink to this thread and nyot bring it to the next one
Give the kid a break, he was desperately trying to be funny
I like the dress a lot, I wish the jack-o'-lantern didn't glow though
How about....no?
That feels like most of this thread is desperate for /kneel and based posts so they just say whatever the fuck so people can give them an endorphin high. Like the coomers who post but they don't avatarfag as much.
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my femra looks and acts like this
Thank you for the game, Gamers!
What the fuck did I just watch
remus... we told you she was into cucking
Are you going to the Tokusaku watch party this weekend?
My nyoomie just found out toyota is somewhat returning to F1 and looks forward the potential
Yes I'm excited too :)
lmfao this is the best one of these I've seen
*sharts on general*
You use a flat chest, right? Could you do a before/after image of your character topless and getting hit with like a magic wand or something, turning them into the biggest saggers that that mod offers?
>yeah we also have more rights than you do as the are places that biggers arent allowed to go

My femlala got plapped on the beds in the tomra dwarf house. Biggers watched outside the window, crying.
my rava in video
It shall be exciting to see with audi coming in too, albeit toyota wont be a works team but still my nyoomie will very much be content
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I'll think about it anon...
Smellezen running after realizing she installed bonzy buddy
We got flooded with Twitter retards during ShB and EW so you aren't wrong.

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