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Oopsie Stinky Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup>>496634258
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament>>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16>>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming>>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11>>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58>>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow )>>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party>>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC>>497934138

Last time on /xivg/
I got no clue what I'm going to do ingame after I get all classes to 100
>another 3 hour long thread
How many people who post 50 times a thread got banned?
Favorite male vieras?
Keep your coomer shit away from SFW RP events that don't want your ilk there, nigger.
For them... My people. My brothers.
...My friends. Stay strong. Keep the faith. At duty's end, we will meet again. We will. We will. The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.
It's anti spam meaning there's longer time between posts. You can't samefag as much and can't schizo as much.
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This kind of works i suppose
Best moonies are all moonies
Im jetking off, need materiql
I have a 4chan pass so I can schizo as much as I want
My femlala…?
Um… yeah she… yeah.
Your demise will be our.....
Favorite femlalas?
covering my femezens ears
Smooching this femra by the fire on a cold friday evening
do you like femlala
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Reminder that chair is taken from reddit it wasn't an actual poster here
Hodrick BLACKEDstone.
My favorite femlalas don't like being mentioned in the thread.
The Halloween shirt enables Hatsune Miku cosplay, FYI
Post her shitty butthole
Why is this person getting schizod like that lala?
My moonie will be visitng chaos shortly, any chaos anons that see her make sure to be nice
oh yeah my female character is such a HAG lol xD
>perfectly shaped tits, not a single wrinkle or mole on her face, smooth skin, fully head of dark hair, athletic and sometimes even muscular definition

good morning
You're doing this to try to get a janny back, right? People keep trying that and it doesn't work. Better off just leaving the thread and letting it dwindle more..
Offering this femezen ear mittens! It is cold...
>"perfectly shaped tits"
>talking about a child model
Can i see her ass and boobiess
Be nice to my femlala
Where is Smellyssa D'etoilet's "0o0"?
Maybe taking the chair out for a wash?
people here think anything above 25 is a hag
My moonie uses reddit
nyo you cannyot you sinner
I found the perfect mod for Macchi since he's down bad for every biohole who posts here and melts down when they don't pay attention to him.
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*blocks your path*
What now
You have almost described my character but people call her a hag despite my denials.
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I would erase a shard for my CC brethren.
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Now I will put a ring on you
Stay on the yank dc please
I don't want to boost their ego
Ravajesh post
ugly mtf character
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Jokes on you anon my moonie is from Mlight
It objectively isn't true. The deboonked meme was made to mock leftists who share their biased news sources to claim something is debunked when it's not. That link directly proves it wasn't a poster here and they just took an image to shitpost with.
Wow thanks for the info snopes.
Need a mod to remove the wings and I'll use it for messing with QS babbys
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What is this tourist doing
For my people—For our world, I will strike you down.
But what you're saying isn't true at all. Go back to /pol/ if you're going to whine about muh leftists.
>No one has lyrics in their plate anymore
deploying the femzen anchor
I kek every time I see this pic
Maybe a luka cosplay at best.
For Miku you'd have to mod hair and if you're modding the glam was never a factor.
get back to work stinky
deploying the femezen deodorant
You're just going to keep doing it because you know it upsets me you want me to spend 10 dollars again to fanta into a lala and suffer from no one liking me but not being actively shitposted in the only forum I use that I'm not completely ostracized from due to its anonymous nature. Just say it. Say you want me to go back to being a depressed friendless ebless femlala that I was stupid thinking a change of race could make my character seem more appealing and I should know my place on the corners of even a 4chan general. Just say it.
>you’d have to mod hair
no you don’t
She has been unleashed upon the french her static is on chaos and its drunk top prog day today
aren't you a cat currently
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all the lyrics i want to put in my plate go over the character limit
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there's some twintails in the game, but they're not very long. Most people would get what you're going for though.
French.....oh no.
Can we fast forward through this stinky femezen posting, I want to post without someone talking about how sweaty and smelly my armpits and boobsweat is
my music's lyrics are just too edgy
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Deplyoing Mines
>Claim: 4+4=5
>Leftist says you're a faggot retard if you believe that
>Linked source: "CAL Berkeley School of Math and Science"
>Response: "(((CAL))) (((Berkeley))) (((School of Math and Science)))"
in short, kill yourself
>what you're saying isn't true
In regards to the origin of the meme or the reddit link proving the shitposting is baseless
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You're right, here's my real smelezen chair
QRD on Smelezen?
hello hard-working femezen, your coworkers are trying to read you! please be sure to check your messages, as you went radio-silent after these:
It's more of a joke than anything, she isnt on moogle and there are no frenchies in her static
*cums on you*
If you say so....
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And that's exactly what I did. They made a false claim. It was proven wrong. They keep pushing it as if it were true.
Just woke and I'm ALREADY thinking about moonie feet....
If you don't it's a pretty lackluster cosplay, the long as fuck hair is as synonymous with Miku as the bright tinted teal.
hello wife
You didn't prove shit.
Yes i am targeting you individually Anonymous poster, just you and nobody else.
>read you!
quality shitpost derailed in part by a typo
unless you were going for indian coworker engrish
do i take a lewd gpose today or level warrior?
>>perfectly shaped tits, not a single wrinkle or mole on her face, smooth skin, fully head of dark hair, athletic and sometimes even muscular definition
my hag, but flat
Why do gay men in this game play women instead of men?
My moonie would never join a group with the french in it how horrifying
Why do you niggas care if a GAM with cock and balls puts a cock and balls on his female character?
it started off as a shitpost, got proven to be an unrelated reddit pic, but it's kept going because it's funny and a former lala turned femezen has been melting over it for hours because he thinks no one will eb him now
how do i hurt my male character today
Whatever makes you feel better!
They want to trap straight men
How else an I gonna suck it sis…
His melting over it is the real reason no one will EB his stinky incelezen
envy and porn addiction
yes yes please do the needful. but i don't expect jaden to respond because he spends most of his time running from and denying the degen shit he does
My femlala sits on the table to eat when visiting tall friends. Should she take off her boots?
you said that yesterday! it isn't happening!
nta and idk who you are
but the race you play has little to no bearing on social aspects in this game unless you're going for 18+ activities
you're gonna be just as lonely as a lala, or a femzen, or a moonie if you don't go out of your way to socialise and make friend
these things don't just fall into your lap, it's something you have to actively try for
If they like male characters i don't care. If they are transbian they need to be torn apart by pitbulls
My male character when he gets caught at the futa bench
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We like this
rankshit sir
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Because female characters shouldn't have a dick n balls
i am
a male moonie
>no gris results
That's a cute cat....
already more or less possible with the valentione shirt
I don’t know if I love my GAM with cock and balls.
I did you fucking nigger.
The meme started because of >>497993075 people assumed that picture was their actual chair. A reddit link of the exact same picture was found from 5years ago proving it was infact not their chair.
uni my king
Sis we can see your pantsu when you do that.....
It's better etiquette to stand on the chair
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The patterns on it make it more a special edition miku and not base miku.
I still don't see any proof. /pol/ tourists stay losing
cock cage him
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gm thread
i don't like that stuff...
So you're just trying to troll me right? How is that not proof
why are all of you hiding the back part of the new outfit huh?
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What is this smellezen meme?
Did someone tank elezen stocks again?
(-_-) tch lame
good morning sirs
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dont do that
stop nooticing things........
Let me go fetch the Lala Lifter from the basement.
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Do you think Kohaze can beat Uni in a fight?
time for my moonie's daily sunnie and miera ear yanking
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hi xivg what's the news
when my femlala gets mad at her middie EB she delivers a flurry of punches to his shins but he doesn't even feel it and just thinks it's cute which makes my femlala even more mad (which he, in turn, finds even more cute)

this circle continues until she releases her ultimate weapons... the /angry and /furious emotes.
Femezen stocks are deathspiraling while malezen stocks are skyrocketing
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gn moonie poster
i had a !!! on charibenet but it got away
Put your tin-foil hat on
I am just a stupid bunny rabbit

Collegiate high socks instead
No one would be looking at a Lala from behind.
Fiddie Friday?
Incelezen... amazing
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I wouldn't want them to fight :(
The stupid horsefucker elezen is trying fuck us over yet again
the news is my fiddie is ready to receive a good dickin from futazen...
Would anyone like to exchange hugs with a sunnie? She's not very good at it, but always gives it her all.
This is transparently a maliddie post
The second of the smelezen is a malezen
im on lunch
not necessary, i smell good
no im just goleming
i was asked to be futa, i dont play it. also it’s not really a secret about what i do.
hi hello
you literally fuck lalafell though
yeah as long as she's strong enough to kill me.
My thighlander is toiling at a cauldron
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I'm sure you'll get it soon fishingmoonie
Hey can you not use our term? It's a turn made by malezen for malezen. Not agp meltiezens
Keep it up so more of them sexpest me.
Yes, I do sometimes if I like them and they aren't ageplay ones.
LT is unironically into snuff and age play
>i was asked
by someone from here on a sprout.
can my catboy suck off your golem+
you're not wife. but we can make it work
she is not, sorry
my femlala is age regressing
i'm sorry
Is my femra wife here
where the heck do i find people into snuff
and lalafell
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nobody unironically likes fiddies
You're blaming things that are easier than taking the blame yourself.
Maybe you just have to accept you're not interested on making an effort to interact with the people here, I have a long time ago.
But while on the topic yes your femezen is probably ugly and your lala was definitely cuter.
I am
A smug shotafell
>malezen stocks in the sewers
>femezen stocks in the sewers
>lalaboy stocks on the rise somehow
Is that all it took to make male lalas loved?
Based lyric choice..
>Yes, I do sometimes if I like them and they aren't ageplay ones
Do you only plap femlalas though or also lalaboys....?
Does the Fashion report NPC looks at my gear I'm wearing or the glamours I have applied to it
As long as they aren't into the diaper/age play shit most people itt will want to fuck a femlala.
The main issue is a good majority of non xivg lalas are into it and its annoying as fuck
Hello my queen
you've gotten significantly less cute.... what happened?
i am
going to correct him
Who is EUs favourite thread moonie?
Sometimes it’s just not an option, like the bar in ishgard… I don’t want to eat on the floor like a dog
you unironically look like you fuck black guys now.
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Stay dreaming, SK has your stock stuck at zero.
the lalaboy and femroe renaissance is upon us
Doesn't matter malezen stocks are soaring
I have made an effort no one wanted to talk to me when I was my lala for long no matter what I did I would try to talk about things we both enjoyed and they still lost interest I don't know what I'm doing wrong no one ever tells me irl or ingame I have irl hobbies besides nerdstuff but it doesn't help me at all.
River Lotus, balmung sexpest that checks the thread.
tits please
my lalaboy is a member of the midnight crew
do you have autism or something similar
I'm more concerned with Jaden tanking catgirl stocks right now
>femroe renaissance
Woah there calm down their Rogre.
No one is saying that
the thing with friendships and honestly any form of relationships is that you're going to keep hitting dead ends and you're gonna just have to keep trying, that's how it is
Smelezen cope
I'm into snuff but anything underage or related is an absolute nono
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river lotus is known to be xivg
zirda dawn was not
For the Hoard!
my lalaboy isnt underage. just a lalafell
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Yes, time circles endlessly
The hands of fate trained ahead
(Pointing to the edge)
All things change, drawn to the flame
To rise from the ashes.
To begin
We first must see the end
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Threadly reminder that this meetup is on tomorrow.
>inb4 shut the fuck up
Update the backlink then.
>inb4 do it yourself
I don't live on this website.

2nd /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Character Creation
>Date & Time: -- 12/10/24 1800 BST / 1300 EST (Saturday)
>Location: -- Materia, Zurvan, Yanxia, Plum Spring
>Rules: Don't be rude or lewd
>Host: Domanra

Hello /xivg/! It's that time of the month again!

Time for another Roleplaying Meetup.

Last time, we never managed to reach our Character Creation segment, so this month this topic will be our focus.

After the roaring success of the 1st meetup, you've all been very engaged and helpful in determining the schedule going forward.

The schedule you've all decided on is as follows;
>2nd Saturday of Every Month

Thank you for all the votes on the poals! Your effort is greatly appreciated.

1st Meetup Content: https://pastebin.com/X6rD3Kcr
My EB has got that good gook ykwim
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>Woah there calm down their Rogre.
my meena likes LT even though they them hates miera
shut up retard
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Just woke up, how are elezen stocks doing?
good morning xivg
anyone else having a healthy dose of suicidal thoughts this morning?
>unsupported file type
Uh oh, smellyzen hurt itself in its confusion!
I know you were with him all night.
The host is Jin Yoake@Phantom BTW
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No I was never diagnosed
Okay but everyone I ever interact with ingame xivg and not over the years? It's why I chose femezen when I left femlala. I saw how many people thirsted for them here and thought it would be a way to break whatever barrier I keep failing against for people and maybe even find friends and an eb. But an hour after I fantasia the smelezen memes start even though they're not even true. It feels targeted I know it's not but it feels like some cosmic force is acting against me.
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>4 days to find a wife for my sunnie -
challenge accepted
fuck off and die please
no but I did have a cat die on me
and a dog with larvae eating it's anus

speak for yourself, lorilee or a misguided defender. lalafell are kid-coded as fuck.
Works fine on my pc seems to be a skill issue on your end
Where's your house I want to visit. Middie btw
my femlala is granny-coded
so healthy I'm ready to do something about it
Stay strong Brother, doing everything I can to stay out of panties and away from the sissy hypno
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yeah so what
my lalaboy is always on the edge
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>Using twitter slop language
>On 4chan
[12:35]You have entered a sanctuary.
[12:35]Shirogane, Ward 15
[12:35]You obtain 3,750,000 gil.
[12:35]You spent 287 gil.
[12:35]You have left the sanctuary.
Namedropping people and shit-stirring when people are just trying to play the game together instead of sitting around gooning and cumming and injecting themselves with HRT is nigger behavior and you should kill yourself.
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two fiddies
It's just the hosts name dude
Why are you afraid of being named in thread?
Fucking spawn of shadow
getting namedropped can get your account nuked if a tranny gm decides to check the thread
The incels here think anyone near 30 is a hag, just ignore them
My femra doesn't get as many compliments anymore.
Relax, breathe, the universe does not hate you.
The universe is massive, it burns enough energy every second that would be enough to completely burn our entire solar system to dust.
You'll be okay, it's not the end of the world. Perhaps you're jumping the gun and acting too hard on trying to act approachable that people think you're not being genuine?
It's not the end of the rope, just try to think and figure it out instead of trying to run damage control.
I'm sorry, it wasn't what you think...
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she isn’t + so you’ll have to figure it out
different face and sunnie now and also you hate fat girls
i don’t see color
i dont have many pics of my femzen on my phone also i dont want to be smellposted
business as usual then
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>lalafell are kid-coded as fuck.
And this poster is nigger-coded.
turning 30 is a death sentence
Why are you freaking out over a meme that will be forgotten by the time it's NA hours? People don't care what race you play if it's just friendship
You're probably just extremely awkward or something
That is dumb, you are dumb
Good bait retard. Guaranteed (You)s so you won't have to samefag as much this time.
Alright thread, I'm gonna confess to that white haired fiddie and ask her to eb my catboy. PLEASE give me your advice
anon this is 4chan
it's filled with paranoid schizos who think they'll get doxxed and killed if you name their 2006 neopets account
Akemi you should not use slurs aimed at the main demographic of your posts
lala melt
Coeurl empyreum ward 14 house 9 iirc. It's a mess
post name
>the ugly ass blonde middie
>wheelchair catboy
wow you managed to get the most annoying members of 3 whole races there
tell them you'll maybe switch to middie someday
they like middies
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NTA, but you're a fucking retard
>libtards are now advocating for racial discrimination against lalas

so much for tolerance!
least schizo eu poster
Bottom malelala, yeah. Especially the crossdressing ones, sometimes that's even better.
I'm not that picky for simple no strings ERP other than that I have to like them as a person. I like people a lot more if I actually play the game with them, hence my not hanging out in Quicksands.
I WISH THIS SONG WAS LONGER IT'S SO GOOD. It loops pretty well at least.
It's surprisingly common in a fantasy context where death isn't really death. Just think of how many people say that the way they want to die is during sex as a joke. Think how many times you've heard that on talk radio on pod casts.
People see that one and almost half the time the response is something like
>I don't like that one but you can probably talk me into it under the right circumstances...
I rarely do it, though. I just like variety.
I don't hate Miera wtf.
Dwarves and height-challenged adults exist in real life, too, you fucking ableist
If I don't run damage control then I wasted more money for nothing. If I don't run damage control I'll just go back to femlala and would've wasted 20 dollars for literally no reason. Do you understand? I have to fight. It's the only way to make people like femezen again so I wouldn't have wasted my money
To be fair, there was an incident on /adv/ where a woman was stalked, raped, and beheaded after shitposting a little too hard and pictures were posted to /adv/ by her attacker as it was happening.
>Free login campaign
>This early into the xpac
Bros.. I don't feel so good
little people are not lalafels, as lalafels are cute and little people are scary
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Do we like this? https://x.com/i/status/1844520790567289123
yeah and they don't look like flat chubby children you disingenuous pedo freak
30 year old female is a hag because you'll be lucky to have 2 kids at that point. Even if we meet and go on our first date tonight it's going to take at least a year to get married, and then another year from then to have our first kid.

Then you want some gap in-between the children so we're looking at 35-36 for our second child only at which point even with IVF it's likely to be retarded
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So true hun!
What's the deal with goon island and why is that hroth dicking everyone?
Do better. Jeets would have flies all over them with a particularly dense cloud of them around their entire pelvis area-- front and back.
>I rarely do it, though. I just like variety.
i've been wanting to pose it for awhile, but just haven't gotten around to it. my artistic inability to depict blood in a satisfying way holds me back the most
Now that's a seething tranny post
no stop linking x.com
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No, I don't think I will
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t.au ra player.
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nobody likes middies

nobody tell him
retarded nigger hands posted this
no what the hell is this
post ALL of this cat
stole this middies data a long time ago
Where can I meet this sunnie for some lewd femezen requests?
They're called Christmas Cakes zoom zoom.
one day my femlala will have this
Hating ass bitch
>Elk survived Milton
There is no justice in this world.
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Life-obliterating cringe
Whiter than you Muhammad
No it's not, it's just another chapter in your life, one that's hopefully more beautiful than the others now that you're more wise
My posts are made for the hotties and cool people though?
uh oh somebody went poopy
a cat is fine too, wife
my lalaboy is stupid
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>Lala are pedo episode
>Its the same rerun
Change the channel I wanna watch CC drama.
We know.
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dont do anything unseemly with it

there is none to be brought against me because ive done nothing wrong
need a femlala to call me the p word... need to fap before class..
Wait, Akemi is 30??
What the fuck, I thought she was a cute 19 year old girl or something
my life has only gone further down hill since turning 30
why is it always miera
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My dark haired sister
The only redeeming thing about 30 year old women is that they get to be baby crazy cougars so they can't think so good
please do something about it...
I have yet to find a cure to stupidity.
which of these would step on me and call me a pxdo until I cum?
Zero fucks given lol
Hey princess....
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Hm, based. I welcome the difficulty modifier.
My moonie sometimes wonders
Please look forward to it
Is he stupid pretty... or just pretty stupid...
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You know what to do.
one of them is 'male', figure out which
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they gave me these twin adder earrings cause i kept turning in stuff
the one on the right
As a man turning 30 was a blessing I was finally able to grow more hair on my face. Now all the daddy issue zoomer girls love me.
I love feeling the angry stares from 30 year old roastoid no eggs when I'm out with my young puppy girls
It's locked...
Is this AIslop or some shit
bros I think I'm falling in love with my character
1-9 don't confess to my femlala crush
0 I confess
I'm 30....
>there is none to be brought against me because ive done nothing wrong
you made an ugly fiddie, that's reason enough
i don't know!
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my meower in few days :3
All femlalas that deserve love and support who are lonely
No, I paid North Koreans to make it frame by frame by hand
w-whew that was close......
im unsubbing and uninstalling and never looking back
Yeah, I'm sure that's happening, definitely
Not funny
Grats on your gender confirmation.
I require a grapecat titfuck now
im usually in lb14 but i may not be logged in for a good chunk of today
What if the poster made that post as well? Could be the same person.
Show me
Seethe, eggless used-up hag. Your muscle density is gone, your skin elasticity is shot, and you are unwanted by anyone.
may my male meower suck off your meower+
this is what I mean, as you get older your mind starts to deteriorate
ooo someone is jealous, remember for woman your value lies in your beauty~
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Some anon posted this cat and went on to find how to do this silly thing
P-post him.. pretty please?
Uchiki's wife is Pepper. Go figure he would be a weirdo too.
No I'm not. You can't hurt me because it's all untrue lol
Ken Ashcorp is underappreciated, he put out some real bangers despite writing what can only be described as 'meme songs'.
Absolute Territory and Touch Fluffy Tail are both amazing.
Okay anon listen here, breathe.
This thread is full of people just doing stuff for shits and giggles, so don't take it that seriously, alright? People stop bringing up shit and talking about "drama" as soon as you stop bringing it up. You'll never convince people here as they will always contradict logic just to be funny, you're not trying to win people over here you're trying to make it boring for them to bring it up and get no bites.
Most importantly, play whatever character you want to play, never what others want you to play.
Why is no one warning the newfags that that femezen is into bestiality, scat and sweaty hairy armpits?
What's up with the trans colors
There is a reason why a woman is unmarried at 30, why spend the time figuring out what it is?
This nigga got turned down by a hag.
who cares
My moonie is now wondering what your moonie is wondering about
you are schizophrenic
oh no, a man has weird fetishes on 4chan
anon... it's Femlala Friday though....
are you really going to let the opportunity pass you by...?
Anyone above 18 is a hag, simple as.
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my meower in few days :3
You have to specify hag when referring to any woman above 20, because if you just say "attractive young woman" then l*licons and h*bephiles will start coming out of the woodwork thinking they're in good company.
pink and blue are cool colors that look good together and it's a shame you guys are giving trannies ownership of them.
His lyrics are amazing, well beyond the meme they start as.
Me too...
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Life-repairing kino
Post your character..
seething retard can't even spell
is it possible for you ever to make a glam that isn't absolute dogshit? you have to be trying to make them this bad
>Old geezers vs Hags
>leaving out the part where she said she was going to fuck him
>But only led him on for the lols
Got what she deserved
Oh no, it's gone clinically insane again
the only faggot in that picture is the finnish meltie tranner, but he's also amusing
I am North Korean and i dont find this funny.
Normal people don't think of women as objects
SEA moralfag hours are over.
why is fox not in the syncshell....?
i dont have any photos of him in the last two months besides this one from last night when i was fooling around with his hair
>bottomless well of degeneracy
oh no
>people actually praising ken ashcorp
I thought this general was bad when you guys were circlejerking pedofels
No, I'm still another year away
That's because you let it!
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hey sis

my middie is cute
Your pathetic attacks always miss, lol!
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>gooning with an unironic NTRfag
That's the ops office chair from their company. The op didn't shit that chair
is that sarah lockwood, the famous still standing stand stiller?
Why would I not assume a post like that was written by a girl+?
Holy newfaf
/pet /pet /pet /pet
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you forgot f*ta
I hate that fag on the left
>new glam
>but everyone will be using it
I'm special and not like the others. I'll just wait it out until the fad dies down.
garuda doko?
It goes deeper than you think

Sarah is my wife, then and now
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They call me the drink
the afKing himself
bloonies doko?
he doesn't goon with anyone
but it's no surprise he's drawn to ntr while playing a brown self-insert
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If I took nyquil at One:30AM this morning and it is now Ten:00AM is it safe to take a dosage of dayquil
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*pours the modbeast out*
yes im terrified
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>Brown or black skin
>Most likely a BBC Shebeast
>you let it!
you're right, I should have ended it when I was 29
oh... well alright then I guess that's fair.
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The rainbow belongs to God and not a bunch of sodomites.
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is it time for a lalaboy fotm yet
i've been waiting very patiently
>You obtain 20,000,000 gil
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>Eri still trying to chemo Lockwood nearly a decade after the fact
One of our worst schizos that flies under the radar
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neat we're the same age. movie?
I am A gay maleroe
Femlala friday.... wohoo...
don't pet him, youll catch something
wow it's le epic nazi femra you're so cool and edgy
My femlala is cooking mocqueqa irl (she likes fish soups on Friday)
jesus christ is a homo fag!! god is gay and sucks dicks!!!!
it's fiddie not middie
I don't view women as objects, I view them as females, objectively
I view women as toilets.
You're hilarious
Half-life of the active ingredient is ten hours, wait two more hours and then take a dose. If you're still feeling sick and must do something, drink hot tea and try to rest.
scheduled for january of next year
Smellyssa D'etoilet would love you!
the nazis were the most pro lgbtp group in ww2 tho?
rats :/
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let me pet your lalaboy
Moonie feet Friday woo hoo
What race has a pitch black skin color option?
he's right there anon
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Leave my damn moonies feet alone, she's sick of anons trying to lick them
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I view them as obstacles, getting between me and that dub
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>begging for an anchorpost
>begging for an off-topic anchorpost at that
Worse that femroes having to remind their femroefag he forgot to post his dogshit poem few fridays ago so they have a post to reply to
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Lalaboys will never be FOTM. The amount of people interested in Lalaboys at all is too slim compared to Femlalas-- or the Bigger races at all. Unironically an issue with the masses rather than the issue being Lalaboys themselves.
Rava and Duskwight. I think Moonies might too, or a shade lighter.
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I'm not really feeling sick per say (eg koffing/weezing/sneezing/whatever/_) but this is the first day in like two weeks I woke up not feeling like I was in a mental fog so maybe I was sick and just didn't realize it.
God I wish chen were back so these retards would have a proper containment zone again.
Martin, Tyler vs Target, Lionel
Rape, Light vs Gock, Chaos
I.J. Army vs I.J. Navy
Final Fantasy XIV?
Fiddies are middies.
I'll take moonie feet pics after class.
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Thanks for the backlinks for the discovery
cringe femoid shit
cringe tranny shit
based king I kneel
>he/him :3
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anon... it's Femlala Friday though....
are you really going to let the opportunity pass you by...?
it's "per se"
no one fucking asked at all please quit again you fat retard

lose some weight and you won't feel so bad
I'm waiting very patiently too... Someday bwo
/pet /pet /pet
He means pitch black as in no hint of brown throughout the entire body. Only rava have that. Even the blackest of niggers irl have some brownish somewhere
talk about the game or dont talk at all
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I keep pressing E to jump because that's the keybind I use in TES.
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big femra
Unnamed Neko posting slowed to a crawl while you were gone.
Your explanation?
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This has to be the most transparent false flag I've ever seen. The fact that the conversation chain about it was written exactly like the other raging shitposts about chadezen is particularly sus. Who even gets this mad at us?
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my femra showed up at plum spring on zurvan, materia and looked around for a bit too long before realizing today is friday, not saturday
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>Femroe renaissance
Poemc@ is carrying it all on his shoulders.
Do you want an eb thats a catgirl
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I wish I had a femra wife
Your village is being raided by MR_NooR_BUKHARi!
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thanks bwo
>is it time for a lalaboy fotm yet
Back to Uldah with you Dunesy.
Ended those depressive feelings, yeah! And give birth to new beginnings
Not like I'm one to talk but it's still good and true
Maaaaybe tonight? But I'm not sure yet. A friend wants me to go out later and I don't know when I'll be back
Max height femra yuri femdom EB please?
>>lalaboy stocks on the rise somehow
You fell for OJ samefagging and his clique circlejerking his apparently-not-pedo-anymore shit
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Yeah. Even he has some brown on him if you look really close at his cheek. It's like dark earwax brown but brown
your posts are really bizarre and almost out of touch with reality when you're medicated
or not medicated, i can't tell actually
your alter ego is just being pissy and abrasive with everyone
My femra will buy the dip and finally get the knife ear harem she's dreamed of
I thought the Elk falseflagger was more obvious
what are you talking about
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Oh... Anon... that's cute!
Why are you even get worked up over something so infantile and funny? It came from one little shitpost and now there's just constant damage control which makes it look even more cringe
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No one gives you a chance after 30, you're supposed to have everything figured out and set by then. If not, fuck you get fucked
>make pissy and abrasive posts at someone
>get mad when they reply in kind
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1v1 me on rust bro, tanks only.
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Small femra
Why are most fiddies such huge contrarians? They hate all the popular races because they're popular. Never met a fiddie that liked miqos or femra, they're usually very negative about them
No 1v1 me on battlerite
Bro who gives a fuck? Why are all malezen so fucking autistic? Go outside.
reasons to live
1 making poses with my rapera
2 waiting for 8.0
3 not having my mother cry at my funeral
>31 and havent bothered starting my life yet
i wont be alive within the next few years
4 eventually going back to your pink haired moonie which is unironically the sexiest miqo i've ever seen posted in this general full of gross limsa cats and futards
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4. me making you my boiwife and getting you preggers
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Good songs! <3 <3
no......... I love miqos and femra but only ever get attention from other middies...
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I don't really have anything to say to the people who keep posting the same posts day in and day out and this general isn't xiv despite being xiv so it really rubs my so I'm going to go take a nap and drink some yak pasent orenji jews
Thanks dad.
Elf class always attracts autists who think they're really smart because they know how to work excel
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Good morning my stinkizen wives. Please post more Bob and vagay.
Good morning good morning
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...gimme those moonie feet
Heh...they don't call us 'Wildwood' for nothing.
may I see ur moonie’s feet
someone teach me how to put movies on cytube
I only know how to netflix n chill
do I have to torrent things?
I wanna do a spoooky halloween meet
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There is truly no reason to keep on living
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Oh, yes. Harro prease. We are Doman people.
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just cant stop loving trans women bros
Cute, I like how long their tails gets
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im just here for my family
why do people here prefer himcesses over a woman
>Have schizo melty for a few days as meds wear off
>Leave thread
>Schizoposting slows down
i am glad i wasn't late..
I'm fantaing off femezen, what's a not stinky race?
I was thinking of going moonie, there aren't smell memes for them right?
this lalaboy is too cute aaaaaaaaaaa
Which male reggy do you want to get boy preggurzzz? For me it's that blindfolded puppy girl oooooo baby do I want her stinky feet covered with my cum
fags are loud
>people who keep posting the same posts day in and day out
You? Posting about different off-topic shit every time doesn't mean you aren't doing the same thing every day. Just thought I'd let you know in case you were unaware.
>but I've bee-
Cool dude, now examine your posts when you aren't gone.
>random non-sequitur
Your concession is noted.

There I saved you all the trouble of looking retarded.
My femra on the right
Thanks sis, looking cute in dark hair
Love me again

Until the end~
Jean please stop posting this its really sad
inquisitor's juicy ass
this guy >>498038186 x5
how often are you going to post this
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Consider keeping your medication schedule next time.
I didn't read your post because nothing you could have said is relevant to whatever it was that I posted.
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Sometimes it seems like I'm the only straight miera in the game...
They're all bottoms, bro...
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bro I get paid 150k/y to work excel...
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My moonie looks and acts like this
what's a rapera?
show the back of the outfit you fucking pussy
i love you
top 5 trannys go
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All me
And what does money mean exactly? It will take you two full years of labor to afford a cryptopunk
i know a moonie like this
i miss them
about $350
Jhazda hasn't been the same since his crush quit.
I like your brother >>498037394 more
ohohohohoh i'll get those feet...
Yeah yeah i know... i will mod it or something to make it look better..
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Have an oldie
>One post
>Constant damage control
One of the nicest things about /vg/ is that an attempted psyop here is never as subtle as games journos on /v/ or the unironic wumao on /k/.
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moonies are so overdone in 2024 it’s basically the default copy paste option for xivg
Uchiki isn’t ebd
It's the middle of the day, I just did all my island chores, now I just want to go nap....
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me too, but some days are still harder than others
Scroll up the thread and the previous
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my femra looks and acts like this
I'm gonna psyop malezen posters into ebing my femra
I thought he was with that fiera
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my moonie is like this
>Seething less than two minutes after your last post.
You're not beating the allegations. Just post your character so I can see if I and my fellow melezen council members are right about who's behind this.
My moonie looks and acts like this
I forgot about these things
are you saying it was a smear campaign?
That's not true at all and I can guarantee you there's plenty of other desperate women out there like me who'll be happy to build a future -with- you as long as you're a good guy; THE guy
Work on yourself and it'll happen!
killing jeans eb and wearing her skin so he starts obsessing over me instead
poopie poop poop race
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I don't have the strength to finish it...
Honestly in xivg, lalaboys are one of the more popular male races, because femlalas have the least transbians.
OH MY HALONE! elezen got false flagged having a poopy stinky ass! at least we know REAL elezen won't cry about it! oh wait
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you will nyot be getting my moonies feet..
Not interested in whatever this larp is.
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Love the goofy snoot
why are you skinwalking akemi
Are you a male midlander?
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Gay sex with gay hroths
qrd? I'm not an euro
Just watched this video last night (totally FFXIV related), love this autistic lil guy
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Dios mio
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>other desperate women out there like me
>other women like me
>like me
I decided any picture my moonie takes will be using the cursed :3 expression
Anon it's me, I'm just trying to be more positive
i hate this
depends, is this a thread elite approved movie?
oddly specific, but yes
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i'm getting closer
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my moonie likes you
Eb a grown ass man
i just finished the silent hill 2 remake and i just wanted to say that dawntrail fucking sucks

i love video games
You don't even knyow what my moonie looks like nyor where she lives
What did you think of the remake? Have you played the original game?
i am a huge fan of every silent hill game and i adored it
i am closing this tab and going to sperg on /v/ goodbye
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there are no gameplay benefits and if you suggest I should look for romance that way, humankind has mated with the opposite sex for 300,000 years without issue until now. it truly is over
My moonsters sock troves remain safe.
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Im gonna continue posting it again and again just to spite you, i will do it while you are awake i will do it while you are asleep, coming up with new variations, finding new pics of soiled chairs, eventually i will run out of internet pics of poopy chairs and have to go to an office supply store and buy more chairs to poop on to make more screenshots in different buildings with different backdrops, making new well known elezen alts with different faces different hair colors i will put myself into debt from this but it will all be worth it to blame it all on elezen, the smear campaign wont stop it will keep going until the stain of guilt can never be lifted.
fanta back to this cat
But has he noticed the change in the socks colours..
You're on EU, it will never work.

All I saw was someone trying to force a meme, was there something else I missed? Spoonfeed me like I'm a fat, lazy baby who won't eat his applesauce and only thinks about titties and being loud.
>do I have to torrent things?
simply date younger women/femboys, #itgetsbetter
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this looks a lot like that femezen
shoving them in your moonies mouth
>mch in cc
might be her
Just do a few CC matches, or hell, just your daily FL for EXP.
Love my eb
Do you have a nun glam sitting around? nice juicy melons btw
Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: They were in fact - NOT safe.
I literally told you. just scroll up and read the previous threads. It's just a fucking meme dude generating from a single post
Then my moonie is the sneakiest of sock painters she may have taken a single sock as payment
yeah fucking femroe posters
shitting up the thread constantly, scum of the earth
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The curse of f3 + get fluffy being a broken combo...
me too
going to get home late today as well? we need some extra time
and i like moonies, they're simply the best
Stop pretending to be a woman. It's one thing to make allusions and *hint* at it while being a grown ass man, but outright going
>I'm a girl please believe me and give me (You)s!
is just sad.
there are about 5 of you who look the exact same even the same hair color just different styles
Yeah there is. If nothing happens after you die, why not live another day, jerk off one more time, eat something you like, sleep in? Nobody's life is perfect, and if you think hard you'll realize the standards you've set are unrealistic, and that maybe the life you think you want would actually really annoy you.
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I don't want bitches I want purpose
aren't you EBed? You shouldn't be sniffing other ppls socks, your EB would be upset.
I always knew something like this would happen
Yeah, like two or three? But none really on my phone to showcase
And thanks even though there's no melons in that pic?!
Maybe sometime we could....you know.....
I have no idea how Japan developed a nun fetish with like 7 nuns on the entire island.
There is no miracle.
My moonie looked at the /aco/ thread and got turned on…
zoomers unironically don't know how that works

stop posting this twitter tranny
Tits or GTFO
Its fine my EB would let me steal a sock thiefs socks :3c
Then how do you explain me?
I'm not saying to find hoes I'm saying to find the one that makes you feel like you have purpose!!
I know this cutie!!!!!!
>mentally disabled
>never dated
fuck positivity, it's over and everyone knows it
Fuck off. I'm 37 years old I don't have all day to be fiddling with this shit. Just tell me how.
Tell us the movie if it is good I'll host it anon.
Hug list: (You)

You didn't have to samefag to post that pic you fucking retard
For a moment I wondered if Quiz's ass was blushing.
There's gameplay benefits. Its a scientific fact a study done by square themselves that having a grown ass man eb can increase either content played by 10x or gooning by 10x.
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>General is filled with 25+ boomers
>All acting like highschool children
But I look better in them than you
>I'm a girl please believe me and give me (You)s!
Worked on you dummy.
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/hug /hug
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gomu gomu no pisutoruuuu
We could, right now...
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Holy fuck
if you think age makes you stop acting like high school children, that just means youre too young to have worked an office job.
Incorrect, child.
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anyone else here below 25
Not me. I just act retarded
inb4 >act
And it won't work. You can shit forever and all you'll have is a dirty ass and the smell of failure.
It's so tiring
just learn indie game dev and make the AAA world quake at your twisted vision
Anon thats how you get groomed
Post time-skip version, with exposed chest
Huggy wuggies
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Don't do that no seriously. If they can prove its just been you it'll make elezen more liked and any thing mocking them will be assumed it's just you schizoing. You're ruining my own plans of shitposting and false flagging elezen. Stand back and let an expert show you how it's done. You know the malera right? All me. All of it me. For years until even normalfags turned on them.
I find you're lucky if you can meet someone below 30.
Lucky you
I'm hunting for the Quetzal myself but no luck so far
I'm not asking for your reply or attention. Just don't reply to me anymore, I don't care you retard
get me out of here
>he took a shitpost seriously
is this the true elezen autism the stories told me about?
what is that thing
>Scroll up
Not overcoming the mental space reserved for titties.
>25+ boomers
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It's real, the roe fotm is real!
Sure doesn't feel that way when it comes to Lalaboys considering how-- not gonna sugar coat it but-- PATHETIC...a lot of their posts feel.
What are we doing bro I think we're in the wrong place
For the small price of a /pet my moonie will return the sock unharmed :3
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I don't want to depend on anyone, especially not for something so important to me
yea, and as it's been proven time and time again with you retards im beyond naive and should 100% leave but my frontal lobe is so dented and misshapen that this place has become an addiction
i've been terminally online too long and this is the only place i find solace, it's grim.
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it's the little happy little jumpy little guy
*rapes the thread*

What happens now?
Kill yourself
>actual women
>especially non white ones
>they without fail have the absolutely shittiest taste in mods and aesthetics every single time
You just know some sheboon made that thing.
Will you bear my child?
Joker 2
Me realizing that I'm falling off
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What the hell is a time-skip
But that's a roe though
same, we should touch dicks
Yes. Elezen players male and female are self absorbed and don't understand jokes. Over the years a lot of malezen have melted over the incelzen meme despite it being made and spread by a malezen as self depreciating humor. A lot of femezen melt at the "mommy" meme despite every tall race being called that there's a handful of femezen here that still seethe years later. Even on twitter a bunch of elezen melted because a handful were racist roleplaying as ishgardians and people started joking all elezen were racists.

They cannot take a joke.
Same unfortunately. Grim indeed
All my childhood
>"Haha okay little anon, you're too little to be a millennial like me haha stop trying to seem older"
Even then I knew it would turn to
>"okay boomer idiot you're too old to be a zoomer stop trying to seem younger"
to me you're no longer a zoomer after you're like 23 MAXIMUM but officially you can be fucking 27 or some shit and still be called a zoomer so you have all these 25+ year old millenials saying "im a zoomer im so wacky bruh ong fr fr"
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how is this thing real
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sending new ideas to yoshi p
ear mitts
Your reading comprehension is below sub 80IQ niggers
Must be a femroe apologist after all
The fact that modding exploded and attracted the VRChat/Second Life crowd has been one of the biggest "Monkey paw" moment of this game life.
that malera who always posts the same zoomed in avatarpic with offtopic shit
My moonie loves spending time at the gold saucer with eb sunnie :3
i am
a femlala
who snapped a 15-day drinking streak by drinking only 1 night out of the last 3
but i'm getting sauced af later tonight
ok :3
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>Oldest gen z is 27
bros.. is this what it feels like getting older?
Gen z starts between 97-99. Meaning 25-27 are gen z. Stop segregating us.
>this entire reply chain
damn i don't remember making these posts
Lmao >>498041451
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terrorist simulator 2024
failed state simulator 2024
all written in godot
>Fuck off. I'm 37 years old
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Yeah sure man, malelala form starts now
welcome to the suck. It doesn't get better
t. 38 year old
Training complete. Report to the barracks for debriefing.
I love fox
>another tourist frogposter acting all high and mighty here

you'll grow old and stop giving a fuck one day
yippee yahooo
Go and don't come back please
my fiddie is exploring eruyt village in a different game
my moonie
is approaching
I scrolled up and saw the shitposter malding about chuds and how people deboonked his meme. Then trying to defend it in a serious manner, which is the death of any meme. Since the shitposter took it seriously, odds are unironically pretty good they (You) have some kind of ongoing seethe about elezen. For which I intend to annoy them both here and ingame.
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>Doesn't smoke
>Doesn't drink
>Doesn't ERP
>Doesn't mod his character
>Play a male character
>Getting in my mid thirties
What am I?
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>uses ribbit spacing
yeah okay buddy
Quiet lurker here. Love reading your posts and memes, f*ck the haters, carry on.
show this aethermoonie's POWER LEVEL......
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Bros I miss old castrum meridianium
You grew in the era when torrenting was at its height and you don't know how?
Good afternoon.

We take care of ourselves here, sonny.
shut up GRAMPS, go change your dentures
it's the truth
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Sick of all these children in my video games I just want to relax with a cold one and some bros
My moonie fears
If I was a zoomer then I am a zoomer now NIGGER
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I’m a famous ebin who sincerely, unironically wants to go out with Akemi Sanzo with the intention of marriage and children if it works out. I am non-fat, do not smoke or drink, and have a well-paying job that can pay for the both of us.
Some hats already have them.
Something about this face feels off
hell yeah brother gonna go pick up some brewskis so I can game hard tonight
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Shut your ziliennal asses up. You're not gen z. You're not a millenial. You're the mixed race kids of generations, you fit into neither. You were those shitty squeakers in old halo and modern warfare lobbies.
rubbing this moonie's nose with a handkerchief because she's got some dirt on it
grown ass man
I just got off a flight and scrolled through the thread, what the hell is happening today?
Remus Anima
this nigga got ghosted LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Its a tranny in 60 layers of chinese editing
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>You were those shitty squeakers in old halo and modern warfare lobbies.
moonie madness finished we're in smelezen season now
lil bro reading too hard
i miss my flip phone bros
The spawn of shadow raising hell as usual
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For me it was Fox kids
It was the good ol time
>browsing this site in public
I'd kneel but I have bad knees
Yeah, I'm thinking based
why does she have a saw trap on her face
what that guy said is pretty fitting actually, you're a ZILENNAL. but to me you're just GRAMPS
im 22 though, i'm a pure zoomer
Someone is mad at /pol/ and male elezen and trying really hard to pretend it's just a prank.
Jesus I regret even bringing age up. Just shut the hell up already.
Well that's certainly the right way to think. You're aware of that so just keep focusing on yourself and don't rush into things with someone
>Fox kids
Kino. I was born in 96 and vaguely remember it but I remember it had some anime with a kid with a talking hammer that changed sizes.
Good times.
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fuck you, why is this so accurate?
you have no one to blame but yourself, retard
fuck fox kids those faggots butchered digimon and cancelled medabots.
Why don't you just end it all?
>I remember it had some anime with a kid with a talking hammer that changed sizes.
Oh my god I remember that too, I've spent YEARS trying to remember what it was called. And the hammer was his transformed dad or something.
>Screeching thirdie nonsense
malezen are getting worked up over innocent "shit"posts
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Puttan those songs in my queue amen brother.
But I could watch Beetleborg and Kamen Raider (American version) on it!
So do you guys even own ffxiv or is this just a thread for discord cliques
My femlala is having a heart attack… she needs CPR! Mouth to mouth…
surely you meant to respond to another post
im raping
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anyone remember THIS trash??
I love my sunnie eb <3
What movie is this from
How much money have you people spent on Halloween glamours?
I own it I've spent the last 3 days afk at lavender beds actually.
That doesn't work anymore sis let me grab my taser
Remember 5 or 6 years ago here when people used to get mad at you for including your character in screenies? What a time
One more time
One more time

One more time
We're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right
Don't stop the dancing
One more time
We're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right
Don't stop the dancing
One more time
We're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right
Don't stop the dancing
One more time
We're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah
One more time
this is a beyblade thread
i didnt even post my character or anything, you're gooning to words
it's their favorite bait, but we all know a 30+ year old fat man who plays ff14 too much has low stock in the dating scene. Even better zoomie and gen alpha guys are currently perfect for the grabs since they like older women. Just date 25 and under males who aren't tranny-adjacent and your set. wizards ngmi
Bakugan FUCKED
I loved the later gen ones with the weird shapes
Fuck me man, it still give me goosebumps
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Yes and proud. Nothing like shitting on the people older than you after getting off school
too accurate
it's about the energy you're putting out, it's rapeable
i still have all of mine
Vikings and it's a tv series that takes a downward spiral after S4
Faggot it's your fault. Should have kept your little ass mouth shut before mommy shuts it for you
Flint the Time Detective. Found it. Oh fuck yeah it was his dad or some shit
That’s fun too
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Fucking hell there it is. I also forgot it uses the same kind of title effect as Life of Brian.
i think these are my least favorite people on the internet right now, talking about normalfag shit like buried treasures lost to time
id rather read posts by mmo boomers. tell me how great 1.0 was again
still worth watching for s1-s3?
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30 year old women acting like they have so much value that they will only settle for literal prince charming, and that he will come eventually, then waking up 40 and woops he never came and my egg carton is empty....
You're asking Big High War God to send you the perfect man when you've not been the perfect women. Desperation while making demands at the same time.

Most of these desperate women go into dates them with the intention of finding an ick so that you can say, "well that wasn't Him because with Him it would have been perfect." No one is perfect and there are things beyond your understanding, it's highly unlikely you're a virgin good girl who wants a family so what exactly is your value if not fidelity, youth, and submissive nature. (We know you're not submissive since you're making demand from Big High War God.)

Work on yourself? Sure, but your value is further diminishing everyday that is the natural occurring truth of entropy in this reality everyone dies, yet there is one way to eternal life, a very narrow and difficult path, yet the reward is everlasting.
Yeah, I recommend it. Had a good time watching it with my dad
The malezen shitposter is Megarian
You mean an asshurt faggot is mad he's getting made fun of for his shit falseflagging.
>Massive samefagging
So it is that creepy femezen doing this, huh. Guarantee that thing's an alt and his main is probably a malera upset that a femezen turned him down for a femlala.

This one?
Yes. Elezen got the biggest improvement with DT but he's been autistically angry over it since release and having spergfests over it in several places
I hope the jew undercutting me on the MB gets a forty pound box of rape for christmas.

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