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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

> All Saints' Wake Begins October 18!

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>498033473
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138

Last time on /xivg/ >>498029767
Sex with catgirls
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my sunnie? she's like this
would if i could
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Yeah i got a good feeling about this thread
How much money have you people spent on Halloween glamours?

If I see another bitch with black and orange thigh socks…
>femezen embrace the meme in stride and have a good laugh about it
>malezen going full /pol/ damage control
Malezen stocks down
>Even the art has stink clouds
Cockwatch status???
I'm going to make irrelevant posts while complaining about post quality again this thread.
Yes. Upon your return, I will gift you a beautiful flower
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This is my healer for this msq rolo
Pretty sure they are from the thread
elezen poop chair
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I could break you in half you fucking twig boy
i made a stinky ishgardian hagezen erp alt and haven't erpd with anyone
how does a moonie show her power level
moonie feet friday
Post her
It's over... My friend...
Please don't tell my Miera friend about my eb sunnie....
Is this moonie real or a figment of the threads imagination
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No one important is on right now. Back to you, Dick.
Show your hunter gatherers. Only viera, miqo'te and au ra may apply currently.
stealing this moonies feet
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my femra is like this
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which meme?
i've been playing cyberpunk 2077 the last few days, fun game
Hey.. choom...

Favorite Male Viera???
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Going to be doing Stormblood leveling dungeons on Chaos. PF is up. 'Basket Weavers assemble!' PW is 1868
are you the femra or the highlander
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Damn Yoshida, let me EB both of my men already
What is the official response from the Lalafell committee in regards to the Lalafell Lifter AKA the baby highchair
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the highlander.
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meena x meena = mighty kino
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this one
This but unironically. I wish it wasn't October.
does she like male middies
I'm sorry Mieranon.. it's not you
Why, Jean of course. He is just so pretty.
moonie feet, moonie feet
the ones that like femrava
It's a cursed item and we refuse to acknowledge it.
All of them are cuties
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none of the pics are sfw, best i can do is meet up in game
this is gonna be the best post itt
that's 90% of them if she's not futa
I'm gonna say it.
Miera belong with Fiera.
Post screenshots you like!
what's her endgame???
I need a tall husband..
stepping on my dick
holy god do you like tribs...
Please don't leave me again...
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What's stopping you?
*runs up behind your femlala*
*grabs her and lifts her up into the air at arms length*
*laughs as she angrily flails her arms and legs around helplessly*
*gently sets her back down and then runs away*

dc and preference?
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What a controversial thing to say
It was funny and exposed the lalafell who are losers that you should stay away from, Yoshi-P blessed us with an amazing filter.
Don't care.
popotos belong in the ground
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Huffing femezen fumes is hazardous for your health please engage femezen in a well ventilated area and make sure to wear a respirator. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not engage in femezen. If you experience any of the following symptoms please seek your Chirurgeon or local conjurer immediately: Dizziness, impaired vision, labored breathing, numbness, and dry mouth. If accidentally swallowed please linkpearl the poison control linkshell.
Hingashi > everything else
Best nation ever
It's true
>P8S P1
yup.... *cracks open can of monster* now that was peak
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Don't drink the water next time fool I infused it with zombie.
i can't have sex with this catgirl...
Wow !
BEGONE, spawn of shadow
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We've only been reaching new heights ever since.
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We have like 2-3 fiera that aren't obscene modbeasts/futa/lesbos and most of those are already taken. It's over.
Why do the primal lalas congregate in gridania?
Unlikely with all that estrogen in your body
They do? What server specifically as i never see any on hyperion?
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Have you approached any of the single ones? I see some at the 'eds right now.
i say wipe them from this star
My giant wife...
Excal usually has a bunch by the aetheryte
you bitches
I hate how fiera girls are taller than me t. middie
I LOVE how fiera girls are taller than me
i'm going to say it guys
brute bomber's voice is way better in english than in jp
This one came out really neat recently
they're taller than miera too
all of the na voices are better minus the weird moaning during m4 transition
I'm indifferent, do as you like!
I love how no one is taller than me t. roe
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miera are just girls
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Cat you shouldnt be saying those kinds of things.
I shortened my veena to be fiddie height (if you don't count the ears)
emet, fandaniel and zenos sound better in English too
Theyre taller than middies or catboys
Everyone is taller than you...
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Catboys and lalaboys and femra and femezen and femlala and fem highlanders aren't
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This one
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it's femra friday
the fact that you treat erp like a clique activity despite flirting with anyone and everyone on a public imageboard
That one that drinks milk
That one that breathes oxygen
That one with the long ears
That weird one
That goofy looking one
watching Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics with this femra
I don't want to boost their ego
CC calls soon?
this looks retarded
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femra sockies...
no one answered me about which miera are actually lewd
I want to worship Atma’s soles
top 5 catboys
please remember the metrics that matter
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8:55 CC ET Crystal
max height middie is 182 cm
max height miera is 186.6 cm
The time has come to an end
Yeah, this is what nature planned
Being tracked by a starving beast
Looking for it's daily feast
A predator on the verge of death
Close to its last breath
Getting close to its last breath
who are you?
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Thommathy bahamathy? That you?
miera arent for sex theyre for pillow talk and dates
I wouldn't know, I never ask people that. Why don't you ask them personally or check the porn thread?
what did he mean by this...
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i'm straight
Oh my god. imagine.
which malidsterlanders are actually lewd
that’s lame and a bit gay. are there any straight ones that like to plap
>japs model the humans after themselves so they don't even go over 6 foot
>fill the game with 7+ foot monstrosities
The heights for the races in this game really feel off.
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This is the weekend I finally get a femra wife I can feel it
I actually found one of those studio setups in an apartment
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my slut arc ended last night gomen
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What is /xivg/ playing this weekend? I'm playing CHADgon CHAD CHADking CHADro.
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>outside of an eb
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Sizebeast femra gf who pretends to be a dragon assaulting my ishgard WHEN
you say that every thread
Positive affirmations are important when overcoming a drug addiction
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Looks fine to me
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you're probably right
That's a min height femra.
Yep, that's a wife
bros... glubs are too fucking cute
Most likely more Satisfactory. I'm finally expanding into Newclear Powah and that's gonna take a lot of piping and belting and yes I did purposely use innuendo.
I love how fiera girls are taller than me t. lalaboy
Femra owe my malezen sex
My femra can be a real danger to your Ishgard
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it's a big deal okay
it hasnt actually been 24 hours yet
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Why don't you have an EB yet?
sigh the urge to fanta is back again...
you're going to get hit on by other men, is it worth it?
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My favorite male races are
Malezen, miera, male middies, malera, catboys in that order
My favorite female races are
Femezen, female middies, fiera, femra, femroes
doesn't it seem a bit early for a free login campaign?
ugly retard
why does it have baby feet
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what's the early 90s kid version of this
After 10 years, I'm enjoying the single life again.
I don't see lalafells on that list
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I like this one a lot.
I do, she's incredible
It's for the best if I just remain alone.
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I took this one yesterday and liked it.
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Because I'm too cringe and nobody unironically likes fiddies and Yuri
i like this highlander a lot
I love you too anon.
It's alright sis, my Femezen is a conjurer and she can attest that huffing sweaty hag pits is perfectly fine for your health.
I didn’t know atma was like that…
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I'm a 29 year old NEET whose given up and getting fat.
that's atma? I thought he would have killed himself by now
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Posting some moonie feet for moonie feet Friday
but that already happens
Any interesting sets, or just the white screen?
I must fashion more robust femlalas...
where was this? i actually need to find one
Just a white screen I saw
I only like femlala which already narrows it down. Then I am extremely particular in what I am looking for in a person. I am in no rush to lower standards just to get one.
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I thought up a thing that I wish I could draw for my character, but it's well and truly beyond my artistic capability and now I'm sad about it.
No one matches my standards
I want to kiss these later....
what feet do you use to make them so cute?
all miera are gay for male roes
Its a chair. Dyes like dogshit though
she has an aethy...
those are all futa so yeah they count as male
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What are you looking for...
Why are you responding to me twice?
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Not for lack of trying, but I guess cute single femras are just too hard to find
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1:35 CC ET Crystal
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We've been over this...
I have hundreds of hundreds of Triple Triad cards, is it worth start playing for some type of reward I might not be aware of?
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I do though!
Spooky femrar...
I'm the cutest femra and single
its a conspiracy not the fact that two different people find you ugly
one could say builded for maleroe
you should add a bulge haha
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1. Do you like sunnies
2. Are you in NA
3. Do you wanna watch scary movies together
If you want to, all you have to do is ask!
Most rapeable lalaboys??
Someone who talks constantly. A femlala that isn't bpd or bipolar. Likes being praised and doted on. Is vocal if she has any problems with me or in general that I can work on.
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do you have a dragon tail that can whip down buildings with the force of 1,000 bertha canons?
My femra is single, but she’s about to be tied down soon
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I have yet to find a fiddie that looks like this twitter fiddie and is EBable
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I'm too annoying, opinionated, and stubborn
my femra
needs a fit check
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It should be readily apparent why
Nah, it's not a conspiracy. Anons all kinda form a single amorphous blob to me. Even if 600 anonymous posts called me ugly they'd all congeal into a single person in my mind. You're not trying, why should I?
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You can just draw and you'll improve over time. You don't have to be good from the get go.
Brute Bomber is the only one who has good acting in English
Black Cat and Wicked Thunder sound weird and awkward.
H.B.L is ok but she has a weird southern accent for some reason
used goods...
the nazi one from the last thread
which malezen are actually lewd
No one would EVER eb a fantablob. Ever.
I lied, I want to be told to kiss them out of the blue. But I don't expect you to pay a guessing game, so later I'll ask.
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My malera on the left.
all of them they plap anyone who gives them any attention
Who's the hottest xivg catgirl?
Which fiera are actua- ah.. eh. Nvm.
Striped socks on a woman is delightful. Witches are delightful. Elezentober is delightful.
This fiddie needs more vitamin D, fruit based diet and more sleep.
thank goodness it's moonie friday
Fuck yeah the halloween costume is a 2007 hot topic employee in michigan, I love modern slop so much I'm fucking cumming
Because I have social anxiety and no friends
because i havent found the one yet , i'm too depressed so no one sticks around and eventually i drive everyone away
stinky femezen wife to mask the fact that my femxaela smells like horse doko
The blond ones. Every blond malezen is lewd for some reason.
I am a male midlander, nobody in their right mind would want me.
I can try for sure
We like this. You can go play WoW if you want, but you wont.
Do you just want the screen, or a decorated set?
How easy is the raid to get that top now? I really want it
its ok i have the pass
i don’t know…
I like that one a lot too and somehow missed seeing it before realizing that screenshot aesthetic is another area where we have similar tastes ( >>498046836 ).
Of course my issue is that I don't use any posing tools, so I have to let the scenery do the work...
Oh no, I would hate to see more characters in thigh-highs. Gosh, Halloween is just the worst season.
I think all the different bits will be useful in tons of glams

But as a set ita super lame
With a full party? Easy as hell
sad femlala for my occasionally sad femlala
I should make more poses with this moonie
I'm just glad I don't have to resub and have a free login campaign to get this slop
not jaden
My femlala needs to get her oil checked.
>i don’t know…
do it do it do it
It's you bro...
can you make an album please
I am a femra that loves femezen... one day I'll eventually become theirs...
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I... I have a confession... I fucking love Donovan Adovan!!! Ever since I first saw him in this thread my heart's been aflutter... my tummy jumps through hoops just to try and quell the butterflies that it gets filled with when I see his neon lime green eyes... He's so fucking handsome, I want to wear a sundress a-and I wanna skip through a field of lavender with him! I wanna trace my fingers up and down his inked up body, admiring all the linework for his various tattoos... B-but I think most of all!! I desperately just want to be his, I want him in an instinctual sense~! I want him to ravage me and blow his fat blunt smoke in my face! I want to feel him inside, I want him to kiss me with his stubbly beard poking and prodding my face... a-and I want to become HIS woman both inside and out! All that is to say... I love you Donovan Adovan... <3
Nobody wants a fiddie EB
macchi's pink haired moonie from several fantas ago
only catgirl from here i ever considered shooting ropes to
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Daaaw, I knew you cared.
i want to know the photo studio location pls
oddly specific
Can you ignore mechanics? I'm a shitter you see
jaden but only with a visible bulge
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>FFXIV already doing free login again

Dawntrail really did crater this fucking game
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I think this one is pretty cool.

I'm on a dead server and I'm not actively looking for one, mostly due to that I think.
too many good lalaboys use this hair
I do.
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>house getting knocked down on the 16th
>resub yesterday to save it
>they announce a free log in campaign
I got played like a fiddle
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will the gay crystal be a big part of FRU?
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BASED Donny enjoyer
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Femezen can be, their hight slider rangers from barely shorter to substantially taller
Basically yes, you have to avoid like one or two AOE
a big tip is to stay away from everyone and you should be okay
moments before the instant loss and the snapping of horns
Good I'll try to get people together after I finish dt so I'll have a party of 100s to unsync.
I'm not that person, I just have a rounded white screen with some lighting options. If you need it.
what would happen to someone if they licked it
Godspeed anon
Really? I only personally know of one other. The Ramza hair is also good on lalaboys..
do they usually do one before each patch?
Cause I only love femezen and hrothgals, and they're really rare
Who is the other and who is Ramza?
Nicely smug.
this middie attacked me in frontlines earlier!
Fiddie too?
now you have to take more pictures
i would use the top if it werent for the wings
might use the horns for a glam as well
It's old but I like it
a normal amount of time has passed since the last one but i wonder why theyre running it at the same time as an event with fomo items
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my moonie is like this
Yep, that's a wife
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6:25 CC ET Crystal
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Thanks mate I appreciate you
FUCK OFF he belongs to Molly
Oh I'm a male midlander
sound the alarm
Too many to choose from...
I’m a GAM who plays a straight female character. ERP is one thing, but RPing a full relationship is too gay even for me.
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an oldie I still love
I don't know his name, and he posts infrequently.

Ramza Lexentale is an NPC in the Ivalice raid. his hairstyle is called Laxen-tails and you can buy it in the Gold Saucer after clearing the raids. I forget the MGP price right now though.
They're gen3 feet apparently
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>I don't know his name, and he posts infrequently.
i hope it's my femlala
that red cat is sex incarnate
I just love sunnie tails :3
what browser do i use now
I fear i may have been skipped for cc...
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This is your pf healer for tonight
Say something nice about him
The wings ruin an otherwise really useful top
old and shadered but i think this one is still my favorite
You'd better! I don't boss people around out of nowhere unless I've played with them before and know that it's something they would want and be comfortable with.
This is my future wife, she'll yell at the staff when they give me the wrong order... I'm too shy to...
Having a pf healer + hrothgar automatically makes me think of Ser Furwix so I'll pass on saying something nice
Malezen are for femezen.
my moonie likes music like this
Close enough. Common midlander w
I'm one of the top femlala ebins and I will only EB someone else who is also a super popular ebin.
>i hope it's my femlala
Uuuuuuh.... Ok.
they are for femra
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Hello, do you like femra maybe...
my femezen unpolitely declines
Three pulls before I drop group and blacklist.
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Hey man i dont care what you look like, for all i care you could be a walking grey hitbox, just do the mechanics correctly please.
/petting this baby
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Maybe one day someone will post my miera...
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i like this one a lot... made me realize lip bites are a lot harder than they look
All reasonable requirements and I hope you find her someday.
cause I play FL
I don't talk to people and almost all my EBs have ended in disaster
Need a malezen eb for my femra
Nope, both for femra
can i eb your catgirl
>he doesn't know
wtf you had an EB?
He's one of the best people that I've met here
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that hasn't stopped me i just taught mine to pvp
Unironically the more gay and flaming the hroth usually the nicer they are too. In my experience they're like your granny and will give you random stuff
we stand with /ourguy/ pyro and refuse to sit on it
>Screaming about a meme you made and got completely serious about being mocked by the community
>Samefagging incessantly
>Whining about /pol/
Shhhh. You already outed yourself when you brought the politics into it. Go on another long hiatus from the thread and hope everyone forgets your meltie.
But so worth it. I'm in love with this one in particular
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I fear your theory is biased and compromised. I'm going to need you to do a jog around Ul'dah. While you're out I will gather test subjects
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Silver linings I suppose
My catgirl is already EBed to one of my friends

Yeah 4 years ago
it would be extremely painful
post the song
>Fuck yeah the halloween costume is a 2007 hot topic employee in michigan, I love modern slop so much I'm fucking cumming
I look like this and I say this.
same bro. wanna post each other?
Want this so bad why are all the free meena so gay.
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Because aether isnt open yet
yeah, more or less..
Ach! Tell me! I wanna knoooooow!
>All reasonable requirements
You'd think so but apparently its a lucrative combination.
If I get a catboy or male hrothgar healer in any content, I know I'm spending an extra 10 minutes minimum in it.
I do have one :3
someone salted my lalaboy
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10:15 CC ET Crystal
just get a FL EB
I EB'd a glub, tho
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
>malezen actually melting down
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holy moly
cute as heck
That shirt doesn't look good with that hat. Have you considered a different one?
little fella in a big world
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How does Uchiki do it?
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Everytime I get to know someone and want to take things further, they usually reveal themselves to be unwell or unhinged

also I dont really go to meetups
mod to replace all lalas with corn
probably grape c@
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I am a femra
posting my cringeslop
Built for my lalaboy
about to make some white linings
Sunnie boys, sure. No girls allowed.
>ebing a slut
oh no no no
that would be
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hroth teeth are so gross.
Why is his foot sinking into the ground....
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I'm the only person who has roegadyn as their favorite race itt
>raise one of them
>forgot about the other
it's fucking over
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>Built for my lalaboy
are you EU and when can i plap
I do, they cheated on me. Wondering if I should break the ring.
Yes. You literally just posted the reason to do it
femra have squires?
I'll pretend to be until you're alone and vulnerable and then start talking about Zeon.
they're my second favourite fem race..
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Why are malezen like this
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yes you may clean up, but i keep the pearls.
They both swing pretty hard so it's ideal for them
that is not a fit check!!!!!
Do what exactly?
Michigan IS objectively a hell-land full of demons kept at bay only by the efforts of noble Ohio patriots.
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Those are meant to be assassins!
She does have an uhh, servant though, yes
Update: My femezen ran half a lap around Ul'dah in her usual Ishgardian coat and attracted 3 catboys and a femra with her pheromones. Will keep you updated on their state as they huff her pits.
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My male lalafell is the Tatsuya Suou of /xivg/
Not at the moment, but I'm open to suggestions. I suppose I just wanted to show off that I'm in the Maelstrom. I swear to Venet if any of you make a "lmao Malestorm" joke I will chuckle sensibly. ;P
Uchi's face makes me physically ill, it's like when dead bodies lose all their color. It's like a reanimated Peggy Hill zombie
female wildwood elezen
field commander's coat
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My foolproof plan
>post picture of a couple being lovey dovey
>say it's me and some ebin
>repeat for weeks
>casually reveal to said ebin that it was ME
>we start dating
>keep posting couple pictures but now it's actually true!!!!!
Which bones to move for lip bite? Felt like lower jaw + lower teeth needed to be positioned back
Go back to getting rejected at ERP venues, Lorilee.
Who's the Patrick Star of xivg
To me, Warriors of light!
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What is this picture supposed to convey? I don't get it
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I EB'd my friend several years ago for the mount dress and hairstyle I don't use all three because the 4 seater mount exists, The dress' dye channel sucked until DT, and I can't use the hair cause I'm a femhroth.
I got my EB from frontline, I'm sure you can too
that sounds mega creepy
fuckin love fiddies so much bros
foolproof doesn't mean "only fools would fall for it"
It's over, just wanted to do like assassins trying to get her....
Prove it. I don't believe you
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A Sussy Baka?
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idk i dont think my moonie was that good desu
the hair is also modded which i dont like
You can't have this with a free meena
restraining orders after unsolicited foot licking make it difficult
not that they'll stop me, but it IS more difficult
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don't talk shit about Michigan, someone very near and dear to me is from there
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What trend in this thread is literally this?
Thank you for my ReFantazio protagonist name
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every scouting set other than AF is shit for a ninja aesthetic and made for VPR or just reskinned from another role
CS3 gave up on NIN glams a long time ago huh
It read to me that you three were gonna beat up the statue for some reason.

You need to dress those assassins in black or give them masks, make them further back or something
it would work on me though
>tfw only a Gridanian femezen
Ishgardians have all the luck
god i love nonconsensual feet stuff
but my race combo isnt a popular fit for it
that's not the one i meant
i meant the sexo one with the pigtails or whatever
i will tribute the next fiddie i see
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>No Dalriada run happening
Anyone want something crafted for them?
What's the FOTM now?
fine, i'll drag one to my goon cave RIGHT NOW
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you ready to be posed? i have your character...
I think you might be thinking about him too much
Good reason to not post my fiddie ever again, thanks.
Gay lalaboys
I hate to be that guy but this game takes place in Chicago.
Stop noticing things goyim
They're more so meant to look like normal citizens, a proper assassin encounter would look like you say - black hides and all
Nice sword bro, which one is that? Got a better shot of it?
>PF filled before I could transfer DCs
Skill issue I guess
>seven (7) reskins
bravo counterstrike 3
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2:25 CC ET Crystal
Why are you wife sharing wtf is this bro
dude i don't care if this particular case is consensual or not but in general you're such a fucking turbocreep 24/7, give it a rest
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Yup, rainy weather and the goblet put me in the mood for gposing. I should learn more photo techniques beyond rule of thirds and dutch angle, though.
100 lemon muffins
What the hell is this woman on about, mustache haveing isn't a new thing
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It's what I do!
Catboys report in
>why is the new poster job getting extra attention?
see >>498050584
was looking for an old screenshot and found some screenshots of my ex eb that I forgot to quarantine sigh
yeah but the inciting incident takes place in lake michigan and it's a pic that the person im referring to would see and understand because i told her about that game before
Go Blue
Women are retarded, more news at 11.
Gridanians ones can be used as seats instead
how much would you charge for the bis gathering set?
I love my harem :3
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sex till they are fucked silly
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You got me milliseconds before i logged for the day lol, i didn't really touch the bottom teeth! But I did touch the top teeth.
Positioned mostly the ones around the outer "ring" of the mouth, and rotated the inner bones of the lower lip. It was a lot of trial and error and seemed there wasn't too much room to get it "right", most attempts at various angles looked goofy or simply not on the sensual mood I was aiming for.
when I grow up I want to be as cool as you... love your pics
Soft faggy meena
None of them match up to Uchiki
there's over seven lalafellin realms
facial hair is disgusting no matter what desu
Viera with dark eye makeup
the hunt is on...
what type of content does gyoza fairy@cerberus do
So when are you gonna drag him into CC with us?
>implying he wouldn't let Gordan Freeman smash
and that's a good thing
it's been that way with NIN since SHB, it's no wonder the Crystarium and Cryptlurker are popular picks for VPR
I'm safe on my DC and I am protected by 1000 firewalls
Anyone else find it extremely cringe how the story is almost at the point where everything can be explained or blamed on le ancients? It's tiring, all the mystery slowly getting nuked with reddit factoids until there is nothing left.
i had a harem and then immediately realized giving attention regularly to 3-4 different people made me want to kill myself
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A very interesting choice! Where would I drop them off if you're being serious here?
I do all my crafting for free. You're talking about the level 100 crafted Thunderyards set, right? I can make that for you.
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that was 3 years ago and she wasnt sexo
Aww, your loss
am a femlala
debating on if I should eat more spaghetti or not...I feel full but idk if it's cause I ate fast or if I actually am full
this post gave me whiplash to ew release discussions
where the fuck have you been
>You're talking about the level 100 crafted Thunderyards set, right?
yeah, but let me pay you something at least
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I LOVE my wife Liliane Blanc!
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found this guy cryin in a metaphor thread
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If you can still eat than you aren't full enough yet, little piggy
I have to go to work again no lemon muffins for me :(
>femlala post
>mentions food
every time with you fat FUCKs
Save your spaghetti for later. Future you will appreciate it.
not that one either, one from early 2024 i thought, the one you used to pose tastefully nude sometimes with a few tattoos or something
I wish this thread was deleted on sight as well
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>fuck yeah the halloween costume is a 2007 hot topic employee in michigan
Worryingly accurate..
I think I could make Akemi moderately content.
I'd give even the fattest femlala uppies and a piggyback ride
I'd have enough for several days of leftovers regardless but I probably should just pack it up, the full feeling isn't fading like it does when one simply eats too fast
Why are you telling us?
Good luck lifting the fattest femlala
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5:25 CC ET Crystal
Good girl. Now, I can think of a few ways you can burn off those calories.
Putting this much effort in and then crying over getting mocked isn't a good look for whatever you are.
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Be 25 year old unvaxxed male hrothgar feeling the need to split femlala bussy in half
and that's a good thing
ninja job fantasy sucks
you're not a sneaky covert operator doing sneaky covert operations, you're a literal sorcerer that can breathe fire and summon thunder for some fucking reason, and also dresses in full chainmail (??? yeah very sneak nice job?)
i dont get what this class is inspired by except naruto
Most of the OLD scouting gear fits better with viper than ninja. They avoid releasing nice weebshit outside of AF because they want you to buy the eastern stuff on the mogstation.
I hate this "femboy" shit so much. Go back to calling them traps and knowing you're gay for liking them instead of this weird denial shit.
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If you really want to then how about 10k? If that's too small I'll do 100k but I prefer to do it for free!
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Nope. I'm gonna go to bed once I package my leftovers.
I'm a clown, telling my audience
nobody is putting effort into a stolen reddit post lmao
another gorgeous husband to add to the harem
You're just jealous that my girlfriend's Gock is bigger than yours. We're not having sex until we're married anyway
100k it is, then
They're so smol though
The difference between the skinniest femlala and the fattest is maybe 20 lbs?
Nobody cares about catboys anymore
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smelezen chair (REAL)
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Can I request a big tittied femezen to pose this?
you clearly do ;)
Praying XI throws us a bone and goes with more traditional Nin gear like the body stocking on pic rel
Is fox not in the syncshell or did I get paused.............
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>someone posted a funny poopy chair image from reddit and claimed to be a malezen 12 hours ago
>malezen are still seeing poopy chairs around every corner and talking about gamergate for some reason
you guys really are incelezen huh
post yours in dark hair and glasses
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It's girls who like them the most though
They're the boy version of tomboys
Tomgirls even
people would care about catboys if they weren't such dirty whores, get yourself cleaned up. Walk up to a nice gentleman and say "Fish Please" and if they give you a fish add them as your friend and then show up to them two or three times a day asking for fish until they eventually EB you.
My malezen jumped ship right on time nobody can ever call me stinky now hehe..
Shaking malezen hands worried over perceived online reputation in a thread comprised of homosexual men. Probably a wildwood, get off my race faggot.
*donald trump voice* we love our catboys folks, nyes we do!
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sorry cant help it.
Does this work on futas too?
Maleroe laps are different for my femlala… almost more like a pillow fort than a lap.
My femlala pisses herself when she is excited or scared
they are a moderator in both of the main xivg syncshells
and they are not globally paused or offline so yeah it's you
you can also middle mouse button their profile in mare and it will tell you they paused you
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What do I level next? No matter what I pick it will be miserable.
I am
A tanned fiddie who had 7 sushi rolls
Don't fucking judge me.
Were I to do an actual assassin scene with dark clad assassins i'd do it like this
I am not a horse girl so I don't know how to tell a futa from a normal girl
I play with my sunnie's tail all day long :3
not me dw
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>There's a new catboy art
>Find the artist
>Maliddie fujo
Every single time
I've been playing this for a while and this is by far the most single-player MMO I've tried. Not complaining tho, the game is pretty good. But sometimes I forget there are real people running around kek
free lube
You sure about that? >>498052105
theres no way people enjoy this shit, this is a meme done on purpose just like Donny right?!
steps on your sunnie's tail
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This person is in the xivg syncshell lol
She doesn't look like that on my screen, shrimple as
They look more like hawkers
I haven't seen a cock in months..
my catgirl does this
I've been here but i was just thinking about it again. Hate that bitch yshtola too who knows everything for some reason.
We like this!
This is FFXIV!~
killing myself
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Highlander status?
he'd take you down easily, sorry hun
can i join the xivg syncshell ?
My dude. High House Justacorps? Gryphonskin (I think) Coat?
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Alrighty, I got all the mats so where would you like me to drop it off after I finish crafting it?
Like what
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It's still this.
The person I'd like to EB is not interested in EBing, so currently waiting to meet someone who is, I guess.
That's between me and her bubs
I feel like I dont take enough advantage of the Thigh part of my Thighlander
depends what race you play?
my femezen would do this except acting like a maid would be torturous
One day my femra will have a cute yuri relationship...
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I'm gonna have a melty
I even put /pol/ in the post further up to bait out the fake based nigger and he took it hook line and sinker. Too easy
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balmung crystarium, please
my eb sunnie isn't scared of you :3
My femlala likes being /pet, especially on the belly
it'd make a baller hitler youth uniform
God I wish they would let us glam crafter sets on other jobs. So many good looking outfits, fucking WASTED. It's not like they even give us enough glamour plates to have dedicated glams for crafting jobs anyway
i play hrothgar
I don't know where to find a teapot
what's that helm?
I'll look at those next time I log in. Thanks for the suggests homie!
why does it matter what race i play? fine, I'm a femhroth
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I still think this is my best work
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when your bff knows how to use her fingers :3
your missing your red hat you fucking chud
Those people who stand around trying to sell you goods and services by yelling at you.
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10:25 CC ET Crystal
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I really like how stupid the face looks.
WAR ain't that bad, being free from the burden of healers is nice
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I saw a dream where I accidentally fanta to hag femlala and I could not fanta back. Its was spooky dream.
Right on, by the Aetheryte I assume?
I know what you mean. I'd love to use a ton of the crafter glams for my other jobs. I think they could look really good on a BLM or BRD.
That's the Hammersoph's Visor. A level 90 armor piece for Armorer.
To be honest, I'm surprised there's a /xivg/ syncshell exists
there's at least 3 public ones
>for Armorer
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>there's a /xivg/ syncshell exists
This is why I don't join syncshells.
EB status?
How are Miera so goddamn hot
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i love any screenshot i take with caddy in it
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This is my favorite from what I've made
I feel this way about that dykey femra with the weird face who LARPs as the Assassin's Creed Shadows Yasuke equivalent but in Ishgard instead of Japan.
i'm a lil retarded and my English sucks
aight fair enough
I thought you already had honestly
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>God I wish they would let us glam crafter sets on other jobs. So many good looking outfits, fucking WASTED. It's not like they even give us enough glamour plates to have dedicated glams for crafting jobs anyway
Every day I wish I could use this chest piece for MCH.
I do
The women I go on romantic hikes with keep disappearing.
they're mostly biofems is why
I am
a Fiddie
who did not particularly enjoy the Chicken Big Mac.
In fact, my tummy hurty
My femra will stab you if you talk to other women
how do you get paused by fox lmao
nigga will literally joi anyone who asks for it
How would I go about joining one? I used to be in it but left a long time ago since I was on a shitty laptop at the time.
I think they look good in adventurer glams, corny in casual ones.
naa, just amazing femboys
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I'm not really interested in it unless it's incredibly cringe full send e-dating with a biofem. Adding to that, I've had two trannies in the past straight up lie to me about being biofems to try to e-date me, so I'm kind of just over the whole idea in general now.
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I don't get it personally, but it doesn't surprise me, people like convenience and play into fomo
my femra eb does this too which makes it really hard to pick up more femra
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I liked how the composition on this one turned out..
3 weeks ago I would have disagreed with you. I have since been exposed to troubling information...
How do you let mare show nsfw profiles anyways
you can stab me, but you're still gonna get filled with cum
The one I know who was piloted by a biohole was really small and faggy, like a ftm tranny. Not good looking at all.
The desperation oozing out of this damage control is a dead giveaway of the effort you put in, yeah. Looking forward to seeing you actually put in the work of making alts to push this meme.
To me, this kinda read like she was thinking of pulling out her sword to compare sizes with the statue, and the two midlanders behind her are like "Don't you dare desecrate our statue you dumbass".
my femra would like to get stabbed by femra so could we just move right into that
Oooh! A lot of jealousy of Miera here!
What's your favorite game outside of 14?
What's your favorite manga?
What's your star sign?
I'm not about to read all that so could you give me a quick rundown?
literally nobody cares except you pal
Yes keep pushing the meme
I am tired of these fantablob e-girl chasers flocking to malezen. Get them the fuck off my race
>I've had two trannies in the past straight up lie to me about being biofems to try to e-date me, so I'm kind of just over the whole idea in general now.
i dont remember making this post
Elezen more like gay
Au Ra Pride world wide
I need a femra like that
I think I'll just scrap this screenshot and redo it
Okay can we try this again?
I don't want to boost their ego
My condolences
Trannies not being honest is obnoxious
my harem member
Sex with Elezen
Boku (translator's note: boku is I.)
NIN has maybe 3 good looking weapons in total and you're surprised the Scouting gear is mostly reskinned Aiming or Striking gear?
Any femra want to get plapped by my stinky ass (literally) malezen
>Right on, by the Aetheryte I assume?
sure, thank you
My miera fanta golem
My other miera fanta golem
My third miera fanta golem
Yet another miera fanta golem made by me
You'll never guess the last one
spanks your miera
What are the three?
This post reeks of shit
i was expecting this webm to be a lot worse but it honestly just looks like a taco shaped burger
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Pic related, guess which ones were made by biofem(s).
Honestly if you haven't played MNK since EW it's much better now.
If I can offer some advice: make the midlanders not immediately appear standing behind her drawing their weapons, have them appear pretending not to be assassins first. And have the femra first do some kind of prayer or deep thinking gesture so it looks like the statue is making her reflect on something rather than she's thinking about the statue itself.
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I want lewd pics with this fiddie
Sorry I couldn't tell you exactly what makes them read as such, perhaps the posing
There is like 10 total “”””straight””” femras in the game.
why won't you love my fiddie
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Only like female characters
Nice armpit!
i genuinely wouldn't care if they were a tranny or not #malera
it's the dishonesty part that shows their true character
Labyrinth of Galleria
Voynich Hotel
I'm not them. I just wanted to share.
Might be a good idea, especially the first part
+ adding some setting dialogue
Nahhh dw dw, that was a quickly done mockup
Having il Mheg as the backdrop to me and my sunnie ebs climax was amazing....
consensual marital sex with malezen
if you don’t care, don’t ask
both on the left
t. female
doesn't count if they're brown
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2:30 CC ET Crystal
My femra is straight but she's also a G'raha simp.
My Sunnie is female.
no erp though
Here's a pity (You) even though this post is just "I have electronic sex :3"
Is this moldman?
Kinda love this green bun ngl
i forgot to add but e-dating in general is pretty retarded and superficial
a lot of people take part in it specifically to garner some level of control that enables them to be deceitful with little repercussion, case in point
Sadly they can't all be ja/ck/ kino

Eh, emotions make people do dumb stuff. I forgave both of them and am still friends with one. But I can't deny it left a bitter scorch mark on my ability to trust people when it comes to EB/e-dating shit.
my moldy prince
they're making fun of that fiddie in heiko's pic
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I just know malezen didn't make that post
I was just recently recommended this series of games
I haven't heard of this
Our compatibility would be complex apparently
Thank you for sharing!
the punchline is le sex!
sigh bro

thank u guys. i'm not green btw lol
>Labyrinth of Galleria
Holy based
Why are there almost no tanned or brown miera? It feels like its all city folk instead of hunters
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Anyone know any aiming top pieces with capes or cloaks other than the one from nier raids?
Oh oops
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im logging in sorry
Okay that’s fine
>tfw this could be about me
i'm so sorry..
i was scared you'd hate me
It was snowy where I grew up
Only good brown Miera we had got shit posted out of here.
>simping for a gay catboy
baka my head
Top of my head
Matte Replica Blade's Subtlety
Classical Daggers
Cobalt Tungsten Khukuri
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Vore season has started I see
Malezen stock status just keeps going lower and lower

>meg goes from malezen into a femra and gets plapped anally
>arab malezen gets cucked by magness
>jean the ex-malezen was outed for liking blacked
>malezen with red femra eb gets pegged on the downlow
>sexpest malezen in the disord begging for sex with ebins
>veron is friends with akemi
>redhaired malezen leaving shitstains on his chair
the only thing im eating is my 12pk of tacobell
EB status on right?
emotions or not, relationships are built on trust
if they'll lie to you right out of the gate then you're gambling on them for no reason
>veron is friends with akemi
I feel like this is the most damning one
Is this just bait to get them to post? Swear I saw some posting already even
My moonie has surpassed top p2 her brain expands
hi gradma!
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What was his problem?
what should i fanta to?
Don't care who I date as long as they buy me food and clothes.
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Click export pose and overwrite my pose I made for a while and were happy with. Goodbye... I'm too retarded to go on
Male Viera to join the FOTM
Short man syndrome
Chad born in the body of a toddler
G'raha is WoL sexual, not gay. If the WoL is male, then yes he's gay. But if the WoL is female, then he's straight. And my femra wants nothing else than someone that fawns over her constantly.
Name and place
>>meg goes from malezen into a femra and gets plapped anally
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>use 2/3 of those for my glams
I like the giantsgall cleavers as well but I just like cleavers as a weapon
>But if the WoL is female, then he's straight.
He still comes off as gay… no straight guy would behave like that.
based if true about jean
No I want some south american junglebuns
Nyu and Gabe.
Maybe your bunny is the one lacking braincells..
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>i forgot to add but e-dating in general is pretty retarded and superficial
Oh believe me brother, I know it. I won't get too into it but I'm just a shut-in that doesn't want to date normie women though, so it's either "win the lottery by finding a girl like me online" or just spend my days alone. I don't put too much stock in it though, it's just something that'd be nice if it happened.

It probably isn't, I don't think either of them post here anymore. But regardless, I hope you learned your lesson about playing with people's emotions.

Well yeah, but I wasn't going to gamble on them anyway on account of the COCK AND BALLS. In hindsight I really don't understand how either of them thought that was a good plan to even try, since I am very up front about only being interested in vagina having women.
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bruh if you have to explain that it was bait you already lost
Stop lying about me, or you'll regret it

I did not poop on that chair
while i'm stuck here, someone point me in the direction of those syncshells
Anon, nobody here actually paid attention in ARR. They barely paid attention in Heavensward. I doubt most even remember most of the characters in Stormblood. Half this thread are shadowbabs who skipped cutscenes and dialogue to get to the "real game".
the..... Dantrell expansion? huh?
stink only increases femezen stocks
I slowly but surely come to the same conclusion... /pet
Tending to my sheep
I don't think they have those in Eorzea
I feel closer to Nophica
when the fuck did he make fox a moderator wtf
I am
a lucky femroe
playing the game
79 and counting
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ummm thats my bio but it's on a different character?? please explain
Gabe is still here
Sexpest dykera
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You should try them they're very good, especially refrain if you like yuri
Try reading voynich if you like comedy and horror mixed with surreal situations
I love you fellow galleria enjoyer
Congrats! /pet
Let's make it 80! /pet
watermelon lookin' ass
end of the thread aaauuuhhhh VEENA HERE lmao hahahaaa
the post that broke malezen
at least those are honest about being cleavers, most of the NIN animations make it look like they should be wielding icepicks and half the weapons look too brittle to actually do damage without snapping in half or too clunky to actually work with that grip.
That's a femra problem
That's a fiddie problem.
That's a mierda problem.
Yeah nevermind my race is cooked.
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Gonna stop calling as I have to go do reclears today.
if someone wants to pick CC qs up feel free.
My femlala is Jewish (but not Israeli)
Stop abducting our glorious doman sheep
Truly Eorzea has no culture unlike glorious Doma
can someone please link the origin post to today's events i am so fucking lost
Fandaniel did nothing wrong
Cant imagine getting shitposted for sleeping with too many women. Seems almost like an honor.
weird... i follow the "source" for this AI answer and the source is a youtube video of a streamer reacting to a video of the most popular MMO's in 2024.
plap plap plap plap we're married now
What'sup with these jabroni-ass malezens tryna see Balmung?
The middle reply >>498055375 was meant for you, whoopsie.
Jealous maliddies will do that to you I suppose.
You're thinking of that Gabe clone.
I’m at lb14 but I’m at the gym rn
MB think I left myself on a bench
I had to do this midpull and nearly died because of it
Only if we do it through a hole in a bedsheet…
Do Rava have a catchphrase?
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As usual.

Yup! I'll definitely be trying them eventually, long backlog to get through first!
I'll be taking a look right now then
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>the new Dantrell expansion
Yeah it's gpose with me white woman for the contrast
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Because Rava miera are unpopular compared to Veena.

>city folk instead of hunters

Anon, the vast majority of people who play Viera in general don't care about their lore.
it's time for me to tank their stock even more, I guess...
Good luck with reclears~
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why the HELL can't you drive your swanky new hovercycle here
They say "Rava Kadabra!" when they pull a fellow bunny out of their hat. Since the hat cant go on their head anyway.
Please be nice to the robot, it's trying it's best unlike most of us
Oh so this is what it's about. Jealousy over femra liking malezen. Pathetic...
smelezen wife
that's a malezen?
No loicense
this made me laugh pretty hard, thanks anon
fine, when can I meet your family
I care about the lore. Do you? I wanna be a proper hunter gatherer..
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Aight later then
I recognize this miera's posting style
I can't get too mad at the daggers because MCH would give me an aneurysm. I also the Ruthenium knives. I just wish they came with sheathes similar to the SAM blade.
THEY in elezen in general
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This place sux
Someone is seething at malezen and venting their scat obsessions.
>Viera in general don't care about their lore.
true that one sharlayan professor miera was making up lore about why miera racemix so much to excuse his edating
very cute roe though, certainly improves the place
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who ever said we had that kind of activity going on after hours?!
I'm not sure I do much
Fuck this place
After you get circumcised
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to warn you its very dated with it's references and if it turns you off it try nickelodeon by the same mangaka its more true to form with the stuff that guy does and better written. I just like voynich the most cause its the first thing I read by him.
I'm already circumscised, I'm a nazarite
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Fuck you!
Hmm, I think you’ll scare buble.
Well then, I suppose it's up to you to round out my edges...
I adored nickelodeon! Shocking to see a fellow enjoyer
Dowman Sayman is amazing! I love his stuff and especially his anthologies like nicko, voynich just has a special place in my heart.
love u fellow dowman enjoyer.

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