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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

> All Saints' Wake Begins October 18!

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>498033473
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138

Last time on /xivg/
catboy supremacy
Sex with catgirls
Marriage with (You)
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lol, lmao even
bloonies are the best
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My femra will one day have a cute yuri eb... hopefully...
I lived bitch
Why do redditors hate malezen so much?
Fiddie Friday, post your fiddies
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como se dice FAT DUMPY in espanol?
The thread won't stop me from being a lewd femlala!
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how do I get over my crush not liking me back?
Wowww bitch slayyyy
Where do you shop to look like such a slut???
Love your nails queen
Liking me instead
I like how this guy keeps screaming "debooonked!" while ignoring the second smelezen in that thread that literally posted his shit stained underwear
but i do like you back...
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I don't care if people have headcanons, especially for something as badly explored as viera lore, but it's silly to make up excuses for OOC behavior as if it's real. There's zero evidence that viera like to miscegenate in the lore.
When they inevitably release Blitzball, will will you participate in the /xivg/ Blitzball League?
The cunny that lived ToT
didnt read but god damn i NEED to have sex with eliza
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>malezen with red femra eb gets pegged on the downlow
this is new lore i was not aware of. sorry, but i'm not that exciting.
you're ebd to me already
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Hand me those syncshells

I expected smelezen to be a 1 day fomo shitpost, but seeing the damage it's done makes me want to see it posted more
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what drives a man to such madness
it's femroe friday, post femroes!
what happened to all the goopies...
pompis gordo
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if they ever do though, I will become a blitzball main
Cute mrava
Is anyone else starting to get pissed that the McRib still isn't back, or is it just me?
>Samefag shits in his underwear and posts it just as promised while anonymously claiming to be an elezen
>Samefag has openly promised to do so as shown in the screenshot
You're still deboonked bruh, go back to seething about chudezen plapping your crush and browsing scat subreddits for "material" to post here.
what no fiddie does to a man
My fiddie too... hopefully...
>There's zero evidence that viera like to miscegenate in the lore.
Their extremely long lifespans certainly isn't speaking for miscegenation.
he's like my femra but inverse
i understand his tormented lunacy
I do this anonymously
Yeah I'm kinda' mad about it too. Need to cover myself in McRib sauce and run around the lavender beds with no top on. Sunnie btw.
my goopie has been too sad to post I'm sorry...
I'm not though

H-hey... what's your sign
>he's like my femra but inverse
Your femra keeps losing fiddie wives?
Someone has been having a gigameltie about male elezen. Don't ask me why.
Mesugaki gentle mommy femlala EB.... please....
ask magness for an invite to the xivg one
this is the CC one
pass: I love CC!
>gentle mommy
also my femlala is exactly like this though but I dont do anything lewd
I'm a fiddie and I want a femra wife
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Cringiest post I've read today, i thought malezen were based?
You've been melting down about malezen for weeks now, you were gonna keep posting it no matter how quickly you got outed as a creepy scat fetishist.
Hopefully happy times for you soon goopie
the NPCs in solution nine are so boring
one would imagine they would have some crazy ass conversations with technobabble and futuristic jargon but they are so boring that I wasn't able to find a single interesting conversation between NPCs in the entire city
They've all moved on..
they can't handle that malezen stocks are a pretty stable retirement investment all things considered i guess
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my incredibly shy nature does that all on its own
The game doesn't really explore the intimate lives of most NPCs, and since mixed-race couples aren't really a phenomena the writers care about, it doesn't really come up besides "this happened, moving on". The closest we ever got at a real look was Hilda.
Malezen being hated and shitposted needs to happen more. Only the strong survive
I need you. Tease me and then say you love me while you stroke my hair
Malelala x Femlala
>housing auto demo paused
>free play days given during the event and mog tomes so I can refresh my house timers again
It's like Yoship really doesn't want me to resub
nobody would unironically do this
you're terminally online to get so worked up. go outside you fucking loser
ok my femlala is DEFINITELY like that then
Show your femra
Each day I go without a femlala EB the closer I get to seeing the light
It's like real life
>man if everyone didn't have to work and got free money then society would be a better place
>covid happens
>everyone forced to not work
>given money by the goverment
>everyone just sits on their asses watching Hrothgar King instead of pursuing their interests
I don't remember making this post.
I don't want to or else I'll get made fun of
Maybe I could help you get out of your shell...
when are we moving the hangout spot to Kugane?
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hello and happy femroe Friday my fellow femroe fanatics
this week I bring a seasonal selection of silly words presented in the spirit of Fall/Autumn
I love femroes so much it's unreal

farewell my friends to those Summer days.
bright, vibrant memories where outside we'd play,
frolicking to and fro under the sun's warm glow.
time mattered not yet still seemed to slip by,
we'd ought to have paused and taken recess,
a moment to oneself to take deep breaths
and gaze heavensward to skies, azure blue.
with our backs to green grass reaching up to clouds, why
it needn't be long, just a minute or two.

alas the days grow shorter and the nights are now colder,
the dog days of Summer have left in short order,
as nature prepares for its yearly deep sleep,
we too shall find time to relax and unwind.
but don't get too cozy nor take too long a repose,
for a new season's upon us: the Autumn of roes!

yes the Autumn of roes, our spirits laugh and grow!
a familiar camaraderie so come, let's go!
there's femroes about wearing sweaters and cardigans
that certainly cause your heart to beat hard again!
like the bright, vivid painting Mother Nature's bequeathed us,
femroes, like the leaves, are varied and gorgeous!

the cool, Autumn breeze serves to temper our flames,
but with such beauty around, how could one complain?
pumpkins, colored trees fill our hearts with glee,
orchards full of apples as far as the eye can see.
these simple pleasures of life are best enjoyed slow,
and with your loving femroe, time slows to a crawl
that makes this time of year surely the best of all.

hold your femroe tight at dusk's last light,
sharing a warmth to last throughout the night.
with she in your sight and you in her's
there's nary a thing your love shan't endure.
so enjoy these cool months and nurture each other,
and you two shall be granted everlasting succor.

please enjoy the rest of your Friday and have a good weekend
in the words of another anon, "remember to be kind, even online"
thank you
>Instead of
Donny won.
another night of frontlines queues ruined because some fags wanted to premade on dark knight. no nobodies queuing
I shan’t
my femlala will help guide you to the light
face 2 dunesfolk femlala here
You lost.
ty.. I will maybe post my goopie later today or maybe tomorrow....
You can't fix me.
I can't fix you either.
If we get together, we'll only make each other worse...
What's your favorite pre 00's anime
Shame, I quite like bittersweet things like that. Always have with elves and such.
You could have just ignored the stupid fucking shitpost but you're making us look even worse...
You've been posting cringe all day. What happened? Who was your crush and which malezen plapped her?
I can fix you but I'm busy right now
just kill the ast???
I can't anon.
While she may act like that, choosing to describe that behaviour as "mesugaki" specifically tells me that we're not going to work out anyway.
We don't need to be fixed, we just need to be grafted into one flesh and made whole again...
No you won't
Would you fix a femlala?
that might be impossible after all this time..
i don't even know how to hold a simple conversation without freezing up
I think that is the reason why he's doing it
it's 3 DRK and like 5 SMN. fuck all you can do
Why do femlalas aways toy with my feelings....
Let's do it... let's destroy this whole world... together
Holy fuck i'm dumping stocks after this post
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Kill biggers. Behead biggers. Roundhouse kick a bigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a bigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy midlander biggers. Defecate in a biggers food. Launch biggers into the sun. Stir fry biggers in a wok. Toss biggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a biggers gas tank. Judo throw biggers into a wood chipper. Twist biggers heads off. Report biggers to the IRS. Karate chop biggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant elezen biggers. Trap biggers in the quicksands. Crush biggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy biggers in a vat of acid. Eat biggers. Dissect biggers. Exterminate biggers in the gas chamber. Stomp bigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate biggers in the oven. Lobotomize biggers. Mandatory abortions for biggers. Grind bigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown biggers in fried chocobo grease. Vaporize biggers with a ray gun. Kick old biggers down the stairs. Feed biggers to moogles. Slice biggers with a katana.
See >>498056832
You cannot call anyone else terminally online while you're browsing scat subreddits for pictures to post so you can seethe about malezen and having enormous tantrums about getting caught. This is Lorilee-tier behavior from you. You even outlined specifically the effort you planned to put in, but go ahead and keep pretending it was all a social experiment, I've got plenty of time to laugh at you.
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I wouldn't say I have a favorite, but if I had to say something like Cobra, Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu or Ashita no Joe
I could but why fix something worthless when I can just replace it?
my little aryan prince
It was only a couple of years ago that I was just like you... you just have to keep trying with small steps, slowly but surely, and you'll be out of your shell before you know it.
picks you up by your heiling arm and tickles your armpits with my kitty boi tongue
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Why are people being so mean to our glorious melves?
i love this moonie!
cowboy bebopd
lowlander sex
Sorry you tried to force a meme, tripped, and fell face first into your own shit instead.

You never had any to begin with. Weep.
>There's zero evidence that viera like to miscegenate in the lore.
Viera are rare, in lore. If a male viera, who are so notoriously horny that they live in exile, was to leave do you seriously think they're going to live a celibate life for hundreds of years?
It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't shit their pants, it's like the femlala diaper fiasco, but even worse since they live alone.
but where do i even start? even just briefly interacting with other femlalas is terrifying
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I made this dumb pic for today
thank you for the poems and happy friday, catbro
Gonna cry, bigger?
That's just a fraction of what we go through 24/7...
>believes some random anonymous post that includes malera
You're cooked bro
I think mine is Key the Metal Idol... maybe i need more time to think
i need this roe in my life now...
My moonies top night had to be cut short so now she is turning to the booze
The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.
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It can't be helped lmao
Chicken Big Mac is better then the normal one. But Big Mac's still suck in general cause they're a mess to eat.
That's a man
Kek, keep bullying the little faggot until he outs himself. I bet it's a grown ass man playing a femra.
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Looking forward to it..
They live alone. So if they wander off from where they're supposed to be to get laid, why not just arrange meetings with female viera despite it being taboo?

Honestly, if you want to start making assumptions like that, it's a safer bet to say they turn to homosexuality like sailors and the classical Greeks.
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Another blessed day...
based femroe enjoyer, I like these poems. Keep them up.
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i swear i'm learning more lore about myself and husband in the last hour.... than i ever knew
Why are malezen bragging about typefucking grown men? what happened?
This anon is blind
Male hroth x male hroth
Femlalas would hate you for this
malezens be like "Actually I shower twice a month" while /telling femlalas about their erect cocks
Please stop calling us that...... :(
thats just that ESL blonde aryan one
Fucking savages. At least Malera Men wouldnt shit their pants.
It's some butthurt faggot who tried to push a meme, got outed as a redditor, and is spamming as hard as he can because it backfired and outed him as a scatologically obsessed weirdo.

I'd love to know what set you off, this has been the funniest meltdown I've seen yet and I'm proud to have caused so much asshurt that you had to go to reddit and shit in your own pants over it.

>Believe my redditposting instead
yeah i'm believing this is a false flag now
I only date cute dainty femlalas, not feeling any biggots.
but what if a QoS fiddie snowbnuuy sussed my joj and haahwaaw'd my woober till I radio Disney'd a thread schizo in the backseat of my caddy without any air freshener or toilet paper awwwww yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh
Also cc t4t joi doko
what is it about femra feet...
Favorite Male Viera?
Honestly it's probably that horsefucker femezen
My moonie is returning to the light dc
Nobody cares about the redditpost being fake for a dumbass shitpost. We're laughing at you crying and actually pooping your pants over it
No unironically likes maleroe
A flower. Yes. Upon your return, I will gift you a beautiful flower.
the mavas
Sigh, since you asked nicely.
There, there... I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.
*gently caresses your head resting on my lap*
I swim downstream of the Lavender Beds at least twice a month to stay clean and no one has ever complained about the smell. So I think my femezen is fine.
>They live alone. So if they wander off from where they're supposed to be to get laid, why not just arrange meetings with female viera despite it being taboo?
If you leave the village then you wouldn't need to live alone, it just means you can't come back. Every single player viera is in exile, if you come from a village
>Honestly, if you want to start making assumptions like that, it's a safer bet to say they turn to homosexuality like sailors and the classical Greeks.
Why would a straight guy with plenty of access to pussy because he is no longer restricted to specific breeding windows per year turn gay?
Someone got so absurdly mad at male elezen that they went to a scat subreddit, found a picture of a chair with a shitstain on it, and posted it with a long angry effortpost in which they claimed to be a malezen. They then got outed as having browsed a scat subreddit to find the picture and have been in damage control seething about malezen ever since. No idea what set them off since malezen are the least offensive people in the community on average.
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It's finally confirmed, SE have completely given up on FFXIV having an actual artstyle, instead all they're gonna make is moderncore slop pandering to an audience that doesn't even play the game.
This glam has nothing to do with halloween, all they did was tossing in a pair of horns and shitty gloves, FFXIV will only go downhill from now, hope you'll enjoy when they've abandoned all pretenses of world building.
We're being polite sis...
My malera pees in the water at the 'beds
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That's the entire point...
Pretty much, well be going the way of TERA soon. But to fair they stopped caring about the vaguely western European art direction ages ago
are you autistic
bro we got power rangers for a summer event years ago
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Imagine being this mad over a minigame.
I wouldn't call it grooming... I just want to help a fellow shy lala.
Find a place that is just slightly out of your comfort zone without being too scary. For me it was showing up to a meetup/hangout spot and just wallflowering, I'd give basic responses if someone tried to talk to me but otherwise I kept to myself. From there I eventually moved up to talking in say chat a bit and doing group stuff at meetups, and after a while I was able to have 1 on 1 conversations. You just have to keep pushing.
this melf melty is really fucking funny
Someone made a shitpost saying they were too lazy to get up after shitting themselves, then found a picture of a dirty chair. People then called them a smelezen, so the smelezens had to scour reddit in order to prove that they totally don't shit themselves, even though no one actually believed all smelezens were shitting themselves, at the very most it was one anon, and the smelezen name is just a joke
Just say the garo stuff which has been in the game since like HW
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My malezen isn't like the others. He wears diapers.
For me, its the Jack in The Box bacon ultimate
>Nobody cares that I got outed
You do, clearly. Also you literally shit in your own pants to try to make it work. An elezen made you so mad you shit in your own pants. You shit your own pants with rage.
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nobody cares msq andy
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>It's finally confirmed, SE have completely given up on FFXIV having an actual artstyle
if we're going the way of TERA can we please get combat that's as good as theirs too
me top middle
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This post somewhat encapsulates why I was such a doomer about Dawntrail during the JP Fanfest meet.
They only made fat females cause they were so god damn lazy. Look at the trailer.
that was a collab....
i really don't get it, most skilled schizo targets just fend it off with a simple "that's not me" and move on
is this insane elezen meltdown actually real?
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>scour reddit
Are we going to pretend like 4chanx doesn't have multiple reverse image search options attached to every image post now?
can we just call them smelfs though
>this mad over shitposting on 4chan
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uh oh smelty
Post your cat girl!
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>it doesnt count because its a collab!!!!!
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good morning
I personally encourage it when he targets me because I think it's funny
Hey homie.... Are you sure about this? There was no Gryphonskin Coat, so I went with the jerkin.

I don't think you understood the look I was going for. Do you not see my big ass edgy ass weapon? The one that has chainsaw teeth on it? He's a RPR, he's supposed to look so edgy he cuts his wrists everytime he's on screen. Again, I appreciate the suggests but this ain't it homie.
cutie ears
Maybe imagine that this is a part of a Helltaker collab, eh?
No our devs are too dumb, prease understandaru smarr indie company
Took them like an hour to reverse image search then. Regardless, it's a funny name, are you really that buttblasted over it?
Alpha, Light
Twintania, Light
Shiva, Light
Zodiark, Light
Lich, Light
unlike this shitty generic halloween glam that was cool
Garo is fantasy and can fit into FFXIV, it's also a crossover that doesn't pretend to be anything else, these "halloween" glams are just generic moderncore slop that isn't even halloween themed
what browser are people using now
The catgirls keep marking the tree with their piss at LB14 and the smell is getting unbearable
What crack are you smoking? They're not "in exile". That's not anywhere in the lore. Viera choose to leave for any number of reasons and just stop being a part of the system. They aren't kicked out and aren't barred from ever coming back. The entire arrangement is completely consensual. The only reason the separation even occurs is due to a commonly-held belief among Viera that it's part of their culture, and a part they're fine with. It's like claiming that all sunnies actually hate the Nuhn and Tia system and long for a society where they can have monogamous marriages.
But I've posted her a bunch today..
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I'm sorry your literal shitpost backfired on you so horribly. Wait I'm not sorry, lol. You posted a shitty chair, and claimed to be a malezen. You then got outed as a redditor and shit in your own pants to double down. You can call it a meme or a social experiment or that you were just trolling, but it's your mom that's gonna go to do the laundry and nervously bring up the subject of whether you need Depends when she brings you your tendies.

All over a malezen.
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He corrected himself. I don't know why you still bring this up.
do you like femlalas

are you on NA region
smelfy have a smelty!
Mozilla FireFox
Going to wear this outfit while using my fry egg emote and you cant do anything about it.
firefox, and tor for porn
Guh. I meant to reply to >>498052627
Go on chat, clown me.
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No, I have no dog in the fight either way, I'm just arriving late to see the aftermath. I just found that disingenuous of you to put it like that.
uh oh this lil nigga was trying to add fuel to the fire but replied to the wrong post again!
reminds me of when he replied to someone posting about a biofem having her tits leaked here
the cat tree scares me
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whatever gave you that idea?

t. Sentai weeb nigger
that is exactly what I need
I hate you
As a lich native I agree with this post
Did you respond to the wrong post or is it an actual goddamn lalaboy melting down about malezen?
strangles you to death while spitting in your mouth as you gasp for air
>The Viera in Golmore Jungle live under a strict code, the "Green Word" (also known as the Word of the Wood),[1] that forbid them from interacting with the outside world unless strictly necessary. Those who leave to discover the world are forever banished, never to return.
What's that word for when you're banished never to return?
Relax Caelynn Lynwood
At least give us Elins
And no, Lalafell are not good enough
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Why Edge of course.
I've already blacklisted you so go ahead
I swear every year they release a new modern glam and every time people bitch about how it doesn't fit with the style of the game and it's the beginning of the end.
you damaged the stocks more than that post ever did. well done ser
Can I dick you down after you're done making my breakfast?
Someone should post cute elfs there's a lack of elf talk and appreciation in this thread
I want to be your friend...
I knew it was over when they added wings
I cannot provide beyond an anonymous setting.
May you find what you're looking for anon. /smooch
I thought Caelynn was EBd?
qrd on this cat
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Thanks but I'm spell farming :3
I love a good smelf who wears diapers
>anons when the final fantasy game actually pulls from all of final fantasy instead of just 1-6, and 11
This time next week my femra will be extra horny
Replied to the wrong post. Someone gave me some suggests last thread and I was responding to them, but then... Forgot to change the quick reply. >>;;

Yeah, yeah. It happens. Go on, clown me. My body can take it.
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Modernslop was a mistake, futureslop was a mistake and I will mod them out of my game.
The vagueposting because you got btfo is the funniest part.
Exactly. We have made you seethe so hard you crapped yourself, and there's no going back.
Yeah it was funny that you shit yourself trying to force your meme, SK. Now tell us what the elezen did to make you this mad.
I only ever use Firefox
My moonie is gonna have to take a new picture for this she doesn't want to repost again..
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smokin this shit cuz ya full of shit
>modern glam is bad because... it just is!
im not CL....
I love moooooooooonies please do!
>Go on, clown me.
Okay i found the post i was referring to and will continue to clown on you!
and your reply
nah you're on your own bro
I think people just want the game to start having some original ideas. When the game is like 60% remember old thing you liked! It gets very tiring. Especially when the older things are better and more fun
my lalaboy has felt very weird all day
Keep trying little guy you'll get there someday. With shitstained pants.
I'm not familiar with them or their posts so I was never judgmental to begin with. My post basically amounted to "if that's true that's silly".

That's from Ivalice, dummy. A raid series that was written by Matsuno, who isn't actually a writer for FFXIV, and came out before Viera were even in the game.
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The aesthetic has been broken and ruined since at LEAST the Nier raids, maybe earlier idk. I'm completely numb to it at this point, this is the eventual fate of all asian MMOs.
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Nothing backfired smelezen, you're having an honest to god meltdown when you could've just said "I shower" when someone calls you stinky
They either scoured reddit, or they very slowly reverse image searched. Also in the brief test I did there, I couldn't find any results for reverse image searching it
I miss being shy. People don't like bold women. The world is still very misogynistic in that it's expected for us to shut up and only speak when spoken to...
why couldnt we have gotten psyker instead of this dogshit job
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My cat girl.
>The original idea? Yup, more knightslop!
4chan has always been against anything that is or has potential to be popular. reminds me of highschool
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we need Meg back to fix these melf stocks bros they're not looking good right now
I'm getting hard-targeted by faggots, time for me to do dallies.

Someone take take-over cc calls!
Elves are from the First, bro.
I don't mind modern clothes, they're just usually not the kind of stuff I think looks cute.
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>shuten horns
7 days until I become a BAD bunny
bring him back!
"Power Rangers" is iconic in JP though.
being shy hasn't gotten me anywhere so far, and i'm rapidly approaching 30
feels more like i'm just missing out on life by not being able to make meaningful connections with people..
how about you take jean back
Your sense of fashion is terrible.
i always assume they're a lesbo or damaged goods
unironically yes, FFXIV's actual artstyle have almost completely eroded by this point, which hurts the presentation and world building of the game which is very important for an MMO, modern clothes simply do not fit the setting and it's very obvious they're pandering to a specific part of the playerbase who just want glam that looks like overpriced clothes they could never afford in real life.
Love me again

Until the end~
Arr and Hw were peak in terms of aesthetic.

Honestly a lot of the issue stems from gear reuse and recolor all over the place

It's a fucking travesty that in fucking tural half the people are wearing already released gear pieces and hair styles. The world is supposed to be so big but instead it feels microscopic
You are, yeah, with shitstained pants.

>Why are you making my meme backfire REEEEE
Because it's funny and you seething about /pol/ made it more funny. Also a literal screenshot of the subreddit you got it from was posted. Maybe next time pick an easier target, like miera.
it'd be cool if they tried to make the modernslop interesting instead of copying today's fashion 1:1.
or at least at least make it look like something an NPC would also wear.
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I LOVE my wife Liliane Blanc!
>That's from Ivalice, dummy. A raid series that was written by Matsuno, who isn't actually a writer for FFXIV, and came out before Viera were even in the game.
It's literally the only lore we have about them and it's never been contradicted. Unless you're a Shetona or something you are subject to the Green Word
Here's an excerpt specifically about male veena
>Under the Green Word, male Veena are not permitted to live in the villages, nor hold positions of rule or power. Once a Veena is determined to be male, he will be taught the ways of the Wood-Warder. Males return to the villages infrequently, roughly every three to five summers, only to mate and take any males who have come of age to train them to protect and care for the woods, as well as how to live in the wilds. This training takes many years and is incredbily brutal, more often than not resulting in the death of the young jack. Once the jack obtains the title of master, he may then live on his own.
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shaking brown haired wildwood hands.
Please be my bold wife I'm too shy to complain about stuff that's bad...
Question for the femlalas: What do you think of fiddies? Would you have a yuri relationship witht hem?
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It looks good on gnb
You managed to crash lalaboy stocks all on your own, SK.
any moonies wanna /ss/
Who is it backfiring on smelezen?
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>Arr and Hw were peak in terms of aesthetic.
Yea man back when glam options were so bad everyone just wore the cloud outfit
what do we know...
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uh oh smelezen melty
I'm a chocolate coloured lala that is eating milka chocolate... yummy
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Who pooped the chair? The greatest mystery of 2024
>femlala posts
>A bunch of menhera lonely and fake and real horny posting
>Constantly around each other
>Malelala posts
>The most absolutely mundane day-to-day posts about the most inoffensive things
>Scattered around the corners of data centers isolated from society

Why do we hate them lalaboys again?
smegmazens post your dirty keyboardss right now
>it'd be cool if they tried to make the modernslop interesting instead of copying today's fashion 1:1.
this, the game have had clothes that were inspired by modern day clothing since ARR but those still feel like they were made by the people in the world
You could fool people this >>498059548
was a mod because nothing about it actually feels like it would've been made by people in the world, it's straight up Green Day's clothes
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You need a EB like me who can dress you cutely.
I want elfs now
malera is the pee faction
MY lalaboy can crash them further...
>Why do we hate them lalaboys again?
if you actually meet a lalaboy ingame they're worse sexpests than even futas
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It's finally confirmed, SE have completely given up on FFXIV having an actual artstyle, instead all they're gonna make is moderncore slop pandering to an audience that doesn't even play the game.
they are ugly and weird
They should grab nomura for more designs, since he was very big in making a lot of the modern fantasy aesthetics in ff
for my femlala its

No cause then you gotta do dishes. I also never noticed the nails on these gloves. Its for sure going to be worn by every male viera at least.
Fascinating! I won't bother to read either posts but it's neat it matters that much to you. Good for you anon. Have you any more or was that your "kill shot?"
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Why does nobody like Face 3 Sunnies -
full diaper smelezen
Never has
>Nothing backfired
The salt in this post could employ all of Ala Mhigo.
It's mid 2000s emoshit
>Why do we hate them lalaboys again?
I don't
And this is the other part of the problem... The guys who do like this tend to be those that you have to do everything for.

Point proven right here. I'm straight. Don't know if I'm considered damage goods but I mean if that's the general assumption without even knowing me then...

Trust me, there's not a lot of meaningful connections to be made at this point. Focus on yourself and people will come to you anyways.
So is your mom
Who fucking cares what you like
which is that one? the one with all the triangles around the face?
If it backfired who did it backfire onto?
All the glams looked like the exsist3d in the same reality though
Which meena has the prettiest face?
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why do they have to make every one of these have painted nails they look horrible just like the blm af gear shitty lowres slop
i dont do that unless i have to
that's modern...
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>expecting the man of the house to do work
Your job is to cook, clean, and suck, woman.
Where does it say that in XIV lore though, tranny?
+1 to image limit with no meaningful contribution
>Its for sure going to be worn by every male viera at least.
The gay ones perhaps...
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Feeling weird seems like a good reason
For my people—For our world, I will strike you down.
Feel free to say hi the next time I'm at LB14, I won't be on for a few hours since I'm getting destroyed by allergies atm
I don't think there's anyone around atm to give you one
That is XIV lore.
why isn't anyone at lb14 atm???
All the ones Ive talked to here are so autistic that I don't think they have a sex drive
Ain't 90% of the sunnies face 3?
>I don't like...
Didn't ask bitch
i feel nauseous
It's not everything, I just can't stand having to.negatively confront people. Getting into arguments is far too stressful cause of past experiences
Lalaboys in general are beloved.

One in particular is despised.
I will begin to postt modbeasts in 14 minutes
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Okay anon you wanted it here she is still getting used to the dt bones she's not done much posing since EW
90% of them are futas though
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>do you like femlalas
Uhh kind of, depends on the personality as i dont like many people.

And yeah i play NA.
There aren't any brown haired malezens, SK.
There's one who literally shit his pants to own the malezen.
throatslopping everyone who uses the halloween horns (even the females)
Edda Vincent bounced on the unnamed merchant's cock with silent glee.
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>the other races looking on
Yeah. And that reads like something out of FF Tactics, which Matsuno wrote. Not FFXIV. At least not post-ARR XIV. It's too out of place for the setting, and would be treated like a great injustice we'd fix or at least begin to fix during the MSQ if we ever went there. I legitimately cannot imagine the writers writing Alphinaud or Alisiae as ignoring how horrible and wasteful of human life that is. Yet it can't ever change, because it's a PC origin story. So are we just never going to go there? Never see viera society? Or will we pick flowers for viera before they send their sons off to get killed in the forest while sad music plays, only for the twins to go "oh well we can't do anything about this".
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I think its ok that limited time seasonal event glamour items dont look like generic fantasyslop.
Macci I genuinely don't know if you have seen the human female form before because your consistent failure to create an aesthetically pleasing proportion between hips, ass, and legs is honest impressive to me.
You hang out at the beds. You aren't slick
I'll try one too, thanks for sharing
>transbian seething about macho territorial lalaboys
I appreciate how forward they are desu
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cute tank, it come with the batteries or you have to craft them yourself?
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since no one answered me yesterday, i’ll try one more time. can any gposers tell me why workspace ktisis removes the eye/head/torso? is there a way to toggle it back on or is it gone as long as i use the testing version of ktisis?
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my femlala says
It's so holy, it's so, so holy
It's so holy
Or I'll dream of you, or I'll dream of you
Or I'll dream of you, or I'll dream of you
sounds more like you have no imagination and have to look like whatever anime slop you thought was good at the time
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Bros my traditional fantasy how could Kate do this to me
Now WHO is the hottie I just laid eyes on at the beds??
Is it me?
No i just wore the AF gear for my job because everything else looked like dogshit.
but I'm not at the beds?
why are you suddenly equating scifi with modernslop
This you? >>498037462
It is electric power yeah... but the batteries are like the size of my head! It is not a toy!
My schizo just publicly embarrasses himself worse every time, so I find it funny.
Yeah bro this the shit I saw Kanye wear
that's a ginger, SK
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Wym anon?
still fits within the established look of magitek and magitek gear within ARR, tech isn't bad, it's when it's straight up clothing from our world it's bad
bad faith takes because they don't have any arguments
Cid's stupid square logo still pisses me off, I know it's there because of the FC emblem system but goddamn does it look like shit as something baked into the Ironworks gear forever
I wanted another beast costume though.
You are brown if you find that botched BBL hot. I am White, I strive for higher aesthetic ideals than "ass cheeks pop out huge." It's about the interplay and proportions between the ass, hips, and legs, but I wouldn't expect one so highly melaninated to understand.
crystal msq cs skip roulette doko
Saran isn't online
Drink Ginger Ale
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meanwhile, how many objects can we stack on sleeping uchiki until he wakes up?
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Fox's sweaty armpits
1 its a mod made by your favorite modders, you like this and its why you play the game
2 youre right and i want a plaphog wife so i can finally bear children and get off this shithole
is the botched bbl in the room with us now
thats a great idea, but i dont have any
are you from michigan by any chance
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Mahou shoujo!

Coming to save the world!
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
i can't get the lightcord hero AI generated song out of my head, and it doesn't help that i saw eiki standing next to gar when i was on odin earlier today
>"friendly reminder, eiki and his insane EB..."
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Tsk tsk tsk.
That's Adam Sandler.
Your demise will be our salvation!
Gay AND seething
post the hottest character you've ever seen in this thread.
Please I want to know your taste.
sorry i worried it wrong. in the non test version it had a toggle that let you turn the eye tracking of the character you had selected. is that still a thing with the workspace?
No, and I don't shit my pants, or know any elezen that do
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Primal queue Casual CC @ 5:43PM ET
holy shit tanking is still boring as fuck at level 100, sisters
how do I make this less dull?
>so i can finally bear children

ESL moment
Who is this qt
Swap to a DPS.
>I can take it!
>Can't take it
NTA but lmao
>Never see viera society?
We've seen Vii society, and we've heard a bit of Shetona society. Maybe it will come up in the future, who knows?
But there is absolutely nothing in-game to contradict it or say it's incorrect
Character creation
Gekoloniseerd, Light
i got the cybertank, i was an early backer
You have been doing it for two threads
in base gpose settings anon? Eye tracking. I am really not understanding what you're looking for
And it's the one having a screaming meltdown about malezen for no reason.
how about it actually looked like anything to do with halloween
*distant dog barking, latin music, and gunshots*
Homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity- Richard Spencer
No I haven't, and no other elezen does either
Nyo. What is the housing market there?
I've been away for a few hours and cannot be bothered reading the old threads, are we still smelezen posting?
Don't forget the loud vacuum in the background
bad. i built one this year though
Ok, I will.
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let's do this, crystal
>And yeah i play NA.
hmm..... i'll be looking for you~
Humans bear children, you fucking retard
>Lalaboys in general are beloved.
They really aren't. There are like 4 or 5 lalaboys that managed to trick people into thinking they're likeable and the rest go largely ignored.
okay >:3
I haven't thought of a good magical girl style name yet whoops

Fencer of Hearts? ________ pink? Many thoughts will have to be had
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Anything remotely amusing gets ran into the ground, what do you think?
one guy has become emotionally invested in defending malezen reputation
Women* bear children
What the fuck are you saying
"bear children"
You mean cubs you fucking ESLtard
I think I want to rape a miera today. Are any of you fags in chastity cages?
okay i'll say hi next time I see you
all this shows is that SE are fucking morons, this would've sold gangbusters in the online store but they're giving it away for free, absolute morons no wonder they can't make money
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Oh no no no no
Still needing chair checks then got it
heh has he posted his chair yet
how do we save femzen stocks
>CCtrannoids are all maregooners gooning in between queues
>FLchuds simply play the game
Many such cases...
>2 youre right and i want a plaphog wife so i can finally bear children and get off this shithole
That's disgusting.
Do you think humans "bare" children.....?
All face 3 and some face 1
playing limbus
Holy shit who is ESL now
S-smooch my femra
get a new chair
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>Friendly reminder that anything pivoting towards binis, nanky, soima, ryun, romani and daganis is all made up.

¿Él lo sabe?
not posting trash would be a good start
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God I hope this was intentional bait because it's really fucking funny if it was.
you had to word it in the most unattractive way possible so no
I'm in Scotland
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sorry i needed to uninstall it and reset its settings. it had this option before i toggled on the testing version. in the testing version this disappears. i just wanted to know if theres a way to have this in the testing version or if the testing version omits it for some reason
Espada Pink ? When it comes to magical girls, it has to be something cute but dorky. You gotta be embarrassed to say it
this pedo wants to see bare children. Lock'em up.
My moonie never goes there
cute breasts





I'm a malezen

What is a human bear child?
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I will now begin to post modbeasts
elezen stink
You know what I realized from my time on both NA and EU?
Almost no one on EU does ANYTHING.
All the household names on EU barely raid (and most have shit parses), none show up on either leaderboard for PVP, they don't coordinate casual queue syncs, they don't organize PFs or achievement hunting or even big fishing parties.
When I go to EU, I can find literally every known name by hopping from World to World in Limsa. That's right, a level 2 sprout can find them all in about ten minutes.
>But what about LB14 idlers?
Yeah, NA has those, but it also has a bunch of known names who AREN'T there, or who just sit there between PVP queues and other mutual content. There's at least some diversity.
And then I realized that this must be why about 50% of NA posts are drama and schizo garbage, but nearly 100% of EU posts are about who's getting horsed and who's cucking whose EB.
Oh, and Discord drama. Somehow despite having a much smaller presence than NA in xivg, EU posters make up the majority of the Discord drama posts.
Thank you for attending my TED talk. EUroids, stop treating the game like a social club, or at least be more like NA and do slightly less of it.
Are you black IRL.
same sis
Need to plap you
Na, I'm good.
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Maybe not the hottest character I've seen, but this should serve as an idea of what I'm talking about. It's not just "asscheeks big," it's the way the hips flow into the ass which flows into the thighs.
Ur all Built 4 Magness(B4M)
well he's from brazil so he is brown
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do we get free play days during the event? how many days?
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fiddies are just too cute I love their emotes
>but it also has a bunch of known names who AREN'T there
Name 5 people from this thread who matter and don't go to LB14

I want to fuck your dad
NA are more friendly EU are more reserved
Lmao you know it was him too since he brought up femlalas
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Oooh thats a good one, maybe ill look up some random french to use. I think it'll be fun to come up with a whole little opening line too for the post transformation sequence!
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I can still perfectly hear the sound of his bear form activating moments before he rapes me to death in a bush, and I haven't played the game in like 7 years.
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>that managed to trick people into thinking they're likeable
Damn man, what made you so spiteful and bitter
if someone pauses you do they show as offline syncshell users or still in the online section when they're logged in?
i think he was saying it's not that people never go there, but that they're either not there all the time, or they're there while doing content
What. You understand I'm not that rabbit right. I don't even know who that rabbit is she's just in one of my folders.
>We've seen Vii society, and we've heard a bit of Shetona society
Yeah, and they were a lot more "hippie" than "send the boys out into the woods where they have a less than 50% survival rate" because they were actually written by FFXIV's writers. Shetona straight up just have the males wander between villages and fuck the women there before moving on without any of the "mating season" or implied infanticide stuff the Ivalice Viera do. They have basically the exact same system as male moonies, and I have zero doubt that if the XIV writers had written Ivalice, or if they ever get around to Othard, that is how it would be.

I love Matsuno's works, but the way he writes doesn't fit XIV. FFT, Vagrant Story, and Tactics Ogre are significantly darker and less hopeful than the tone XIV goes for most of the time.
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Human Bear Children?
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I like my femezen look
because i'm going on a booze run
Ok, since ARR and HW had a supposed style before "modernslop" ruined it, let's hear it. What was the style back then?
I never noticed the little wings in the back that will of course clip with any long hair.

>he doesn't know.
They're on your hands and you dont even know it yet. >>498061995 has already accepted they will have long nails.

cooking is gender universal! I know a guy that would never trust a woman to cook a good meal for them.
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Are smelezens only male or can femezen be smelezens too
>but it also has a bunch of known names who AREN'T there
Name 5 people from this thread who matter and don't go to LB14 regularly
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only blackjack left now...
No, there's not, sadly
1.0 had the aesthetic sovl, the style just kept getting worse with time after yoshit piss took over
I do too senpai!
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EU just has less /xivg/ users. And less players overall.
I like your femezen look too
He got reworked and updated.
offline syncshell users
you can check their profile in the offline list to see if they paused you
be sure to set names because if you just leave it as a code, you'll never be able to figure it out when they're offline (unless you join the syncshell on a new mare id and take note of their ID when they haven't paused you yet)
remember sometimes people pause entire syncshells or pause everyone, not just you personally
t. someone who has used multiple mare IDs to stalk and track people's behavior
im a smelf
There was a female smelezen and a male smelezen
This isn't a femezen
my femezen is a little smelly
My femlala bares it all
Femezen cannot be smelezen. That modbeast however likely reeks.
I'm going to assume it was a premade.
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Primal queue Casual CC @ 9:10PM ET
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Lalaboys should suffer.
I see a smelly McDonald retard
I'd like to see you try, WEAKLING!..
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that was NOT the point of my post and i shant be wearing the fag nails
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wish I had friends who would play the game with me instead I have fake friends who say they will play with me but every time I ask them they say no
sweaty jungle bungirl feet
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my femezen is VERY smelly
I hope there's an alternate reality where my other self got to enjoy a golden saucer with poker and blackjack and not whatever gay jap shit mahjong is
I miss the carnival
man that's a bummer, i really do wonder why the testing version removes it! thanks though for the answer though, i thought i was just being stupid and missed it
i do that to mine for fun
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you're gonna carry that weight...
do you want to play mahjong
If you go there regularly but still do content with others instead of gossiping all day then I think that's good in OP's book
hello my wife
>You aren't slick
Unlike the inside of your diaper, SK.
I'll do you one better. Name 5 people from this thread who matter.
There is no escape!
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just pop one down yourself
Rapiers are Spanish/Italian!!
>EU posters make up the majority of the Discord drama posts.
God I wish that was true. NA is full of the gayest pettiest shitcord drama I've seen in my life.
Doesn't surprise me, those fags at Riot love "reworking" their shit. I still hold a grudge against them for what they did to Shen.
mahjong is basically like poker but your hand target is 14 instead of 5
yes you will and you will scratch up my femrava
This is knees too pointy tier at this point
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I wanna play with Edda Vincents udders
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this is the fate of all NA xiggers
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The same end, again and again and forever because autodemo is off again...
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You always turn down my offers..
Yeah but random French comes up a lot in magical girl stuff I read
why are femra like this
Sunnie tails, Miera ears
Cause chirp is a zoomer with attention issues that can't finish what they started
>be more like NA and do slightly less of it.
Oh my bad brother, can you direct me to the latest BBC mods? I'm kinda out of date.
I know laws exist to prevent any videogames of having poker for stupid reasons, but I think a casual and easy betting game like liar's dice would have been excellent to addition in gold saucer
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Dynamis, please queue frontlines.
>Yeah, and they were a lot more "hippie" than "send the boys out into the woods where they have a less than 50% survival rate" because they were actually written by FFXIV's writers
They almost killed us on sight, and there are also no adult male viera in the village. Shetona are different culturally to the Viera we play as, and I assume that most players do not roleplay as Shetona. Nothing stopping them from doing so of course, but the Shetona lore is notably different to other Viera lore. I also think it would be a shame to turn Viera into moonies with bunny ears. TL;DR there is absolutely nothing in-game to contradict it or prove otherwise, and it is stated on the very first screen where you can see Viera
do you like middies?
YP said he'd like to add poker but it'd change the game's rating and face problems due to regulations
That looks genuinely gross. Like a very badly done butt implant.
my malera is gonna go out for a smoke...
My moonie would never make the same mistakes I did
Well, I *am* an art school student, why not
Yeah that's why I took a picture of it
Just go to a real DC to queue it like everyone else.
so fucking much its unreal bro
I'm just a little girl with a fat gock :c
I love middies so much
Affirmative. I like female middies, fiddies as we call them.
real niggas have skidmarks.
Paint me like one of your Ishgardian girls...
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holy moly
>fiddies as we call them.
nobody calls them that
Only fuddies.
Worst combination, just play a shota
SK what happened? Did you realize the horsefucker girl only posed with you because you're regarded as the grossest one in the thread and her player has a humiliation fetish? Did you think she was gonna be your wife or something?
my cock just tore a hole through my pants
Honestly your femlala is cute, I would
I'm pretty sure this is an IVCS issue and the cheeks would look normal if they turned it off.
what the hell even was that
Who the fuck is SK
may my catboy have a taste of your gock
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>got into one of the balmung syncshells finally
I can look at the beasts...
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Primal queue Casual CC @ 11:22PM ET
Wasn't that poster aaaaaah
If you knew what my femlala did for fun, you'd run...
I PF too much to transfer off aether, I'll take forever being an EBlet if it means having 24/7 access to aether
How's it going hiding your shame on the Balmung alt? You're not that smart.
he dc hopped?
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gyatt dayum
Are you cute? If you're cute I'll legit paint you.
My femlala gets up to some downright nasty stuff so I doubt it.
Schizo malelala who keeps getting caught shitposting other people because he accidentally includes an image or quote link
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im just a little girl with a fat chin (I'm kyopedo akade)
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thanks, let's do this
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are lalas allowed in the syncshells?
boa noite
he transferred to balmung like everyone else here did
Why Granblue?
what dc and what is the current queue
I'm a fulala!
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i dont believe it

fiddies is an endfetus term, we dont call them that

i have some good news for you
Hmm I dunno i like how I look at least
Yeah I don't play a lala I'm a greasy GAM playing a sunnie. I just found the chair sharting smelezen shit funny earlier
literally who?
buona notte
Anyone who uses the word "gock" is immediately deemed worthless
He made this plea to Ares, not Zeus.
crystal, 3/4 for novice
if not I'm just going to play majsoul while I lurk at LB14
Post a pic
AAIIIEEE catbox links are not considered spam now? I wanted to post an album of my femroe for an anon...
used goods catboy, ex miera
I saw a couple already yeah
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extremely cute! thank you for sharing
and I thank you all for your kind words and/or for roeposting
I'm glad and thankful some people still enjoy my silly words, I'll try to come up with better ones!
take care and I'll see you all next week, Inshallah
not this one, you're ugly
get it out
>i have some good news for you
Not you.
That would be me! I don't know what everyone else is on about so I'm choosing to ignore it. You should too. There's little and less point in engaging so I'm doing my own thing. Which right now are my dailies.
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I would never
/pet /pet only if you let me have some of your catboy milk
I know. I don't care.
Get fucked porn spammers
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Lalabros our stocks aren't looking too good..
if you transfer to a different server from your eb does it split you up?
Yeah no idea why that anon thought I was you, you must live in his head rent free
this guy >>498060152
That's because the guy you're referring to posted his underwear later on and said he wasn't a malezen and someone used his pic https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/497996182/#498001646
i could sink them further if i really wanted to. trust me.
did his EB dump him so hard he fanta'd?
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not here >////<

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You know because I told you.
Fiddie for my maliddie
My elezen stocks are ruined
what's up?
hey... race...?
I’m going to fanta my face 2 moonie into a face 4 moonie
as long as you like your characters race, it doesn't matter what others think of you :)
It's pretty good.
By all means, post it.
I have been patiently waiting.
invest in gay hrothgar. trust me.
what you got lil bro?
My moonie is pure
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Primal queue Casual CC @ 2:10AM ET
i cant afford that
and my meena is straight
those are mine bro you cant have those
>malezen stocks in shambles
>Lalaboy stocks in shambles
Is it over for knife ears...?
>doesnt like fiddie
>likes fuddie
which is it then?
logging in on my sunny instead of my moonie.
There's nothing magical about French! Italian is the language of love!
You're gonna get raped
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>be SE
>make a pretty good chest piece
I'm madder than I should be.
you're still around?....
tainting this moonies feet
bad fetishes. my lalaboy is very powerful...in a bad way.
Anon... they're called the fr*nch
It actually cracks me up that SK cares enough to make these posts to cover his ass lmfao
Femlala stocks are still sky high!
this is what happens when a miqote and an elezen have a child
Only draepr can save lalaboy stocks now
No, technically the'yre Fox's.
My moonie is quite confident she will nyot be
Your moonie is like my moonie :3
small indie company...
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Are they really banning catboxes now? Laaame.
I thought we liked that...
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I-i'm new in town...
-.- /slap
i must, no, i WILL rape moonies
Hey lalabros, you can spare some knife ear stock right haha?
one was literally posted in this very thread
3: that's nyot nice..
that was reddit propaganda
i don't know how to not do that
i'm american
i already fixed this..
>pump and dumping stock
not falling for it again
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In few days my femra is going to look like this
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Good evening yall~
>i already fixed this..
Was it IVCS like I guessed?
Alright, boss. Where should I put it?
Sneezes on yuo
i get a bad vibe from you.....
Yea but are they getting deleted or what?
I wish your femra would piss on my face while I'm trapped between her thighs
give it to me
Do you talk like this while fucking?
Wasn't france the birth place of chivalry though
You still look like shit anyway, no sense of proportions. Your old cat was cute, it's crazy how fast you speedran towards inflation gooner shit
My bloonie pet this lime green anon in her roulettes before
Nothing is happening to them lol
hroth sleeve
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gock in my lap
everywhere i'm
what did you mean by this
pov: my futa is getting a blowjob from a faggy miera
Black mage catboys
I still adore these. Thank you hun~
>No femezen can't stink!
Definitely SK, the simpy smell of the little pantshitter is all over this post.
I accept my foul mouth

there's also nothing chivalrous about the french either
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No, the devs are Canadian actually.
I know just the person for it who isnt me!
it gets recognized as spam... :(
You're gonna make my moonie cry anon.. She just wants to get along with you.. 3:
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Happy friday poemc@
Oh, what a cute maidroe
Nice pose. beach roe
She definitely doesn't seem like it. All she does is /slap me.
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Appreciate it.
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I feel your pain. I really like the ninja 100 body so I will keep using it but... my poor tail is constantly being stabbed. It's wild to think that there was a point they designed gear around the tail if they were present, like drg AF1. Can't just move these daggers over a little.... or just not have them.
Does anyone have this bunboys saved portrait? I need to know his ign and server. His constant posting is driving me insane and my catgirl needs to rape him
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>multiple people turning into other races once they load in
>saw a catgirl turn into a hroth with a sculpt and cock hanging out
>rabbit twerking super high up on one of the doors
I love people watching bros this shit cracks me up
Can you like space out the letters?
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Maybe there should be more content
My catboy is secretly an initiate of the dark arts... but has forsaken the practice. Yet his past is sure to catch up to him before long...
i hadn't scaled vertically in c+ actually.
did you see the ass on my old cat? it wasn't exactly small.
My moonie would and has nyever slapped an anon I think you're confusing my moonie with another moonie
Is there anything nice about the Fr*ch?

Ooooh that explains a lot. But I meant the Chivlric code stuff
dude wtf you're gonna give me covid.... I don't feel so good.
SE should make the next expansion 18+ and have the whole thing about getting impregnated by hrothgar
I don't understand why that looks like a censored penis and its shot from the front with someone's milky-white legs.
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Chiv 2 devs abandoned the game btw.
Chiv 2 devs banned a popular guy because he called out the rampant cheating and made a point to show how easy it is btw.
Chiv 2 devs are c*anadian btw.
Torturing yoship by having him wear a comically oversized diamond on a normal ring that's too tight for his finger but was forced on.
This looks like shit
my retainer started talking to my character about being inceminated (sic) by someone who is not my character's husband, i wonder where he got such ideas
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The earliest origins come from the Carolingian Empire, which were Franks, not French. It was in the area of France though. Chivalry as a word comes from the French word Chevalerie, which means something like "horse soldier"
oh, right. duh!
please enjoy my modbeast
That's gay to hear. I only played the first one.
You owe her a pet next time limelady
no lmao they have been outed as crybabies who sadpost and never follow up. liars the lot of them
having a dagger through your penis like that would be even worse...
Your old ass was more proportional still
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>do fiera really
You should still be able to post it in the other general, right?
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if there is, I haven't found it

They may have invented it but the Italians perfected it
Think as you will anon. That was always an option.
I'm waiting for my Trials rollo to pop so if you have any questsions for me now's the time to ask.

Probably. Still, it's sweet he thinks of me so much. I'm above all others in his mind.
Love this swys

Hmmmm, mousegirl cute actually
More like invest in PReP, retarded faggot
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is this a new harry potter spell

fuddie is just hilarious it makes me think of fudds

they dont have to invest
your taxes pay for like 80% of all prep the gays get, they get it for free
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They didn't even invent it, Franks did, who are Germanic
Would it be the Carolingian empire or would it have been called the Holy Roman Empire during the period that always confused me.

Also it was more than just France cause it included some bits of spain, most of the germanic areas and like bits of Italy right?

Sorry for the questions I'm very interested in history stuff
Disgusting balloon animal pinhead
Generic imvu tier modbeast
Not even dignifying you with a proper (you)
>Is there anything nice about the Fr*ch?
The accent sounds extremely hot on their women.
Please I'm so thirsty, I'm not going to survive without your piss...
every single thread there's at least 1 or 2 femlalas who just whine about being lonely or not liked by xyz and when someone offers to meetup they ghost them
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Man if only SE did more like what they did with that one level 1 shirt that was just a shirt and also a version with bags and stuff attached to it.
Expecting anything good out of game companies nowadays will just hurt you in the long run.
What cna my moonie do to prove to your moonie that she is not mean..
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A bunch of glam pieces clip that haircut. Namely those including a hoodie.
As a correspondent for the Lalafell race we have come to a decision and after the events of the past three days the council voted for the action to formally disown S.K from the Lalafell race, his status as a Lalafell is now and foreverafter Revoked.

Elezen's he's one of yours now, good luck.
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>I'm ignoring you!
>Look how hard I'm ignoring you!
>Not reading all that!
>Didn't read lol
At least you put on a mask to hide your retarded ass looking face lmaaao
Didn't the Italians carry around the bones of Dante during ww2? Whyd they love biblical fan fics so much?
That's the same couple of femlalas, don't let them drag down the race's stocks...
That's how it works sis. Just like how SK is single handedly torpedoing lalaboy stocks.
reminder: when someone says they like X race what they really mean is that they like someone who plays X race
One time I went to one of these meet ups to see who was behind it and a femlala I'm acquainted with also went and I'm wondering if she was one of the original meeters or just curious like me and I bet she wonders the same about me.
God, yeah. That was an insane time when they made two variants for stuff like that.
This is fanastic, femroe appreciators are truly eating well after this
Thank you for putting all this together!
do they like me? C:
My femlala is a francophile…. They a certain je ne sais quoi… I like how they don’t speak English or shit up this website, unlike other third worlders.
No I just like femroe in general
Liora you're going to burn yourself from the oil in the pan put on an apron
Then my femlala will just have to kill them. That will fix our stocks, right?
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Anyone wanna do DT maps on Light? Anyone's welcome, never done DT maps yet.
Gonna take a quick break because I'm drinking and need a refill. Will start in 15m or so, or make a PF if no one's down, which is alright too.
I'm at The Rak'tika Greatwood ( 29.0 , 18.0 ) Z: 0.2 in Alpha.
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Not me, when I say I like femlalas I mean I like (most) femlalas.
he was pretty chill when his gimmick was hiding his face but he had a very mask off moment (see what i did there?) when he stopped using it as his gimmick
After the decisions of the Lala Council you can no longer refer to yourself as a Lalafell, you may use any other racial term but not that one.

Any infraction of this will result in a 100,000 gil fine with each subsequent infraction adding additional monetary penalties.

Good Day.
Cause without Dante there is no Italy
smelf here AMA
Anybody in crystal wanna do dallies?
I have a few gimme like 10 minutes to get there
No... I love femezen so much their elegance... their beauty... but unfortunately their player base can be not good
you're welcome anon! I'm glad you like her and hope that was worth the wait
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end of the thread
end of... your life!
is it ok if im a sprout
You're welcome to try. just don't be surprised when
Somehow, SK returned.

I recognize that the Council has made a decision. But given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.
So about that redra being into pegging
staring respectfully yet with impure thoughts, swys
their playerbase is fucking garbage. Blackedfags, Pedophiles, Bestiality, and now as of today they shit themselves
this lil nigga
Just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean you need to stab me menhera, it just means I'll be a better husband
when I say I love catgirls I mean I love all catgirls
sure there are a few that I love more than the others but still...
>Whyd they love biblical fan fics so much?
Disowning Saelonu is a good first step lalaboys but don't think this absolves you of all the harm he has done. You have a lot of work to do to recover and rebuild trust.
So are the jannys actually cleaning up catbox links now?
Yeah... not to mention a lot make stupid design choices... hetrochromia... dumb face tattoos.

I don't like it, but it makes the good ones shine all the more.brightly! One day I'll find one to be my eb for sure
alright and sure.

A good meet-up spot would be goblin wolve's den if you unlocked it
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Hey here's some things that are actually nice about the french including their frankish forebears.
>the crusades
The Franks had a huge part in making the initial crusades so effective, the widely loved baldwin iv was a frank infact.
It's always existed but it in its modern state was reinvigorated by napoleon, a guy who's possibly the most influential man of his century
The likes of Charlemagne and other frankish monarchs did a lot for preserving much of what we know about ancient Greece and Rome without them we wouldn't have known so much about them for as long as we did
>America and England
If you're american you doubly owe your existence to the French. If you're english you partly do. The French, to their detriment though mostly to spite britain, aided greatly in the american revolution properly turning rebels into a fighting force that would earn its freedom.
For England the norman conquest and the subsequent changes that resulted in it is what made england so powerful and were the early building stones of what would later become the british empire that ruled much of the world.
>if you like elezen
Elezen take many inspirations from the French not just the naming schemes, the ishgardians are more clearly french based even to the extent that they have the caked on clothing and perfume thing which was most predominantly done by french nobility in the latter years of their monarchy.

France is a very important nation, its people are some of the most influential within European history. It's a real shame they're dying out.
can u kick me in the balls
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I wanna thank you for the lengthy reply, this is a nice long list with many good entries! Norman's especially are an interesting thing to look into cause of all the weird shinnanigans they caused like just about eveywhere

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