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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

> All Saints' Wake Begins October 18!

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>498033473
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138

Previous: >>498056605
First for lalafell
My moonie is feeling
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man i love femra
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femra owe my malezen sex
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Femroe friday.
With Wuk you Win
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Biggers BTFO
My femra eternally pines for a cute yuri eb
let's be honest, the malezen may have stolen the pic from reddit, but only because he didn't want to take a pic himself
he shat on his chair
JK slut sexo immediate rape plap pregnant sex no condom love hotel rape hair

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I know think about the foot copy pasta
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This will be me
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same I love face 1/2/3 femra
t. femra
No that will actually be me.
How can you spazzes talk about the poopy chair for 24 hours straight?
I have 4m
Not posting my character
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Reminder, the Mahjong Meet up is tomorrow! Hope you all have been practicing your tile game!
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KSI new song is slapping, love playing it while raiding
Trying to know if I can hit it from behind
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You wanna talk about it some more?
I'm too broke to even show my face (~800,000)
jesus, you might as well be homeless
I had more but I went on a "Fuck it, Orchestrion roll" spree.
Explain the foot copy-pasta
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Hit what from behind Anon?
I got like twenty bucks
The lala-fuhrer is a cute lalaboy… I was not expecting that. Is he straight….and available?
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any cc casual call outs today
Without my drugs, I'm only fuckin' for seven minutes
I'm roleplaying a character who is nonverbal, I can only speak with emoticons and use emotes to share my feelings
sitting at a 34m currently, Was at about 70m but bought a bunch of crafted gear and penta melded it for alt jobs during week 3 or 4 for savage and just not bothered farming more
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. . .
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caught slacking
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>Boy my feet are so tired! Would you mind giving them a rub? Sorry they smell like tacos I know it must be overwhelming for you.
Forewarned is forearmed. Once I finish all my dailies I will be terrorizing the thread with many in-game screenshots of me doing FFXIV content. If such things as, gasps, The HW MCH storyline, fills you with unimaginable dread, clickith not on my posts where my character is visible. I am not responsible for any booty bother that may result should you disregard my advice.
I am currently waiting for my MSQ rollo, just so you have a general grasp of where I am on the list.
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post your character and how you feel about doro
That ass
I need you to die, as soon as possible.
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Femras owe me hand holding dates
same but not rp
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I'm never getting out of the emp.....
this seems like it would be fun initially, but become frustrating over time.
You asked for it bro...
>After msq is done you are chilling with Wuk Lamat in her bedroom.
>"Boy do my feet ache!"
>She takes her sandals off and plops her feet on a table.
>"I should take a shower, I haven't gotten a chance since I met you"
>The smell of her dirty sweaty feet is so overbearing you think you hear a guard outside her room faint from it.
>However, for someone as strong as you, you welcome the challenge.The smell is oddly intoxicating and alluring in ways you cannot describe.
>She notices your smirk and your fixation on her feet
>"Why are you looking at my feet so... Odd... I've heard of people like you... You're into my feet aren't you? I've been told they smell like tacos... You can smell them more if you want... It's the least I can do to repay you."
>You get up close and personal, the smell is indeed like tacos now that she mentioned it. You can't help but give a quick lick to her right sole.
>"H-Ha! Hey! I didn't say you could lick! But... It felt kind of good... You can keep going..."
6.1 mil. (its the most ive ever had.)
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I will go on a orchestrion roll spree
It's going to make me a gillionaire
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Reposting for more France appreciation
Hey here's some things that are actually nice about the french including their frankish forebears.
>the crusades
The Franks had a huge part in making the initial crusades so effective, the widely loved baldwin iv was a frank infact.
It's always existed but it in its modern state was reinvigorated by napoleon, a guy who's possibly the most influential man of his century
The likes of Charlemagne and other frankish monarchs did a lot for preserving much of what we know about ancient Greece and Rome without them we wouldn't have known so much about them for as long as we did
>America and England
If you're american you doubly owe your existence to the French. If you're english you partly do. The French, to their detriment though mostly to spite britain, aided greatly in the american revolution properly turning rebels into a fighting force that would earn its freedom.
For England the norman conquest and the subsequent changes that resulted in it is what made england so powerful and were the early building stones of what would later become the british empire that ruled much of the world.
>if you like elezen
Elezen take many inspirations from the French not just the naming schemes, the ishgardians are more clearly french based even to the extent that they have the caked on clothing and perfume thing which was most predominantly done by french nobility in the latter years of their monarchy.

France is a very important nation, its people are some of the most influential within European history. It's a real shame they're dying out.
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only good thing to come out of Nikke aside from Elegg imo
Hitting you rabi poster from behind with the most gentle of pets across your fluffy ears
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55m…. I think it’s gaudy to own more than 50m, so I buy friends gifts when I hit 60m
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plus ~100M with retainers or alts
but it feels kinda "dirty" because 200M came from findom I didn't even want to do
Just sprout tings
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13 Mil...
And i forgot i was supposed to rebuild my FC room
I fucking love how my shitpost still gets quoted ln here. I need to write a part 2.
Maybe go as a mute Bozjan Hrothgar? That would be interesting
i'll take it off your hands
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That's fairly fruity bro
/pet /pet /pet
squeezes your breast into pinching your nipple
stupid slut puppy
Ignored + you're french
I have about 200 mil in gil and own about 800 mil in items.
This is the wrong question. You should be asking NET WORTH
>cash on hand
>house value
>rare mount value
only poorfags hold their gil
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A couple of millions, broke ass popstar haha.
>200M came from findom I didn't even want to do
Thats a man
Why would you want to? It’s the best looking city.
I try to find the cheapest rolls on the cheapest servers but that doesn't mean other people won't be lazier. They might not sell for much, but the purchases build up.
Show her feet.
you fucks caused 'nam
fucking frogs deserve to be boiled in a pot
Will you be my French eb and say funny words to me
>I need to write a part 2.
Please don't ruin any other food for me Anon. It's a funny post bro.
That's not very nice...
I've posted this one before, a few times and it's been oki doki.
If I eat a 3 day then so be it :3
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Not right now he ain't
Male middie im laying on my couch so I can’t post my character rn
I like this pose, my african american cat friend
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4.8M. Two days ago I was at 8M until I bought a dogshit hairstyle for a bit and never ended up using it.
Making money in this game is the most soul-sucking ordeal for me, I guess I'm just doing it wrong.
Nyot fair you can't just triple pet in return
Homestuck? More like homogay
I think this outfit will look so cute on my meena that I'm gonna be able to find a mommy
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I have eh about 150-200mill in spending money, 50mill aside for housing bids, and about 800 million in owned assets.
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I wish ff14 had more republics. The monarchies are stupid and we need to topple them NOW
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male middie
about to play something else
shant be posting a char, have this instead
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Alpha, Light
Dawntrail map party starting soon in 10m/+
The Rak'tika Greatwood , Fanow aetheryte.
Come join us, first time drunko meena doing DT maps, FFA and just aiming to have a good time!
I could just shove you and get your inherience
wym fruity
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my 33 year old, catholic, virgin veena looks and acts like this
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very very dumb femra
is now bis for the first time ever
and has no clue what to do with all this ilvl
A rich guy kept trying to buy ERP time with me. I said I don't do that stuff, and we had a casual conversation for a bit until he kept trying again. He then revealed he actually enjoys being rejected more than anything and that was his intention all along.
He wanted to pay me 50M for the trouble, but I was mad that he sexpested and tricked me, so I said it wasn't enough. Then he gave me 150M and a 50M mount.
Depending on how it dyes, you might go for a helltaker cosplay
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479 million
another ~300 million+ in old tradable event items
Your character looks intensely gay. I hope that was the intent.
male midlander
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who/what/where is doro
(>^_^)><(^_^<) <333 :3c
I will haunt your ass for eternity
I love this pirate swys, I want to settle down with her in our golden years, happily wiling away the days sailing the eastern coasts of Eorzea (try as she might she couldn't get the sea out of her blood). Sitting out on the deck eating with each other, laughing at jokes we've told each other for decades, basking in the warmth of being truly known by another. I want to lay with this swys under the stars with the waves lapping against our hull as the only sound shepherding us to sleep, our hands slowly sliding across the blanket, fingers interlocking, blush on our face like we're still young. I want to get tipsy with this swys and fire warning shots off the port side of merchant vessels as she bellows that she's still queen of these seas and I laugh along with her. I want to sit with this swys, leaning on each other, as we watch our children run around the deck, clambering around the rope ladders, swinging on lines. I want to yell to my children to stop swinging off the starboard side and doing flips into the water, only for her to remind me that that was exactly what we were doing in our younger years. I want to tearfully send our kids off into the world, the oldest joining a merchant vessel, the youngest studying at the arcanist's guild. I want night to come and this swys to pull me into the captain's quarters after a few bottles of grog, whispering about how it's the first time we've been alone on the ship in so long. And when the time finally comes, I want to be buried with this swys, side by side, as we start off on the next adventure, together...
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My moonie has about 200k…
Ha. Good luck ever getting her.
>33 year old
>catholic virgin
might as well join a convent because you messed up about 10 years ago.
my sugar momma wife
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I own like the most wanted medium in the emp. I won this the VERY first lotto but Its depressing here and been trying to get out for like a year lol.
middie x fiddie
as hydaelyn intended
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Like 4mil.
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44 million once I pick up my deposit on the house I bid on.
I think the intention was intensely jewish
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I have around 120 million tied to an alt as well.
gil capped with another character close half way on that
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I managed to cross the 1m gil threshold today, but I don't know how to make money it just slowly goes up overtime while I'm doing MSQ or whatever
Its got two dye channels
It'll be the Black and Purple that dyes.
For the pants it'll probably have the belt be dyable as well.
This is gay but in a very charming manner. I find your honesty attractive in a homoerotic way
me otl
Carolingian specifically, this is predating the HRE. Charlemagne was however the Holy Roman Emperor (the first one), but the HRE wouldn't properly come about until after his death. The Carolingian Empire was a precursor to the HRE, and covered a lot of the same lands, which is one of the reasons why Charlemagne/Charles 1 is such an eminent figure in history. It covered about half of Italy. The Iberian Peninsula, where Spain is, was at the time a hotbed of conflict and culture, between their native culture, the Franks, the Italians, and the Umayyads, who controlled most of it at the time. It was Charlemagne's dad, Pepin, who actually forced them out, and shortly after the Umayyads were supplanted by the Abbasids. Some Umayyads survived though and founded the Cordoba Caliphate, which was active during Charlemagne's time. At the height of Charlemagne France controlled Aquitaine and Gascon (previously unruly and contested territory, it's the western part of France), and had began to push into Iberia, though he never invaded the Cordoba Caliphate, given his main goal was to essentially built up a cultural wall to keep Muslims out of greater Europe. The Carolingians were always very fond of cavalry, starting with Charles Martel (Pepin's father), and reaching it's apex with Charlemagne
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Post fem hroth feet.
that male viera is gonna get drained by the fiddie
i like men and women so task failed successfully I guess
Tomato / tomatoe
If anyone else wants to join for dallies, we are at goblin wolve's den
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Things are looking dire
this is not what i had in mind when i said 'Feet Friday'
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I have like 5m. I never earn gil and I never spend it, except for gposes.
goblin dee-
I am a man, so this would only be gay if you too, are a man.
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nice rack
How about this: give viera hats by deleting hrothgar and redirecting the resources towards viera.

>but I’m a giant faggot who wants to yiff!

Go play WoW.




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18million. I spent 2 million yesterday doing leves like an idiot.
you look like a cop kind of
No!!! That is seconds before I snapped his neck! I HATE male viera!!!
It has pretty standard dye slots that at least make sense. Hard to tell in the pic but only a little part of the nails dye on the gloves.
Cajunbros...maybe our French heritage is cool..
the shoes are so fucking bad
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40 mil + several more stored in the FC chest for bids
My fiera needs a cute male to sniff her musky pussy
sniff sniff
Then Jarl Hæsteinn took a massive fucking shit on them
Marrying my femlala now while she has 30million is like making an investment because one day she'll be gil capped...
Who else am is she going to spend this new found gil on...? c:
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11 mil
hello my husband, i will try gposing you today
/pet /pet /dote
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max gil cap.
I also took like 100 mill of my gil and reinvested it into submarine fcs.
will she sit on my face
He’s trying to be Hitler Youth
how much to touch the tail?
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Not a crazy amount but not hurting for any either
What shoes/socks are those? My femlala gets cold without long socks, but thigh highs are uncomfortable
He's 50
Well that's a given. He was being controlled by koifish they never stood a chance
I'm going as a min-height femmy meena
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>Good hair mod
>Incompatible with Penumbra

>Hat incompatible
it could be if you dye it blue

yorha half-slops of scouting/striking with wake doctor shoes
wrong, his character is 23, he has said so himself
It’s what he said last thread, don’t argue with me about it
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how come you're so hot and there's no drama or shitposting about you?
Is that…. The Godfather of Uldah?
After I'm done with dallies, who wants to 1v1?!
It's okay sis, I'm too retarded to mod so I only have basic stuff I'm sure you're really pretty.
Can't have shit in Cagliari
wanna lewd some lolis with me
you can fix most of these things. Which mod is it?
Post Wuk Lamat so my penis gets hard.
Hey meena I know how you can make some Gil fast….
There's drama but everyone's too scared to point it out.
in 2019 he shot a guy irl and killed him he got away with it
cute fid
Ty but I'm just a regular boring cat, I don't really get involved in XIV drama or care about it I guess
our /king/
I hope this looks good on femlalas...
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2.4 million... the Adders' Nest could give me a raise.
25 actually
The outfit has been in the games files since the first raid patch (I think). You've been able to load them up in glamourer for months now.
LW isn't an attention whore, that reduces chances of being schizo'd by 95%
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roughly 120k
They haven't let any of the DANGER EBINS(tm) hit it yet.
Don't cheat please
Holy fucking based.
>Heiko is younger than me but looks 15 years older
Give me some theme ideas for my apartment
Jeez Alma do you want me to give you a couple mil? I can spare it for a friend in need
t. pink malezen
I'll be your full time royal worship bee
Love me again

until the end!
Only if I can have a matching couples costume with you anon
hey.... come back...
what are the danger ebins?
my moonie looks and sounds like this
[Kenny Loggins intensifies]
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>finished gearing aiming
>just one chest piece and some augments away from finishing scouting
>have a bunch of gear left over and don't know what role to use it on
is there another role that shares its BiS and uses most of this random assortment of savage gear?
i also have 7 m1s books and 3 m2s books (saving my m3s and m8s for scouting)
Begone, spawn of shadow!
Thanks, its from a momoland bboom bboom
My male middle only says "..." and "sheesh..."
Somebody please rescue me from this destitution.
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LW is a rare biofem/tranny (forgot which) who likes to keep a very low profile and is good at it
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Wish someone would do that for me haha..
Tanking uses a lot of it ya pussy
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Well I do WANT it, but I'd feel bad begging for gil like that. I get by, don't worries. Phantom has a low cost of living.
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my giga based fc friend
I came give you a small loan of a million gil if you promise to pay me back paisen
I'm terminally poor. ;_; Pls gib?
shake it for some spare change, babe
My viera? High functioning autist that likes to tank and heal
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>show my friend how to install launcher
>he slowly becomes a modbeast
I am ashamed of what I made him become if I never showed them they wouldn't have gone down this path...
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29mil I've been lazy and haven't been selling stuff
That was during Charles the Bald, well after Charlemagne. Charlemagne was somewhat experienced with Vikings, he even brought his elephant on a campaign against them (the elephant died of pneumonia)
Ha! Don't worry about it, take it as an up front payment for Mahjong lessons. I'll be on in a sec, meet me Zurvan gridania like last time?
30k because I've spent the past week leveling my crafters
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200k rich
That's what he always wanted to be deep down, you didn't force him to download modbeast shit. Its like blaming yourself when you teach someone how to drive and they drive drunk right after
What a weakling
I've been pestered by all types of people to install this and that but I never faltered, still playing how god intended
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This picture is slightly outdated, but it's still mostly accurate because of some decently large purchases and charity.
cute moondog
Malelala x Femlala

Embrace it.
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why are lb14 xivgers ok with this?
28m and it's more than I'll ever use, I'm sure.
Hey kitten you should download the launcher did you know we get cool add-ons like story skipping plugin and marketboard undercutting plugin?
Hi puppy c:
how come this moonie looks like a sunnie
embrace my femlala…
I hate the fact that I can't just accept gil for art
gimme a kiss
Femra x femezen...

Dragon... elf...
I blocked that thing, it creeps me out
Barring any moral quandaries, this is just fucking ugly.
I'm not black sorry!
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all to buy a house...
Charlemagne and his mark on the world is honestly hard to overstate, he essentially invented Europe as it is today, and he had immense influence on the rest of the medieval era after his reign. For a long time Charlemagne was the man to be. To be the heir of Charlemagne was to be the heir of Rome
post your malezen NOW!
Why are you?
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I fucking love lalafell.
I'm not but it's not on my screen.
I just look for excuses to use my money at this point.
"You can buy that with mgp"
I could, but gil.
I have zero clue how to fix the neutral face. I literally have to camp /beam to avoid it lol.

Any ideas?
I don't have the threadcred to be in the syncshell to see this foul beast
gumo friends

my meena?
home from work and is going to continue to play metaphor

happy friday and happy canadian thanksgiving weekend

what are you up to tonight
5m I spent it all on a medium and decorating it and never recovered

No character
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Follow me down this alley and… through this door, to the elevator, we’re going to the 7th floor and stopping at the third door on the left. Sign your name at the desk and I’ll get you a badge. I’m going to teach you how to short Race trades on the /xivg/ market.
doesn't look like that on my screen so I don't have to be
lightskin is still black
I'm not synced with that but who is it so I can blacklist them
Don't modbeast
nice gains, cherry
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farm wings
(and fail to get them)
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>The lala-fuhrer is a cute lalaboy
If i must be the fuhrer then... so be it.

Also i dont care what gender someone is aslong as the person is cute, a lalafell and has sufficient knowledge about Drakengard (or is willing to listen to me give a 12 page powerpoint about it) then i will EB.
What would I do about it?
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3.7m because I forgot FC houses need 800k minimum for a company workshop. At least I can be free of bidding on houses now.
i deleted my cringe post sorry if you had to read it
i'm shoving a mil from me and a homecooked lunch into his rucksack
I'm playing othergame right now, but will be there in abit if you really wanna sponsor me. Thanks :)
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The ebins where you will get schizoed after plapping, either by them or their friends/exes/etc.
I don't have an eyes mod on or anything lol, it's just c+ with some outfits.
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what the actual fuck
Gimme 3 mil and you can have me as a pet
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not a lot on hand... spent a lot on 4 houses and 2 FCs running subs
Looks like we're having fun.
My moonie does this to bunny boys
You can be my girlfriend qt, it was cute not cringe
We should farm ex1 sometimes I still need wings on those
post more of the hrothgirl
*sniffs so hard i pass out*
Something seems off here....
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The Elezen Council has already determined he is not one of us and while we support and applaud the decision of our Lalafellin friends and neighbors in this time of crisis for you...simply put, we don't want him. Therefore after much consideration and consultant with the experts, we have concluded the following:

SK is no longer considered to belong to any subspecies of humankind. He is a beastfolk. We have also not updated him to an Allied Society, he's just a beastfolk.
No rush, shoot my wife a discord (I think you guys have each other) when you hop on xiv
I actually loved it and thought it was cute and funny
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dw bro, cringe or not it's better than most posts here so do your thing
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Your cat is probably the ugliest one I have ever seen from /xivg/
I'm in
shut up serrit
Whats wrong, Can't handle an Elin halloween costume?
Thank you, I don't forget when I could barely make 1 mill.
Reminder that their EB ceremony was packed with xivgers and all sorts of ebins celebrating this totally normal behavior
Paying you 10 mill gil to fanta off lala and eb me
ugly ass tranny
I love this lala so much, she's so cute
>Futa Lamat x Krile
>been playing for a year and a half
>unsubscribed half of that time
>more gil than half the people here
only 54mil, but I didn't think we'd have so many broke niggas....
who knew futa lamat x lalafell was a thing
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Not a good look sis
Imagine not eloping without telling anyone, like God intended
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i'm waiting until i'm also bis to go back into the wing mines
(taking a break for 2 months in the hopes they fixed aether didn't help)
THATS MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
>He's begging for gil now
Holy fuck the lala council made the right choice to exile this desperate pantshitting nigga.
4chan.org is a bastion of normal behavior
UHMM... It's not a lala so its ok if a middie looks to be underaged to be quirky!
too kind too kind
i'm a soonie
idk about that, but you can have some of my dango..
A lot of people are lazy and don't bother leveling gatherer/crafters or have shell FCs. I have 300m from all of that but you honestly don't even need much to sustain yourself probably like 20m max if you raid regularly, I made most of it just to see the funny number go up
Fascinating. Given that I have never once acknowledged nor abided the council, it's ruling has the same effect on me as the collective opinion of an ant hill.
Which is to say.... Nothing. I shall continue to do as I please and you will continue to seethe.

Okay, now I gotta ask. Is the pant shitting thing just, "haha lalas are toddlers?" I don't recall ever making a post alluding to such a thing so it's legit got me curious.
uh oh lala melty
face 1 sunnies are fugly. why the fuck would you even play a miqo if you're not going to have clan marks?
hello, husband
I miss Jontron
I can't believe that he shot up that school full of black kids
Never reply to my post again fellatrixbeast
If only cuteness would pay gil...
my femlala will give you gil to sniff your feet....
what about nier?
...40...k... specifically I think it's about 42,000...I'm... I'm really bad at making money in-game...
/pet /pet /pet /pet
I'm just retarded, personally.
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50 mil gil. one day ill snatch up a large on balmung...
Sunnies :3
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I have about 10 million, I make most my gil rp selling flowers and stuff. Though I haven't done it in a while
it came!
strong smell coming from this poster
You lost, LT.
From the screen
to the ring
to the pen
to the ring
wheres my crown
that's my bling
always drama
when I ring
idk how I knew it was gonna be another music box before clicking on it, but thank you for posting this
it's very cute
Thoughts on miera?
Which race would give the best footjob?
You be squirtin? or u on the cream team?
The window is long closed now for a big profit but you can make so much gil at the start of xpacs by farming orange scripts/extracting materia and selling it all. It was going for like 400k a pop week one and all you had to do was watch youtube and zone swap for the timed max level nodes
You actually made her shorter. They are the same height.
Lorilee also likes characters that look underaged.
he's a self-described hebephile.
I will pay you 1m to hold your hand.
Oh I also rp paranormal investigate with a friend
you probably won't, actually
spikes spikes spikes spikes spikes
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uhhhhhh who? aaeehee
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man, turn this dogshit off.
my femlala drifts like her planet don't spin
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>Why do you hate lalaboys?
>We don't do anything wrong?
Yeah, these days I just sell magitek repair mats, and craft moqueca for my own use and sell the excess.
I like miera too
It's because you shit your pants and posted a picture of it earlier while you were seething about malezen and then claimed to be one, which is why both the lalafell AND elezen councils had to put out an official statement exiling you
>But I don't aaaaaacknowledge it
That's not how the criminal justice system works.
>But it wasn't meeeeee
You replied to TWO posts on the subject with your character, clicking on the wrong post number once is understandable maybe, but two is downright impossible. You got caught being a gross little faggot and now you're a beastfolk. Not even an Allied Society, just a beastfolk.
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y-you too
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How come nobody ever posts PFs to play the game here?
Bro...this cannot stand. Tell me your location and emergency funds will be administered. You are a fellow member of the elezen race you can't be walking around broke.
t. fellow malezen
Notice the stinkiest of people are both poor, coincidence? I think not.
How did he think that was a good idea
Sorry for disappointing you.
Cause they look childish.
Not trans.
moonies and femlalas
I will kill you...
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Lighting seems fine from my end, my eyes get a pretty weird glare on games without reshade though. I wanna make vanilla eyes work, but it's been rough lol.

Been trying to beat modbeast allegations with sub 300k triangles, and a download below 50mb.
what do you spend it on i havent had that low since i first started
That's your shitstained sweatpants, SK.

Handholding someone you don't love is a sin.
not sunnies, mine has killed a few people doing that.
I have 10m from being bought at a /xivg/ auction
people do post them
Why the fuck would I want to invite you to my PF?
These niggas are so weird man
lucky... i wish someone would buy me.
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>how it to play a maleroe in this thread
moonies have a racial bonus to feet related activities
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because i'm cute...
Because 95% of the posters here are one of three:
>10k hour vets who've done everything and just login to chat
>Have a static/friends to play with
>Refuse vehemently to play with people ITT
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Touch my massive 7 inch shota cock
I've seen it happen before.
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Probably something around 100 million
>venat designed the viera
>their biology was her idea
What does this say about her
last few days I've been posting some to do old optional dungeons with MINE
My moonie must away for a short while she will be back soon
Oh okay. Yeah, you can join, then.
I'm not even online, I'll be home and at the beds in a few hours, picking up some shifts from my GC to get the money together for a nice dinner.

Hats. Dyes. Weapons for glams.
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3 mil give or take
I got a Cassie earring once though...And will again someday..
Play the fucking game retard
You sound bitter. Your cat is genuinely ugly and you're definitely a troon because you have no idea how to create a female character.
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so is it ever explained how a bunch of mud hut dwelling, street shitting """alchemists""" were able to construct a mammet that was so human and life like?
I'm surprised I sold for that much considering I play a male char
venat is into femdom... holy moly...
i was about to murder you for not taking me into tea with you btw
keep one eye open tonight, i'll be coming for your alcohol
That IS playing the game.
can you fanta your main to this cat so i can eb her
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hmmmm tempting offer...

Making her walk through cheetos and licking those feets off
I am a femlala who designed at least a handful of male golems that look close to a few male posters from here.
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I raised my cap to allow for some xivg modbeasts, but JM is just losing his mind with this shit
nice webm
I want to delete discord and look for a young wife while I still have a chance but I fear disappointing my online friends.
I need him to serve my raen some tampered-with tea.
>bullied into deleting it
Jack Daniel's drinker methinks
can we see
these """"Loli" middies are so fucking ugly
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3mil im just lazy and i dont actively seek out a way to make gil, since i got extremely spoiled by someone and now that im not with em im too lazy to get out of my way and craft shit to sell.
All the gil i get is from merc runs :^)
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Build for fellatrix tier shebulls from the quicksands
>They look childish
And that face doesn't? They're part of the race you chose's lore. Cope about it.
Bro, how are you so poor?
Do you even play the game?
Looks like a typical miqo
Idg why someone is melting
You could just talk to me for a bit, and maybe do some content. I don't bite, you know!

I have two statics... Used to have three for the current raid tier.. I play CC and I'm leveling all of crafters/gatherers!

Right now, I'm just drawing my EB and chilling in-game, waiting for a CC call..
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shut the fuck up. I ask people multiple times a day to do shit in the game and get 0 replies.
Since when does Uchiki have faggy rabbit teeth? That guy gets gayer everytime I fucking see him
I had to blacklist both of them
My moonie will be petting this bunny :3
You broke up with your eb?!
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>This cat got bullied so hard she deleted her selfie
About tree fiddy
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That pic is from weeks and weeks ago when I did some TEA to de-rust.. Just PF memes.
But I think I know who this is because there's only one guy who always goes "I'm gonna murder you ...."
my miera loves lalas
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>private tank dps calculator
talk about sweaty
Why would the game give me a choice not to have them then?
literally my hag fid
But is he gonna PF again??
Have you been reading Hajime no Ippo?!
off-season femroe posting!
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>Deleted her ugly ass mug
Nah bring that ugly ass back here
I would have a lot more money if I didn't buy four of the Solution 9 bikes to give to my friends.
I'm too autistic to post heavily compressed pics, and I like to find good standards to use for image quality, so now I crop everything to True IMAX aspect ratio and the part that gets shaved off from a 1080p screenshot tends to be enough to keep it under 4MB or avoid heavy compression on imgur
My femlala could extend you a line a line of credit… but their would be strings attached
but you never asked me...
it's not bad but she does look a little on the spectrum
That's just mean. Don't you have better things to do?
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God no, im literally playing with them right now lmao. I was talking about another person.
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New update got leaked.
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I know who it is. Check in the cord if you wanna help me rid the world of one more tranny.
christ you're ugly.
is that face 1 cat a known ebin or are you guys just being meanies
If given the chance would (You) pet a moonie?
if you like... you should try
playing a bunnyboy in ffxiv anal
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sorry i'm just tsun like that
however consider pic related
Why didn't they add this? It's way better than It Takes Two.
go back to making bad end porn
thank you
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i was the poo chair poster. i just wanted to make people laugh and i accidentally destroyed the elezen stocks
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i am logging in (on primal)
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this tiny embed in the balance sucks ass, how do i open it in its own tab
You didn't see the pic. It was horrendous. There are fucking modbeasts out there that look better than that cat lmfao

Some people deserve to be bullied
>haha yes Hades it is important that this species has eternal subservient young male caste for the dominant and stronger mature women it- plays an important function to their survival
Some of you niggas are unnecessarily mean
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105 mil and looking for someone to spoil...
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Uh last time I checked 435m. Not counting retainers and submarines that just came back.
just hanging out with you would be getting spoiled...
can my meena have like 10m gil my ass is BROKE king
Post your character then. You won't.
hey... what are you looking for specifically?
I won't show but the last one I made was a miera...
Just look out for male posters getting sexpested by femlalas in male anchors and you'll probably find one of my posts in the future.
I probly have, I ask the thread, then I would ask lb14, then I would ask anyone I'm talking to and always get a no or ignored kek.
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My meena owes this bloonie like 30 more /pets but i manually type it and refuse to do so until some other time.
Katto Regulus post(s).
Also wrong, I drink Highland Park, Talisker, Redbreast and Lagavulin. /dote
I have a 1-week break at the end of the month and I was talking to a friend earlier in VC about re-learning what I had and maybe tryhard to clear that week and just prog all day.
But my mental is way too weak for that...
Do you like Malera?
why would anyone want to be a dog? you can't do cute play on words like nyo!
Is it me
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I kind of wish gil did literally anything of use
Why do some female characters (GAMS) like male characters (Also GAMS). Are they gay or something?
now i want to see it even more... please, just one...
1.04mil, i'm kinda big
then give me 20 million gil
I don't hangout at lb14 though...
Its still in the thread for some. Its not as ugly as you're making it out to be, by even a mile.
i love crafting in this game, it's really fun although the sound effects are annoying
i want someone to stroke my hair and call me a good boy, but not in a petplay kinda way
Hardcore sex with the right, and tail stroking the left
I said of use.
Post your Golden Karakul
MM ruined cat speech for everyone
you can buy gay sex with it
that's pretty valuable to some people
What an ugly piece of shit
I don't get troons, this looks the same as every other fag's cat in these shit threads lol
She is making a note of these 30 and will remember
click that export button and you can generate a link
you're not going to use it anyway, so why do you care?
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6.8 million gil
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Maybe a few roulettes before getting ready for sleeby time.
Hope you're having a good time ^.^
I think your cat is cute!
Ignore the mean people <3
>modding the gil icon
I hope Yoshi-p bans every fucking nigger who uses xivlauncher
this is not the real VH, my parasocial eureka husbun would never dote me back
just take your prog slow bro... i'll join when i have time too, i'm sure another faggy meena would...
is that some makeup mod
Dang that's wholesome anon...
Do do SOME CONTENT!!! maybe hold hands
Just Hana and Red
You seem uglier, as a person. Unfortunately for you, unlike a video game character it can't be fixed...
>trying to beat modbeast allegations
25,896,563 gil
It got reposted. It's mid but it looks like mostly vanilla xiv without a filter. Also doesn't look like anyone you see at the beds so I'm not sure why people got a sudden obsession.
>why do you care
because I'm autistic, next question
As the thread nears its end nobody will know that I am the only old faced viera who likes looking that way even without a beard
Finding inspiration for het porn is nice, though I'm not a roleplayer and I wouldn't do it unless it's just boring lesbian sex (no futa).
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Too lazy to take an updated picture but the one on the right has about 240,000,000 now.
The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.
I dunno why people were memeing on the cat it's fine.
Face is slightly modded but it's not really bad.
Its the weekend, they are ravenous and starved for a shitposting extravaganza
>Jhazda is back
>Khloe is back
>Claire is back
>ZT is back
All the schizos are back... just missing the king himself DB
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its moonie monday!
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I logged in
Who's his main
My female character is straight, because I am straight
my meena will sell you a /pet for gil
W-what's wrong with face 4s?
>those pubes
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About 67 million, I don't spend much so my subs keep building it up
are you looking for erp or just romantic stuff?
convince me that this isn't rev
Oh... I'd join in on stuff but my character doesn't really have content left she needs to do...
two of my wives are in this picture. its nice to see them getting along
It does, also my big butt elezen wife....
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro
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Nigga flamed out after 2 months and didn't even make it to DT, what is he the king of
cute meowchanic
He logged in.
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Come join us on Primal for some E12s glam/mount farm. Probably gonna do a E4s farm after too
no PW
what an ugly ass fucking cat
Sorry I already have someone I am giving my spare gil to...it's another broe
I haven't been there in the past 3 weeks cause I decided to work on golden saucer shit, hit 1800 in mahjong so now leveling up my racing choco.
Face 4 viera kinda look like jerma
it's elk
do you want another sub (my moonie)
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>Mud hut dwelling
Radz is very nice city sir do not redeem yourself ever
no it's not
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Me too
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I'm waiting for Eli Blue to come back and do some epic trolling with his pvp hacks XD
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Hi thread c:
it's the gil icon from XI. It's sovl, you wouldn't get it.
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32mil, I probably ought to spend some of it on setting up subs
I like this
what the fuck is this hair lmao
fair but still, i weep
Can't use the one Val uses
My favorite poster of 2024, other then the contrast meme.
Yeahhh I got nothing. These are vanilla eyes, and there's a glare that happens when it's light out. It looks *pretty* bad too!

Been working on this for a bit, but even turning off c+ doesn't fix this. I guess I need to shop around for an eye mod if I wanna fix it, or consider just not having black eyes like my vanilla character has.
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my meena looks and acts like this
so you're actually the guy who's been melting over smelezen? LMAO
>I got plapped by elk
Tell me it's not true
i dislike this
i just don't like most of them. i think that some look good but most i don't like
Yeah but I would wash my hands after
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Bitch I bet you don't even play on Goblin
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Romantic stuff, I'm terrible at ERP
We can find something to do...
/pet I was just joking, malera are sweet.
I still do that and only one person has threatened to kill me :3
This game made me agp.
my sunnie is playing dragonball
this is jerma
sorry bro
You destroyed SK's stocks instead so it's alright.
How? Share your secret anon please!
Not even the worst modbeast we have in this gen.
I don't have a meena either
He's a hermano, it doesn't concern you crystaloids.
I would come if I didn't have criterion soon. Hope the runs go well!
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Forgot pic!
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I'm thinking kyneaux
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Left or right, xivg?
Two good moonie and sunnie reps
This game made me cum.
Processing grief on femlala friday.
:( I'm sorry..
found the troon and I'm not stopping until he's dead
Back in the day I would sell Dreadwyrm and High Allagan gear in the marketboard, now it's stuff from retainers and submarines
damn that's a pretty femra
thank you :3
I appreciate the offer but I am not in need of additional income..
>that one malezen that completely ruined his reputation and probably his life
>big femra.png
Oh yeah, especially if you're sizebeasting. Alright, let's run some stuff!
wait did i? based how
do you like catboys
GL in criterion! i gotta start aloalo eventually..
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That's fuckin' it. I've had it with you.
Right all the way! She is nice, left moonie is lame and never follows through.
>transbians calling others agp
They’ll literally just say anything to deflect, won’t they?
My moonie washes herself daily you can pet her without needing this
What kind of strings? I'm done with wetwork. Too many poor bloody Garlean conscripts dead by my hand.
Next time message me instead of standing within Self Destruct distance...
About 92 million
May I see you're armpit
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How are you even suppose to make gil as a crafter now a days? Seems like everyone and their mother is one and then you got people just bot crafting the whole day to ruin the market by dumping like 5stacks of 99 and undercutting every 5minutes.
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LW doesn't have her big boobs here but even then she wins very easily
AK's body is also a bit exaggerated, especially with skimpy glams
>damage controlling for 5 hours
keep going
He accidently exposed himself as the guy who has been repeatedly schizoposting about malezen stocks.
one is a tranny
the other is a troony
my femlala only like talls
please stop c+ing your faces
it never looks good
that goes for you too, lalaboys
cute boy
I never understand trans lesbians at all, like why did you transition you could have just been a cute boy and dated girls like normal???
Coincidentally, alola is where I'm headed. We got an alola savage pull to and through all of statice before getting chain memed, so we're hoping for a clear tonight. Thank you for the wish of good luck!
>How are you even suppose to make gil as a crafter now a days?
You do it at the very beginning of the xpac and wait until next xpac to see a big surge again
say gex
Like you, Asahi…always pretending not to see. You were the first…the first I swore to kill.
The young males are also known for being violently horny
Left to right
Kill, Kill, Kill, Plap, Kill, Kill, Kill
6 million gil in 5 days? Doesn't sound realistic to me bro. Best I can do is 271k.
elk doesn't plap
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My femra will show up after rubbing catnip oil into her skin.
Trunnies and Troonies
they want to fuck themselves anon.
You aren't, silly lalafell. The money printers are in subs, selling materia and bisexual gem mats near launch, and selling yourself to other players.
my c+ face looks good!
my denpafriend
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my sunnie is bored of this game and is gonna play red alert 3 instead (I wish I was playing 2)
To the memories of better days, I bid farewell...
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You're the pretty one!
Sorry....I was using angles to bamboozle you...
They are sweet
Sure I can cook something up.
Awww, but I couldn't help getting all close and then you runned away...
I know a trans fujoshi. Try to comprehend that.
Your sunnie should join mine for roulettes instead
Thank Venat, I love miera so much
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hi tiana
have a good sleep! metaphor is v fun
cause if you're not posting gooner material your character is ugly. I don't make the rules
name one horny miera
Everytime I C+ at all, I need to C+ the face to fix whatever fucked over my face.. I would LOVE it if I didn't have to, but my eyes end up too big or what have you
If you're not actually him? Because he apparently tried to take over the joke and pushed it very seriously and angrily before accidentally responding to another post with a picture of his ugly lalaboy and the links to the posts he MEANT to respond to anonymously still in his textbox. Apparently he also literally shit in some of his pants and posted them while claiming to be a malezen. He's coping by doing his "all attention is good attention, I'm a celebrity, not a lolcow" shtick. The lalafell and elezen councils convened and agreed that he's no longer considered a lalafell, but a beastfolk.
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Do the Twelves know that you are a remnant of Azem? Apparently you can meet them in Elpis and it affects their dialogue.

in my lane
Furniture is your best bet for dead periods, then you prepare for the hot new thing people will buy at the start of each patch and make bank with that. 7.1 is coming, so you should get ready to make money with crafter materia, furniture and maybe new crafted EX trial weapons.
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About 4.5 mil
Never got into the big money making content...
>trans fujoshi
Just cut the shit and tell me it’s chromosomes
>You're the pretty one!
counterpoint: i play a catboy in current market
>The following event cannot be skipped
Stop fucking doing this. I don't give a shit about your msq slop.
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You don't need to go that far
>as a crafter
you don't
who the fuck scales their faces?
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Fine, fine. End of thread.
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That's some real mental gymnastics if I've ever seen it.
I really do want to give a play-by-play breakdown of why you're wrong, but you're not interested in that. You just wanna shitpost me. So I won't. You're free to think as you will. It's wrong, but I'm not gonna burn any additional calories on this.

I hope this is, at the very least, enjoyable to you. I shall not engage this topic any further. It's all in your head and in your head it shall remain.

Anyways, all that's left for me is the FL daily. Then... In-game content hour is upon us.
Isn't that every trans?
You're a sex alt, and I went to do Job Quests but I've logged off for the night now.
So, goodnight.
What’s there to comprehend? I want to be a girl but I still like seeing boys smooch.
Oh... ok, I can be the bigger one, this is also fine. Although if that doesn't do anything for you, this probably won't work as anything beyond as friendship.
All of us, we just learn to hide it as part of fitting in with civilized society
I offer catboy
in exchange for gecko
What of the chromosomes?
i am not SK i would kill myself if i was that pathetic little cuck
I don't speak beastfolk.
That's just called a faggot anon
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21 million just enough to lose a medium house over and over every week
c+ing your body shouldn't affect the face at all
holdable femra
I am not a sex alt >.<
I just happened to start in Gridania on my new character and unlocked LB to say hi to LB14...

Good Night
Can you please buy me the Construct VI-S Core mount? All my gil is going towards buying a house...
Manifesting a rabi post
a gay man? is that supposed to be hard to understand?

captcha: GAYYKA
I know sis. I just wanted to make anon twist his mind a bit harder. She's a dear friend and I just like to poke fun about how she missed her chance to be yaoi (she likes it).
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Wouldn't that be fun though...?
Cute elf!
Do you think he huffed those farts?

it's a guy, real women don't have penises
I can try being big
I’m not going to sort through your retarded ideology to figure out if it’s really male or female, so just say is it XY or XX.
File deleted.
Thanks Venat, you idiot hag
One of you rich anons please buy me an Incitatus...
As if he had any choice.
how can you make a cat look this ugly?
Then you should have said "its". If you type "it's", it means "it is".
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I wonder why they don't have Daichi Hiroi at this panel...isn't he the writer?
Eb me, instead
do you have archive links for these posts btw
29,457,876 gil
Based... I will join you for content.
troons don't know how to make feminine characters
Finally some good food being posted
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Aound 2,5 millions.
But I gave 3 millions to a friend as birthday gift earlier.

Imma touch these ears and give that Elezen headpats.
Holy moly
>pedophilia is okay if the woman is the pedo
I have been selling HQ crafts from regular stuff, things like leather, gems and ingots still sell quite well 6k-10k a piece depending on the item
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aren't you EB'd?
Justice served.
erm...where are the cc casual call outs?...
Okay it’s a guy (forma de faggot). Thanks for clearing that up.
anyone know the name of the cat that deleted her photo?
Where is the pedophilia?
>venat designed the viera
>2,5 millions
I'm guessing your native language is spanish or french
You're welcome, saar.
>Face hidden
I sleep.
I try to move on but the resentment lingers. I'm afraid it'll never go away, no matter how much happiness I try to bury it under. Is this normal? Is this just how life is sometimes?
shes decent.
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Yeah but at least let me help you do it..
Name one other ancient with an anal fixation and a thirst for young men
some random tranny from lb14 judging from what people keep responding to
wuk lamat
My sexo cat mistress
There is none, it's a common head canon because of the loporrits.
I am a femlala who went to the golden city...
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Somebody fire that fat bitch on the right on god yawnfail had the worst fucking "questing" you could possibly imagine, yes its even worse than endflopper with the 2 million "stealth" quests
doesn't matter. he's gonna be changing it soon
>grrr he's below the height of consent therefore pedo!
thanks for your amazing insight Australia
And you are correct. How did you know? An American would've said 2,5m or something? Or something about millions/billions?

Oh, okay.
I don't get it, she's nicer looking than a lot of the rancid creatures that get posted here
Dw anon it’s just a “femboy” ;)
My moonie is feeling forlorn and oesn't know how to deal with this feeling
if it doesn't matter then you should tell us lol
I like to think Azem created the Au Ra
>bullied a cat so bad she had to delete her photo
you guys are horrible
>when the femboys suspiciously look like shotas
this but unironically
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526k.. housing has ruined me...
Report to the choker for correction (I will do nyothing)
deleting the pic is what caused it. Showing people that they got under your skin is blood in the water.
>when the short stack is suspiciously like an Oppai loli
need someone to talk to?
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you seem to forget where you're from nigga if you make an ugly character then we're gonna bully for it until you learn
actual shotas are annoying and retarded
that's why femboys are better
same reason lolibabas are a lot better than lolis
are you guys just hating just to hate? she looks okay, could use a lot of work but shes better looking than most mod beasts
Didn't you get cucked by that brown catgirl you're always posing with?
Femboys are the worst
It's over... My friend...
choker open?
gz bro
Unironically, yes.
Shut up bro, ugly characters are posted here daily and the responses are "awooga" and "mommy".
>ugly tranny cat deleted her photo
Good, she can start over again.
Looks like a single onlyfans mom with her autistic kid who punches the drywall and screams while she's doing shows.
>How did you know?
A couple of things tipped me off. For one, Americans specifically use the "." for numbers as opposed to the "," (2.5 as opposed to 2,5). Secondly, in English, you don't add an "s" to the end of million or billion (would just be 2.5 million). I happen to know that french and spanish speakers both slip up and add an "s" to the end of numbers when they don't need to. So is it French or Spanish?
No I love you Golbez
lol? my guy you don't know what ugly means then. your character probably looks like that too lmfao
ty :)
I'm opening it literally just so people will have somewhere to hang out that isn't waiting in line to get into goon island for the 5th time this week.
Because it keeps filling up and people were waiting in line outside.
if the angle and lighting were just a bit changed it would make a huge difference. the expression is silly and uncanny though somehow
The only time it's bad is when they are ugly, otherwise get over it
wtf is goon island
good now the tranny needs to delete themselves irl
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if you're going to post your character then don't delete the photo when you get called ugly. You're just asking for it
dhali's island sanctuary
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(DD's island sanctuary, which can only fit 15 people on it)
my power is back
I wanna see him epically pwn those stuck-up high rank players with his l337 hax
My moonie is quite a bit uglier but it’s intentional (the game is full of cute moonies, need to stand out. It’s also why elezan get more messages than moonies)
Thanks Miss Teacher is it nap time yet
yea the cat wasn't even bad, two random schizos and they delete is what drew the attention
my middie in the back
i wanna make music island where we can hang out and listen to stuff in cytube because once you have more than a few people in cytube it really sucks
it me
it was that bad who the fuck are you kidding lmfao
I cannyot
..maybe she does i do nyot know
the blank stare doesn't work with this character, also work on your lighting more
I mean the posts (and also the cat)
They got two random comments about being ugly, deleted, and then everyone shitposted them for deleting.
but yea the cat was fine
300m, give or take
Ready to fight then?
It was a thread or two ago. A good searchword is "homie" or "gryphonskin" because SK was trying to respond to a post about glams and accidentally left the links in to the argument he was having.
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The former.
Why... Why you, and not me? You were the best of us. A paragon of virtue.
I could never hope to be your equal... I am only the knight I am because of you. Because you believed in me!
Kyoppi, Tycho belle, Leviah, Sechen, AiKotoba.
Just to name a few uglies that are here all the time, you might just have low standards.
the cat was ugly and made by a troon who doesn't know what women look like you're delulu nigga
I think the posters here are kinda just fishing for who they can hurt lol. They ignored me when I asked for advice, and just tunnelled on the insecure cat that deleted their picture.

Kinda sucks.
How? and is that an xbox on the left
JO in the light, like Jesus intended
i mean, i agree the cat was a bit ugly but she should had just kept the photo up still. I get shit posted a lot but i try not to let it get under my skin
kyoppi literally shits himself and tycho is kind of an ass but their characters look fine
My condolences
I knew it! The comma is only used by europeans. The french are cool don't let the redditors get you down
well if you feel like venting would help just lemme know where to find you
otherwise i hope your moonie feels better /pet
I've only got about 1.3 mil to my name.
womp womp
>but their characters look fine
no they dont
i dont know who kotoba is offhand but leviah is ok and sechen is ok for femra
eh, her cat was kinda okay looking but its annoying when the thread focuses on one person for a silly reason.
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the wedding was plagued with many issues. mainly my screenshot opportunity ruined by becoming bald.
Low standards confirmed.
>sechen is ok for femra
sechen is the ugliest femra that posts here, straight up
EB like this for my Veena
I wish you were a face 2...
unreal is coming back with 7.1, you can just earn it then
yea they're fine I guess
anyone want me to write their name on my cock
Y'all know she over there sucking dick for that
How is that Based aren't you getting ebd to a femezen soon?

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