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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

> All Saints' Wake Begins October 18!

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>498033473
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138

Previous: >>498068307
first for mieraxfiera
Post your male characters and be judged!
chat is this real?
Post Lalafell
I can't post my male elezen anymore because people will say he shits his chair
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anyone want a clingy bestie?
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what are the best stats for chocobos? I haven't used any training yet and I'm 12 levels away from 50 cap.
deleted catgirl photos.
this nigga gets it. when glue sniffers can make a better looking character than you then you're not made for this life. delete yourself irl
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this feels like a fnaf at freddy's
Did you mod the big poofy sleeves off the top of the female highlander? Or is there a set of gloves like that.
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I just bought my 4th fat cat
>people will say he is based
you people are seriously mean and petty and fucked in the head for no reason. im reconsidering looking for friends from here now because i dont want to befriend someone that's secretly like this
is one for my miera
max out everything except for acceleration and then get super sprint
this will be enough to beat 99% of the matches you are in
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Posting my lalafell before taking a short nap...
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This render is scaring me.
I'll take one
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never forget this ugly ass cat who deleted their picture for getting called out for being a tranny lmfao
what happened anon?
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Cute elf! Waaaah
posting my talafell
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look at the replies that catgirl got
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It took you this long to realize we're twisted fre*king physochopaths?
how did you know it was a tranny though? Don't they play femroe/femra?
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Honestly I stopped caring about what reddit thinks ages ago. Every single redditor that learns I'm French will make the same unfunny jokes and think they're original and that I haven't heard it all before.
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which brush looks better
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Was just shown the Maelstrom chocobo barding and it's not even funny how well it fits my usual armour.
Anyone know similar bardings colorwise and style wise or am I doomed to just start fresh with everything with another Grand Company?
thanks where's super sprint I didn't see it in the manuals. I got all the challenges done.
no one can make a character that ugly and not be a troon
middle one is the only one of these three that has any kind of cohesion with your glam
middle with a different robe
good luck in raids tonight /smooch
ugliest cat of /xivg/
good morning
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my femra wants to hear Anon talk about Sandman but her eyes are starting to sting, good night(maybe)
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I deleted the first photo of this set because I wasn't happy with it, does that count?
e12s but with that specific the right one
hi wife
Pretty boy, like a bishonen one drew by a guy
Ive talked to this femra and they're really nice dont let the fakemean persona trick you.
can i have sex with ur femlala
so face 3 femras are 100% troons? the more you learn
I'd suck their toes.
uhm you posted my wife!!!
>how did you know it was a tranny though?
weak mental. ego crumbled to dust when breathed on. deleted pic after some schizo comments.

meanwhile me (grown ass man) gets schizo'd all day and i just laugh.
What is the 3z submarine route?
I know 2z is OJ and 5z MROJZ
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Play Free for up to 4 Days in the Latest Free Login Campaign!
Homie did you see the photo? you can instantly tell it was made by a tranny
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my honest reaction to any miera player
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You have my attention.
its from one of the challenge races so it should be at the vendor
holy cute!!
I want to tie this tranny up and listen to him scream as I cut his dick off
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good mornyan
Do you have any new ones?
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I used to be big into crafting and maps which got me to my first 100m (with a little help from the coffee biscuit grind). Subs have mostly brought in the rest
And no sir, that is a plate
The Bozjan Gloves of Scouting have the cut-off sleeve effect. Those leather belts at the end of the sleeves are actually part of the gloves
My femra will one day have a cute yuri romance...
I don't play a cat but is this character's face modded? for some reason she looks uncanny as fuck, its the eyes for sure but idk...
Any gaming?
Cute cat. Shame she's a matriarchal moon seeker and is likely to bite me if I pat her head.
yeah I did, but you niggas use those face mods that completely ruin the character's looks and are not trannies
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Ahh nice im going to steal that look. Thanks!
holy shit I didn't know these two were fucking?!!
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good meowning
This one looks tough.

This one looks like fujoshit
i am
a meena
who just got a refund for 3,562,500 gil
i will never win a home
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doing tender valley for the first time
ah, i can kind of see that
is the enaretos one on the right too high-tech looking for the robe, in your opinion? or is it the purple tones not being right?
what robe would you suggest?
Be warned though that the texture on the arm is FUCKED in vanilla and they still haven't fixed it
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I take back everything I said about YoshiGAWD P. The system works and is fair and equitable. This is perhaps one of the best housing systems in an MMO to date.
yeah, ugly ass bitch, you heard me
Yea Clone Hero
pld barding but it'd look like you're riding a bird version of yourself
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does your WoL exercise? my moonie has been getting a lil pudgy.
Tycho is pretty ugly to me. Like they're not ugly by real life standards but by XIV standards they're lower than a vanilla limsa catgirl. They just look... dirty
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yeah get over here
tones are off on the others. it's colour cohesion
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The photographer said my portrait would look good after editing and leaving his studio…
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my moonie acts like this
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oooooh I see it was hidden in there
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I'm a 100% HQ besite so I need you to put a little bit more effort in your posts if we are going to be best friends forever.
My WoL needs to stretch more her back is getting all tense from too much sitting >.<
Told you
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I can explain
I see everyone is saying middle, but I highly prefer the left. It goes way better with the rest of your glam and is more unique.
Hey hold up. What's that?
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"Damn you're ugly" - Geralt of Rivia
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Yeah. I exercise my rights to be an American every day.
big femra to hold hands with...
A good bean.
chocobo racing ability vendor
think left because the middle's flowers don't match the aesthetic of your glam at all
what do i need new ones for when the old ones still work fine?
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judge my husband
visible thigh erotic ToT
>didn't realize I was being fakenice
Heh... you've got a lot to learn, kid
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Shame Menhpina doesn't have special lines since I picked her as my patron deity.

Oh, only for racing.
Been playing BLM recently and my chocobo cannot hold aggro for the life of me, that's annoying.
any balmung oomfs want an invite to layla and my eb at 11pm est. dm me ingame: click ennui@balmung
the graphics update should have looked like this
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New textures
Lalafell posted.
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sup broe
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Ok now be real nice and share those takis
My malezen just made a delicious meal of chicken and yellow squash
lalaboy feet and hands erotic
he's perfect
Im pretty sure I just used it wrong. when should I use it lmfao
Akemi is fakenice to lalafell she actually likes them
before you even told me you were back you posted this here i'm gonna BONK
just need a tank now
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important data scraping survey
>how long you've been playing
>are we back or is it fucking over
>first mmo or others
>first FF or others
i wholeheartedly agree with u
Ai Kotoba's Viera is insanely hot.
This will be Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn graphics
>how did you know it was a tranny though?
They downloaded a mod to change the Gil Icon
nobody asked ugly
this isn't even the most offensively ugly character that's ever been posted here
hi can i post her too or do you hate her
fake news
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butt pls
a cat is fine too, wife
>how long you've been playing
since HW
>are we back or is it fucking over
we are back
>first mmo or others
>first FF or others
you're an annoying grown man but takis are based so I'll let it slide for now
3 years
i dont really care cause this isnt the only game i play
spiral knight was the first, but i've played thousands of hours of eso since then
first FF was 3 on the DS, and i've played every single one besides 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16
Its almost 8pm you colossal fucking retard.
Since end of shb
It's the beginning of the over
Does club penguin count
Does playing the first half of 7R count
I guess I can say this now i'm single, obviously we'd never fuck or date or anything but I just wanted to compliment you on your almost perfect mix of cuteness, sass, prettiness, nerdiness, tomboy-ness, "gamer gurl" shit and general sense of humor. I have no idea how highly you think of yourself but you're a huge catch for anyone, and you should act that way! I guess what I mean is, it is refreshing and really attractive to find a chick thats ACTUALLY a gamer, especially for FF14, that is good looking/witty/not a huge slut/not 450 lbs/etc etc
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>Ai Kotoba's Viera is insanely hot.
It's really not. The makeup mod he uses is hideous.
>Actual nice being fakemean again
anyone want me to write their name on my cock
i love vanilla hair mashups so much bros
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The chair sitting thing could've just as easily been a catboy instead, so you guys have no idea how much I'm sweating this realization.
max out stamina and speed first and it will last to end of every race map
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These are great, anon. I do intend on making new ones still. I have some ideas but have been too swamped to get around to it.
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Why am I still awake at this hour...
i dont get it, shes not that great looking but i seen worse characters here though?
you can just write cumslut and then jerk into your mouth tonight
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makes sense, thank you very much! i might go grab that brush and try using it for a bit then
what aspects do you think help it match with the glam? i like that it's a little slimmer, but the colour dye on the glowing handle feels strange due to the glow. pic rel when it isn't flashing
that's a good point, thank you! do you think if i swapped out the headpiece for a corsage it would pull it together more with the middle option? or do you still think the left would be better
>how long you've been playing
ARR launch
>are we back or is it fucking over
MSQ wise its fucking over, elsewhere its still to be determined I feel...I'm hoping we get good content
>first mmo or others
>first FF or others
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I completely forgot to even bid for the second time in a row >.>
yeaa that makes sense now thank you
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I'm logging out
wanna watch?
28 tomorrow
since 2017
new job, we're so fucking back
first mmo was Fiesta Online/Runescape
FF3 on the ds
Lonely malera hands typed this post
how do i join the xivg syncshell
He looks like he likes pale femra
Following the advice anon gave me some weeks ago, I've opted to change my eye shadow colour from black to a dark red. What do you all think?
Honest opinions, please. Be as brutal as your little hearts desire.
1.0 beta
it's fucking over, but I'll still be here as always.
Only a few FF spinoffs I haven't played.
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This one looks like he sucks dick in a Korean mmo.

The same, but he does it at a truckstop due to his house failing.

He could've had more moments in Yawntrail and Endwalker, after Shadow bringers he doesn't do much.

Fujoshit, but make sure to do a flip!

Bootleg Magnai

I like fighting you in CC, 10/10

Congrats for making a handsome elezen, those are super rare to come by.

I commend you for going with the Griffith look!
Like you, Asahi…always pretending not to see. You were the first…the first I swore to kill.
My moonies blood pressure is getting too damn high
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it was me and i really play a femezen. i just wanted to make people laugh. such devastation to the stocks was not my intent
DANG, i wish i thought of that lol. i have a bunch of ideas too so i definitely can’t wait to see what you have in store!!
i think the hair is cute but whatever sculpt you're using looks bad, i would change it.
this vIdeo is literally my maliddie. he doesnt look like this but he does act like this though
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Yes, she even gets some help sometimes
late heavensward
it's going
runescape, because i was too poor for everquest while all my friends were playing it
first ff was 9. then 7, then crystal chronicles, then it kind of blurs together
whose that
post their abomination
>eye shadow on male lala
Don't do that unless it's the same color as your character's skin but slightly darker.
I would join but I'm at work. Funny how someone complained last thread about the lack of PF posts and people can't even fill one for a dungeon. This really is a gooning general
Jupp, taking the rope.
I don't like it.
This is very cute good work
Roughly 3 years
Tilting towards over
Diablo 3 if that counts as mmo. if not, then ff14
FF8 on the first playstation
End of SHB
It's bleak
Adventure Quest
My moonie is unsure about sticking to her EB and needs to talk about it to someone
>how long you've been playing
>are we back or is it fucking over
Depends entierely of if they fuck up the PVP update and its rewards, AND if the savage 24 man raid rewards are materia, if so it's just never been more over and it's time to quit the sinking ship.
>first mmo or others
Slayers Online
>first FF or others
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Kenny Kawaguchi lookin' ass nigga
>Started around the end of ARR
>It's so over
>City of Villains
it's not them. some angry anons reposted it in the last thread and this one after the original deleted it. xivg being really mean rn
>fc wants me to join their synchshell
>I don’t want them to see my femlala dry humping the ground when I leave nightlife on

“Haha guys…. I just don’t want to be pranked by your trolling… haha. “
two years, pretty new
we're so back, everything is promising and i'm doing well socially
i raid, modbeast, cc, and have a balmung love nest to decorate with an eb to impress
trickster online
ff10-2 was my first, looking back... peak atb system
arr beta
we're back
4 for the ds
>how long you've been playing
since the end of stormblood
>are we back or is it fucking over
well there are no other good mmo so i would say we are back
>first mmo or others
>first FF or others
xiv is the only ff game i have played
>8 people liked my house
I don't know how I only opened it earlier today and one fiddie explored it
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none of those niggas
Is this game worth playing if I don't plan on being a sexpest modbeast?
Crap, now that I'm looking at it, really does give off "got any games on your phone" energy.

I was trying to give him eye bags to imply constant tiredness but that simply wasn't an option without mods. Overtime the look did grow on me though.

Tragic. Do you prefer my original look or...?
shut the fuck up faggot, we are in miera month
top 5 miera?
This is such normietard slop holy shit
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Where's your house anon? Can I see ?
>how long you've been playing
Early HW, so 2015ish
>are we back or is it fucking over
It's fucking over....
>first mmo or others
>first FF or others
14 was my first
I could never hate this cat
if you win a house next lottery i'm EBing you just so i can say i have a house
we know you cant help it
why is the guy always brown
Okay, but do you like MY lalaboy?
I slightly prefer before but gonna be honest, your best look was when you wore that masked turban and scorp harness.
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ey ight homie im smoke this kush cus you full of shit cuh
Happy early birthday bro
No can do little chubby bunny, I deserve a whole bag to myself after this long week
Thanks for the approval nerd
I'll say something real mean and controversial if you don't stop!!
favorite femra?
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my suncat? she's like this
My Moonie loves Sunnies and Miera :3
couple months ago
we're so back
first FF
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You don't want to EB me
>maybe a couple years
>it's so fucking over for me
>world of warcraft
>ive never touched final fantasy before 14
thanks bro, you too
Onizuka, why did you ignore my Roe? ;_;
does he fuck catgirls sex style?
No jean.
11 years
More towards "it's fucking over"
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wife like this?
are you the tranny cat? why are you so upset if you're not?
Am I crazy or did there used to be different types of spearfishing gigs?
year and a half
its over
many others
havent seen you in a while, how are you?
buddy that's not her charm point.
this works for me
Mine was last week
nobody but my grandma remembered
Used to but they stopped that
you're losing it, bro
fave mieras?
It's time to hang up the gloves old man.
Revolting foul creature spawned in the blackest of wombs

10/10 after seeing that thing, I no longer mind fujoshit!
>what aspects do you think help it match with the glam?
Well one thing is that the Eden one just doesn't match that well, like the other anon said. Though, it really doesn't have to, so that's fine.
I think the left one matches better because the spikiness of it and the crescent things near the head really match the tattered look of your robe.
As for the handle being a lot lighter, it's just not a problem. It has a cool stone looking material which I like and it stands out more.
Lmao nice
Touch fluffy tail...
i hope they give bigger apartment interiors i dont really like the idea of you lose the house if you dont stay subbed for a certain time
about two years ago
meh, hopefully FRU is good
i guess rotmg counts as an mmo
my first FF was bravely default, also played mobius and am going through 7R right now. its fun
Because it's normienig slop and the average normie is a miscegenated mystery meat brown thing
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look at this balogna ass looking skin texture.
That was my Samurai glam. I'm trying to have a unique look for each of my jobs, since each has their own backstory. Still, I appreciate the honesty anon.
I hope people are having fun playing tic-tac-toe tho! lol
oh i see, thanks i misread what they said but i see they're shitting on the original poster of the photo.
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154 days, 2 hours, 22 minutes (started feb 8 2021)
its over
i played wow as a kid and i played pso2 every day of my life for about a year right before starting ff14
i've had ff6 on gba and ff1 on psp since i was a little kid but i never got far in them. i returned to them after playing through ff14 though.
then no.
at the same time?
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I don't think I've made one friend friend my entire time lurking this place. Sometimes I wonder if its me but idk, maybe this is the wrong place for what I want
So they removed them?
I swear I remember there being a wide trident for unarmored fish and a sharp pointy one for armored fish
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mofu wife tall lady pretty
Okay fine, but just this once...
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How am I supposed to do that when I don't even know what you're looking for...
Holy moly who is this fine lady?
I don't know what mofu means but I endorse the rest of that statement
looking through all the cdata I've collected we're gonna find this tranny cat and we're not stopping until they delete themselves irl
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We did a thing.
if it was high quality it would explode your computer
This place has a couple of people who will seem nice to you in game, but they anonymously could be one of the people who posted those things you just saw in the thread. Be careful with people from here and anyone saying otherwise is trying to gaslight you.
cute tranner!
The truth is MMO's are for brownoids
Don't let the thread fool you, we don't play the game here. The people *not* here are playing the game. Tons to do, too.

Game's exhaustive, no grindy endgame loop. Just some tough fights to learn at endgame, doable with cheap gear and some friends. I'd say thats all there is, but you'll be 3000 hours in before getting close to feeling like you're done.

Just don't forget to make friends. That's the point.
Senpai senpai notice me please
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It's ok, I can still keep up with the youngsters in CC.
i got addicted to dead by daylight and blue archive
Mofu is fluffy like fox tails
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modding has gone too fucking far man
what song do you think is playing in this video
hrothgar feets!
is that zl over there
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oh my
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>the wrong place for what I want
What do you want Anon?
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alter is the most powerful FC in the WORLD
I don't like this 'ability becomes another ability when pressed' thing
Oh. Yes, this is good
>how long you've been playing
6 years
>are we back or is it fucking over
leaning towards it's so fucking over
>first mmo or others
>first FF or others
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What race do you play?
>and i played pso2 every day of my life for about a year
Which classes?
NA or JP?
Woke up two hours early and joined a Duty Completion party, should have been patient and joined a Duty Complete one.
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>it's neither over nor back. Nothing ever happens
>star wars galaxies
>final fantasy 12
touch moonie feet

get dizzy
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bro that can't even BE high quality.
Akemi, why doesn't your sister play the game anymore? Did she grow out of the game?
Grats! I'm excited to do that some day too.
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>474 days, 20 hours, 42 minutes, but ARR (just before shiva patch)
>we are fucking its back over
>sherwood dungeon
>first FF
My hrothgar looks and acts like this
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Does anyone actually want to watch a spooky movie tonight though?

Wearily rubbing my eyes and calmly inhaling while smiling at the sheer obscenity to this one
Femlala post
Pick anyone in lb14, and cold open with friendship. They're all decent.
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good thing they implemented this just for you
this is insane wtf
Hi hi, wanna play
Age 38
Playing ffxiv 4 years.
Currently it’s over.
First mmo was EQ. Zoomers who talk about how “good” it was it annoy me.
Only other ff I played was tactics.
oh cool, i been meaning to try blue archive
Please say "sike"
Leave before anyone becomes your friend now

You just exposed your weakness to every schizo here, all they have to do is just become friendly with you enough to get on your friendslist, and they will stalk and harass you forever
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its me
that is NOT how that works.
a sunnie with a sunnie matches well dont you think, wife?
Cast thy gaze upon peak masculinity
>important data scraping survey
>how long you've been playing
a few days only
>are we back or is it fucking over
I think we're about to fucking get over it
>first mmo or others
>first FF or others
fiddie wives are the dream of every player
Play what?
yes me I do...
Ok I understand this fetish now
thanks i haven't laughed so hard in a while
Play with me please
Making this rabi anon my wife husband soon
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Sorry bub both her elezen and sunnie belong to me.
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Reminder, Mahjong Meet up is tomorrow afternoon. Even if you don't wanna play we will be airing Akagi. Hope to see everyone there.
put your hand on my cheek
alr i'm otw to their location (assuming they're on aether)
>Killian just recreating memes again
need mofu mofu wife
My fiera that has never actually spoken to you, thinks you have a nice shader
and it's based
Started in ARR
We've been back the whole time
Ragnarok Online in 2003, or some telnet MUDs before that if those count.
First FF
Im at my house
This is art.
Perfect time to post this again
Man I really hope the tranny cat kills themselves. It'd be funny if all the lunatics on this thread ended up getting tracked down and facing consequences for it.
>how long you've been playing
Technically since Stormblood but not seriously until Shadowbringers
>are we back or is it fucking over
I really enjoyed Alexandria so tentatively we're so back, although almost every character I liked in Dawntrail is dead or retired so we'll see
>first mmo or others
Adventure Quest Worlds
>first FF or others
The video game i wanna chocobo race and do the pvp and then my roulettes
>how long you've been playing
I started in Shadowbringers
>are we back or is it fucking over
Bro, Israel just shot up a United Nations building in Lebanon this morning. Russia revised it's nuclear arms doctrine last month to treat aggression by a non-nuclear state, supported by a nuclear state, the same way as if it was aggression by a nuclear state. THE FAN IS SPINNING SO FUCKING FAST RIGHT NOW AND IF ANYONE FARTS WE WILL ALL DIE.
>first mmo or others
The only other MMORPG that I progressed further than the tutorial was Adventure Quest Worlds. I *THINK* my friend got me to try FFXIV's free trial back in like 2013 or 2014? But it ran at like 10 FPS on my laptop and it turned out we were on different worlds so we couldn't play together.
>first FF or others
The first FF game I played was FFTA, (and there is a hilarious story there about how I found out my friend was a furfag.)
I watched my Younger Brother and his girlfriend (now wife) play through FFX and FFXIII together
I also played Chrono Trigger back when I was in High School, if that counts.
Back in 2007 a kid in my math class made fun of me and called me a loser because I'd never played FF9 and didn't know who Vivi was. (My family did not own any video game consoles other than my Game Boy Advanced at this time.)
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the best one (miqo)

I guess someone to listen to me rant about random shit and that will also ramble to me about their random shit and enjoys hanging out, but not just in this game. This game isn't as big for me as it is for a lot of people here I think.
where bulge
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yeah dude, how you think she got abs?
Anon my fiddie is already on behemoth and moved into her place.
>all these people still posting on 4chan after they turned 18
shutup veron stop simping for a haitian man
What consequences do you think anyone here would face anon?
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if anyone wants in im going to farm e12s for a bit starting around 15 minutes from now, pf up on crystal with pass 2222
what kind of shit do you like to yap about
Big ass chin
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Holy moly, I'm noting this in my diary.
>I guess someone to listen to me rant about random shit and that will also ramble to me about their random shit and enjoys hanging out
Literally me
>but not just in this game
It's over...
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incel sexpest faggot
yeah but only if its us two on a movie date
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Do you want to hear me ramble about idols?
mein feminine fuhrer
You have no idea how tempted my moonie is to make this rabi happy
only if you are a biofem
Notbeing able to see my goonwife Fox is killing me bros.
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basically 30 at this point
>>how long you've been playing
10 years ish
>>are we back or is it fucking over
probably not
>>first mmo or others
i'd count smt imagine as my first
>>first FF or others
this was actually my first ff! but it was a jumping off point for me to explore the series for sure
Name the race and job.
shut uuuup i am not feminine
>how long you've been playing
Few months before Endwalker
>are we back or is it fucking over
It depends on the rest of Dawntrail's updates
>first mmo or others
Holy Beast Online
>first FF or others
Final Fantasy 7
Femezen dancer
femlala anything
Now I see why you have no friends anon...
based animal mother we should watch FMJ
>Some tranny cat who deleted her photo gets more (You)s than my photos will ever get.
what the fuck
>has gotten laid with half of LB14 at this point

does not compute
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You did a great job today. Please continue to impress & you will earn a caress
{Thank you.} Here's a link to the pack that it belongs to https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/96535
femroe gnb during eden
>BLU Raid
>2 people wearing red
You didnt clear
>made no friends
bro how do you think you meet people
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What are YOU planning on doing ingame today?
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I am finally learning mahjong
erp isn't real, retard
It's not xiv's fault, she doesn't play any videogames anymore. If she's not being a mom or working then she's reading or watching anime
Okay I'll count your vote as a 0 to the poll
But it'll be like a group date
What spooky movie is that?

Also, I'm down to watch other spooky movies if other people already have the link uploaded somewhere, but I only have Lesson of the Evil somewhat readily available
I didn't contribute to any of the previous conversation I just jumped in to say that..
female hrothgar dancer
Bro thinks that's real sex lmfao
nothing ever happens
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Started in the end of HW
I ping pong a lot, but rn we are SO back
Played a lot of other mmos first
First FF
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But Anon, I'm already happy when a moonie is posted!
People have been arrested off 4chan for all kinds of shit. It's not likely but I'd love to see some of the regulars here locked up just cause it'd be funny.
I'm a lonely femlala who wishes she had femlala friends..
whatever the fuck this is >>498078682
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what ever enters my peanut brain I guess, it varies day to day

there are other more fun games out there bro!

yes actually, I haven't met anyone who enjoys yapping about idols like I like yapping about vtubers
>since ShB
>romanitcally its over, education wise we're back
>wow / Adventure quest world
your pics suck/you're ugly/you're a male char who does nothing but recreate gigachad memes
both are my wives
I can provide this. But it will cost you.
Why does that freak akemi come here at random periods to do his cringe wannabe whitegirl larp all thread? get a new gimmick bro
Ask your sister what her favorite book is and show her my character asking if she thinks he's hot
>angry virgins
haughty bitch on the right can fucking get it
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such a tease
4chanx doesn’t work for me anymore on chrome
should i just use firefox
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Anyone got a name of the cat who deleted her photo in the previous thread? I want to confess my love to her regardless if they're a tranny or not
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I love it
>bro thinks he's getting "laid" when he erps with grown men in a video game
That webm you posted makes me think otherwise anon
ask your sister if she likes anal sex
Teach me after you learn bro
Simply because no one is yet to fart
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>there are other more fun games out there bro!
Not wrong but I usually only mix /xivg/ with other things when I know the people. I've learned my lessons.
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what will it cost me...?
you don't know how bad i want a house
you should find them and share it with the rest of us bro
It still work on Firefox, but keep in mind that it can break anytime, since 4chan X itself haven't been updated in a year.
You were ALL WRONG. It was a FEMRA AST.
my alter wife
i like listening to people yap
im not a devout stream viewer (oshi doesn't have enough translators) but i do follow vtubers and have some I like
>ERP is cheating
>ERP isn't real sex
did you poop on the jong chairs
If they posted this but with zzz cup tits everyone in this thread would have been gooning over them thoughbeit.
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NA Ship 2 when it first came out on the Microsoft store.
I had 3 whole ass characters and then even spent money so I could make a 4th. And then again for a 5th. I was that deep in it. My main one was a wired lances hunter/fighter.
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I had fun.
Smelezen wasn't me brah
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Absolutely fuckin nothing
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Do not let that ego to that head, there at least 50 others just like ya

fat bastard lalafell real?!
ill come help in a few min if it didnt fill
Nah that cat is ugly, doesn't matter how big they make the breasts
>patch 4.55 (stopped but came back around the middle of 5.0)
>we back or cooked?
The expac is pretty much mid at best and below average at worst, they made duties actually feel like a challenge but that's about it. no relic weapons or forays to have fun in. Daichi Hiroi fuckin shit the bed harder than this jeet miera we got running around in the thread and it's showing. Overall, if they don't come up with a solution for 7.1 and fix this mess, then they're gonna bleed subs hard.
>Wowo Wawa: WotLK
Final Fantasy 3
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Well you see I started liking idols back in '10. I played this game called pso2 and was super depressed at the time. I made a in game friend named Magik and he tried to cheer me up and introduced me to love live. I knew about idols before but I didn't really understand it since I didn't speak japanese, but after watching the first three episodes of love live with him I instantly fell in love. I don't know what it was but seeing girls sing and dance and trying their best for their goals sparked something in me. I can go on on but this is how I genuinely got into idols via 2D ones first. How did you get started with vtubers?
Can I smell your black cotton tights?
glam prepping for FRU
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I just did all of Heavensward's sightseeing log.
layla is getting eb'd? it's so over
goddess, i kneel and lick the ground you walk
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>Ryu is the one posting these anchors
I thought they were stinky...
Do we like catboys?
I'm not logging in. There's no content left.
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In my defense, I've also made one petting a certain moonie that I haven't posted yet. That one is much happier!
the same thing i always do
That's a lot of pegging that is about to go down.
I've seen you guys go apeshit over less.
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NTA but here's my JP main
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I'm in
You can't have two, that's illegal you greedy bitch
Okay I will when I see her. Where's the picture of you though???
No she's going to think I'm asking her because I'm looking for approval to like it
The lvl 50+ Mechanist questline.
I'm so sorry...
NA PSO2 was just the biggest cashgrab Sega pulled I feel.
Though I hope the short time you had with it was fulfilling.

t. 2015 JP player
Is that moonie blue by any chance?
Oookay pick the spot to meet up senpai
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>2 minute edit is considered beasting
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Always watching over you, anon.
no not really tbqhwy
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is that so
I hope you're doing well!
I was playing highlander but then i got to Labrynthos 2 and lost all drive for the night. That section of the EW story is worse then trolley time.
I'm not sure how that can go wrong but I'll take your word for it

I love vtubers cause they combine two things I love to watch, people yap about random things and also work towards a goal and create something beautiful. If I knew Japanese I would have probably been more of a traditional idol fan but vtubers have done a great job of scratching that itch for me, ever since I was a college student and needed background noise while writing papers
is there an addon that actually tells me where i can find the stuff i need for my gathering quests
Nah it's actually the ugliest cat I've ever seen bro you can tell its a tranny
whoa wait a sec, my femra looks EXACTLY like this...
Do you like Malera?
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Your soul. And you fantaing to a face 7 middie male
Did you buy /fryegg yet?
post femra
There isnt a single person on EU that doesn't think theentirety of NA isn't completely unhinged and you fags prove this every day. I can guarantee you that no one that is actually from EU even cares about the thread. The people you schizopost every day don't even browse it.
You are all mentally ill trannies.
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>spooky movie
the only movie I will be partaking in tonight is the famous youtuber Tamers12345's 3rd feature length film: "My Little Pony The Movie: The Death Of Twilight Sparkle"
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just tabbed back into the game. afk camera has good taste.
Your sunnie is NOT like this.
He's not gonna fuck you.
Ha! Mentally maybe, mahjong is tough for me to wrap my head around. Fraid me and the wife are too vanilla for pegging or anything like that.
Sex isn't the only form of cheating.
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Eyup, looks blue to me Ma'am.

do we like this
What is the most peggable male race (bigger)? Asking for a friend's cousin who lives in another town
Are all moonies retarded or are all retards moonies?
bet you're just that tranny cat trying to save face aren't you why don't you kill yourself already
I took a semester of Japanese, fumbled it, and shelved it. I still want to learn it though, fun language and I like the way it sounds
has the anti-spam thing affected the general at all?
I wasn't planning on that, I had your mother in mind.
vanillabeasts are stupid as hell lol
Can I put my respectable 5 inches into your ass?
Maybe but hes not even the one that replied to you originally lol
Biofems make the ugliest characters.
Miera ears, delicious
Anon, I'm a boy...
Why would it have? Everyone already set up 50 spare email accounts.
>No she's going to think I'm asking her because I'm looking for approval to like it
But we already know you like it
boy is out here fighting ghosts.
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playing a good game while i use the game as the glorified chatroom it is
I am, thank you! Things have been busy but am holding up.
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Just doing my roulettes then hopping on Metaphor!!!
My sunnie is like that.
no they should let you get it from playing the game instead
i look like this IRl and I've plapped all of the hottest ebins by the way
I'm the HIMulation, I am HIM Kardashian, HIMbuktu, HIMon and Pumba
I got my DNA test back, turns out I'm one hundred percent HIMalayan
we love this
builded like Vincent Margera
>guise i swear no one use mods in this game youre just delusional
>mare online user count has more player than the steam chart
hmm curious
My moonie would very much like to see this webm, whether you post it ITT or not
what face is face 7...
let's hang out first
Prove it.
It's not sex but it is cheating. Flirting can be cheating, sexting is cheating, posting erp to other neet men is cheating.
You can still be a virgin while cheating on your grown man EB with other grown men, never having met any of these people in person
>nanky thought it would be funny to find the gayest guy on fevir and pay him 5 bucks to do this
>its actually funny

>NA Humor
>unironic AI generated slop and posting the same copy pasta about people that dont even read the thread for years.
metaphor has a chat function?
Yes, threads have been lasting twice as long. But the schizos phonepost with 4chan pass so the average thread quality has gone done even lower.
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it's machinist you little fag
I don't get the appeal of vtumours though. Why watch if you can't understand? All it is a 2D jpg just moving her lips around making weird noises. At least with 3D you can see facial expressions.
not them but it's meteor's
True. Biofems don't have to spend all that time adjusting their character when they can just use their rl.
somehow that wouldn't surprise me one bit
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what on earth is my husband doing?!
can someone do cc calls haha
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Crystal CC 1:45
Fully bred monetarist
there are english ones
what anti spam thing
keep your head up, jiji. You don't want wanna grays showing up so soon.

Ops wanted some initiative, blew up their entire quadrant
I'm movin' like Oppenheimer
shut you mentally ill fag no one cares about your trash game mod. Fucking go play dota 2 or something you fucking lame ass nigger.
i can have two its legal in my country
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wer the smartest
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I'll post it sometime, have to fix an small error that irks me too much!
tycho also revealed in frencord that he has rotten teeth
my lalaboy does a very funny borat impression. comedy gold if you ask me
I don't watch vtubers but most of the people I do watch don't even use facecams I think its pretty irrelevant to the content
you need to take my bbc.
>no relic weapons or forays to have fun in
These have never been in the x.0 launch patches of any expansion.
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I already watched the premiere, don't unspoil unless you want spoilers... It was kino.
Someone thinks this looks passable... Christ.
I never played limbus company but I love autism creature don quixote, truly the neco arc 2 of our days
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logged back in just to take this screenshot
I like your style. Would be very interesting seeing what's under that dress of yours, my young lass...
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biofems make ugly characters but in very different ways
how are you this mad on a friday night lil bro
what ilvl do retainers need at 100 for the rarer item chance?
What the fuck is up with the frogposters here
Do we like this?
It is though. It's nothing close to the tranny cat at the top lmfao
My moonie needs to add you ingame at some point she didnt do it last time
LMFAOOO I SAW THAT IN MY RECOMMENDED!!! I haven't watched it yet but I want to it looks so funny! I would so be down to cytube it but I doubt anyone else really is into these lol
I most certainly do not
Is this a new emote? It better be for NA if so...
Well your country SUCKS!
lol yeah
That's good to hear! don't push yourself too hard.
>wake up in EU
>check thread
>americans posting in the middle of the night about ebin #4019
>most are logged in 24/7 afk at lb14 for which there's no logical excuse other than they are terminally online and live vicariously through their character as if it's Second Life
>they eventually start crying at 5 in the morning that eu hours have begun and the thread for once isn't about ebin X and Y having drama with ebin Z
yeah americans right haha
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>Bootleg Magnai
Magnai is a face1 tho
My Malera is face2
Completely different Hairstyle too
>no foray for over a year
absolutely fucking grim, DT is such a piece of garbage it's unreal
so was this because people could easily circumvent the post timer?
>It's nothing close
You're right about this at least, it's far worse.
you have to fight to the death now.
on her chest
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i'm getting destroyed
>how long you've been playing
Almost 7 years
>are we back or is it fucking over
It's over
>first mmo or others
This is my first MMO
>first FF or others
This is my first FF
This is my funny speaking future eb wife
suck my sunnies gock!!
apparently. It probably won't stop most of the schizos from bypassing it somehow though
yeah those desperate cucks dayindreaming that its a biofem when it's clearly a troon

is this just to stop people from swapping IP whenever they get banned
Yeah the cook egg one on cash shop. I've been waiting for this!
So you're right. A minor spelling mistake on my behalf.
You should have said hi at least!
same as it ever was
technically maplestory but the first mmo i actually put time into was xi
first was 8 i think
That's so good, goddamn
>how long you've been playing
Since 4.4
>are we back or is it fucking over
Dead game online
>first mmo or others
Pic related
>First FF or others
desu I guess you're right, but I've definitely seen biofems use the lost ark makeup too.
I like this
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here's the QRD
i warned you about mahjong bro
save your soul
quit while you still can
As if grown men don't make abominations too. What about that ugly BBC crocodile futa?
It's because as friends, /xivg/ repulses normal people.
But, crazy attracts crazy I guess. It is fun to watch from the sidelines tho.
I miss when that frog was just feels good man
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Now you too can pretend to want to cook!
my understanding is that if you have multiple emails it wouldn't matter? idk, I've always just had a 4chan pass for years now so it never applied to me in the first place
Okay that makes more sense but most of them are cringy and play the degen role for quick simps.

So you watch some indie streamers?
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31 in December
We are back (Power/Internet restored)
gimme that outfit fatty
asian men are a different breed
>anon realizes the game has always been shit with a much too slow content release schedule and not enough content
You started playing in 5.35 or something
Its them! Miss and Mister Funger
where do I get an abella EB now..
Chi Albarea
no they hate me and would laugh at me if i posted their name...
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Your Mom
>unironic AI generated slop and posting the same copy pasta about people that dont even read the thread for years.
While there does seem to be some people on NA slightly too invested in EU drama I highly doubt anyone but the people involved were spamming it initially
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I'm too tired to do cc

someone win for me!
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There are way uglier modbeasts that post here, and there's nothing wrong with being a tranny.
I'm retarded
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>how long you've been playing
4-5 years
>are we back or is it fucking over
it's over and Post-EW and DT proved the MSQ is just skipcore and the only good content we'll get is forays which they don't care about anymore so it's gonna be 1 map of fate-grinding
>first mmo or others
Aion, AQWorlds, Maplestory, Runescape, Gaia Online zOMG!(peak), some other shit
>first FF or others
1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,dissidia,dissidia duodecim, crisis core, some garbage gacha for 5 minutes.
my lungs hurt from laughing
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Even though there's no way I should be into you.
Your words, your gaze, your gestures..
It's so annoying.
For some reason the words coming out of you, they bewilder my heart.

It's unfair... so unfair.
>and there's nothing wrong with being a tranny
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that's pornsick fantasy, not self-insert fantasy

THIS is what an actual biofem character looks like
You choose, it was your idea!
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That's true, next time you're online I'll come to add and /pet you. Right now I'm being bullied to hang out in the den of degeneracy and look at weird people.
Any cat boys wanna…
or are yall still too RETARDED today too…
>wake up and check /xivg/
>uggo tranny cat drama with modbeast getting more (you)s than i've ever gotten in my life
maybe i should make my character ugly for attention...
I'm hanging out extremely consistently at the 33 mark in my M4S parses
I think it's over
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>being mean rn
are the allegations true? This sunnie/elezen EB'd?
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wanna what
ragebait is extremely effective
Yes but I don't wanna make a bad first impression by picking the wrong spot senpai
wanna what
>cosmic break
Do you play CBU?
My moonie will be logging on soon, maybe like 20 minutes she will be where you saw her last time
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Crystal CC 5:45
Malelalas x Femlalas!
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Yeah I don't deny there are a lot of incel pandering EN vtubers, especially from ph*se connect
But there are tons of vtubers out there and I've found tons of English ones that are very funny and cool and I genuinely feel happy for them.
I like JP vtubers too cause some stuff is funny even through a language barrier
>how long you've been playing
between subbing and unsubbing for long periods, probably 5 years total?
>are we back or is it fucking over
turning things around is a very tall order: they have to genuinely improve the combat and job design, and the writing has to get good again, and 8.0 has to deliver all of that or the game will just accelerate its downward spiral
>first mmo or others
many others
>first FF or others
also many others
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I'll try not to! Likewise wishing you the best, anon.
That gives me ideas for a possible Highlander golem. That'd be the closest, right?
i don't want people to actually hate me though...
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being a chad cat. be proud of him.
kill yourself you subhuman roach
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I don't partake in faggotry. I won't put on any dresses and I only TOP the homies...
>improper use of the meme
Fuck off, twitter tourist.
what pants mod is that
I love femezen so much it's unreal
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Just finished it. Tamers12345 never fails 2 deliver.
Everyone needs to experience tamers12345.
30+ hag eb for my femra please
i love my husband so much it's unreal
Nah, once the first servers went down I didn't bother. I had played the game from launch to the end of the initial EN servers and I couldn't be assed to start almost 6 years worth of bots over again
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>Thinks ERP counts as real sex
The west has fallen
You guys wanna clan mix with my moonie
I can post whatever image I want you faggot.
take your pills alice
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Sometimes I wonder what /xivg/ will be like in 10 years.
t. spent 7 years here
Getting sick of frogposters. Next person to post one has to eb my fiera. That's a good deterrent
Maleroe daddies...
I know you're out there.
someone posted a catbox this vtuber getting used like an onahole andsaid something about femlalas with it
All hags I know are male character owned.
my sunnie boy does love moonies...
Took a break and ate dinner. Ya'll still talking about the modbeast cat one thread later. Why they living rent free in your minds?
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same as it ever was
same as it ever was
same as it ever was
my femlala thinks that Moving People was the best whose line is it anyway skit
nyo can do
i am also a moonie
and that other anon can say "being mean rn", you sensitive bitch
I love them so much it's (ULTIMATE)
I shan't be posting my frog
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the exact same probably
wont be a thing because of eos announcement soon for this utter fuck up of an expansion
Moonies x Sunnies :3
i shall not fight, wife. I shall just grab you and run away with you.
oh, there's the turn, proxy bragging about plaps now
ebins whose stock goes up too fast inevitably get too smug
That's a shame. I really want people to play the game with.
Learn the culture or fuck off.
niggas is gonna be talking about ebins like Uchiki as "ebins of eld" and "I hate these fucking Westsperm players"
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I don't know I could never really get into vtubers maybe because I have autism and just feel like it's a .jpg but I get you if it was an idol doing a stream I would be ecstatic.
lol. lmao even.
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True & based
I will hunt the both of you down from the shadows… forewarning…
Surely I'll find one... I desire to be fussed over... I just have to visualize it
my wife
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Nothing ever happens.
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if I dye my drk glam my favorite dye I look like a beetle and or christmas tree
Not related to any of this but this is a cute Towa. I will be taking it for my own use.
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moron. FF11 had it's final update this year. 14 will be around for twice that, no matter its performance.
moonie for my sunnie when...
this is my wife
People will still be bringing up the same names over and over even long after those people have legitimately left the game and moved on to other things.
Just like they already do.
beetles are cool
how are those leggings hanging on
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for a second i thought this was my gf, never post this again please
moonies should not be paired with sunnies, it's an unbalanced relationship, the moonie will get overpowered and hurt every day
Lala players aren't pedos though.
Nice!!!! I definitely need that
So true but not everyone is ready for that world...
nah, i'd win
if your femlala has ever replied to a 'post lalafell' anchor she is impure and thus not marriage material.
may i grill?
holy shit
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everyone sex miera now
looking scrumptious
let me dream :(
It is your gf bro she cheating on you and sent that picture to my DMs.
Choose your husbun!
SS, a cute
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by sheer force of will to lewd magical girls.
Not really. Someone really took it upon themselves to larp as other people and repost bants that were posted once over the course of 4 years with altered names. if you go back from an year ago you will see those posts happened once every 6 months at best. Literally everyone is aware of this. Also you literally couldn't have picked more boring people to schizopost. 2/3 of them unironically dont even visit this thread.
Like imagine how sad it is to have some retard replying to himself for nearly an year trying to get some reaction. Lol
What's the manga?
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I think vtubers for the most part aren't that idol like so I think that's probably why. Most are just streamers, same as, uh, whoever the popular videogame streamers are.
Hololive is sort special in that regard cause their talents also do a lot of idol-esque stuff, like live concerts. I love that, it's so fun seeing them go up on stage and see them transform from le funny streamer to an honest to god dancing singing idol.

make good use of her
tell me about your sunnie
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It's over
>All offline
Petition to shave Akemi's eyebrows. Caterpillar lookin asses.
Always need to remain at peak performance
ff16 prog
are for moonies
are for sunnies
Jacking off rn
not even that bad.
Depending if you're available my moonie got here early
It's scary, isn't it
Bunch of 30 years old, people nearing 30 and some dudes at 40 browsing these threads and jizzing and talking about sex nonstop while pretending to be cute

Damn, it's sinking in
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>american miera cult
Miera are athletic, traditional, nordic in their voice and intonation.
I can't take American miera players seriously, I'm sorry. It's a LARP and jealousy of European identity. Just pitch your tent outside McDonalds or Wendy's and leave us alone.
Viera wasn't made for you.
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my middie can be trusted with 50 high-yield ceruleum bombs
it's for the good of tuliyollal madam dawnservant
look at my wife gorging on chicken
what a beast
i already told her she'll become a ham planet if she keeps doing that
Look at the crotch and you'll understand.
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oh fuck I didn't think someone would respond...
casual cc...?
Why is it scary? im 24 so i dont get why is it scary.
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
This is open? I never see it on PF.
ive played since arr and have never once masturbated to the video game
Well, at least two of these are Nordic.
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Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete
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Crystal CC 10:25
I agree. both should be with femra
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We haven't been open since july, I opened it up tonight to give people somewhere to hang out. So tonight is staff + /xivg/ night, next week we open back up to normal customers
>THIS is what an actual biofem character looks like
we've literally seen irl pics of donny in a puppy mask
my sunnie is the champion of domestic abuse with their moonie wife
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Sorry, I got the stable and everything, but I sidetracked and instead went to try fishing and it turns out, I like fishing.
I also hate organizing gatherer and crafter bars.
based claymore enjoyer
I'm coming online, what server am I going to again? I forgot...
If you're referring to like the massive copypaste thing in general then yeah I totally agree. The more recent stuff with the catgirls and the horses a lot of them are a lot more invested than they pretend to be.
>Also you literally couldn't have picked more boring people to schizopost. 2/3 of them unironically dont even visit this thread.
I'd argue even less of them but completely on point here, if these are the most interesting people to schizopost EU really has got stagnant huh...
Where is it? Or should I ask someone in game?
lol is this a gathering of the shitbags?
good lord

I suppose it's glued in place?
val post





You remember which city state? lich
That expression... yeah I'll be reading this
Mateus goblet ward 15 plot 30, bar's downstairs
I do, I only forgot about the Server. My one braincell does work (sometimes)
I actually have no idea I just noticed that you could see everything so I assumed she just has really good muscle control.
log out and go to bed
maybe do some more deep dungeon spam when i wake up
I would say we can share the braincell but that probably wouldnt end well
>Willingly posting PII about yourself on 4chan
Fucking retards look at all these replies
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Its a fun ride if you can get into the weirdness and lewd of it. But just to see the hard edge style and characters interact it's a lot of fun.
the funniest part is that literally everything is made up. Like there isnt a single thing mentioned in those copy pastas that actually happened.
Mid Shadowbringers
It's fucking over Until the foray
AdventureQuest Worlds
lmao goddamn those kegels are paying off
>Pre HW
>Genuinely over
>Ragnarok Online
>FF Tactics
you didn't tell me about your sunnie though
you'll have to take it from me
Does anyone want to come farm puppet's bunker on Crystal
Unsynced of course
but i don't even know you...
not fat https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/115190
this works too.
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I might be a newfag but..
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what do you need to know?
like, general facts about your sunnie, tan or not tan, data center, etc
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Am i a incel?
no, i've had sex before.
Am i a sex pest?
don't know, people come to me for ERP.
Am I a faggot?
yeah, I am that.
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tan, usually on aether or crystal, prone to extreme bouts of yapping
are you going to yap my moonie to death?
if you give me an inch, I'll yap for hours
at least until I become self conscious and embarrassed
what do you yap about, dear sunnie?
lately I've been enjoying learning about military history and also astronomy
but I also like to yap about anime no one else watches
Its your turn to share something!
>Its your turn to share something!
like what... my moonie is a military history enjoyer
I'm new to it so you probably know more than me but I'd still like to talk about it..
Okay your sunnie's cool in my book
wanna hang out.......
okay, where are we hanging out? (on crystal)
i'll come to you, who do i look for
erm, I'm supposed to be the one that shows up
fine, how about uldah
2 years (started on 6.2x, reached current content on 6.3)
First mmo.
Have played all 2D FFs.
nvm I can't move to balmung it seems
I really like this one alot, you outdid yourself anon
we must yap another time I have to go do irl things
good luck yapping sunnie
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apologies sunnie, mayhaps we shall meet again
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No this is it for me
just keep sunnie yap posting
what times are you available

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