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Well Cum Edition.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

> All Saints' Wake Begins October 18!

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>498033473
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138

Last time:
catboy supremacy
bros i'm really nervous about the mahjong meetup...
I just gave someone 500k to bend over for me
she didn't have /malevolence
should I post my mi'qitten in this thread
You should at least post a FF14 related cosplay.
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My meena goes "Eyyy, I'm walkin' here!"
What's the best xivg FC and how do I join them?
No, Lorilee.
I would prefer to see garlolis but Ill accept mi'qittens
more like "Eyyy, I'm- gawk gawk gawk"
The one on Halicarnassus!
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It's almost that time of year!!!
I'm begging to think it's going to be a merry moonster christmas!
Is that person thatt crafts stuff for free still here.....
i'm pretty sure if i go i'm going to have to plap somebody
I'd recommend not joining one. There are plenty of other good FCs
Post your meena!!!!
I want to join <Core>
what do you need?
my wife it's spooky sunnie season not merry moonster season
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IMPORTANT question. Do I have to get this chocobo to 40 and retire? Can I just get rid of them and breed another?
My femlala goes "Just when I thought I was out, dey pull me back in..."
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What is it again people keep saying is the only thing I post?
Oh no!
Well, this is the most "Oh no" I've ever "Oh no"'d.... So much so I've spoiled it.

Clickith at thy own peril.
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need daughterwives
does she like male middies
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hoping for the lvl 100 gatherer set.
kys kong
why made this dude go full on schizo
this has to be ironic
why? there's no rating at stake
it's just for fun
The one on golem!
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 8:20am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 8:20am ET
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That's Korean anon
well keep hopin, I aint them
There are different flavors of FC's

Core if you want a FC that worships a midlander and everyone in it dislikes one another
Joker is you want an FC that's just Ebins who no one else wants to be around
You will not be able to join Yum, it's a cliquey FC who think they are too good to openly invite xivg
how do I delete another post
She likes gabagool
Missing stink lines
State of social media rn sadly
gabagool? ovah here
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The goblin gamers. You just need to live on goblin.
I've been giggling at the thumbnail every time its been posted
I have no idea if I'm that anon but I will log back in and craft something for you if you have the materials.
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I said it's almost christmas time...

I'm not Kong!
my catboy goes 'IT'S SHOWTIME!' and gets blown the fuck up in pvp
I wish we had an actual rogue job
I don't know a lot of details about yum, who is in that?
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I finally took ten minutes out of my day to install gposingway and I feel like I have fucking superpowers now. I'm excited about this photo booth all over again.
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Alright anon, you've pissed me off for the last time.
My wife's and you don't.
Is that F.R....long believed dead elezen...aiee..
Are those earmuffs modded?
What does gposingway do?
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all I want for christmas is this moonie
Do moonie cosplayers exist here?
ROG turning into ninja was probably the biggest letdown Ive experienced in this game
>107 parties on Crystal
>only 22 are actual content
Man I remember getting denied from Yum, they were saying they aren't open then they take two people the next day. Could have just told me you didn't want me.
You won't lose rating and you can plap EU himcesses after. It'll be fun.
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They show up to call me a bitch and leave.
That's the merry moonster not a moonie.
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Why not get a hrothman EB?
My femra gives out parking tickets
my moonboy ate too much pizza and now he feels sick
Who knew world travel would be this bad
<Alter> on Sargatanas
You can't join until all the <anime> people get the fuck off of Sarg tho. Aether is Overpopulated.
Will you take more screenshots this time?
i might be too hungover to wake up for it
His posts are annoying off topic garbage but the schizos who always reply to him are even more annoying.
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I need an opinoin for my fighting game inclined friends.

Qanba Gravity KS or Crown SDB-202 Crown SDB-202?
Merry moonster! I've been good, will you put me in your lap and listen to my wishes?
It's a reshade preset collection, but autistically made to have the worst keybinds imaginable.
face melting femra
I like your lipstick
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Does Korea have separate severs?
Im watching the stream linked last thread and it looks like they dont have DT out yet even?
also random ass nigga everyone is cheering for
>eb a 80 iq homosexual with completely disgusting fetishes
nice pubes ma'am
I like your pubes
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I don't think we're going to get this in global.
that's my wife you mean

shut up, no one cares, kys
Yes, Korea and China have separate servers not owned by Square Enix
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You should be nervous. There's a very real possibility that you might have fun.
Still can't believe Alter was stupid enough to roll on Aether when Dynamis has a ton of free houses and road to 90
is it me
thats the new korean fashion set they'll get on the mogstation
that's wild, how does this shit even happen
does SE "owe" them service or some shit
We will get them at a later date in the cash shop like all the other Korean/Chinese outfits
Asian slop mogstation stuff is so bad looking
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Requesting images of face 3 hornheads with face 4 horns.
Theyre just tsundere
oddly enough it seems like the only cool ppl i meet lately are all from goblin
Do you have to be on the world to join or just the data center?
i'm gonna melt
Put yourself back in the freezer then, Mr.Ice Cream!
Do it next thread
Join us solo FC gods
Free storage + free gil after a few months
>friday night
>frontline queue still hasn't popped after six minutes
dead game
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I really have to pee
Yuck anorexic freak you need to eat more bitch you are skin and bones
Why do people still go to the choker, why not just find a better spot that isn't run by schizos?
and I could really use something to drink
whats up
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Now what...?
This game makes 500 million dollars a year and they can't even keep the KR release current with global? They're 4 months behind.
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>all other Korean outfits
Nope, we never got this one over here. Also happens to look very traditional. So, i wouldn't count on it.
Korea doesn't have the japanese style Far Eastern School attire by the way. Maybe it balances out.
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But I am a moonster...

Think so.

I would but they haven't updated my teeth mod yet and I don't think they ever will. Guess I can take some pictures while I smile with my mouth closed but it won't feel the same...

Have you been a merry good boy/girl this year? If you have I'll even give you a nice treat!
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They were smart enough to roll on the DC that does content and not be permanently locked out.
They license it yes, just like Warcraft also has local companies, both countries are very annoying with how shit like servers for games are to be handled.
>how does this shit even happen
Fun Fact: You can not buy Japanese cars in Korea and you can not buy Korean cars in Japan.
Also the interior of a Kia and a Toyota are fucking identical. Same goes for Honda and Hyundai
Many of us do but we don't feel the need to post about it in /xivg/
My male middie?
He loves LA.
We know, Gorpo.
My femlala is eating pork chops and contemplating the animal it once was. If as a piglet, it saw it’s whole life flash before it’s eyes, would it prefer to have never been born?
Not like it would had matter to me, I did not cared to get an extra house, and we had walls of content before progressing so the road to 90 (80 at the time) would had expired then
how come Korean servers are separate from the rest ?
China has that great firewall thing and censorship so i get it but kr?
it's nothing special

sometimes you just gotta get lost in the jungle
EB like this for my fiddie?
My spot is not on Crystal
my maloonster is going to commit cultural appropriation again... i want that mask......
Have you tried drinking some water? It's good for you...
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I see this and think.
How the fuck do you pose this amount of without pain
KR unironically requires you to attach your SSN to online games.
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 12:20pm ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 12:20pm ET

Yes! I was good and didn't schizo anyone this whole year!!
my fem middie?
she loves randy newman
It's peak
the thread elites decided we can't afk anywhere else, this is the only spot we're allowed to go
My femra? She loves Florida
See >>498096676
Korea Japan and China literally all hate each other. But it is okay for them to be racist though, because they are all Asian.
but enough about femlalas
I would really like to drink some fiera piss, if you know what I mean...
the choker?
can you not make male characters on a female SSN? they used to do that in older korean online games
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Thanks bro, love you too.
Speaking of, wasn't there rumors that they would make China and Korea catch up with Global content wise?
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OK, I just have to find someone into similar stuff....

Nah, I got the season mount already.
My femra? She arrests sunnies
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New Game
We already know you hate him Caelynn
you can make either male or female in ff14 on korea
maybe there is a restriction on eternal bonding. i don't know the specifics
>Lay down for a nap at 5pm
>Wake up at 3am
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Guess what I'm going to craft.
How else will Tranchelle fill up his diaped album?
>OK, I just have to find someone into similar stuff....
Vaginal/cock neglect? Dirty talk? Casual sex after a dungeon? Yeah...
That sounds like a euphemism for something...
Show me the
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Same! But also people that aren't doing content!
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I have to get in my wage cage now, so here's something to consider.
Shower me with praise,
Smother me with adoration.
Let the very thought me of me suffocate you.
There's nothing else you can think of, not even breathing is more important than me. Drown yourself in me.
DPRK would never let such a thing happen
south korea has fallen
why did they have to ruin the only proper naginata in the game with this ugly ass tumour growth on it?
calm down claire
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No I think someone should come to your house and break your arms so you can't type bad posts anymore desu
Hi, NTA, but I installed gposingway and never played with the keybinds. What do they do is it just QoL like taking 3:4 screenshot views or something more?
I love femezen so much it's unreal
All known ebins (A.K.A. bad players) who have received an OH ultimate carry:

Kongnamul Gukbap
Elsee Kaleidos
Jazz Venuz
Aurelia Claude
Zhokko Kruzer
Draper II
Zir Waddington
Xissi Angel
Sherrie Williams
Lemure Shroud
Megarian Id
Ophan Lemuria
Zoe Loona
Sheena Malphur

Do not interact with these players.
Isn't this the femra with the huge gock
Keep it up anon two months left!!!
Are you cheating squidward...?
nobody likes you
do you like smelly hagezen
where is this officer, i need to report a crime
My male middie?
He's depressed
She sends sunnies to sunnie jail
Hello fellow femra officer
How do I make a Garloli when midlanders don't have the forehead thing?
EB'ing is restricted to Male/Female pairings
Although there are no extra restrictions on Glam so people often just wear attire representative of the gender they wanna portray ingame
what's on your mind
I wasn't able to do it. I'm sorry.
Maybe in the next life, we'll find another chance.
Go away Saelonu Kellonu you suck
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>Haven't capped or even run expert in like 3 weeks.
Any actual sadposters need some cheering up?
sis???? are you ok
no no no nO NO
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Do you want my sunnie to come sit next to you and chat?
holy based?
>aldgoat horns for horn glue
>misc joint plates
sub parts, i'd assume shark
i wonder why despite being generally happy i always end up going back to depressed
What is the charge!? Eating a meal, a succulent doman meal?
Boy, I can't wait to kiss the merry moonster....
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I understand why CN / KR hates JP for the mass rapes, comfort women, war criminal shrines, Unit 731, etc. But why does KR hate CN? Outside of CN being too aggressive against SEAmonkey powers, I can't put my finger on why they wouldn't be at least neutral.
New actually good Turok when
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padres lost too
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Please post full body
i suppose there is a shred of hope left then
but older mmos would lock your real life gender to your character's and in the instance of games where you played as other characters like league of legends, you'd have a gender flag on your character like male/female

It's not the same, but it does have shark teeth.
same but thighlanders
>bro forgot china is the reason its called SOUTH Korea and not Korea
you can sit next to my sunnie and chat
I got a feeling I know where this sunnie jail is...the same spot where femraen meet ups are /pet
I don't think that's what she meant by treat lil bro
uh, this is the far eastern matriach and patriach sets. We got those.

Nothing as always. His brain is cooked.
im a femlala
and i love fuwamoco
eww.... people here go there?

I hate those kinds of places, my old eb used to drag me to xiv clubs they are gross.
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People mostly go just to shoot the shit while sitting around the giant /xivg/ couch
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What am I even doing
You are welcomed to more, but I will chat yer ear off.
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>Gorpo Morpo still not listen on here
He gave me a rimjob last week though. Wait, he is a choker employee, right?
idling it seems?
do it do it do it, film it, do it live!
Handcrafted by Hydaelyn for virile ‘mhigan BVLLs.
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should I touch it...
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I thought you said you were a depressed midster?
May my sunnie+ plap?
people here sit around the big couch and people watch the fetish club like it's the zoo it's kinda mean spirited
am a male midlander
watching late night college football
My male viera?
He's totally fine
Yeah I'm making 8 sets, been wanting to go back to the 2z
My femlala won't get any action if she goes so she shant be going tonight
Honestly I thought the turok that was for PC was pretty good. It was the one you went to another planet in a spaceship Aliens style
>I want to join <Core>
why? whats so good about it
do NOT touch it
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 4:45pm ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 4:45pm ET
Just like in life...
not the same, similar, but not the same
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Doing this to spooky boogie disgusting modbeast
I'm fucking dying lmao.
It's my one and only christmas wish....
you could say it's next level
What do you mean, seishun is there
i'm not that guy but i'm depressed and want to chat to a sunnie too
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theyre samefagging again
Ignore it
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When you say older MMOs you mean 20+ years ago of course shit is going to be different today as culture has radically shift-
Mm, shifteds the wrong word.
Culture has Radically expanded to include more people that were already there.
>Samurai runs ahead of his team at the start and dives without the oasis buff
Who could have seen this coming?!?!
Oh okay DC?
chinese basically claim that korea has no culture and anything that korea does have is derivative of china. koreans got real mad when some chinese person claimed that kimchi is chinese or something.
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I am
a female hrothgar
Sex status
That's right but the location of sunnie jail is supposed to be secret...

Your sunnie might get arrested
I'm not a lesbian
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>bro fell for the grown ass man trap so many times he needs government intervention
I thought you were a Falafel
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Watching the Jackie Chan Movie Marathon on TokuSHOUTsu's youtube channel.
Yep, that's a wife
I have a friend in there
So it's a group of close friends that are also posers, good to know. Probably insufferable people
Then I know the location...and I will break into it..
bro is an absolute sicko
CN supported best KR. What's their problem?
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it's not the same
korea has both
Ask game question get ignored. That's why I never believe this thread when they tell people to play the game kek.
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Why do you use modded hair...
If that's the price I must pay...
I love history
If you're into hrothgar you got two options
When are you putting the ring on her finger?
No content only lazy cat petting while I wind down for sleep
I'm usually patrolling Limsa...what is the crime you need to report!
Good evening fellow officer! How is your patrol going?
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All ARR extremes completed! ty to everyone who's joined them.

Heavenward synced extremes next!
Wuk sounds better in kr
gimme 10 minutes actually sorry
Why do they keep giving worst korea everything good? I thought NA was the biggest playerbase. Wtf.
Male midlanders miera and male miqote
Well there is a reason they've never won! As i mentioned its not that im a fan or anything. Just think its more fun if SD won. Although if the Dodgers were going to win then i want to see a Yankees Dodgers WS. Might as well let it happen for the first time in 50 years. Just please no NY/NY series... That is so boring.

At least you were not even playing! I was still logging in to ???
You are
my wife to be
I am
A smug shotafell
Bullying stupid hags
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There's a catboy chilling here but I don't know what he's into
who cares just mod it
you americans always do
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Anon... all femlala are into hrothgar.
cute shot, even if the filename convention is unusual
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what melee jobs are you more likely to find bioholes playing
Wait why would anyone break into sunnie jail...
Why are sunnies so eager to be incarcerated?
Looks like there's a few suspects in this thread, fellow femra officer
Bro go outside and stop using this game as a dating app
Uwaaah Inquisitor is so sexy
but while i'm here, are you doing okay youngin?
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sadness covers me like a truck rolling me over really really slowly from the left leg up, then back up then my right leg and then it crushes my ribcage
Easy ones so Reaper
the utterance of "biohole" is a tier of stank that you cannot wash away
zero (pld)
dude this box
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i'm just in the middle of something
Because I still gotta host that meet up...and paint some canvases there
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No reaper is too hard for me so I play samurai
Will they hire a lalaboy dom
why's that
I logged in to do roulettes, but I think I'm too drunk to play
If one applies yeah
>reaper is hard
Are you retarded?
you're a walking dildo they humor for half a day*
The crime is you walking around with a body like that, i'm going to have to stop and frisk you
>ERP fiend trying to groom the cute bubbly sunnie and told them to wait so they can finish gooning
Avoid this guy.
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Lalafell make CC a chore
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and so it remains
my EB is also like this lol
My malera is
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I can't make myself stupid enough to play reaper.
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I sit down and Q CC.
even if I win or lose
I do my best.
damn bro how did you know...
I'm playing a different video game right now, the match is almost over (I'm losing)
just when i thought i might be happy for a while it just hits me again
It's really really hard to keep track of 2 gauges and make sure to press the buttons at least once every minute yes
Samurai plays itself so its a lot easier.
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 8:30pm ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 8:30pm ET
1v1s when?
>still gotta host that meet up
You mean get arrested by a femra cop right?
They're not remus though
It's the shoebill fc that samefags
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this is legitimately so pathetic
>let people enjoy things!!!
I'd be up for that
In Korean RO servers your account was tired to your actual irl ID you had to provide to play
kill yourself pedophile
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Και είχα στο κασετόφωνο τον μαύρο καβαλάρη, το νέο του LP, <<Επίθεση απ´τον Άρη.>>
someone special asked me to use it
you're eb'd to a femlala
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The Four Horseman of the Chudpocalypse.
LS is so handsome
Poor self control, mostly. Please understand
do they hire sissy lalaboys
Fuck Marry Kill Rape
If one applies
I'm not EBed at all
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Light please, queue normal raid roulette or my moonie will cry
don't give your your incel opinion that had nothing to do with my question. thank you!
what does, spit it out
i don't speak greek, sorry
Sure let me log in
Where can i get an EB like this? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DZTHTFpBZEE
i'll show up and plap you sis
i had no idea vii rat was employed now
Ironically jobs like VPR and RPR having enshroud phases are a lot less intuitive for casual players because there's such a drastic change between not only your rotation but your literal hotbar.
SAM in comparison does play itself, collecting your stickers is just part of your rotation.
The Paladin on my team Covered me while I was already guarding TWICE and and got himself killed right away because he didn't guard after using Guardian. I think I'm done for the night. Its 11:11
thats my harem
hello my wife
if you were being literal I'm introducing you to soap
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Listen to this moonie or I will get pickles on my hamburger the next time I order one from McD.
Managed to get off the streets (still homeless)
I'm trans
A possibility if you're around a bit later
The revolving door of sunnie offenders is real, no wonder they can't stay out of sunnie jail
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Malbros of malboro
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Malelala x Femlala
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Pickles are fuckin delicious, you're banned from burgerbun posting.
I will be.
we like this, we want more of this
mine is the best but it's not xivg
just ask me for an invite
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My forlorn femlala acts like this..
i was being very literal and if you were to try, my femezen would introduce you to her armpit
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It's over...
Is there a more satisfying LB than Marksman's Spite?
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>everyone has snuff in Hard No
maybe i can fill a niche...?
Meteodrive is pretty good
Sunnies have primal needs that must be addressed often even if it's followed by detainment shortly after
Should I join this?
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still alive?
Zantetsuken on 3+ targets.
this is how i picture every single female character here
Not everyone
Nunra keeps it on the maybe list
Kill yourself Lorilee
also wouldnt that just turn them and myself on?
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Zantetsuken on more than one target, or a single target you just really dislike
oh no
all my crops are going to be dead because of MILTON
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my moony? loves pickles
its only fun when it's either a 1v1 who thinks he has an advantage on you or some guy 40y away who starts potting
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How very gwib
pedos favorite place
Yeah sure, same place.
you can have mine!
how do i get a gf
pls help
i can water them for you anon ;) just give me your house address
Is there a pluggin to auto blacklist anyone who presses "Push the crystal" twice in a row?
it's so over
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 12:20am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 12:20am ET
what's your address I'll go water them
do you like moonie+
If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself dev anon.
Hallowed Ground :)
Deleting the Caster who just respawned 5 seconds ago with a surprise Air Anchor > Spite combo is pretty funny.
be into transgirls
is there a plugin to blacklist niggers who breathe my air
i can't stand playing this game with other people
Bets on everyone inside being transwomen?
sam (ideally in a group but when you get someone to fall for it 1v1 it's still pretty satisfying)
gnb in a group (or hitting someone unexpectedly with the stun)
hitting aoes during war lb
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powe is back on :)
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My god people from here are on Goblin?!
im glad your safe
Reminder he's not breathing the same air as you
why aren't you growing voidrake
>someone special asked me to use it
must have been a prank that went over your head then, literally
I just got a large plot
bro you have to learn what incel means, you can't be an incel and retort by calling others incels
oh... rip....
0 iq oxygen thief
Cute fish, very glub!
i don't think 2-3 quickchats in a row are unreasonable
blacklisting won't stop this btw, they'll still show up on your team and you'll still see them in chat
my lalaboy has huge...tracts of land
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idk should i
i have some seeds
pickles are delicious, but the mcdonalds ones are kinda ass lets be real
post some tank glams please and thanks!
>No cute men

It's legitimately so over.
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Small breasted catgirls are fine too right?
I miss Nayr.
They are the best
Make some join, if you're not into hrothgar, miera, or catboys
I have no idea why anyone would go to McDonalds for a cheeseburger these days. There are a million other options for the same or cheaper price.
>cat girls
But I don't see ears or tail?
Have you tried marking that person as Target to Ignore?
too big
I'm putting $1 on everybody there being biofems.
I know the odds are astronomically low, but imagine the payout
don't laugh slut
answer the fucking question
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i spend my GC seals on voidrake, turn it into either darksteel ore or cobalt ore and then sell
it's a very high seals:gil conversion but the drawback is fluctuating marketboard prices and inconsistent demand
but darksteel&cobalt will always be in demand as long as submarines keep printing gil
Yeah but only a couple of them post here with any regularity.
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thinking about huge futa suncat cock
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Late night sunnies are extra criminally minded
The detaining comes first
Trannies be desperate
>that dot on the floor
this cat uses Splatoon....
what is the ribbon mod? cute sunnie
I'll make one, then...
Love me blonde middies
Very much so, meet you at the same spot as last time?
Honestly I should, haven't thought of it, scared about putting the ring anywhere but on my armoury chest ;;
But maybe I can put it in the glams and then restore the item,,, it should be okay, right?
ok you gotta gimmie this emote mod
very cute
My bunboy keeps getting hit on by malera what's up with that
>Make a lewd Femlala alt
>Hit on my EB with it
>Get plapped by them with the pent up lust of a thousand suns
>Smirk knowingly at them next time I see them but don't tell them why
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It's the best world. Uplanders wouldn't get it.
This sunnie is hot as fuck but she posts malware in her sexy catbox images.......
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you'll never catch my sunnie
i'll settle for a cute one who's pretty ordinary and will be a housewife because im really desperate
all of them are wifeable
my wife
I would say my wife on the right but that would be rude and I have class. She is very pretty though, good job
my forlorn wife

Post more pretty femlala please
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i guess i never bother cause it never crosses great with anything else i plant... but i'll grow some inside instead of doing crystals all the time

i usually just plant crystals in my apartment and room and i harvest them whenever i go there if i think about it
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Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 3:40am ET
Queue Casual CC on Crystal @ 3:40am ET

Last call from me for now. Have not eaten anything yet.
Two lionesses going at it generating enough static electricity to power my toothbrush
whats the plugin for custom statuses?
How about I eat you
WHAT how do you put malware on images?
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I am
A morning femra
Val's soles
i found out a really pure friend of mine is into some extremely degenerate shit
another friend also turns out to be a huge gay bara homo fag

i guess it should be more accurate to assume everyone is into some really degen shit from the get go
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bully all miera
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you dropped this bro
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wait theres a timer now for posting?
Im blaming you all.
Also when is the next patch, i ran out of shit to do but i log in once every month to keep my house.
love me love me
say that you love me
moonie moonie
go on and moonie
Isn't that just the dot that shows your hitbox from Pixel Perfect? I don't have Splatoon, but I do have Pixel and that dot looks EXACTLY the same as the one it shows for me.
>Also when is the next patch
Next month
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next week we get mogtomes but 7.1 is in november
mid November
If that's how it's gotta be . . . time behind bars it is
It's the femra /point animation https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/106214
7.1 next month. Probably like the 12th or something.
Shut up, malware infecting whore.
only when the site sees you on a new ip
>but i log in once every month to keep my house.
they disabled the demolition timer over the hurricane in US so you can actually unsubscribe for a while
but some events are next week if you care about glamors and shit
I am not that sunnie man. I WISH my ass was clever enough to hide malicious payloads inside images. I'd just use it to make pictures of Adam Sandler fuck with people's computers.
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*eyes bulge out of head*
*jaw drops and tongue rolls out*
*johnny bravo voice* WHOA MAMA
*spits in hand, slicking my mane back (hair cus im a male hroth)
*ahem* hello maam do you like hroths?
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I love Edda Vincents huge milkers
Tell em
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Damn... male characters look like THIS?
medium is premium
my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro in the back
Images can literally be modified to connect to the internet amongst other things
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>i guess it should be more accurate to assume everyone is into some really degen shit from the get go
We are born to be sexual, so when dipped into a pipeline like XIV, people become degens sooner or later. The main difference is how virtuous someone is or if they're raised very puritanical to try to force themselves away from it, but curiosity knocks on everyone's door.
My moonie is the rebel army of xivg
When it hits 3+
Holy shit nothing in this game compares
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Im looking for my wife, Have you seen her
who are you rebelling against
would you like to join my rebellion
Just because someone else knows how to do it doesn't mean I do.
Komani and Br'uk...
ok what makeup mod are you using sis?
QRD on Komani?
>only to miqo's
Once again fiddies get no love....
My character is not a catgirl, but she is medium.
who is she and why are there so many big tit pics of her
komaniez boobs
Palamecia.... who are you rebelling against?
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If my femra can make it
My femra only actually catches sunnies that want to be caught
Gotta do the time if you do the crime.. or something like that
It's ONLY small chested cat girls for me
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>do copied factory unsync run for glam
>really just the casting chest
>in with another caster
>doesn't drop until the end
>we both roll need
>I roll 90
>they roll 1
I could only imagine their seethe
But do they love you back
your rebellion is more righteous and important than mine...
I shall support your cause instead
Refuse to make real games anymore and are holding too many good IP's hostage.
Download the cute sunnie with ukraine colored eyes and have yourself running a task that you didn't noticed in the background uwu
No idea, they probably cooked it up on their own. I'm just reposting their cat because I really like it
Doing the crime specifically to serve the time. It's a special kinda sunnie brainrot
Kneels to Bloober team
I think you've won my moonies heart SS, I'm gonna have to speak to my EB
Anon, the older you get, the more you're going to realize the entire world revolves around sex and hedonistic vices. It'd be depressing if it wasn't so fun.
I've never seen a game go down as fast as that tech demo.
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>Trusting images posted on 4chan dot org.
im always needing/greeding on shit to turn into seals, dont assume that everyone who rolls on something is upset unless they specifically ask for somethign
grats on winning but also good job setting up your bad karma on your next glam farm, dumbo
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Yoshi needs to let us Unsync old Treasure Maps. I don't have any friends who want to do the older ones since they don't give gil like the newer ones. Even randoms don't join via PF and if they do they always bring the wrong maps.
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Minheight Sunnie EB like this.
I love my estrogen pumped, HRT coded trannywife Ahmea!
And the cutest lalaboy award goes to:
>friend I think is pure and they dont even look at people sexually
>find out they have a fetish of dying
for me it's the rebel army part in this medley
My moonie is very drunk what will you do anon?
Wind-up Rob
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Thanks for the calls.

I keep meaning to ask if its kosher for me to queue caster yet but I keep forgetting, so we press on and practice later
Love big tiddies but I think small/medium looks fucking great on catgirls
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>crafting in idylshire
>listening to my night-time death metal
>get a tell
>first time someone new tried talking to me in a week
>its a fucking hrothgar
>they are trying to recruit me to their FC
I fucking hate Biggers, i want to eradicate them all i want them gone and i especially want to kill all those dirty furred scum most of all
it's already pretty dead content but it would go from somewhat dead to mega super giga dead
forma de lalaboy
tuck her in to bed
rape her
thanks for the calls !
/pet /pet /tuckintobed
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abuseable femlala tummies
smooch her........
As long as it doesn't fuck with my mount farm
normal anons
You need to seek god
Wind-up Heiko Hardcock
Lala Voloux
>log in
>nut in a Femlala with or without her consent
>log off
Another day in the life of a handsome catboy.
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Anon, that's just depression.
listen theres a difference between thinking about sex with with a hot woman and 8 foot tall futas with horsecocks alright
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I think it's funny we have to wait for 1.8 years for a chance that the game will be good again
I am a femlala who reached the city of stars...
Will you guys watch It Part 1 with me in my bedroom
Can serving time ever truly fix the sunnie brainrot?
>I keep meaning to ask if its kosher for me to queue caster yet
Do it, xivg pvpbabs need to grow up someday
And the award for scariest lalafell goes to:
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do you like puppy girls..
that's good too! Really can't go wrong...
February is right around the corner
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I just can't solo any of the older ones since the mobs hit too hard and WAR can't self heal that fast like it can past level 90maps.
Where would you smooch here anon..
Cute male EB who'll listen to this with me and entertain my autism...

you can solo them on blu
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My friend made me cute!
What happens in February
Unfortunately not. It's a self-perpetuating cycle & the promise of a femra is far too intoxicating to resist
you should try out BLU, it's a challenge but it's doable
you have to somewhat know attack patterns of bosses and such, but BLU can do anything it's allowed to do
download these if you want malware on your pc
naming and shaming this whore
>just hit all your micros
I rather play stress free.
Valentines anon...
what... don't call me out like this
on the lips. then her cheek. then her neck..
then her collarbone... then....
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I am posting

My lalafell?
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Any moonie teeth ITT>>498102125
Stockholm syndrome ia a helluva drug
It would be in your best interest to get your eyes examined
honestly based
you guys should put more malware in your catbox images
Sorry anon, but a new mount, emote and glams, no matter how cute they may be, will not save Finto Fanto
if you want to get something done, you need to use the right tool
and BLU has a limitless arsenal for everything
you will either stay ignorant or defeat the game in ways you didnt think possible
cool pose
my rava+ nutted
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guys why isn't wuk lamat here, surely she's the star of Dawntrail, people love wuk lamat, i love wuk lamat, but she's not here, why on earth would square enix forget about here, why isn't here here, she's so amazing in everything she does
I love Doman and Hingan fiddies
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thinking about this?
does your lalafell have feet?
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Once again my moonie will not clear m2s tonight
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This wonderful game
>someone special
Is it me? I never directly asked but i saw it and thought it would look good on your femezen
Ask here bwo
what is with Hroths hitting on lalafell?
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only respond to this post if you wanna hang out in game and talk about music or whatever
What DC is your moonie on? My moonie will help if possible
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someone else who likes sleepy princess in the demon castle...?
cc doko.......
>fnaf living tombstone
oh when you say autism you mean it
you will be a good wife
My Hingan femra transforms into a Hingan fiddie sometimes
- in my femezen-
How else would she walk around
>wuk's va posting wuk lamat's face in the background of one of the hanging prints
the cope is real
hi what kind of music do you wanna talk about
I might like Hingan Femra even more!!!Though Yanxian and island ones are my favorite
Laz is so cute
(not gonna say which one)
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she is on aether
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wuk the fuck is with this guy
did my teasing last thread stick that much, hmh?
Light anons go visit ul'dah GC turn ins
god i want a miera to look at me and think about me pregnant with his child aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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It's part of my top 10 anime. I recommended it to most people I know.
You don't have to because they're both my husband.
The last VA job he'll be getting for a while, gotta hold onto something
best i can do is
Unnamed Neko you are alone on this earth!
You are unloved and forgotten by everyone!
Your spam on this website is your dying gasp!
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i cant tell why but this stupid fake crate makes me laugh
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I said micros not macros.
that sucks, if she was EU I would of joined her
How about a fishing get together where we watch the Superhero movie with Drake Bell and Kevin Heart and that one popular old guy comedic whose name I'm forgetting?
Hingan are my favorite but I like Doman femras and island ones a lot too, I have one that is from a bubble village.
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You gotta be kidding me

>Crystal - Balmung - Lavender Beds - 27 50
>Movie: Lesson of the Evil
>12:30 AM EST (38 minutes from now)
I'm making nachos to not share
is there any rhyme or reason to who Proxy gapes at this point?
As if I'm not frequently posting about lala bellies, teasing them or making them my wife when I'm here. Get a load of this lala thinking that's --
yeah I guess a little bit
I thought you forgot about me...
You have a lot of characters, huh? I want a main...
what the fuck is a micro
My femezen is on her way to clean you out
> all femlala are into hrothgar.

Yah nothing hotter than waiting 15 minutes for an autistic furry to type out three lines with a disablity wand about the musky odor of his watermelon sized testicles.
BLU takes at least 40minutes to solo 1 level 70map you are not defeating the game in ways you didn't think possible. Also you can get fucked if you get the Tiger boss or Namazu boss for two whole different reasons.
You could pet the cutest bloonie, she might leave soon so be quick
Is getting arrested by the femra police really the best way to go about doing that?
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right now I'm just looking around for some new sounds

always happy to get recommendations as well
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Surely next week will give me my weapon or mount right? Please tell me I will get one.
Also trying to find an angle that doesn't get me in trouble is hard.
w-was that a malera?!?
what the heckies!?!
Akemi friend
You host movies too late into the night...
I mean, my main character is a Hingan femra.
i see it
I'm a bun who just got back from a Margarita drive-thru and is going to log on
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damn...maybe i shouldve played tranny trail on release after all
Recreate the two faced creature from The Thing's crappy sequel. It was one of the few good things about that movie.
>Akemi is inviting my Miera over to her house tonight
I'm in bros, she's about to get bunned raw
Can you guys give me a reason to not farm diadem tonight
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The one on the left
do it quick before it all spills out~! you don't want to lick it off the floor where it will get all cold...
My femra?
Well, heh
That just happened
I like beating puppy girls and training them to love the abuse...
>Ask /xivg/ to run old dead content
I've tried nobody ever joins.
i used your lop hop webm
>I mean, my main character is a Hingan femra.
May I see her? If you're sub, especially.
i mean it 100% sincerely and unironically
i think i see something...

it's locked, host your shit on another server
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where can I find you
EBd to a fantablob
May my malidster watch in the corner?
Just watch out she's specifically rigged the fridge to trap miera.
My moonie would still play with you anon so long as it was content
to the tally this goes 122
>Never Goon
Can you NOT see it instead please. And wish me luck!!!!
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Those flameniggers fucking licked ice until they won what the fuck Shatter wasn't about killing people???
no.. i missed my chance...
promise me you'll treat her well bro.....
Honestly? No, not totally, but the two femra officers are very eye catching
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Good matches. I'm going to scratch that itch and play SW battlegrounds before bed. I got the expanded fronts mod working and can play the game in 1080p now.
always has been
people are doing fate farms for ShB every week I think you got a chance, there was literally a ultima bane party like last thread.
Whatchu mean by sub?
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currently in gridania, gilg, but idk if you can come? Not sure how the restrictions work
my maloonie is going to fry an egg
he's going to really season it
no I'm locking the door to her room
but I'm going to need some water after I cAAAAAAAA
I'm logging off, it's 6am anyway.
Submissive yes, not submersible
is balmung actually still locked? can flyover fags just park here when they logoff?
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suit yourself, you will never a cute bloonie at 6 am
The team that doesn't get engaged and gets to focus on the objective will win, anon.
Sunnie jail can be pretty draining to sunnies, its full of hard labour, you know?
That's great anon. I'm happy for you.
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>notice someone staring at me
>target them
>they run after me and /wave
>/wave back
>run again
>friend request from them
>i autism out and go into a trust dungeon
guess my race and guess his
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How about small breasted fiddies?
but i wanted to get up and get another drink...
You can make characters and you can travel to it, if you cant try going to another Crystal World and travel to Balmung, that usually does it
I blinked, take the picture again..
Oh sorry anon, I don't really lewd her...
BIGGER ass and thighs. Also tail too because I am a FIEND for big fluffy tails.
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luv them, simple as
thank you, it felt really good
I once /pet a bloonie at 5:46. It was pretty nice...
It's over...
SAME ass and thighs do not change it's perfect
Suncats have a solid stat line for strength & dexterity. My sunnie can handle it
you will never be a woman irl
>Lumy moved from Val to Cam because they look the same
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ok, I found a way to have it on my glams
>it actually changes in which finger it goes
This is cute...
Should of done it more and stayed with her
I want to fuck this fiddie...
I hope she likes sunnie+
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Fiddled with me eyes a bit, compared notes and sought help. How does she look?

See, Goblin you can always get in!
like all modbeasts
Nobody asked, pedo.
my lalaboy is so depressed. it isnt funny anymore
My cat is on my desk.
Each reply to this post = 1 pet to my cat
I'm gonna fuck the red one
Do people even show for those? I feel like if you are an oldfag you already have your Shb fates done.
my moonie ate 600 calories worth of cookies today
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I would have but we both need sleep!
LMAO jesus christ hearing that song was some fucking whiplash
Your sunnie is definitely going to get arrested by the femra cops if she's not careful
like pure shit
>another night spent “trolling” a general of a game you don’t play
Get a job
How do they look the same other than both being Suncats?
It's an improvement. They looked extremely weird a few days ago.
may I see...
fem lala
male au ra
can I see the webm too?
Let me know when you're in My 600lbs Life
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can you just say keeper of the moon?
Not on a friday this is the let loose day where we stay up
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1. that's longer
2. bloonie = blue moonie
struck a nerve huh?
What’s got you down lalabro?
Kill yourself.
I never forget about my lovely anons!
>You host movies too late into the night...
That's what helps add to the spookiness!
You're banned from the prememisises.
Oh, no one can get in? Where should we go then?! Does anyone have a big movie theater that's nice and not in an ulgy world or location?
Bloonie Tower Defense
trans puppygirls remind me about the story of a woman with body dysphoria so severe she believed she was a cat and got insane amount of plastic surgery to look as catlike and behaved like a cat before killing herself anyways
you are on the same page
>mentor DPS pulls ahead of sprout tank
Tale as old as time
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um... femlala friday is over already...? I forgot it was today...
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This is the most cope I've seen in a while, I really hope we never see this fuck again
yeah I show up even if I have them done just to hang out and get some more stones cause I never got the mounts.
me = fiddie
he = middie
thanks for playing
Nope, we still accept a handful. Post away.
They look really good. Hard to tell when it isn't close up, you should take your pics in gpose for better zoom
I’m not the tranny, but xiv really seems to attract a lot of secondary NEETs and thirdies who don’t play video games at all, just read twitter, watch streams, and write retarded posts.
better than before which is commendable, I don't go to the lav beds and I'm not in the sync shell but I applaud you seeking to get better here with the modslop stuff
update: it wasn't a woman my bad LMAO
I'm not even saying that just to be an asshole, that's just a happy coincidence.
I can make an exception for you, please post your cute and pretty femlala!
i can't condense his story into 4chan's character count. to summarize it, he feels nothing more than exhaustion after everything in the past ten years and these past two or three have been so immensely taxing that he cant feel anything remoltely resembling joy. he's very tired and doesn't want to keep pretending he's okay to those around him
wait why and which
So be it . . .
>a big movie theater that's nice
>not in an ulgy world or location?
the middie
it sounds cute
Want a blowjob from a femlala?
Why does he have a Roe name.
There's this meena viera bunboi that keep teasing me and taunting me does he want me to mating press him?
my lalaboy has almost zero sex drive anymore, so no thank you
if i see you/meet you i will do the exact same thing because i am afraid of strangers. i play on primal for this exact reason- to avoid them
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>Flickers C+ off an on at max speed, thus remaining this same and getting bigger at the same time

I don't want to be one, so that's not really an issue!
i will make you my wife
no... you shan't. you may be my friend if you succeed at corralling her into actually doing content
I get reminded of miau miau and then i dont want to visit.
Gonna skip the part when your sunnie is read her rights
Yeah you should probably just rape him if you can catch him
Wait a minute committing the crime is part of the fun
there is a non-zero chance this is about me and i'm scared
He keeps acting like he's a switch and like he's gonna dom me or whatever and I'm just sitting here about to snap and plap slam this damn brat

What color is your hair
Well then don't be such a tease!!
And what crime would that be?
Anon,,, I think it is about you and I'm jealous >///<
A spontaneous groping assault on an officer 'ra
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Rest easy because this is ABOUT YOU YOU FUCKING TEASE
That's a pretty serious offense, hope it doesn't escalate for your sunnie's sake
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It very likely will. If she's gonna serve a sentence, she may as well go all the way with it to make it all worth it
Don't you slink away from me after teasing me like that, thinking you can get away without a plapping
Oh no, definitely don't do that while she's inspecting cargo at the docks
Holy... she's single-handedly raising the crime rate along the pier. Don't tell me this femra practices entrapment... she's serving as the perfect bait for an out of control sunnie
>Don't tell me this femra practices entrapment
She's gotta do whatever she can to get those sunnies behind bars, even if it means playing a little dirty
Guh... My poor suncat doesn't know any better and will wind up making sure they're BOTH playing a bit dirty
Careful.. She still has her handcuffs y'know
You've convinced me: no caution or subtlety, only impulse. Those handcuffs are about to find their way onto a certain officer
Hey wait a minute.. Those cuffs are for the sunnie
For the sunnie... to turn the tables on officer femra & handcuff her. Really piling onto the sentence, whoopsy
i am a femlala

whose shirt is not fitting anymore
That officer is gonna have to keep a list of offense in her head while the sunnie has her way, isn't she?
Seems that way! Just gotta find a time and place to ambush this officer
Well that officer is an alt on Marilith that has sporadic availability
Hmm. I'm sure we'll figure something out eventually
Well you could meet her now, no guarantee of a sunnie arrest at the moment though
Mymoonie things iyoiur gays

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