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Well Cum Edition.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

> All Saints' Wake Begins October 18!

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>498033473
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138

Last time:
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My sunnie? Exactly like this
Did Dalriada on black mage again, God I fucking love casters. Sure would be nice if there were more than three + blue mage
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This is my middie. Is she cute?
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My Hrothgal? exists as much as Dawntrail's special girl here
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My Roe? Yeah, he's like this.
Talking to my reflection all alone what a loser and so I
Walk past your window and flutter my eyes
Buy you don't see me so I just sigh
Impregnating fiddies.
i am
a meena

who LOVED the first episode of dragon ball daima holy moly
No, she's hot. Good luck on not burning out on MSQ
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CC @ 6:30 ET
bro looks FUCKED up
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my femra? Builded like this
don't do that
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post your cute and pretty femlalas please
>SHITma slurper
cant impregnate trannies, retard
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False alarm I did not clear M2S as originally projected
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My sunnie? Exactly like this.
EB status?
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thanks man I'm gonna get so much candy and moonie blood
Hmmm well good to hear it's not bad then. I was talking with a friend about it and appreciate hearing from others that gave it a watch.
Impregnating femlalas.
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What if I have a cute moonie instead
It's too late now... I'm sorry... maybe next friday...
prone my femra
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My thighlander is kind of like this.
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i tried to message a friend today and reach out to do some content but after a 1 hour silence i gave up and went back to idling
ive alreayd done pretty much everything in this game and its kind of boring now
the only exciting part this past week has been was meeting this turbo normie male midlander with a bearded meteor face who seemed like he was new and i helped him level BLU a bit
*my fiddie rubs her full belly, beckoning you to hold and place your hands on it from behind*
anon... i eated dinner
Okay but I'm gonna headlock her too while I do it
the animation is more comparable to the broly movie than anything in the super anime

also we got a reason for tien's third eye
Guys, come quick! Amazing Atheist is going to shove Wuk Lamat up his ass!
botting the island sanctuary is the best decision of my entire life. fuck you yoshit piss
I guess..
nooo.. I really wanted to see her!! fine. just go.
My moonie is very drunk
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My miera is like this when he a reaper
my lalaboy's bad habit of constantly posting in the third person here has gotten him into a very embarrassing situation at work that he's required to talk to his boss tomorrow morning about
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Oh did that start already?
this is such an awkward sentence structure
>femra plays hoi3
Like pottery. Any chance you work on tech and enjoy speed running?
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Go to sleep!
she likes that. Especially if you kiss the top of her head while you do it
my fem middie is also very drunk
Okay but fucking her so hard that her hips are pressed down into the dirt and a femra-shaped silhouette is left when I'm done.
my femroe is like this
Wanna sleep with me moonie?
bros i'm REALLY nervous about the mahjong meetup...
My cute moonie will only appear if you are enthusiastic
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my miera is like this when he a reaper

yeah episode 1 was today

dub (with stephanie nadolny returning as goku for the first time in like 15+ years) is next week
Smellyssa D'etoilet my favorite stinkizen!
I don’t know how to use reshade, so my femlala gets mogger by the cuter ones
Hello sir you may have to be raped
I'm just angry and tired, and need something to shitpost. Sentence structure isn't my strong suit right now
Tell the femra
>nice armpit
for me
This is your chance to get in on a conversation and make friends with similar interests and you're going to do your normal spam routine instead. It's really over for you.
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My middie? On the right.
I hate tech, it's hoi4, and speed running is kinda boring
anon missed every shot...
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My hrothgal? Kinda like this
How do you not get bored gooning 24/7?

>b-b-but I don't
You play a female character, you're a gooner.
My fiddie is like this right now
My moonie has alot of booze left what are your ideas
nyope gomen
My femra?
Can't figure out EUIV and less so HoI IV
That's why she sticks to Vicky II
Because it's safe, familiar, and she's allowed to industrialise
my wol on the left after losing to some anon's middie apparently
i play a male character who has erectile dysfunction just like me
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I suck at erp when I’m drunk
I just alt f4 out of eurpho since its so fucking boring and hopping ill comeback to a free exp bonus
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male elezen x fiddie

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my lalaboy is like this
well, I post so I can say "my wife" to deserving femlalas, it would admittedly have to be a very good moonie for me to my wife her so I don't want to disappoint you...
my wife
reshade doesn't make a lala cute or not, please post her
Vicky II is fun
I think our femras should play together some day
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My meena is like this right now
>broly movie than anything in the super anime
>also we got a reason for tien's third eye
based! sounds good, thank you for the little teaser too
if there's booze to be drunken let it be drank bottoms up I'll pour some more
My femra wishes Vicky II multiplayer wasn't cancerous to set up
Better when it's female elezen x male middie.
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holy shit they put ultima thule in this game
that's okay, you can always call into the wind and something approximating my lizard's form will eventually appear, can meet in-game to talk too if you're into that
if you end up catching this one, I hope today's not been too bad!
why is he bleeding liquid shit?
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may i ask you not to rape me
Racemixing is wrong.

>Lala x Lala
>Elezen x Elezen
>Male Viera x Their hand
the cringiest shit imaginable and pure cope from incelzen
any late night lalas on?
thats his blood color
fergus post
But you two don't know who I am, and if you did, you wouldn't like me
I can tell when white people make black characters in this game.
want to know how?
white people lean towards the ashy black skintones, a black person will never lean to them due to the stigma of being an ashy negra. also pay close attention to their noses.
i took a depression nap earlier and can;t sleep now
middie x fiddie
as hydaelyn intended
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That's so adorable~
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Learn CK2/CK3 and become liberated
That's understandable I tell you what I'll repost only one of her pictures you tell me what you think
My moonie will cheers to that anon and sink another beer just for you
yes, but not for long. it's time to go, forever
Actually lore wise it's barely race mixing as elezen and middies are considered incredibly close biologically lore wise with some believing they're the same race.
t. Fiddie
post character and whether or not you actually unironically goon/plap/frot/etc
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I forgot how fun SAM can be in CC. I totally get why I see one in, like, every single match I play now.
I'm not sure who that is, but they're probably having a nice spooky month.
my femroe on the left https://files.catbox.moe/41xi6g.jpeg
Hahahahaha we're all laughing at you
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me too! me too! drinking fiddie here but I only have one bottle of wine left...
This is you guys. This is what you sound like.
if you say so pervert
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Sorry I didn't know the world was locked for realsies this time. We'll reschedule for another time!
My femra knows... My femra remembers it also desyncs like crazy but she remembers there's a mod (somewhere) to fix that
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my sunnie like this rn cause no one wants to hang out
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My mava? Like this.
monitoring this post for male characters
post full
okay, I actually like that moonie a lot! my wife
nah thats doodoo
Get its down ew sunnie
thinking about hopping on for a sec to see if a friend is on… I don’t like erping with strangers
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I don't know if this counts but she fits at least one of those descriptors
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Is there a youtube tutorial on how to photoshop your images like the JP people do?
I've been the main one pushing it actually. I've also been pushing fiddie x femezen.
My wife as the gnb
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Good night /xivg/
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petmoonie16.gif created
Well, what do you think about all day if it isn't about what pornography you want to watch. Who you want to fuck. Who you want to cum to, make a tribute for. Observe in the nude. Tease and make your play thing.
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okay, my lalaboy is like this then
ive only got bilibili speeds
me on the right and my wife here >>498104882
on the left later tonight
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Impregnating sunnies.
i did this today with a gpose i did for a friend, was fun
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Homestuck trolls have a complex caste system based on their blood color.
That character is on the 2nd lowest caste, and that's his blood color
The entire system is kinda complex and convoluted in a good way
Despite the memeing, it was a very good webcomic
Except HS^2
Fuck HS^2
I refuse to acknowledge it
Final fantasy XIV
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Bro there are thousands upon thousands of youtube tutorials out there for photoshop as well as anything else you could possibly want to learn.
>yet again, Akemi finds a way to blue ball my Miera
I don't know why I try bros... it's clear she hates DN
unfathomably based, more pls
Black guys make anime’d out au ra or vaguely olive skinned miera.

Black girls make viera or lalas.

Whites dudes make turbonig bbclanders or roes.
what now?

okay but teach me how

okay but what do I search for?
I'm afraid she is married anon but you can pretend wife post her to your hearts desire as her EB does not lurk these threads
You go off yet are able to make these still you play with my moonies heart rabi..
thats ketchup
If I say no to all of your invites, that means I don't want to be an actual friend with you. I'm just being nice to you. You didn't pass the initial vibe check. Maybe it's your character's race or gender, or how you approached me. There's no chance to redo it. You're wasting your time trying to prove anything to me. I'll still do small talk and /wave to you to give you false hope. But you will see me running roulettes with actual friends later, and wonder what are you doing wrong.
stop ruining things for me!!!!!!!!!!!!
my cat is kinda like vriska and my elezen is kanaya
Cockwatch update:
Proxy Noir plapping Tiana Roseberry
Click Ennui plapping Layla West (they're now EB'd)
Your wins column is empty man it's time to give it up and try a different approach.
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My moonie? She's like this
i despise you
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>You go off yet are able to make these
I'm looking for a McDonalds house... It's not easy to find! /pet
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CC @ 11:40 ET
she fits both. What a pretty and cute femlala. my wife
sorry I can't post character, I only plap not the others
it's over....
Artist is: kugara4423
i have a decade of photoshop knowledge to pull from, so i can’t really help you. but like anon said there are many tutorials to teach yourself the basics
neetbwos how do you go back to having a life and doing things? I'm out of money and bored and want to buy a Switch 2 when it drops
Can you bite my moonie?
Sunnie wife who'll let me name our kids after the other scions when?
>Well, what do you think about all day
-Video games
-Questions like "can you sleep too much?" or "can you force yourself to sleep if you're not sleepy?"
-Arguing with dipshits on 4chan
-What I want to cook later
-When I should start drinking
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>they're now EB'd
congratulations to them
I hope they have a happy explode immediately
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I've made chocobos breed 3 times today.
all lalaboys are married to my lalaboy
excuses excuses you owe my bloonie atleast 50 pets at this rate she will be debt collecting soon enough
Literally just search "photoshop tutorials" if you don't know exactly what you're supposed to be searching for and find something in the results that's similar to what you want to do or learn.
>I'm afraid she is married anon but you can pretend wife post her
that's fine, I wifepost to compliment good characters, I don't believe the chance of finding an EB from doing so is high or reasonable, I just want to make people feel good. thank you!
i dont know. ive been a neet for 12 years. im 30. please put me out of my misery.
Post YOUR OWN initials.
>I don't want to be an actual friend with you
>I'm just being nice to you
>You didn't pass the initial vibe check
>I'm just being nice to you.
>I'll still do small talk and /wave to you to give you false hope
>I'm just being nice to you
You are not a good human being.
is it because of homestuck or a different reason
what other games do you lads play?
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Impregnating femras
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hmm seems likely
I can try but it'll be a little hard with these plastic teeth
i played witchfire which was fun at first but it has an insane difficulty curve and im not able to get enough upgrade and get past the first zone
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That's fine anonl et me gift you with one of her more recent gposes
Why though this is narcissistic
This is true.
It's a nice pairing.
t. almost played Elezen but decided on fiera instead.
I can pay that, don't you worry.
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Thanks I’ve always wanted to be a weremoonie
Anon from earlier today who was cheated on. I still did not break the ring.
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my Fiera does all of that with every Miera she sees
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Femra like this for my midlander
>neetbwos how do you go back to having a life and doing things?
I've been a NEET for 16 years and it's too late to change, even if I could. I go outside now and people look at me like I'm an alien. I talk to someone in real life for maybe 5 minutes total per month, my social skills are non existant. I'm a freak and I know it and they know it. I just can't do it, I can't be a wagie, I've tasted true freedom and I'll never give it up.
I was playing Lost Judgment before I started playing again a couple of weeks ago
I play alot of stuff, but lately it's been resident evil for oct and sparking now that is out
no offense but if you tried to touch my character i'd voidlist you
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Alright, I realized an issue on a further zoom in. I had to adjust the tips of her eyes to better fit the iris, because moving her head down to match my EB kinda makes all of the bones that were untouched before just plain wrong.

So I'm adjusting the sides of her eyes to better fit, and hold out to scrutiny when someone decides to zoom in creepshot me again.

Hope this is better. I've been going off of vibes before this, but no one's really looked at me up-close until now. This mod-slop stuff is actually pretty hard!
wtf spoilers!!!!
i erp pose and send dirty vocaroos
vriska and kanaya suck
t. eridan chad glub
She is writing this down as I type and will not forget this
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>Black guys make anime’d out au ra
chat he doesnt know
looks like an inbred dog
N.K., D.N.
wow, elden ring, various craft shit, tcg sim, Stardew, the list goes on
cute wife :3
Looks like a CUTE inbred dog
LL, but a few know me by YT
What's the current CC map?
Nobody gives a fuck. Kill yourself.
she is married anon I'm sorry
hair defined is 7 gigs? wtf lol
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What's the best way to level alt classes right now?
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i dont goon, plap, frot, etc. i just make lewd gposes and dont jerk off to them
Actual answer, some of this stuff will work:
- Apply for a shit retail job. It'll be bad but you'll at the very least have a job for money. Many places are looking for work
- Think about the stuff you actually enjoy doing or have seen people do and think "that'll be cool", then start researching the skills to get better at it. There's a heap of stuff on youtube that can give you insight to that kind of work or skills you want. Then start a business using those skills by providing value to clients.
Sports. It's in the game.
Is this red raen?
erm what level are they
buy a boost
Too unique and I don't want to boost my own ego.
i have not and do not plan to do anything sexual within final fantasy xiv - whether it's erp, plapping or just lewd gposes
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No I dont want to boost my ego
we just went over this the previous post, the wifeposting is only a compliment
>In the Global-China-Korea sequential update system, the Chinese version is currently working to match the patch cycle with the global version.
But how?
China is already getting behind again
Unless they're just going to release both normal and savage raids at the same time
im the only one who has my initials so i shant
I am a fiera who just saved over 20 wizard cat gifs
The same way that it has been forever. Only "new" thing is doing EW Alliance Raids for level 90+ with the Preorder earring
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no offense but get a surgical mask mod and just cover your face. Saves you the trouble and that shit was everywhere in tera.
destiny 2
Can you catbox them...
As if any of you outside of 3 anons will know
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>what other games do you lads play?
I'm playing the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time, I beat ME1 last week and I'm about to beat ME2 today. After that I'm gonna finish playing Witcher 3, I dropped it at the scottish islands. Then probably play Hogwarts Legacy, last time I cared about HP was the Prisoner of Azkaban movie but fully realised hogwarts castle still makes me excited. Before I beat Dawntrail I beat Dragons Dogma II and The Outer Worlds.
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I had it all
or so I thought
bg3, stardew, darktide sometimes
well yes of course
you could even say I'm caught red handed
I have been playing baldies gate 3, Throne and Liberty and I just picked up a PS2 emulator to play Ghost in the shell stand alone complex and then the visual novel Amagami, while I wait for the next xiv patch.
I wish Molly would rape and kill me instead of only mieras
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You're right the booze made my moonie instantly forget
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Let me see what I can do still saving more as we speak.
what the fuck
Didn’t know you had an alt with DN
where are you getting them
>Hogwarts Legacy
I think Harry potter is fucking lame and I still really was impressed with that game, I hope you enjoy yourself. Hell, I kinda wanna replay it.
Nyope moonie. I'd be shocked if you knew her
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trenor just search wizard cat and wizardcat
is the broken choker open again?
confess doko
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>Movie: Superhero Movie
>Location: Memeroon'ss Trading Post
>Server: Zalera

Cytube is open and ready, movie starting in 20 mins.
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>all undyeable
a moonie is acceptable too
Recently EU4, Darktide, every so often I'll go back to War Thunder until I want to blow my head off.
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silly moonie..
I don't :^) just felt like being 12
Smarr indie company, prease understandu.

*wipes tears with 15,000,000,000,000 yen note*
Waiting for my server to stop being so congested so they can transfer.
Xcom, Deadlock & Stellaris
Replaying the Trails series atm and trying to get all achievements on Steam.
Will start soonish with Metaphor.
Genshin. Still have to finish exploring Natlan.
if I log in will i have fun?
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>look up gifs
>see this
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Even though there's no way I should be into you.
Your words, your gaze, your gestures..
It's so annoying.
For some reason the words coming out of you, they bewilder my heart.

It's unfair... so unfair.
All these meetups and malera are still not welcome at any...
You might accept it but you wont know who she is
the post said cute and pretty not ugly and shitty
I shant be attention whoring
holding this femlala's head under the water until the bubbles stop!
What server are you on...what do yoy play...
Palia, Just Crow Things, Little Witch in the Woods, V Rising, and I'm getting the lads into Throne and Liberty while it's still fresh since it's f2p and none of them log into XIV any more.
moonies are meant to be shared with the world
my malera sneaks in on his alt
I wish I had an EB to mold their head to match mine.
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Hope you're enjoying Morpheus and his brooding 90s demeanor. I loved every panel with him and his sister. This post reminds me that I should revisit the novel sometime when I have time to.

Goodnight again my mysterious thread friend. Hopefully insomnia doesn't last too long.
nyope. it is up to the moonie if they want to be shared or not
based as fuck sneakbro
Classes? What are those?
CS, hello!
>Go to make a new thread or type a new post
>Give up halfway through
>"Ugh who cares, I know exactly what these boring braindead dunces will say anyway"
>Close tab
4chan is so boring now, everyone acts like an 80IQ 10 year old.
yeah that's why I posted my femlala

I would come but I don't like that movie sorry...
Mateus W15 P30
post one
swabbing elf ears until she moans
Same way as in ShB
why don't you want to share..
Balmung was open for a while
Cactuar, why?
post initials of your crush
duplicates of "post your initials" will be locked in a closet together for 7 minutes
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My sunnie? Exactly like this
this lil poopgremlin always comes back for more.
>snuff fetish
What does this freak have
*rapes you with my moonie+*
If you keep this look for 2 months, I'll EB you.
What game is this?
I saw another player in my residential area while shaking down my retainers.
I thought all the other houses were fake or something. They ruined my day.
What kind of post was it Anon?
All these "teehee it's highschool 2.0" niggas need to be lined up and shot.
That's easy SS for my LA
You know who you are
i don't kiss and tell.
the poses are all made with partners and usually based on an rp scene we did together
the dirty vocaroos are basically JOI usually while i touch myself too
Honestly, LW has a cute middie, would get lol, lmao'd by them
>he doesn't say hello to his neighbors
vriska did nothing wrong though just like zenos
skyward sword for my link's awakening
J-just fishing is an option too...it's open so if you have movies you could...add them...
hello other me
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My favorite part is that this modbeast probably isn't even an actual Elezen. Cats/Fiddies/Scaleless Femra make better elves than the actual elf race.
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Plenty others, primarily older games. But as for new games lately I've been sinking a lot of hours into UFO 50.
[17:47]You now have access to the Baldesion Arsenal!
ozma soon tm
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Malelala x Femlala
she ruined the story by coming back
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which are the most biofem jobs in each role?
creative but no
I really want to cosplay as Death this year but there are no ankh glams.
2D Zelda is shit.

3D Zelda is the only good Zelda. I'd rather play Twilight Princess over any of the 2D Zelda's, and I think Twilight Princess is the weakest one and a 6/10.
no cus you guys are just going to quote the movie and say kino kek and based all night
The roundish face shape and far apart eyes reminds me of a white version of the little mermaid girl
Ozma balls
jean why are you like this man
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So far, I've adjust the lower lip a little bit, and fixed a FUCKED portion of the center eyelid. I don't see much else wrong so far, so I'll be testing my other weird Elin outfits/faces.

My EB is a white woman...

Noooo oh noooo you're so mean!!

There's one for everyone out there. You deserve warmth!
correcting this brat with the power of cock
correct, it's a modded femra with vanilla femra scaling
square enix is just bad at making video games these days
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Look at this guy playing the game
Yep, that's a /smooch
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Yeah but mostly in this form
My halloween costume is going to make people blacklist me this year
PLD, WHM, DNC, PCT, they don't play melee
My moonie is trying to enjoy her vacation
But would much rather be back home fondling her future eb, and sleeping in her own bed…
>I don't see much else wrong
White Mage
The good one right
I've been going down my backlog in-between deadlock games with friends, recently finished forbidden memories so next up is probably SMTVV
who wants to impregnant a voidsent femlala
i think dragon ball super is good
my wife brittany venti
Use a catgirl or middie. That face sculpts eyes are too far apart imo and there's more elf related mods for fiddies, including ones that make your character look similar to the twins(how elezen should've been)
You're becoming more forward /pets are not good enough anymore?
Catboy here. Why do femlala butts make my wiener grow...?
Where are the Australian on NA servers?
Hoi4, Sins of the Solar empire 2, Gates of Hell, Tarkov (when forced)
And some boomshoots
Halone I love boomshoots
my wife
nobody cares modbeast troon
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Anon why would you do that
my femra is in dire need
Love Joy Sazu
does she like sunnie+?
I shant be posting my middie
Do you expect people to believe they lined up the same shot, pixel to pixel, with your MCDF, and simply changed the skin colour?

Make it more believable next time, Nia.
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I was playing some diablo 2r earlier.
my wife, ruined
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lol Val just went to Mateus after seeing this post
it'll be pretty awkward when he arrives and is greeted by this
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ah hell no
Brittany venti elf gf
>sub 100k damage SMN
We go again. I guess.
my fav highlander!
But you can see the date on both of those, silly

Also that's clearly an edit and not one of the ingame skin tones or else it wouldn't still have the wierd shiny thing they gave to dark skin
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kiss my ass.
sure is LL in here
Why cant you guys just play the game instead of schizoing people who don't know how to
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I wanna know if you're my thread crush so I can "its so over" post...
my femra needs cock
One got to reward a moonie to initialposting. /pet___
>val cockwatching lumy
how the turn tables
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sorry I'll go back to the 'eds and 'oon all night long
val doesn't give a shit about lumy any more move on
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Most recent would be...
Dragon's Dogma 2, Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty, Cultist Simulator... Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous DLCs, and Colony Ship.
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You're directly synced with me, you know. I'm not in a syncshell here. Stop acting like a child
There are probably cooler thighlanders to pick as favorites, but I am flattered. Hope you enjoy the rest of your night and spooky month!
Present it, pull those shorts down....
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CC doko oyasumi?
Duskwight bros my room smells like mildew and idk what's causing it I've checked the carpet, walls, bed, window, and nothing. I still smell it. Where is it coming from???
The turn tables.
same but my femra does not look like this
i take it back mare lamentorum is good to watch drama like this unfold
Designated shitting chair
considering you know her situation a /smooch is brave but she will accept it but will expect more pets than normal next you see her
very very cute, and pretty
sure doesn't lmao

it's not my pic, it's from the previous thread, but thanks for confirming it's still happening
Fuck off, what're you gonna do? Unpair from me? You deserve what you get.
i dont smell anything
Before you start suspecting your mare list, that image is a crop of a previously posted screenshot
did you check your chair?
Someone only realizing now that cam doesn't have syncshells turned on a lot of the time
don't be jealous, I'll leave some of the boys for you
Okay wait, so...Val got dumped by Lumy, who's going out with Cameron? Is that right? I gotta keep up with all my classic world-famous 'bins from the 'cord.
Wrong! Your lander is very cute!
And thanks anon, you too!
Top 5 male characters in xivg
Try using a middie. Peeled femra always look off imo.
What's the appeal of the broken choker if I'm not a gooner, pedo, or sexfiend?
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my wife
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I like it more than I was expecting, I love capeshit and wasn't ready for the comic to be so deeply ingrained into DC-verse, its overall tone so far being rather hopeful also surprised me in a very positive way
I woke up only an hour ago so I'm probably looking at another 20h+ or so of staying up, I might watch more Monster today I'm only at ep 25
I hope you can rest properly on the weekend and good night if so!
Maybe later.
Been playing
Monster Hunter World
Baldur's Gate 3
Deep Galatic
tranny modbeast gtfo
damn, sunnie+ act like THIS?
that was Val's "relationship" with Lumy for two years, wanting Lumy for himself while Lumy fucked around
some things never change and some people can't move on
idk if i can do 5 but i think that Reliable Airfryer elezen is cool
cat whores bounce around eachother like fleas on a dog
don't assume any of them have lasting connections with any depth
i simply cannot compete with an immaculate goddess like that i am kneeling
I think I went through the 5 stages of grief when it came to DawnTrail's story. I loved the rest of the previous story, but why, did they have to do so bad with DawnTrail, why did they have to fuck it up so much?

I don't care that the voice actor is trans, I don't care who is running this ship, I don't care that it's a new story and they had to build a new world, I don't care that I'm not the main character, I don't care that Sena is a piece of shit, I just wanted a good story, is that too much to ask?
my moonie says this
I sit on a metal chair I checked it and smelled it and cleaned it to be sure but it wasn't that either. There's something in my room that's moldy idk what it is. I'm being serious I'm freaking out I feel like I'm losing it. If anyone has any advice please share I'm serious
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i just beat ff7r so i finally get space on my hard drive back
that said, i will call CC now so i can dump more instagram memes
i'm distancing from them on PURPOSE
ok but who's the veena
Vii Rat status?
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I'am making chocobos have smex for the 4th time today...
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Naraka bladepoint(when I want to get mad)
Multiversus(when I want to get really mad)
Yugioh(you see where this is going)
do you like sunnie+
I am very brave and will bring lots of /pets. Promise
about 11in
swords n stuff
Val and Lumy were never together, despite Val being in love with them for a couple of years. Lumy didn't want any commitment, Val kept coping, eventually it blew up. Now the drama is coming back because Val herself has been slutting around and this time Lumy is bothered. Lumy is at the Broken Choker flirting or plapping Cameron, and Val went there to see it for himself.
Are any of the <hand of mercy> JOI queens at the beds rn? My melf needs to bust.
smooching that bunny tho
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Niggas look at >>498108389
It's a crop of a screenshot from last thread
I don't understand why Val would be so desperate for Lumy when she could plap just about any other ebin she wants
Yep, still green
Wow these threads are really shit
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Yeah I'm not gonna lie this is hot. Source?
Do these niggers not have jobs or school or something?
She will take the /pets but backing off from a smooch she will remember this
no i don’t sorry
Val has been plapping other people, that's a big part of the recent drama
last few months it's been Deep Rock Galactic, Monster Hunter World, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, Satisfactory, Cyberpunk 2077, Hogwarts Legacy, Mahjong Soul
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ive been playing mgs2, the sh2 remake (only a little bit so far) and i still need to beat yakuza 7 onward to prep for the pirate game, all while leveling a raid alt. all of them have been demanding my time and i really want to play all of them. Theres not enough hours in the day
lmao HUH? Gingers are nasty, lil bro.
>sechen busted out their thighlander thick midlander golem at the choker
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i was invited here
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ebs for this feel
Because val wants to e-date and lumy is actually attractive irl
ngl, I feel bad for people getting their feelings hurt in xivg but I fucking LOVE drama and reading about the latest happenings, so entertaining, thank you
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What deck are you playing in YGO?
>like one blacked ffxiv twitter solo pic
>get flooded with all her blacked shit
>Val herself
val is a dude
don't know
The chair was thrown into the ring. Enjoy.
Oh yeah, I'm fairly certain DC has convenient amnesia when it comes to how the 7 Ds function due to how many resets they've experienced. I'm just glad Sandman stuff is relatively self-contained so no one really ruins the core series.
Fantastic looking panel.
Oooooh I think that's a Johan ep. How are you liking the dynamic between Johan and Tenma so far?
I have you blacklisted so you are not on my screen
The negative attention I get is funny to me even though I mind my own business
They're both grown men with jobs and irl friends. They've talked about rejecting women irl to erp with other grownmen online. It's their fetish.
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hmmm yes, today i think i will roleplay with this AI chatbot to fill in the void that my EB left
nothing will go wrong with that
nvm im back to lizard jorking
Do your part to make them better by leaving
Goddamnit. Do you have any more futasub stuff
Show feet.
sure, but we know why you went
You're just gay, "bro"... but it's okay, there's no shortage of faggy meenas for you to indulge in around these parts
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queue cc @ 12:45 et on crystal
Meant for >>498108509
My bad.
The internet is not real life.

You're a grown ass man in his 30's.

Stop acting like you're in high school having teen drama about relationships.
smooch femrem
I love femezen so much it's unreal
the photographer is too busy recording fiddie ass
well...? link the bot bro
need a thighlander like that to beat me up
No I think every other person except for me is wrong
im only paired with 3 people on mare
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I'm watching one of my best friends play some gundam dynasty warrior kino....
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I make gposes wholesome and lewd using my own character and golems. I used to make pictures and lend my character for pictures in collaboration with others, but I have since stopped doing that. I also dabbled with ERP but it has been some time since I last participated in a session. I do not goon nor do I masturbate to screenshots made by anons or myself.
That is a pretty cool looking femra.
Recently I've started filtering some posts that are just annoying and not worth reading, and I've found myself filtering some of my friends' posts. Some of my friends make some really annoying posts. Maybe I should talk to them about it.
My moonie needs to be tucked into bed she has stayed up far too long SS forcibly tuck her in please
the internet is real life though? we don't jump into a simulation to interact with it
>wants to sext with a dude.
It might be too late for you...
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I think she finds me boring now. I want to spent time with her but I keep thinking I'm being obnoxious or whatever. At least I don't feel sad anymore
remember when val used to rage at lala lewders? still hangs out at a club with lala hookers and lala fuckers
Highschool is where a majority of adult development stops. Even for normalfags. At my office you have men and women in their 40s-60s with grandkids gossiping like highschool girls. Its a sad truth about reality. Many adults are underdeveloped mentally
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(I do not think XIVs combat lends itself well to long term grinds)
Woah is that...le ebin with le gundam?? Not even playing the fucking game, just watching someone do it? What is it about ebins and grasping at any trend just to be relevant?
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IRL, Crystal beast of melodious shaddoll.
MD, Crystal beast or 60 card fusion pile.
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I do that with daughterfus and give them headpats before I go to bed
I remember this cat when they weren't a cat in the cloud.
Dark and Darker
waiting impatiently for Wilds
I saw a baraag account the other day and she was on a reference sheet next to a child a lalafell and a 20 foot tall monster with a horse penis
Can my catboy hit
>all the damage control
Its lumy.
>The internet is not real life.
The people on it are real human beings. Some of them pretend that it's all make-believe because they can't possibly imagine that there's another person talking to them on the other end.
Now that's a good edit.
Is it finally good?
Honestly macci I'm impressed, the proportions on this femra actually flow well and look appealing, proud of you
>Uki Yo shitting up the queues
i shall queue down
My fulala.
alisaie on janitorai.com
Only few ebins stick to their word on that and never go to the broken choker.
TFT, finishing up xenoblade 3 finally, just started Metaphor, sometimes Genshin.
Space marine 2 or helldivers with irl frens.
Also recently went back to try PUBG with another anon, but it was sadly 100% bots. Going to try Apex next.
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a friend asked to pose, im playing elden ring atm
i have all of them paused and voidlisted
Want a redpill? A good portion of those types of posters don't play the game. And no I don't even mean "they don't do content" many aren't even subscribed to the game. Many here, when talking about how bad dt was ADMITTED to solely coming here for the drama and shitposting so they can engage. They genuinely have more fun here than with the game. They don't even log in to afk, they don't need to, all of their entertainment is here. This place is like Jerry springer to them. Trash tv but with less paid actors.
The internet is fake. It's an alternate reality. It is not an extention of society, it is seperate and divorced from it. How people act and talk online is not how they act and talk in real life. The source of all your woes is because you treat the internet as if it's real life.
SS I challenge you
this is the biggest cope
>i have all of them paused and voidlisted
ok, based
>Crystal beast
Based af.
One of my favorite archetypes. At some point I want to build it in MD. Played CB back in the GX era and it was fun as fuck.
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my wife spo-ACK don't do me in like that
I've wanted to play Colony Ship for a while, but starting it has been a tad bit too intimidating
I like it a lot, I can see it inspiring the dynamic between Kogami and Makishima and others like it
it's really neat so see this sort of battle between the avatars of good and evil taking place all across Germany, Tenma wins everyone he meets to his side with his pure heart and saves people while Johan controls people in a similar unspoken way through fear and death instead
Hey you!

What BattleMech does your character use? Mine uses the Thug!
nah that's all, sorry
Apex is prob the most fun you will have grinding out an fps if you enjoy a treadmil
You are aware they don't legitimately believe that and are playing devils advocate because they're bored shitposters and people here want to talk about anything BUT the actual game right? Why engage them unless you're the same.
When can I remove Benefic from my bars?
It's okay, depending on what you're expecting. Terror zones give you a little more variety for gear/rune/charm hunting spots (and they ease the almost unimaginable grind for 99 a bit), sunder charms let a LOT more builds function without cock and ball torture on hell, some of the new runewords are decently useable (and some are really annoying [metamorphosis]/useless). Aside from that, it's still d2. If you liked it previously, you'll probably still get a kick out of it. I usually have fun jumping back in to it from time to time.
Futas want attention by being women with dicks, yet that is a sexual nature, therefore they want sex, but they're still 90% women meaning they want to be plapped as that's the only thing a woman can do, therefore the sexual attention grabber mixed with the feminine form only equals the want to be held down by a man and clapped into a coma.
Simple math.
SS? You know they were disbanded when Nazi Germany fell after the end of ww2 right, and the last members are all dead. I don't think you can challenge them anymore man.
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I hope this is going to be a mount.
I'm a male ebin that has visited twice for probably a cumulative 90 seconds between those two visits
it's just not for me, but the stink of visiting remains
>tfw f but want to be a f+ bottom for males
>all males want to be bottoms for f+ or avoid them
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A challenge?!
Never. Imagine Copperbell Mines.
Branded Blue-Eyes
I am literally a male who wants to top f+
can someone teach me how to make lolis in this game
Sorry, I can't go to the Broken Choker, I'm too busy playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and also I'm not a giant fucking homo.
name and shame
Blonde sailor design
What shirt is that?
i cant go to the broken choker because people will think my lalaboy has sex
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queue cc @ 4:15 et on crystal
I can't go to the Broken Choker it already crashed my game twice :(
I'm not sure what you are referring to, but if it is the cloud test servers, then I have to admit I played as a cat there as well, but the male variety. It was an amusing experience and despite my efforts to get with female characters I ended up hanging out with male bros and I was told that some individuals thought my catboy was gay and looking for male company.
No, not at this time.
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uh oh..stinky...
The instant that thing is in the game I am grinding.
If I can throw real world money at it to have it immediately I will do it without question.
God look at the extra detail shot for the ankle joint holy hell
oh no
my sunnie boy is go diego go coded
crooked cook exodia
I would go to the Broken Choker as a Leatherworker to see if I can help their namesake issues.

I hope to not be sorely mistaken
he's dickriding a vtuber right now
qrd on him?
I honestly really enjoyed it back in the day, but all the friends I played it with got tired of it/moved on. Still the most fun BR by a mile.
You can clearly get something better than a male midlander
ty friend
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does that mean futa isn't gay
Is this one of those tricky images that you have to stare at long enough to see the hidden message
I didn't read any of that but you look like the ancester from Darkest Dungeon before his research led him down the path of becoming a lovecraftian entity. Good job!
>sundercharms = no cbt
Goddamnit I might have to check it out again.

I actually unironically liked some of the story. The beginning mostly. So I might have to while I wait for how DT's postparch pans out. I really hope I don't get addicted to the other activision-blizzard game through osmosis.
Godspeed, robofucker lala. o7
please i wanna make cute lolis i'll let you rape after you teach
I do this too. I want to ERP with people & NPCs so I just AI it myself and it's confined to my JO palace in my mind
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forgot pic lol
eye's looking a tad fucked due to the shadow
uchi's saying it's fine, but maybe i could do something here
I do not remember the exact name at the top of my head, but it is one of Titanfirm's outfits, so I would recommend checking his releases. Maybe it is cosmopolitan or something similar.
Expect to see more.
should i throw in my papa murphy's pizza yet bros
>Nia likes feet
say it ain't so...
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my mierda be like the guy in the 2nd and 3rd panel
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These ads are getting silly
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Thank you for the compliment! I just tried to imitate Gideon's gamer posture, that guy from Elden Ring.
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>mfw I have not out for it
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i am
a ???
gassing noobs
at shatter
Drama update: things just got awkward at the Broken Choker. Cameron just left Lumy's lap to play another game. Then Val's fiddie friend arrived, and Lumy suddenly decides to go back to Balmung. I'm sure it's all a coincidence.
My femra is a bottom, but tops come to me for erp.
It doesn’t make sense, isn’t it supposed to be the other way around
>have not
My femra misses playing zombie escape maps in Counter Strike Source
My bro(ther) is cursed to enjoy futa... what have the pixies done to your mind?
ancient kino
Thanks! Cute twitter
whats this from? cool vibes
nobody cares magness.
keep us updated
it still wins in diamond in MD somehow
you think people would learn to play the white woman
I said I'm playing Sekiro.
my lalaboy is playing tf2 instead
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My moonie pilots a Bushwacker
Ban every lala poster in xivg or ban every twitter poster in xivg

which do you pick
gdi I hate the fact I love this shit
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>minor spelling mistake
Please don't laugh...
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there's nothing scary and dangerous behind me right?
I care and would like to hear as much as I can about these developing situations.
They're honestly such a lifesaver. Being able to just break phys immune on any target, regardless of the rest of your gear (or relying on merc weapon procs), is insane. The imbalance between melee and casters pre-sunder charms was absurd. It's still a really big imbalance, but it helped bridge the gap a bit. Being able to fully erase an immunity, regardless of what class you are, makes a lot of the randomness on hell a bit more tolerable.
Bro they probably just both coomed. Splitting up after is normie.
May I post my Male Midlander
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All I know is that it's not mine. We can narrow it down at least that much.
Mine pilots a Hollander with a gauss rifle.
Sure bro
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queue cc @ 7:15 et on crystal
I ban every on topic poster
I want this place ruined
nope just the best fight of the tier
gonna have to second no one cares
i'm going to the bathroom
then i'm going to smoke weed
then I am going to play vidya
then I'm going to the bathroom
then I'm going to smoke week
then I'm going to smoke a cigarette
then I'm going to make a drink with gin and play vidya
then I'm going to furiously masturbate
there, you have some juicy gossip about a member of your most favorite community
This is FBI btw
I play a Pure Dragonmaid deck primarily because I cba learning other archetypes to have more consistency.
I've been dabbling with Aromage because of an offhanded conversation with FF and I'm enjoying the deck.
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Shut fuck i want to rape him
may my femra see him
Try these
i love tf2
i tried out shuonic's 100 player server recently and it was kind of crazy
mostly played like a horde shooter than the tf2 you probably know and love but it was neat nontheless
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My S+ pilots a Thor. Bigger Autocannon, bigger...
I know, me too
Man-up and play a Hunchback
it really was
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This will be my final laugh when I use Heavy Poly to summon General Radahn and Miquella. A lord will usher in a god’s return and the lord’s soul will require a vessel.
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>cursed to enjoy futa
Is it really a curse if you don't take futa dick, rather you impregnate futa holes?
Good to know. Race?
Someone's son wrote this post
I get what the commander assigns me. Some of you rookies forget how it works. You think these chassis are cool toys, these are weapons of war. Your perspective needs to mature.
An enemy is a shadow on the horizon; a traitor is the dagger at your back.
Might seem like a good power move by Val, but Lumy and Cam will probably just plap later regardless
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We did it! I almost got myself cooked in the final round, too. I started learning a little over a week ago, to add another silly but fun FFXIV minigame to my collection.

Holy shit, that's old. Or if you prefer, hooooooooly shit that'sgoodcocaine
Something along the lines of Let's Murder Mavis.swf, from the days when Flash was used for early memes instead of crashing networks.
I do.
Yeah most crpgs the farther you go out can be unhinged in terms of difficulty and demanding mechanics. I just like that the setting of this ship that's rebuilt itself into its own nation-state. And has people who have diverged far from its original culture and mission.
H-hi, (also me)
>kogami and makishima
Oh hey, you're probably right. I don't think I picked that up when I viewed psychopass, but the author mightve been inspired by it.
>tenma v johan
I once had it described to me as Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird vs. Hannibal Lector from, well, all Hannibal Lector properties. It was one of the reasons I began reading and loving Urasawa's work as Monster served as a launchpad.
You can if you wear it better
Middie or malezen, take your pic
Currently playing Metaphor, but hopped back in XIV just to do roulettes (probably a mistake at this time)
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ntr bros...
no hit inner isshin on stream you pussy
One day that is going to be me. :c
post them
every lala, in an instant
>You can if you wear it better
I wouldn't. Macchi does good gposes. I'd take a pic but the malera jerking off next to me left so it wouldn't be as funny.
The Malelala x Femlala propaganda must continue.
Are you playing the full plant pile? I know that it is really hard to pilot. Impressive! I wanted to build it after the new support it got in MD, but I'm probably not good enough to play it.
Aromages are one of my favorites too. Played with them back when it came out in DL.
getting rid of the twitter posters would get rid of every annoying lalafag as well as the dregs of other races that post here
congrats dude, are you going for 2k?
Interesting choices I'd say I prefer Malezen. And seconding >>498110589
Too bad I haven't been ERPing lately because of the burnout of being f for so long.
Everyone should be a bunboi! ^_^
Nigger I will when I get to him and get that good at the game.
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My male midlander misses the embrace of femra...
nice!! we both made it to 1800 lol
When do we get "Who wore it better?" contests for every new major mod piece where all the ebins have to gpose in it and only the winner can wear it after?
Post yours first ;)
he should plap them instead
hell no
i'll rather be a female roegadyn than be a miera
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>only estinient got a fun holiday
My male midlander misses plapping femra..
lalas are friends..
C'mon bro what are you gay?? Everyone needs to be a bunny >-<
Definitely a mistake
i am drunk but have no one to take advantage of me...
Eb status?
what exactly happens at the beds
*falls asleep in his wheelchair and snores so loud it rattles the thread*
post vocaroo i miss you
Why can I not change into a fisher when Im in explorer mode
Then you should also know that we are easily replaceable. If one of us dies, they'll happily throw a rookie into these death traps.

Live a little since we're never promised a tomorrow.
Just be naked at a bathhouse and put freeuse in your plate
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I can imagine the judges. Uchiki, Molly, Ndja, Akemi and Val
Reminder he got paid a fortune for a half finished duel and all we got was an Alpaca
why haven’t you
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queue cc @10:30 et on crystal
*grabs the handles of your wheelchair and pushes you down the stairs, giggling to myself as I admire my own devilish work.*
nta but how does free use even work
same lol
poe for a while, then bg3, then hitman and now some stardew.

If the foray looks good after the first week I'll come back though :3
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My femra's time is over. She will rise to the sun and be lost.
You don't say no.
Because I don't have a femra to plap
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will I get in trouble
damn where's my zyn
so like that image of people erping where one just keeps saying yes?
*flails and bounces down the stairs and lands on his neck with a sickening crunch*
*he's not moving*
You want to fantasia to bunny boi
all you need to do is lure them gracefully
Molly just angrily TP'd away when she saw Uchiki getting attention from another Fiera
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too late
explorer mode is such a letdown
only lets you explore duties you can just.. normally unsync and clear out
want to explore alliance raid zones? onsal hakair? fields of glory? CC maps? astragalos?? TOO FUCKING BAD DUDE
owned lol
File deleted.
I like big butts and I cannot lie
Why do people like uchiki so much, he's just a faggy brat
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>grown man mad that his source of dopamine isn't exclusively for him
Many such cases.
i am a femlala

whose shirt is not fitting anymore
does it do erp?
I used to use a website to erp with bots to get ideas and train my training on something that can reply but it got utterly lobotomized
more proof that miera run this thread
uhhhhhh bro?
Who cares it's not like the jannies delete porn anymore
He's online 16 hours a day so he has a lot of time to build up rapport
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Already EB'd, gomensai anon... someday you shall find the hrothgal of your dreams!

I like big butts and I cannot lie advertiser friendly version
Hey I was having trouble with the feet normals desu. I'll have to get with you some time. Mine do have the issue in certain lighting still too.
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Okay thanks here he is
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Your move.
"limitless" means what you think it means
He talks a lot. How often are you in say chat anon? More or less than him?
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grown ass man
My EB wants to visit me
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>coomer so coombrained he thinks it's normal to show big modbeast tits everywhere
Classic Final Fantasy XIV. We like this.
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Elyssa D'etoile? More like Elyssa D'toilet!
Yup, that's a good lad
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stats were utter shit time to breed again. Just pulled this though. So maybe .
handsome devil
Dream's Bass has a youtube? Lmao he's a minecraft player what a fag
All that nigger ever talks about is gooning. He's the worst offender in this entire general.
Remember when laz kept telling everyone he lost a bet and had to fanta to fiddie and he just kept saying it for weeks even when people stopped asking and then he just kept fantaing back to fiddie again anyway?
What was up with that?
Uchiki is a fujo and all the himcesses prize her above themselves. They imagine him(her) being brutalized. They imagine him(her) being plapped. They imagine him(her) being cucked. Why do you think femboy miera are well-accepted at frenchord?
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Good night frens~
absolute state of Viera ebins
she was a good sleeve
>uchiki is a fujo
To think Fib gets to have this
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what is there to do in this game at 2 am
Goodnight, sleep tight bro
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queue cc @ 1::45 et on crystal
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Everyone weaker than you is a woman.
Viper cannot fucking do ANYTHING in PVP holy shit
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>H-hi, (also me)
of course, petpet
the setting of Colony Ship is also what attracted me to it, I love isolated ecosystems as settings for stories like prisons, spaceships/stations, cruise ships, oil rigs, underwater bases etc. it's why I love immersive sims so much and games with similar properties(don't get me started on the what's an immsim argument) and why I want to try Colony Ship, it just comes off as a big learning process to start up and I should play Sunless Seas first anyway

>Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird vs. Hannibal Lector
makes sense, reminds me I need to read Red Dragon in the future as I have an old copy sitting in my bookshelf I keep forgetting about
I'm usually a manga reader but early 2000s anime hits some spot in my brain where moments are left to hang just long enough and there's not too much overstimulation happening
I took a quick look at Urasawa's manga just now and Pluto looks interesting, detective stories are one of the few things I can devour endlessly, it's part of why Monster hooked me immediately and I'm happy it's a recurring theme across episodes, I love the quirky detective he reminds me of Willem Dafoe(my husband)'s character from Boondock Saints
Don't reply to me, tranny.
just play it against 3 tanks 2 melees on volcanic heart stupid
Shut the fuck up nigga
I remember when he said he doesn't like femra, lalafell, or futa and got shitposted by mad grown men.
I visited mine. It was a really nice. I'd like to go again.
If you think this further, you'll be in the dangerzone.
its too hard to satisfy the feet fiends.... thanks for the help though fren

gonna eat your ass
How was it? You don't have to be too specific but I want to know what to more or less expect, I haven't hanged out with a friend in years and I'm shy, and we live in different countries
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this is still the only good thing from this general
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You'll get there!
I'll keep playing because it's fun. 2K seems like it's a long way off, but I've been finishing top 2 in the vast majority of my matches lately, so it's possible.
Here, have this low budget Mad Men reference I made a few days ago, since I saw someone asking again whether futa is gay.
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Furthermore, by allowing fujos into their cliques, the himsters may practice their bizarre, backwards compatible version of masculinity, albeit, in a more sissified format. They use the fujoshi, knowing full-well it is a biological woman, with horrendously compiled female avatars that their pornsick minds' manifest into existence. Of course, they still act like highschool bullies - a form of projection instilled into them in their formative years as an incel.

By doing so, they "dominate" a facsimile version of a biological woman through their sick and twisted game of plap, goon, rape. This is the mind of the modern man. We like this? We are this.
>What was up with that?
I enjoyed the fiddie run and she's just too good (subjective opinion) to be kept as a golem, don't know what else to tell ya
He lives in a big city so we went around and did touristy things and watched anime/hung out together/activities in the hotel room. It was a little awkward at first, but felt normal pretty quickly.
Where is the on table pound show?
My fiddie would pilot a Phoenix Hawk LAM or a Goliath
>no delivery
Some "top."
i am a femlala

that just shat over the floor

clean it up janny.

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