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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

> All Saints' Wake Begins October 18!

>Future Meetups:
• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT / 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>498033473
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT / 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST / 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
-Oct 31st, 5:00PM PDT / 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138
The Previous Dying Gasp: >>498105303
i shan't be using the other thread
You know the saying. "When life gives you masks... make masquerade."
my femra farted...
post breasts
The other thread is kinda shit. Are the sane posters in this one?
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hey xivg
post character, i missed this poster.
catboy supremacy
My femra tried to arrest a sunnie
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lol, lmao even
Shadowbringers for F2P when??
Fat Cats
89 Commendations until I qualify for mentor on my NA alt. Should I be a scumbag and commendation farm the last few?
when shadowbringers 4 comes out
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I am a femlala
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Sounds about right, all the sane ones left already.
Being a mean girl failed male is not a personality.

Porn addiction is not a personality.

Being an oversocialised sociopath friend collector who does nothing but AFK is not a personality.

Being fake nice is not a personality.

Playing a male character is, believe it or not, a personality.
Nah just roulette, it'll come along soon enough.
why on earth are you impatient for mentor roulette
we've had shadowbringers, shb 2 (endwalker), shb 3 (dawntrail) (disney edition), and next up is shb 4
I play a female character and no one from xivg has ever sexpested me. All stopped when I told them no.
It would be easy to prove if it actually happened which could be why people don't do it. You don't even need to get xivg involved cause if someone sexpests you can report them and get them banned. It basically never happens and is just a low effort schizo even though it makes no sense cause if it were true they would get banned.
Proxy keeps getting called sexpest in the thread the past few weeks, but Proxy does not sexpest. Proxy flirted with me and I turned him down. After that, he only talks about the game and life and he is great to talk to when it's not about sex.
Makes you think about who accuses every day over a thing that doesn't exist
That's what I mean by commendation farm, queue as healer / tank on Trial / Normal Roulettes on a below average DC like Dynamis / Crystal
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I lub fatcat faxx poster.<3
Ah. I see, well game will likely be dead by then. So rip!
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Very normal moonie (don't ask for the schizoid test)
Your lala is stupidly cute you have to let my bigger hit it you don't have to actually
It's more let's see how fast I can abuse the system without abusing it or actually begging
Meme lizard is mine.
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Crystal CC 8:25 ET
7.3 most likely.
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>doing tests
>skin cancer
I barely consider you a human to be real with you.
>all this ball tail
That's a lot of smoosh factor.
He's unironically Brazilian
How long would 7.3 be from now?
Oh I thought you meant starting and ending every run with, "i want mentor, commendations plz. ^^"
taking the schizoid test while having rape with this moonie
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The Dawntrail we could've had
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We're at a point where Americans and Brazilians are on the same tier in the hierarchy, my guy.
I'm not though
>skin cancer
you mean the paint? thats not a tat

Roughly 9-10 months from now.
>no happy fun beach times with mommy y'shtola letting you rest your head in her lap when you get too much sun playing on the beach with the lads

Its over
actual previous >>498121197
You wouldn't hit a lala with glasses, right!?
I fucking wanted a cute section where we play beach volleyball and Zero doesn't understand the concept so we teach her how to play and cute times ensue.
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Yoshida last month
>yeah we are crutching too much on scions and they don't contribute anything to the story so they feel hollow, we will reduce their appearances in future expansions so their presence is meaningful
>look at these adorable little scrunkus blorbos doing things that weren't in the game isn't that so cool and make you wise they were in every expansion?
I genuinely believe nobody at CS3 knows what they are doing
I'd definitely smooch one!
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Extremely low scores on these tests is also a form of abnormality. Normal would be having 10-25% on at least half the categories. You're very numb which isn't normal.
my moony is
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whats this mean
I showed you my jammies now show me yours!!!
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eb like this? (me on the right)
you are correct, I'm quite numb to everything and not much of a being alive enjoyer.
one was an interview where Yoshida got directly asked about critisims of the game.
the other is at a con trying to sell the game.
I would, but I'd hold her glasses gently so they don't break as I assault her with headpats from my hand

maybe a smooch or 20, too
I am
a femlala
(are you okay)
You're my favorite poster.
Impregnating hags who lose to me in CC.
Oh hell no, that's a surefire way to not get commendations.

Basically it's just:
- Overheal, use every OGCD to make sure everyone with anxiety problems is always at 100% health. Always save instacast for rezzing the delectable floor tank (usually a mentor) and have an OGCD heal ready to fire at them before they're a dumbass who accepts the rez and presses an action just before the next raidwide

- Never complain about the dumbass Paladin spamming Clemency, or WHM spamming Medica II and Cure I, or SGE being a pure healer, and let your co-tank provoke off of you for no reason and let them cleave the entire party, and if your healers are bad, you will be the PLD and WAR to heal your team.

- Make sure your portrait is fixed.

- Say GG and AFK to be the last person in the instance
Why is everyone getting feelings of emptiness tonight? Is something in the air?
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ok sure
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Of course Ishikawa wrote the fucking bunboy yaoi gathering questline, not beating the fujokawa accusations
why does she look like she's fifteen
i could if i did the role quests finally i thought you needed more commendations than that i dont think i would though
My moonie has only just woke up she was up pretty lates last night
before anyone says anything i'm aware it's a problem and i'm actively working on it
Shut up, grapeshat.
it means you're just like me
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you look like a snug bug! I lied I never showed you, i just wanted jammies pics. I have none so have my lodestone.
It was bad all day for me today and I can't even sleep.
Because you have brain rot, you dirty degenerate.
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Same, sis...
Do you want my moonie to come and tuck you in maybe pet you too?
I like pajama wearing fiddies.
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could be worse.
>remove my catgirls tail
>her ass is just as fat as fiddies
so this was what made it look so much smaller the whole time...
so its still flat as an ironing board
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That's my last call for CC for tonight, thank you all very much and take care
Does anyone else get a wave of relief when your XIV crush has someone else? Like you don't gotta be plagued about your stupid daydreams or failing to interest them.
>wife and child killed in a freak accident
I think you need to look inwards anon
>whoa this side gathering questline is peak
>Ishikawa wrote it
>she revealed during korean fanfest
every fucking time LMAO.
The only race with a fat ass is femhroth.
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nice pajama lodestone!

I like them too
Yeah I need to bumrush 3 rolerequests as well, I'll probably start with literal resident sleeper tank quest
my lalaboy has fallen into parkour prison
>the scions enjoying stuff without you
>we could have had this kino
Curse you hiror!
having fun on my malera
might fanta to catgirl for erp tho
Oooouhhh my tiny little shota lalafell cock please step on it mommy ohhh please crush pathetic lalaballs mommy I'm a virgin I've never done this before be gentle please snap my dick
I feel like Yoshida has just grown completely disconnected from the game.
I mean the fact he'd even try to test whether the Scions are unwelcome now by essentially castrating and lobotomizing them and giving us something that is only nominally the Scions after hyping up an expansion about the Scions relaxing for once is just fucking contradicting.
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hehhehehe uhhehuehuhuehue
Ishikawa knows what she doing. She playing with fan emotion making them like the character. Yoshi-P is the one who clearly out of his dept by trying to replace them with wuk lamat.
Is it worth resubbing in an ettempt to get the savage 4 clear for the ult?
I kinda got tired from savage at the time
Maybe I should get into pvp or something
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The WoL is taking the photos (he's camerashy)
it's a typical yaoi setup, fujokawa strikes again
Nigga shut up
you are the tank
get in there
If you ever feel like the payoff from a quest is good, it's Ishikawa.
What is this test and how do I do it?
Vieras is not bad but yeah furries win in fatassery
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>jaded and heartbroken old man
>young idealistic man
>the two are able to teach one another
Seriously seek peace and stop posting
do you like catboys
I'm Kong
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I am a fiddie
I don't want her to beat the accusations. At this point I'm forced to assume being a fujo makes you a good writer
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/mjg/ here
how do people play doman mahjong together? does ranked queue pop fast enough? are there mahjong linkshells?
My crushes almost always have someone else to begin with so all I know is faint threads of hope blown away like the wind
>Ishikawa-san says when Yoshi-P mentioned FFXIV Dawntrail was going to be an expansion where the Warrior of Light goes on summer vacation, the scenario team was like “huh, really…?”

>The MSQ was probably not very summer vacation-like…

>So they decided while we were in Tural, we should have a moment where we actually enjoy a summer vacation with everyone, so that’s why they decided to give the Scions these vacation outfits.

Wait, who failed who here? Yoshi-P wanted a summer vacation expansion and the writers instead went on to do their own stuff?
Pretty sure you can queue together in a party
My moonie plans to drink again tonight and no one can stop her
I am
A tanned fiddie at work
How tanned?
Sounds like Yoshida sold it on false marketing. He really is trying to sabotage XIV
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garuda doko
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Femra wife like this?
Dawntrail underwent drastic rewrites, that felt very obvious to me
This isn't the first time Yoshi and the writers are disagreeing. During Endwalker it felt like the writers were trying to continue ShB's theme of there not being strictly a good and a bad side, just everyone fighting for their own survival. Yoshi however insisted on Venat being the ultimate good and went hard on sucking her dick in interviews.
kys anchor nigger
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I am a Moonie
You wanna talk about it, hot stuff?
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This tan
Not the first time either. The writer in dawntrail feels like it went through several rewrites + the trailer being extremely disconnected to the main story of the dawntrail. Get your house in control yoshi-p
To me it feels like the opposite, DT MSQ feels like a first draft that didn't get a single editor to look over it.
Venat was literally never anything but good. The closest she comes to evil is saying that people will have to strive for progress
Naturally it was the best one by a mile. Next to the fishing one.
What is this test?
Not when you talk to me like that.
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Venat is my mama and my wife
Killing everyone on the planet without even revealing them why she's doing that wasn't very good imo.
Literally my wol theme song when fighting the last boss and he gets a second power boost while the boss is seething about the fact he going to die. Post yours!
Whoever wrote the melee DPS role quest is the biggest cuck for fumbling the easiest opportunity for a believable and fitting Zenos cameo
But she didn't do that
smile, not because the journey was great, but because it's finally over.
My snotty wife
Wew the info from PAX AUS is actually hilarious when you analyze the subtext
>Ishikawa isn't working on anything but XIV, no XVII or other CBU3 game
>Yoshida didn't let the writers know he wanted to market it as a beach vacation expansion
>the writing team cares a lot about the scions and fought to keep them in the MSQ last minute
another night and no tall to plap my femlala
From the sounds of it, YoshiP said he wanted a summer vacation expansion, the scenario team wasn't very sold on it but still worked on it, they got into it, and then by the end of however the process of writing was, the expansion wasn't a vacation at all and by then they had gotten invested into it being one.

I have no fucking idea who is at fault here for what ended up coming out, but I'm also reminded of how much the story was sold on "COMPETE WITH YOUR SCION BROS" and that quite literally just didn't happen except in the smallest and briefest of technicalities.
I could tell from talking to you I didn't need the chart.
another night and no anyone to plap my middie
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Good morning /xivg/
another night and no femra to plap
Well you didn't ask mine, he would've gladly done so
good morning Domanra
Im not alone thankies
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Welp nevermind >>498133371
So apparently YoshiP just randomly decided it was gonna be a vacation halfway through? At this point I just don't know what to believe anymore.
It's not quite morning n more /pet
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>post the borderline mental illness test thing simply as part of an example why all the sane femlalas are gone or don't openly post themselves since people were posting about not being able to find a femlala for a number of purposes
>everyone starts taking the test again
Can you all stop being faggots for one day?
>two bros questline
Your porn-addicted brain cannot comprehend normal platonic relationships between men. Go outside.
Maybe when I'm sleepier, but feel free to chat!
what does desynth level do? what happens if I max every single one?
My moonie will now be making a grilled cheese as she is quite hungry
Im an insane fiddie player! I'm nuts im insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my femra just got plapped
No one cares about your stupid oneitis dude, we're boosting our threadcred. Get purpose-cucked, retard.
should I bring my lowlander to the beds?
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This test seems a bit oblivious to the nuances of each case. It says my symptoms are low but it's clear as day to anyone who knows me I am autistic as fuck.

Although some of these cases that label me as autistic are the opposite.
- I'm a furry who doesn't get along with furries because of their cocktail of mental illnesses that make them extremely backstabby and possessive bullies while simultaneously playing the victim. I don't want to be one as a result, I want to be normal.
- I hang around anonymous spaces on the internet a lot where backstabbing and shittalking each other behind each others' backs is the norm, naturally my trust of others is going to be low - This isn't paranoia this is just reality
- Nobody shares in my interest, AND most people dislike furries for a good reason, and others just instinctually as they hate the appearance of them. Of COURSE there will be feelings of emptiness unrelated to any mental issues as I end up merely orbiting any never truly fitting in any community.

Emotional instability is also a lie there, just because I don't overreact to things and have a conscious control of it, doesn't mean I'm not more emotional than others, it just means I have been abused so hard as a kid because of my emotional instability that a defense mechanism of mines is now to not show any emotion at all, which is probably more related to a fight or flight response.

Test results are a lie, I am far more damaged than I let on.
Isn't it a little early for that?
>fujo writer
>naturally a good story writer
can i learn this power?
my meena has merged with the house and become infrastructure
No, that sunnie really needed help
>yuo are...
>actually you solve all the problems with light again
>we walk
>actually its not the end at all
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I am a fiera veena
fuck you nigger icejjfish is one of americas wonders
very boopable snoot.
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if your desynth level is at or above what youre desynthing you have a higher chance to get rare items
you get to smugly post your desynth levels that no one actually cares about
I guess I can see that. I started Dawntrail a lot later than most people here, I only finished it the other week. My expectation going in was a sidetracked "adventure" led by Wuk Lamat, with minimal input from the scions. The trials part was about in line with that, I felt like it wasted a lot of time, half the villages could've been cut and you would lose basically nothing, which would seem symptomatic of a first draft. The characters also were quite scatter-shot. For example, Koana is first introduced as a lone actor, who appropriately is assisted by the most independent scions, Thancred and Urianger, but he also obviously cared for his siblings given his defense of Zoraal Ja. It's also stated a few times that he rejects the culture of his homeland in favour of foreign cultures, but this is never shown. Instead we're shown how he intergrates technology with his home culture, his dirigibles are unquestionably Tuyilollan, and his Aetherites look nothing like those found in Sharlayan. His respect for native cultures is shown in literally every trial he participates in, and he is no pushover either, willing to both sabotage his sister, and personally come to her rescue, he's essentially the perfect Dawnservant. But he keep getting told that he's flawed, that he's unfit, but we never see it.
The moment Alexandria became involved though it felt like something changed, everything was so much more... Cohesive and energetic. Plot points flowed together, characters were properly realized, there was drama that actually mattered, the lore got progressed, things like the regulators were introduced and explained. It was a crazy change. The competition part I could definitely see as a first draft but Alexandria was shockingly competent
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With enough practice catboys can detach their limbs and control them remotely
i wonder if the golden mount is coming in 7.1
My moonie practices transcendental meditation to remotely control his dick and make it impregnate femlalas
I can forgive these since most of the trailer are plot relevant vs dawntrail just being relevant during the fucking end of the expansion
Kindly stop giving away our secrets you fucking troglodyte
i am going to summon the eternal dragon shenron and wish for big moonie

does anyone want anything while i'm out
This nigga makes me cringe with every video. Some SEAmonkey with the worst case of ESL misheard lyrics going. HUNGRY FOR WOOL is forever ingrained in my memory.
Endwalker was "to the end". You know how close we were to the end of everything right? Like the world was going to end if we didn't succeed. Also we literally walked to the end of the universe
They really fucked over this character. He's really a deep character, but since the plot didn't give a fuck about him he doesn't get to show any of it and he just die explaining why hes like that.
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An excessively mentally ill femra, fiera or fiddie please, one that likes catboys
someone actually might like this but it raped my ears
>actually you solve all the problems with light again
The only problem we solved with light was Emet at the very end, the rest of the time we fixed problems that were caused by light
Yeah but you have to be gay. And brother my malera's balls are mighty heavy and kissable rn...
I agree with this, except for that he's deep. He's incredibly shallow, he just could've been deep
I didn't mind that we ackshually solved the First's problems with light, since in practice we were really bringing night and darkness back. What I was slightly disappointed in was that the "this time YOU'RE the stereotypical villain (in pretend)" thing basically amounted to Vauthry yelling insults and the Scions mocking him back like two times in the whole expansion.
Think I should go to the costume contest meetup as Paul Blart
>posting kino
>not posting sonic eraser
literally a regular yaoi setup, just have to accept Ishikawa is a fujo who writes yaoi and they're the best stories in the game
I know you just want to let out your thoughts and that's fine, but these tests and quizzes are for screening, detecting changes in condition and other things that help medical professionals get a better idea of their patient or get people to consider getting something checked out with professionals
another important part is ruling out possible disorders in an easy way that works relatively well on most people, they're not created to help you sort yourself out

this test is specifically for borderline personality disorder, I wouldn't think about it too much when it comes to anything else
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This femraen is going to play some Metaphor before the meet later today.
Sopping wet femlalas
i wanted to keep it xiv related
there is a way... but it requires you to become... a fudanshi.
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I have no idea why they're exploring his character in 7.1 when he's already dead and people don't give a shit anymore. They could've cut out all the random ass bullshit we did in 7.0 to include his story.
Let me fill your emptiness.
where though
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should i buy it
catboy btw ff14
What set is that? Looks amazing. the chest
Can you post another overview of the meetup afterward? I niggered up my sleep schedule and won't be out of bed by the time the meet starts.
You can also do sync'd queues but not guaranteed. Sometimes anons call for people to queue up when they own queues are long and wish to speed up the start of their match.
who this
post ears
This reads as somewhat narcissistic
If those attributes do not manifest in your conscious thoughts or behavior until after you're made aware of their existence, you are simply trying to force yourself to be mentally impaired as an excuse to act immature.
>are there mahjong linkshells?
They are extremely dead.
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Do male characters like thavnairian femra?
I am a meena
who just woke up
Yoship was correct in that this is a "vacation" for WoL since the stakes are way below anything in ShB and EW, and having faced the literal embodiment of despair threats like a long snake bird, school bully Bakool Ja Ja and LizardVergil is nothing to them, it's even shown with the Wuk solo duty that WoL could've bodied Bakool Ja Ja 3 times over but the solo duty goes to Wuk because it's her character moment.

The writers probably didn't get this at first because they took it literally, same with players.
May my moonie /pet?
You are a narcissist, straight up
helmet is easy its ar-caen velvet of fending cap
The rest is just pure suffering...
okay are you sure?
are you really really really sure?
you gotta deal with fucking retards, so are you super sure?
It's from winning 100 fucking seals of rock pvp battle. Just that map only. 100 fucking wins. Good luck. https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/3g0msc/full_field_commanders_set_seal_rock_100_wins/
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My femra looks like this.
god I hope that's my blood
Do you like femezen...
Feel free! My meena will most likely /pet back
it's coagulated catboy aura
yeah she's pretty cute
Ok but did you feel offended to the point you had to post it twice, and also reply thrice.
My moonie likes this very much!
/pet :3c
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Three different people came to the same conclusion, because it is the obvious conclusion. See also Atomic Helion's hero complex
:3 125
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There truly cannot be any hope
meenas are taking over the beds again fuck
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Is there a way to make two different mods work on two different glams? Like let's say mod 1 makes my shoes change and mod 2 also makes my shoes change to a different model. Is there a way to make it so show 1 shows to a certain glam while shoe 2 shows on a different glam without it overwriting shoe 1?
nigga get a grip
I'm just going to assume this isn't the hroth
but what the fuck are you talking about? even if this is a low effort shitpost try reading my post so your brain can't come to the conclusion that lead to this post being possible
rub their ears to render them helpless
What did he mean by this...
set up designs in glamourer and attach the mods to each design
Glamourer used to have that option before DT
Don't worry about it
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does this to your character
not him but how do I do that
>deletes character in an act of euthanasia
don't bring catboys into this, in fact keep their concept completely separate from any femras
would be based if not furry
>would be based if it wasnt the thing it is
you sound like a retard
In your design's tab of glamourer, go to the bottom of a specific design and look for the mod associations tab. Add the mods there, give them 1 priority.
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I’m a fiddie going to the gym now
Meentally stable
Please keep your hairballs off my tatami mat. But if you liked P5 you will probably like this. It's a different direction, but pretty much the same gameplay mechanics with some twists and interations. Also the battle theme is absolute cinema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abdSL7P9HAA
*starts humping these beautiful ladies*
moonie-*gets struck by a lightning bolt and dies*
oh nyo 3: I don't know if my moonie can save this moonie
all viera use the same haircuts
>we Reborned the Realm
>we Heaven the Sward
>we Stormed the Blood
>we Bringed the Shadows
>we Walked the End
>We Trailed the Dawn
Checks out for me
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Owari da
Imeowgine only having 3 toughness in current year
This is why sunnies are superior
Moonies are cuter
*casually dodges you*
Sorry, but I already have a EB.
what do u want from me bro. i was the og mophead it suits my char more than any1 else but i had 2 change it up

my fault sorry

my toughness is 100 i can tank white gorillo punches with ease
How hard is it to learn modding to remove the styled for hire braid on male lalafell?
That's the plan going forward for all of these.
Harder than you think, sadly
t. tried it twice
whats the 8th umbral calamaity again?
the gas the garleans had
Disgusting pahjeet monster, go back to sniffing elezen chairs.
now its time to bal the mung
ah sorry bro . good luck with ur eb *holds back tears and runs away*
The dawn sure is trailing that's for sure
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Mask or goggles? Trying to decide here.
May I pet?
>most unfaithful nigga in this thread already have a another eb
it aint fair bros....
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>unsubbed two weeks ago so I can't log in during this campaign
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Mind the horns.
they used poisons gas that worked a lot like light aether, which increase the amount of light in the source, which caused a rejoining with the first. only happened in the future timeline. we manage to stop it along with zenos helping us
:3 /pet /pet honestly both the goggles and the mask work
Val is up late getting plapped at his island, trashy arc continues
my hatred for dawntrail is over. I can now start enjoying the game :)
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I am
a femzen
that won't suddenly explode their relationships
Okay sirs I will rape you one day
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>Face 4
mask and don't ever take it off
Let's eb...
I mean, he sure does look full...
anyone wanna eo to floor 100
wasn't he turning everyone down like a month ago? wtf happened?
I already closed it...
He got pumped and dumped irl and snapped
How much do I have to lift for her to come back
yeah kinda
My Highlander communicates exclusively through boss quotes
My moonie got all 3 comms from her dungeon :3
>(s)he still thinks it ever had anything to do with lifting

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