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Doman Mahjong Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release!)

> All Saints' Wake Begins October 18!

>Future Meetups:

> Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

Trying it down here in a reply

• Oct 12th, 1PM EDT | 6PM BST | Zurvan, Materia | Yanxia, Plum Spring | Roleplaying Meetup >>498033473
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | Mahjong Open Tournament >>495487281
• Oct 12th, 5:30PM EDT | 10:30PM BST | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 11 - 16 >>497313724
• Oct 13th, 4:30PM EST | Marilith | Slitherbough, The Rak'tika Greatwood | Shared FATE farming >>497557429
• Oct 13th, 7PM EDT | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Mullholand Drive and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 10 and 11 >>497515929
• Oct 19th, 7PM EDT | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 26th, 5PM PST | 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal | LB W2 P10 | Halloween Musicals! ( also The Crow ) >>497715049
• Oct 27th, 8PM EDT | Balmung, Crystal | LB W19 P28 | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party >>495083393
• Oct 31st, 5PM PDT | 8:00PM EST | Balmung, Wolf's Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138
catboy supremacy
looks like shit retard. Post Miera
I write so much faster in /say and /em. It makes me focus so much better, and this is like twice my normal speed.
>Doman Mahjong Edition
yes QUEUE doman mahjong on crystal!!!
Post Tikaasi smiling with teeth.
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post thug hood niggas having gay sex
Me on the right when I choose to discard the recommended tile and I lose 1800 points.
one retarded miera coming up
But I already queued. We've been in a match for seven and a half minutes now.
Fave Male Vieras???
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what does your wol act like?
my femlala does this
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post elezen please
thank you
theo is the only one i'd let hit
This is obnoxious
Laz and that's it.
very nice and retarded, you're one of my favorites you know
oh i'll bee your queen bee honey b lovely

i'll be your one and only worship bee
I've spent far too much time to night thinking about and posting about femlalas.
there can be more than one game at a time!
On the bright side, you didn't just lose 36000 like the hroth did.
>you're one of my favorites you know
holy moly thank you anon
>my femlala does this
then post her doing it and not some random character
hehe i'm gonna grief tiktoksi again
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We're here

No hard feelings if I kill ya'?
just learned that sharks pee through their skin
isnt this the artist who insists her wol is a pooner?
mine sneaks up behind random mopey people and plays music badly for them until they feel motivated (enough to leave)
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I'm going to go make ginger pork
ngl the southern voice kinda turns me on...
we really do need to get more people in thread into mahjong but idk if the meetup tomorrow is gonna do it
i just spam queues and hope people pop em
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gn, ty for the cc games
/pet /pet /pet /pet /pet /pet /pet /pet /pet
the fuck is a pooner?
I bet Tycho Belle smells like french fries and big mac sauce
bros...how do I sleep on the ground...
please more cc games
gn blacked cat
cute but stop playing your rock n roll music if i'm around. I'm sad and want to hurt people. (i'd hurt you)
big, brown balls of shit are popping out of my rectum right now
Her wol is a transman who didn't get top surgery i think
I am a femlala whose sub expired...
I won't be joining you for anons for things for a long while...
Fave male middies?
>tycho belle
>smelling like McDonald's
>not smelling like a crunch wrap supreme
go here to find the DozeAnywhere plugin

https://github.com/S o y a X

remove the spaces, stupid ass website filters the word before a X
did that faggot stop spamming brd yet
Cheat Engine. No I am not joking.
Sit is 133
Sleep is 88
Smart lala refusing to give Poop Enix more money. Based
The artist calls her a guy but draws her with vagina and boobs.
The artist is also a woman with vagina and boobs but says she's a guy.
Make of that what you will.
At least the art is good...
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Anyone want something crafted? Free of charge.
why do you fags always have to steal miera gimmicks
McDonald's colors
can I help you out? unless you don't want to play anymore
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Until we meet again.
this is outdated, just use the plugin
Honestly no I'm no stacy. If I ever say I am just ignore it. I'm actually a big dumb loser
Oh is that going to be with the new plugin? I haven't seen it yet besides that webm. Whatever works for most people is fine with me but not tonight! I'm eating and then going to sleep to face the consequences of my actions tomorrow
I fled like a pokemon and am home now. If you really want to know I'll share but if not I'll just leave it at this lest I make more people upset with me
Sorry for worrying you
Reverse GAM EB like this
Can you craft me a girlfriend?
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My femlala looks and acts like this.
>hear mahjong
>queue up
>it's 3/4
>it's been 3/4 for 20 minutes
>tfw EU
Could you please craft me a life without misery, pain, betrayal, backstabbers and disappointments?
Could you please also craft me a smile because I forgot how those look like?
Thank you
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Me and my eb
Charity would mean I have to admit I'm addicted and I rather not..
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stop mass replying you attention starved piece of shit
hawk tuah in your mouth, punk ass motherfucker
it was 3/4 on crystal last time i checked too
Guess who's playing since free login campaign?(I ditched this account)
wait do you even remember me? lmfao 'You're Dreaming'
I logged out and missed your /tell, SORRY sis
paizuri with the inquisitor
This is some of the most poorly drawn art that has turned me on this much.
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veener weener for my rava wava?
where do i find the actual repo link to put into dalamud? i'm retarded
I do it super slowly... I sometimes ask after rp sessions if I took too long to write the emotes.
Where you goin with all that cake lil nigga?
need a tall to plap my femlala
kuru kuru!
fuck off faggott
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Cheat Engine is more cool
How is it poorly drawn???
can you help a cat girl out?
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my moonie acts like this (for their wife)
Think you're funny?!
This is why mama beats you
Hmmmmmmm doesn't ring a bell!
nowhere near that dumpster fire of some of the most schizo grown-ass male incels in the general
Faces are really weird and inconsistent frame to frame.
The bodies are fine, only because it's obviously traced over a gpose.
help this malera keeps trying to rape my femlala :(
i'll fuck your dad. start behaving,.nobody likes a desperate whore in his 30s
Alright, well the offer remains on the table, but I understand, you totally-not-addicted lala. It would've maybe come with strings anyway, like having to sit in my lap, so maybe for the best that you're so free and not addicted!
https://github.com/S oyaX/S oyaPlugins/blob/main/repo.json

erase spaces
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the one the makes me coom
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FMA told me that's a bad idea.
I don't think that's something I can make for you but I can give you a /smile!
my male midlander just had a boss fight with the toilet
why does she have the skin colour of poop? yucky yuck yuck!!!
you ever go to bed and then feel worse when you wake up
Cute! It looks like your parents already did the girlfriend crafting for me!
Most talls won't approach us because they're afraid of being stigmatized. You've gotta approach them. However, most lalas are scared to approach because they also don't want to be stigmatized. This is why most lalas don't put out until they can be anonymous like at an alt meetup or the cloud servers and then they go all out.
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beg for it

go ahead. i'm waiting
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Teenage lesbians!
I don't hang out with grown ass men that pretend to be high school whores
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The one that fucks me senseless without asking for permission. And doesn't keep making attentionwhore posts like this.
im on the throne right now taking a fat n smelly shit
Wtf is the face mod here? Doesn't quite look vanilla. Or is it the shader making it look much darker and sloptchier?
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the last time I talked to a lala player they offhandedly mentioned that theyve killed a cat at some point. Ever since then Ive thought of all lalas are creepy weirdos
I'm not clingy I just like being around you
they said middie not malera
I'm not afraid of being stigmatized, I'm just not online right now to give plaps
Hang in there
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I went to bed severely congested and had one of the worst sleeps of my life
And now I'm about to do it again
Are you really gonna turn down Goku?
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I am a femlala who had her final meltdown...
CC doko
Kill all bigger lovers.
I hate that when I try to afk with my friends they leave me and go stand next to their other friend when they show up.
No, that's just silly. They're girl friends, not girlfriends.
No mods
Mahjong? More like mah dong in yo mouth heh gottem
/dab /dab /360noscopel33thax0rz
i don't think i will wake up in time for mahjong tomorrow.......
damn girl what'd you do
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once again tapping the sign
Did your femlala let Ns rip in the public square?
Sis what have you done...
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oh noooo poor you
*Plaps ur femlala in the face with my fist*
hey effy
it's kinda funny without the music and only the ambient noise
best post itt
Ah yes. Me My husband. And his two other wives.
From one Femlala to another; Retard.
what happened, i love stories like these
my first acct strike was for talking shit to someone, i said mildly mean things and then when i knew he went into an instance i called him a nigger who should kill himself, and i guess he reported me for the mildly mean stuff but squeenix saw what i really typed
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Fall in love with me right now
I don't really post here too much but I had a meltdown against what was my miera boyfriend at the time...
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have some fucking shame
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>bigger lover
Simply remove the part of you that is jealous for your friend being a kind soul and be thankful you're part of their circle.
when are you putting that outfit on gayboy
Be clothed or be gone
Yep, this guy's a cockwatcher, cockwasher, cocksucker, cockfucker, cockgargler, cocksmoker AND cockfondler
>pf fills in minutes
>leader has been afk this whole time
My wife feet
I raced a Buccaneer the other day. Made it like two turns and then hit a clear sign
Someone shot the other racers before we could join them so we had to race among ourselves
okay but queue on crystal
>no alphinaud
what did he do this time sis?
Stupid off model shit.
Sphene is flat
Did he not try to calm you down?
Did you tell him you were gonna slash his tires in real life? Did you bust out the slurs? Give some more deets, mini melter
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what did he do
what did you say
if you don't post here much then you have nothing to lose
Except they never invite me to their parties
that's for my fujo friends only
>it took TWO ingame hours for cc to pop
I'm not calling anymore cause there's like legitimately 10 people on crystal playing and that game was terrible lol
do you need a malera boyfriend to make things better?
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Shut up
What server? We need to make marriage preparations.
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am I the only person that finds feet gross as fuck
there's some legitimately awful vtuber playing and a handful of pve andys following him in queue so that's probably the issue
No. He's the reason why it happened

This being my third strike means I've melted before in the past so.. I really do deserve it even if I don't want it and I'm trying not to completely lose it.

He's always making promises he never keeps and I let him because he's fun to be around and eventually it starts building up, you know? I just wanted him to notice me instead of putting me on the shelf after saying a few words to me. He's always playing the game with others but then when I start hanging out with people and doing my own thing he self-inserts himself into my hobbies and then promptly excludes me from it and I just.. I just had enough and exploded to him in /s and got random people involved that were walking by as well as of his friends that were there. I targeted all of them. I just exploded. Insulting people. Swearing a lot. I know people were goading me on to say more and I did I kept typing away while he most likely just laughed at me.
No, feet are weird and feet people are even weirder.
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you called when people were in a game still

let's queue CC @ 7:15 ET
i like this more
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>Now, bare your soles to me!
That doesn't sound like a friend, or at least you obviously care about about the friendship than they do from what you're telling me.
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bro it's been so long since dt dropped
i miss it
All women deserve to have big breasts
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not like it matters when they fixed 99% of them
God he sounds like a piece of shit, I'm sorry anon, you deserved better
you are both awful human beings
but you're probably worse because at least he's in control of his emotions and uses that fact to play you like a fiddle for his own amusement
mature beyond the age of 8 please
also never date online, are you fucking stupid
you shuold have left his ass ages ago sis..
I agree with this anon, manipulators are based and you're cringe for getting manipulated
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I both desperately need a femlala EB like this and simultaneously am so, so upset I wasn't there to witness this public meltdown.
finally managed to sexpest today
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I don't care what you like
30 something year old man is acting like this by the way
Congrats, king. How'd it go?
I haven't played since quitting my static when the raid came out.
When is the next patch coming?
At least the top of the Gridania Aetheryte OOB still works
The one where you blow yourself up in Uldah right?
Cute forehead femezen
guess you can so it went pretty well....
Why would you want a crybaby EB?
5 weeks
wife (next patch in a month)
we doin a little late night mahjongin?
oh fuck, they did? that's even worse. i was just waiting for it to come back; i didn't know they were patched.
man that's a bummer. i miss my little hiding spot outside gridania ;_;
It's still off model shit but I can respect that.
Look at this fucking WIFE. Should be 12th or 19th 9f next month.

What was your wol's reaction when the violins kicked in?
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>miera boyfriend
Lmao deserved. Only sexpests play miera.
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dead game
Gonna wait for the pop then decline and log out
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ok but I like this one and feet are gross so just post this more
Sorry that happened to you. You can't really blame yourself. It's hard to fix bad habits when you're surrounded by people who do everything they can to make those habits even worse.

Let us know if you decide to restart, I'm sure plenty of people wouldn't mind helping you out.
Yea you can't do the ng+ shit at all now.
I shan't be EBing anytime soon, Anon. Thank you though.
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You're so needy, Anon.
>missed the group snuggle
it's over
That's a child
this ain't /bnsg/
yeah if people queue
>As your account has been terminated due to a violation, you will be unable to create another FINAL FANTASY XIV service account.
Unfortunately, you have shown yourself to be unwilling to follow the rules of the FINAL FANTASY XIV community. If we find that you have created another FINAL FANTASY XIV service account, we reserve the right to terminate that account as well in our sole discretion.

I don't think I could come back even if I wanted to.
I'll pay you.
I wouldn't make them cry like that in the first place. It seems like it'd be nice to have an EB who actually wants to spend time together and puts some emotional investment into the partnership.
How new to this website are you?
other people have, idk if they give fake info or not tho, probably just need a new email
Generally asking the thread, did anyone else stop caring for this poster the moment they posed kissing SK?
idk how I made a typo I should go to bed...
True as I will be closely monitoring if you created a new account or not so I can report you for ban evading
You wouldn't happen to have some of Gaia and Ryne making out?
play other games with me instead while we vc
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They're teenagers :3
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my sunnie acts like this
Anon I have 200m... I wish you the best on finding someone though!
Hey...DYLNLM (do you like non lalafell males)
why THE FUCK can't i use the free trial on both PC and PS5 what a retarded fucking decision
That character is infact a child, they know this. Though they don't care because they depraved pedos with no moral compass whatsoever. Watch they will respond to this post in anger and deflect.
In Eulmore, yeah
in a few weeks! does she like femroes?
>Unfortunately, you have shown yourself to be unwilling to follow the rules of the FINAL FANTASY XIV community. If we find that you have created another FINAL FANTASY XIV service account, we reserve the right to terminate that account as well in our sole discretion.
someone get a live customer support agent from squeenix and point them in the direction of kongnamul bulgogi's metadata
i would fucking LOVE to see his new account get torched
ditto for octavia romulus aka

we need someone with the petty autism of DB to come back and pursue this until it's done
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how come ffxiv doesn't have a raid like karazhan
It's just like modding is, don't go telling people about it in game and they don't care or take any action about it.
who is sk and why the fuck would you care about any of that you fucking faggot
I'll spend your money for you...
pls, just tell me what to do
I only have loli elezens
My femra farted and it stinks really badly...
These images feature children
He's a Lalafell player who fucks literal animals
No one should ever look for Femlalas from here. Basically every sane femlala has learned this lesson and dipped.
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These are children
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They're not real.
No? They fuck lalaboys. That's what they do. Why would I get mad at them for acting in their nature?
I really want to take this stupid nerd for a tea after the class.
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This is false and a skill issue
Hi Sphere
Well I don't know your relationship with them, maybe I'm wrong and they're a good listener and they talk to you often and value you as a friend but just so happen to prefer select others for making parties. It happens, but only from what little you've said it seems like they're not that good of a friend.
what a god awful noise to hear
You're part of the issue.
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i didnt realise it was the shit map
>pulled and bullied by the warrior all game long
fuck you too
You'll be fine. Other people restart and ban evade after having done far worse.

If you don't want to then good luck moving on. Would definitely move on from this place too. The anons have been particularly barbaric lately.
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>PCT being the undeniable best DPS by miles and easier than BLM is fine because no rez
you're a funny guy, yosh
It's weird that you have such an obsession with this random modbeast femlala who stayed here for barely a few months. I shall be MD5ing this image now.
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>didn't deny it
wow your gross, can we talk about the game now?
I know I'm not good at the game but I still want to play ;w;
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let's queue CC @ 11:11 ET
Thats okay you can post that too.
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She's so sexy
Thancred got to fuck THAT?
They're not children.
An official rotation guide once included a quadruple weave.
BLM is better in Criterion, even beating PCT in cDPS. Gotta take the small wins
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My fiddie does this.
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chances Yoshi-p has seen this pic of Sphene?
A femlala that left us cause all the femlalas in here are mentally ill or troons.

An unmoving boulder in the river stands out because just about every single one of the other femlalas buckle and let it sweep them away as they conform to the dogshit norms of this general. It's the only reason why she was remotely memorable.
Can you PLEASE give her a better outfit...
>petty autism of DB
only if we start to also draw ebins getting raped and murdered
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This is a crock of shit because as a legitimately mentally ill person of colours my meme graphs don't look like either of those. You have to actively be attempting to get a desired result for stupid shit like that as an attempt to elevate you're status as a supposedly crazy person in order to garner attention from the masses media.

Essentially what I'm saying is that you're all faggots glorifying your loneliness and claiming to be worse than you actually are.
I think seetheanon is asleep so that may be why thread seems more laid back..
Most are fine as long as they don't act weird or become clingy...
Tea's good!!
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Hard rape!
You're right she needs to be in stripper heels!
We're not friends just because we use the same website retard
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I'm just not looking for that kinda stuff. I wanna craft and help anons out a bit is all!
>he doesn't know
Hebes are boring, where are all the hags?
>mentally ill or troons
i'm neither
i will not post my lala because i don't want her associated with this
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If I remember correctly, wasn't that lala someone who got banned 3 times from f-list for being a pedophile?
Decrepit hag fingers typed this post
all the hags are player-generated aside from venat athena ameliance
Bitchwhore, you're not even that cute anyways.
I'm just kidding you're super cute, do you use mods?
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I knough everything. CC is dead I'm going to go play Morrowind.
>one of the obsessed troony looneys is still awake
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pvp sucks
Rape? That's bad anon. We should hypnotize her, you can't rape the willing.
>Eu hours
>pedo schizo starts posting like crazy
hmmm nooticing
You okay? Sounds like somethings bothering you, friend.
Yes, the very same lala who did nothing but complain about this game and try to groom other femlalas, and ONLY other femlalas, to RP with them on discord! But no, this 3-time banned f-lister didn't want to do lewd stuff, honest!!! Just heckin' wholesome yuri adventures!
>Tracking win rate in casual
>Hebes are boring
homosexual opinion
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thats a penis
Your retardation is bothering me
>mentally ill or troons
not me so im straight chilling
I was just asking anon.. I've seen their name a lot accompanied with images so I was wondering if its that lala you're championing..
You'd know most /vg/ faggots that abide by the shit-ass norms of this general (aka ebins and ebin wannabes) are full blown mentally unhinged freaks then
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getting CC instapops on gaia
I'm sorry about that friend. I really think you're projecting though. You should get some therapy, it'll help you out a lot with those issues you're having friend.
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I am... an empty fmzn
No just them spitting cum in each other's mouths
Have you asked to join them or invited them for your own parties?
Define weird, from your perspective l
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No they aren't. Even the people you claim to be the worst of the worst are generally pretty fucking normal outside of the general itself. You wouldn't know that though because you never talk to anyone you just show up and shit all over the floor then claim that someone else did it.
Here have a melon video while I still have the tab open. https://youtu.be/79Y6Q47qjlw
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My sunnie
>do you use mods?
Yeah, I have like 5 or 6 mods showing in that first screenshot of mine lol
Lowlander seeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxx
bweh? post pits
do you plap?
how long does it take to get from free trial to Dawntrail? when do i get to play with my frens. .
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it's always the healers fault because the tank is a retard and redirects blame on him not playing smart
What's the link for this?
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>1 win out of N matches
>2 wins out of 9 matches
Kinda meh day. I die.
Having a good time plaping this lowlander I found in a public loporrit sync. Shits good.
Nevermind you're just bating
1 month if you play a few hours a day of pure msq, 3 weeks if youre a neet. 2 months if you take your time and live a normal life
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let's queue CC @ 3:05 ET
As long as you praise me, the healer, then I shall continue to do my best even if I'm not actually at fault...
help me plap
Way ahead of you. This is an old image by the way.
Borderline spectrum test
Tanks have the most retarded and whiniest playerbase in the game. That's why they are pretty much unkillable because they'd seethe themselves to death if it wasn't so.
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Hypnosis is not hot
wanna frot?
You're likely not a femlala then anyway.

They got banned from F-List, yes but at this point it don't take much to get banned by an echo chamber managed by furniggers if you're not part of their clique or just permanently keeping your head down.

From what I hear the "bans for ban evasion" stemmed from how a private room had an exchange of hands to as who runs it and the two sides couldn't agree if people who got banned by the outright unhinged original founder of the room should be unbanned or not since most of it was bullshit anyway. So a bunch of people's alts slipped through the cracks of being unbanned cause the new moderators of said private room didn't know all of hairball's alts-- especially since they weren't logged in on them at the time-- and eventually drama sparked again and hairball got slammed for "evading a private room ban" cause of dipshit mods not just completely sweeping the banlist and starting over since the old mods were schizos that outright stepped down cause the room as a whole got tired of said schizos moderating it.
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probably because you're playing a shit job that you're shit at playing
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Trying to get my attention constantly, asking for TOO many gpose photos (aka time/effort), trauma dumping, saying personal day-to-day things when we just met, etc...
I'm shy & introverted and sometimes things like that are too much unironically
NTA but that looks fun, I'll give it a try!
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Stop being mad.
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I've been neglecting my pit screenshot duties. I am sorry
>From what I hear
Who is running PR on 4chan of all places for a femlala ERPer who whined about how XIV wasn't a game for them for 3 months before leaving? Are you actually them or someone who just wants to bring up their name.
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Join good night
What do you mean? You're my good friend, just like all the other anons. I care about you anon. Please get the help you need, friend. /s

I'm just gonna rip the bandaid off now. If you get baited that easily you don't deserve to be breathing the same oxygen as me. I was right about you projecting your own mental deficiencies onto others, you're about as retarded as they come. Hopefully I'm the last thought in your mind when you kill yourself later<3
ngl I grief when you're on my team
I will never forgive them
This may surprise you but not everyone here is mentally ill enough to have 3000 or more CC matches played.
>Trying to get my attention constantly, asking for TOO many gpose photos (aka time/effort), trauma dumping, saying personal day-to-day things when we just met, etc...
gonna start doing all of these things to you on discord right now
>Hes trying to play it off
Nah, nigga. You lost.
Only if you're a fellow miera
USUALLY GMs take this bullying and goading and stuff into account. Like how Uchiki got suspended but Kat didn't at that last meetup.
She either got an unfortunately bad GM, or she threatened to kill people and stuff like that.

i’m going to try to be more disciplined and play a few hours a day.
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Nah I just paid actual attention to what was said, cause again, a boulder in the river compared to everyone else being swept by the tide was more worth paying attention to.
Troony looney fabrication. Always will be. Now begone.
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we like this?
>personal day-to-day things
Like what? I don't usually think of personal things and day-to-day things having much overlap.
Actually nevermind AGAIN
you are retarded
QRD on Seishun Complex?
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>quoting all the miera
pick one, whore
They’re kinda complex
I get it, I figured that's what you meant anyways but wanted to be sure!
>still can't individually cast glamours from the glamour dresser inventory outside of inns
this game is actually so dogshit ngl
Yeah, exactly. Now put on the visor.
fart on my face holy fuck please
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I think I'm just gonna drink more...
>Trying to get my attention constantly, asking for TOO many gpose photos (aka time/effort), trauma dumping, saying personal day-to-day things when we just met, etc...
Going to do all of these to you. <3
Banned from f-list isn't something awful. If you're a room owner, you can get anyone permabanned and anyone can make a custom room.
All you have to do is make a room.
Ban someone on an alt character they never use.
Trick them into joining your room on their usual character.
Report them for ban evasion.
haha hey same
i'm out of rum
what you drinking

my meena is drinking raspberry vodka shooters n peach wheat lager
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nyo gn
if you see her, say she looks super cute and give her a /pet.
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Bigger is a mean term.
I'm gonna call you a roof top.
Dang my result are too boring to post, only spike of interest was feelings of emptiness.
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Is that the only word you know? I'm not entirely sure you have the intelligence to even know what it means.

If you want to truly insult someone why don't you come up with something clever or perhaps you really are mentally challenged?
You lost
I'll drink to that
wine and tequila
why did you post my post bwo @ her i don't understand
my femlala just ate onion rings at 2 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>sticking to your own race
that's pretty racist
you don't even know who i am
good maybe you'll get there eventually by not playing a trash job
she sounds drink im going to feed her some mozarella sticks
Call me Santa because my jolly fat ass is cumming down your roof top tonight
Didnt feel like compiling all of them into 1 image.
sleepy femra but not time for bed yet
she's not drunk, she's actually very full of food and is pretty sure the sandwich she ate could have had mozzerella sticks on it.. . . .
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let's queue CC @ 7:10 ET
Final Fantasy XIV?
Regardless of how easy it is to get banned, no one should care about F-List bans anyway. No one worth a damn writes on F-List in current year anyway.
um is scholar any good? or what’s the best heal slut job?
my cute friend who is also a little lewd but in the end, very nice.
Anyone know of a good ponytail mod with bangs?
Play WHM if you primarily want to be healslutting. Scholar is more fun though
I am
A gay maleroe
Go to sleep, sleepy lizard. Many crimes tomorrow
Stares at my ass
All healers are good, WHM is a bit cucked in Dawntrail though, but is still the braindead job.
Yeah I'm sure that's what happened, someone had a schizo grudge against the poor little innocent modbeast and got them banned three times maliciously.
SCH is fantastic and my favorite healer but WHM is the healslut job.
I love big breasts so much bros
ast and whm are the popular heal sluts
I'm a sleepy femra who just woke up...
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>is scholar any good?
it's the best healing job in the game.
>what’s the best heal slut job?
WHM, which is ironically the worst healer.
Gonna start playing bard now just to make you mad
can’t, looking for someone first
same, especially on lalas
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uhhh, prove it?
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Keep going
i stare at her ass
now I want to see Sphene with a useless penis
Weren't all 3 bans for "ban evasion"? It does sound like that's what happened, yes.
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>can't go to balmung
>can't visit the lowlander bench
>can't get plapped
help me please
I'll keep playing bard to make you mad.
>>can't visit the lowlander bench
There's a bench for that now?
Builded for hrothgar
NTA, but; >>498124524
i want to do some stuff too though. like bio i and ii and some dot? plus summoning little faeries.

would i be gimping myself to go Scholar? Maybe I should do Summoner instead. my Arcanist is getting close and I was set but now I am not so sure.
the loporrit sync bench....
You can see my useless penis instead
bbc mhiggers*
Is there a way I could transfer items to an alt on another DC without a middleman? It's complicated and also I don't get weird looks.
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What if I can but dont want to
Ryneposter is the ward we need to keep the normalfag tourists from overtaking the place.
No clue what that is...
First bench you see in ul'dah if you're on lop sync. Usually has a bunch of littles on it or nearby.
my femlala wraps herself in blankets and pretends she's a princess surrounded by her bodyguards so she can get a well rested night's sleep...
and and the bodyguards sometimes drop their guard around my femlala and refer to her by her informal, personal name instead of "princess". .. . ...
She fucks Big Black Cats
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we dont like you or ryneposter(you) go post your shit pictures in some shitty trannycord where they belong
I wish people did lewds of Y'mhitra. She mogs Y'shtola so fucking hard it's almost unreal.
Imagine the people.
>"I hate Sphene and her useless penis! It's so useless!"
actually me rn. .

My liege, *shivers*
Im not an introvert my batteries recharge outside with friends im just shy im dying alone in my decrepit cabin please take me with please ask me to run fucking anything with you PLS PLS PLS I HATE BEING ALONE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
catgirls are all boring as hell
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this will suffice.
holyyyy moly
kill yourself tiktoksi
>Play healer in Ff14
>Press 1 damage button more than healing
>Heal in overwatch
>have to play overwatch
>Heal in tf2
>Get head shot by the swarm of bots

Healing in games is dead.
>saku rozen@odin chugged yet another fanta
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I am.. A Void Femezen!!!

I said I'm introverted, not that I'm unwilling to enforce limits!! /deny /panic /playdead
i.e. Issues they deal with everyday... I play to have fun, im not a psychologist! Although I'm willing to hear out as much as I can someone I consider close enough, it's weird when someone acts as if they already know you..
Yeah! I don't want to mention anything too specific to respect others' privacy
The new Helldivers 2 warbond is pretty good ngl, gas is especially fun against terminids
I hate European hours so much. No one knows who the fuck this is. Nor do we care.
Not at all. Scholar is really good & it can have a lot of impact if you plan out your spells a little bit, it's just that it's not really a very healslutty heal job
builded for my femezen
show yourself sleepy middie
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late night crystal mahjong to practice for the meetup
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They will never stop my love for sexy girls
Just got it installed and laid down on the bench. Now there's a bunch of curious shotas feeling me up.
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I don't see a ring on this finger.
i need this 'zen to fart on my femra's face like no ones business.
That's a bird child
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You people are crazy
>personality test of any kind
>immediately someone tries to max out all the values
>someone else tries to minimize all the values
>literally no one takes it seriously instead of thinking about how the thread will view their response
haha so cool!!!!!
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My future wife
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someone beat me to it....good night miera and moonies
my meena will hesitantly /pet this singular sane femlala
Congratulations! You are part of the 0.001% of the world population that has little to no mental isues, very nice.
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Unrepentant pedophile but you can get some attention from them if you go to the Broken Choker ran by pedophiles like Kanchelle
also >>498125157 >a little lewd
pedofriend be pedofriends
Does it pop at this hour?
Not everyone fakes their answers. And considering how a lot of people act-- even outside of the thread-- I'm inclined to believe the schizo tier results are real.
Everything on that test is extreme as shit
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>smelly femezen likes the gas warbond
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She needs to be plapped
This was your better face sculpt desu
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very ugly
nta but it does with some help
chaos was also 3/4 a short bit ago if you're european
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sexpesting freak, kill yourself.
Another voidlist target i see
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>scat and feet
Bruh come the fuck on, why am I stuck sharing a race with this?
now if only you took a test for being a massive creep and a stalker
my meena lives in the fucking pipes
mental wellness tests are for crazies, get the autism test out and you'll get some real shit from me
How does loporrit sync work? Is it the same as mare pretty much?
LL is a known pedo so I'm on lorilee's side.
im going to make ryne even younger and then i am going to take naked pictures of her
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Can we PLEASE admit that this is a problem?
This is so infuriating when it kills people because "on my screen I was in front".
>bratty sadistic femlala
kill it slowly and painfully
Lorilee is also a pedo
It's an FBI honeypot. Congrats on making it to the list bro.
That's fake tho
Would this make you feel a little better?
>EU hours
>pedophilia posts shoot up
Why are EUggers like this?
LT is a pedo too
it's pedo x pedo, bwo
retards falling for the schizo bait
scat isn't on there, it was photoshopped on
CALL CC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like boobs.
Post boobs.
Like this
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I like being a bratty sadistic femlalas though...
Most of their brains didn't grow past their teenage years which is why they're still attracted to teenagers
Man, FUCK femra
Lowlanders make Anon angry.
>Healing in games is dead.
Still got Elena to look forward to.
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I don't see "Scat" specifically listed in the Hard No's as it should be. I'm sure they just edited it to hide it. Get this piece of shit off my race man.
Wait the nerd femezen is a part of the staff?
No idea what that is
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Its mare but you generate a key right on the plugin itself and dont need a discord verification.
>shown proof of schizoing
>"nah i'm gonna believe what i want anyway"
otto is the only "respectable" one
NTA but i believe whatevers funnier
>start reading this
>immediately begin writing a bio for my femra in my head
Thank god I'm on EU so I can't fall for the temptation.
nta but that's awesome! i didn't download mare because i don't want to give them my discord. gonna use loporrit instead so i can finally see everyone's glams!
dire thread
And how do you propose it be fixed?
Yes, cause Scat is so egregious it should be mentioned in "No" by name. Otherwise you're a scatfag.

lol, lmao even
I think people seem 50/50 on it...
I did like the extra psychotic /fakesmile more. but it looked bad in certain lighting.
Old was a little more psychotic but just didn't look as good. New one at least looks frumpy and homely and waifish.
I think I just need to try to make the expressions, eye, and chin a bit better on the current one.
Ty that's 2-0 in favorite of that one now.
It's not sexpesting when they want it.
Filth is another term for scat and it's why the schizo edited that out as well.
goodnnight xivg

begrudgingly, ilu... i guess...
>Lowlanders make Anon angry.
where is she so i can correct her behavior
Goodnight husband!
increase server tick rate.
>"EU hours are better!"
>Pedo shit
>scat porn
>schizos everywhere
my crush told me he only dates me if I fanta off femlala...
>playing with and against superior japanese CC players
I'm going to dominate crystal CC.
what's wrong with otto?
i know literally nothing about this site
if he doesn't love you at your lala he doesn't deserve you at your *insert race you'd fanta to*
Can't tell which is uglier, you or tranny cat
Sweet dreams dunkass
I don't see any of what you mentioned
nobody wants you lmfao
>It's not sexpesting when they want it.
but that's just your character doing it, right? IC is IC, right? you, the person, wouldn't falsely or wrongly assume another person wants you to be a desperate, thirsty pest, right?
A sexpest.
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Where are the calls anon
You're gonna burn out in five matches back since you can't carry solo
admit? do "we" need to admit that gravity exists too?
if you're asking for people to stop using "well on my screen" as an excuse then that's telling faggots to quit committing faggotry, everyone with any sense knows that it's cope to say that already and good players play the game with that knowledge in mind for movement

the game's code is modly spaghetti and it's meant to be played by people on the same island, there's no easy fix for it and people have adapted to it long ago
if you're willing to fanta off lala then you don't deserve to lala
Has anyone ever posted proof on the LT pedo allegations after the months of posting it with no proof? Fucking shortstack Lalas isn't proof.
need a list of weirdos who go to the broken choker
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Does anyone know where I can get a DT Lithe+ body mod? I tried this but it says it's outdated
T-they are right there...you...you....DOUBLE NIGGER
That's not quite how it works, others have to also be using Loporrit and the community there is much smaller. Its fine if its just you and your friends all using it to share codes with eachother but don't expect the same massive volume of retarded zip bombs that Mare is known for.
>It's not sexpesting when they want it
this is more grim than being into scat because at least that doesn't involve violating consent with some flimsy "they wanted it" rationale.
They are genuinely trash, we all saw the CCRC. JP had the weakest, most passive teams.
Going to sleep because she stayed up too late.
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Femra wife like this?
Why is spaghetti code an excuse to not demand better?
People shouldn't have to adapt to shitty coding.
The problem is obvious and should be fixed. I don't know the solution, nor is it my job to know it. That's why SE has coders and shit.
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Thats very gay, use muse's woober next
Seriously this shit just makes the game look bad.
>Fucking shortstack Lalas isn't proof
There is nothing to prove to you, we already know where you stand.
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Crystal CC 6:25 ET
ok well what about when she wakes up
she needs correction ASAP
Very organic post, LT.
Can you update it for me...
Post proof of me continuing to "sexpest" someone after they said they didn't want it, then. That's what you're implying I've done, when I clearly haven't. It's just vague posting that I surely must have done it because that's what your schizophrenic delusions tell you that I've done.
I have never seen anyone claim that EU hours are better. People regularly complain all over about how bad the thread becomes now.
It would make for smoother-looking movement, but not really affect the "on my screen I was in front" issue.
No I'm comfortable in bed but you literally just install textools, hit dawntrail upgrade in the tools dropdown, and select the mod, it's extremely easy and foolproof.
Maybe not at the highest level but on average they are better.
So there is none it's just schizos ok
which file do I download from the Mega?
It would make it less severe.
Uh.. grey moonies?
Because their ping is 0, no shit they can react better.
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I just started, any tips!?
Yeah, so they are better practice the Crystal chumps that can't even press their buttons because 90% of them are playing from a make a wish hospital and playing the game through a tube.
Restart, you made it too ugly
Real tips? Unlock retainers and your chocobo as soon as you're able. One's your banking space, the other is you being allowed to use mounts.
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Crystal CC 8:20 ET
>I don't see any of what you mentioned
What filters do you use to not see all this schizoing? It's a quarter of the posts.
Leave this place. Find a nice FC that's not related to xivg.
yeah come find my femra and fart on her face!!!!
Good 'ra. Follow your blue quests
Need white trans puppy girl eb that I can call my little animal cracker
I don't believe you.
delete your character and start over, this time pick a non-troon-coded race
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he described himself as a hebephile
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Either the NSFW or sfw options in this folder named install + the hands and feet, I think. Run your preferred sfw/NSFW .ttmp2 and the hands ttmp2 through the textools updater and then install
i've been told as much by three people, and two of them are from here. you're online almost all day every day, i'm not going to air their business so you can shitpost them constantly when they're not around.
even if it werent true he is still a weirdo
Never saw that. Surely you have a link since he said it
it’s a lost cause bro. like half of the thread plays on crystal so you will see complaint after complaint from sync queues because they have too many randoms but will turn around and tell you that the dc’s good for the mode without a hint of irony. just enjoy your JP games, not your problem anyway
Should I move the files into my ffxiv mod folder before or after I convert them with texttools?
>little animal cracker
>"bros I'm gonna learn the secrets ret oriental art of CC and dominate when I return"
>its only better ping, they still play the same as NA and EU
The absolute state of weebs
If you're using penumbra it doesn't matter, penumbra will unpack the mod into its mod folder when you install it. I keep all of it in my mod folder, before and after converting, but I have like two terabytes I'm doing nothing with so idc about space.
I don't use any filters.
Yeah I can't expect the stupid gaijin to understand that PvP is dead on their servers.

They literally play better, ask any number ranked player. You wouldn't understand.
been trying to hit on this mi'qitten but I don't think she likes men
ff needs ass thighs and belly physics
Post her
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You get used to it
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Did Eiki Shiki really leak the Soima logs as revenge for Soima's BF, Nanky Meek, cucking Eiki's EB?
Don't forget you also need bibo+ installed for that body too
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doesn't MSQ just push you towards the chocobo?
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FF14 needs realistic shidding and pissing.
Overstack your food buff? Blow your ass out by shittiing yourself uncontrollably giving a 70% heavy debuff
Anyone wanna queue up for some Rabbit and Steel?
Hosting rn, no password
Croc tails are bis until they reveal the tiny little connection point
They lied. I've never done that. Your word as anon isn't proof. It's extremely easy to just make up bullshit like you're doing.
Only 3 people have ever turned me down when I asked, and I both didn't ask them again after they turned me down and it's extremely unlikely that you happened to know all 3 of them.
Being online almost every day doesn't make someone a sexpest. You have schizophrenic delusions and need medication.
What difficulty?
The lizard almost spotted me. But I'm too sneaky
Post fluffy tails
Hard, I don't think I can Lunar... not yet... one day.... eventually...
But I can lower it if you want more chill than Hard
Is text tools safe or should I delete it after I use it? I got it from here
my meena...... can't sleep ........
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Crystal CC 11:45 ET
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You have 74 days.

That's 2 months, 2 weeks.

Christmas is so close... Do you have an EB yet? If not, why?

If you're interested in someone, why don't you nut up and ask them instead of being alone for Christmas and New Year's Eve 2024?
>the one moonie whos always running around naked
almost makes me want to join one of those syncshells..
she's the pink haired one next to the bench. gonna try the purple haired kitten next though
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gonna snack should I eat the bag of ruffles or the cheddar goldfish
he has a cock
Sorry to tell you but if you downloaded it from there it's probably already installed the umbreon rootkit to your device. I'd recommend doing a fresh install of windows.
>Why is spaghetti code an excuse to not demand better?
it's no excuse, you can demand the stars if you want but I'd recommend against it due to it being a waste of energy
>People shouldn't have to adapt to shitty coding.
people shouldn't have to do a lot of things, but this is an easy adaptation to make
>The problem is obvious and should be fixed.
just because a problem is obvious doesn't mean it's worth the company's opportunity cost and the consequences of that on the rest of the game if they were to invest resources towards it

by no means am I defending its existence and SE's incompetency, but you have to look at things realistically, it's ultimately not that big of a problem and it's not some social taboo that needs to be brought up more
>Now begone.

Bro stuck in 2015
Everyone I would EB is already EB.
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>If not, why?
Don't want or need one.
go plap some lowlanders
NTA but that makes it even better no?
Textools is safe but the github is probably a better option for the latest version

Textools is an older style of modding that overwrites a model index on the game itself and can cause problems with retards who do retarded things or don't disable their mods before patching the game. Everybody uses Penumbra now for end-user modding, and Textools is solely used by mod developers or people looking to convert items.
watch this and leave this place till you catch up to DT

i'm not EBing a grown ass man
Depends on what you like i suppose
That's the textools site that xivmodarchive links to so you're good. There's no reason to uninstall it really, especially if you're gonna add more mods. If anything looks wrong or broken you can spin it up and see if the dt upgrade tool fixes it.
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also I played deadlock for the first time

no grown ass men to EB
My dude, I don't care if it's realistic or not. I want that shit fixed.
I like the green of this viera.
>no grown ass men to EB
why are you desperate boys unable to take a hint when someone repeatedly fails to reciprocate your flirting and always changes subjects when you try to sexpest and has never once erped with you or shown any interest in it?
it's so hard to make friends with anyone here as they always just pest. I think Uchi is the only person whom I've talked to for more than a few days and hasn't pested me.
are you drunk? perhaps a communist?
very confusing post
>They lied
yeah, sure, three different people lied. one of them isn't even from here and doesn't know the other two. next you'll tell me it's all a secret discord raid.
>Your word as anon isn't proof
you were literally compiling evidence with the same standard, people talking about what other people have done. i'm not airing their names and the fact that you don't already know who they are means you've done this far more than just thrice.
>Being online almost every day doesn't make someone a sexpest
nice strawman. no, it makes you a great candidate to sit on here all day shitposting good people who had the misfortune of turning you down.
>Only 3 people have ever turned me down
if you'll lie through your teeth like this then you're clearly just here to perform, not reform, which is especially ironic since your reputation here has already been in the dumpster for months. learn to take no for an answer and stop being a fucking creep.
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I don't recommend playing the game
too many modders
Are you? What's confusing about it?
>problem exists
>I want it to not exist
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i shan't be doing that
Keep playing Kelvin & run people down bro
i give up on my search
NTA but at this point fixing it would probably mean rebuilding this game from the ground up. This is a derelict, ancient-ass PS3 game for god's sake. What are you possibly expecting? It'd be more realistic to demand SE make a new Final Fantasy MMO that also doesn't have dogshit tab target combat.
>It'd be more realistic to demand SE make a new Final Fantasy MMO that also doesn't have dogshit tab target combat.
yes please
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>shield job icon
>can't equip shields
>yeah, sure, three different people lied.
3 different people you made up in your schizophrenic delusions
>you were literally compiling evidence with the same standard
11 people who were willing to attach their names to it. Why aren't your people willing to? Because they don't exist.
>nice strawman.
You don't know what the word means. You literally just admitted that you had a schizophrenic delusion that tells you that if someone is online a lot then they simply must be giving lots of unwanted sexpesting. You already lost, why are you replying?
You're just pathetic and projecting.
You must not play the game on crystal if you're unaware that tons of people are just as easy as I am. I generally don't even ask someone to ERP unless I'm near certain they'll say yes to it already. Or you're, again, so pathetic that you get turned down so much that you can't imagine someone having far more success than you.
Man, why would I even care? It's just ERP. It's not something to brag about, it's just something I do for fun. You're the one obsessing so much about it and you post about my ERP every day even if I'm not here.
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Hard is the sweet spot, I used to chip away at duo Lunar with a buddy of mine but we only managed to beat Scholar's Nest and only once
I'm preoccupied right now but maybe someday I'll play the rabbit game with you anon
That's an axehead bro ^^
that's an axe head you inbred gorilla retard
Or, I could romanticize my melancholic solitude.
I know you're typing like an idiot to hide your writing style but it makes your arguments look bad
But we all know that won't happen. Japanese would rather sit on their hands and let the chinks and gooks leap ahead of them.
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If This Is True Then Here Is What You Do
Clever bait, you already got two retards.
I think the mod isn't working.. I installed lithe+ but for some reason it only loads half the mod
Do you have bibo+ installed?
>m-merely pretending
he stuttered, his pants soaking with pee
umm but everyone already admits it
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yeah nice try
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>world of hormonecraft
didn't ask about your HRT treatment
I do.
where's the lowlander bench? I got lost guys.
are you doing the 1 block jump for chicken or the 1 block vertical jump for beef, xivg?
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nyo, i am almost completely sane
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Crystal CC 4:45 ET
I want to fry their eggs if you know what I mean
this post made me laugh, RIP
Enable it and set lithe+ at a higher priority than bibo+, if that doesn't work I recommend joining the discord linked in the lithe+ mod description since I'm going to sleep, good luck
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you called?
Look at the nose.
Best race for this kind of feel?
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Have some music to set the mood
ur cute
NTA but lalaboys have darker ears, which this one doesn't
I love sphene
yo I just made my first little bunny, can I join the xivg sync on it
Himbo or Himcess bun?
There have been femlalas with darker ears. But none with a poopnose. It's all about the nose.
How would one set lithe+ higher priority? I think this might fix it.
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I've always been like, 99% sure that I made this incorrect, can you fact check this for me
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t-thanks y-you too
In penumbra when you click on the mod there's a number (0 by default) next to the enable checkbox, that's the priority number. Higher numbers take priority first, so set lithe+ to 1 or higher.
I'm just gonna ask magness to invite and if he doesn't kick me after I load in then I'm there to stay
hey guys, remember primal?
That should work well enough. I haven't run it in years but I ran it enough dozens of times to remember the gist of things. There might be some minor regional variations like "consider the yak platform to be south" or "consider the yak platform to be north", but as long as everyone's on the same page there it fits.
Femlala so you can attract that kind of male character.
Yeah, I still got two houses there.
>attract any male characters
sweet, I put a lot of work into it, like drawing the patterns on the platforms, but at some point I thought that I got it wrong in some way so I never spread it
Hmm thanks for all the help anon but the mod is still fucked.
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Fat Cat Fact #316

Fat Cats are always willing to come together and work towards achieving bigger goals
D-Don't laugh... It's true...
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>You don't know what the word means.
the original quote was:
>>you're online almost all day every day, i'm not going to air their business so you can shitpost them constantly when they're not around.
meaning the fact that you're online constantly is the reason you'll shitpost people who've called you out. that has nothing to do with you being a sexpest and a stalker, which is based on what your victims have said, not on the fact that you have no life outside of the internet. you tried to confuse the two issues to make the argument look stupid. that's a strawman.
>11 people who were willing to attach their names to it
clearly not, or you'd have posted at least some of it by now. and i don't blame them, both for not wanting to be the target of other schizos, and for not wanting to be associated with you, no matter how noble the cause. i'm not offering up the names of friends so you can shit all over them for weeks.
>you're, again, so pathetic that you get turned down so much
can't make this up, projecting immediately after accusing someone else of projecting. i guess being one of the thread untouchables for so long has started to expose your insecurities.
>you post about my ERP every day
swing and a miss. you might be surprised to find there are more than a few people out there who distrust you.
>You already lost
i was calling out bad behavior and asking you to change, not trying to score internet points on a haberdashery forum. but sure, more evidence that you're here to perform, not discuss. but i can see why you're searching for a mic drop moment so you can exit an argument that's doing nothing for you but dredging up your bad acts.
My femra?
Is sad :(
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thanks man
That is a fucking cute pic!! holyyyyy
This is adorable
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Everyone's just gonna report you and you'll get banned from mare dumb fucking retard
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This game being the fossil it is isn't worth money. When will YoshitPiss give Shadowbringers to F2Ps so I can reinstall for Gunbreaker rather than just stir the pot here at this outright zoo for my amusement?
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I'm just a clingy fiera
Who hurt you bbygirl?
someone link the test im not scrolling up
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Crystal CC 9:30 ET
fart on my femras face and you can be as clingy as much as you want
I still visit it in my happiest of dreams
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That mod looks really bad, but pretty fiera otherwise and cute personality disorder
i was about to press queue but I saw it was cloud 9
i did this test months ago i mean the mental illness one
thanks anon
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You're both losers. Please both of you fuck off next thread. We don't need any more ACKSHUALLY arguments about Lorilee being a creep and a pedophile. We settled that weeks ago.
You're the one whose behavior needs to change. You can't even stop hiding behind being an anonymous faggot because you know what you're doing is wrong and that people would crucify you for it if you attached yourself to all this fabricated schizoing that you do.

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