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Thickness scale edition

>Demo Days
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Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

Previous: >>498183525
Reminder that rust is a glowie honeypot.
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come home white man
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shut up
i give up.
>has an unironic policy on trolling
This cant be real... so if i tried to print "i hate trannys" in rust it would just tell me no?
are you fucking retarded
>using imperative languages
Absolutely lmaoing at you brainlets
why would i code and model when i can use blueprints and assets?
Ok so explain how a programming language has a "policy on trolling".
>retards arguing over programming languages
none of you are ever going to finish your engine, let alone make a good game with it
gdscript is the best programming language!
messed up sleep schedule + hurried feeling of needing to do devving for not doing much throughout the day
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it doesn't
this meme was made by a <see below>

why don't you install it and give it a try
and then, when nothing like that ever happens because it's just a normal programming language, you will realize that everyone on 4chan is mentally ill and doesn't know anything about programming, all they do is repost tranny memes and larp about writing C

i know that for a fact because real C/C++ programmers range between "slightly curious about Rust" to "welcomes Rust with open arms"
and nobody, NOBODY gives a shit about culture wars
>Forgetting the original Vrgin vs Chad wasn't meant to be a "thing I hate/like" template
You already failed.
Arguing about programming languages is for second year computer science students, who are by the way the greatest programmers
this only seems like a language argument, it's actually an engine argument, a godot (c++) vs bevy (crust) argument


one tranny
Language does actually matter again once you get really really serious
But mostly not for gamedev
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Give it to me straight guys, did I soul and soulless? I thought I improved it, but someone on /v/ told me that left looks better.
>you will realize that everyone on 4chan is mentally ill and doesn't know anything about programming, all they do is repost tranny memes and larp about writing C
Undermining credibility rather than engaging with substance of your claims, ok tranny
Left looks like something from a cutscene on an arcade machine
Right looks like an Octosoup character
Did i miss anything?
I'd fuck either or both at the same time.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >>498250510
/v/ is stupid.
The right one is better but the black lines are too thick and the edges are pixelated and jagged. You should increase the resolution if you're not gonna have smooth gradiants.
see: >>498250643
/v/ are some of the lowest iq faggots on 4chan. you improved it in nearly every way

the hips/butt look off though, for either. way too wide/i cant tell what its supposed to look like without the lab coat. it is bordering on grotesque, and i love monstergirls/lamia
thanks for the free (You) retard
I like c/c++ more and rust is more trannyish
If Rust was created by the CIA then why did they get the tranny community to push it?
You just answered your own question
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Damn this guy is pretty good, I'll use him as reference, thanks.
Yeeep I completely shit the bed when it comes to drawing stuff covered by clothes, guess I can't skip the first step of drawing a naked version and only then drawing clothes on top.
You're not making sense. The fact that it's spammed by troons is the single biggest factor holding back wider adoption of Rust
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rent free
Is it possible to find hobbyist VAs to voice for my game? I don't have any money, the most I can do is give them a steme key.
Now show us the actual female custodes
Right looks better. Seconding what the other anon said about the thick lines, but I'd have to see it in context of the rest of the game to be sure.
Ok still not gonna use rust. Thanks for playing.
retard tranny
is the tranny in the room with us right now?
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think about some concept ideas for a hacking themed mmo
there's wayyy too many words on this image for me to read even a single bit of it
you should never plan around free work or collaboration. not until you have a proper portfolio
havent spent much time on /agdg/; are you being ironic when you say mmo?
I have my shit ready but it's all placeholdered. I just need proper voiceover.
Unfortunately I can't increase resolution since it's already set and the game is pixel perfect.
The thing about thick outlines, is that I tried "cleaning up the lineart" and I feel like it ends up looking worse, probably because I'm a shit artist and the thickness manages to hide my shitty lines and shaky strokes.
Pic related, left is the "rough version" I make initially, right is the "cleaned up version".
So I've been thinking of using the roughness as a clutch to hide my lack of art skills.
will (you) hoard megascans? how are you going about it?
is a hundred players qualified as mmo?
the game is supposedly kinda turn-based on server side... so I think it doable?
next demoday is in 19 days....?
i don't even have an idea yet...
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>So nuch hair is falling out out that the top of my hair is starting to become see through
Even if i make it now and my game becomes as big as Stardew i wont be able to get any fangirls because who would fangirl for someone bald lets be real.
Its over.
Making the core systems for an MMORPG isn't any more difficult than another kind of RPG. MMOs are just expected to have an insane about of content, because whey would anyone play your MMO when they could be playing WoW, OSRS, or FFXIV? The biggest appeal of MMOs is spending putting a lot of time an effort into establishing yourself in a persistent world, and that world needs a nearly unlimited amount of content to consume to get people to spend that time.
just wear a hat, bro
Side note, C++ is slightly faster than C in most circumstances.
I like both. I think if the entire game is in the thick style then it does have an aesthetic appeal.

Do you have any environments done to show what the character looks like against a background?
kek maybe i used that word wrong
I aint doing shit. I have ultimate blind faith in Timmy
Side note, No.
Anything that merits being extremely fast will no doubt make use of compiler/architecture specifics like intrinsics and SIMD, which isn't exclusive to C nor C++ even though it usually being a C header
The engine part is easy tbqhfm, all it really is is a while(1). The good part is subjective so thats hard to say.
i yield your while, what are u gonna do about it?
did agdg see how gamefreak was cooking? even had c kino
I think in truth it’s a bit different. An MMO needs first and foremost a reason for people to play together, a reason to form groups. Playing through The Witcher, but there are other dudes running around also playing through it - is pointless.
Nowadays the design is mostly to have dungeons with such and such insane scaling in endgame, and rush people into endgame, yadda yadda, and you accumulate gear and mounts to show off and that is your "interaction."
But playing WoW classic hardcore, you notice what an ambitious approach they originally had; so many quests encourage you to make 2-3 people groups on the spot, because otherwise they are slightly too dangerous.
I give up.
Two people downloaded my game yesterday, but it had a malloc(): invalid size (unsorted) in it. Who am I kidding, even if people download my game they don’t play it. So it does not matter.
>someone downloads you game
>leaves no comments or anything
it's all so tiresome
There are a lot (possibly even >50%) of people who play MMOs mostly solo and only group up when absolutely necessary.
>using malloc
found the problem
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The environments are just pixel art, the portraits are there for the characters talking before levels.
Pic related is the last thing I posted here before, can't launch the game now because I'm in the middle of implementing something and shit won't compile.
Your git repo?
Yeah, and that is why designers don’t bother with the original idea anymore. I myself was looking the other day for a simple "WoW but offline" game. (Ended up playing Borderlands.)
But having smaller audience doesn’t mean your game is worse. Obviously companies like to sell subscription and always-online bullshit.
Anyways, in terms of amateur development I think it’s interesting to think about designs that try going back to the roots of just creating adventurous experience with other players.
I couldn't say then. Personally I think >>498252159 B looks fine though, so there's no need to use roughness as a clutch.
You’re game also uses malloc when it runs on Linux.
how do i make my game "fun"
I don't even know how to make a game, let alone how to make one fun.
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wrong. my game uses brk
you should learn how to make a game fun before you make a game
I haven't coded anything in GDscript in a long time but I'm wondering what's changed from Godot 3 to Godot 4. Is it all just interface changes or did GDS change too?
No. I will stay true to the AGDG ideals and Just Like Make Game.
I think Lineage 2 did this very well. (Though it was a korean grinding hell, playing on private servers that were 5x or 10x greatly improved the experience.)
The game had a lot of content that could only be experienced with other players. Every "city" in the game had a castle, and you could conquer that castle with your clan and you could put taxes on the NPC store prices in that city. Of course having the castle also meant having a really cool base for your clan, and a shared warehouse to store materials and items, and above all else, bragging rights.
Not all cities were made equal either, there are "starting cities" for lower levels, which still had castles but they were more modest looking. A clan could only have one castle, so the greater the power of the clan, the bigger the city they aimed for. Meaning that even weaker clans still had to fight each other over weaker castles, instead of high level ones dominating everything.
Also a couple of castles let you have an unique flying mount that could only be used by the clan leader. When I say unique I mean this was the only flying mount in existence and only some 10 people on the server could have it at any given time.

Let's put clans aside, there was also an "Olympiad". The game had 32 player classes and every month the olympiad would decide which player is the best at PvP in his class. You'd have to fight other players in 1 vs 1 duels and the one with most points got a "Hero" status with a special glow, some unique skills, unique items and access to a 10 minute cooldown global chat.

Anyway what I wanted to get at, is that the game really sold you on the "fantasy" of either working together with other players or competing with them. As you were leveling up you'd see the heroes walking around, or clan wars/castle sieges happening, it made you want to participate in those and gave you a reason to level up and team up with other players.
One day I hope I can make a spiritual successor to it.
much better
I think her face is worse because she has even less jaw but the rest is better.
ackshually it's just like make a good game
A lot changed. Mostly class names, decorators like export are now @export, and yield is deprecated in favor of await.
The lighting is better in the bottom one. The candle looks way better than the torch too.
Listen carefully. He says "Just Like Make Game" not "Just Like Make Good Game"
i keep chipping away making progress but i have to often think about the finish line and the worst part of game dev which is the release, shilling your game and the likely coming flop ;_;
it's hard to keep motivated when i know i'm basically very likely wasting time
u could just allocate the memory statically in the executable and ONLY use that memory too
your executable would balloon to 100MB+ though
If you are proud of either the game you made then it won't be a waste of time even if it flops. There is value in creating something.
Why can't a Resource have a Node variable.
I dunno, I'm torn. I liked the rugged light from earlier flame better. The couch and the tile floor are better though.
Resources are pure data that can be serialized and saved. Nodes in the scene tree cannot be saved like that. PackedScenes (scene files) are Resources though, and those can be variables in a Resource.
i am having hard time aligning models between blender and unity, like say i have two human models in blender and i make animations where they interact and then export separately each one of them into unity, how the fuck do i align them to be in exact same positions relative to each other as they were in blender?
Anyone else at godotcon in Berlin?
See >>498255343
You'd like to make a living making games? Of course. That's the dream. But if you aren't enjoying it for its own sake then you might as well just be working another part time job.
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How does he make a map without an editor?
Fucked up by only half completing my thought. Meant to say either the game you made, or the effort you underwent to make it.

Even if the end product isn't perfect, the skills you developed or improved to make it also have value.
the error literally tells you they don't work together
you are brown
with a very, very big for loop...
It just is what it is. I tried pretty much everything, having a dedicated work computer and dedicated leisure PC helped a bit. Plus I exercise.
Not even close, just living with my mom. I do chores and cook at least.
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>clones your entire game
nothing personnel kid
Will we finally be able to run every game possible through these so they can make games?
>unlimited amount of content
meanwhile in reality people pay to skip to max level in WoW and farm the same 3 dungeons all day
The max level skip is mostly for players with IRL friends who talked them into raiding. They'll inevitably quit after a few weeks. Very few long-term players will buy those. The leveling process is most of the fun for many people.
Make games?
The fun is the loot waiting.
I love the thic lines, I would suggest using them more as shadow under that coat.
Does anyone else understand the horror of slowly coming to this realization?
>The larger you draw her breasts, the more of her midriff is lost.
I couldn't understand why her torso visibility kept shrinking for the longest time. I tried to make her waist/stomach longer, but then her legs are now too short. And if you make the legs longer in reaction to that, her breasts become small again. What is the ideal balance?
Dude the thick lines are good but you can't just place them randomly, I would make the lines thin on the inside and on parts that face the light. In parts that are shadowed make the lines thicker.
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I like right a lot more, it has a lot more personality than left, which looks more generic.
Preddy good idea actually, I kept thinking the inside part of the coat looks bad but I didn't know what to do about it, that might actually work.
What if a game where
Girls are pearls
Boys are oranges
Do it the One Piece way and make the tiddies massive balloons that don't sag so they don't cover the midriff
it's a game where you take your meds
I don't know about roughness being a 'crutch.' On the opposite extreme end you would have perfect, evenly smoothed out lines that look too corpo/soulless. Especially if everyone else is also going for professional graphic-designer-tier lines to impress other artists, and then you end up lumped in with everyone else's generic anime look. Your rougher versions do have a lot of character, that scribbly torch lighting looks nice despite not looking as realistic as the newer version. I don't think I've ever seen that kind of lighting style done before.
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No but I understood the horror of drawing a sexy muscular woman and then realizing that putting clothes on her will cover them up and she'll just look normal.
muscular women are not sexy
you're gay
I told my doctor about my tulpa and he prescribed me meds but i threw out the prescription into the trash.
Can he see if i bought the meds or not?
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Can't you give her a sleeveless shirt or even a sports bra? Or have her wear something form fitting like yoga/gym pants
Maybe have her clothes shred off as she flexes when she enters combat. It could be like a magical girl transformation but it's a muscle girl transformation.
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You can now lock doors if you have the right key and levitate, it also acts as a slowfall. Levitation is going to cause problems when designing levels but I'll deal with that when the time comes
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Don't fear the thic =D
What is this? Looks cool
I have no experience making games but i want to make a massively multiplayer open world roguelike metroidvania survival crafting rpg game with farming sim and rhythm game elements. I needs amazing graphics and music and on every platform available. just need someone to code it and make assets and market it and make music. can't pay now, but will when it starts making tons of money.
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i dont know who to ask and im about to cry (ive only cried once before past the age of 12)
should i drop out of compsci in order to work on my game? it's taking time away form what I really want to do and no im not a fucking zoomer i have to do something quick

should I
>drop out of compsci because mathlet and get all my time back
>switch to easier degree without math like business administration instead and get half my time back and have piece of paper

i already have years of work exp but they wont fucking hire me because i dont even have a 2 year degree
The final iteration of Mongol, an Rpg.
cool I gave it a wishlist
Game dev is a hobby, you should not be sacrificing other portions of your life for it.
yes, he's in your walls
Me, the "silent room" smells like shit don't go there.
>should i drop out of compsci in order to work on my game?
You should drop out in order to become a plumber.
Damn, thanks fren. You're probably one of the nicest people around. I legit get shit on all the time. Hearing something good is refreshing.
lets be real gamedev does not require fucking calculus but thank you i will keep going i just want to work on my game bruh
Well fuck me, guess I have some studying to do, thanks.

If you're there, post some pics guys.
how long was necrovaledev working on his game for? i remember he used to post prog here and now im seeing his game being featured on some indie game channels (even best indie games!)
She looks like she'd come home from work incredibly angry, drunk, and smelling of cigarettes. She'd demand sex to relieve stress, but only be satisfied once she's turned it into rape that isn't in your favour.
but there are professional gamedevs and careers within the industry
To be fair, the math used in game dev is so different. It's no real comparison. If shaders don't filter you, you're already more of a game dev than anything.
This looks like something I would have stumbled upon accidentally over a decade ago, but when recalling it would struggle to remember if it was real or a fever dream, and I mean that only positively.

Career game deving is poorly paid in relation to any other equivalent skilled coding role, and realistically if you're posting here you're interested in making your own game, not being the tiniest of abused cogs in someone else's.
i can literally just take formulas from the internet that gives me all the lerping i need i cant do that during an exam
>Career game deving is poorly paid in relation to any other equivalent skilled coding role, and realistically if you're posting here you're interested in making your own game, not being the tiniest of abused cogs in someone else's.
i just want to be part of the process in order to learn at work and apply to my game. if i get hired i dont plan to work long term anyways. for instance imagine being able to work on a nintendo game you would be able to learn a ton about visual feedback
why is it easier to come up with a solution for other peoples problems than your own...
because you don't have to implement them and realise it doesn't work
for life advice its easier because most of the hard work is involved in taking the steps to get there
I worked in the industry for some AAA company. I hated the mandatory diversity training bullshit meetings we had occasionally (yes it was a legit thing, basically some fag telling us about how we shouldn't rape women and be racist to indians at work or whatever, that was before Covid though, around 2019) but the skills I gained and connections I made were 100% worth it. It was also just generally fun to play games over beer and pizza Friday evening with a bunch of other nerds. I'd always take that kind of lifestyle over being some banking programmer in a professional environment. There are some things that money can't buy.
(Of course I quit and went indie because I still would rather make my own studio, the colleagues were nice but answering to a boss who has to answer to a man in a suit who has never played a game in his life and just wants to see numbers go up becomes grating.)
tl;dr if you can get a foothold in a company absolutely go for it for a couple of years is my advice.
You know, seeing the scrapped pokemon designs really makes you realize they aren't that good. I almost feel inclined to work on a monclone now.
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How the fuck did he do it?
He made Harvest Moon for PC
Repeat after me:
Is it that difficult?
Yasuhiro Wada?
>t. mutilated penis
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Harvest Moon but you take over your grandpa's card shop
>mandatory diversity training bullshit meetings
that exists in every corpo job
>a couple years
depending on the pay i would just stay until i got what i needed out of it, basically to steal for my own game
What’s with the sudden rise in 2024? I thought the game peaked during COVID?
why didn't (you) make ufo 50?
i dont have the skills, or the passion.
I didnt feel like it.
2024 is when "cozygames" peaked with normalfaggots on tiktok
12 flops was enough. I didn't need 50.
Invectives. Nice, you fear arguing because you know I'm right.
BTW, I'm french and we, our American bros and us, are so delighted that your version of English is not the international one. Long live America.
we've moved from deckbuilding to dicebuilding trend
It became a trend on tiktok.
Give it a month or less for the zoomers to jump to the next thing and it will return to old numbers.
>cozy-likes are actually a thing that's new
i thought anon was fucking around
i fucked up
missed the train
NTA, are you trying to say you're black?
How do i make a game that will blow up on tiktok.
quick, when is the time for point'n click adventure games resurgence?!
Those games have a very steady playerbase, if your game is even halfway decent a couple of them will play it. But how many pointyclick devs actually made it big?
wow this game is filtering me hard
if your game is easy to make why the fuck would i want to play it when i can just make it myself?
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>your game will never get so big till the point where trillion-dollar media conglomerates like Disney start ripping you off and jumping on the trend you started
It’s over
I am trying to develop a modular environment for my tank game but this is the hardest thing in gamedev
I don't know what enviroment this should be - more industrial with concrete, asphalt, metal?
or maybe a natural grass, dirt and rocks as obstacles
I don't know what colors to use
I make some ground textures in substance designer but they all seem so grim and dark and too repetitive
but I need a modular system and also more square-ish enviroment with straight walls and corners

I don't know how to design this all
The only game that sorta does what I want is Synthetik, but they have much more detailed and diverse assets so it's hard to compare

do you guys know any games that have this top-down 3D perspective and the environments are more like arenas?
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fuck forgot screen
>NTA, are you trying to say you're black?
From pathetic to more pathetic. I feel rage coming from your side of the Channel.
Apparently the mobile version has an equal, if not greater amount of players because of tiktok zoomers >>498261924
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being a privileged nepobaby with no morals like barone must be nice, me? i just drive
>can’t make a cozygame because am artlet
It was over before it even began. No one will play an ugly game and think it’s cozy.
Should you put Cris into your end credits as "Special Thanks"?
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Daily reminder to shout nigger out your opened house window if you want your game to be as successful as Eric's.
>can't make a videogame because am codelet
Is it over?
I guess i could make a board game or something.
Am i still a game developer if i do that though?
Of course.
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My engine is ready. Now, it's time to code the game.
ive been doing this every day for the past 8 years and im still an unsuccessful chud
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Its time.
Post your game NOW.
I love that /agdg/ is literally the only place online that shits on Eric Barone.
Anywhere else it's forbidden to criticize him in the slightest because of the SDV cultists.
8 more years
...cris? Are u ok?
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if your an artlet come up with a better game idea

you have no excuse
because eric is a regular here
no doubt he's lurking right now
btw barone if you're reading this you kikefaced ratnosed lucky fucking piece of shit, fuck and your shitty game
i hope it wont be long before your lefty fanbase finally discovers just what a chud you truly are by the end of this year.
those republican donation receipts arent gonna hide themselves. and i believe everything podunkian says about you.
It's mostly just jealousy. He's the lucky dev who made it out of agdg a multimillionaire indie superstar while everyone else here is slogging their shitgames along
What does he say?
Use AI to get concepts, fuck the naysayers, it's a fucking tool
because he's a faggot who likes to give false hopes to everyone here
>"never give up"
yeah fuck off I should've given up 5 years ago. fuck you eric. not everyone can be as lucky as you.
Alright, I'm awake. Time to waste the last day of my weekend posting on 4chan.
This, the reason I dislike him is the hypocrisy with the fake-niceness for reddit brownie points, so heckin wholesome mr nigger shouter.
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>should I become a broke, unemployed loser or have a stable programming job with gamedev as hobby?
bro notch is a BILLIONAIRE and he's liked here. ofc making minecraft is way more impressive than stardew
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I'm adding new NPCs.
I used AI to mashup a title screen for my game and it's kino. Will get a real artist redo it and tidy it up and fix some perspective problems when I make my steam page
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Arthur will drop a nuke that will end his career.
Internet is full of all kinds of basic exercises you could do if you weren't black
NTA but are you a neet? I don't see how else anyone could idolize having a job like this unless they were a neet.
Because notch didn't sellout. He made his billions, and is still acting like a polchud on twitter. We can at least respect that.

Eric on the other hand likes to LARP like he's a 'le heckin wholesome xD' plebbitor while behind closed doors he acts like your stereotypical 4chudcel, because he IS a 4chudcel.

Even Scott Cawthorn didn't LARP like Eric did and stood by his beliefs. Spineless fuck.
>2024 is when "cozygames" peaked
lol what? you're half a decade too late. There are still people making cozy game, but the true peak was in 2019-2020. Back then studios were practically repackaging literal children's games for adults.
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post em
lil bro there was a specific trend of playing cozygames on tiktok in winter 2023/2024, i bet you don't even know about christian girl autumn either, gramps
I'm too embarassed
have a stable programming job with gamedev as hobby
thats about 3 years away when i can release a game in under 2 years
I dont have a steam page i put my gane on itchyio because i know for sure my game wouldnt make back the 100$ so i dont have wishlists
ive had -3 at worst i think
I actually did not know that, Reyaansh. Thank you for enlightening me. Good morning and many blessings to you.
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about average
Like what.
Name them.
i kneel
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rakastan kahvi
>Because notch didn't sellout.
which was that game anon made with the pixel art sprite 3d roguelite/dungeoncrawler?
I assume you aren't trying to code your own engine from scratch, so a good start could be the godot tutorials "Your first 2/3d game" if that sounds like your engine.

Another fast way to check out many languages is codewars.com, they have thousands of user submitted exercises and courses, and dozens of languages to select.

Or https://www.learn-c.org/ to get familiar with the basics, which should translate to other languages.

You could clone the git repo of some opensource game like Cataclysm.

OR you could read the OP.
(It might help if you were more specific about what exactly it is that you want to do.)
yea that's it, thanks
>You literally have to become an architect to make buildings/levels
I hate this hobby so much.
Im trying to invent a new type of experience.
I cant explain it its something that exists only inside my head so i cannot show you and cannot be put into words so i cannot tell you.
You should make a game based on your strengths, why are you making a level heavy game if you suck at level design and don't enjoy it? Where do you people come from
This isn't true at all. Video game levels are just hollowed out boxes that don't have to consider structure or circulation or anything that goes into making a real building that will actually exist IRL. You can make up and fake so much shit in level design.
I would suggest that 'sellout' is not a verb.
Notch didn't sell out, therefore he's not a sellout.
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In my quest for originality, I thought emptiness...
The billboard enemies and items bother me more and more as everything else looks nicer. At this point, to match the levels, you'd need enemies with more polys than Half Life did, not 90s Doom/Wolfenstein sprites.
somebody tell this old man to chill
Fucking sick. This'll be interesting to try.
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In a first from the /v/3 staff, we will be hosting a second game jam and livestream presentation for 2024! The /v/erdict will be a mini presentation featuring new games and updates from developers of both /v/ and /AGDG/, we encourage everyone to participate as always!

The /v/erdict is gonna feature a more laid back style where we rapid fire game trailers and interview hand picked game developers, aiming for a 2004 G4 vibe. Shitpost and fangame submissions will be not accepted this time around, we have the main show for that. The only real challenge we task submitters with (besides having a cool looking game of course!) is to submit their trailers in a 4:3 aspect ratio resolution, as the final stream will recorded on an authentic VHS recorder and broadcasted in a square box!

The airdate for the livestream will be November 30th at 6pm EST | 9pm PST | 5PM CT on YouTube and other platforms TBA

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we are so back
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Grow up. Welcome to the real world. We all can't have sugar mommas, like Eric.
There's more than one of us believe it or not. in fact I'm not even running this side show we're doing I'm just helping design characters and advertising this time around well I do all the prep for the 2025 show
>i can release a game in under 2 years
But will it be profitable?
probably finish your studies. college is usually a meme, unless its STEM
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dare I even ask what his "toy update" is about?
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i did not made any progress past 36 hours lmao
If my game sells a lot and i earn a lot of money will the Hawk Tuah girls finally reply to my messages.
I'm asking because I have a job. I can't imagine anyone with a job genuinely believing their current circumstances are better than being a neet. Having a job does absolutely nothing for me but provide me with money with which I can subsist on by buying groceries and paying rent. Being a neet and getting neetbucks would give me the exact same thing, only I wouldn't be burning 9 hours every day sitting in an office wishing I was dead. A job is massive obstacle to ever finishing a game. The amount of free time you realistically have to work on your game in a week is the same amount of free time a neet would have in less than 2 days.
It will make a decent amount of money because i have the juice i know what games i like and i know what people with my tastes like
it'll take me 3 years minimum im just hoping to get some work in between related to pressing keys on a keyboard
It's a hobby space game he's making but it sucks so he doesn't want to call it a game
Ok, good. My mind went to the worst case scenario.
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I know where your mind went
>be reasonably attractive young woman
>get photographed in public, become a thirst trap meme
>now you can't allow your photo to be taken even at home while "relaxing" without 30 minutes plus worth of makeup applied
he's probably participating in IvySly's toyjam (it's a big deal)
damn ms Tuah is stacked
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Yeah, I hate my fucking job like everyone else.
How will you support yourself during those years?
i have enough savings to last me 10 years for rent govt cheese pays for my food and education
Name 5 agdg games that don’t look like complete ass.

I can’t.
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Mostly DD submissions with barely any gameplay
The consequences of technology have been a disaster for our species and planet.
Holy hell this is retarded. I'll admit I just flipped through to various points in the video, but she's literally just repeating the most basic first semester architectural theory points right down to putting Zumthor on a pedestal like every other freshman does. She gives off the vibe of the average woman who goes to architecture school because she likes the "aesthetic" of studying architecture and doesn't actually give a shit about the practice.
I also have an M.Arch, maybe I could get a bullshit job giving these retarded presentations to game designers. I'm not an attractive young woman though so I can't help but feel like my opportunities won't be as broad as hers.
Im so sick of hand painting all my textures... maybe I should just... subscribe to substance painter...
>quixel mixer
Never heard of that before.
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If I've only ever made 2d games, should I bother learning 3d? Are 3d workflows faster than 2d ones?
fuck off
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
i make a game (shitty prototypes) based on the easiest assets and blueprints i can get for free on the marketplace
Yes. Absolutely yes.
I just photobash a bunch of stock textures for the body and use thispersondoesntexist for the face and put them through a bunch of filters to stylize them and slightly touch them up.
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I started playing Gothic 2 for the first time. I finally get it now.
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>he vanished again
Why are you so obsessed with one scene. Who gives a fuck how this one scene looks. Is your whole game 1 scene? I've seen this 10 times stretching back months and months.
I liked their original concept for Gothic 2 better but i understand why they went with the 2nd idea for the sake of sales.
Reminder that being a game developer is hideously unattractive to women, unless you're in a managerial position. This has been field-tested on literally dozens of first dates.
That's just how long it takes to do anything in Godot
probably that's all he has
Depends how old you are. Women see it as a lottery ticket if you're young and cool. If you're balding and 39 years old, it's not that cool anymore. Like, why haven't you made it yet? Why are you talking to women instead of making it? What are you doing? You're wasting time, yet you want this woman to believe in you? Your lottery ticket isn't worth anything.
I remember back in the old days we had a dev making a Gothic-like. Those times are gone now.
She's not coming back, anon. Raising a child takes a lot of time and attention.
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It's on me pal. And why don't you grab a handful of those Megascan textures on your way out?
I'm a real C/C++ developer that's been using them professionally for a decade and a half. My first reaction to stuff like Rust and Zig knowing nothing about troon involvement was "Huh someone tried to make a better C++. Dweeb shit. Also bet it's not anyway. I will never use this."
My bad, I should have worn a condom but she begged me not to.
Maybe when her kid grows up a bit and is ready for school she will come back once she has a lot more free time.
Being an unsuccessful game developer is unattractive. Keyword unsuccessful. An unsuccessful man is unattractive.
I want to make tiles that break underneath ya feet, do I use tilemaps or make some other shit?
damn what a nodev
off the top of my head

@onready var a
@export var b
await get_tree().create_timer(3).timeout #replacing the old yield

Always was a grifter

>on unity payroll to promote their engine
>unitybucks run dry, he decides to give up instead of doing something with his 1.8 mil sub channel
>unity fiasco happens
>"maybe i can cash-in on their collapse and become their opposition's shill"
>promote godot out of nowhere because "it is open source"
>completely give up as soon as unity gets its shit together

I could tell there was something wrong with his content due to how it felt like he was advertising unity features (even the shitty/worthless ones) instead of genuinely teaching about them because they were useful
im an asian gamedev
Put on a dress.
i'm an indonesian gamedev
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>Quixel DDO NDO 3DO was 14 years ago
I wasted $40 on this

read this book
does your game take place in high school
Oh... it's an Epic app... Yeah I'm not down with that... Sorry.
put on a hijab
I hate new years and callendars because they remind me another year passes and im 1 year closer to death and 1 year far away from the past the past that i miss.
I have a sticker over the corner of my screen where it shows the date.
I'm a trans gamedev

I use Godot btw
actually my nationality will be the last thing people will expect me from considering the nature of my game
i can spot an indonesian game from a mile away
rent free
That game has lot of artistry going on tho
Starting gamedev as a 37 year old is practical and a good idea
The fact that you're here is a more defining trait than your nationality, Indonesians love vtumors for some reason
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>+5 daily wishlists
I fear when I'm in my 30s I'm going to have a moment of clarity and realize I'm a grown ass man still obsessed with making video games and blow my brains out to spare myself the embarrassment of such an existence.
How to not overthink/over-analyze things? How do you convince yourself to stop working on something and move on to the next task?
By breaking down how easy it is to implement this "next task" that you want to prioritize
give yourself deadlines
Unironically by having friends and other people you can talk to. Spending all your time alone indoors is how you become a prisoner of your own thoughts.
Won't happen, we live in a clown world where our taxes are going to kikes larping as brown people from 4th century BC, you'll rationalize your gamedev dreams if it means not having to work a 9-5.
It appears Truth will channel through here.
Timmy forgives you
>you'll rationalize your gamedev dreams if it means not having to work a 9-5
By the time I'm in my mid 30s AAA games will come with built in generative AI that constantly creates new characters, plot elements and dialogue options to keep campaigns going to as long as the player wants and tailoring it specifically to their desires. There will be no way for me to compete with such games and there won't be any reason for players to stop playing them either. Indie game development is only going to be relevant for a few more years before we'll have lost the technological arms race to AAA.
I can't wait for AI for generating 3d models and their textures so much
i like developing games but i definitely hate myself for playing them and have wasted so many hours doing so
But having played them helps you make better games.
People have told me my game is Gothic like. But I've never played gothic. I'd like to, but I assume it's a giant piece of shit by modern standards.
Even correcting for that. If I say I'm a programmer it's night and day. The best results I got was saying I'm a project manager, but the sample size is like 5 or 6 so...
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I have found that human proportions can be drawn using the diagonals of a square.


>The best results I got was saying I'm a project manager, but the sample size is like 5 or 6 so...

Don't quote me and then dumb down what I say. Time matters.
>I'd like to, but I assume it's a giant piece of shit by modern standards.
Going back to play old games is like eating real bread after a lifetime on only consuming sugar filled Wonderbread. Your taste buds will be so conditioned to that super sweet tasting fake bread that at first the real stuff is going to taste like shit, but gradually as you eat more of it you'll learn to appreciate the texture and subtle earthy taste. I know, food analogy, but that's the best way I can describe the feeling of playing games that are from before the times of when game developers starting directly target the adrenal gland's dopamine release systems.
I responded to the right person, but the quote is wrong here. It's the "muh unsuccessful" part is what I responding to.
say you create interactive media
problem solved
The steam version is a one time fee for a lifetime license.

Is not worth your time; it takes a supercomputer to run, has an obtuse workflow and is basically abandonware at this point. Substance was such an improvement that it felt like a generational leap in technology. It's not magic though, if you're not doing a realistic PBR workflow then it's not going to help you.
Why does everyone here hate anime?
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This already exists.
I thought this was no longer supported?
why'd you delete it dingodev? I thought it was cool
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she's so beautiful and talented. I'm sad her game only got a few hundred sales after years and money spent on artists.
You can use real tools, or you can waste your time with half baked broken shit that hasn't improved in half a decade. Fucking godot, why did I ever trust that shit.
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Updated recently
I haven't tried it but since it's free I'll give it a go
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It's interesting her game did so poorly though. It looked really good and had a trailer and social media.
It's not free
If I pirate substance painter will adobe ever find out?
what are his games again? can anyone point me to a game brackeys has made? surely /agdg/ wouldn't take advice from a nodev, right?
just use krita
>only got a few hundred sales
page has 300 reviews, aka 6k-10k sales
she doesn't need any of your nodev pity
Substance Painter is for 3D models
20k reviews = 700k copies sold based on blazblue entropy
bruh how am I supposed to become a multi millionaire with these numbers ....
>Dad invited me for dinner
Two things might happen:
>He kills me
>I kill him in self-defense and get arrested for it
At least one has a chance of not totally fucking up my game's development.
the game is price at 20usd
20$ for a RTS-metroidvania-vampiresurvivors-visualnovel-like??? it's over
i'd rather play FirstPersonMap
what the fuck are you talking about
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She doesn't compare to the true queen of AGDG.
>not taking ThirdPersonMap and attaching the camera to the head
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Adding some unhoused representation to my game
orly, she did cosplay work, some of her pictures are stunning.

But who is that?
Ewww those tats
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Why did this do so poorly despite the great pixel art?

I've come to the conclusion that I'm a consolefag at heart and the genres I want to make will not sell well on steam.
Is there any place that analyzes indie sales data for consoles in a clear way like Chris Zukowski does for Steam?
"TreeFall studios" makes baby's first puzzle and platformer games and seems to be selling well (claims they make 5 figures each accross switch and PS4, won't name exact numbers to not violate NDA). This is way more revenue than the average Steam indie, it's in genres that perform poorly on steam (ones I like to make), and it's consistent.
Is making small scope games aimed at console audiences the way?
I fucking hate rgb lights
Spent 10 minutes trying to figure out why my new pc didn't start and it's because the start button was hidden like a secret lever in a villains hideout and the buttons that are usually in ALL other normal systems power and restart was now "Change RGB Light Mode" and "Change Color" as if that was a feature i would regularly use.
picrel TreeFall Studios game. Tell me you can't make this in 2-4 months. Apparently if you make simple slop like this, you get $10k+
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>female protagonist
Every time
I'm starting to think sitting in front of a computer all day with no mental stimulation is slowly killing my brain.
Do you think the guy who wrote this is still alive?

; 1.40 06/15/82 Tree structured directories. XENIX Path Parser MKDIR CHDIR
; RMDIR Xenix calls
I always play male so I can self insert but I don't see what's wrong with the girls in that image like people were sperging about. They look hot
where would a lazy, social-media-hating dev find out about current trends he could capitalize on?
>replaying Oni and now I want to make a 3rd person fighting game
just let me finish something for once please
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Why are artists/creative people always so horny? Almost every single /agdg/ dev is on the gooner spectrum too
Woah, Damaskus dev is making a 3D furry game?
Almost everyone is a gooner, some just hide their powerlevel better than others.
Maybe stop playing games then?
I put on hold all movies, anime and video games so I don't contaminate my game story with new ideas. I just watch videos of animals and nature for recreation. (And read 4chan)
He who doesn't learn from the tragedy of yanderedev is doomed to repeat it.
any scientific evidence to back that up?
Sticking to plan and failing to execute it was Yanderedev's doom. That and getting distracted by everything.
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Being in your 30s is nice. When you're in your 20s, you're constantly struggling to meet some expectations. Parents, Society, the expectations you have for yourself. People want to be successful entrepreneurs by the time they're 25, they want to be Eric Barone or Mark Zuckerberg or something. When you're 30, your decade starts back over at zero, but you're more able to do what you want to do without psyching yourself out. I will never start a successful business by the time I'm 25 because I'll never be 25 again. You just learn to embrace the Dao and you can focus on making the best game you can instead of achieving these arbitrary time-based goals. You can really get on with your life once you're in your 30s
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I'm going to major in Game Development with a focus on Game Design at Full Sail University!
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Take the good with the bad
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reminder for all enginedevs.
where do I get a gooner gf (biological female)
assembly is a waste of time having to write boilerplate when that's not even the bottleneck
when the compiler provides you with a header for almost assembly like functions to optimize the hotspot functions

From my personal experience of learning art, I've been staring so long at naked women to learn how to draw their proportions and anatomy properly, that naked bodies became boring to me and now I need stronger content to get off.
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>(biological female)
>(biological fe-male)
>(biological Fe-male)
>(biological Iron male)
Why aren't you making games for kids?
I have some ideas for gags that would be pretty funny but they're immersion breaking so I'm struggling against my inner clown if I should add them or not
strong imagination and mental imaging skills = pubescence imagining high quality erotic scenes. These are also the skills necessary to develop interesting ideas in general. Kind of interesting that the overlap here suggests creativity will continue to become more prolific due to the urge to procreate being so high.
breaking the 4th wall is a sign of KINO
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LMAO, the goal posts simply change in your 30's.
>when are you going to get married?
>when are you going to burden yourself with a million dollar loan to buy a house?
>when are you going to settle down and have kids?

Fuck you, I never got a chance to live thanks to you. I've been settled the whole fucking time. You basically spend your 30s telling your parents they don't get to live vicariously through you anymore.
My parents have already given up on me.
Why aren't you making games for kids?
They never really give up hope, boomers got everything they ever wanted. You not giving them more toys is antithetical to their world view.
I'm so close, but armor is half as effective against fast characters as I want it to be while scaling perfectly with stronger weapons for some reason.
It's not immersion breaking if the character that breaks the fourth wall WOULD break the fourth wall because it's in character for them.
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You act like this is exclusive to nerds and not known and critically acclaimed artists people like.
If you're going to draw anatomy, it's important that you're genuinely interested in it.
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this incredibly low effort game that probably took like a month to make already has 500+ reviews.
how does that make you feel?
just like post progress
well it is unique
new blood interactives slogan is we hate money
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>Finding out Pokemon devs are gooners and furries
Context? It doesn't surprise me at all but I'm curious why someone made this meme.
Time to make a multiplayer rogue-like rod-builder
I just have to buff armor in a way that doesn't affect str only dex opponents.
Inaccurate, you should be doing both simultaneously. He should be climbing the mountain (gamedev) while solving a rubik's cube (marketing) with his feet.
Bad analogy. There's nothing at the top of the mountain.
posting about frazzetta on /ic/ was forever tarnished because of his bbc shit lol.
a gf is waiting for you up there
Why aren't you making games for kids?
Hmm, I can appreciate this cosplay very much. Armpits on full display with a hint, a rumor, of a puss flash. Delicious. What is the name of this fair maiden?
its indie game developer renee gittins
PvP Megaman.
Estimated 150k in sales for the Potions game... Not bad. I wonder if she'll give up on the risky cosplay now that she's established.
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I'm making a morrowclone and I'm figuring out how I want to make stats / perks work. What do you think is more interesting or fun nowadays? A system like morrowind where increasing your stats just gives you things overtime just by having the stats? Such as increasing your agility by 1 will increase your swing rate by 1%, increase your lockpicking skill by 1, and increase damage with agile weapons by 1%?

Or having perks where on level up instead of stat allocation you would have a perk system where a starting point would give you an agility point which only increases your damage by 1% but down one lane after a few allocations you could choose to unlock novice locks, while going another path would make it so you dodge 10% better?
>giving up your hobby because you're made
Oh, she made Fae Farm? Looks like that made millions. Nice to see her succeed.
Post current Morrowclone progress?
Whatever you do, don't copy the part where your weapon just goes through the enemy without any feedback when you miss.
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>assets to make a AAA game
Holy shit

how do you code walking between doors when both sides of the door are in different scenes
What kind of person writes posts like these?
I'm 99% I'm just going with a perk system. Skip all the bullshit, pick out fun upgrades, enjoy game.
Those aren't exactly poor numbers. Not a runaway success, but for a small team that's an acceptable result.
>but for a small team that's an acceptable result.

Action slaves deserve a true RP experience like Morrowind.
Fair :D
my game is a certified flop
my slop is a certified best seller's
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>family is forcing me to spend time with my gen alpha causing
>he is homeschooled, has autism, and spends all of his time online or playing games
>screeches so loud I can't work on my projects
This is insufferable.
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>not making assets yourself
Alright so the obvious solution was if the weapon is a lower tier than the armor then the armor is doubly as effective and that seems to work on paper but in practice the armor guy wins 66% of the time instead of 50% but if that armor guy traded his heavy armor for a heavy weapon then the dex guy wins 75% of the time (they would win at the same time it's just that the dex guy goes first). It's mostly balanced simply you just can't be mediocre relative to your opponent you must be better.
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does rebecca ferguson know about this?
You're making a morrowclone too?
Meant cousin, fuck man I can't type today
now you know how we feel
You can't build your career expecting all your games will be hits
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An addendum I just thought about with this. Doing the perk system would alienate making different builds. For example in the stat based version, a person making a warrior type class could still dip their points into agility to increase their swing rate. In the perk example that same warrior class might still want to go into the agility tree to get a perk that gave a 10% swing timer increase but all the agility points would be wasted unless they decided to use agility weapons, in which case all the strength points they used in that tree would be moot. Could there be a workaround for that? Is this why skyrim skipped this step and only went between the choice of stamina, health, mana?
Go watch inside out 2 with him
Why aren't you making games for kids?
>comparing character creator characters and established characters
Try to teach him some basic coding
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Looks like an aids version of Sage Northcutt.
tell him blender is a fun game for smart people, you will get eternal free assets
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>the future of all my lineage and family tree depends on my ability to make a successful game
what the actual fuck is this
Sort of. It'll be 2d though. Not entirely open world. More of a confined area. People compared it to Gothic when I gave a more full explanation. But I do want stats, rpg mechanics. And I just feel like for my game at least, just having them unlock fun abilities makes more sense other systems.
I'll take that as a compliment, because he does look kinda gay I have to admit but I like edginess
>caring about some useless stuff instead of focusing on making a good game
I am retarded kids can play they'll just get the bad end.
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Quick gamedev hustle tip
I've seen enough mobile games / apps with a nice profit that I can clone and make a better version of. No it's not that saturated, just use meta/fb ads if you can
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No nekoferi progress post for now until i really implement the activity system right. I keep rewriting it over and over again but maybe this time im getting close. (i should really make a flowchart on how things should work step by step)

Art collab with kannadev is going well. Its solid colors for now but i already like it.
Gamefreak leak from a senior concept artist as shown a lot of gooner shit in their pokemon designs, including shit like pokemons raping women
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>tfw you have no friends to test your 2 players game
Ya I'm just talking shit with the boys. I hope you continue getting great at 3d modelling or whatever this is classified as.
>I am retarded
Yes, you are
wtf is this
>AIslop concept art
based lol

>mobile game
ngmi lol
Did you really make this engine anon? What language did you use?
>Art collab with kannadev
Can't wait to see what kind of cute game you both will come up with this time.
>Did you really make this engine anon?
>What language did you use?
C++ (SDL + OpenGL)
lol, you never released a game on mobile did you? you get 9 minutes of visibility on Google play when you release, the amount of ads you need to run to offset that is not something the average solodev can afford
secondly mobile players don't care about "better games" lol
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: I guess the levels are fine, so cutscenes could be worked now.
my game idea is too hard to code, i give up.
it's over.
You never need to market a game if you actually make it good. A genuinely good game markets itself.
https://youtu.be/DiF9RmZ_xtM our girl is streaming right now
did you figure this out
lets hear it
depending on the game topic i can code it for you for free in godot
desu i might make my game a mobile only release lol, the bar is literally so low, and what i'm offering is like deltarune morrowind gta, my game might actually crash the mobile game market
She's polish? That explains the enginedev.
>learned me how to code
cute guy
kek I posted her link a few weeks ago expecting one of y'all incels to do exactly this
a game where you can leave a house and then the game positoins you on the appropriate exit in the overworld, like an rpg
and vice versa so going into a door puts you in the room your supposed to go into
this is the perfect woman
He just screams all the time and he lacks the ability to calm himself down. My grandparents raise him and my Grandmother says he can't help it, so over the years he's just gotten worse and worse to the point that he can't even go out in public. I honestly fear he'll become a lolcow someday and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

His only true interest is playing video games. He doesn't care about how they work or anything like that, only playing them. From the age of 3 he has had access to youtube and smartphones. The is access is barely monitored. But at the same time the kid is about to be a preteen but he is so isolated that he doesn't know what a quesadilla, burrito, or tortilla is when I offered. And we live in fucking Texas. He also spouts a bunch of words and phrases from YouTubers constantly, he never stops, but he doesn't understand what he is saying when asked. Shit's crazy. This is the kind of problem I don't think I can fix.

I seriously worry about this next generation. They can't even speak clearly, it's just jumbled-up garbage.

At least I'm coherent ... most of the time. And you can't hear me. And you can get rid of me by closing your browser or filtering me. The only way I can get rid of him will land me in federal prison.


Sorry bro. But it looks fun.
>wants to write her own programming language and os, but has too many ideas
She's just like me
>blank lines
>4 spaces indentation
>uppercase in variable names
>use of static_cast
>using foobar a = {12} instead of foobar a {12}
>inconsistent stype when opening and closin { }

I haven't seend an occurence of ++i instead of i++ in a for loop, but I'm sure I could find some

There are all the smells of a noob developer. Intro the trash.
you have to be 18+ to post here
This guy gets it.
Stop sleeping on the mobile market, everyone has a device in this day and age more than pc even and the bar is actually still that low. Take for example top 20 from their "top paid" section
Why are you sorry? Because I have no friends? Don't worry, it's just now, before the end of the week I should find people to play with me. And I hope it's really fun.
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>make progress with assets
>pull out calculator
just 4 more years of making assets before i release my flop
i hate this hobby
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heh, my flop will be flopping a lot sooner than that
>he thinks he can accurately calculate how long it takes to finish a game without ever finishing a game before
>t: second year computer science student
Didn't watch the video and won't, but complaining about indentation or fucking blank lines is peak mount stupid behaviour
>for loop
Absolutely lmaoing at this imperative nonsense
i wish a hot guy would force me to learn how rigging and armatures work, but instead i have to figure it out on my own *sigh*
am i the only hs drop out in here
Nope, still mulling it over. Perks sound cooler in theory, but seems to make balancing so much more difficult, especially about making each perk tree have skill points that would be nice to have for lots of different builds without useless points.
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>I believe true beginners in graphics are much more likely to get frustrated programming in Vulkan, not knowing what they are aiming for. Vulkan is less about graphics, and more about GPU drivers at its core, meaning that if your primary goal is understanding how a cascaded shadow map works, or how indirect lighting is done, or screen-space-reflections, you gain nothing by using Vulkan.

>Exceptions to the above caveat are people who are convinced they want to do this professionally, in which case a holistic understanding can only help you (although I still strongly recommend learning Vulkan in parallel with running experiments using simpler APIs). Also, people that have masochistic tendencies and/or have a very strong abstraction muscle in their brain will not find too much difficulty.
probably, but your game is going to make it, there aren't any jobs in this economy
How do you drop out just get C's
t. graduating this year
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just realized this is linux
engine devs aren't solely windows after all
>fighting game
you could just make a resident evil inspired combat system instead
Sorry to pajeetpost, but this neural network generative video game stuff is genuinely scaring me. I remember making a post probably ~2 years ago predicting this tech to come in the next decade, but not within just 2 years. Right now it can only simulate existing games after being trained on footage of that game, and you're lucky to even get double digit FPS, but the point is the concept exists and is proven to work at a fundamental level. We already have the technology to expand upon this with generative imagery and sound, it's just a matter of how long it takes for people to develop something that can generate a game in real time. Besides, real time video generation is going to come way before real time video games, and the potential consequences of that alone already seem pretty severe.
Two more weeks memes aside, my fears have nothing to do with competing with AI generated content as a gamedev. Competition won't exist if and when this technology is available. I simply don't think a future in which media can be tailor made for every user and constantly generated in real time for as long as they want is a good direction for human civilization. It really feels like we're at the end. On our current trajectory it's only a matter of years before we start locking ourselves within VR gooncaves and withering away as technology grants us a means to fulfill our deepest fantasies and ignore all other responsibilities. Thanks for reading my blog.
>current year
>deving with windows
terry davis has been a disaster for 4chan
you're right, ai sucks lol
Implemented infinite terrain.
The Gold Cross is where the player is.

next up is fixing a few artifacts, clipmap, and lighting.

Praise be to the King Jesus Christ
what is this nonsense?
We could play with you but have fun writing netcode in C++ lmao
i have to admit i wrote more comprehensible code when i strictly followed some of Clean Code's precepts
Such as?
I feel good!
You should feel good!
Good luck frens!
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I do feel my design skills have literally improved a lot.
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I try to post progress of polishing combat into something that looks entertaining. I think more abilities to use will help.
didn't read but I ran this on my 4090 earlier today, it's 3fps and not at all like the preview videos, if you turn the camera it loses the plot and you have to restart.
Do I need to think about whether an user is using X or Wayland? Xwayland sure, but at which point am I going to run into this? Thinking about getting into sdl2.
cute but don't forget the eyebrows and eyelid things
I just don't understand why we needed to make this, and now that we have we've passed the point of no return. The cat is out of the bag. It's only going to get worse.
I'm an enginedev using Vulkan and C, and I resolved early on that I'm just going to use GLFW ( or SDL can also work ) and just focus on the game rather than windowing. If I want to do my own custom layer later , it'll be when I got most of the core game made.
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sdl3*, and I suppose people can run it with proton if either one doesn't work nice with it. Why is everything so easy.
I hear stories about it taking days to draw a triangle with vulkan. How is it?
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i hate UV mapping I hate uv mapping I hATE uV maping
They're mostly talking about the boilerplate behind the actual set up of a basic Vulkan application. It's not bad. You set the boiler plate up once.
>functions should operate mainly at a single level of abstraction
>code that drops down another level of abstraction often gets separated into a function
but some people get really upset at the idea of having functions that are called by only one other function
Nicely done. How long did it take? What do you plan on making with it?
see >>498256232
I figured out how to use events :D :D :D :D
wooo immersive 3d rpg
Interesting thoughts.
samee uv mapping is so hard, the layout will randomly be upside down and everything, but it can be pretty comfy when not caring about quality or anything like that
cris that's not how boobs work.
We are so back WRPG devs!
Looking good so far anon
it feels like he referenced ai for his art lol ;-;

real, i'm making an wrpg... if i ever design the main character and backgrounds *sigh*
Just did an Achilles Neck stab on a bug just now.
cris is literally a troll right? no
you think cris knows anything about boobs?
cant he just look in the mirror
>implying it wasn't boring/lame vs exaggerated to the point of absurdity
the only person he is trolling is his future self.
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lol i watched a youtube shorts video and now i have a rough idea of how armatures work :>
I made a small melody
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I've ran into a conundrum. In an rpg where melee needs to deal with costs to repair their items, usually the balance for casters is that spells cost lots of money. However, in my game all spells are acquired by quests so I can't balance around this. How could I balance gold sinks for casters? I think the first choice would be to have to "donate" money to the quest giver or something to get the spell, but in the way that they work it wouldn't make any sense.
Fucked up my "Based" quote damn.

>before the end of the week I should find people to play with me
Sounds good! I hope it goes well.
Then the funko pop market collapses and you go out of business. Your end game score is determined by the tax write-offs you collected.
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day by day i am becoming more of a game dev thougheverbeit
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/v/ is a containment board. why are you on a containment board?
everything on the right is better but I would consider
>outer lines should be thicker than inner lines. There's nothing wrong with the pixellated thick lines as a style choice to stand out so I'd suggest making the outer lines thicker.
>don't do double thickness between the sleeves and the body, that's weird. Not always, sometimes it's fine but it really stands out when the character's outline is so thin by comparison.
>the mouth is really low down and the face structure is like an onion rather than what you'd expect of a face, not to mention her neck looks like it's bent really weirdly. I could understand these being style choices / haha snake lady, but they stick out as weird to me.

I'd say that maybe the hair could have thinner outlines / less boundaries between strands of hair so it looks more like you'd expect from an anime style but I can understand it making it look more medusa-like, so I dunno.
>her silhouette looks like a background NPC. Rather, it looks like someone who's plotting and scheming while staying low, because there's little that sticks out about it other than the middleaged lady hunch.
using spells drains psyche. The longer you cast a spell, you're using a pool of your psyche for that spell. You need to return to alchemy table or get back to magic books to renew the spell by rearranging it so it drains different part of your psyche.
In essence, spell is the same, but the words or incantations need to be shifted.
why are u still stuck on 2.79b
they can't just pay to learn spells from the spellmaster?
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gore is important in any shooter
He said he didn't want to put pigs in his game because he was afraid that some feminists would feel offended
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it's 2.71, i'm running it on android, this is what i made before my lack of expertise at rigging distorted it lol
>red hair picture + thougheverbeit
>How could I balance gold sinks for casters?
Did you ever play runescape where every spell had a gold cost for the reagents? It is probably the best magic system I have seen.
>Chubs:are you aware of the petition to put pronouns in stardew?
>Eric:yeah, I'm aware...
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>the face structure is like an onion rather than what you'd expect of a face
Could you elaborate a bit more on what this means?
Mostly trying to find bugs, the general experience is good right now, which I'm happy about while adding more general details to everything. I also made the logo/title thing too. I added something for clip randomization. So ammo found will have a random amount. So some magazines might only have 4 bullets and some will have the max they can store. Before ammo amounts was always the same and it really needed that extra level of unknown. I probably should add something to emulate a bullet being jammed.
ok where is it?
Have the casters pay to repair their staves?
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Oh man this is a great fucking idea. Basically just a different flavor of repair. Could also give basically the same equivalent of repair hammers to be some kind of magic orbs or something. However, I would like a bit of distinction between the builds. Having to return to an alchemy table and use reagents to heal your psyche is flavorful and awesome, but being out in the middle of nowhere and you run out, you'd be SOL. Where as a warrior can always carry repair hammers. However, if you give the equivalent to a caster, then it just kind of feels the same.

My next thought would be to make casting when your psyche is at 0 to damage you, but if you have heal spells you can just negate that. I wonder if there is another solution?

I really encourage exploration in my game, so rather than just buying from vendors, I like to give hints through dialogue from people in the game that lead players to certain things. Such as you're in a book store and the clerk mentions the wizard tower up in the hills. Well if you decide to go up there you can meet the wizard and do some quests become his apprentice etc and he'll teach you a few spells he knows etc. I do this with all builds and such so that it's more immersive rather than just gamifying the experience by just buying them.

I didn't play runescape, but this was actually my initial ideal - to make spells cost mana and reagents. However I figured that might get tedious even though it would essentially be the same as warriors having to carry repair hammers. Same idea from a gold sink standpoint, but from the player's perspective it just seems annoying because you need to keep track of all these reagents AND mana.
lol it's gonna sound really impressive to when it's revealed that one of the greatest mobile games of all time was actually made on a phone
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tits on the bottom look better.
k is better, it's balanced and you don't lose much from having it not be m
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From living room straight to the shitter.
can jonblow solve this ?https://studio369.itch.io/exten
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>Don't use AI
>Don't use reference
>But also your art must look 99% at the same level as if you were using AI
I'll tell you again. If you're using that old blender version you have the incredible opportunity to learn with the best tutorial ever made :

I've been shilling this for a decade, but since new blender came out people don't want to translate what he teaches in the old interface to the new one.
imagine the whole family sits down to watch jeopardy and dad decides it's the perfect time to go take a fat shit and read the paper.
literally artists use references all the time, it's better and more applicable advice than "just memorize and draw anatomy from every angle" using ai sucks tho
Spellcasting requires material components that cost money. You need to be constantly buying more newt eyes and mercury vials.
Magic is strictly regulated by the government, and unless you pay for a spellcasting loicence you'll be hunted by the wizard ATF.
The currency is based on magical crystals and casting spells means you are literally consuming money to fuel them.
I didn't believe it was a real person until I saw his youtube channel where he records himself awkwardly doing fight references in front of a busy cafe
why the FUCK isn't increasing the time it takes to die by 1 turn as effective as increasing how fast you kill the opponent by 1 turn?
>the next decade is gonna be nothing but anti-AI troons virtue signaling
im sick of it already
>im sick of it already
if you were smart you'd be hand modeling your own shit to cash in on the AI hipsters.
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maybe I should have said turnip-like
the jawline is extremely flat and pointed
the shape itself isn't uncommon but it's a lot flatter than you'd expect
if I were to do it, I'd be doing it more like this, also so the neck doesn't meld directly into the chin

to put it professionally, this is the "less stylized" choice
>Don't use reference
No real artist recommends this.
maybe i'm finally smart enough to absorb this knowledge after 10 years of being an aspiring blender user lol
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by the way, remembering that tutorial also made me remember my first 3D model, from 10 YEARS AGO DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE WITH MY LIFE?! Back then I was on my midyear vacation between my first and second semester of University. Time fucking flies.
>Don't use reference
who said that?
With the door opened. However, I'll add a corridor next, it's temporary.
so true, i don't like having to go out of my way to find references but my art actually looks 10x worse without them lol, it's why i like 3d, you only have to reference it once and now you're capable of making every pose and angle you'd ever need
>writing netcode
I will of course (probably), but now it's not my priority.
woah, that being a first 3d model is on another level
niggas really out here saying shit like
>"can I use your art as my wallpaper?"
like bow down and suck my cock bitch
>How long did it take?
One weekend.
>What do you plan on making with it?
Have fun. I don't think it can be sold.
if your art is that good i'd consider it lol
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Oh I see, I was just being dumb and thought the onion was an analogy based on onions having layers. That definitely looks better.
blender was out for 20 years at that point. Now it has been 30 years. who has used it for 30 years? they must be so pro...
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This was me 10 years ago. Also in college at the time.
Right K but left M
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>finally get around to playing Streets Of Rage and its indie ripoffs

Hey fags should I make another Streets Of Rage ripoff?

Sure I became a fan of the genre literally this morning but I can probably make an exact clone of the game then make it harder and run at 150% speed and fill it with busty bitches and boom, kino.


Should I do it?
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No more wasted time!
I will start devving from tomorrow! this time frfr
Why is gamifying the experience bad?
Humans don’t think in this way naturally. It’s a learned behavior to procrastinate. It’s either do it now or never.
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I draw the jawline /neck something like this, I don't do pixel art so it's easier to do smooth lines

the neck is always awkward because it's competing for space with hair that wants to obscure its shape
cris' idea of "using references" is tracing over existing art
Super weird you could totally prove that you couldn't write anti-semetic code, yet you aren't.
Who cares.
yes actually, i mean if i were you i'd add more open world gameplay and rpg dialougue but streets of rage is cool and i like the music thoughbeit
imagine she sends you her art and the lines are all squiggly and you ask her why it looks like shit and she gets really sheepish and says "s-sorry, my b-boobs keep hitting the mouse"
Godotfag here, I had a 2D game like 90% done but got filtered because I was unable to make some drawings. Then I tried to make a really shitty but fast 3D mobile game but the game ran like fucking dogshit on mobile, even after giving up shaders. How much better is Unity for 3D mobile? Just saw that a new major version is releasing next week and apparently they dropped the licencing bullshit from last year
If you have to ask, maybe don't make a mobile game because you clearly don't play them.
>Didn't watch the video and won't, but complaining about indentation or fucking blank lines is peak mount stupid behaviour
That's what everybody say until they work with me. After that, they know that real developers are not a myth and that style matters more than anything.
Ha a youngling that just discovered iterators and co. In a few decades you will understand that imperative, functional, etc. are just different faces of the same thing. But for that you need some experience my youngling, you're not able to see the thing behind the faces. It will come, or not. I can teach you, but your ego looks too weak.
unity is better than godot at everything
I wouldn't need to make art if i was already attractive, in the alternate universe where i had big boobs i'd probably be in an e-relationship with my former crush, but i don't so i had to learn how to decenter men and have actual goals -_-
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>try to use my prompt tag autismo skills to generate a very similar picture to my drawing reference
>AI generates something completely diferent to what I want
Can you answer my question properly? I made a simple mobile game where you play with just one tap, it played perfectly on PC, but after exporting it to mobile it ran like fucking ass
Is Unity as bad for mobile or not?

Including performance? That's really my main issue here. I have no idea on how to optimize my shit any further

Fred feme (thread theme)
sauce on that?
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that's because ai is bad lol
I think it's been converted into some weird MIDI format in order to be played in the game
This is translated from japanese or something? It seems like it was written by a japanese person
Wait so even AAA studios buy asset packs? I'll never finish my game making everything myself at this rate
I coded my game the wrong way, but it's just as fun as games coded the right way
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What's stopping your protagonist from looking like this?
or hire armies of turdworlders to shit out slop
if it works it works
His neck would be in proportion to his head.
My game doesn't need a self insert.
>even after giving up shaders
Every material is a shader, retard. Did you even profile? You were almost certainly running into a CPU bottleneck and so reducing GPU cost obviously does nothing.
im not gay
me too
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How about this? It's K-size but with M-shape.
I can't draw.
So how did you guys get a job in the industry?
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>opengl? directx? haha, no, I program directly against the graphics drivers
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>look like this
>you can only see him from the back
What's the fucking point?
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forgot pic lol
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How do I git gud at UV unwrapping?
How do I UV unwrap pic related?
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I will have this one day
that anon's name? the kernel
doing this with godot's shitty skeletal animation system is cool, i cant believe you cant even switch body parts this was a basic flash feature in 2004
Game about the pains of sleeping with giant breasts when?
>select vertices on the face i want
>make it an uv island
so hard
userspace toddlers wouldn't understand
Yeah, that's why I'm asking how.
by doing it 100 times.
Nice work, feels good.
>airplane mode
>make game
>enjoy making game
>get to point where game needs playable content (i.e. levels)
>no longer enjoy making game
truly the worst part of gamedev
I know that but I don't know which vertices I should select
I could if I wanted but I wantn't
making content is the real game dev though
everything else shouldn't even be game dev
it's more like engine dev with a star because the engine didn't provide the mechanics you needed for your game so you had to go and make them
if you don't like making levels, maybe you don't like games with levels.
my levels suck... ;_;
I got past this by making a card game. now modelling(in particular retopo/UV) enemies for it in the other hand... Why didn't I make a 2d card game like everyone else?
I still don't know how to go past blockouts. Like how do I make my levels pretty?
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Working on alert states. Need to figure out the right angle at which the player can be seen. Currently it's like 90 degrees and enemies act like they're fucking blind
Just add harder enemies, make the level slowly fall apart into lava, and maybe add a timer.
i just realized this is the game with the frog
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slap those bad boys over it
Why is Japanese architecture so kino?
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Yeah idk what I'm gonna do with the frog now since he doesn't fit in with the rest of the assets I made
I expected to see a homeless guy pissing
it's arbitrary, if you don't want ugly seams, put the seams in less ugly areas
Keep it the way it is now, but make the alerted level stay active longer so they don't forget you exist just because they lost sight of you for a few seconds. If you stay out of sight for like 8 seconds, then they go back to Question Mark status and stay there for a few more seconds.
I would like to know as well ;_; it'd be so wonderful bros
I do have a homeless enemy here
Very loose zoning where shopping districts and small business can open right next to/over regular homes and very pedestrian/bus-focused city planning.
Sounds like you must not the play tester jackpot. Put that 'tism nigger to work.
Oh, and if there's a group of enemies nearby, all of them get alerted even if they all didn't see you.
why not just raycast from the player so enemies can collide into it, maybe put a delay so they don't snipe you first.
have a pill or mushroom you eat give you a drug trip turning enemies into frogs
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And just like that he's regressed 10 years again. One step forward, one step back. The cycle continues.
I don't have the money for it :(
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Human vision is around 180 degrees, so maybe at 145 they begin their "suspicion" phase and maybe they slow down and then turn towards you if it reaches a certain (numerical) suspicion amount? You can also add distance to the suspicion modifier where more distant targets adds less suspicion and vice versa.
Also, game's lookin' gud anon.
that's a reference for 3D modelling, not an illustration.
a good 3d model needs good reference
Where can I download them for free?
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I didn't actually use any skeleton stuff here. since the arm is just one region of the spritesheet there's no need for IK so I just rotate it around an origin
ty anon. memes aside edge is actually pretty decent if you're limited on hardware and can't fork over 90% of your ram to chrome.
that's good enough.

you don't need an illustration for an ortho reference.
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Sell your plasma
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very nice, proud of you
Oh God I can already see the cris tier 3D model that's going come out of that.
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all of this has happened
all of this will happen again
Nah making a game is like the core mechanics that makes the game fun. Content is like scenario design and story if applicable.
but anon... nvidia ships the OpenGL driver.. nvoglv64.dll
>making a trailer for a slow paced fps
>my mouse camera movements make it look like I'm doing coke
idk, should I redo footage using a controller? or maybe add heavy smoothing for mouse just for the trailer?
suppose i got a base mesh made out of a bunch of random shapes, what's the right kind of prep for exporting that?
>deleting the inside faces? is there a fast way of doing that?
>merging all the pieces into one blob? keeping them seperate?
>baking all the random shit into textures? merging it into a blob?

I have no clue how 3d formats work for games. most you do with 2d is make an atlas.
di it with controller
Controller is a good idea, sure.
hamza told me not to play games because my friends will take my future wives
he didnt say anything about making them though
if your friends take them, they weren't your future wives.
>suppose i got a base mesh made out of a bunch of random shapes, what's the right kind of prep for exporting that?
Select all objects, export as FBX 2013
>>deleting the inside faces? is there a fast way of doing that?
Don't know but recalculate normals to make sure they're all outside. If you're in unreal you can do this in engine as well or make your textures "double sided" as a shitty fix.
>>merging all the pieces into one blob? keeping them seperate?
If you export them all as one FBX the pieces will go individually and able to be moved in any engine I've used but maintain their offset.
>>baking all the random shit into textures? merging it into a blob?
I'd personally just keep the random shit depending on how random it is. If I'm making a can of food for instance I do the label and can as different objects so I can just reuse the can over and over and only have to retexture the label.
>the mouse
I'm firing her on the spot
thanks mate
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I don't believe the people who hate AI have any kind of disposable income, it's kinda like seeing woke drawings on twitter making billions of views but no one buys the woke games
ragnarok online but it's elden ring
hmmm ok
>I don't believe
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What is a reasonable amount of gamedev time for a neet, just Monday thru Friday? 8 hours feels impossible!
8 hours per day
neets are useless
turn off your internet
>but no one buys the woke games
nobody buys "woke games" because chubby thirty something white men are the prime gamer audience and they don't give a fuck about anything presented in "woke" games. However chubby thirty something white men are currently losing their jobs to myriad Indians using AI to do their job ten times shittier for eight times less pay. The market there is growing.
surely the 0.1%er millionaire degenerate furry artists hate AI
not because it hurts them financially, but because they are no longer valued
I just say this is my job and go 8 hours per day.

My issue I've been having recently is that I just stay in my room and neglect everything else ( even working out ) if I'm stuck on a problem.

I have to just go workout even if I have a problem in my mind.
how much potential revenue is lost when your game is sold on a key store? from what I understand they abuse the regional pricing on top of sales and then resell them to westoids.
this. nobody follows this advice on purpose though. I was without (good)internet for about a month while my IP kept fucking up and it was the most productive I'd been all year. I couldn't even get captcha!
>how much potential revenue is lost when your game is sold on a key store?
They can't sell keys if you don't generate them.
It's hard to stay following it, I know, especially when you suddenly want a good reference or particular doc/tutorial for something and then find yourself pissing away valuable time again on Youtube and 4chan (like I am doing now) - but as long as you turn it off as you remember, you'll be a fuckload more productive.

This virtual disease is a vampire on everyone's free time. It turns poor NEETs into ghouls and non-NEETs into paid ghouls.
I'll take my own medicine and turn it off right now.
It's a lot about what women think you earn based on what you do. They're somewhat aware that programmers can make a lot of money. If you make 6 figures and open with that then they'll suddenly look at you differently.
Inaccurate. I make the game for myself, I do not need to market to myself.
it's disgusting
idk why the fuck they do that
they can buy it as a steam gift to get the key
Nice pixelart isn't enough to sell platformers or metroidvanias.
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I don't like that facial structure.
I prefer pic rel.
>instantly encounter issue i need to look up/online software i need to use

that's the hard part tho, i have so many things on my minds it's hard to focus
>i need to go do this paperwork
>i need to go get this issue checked out but first i need to find someone good before they make my problem worse
>i need to go buy this
>i need to go handle this refund and replacement
etc. feels like a never ending source of things I need to handle that just seem to pile on and get in the way of me focusing leading to almost nothing done since most of these problems aren't even something i can handle in just a few minutes.
You're delusional if you think you can hold me back from getting both pregnant.

how do i stop getting sidetracked by shit that doesn't apply to me at all. I keep getting clickbaited and don't like it
don't want to slip don't go in slippery places
thought terminating statement for you
seeing this kind of stuff worries me. i'm nowhere near as good at art as the team who made this and all they got was 355 reviews? how are some of my ideas supposed to sell well when this is what happened to them?

now can we see her face without that glare? also very nice hair i like it when it's voluminous like this, feels nice and thick would want to stroke my hands through it and smash my face into it
My FPS trippled after deleting the one shader that I was using, but it was still fucked
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>died hair
>makes mobile slop
It's the only picture I have of her.
she identifies as a digital ghost.
i think she enjoys playing these simple ass games
i can make something like this in a few days but i would never be able to complete it because i genuinely hate these simple games
>how are some of my ideas supposed to sell well when this is what happened to them?
this is how>>498286645
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what is wrong with you?
bro you're like the 2nd person ever to call my game gmi, wagmi bro
monetary reasons plus i was into unity and thought shit was easy, though i honestly only struggle with procrastination and not the game deving itself
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2D action games need to be roguelites now.
i- uh- i dont get it, what makes this one a roguelite? seems like a metroidvania with roguelite slapped on top.
>The art is good, BUT...
Many such cases. Indie devs should take note and add at least an extra year to dev time so that the game has more depth and more interesting content. I don't know about you guys, but I have played so many 2d platformers and metroidvania games that I'm tired of them.
maybe that massive black chunk of nothing on the left taking up one third of the screen
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no appeal
>Pokemon has been pandering to furries all along
No wonder most games here can't succeed, you all fail to target sex.
I feel like everyone on steam who is interested in indie games has already played this kind of game at least 20 times by now. Developers should be more original and unique.
This nigga has never heard of risk of rain
Idk, but what I do know is that I would not play it.
So you'd have to ask fans of the genre.
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this is a game developer
this is what people think a game developer is now
you make clones of candy crush and flappy bird and endless runner games
that's it
so where's your game aggy daggy? you're a game developer, right? you are making games? not some delusional thing nobody will play, right? you're making a REAL game, like a REAL game developer would make?
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What if I play Pokemon for the hebes?
do the squint test, nigga. one has gameplay the other is just pretentious standing still doing nothing

>literal terrain with nothing to do except STAND on it
>not even a SINGLE indication of gameplay besides a health bar

>explosions everywhere
>buttons to press that DO something
First off the blurb reads like it was written by an AI. What's the game about? Why would I buy this instead of one of the hundreds of other 2D metroidvanias?
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my man
I wish I could come up with cool mecha designs like this
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>a project I've been working on for 2 years: Origami Match!
>3 reviews on ios
>no android version
this is the dumbest take i keep hearing about the situation
it's like you guys genuinely believe children made pokemon instead of full grown adults
Too bad they don't make games like that without all the pokemon stuff getting in the way
look it up and watch a gameplay video
>2d platformer
>gets disgusted by an underground area
tell me how i know you are not nor were ever the audience of this kinda game for at least the last 5 years
but would you buy it and play it?
I enjoy this genre of game, and nothing about this stands out enough to make me want to play it. No beautiful character designs, no short clips of impressive boss fights, no dialog cutscenes to demonstrate some exciting plot.

I'm sure it's a fine enough game, but it's competing against my memory of the last few metroidvanias I played in order to win my time.
no. also its a free game
how to make shader like this
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What the fuck do you mean?
If you wouldn't play it then you were making a game without following the Golden Rule.

Treat others as yourself
I would rather play this because of the girl
I dont know why youre telling me I didnt make that crap
oh boy I can't wait to play

>Combat (no actual gameplay shown)
>Action (six identical images of the ma'am standing still)
>Metroidvania (literally all of the images are the ma'am being at a dead end)
>Female Protagonist (of course it's dyke tranny /u/ slop)
cool art + no gameplay = hard sell

>Action Roguelike (trendslop, pure gameplay though)
>RogueLITE (trendslop, pure gameplay though)
>Hack and Slash (braindead fidget game, pure gameplay though)
>Indie (allows me to ignore the shitty art, because i already know it's amateur, literally the biggest downside is negated)
fun screenshot + pure gameplay = easy sell
Common folly #18399128329243098
ok sorry I thought you made it.
He isn't me.
So if I slap indie on my game I should have better wishlists?
who am i
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wait, if he's not him.... then...
wait a minute... WHOS THAT!?
read the negative reviews

yes unironically
Can someone make a new thread before the schizo does?
you do it
new bread?
If it doesn't sell well then maybe your game just isn't appealing or interesting. If you're not doing anything to stand out then you don't even deserve the sales that you do get.
Come on bruv please?
if it were 3d i would say it can easily be fixed
is this 'schizo' in the room with us now?
he's talking about me
its you?
>literal tranny pic
and this soiface would soing out over celeste because "my favorite youtuber was getting so mad i gotta buy it!"
>*plays for 15 minutes before never picking it up again*
>*proceeds to talk at length for years on end how great the game is*
kek. it's like those people who say "I'm a software engineer and I make $300k a year" but then you pick a little and you find out its fucking lie. What they really meant is "I'm going to be a software engineer who will make $300k a year because that's what the university told me would happen"

I'm fuming right now just seeing what the average person is like in both regards. Do I just literally make some slop and have tremendously better odds of success versus an actually carefully curated game? If I had $1m right now I'd seriously consider testing this theory out right now since I won't feel dread from taking such a risk. Game flops, no big deal. But wew having it confirmed would just make want to produce as much slop as possible, maybe gamers will get burnt out from it.
You pirated a game from a small indie studio? Shame on you. This is the exact reason why indie studios struggle.
but I had to steal their ideas
when you put indie on your game it lets people give you a fair chance.
The good qualities are boosted, the bad qualities are brushed off.

when you don't put indie, you're saying, "my game is not indie".
The good qualities are below expectations, the bad qualities are inexcusable.

Sure, a smart shopper would be able to tell form amateur art that it's indie,
but most would just trash it without the indie title.
you have to sell your soul
and what if you put 'Quirktown' as a tag?
No, I bought Marmoreal. I still haven't gotten my complimentary sex, though.
10 is double 5 but 15 is only 3 times 5
The answer is always to be genuine and ethical. Make the thing you really care about instead of contributing to the sea of slop. You'll probably flop several times but it will slowly become a base with which you can bootstrap yourself and utilize those past experiences and acquired knowledge + skill to bring your vision to life finally.

Look at the people who make it big on nonsense meme games because of social media. In 10 years, no one is going to know what the hell Helltaker is, but everyone is going to know what Minecraft is.
indie is a useless tag that no one even notices is there. its a bait to use it because fucking no one goes on steam and looks for games under the damn indie tag.
I wish there were indie games I want to play.
marmo is a REAL LIFE GIRL?
Finally someone gets it.
I refunded it after I left a negative review so it could show as "product refunded" along with the review

So I guess my plan is retarded then, right? I was thinking to try and distance myself from indie developers because I don't like the things I'm seeing in the indie scene, lots of trend hopping and prioritizing social media cancer over making a great game. So I thought maybe people would appreciate it as a breath of fresh air if I don't label it as indie despite it not being AAA quality.
Next time you see 50 MUST PLAY INDIES, your game isn't gonna be on the list because no one can find it.
Youtubers aren't going to make videos about your game because it doesn't have indie in your tags.

Do you want to e-mail Asmongold? Is that what you want? "Markiplier play my game?"
indie tag isn't for shoppers it's for corpos wanting to give you money just for being indie.
you are retarded
>Do you want to e-mail Asmongold? Is that what you want? "Markiplier play my game?"
That's literally indie game marketing in the year of lord + 2024. What a pathetic joke lol
I love mechs and I love you
enjoy your no coverage

tags are so people can find your game.
literally mogging everyone as an indie will only give you more money,

"damn let's keep an eye on anon he's gonna make kino a second and third time"
it's like being the world's most talented amateur boxer.
Not a shader, it's just glPolygonMode = GL_LINE
You can probably emulate it with shaders, try googling "wireframe shader" or something and steal it
imagine a pokemon game made by people who like to make art
You make a good point but I don't listen to people who use the word "mogging" so I'm just going to call you a retard and ignore you. Kino is okay to use though.
The godot renderer supports a line drawing mode btw
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>make a '10 must play hidden gems' video, put my own game as number 1.
Thanks I'd rather use professional industry standard tools like OpenGL however.
It is not glPolygonMode, it is a shader, it is also not wireframe mode.
>ui/ux designer trying to make a game
>hipster look
thanks, I hate it
I make porn
I have real soul
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>a mech with appeal, why would anyone design that
90's pixel artists:
It's so cool. When I was a kid, I borrowed from the library a book about drawing japanese-style mechas. My older sister made fun of me because there was a section where it taught you how to draw humans and the girls had boobs. But the joke is on her, because a year later I saw her boobs and got a boner. Lol
nobody in games actually thinks this "whole game simulation" stuff is going anywhere.
the "AI" bubble has officially reached NFT levels of retardation, as in, AI evangelists are now as insincere or outright stupid as crypto evangelists by the time NFTs became a thing. this year you can really tell who was reasonably optimistic before and who was a cynical grifter all along. the latter are marching on in lock step.

>Right now it can only simulate existing games
no, it cannot. it's not simulating jack shit. it's auto-completing a video feed one frame at a time. there is no understanding of game mechanics. machine learning is completely the wrong tool to drive game logic. you can actually drive some limited parts of a game's presentation like a fluid simulation or an upscaling algorithm with machine learning and that's cool. there are already "AI water" assets for Unity and Unreal.
the pattern of useful machine learning is clear: PARALLEL COMPUTATION, APPROXIMATING something otherwise EXPENSIVE.
now look at CSGO: trivial to run on a cheap CPU, heavily single-threaded, needs to be precise and remember exactly what happened. can't guess and make shit up, that would ruin everything.
"whole game simulation" is a retarded idea. game loops are the opposite of what ML excels at.
>you're lucky to even get double digit FPS
you will get more realistic graphics at a better framerate. you won't get a game.
>the concept exists and is proven to work at a fundamental level
example of the wishful thinking this "AI" bubble has fostered.

it's especially hilarious that they are using a multiplayer game as training data. I guarantee you the developers behind this are NOT delusional enough to think you would ever be able to play their """game""" against other players. they chose CSGO for its limited play spaces and repetitive player actions, good for convergence.
I mean, you're right, but also you're wrong, because you think people won't adopt a dogshit tool that makes everything worse just because it can kinda make cheap pretty images at the right angle.
That's Unreal's whole business model, am I right, fellas?
>he fell for the openAI FAGMAN marketing ruse
Is zig good language, a bad language or a jewish language?

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