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Fortified Edition

>Latest patch (Hotfix 3.1)

>September community update:

>First developer Q&A:


>Where to get the game:

>Lore Stuff:

>For jolly cooperation with your battle brothers (Can also post codes for jolly coop/PvP. Edit Squad -> Invite Menu):

>Workaround with matchmaking (not finding players, only 2/3):
Back out to the main menu and re-enter battle barge.

>/sm2g/ Dude Wall - compilation of Dudes and information on how to submit them

Previous : >>498257592
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I am Alpharius.
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Grey Knights are like writer's favorite: the chapter. They are the strongest, secretest, bestest, uncorruptiblest, goodest boys.
Thanks Dorn.
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>play 'severance' again
>there's a different dialogue if some guardsmen are still alive at the end of the "small arms fire!" arena
Until custodes happened
I'm quite sure this has been answered before, I'm gonna ask anyway
Which chapters make the most lore sense for each class?
Never should have been an army
Should have been an option to take a single custode as an agent for a stupid amount of points, or just not include that shit at all
Any chapter goes for any class
yes for all of them
you might have noticed all the blue on the battle barge
Nice detail I actually wondered if that would be the case. Those guardsmen definitely had no chance without you
Titus tells them they fought well and asks Sarkana on comms to send an evac for them.
Now I'm wondering if there are more alternative lines recorded for other scenes
Any of them
They all use all of this stuff, classes being certain chapters is objectively a brainlet take, they're YOUR DUDES and you take what you want
I agree, TT wise they should've just been side command units, like chaplains or apothecaries, their entire lore background is quite retarded as well.
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nigger like 50% of the shit already in the game that we kill with ease would turn us to paste in seconds in any other game
we kill gigantic swarms of gaunts and warriors
we kill hordes of rubric marines and rubric terminators
we kill lictors
we kill neurothropes
we kill carnifexes
we kill helbrutes
we kill daemon engines
we kill hive tyrants
sometimes we kill almost all of these in the same mission
and saber is even going to add a mission where we kill fucking hierophants
there is nothing beyond our reach besides arguably larger titans
>their entire lore background is quite retarded
that's everything in 40k though
I will 1v1 a bio-titan and I will parry him like I'm motherfucking Raiden from MGR
Nah, they break the internal consistency of the universe, we already have elite warriors, they are the elitest elite of the elites and can somehow 100v1 the other elite warriors, despite establishing in the lore that even a lowly guardman or ork boyz could kill a careless space marine and that a large number of them are deadly in an open fight.
To be fair, from the leaks with the hierophants it sounds like we come at them with a tank battalion that gets wiped out, then turn planetary defense guns on them
I think agent of the imperium like death cult assassins would work best, can be used in any imperial force
Then again I'm also of the mindset mechanicum shouldn't have been an army, grey knights shouldn't have been an army, deathwatch shouldn't be an army, and knights should most definitely not have been an army, represented yes, but not as self contained armies
Lots of areas like this, there's even one in Ballistic Engine ops where guardsmen can spawn alive at the start and if you save them you get some dialogue. Me and my friends made it our mission to save as many as we could throughout the campaign. Some areas it was just impossible though, like the tomb world mission where a squad of them are fighting chaos outside the mechanicus digsite but there's a termnie with a soulreaper at the back cutting them all down when you arrive.
Let me kill Niggercrons, I am no longer sustained by just killing Tyraniggers and Thousand Niggers.
Also give me a Sister of Battle GF to fight back to back with.
desu I agree mostly with you, I'm fine with the mechanicus being an army by itself, though I don't like most of their current designs, the basic tech priest is cool but they failed to bring that aesthetic to the rest of the army and instead went for the dumb "lol the futuristic Da Vinci and retro 70s tech look lmao."
orkz are wacky kooky comic relief shit and it's jarring in le grimdark universe
eldar are too faggy
tau are too... uncool, they're just not menacing or impressive

aside from tyranids and chaos literally only necrons are worth a shit
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Get yourself a girl that smiles like this when she's killing people that try to stab you in the back.
Mechanicum sort of makes sense as an army desu. I agree with the rest, why the fuck are Deathwatch an army anyways, they were supposed to be elite squads that deal with xeno, no?
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40k isn't for you bud
Yeah if they had better models I probably wouldn't have minded, but the fact they look so good damn awful for the most part makes me not care
I think they were one of the areas of 40k fluff that worked better as mysterious background shitters, but they're the most viable self contained faction out of all I posted I suppose
This goes without saying but I also detest the return of primarchs, black library (especially HH stuff) and just most named characters (on TT) anyway
It was better when someone rocked up with their custom leader, who had been named by the player who had created, kitbashed and played them, and their story was from the battles he had actually played on the god damn tabletop
We used to share bits so if some model did something awesome he got something to commemorate it on his model or base, that was their epic backstory, not some hacks wank writing
Well in multiplayer half the time my squad is made up of the captains of several founding chapters, so we should be pretty busted
>why the fuck are Deathwatch an army anyways
armies aren't armies because it makes sense for them to be armies lorewise but because gw is making models and wants to sell models and a book to go along with those models

if the only armies where factions that are both widespread, relevant and numerous enough to field entire armies the marines wouldn't be a tabletop army in the first place but an elite option for the imperial army
T'au are literally the most boring piece of shit race though. the only good thing about them is their women
People are seething over the new Imperial Agents book and have bullied GW into splitting them off again, but if they hadn't botched that book so bad by making them just unviable it would have been GOAT
These special ordo forces and inquisition units folded into a soup army, it really needed stormtroopers with more options over the limited arbites and voidsmen that it was given, including vehicle support
But yeah, it would have worked that way once again, as a special unit folded into a larger force, not a whole army of some sparingly used spec ops dudes
as if the opinion of some dumb coomer is worth anything
It is pants on head retarded numbers wise but it worked better when models points costs were across the board significantly higher
A 3rd edition 2000 points army is nothing like it is today
Shut the fuck up you stupid coomer, the shitty weeb fetish crap you wank to is not representative of what those blue fuck ugly chink aliens are actually like, in any way shape or form
Kill yourselves.
No. Your team is made up of three Ultramarines you can pick from list of six - Decimus, Quartus, Vespasius, Valius, Scipius and Straban. For the duration of the Recidious System campaign they are assigned to be members of Sergeant Gadriel's 6th squad of the 2nd Company Ultramarines serving under Lieutenant Titus.
The same guns that killed the hive ship?
Okay, that's some fucking artillery support.
What the fuck are you on about you dipshit tertiary retard I fucking hate tau, but tau coomers are literally the most subhuman single digit IQ spastics about
Shut the fuck up, moron
No, my team is made up of whoever I want.
>But the dialogue
Muted with the subtitles off.
>Orkz are comic relief
Yes, simpleton warmongering aliens that have a population that will never dwindle is comedic. Sure they do stupid things, but they're still a threat
It's like three quad-linked Lascannon turrets IIRC. I can grab a picture if you can hold for a second.
actually an existential threat that gives no fuck about anyone
random jobbers on the level of a guardsman, cry about being emos
Same could be said about China
>Flat, bow legged, shovel faced monkey
Why are rice pickers like this?
But I suppose you are right though, that's still better than anything else from that hellhole
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Both have the same or adjacent glaringly flawed worldbuilding
They're the second worst part of the setting after space marines
lmao leddit is having a meltdown because console kiddies keep running into people using mods to unrestrict weapon options
I will go back, and then kill myself
>Hates Space Marines
Maybe Star Trek or Star Wars is more up your alley, you mega faggot.
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I do miss a lot of those old units
Don't be a coward and link it.
Fuck 'em.
>Reinforcements is coming!
>Fucking shitty land speeders

>Like 2/3 tacticals left

Marines are retarded, but god damn they're based
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I'm just gonna run through it again since people seem to constantly miss what the mission is like.
You start at a Thunderhawk in a Guard encampment. The Earthshaker on the right actually overlooks a later portion of the map. Nothing very interesting here, to be desu with you.
I said I'd go back but I closed that cesspit
They'll have multiple threads though, begging sabre to ban people for having harmless fun lmao
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You walk out and reach a gunline. You can actually see the guns I was talking about in the background.
Ah is this the new map?
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There's a squad of Guardsmen standing here and they get a big nut spawned on them and explode. I assume this is stand-in for Hierophant artillery and very clearly a WIP because it's underwhelming as fuck.
Yes. The finished version might differ significantly but I assume most of the finished portions will be roughly the same.
Ok cool, nice to see what the craic is I suppose
Seemed to me from the description we lose the planet
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Sorry for not spoilering that image.
There's a big battlefield (I can actually walk on, but I assume that's because the invisible walls aren't in yet) that might have a cool battle and vehicles on it.
To be fair of you're just going to be a degenerate and use it to unlock multimelta for everyone, its dumb.
But shit like, power sword for tact and assault, heavy pistol for vanguard, hammer for bulwark, that's fine.
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That's a lot of titans
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I will still not make a picture of every turn and bend because there's too many but there's a nice Kadaku swamp area you get first fights on.
Honestly why even bother when no class with a MM/Melta unlocked will come close to tactical or heavy
Tactical especially, just because other classes would be able to use it doesn't mean they're gonna come close to the shittery they can perform
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R4WI3, the Apothecarion is open.
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A little broken bridge to the side.You can see the Earthshaker gun I mentioned higher up on the path. My gut tells me there would be a cutscene here of Guard blowing up the bridge to prevent Tyranids reaching the camp but PvE cutscenes are pretty standarized on just lowering the view to the spawn so IDK.
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There's only a few cases to be made, because the vast majority of Chapters use all manner of units.

White Scars and Blood Angels for Assault because they both favor jump packs
Dark Angels for Bulwark because Sword/Shield Knight shit, they have multiple specialized Sword/Shield Units
And anything Melta related for Salamanders
Because people are brainless and just want click bomb
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>People in this thread have paid for an interactive advertisement
Well yeah true, but those degens already spam click their way through with melta tac already, and anything else will be a downgrade for them without auspex and infinite ammo, but I get what you mean
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Heretical vertical Rubricae Helm, what is your blasphemous advice?
What do you mean, as in the game itself?
Because most of the people who play this game will either never touch tabletop, or already did play or collect tabletop
Why are you here?
Any news on armor parts for dark angel dlc? Or just what we know? Lack of helmet options suck
Just what we know. There hasn't been a new update for people to data mine and the devs do not communicate progress at all
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If you throw meltabombs down in pvp, and the enemy shoots it, the detonation kills your teammates
the lights are on
that means there's still dust in there
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Sorry for the delay, but I managed to get photomode (or at least some of it) working.
More swamp, and a first cave/mine thing on the left.
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Mine entrance proper.
So, no one playing tonight?
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Bunch of tunnels.
Some are cute anon, most definitely are not though. But if there was one thing that was "good" that would be it
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But who gets credit? Seeing friendly fire would be hilarious.
>already imagining having to fight a neuro or zoans in there
gonna kms
>It's a Necron Lord gets ambushed by a group of space marines hidden in a box he was baited out of bothering to check episode
post code
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After exiting the mine through one of two exits you reach the first unfinished portion of the map. I assume the broken bridge at the bottom would be where story would want you to go, but story also says it's broken, so...
Funny you mention that, the Tyranids in the picture have just spawned as a wave and there's a Zoanthrope duo hovering a bit away behind some rocks outside.
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Is there a tactical advantage to exposing your glutes to the enemy?
>It's like three quad-linked Lascannon turrets IIRC
They sound like they could either be literal lascannons or lances depending on their size.
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...since it's broken you drop down to the left to what I assume would be a little lake/coast area that has a sewer entrance in the cliffside.
the shape implies a cybernetic wedgie
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More FUN areas to fight Thropes in.
I'm playing PVP
Wanna join my squad?
Space Marine x Sister of Battle teamup is such a simple thing yet so fucking cool
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It's a bit hard to convey what this area is like. You need to open the big door but to do that you need to "capture" points in various places in the sewer. It's slightly confusing, but I honestly think it's just because it's all gray blocks right now.
This is starting to sound like it'll be a long as fuck operation. See ya'll on the 31st
>Charging into the Necron firing lane
It looks cool, but it's fucking stupid.
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Some more of the sewers.
I imagine parts of it will be cut down or changed.
Leakerbro, around how long would you say the operation is? I'm curious if the post-launch ones will be longer to bridge the gap between the coop campaign
isn't the new map about destroying capillary towers? this sounds like a different mission
Probably building up to that. And everything after will just be Chaos operations.
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Metal tyranids
Metal tomb chads
I need a bolter bitch (a bolter bitch)
I want a bolter bitch yo (a bolter bitch)
I want to "bolter boogie!" with my (bolter bitch)
I want a (bolter bitch) I need a (bolter bitch)
I need a bolter bitch (a bolter bitch)
I want a bolter bitch yo (a bolter bitch)
I want to "bolter boogie!" with my (bolter bitch)
I need a (bolter bitch) I want a (bolter bitch)
Yo, I need a bolter bitch, she don't sleep and she don't play
Stickin' up Wyches from around the fuckin' webway
Strapped but lovable, hateful but huggable
Always humble and definitely fuckable
See her now, booms and pounds, she's mine brother
Prayin to the emprah, curbstomping a xenos mother
She's got charm, a firearm to match mine
Goin' to the dropship packin' his and her .75s
Wearin' Ceramite and leather, motherfuck the weather
On Emperor's Day, doin' steel rains together
With traitors to blame, always engulfing them in flame
And when we fuck she makes me scream out the emperors name
She's not merciful, confidant, always quotes her martyrs words
Right for late night, we play fight with chainswords
This goes out to all the sister of battle hoe pros
Give me an Ecclesiarchy girl, fuck a craftworld hoe
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The immediate next part is so raw I'm not really going to bother screenshooting. It's not even just a simple blockout boxes, it's literally missing walls and even floors in places, but I think the intent is for it to be sort of a warehouse and then some industrial/sewer corridors? Very hard to tell.
After that there's a winding tower/well/something going up.

Right now I'm flying around but the first time I played through it on Godmode and inifnite ammo because I can it felt longer than average. It definitely has a lot of variety though.
I haven't got pictures of them yet but there are capillary towers in the background and Hierophants are defending them. I'm not sure what's the progression from blowing up a Hierophant to blowing up the towers but I can definitely say it's the mission. I can look around for the place the screenshot they posted is from, it's from near the beginning of the mission I am pretty sure.
Were these added in the latest patch? I have to imagine they're further along for their internal build if it's meant to release this month
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After that is what I initially assumed was a shrine, then thought was a locker room or something but actually is...
It's actually from the big pre-release leak. Pretty much everything you see leaked (including missing armor pieces and Dark Angels champion) is from that. The actual released game is sanitized from pretty much all content they don't want you to see. The build is from like March or something IIRC.
>Metal tomb chads
they behave more like eldar and dark eldar than vampire counts or tomb kings
>The build is from like March or something IIRC.
Oh, so hopefully we do get new weapons Tiers with Lethal diff and more Relic Armor sets. *Overdoses on hopium*
>It's actually from the big pre-release leak. Pretty much everything you see leaked (including missing armor pieces and Dark Angels champion) is from that. The actual released game is sanitized from pretty much all content they don't want you to see. The build is from like March or something IIRC.
Oh wow that far back? Yeah definitely looks different now then
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...a fucking 40k Server Room. Those are Grimdark ATX Towers. If you ever wondered how your PC would look like in the far future, look no further.
They are staggered so each unit has an access console on one side and glided vent with some blinking lights on the other side.
What's even funnier is you can see a mouse pointer on those tiny ass monitors. Truly Grimdark.
I don't enjoy much vidya anymore. Would anyone want to shill this game to me? Friends say it's pretty good and I already like L4D2.
I hated most games for a while and I've played for 200 hours
If you're not really a warhammer fan then it's an alright game, definitely takes big scale to another level as far as video games are concerned. Serviceable combat and a basic but functional storyline. PvP and co-op missions are alright too if you want more of the same feel.
As a warhammer fan this is easily a 10/10 game. Even more fun if you can get 2 friends to co-op the campaign with you who are also in to the setting.
There is a bit more stuff, especially as loose models in the files but overall the March leak is 1:1 with the finished game. It has everything, the main issues are very shitty optimization (which made me very worried, but they pulled through) and lack of many options like rebinding keys, but you can actually play the whole campaign, all the PvE missions and fool around on PvP maps. Progression and weapons are all pretty much finished too, except that some armors don't have textures fully finished and for some reason game really doesn't want to display decals on your armor like chapter icons.
I'm convinced they spent all the time from then until release fixing stuff and preparing post-release content.
One thing that I noticed is that while all weapons have finished skins, Power Fist doesn't. This sort of explains to me why it has so few and so uninspired ones in the finished game.
I assume so, yeah. It's still 100% playable.
That being said it just crashed on me so next info in a bit while I fly through the map.
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>I can look around for the place the screenshot they posted is from, it's from near the beginning of the mission I am pretty sure.
Here it is. The towers certainly looked like poop back then. The official image for reference -
If you just want a coop shooter/slasher you're probably a lot better off with stuff like Warframe or Destiny 2.

Unless you really, really love Warhammer 40k and have a tolerance for DEI. Then this game is all right. Pretty light on content for now.
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Sidenote while I complete the mission the way it's intended instead of trying to skip stuff (which crashes the game, who could have thought), some perks mention "Minima" enemies (Rippers?) and Prestige seems to just give you additional perks, but they aren't implemented yet so can't do anything with them.
>and have a tolerance for DEI
>squad has a white dude and an asian dude
>the west has fallen
What a retarded nigger you are. I'm also ignoring that you unironically suggested someone who doesn't enjoy playing video games play fucking destiny 2 of all things.
>playing video games play fucking destiny 2 of all things.
He's a 4chan tranny
>let me exaggerate and strawman, that'll make me look intelligent
>also I go out of my way to mention this thing because I'm ignoring it
literally room temperature iq
You are genuine retard, nta.
>n-no u
case in point
I meant to include "a black dude" in between white and asian. Goes to show how forgettable he is. Not as if his skin color would've made a fucking difference there.
>immediately starts deflecting and acting like a dense autist
Either swallow glass or go outside, retard. This game doesn't work for your dei culture war. Even if you wanted to argue for it Chairon is shown to be an impulsive retard who chimps out when he gets angry at gayos and relies on his white squad leader not to throw his ass under the bus. Genuinely, you're a fucking moron.
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Back to your scheduled programming.
You go up an elevator that teleports you into a tower where you open the doors and...

Regarding length - now that I know how it works it actually feels pretty standard length.
ahahahahahahaha holy shit
Damn is that to scale? Guess it makes sense they can throw down with titans
>b-but I like the DEI so it doesn't count
Either swallow glass or go outside, retard. Genuinely, you're a fucking moron.
In awe at the size of this lad. Absolute unit.
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hell yeah
Someone post Titus crushing a gaunt's head.
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I've got two of those
mapdevs be like
>yep, all done, all this needs now is an art pass
Look at my boy he's so happy
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Icarus Pattern Lascannons, or so Lexicanum tells me. I think they were part of an old Aegis Defense Line set or something, I've definitely seen them before.
I simply do not care. Not everything with a minority is dei. You're a terminally online autist. It's a character who's black not a black character.
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This is the entire final area.
>after 100 years of torture they put you on xenos slaughter duty
rip my mods again
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[/spoiler]You can actually see the mission start from here. That's neat.[/spoiler]
>anti-cheat test
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The enemy of course
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I'm dumb.
The fight is basically beating back waves of normal enemies while charging those generators akin to the Targeting Dish mission. Every once in a while a Hierophant shoots a dangerous nut your way that explodes. Think Daemonhost fight AoE explosions.
I'm going to blame cawl for all these giant spinny wheels
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That's a quad icarus lascannon based on the old firestorm redoubt kit
It is sadly out of production these days
How would Necrons even be balanced? One shot from any Necron weaponry is enough to kill you.
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For someone who doesn't care you sure seem to be throwing a major autistic tantrum.

If you don't find it peculiar that both the story and the operations team consists of a perfect harmonious ratio of whites, asians and blacks then you're simply being disingenuous or straight up retarded. It's one thing to be okay with it, it's another thing entirely to pretend it's not there. That really makes me question someone's motives.
>brings DEI up for literally no reason
>starts shitting up thread because he has such a fragile ego and has to get the last word
>is not only wrong but annoying to boot
Why the fuck are you even here. Go shit up whatever containment board you came from.
>defense weapons powered by a handcrank generator
dark age of technology indeed
i can't breathe. you win one internet mr hacker
That's literally me flying across the sky
>it's heading towards a second titan
are they going to....?
>nooo you invaded my safe space :(
>stop mentioning things that are inconvenient for me already!!!
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>Admech face when they imagined the Astartes on the ground making this shit work in battle
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Straban is literally me.
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Thank you anon. I didn't remember what the kit was called and Googling insitently gave me Aegis Defense Line so I just went with that. Further proof that Google sucks balls nowadays.
This is the jankiest part of the mission. You get a ball, akin to how you aim Tactical's Auspex and the guns follow to aim on it. I cannot imagine this being how you do it in the final game. I think you are supposed to be able to aim it within the arena to kill normal enemies but it doesn't work. Also aiming ANYWHERE brings down the Hierophant health, so maybe there's supposed to be an animated Hierophant attacking you? IDK.
You shoot it three times (on easy, I assume), it dies, mission won. There's no cutscenes or voice lines so I have no idea how that translates into destroying the towers, though maybe the Guard takes care of it once you destroy the Hierophant(s)?

I'm not a hacker, I just had the leaked version lying around and decided to play with it. You can still find it around, though they were pretty thorough with wiping it off the mainstream torrent sites, doesn't help that people's interest in it dropped significantly once the actual map came out. I'm not going to link because not only I think Jannies might take offense but also where I got it from got cease & desisted and I don't fancy uploading a 100 gigabytes, but I assume it has to be out there somewhere if you look hard enough.
I think I booted it up because I saw people posting the "woah Chinese hackers leaked the Assault Bolter!!!" while remembering I played with it in the leak and then saw a literal "pve_biotitan" mission.
I cut it a bit too quickly but you can see that on the last frame the moving one pops out of the existence, sadly.
Good talk.
>the moving one pops out of the existence, sadly.
>the other one changes animation to fusion_dance.ani
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>the moving one pops out of the existence, sadly.
so, how can we be sure that these in the mission are multiple biotitans and not just the same one which gets a model positioned at separate intervals (or slightly alternative spawns) just for the wip version of the mission?
Honest question, have you ever left your bedroom?
I can't, which is a fair point, but it still seems weird there's so many of them.
sorry, >>498431446 was meant for >>498431235
Is it not humiliating for black voice actors to put on fake african accents? And yet directors keep asking for it, and they keep agreeing to do it

first masozi, now decimus, why aren't brown people allowed to talk normal in 40k?
Not gonna lie I would enjoy the game more if Gadriel, Valius and Staban all talked like this:
>any intelligent alien race is just eldar
Comical argument
You're right it's embarrassing I'd prefer if we didn't add any more niggers to our 40k games going forward
I'll make an exception for Salamanders but no funny accents please
Also if anyone has any questions regarding the leak I'll try to do my best to look around and answer them, but my experience is limited so if someone wants me to figure out how to rip models or something they'll have to tell me how.
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Lmfao. Cmon bro.
Funny accents is a staple of Warhammer vidya. Think about how many people know METAL BOXES as iconic without having ever played the games.
Inb4 because the fight was to hard to make work well they cut the biotitan and instead you just shoot the towers.
Am I retarded or is there no way to actually close a match completely and just use bots? I'm trying to locate armoury data and all matchmaking does is put me with people who apparently play this game as a running simulator, which is fine, but if that's the community standard I'd like a way to just use bots so I can actually fucking search for things.
Top right.
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Oh my god thank you. I don't know how I didn't see that before.
>with people who apparently play this game as a running simulator
Blame the way that you unlock cosmetics and weapon levels. You're incentivized to run through the level as fast as possible.
since oldcrons became newcrons they have acquired the following
>clairvoyant seers
>other battle wizards
>mad doctors who torture as much as they experiment
>access to the webway
>tendency to help humans
>libraries, theatres and court drama

so yes, I'm going to keep saying newcrons have become metal eldar in very much the same way oldcrons were metal tyranids
>weapon levels
Except... you still need armory data and gene-seed for that??
probably because it wasn't there till bout two weeks ago
Desu, if I already have 20 data I don't even bother looking for it.
By now everyone has enough supersamples to level all weapons, all they need is XP, and you run like a kenyan for that.
Isn't this picture the wrong way around?
Yeah, but they spawn in fixed places. People already know those places and won't tolerate some guy slowly checking every single nook and cranny because it just wastes their fucking time. This whole prop hunt shit is retarded design.
I agree. They should tie EXP to killing waves so niggers can stop playing jogging sim.
In my region I get matched with the Chinaman a lot, and to my surprise this is the first time I have witnessed them actually being team players in a pve game. I haven't even been kicked from a single game yet.
Only a couple of times have I had running simulator players.
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careful what you wish for
Warhammer is a white man's hobby. It's just white people having the questionable honour of living in China.
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I never wanted this. I never wanted to unleash my salt. Together we banished the trash mobs of the Tyranids.
But YOU betrayed PvE. You betrayed us all. You stole bandwidth from the host, and lied to your squadmates. SM2 has only one chance to prosper. If you will not seize it, then I WILL.
From the skies of Decapitation to Seize Ground. Let my blood boil, let the salt grow. Though it takes the LAST. DROP. OF. MY. BLOOD. I will see the game become fun once more.
And if I cannot have fun anymore...
I hope it stays that way when the patch drops
Does this fuckin game have any god damn maps yet
You are the least funny ritualposter I've ever seen. Ritualposts shouldn't just be a wall of text.
They also cover the same niche of the ambiguously benevolent ancient alien race coming to the rescue of humanity in secret.
So new update tomorrow?

That's not the voice actors putting on african accents, that's genuinely Ngubu trying his level best to sound like a noble English battle monk through his giant ass teeth and banana lips

It's a common kind of accent you hear amongst like, 2nd gen middle class immigrants, where they went to good school and university and shit so they speak "real" English but their parents still sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown
For helldivers
buh >>498427350
I WILL wear a white/red helmet because I'm the squad leader and main character and you will obey my commands.
I thought they are real bugmen farming xp to sell the account to a white kid with rich parents
I will wear a white helmet because it goes well with black armor
I can't do it, I can't make the fucking power fist work. It can't be done.
>just spam sprint attack
It still sucks so much balls that it's insane. Also I feel like a pussy spamming that attack on minoris for free gunstrikes just to stay alive and if I dare to use it on anything higher tier it's useless.
>Throw a frag at a tyranid warrior's feet
>fully charced ground pound
>artificier power shit
I was at the point where I tried searching youtube niggers to find out if I did something wrong and the only guy who didn't flatout called it shit garbage and even praised it struggled to stay alive agains 5 gaunts and a single warrior. Thanks for reading my blogpost and meltdown.
haha, really fun one, chat
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I've tried telling him before it sucks but he keeps going like repeating it 500x will mean its funnier on the 501st.
>Strength: 10+
[laughs in Choler's Teeth]
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So this look about right for plasma perks?
nta, but desu there's not much difference between dorn/alpharius/turbo roleplay, brother-iam-pinned-here posting, and whatever that is.
You're literally trying to tell the future from tea leaves. There's no way they're releasing a big patch/DLC without announcing it at least a week or two before.
I will wear a black helmet because most of the cosmetics force you to be at least a Sergeant with command skulls if you want nice armour trims.
>makes 1 attack at str 15 while i make 3
>switch to leveling a green weapon
>it's utter fucking shit.
>level green weapon to purple
>it's still utter shit
>level purple weapon to gold
>the game suddenly becomes trivial
many such cases
Yeah, sucks real shit to go back to basic weapons. I wish you could dump armoury data into levelling weapons.
would have gone top row on the first 2 perks, since youre dumping one sideways anyway, less heat on common shots is good since its a charged shot plus a finishing common shot is needed to kill a majoris
a chance at full cool-off on a massive hit is better than faster cooling and melee damage anyday

you guys leveling guns on roofless?
use aproprate guns on apropriate difficulty and your life will improve
average - white, green
substantial -green, purple
ruthless - purple, gold
dont use the lower rarity if its a shit gun (like most bolt weapons)
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Been staring at this screen for 11 minutes.
I will wear a helmet with a white bathrobe over it because I'm a cool mysterious monk knight guy in 9ft tall power armor
Power fist is garbage
>Amusing callback + primarch rivalry autism
>Poorly written, unfunny, uninteresting version of horus' speech with a coomer image
There is absolutely a difference.
I switched to substantial
Power fist in green is utter garbage.
I don't see how it'll improve that much.
>wake up
>no patch

im going away this weekend so if its on friday im gonna be pissed
>bulwark stands there shooting into the biggest mass with his PP during a swarm with multiple warriors
fucking hell go in there you daft cunt
>use aproprate guns on apropriate difficulty and your life will improve
nice headcanon, but I don't really see how it would improve things as
* average is harder than ruthless because spawnrates are insane
* substantial is harder than ruthless because people you are matched with don't have the important perks unlocked yet
i level other peoples guns on ruthless

you know what happens when you bring a grey gun to a roothless game? it might take a little longer. oh no.
>try to look up some basic lore shit on youtube
>looking for something concise to listen to while I play
>NOPE have some hour+ long essays and role playing chuuni shit instead
this franchise really is a nest of autism huh
i bet you don't melee helbrutes
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I can actually answer this question since it's related to something I've covered.
Asking an actor to do an accent is fine, they've trained to be able to do multiple voices so it doesn't bother them.
The discussions that these studios have behind the scenes though? That stuff can make people angry, and it's funny because those people say things that would make both a /pol/tard and a Ngubu annoyed because of the way they discuss race, gender, how dark they should make their darkies, ect. That's not stuff that the actors are exposed to though.

Okay guess not then
Well you see, people without autism aren't going to know enough about the lore to make videos about it.
what are you even asking about dude
the man needs GPS for inferno
but it's monday

Are there any maps, it's not a difficult question.

Like, you know. More content to play than fucking shareware games released with back in the day, which is what it currently has.
>Are there any maps
No, there are no maps in the game.
>In a random group with heavy and tactical, I am sniper
>Have max las fusil
>Two shot head shotting rubrics
>Blood Angel Heavy types in chat “Can you stop doing that I need the armor and you keep killing them”
>Say “Okay sorry brother”and 1 tap every rubric so he can run around and get armor.
>He dies anyway

I’m beginning to think Horus and hive fleet leviathan did the imperium a favor. If I have to match with another dumbass blood angel im changing my chapter to the Minotaurs I swear.
max damage fusil is overkill
max ammo fusil only requires one headshot and then any teammate to sneeze on the target to incapacitate it
It's either max ammo for general use or max recharge speed for map end fights where you can just sit on an ammo box.
>can't romance Sister Danica
>can't romance Sister Argenta
The headshot perk doesn't work even with patches, max out the ammo instead and max out the beam so you won't miss headshots and can REDEEM shots from blasting Nidders and Tzaanggers.
Wokehammer 40DEI
If Space Marine 2 has too much DEI for him to tolerate he'll blow a fucking gasket at Destiny 2. That game is gay as AIDS.
I think he's just trying really hard to get a reaction from people. Wouldn't be surprised if it was the newest tactic of the (You)faggot after every single previous one has failed.
you can romance a fish, a slutty mutt pirate, a negress psyker and two elves
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Warframe GOD here, our game is literally run by a canadian jewess. It is horny but it is very woke, in the fujo sort of way. Tons of pride cosmetics, pride events, tranny major character, nonbinary warframe, ALL tenno are they/thems, last big quest involves trying to help a gay man get back together with his lover.
kek Destiny just went full chinese slop with the fucking mobile game

>New Supers!
>It's Warlocks with an edgy scythe and a gay ass solo leveling korean slop dogshit pose with the limp neck and the outstretched arm
See, but that Ember skin exists and they don't treat their straight players like outcasts and instead throw us a bone once in a while. So I can put up with it.
You can also be gay.
but any final battle isnt really an issue, it's those crucial moments when you end up with a carnifex or something off the back of a massive wave with no ammo cache in sight that you need every last drop of ammo you can get

perk trees are fucked though with so many damage control perks and shit. its almost like they want us playing to lose
beaky blinders before the end of this month
>it's those crucial moments when you end up with a carnifex or something off the back of a massive wave with no ammo cache in sight that you need every last drop of ammo you can get
With how fast the max speed lasgun fires (especially with the 30%hp perk) you can delete a Carnifex before it actually does anything.
>but any final battle isnt really an issue,
Yeah but you can still make it funnier.
Keep in mind I am not advocating picking max charge rate over max ammo count, I am advocating switching to max charge rate on second loadout when you know there's going to be infinite ammo for you to use.
>you can delete a Carnifex before it actually does anything
this is assuming you have any ammo left and a clear shot at its head the whole time without it spewing shit at you
>Halloween is incoming
>no free Night Lords DLC
Just don't move off the ammo box, you'll never run out off ammo. Sniper also is the class that has least problems with being targeted by bosses since you can just flicker the cloak for it to lose interest.
>shield block paired with parry on "c"
>cannot strife to the right while blocking
Like white voice actors putting fake British, French, German and other accents?

Personally I prefer black voice actors putting on African accents rather than AY YO DAS RITE YTBOI AIN'T NO THOWSAN SUNZ COMIN OUT HERE NIGGA SHIIIIIIIIIIIIET DAS RITE.
god bless reb. the second her horny ass took over the game improved. they can be woke all they want because we're still getting assframes.
if every boss was guaranteed to have an ammo box or nothing in between it and the ammo box we wouldnt be having this conversation
>this nigger cant into rebinding
just use a thumb button on the mouse
or god forbid, use a controller
>get out of the tomb
>Heldrake time
>no ammo from the bottom of the lift until the main cathedral
What did devs mean by this?
How stiff are your fingers that you can't hold c and use wasd freely at the same time?
sometimes there is an ammo cache in the second building with the stairs leading out of it on the left if you're lucky
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Every single end fight including the Hive Tyrant has a pod right before it and an ammo box inside. I genuinely don't understand what is your difficulty understanding the idea of taking the conditionally more powerful gun when it's guaranteed said condition is met.
not him but sometimes you want to press space bar or q or change weapons and parry all while moving at the same time
There was none, not even in the hidden bunker.

Literally a garbage design choice especially when that section throws enemy waves at players.
every helbrute spawn apart from the one on vox liberatis where the nids fight (you can just run to the loadout pod there) has an ammo cache right before it or on top of it

the vox liberatis nid boss spawn doesnt
the first inferno boss spawn only has a (low) chance to spawn
the second and third inferno spawns if you get off the back of a massive wave you might end up having to fight through 5-10 warriors with 0 ammo to get to
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Posts like this really highlight that the only thing preventing disaffected young men from taking meaningful action against a corrupt system that openly hates them is easily accessible porn. You will tolerate anything as long as you're allowed to pull your mickey to big ass and tit.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.
fuck off anyday you retarded niggers
I switched to leveling the power fist and every single group of enemies has had at least two venom canons.
It's on purpose.
Why the fuck does pressing the fucking parry button sometimes does fucking nothing.
Alpha Legion sabotage
How will they possibly fix assault?
>every boss has an ammo crate
>no, every boss does not have an ammo crate
>you cant read lol
Gets another jetpack boost
Ground pound gives max contested HP back
Ground pound and lift-off will shit out frag grenades in addition to all of that
You can't read buddy. Nowhere in there does it say every boss has an ammo crate. There are some boss spawns that do, but keeping track of where game showers you with ammo is a bit different from just taking the faster shooting gun for the final room.
And be honest, what are you using those three Sniper loadout slots for anyway?
the only real boss threats that will end a run are the ones that show up after a massive wave and without an ammo cache around, so you should absolutely prepare for those, and those alone

i honestly dont care whether you kill a boss a few seconds faster with an ammo crate around. it's irrelevant.
Won't work
The issue with Assault is an issue with a clear misunderstanding of how combat works
Basically, you want to parry, not dodge. And because Assault is entirely built around dodge combat, it sucks. Nothing will fix this.
Even it's main weapon, the thammer, you want a version that isn't the fencing but you can't afford to NOT take fencing.
This means that the weakest melee class at meleeing is also, funny enough, the one that CAN'T heal in any way.
the way you worded end fight did sound like you meant every boss
especially since they're called terminus enemies
Man I'm kinda sick of the pvp already
It's fun
But every single round being a one sided stomp fucking sucks
Why the hell doesn't it gather a full group and then randomize teams every round?
fully agree
>Curbstomp happens
>teams from the losing side quit en masse
>winning team gets broken up
>if a player sees that one or two of the top guys switch teams he also quits, hoping to rejoin the winning side
>a new player will get intimidated seeing level 15-25 players and his team are only at around level 5-12 and immediately quits because he knows he's in for a curbstomp
>rinse and repeat
>no PvP update since release
Even if you hide levels the teams should be randomized every round, introduce tiers so that actual pros and decent players can pwn themselves instead of pwning noobz.
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>weakest melee class at meleeing
>the only real boss threats that will end a run are the ones that show up after a massive wave and without an ammo cache around, so you should absolutely prepare for those, and those alone
The only real boss threats that will end a run are the ones you get without a tactical in your team and have no ammo and have no assault and no equipment and no heals and no bulwark and big wave and zoanthropes and tight space and everything went wrong and also be shit at the game. This isn't some secret game winning hack because the game doesn't need one.
>i honestly dont care whether you kill a boss a few seconds faster with an ammo crate around. it's irrelevant.
I do not understand why this is a hill you want to die on. Like, okay, you don't need to do it. You can also just use a gray gun anyway. But shooting things is fun? Shooting more is funnier (especially when they actually die)? I don't get your angle here.
Are you a woman?
>you said this!
>I didn't say this
>you said this in my dream!
they "promised" some prestige or someshit idk pvps gonna die in like a month or 2
posting so i dont have to wait another 1 hour 30 mins to be verified
Weapons being locked by levels instead of customization being locked by levels is stupid.
Prestige is for PvE.
Holy crap is that 5 warriors clipping into each other getting stunlocked into a corner with no ranged adds around? WOAHHHHH
So This Is The Power Of Assault . . .
The Plasma cannon and Las Fusil are OP and definitely should be locked

Even a Tactical unlocking the Stalker bolter will make him melt dudes from medium range

An Assault with a Melta bomb can fuck over entire teams
>Are you a woman?
The frequency with which men say this to other men seems to indicate that men share more behaviors with irrational emotional women than they would like to admit.
sniper with melta is kino vs bulwark spamming faggots
>and have no ammo

>shooting things is fun?
yes which is why you want to have as much ammo as possible when you really need to shoot things and your ENTIRE TEAM is also hurting for ammo at the same time to relieve the pressure on the ENTIRE TEAM when it really matters
It is beyond my comperhension how can you still not get the simple idea of being glued to an ammo box when you're defending a static position anyway.
u mad kitten?
>gets magnetised off the breach
>taking damage
>bulwark has to plug the hole
lmao c'mon sis everyone wants to deep dick assault but it just aint it
it is literally irrelevant when there is an ammo box around because everyone has infinite ammo and there's no wave stacking or pressure regardless. it's like you think there are no dynamics and everything is a flat line or something, i dont get it

do you only play with bots?
Now do that during a massive enemy wave with another 3 or so ranged warriors + countless gaunts
Also what you did the Vanguard and Bulwark can do while also having fallbacks in case something goes wrong (the health perk and banner respectively) and better sidearm options, as well as just perks for parry combat which again, you cannot deny is the primary form of fighting when shit gets hard.
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yes you have to take hits sometimes when you're spamming aftershock, it's why the thunderhammer wasn't very good pre patch when minoris would 1 hit armor chunks, but it's not like you can't just hit one and gun strike it to get the armor back (which you should be doing anyway to keep your pride in duty buff up if ground pounding)
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>massive wave with countless gaunts
it actually becomes easier the more gaunts there are available for gun strike armor farming and refuel weaving. Not many people know this but assault was actually better vs chaos pre patch because there were more enemies to chain ground pound on
it's very funny seeing people insist certain guns or entire classes are fundamentally unviable or unplayable in some way, when this was already an easy PvE game that was recently patched to be even easier. there are people clearing Ruthless with standard-issue auto bolt rifles right now, meanwhile we have to take seriously the idea that Assault can't even clear it. some of you might just not be very good at the game.
No more codes?
game dead
i actually have to do shit other than play this game for the next week or so i cant keep it on life support sorry anon
It's ogre

General dead
You can't always chain ground pound even in a minoris group.
Waiting for patch bros
quick post more sexualized rule63 superhuman superwarriors
Did something happen today? Every other game suddenly starts slideshowing and I have to alt-f4 out to restart. It was literally fine yesterday.
rooves removed
i am playing assault because this thunderhammer won't level itself
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wtf is it with bulwarks standing there and just shooting their PP. wtf is wrong with you. i´m not saying not to shoot it, its a good damn pistol. but bulwark can just walk into a bunch of bundled up majoris + minoris and down them almost as effective as assault with hammer/groundpound. instead they are standing there shooting uncharged shots pissing their pants. i do not understand why i´m seeing this so often.
Gay. Let's instead help me flesh out an OC chapter of space marines that treat SoB's like asian kids treat pop idols
Bulwark sucks. It's just a pistol class with a janky parry that punishes getting into melee combat. Bulwark doesn't even get good perks for melee when compared to Vanguard.
You keep posting these webms as if they prove any point or counter what was said.
Assault is shit compared to Vanguard and Bulwark. It has no sustain and the dodge based combat means it's just not as good at what actually facilitates melee which is parrying.
Posting moments where it worked out does not make the class good.
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ah yes because a class that gets exponentially better damage output the more enemies there are around with +50% gun strike damage for the entire team is absolutely terrible and i would never welcome it especially if i was using an underleveled class and/or weapons
>waaahh we can't fight necrons because they too strong
Lmao space marines fight them all the time. Besides that you can always give Titus some better armor and an iron halo.
you have to be profoundly retarded to believe that
>no Ultramarines cape, Iron Halo and Thunderhammer
gib Alpharius gf
bulwark is literally invincible if they stand in the middle of a horde and just parry everything
to be efficient in this scenario (this includes all classes) you explicitly do not melee and you should only hipfire so that you can short the AI action queue by killing the minoris that wants to grab you because if left alone the entire horde will stare at you for 10 seconds while you take immense ranged damage
assault is great since they buffed it. it has much more impact and battlefield control then a vanguard. vanguard is better at staying alive, but even with melta you are not just waltzing into a situation and disarming it. assault can just jump into a bunch of majoris and fuck them up in record time. its basically a walking grenade.
dead game dead general
Twins, basil, twins!
this nigga was not fooling the ai, he was staying back with the sniper and dying like a tard. i had to clutch like 3 times. i have never seen such a terrible bulwark on ruthless. obviously it was a space wolf
Is this still on?
You're all retarded arguing over minutia.
Tactical is good because Auspex turns bosses into jokes and with specific weapons can reach absurd ranged damage.
Vanguard is good because you can play him like an absolute nigger, take fucktons of damage and still do well and not be absolutely useless with the ability regen on executions.
Assault is good because it deals stupid amounts of damage in melee and combined with Auspex he can pretty much zero melee bosses faster than a sniper and has infinite armor.
Bulwark is good because he's an infinite healthpack and can kill in melee even harder with all his DoTs than Assault at the cost of having trouble if enemies move away, and also has the single best team perk of prolonged contested health duration meaning you have to really fuck up to even lose health.
Sniper is good because Lasfusil damage is busted and can drop aggro on demand while he destroys bosses and hordes alike.
Heavy is good because Plasma and Melta can deal fucktons of damage and the full HP on revive means you can get knocked out practically infinitely.
Out of all of those the only class I'd say stands out above others is Tactical because of the Auspex. Any class combo will have an easy game if at least one of them is a Tactical that has two working braincells.
Without Tactical any combo can still work but requires two working braincells from all the players, which is slightly more difficult but a very reasonable expectation.
>heldrake fight
>duck behind pillar for flame attack
>it spawns a teleport of a wave on top of the safe spot with no chance to retreat elsewhere
>I had the geneseed
Bullshit game. Bullshit devs. Bullshit mechanics. Bullshit boss.
>gun strike perk
>not taking the first perk for ability regen
Not only do you not comprehend this game you're actively making it worse for your team so good job.
>better damage output
Irrelevant. Melee is worthless for damage. You're there to defend and parry. The damage dealing is done by the ranged.
you keep outing yourself as a close minded retard
And you keep outing yourself as an idjit. Give me your name so I can avoid you if you're playing Assault. Not bringing Squad Cohesion is pure stupidity. It's on the level of not bringing Inner Fire as Vanguard.
>Melee is worthless for damage
Not on Assault. He's literally the exception setting aside Bulwarks shock parries.
Bulwark is there to defend and parry
And Vanguard is there to slip into the priority majoris or extermis and then defend and parry in the middle of everything.
Assault is for dying after he can't jump pack anymore. And god forbid a whip nid decides he isn't allowed to be in the air anymore. Love those Y axis attacks.
Iron Fists.
For a second I thought "oh hey his arms are fully coloured you can make this in game" but then I remembered we have no gold primary paint.
>And you keep outing yourself as an idjit.
that was my first reply to you. i just read the bickering over assault. pretty much all your opinions are trash
Yeah it sucks. Hopefully we get more paint in future patches.
>get headshot with bolter weapon
>instantly kills minoris, feels good
>hit anywhere that isnt the head
>takes 5-8 bolt rounds to kill a minoris
>feels shit
The gap is too large
Stay mad and join the other fag in sucking at this game if you think Assault is in any way a good class.
Giving bolt weapons better body shot damage multiplier would be a good start. Also normalise all bolt rifle damage to the bolt rifle would actually be good too.
join us, become a minotard
This shitter is in here every few days sobbing and crying about Assault brah. You simply cannot convince the unwashed masses.
The only way for it to feel right if any body shot makes Minoris go splat. Many green bolters do not even one-shot minoris cultists you kill by running past them, I didn't even think it was possible until I started levelling all the bolters.
In exchange just incerase their spawns and lower the delay before new ones show up. Honestly good 90% of every mission should just have constantly respawning Minoris.
Why are the colours even arbitrarily seperated into different categories?
>play Fall of Atreus with AssaultAnon with the sneed
>don't get weapon XP at all
>If I have to match with another dumbass blood angel
If they keep dying just pretend they're in the midst of the Red thirst. I personally haven't seen another Bangel in a fuckin long time
>Melee is worthless for damage
how can you be so adamantly wrong? it's not the class's fault you are dogshit. i will pray for you to get good
>the game is all about parrying!
>no, you shouldnt take the gun strike perk which makes parrying miles better for everyone, what are you talking about?
this has GOT to be bait
Is it tourney allowed if I paint my CSMs as blood ravens and say I'm actually playing blood ravens that looted some cool stuff?
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Just say they're following Kyras, once you get back from here
I was gonna try and make a rough calculation on how impactful (or not) that 10% skill cool down is, but then i realised that we literally dont even have that information anywhere. Does anyone even know what the cooldown time is for each class by default?
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not sure how i stole ranged damage from a sniper, but neat
Do we have any stats on the melee weapons? I'm not looking for detailed infographics but moreso how each variant in the family stacks up against the others because those stat numbers are an abstract lie as demonstrated with range weapons.
desu you might as well just bring vanguard if you care about skill cooldowns, the 50% gunstrike damage feels fucking incredible
The group recharge rate is mediocre because most classes do not use their class ability on cooldown anyway. Tacticals typically hold it for large groups or bosses, Heavies save Iron Halo for when they're actually taking damage, Bulwark saves it for getting health back. A level 25 Sniper doesn't need the CDR because they have it from their own talents. It's good for Assault and Vanguard to more quickly spam their mobility buttons.

The gunstrike per is so monumentally better that it's not even a contest.
Even if we have the baseline damage its not going to be super useful if we dont have the motion value data. The guy who made the ranged damage data table seems to know where to find em but because its probably more complicate than ranged damage he hasnt released it.
Yeah. It still unclear to me what can affect gunstrike damage. Some have speculated that gun damage or headshot modifier matter, but i dont know how true that is. Gunstrike damage It is pretty handy, as it can insta kill a warrior from full hp (at least for the assault?) To me thats a decent trade off for skill cool down. Tbf, both skills are pretty much always active through out the game. A strong perk is one that has the most uptime through out the mission, which is why the grenade on 3 minute cooldown is not very good atm, even though melta becomes incredibly strong with it.
Gunstrikes do not count as headshots for the purposes of perks. For instance, Sniper won't get CDR from a gunstrike kill and Tactical's perk to insta-kill with a headshot doesn't work with gunstrike. It's possible that they scale with weapon rarity but I'd also believe they deal flat damage, and only scale with things that explicitly say ''gunstrike damage'', like the Assault perk.
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shit i wonder how well you can make angry marines
yeah, i was knocking like 3% off of the hive tyrant with every gunstrike, and practically chaining them off of its attacks
based on non-scientific observation, i'd say it's probably the gun's damage (feels like the heavy bolt pistol takes down majoris way faster via gunstrikes) and it feels like headshot bonuses apply. but i'll take >>498472332 's word for it, i dunno that i have the patience to try and control all the variables to figure that stuff out.

the equipment restore is nice, but really the only reason i use it is because the other two perks on that tier kinda feel like a joke. like, even if 15% secondary damage further boosts the gunstrike damage, it feels like it's already doing more than enough with just the 50% perk, and the only point where it would make a serious difference is if i'm trying to shoot majoris+ at range, which...only really happens with neuros and zoeys, and i'm not going to just bank on one of them showing up. occasionally finding an extra grenade in my pocket has been really handy, even when it's just a frag.
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Iron Warriors as Chuds? 100% lore accurate.

Female Iron Warriors? I guess the Daemonculaba womb slaves technically have the geneseed.
Actually, id argue heavy with a specific build can always get a ton of ironhalo usage that for him the value is going to be pretty good. The 10% cdr will be good in term of the entirety of the mission, but only under the assumption that skills are always being used, for example heavy, assault and perhaps vanguard... Personally i think that 10% should be moved to his passive 20% jetpack CDR and a new team perk should be introduced.
i use iron halo to give my teammates armor when it expires more often than i do to actually defend against ranged attacks
>damage taken
+30% headshot damage at low health heavy bolt pistol perk?
Based supporter
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yeah it would be hard to break down
Numerical values unclear, brought block thunder hammer instead of parry.
nope, i think i only have one +10% mod on my heavy bolt pistol. it might've been gunstrikes, i was going ham with them.
you really should stack all the headshot perks on it if only for thropes but it's great for softening up rubrics and ranged warriors and triggering their dodges too if you're tired of chasing them around, especially considering the headshot multipliers it's much better than the flat damage bonuses
Saber autism. How difficult really is it to just have a straight forward calculation system? It would be truly hilarious if this contributed to the increased cpu usage. Im assuming each of those entries containing some sort of file name in the parenthesis is another file.
idk but you can open the .pak files in 7zip and go through the cls and shit in notepad or whatever if you want
I might employ the power of chatgpt to parse the data.
id gen a script to iterate through all this trash and find the relevant stuff but i cant be bothered extracting everything
I may be retarded but is this saying the knife gets a bonus to parrying?
it's the fencing one
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I finally won a game, you wouldn't believe how much I would clutch and we would still lose. The PVP in this is a mess.
Ah, got it.
TDM just doesn't suit this game imo, I think other modes are much better
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A better question is why do black characters always get cybernetic arms? if it was not for the blueberries as the backdrop you would fool me if you told me this guy is an adopted Iron Hand.
In ancient societies the punishment for stealing was the removal of an arm, very cool and inspired reference to historical cultures
>Iron within, Iron without brother
No codes?
id post one but im too busy procrastinating
I am locked in the wage cage
2 DEI checkboxes ticked in one go
Like that black bald lady that appears in all modern games black and woman and shes probably gay too like decimus
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Operation, ruthless, grinding bulwark.
Not like you couldn't shove a woman in there. They would just be total 'tards like the boys too.
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>clear the point
>team just stands around like idiots
I hope we get the dlc today, I need that/those new map/s. Have they confirmed if it’s one or two maps yet? Because the road map says maps but they’re only mentioned one
>you wouldn't believe how much I would clutch and we would still lose.
I totally do. I'm currently working on the "win a match with every class" cheeve and so far the best strategy has been restart matchmaking until the team powerlevel exceeds the other team's, leave the match if after getting halfway through the other team has 30% more points, then switch to a new class when your team has 5% left to score and rush to the front to get killed.
What's even funnier, I noticed that when I'm playing on the winning team, I suddenly don't die over and over again and my score is up to 4 times higher than when playing with the losing team. It's fucking clown core.
Good. That's how it should be. Tabletop rules are for retards.

A space marine should dominate nearly anything i nthe galaxy in a 1-on-1.
The strength of hte tyranids shouldn't the might of their individual units, but their numbers.

Yes, a single space marine should solo 10 lictors. But the tyranids would send 50 of them
>Grey Knights are like writer's favorite: the chapter. They are the strongest, secretest, bestest, uncorruptiblest, goodest boys.

Grey Knights are great. They make perfect sense lore-wise and the fact that they are max autismo anti-demon is great.
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that's not just tabletop rules, that's how marines are in all but the most extreme marinewank novels
that's even how all the marines that aren't special characters are depicted in SM2
Carnifexes are essentially tank and fortress busting weapons, Hive Tyrants are just bodies for the rare commander souls in the Hive Mind network (and that Hive Tyrant is seething at it's killer eternally), and Lictors are basically assassins. Neurothropes though is really stretching it since those are super psykers and the fluff strategy with psykers without casualties is "pop a melta bomb big enough to crack a spaceship in half to scuttle it and run away".

Other stuff past that scale just seems way to big for three dudes without making it look contrived and/or silly.
Lobby doko
dude carnifexes have good odds to solo dreadnoughts, and lictors are insanely strong in a duel against any lone man sized enemy
hive tyrants will annihilate almost any space marine unit that isn't a novel protagonist
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Ballistic Engine, ruthless.
Yes but they have logical weaknesses or caveats for losing. At least in a narrative sense but so far the psykers in this game are severely gimped from what makes them so dangerous. You could replace them with tech drones doing the exact same thing and it wouldn't make a difference.
the caveat for them losing in space marine 2 is that they're fighting special characters, that's all
that's basically what any game where you directly control individual soldiers or vehicles has to do unless you want to do something like that battlefield 1 mission for an entire game

Tyranids and their magic claws and magic carapaces are stupid and they should die in trillions. It makes no sense in the lore itself.

IF the nids can mass produce units that are that powerfull, then they should have murdered the entire galaxy by now. Obviously, some retarded writer isn't using their head.
then fuck off, why are you involving yourself in something you don't care about
This is post Failbaddon accomplishing something for once and tore the galaxy's asshole aka Eye of Terror into an even bigger one. Tyranids got mega fucked and are now scattered and basically nerfed.
And that's garbage. Do you relize that if you follow half of these animations that the marines lose dozens of brothers in every fight. That is uttery unsustainable.
Not to mention that both the eldar and SM's should move faster, but we dont' see it for reasons.
Meh. Iron Halo's kinda useless if you're already killing enemies the instant they spawn anyway.
Learn to read.
I don't care about SHIT justifications that make no sense.

Good lore needs to stay. Bad lore needs to die.
Learn to write.
With how pointlessly granular the systems are, I think they just wanted to make it so that they can always make sure you never hit certain thresholds for damage so that gun strikes and executes can be reliably reached. You can stack all the damage you want but you're never going to one-shot a minoris with a regular melee attack so that you can get your gun strike. Makes sense but also sucks if you want to clear a room quick.
I'm sure black library wants more mediocre writers that will have five marines solo a tomb world, maybe consider getting into that.
>most iconic 40k imagery is space marines making a final stand on top of a mountain of corpses
>dooood they should just 1v10000 and be unkillable
Secondary doesn’t even begin to cover it
Thanks to you, I just realized than the eye of terror and the cicatrix maledictum are just one big galactic goatse and I will never be able to unsee it...
the thing is that a lot of secondaries won't even think space marines are invincible and that any one of them can solo 20 carnifexes back to back
anyone that's only played dawn of war will be used to seeing at least a company of space marines die per battle
it's a very specific kind of person that
>doesn't like dawn of war
>doesn't like most 40k video games
>doesn't like most of the literature
>doesn't like the tabletop
so the only acceptable 40k media for them is space marine, parts of space marine 2 and a few 40k novels
We do both of those things in Space Marine 2
PSA: The Krak bug can still kill you even if you yourself don't use them (but a teammate does). Just exploded when my iron halo ran out lol
It’s a video game, you accept any fluff silliness for the sake of a fun game the exact same way you do with rules on the table top
everyone besides your special characters eats shit on a regular basis, the entire deathwatch squad in the prologue dies and the transport(including the pilot, I assume) is destroyed
what's the death count of the campaign?
anon, it's not that i don't believe you, but it never happened to me and sounds a lot like the damage-on-halo-deactivation perk triggering an explosive barrel. Do you have a webm?
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>tech priest is literally named "lose"
I really liked how we got to see the death toll going up aboard the ship, wish we saw some scouts being brought in for their promotion to battle brothers. Could have reused the assets for the phobos classes as well, some scout armour for fun would have been neat
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>Roman-themed Space Marine literally called "Titus"
>tac running around with the plasma cannon
The state of some people
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>Primarch of the Iron Hands Legion, who has iron hands, is literally called "Iron Hands"
it 100% was that perk triggering it the same as the assault perk does, but there were no barrels around and it was the krak grenade explosion with the lightning bolt effect
No but he has a witness. I saw it with my own eyes, he just up and exploded in front of me for no reason.
Subtlety is our greatest strength
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Are you going to ask again how or why Tyranids don't mass produce carnifex again?
>finally find a video of meleeing the helbrute on youtube
>the guy tanks every hit in the face, dies twice, finishes the brute with uncharged plasma pistol shots
>Yes, a single space marine should solo 10 lictors. But the tyranids would send 50 of them
You sound underage.
>Reductio Ad Absurdum

Youre not doign yourself a favor with such dishonest approaches.

I don't want super-mega space marines. I just want some consistency and sense. For the writers to think about the implications of what they write.
It is a shame that the squad doesn't get visible reactions we just get told 'we are known for unorthodox tactics" by the out of place scottish accent. No honor and glory? I want the full medieval knight treatment or whatever the greek equivalent to that is. Only one nameless astartes gets that and nobody else.
>I just want some consistency and sense.
the consistency and sense is accepting that marines die all the time, recruit all the time, and most engagements they partake in involve minimal forces that strike fast at only a select few critical targets and then leave the rest to other imperial forces
I like Dawn of War, but it's game. And just like tabletop, it has it's own set of rules.
I don't consider it a proper representation of canon lore.

After all, you ca nlose 100+ space marines per battle, and in the game you have .. 20 missions or so? By that logic the entire chapter is gone before you reach half the game mark. And space marines constantly fight.
Simply put, the attrition rates are such that there would be no marines left in the galaxy in a few years (and that's with me being generous).

So either chapters should be 10000 marines (a more sensible number) or space marines deaths should be few and far in between.
Prove me wrong if you can.
I was kind of disappointed we didn't get a repeat of the Thunder Warriors vs Astartes treatment if only subtly. Gee Dubs set that up then just drops it in favor of pretending that never happened and shut up space marines were never 15 centimeters shorter.
not every marine that "dies" in a battle, either on tabletop or in a videogame is actually dead, sometimes soldiers get incapacitated, and in the case of marines they can enter a state of suspended animation, and get recovered and patched up later
>I don't want super-mega space marines
>I just think a single space marine should solo 10 lictors
pick one
the primaris replacement has been more traumatic for fans than it has been for the marines in the setting themselves
sure, the first wave of reinforcements were marine that only nominally shared the same chapter, lacking in the specific chapter culture and tactics, but the successive primaris would have been no different from newly raised and trained neophytes and veteran marines ended up crossing the rubicon, only barely more traumatic than the normal generational replacement

the first wave of primaris reinforcements also didn't carry any sort of authority or replaced the chapter's higher ranks unless they were specifically allowed to by the receiving chapter
What's wrong with that?
t. going to be levelling the plasma cannon soon
Nothing. Maybe he just thinks it's overpowered or not very "tactical."
You're supposed to empty your ranged weapon before engaging in melee.
that or he's talking about the mod that lets you use any weapon on any class and it's a tactical with a heavy plasma
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This is the same forces that consider the optimal move when seeing a giant floating crystal of evil is to ram it at full speed.
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Thanks for the bolter brothers!
I didn't think asians liked 40k.
but the emperor cultivated his way to godhood
They made Tau for the Nip Gundam and Chink audience.
A tactical with heavies primary weapons and a power hammer is a bit broken, games already too easy adding this shit on top just becomes silly.
As a Tactical I want to run Thunderhammer + plasma pistol
I get chinks in my games pretty often. Usually the worst players or they're cheating.
Loadout limitations are kind of retarded in the first place.
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>people actually playing as ultramarines
I'm actually surprised.
I think everyone should have access to most pistols and melee options with obvious exceptions like heavy getting melee weapons. But people running around with multimeltas and plasma cannons on different classes makes an easy game painfully boring
why would a gook buy a tau when it can buy a gundam?
they buy guard and marines, tau are for the western weeaboo
Meant for >>498496565
My autism gets triggered because of all the Ultra iconography, so I have to play as Ultramarines.
Yeah why shouldn’t my sniper get access to the heavy bolter? Retard
Getting heavy's weapon is retarded, but why wouldn't Sniper have access to an Occulus or an Instigator, retard?
No reason, they do need to loosen the restrictions where it makes sense. I was taking about shitters giving tac heavy weapons though wasn’t I retard
You were also talking about the thunder-hammer. Which is only good because Assault gets to ground pound it.
I think sidearms should be opened up to everyone. Heavy bolt pistols and plasma pistols should be available for every class. Same thing with knives. Maybe the power sword.
Your sniper should get access to the Heavy Bolter, but it's ammo count should be heavily reduced and it's recoil should be big as fuck.
It’s worse than chain sword, chain swords half charge tech makes it hands down the best melee weapon. I think things like hammer and fist should be exclusive to melee oriented classes though and get some big buffs, he’ll all melee weapons need buffs really
I agree, pistols already act as side grades for the most part they’d just need to give the regular bolt pistol more pen so it over takes the heavies trash clearing, maybe nerf the + plus ammo version of the heavy pistols reserves a bit. Regular is your ammo flush trash clear, heavy is single target with ammo inefficient trash clear, plasma is a good all arounder but it can head shot.
>Waiting for Horde mode to finish my last cheevo edition
You'll get Horde mode in 2026.
The dlc isn’t dropping today, is it bros
Because it's unnecessary. Parry combat doesn't need it. It's the type of thing that's overkill on an already good thing.
Also I always use abilities on cooldown. Even bulwark's. Waiting for "the perfect time" just means you never use 'em. Funny enough assault's the exception since he can't do shit effectively without ground pound.
Anyway I hope they fix your main anon I do. It's never good when a class sucks.
I just can't get myself to run operations anymore, it's too repetitive at this point.
I don't think so. I'd like to be proven wrong, but I kind of expected them to release a preview in a trailer for such a major update.
The gunstrike damage buff for the team is really good, takes it down to two gunstrikes to kill majoris, which will usually end up being one since you’ll be hitting them before the parry most of the time. Plasma pistol also has an aoe gunstrike and when it’s buffed but assault you can block packs of majoris up with it when they stack up
Season 2 is supposed to last until 2025 so it might be one level now and another in december
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imagine the chafing
Take a closer look at that snout!
Battle barge customization when?
I run them all in order instead of just doing the same couple over and over, so it helps break the monotony a bit.
I still find chaos to be less fun to fight, they’re less fun than before the nerfs in a lot of ways now because they send a pathetic amount of enemies at you compared to the nids now. Way too much down time on chaos missions
They really needed to bring in the Undivided stuff like Chaos Spawn, Beasts, and or Daemons. A small time warband like this just feels kind of milquetoast.
amazing intel. thank you for reporting in, data interrogator anon.
It is far more useful for all classes, Assault included, to get their abilty back faster. All abilities provide a stronger benefit than gunstrikes.
This isn't even the issue anyway. Assault's bad because it wants to dodge but dodge is shit.
>remove all signs of life from the battlebarge
>half the lights flickering and dim
>metal creaking, thuds and scratching sounds coming from the pipes and walls
we have come for you
10% passively is pathetic compared to snipers and vanguards team perks, assault can’t kill things quickly when you’re out of pistol ammo without the buffed gunstrike. It’s not a bad class though, need work to be more fun but it’s got stuff going for it compared to vanguard which just has a good team perk, health regen and a meltagun. Vanguards skill tree is a disaster
I wonder if the volkite will get a unique gun strike effect like the plasma?
>fighting a Neurothrope
>slow going as Assault
>chink joins
>it's a sniper
>"cool, that should make this easier"
>he starts shooting it with a heavy melta and melees it with a power sword
>still takes forever because of that
I hate chinks.
Vanguard's skill tree suffers from a terminal case of there being a clear best in all the rows.
No customization
But at least the class is fun.
Sorry chud the plasma gunstrike aoe was actually a bug we will be resetting your weapon progress so that you may repent for the sin of bug abuse
It doesn’t benefit everyone
Self sufficient
Self sufficient
Self sufficient
Taking gunstrikes to kill from 3 to 2 benefits everyone, only exception is against chaos. I’d take the cool down against them just because they don’t throw many attacks to parry your way
Most classes are like that but most of vanguard best choices are just the least shit option with a lot of them just being there, especially the grapple stuff. Besides the enemy debuff they’re all useless
as if pubs weren't bad enough, now odds are they're absolutely ruined by cheaters on the off chance i want to carry some pubshitters instead of posting a code?

its fucking over. at least the darktide cheaters dont really noticeably impact the gameplay all that much with their bullshit enemy health bars and scopes on pistols and shit
That's an incorrect take. Staking ability recharge just gets better.
Meanwhile, guntrike is worthless for tact since they can parry auspex, worthless for sniper and heavy since shit dies before it needs to be parried, overkill for bulwark since it can easily shit on everything with parry anyway.
Vanguard and Assault are the only two that potentially benefit.
50% parry window and health on majoris kills are useless?
Parry auspex with a buffer gunstrike is a one shot for majoris, bulwark and heavys aoe plasma gunstrike gets huge collateral potential. Gunstrikes also have a scaler that goes up depending on the enemy type it’s used against, the extra 50% adds a lot when fighting bosses which is assaults main pain point. Jump pack dodging through carnifex and he’ll brute attacks into gunstrike is the safest damage you have against them on assault besides mag dumping head shots
50% perfect parry window is useless yes, is it even possible to fuck up a perfect parry with a fencing weapon.
Yes the healing is strong which is why I mentioned it before.
What color do you use for your gold?

Also why the long wait time for captcha?
wouldnt auspex on parry be good to compound with the gun strike bonus? wouldnt sniper and heavy like the gun strike bonus to save on ammo? wouldnt they prefer to gun strike for the aoe stagger (and aoe damage if using plasma pistol)? bait?
It’s spreading fast, i’ve been seeing loads of people rocking multi meltas on non heavy classes. Going to lead to a crack down from the devs for sure at this pace, retards once again ruin things for everyone.
The only way Assault's good on bosses is tact supporting
Also lol at saying 50% parry window isn't good especially on knife.
assault has some of the best boss damage in the game with fully charged aftershock double hits
And depends on others making the windows for those double charge hits. Meanwhile Vanguard can stay in melee with a carni forever.
I’m not picking skills and then hoping to get a tac, the gunstrike team perk is a really good boost to its boss killing power, still not a crazy fast boss killer but you get a lot of free damage against two of the three random spawn bosses.
Yeah it’s shit, or more pointless I suppose. If you can’t land perfect parries with the massive window as is you need to sort yourself out.
You're not even using that 50% parry window unless you're parrying way too early. Just parry on time and you're fine.
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Just had extreme constipation for the first time in my life and now realise that Nurgle is the strongest chaos god.
What does vanguard have that helps it stay in melee vs a carnifex? One fuck up and you’re in the danger zone with no armour. Assault can just dodge gunstrike and be back to full armour since the gunstrike armour restore perk gives all three pips back against bosses.
I’ve been really ill this past week and I now understand why the death guard made the deal
i thought we were talking about how gun strikes are good for everyone, not how good assault is vs vanguard against carnifex (i would prefer the dodge window to the parry window myself)

arent you if you get more attacks coming at you slightly delayed after the one(s) you parry first?
Except it's good in a mob to catch stray minoris for free armor you git. Think.
Runelord Brass
The other claim is Assault's good on bosses.
Fact is all this is potatos. So long as the class identity is "melee dodge" in a game where dodge is objectively inferior to parrying mechanically, then the class just ain't good.
I have never failed parrying a minoris on a class with a fencing weapon. Take the perk off and I bet you won’t notice a difference
There's like a tenth of a second where your parry catches other parryable attacks that hit you at the same time but that has nothing to do with that perk. If there are multiple hits coming at you spaced out perfectly from Majoris then you need to dodge out of the first parry or you're going to eat shit.

Has nothing to do with the window. You can still just get that armor by parrying it on time or even slightly. If there's a Minoris in the air jumping at you, then you can just press the button and get the parry with a Fencing weapon. Every millisecond you're self-stunning yourself by parrying early is wasted time and potentially lost health.
It’s class identity is free trash clear with ass slams. Hilariously enough the random spawn bosses are the only fuckers that parrying isn’t worth using against and it’s better to dodge them since they don’t give a gunstrike on parry.
the gun strike armor perk is an overrated safety net you don't need. the +25% sprint attack bonus synergizes with the +50% pommel smash perk and is also good for chainsword sprint cleaves

not every attack is parriable nor is the boss or whatever target going to be attacking you at the same time ya drangus

not sure why you value the 10% recharge so highly, the only class that might notice it if you don't tell them you have it is bulwark. otherwise you're just bad at jump fuel management
It’s a very good safety net and the other perks in its column are shit. Sprint attacks deal so little damage that you could buff them by 500% and they wouldn’t be worth using besides a gap closer and trash gunstrike opener. Respec your hammer it’s genuinely a useless damage buff
It can't be that bad surely. Besides if i used that perk I'd be ending every mission with many more unused resources and find it less engaging in general desu

Maybe I will find it worth the tradeoff in lethal
Consider that when you kill a single Neurothrope in the campaign everyone is like "wtf only 3 guys that's suicide" and "wtf didn't think i'll ever see you again" and so on.
Psykers especially suffer from a huge lore to tabletop disconnect and this usually also applies to video games.
I remember some snippet of lore about how a guardsman has tough time believing a couple generic lanky nerds under constant guard were the cause for a warp storm that removed half the enemy army from the field.
Meanwhile you typically get pretty underwhelming abilities from them because it wouldn't be fun to get instagibbed.
I think the only exception has been the Darktide psyker but even that's only because they're supposedly a low level scum psyker, yet they're still shooting lightning and fire from their hands, exploding heads, throwing psychic plasma balls and guided ice shards and creating impenetrable force fields.
All sprinting/dodge attacks do about a quarter of the damage of a light attack in operations. Guessing it’s so you don’t accidentally kill minoris that you’re trying to get a gunstrike on, anything that buffs the damage of it is buffing a number so small that it’s not noticeable. Ah so the perk isn’t over valued then? If it saves you using med packs then it’s pretty damn valuable after all. Who could have known. The skill trees in this game need a big second pass, too many useless skills.
You are missing the point I'm making. The point is that in a mosh pile of gaunts, the 50% means pressing parry will more like catch a stray minoris hit.
You can parry anything except the neuro.
i would be ending every mission with 2 med packs and leaving the rest on the floor if i used that perk
Just go play a bit without it man, I bet you it’s not actually doing anything besides fucking up your parry timings on other classes. I’ve never had an issue parrying little dudes. I know you can, you don’t get a gunstrike for it though was my point.
Then it’s not an overrated safety net, it’s a pretty damn good one. I agree, sadly there’s nothing else that actually does anything in it’s slot so it’s just a case of you want more armour or do you want to kill a guant in 3 pommel strikes instead of 4.
well if the perk lets me edge even a single majoris that has been catching stray damage here and there into execute range i see it as a win
Just bee yourself, hopefully melee gets some damage buffs in the season 2 update
Why are you measuring it in terms of how likely it is? Do you have eyes or not? Are you blindly parrying? Explains why you love it so much.
>Achieve a streak of 5 kills without dying in Eternal War mode
Is it even possible to get this achievement anymore if you are only getting into pvp now? How do I even approach it? Am I supposed to reroll until I get a level 1 guy on the other team and then hunt him down repeatedly?
Yes it's piss easy I get it literally every match
Most players are braindead
Don't charge like a madman
Just don't be bad at the game? I'm pretty sure I get longer streaks accidentally all the time.
If you want to be a bitch about it run the Sniper SMG and just disappear after one kill, it's next to impossible to die on Sniper if you don't make a mistake.
Play as a loyalist.
Play as a traitor.
>Sniper SMG and just disappear after one kill,
this sounds reasonable, I'll try it.
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this is your wife now
You don't even need to grind for the SMG

>Tactical with Auto Bolt Rifle, spray on anyone close range that isn't a Bulwark
>Sniper with Bolt Sniper Rifle, aim for headshots as best you could
>As a Heavy just kill 1-2 with Iron Halo on and then retreat until it recharges fully
thats a man
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Who would win?
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this is your wife now
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Why the fuck would I ever use this
By accident.
when they add mission modifiers like the darktide maelstrom mission that has no ammo pickups and is basically nothing but scab crushers and maulers i can see this being useful l0l
>when you have full armour ...
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Snakes are pretty cute
Do all Primarchs turn into animals eventually or what's going on here?
All primarchs are half-warp stuff put into them and are sons of a psyker amagam. So the crow guy is a mutant now.
Only these 2.
>RAVEN guard
I can't wait for Russ to come back, only for him to have turned into a Wulfen.
>is actually just a nigger
>just an edgy boy
>just a furry
>Emperor's Children
>is a snake
I'm not seeing the pattern here.
bolt weapons buffs?
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i dont understand why everyone is sucking the balls of inner fire when sniper exists. the 10% refund for the entire team on headshotkill are 100x better then 15% on individual execution.
yeah cause someone would never shop a george floyd head onto a vulkan portrait as a joke either
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I'm actually dissapointed in myself that I wasn't racist enough to figure this out on my own.
Is there a cooldown to it or something? It doesn't seem to always proc on consecutive headshots.
>kill enemies in rapid succession
what the fuck does rapid succession mean, 15 seconds?
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>google the actual picture
>fem vulcan isn't bald
What the fuck
It means do it fast retard
I should have recorded the obvious cheater in a pvp match. Instead of moving smoothly he was teleporting around and had a 30:0 kill ratio. Someone typed in chat:
>one of our brothers is phasing in and out of the warp
am i right in the suspicion that the +1 damage relics (ranged) are generally speaking the best options? in the data-leak weapon stats chart it said that the +1 is basically a +20% basedamage increase
i wont pretend that i can say how anything in this game actually works. we dont have hard data, we basically just know that the class and weapon trees are lying/innacurate here and there, some things are obviously bugged.
but sniper will (even if its only sometimes) just refill everyones equipment bar by 30% with one shot, and then again a second later. that team perc is ridiculus and i never see anyone really talk about it. but everyone is sucking off inner fire, probably because vanguards want to pretend they are not the most selfish class.
scroll up for a discussion on why you don't generally want max damage sniper rifles.
You probably don't want to use the accuracy 1 heavy bolter either.
update doko
>trying to level Vanguard
that fat fucking ass keeps distracting me
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>look inside
>still no new map
Vanguard should get a Sister of Battle skin
>game says my weapon has 7000/17000 xp
>the bar is at 50%
why is everything so fucked in this game. tzeentch is fucking with me show yourself you fucking cunt
Wait till you notice that the Victory screen skull isn't properly aligned.
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Par for the course
benis :DDD
Legion of the Damned cosmetic pack when?
lol. lmao
Do not believe this heretic's lies, Brother Anons
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13 years ago
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment
why does he look like steve buscemi?
Okay, 24th of december it is.
2 more weeks
>new badass pallets of colors and heralds
>flaming SFX on the face/helmet, armor and weapons
>The fucking legion of the damned!
Never ever...
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>when is the update planned
>it is planned
because he is
You WILL have the Iron Hands cosmetic pack and you WILL be happy!
>Sister Hylia
Who the fuck is that
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>dead game dead general
Surely they must at least have a ballpark date? There's only two weeks left in the month
2 more weeks
Was out of the loop for few days, did we got any news about the October new contents ?
yeah beaky and mk7 helmets this month

>Hooded Primaris Helm
>a recap of shit we already know
The new cosmetics look kind of barebones desu, imagine paying 30$ for that. Also
>no new tier of weapons with Lethal
And is the new pistol only for Bulwark?
They have concepts of a plan
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No Consecrators is the only lame part, otherwise all good choices
It better not be.
>The best class in both PvE & PvP is the only one getting a new gun
Say it ain't so.
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Now that I look at it better. I think it's Tacti cause he has the loincloth.
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Pauldron, Chest Piece, Helmet, and Hood, on top of the Champion Skin.
Guessing there's going to be more extra minor cosmetics shit as well
>8 new Heraldry options
>Can't use them with the Champion Skin for some reason
qrd on why they're so derivative
>inb4 hurr durr they're successors
I mean what's the reason all 4 of the angel ones are so similar, because of the name similarity i'm not surprised it's just that I just know fuckall about Dark Angel lore.
>regular bulwarks are going to get eternally robemogged
That's one way to make a dlc a must-buy
not good enough
>no Guardians of the Convenant
Well... Gonna make them myself...
>no mk7
>no beaky helmet
so that ""leak"" was a ruse? because the beaky helmet had a dark angels insignia on the forehead too as well as raven guard
They are kind of successors only in name. iirc
Forgot pic.
You won't be able to color the robes anyways
DAngels are extremely against Codex Compliance. They basically still function as a Legion, just pretend not to by having successors so they don't get harassed by the Imperium.
All of their Successor Chapter Masters are simply called 'Masters' and Azrael of the DAngels is the 'Grandmaster', so you can put 2 and 2 together.
>against Codex Compliance.
Does anyone beside the ultramarines reall give a shit about Guiliman PHD thesis?
It's alright. I'll cope with it. I'll just put some silver and black paint with red herald and tada.
Not yet, but robe colors are on their list for eventually
Of the first founding, I think only the Iron Hands, Salamanders, Raven Guard, and Blood Angels care about the codex outside of the smurfs.
Now than they have Lion back, they can give even less than a fuck because good ol'Lion would think than its a kind of toilet paper or something he would use to clean his sword.
Dark Angels bros, we won.
>no date for the update release
why the fuck
You seriously telling me there's nothing for the right shoulder?
Also the chest piece has no robe.
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>get ready because we are bringing you a whole year of new contents
lol at the people saying it will be released in the coming 6 months
Lion is just happy another of his brothers is still alive, even if it's Bobby G. He's too busy with his Risen to care about legion stuff now.
>decide to use the normal DA symbol as a stand-in for Ravenwing since they are surely going to be added in a DA cosmetic pack
>is not in the pack
I have no words
Raven Guard are the next chapter their symbol was in the video lol
Iron Hands and Salamanders are not codex compliant.
The Salamanders have 6 companies of about 150 marines each, plus 60 scouts in their own company, with all 6 battle companies being mixed. They also only have 6 assault squads across the entire chapter.
As for the Iron Hands, while they are organized into 10 companies with he 10th being a scout company, each company is largely self sufficient with their own techmarines, and there's no formal chapter master. The chapter as a whole is run by a council of all the company commanders, and they vote on a leader whenever multiple companies have to be deployed. Both the Salamanders and the Iron hands have their own company/squad demarcation that's different than what the codex lays out.

On the other hand, the Imperial Fists are basically yellow Ultramarines. They follow the codex to the letter, while the Blood Angels deviate a bit thanks to the death company, sanguinary priests, and Astorath.
The real irony is that the Blood Angels are just as much of a full legion as the Dark Angels, but they don't try to hide it at all and no one fucking cares.
no gameplay of the volkite?
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>low gothic cosmetic
thank god
>they didnt show the DA champion use the banner
Oh no no, DA bros it's gonna be the ultramarine flag isnt it
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wake me when i can put chapter icons on the right pauldron
>no generalist winged helmet
that's kind of fucking jewish
Don't tell me it's just the new boss ?
It's the new boss, you won't even fight it properly since it'll be just a puzzle boss like the Heldrake
how big are bio titans if they are well titan sized?
titan sized
Okay so when's the update coming out?
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what do they scale agasint like a Reaver or Warlord?
New enemy will likely come in the other new pve map that's part of this season, hopefully later next year.
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Seems like Raven Guard is next.
They are the size of a Warhound or something is also implied it can be as big as it wants from how much biomass it gets
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We know it's not tomorrow at least. So it could be any day after the 16th.
Uh, I meant later this year, of course.
>can put pre heresy legion symbols on right pauldron
>can't put m42 era chapter symbols on right pauldron
gay and lame
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Ready for painting this weekend. :D
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Dreadnought and Calgar are bigger now
bro why is the old boxnaught actually fucking smaller than you think is it
Calgar was big even for a Terminator armored guy.
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>they actually are doing the obelisk assault missions for operations
>but it's not the first one up
oh, uh, okay? that's a choice I guess
Will they fix the Deathwatch gauntlet model or just pretend that it's correct
What's wrong with it
This is probably a stupid question but how do you get the tiny bits to stay on the paper clip? Just the tiniest dab of glue?
>One (1) new armor set
>Couple new paints and decals of some literally who successors
>Champion pack (who cares)
It's over customizationbros.
I had the same reaction after I got into hobbying. The dreadnought in Dawn of war 1/2 looks way bigger than what it actually is
off topic
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It's just a normal gauntlet. An actual Deathwatch gauntlet should look like this, the model is even in the game. (Excuse the shitty quality.)
A lighter and heat up the paper clip, do the same once I want to remove them.

First time doing this tho, we will see if it works out. Also gonna try and freehand the shoulders as white scars.

On topic because Im gonna paint them like my dudes in game
That's a super speshul one. Vast majority of deathwatch just have a normal silver painted arm
Sure, but you already have Captain tier Relic Cosmetics or whatever, so why not add it, you already could color a normal gauntlet silver and call it a day.
Because dreadnoughts were originally envisioned as power armor/coffin hybrids that allow a space marine to continue fighting after his body got shredded
The massive centerpiece models we have today are a result of herohammer scaling everything up over time
fellow beaky blinders we will be getting the helmets soon
they're about the size of a warhound but definitely not a match for a warhound, the really large knights are closer equivalents. they're much weaker than their size would suggest.
still, there are no titan or knight units operating on the planet, so they're the most dangerous thing currently on the planet.
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New content looks cool. Have they buffed the bolters since the release? Bolters being garbage in Warhammer is a little embarrasing.
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15 meters on average for the smallest breeds
roughly equivalent to a warhound titan in theory, in practice the model is probably smaller than it oughts to be because it's genuinely hard to cast a model of that size in resin

but I think SM2 made it much bigger
>Have they buffed the bolters since the release?
>Have they buffed the bolters since the release?
Sadly they haven't.
correction: the super special one is the standard for firstborn, while all primaris have the boring one
That stupid fucking scope on the regular bolter already ensures I'll never use it
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It's so easy to fix, you only need to remove things. But then it would just be a classic bolter.
The scope isn't even functional in the game as a scope.
>posting a shitty reupload
>no tintable visors
>no customization overhaul to allow control over details like chains, purity seals, decorative ropes etc.
>no Blood Ravens cosmetics pack
I sleep
The classic look would make a nice skin
Arent the Blood Raven cosmetic packs every single one?
those will come with patches TRUST THE PLAN
Yeah, in 2027
>no Blood Ravens cosmetics pack
we have a variety of wargear gifts from other chapters brother
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It seems the beaky emos are next
TTS has ruined my perception of Dorn, not even personality but just I saw official art of him and I thought he looked wrong without the muttonchop-stache. Official art of him makes him look more generic than Guilliman.
he IS more generic than guilliman, dorn has no character trait
his character trait is that yellow is cool, and so are forts, and for that reason he has my respect
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Wrong, he's a masochist.
>turns out dorn was colourblind and thought he was wearing red all along
oh boy, it's time for me youtube feed to be overrun by retards overanalyzing the update trailer
Please Saber, just a crumb of content that I can spend 30 minutes talking about
Detestable. Hope they get on it sometime soon.
HEY GUYS howisgoing, IM warhammertony andtoday wewill takealook at the new update trailer..... it says we will get a new operation, wow, looks cool.
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Probably the next one.
with the new Enemy
>he doesnt know....
Overdosing on hopium, Necrons won't be an actual enemy until Space Marine 3
that would be a new faction
and in the video they specified new Tranied and Tzeentch enemy's
they explicitly took the opportunity in this video to detail how the "new enemies" are NOT a new enemy faction, and are in fact just new nids and tzeentch chaos enemies, thougheverbeit
>no beaks until 2025
fuck that
This. Every cosmetic pack is a blood raven cosmetic pack.
the joke gets funnier the more you say it
>people stealing the joke
Brother no!
Why THE FUCK are there no right shoulder options. Fucking WHY
Never mind lack of leg ornaments
God it's so shit.
Fuck off brownoid
Sorry brother. The diversity quota took our graphics budget.
whiter than you
The customization system is shit
The custom armor painter being a scroll down list is pants on head retard
The paint options being locked behind locked behind specific armor placements is double retarded
The unlockable options being all "muh heroic bling" instead of alternate armor patterns sucks
The first game did it much better while also keeping things simpler
>call someone 'brown' because they point out something obvious
Actual nigger behavior
I just wanted a good right shoulder for my bulwark + some chapter heraldry
Worse, the chest piece has no robes. And the robes cant be coloured green for tbe deathwing
Why the fuck is the right side bulwark wearing a toga if it's supposed to be Dark Angel armor
>The unlockable options being all "muh heroic bling" instead of alternate armor patterns sucks
GW probably outright stated to the devs that there can't be firstborn armor cosmetics in the game.
That's a tactical. That's the thing
The new chest piece has norobes so it can work for all classes
Meaning it's worthless for bulwarks
God mods to unlock this shit when.
When you say "official" you kind of cut to the nub of what GW/FW/BL do (they don't work together consistently) - they have extreme inertia towards fan desires and even more so fan-canon, but they let mid-tier corpo hacks imprint their OC as THE canon, even when it makes no sense
Not that bearded vs beardless Dorn is a big deal. I like both bearded and beardless - in fact I kind of lean towards beardless because the call of duty moustache man kind of overpowers Dorn in ownership of that style, so the sterner look of no beard suits him quite well IMO. Not that you can't have a character change facial hair styles over time to show character change - just look at star trek.
GW really is the worst part of warhammer
Oh, sorry. I didn't realize the hood was a general thing for all classes. Still stupid that they didn't make at least a general robed armor piece, it's probably because "ONLY BULWURK IS ALLUWED TO WEAR EM"
That's a Tactical dipshit. Genuinely how are some of you do dumb
So fucking make the bulwark version of the chest piece have a robe
Even better make unique shit for all classes
I am angry.
Did you mean to say so****, fucking retard, dumb fuck moron can't even type properly, delete your post.
>Even better make unique shit for all classes
desu, I genuinely thought all classes would at least get a new relic set based on the Dark Angels and the same would happen for the new Chapters.
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Dude you owned that guy for pressing a key that was next to another key
>no matchmaking
>not being able to clear and sync custom armour profiles
>inb4 they cut budget to start work on SM3
Bulwark already got the Champion Skin so that's probably already enough in their mind, nevermind the fact that you can't color it or mix and match pieces.
Also what about the release date?
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>Can't make a Deathwatch Ultramarine in the Ultramarine game that features Deathwatch customization
They're just going to do Raven Guard (for the beakies and white Mk8 helmet), Blood Angels and Space Wolves

Then they're off to make SM3
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I am refortifying this thread
>Hierotitan can only be destroyed by standing on turrets

Not even a single Warhound on sight
The plot of the mission is that the planet is already lost, we're just trying to fuck the tyranids out of as much biomass as we can before they slurp it all up. The Imperium is retarded, but not retarded enough to deploy titans to a lost front.
I wonder if they'll ever use the new operations to start a whole new story instead of filling in the gaps on the three planets we've seen already, or if they'd rather just make SM3 instead.
I was hoping they'd focus more on SM2 instead of already thinking about SM3. I am kind of not hyped for future updates desu
Space Marine 3 should be for the continuation of Titus' story, but I'd think it be cool to see a now diverging story for operations
Tbh I feel like SM3 is gonna focus on Titus and perhaps Guiliman too. The main enemies are gonna be Necrons followed by some Chaos Legion.
Emperor's Children are getting their codex next year. It will be Necrons and Slaanesh.
I wouldn't mind that. Maybe sections where we play as Guilliman. I'm not sure if you ever played Fall of Cybertron, but it could be like the sections where you play as Grimlock or Bruticus.
Overall people seem to be happy with the new cosmetics, but I sort of think they are underwhelming.
I was wrong in a way. The bulwark version of the armor has some robes. Just not full robe covering.
It would also be pretty cool to get a prequel story with the Deathwatch gang. But I figure they might not want to do that because people could grow to like them more than Yasuke and Gabriel.
It's just the same fruity form fitting robe like before, just with DA icons.
Agreed, however, it's important to remember they're adding a bunch of minor stuff with each update seemingly.
They already said visor colors are coming with this patch. Robe colors and extra heraldry have been replied to on their forums.
They've already teased beakies and firstborn armor. Plus, they're apparently adding extra stuff like the Tactical hood despite not saying anything about it.
>Tactical hood
I think it's just a hooded primaris helmet available to all classes like the BT and Deatwatch ones. From what I can see, aside from the Champion stuff, all we are getting for cosmetics is:
- The Dark Angel chest armor which seems to be available ot all classes
- The Dark Angel shoulder which is also available to all classes
- And the hooded primaris
While that's cool and all, I'd honestly they'd rather taken longer and made unique armor for all classes. Also there seems to be no real reason to play Lethal except if you want to experience CBT I guess,
Deathwatch* to*
Oof. The new pistol seems that'll only be available to Bulwark and Tacti? Since they showed the loadout which consisted of
>Normal bolt pistol
>New pistol
I don't even understand how they could ship the game without visor colors. It's so basic.
And they have to "add" stuff like hoods and mk8 helmets which are already in the game...
This is just the kind of incompetence that can't be told apart from malice

Also holy fuck these new captchas are dante must die difficulty
It still has Dark Angels icon on the forehead so it's useless to everyone but them.
I am honestly extremely dissapointed. I know it was copium to think they're going to add armour parts that are generic enough to be used by anyone (sort of like Ultramaine ones are, I can overlook Ultramarine symbols on purity seals and other minor stuff) but it's literally just DLC Chapter iconography front and center and since it's only one set there's no versions where that's less obvious.
I mean since they are Chapter specific Cosmetics, I never expected them to make them more general looking, but I was expecting unique Relic armors at least.
I don't expect generic sets as free DLC or even paid DLC either.
>Dark Angel guns are green instead of the famous red
Odd. Are they worried about confusing people with inconsistent color schemes or something, I would have expected GW to insist on red.
I agree, overall the customization will still be rather lacking. Maybe it'll finally feel good 20 patches in (If we reach that far).
>Just not full robe covering.
Just change Champion Skins from being a full armor set skin to being individual pieces of armor you can mix with other stuff, why the fuck they aren't that way in the first place I don't know, lots of questionable decisions
Mods will fix it.
Yeah, I thoght they would have stuff like braziers, skulls and candles attached to their powerpacks etc. All this gear is rather milquetoast.
Didn't they say they don't plan to support them? And if people keep complaining about mods in Operations they'll just fuck them up more.
They will disable modding because they hurt reddit's feelings.
Braziers would've been sick. Even a general winged helmet and proper robed armor would've been very nice.
How the fuck the chest piece isn't robbed is beyond dumb.
I want to blame GW, but I feel this is Saber's own decision.
Every single major Dark Angel stuff in 10th had robes everywhere. GW would WANT that displayed. So yeah don't believe it was them.
its absolute dogshit that you can see there move charts only in story mode, opnly when you have the weapon in hand, goddamn
It's retarded, maybe if people complain they'll fix it, but I doubt redditors will, so rip
I just want mods to fully unlock customization using the champion packs.
>best against swarms
>excels at killing bosses
>best against swarms
>downgrade to the chainsword
>plasma weapons
>are grenade launchers
Do these devs even warhammer?
Make the new bread niggers
It's over, the Warp shall overtake us
but is it a good pain?
Huh? Anon you can see them in every mode and it doesn't need to be your active weapon.
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tzaangor on disc spotted
But I don't want to fight tzaangors
Just pause bro. Maybe there's a setting you changed or button you pressed that's hiding it?
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Yeah they are called Tzaangor Enlightened
at least it's not the fuckers with bows
what makes them enlightened
they learnt to fly
Imagine drunk driving this
i'd be screaming
you can't see them on the battle barge, which is horseshit when you're trying to figure out "WHICH of these fucking attacks is this perk talking about?"
To all Blood Angels, you will never have Sanguinius cuddles.
Aw hell nah the blood ravens stole anons movelist
You have to start an Operation to see them, that aside the sparring area has to be one of the most dogshit useless features, actual clutter
they can see the past and kinkshame you
Also from what I can see, vanguard, tactical, and assault are getting the volkite pistol.
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Give me mommy Sanguinius cuddles or I'm gonna fuck you up, death company style.
fair to say everyone is getting it then, no way they wouldn't give it to bulwark considering it's the only model with actual access to that pistol on tabletop
Yeah it would be nice if everyone got it.
If there is no new bread in the next few mins I'll make one.

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