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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Tank edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
/gedg/: https://4chan.org/g/gedg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

How to WebM

Previous: >>498442179
Gamedev official 10 Commandments are decided by the next 10 replies
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My game will be a phenomenon, a bad one like Yandere Sim
Be positive
Don't be Froggy.
Stop using /agdg/.
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
consider my orbs nolged
this, both ironically and unironically
Some of us will make it. Most of you will not.
Thou shall not change thy art style upon request by others
Consider my norglorbs ordealed
In /agdg/ you make loligames, a game where you enjoy kids.
If anyone needs writing done for your game, I'm happy to help. I realizing this is more of a lone wolf kind of place where no one works together, but Im willing to give it a go!
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>decided by the next 10 replies
Come on guys, stop lowering my expectations ....
I'm not giving you (You)s ;)
Write my code kek
Make sure people are interested in your game before spending fucking years of your life developing some gay bullshit nobody wants
Don't scope creep
Throwing all the advice I heard from this guy in the trash
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I want Game Freaks data leak level lore for my game... can you do it?
This is excellent advice but it does mean getting a really high quality vertical slice which in itself will be failry time consuming.
But once you put that minimum viable product out there you should really pay attention to feedback, and whether anyone that played the demo seemed genuinely excited about it.
I've only put out a couple demos before. When I do my next big one I'm only going to iterate a couple times based on feedback and if there's still no one biting, move on to another idea.
That's unless, by that stage, I think I can shit out the final product in under a year with it still being worth 10-20USD.
Is that gamedev slavoj zizek?
>Unreal defaults to female skeleton mesh despite it being the child of the male mesh
wokism gone mad!
why do tripfaggots keep trying to ruing aggydaggy?
Cool for posting my french fries
See, I don't like furries. But the guys found a niche where they can simulate having sex with animals, and they'll get bashed for it again.

It never stops.
Start small and always finish what you start before graduating to larger projects.
Based mom.
Kill everybody that uses /agdg/.
Start big and always move on before ending the project, that way you can keep your edge.
transwiz that you?
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Light painted texure on here skin-tight covered ass looks kino tbdesu
post game
Well getting a good vertical slice and finding out if anyone wants it, is still faster than making the whole game only to find out nobody wants it.
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Stride, a game engine you should use
Stride, the game engine for you
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overscoped again
redpill me on stride anon
How would you guys recommend making a skill tree for classes in an RPG? Even though it takes longer, would it be easier to just create a separate tree prefab for each class? I think it's easier to make it look nice that way instead of spawning the nodes programmatically.
>7 years making a vertical slice
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Is this normal for next fest? I thought people said they normnally get like hundreds?
post capsule
i-its not over y-yet!
Depending on the game, a good vertical slice could be 90%+ of the finished game. e.g. roguelikes
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Guess his name, win a prize
lol only if its good, nerd
I noted as much. And I completely agree. The more time you put into a great minimum viable product, the more time you'll save down the road if no one is interested despite your best efforts.
average agdg user
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Im sorry...
>9 games
We do a lil Heroin
So this is the power of the Stride Engine.....
Which is why you don't make oversaturated meme genres that are immensely code heavy with pixelshit draped over it in the final 12 months of development.
This is a skill in itself, choosing a balanced project from a genre that lends itself to your goal.
How come everyone who made it here was part of the discord?
MVP != Vertical slice.
MVP = the entire game, including all planned content, minus polish.
Vertical slice = just a small portion of the game content, ideally a very interesting slice, like the intro or the climax, but with all polish included.
because everyone who has a game quickly realizes this thread is just a crab shitfest and theyll get real honest feedback on the discord?
This is uber retarded.

MVP = Minimum content for the game to feel like a game
make your dream game no matter what it takes
Smashed it. Your prize is, describe an enemy and I'll draw it. Or not. Depends what it is.
That is unfair, back in time you could count of the community to fill the gaps, minecraft literally wouldn't have half of its mechanics without the community mods notch took made official
They are definitely synonyms, dick head. MVP means a grab bag of the games essence reduced down as much as is possible for the sake of testing, elevator pitches and demos.
No it isn't, if you can't sell your MVP then it isn't an MVP.
>meanwhile a $1m+ indie roguelike success comes out every few weeks
Stop spending so much time on /v/, retard. It's easily still one of the best steam tags for indies to be in. By the way, what was the highest grossing /agdg/ game of 2024?
They're REALLY not. You can have vertical slices, horizontal slices, blockouts, but your MVP is specifically a PRODUCT. It's the minimum you need to make to have a VIABLE PRODUCT.
>They are definitely synonyms, dick head. MVP means a grab bag of the games essence reduced down as much as is possible for the sake of testing, elevator pitches and demos.
You could sell it, just not for as much as the whole game.
Where is your mvp then?
Minimum viable product means "if you put a gun to my head, yes I could ship this thing today, even though it's unfinished".
Fat bald middle-aged animefan wearing a pink tracksuit
Fully functional
Unity like, so you can apply your unity knowledge to it
MIT License
No need to wait for magical update to run 3D, does 3D out of the box
Made by actual game dev studio unlike some other extremely popular engine by some autistic schizo
>he thinks Steam does the marketing for him
trainwiz, is that you? that might explain why underflop sold so poorly
The word you're thinking of is "prototype".
they are almost out of funding, I wouldn't support something that is going under
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is the average project here better or worse than marmo?
viable means it’s actually usable in some way, it performs a minimum valuable function
if you have 100 features but they’re all bugged beyond usability, it’s not viable
if you have 1 feature and it’s "fun" and reliably working, you got an mvp
reminder transwiz thought it was a good idea to have his brother who never studied law be his lawyer
If Stride is so good then where are the games for it?
In terms of absolute quality? Much worse.
In terms of quality per hour spent? Much better.
well it’s a working game so it beats all the nodevs already
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Reactor trail go brrrrrrrr
>By the way, what was the highest grossing /agdg/ game of 2024?
much worse
I'm the exception, of course
Much worse.
Marmo is actually a good game. The gameplay is fluid and polished. With better art it could have been a big hit.
looks bad
Being viable doesn't mean you should or even could sell it. If they're not the same it's because a vertical slice is actually more refined, but even that isn't worth selling. You just could if you really wanted to try.
Do you have a schizo yet?
meant for >>498514385
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no, my game must be a failure.....
I could ask the same of godot
1000 shovelware installers but 0 good games
i had for a little while but he gave up... i cant even keep my schizos...
Godot never called itself a game engine though.
MVP means you can put it on market and people will buy it, i.e. as an early access release. It needs to be VIABLE PRODUCT. You're thinking of a prototype. Words have meaning.

There is a reason atlassian lost to github.
>I wouldn't support something that is going under
you don't need to support it, you can still make a game on it
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I got the biome 3 mostly done and added some obstacles here and there. Next I'm finishing the debug dungeon.
>/agdg/ game
dev hasn't been around here for years
It's Necrovale (pixel roguelike)
Godot at least has multiple games with 5K+ positive reviews. Stride has been out for about the same time as Godot and only has one (1) game that breaks that 1K review mark.
>Build your house on a sinking foundation
>one (1) game that breaks that 1K review mark.
which one?
worse by quite a big margin. Marmoreal's problem was the artists he hired dropped the ball on the art. "good" highschool tier artists. not really pro.
i do. i wish i didn't, since i stopped posting often because of it
That's for software development, not game development. Art is vital to game dev 90% of the time or more. In an MVP you're not gonna have something visually polished to release standard. That's not what MVP means in game development.
me after chipotle
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been rock solid for a decade
and AI generated porn VNs have more than 999% of godot games and games from devs here, what's your point?
70% positive so it's teetering on the literal edge of average.
jeally af kek
your game is shit btw
just kidding we all know you don't have a game kek
lurking a game dev thread without a game
how fucking utterly pathetic
rats or birds or something has moved into my walls for winter again. I can hear them scratching and chirping inside the walls around me at night. Hellish
>been rock solid for a decade
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That's what it means in any world, and there are plenty of successful games that have done a full visual updates after spending a long time in early access. If need be, it means shipping a game with shitty placeholder graphics if the gameplay is fun enough. See Factorio or Necesse.
This but unironically. If your game can't even beat Brotato then you're not even trying to be frank.
you keep posting that, but i haven't seen a game from you either Mr nodev detractor
now I need to sell >3m copies or my game is worthless, its so over...
>be chinese
>have to use vpn to contact external world
>still think china #1
brotato was made by the same guy that made boi you are brazy
I wish I could, then I wouldn't need to be the word writer.

I don't know what that entails, but I can make itnas benign or as fucked up as you want.
>Smartest /agdg/ user
And the winner of the "#9 MOST PLAYED GODOT GAME ON STEAM" award is...
Could literally be made with that vn engine, imagine using godont to make this lol lmao
>/agdg/ can't make a game better than this
What are you guys buying during the FAB sale?
Never seen a game from you either in the two years you've been shilling Stride. Why would somebody choose Stride over Unity or Unreal or even Godot other than because you said so?
>try to reach out to voice actors
>they all ignore me
Why shouldn't I be using AI right now, huh?
Crazy how much it transformed the instant it got textured.
good work booster
how far along is this game now
Why do so many devs on gamedev and asset discords always seem to complain about chronic sickness and pain?
the last 10% is 90% of the work
Ugh I'm tired of these highly replayable and varied games, give me a game that has no replay value please.
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Making a little tool for generating unity-like physics layer filters, but it generates C++ classes for PhysX. Mine distinguishes between collisions and raycasts. Some entities should be able to raycast each other (see each other, shoot each other) but not collide with each other. I'm thinking of adding a third category, since "seeing" raycast checks are different from "shooting" raycast checks (i.e: an enemy should be able to see the player through another enemy, but shouldn't be able to shoot through the enemy. This way they're not blind if there's an enemy in the way, but they can still aggro each other, like in doom
You get ignored because you bring nothing to the table.
sitting in a chair all day is really bad for your health
like unbelievably bad
Do you own voice acting
>I'm tired of these highly replayable and varied games
>give me a game that has no replay value please
this but unironically
That's just me trying to steal your ideas
How much does a voice actor charge?

wow 500 copies!!!?
$500 per hour
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What agdg needs to understand is that assets or AI are worse options to developing an unique style that is diferent to most art styles by indies and AAA.
I'm so fucking proud of my game
I'll just stick with AI. Why pay someone that much money when I can get it for free?
You've been working on this for 3 years
Any game is highly replayable if it's good enough. Rogueslop is just lazy
how is that unique it looks just like what i flushed down the toilet this morning
Thanks anon.
Working up to a slice demo (4 areas, 30 creatures). I'd say features are 90% there and now its time for content and after that polish.
if a dev stops posting in this shithole for years it means he doesn't want to be associated with you dregs, should've reported the parasocial schizos
How come in godot, when I disable the collision shape of a staticbody2d, collisions can still occur with it?
name 10 games with that exact art style.
League of Legends
Every game Cris has made in the past 10 years
He didn't liken it to other games. He likened it to shit.
please change those trees anon
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

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imagine being an enginedev when even big studios can't support their in-house engines
Welcome to the general, newfren.
Post it?
>/v/nigger screencap
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Video games are imperialist and counter revolutionary. Please tell me how man is get video game and I am give +50 social credit.

Please report tomorrow morning for struggle session.
Thank, my third day here, dunno any devs by name yet
You don't understand the absolute arrogance the happens in the mind of a manchild with a CS degree in his early twenties.
Yeah. The first prototypes played like shit, looked like shit and were also rpgmakerslop so I took a break and started a year later from the ground up.
fresh blood in the bread
Strange request, but okay.
It’s not a question of "can’t" - it’s a matter of management / cost analysis. Consultants will ask:
>how much does your own engine cost you? (7-8 figures yearly)
>how much better is it than what you can buy? ("it’s not better, if anything it has less features")
>also it’s "so easy" to hire people that already know UE
And there you go, decision made to use UE. "People" doing this kind of analysis can never account for sovl. A few years down the line there will be big hits heralded by "they made what no one was even doing anymore, they wrote their own engine" and consultants will be like, wow, nobody was able to see this coming, A NEW TREND.
theyre doing this so its easier to hire pajeet codeslaves
I mean UE5 is insane, probably gonna go down as the best game engine ever made
>come up with cool design for a demonic enemy
>realize people may interpret it as a racist caricature
what do i do?
The funny thing is that meanwhile FAANG have long realized that there is inherent value in building in-house solutions, just via creating work for talented people, keeping them around. And the potential to be sometimes ahead of the competition. Google has an in-house version of every popular/useful tool that also exists in open source. It’s not forks, it’s just their own project doing a similar thing. They don’t do this kind of stupid analysis. (Yet. They will soon enough, when their stonks tank. And then they will go under.)
it turns everything it makes into standardized generic hi-def slop
I'm free! If you need man voices anyway.
Guys Im a yesdev please answer
You can be as wasteful as you want when you have unlimited jewmoney.
in Unity if you raycast you determine which layers to raycast AT. there is no concept of a source layer of a raycast in unity. a raycast doesn't have a layer, it only knows a layermask of possible targets. I don't see the benefit to your system because it seems like added baggage. maybe there is a case where you would want a "source layer" for a set of raycasts (I cannot think of one). but you certainly don't need that for a typical raycast.

in your example, would the "enemy" pass on its own layer to the raycast method? so then any time this "enemy" does any kind of raycast it will always target the same layers? see, this isn't practical at all. you're going to need one layermask for when the enemy shoots one of its weapons and a completely different layermask for when it tests whether it's standing on solid ground. or just different weapons could already need different layermasks.
Like pseudoregalia?
Disable the StaticBody2D, not the CollisionShape2D.
Epic Games can't support it's in-house engine?
Dunno what you're troubleshooting specifically but if you disable it in the middle of a process run and check in the same cycle it will still check to collided because it doesn't reset until the next cycle.
Are you sure you're disabling it correctly?
Are there other collisions on the parent node? I donno man post more information you might be a Yesdev but that's no excuse to be a scum of the Earth vagueposter.
He lost interest in me.

Yes. (Me)
You failed your own schizo, how pathetic.
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das rite
>1 year ago
it's even better now chud
bevy good
>Caves of Chud
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Godot can do this.
I imagine Froggy as a Texas Cowboy
is this the unreal engine look everyone talks about?
Which one of you made this video?
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"people" who make shit like this legitimately have no souls and cannot understand why they should not be making this even if you explain it to them
the unreal engine look is
>realistic marketplace assets
>default lighting and post processing
>motion blur
please circle the Unreal Engine look >>498520723
Consider it from a business standpoint (since pretty much every major game studio is ran by investors
>use in-house
>years of R&D
>maintaining and updating to make sure it can keep up
>limited lifespan unless you continually hack in new advances
>each new employee has to be trained on that engine
vs just using unreal
>easy high fidelity graphics
>"free" so even hobbyist can learn it before they apply to your job
>can outsource to third worlders for pennies and they'll know how to use it
If for some god awful reason you still want to get a job in the vidya game market you might as well learn Unreal.
the guy that made it is working at SEGA rn
>worked on sonic frontiers
oh no no no no, you can't make this shit up
Anyone here familiar with LMMS?
Should I try it for making music for my game?
If so, what are some tips?
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wife brought me chicken wings and pizza, im gonna dev like crazy today fr
over the last 3 years ive grown accustomed to a way of coding my games that is so bad and specific, that anybody i show it to gets confused.. i dont even understand it at certain points, and it doesnt even help me tremendously.. fml i think its over. im wondering if learning a new programming language and forcing myself to not use oo will actually do the trick
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how do I improve my UVs?
Sounds like a great day.

One day my thougheverbeit will bring me food.
Goated take
If you have a wife or a girlfriend you are not a real dev.
Not true, 99% of the gamedev workforce in big studies is white women.
should I move from godot to unreal? I decided to stop working on my 2d game and work on a 3d game instead
If you're gonna use LMMS prepare for a lot of bugs because it hasn't been updated in YEARS (the last stable update was 4 years ago). The alpha and nightly version fixes some things but those are risky. You can definitely make some good songs in it once you get the hang of it, but if you don't want to take the dive then buy (or steal) FL Studio or Ableton.
Gaymers should be euthanized
download the auto uv addon for blender
Unreal is better at 3D games than Godot but it is also huge as fuck and it can be really overwhelming at first
This one?
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I'm sorry you brainlets can't handle the truth. Pic related. On the left is a real time HDRP Unity running at 144 fps on a literal toaster made by Samsung. On the right is the best Unreal can do, 22-27 fps on next-gen consoles with those shaders and lighting lmao
>I'm sorry you brainlets can't handle the truth. Pic related. On the left is a real time HDRP Unity running at 144 fps on a literal toaster made by Samsung. On the right is the best Unreal can do, 22-27 fps on next-gen consoles with those shaders and lighting lmao
Codemonkeying for an artist means I can focus my efforts on getting better at coding instead of spreading my efforts thin and never being satisfied with either.
It's almost as if Unreal wasn't made with phones in mind
Isn’t Fortnite literally running on phones
Gamers don't even know what game engines do. They think when a game that had all its assets outsourced to indian studios runs bad its the engine's fault. Tons of Unreal games look and run great with no stutter, its only AAA studios with heavy outsourcing that have issues.
Another irony is that Timmy surely had people telling him he should just buy id Tech, back in the 90’s (like so many did), yet he insisted on making his own…
so, did redot improve anything or is it still just godot with a different logo ?
They merged a PR that lets you color the horizon. So you can make it pink uwu
1. you forgot pic
2. who cares about graphics performance?
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Time for a cuppa
i'm happy you found a parasocial father figure but could you please not shit up this gamedev thread with your girlblogging
>taking the time to actually write out the full campaign instead of just some random notes
>it takes an entire week
>it's actually generic garbage now that I see it mapped out
cobbee is brain juice for game development
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I'm also having a cup right now.
Cheers to a productive day of dev, fratello.
dwarf fortress, but ...?
You're an independent and powerful trxnswxmxn
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>make it
>pic related is the best you can get

is that it?
is this what i'm working for?
with lolis
entirely unrelated, but my parasocial emotional support streamer is vaush lol

um no, godot is better and free
that's how women of above average attractiveness look without makeup. they're pretty gross
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>my parasocial emotional support streamer is vaush
how do I get my own general on /3/ ?
I haven't made it (as a gamedev) and my wife is much hotter with HUGE tits, like comically huge, and getting bigger with every kid we have
make your own thread
be egotistical enough to post your shit in it constantly
>is that an eric positivity post? noooooo i must post about how ugly I think his partner is to numb the pain of my own failures
Relax Amber
what kind of spooky enemies go in walking sim horror games? I'm more into environmental hazards, but I figure there eventually needs to be a face to the monster for consumer appeal
take a normal thing and make it not normal
if you're too stupid to make something as simple as a horror game this hobby isn't for you
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stay mad virgin
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oh shit I played that game
one of the first games I bought on steam, was excited after seeing some playthroughs on youtube about it.
I can see why it's not well liked, I got annoyed with is performamce in fleet battles and the galactic news narrator segments get annoying. And stellaris sets a high standard now. Also the devs abandoned the game and put a big permenant add on the mainenu for their new games which SUCKS
still a little nostalgic though
ugly pig
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Are you mocking us?
Damn I don't even feel like devving anymore & imma still keep going.
WAGMI brothers, one day we will all make it
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>my parasocial emotional support streamer is vaush lol
Its even worse than vtumors
this is a pretty good pixel art style, it has paper mario vibes
How do I make Cris-core game?
not gonna lie when I see both the things that people enjoy and the things that they produce, I feel better about my ideas & feel motivated thinking I could definitely beat these retards
You're already cris-core by contemplating, shitposting and not making anything
1. Say you make it
2. Talk about it's workflow
3. Call everyone chuds
4. Repeat until death without ever completing it
most Indie games that come out leave me thinking "Did the dev really want to play this game? Who is this for?"
I think I'm entering my first ever depressive episode.
How tf do you get any deving done like this??
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Friggin shoot em up beat em up! Get the high score! 10 ACTION-PACKED Levels! 5 Different weapons!

Built on Unity with the Toon Shader!

meanwhile the Dev plays Fallout New Vegas and Counter Strike most of the time.
Most indie games (and games in general I might add) would be a lot better if devs actually made games that truly appealed to them instead of trying to chase markets
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that he should make a Fallout New Vegas-like.
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I cant read the code I wrote yesterday
That’s why I make loli games
skill issue
which engine?
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If you wanna make fun of Unreal, at least use asset flops
Taking a shit is good for your productivity but that doesn't mean I gotta let the thread know every time I do it.
pokemon, but with sex
>quixel mega slops

Genuinely don't understand how people think photoreal looks good. At a point it gets too real and converges on a uniform style ( reality ) and loses the expression of the game artist.
>I woke up and just forgot how to read
no, sorry, too unbelievable
good thing they're called video games and not video arts
NTA, but gamedev gets lonely.
It's good to check in here and just interact with fellow game devs at times. For months you guys have been my only source of contact with other people outside of my immediate family.
Make it to capitalize on the recent contros
post some of it, im curious how bad it can be, youll not mog my scuffed code
guys I think my code is starting to play 'twister' a bit. Gotta refactor it soon.
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don't mind me, just posting some Quixel Megaflops
when a game could plausibly be a plethora of other games and it has no distinct art style, that is not good.

The game in the picture you're showing could be Call of Duty or Gears of War or Red Dead Redemption
I don't care about your life situation. Go to discord. If you can't post something relevant then shut the fuck up. I don't mind game dev related bantz or humor but ritual posting the same irrelevant shit over and over is just pathetic.
I was already think of ghostly figures hiding behind trees and shit but that would work when it gets more direct
I'm asking because I don't play or watch horror games
Kangaroos inspire me to make interesting and unique creatures for my RPG.

Sure , there will be many familiar fan favorites such as sheep, goat, dog, pig, cow. But there can be some unique ones thrown in. Inspired by Australia's uniqueness.
Content algorithms kill passion projects. How many big youtubers are still making passion projects? A few but they don't rely on youtube for income while the overwhelming majority who do are making slop. The youtube algorithm doesn't reward passion it rewards what google considers to be engaging which is slop that children click on.
The steam algorithm is the same and you're coping if you think otherwise. Just like with youtube the only people who can afford to make passion projects are the wealthy and connected.
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I care about your life situation. Don't go to discord
Yeah I hate when I'm playing a video game and I try to call in an airstrike because I forgot I'm not playing Call of Duty. Completely immersion breaking. And I was watching a movie the other day and I spontaneously started to cry because the set reminded me of a different movie
I'm not going to discord, it is the epitome of rumination and hierarchy without investment.
most disingenuous post of the year
>No rebuttal
disingenuous is going on a tirade against a video game you haven't played because a rock has too many polygons for your liking
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welp there's been no progress today but i made something appealing (?) yesterday :o
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i need a small group / gamdev partner so bad...
what do you need a gamedev partner for?
q-tip arms
this matter is a matter of persuasion.
Someone basically has to WOW everyone with such a concept ( and also actual progress toward it. Anyone can make ideas. ) that people want to join them.
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Nice little progress, I need to find a good spaceship reactor sfx now.
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someone post the art imitating reality pic
i dont know... to lessen the load of gamedev, to share in the fun, the spoils... to support each other. to create a better game then either of us could have alone.
like a group in their manga...
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This image gives me the itch to go replay the spyro games, I never ended up 100% completing them on the remasters maybe I should do that
uh as part of research for my game obviously!
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lmao even
always great to see you post.
Good work.
Is this enginedev
lol i'd consider it, but i'm a noob to godot and gamemaking, i'm struggling even making assets desu
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thanks mate <3
Yeah mate about to go to bed its 4am here too much enginedev today
woah enginedevving is based
Is there a blender addon that automatically makes high quality weight paint?
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>release my indie game
>it's a huge success (130 people boughted it, (12% refundinged it))
>no job offers from indie developer studios yet
Content algorithms are fundamentally different beasts for Steam vs Youtube. On Youtube it's enough to click on a video because of a catchy thumbnail, aka "tricking" the consumer for engagement. On Steam that doesn't do anything, you have to actually buy the game and play it for it to take effect, and if you don't like it you can even refund it or leave a negative review, which you can't with youtube videos. If I have nearly the exact same games as you do in my Steam Library and I play a lot of Dark Souls then it makes sense for the algorithm to recommend you Dark Souls.
nice, it's already as good as godot's ragdolls
Wow this is finally starting to look like a video game and not just schizo nonsense.
If you're using Unreal you can do that with Timmy's new Skeletal Mesh Editor plugin
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that was rough. I caused such an error that my Vulkan Engine was not able to create a swapchain. Had to reboot my entire system.
I intend to look for some partners in gamedev here once I got more to show.
>"dang, capturing the exact same footage for both the english trailer and other languages trailer when it contains UI text is damn difficult"
>"I wonder if other games have them perfectly synched or if there's slight differences"
>check out english vs other languages of some other games
>not only is the trailer different but they couldn't even be arsed to put the same screenshots in the store page, they're almost entirely different

Perfectionism really is a negative for game development huh.
They're not supposed to be the same between languages. It's actually a bad thing for them to be the same.
can I join? (Im a godot developer)
How do I from a weight painted model to a working model in UE? Should I make stock animations (walking) and then export it to UE?
Wait why?
I'll be using my engine.
What I'd want is 3D artists and musician.
because japanese audience want different things than an american audience
oh okay
im overstating it. just depending on the language you might want to focus more on different things in the marketing cause thats what the language speakers like more.
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I'm new to writing, how do I achieve this?
You must be a monolingual retard. Even though you can translate something from one language to another, it isn't necessarily the same. Your screenshots and trailer should be make taking special consideration of the language it's presented in.
not reading that, sorry that happened
>Even though you can translate something from one language to another, it isn't necessarily the same.
What the hell are you smoking dude. In the english screenshot you are fighting Myrmidon of Loss and then in the other you are fighting Mirmidón de la Pérdida what fucking special considerations do you need?
you need to have grown up with a good father figure. sorry.
You can create your animations in engine using sequencer. No need for external software like a dirty peasant uses.
wait a minute? Unreal can do animations in-engine!? Why the heck no one tell me this!?

how do you plan on defeating cris?
I don't have to defeat cris, he already defeated himself by using AI slop.
Procrastinating until I have an artist to codemonkey for...
>What the hell are you smoking dude. In the english screenshot you are fighting Myrmidon of Loss and then in the other you are fighting Mirmidón de la Pérdida what fucking special considerations do you need?
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Cousins don't fight cousins.
This place is big enough for both of us to GMI. For all of us to GMI.

No need for war.
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Because you're poor and use an old laptop for gamedev
im currently devving
because you didn't ask
I'm actually building a retro box with a GTX 650 in it to dev my Vulkan and C game on at times to get that authentic experience and make sure it runs on that system.

I want that to be basically my recommended spec.
why GTX 650? It is the lowest NVIDIA card which runs Vulkan.
>outed as a retard so he has to resort to kindergarten tactics of arguing
Pretty funny.
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it's fucking over
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Unreal just failed to build, crashed supposedly due to low disc memory (only 10 gb) and when I opened the project it somehow deleted my main player class
No, I dont have a version control already use it for a different shit and dont want to mess up Time to search for my zipped backups
Timmy you bloody basterd
When God is your father, it is never over.
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>don't use version control
>Blame Tim
what they said
you're too stupid to argue with
especially when you're asking the same question that just got answered multiple times
I might've actually read some of that stuff.
It's just too geared towards children with those illustrations. It doesn't have the same impact.
All the illustrations around that time have that same artstyle, it's kinda naff.
>>outed as a retard so he has to resort to kindergarten tactics of arguing
>Pretty funny.
I thought you replied to my Kangaroo post.
she's going to insist that puzzles are all over the place in my RPG, isn't she?
Yeah I got the answer from these 2 >>498536441
and understood what they're referring to.
The retard I'm arguing with however put it in a very stupid way so I challenged his viewpoint to see him crumble apart defending it, which he pretty much did immediately.
nope but she will definitely want some interactive animal companions
Lol that will definitely be there.
How do I get a gamedev partner? I feel too lonely devving alone :(
sounds like a skill issue
He has 10gb of memory and is using unreal, obviously he lacks skill in his brain to even try that
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>this steamfest had 1400 games submitted
>your demo would be among those
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>he fell for the unreal meme
Fixing up my dead as fuck shitgame.
shutup gamelet
it was
If you're low on disk space I recommend you delete everything else on your pc except Unreal
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How many of those demos were of loli games? I want to see how my competition is doing... and support them.
>200+ wishlists for game in half day due to steam fest
Not fucking bad
I ignored nextfest to focus on finishing my game. I can worry about marketing after I ship.
especially the cartoons
This is how I feel. I suck at self projects. I am good working with others.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: "Good bye".
stop letting tripfags make threads
Why are /v/ dev threads so much better than this general
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because being on /v/ advertises the thread to new people
post more nijika, she's cuter and would be a yesdev unlike bocchi
can't really stop retards being terminally online that's why they're tripfags
if I buy a GPU that's tax deducatable right? because I'm making my game with the GPU?
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Do politics belong in games?
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Sophia is cuter.
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What percentage of games released on Steam make a profit of any kind? I don't care if they only make $10 profit.

I don't care about the hits, just the ones that go beyond making even.
siest to make a VAR equal a variety of other variables?
>var a = a or b or c or d?
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fanmodel progress. Rigging now. Only the front hair, side, and ears are not rigged. I definitely didnt procrastinate.

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If I want velocity than can be affected by other forces (wind etc) and I want some velocity to carry over from different states (dash->slide etc), is this how you do it? Unity if that matters
all white mostly male(couple female eye candy) = not political
multiple ethnicities and 50% females = political
How dare they use a gendered skeleton in 2024, dont they know that there's no differences between male and female?
>all white mostly male(couple female eye candy) = not political
>multiple ethnicities and 50% females = political
REEEEEEEEEEEEE how am I supposed to have one big tug session when there are ugly characters and men on my screen?????
It's a matter of marketing honestly. There's various capable engines aside from the 3 that always get talked about.
this is why I won't sell my game in chinkland
This is also why big budget games keep getting worse. They keep replacing old talent with noobs or turdies who only know Unreal. Many of those are already at the point where they only sell because of marketing. They wouldn't sell at all if they weren't shilled so heavily. The normie is weak against shilling.
there's two bumps.

showelware make less than 10 usd.

good games make around 20k to a couple millions.
His fault for trying to talk with the other retard yesterday.
This retard clearly was clearly just racist against America and baldmongold tried to damage control too much. Should have just left the call.
>muh free speech
>gets banned
lmao what did he even say
facial proportions look bad on your model. Eyebrows are too thick and the wrong color.
Engaged with some retard about muh israel etc. That was just a ticking bomb topic.
I'll keep that in mind. Subdiv isn't applied yet so i can still tweak stuff.
dont know who this neckbeard is, don't care son
i'm a 3d artist (bad, beginner) and a musician (good, intermediate)

this is my post uwu

by making a game, but i kinda like the music, only if cris made it and didn't use ai
Bruh imagine saying anything in a situation like that. If anyone asked me publicly I would say that the situation is too complex and that it's most important to focus on helping those hurt by the conflict and trying to get a peace settlement.
Photoreal does have a place for certain types of games but those games aren't really trying to be artistic games. Like the ARMA series or basically any other real world setting shooter.

As we get closer and closer to "omg it looks real" there's gonna be some games that go all into that like that one upcoming FPS that I forget the name of but once we reach that point photorealism is going to slowly fade out and become a niche thing because it won't be interesting anymore.
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Western games fucking suck because they focus on shitty political correctness over what gamers actually want, like appealing character designs
Why doesn't he apply what he learned for his own games?
Unreal's popularity is a disaster for the average game's performance. People used to make fun of Unity games running poorly when it's only a couple that had the issue and it was always the developer's fault. Meanwhile all Unreal games run poorly.
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>Meanwhile all Unreal games run poorly.
Wtf is complex about it, everyone just wants their own homeland and a bunch of jews and muzzies are fighting over the same stretch of land. Why don't they just split that area 50/50 and be done with it? Then again Jews as a people generally seem to think other people shouldn't have their own homelands so maybe they don't deserve to have one either (Yes Euros need to go back that is true alright).
>peepee engine? haha, no thanks, I use poopoo engine
over half of all Steam games don't even make back the $100 fee
I don't remember the exact figure, but it's searchable
Easier said than done because it can often take years just to make even a prototype or vertical slice that genuinely excites people.
It has that built-in. If your topology is good and bone placement is correct the automatic weights from blender are like 95% good.
>17 days
>rigidbody physics in a 2d platformer
is this nigga serious
I wish all of you very nice times and best of luck devvings!
Today I finished my system of nice game options updating qhwn you change the menu!
I will now.... finish it up with fancy drop down menus for..... settings quality!

have a happy day everyone! :D
You'll make it if you feel happy :D
at least grab a 680
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shit, I procrastinated all month again...
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Uulga thinking about lots of things like how she'd like to become a mother some day.
ignoring how retarded your english is, you need some sort of condition, how could the program possibly know which value you want to actually assign to the variable?
>muh israel
Talking about jews as a celebrity is like going through a minefield. He's a fucking retard
first of all, deltaTime has no business in a movement speed calculation. you're using a Rigidbody which means your code belongs in FixedUpdate and since that's on a constant delta there is no reason to ever put the delta in your calculation of a force or whatever.

secondly, your method would work but for optimally smooth motion it would be better to use Rigidbody2D.AddForce(). the way you're doing it results in a almost the same behavior but AddForce will apply the force smoothly over a whole tick instead of instantaneously.
>player.rb.AddForce(moveSpeed * dir)
note: AddForce takes rb.mass into account so to get the same speed you will have to multiply the mass into your moveSpeed, so technically I'm proposing:
>player.rb.AddForce((moveSpeed * player.rb.mass) * dir)
unfortunately the 2D physics don't offer a ForceMode.Acceleration like 3D physics in Unity. strange. good thing I looked it up before trying to give you advice.

sidenote: when you actually want an instant velocity change, like for an arcadey jump, your method is fine.
So is Godot now dead with the drama?
>So is Godot now dead with the drama?
My problem with 90% of unreal games
Unless you cap frames at 60 game tries to generate as many as possible turning your PC into a heat sink
Most games don't cap by default
Once you do, it works perfect
use source 2 instead
godot has been dead, or at least stillborn, for over a decade
>I'll use a feature-bloated engine like Unity only to then reinvent the physics wheel with some janky per frame collision code or whatever
this is you right now. you're being silly. of course he should use rigidbodies.
Braindead take
I'm still going to use it
Not yet
>Talking about Israel/Palestine
When will people learn to leave that shit be? It literally concerns nobody except the people fighting over it.
non culture war cringe politics do

so no chuds and no wokies, old games did it right
How do I rig a tentacle? Do I just add a ton of bones?
cris i just had a green lolipop from columbia called lulo flavor what the fuck is that? is it like sour apple or lime?
Why not use the new fork?
You have no right to complain about the performance of new games if the name of your GPU begins with "GTX"
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forgot pic
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wrong, but you don't have a game so I don't care what you think
what to know how I know?
hint: it's because you think a pixelshit platformer should use rigidbody physics
retard lurking a gamedev thread without a game lmao
You mean the new fork that 20 devs have left already?
Yes I do have a game, see >>498533324
it looks very bad, and the ring looks like a poop log
look at how underflop did it and do the exact opposite
my Vulkan engine will run great on GTX 650 and above. And I want to try optimizing with integrated chips as well ( maybe for a lower setting ).
No. People moved on to the newest hotest drama, as expected.
I would rather see crises posts than your lunatic engiedev mental retardation

don't do it bro

don't make video games

get a normal hobby instead

like watching men pretending to be girls pretending to play video games on twitch

or smoking weed
It's a fruit.

lulo is a fruit.

Dunno how to descibe it's flavour, is not competelly sweet, but is neither bitter.
Still, you need to add sugar to properly enjoy it.

It's a bit bitter.
engines aren't games, so no, you don't have a game and you're not a gamedev
you'd know that if you weren't retarded
I did weed and lost my job because I quietquit, now I'm back in college trying to get a new one in this shit market
it was pretty good
thanks bro
More than whatever "game" you have.
i like the engine so it's a game
look up the gum ones.

is usually bitter, but great.
it keeps happening
>accidentally worked in the instantiated node instead of the root node
Fuck my life
yeah that's it
gonna try intense strawberry next
im confused on why they would include a strawberry flavor and a intense strawberry flavor
Yes they're too busy trying to cancel Redot at the moment
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use vs retard
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well, I'll look out for more of your 3D stuff and music is very useful.

I'm looking for pic rel style kind of.
This is by an artist on twitter named heinn:

I told you bro

I told you about video games
you aren't tho
How much of UE can be done in just C++? Or are blueprints basically required to use it?
i will never be able to make a game that would reignite the love 10 year old me felt for video games
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This is how I imagine the local agp coomers
100% c++, I barely open the engine, mostly once a day to test the code
I think every platformer should simulate real world physics first and then bend the rules to make it fun, not the other way around. this is a pretty level-headed, normal view so I don't see where you're coming from at all. why do you irrationally hate rigidbody physics? what's so much better about doing something else?

>my pixelshit needs a GPU made after 2015 because it just does, okay?!
nope, not okay. learn to code.
>Waaaah your game needs to run on my third world machine!!
and for music I'm looking for stuff similar to these tunes:



Enigmatic, dealings between the gods. Stories of gods and men.
Visual Studio
it's ironic that kikes were given that piece of land because they had no homeland and they couldn't just be grateful for it and live in peace with the people already living there

speaks infinitely about the character of kikes

he was actually anti-palestine which is why he got cancelled but it's the usual clown world shit he could've been anti-israel and probably still would've gotten banned
You misunderstood my post completely but I already found a way to fix it.
Stop being anti-semitic, the only reason games still exist is thanks to jewish funding, whites proved how useless they are during the crash of 83.
You need to use Visual Studio
jesus christ anon you can't just tell someone to stop being anti-semitic, that's a hate crime
actually I'm saying your shit needs to stay over 240 fps on my RTX card and if it can't churn out 60 fps on a GTX 1060 then I know you didn't fucking optimize it. just fucking learn to code. your game is NOT high end. your game does NOT LOOK high end. your game does not do anything that should give trouble to any PC built in the last decade. enjoy your negative reviews and crying about them on twitter and complaining that "marketing is hard" when half the buyers refund your shit.
They run poorly in comparison to what they look like. They might run better if you have a good PC but a game of similar graphical fidelity using a proper engine runs at double the frames or more on that same PC.
post game
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Game developers look like THAT?!?!
>capping at 60
>in 2024
But why should I play your game instead of reving up the game you're ripping-off in an emulator?
Ok I just dreamt about a great game idea, would it work?
>you played as an unusually tall woman whose the groundskeeper of a local "haunted" forest
>your job is to trim the trees and shit, notify unusual things happening in the forest and most importantly(that's the fun part) dress up as a murder monster to scare off the retarded teens who trespass to test their courage who in turn damages the property(because telling them to fuck off normally doesn't work)
>gameplay loop is basically fixing shit, chasing off the kids and fixing the shit they caused
>difficulty increases as the forest slowly became more and more famous (a large part due to you ironically)
>hunters would start trying to hunt you down and you will have to take off your mask to tell them to leave the property as a human while chasing off the kids as a monster
How is this idea?Is it good?
Planning to make a subplot where a /hmofa/ connoisseur came and mistaken you as a wendigo and you have to pretend to be one and charm him because he's hella handsome
>I think every platformer should simulate real world physics
like all genre defining classics like... uhh... umm... hmm... uhh....
btw , if you're a 3D artist and manage something like this style I mentioned, and you are willing to work revshare with an enginedev, that's recipe for a long term partnership. I love this style.
what biomes are kino and actually worth including?
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>finally economically stable after 3 months of no income
we're so back!!
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This you?
Godot was stillborn to begin with. Real devs been making games all along with proper engines not giving a shit about any drama.
no orc posting
What's up with the Timmy fanboy? I don't recall anyone making an Unreal Engine game here recently so he must be an actual tourist, right?
ice, desert, jungle, beach with palm trees and THAT music, you know the one, volcano with lava rivers, underwater with corals and giant shells, autumn with orange tree leaves
for my game, I'm going to include a lot of standard ones and also make up many.
Real devs make their own engines.
And farm their own grain to bake their own bread living in a house build using their own hands and only tools invented by themselves.
bro do you mean you're not #ForPalestine? how could you support genocide!? the evil isrealis are genociding innocents
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what game(s) should i make/release with this
fuck I hadn't thought about that. ugh that's gonna be really annoying for the way I have set up my terrain generator. maybe if I find an easy workaround but I'm not rewriting the whole thing just to add it
Not my monkey, not my circus.
manufacturing hammers is not carpentry
Enginedevs make their own engines. Gamedevs JLMG
all seasons should be represented.
Need pointy chinned Elven women to cuddle with amidst snowy landscape as hot cobbee smell is filling the lodge.
I didn't make that post but I do play CS2 and I wholeheartedly agree. CS2 is awfully unoptimized and performance keeps getting worse with each update. for the record, the issue in CS2 is CPU-sided. it mishandles memory, constant cache misses. this is the CONSENSUS in the CS2 community so I doubt anon got banned from CS2 community forums for having this mainstream complaint. but who knows, maybe they managed to turn the Steam forums into a cult. wouldn't surprise me. there are some really delusional people around Valve and anything Half Life / CS. the same idiots who keep buying skins.
donate it to charity for eternal salvation
and just like that an extra 6 months of development have been added such is the life of the enginedev
that's my hourly consulting rate in fintech lmao
carpenters should learn blacksmithing to make their own hammers
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nextfest is something alright
please don't compare Unreal, Unity, or Godot to being as much of a dead on simple solution as a hammer. And sometimes I even have heard 'wheel'. Lol.

It's not that simple. You can only make a hammer so many ways, but an engine can be tailored specifically to your game's use case.
well your looking at a year of hard work for me
I got 600, wonder what made it that way.
remember that you need something like 20k+ wishlists to have any chance at success
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there should be 2705
You won't see any indies make their own 3d engine in your lifetime.
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I'm making one
based on your asses farts? stop spreading misinfo
Replace "make" with "finish".
I said make, not making, you are never completing that and deep down you know it.
it aint about success nigga
its about loving it
Minecraft bro
All /agdg/ posters are cute lolis except Cris and Bocchi poster
>please don't compare
dont contrast either
using your brain is bad
Obviously, I mean now and onwards, not 10+ years ago.
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>wake up
>check out the daily vods from my favorite streamers
>catch up on the daily manga releases
>watch the daily anime releases
>take a break and play some video games
>do WoW daily quests
>check if any more manga updates were released
>watch a livestream or two
>go back to sleep
fellow neetbros, when do you find the time to fit in gamedev? it's so hard
I started going to gamedev bootcamp, it is keeping me making progress daily even if I'm tired.
8 hours game dev per day like it is a job
>that anon's name? /agdg/
I just... dev. That's it, I dev.
Does remaking a engine count? like OpenMW
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Does your game appeal to weeabos?
Does anything?
it appeals to me. that's what is important.
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literally me except every 6 months I accidentally think about the future and have anxiety attacks so I go into hardcore dev mode 24/7 for a month before getting extreme burnout and giving up
You forgot about the 15 times a day you consider doing something gamedev related, conclude something along the lines of "I don't want to make the art because it will never be good unless I sacrifice my coding ability" and do the rest of the stuff you list to distract yourself from reality.
giany mushrooms
>wake up at 10 like usual
>eat breakfast
>couldn't fall asleep until like 5am last night so get back in bed and watch spooktubers until I fall back asleep
>still manage to wake back up before 1 and put in 2 dev hours before 3pm lunch

Just 4 more hours left to go. I want to go on a walk but my phone and ear buds have to charge. I've made good practice in balancing the strategic part of my rpg but now I have to figure out the tactical part desu should be easy. Starting out with what cool synergies and complex tactics 3 knights on the same team would have.
Yes, even though it is not anime.
who are you
Professional time management specialist here. Allow me to fix your schedule for you:
>wake up
>work on your game
>go back to sleep
Do that for 2 years and you should have a game.
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unironically all Asian incels love this shit especially SEA monkes
why do they delete?
that's not a game
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they played the demo and hated it i guess
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When will your game be done?
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the leaderboard i made for the demo wasnt working lol, used the wrong steam app id
fixed now
when its done
good to know, it'll probably take me like a few weeks to get to that level
>No reviews
Wow this changes everything. How much do I owe you, doc?
it's not out yet
i will marry the first dev who makes a good game that runs well on opem mw
Mega noob question, but how do I learn to make fun maps in 3D?

I tried making a quake map in trenchbroom and just the process of lining up the polygons, lighting, and making a fair but challenging platforming challenge is so much work. Even an area the player would spend 5 seconds running through, is hours of work just mapping.

Meanwhile making maps for my 2D game it's super quick to add content.

Does 3D mapping ever just "click"?
Use Hammer, it's better
you gotta find a balance between things looking good and quantity of content
look at how doom levels were designed, theres enough online
also halo level design is pretty interesting
just find a game thats similar to yours and look at what they did right
i just had an absolutely i n s a n e l y good (and original) idea
this is your competition
can you make a game of this quality in a month?
It's still good for really simple games, but you can't ignore the issues it has for more complex shit and Juan is keeping it shit on purpose/ it's quality is actively dropping with each new rushed half baked release.

I can't even use any versions after 4.2 because they give me BSOD immediately. I hadn't had a BSOD in literal years until I used godot 4.3.
I said like OpenMW, I'm not making OpenMW or something
>over 200 reviews
Better sales than the average agdg game. And for a pixelshart platformer no less.
>>check out the daily vods from my favorite streamers
>>catch up on the daily manga releases
>>watch the daily anime releases
>>take a break and play some video games
>>do WoW daily quests
>>check if any more manga updates were released
>>watch a livestream or two
Cut out all this shit it's nonsense. If you want to make games you should start your day with it.
Yeah probably
>random animal + random object unityslop with generic art style + already dev already has a huge audience that would buy anything
this is my average day
btw i'm a girl obviously, i know you didn't make open mw, it's an open source game engine that's compatible with morrowind
zoomies have literal brain damage
You know you will because that voice in your head will no longer allow you to sleep.
No. To be honest his game looks better than the game I've spent 3 years on.
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progress post
>0 replies
a literal nodev post about nodevving
>like 20 replies
he is deliberately avoiding mentioning the causes of his behaviour
this is a nodev thread
>aggy devs sneakily post their demos in the /v/ Next Fest thread
>not a single (You) or reaction
Heart-wrenching. Like seeing Marmo make those threads on reddit.
then he knows what to expect in sales
it somewhat reflects what actual customers would think
you gotta make appealing games to get attention on them
If we assume a typical /agdg/ thread average 50 unique posters, 45 of those will have never even downloaded a game engine.
I told them to add appeal and they didn't listen
post em, i wanna feel sorry for him
I wonder how much she seethed at Harry Potter's success. Like imagine you make a game and it flops only for someone to make a near exact clone 5 years later and becomes a millionaire. Idk how similar their books are though.
i cant take it anymore, im just gonna copy someone else
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I want a building system that uses the same socket-based triangle & square approach as Rust (the game not the language), but I have a feeling that everything built with such a system will end up just looking like a Rust base.
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What's the best place to look for a dev to hire for my mess of a codebase!
Jokes aside I'm looking for someone competent in networking, mirror, unity etc that can help with a single feature I've been spending weeks on, but I'm not sure where to go? The mirror discord has a dev channel but there are not that many posts and many are old. Is there like a well known place somewhere for this type of stuff?
Or should I actually be worried about devs for hire stuff? Is it a scam? I'm scared bros
you don't understand, i NEED to know how the isekai manga ends, i NEED to know if the weakest profession was actually the strongest
Copy Valheim's building system instead
reductionism into self-pity
waaahhhhhhh it's just luck everything is luck waaahhhhhh
I'm not too sure, but doesn't the story go that Vampire Survivors was way more successful than Magic Survival? And Minecraft vs Infiniminer?
Isekai manga doesn't end. It gets axed. It's a fools errand to read them. If you have to, stick to reading completed works. The release pace is so fucking slow anyway that I don't know how the fuck you fill your day with that shit.
i downloaded godot for mobile


i tried to add appeal, i even modeled both boobs indivually, but not many people commented

she deserved better
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Spoiler alert anon, they just get chapter after chapter of filler content until they get canceled. There is no complete story in the author's mind, just thoughts of
>how do I extend this out until people get bored of it and stop giving me money
it's a good thing /vst/ is so slow that i can shill my kino there and gain a guaranteed following and in this niche people are craving for the kino i will deliver. they will be more happy than not to partake in my development (feedback and game ideas / "wishlist"
what type of model imports should i use with godot that keeps the rigging and animations?
>wake up
>check /vg/
>ctrl+f my game
>0 results
>go to /v/ catalog
>see nothing interesting
>go to tiktok for like 2 hours
>gooner time
>goon for 30 mins
>back to tiktok
>gtfo bed
>look at stocks and crypto
>negative gains
>go to computer
>open steam
>nothing worth playing
>its 8pm
>open game to dev a bit
>do 0 progress
>go to /agdg/
>you guys are boring
>goon at 3am again
>repeat from step 1

Yes my life is fucked and unless my games succeeds (it wont) I am going into a downward spiral I cant get out
>gooner time
>goon for 30 mins
You don't know what goon means. You fucks are diluting the meaning of the word until it becomes just synonym to "fap".
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what if we just lock all the NEETs in a room with no computer or internet and tell them they can't leave until they make a video game
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Look! Another gay fucking post!
Magic Survival and Infiminer were never going to be big successes in any fucking universe. If you look at those comparisons the reasons why one did well and the other didn't should be immediately obvious.

Notch took the idea of voxel mining and turned it into infinitely replayable building, mining and adventuring game.

VSdev took the Magic Survival format and made it fun, addictive and suitable for the modern dopamine hungry meta for zoomies.

Good ideas are only as good as their execution. You could have the best fucking idea but if your game sucks it's not gonna do well. If you release a game like that it is very likely someone will see it and make their own version of it that eclipses yours.
>check in 3 days later
>they've crudely drawn trap hentai on the wall with their own feces and all of them are fapping to it
Check out "animation library"
>healthy food
lmao this nigga thinks poison is healthy
Magic Survival wasn't even a flop. It was a success, just a smaller one.

Infiniminer died because the dev gave up on the idea and moved on to something else.
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>Dungeon Keeper
>but you have to train NEETs into productive members of society
how are they going to make a video game with no computer?
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behold MY daily life I haven't been outside since august
why aren't there dungeon keeper clones? I get that a lot of the mechanics were superficial with no real use (that first person possession stuff), but it was still fun...
Magic Survival dev had gold on his hands but he chose to make mobileslop with it. It's like coating a bar of gold in shit and telling people it's gold when trying to sell it.

Of course it wouldn't have been a success on the level of VS had he gone with Steam instead of mobile but it's likely it would've been a decent hit.
I'm a NEET and I would probably have made an decent game if I didn't spend 16 hours every day on the internet.
It's getting worse.... I won't be surprised if next fest loses a majority of it's effect on wishlists within the next 5 years.
Way ahead of you
You're gonna die lmao love to see nature cleansing itself
perhaps the same could be said for western civilization
do you want to make a game together?
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raise your hand if you're a male
pretending you can even finish a single game
>normal guy
>paris france

is it impossible for a person to film themselves without humblebragging
I do get my own groceries since I live alone but yeah pretty much this
what's your million dollar idea
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Monetize the problem. Make a website, larp as a game journalist, review all the shitty games so people don't have to look at each one themselves. Bonus points for retro gaming magazine theme.
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Sounds like dvach
it's not bragging to live in a shitskin infested hellhole

whites have been fleeing paris for years now
okay but dont steal it
dark cloud + bionicle
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Why is it so hard to love godot but even harder to hate it?
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finally got this stupid shit to work
demo crashed on startup for the first day of nextfest
classic cosmicdev
sorry I don't bother forming opinions about dead game engines
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You're thinking about it backwards. Survival type games are fundamentally a "mobileslop" game. The innovation was porting a mobile type game to PC to exploit an untapped market.
What's the difference between a gamedev and a software developer?

At what point can you call yourself the later?
>What's the difference between a gamedev and a software developer?
do I choose and write a character for a VN or let the players name the character?
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godot is done compiling
[Initial build] scons: done building targets.
[Time elapsed: 00:48:53.02]
meanwhile my game engine is 24kb and compiles in <1s
MAKE A CHARACTER. I hate murderhobo slop.
You can call yourself whatever the fuck you want. Software is a small subset of the skills required to be a full-stack gamedev.
Post game
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Back to Nortubel.
Why would you compile Godot instead of just downloading it
wrote 2 lines in my new GDD, time for a break
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so it feels like im making progress while i watch anime during the compilation
>he doesn't use his own personal fork he modifies
do you want to make a game in godot together when you finish instaling it?
Too bad only the first compile takes a long time.
only truthful agdg post
It might use lessons from mobilegambling but I don't agree that it's a mobile genre. You'd be right if you think that the simple controls make it suited for mobile but that's where it ends. The actual design benefits greatly from a big screen full of enemies. The meta progression stuff is just standard roguelite shit.

I think you're right in that taking some game concepts from mobile and making proper games from them on PC might be a viable strategy. There's a lot of companies trying to make what would've traditionally been PC games and dumb them down and slop them up for mobile but that hamstrings the games' potential. There's a lot of mobile games that could've been good had they been made for PC.
There is nothing you can do about it, I'm afraid.

Most interesting thing I've seen today.
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a cop camera simulator fps would make millions
it already has
damn yall are so slow at trends
>he doesn't know

>Gross revenue: $17.8m ($8.9m - $26.8m)
>We are Luca and Leo, two passionate French developers (17 and 20 Yo), and together we've created Bodycam, an ultra-realistic multiplayer FPS game utilizing the latest features of Unreal Engine 5, we have pushed the boundaries of photorealism.

>Outstanding wishlists: 1.8m
>Steam global top wishlist rank: #11
>Predicted month 1 sales: 655.5k (327.7k - 1.3m)
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Why did you change your trip Froggy
is this the concord rerelease?
anon there are loads. dungeons 1-4 for example.
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Thank God for ChatGPT guys. Without it I'd be just another dreamer hoping for the answers to come to them out of the sky.
>Writing family issues in the game's story
>Is occasionally reminded and self conscious about my own family's issues, let alone how I approach them
There was War for the Overworld
This, but unironically.
wish I could use ChatGPT to help me with ideas.
Careful you don't get lazy. I've been using it to do brain dead coding I know I could do myself, I just didn't want to burn out doing small simple things. This led to me getting it to write whole scripts. Then, when something went wrong, I treated it like an oracle of all wisdom, expecting it to fix its own mistakes. Yesterday I had 1 script changing the player's SFX when they moved different speeds in water. It was ugly how one audio clip would abruptly interrupt another. Or if you moved just a tiny bit you'd get 0.1 seconds of awkward noise.
I tried for a couple hours to get chatGPT to make it play a whole audio clip once it starts thinking I wouldn't be able to do it myself. That's where reliance on the bot nigger gets you. In the end I thought about it for 5 minutes, sketched out a code block in psuedocode and then solved my own problem. Think of how many low poly models I coulda made in that several hours lost.
There is an insane person on /crpg/ called Froggy.

I find disliking it pretty easy!
I’m an international student and I got accepted into conestoga for the 3D game development course. And I would like to connect with students who has done/ doing the course in conestoga.
I realised Cris may have accomplished more than all of the crabs in this thread. That's worth of some respect.
Game development is rather distinct from traditional software development in how the underlying code is structured.
Imagine being Unrecord dev when Bodycam devs come out of nowhere copying his game and making it to market first. Normies will forever see Unrecord as the copy.
>not gooning for hours to hardcore porn in the evening
this is why u dont share ideas or post progress until you build up a backlog of marketing and progress materials for a year
Bodycam looks like shit and plays like shit and is also nothing like what Unrecord showed in its trailer aside from being a bodycam.
why is this? Why are games on a loop when most normal software is event driven? Is it because games are never really static like a piece of normal software can be.
They're both asset flips anyway
>don't share anything for a year
>in the meantime, game similar to yours come out and gets popular
>if you release your game now people will think you're the copycat
It doesn't matter. It stole Unrecord's hype and got 22000 reviews worth of sales at $30. I doubt Unrecord is gonna do even half that.
programmer NEET. 3D artist NEET. Music NEET. 2D art / UI NEET.

We could literally do anything.
I will do a general call when I have more to show.
>We are Luca and Leo, two passionate French developers (17 and 20 Yo)
Let me guess, both of their parents were game developers and/or rich enough to hire a contractor who is uncredited to help work on the game. It may be Unreal Engine 5, but ain't no way in hell these two made the game by themselves.
Thanks for the advice.
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there are millions of garbagemen on this planet and every day 70 new garbagemen get hired

do you really think you're going to make it as a garbageman, chud?
It does matter, you idiot. Unrecord will match that at minimum. Quality games sell, bad games don't. People hate slop, not quality games. There's enough room in this market for more than one cake otherwise everyone would just play Skyrim or CSGO.
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i updated it like 5 mins ago and theres already 8 entries
>there are millions of garbagemen on this planet and every day 70 new garbagemen get hired

>do you really think you're going to make it as a garbageman, chud?
it's just an Unreal game with camera shifted a bit and some effects. they just caught a winning idea.
>otherwise everyone would just play slop
idk what you're asking but i'm in.
what sets your garbage collection abilities apart from the rest, huh? what do you have to offer?
>3D artist NEET
>2D art / UI NEET
don't work for free
If Magic Survival and Infiminer flopped then that's purely because the devs made it so.
i set your trash can back in place and it doesn't fall over
i love ConfigFiles!!!!!!!!!
I'm a config file?
pretty good marnix gj
>this spacing
and you're the programmer and we'll all be using your engine right?
no thanks
goooooooooooood mooooorning saaaaars
Its an asset flip. You can buy all the assets they used and make your own bodycam shooter for less than $1000
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liminal spaces platformer
chibi devil may cry
>he could've been anti-israel

he said multiple times that he doesn't support israel at all, his statement was more like "not my problem, i don't like those people because they don't like homos and women", still kinda fucked up
>all these suckers thinking they can make a highly photorealistic game by asset flipping
And then, one day, for no reason at all, he'll be knifed to death by one of the third world savages he's been voting to let into the country.
It's another great day. I hope we're all making some wonderful progress. Time is the marble from which our dreams are sculpted.
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the best ideas comes from listening to playlists about history and biology.
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>sound effects

What should a cancel button sound like?
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>my enemies are killing each other
Learn what a minor scale is
VS also had the benefit of SNKRX succeeding a few months prior and creating a big initial audience for it that was itching for more autoshooting games, let's not forget that, of course.
You forgot:
It should be a click. I expect a ding or something nice on ok, but cancel shouldn't be a strong sound.
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>Learn what a minor scale is
>seven stepwise pitches that form an octave arranged in one of three possible sequences, all having in common a half step (or semitone) between the second and third notes

One main reason is that displays are inherently an imperative interface. i.e. You must render and post frame data at your monitor's refresh rate e.g. 60Hz, 144Hz, etc. It's the game engines' job to provide a declarative event-driven interface. Only more ignorant devs lean entirely on using the loop callbacks like Update()/FixedUpdate() in Unity and _process()/_physics_process() in Godot. Most reasonably experienced devs will still write the vast majority of their game logic as event-driven.
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link me a few fellow anon
I'm curious
Okay. Minor scale makes thing sound sad or serious. Major scale make thing sound happy and full of sunshine. Make sense, buddy?
today I spent three hours trying to fix a bug, and that bug was that I wrote "if (array >0)" instead of "if (arraysize > 0)"
shut up cris
Newfren... tread carefully. There's danger lurking around every corner in this general.
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Game about doing vasectomies on chuds.
watching this one about medieval and renaissance up to napoleon warfare.

10/10 kino.

Now I just have to determine how powerful the ability is mathematically for balance purposes.
just use copilot lol
>Only Cris is allowed to have basic knowledge on how to make music
You know, I know you don't need a formal musical education to make music and you can just learn stuff more qualitatively, but I'm pretty sure at least one of the Beatles could read and write sheet music.
pike and shot deez nuts nigga LAMO
sound effects are not music
why is the latest unity release from 2022? should I download that one or "unity 6 preview"
This actually made me decide to add limitless sprinting back to my first person game
I'm working on level 2 of my demo/potential commercial project. I've just sketched out what I assumed would be Section A of Area 1. In total it was gonna be:
Area 1: Sections A, B, C.
Area 2: Section A.
But my God, the effort it will take just to do this first of 4 sections. I want it to feel like the player has genuinely just hiked down the side of a mountain but maybe I'll see how this first section feels to play then decide if Area 1 really needs 2 more parts to it.
Unity 6 comes out of preview in 2 days, so go with that, since you're new.
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my music workflow
People say that the Japanese wank the samurai/katana aesthetics but then you think about the fact that for most of the the middle-ages europeans were losing to muslims and mongols, nothing is more wanked than knights and straight swords (spears and pikes were better).
Have you watched Captain Alatriste? Amazing fucking movie.
I don't watch woke shit.
I'm learning how to 3d model and uh... I realized just now that I might be able to piggyback on others' projects soon once I know that I can actually make production ready models. That's pretty cool.
enginedev bros... we've been out-autismed
bro is agdg's tim follin lmao, making music from c64 basic? really?
It's the same idea. A sound effect that gives off the impression of you changing your mind or saying "no" would be based off the minor scale. Think about how you usually say "no" in a deeper more flat tone than how you would say "yes".
It's the most perfectly crafted turd ever. It's so easy to use and make noob gains with, but then you hit that plateau where you have to do rep after rep with a weight that's not heavy enough to make gains with, but not light enough where you feel it's effortless.

You know you're going to have to switch engines at some point, but you keep putting it off hoping that it gets better. It's not getting better, 4.2.2 was the peak.
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Wanting to build a dungeon crawler. Got some basics going, soon will be need to be importing monsters/basic "AI" of just walking to player and attacking.
i'm learning how to 3d model too, sometimes it feels like i might not be as good as i want to be at it, i've made zero progress today, but maybe i can become a low and mid poly 3d goddess
Based. The muzzle loader is such a kino weapon that shattered every illusion of the noble man-at-arms, whether it be a knight, a samurai or even the cavalier. The Napoleonic wars devastated the population of horses as well as men and heavy cavalry was falling off because they simply killed every big horse.
It irks me there is so little flintlock, wheel lock, matchlock kino in videogames but my own attempts have been over scoped failures.
it's too late to make one now
like a glass breaking
Sorry, I just went into the resource file and copied that. It really needs to be updated more ...

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