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Not my problem Edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

shivniggers kill yourselves
tp scroll when
buyback when
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sex with paradox
Imagine intentionally playing a SHOOTER moba and saying "no it doesnt need to play anything like a shooter"
>tp scroll when
unnecessary due to ziplines and teleporters
>buyback when
would drag games out massively
If we don't lock them down, we're as good as dead
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Day 7 of waiting for Vindicta to get reverted
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i never had a problem with shiv
probably because he's on my team going 1-12 by 18 mins
>the dominant skill in every moba is always going to be macro, followed very closely by positioning
might as well remove manual aiming completely at that point
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we get it, you're bad at the game and instead of getting good at the game you would rather the game change to accommodate you
read sirlin or get out
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Hope you've all been abusing shiv in your ranked games before he gets nerfed.
This game is such a broken joke its mindboggling they would make a ranked mode in this state
Should I start a ranked match or wait for inhouse?
>making up someone to argue with
Meds. Now.
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Rat i like more
Not him.bit you do realize that warden ult.goes through walls ....right

Too big
Needs bigger ass.
Has a Dota patch/hero ever been unbalanced to the point of immediate day after nerfs like Deadlock?
buy healing reduction
buy slow
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>use up all my stamina because parkouring everywhere is fun
>no stamina left for when it actually matters
original invoker had 27 spells
they already lowered the skill ceiling because you niggers cried so much about having to aim
>already pigeonholed into 2-3 characters
It's over for me bros. I am destined to the same fate as Dota and LoL.
so you mean just turn the game into overwatch? but why wouldnt people just play overwatch then?
stamina should regen faster outside of combat, like how you sprint out of combat
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>at first thought the guardian range and shit changes were good, since guardian isn't lost the second one of the laners die
>but as it turns out, now taking lane guardian without outnumbering your opps with teammates from other lanes or literally wiping the floor with them killing them 3+ times is impossible when i used to be able to take guardian 0/0
i am wrong on this take and retarded or you guys agree? it feels way too risky to get so close to the guardian that it's never worth it, you just eat shit and die if you try to do it, you are kinda forced into a farming stalemate until someone pushes a bit too far/gets ganked
you can quit deadlock and switch to overwatch at any time bro
Because paladins has always been significantly superior
Not on the top of my head, but usually if Slark or Outworld Destroyer gets buffed to the point Reddit complains, emergency letter patches happen within the week to address it.

But superman Sven was allowed to exist for 6 months and oppress the game completely.
looks like she ate too many clocks
same, im learning mo&krill and having a real bad time
dont think im ever taking this guy to ranked, way too reliant on your team not being mouthbreathers and running away from a target in a 3s stun
Release wc3 ember spirit
Release wc3 dota rubick
Meepo played by a good player
Entirety of horseshit that is and was arc warden
The entire pacing of the games went to shit after lanes weren't randomized anymore and the map got extremely wide
we have immediate day after nerfs because it's an early alpha
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>Start of the match
>Duo lane with some pug
>We kill the enemy duo 4 times each before 10 minute mark
>Within 12 minutes they have 3,000 more souls than we do
>They have 0 kills
I have a long way to understanding MOBA's
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i dont have the time nor am i willing to invest my time in any more than 2 characters in this game. also the designs suck absolute dick which isnt helping.
think Nyx Assassin was hit 2 weeks after release
secures/denies of lane creeps are equally important
At last, fem clockwerk persona
Centaur Warrunner on release was funny. IIRC he had like 67% winrate and got swiftly giganerfed.
>bebop is picked
>12 stacks at 13min
finally someone with the same experience as me
Encouraging early ganks and team play is good I think
I don't feel super pressured to take my tower on my own, I just need to cs and deny until I secured enough mobility to start playing with my team
>been in ranked queue for 12 minutes
did you guys also miss every CS?
with the changes to kill bounty in the early game 1 kill = 3 creeps at most
you only kill your lane opponent because you want them to miss creeps and build your lead
if you're actively missing creeps to shoot the other guy you are actively getting yourself behind on your opponent
if you play haze in my game you will be reported min 1 100%
Yes, frequently
ASSFAGGOTS have a lot of moving parts
>if you're actively missing creeps to shoot the other guy you are actively getting yourself behind on your opponent
Isn't this common knowledge?
It was probably that, we denied some of theirs, theirs to ours. I just didn't think it was that many.
I find denying souls to be hard at times, I'm not sure what it is but sometimes it's like the nanosecond they spawn, the enemy has them shot, but they only just appeared for me so I'm confused. It's like they're seeing them first.
>Instantly kills you
For me? It's Kali
>earth spirit release
>monkey king release
>arc warden copying divine rapier on his clone
those were not day after i think but close
Did you know snakes have two penises?
you can check lane stats in your game tab, just click the game and use the drop down menu
there are last hits and denies, you can see how much you got vs your opponents
>dude lets make the games even LONGER LMAO
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I always have to die like 10 times before I remember how to play. Pray you do not get matched up with me
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They are literally changing the game to accommodate shitters like you who couldn't aim
Who are you trying to fool?
>man this clip is incredibly mid. but i guess it's just some new player being proud of winning in lane. good for them
>"shallow god"
just saw neon prime gameplay. What the actual FUCK was that original aesthetic.
seems like ur seething just as hard desu
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Nooo bro you dont get it paradox is fucking insane in organised play!

>The paradox in question:

Meanwhile bebop on enemy team KEKW
could you not have finished him off way earlier
Would you show me?
>just saw neon prime gameplay. What the actual FUCK was that original aesthetic.
it was a better and more thought out aesthetic
It's a prerequisite to this >>498693912
ive gotten like 11 out of 12 of these players in matchmaking at my solo queue mmr and retards will still tell me nekoscore is fake and isnt at least an indication of where you're at
he has 15 bomb stacks in 22mins, its ultbop
i swear to god theres some absolute shitter dev playing in wood mmr that got stomped by bombop and decided to nerf it into the ground
1. bro was shitting up the previous thread praying for the game to be CSGO and it's annoying
2. Neon Prime looked like complete ass BUT I mourn the loss of qt barefoot alien haze
probably because it is fake. If the best player in the world played with friends that weren't as good his Negroscore would be low. There's ways to influence it and is not about winrate or performance
The fact that briefcasenigger hasn't been giganerfed for being a dominant pick in both soloq and pro play is insane.
Ivy gets nerfed instead, so it's totally fine.
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but i can aim
okay, what does it mean when it's high and you only play solo?
Pocket is an honest mid tier. Learn2play noob
paradox is the reason theyre still in the game lmao
thats still not enough. guarantee these quad amputees playing this game screeching about how aiming in a shooter moba isnt important will turn this into yet another keyboard faceroll type of garbage eventually.
No one says that
Go take a shower.
>2-4 on placements so far
a seven on my team last game was 0 0 0 after 25 minutes
just gonna call this first week a wash, hopefully matches are better after being placed
The majority of the moves in this game should either be parryable, dodgeable, shootable, or meleeable. e.g. Melee Geist's cards with good timing to deflect them. Shoot Kelvin's grenade to detonate it early. Shoot Viscous's head in ball form to slow him down. Whatever. Properly countering an ability should build up the "deadlock meter" that gives you buffs (mostly resistances and heath regen), lowers the effects of nearby enemy items, and reduces your respawn timer.

This would allow abilities to be powerful, meaning characters like Paradox can feel fun to play with their strong, spammable ults, because those ults have counters baked into the mechanics of the game. Similarly, it'd give players core mechanical ways to progressively reduce the power of the lead the opponent has over them, meaning that you can play mechanically well in the future to overcome snowballing - converting mechanical skill to numerical advantage in a way that realistically enables comebacks through incremental, progressive good play, rather than single swingy interactions.
>bebop is carrying a tournament game
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1 more week
1 more week and it'll all be fixed
just 1 more week
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i have observably high mmr and got a player with 40 hours in the game who must have barely had 50 matches played to be eligible for ranked going 1-15 in one of my games idk why even release ranked if the mm is still so fucked up
i agree
they should just remove abilities because it reduces the required aim needed
ttk should also be no longer than 2 secs MAX
also remove items and creeps because resource management isnt a skill thats relevant in a shooter
uhhh dlg sisters? i thought bebop was a bottom tier?
>Geist's cards
good to know the shitters crying about positioning being important in a moba don't even play this game
uhh paradox is better than bebop btw :^) a single pick can WIN teamfights!! good thing bebop has no ability to win teamfights with one ult......
>play ranked for a game that's barely finished
>be surprised it's a shit experience
the variation they nerfed into the ground was bottom tier
he's bottom barrel
I had a dude fucking MALDING saying that the placements are the most important part of a ranked game and if you lose now, in an alpha, you can give up hope of every being a high rank, period.
Frankly I think he's full of shit and should probably go for a walk and call his mom, but I think you just gotta do your best on your own and for your team, and not worry too much about the macro if your teammates suck. You place where you place and regardless you gotta improve yourself and your own gameplay in the long run
Are we watching thr same game?
It's not my fucking fault that they made two black woman champions with ghost-related names.
okay, this is really advanced bait
nice job
Lady Geist is black????????
see? these are the disingenuous cripples who absolutely hate the idea anyone could outaim them and win instead of just farming like a tard and winning through ingame economy only.
just NA things lmao
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I keep telling nigga's Paradox is weak as fuck when Bebop can also swap places without risking himself and can also call in an orbital ion strike
>kelvin's when you have antiheal
How do you deal with Mo and Krill as Geist?
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Strongest paradox game impact
S tier hero
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This is not white skin.
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>Bebop carry
if you think this was lost because of paradox idk what to say
Those mfs compare a swap on 60s base to a HOOK that you can spam on 9s cd or whatever it is with talent

They are literally braindead, and thats just one of the things bebop offers

The range upgrade change fucking killed paradox, and even mikaels isnt playing it in his games i have seen
It wasn't lost because of Paradox, but it certainly wasn't won because of Paradox. And arguably, it WAS won because of Bebop.
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Yeah it was all those pesky op heroes on enemy team :(
swap actually was better before the nerfs
it's definitely worse now
And of course Hyper Beam is up for every single fight regardless, so swap's relatively low cooldown doesn't even matter.
>but it certainly wasn't won because of Paradox
no shit, she's not a carry hero
>and even mikaels isnt playing it in his games i have seen
yeah cause enemies ban it lmao
he's literally taking up the enemies' ban slot
She's not anything. She's trash. Is Bebop a carry? Because if he's also a carry, on top of being tankier, having a similar lane presence, and having a longer-ranged pull on a 10s cooldown, then he's obviously way better than her, which is something people have been denying in this thread for weeks.
inhouse doko???
Return fire on Warden? I'm already building cooldown and duration, so the uptime will be good and I'm often on the front soaking damage
I mean, at the minimum, I want teammates who participate and don't end 0/10+/0
I'm fully prepared for the self-improvement grind, tho
The last patch moved the range upgrade from t1 to t3, so you are stuck with 25(29) range swap.whcih is fucking PITIFUL
And it delays your wall silence which is what makes the SWAP deadly in first place

I have 120 games on paradox 55% winrate

Im telling you that hero is fucking SHIT right now,
alright bro, take your one NA shitter match as "proof"
fucking wood mmr player takes again, christ
you realize that Bebop was recently buffed and Paradox was recently nerfed, yes?
you max wall first still, and the gun buff made her feel a lot better otherwise
just gotta go up closer, she's still very good
t. 59% wr in 200 games
He plays infernus and seven in pubs on NA today


Yeye, making coffee
because overwatch has dogshit movement unlike this game so it would be cool if I could use it instead of the entire screen being autoaim ults and projectiles statchecking me
>He plays infernus and seven in pubs on NA today
yes because he's smurfing you retard (plus practicing other heroes is probably a good idea when enemies ban paradox every time)
he's not even playing on NA yet
>I had a dude fucking MALDING saying that the placements are the most important part of a ranked game and if you lose now, in an alpha, you can give up hope of every being a high rank, period.
this is because he's a total fucking shitter but doesn't realize it
shitters get placed in iron or herald or wherever because they're shitters, but they tell themselves it's because they got unlucky on their placements
then every time they lose it's because they're stuck in the trench or they got put in loser's queue or it's forced 50/50 etc.
the result is that they NEVER analyze their own gameplay, they NEVER make a deliberate effort to improve, and so they NEVER climb beyond where their placements put them
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Sex with Abrams
Ok go suck mikaels dick harder, while people who have more than 2 braincells are going to collect free mmr on heroes like shiv and infernus
Bebop got nerfed so fucking hard in the same patch as Paradox that they had to give him an emergency buff the very next day because they'd cratered him so hard.

Please show me your pro-level EU gameplay analysis of several hundred matches that definitively concludes that Paradox is better than Bebop. I invite it.
there are no "placement" matches you retards
every game you play is a placement match
>while people who have more than 2 braincells are going to collect free mmr on heroes like shiv and infernus
Like his teammates who are given free picks when enemies are literally forced to ban paradox? lmao
we saw it today, they just shitstomped everyone
>Bebop got nerfed so fucking hard
no he didn't lmao they improved his power during his power spike window
the reason reddit whined is because in doing so they gutted the bombbop build, which sucks ass but is very popular among shitters
Why do people even think EU players are better than NA?
grug tribe good
gronk tribe bad
Yeah that's uh that's rough
I was that guy yesterday, in the last non ranked game I played. I dunno what happened. I got fucking annihilated in lane by a wraith, and then was the only one lane jannying while my team farmed jungle and I got ganked over and over. At least they didn't flame me, because they were completely nonverbal and never used text chat or pings.
barely anyone even plays bebop in high mmr EU games because he's actual garbage
should be proof enough that he's not in 90% of my matches
Maybe EU players are just retarded and bad at the game?
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EU is better in most games
both league and dota iirc, and CS too i think
NA is better at fighting games (but JP stomps both regions without breaking a sweat)
Because we see it every time in competitive team games that NA teams are always inferior

Lmao even
What was weird is that we also won while he was going on this tirade so I think he's just perpetually angry and also bad
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>2 out of my 3 losses have been because of leavers within the first 5 minutes
This same game but paradox and bebop switches teams, and we see paradox majestic leaping into the sky, swapping and instantly dying while bebop beam.goes BRRRRR
>NA is better at fighting games (but JP stomps both regions without breaking a sweat)
My boy Monarch destroys JP players in Blazblue.
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inhouse PD3DJ
JP got washed last evo tho
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bebop is better than paradox. doesn't mean that paradox is shit/needs buffs or anything.
That's just sad anon im sorry

tempestNYC won EVO Japan this year in strive, before he got permabanned for being a socially retarded tranny chaser (this really happened, the strive community is wild)
koreans and pakistanis also own tekken
but historically it's been JP's genre and it's only recently they're getting real competition from NA
this is at least in part because JP has had good online play for 20 years whereas NA and EU only got it with the widespread adoption of rollback in 2020
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>Lash acts passive aggressively.
>"Wow, I actually listen to comms for once and am let down"
>Because I didn't dive his 4-man ult
>While I was at 300 health
>With pocket affliction
>We proceed to stomp the enemy team.
>This has happened at least three times
Why is it that a team that fights so much better?
>hydra nation banned bebop
PTSD from a match they didn't even play
It's a respect/meme ban. Hydra Nation will shitstomp the other team anyway since they're miles ahead the other team skillwise, so they can fuck around like this
Guaranteed 2-0, no matter the picks.
too bad his kit looks fucking garbage from what i've used. Hope he really gets everything redone I am not liking what i've seen. Ult is literally talon owl but tp's to the explosion.
All that paradox needs is bkb piercing interrupt on her swap just like vengeful does in dota.
it's too bad we can't see hydra nation vs buff enjoyers without one side having a huge ping advantage
I want to play holliday
>it's another "enemy team has a god-like Lash/Shiv" episode
Was Tempest the guy who got banned because trannies claimed he had an alt named YWNABW without any evidence?
I sure enjoy every anime fighter community being infested with trannies thanks to Strive now.
What's the point of ranked if you can't ban heroes?
>Was Tempest the guy who got banned because trannies claimed he had an alt named YWNABW without any evidence?
no, that was sneedchungus, the world's best Sin player
tempestNYC was banned because he kept getting drunk and then telling random trannies he just met that he loved them
I wish these lobbies had text and voice chat
>I sure enjoy every anime fighter community being infested with trannies thanks to Strive now.
Where have you been for the past 20 years?
Friendly reminder for inhouse bros to bind "voice chat: party"
This allows you to talk with enemy team in inhouse

(Usefull for exchanging racial slurs)
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When the comeback mentally breaks the enemy team
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>i shouldn't have to learn bad matchups because im entitled
name one reason why bans should be a thing in ranked.
also yeah the anime community has been full of trannies for ages, it's not a strive thing
there was huge drama in the melty/darkstalkers community years ago because the playerbases were so small they were basically entirely controlled by one power hungry tranny
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>hate trannies
>get banned
>love trannies
>get banned
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>shiv abuser wins
they removed the option for multiple of the same hero. pls fix and return a full mcginnus lobby must become real thing.
technically the official reason sneedchungus was banned was that he liked some lolicon art on twitter (yes, really)
but he's always claimed it was because of the rumor that he was YWNBAW, and the people who want him to stay banned all seem to believe that rumor is true

tempestNYC was really just banned for being an autistic drunk who's really, really bad at hitting on people
here's a video exploring the tempest drama if you're really interested: https://youtu.be/3tB6T2TMV5A
It never worked in first place
We tried multiple times
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You're building Paradox wrong.
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my love for paradox is actively detrimental to my ranked experience
who do I play now?
I know, the most it ever worked for me was that we could atleast select the same hero which only worked as a funny screenshot.
sorry but Yoshi shan't be sharing his waifu with others
as an honest player i will not abuse melee cancels
Bebop or Geist
Need 1 more, shitters welcome
Thats the meleedox thing, it does work, but endgame you dont have much chance competing against heroes that scale better and outcarry

You better be coordinated with team to grab pickoffs only
my whole steam fucking crashed trying to use all speak
its bugged, yoshi hasn't said anything yet but there's a few people noting it in the dev discord
Oh, was sneedchungus the guy who used to enter NLBC for Granblue under the name CUNNY while playing Charlotta? That would all fit together quite well.
But thanks, I'll watch that video.
another gimmick build that only works because people aren't used to playing against it
Gonna stream le epic inhouse on ttv cl_ogar0
Ok, so why does the game lie to me when it says my Vindicta ult is in range to one shot a player? I've had too many hits where the game shows them glowing to indicate them ready to be sniped, but when I hit they're still left with a sliver of HP
Yes, I fully charged it, I'm not a moron who tries to fucking quick scope like it's TF2
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there's actually another strive player named Cunny who played anji, no clue what happened to him and i don't think he entered any tournaments
he and sneedchungus both frequented /ggg/, and sneed still goes there
no clue if sneed played any games besides strive
i wish he still had the black helmet and was pure goop instead of the weird skeleton
new lobby :75XZD
Fuck majong
Same party code, refill the lobby
somewhat related but this happened at a point in time
Mahjong players banned
i knows its kelvin's skeleton but its always jarring when i see how buff he is from behind
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What's wrong with mahjong?
The AIDS-ridden mahjong playing faggot DC'd and we all waited for him then gave up and remade

Press ready up to choose your character friend
Watching somebody flub a parry is infinitely more rewarding than parrying. You can see the visible frustration in their eyes as their one recourse for your high-IQ play of tapping melee over and over has failed and they are now FUCKED. I haven't had this much brainless fun since Shugoki filtering people with charged heavies or demon's embrace. It's even better once you get Unstoppable and become a tard ball.
Ready up starving marvin, we gotta game to play.
oh no no no
The best part is on their screen they may not have even flubbed it, but you can just get rekt by ping so they seethe even harder
God damn it I'm late
The red glow just tells they're under 50% health for the bonus damage not that it will oneshot, they can still live because of spirit res/shield
who should I que third along with shiv/vindicta?
I'm really tired of both lady geist and haze ruining my games
Their existence offends me and its basically a guaranteed win for the enemy when I'm against them
I don't think you want a full melee build (lifestrike) but Melee Lifesteal, Melee Charge, Spirit Strike, and Colossus are all really efficient items that help Paradox out a lot.
seven WILL carry this game
What's even funnier is that I played melee Shiv before all the tournament players popularized it, and no one ever parried me as I punched them to death. But now that people are expecting it I switched to playing gun/spirit Shiv, and I just gun them down when they attempt to parry me in desperation.
lol are you serious about haze every single haze i played with only feeds she is trash right now
Pick someone with better CC to round out your roster. Seven and Infernus have fun CC abilities imo, love stuns that hit all around me.
I think they should increase the cooldown on Miku's ult by at least 20 seconds.
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Why do people like sprint boots over extra stamina? Is it the health regen? I feel like if I'm in a situation that requires either I'd rather have the extra oh shit roll bar to try and get away
real, this lefaa kid needs an ego check at least
you really overestimate the amount of people who look shit up
I don't because I see stupid shit like magic carpet Seven in my games all the time and when I wonder why people are doing that it always ends up being that they got the idea from some youtuber or twitch streamer.
It just feels like shit running around the map with no sprint speed after you get used to it.
Because Kevin and mystic reverb makes my ass hurt and I like that enduring speed reduces the penalty from movement reduction.
sprint speed is good and the upgrade for boots is cheaper
Why am I getting worse the more I play. Every game feels like I'm playing for the first time
>magic carpet seven
look all 4 of his abilities benefit from duration increase + it's really fucking funny to ult and then magic carpet outta there when its getting too heated
what orange/green items does seven want. spirit stuff seems pretty obvious
i only get boots when they a prevalent slow
look at that dunning krueger chart and then ask yourself where you fall on it
>this match
good outlook for the NA scene here
>play ranked
>very little player damage, low kill participation, reasonable but unimpressive obj damage
I had a bad lane so I spent most of the match farming to make sure I wouldn't fall behind. My team was so strong that if I tried to go to a fight to contribute they would usually have won by the time I got there. I still helped a lot with the final pushes, but it feels weird.
Because you're retarded. I know because I'm the same way.
Is this the Deadlock: Shrine Wars general?
Well lads that wasn't fun, I will not be playing any more inhouses since you guys are just as silent/uncommunicative as pubs.
There's really no point it's just shittier ping and less balanced if you don't talk
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Which of the toons utilize Torment Pulse the most effectively? Least effectively?
Everyone got carried at least once in their lifetime
Who cares? It's a garbage item after the nerf
No, where the character to glowing white. Though still sucks if that's true
All my ranked matches feel like this, though. I'm the worst player on my team in all of them, despite winning 3 of 4.
Feels super weird.
Close range spirit builders- good!
Anyone else- bad!
It got rebuffed oomfie
Its pretty much staple on moooooo and kriiiilll
Least, probably talon and vindicta
sorry my game crashed and i was waiting to see if a friend could play anyways so i just fucked off
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Magazine for more 3 uptime
Spirit lifesteal and enduring speed
Some choices.
what else would you call the toons?
Tesla Bullets and armors are good on him. On support/stun Seven I also get my other actives besides Echo Shard from orange and green items. There's good stuff in there like Divine Barrier, Healing Nova, Rescue Beam, and Alchemical Fire.
you're right actually because I've come upon the revelation that waiting to 4 items in any category is both too expensive and too long. I need to build my shit down.
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Paradox downplayers?
i built dynamo pure support and felt like a total dweeb doing nothing outside my ult, maybe i needed more dmg
Geist deals with every hero the same way. You take damage and then you swap health. Like terrorblade. Its not rocket science.
i fucking hate it. i like paradox, every game i play i somehow land on the character that has the mots downplaying faggots and so i end up in the middle between the downplaying faggots, and the counter to those downplaying faggots who exaggerate the strengths of the character just out of pure spite for said downplayers

i hate them both
literally none of these games can be taken as serious representations of any kind, see >>498698049

if you want actually competent gameplay watch the EU matches
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I'll never play like this again.
But Lefaa is the best player on Hydra Nation and flick's Paradox made his Infernus look like a bitch.
movement speed is the best stat in the game
yes, like I said it has actually 0 bearing what heroes are picked because the skill gap is so wide between the teams, so there's no point in analyzing these games any further
I typically run urn and grab sprint+fortitude
I run faster than Ivy could fly me
>16 minute game
Literally no information can be gained from these stats aside from the fact that Hydra is a way better team.
>best player
He went 0-5 on his placements THO
he seems like the type of player who explodes when things go south and absolutely destroys the team from the inside
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>went 2-5 in my placements
my career as an deadlock athlete is already over.
>mo stuns you in place so you can't lifeswap
Now what?
>Went 6-1 in placements
Now I play the waiting game.
lmao those placement matches are just a meme you will be placed where ever your "regular" aka ranked mmr is
i can hear people talking in the inhouse lobby
let these 1100 neko faggots cope that they just got "unlucky" as if the game will magically place them at max rank if they just won one more game lmao
You sunder at last second, pop meta and fuck him in the ass. Shriek when you see me.
why do retards think there are 7 "placement games"?
all games you play during the period are counted into the period's result. it's just 7 minimum with no maximum
Just keep playing bro every single ranked match you play counts towards your placement.
this, there are no placements
the placements are the most important part of a ranked game and if you lose now, in an alpha, you can give up hope of every being a high rank or breaking into the esports scene, period.
i literally just said there are no "placement games"
in fact the real placement games have already been played since the unranked hidden MMR works as a baseline for the ranked matches
'Cause 7 is all I'm playing, SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY.
wait a minute, this post looks familiar...
I agree. After all we will start kicking NO RANKS and WOOD RANKS from inhouses. Mandatory e-penis inspection day come Tuesday.
>Twisted knife, but heavy
Don't think I've ever seen anyone ever use withering whip
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let him cook, vindictaCHADS gonna be eating good next patch
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>got curbstomped all 7 ranked matches
>breaking into the esports scene, period.
If I wanted to grind hard 12 hours a day I'd become a doctor and make real money whilst being respected and valued

not 60k a year on a t2 pro videogame team lol
The wise flee my footfalls...
Despite adding ranked there's still no matchmaking, just a score
t. Asian father
you don't have the intellect to go through med school, wood elo coper.
This is the most sensible post I've ever read on /vg/
Make a new account or commit ritual suicide (seppuku).
>med school
my 110 IQ midwit goober sister got through Med school and is a practicing Neurologist. With strong dedication even an average person can get in. I bet an outright idiot could get into a DO program if he tried hard.
holy based
lol what?
med school is famously doable by retards it's just miserable because you have to memorize five billion things
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played two ranked games, am I gonna make it bros
Withering Whip doesn't really do enough for its price. It's only useful against a small pool of heroes and it won't usually make the difference between getting a kill or not.. The most useful debuff it gives is also much more consistent if you buy Bullet Resist Shredder instead. For the same price, Slowing Hex or Decay is a better counter for most heroes and will help you ensure a kill more than a 14% bullet resist debuff. The sprint speed is okay I guess.
>med school is famously doable by retards it's just miserable because you have to memorize five billion things
Wow just like mobas.
Hello? Yoshi?
Send in the farm maxxer
what was it like, playing with those insufferable high elo faggots?
Holy fr*ck Lash is fun!!!!1
Imagine this being your son lmao
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Lol yes you are a monster
4 seconds of the debuff too
Whereas decay straight up dots the target down and almost disbles healing
My dad's still disappointed because I'm doing my PhD in plasma physics instead of some sort of engineering so sometimes you just can't win
he's right though, medical school is just a work ethic problem not intelligence
The average negroscore of each player in my lobbies is going DOWN after each win.
Winning is not the only metric.
It's over for me bebop bros.
people were surprisingly co-operative compared to an usual pub
wasn't a bad time, but we did win both. probably going to be bad when you're taking a beating, had to calm down a duo lane when they were already seething at each other three minutes in
>first few ranked matches were close, fun, and hard earned wins for either side
>last few were no better than normal q
shouldn't it be the opposite
yoshi should give it back it's disarm
There should be more items like decay so even shitters like me who can't aim can get these crackheads off of me so I can farm for a sec
Actually normal queue match for the most part is better
I wish people would stop running into the enemy base when the enemy has rejuv.
withering whip is actually so ass compared to slowing hex
im not a stranger either. i cant stand some of the streamers and some notable niggers up there too
>getting annoyed 1v1 vs haze because her fixation stacks last a gorillion years
>teammate rotates and we kill her giving me a chance to breathe
>haze comes back frustrated, tries really hard to kill me and dies
>she comes back and I kill her again
>she comes back and is really upset, dives my guardian without her creeps to try and finish it off
>death slam her into it for another free kill
>she ends the game 0-11-1
fuck haze players
Woke up and lost another game
12 in a row
Match making fucking me hard
>disappointed because I'm doing my PhD in plasma physics
your dad is a dick but at least you were born with the iq for interesting stuff

i failed community college calculus 3 times, my dreams of being a lowly engineer died quite early lol. playing deadlock at my factory job.
streamers are usually pretty bad with their ego
Lost my last ranked game rip the 7-0 dream. Still happy about 6-1
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Free me
nekoscore doesn't matter anymore
stop thinking about it
neko does matter we are just going to have medals behind them now
i have a CS degree and have never gotten so much as a job interview despite applying to many entry level positions
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>Mmr does not...Le matter
>Neko score does not...Le matter
>Rank does not... Le matter
Yeah okay. RETARD.
It is as important as your IQ and your salary. It says who you are as a man and how much you should be taken seriously. If this were a just world your rank would show next to your ugly fucking posts.
i can tell the discourse around this game is going to be absolutely insufferable from tuesday onward
if you're not at least [my rank] do NOT talk about game balance
NegroScore isnt rank retard
It shows who you party with. Good players who get new friends into the game have a lower negroscore the average player and there are countless shitters carried by one friend
lol you already know that will happen
>wanted to do physics
>dad begs me to get into electrical engineering instead
>now I have a shitty job that will probably be replaced by AI in the next 20 years
Don't worry bro you did the right thing
yes and they will play solo ranked games in your queues till they drop
In a world
Where everyone has a number above their head
And it's the total of their CS and denies in Deadlock
One man
Will rise
this but it's amount of times they chose to BROOL over take an objective
nekoscore doesn't matter BECAUSE rank exists
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I don't care what your rank is because you didn't play the right character so your rank is irrelevant unlike mine
ok what if i only solo queue and im 2400
My dad can beat up all your dads combined
My rank? Yea, my rank is the "I'm having fun" rank.
How do people sub like 1800 negroscore even exist? I'm nearly 2k and I'm fully aware I'm dogshit
>better than, quite literally, 80% of the playerbase
Yeah prolly mine's an alcoholic hoarder
you havent seen how bad people can get
some tards play like slightly less brain dead bots
Why did he spec into that talent tree
Neko score is accurate now lol now what we are going to know what title you will get to back up the numbers

but you always play ranked so no point in worrying about it remember what valve said if you miss a week of placement you lose your title goes away for that week till you do it again
no u
I accept my MMR is midwit
There's like a barrier of entry to these types of games though, I think I'd be much lower if every single player did the tutorial and watched a vid or two for example
are inhouses going rn
match just ended spaces are up

Every time I start playing a new character, after like 3-4 matches I start stomping as them and get like 20 kills and virtually no deaths for maybe 3 or 4 matches. Then I get shat on hard by everyone around me and I go back to being a completely average player.

Is this like a matchmaking punishment?
>do well
>game pits you against better players
>level out
working as intended.
I did it!
I broken my 12 game losing streak!
I hate this game!
character based elo is what your experiencing. It's whats ruining matchmaking the most right now.
They want you tonget hooked on the new char and then crush your dreams

Rinse repeat
nu game / matchmaking design hates when you see any green and tries to make your game harder artificially
we need to start banning items from the inhouse. icefraud has already proven that he doesn't know jack shit with how overtuned return fire is allowed to be since launch.
OCE is so dead I run into the same groups all day and night
Fuck sake
Aint no way its real
>return fire
don't be mad haze!
>haze player when afk farming, not hitting towers, then pressing 4 doesnt instantly win the game
t. spent 2k on green items the whole game.
I'm at like 1200 Nekoscore and I've been playing every day since August, I have good map awareness and 'gamesense' but I'm shit at fights because half of my keyboard hand is paralysed so I have to use funky bindings to play.

I just love the game, I know I'll never be as good as a sweaty Haze player in a fight :)
Post results I want to see them
The quality difference between normal and ranked games is unreal. Not only is everyone finally using their mics, but they will also clean the lanes and collapse on an overextended enemy almost immediately. Compared to normals where your retarded team has such low awareness that you wonder if they somehow removed the minimap from their game.
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>keep topscoring or near topscoring team
>keep losing
I hate this
It literally gor "nerfed" damage return wise
Its only better defensively

Before it would return full damage before damage reductions

Tldr gitgud
I would but I have to leave the lobby in order to fetch the screen page.
Unfortunately no one gets to see end scores and matches dont save into your history

Or only host gets to see those
But we just had fun super brooool game with like 30kills in 10min or some dumb shit

Real, people also push way harder early game on guardians on duolanes
We can see the endpage by putting the matchid
I can't post the endpage because in lobby but heres the id from last game: 23083957
of all the bullshit actives in the game you chose to complain about return fire of all things?
*match id into that popular matches or whatever in main menu
one more for inhouse
>almost always near the bottom of souls and kills
>almost always win
Just luck max lmao
Yeah ita crazy
Id say knockdown is way worse than return fire
Not to mention decay that should be like half of its duration
I notice that the team balance tends to be worse at night, so I'll probably stick to playing before 8 pm from now on
I would sit bros but im frying my burgers
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Thoughts on Yamato's potential redesigns?
It's there any way to tell that your private feedback is being read
What server are these inhouses at? NA?
confirmed by yoshi to be real and also to be not working correctly
you don't play haze, and it shows
>play haze full damage
>everyone continues to dive on you because you're haze and have the durability of a chemo patient.
>buy sup stamina and greens
>deal a bit less damage, but you can now dodge the lash looking to mating press you into the concrete.
enjoy your freedom sandwiches
Love em but I also live this picture for giving me hope that Warden will get his cape
How much Deadlock have you played since you got in?, I got in on August.
i have a 2200 niggerscore :)
230ish hours
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If we don't get this one valve is fucking washed.
400 since mid aug
They're all great, I hope they implement them.
Then just add a 'forehead Yamato' skin later.
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Like half the Haze and Wraith players I see do that though.
>They're all great
we both know thats not true
August, 170 hours.
man watching deadlock comp is boring as shit
high mmr pubs games are more entertaining to watch and study maybe thats just because im just seen na comp games
Schoolgirl one is too cliche and would look out of place
Yokai one is a bit too subdued on the oriental aspect to me, without the sash and katana she'd just look like a businesswoman
8A looks the best but has a bit of a color crisis with 8B
9A looks like a 70's Yakuza member
bro wraith is fucking gigaaids cancer broken. actual dishonest nigger ape hero that can get away with low investment in greens because she's turbo broken. try that with haze, and you'll just lose.
the top comp teams (hydra nation, buff enjoyers, probably a couple of russian teams but i don't really follow the EU scene) are so much better than everyone else that their matches are just boring stomps
the games are literally decided BEFORE draft because the skill gap is just that big
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i've been playing since late may.
NA prefers to BROOL in all games at a high level, which makes them better for spectators but typically worse competitively.
Even in games dramatically different like RTS NA is by far the most entertaining region despite being shit compared to Korea.
>without the sash and katana she'd just look like a businesswoman
that's what the yakuza look like to be fair
imo it would be improved with a torn sleeve to show off her tattoos but otherwise it's a good fit for a yakuza boss
in LoL it's ironically the opposite

NA is by far the most scared, slow and inactive region in LoL and has been for well on a decade now, it's weird because in any other game I would agree with you
Huh, I don't know that game. But yeah in all the games I've seen NA is a constant clownfiesta which is fucking great as a spectator but obviously they get memed on pretty often
>played 2 deadlock matches
>lost both
>played 3 cs2 matches
>lost all of them too
wew lad time to cry myself to sleep
haven't cared about league in a very long time but i remember imaqtpie saying that the NA meta is "not giving a fuck"
early september 300 hours
NA league is literally just a retirement home for washed up pros from other regions.
I don't watch sports but I've heard the same thing about College Football vs Pro Football.

College is supposedly more entertaining to watch because you have future superstars on the same field as blue collar farm boys that are just there to get invited to the afterparties, and it results in absurd plays and more crazy shit.
Compared to sterile, calculated pro ball where you can't do anything interesting because the Rothschilds paid $500M for your new stadium and if you fuck up they'll Clinton you.
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is this dogshit or not?
havent played any games with the new negroscore so i have no personal rating just these ranked lobby ratings
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We already have this fucking outfit in so many characters.
This is literally just infernus outfit with a sash.
And wraith outfit without the coat.
And abrams outfit without the coat.
And reminiscent of haze outfit.

We have too many fucking characters with this getup we don't need another, why shouldn't the fucking massive japanese only woman wear some fucking japanese clothing?
It looks so fucking generic and the bottom one suffers from the same problem.

The school girl one should be a skin at best or something.
8A and 8B are by far the best but 8A suffers from similar issues, 8B blows the rest away and fits best with her new voice and lore.
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Ranked keeps giving me multiple teammates who have never played the game before while all the enemies are always serious gamers
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28th of may
Read, nigga, read
That's a pretty intense way to say it, I think it's just that they've figured out the meta so why do anything different when you're getting paid giant money to win
playing solo is how you artificially boost your negroscore.
Bottom one is my favorite but I also like top mainly because of the hair being sentient.
do you consider 1% matches dogshit lol
you are legit playing top 2000 ish players
you'll never go pro but you could start a youtube channel RIGHT NOW and make money by spouting poorly-researched opinions about patch notes and game balance
lmao aka he can be someone like BSJ or purge from dota 2 community shit maybe even be a caster
>playing solo
you mean playing in stacks?
yeah and this is way better than being a pro to be clear
pros have to play the game 12 hours a day like it's a job and they make way less money than streamers
Oh boy I can't wait until they add these so all the weeb trannies flock to her and be dogshit
>ping spikes
>lose lane
>snowballs from there
very cool
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>winning game with a lot of ganks
>team up by 10k
>get ran down by seven
>he has 30k souls at 20 minutes while we're at 16k
this is not ok, not playing ranked any more. shitty ass valve. I killed him once too, he just farms way too fucking fast with no effort he doesnt even have to stay at the camp they just die to an orb as he runs away
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>maybe even be a caster
not with a finnish accent im afraid
God damn bro quit bitching about things that haven't even happened yet
vindicta hits me once with crow + decay with 4 purple items and i lose 81% of my health in 8 seconds

very cool
I feel like the bottom one is the best out of these. Don't care a ton for the face paint on the others
bro your debuff remover?
it is pretty dumb
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previous match
Good show celi, but you see you picked a hero that requires you to press 4 buttons, whereas i only need to press 2
Anyone got last stats for inhouse?
you could still do it as long as people can clearly understand you
also it's not that hard to learn how to pronounce words correctly in another language t. complimented on my japanese pronunciation by native speakers
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I am the opposite, as the 5 ranked games I've played were stomps like this. But tomorrow I will cry as the 50% hits in.
Most nutritious meal for a weary gamer

Idk if we can get bodies for next inhouse tho
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Negroscore is a horrible metric no matter what you do, playing in stack will usually lower your niggerscore unless you are all gods
just a rough one wasnt sure what i can do
>viscous into kevin, vindicta, lash
over before it began even without the game stunning me for 15 seconds
This is my favourite example of dunning-kruger.
please stop ganking my bussy
inhouses over or match started?
This game doesnt have enough broooling

The map should he so the respawn is at lane stores on middle lanes, and its just broooling by midboss
I will say that it's weirdly easy to counter Gun compared to how hard it is to counter Spirit. Lots of items counter Gun insanely hard compared to Spirit.
it's over...
it gets me every time and i don't even know why
inhouse is all broool unless specific split pushers names are playing
And yet gun has dominated every patch bar 1.
I think most people left already
Throw out the results of the last one
because 3 spirit resist items got converted to bullet res
t. rackball gamer
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>leaving out
cool thanks
Throw some names.
that's anisha, not yamato
New voice pretty much confirms this ain't happening.
sounds like you want battlerite
that eternal radiance guy who always plays seven
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>before floodgates opened
>All my feedback got several views, several got replies and likes
>Literally like 20+ posts of feedback with 7+ views and like 8 with replies and likes
>post floodgates
>Not a single view in any of my feedback posts

Hmm I wonder why the game gets shittier every patch.
most of my feedback posts get views but I've never gotten a reply or like
i haven't made many though
Geist enjoyers: reverb on knives for slow, or bomb for damage?
Miku did nothing wrong
Because brool is life, and you make more money from you sponsors and streaming contracts anyways, and a good show gets you more of that

Shroud is one of the highest earning CS players of all time even though I don't think he was ever even in a major final
You mean the guy that was looking people up to post shit on their steam profile lmao
Looks like your feedback got worse.
What the hell do you do in a solo against Wraith/Haze as Abrams? Just survive?
honestly i buy so much gun and green stuff before even heavily investing in spirit on geist that by the time lategame comes I usually never get reverb.
Yes, the very same.
Nah, too many cooks with retarded horrible feedback and they can't see all of them, let alone see how good they are.
It should've never been opened up like this.
I agree, they have now abandoned the high iq feedback process entirely. they should have not let the newcomers post on the forum
level your passive first and just focus on securing farm with the health nerf you are very killable so just dont make a mistake they will mess up and you can kill them haze easily
wraith she got a tp so going to be a bit harder
and with wraith always respect her 3k ulti timing
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I already fixed the map but valve won't take my calls
we are banning you from the inhouses for this
Why does every hero only have two legs?
All the male characters have 3
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You are onto something
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>51% overall win rate
>5-4 in ranked
Even paradox?
Rounding up, expected results.
Matchmaking working as intended
knives always
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Does anyone have proof matchmaking is real? Because I certainly have a lot of proof it's not, and players are randomly assigned.
works on my machine
>rank mode
>Still no draft pick in rank
What's the point
>infernus ragequits after a single death
>during one of my seven ranked matches
i mean i wouldnt bother with ranked until they have at least a semi solid matchmaking system
return fire is the most broken green active at the moment.
ranked matches have genuinely been a more laid back and fun experience than normal queue
>filters out all the dude weed/boozers by existing
>people use mics and communicate, but few-to-no raging spergs
only problem is shiv players
gun hasn't be viable since mirage patch. we in a green tanky nigger meta now.
if by broken you mean doesnt work at all then yeah

funniest shit ever was when haze had 50% evasion and people got baited into buying it just to take 100% and always die lol
knives for sure. reverb has a 6 sec cooldown so you can proc it more often with knives
plus if you play far out it will hit more people, so more splash damage
healbane should combine into return fire as a 6k item
>reverb has a 6 sec cooldown so you can proc it more often with knives
the bomb dot will re-proc reverb to continue slowing people. Makes it great for holding chokes like the walkups to T3's.
return fire needs to be buffed until it's as funny as blademail
i've had a few guys on my team who seem unusually high-strung, like they're really under a lot of stress and can barely handle it, but no ragers
the only person flaming me is my own self-doubt
haze should have 50 evasion back. i hate having to buy greens. born to withering whip and lucky shot niggers, forced to eat my leafy greens if i don't want lash to do what my uncle did to me back in the Christmas eve of 2009.
It was like that before this change it was dealing damage before bullet resists
You could delete ulting haze with it some times

Now you cant
The spirit damage return should be buffed to 70% now that would be kino
Wrong it healbane needs to combine with decay into a 6000 item that reduces all healing in 30m radius by 50% and deals tiny amount of steady spirit damage like 10 per second
Haze needs to have her ult duration changed to like 3 seconds and buff damage slightly so theres actual counterplay with metal skin unlike now her ult lasting 15 seconds
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bets this was a 6 stack or just unlucky
abrams popping return fire (keep in mind shotgunniggers are supposed to be less effective with return fire since it fires back only a pellet) can stand right next to a toxic bullets fully built lategame haze ulting and straight up kill her.
her ult never lasts past 10 unless she's building spirit (in which case she'll do zero damage) or has a spirit rune.
You're supposed to pop metal skin and then either run out of the AOE or use a stun, not stand and fight her.
Is Pockets shotgun bullet damage per pellet?
I don't know.
I guess?
ask again later
So what DOESN'T debuff reducer reduce?

Does it reduce mo ult? What about wraith ult? Warden cage?
>play only abrams
>finally reach mmr where people Decay me on sight
I am not having a good time anymore
i only play solo and there is one magical instance where everyone on the team was competent and played objectives
no one was even talking on mic, team just communicated exclusively through pings
Lash and Seven top fragged and obliterated us in this game
I wonder how that could be
those smurfs are going crazy
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>We're fighting a brawl, whole team vs whole team
>Oppertunity presents itself, use Ultimate and cage in 4 of us and 2 of them
>We can surely beat the shit out of them now
>They're pushing into the wall to try get to the enemy outside of the bubble

>Another match as Kelvin
>Got ganked by 3
>Infernus was with me
>I'm half health, we're trying to run, it seems pointless
>Put the Bubble up trapping the 3 gankers, box them
>Giving the Infernus the oppertunity to run
>He just sits at the edge of the bubble
>I die
>Bubble goes down
>They 3v1 him
>he dies

I don't get it how the fuck are you supposed to use Kelvin's ultimate if it's not for the purposes of putting the fight in your favor? We get buffed inside, they get slowed. I Bubble with an ally with me usually so force a 2v1 or a fight where it's in our favor number wise and they can't run but people LOATHE this
yes lol if it reduces abrams shoulder charge it reduces all of those others ones
Six stacks only face other six stacks; the matchmaking system just doesn't exist it's a myth because Yoshi is legally retarded
I didn't realize Boundless Spirit gave 15 regen. That's kind of a weirdly huge amount to be slapped on to the item.
no they dont
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Ok i take my words this nigga WRECKING shit on melee dox in high mmr lobby
Can you not see match MMR prior to being placed?
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this was a solo unranked match and before that another there where two people partied together and dc'd like 5 minutes into the round
Kelvin players 100% enjoy getting pegged
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goober is a beast + even if you dont use the melee with the melee items on paradox the speed you get for roaming with hmc is broken
i got him on my team a couple days ago and we somehow convinced the entire team to buy magic carpets
mcginnis overtuned or what jesus christ her ult does so much fucking damage
>just get close to her
not with her team there I'm not
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the match i described was also an unranked match and was a complete 20 minute stomp
sometimes you just get lucky and get actual humans instead of half sentient troglodytes in your team
Predicting i'm going to be placed in Seeker rank
did you just play in that 41m game?
>NA is by far the most scared, slow and inactive region in LoL
na, ive seen challenger Korean games and dudes will just stand next to each other in lane and wont even harass and just farm like the other person isnt there. the most boring shit ive ever watched. games just end in like a 25 minute/8-15 kill time period
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what are some decent youtubers/CCs to watch in order to learn the game a bit further while I'm not actively playing? I have like 100 hrs in but I'm still a fucking donkey when it comes to this game
Make sure you're staring at your mini map at all times
damn valve is really doing holiday dirty that character will not have the same kit at all

they also added with calico you can tp yourself to the cat turret anywhere from the map so in theory you can leave that shit in another lane to stop a push or to keep the lane push and call it back or tp to it at any time
Osaka sure is nice this time of year.
I hope if we meme this hard enough they'll give us something canon related to it like a vacation photo in the background of a comic with kelvin in japan
push waves and try to control more of the map than the enemy

build items based on what enables your team the most whether that's you bursting someone or reducing their healing or living long enough and wasting the enemys spells

master those 2 concepts and you will be good
just watch high mmr replays
Is there a setting that mutes all communication?
I hope not, bitches need to uninstall it they can't handle the bantz
all bantz will do is get you muted if you talk to much shit
you go full reachmaxxing for a giant bubble that hard counters most ults in the game and with the 3rd perk and enough spirit gives 500 regen
don't watch anyone, everyone who is good right now did it on their own volition.
read all the item descriptions and abilities so you understand what shit does.
look at the map, make good decisions on where you should be instead of just bumbling around.
maximize your game presence whether it be soaking up farm, lane janitoring, or being in key teamfights/objective contests.
focus on improving in some manner every game even when you're losing.
watching people CAN help but there are a lot of clowns in "high elo" that you shouldn't copy that are there by sheer volume of games they're playing.
i can handle bantz but i dont want to hear someone whine into their mic for the entire game despite not contributing anything of note to the team
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>forgetting the one where they make her indian
Is it crazy I like this design way more?
love this one desu, weeb bait is getting boring but this would be cool
im not sure why valve doesnt allow us to just play these heroes isnt this an alpha test and these are clearly more ready then mirage if the characters sucks or we dont like them just disable them or some shit or just change the kits like you been doing the whole time
LIST OF BROKEN GUN ITEMS: warpstone, shadow weave
LIST OF BROKEN VITALITY ITEMS: return fire, improved bullet armor, majestic leap, metal skin, soul rebirth, unstoppable
LIST OF BROKEN SPIRIT ITEMS: decay, slowing hex, ethereal shift, knockdown, escalating exposure, curse, echo shard, magic carpet

wow would you look at that. spirit definitely got giganerfed and we're not in a stacking greens meta guys. idc if it requires you to aim, gun is still le OP!
Gun is inherently stronger than spirit because it's significantly better for pushing down objectives

A team a spirit fags would have to win multiple teamfights late game to finish off the patron whereas a gun team would probably only need to win one
this poster is an anally anihilated haze main
warpstone on geist is so funnnnn
actual wintraders in my (((high mmr))) games
0/13 retard thinks he can walk up to naked mcginnis level 0 literally 0 souls minute 0 and he won't get walled and gangbanged
spirit is stronger in the early and mid game
gun scales much better into the late game and is better against objectives
this is balanced
forgot silencer
lmao thats crazy to think about but its big in dota 2 so i wouldnt be surprised and since the pool of players is pretty small you can easily catch them
>6-1 for ranked
Feels good.
>omega tryhard but awful personality tier
Deathy, chazm, MikaelS, smeefu
>seems like mid to high MMR and tolerable personality tier
Mast, WehSing, Venenu, Poshypop, Schizug
>mediocre clickbait tier
AverageJonas, Your Deadlock, ottr, fineokay, Gameleap, Eskie
>blatantly steals other people's content tier
SoulSyntax, Deadlock Proview
>shit talking low mmr troll tier
>actual less than 50 games noob tier
what other characters should we get? I want shoelace
Deathy's not that bad, especially compared to MikaelS. MikaelS is totally unwatchable because he hardly talks and whenever he opens his mouth he's just muttering. All he does is upload unedited footage of his games.
>this weapon item that a single hero builds once in a blue moon is as comparable to the single greatest point and click CC item in the entire game for shutting down a fed carry.
I won against schizug once.
What bantz? People are just straight up useless and talking for some reason.
What's the grenade Kelvin build?
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>Geist is low
>chase her
am I actually retarded?
>geist isnt even low and i still need to run away because she wont stop doing a quarter of my max hp each shot
love this character
Lol aka if one of you Negros are actually entertaining and are high mmr you might able to become the next Gorgc because deadlock doesn't have one and i actually mean one entertaining content creator
>ping that i have warp stone and combo up on my way to purple lane to back up haze vs talon + kelvin
>haze lands a knife and hits talon to half hp right before i get there
>come in and start chasing
>he backs off to do camps and leaves me with my dick in my hand 2v1
i would ban the retarded jungle farmer heroes every single game if i could
just chase at a reasonable distance and account for warpstone
or just get some form of silence
I'm 9-4

It's been a much nicer experience than standard so far
He might not be entertaining to me or you but clearly he found his wave
>4 months without ranked
>they add ranked
>the only change is that i now get tilted every time bebop hooks me
Explain this
what is it with this spirit not scaling meme? people unironically think that because yamato falls off a cliff, while forgetting that p*cket, mohammad & kareem, and infernigger continue being useful even in the "late game" (in infernus case, being optimal late game). gun literally has no place in a game that hands bullet resist out like candy.
your mic, bro?
You been playing ranked this whole time lol it's just solo queue
who the fuck is gorgc
rapid recharge heal booster burst and reach
>gun literally has no place in a game that hands bullet resist out like candy
it doesnt matter, Headhunter still chunks people for 10% of their health
i literally said i was coming purple for talon retard why do you think haze went in 1v2 right before i got there
If you don't use your mic you're the one griefing
any late night inhousers or should I queue up?
infernus is a special case
pocket and lash both fall off late game and mo is picked for his sustain, not his damage
poshypop sold out when he stopped playing ivy
fake ivy bro..
>play ranked to try to get better matches
>the matches get worse
Mo is picked for his fukcing disarm that shit is turbocancer
God DAMN can new players ruin a game.
Shitter mmr
works on my machine
you forgot vegas
Like what the fuck is this? These matches are worse than unranked. Im being actively punished with unbalanced teammates until I finally break
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forgot pix
poshypop's mmr is extremely high retard
>Ranked keeps giving me multiple teammates who have never played the game before
you need 50 games played to enter ranked
they're just REALLY bad
>you will never play infinite staminakino again
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>He pushed?
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forgot pic
They were feeding on purpose you mouthbreathing retard
If anyone on my team says gg ez I call them out for swarthy behaviour.
You should too.
What do you think is wrong with this picture? There's literally nobody who's clearly out of their depth. Seems like it was a fair game; it went on much longer than the average and everyone was fully participating.
I'm glad they got a Japanese person to voice Yamato but why didn't they also get the Japanese person to look through her lines
Seven only gets good when you have 50k souls
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I always say ez to cause spergouts
it's bad ever since it stopped being built out of high velocity and giving 50% velocity.
Vegas is pretty funny and really good, even if its just on gooboy
I only say gg ez if i played the worst on my team or got stomped in lane
>go 2/16/4
>say ez
lashbro BTW
jesus christ have you really watched all of those to have an opinion on their personality
zoomers are insane
third worlder's tyler1, sad
>I'm glad they got a Japanese person to voice Yamato
im not, the first ones had sovl
You mean SingShit :)

Jkjk singsing is okay washed up dotard

Can i become the le.funnyman of deadlocking if im not that good at the game

T. Bug shaker

But yeah you are right, its prime time for some content creators to pop up on youtube
Algorithm keeps throwing me people on yt
>tfw get nervous even in standard games
I always say "let's not be sore winners".
Do you speak Japanese
chazm is chill, i'd watch him more if he didn't one trick lash
ranked games have suprisingly tight matchmaking , I was "this" close to uninstalling with how shit regular matchmaking was
hi poshypop
>another rank loss because haze one trick teammate unable to build right
How do you get to 40+ min game without unstoppable. Literally buy every useless shit but unstoppable. It's so tiring.
>play bebop
>dynamos teleport counters my entire kit
hydration is good and never does anything retarded
That sounds promising...I want to play ranked but I can't imagine taking a game in alpha seriously. I just want to try out builds.
I'm just gonna spam Kelvin.
Idk man i got pretty fucking dumb haze player and a zero impact abrams who kept talking all game

If not for me and a god miku we would lose horribly
Regular matchmaking and ranked matchmaking are the same for me.
ranked has better matchmaking but the players are also a lot sweatier and you probably shouldn't bring experimental builds in
I say it as Lash, win or lose
I also go out of my way to flog infernus and wraith especially
Isn't every gun build also a melee build? You just choose not to punch as often. Orange items also increase punch damage.
Doesn't it say weapon damage instead of bullet damage
mine is the exact opposite experience. They are somehow worse and unbalanced than normals
>not bebop
certified fake lash player
Why am I so ass at shiv?
I lost 5 games in a row all ranked and then 1 unranked game. I feel like I should delete this game it makes me feel like shit
you're an honest player
we go again
you need to stay active to keep your rage up so you aren't having to build a full meter mid teamfight is what i'd guess blindly
bro same
lane jannies win games
I got teams that communicate way more.
This is good and bad because every shotcall is
but it also helps a lot during laning so idk

Skill feels about the same...maybe a little better because people aren't trying out new characters.
why is his name seven
Because six was taken
because seven ate nine
theres a learning curve to him, movement is very important
he got seven death sentences I bet
>play a "support"
>let the "carry" farm camps and lane
>he doesn't use the farm
>we lose
Should I just stop doing it?
>play a "support"
are you a girl?
No but I don't like playing carries
cuz the six arch mages were afraid of 7
>Not female
>plays support
How is your transition going?
if i take that hat off, will he die?
Most true gun carries don't have the durability to support a melee centric build.
Show us on the doll where dynamo touched you
if youre below like 2400 or playing solo dont ever play "support"
I don't have the gif of him Warp Stone ulting me out of the air in the one inhouse I was actually carrying that led directly to us losing
How do i build seven?
I generally start with the top line left to right and draw diagonal line down.
Looks nice and clean.
>calls other trannies
Just tried melee warden
They gotta do something about melee man this shit is easymode
You don't have to be anywhere near someone to chunk them for a billion damage
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What do you think makes Seven good edgy as opposed to bad edgy?
>put a bomb on dynamo
>he teleports
>get a free hook -> uppercut
He's based about it
His design embraces it in an earnest way. Compare him to Reaper from Overwatch, who is absolutely playing into the "dude so edgy" shtick.
First ball
Then 3
Then stun
Then ult
Farm lots and spiritmax
Make EE your first T4
Don't neglect scaliyyour gun's ammo and fire rate for better value on 3
Throw balls at teamfights and run people down with stuns while shooting them with 3
Ult when a teamfight is closing and try to do it from the skybox so you don't die instantly
If your team is smart they will push under your ult immediately, otherwise everyone will shoot you and you will die
>play bebop
>get to lane against viscous/ivy/geist
thanks valve, didnt want to win this lane anyway
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lets start a club
for me it's laning against kelvin as paradox. every time i decide to play her i just have to lane against kelvin and i can't leverage my wall in lane at all
>lash against dynamo
>grapple to bait out the entanglement
>"good, he used it"
>stomp anyway
i can't help it
Because he doesn't talk much or say weird shit (relatively) and watching him zoom around the map is goofy
Cool outfit
Recognizable silhouette
Cool voice
Lines that are vaguely distinguished and proper, more old timey villain vibes than >>498731683 dude so edgy vibes
>Ivy, you are saccharine, but useful.
>Tsk. No-no. (when you parry or stun someone)
>You DARE lay your hands on me!?
>Like I said Maurice, Krill is only dragging you down!
He's just so great.
the trick to "good" edgy is that there needs to be elements of earnestness and dorkiness. the earniestness is that he isn't a card carrying supervillian that loves being capital E evil, he's a megalomaniac mass murderer lightning man but he'll still thank his teamates for doing a good job in a way that feels legit and he isn't either constantly making corny jokes or playing it hyper straight.
the dorkiness is in the weird quirks to the character like his cartoon skeleton during his ult, his weird hatred of kelvin for no reason again you need some elements of levity without being corny about it which is a pretty specific line to tread
for another good example of a beloved edgy character that hits these two niches, vergil in dmc. he's a power obsessed katana twirling asshole but he has his moments of vulnrability with his family issues and his quirks like his nasaly voice or him being a fucking weaboo that thinks guns are for cowards and katanas are #1
He looks boss while doing it.
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>Get shit kicked in that we are down 2 walkers by minute 25
>Patron is weakened before 30
>manage to get the dream Lash ult where I throw 4 of them into fountain and kill them
>chase the 2 stragglers down
>get mid
>Actually push back and clear a shrine
>team overcommits and gets wiped
>back and forth for another 10 minutes
>eventually lose
>McGinnis "gg ez"

Why are McGinnis players universally niggers?
so you're saying you max ball fully, then max 3 fully? I've always been getting cooldowns for 2/3 first before getting ball maxed
>full spirit CDR mcginnis
>15s ult CD
>that damage

holy FUCK this shit is stupid
You max ball first because that extra meter and DPS
1. Let's you shove waves instantly
2. Let's you suck up farm instantly
3. Gives you immediate impact in early ganks by just throwing a ball at someone fighting someone else to slow and melt them
But the first two are more important; level 3 ball is vital to your economy. More often than not I will get that first level in Stun for cooldown if it's a tough lane, but if I'm rolling I just save it all for ball for that sweet ez early level 3 camp clear. Farming fast and shoving quick will get you your other levels faster than if you waited to level ball to 3
>playing ranked
>game start, going down zip, no one has spoken
>some guy makes monkey noises over the mic
>every single mic on my team lights up making chimp screams and shit

We crushed that game too it was bliss
you max ball first because it lets you farm faster and 3 is useless before you get your major items (EE and mystic slow)
3 wins and 13 losses recently.
This game feels like fucking ass lately. Shit just snowballs out of control so quickly and all I've been getting is lanes as Ivy and Kelvin against McGinnis and Bebop. This shit is making me want to quit the fucking game because I'm having zero fun in any of my games.
what is your ivy build
Also with seven ball and ult to almost the same DPS so if you really, really want to melt someone, hit them with that good good double stun, put a ball on them, then ult. It's mostly to be insulting but sometimes getting one person from 100-0 instantly is desirable
If you don't want to lose lane just play Paradox.
yeah they def changed something, im getting stomped as well and sometimes do the stomping but my seven/haze/infernus needs his 16th item and wont leave the jungle so i still lose
weird thing is i even get new players with ~20h on my team when i have ~100h and am probably expected to carry their asses with that hero im currently learning, feels bad
this means yall got carried
>tells him to pick a hero that can make him lose lane harder
what did he mean by this
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my experience in these games has almost universally been that the teams that goof around in voice chat end up being really good
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bros where the fuck do you get that mod that swaps mo & krill like this lmao
>tfw immortal dotard
>constantly having to lane against Adderall zoomers that last hit every orb within 30ms whereas I'm lucky if I can get them within 300ms so I'm constantly getting fucked in lane
>only winning because I feel like I have a better game sense after laning phase and know how and when to pick fights/push/do objectives
It's fucking hell, laning phase hurts
I think I'm in wood MMR, but I get a lot of compliments / telling me to kill myself from people during the laning phase. Maybe people at this level expect you to just peacefully confirm / deny instead of harassing them.
mod? just pick krill and mo on the select screen, retard.
>tbag taunt to bait out heavy melee
>he doesn't know how to put in the secret icefrog code to play as Ko and Mrill
>tripfag being stupid again
Except you only really need 1 or 2 gun heavy heroes to push objectives, rest can be spirit heavy which is far stronger and more forgiving in teamfights.
>Like I said Maurice, Krill is only dragging you down!
I mean, is he wrong? mo does all 4 of their abilities, is their health pool and does all the runing around. all krill does is hold a gun and give him a second headshot hitbox
just buy mystic shot, bam problem solved
item is gonna get nerfed
>tesla rounds+soul shredder
oops took your walker!
>trying to spam out my actives
>accidentally open the shop five times
why dont more people buy alchemical fire on m&k
why don't more people buy alch fire in general.
>Friendly Yamato is low
>Tries to go back to base heal
>Enemy Grey Talon sends out the ISBM owl
>I block it since I have plenty of health
Guided Owl is just annoying when you aren't low on health.
why don't you eat my penis you ko and mrill enjoyer
Take the meleepill and your laning woes will be far away
Do you buy it instead of torment pulse, or in addition? Honestly need to just start trying it out, been trying out veilwalker and enchanter's barrier and was really enjoying that over armor build (though it falls off dramatically late game) so I need to just stop buying torment and buy fire.
i already have four other active items
Thoughts on withering whip?
I started playing only a couple weeks ago and damn the game looks way better now. If this was a game by Riot it would still look like that or even worst in order to run on the most poor people computers possible like Valoshit and League of dogass.
>spirit is better because you can just buy weapon items
kek, retards
Never bought it since I don't really play gun characters but Deathy said it might be one of the best items in the game since the fire rate debuff is better than 6k cost items.
>go for the melee secure
>lose 50% hp by peeking out of cover for 1s
I don't know anything about either of those games really, but I'm pretty sure the reason Valorant looks like ass is because they wanted it to be as readable as possible for competitive play

Like how every CS pro plays on below minimum settings on purpose with color filters on their game so it's easier to pick out enemies
mystic shot scales with spirit and is incredibly cheap you idiot
This tripfag spends his entire fucking life here Jesus christ
but it consumes my Mystic Burst CD and I have to wait now
the current patch sucks so much I can't stand this right now. each game is predictable and boring
If their goal was readability and clarity they wouldn't have guns that are dragons doing crazy animations on the screen or this gameplay:
good item to support gun builds that don't want many spirit items
what's awful about mikaels's personality? he seems pretty chill

It won't save you, I'm all-in on dropping your ass before you can drop mine.

(Buy silence, knockdown and spirit resist)
i blocked him and turned off recursive blocking, lets me see what people are talking about without his obnoxiously bad opinions. tripfags have been cancer since forever. been here since 2008 and the only good tripfags i've ever run across are ones doing legitimate giveaways or advice / talking about their own programs and shit on /g/.
mogged by slowing hex
>knockdown for melee character
nah im buying curse since noone plays vindicta or talon anyway
Honest to god, if you're trying to solo large camps as fucking m&k, abrams or some other shit sustained damage character you're throwing the game and i will report you for griefing. I've seen so many retarded abrams just standing there shooting their 20 second reload shotgun at the large camp for literally like over a minute while a walker gets killed 20 meters away from them
taking out ancients as abrams is fine if you have reload on punch and the aoe zap. i never remember item names.
It honestly should just disarm
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All that flashy stuff is the shit you're trying to read tho, the map is just a canvas

If casual players would allow it, every competitive video game would take place here
is paradox with melee items actually any good
i cant tell if its good or if im just blinded by the fun
it seems good because of the surprise factor of people not being used to playing against it
absolutely not
now haze
haze with melee + spirit items is fun. sleep dart, heavy punch, echo shard, sleep dart, heavy punch. it's not great. but it's fun and usable until endgame which you become useless.
>return fire
>metal skin
sorry chief im full
whats the best character to rat with? i wanna end their base when they 6man to kill my walkers
tried MK with some success with monster rounds + qsr and then you can burrow + fleetfoot + divine barrier fuck off but i need more
mcginnis kinda dies if touched once by any high mobility character
magic carpet is actually good and not just on Seven, Miku Bebop and Yamato also get a decent boost out of buying it
I saw a clip of someone building her full CD and duration, so you could sleep someone and by the time the sleep was over it would be off CD and you could sleep them again until they died

idk of that's on current patch
yeah but its 6k you could spend on significantly more damage
pocket is okay if you're good with his cooldowns
Competitive clarity isn't an excuse for the game looking like shit. R6 Siege is a game that has great graphics which has zero readability problems. They made multiple updates over the years removing things that make the game more suitable for a competitive scenario and it still looks great. Valorant looks like ass because it's a poor people game. Same for league of shartness.
On sunder for the big nuke :^)
probably Wraith, you're basically made to force them to divert a minimum of two people to trying to get you to fuck off
use the same items on kelvin with ice path, burrow in the z axis
well im gonna keep playing it because its working out for me
ive been only playing abrams and melee paradox lately
im addicted to doing funny shit with heavy melee cancels
only because he's abusing kinetic carbine & fleetfoot to cancel the melee charge for movement/parry baits.
it gives you more raw base spirit power than any other 6k spirit item except boundless
I'm more of a low APM kinda gamer, the more I can do with less key presses the better
>no unstoppable
>Competitive clarity isn't an excuse for the game looking like shit.
Actually it is. The more the focus is on pure competition, the more visuals get in the way.
If your point is just that the focus in Valorant isn't that much towards comp, sure whatever.

This is the single highest skill cap/competitive focused game ever made, and it looks like this these days because of it:
yeah but the other items simply have more impact
I feel like I never actually feel the Mystic Reverb
eh, it's an alternative majestic leap if you want the extra green slot for some reason. you could spend that money on curse or EE or diviners anyway because spirit has some of the best actives in the game for telling people to fuck off but carpet is still a strong option, just not a first pick
I don't disagree with you, if it was the autists choice all competitive games would look like that I agree. What I'm saying is that Valorant doesn't look like shit because it's trying to be competitive and the fact it is full of animations and garbage is a clear(heh) testament that they don't actually give a fuck about it. In fact, as someone that played both CS and Valorant for a while I can tell you that in CS it's a lot easier to see what's going on given how simple the gameplay is. Clarity doesn't just mean visuals. Clarity of gameplay is very important, our brain is very good at simply tuning out things that don't need to be seen. You can see your nose now. The fact I know what a smoke looks like and everything I can expect to see coming out of it is much more important than it all looking like shit and there being 20 different smokes of different colors. sizes and weird characters flying and jumping with rockets coming out of those smokes.
>carpet is still a strong option, just not a first pick
i think its the last pick out of all the options you either need or want for more damage or utility
buy all the attack speed items and ult+magic carpet away whenever there's too much heat to deal with.
>melee lifesteal
>extra regen
>spirit strike
>enduring spirit
Become ungovernable
If someone gets within ten feet of you punch them in the mouth
viscous, As soon as trouble shows up just ult away, no items necessary.
>Go anywhere else
>Everyone agrees spirit is the strongest
>See the post match results of my games
>Every time most of the lobby is filled out on purple
>Watch any high MMR streamer
>Their post match results
>Same thing
>Come to this general
>Get gaslit that gun is OP and spirit is dogshit
I've literally written research papers about readability in games (college game dev).
Not having a row of plants or ambient occlusion shadows behind a player model /will/ allow you to process and begin reacting to it a few ms faster, even if it's already very easy to see.

Riot could absolutely make Val look good if they wanted without any performance impact, so it has to be a conscious choice for some reason, and this is the only one that makes sense.
spirit is better because half the weapon items are also secretly spirit items meaning spirit has double the slots
what games are you playing where a get out of jail free card or free engage is a last pick
I don't give a fuck about your appeal to authority nigger, I'm right, you're wrong, plus you're a double gay nigger.
Spirit also requires less mechanical skill and is much more consistent
what games are you playing where someone buys magic carpet over literally anything else as 6k spirit item?
>high MMR
there's your problem
you have people swearing up and down on gun in here and downplaying ridiculous shit like magic carpet or ethereal shift because "muh stats" like they aren't already gamewarping when fighting people that actually know what they're doing
>Spirit also requires less mechanical skill
nah, all the things in this game that actually take aiming are spirit nukes. gun builds either have unlimited ammo to spray with, bullets the size of grapes, shotguns that keep a tight cone past 5f or CC to line up shots
But half the spirit items are also secretly weapon items

It's almost like building a mixture is really the best
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>haze is about to be knocking on our yellow walker
>"yo seven help our walker"
>he just does the hard camp while our walker dies
of course. why the fuck did i think anything else would happen.
Spirit is better because I can't aim
>play lash/dynamo/mirage
>lift people with 1
you don't actually need to aim to use gun
>Having to hit a single bodyshot or a mile wide AoE effect is le...hard
You don't play gun
I just buy the best items from every category instead of swearing my undying allegiance to a color.
Yes, we're well aware you're low MMR
You should buy alch fire on every hero in pubs to push objectives because god knows my teammates won't do it
Russian seething at finnchad 100%
Headhunter needs a nerf.
why lol
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You're in a lane and your opponents are:
>MichaelS (Paradox)
>Chazm (Lash)

What do you do? Probably this: https://youtu.be/ng0YlEER6QI
Chazm I do not care please stop uploading games from 10 patches ago
Wraith 100% gets soaked just looking at the majesty that is The Lash
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I agree with you anon, but still it's a good video. Nothing really changed for Lash anyway.
Im noticing people have a big inclination to never shove waves, if I'm not pushing to the tower or walker it simply never happens
>clear one wave
>farms the entire jungle
Literally my team for this past week.
>What do you do?
Too good, everyone gets it now.
Every time I step past the halfway point of the map alone for more than 15 seconds I get ganked unless I'm up by at least 3k
Sounds like a skill issue.
mile wide aoes can't run after you like gun builds do
I think it's a character choice issue
Laning against Infernus is pure AIDS.
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90% of splitpushers quit before they get within the range where they can damage the objective
never reply to me again, tripnigger
I like Deathy, Chazm, Poshypop and Schizug :)
hello sars
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beloved fuckugly mongrel entity
Better than 80% of the mutts I see on dating apps these days
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may be the most awful forced 50 game i've ever seen
I wish gargoyles were real
this game is basically dead and I honestly blame the rock paper scissors mechanics. Item countering is lame af and some lane setups are just shit to play against.

Laned against a Grey Talon and a Vindicta and shit is just tedious.
Literally every time I play now the game is uncontrollably laggy for me. So laggy and bad that I even disconnect some times. I do not have this problem in other games (I tested them by playing full matches with little to no problems of any kind), then as soon as I play one game of Deadlock it's like I have 9001ms ping, etc.

What am I supposed to do about that? Especially since it wasn't happening at all before. I've tried all the basics like reseting my router, restarting PC, etc. But those have done nothing to help.
Kelvin making a fucking tesseract
Actually obsessed and rent-free and this is coming from the biggest tranny hater in the world (me)
To me it's a great item but doesn't really fit most characters
i love playing mo/infernus/abrams/shiv and the enemy never buys any healbane what so ever

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