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Quality Uncommon Edition.

>I'm a pirate, I need to download mods for factorio Sir:
Copy link to mod from here:
Paste here:
Copy/Paste file in mod directory, enable in game, Done.

>Newest version Factorio Vanilla/Space Age
Change log: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=116641

>Buy and Support
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We are not ready /fag/ bros.....

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>making a /fag/ instead of an /egg/
Factardios continue to demonstrate that they are the worst "people" in /egg/.
Eat shit, your dead garbage general is not entitled to mooch off actually successful games.
We were discussing factorio for 600++ replies. Whats the problem officer?
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My 4-lane wide train unloader. Two wagons, two belts. It evenly pulls from all the chests. It's as ugly as it is compressed. And functional (I hope).

Rate the abomination please
>build small ship for speed
>hit all the asteroids going REALLY fast before guns kill them
I didn't think this through.
>build gigantic space broom
>sweep the asteroid belt clean
it's like I'm playing raft, but in space
Real >>499528616
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I should note that my previous design was 6-blocks wide instead of 4, and could output 4 belts evenly from 16 chests
>only 4 inserters per wagon
>one side
I will give it a 4/12
Real Faggot you are, you mean. This is factorio general not your all in one shitter thread. Enjoy tugging your bros over there and don't come back here lel
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>find a temple full of bugs
>inside is a r9 elf module, gives -1000% to electricity consumption
>the electricity requirement still caps out at -80%
wow. thanks earandel
You subhuman trash, you burn through your shit thread then come jump into /egg/ and burn through 80% of its reply count and then just fuck off to /fag/ again and you view that as you "keeping our thread alive"? You're actively killing our thread and then instead of taking responsibility and remaking it, you go back to your containment cell. But when this shit thread is dead you'll all migrate over to /egg/ and instead of it lasting for a day or two it'll be dead within a few hours.

You are parasites. You are locusts. To every other /egg/ game, you are vermin that tries to drive out all other games, throwing hissy fits when your game isn't 90+% of the replies, and doing nothing to contribute back to /egg/ even though you rely on /egg/ every time /fag/ gets pruned.

A game as good as Factorio doesn't deserve to be cursed with the shittiest players in all of /egg/.
try doing that with 4 blocks of space
I never ended using mine, but I imagine it would be useful being shoved into a Mk.2 wide area beacon full of speed modules
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I'm alright with this configuration. I want to post about factorio, not bother the other eggers. This thread is real to me.
Ok 4/6 then.
>You are parasites. You are locusts.
You mean biters right? But whats the problem officer anyway? Its factorio general, you don't mix white clothes with colorful clothes when washing them.
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You're trying so hard that you remind me of this image.
>come into factorio general
>spill spaghetti about non factorio games
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man, why are you so angry? we're all eggmen here
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>You subhuman trash
>You are parasites.
>You are locusts.
>you are vermin
just use rare wooden electric poles :^)
Can someone explain to me why autists on this website are so territorial over their threads. Every general, on every board i frequent, will have a meltdown over shit like this every 3 months. I just don't get it.
wrong this is /fag/ no /egg/ allowed
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You invade someone's home expect to get shot
/egg/ is a part of my identity, any attack at the sovereignity of /egg/ is a personal attack
>general is home
sad when you put it into words but you're right
Each thread has a designated discord tranny that instigates drama because they hate their life
Sometimes two trannies don't get along and autistic screeching ensues
that is pretty shit, just make more space for your loading-unloading bays and go full 12/wagon hog
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16 hours in and depleted almost all my iron ore near starting spawn point. I have found some new areas but focused first on gathering the "stuff" to start a normal and stable base with high quality defenses and extra highway for expanding. I don't mind the time because mostly was idle time and I'm working from home so basically I'm getting paid to play factorio :33

Also all red/red-green tech is researched.
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If i don't got a life, i'll make my life on 4chan. Plus the act of anonymous discussion is madness inducing. FACTORIO
Found the trannies
fug this makes a lot of sense
>Roundabout is so big it doesn't snap into a 32 length rail section easily anymore
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>/egg/ is a part of my identity
just do 40x40 sections now :)
Remember anon that ALL rail blueprints won't be compatible from 1.1 to 2.0 version.
>Main bus meta has to be the worst thing ever to happen to Factorio
>Before everyone had fun, unique designs, now all are doing the same meta shit
this is only the case if you're brain damaged
anyone who's able to tie their shoes they will naturally gravitate towards a main bus design within the first 1 or 2 hours of playing, without being inspired by external content whatsoever
>just use rare wooden electric poles :^)
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>idle time
doing it wrong
>burn through 80% of its reply count
>you view that as you "keeping our thread alive"?
Yes? If your thread had 80% less posts, it clearly wouldn't be alive, lol.
Good job shooting yourself in the foot, retard.
what's the point of outputting 12 belts out of a 2 wagoner, if the input of said train will be 2 belts?
>Yes? If your thread had 80% less posts, it clearly wouldn't be alive, lol.
So long as it stays on the board without getting pruned before the bump limit, it's alive. And it was doing that just fine. The thread would've lived a longer, healthier life without you.
What you did was burn through your own thread, then, out of laziness or stupidity or both, swarm /egg/ and drown out all of the other conversations and kill the thread hours earlier than it would've died had you just made a new /fag/ instead.
This isn't hard. I see why you play Factorio if this is your level of intellect, though. You probably think 3D games are real worlds on the other side of your monitor.
it's just what happens with any long-standing general, where nolifers hang onto it as a #community instead of just a place to discuss a thing, despite them being entirely anonymous and unknown
>So long as it stays on the board without getting pruned before the bump limit, it's alive.
lmao cope
Name a single new, relevant and popular egg game
Why this looks so much like a penis.
You're known. I have faces and voices in mind for all of you.
it reminds me of a certain futa image but I shan't be posting it
>Next Gen Evolution
>Evolution Reduction via Destruction
2.0 when?
Is dosh the only non-ESL youtuber who makes factorio content?
>New Trupen video
>46 seconds
>New Nil*us video
>46 minutes
This nigger can't entertain for shit
>>499533836 >>499533834
I think so but not sure
Nilaus > Trupen
You missed the point. It's not a popularity contest. But Satisfactory DID just spend like 2 weeks crowding Factorio out, and yesterday's /egg/ while /fag/ was active was a blend of Satisfactory, Timberborn, Stormworks, and ONN. All popular enough to sustain conversation. Unless there are 50-100 Factorio replies between each exchange.
if you don't get it that just means you're brain damaged, simple as
now fuck off if you don't like it
If you watch nilaus videos, I view you similar to something like cattle. You still have a soul since everyone is ensouled, but I'm not sure you have a true consciousness
I don't watch trupen either, but he just seems more like a reddit-esque meme channel that shoves out shorts. More of a precursor to tik-tok slop.
So with the added quality mechanic, how are we supposed to dispose of undesirable items?
There is a recycler or something but it is locked behind a planet
launch them into space, then out the airlock.
if you don't use Nilaus's blueprints you are legit playing the game wrong and I pity you and your shitty factory.
>using a cheat sheet
where's the fun in that
>It evenly pulls from all the chests
Only if the output pulls evenly from both lanes.
Drop them in lava

S tier - Vulcanus - Nauvis
A tier - Aquilo
B tier - Fulgora
F tier - Gayba
Once you go to another planet, the game still simulates the entire map on nauvis? Like, can biters migrate, launch attacks? Can you watch to map and the factory in real time?
Can inserters dunk items into water/lava? They can pull fish out
Factorio has been doing full world full simulation no jank since you were in diapers, son.
Space platform online, at least for science. I assume I'll need to retool (or maybe even just make another one) to get to a new planet, but it's nice to have science actually going.
I should probably get the science insertion into the platform limited, but that's a bridge that I'll cross only once I get there.
And it will, I have a balancer for that
>grid is sovlless
>grid is very efficient
what do I doooooo
brain craves efficiency but body demands sovl
I imagine that having your shit destroyed by biters while you are away is no fun.
spaghetti soup
That's why bots exist. When buildings get damaged, bots drag in repair packs automatically. When shit gets destroyed, bots drag in replacements from yellow/red logistic storage. When you are off world, the map allows RTS commands from space. It's all there, just don't fly off world without first building a fortress at home.
this image hurts my brain but in an entertaining way.
I think I'm going to be sick
I finally tried Factorio.
All this time I thought it had classic city building controls where you do everything with a mouse. Why the fuck does it need the main character controlled with WASD? Why the fuck does it need a character at all?
I need to drag shit all the way to every outpost, automate the resupply of dead bots and leave enough mining outposts to last for a long time, it will always stay in the back of my mind a "what if", what if something goes wrong, or if my stay on the other planet takes too long and the factory run out of resources.
Late game you're basically just playing from map view
I often forget where my character even is
you wouldn't get it
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
I like to just take over an entire area with roboports. If you have outposts, you can use spidertrons to do what you would do (albeit with some more annoyance).
Spidertrons do take gleba though, and due to how annoying gleba is everyone will do it last.
Put it in a beacon and watch it single-handedly cancel out fifteen speed modules. T9 elf modules are the best to get from those ruins.
my eyes. this produces a headache
because i can run around in power armour and get in a tank and blow stuff up
create an identical base but rotate it 1.1% to make it superconductive
I think there's a mod where you start as a roboport.
I agree, actually. Isn't there a mod that turns every building into an auto-build-if-it's in your inventory?
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>Alert icons can't be parameterized

>Angry ghost icon can't be used as a signal
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we did it reddit
>Angry ghost icon can't be used as a signal
Is there a way to torrent the dlc if you already own the base game, without having to replace your exe with a sketchy one from a russian site
Buy the game nigger
Finally some sovl in the thread
>Can't figure out how to pirate a DRM free game
Just have a clean install and a dirty install if you are going to be autistic about it.
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good god
Don't belts only get hp bonus from quality?
da serb
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i never launch rocket before
should i pay $35 to spess?
Honestly if the game didn't really suck you in that much, I don't think that Spage will either, since it's more of the same + more complexity.
Why are your labs crooked?
No because all of the dlc content is post-rocket
less time occupying the station and waiting to unload so a general-purpose train can move on to the next task
launch into space then drop off the side of your space platform.
Why not beat the game before buying the DLC?
but i must build quality rocket silo
and elevated rails
You make a cycle that filters every part you have to make products that will be recycled and loop back around until it becomes legendary tier.
For me, factorio hooked me so hard that I couldn't stop playing. It's hard for me to evaluate how worth the DLC is if you had the ability to stop after 30 hours.
Adding filters to all inserters was the greatest change in the history of this damn game
yes but you can break them into good componentss later on for reusage since they cost lots to make
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>he doesn't have a trillion chests designated as trash
Recycler nigga
Recycler nigga
Recycler nigga
Recycler nigga
They can dunk items in lava. Idk about water.
that's 3 planets away
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>general-purpose train
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>got rekt by cargo pod
fucking ayyyy lmao
then get to work my nigga
>that adorable looking biter on the defeat screen
What were they thinking?
>general-purpose train
Like what? An outpost construction train?
2.0.9 downloads where
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whats the use case?
You can make trains serve arbitrary stations now, it's pretty powerful.
you third worlders are supposed to stay on /v/
>You can make trains serve arbitrary stations now, it's pretty powerful.
you're fixing a problem that doesn't exist
I don't think that's true. I still use dedicated trains for a lot of purposes (ores, plates, etc) but I'm planning on using them for a lot lower throughput problems.
yea make a second one for flying around
Buy an ad
Is it possible to start in other planets?
>tfw slow builder
>not even a good builder at that
I want the alert icon to be a parameter so I don't need to manually change it every time I slap a blueprint down
480 trains per minute in action

not without mods

i'm confused about something with spoilage
if I have 100% nutrients and a 10% pentapod egg do i get a 10% egg back? or a 55%?
it better be 55% or i'm going to have to fucking hunt a lot of pentapods
the tip looks like it is capped on the lowest % spoilage of an input, which means you egg even if you keep crafting it constantly will slowly die, make another pentapod that I guess you have to kill and pick up the egg with bots????
Cs rin ru has the steam version with a steam emulator, but where can I find a reupload of the files from the official site? I don't need multiplayer and such
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Got construction drones. And now the game truly begins.
the same fucking place retard
i would also put the improved circuits gui + things like whole belt reader and inventory sensor
it doesn't really add anything new but makes it a lot easier to do things
one thing I still want is a mod that lets me name signals though so I don't have to remember what the FUCK X means on this pole
if im not autistic and im retarded can i beat this game?
Yes, just not very fast or very well
>the same fucking place
They don't have the non steam version
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Remember playing factorio for a while but always stopped at blue science, maybe this time i will actually do the thing and make a base that will do things.
I do be liking the automation games but always fall into "uhh what do i even do next" slump where i can see what to do next but just don't.
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My biggest hump every playthrough is building an initial train network. Especially without bots
I always get bots before setting up a train network for that reason.
just copy all your blueprints from internet :)
Yeah I guess I should just make some bootleg track for the oil and tear it up later
how do you unbuild space platform tiles? Based on the tooltip I'd expect it to be "right click with platform tiles in cursor" but that doesn't work
Have you tried the deconstruction planner?
Holy shit
I've forgotten how painful this game is to play until you get a Logistic Network
same. I figured now that it's much easier it should be pretty simple to get no spoon and after setting up blue science I check and it's been 7 hours already. It's a bit disheartening.
I just take my starter oil with a manual pipeline, although hand-making one train isn't too bad.
I think the earlygame is fun, making a spaghetti mall is pretty fun once you get the basics of it down (run one belt if iron/gears and one belt of steel/chips down the middle and fit everything in elsewhere).
I had forgot how much of a pain in the ass biters are, early game feels like a race while getting constantly interrupted by having to go tend to walls or nests in the other side of the map.
I would, but my starter iron ore patch is so ass I need to go get more anyway
Biters are just part of the logistical puzzle that is factorio.
At least the turrets tell you they're out of ammo instead of you needing to check manually
Yeah, most overhauls just hand you bots early on so I have forgotten how annoying it is to place every single thing manually which is why I'm putting trains off until I have bots.
Yeah. Whenever I played Nullius I'd open the editor and give myself an extra 4 bots
I started in a forest so it's been pretty easy, just clear any nests that your pollution touches.
Desert spreads your pollution so far that it's a lot bigger of a hassle, and grenades solve the "too many trees where I want to build" problem
I hate that the rocket logistics requests are stupid. "hmm, the space platform needs a splitter, two long inserters, and 3 furnaces. Better send a 50 splitters"
>have 2 stations above orbit in nauvis
>logistics picks one at random to send to
I'm on easy mode, got attacked like 3 times total because my random seed has a massive forest in starting zone, removing trees is annoying but I'll take it over getting annoyed by biters.
Yes, that is a nice qol feature. I was dropping 50 stacks of ammo in each one, so they took a long time to run out, but biters and spiters will still slowly chip down walls and turrets.

Soon I will replace turrets with lasers and crank up energy production, so much easier to deal with, better to blitzkrieg nests too, just drop some poles and 40 lasers, no need to worry about ammo. The real peace doesn't come until roboports auto repair though.

Yeah, I started in the middle of a desert next to a big lake, polution spreads a lot. I may have built my factory much bigger then needed too.
Yeah I umm yeah gave up on that I was putting in stacks of 49 with 1 random thing so I could choose where to send it
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not quite sure what i'm doing
but now i want pizza
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So what happens to Space Exploration mod now? Is it over?
Legendary achievement
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Trying to build my first set of rail blueprints and need some advice/feedback.
I've decided on a 1-3 train, 40x40 grid system.

I managed to build straight/T/+ rail blocks but I'm struggling with a train station, pic related.

- Is loading from one side enough?
- Should I have some parallel waiting rails at the bottom for additional trains?
- If so, on all stations or only some?

The station itself is not 40x40 sized obviously but I set the BP to 40x40 grid and made the offset so it snaps properly.
The only issue is that you can't flip rail blueprints so I'll need to make a mirrored version if I ever want to load from the other side.
are you too good to put them all in a box and then shoot the box?
I wonder how many people even get past Oil
You didn't fuck with the starting are moisture to guarantee a forest spawn? I think the best way to play is up the starting are moisture then drop the bias on worldwide moisture by 5-15 points.
Bro only half of all Factorio players have the achievement for building a train
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Achievements are fucked
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what mods (if any) are anons using with space age? I'm sure there's some QoL stuff still worth using
Alien Biomes (Fuck you I need snow to live)
Bullet Trails
Disco Science
Even Distribution
Light Overhaul
Nixie Tyubes
Rate Calculator
Text Plates
Vehicle Snap
I kind of just dragged a line all the way didn't feel like making a train even with autorails getting made
looks retarded
start over
sorry for the wait sirs, it died the second i stopped looking at it
it's back up for now, version 207 for half an hour while i figure out how to updoot to 209
can you put prod modules in fish breeding?
trying to figure out if you can loop nurients without sourcing anything from gleba
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who /glebagang/ here?
I thought they were adding a rate calculator to the game?
I have a save in each planet and now I'm deciding which is the winner to start playing on for 2nd planet
WTF I barely made it to vulcanus and I am not getting back or any supplies.

Am I able to use the center as a hub and circuit off it to store ammo?
>1-3 train
Are you retarded?
Balancing 3 belts is so much worse than 2 or 4

>That loading belt
You are retarded
doesnt seem abandoned
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>nobody wants to talk about it
So since the dust has settled, what went so wrong?
earendel has severe aspergers and if there isn't an entire team of wube employees wrangling him in, he will constantly make the dumbest decisions imaginable
>ctrl+f "space age"
>0 results
How old is that doc?
Is quality just a waste of time until I get tier 2 and recyclers?
>that puny, tiny, laughable green chip factory
>didn't even leave room for increasement

you dun goofd
Yeah, don't even bother with it until lategame
You need a massive setup to remove the gambling factor
Speaking of quality, is it better to just feed normal ingredients in and recycle until I get luck or to set up separate quality modded resource chain starting from smelting?
>downloaded 2.0.9
>2.0.10 just came out
holy fuck
Why is that bothering you?
I've been running the game in the background since the expansion release and it never updated
>doesn't want to get into the galaxy of fame
you can put some in a miner and make some uncommon stuff pretty easily that way but past that don't bother.
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is this a good spot?
lots of the purple jellies and a medium amount of yumako
WTF is this
Hall of Fame but in Galaxy (when you finish the game)
>assuming I'll finish the game
>0 winners except a beta tester
where are your 8 hour speedruns factorio pros?
uploading rn had to load an old save
Fulgora is where quality really gets online, I would just take small rolls on some stuff only before it.
You better finish the game frog poster, I'll be watchin ya, we need professional engineers in our hood
haven't hundreds of people already beat the game, I know a bunch of eceleb fags already have. why is there only 1 star
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No, just went with default settings and a random seed.

This is my map.
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you mean bottom left or the one on top?
Yea i saw two asses would be too little, so i made more but then fucked up by building oil stuff right in front of it, oh well i guess i'll spaghetti it somewhere else later.
It's my *starter base* so surely i will make it gooder next time.
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Why can I not insert higher quality ingredients into the assembler?
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worried about the congestion on this train line
Cause you need to set it to accept quality ingredients
Are the orbital drops free?
how did people even become a beta tester? be a popular modder/streamer or something?
yeah it's free to send item from platforms down to the planet.
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serb updooted to 2.0.9
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
dl link in the OP pad
and im guessing powerlines arent required on a space platform?
nope, the platform itself serves as a power connection to everything you build on it
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It begins lads
>Not gonna make it to the 2.0.10 galaxy
No, you can put quality modules early on in basic stuff such as power poles, radars etc
Chance for upgrade is low but you are getting upgraded mall stuff for free,so why not?
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>Stacks of 20

>previously was stack of 10
You got 100% more and still whine?
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Is that being in the worm blast radius going to be a problem?
The worm will see a building in its territory, and go to destroy it.
You have to kill a worm to get tungsten.
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what the fuck is your problem
you are like a cat that gets his head stuck in a jar
Do the worms expand?
Wasn't it a stack of 100? Or did I have that modded in?

Either way it should stack up to 100
No, but they can chase you back to your base.
Previously was stack of 10 for rocket fuel.
I finally got my base to a state where it should run fine while I go to another planet, and my pollution shouldn't reach a base (I'm on default rail world so no expansion parties). It also means no elevated rails yet, but I figure I can teach my bots how to make purple science once I get a bit of the vulcanus science online.
Thoughts on power armor configuration? I don't have fission reactor for it since I'm going for "Rush to Space", but I figure solar only in armor isn't a huge problem on vulcanus.
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>Title: glebaisdabest
>Comment: i like trains
based. but where are the 1000 train per minute interchanges
Is there something weird going on with ore generation? There's 13 million iron patches within walking distance of my base, and I even chose rail world
it depends on what you consider walking distance.
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if I buy the dlc on gog I still get it on steam as well right? what about on my factorio.com account?
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if you don't craft at least 1 pipe(Legendary) your win doesn't count. i WILL be checking the galaxy of fame item logs.
oh, when I copy/pasted the train the back locamative got reversed
and in automatic mode it is too dumb to back up
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did testing
with yellow upgrades, this should be enough for any expansion parties (max 20 biters)
just needs repair packs and walls
12 tile gap between walls, to keep spitters out
since expansion is on a global timer, you could have a very long yellow belt, separate roboport networks with two chests and two filter inserters each, and only occasional train stops
NOTE: distance from wall is possibly dangerous to bots, you might not want the far wall
I use indestructible construction bots so I don't worry about it
if they were smart I wouldn't have to
also, adding mines may be more efficient when you get down to it
10 stone per wall destroyed
versus 1.2 iron and a bit of coal/oil for each mine exploded
>I cheat
why even play with biters on
construction bots are expensive
radars can see biters coming
bots should be smart enough to stay away when a biter attack is happening
there is no way to set that up in vanilla, or even in mods as far as I know
all my chunk aligned rail blueprints
just dust in the wind
they're obsolete anyway with elevated rails
how many hours after regular rails do you even unlock elevated rail?
you unlock them when you unlock them just play faster
okay, which science pack
Purple science
It's so joever
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>Nauvis terrain generation, by earendel
I played so much factorio in so little time I had to take a break not playing it today...
Your europe looks a little deformed
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how tf do you build a symmetrical train turn around in space age? shit isn't lining up for shit
/Fag/bros, we are so back
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I have been lurking inside map preview generator which can bring more visible chunks before playing and show extended full detail into play. Personally I think its more interesting map generating system than it was in 1.0, it looks more natural including how river/lakes/forest/cliffs are being shaped and what features they can high light.

I used default settings and according to Pic Related the East and West side will be EZ ride. There are good choke points that can be patched with some walls and extra turrets. The problem is North and South the cliffs are only helping there are average at best and giving away A LOT of empty spaces between cliffs so there will be lot of walls included in these regions if I want to secure Iron ore, Copper ore or Crude Oil which is plenty in these regions.

Red circles are point of interest.
Orange line are speculated point of "building wall"
Yellow small lines places to build off choke points against biters.
Green box in the middle - main section of the base.

I'm in 90% sure I will just capture these 4 sides and build off Around to secure the perimeter, it will be easier to maintain ALL train stations (If I decide to use all these mining point of interests) instead just building multiple outposts and their own walls/turrets etc.
What happens if I fuck off of Nauvis and my base gets overrun? I want to get to the new planets and don't care what happens there for now.
I feel like cliff gen was way turned down for space age, probably because cliff explosives are so much later
Nothing, your base will be a dinner for biters but you will be alive.
Nuclear reactors are so easy now, the combination of reading heat + requiring a lot less water makes them this easy.
You can even feed both sides with one pump.
Cliffs were made a lot more contiguous and featured, even if you hate earendel he wrote a detailed FFF about reworking the world generation and the noise expressions related to it.
I assume when I land on Nauvis again I'll be at my spawn point. Actually now I'm curious if my base will actually be destroyed if I'm not generating any pollution. Biters will expand and destroy military buildings, but if I don't have any, then I wonder if they'll only destroy shit blocking their pathing.
>biters expand
imagine not playing rail world
It's fun to carve out and maintain a perimeter. Rail world always got too boring for me
>balancing 3 is worse than 4
You can just balance 4 belts and leave one input unused
Thank fucking god
I hate biters so much that I leave them on so that I can enjoy wiping them from the planet
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Well, that's Nullius done for.
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will it work the first time I turn it on
Damn, wish I had your resolve. I keep getting distracted around astro science, come back and think "Man I like the Nullius early game, I'll just start again but better this time"
space platform PSA: when you're stationed at planets other than nauvis, dangerous asteroids can come directions other than the front
I really do wish the worms were playing an invisible sub-game of Snake where they're motivated to hit hidden targets and slowly grow in size.

All the NPC threats are on Gleba and Nauvis, it's a fucking joke. The vulcanus worm is the one thing that breaks out from the "biter nest" paradigm.
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1) can i clear this debris that consists of dead bugs and destroyed turrets on the left?
2) can i kill that nigger base so they won't spawn anymore on the left on the map? if so, how do i know im prepared to exterminate them? (what do i need in terms of weapons etc)
3) is there a better fucking way to protect myself instead of spamming turrets
have bots deconstruct the wreckage and put it into the recycler
If I'm a poorfag, do I have to redownload the entire 5gb game each time there's an update?
this is why I paid
the debris will time out and vanish on its own eventually
yes you can kill the spawner, easiest way to do it early is to bring along a bunch of turrets and ammo and slap them down near the edge of the nest
killing all the nests within your pollution cloud will dramatically cut down the number of attacks
unfortunately you got a desert start so your pollution is going to spread way more and you'll have more nests to deal with
add wall (if this is your first time playing starting in a deserts gonna be challenging)
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Maybe I am retarded, but I can't seem to find the green and red wire used for the circuit network anywhere to craft. Are they removed from the game?

How the fuck I am supposed to use these combinators?
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You don't craft them anymore.
They are shortcuts.
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is there a good way to do this?
I did
/c local radius=150
game.player.force.chart(game.player.surface, {{game.player.position.x-radius, game.player.position.y-radius}, {game.player.position.x+radius, game.player.position.y+radius}})
but it literally took 20 minutes to update all of the chunks
If you're a poorfag to the point that you can't but a $30 game maybe you should work on getting a job more than you should on building a virtual factory.
brb killing myself
why spend 8 hours a day working for a paycheck when you can spend those 8 hours playing free gaems and eat mom's home cooked dinner when you're done?
When I land on Nauvis again I'll have way better shit to use so everything on it when I left I don't care for besides for the uranium stuff I left on
you definitely don't need red ammo to get to fulgora. yeah it's a bit demanding but 30% more damage wouldn't help much anyway (small asteroids don't have any flat damage reduction so ammo doesn't matter as much)
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what kind of bullshit it this?
I assume getting to aquilo is going to take some upgrades to my current ship gun turrets with yellow ammo get me to all the initial planets no problem
thanks anon
Your rails? Fucking cool? Rail fuck? Yeryuyfvuy rails fucking fuck? You're your favorite railway
I just got so engrossed I forgot I was boiling water for pasta and boiled the pot dry.
Getting a good design to fly my platform though
Post your space ships I wanna see them
just researched all the red and red + green sciences after 4 hours at like 30 spm, am I doing well or is that too slow? about to tear everything down to make a mall and start making military science
For those who haven't gotten to another planet yet, what is your completely baseless assumption of the one you think is best to visit first?
Why tear things down?
is there a better way to control harvest towers?
i want them to always plant seeds, but only harvest crops when a circuit signal is enabled (either a train is at the stop or from a radar or something)
as it is now they don't always plant all of the seeds that are brought back before the train leaves (and then they automatically turn off)
vulcanus for those sweet, sweet foundries and pumping metals out of the ocean
i will rush to visit the cold fusion planet first :)
Too slow for what dude?
Unless you're on death world with low resource counts you're not on a tight schedule.
The magic of the game is that you just get better both in muscle memory and design understanding.
I really hate the worm's design. biters and pentas are enemies you defend against which is what an enemy in a basebuilder should be, worms don't apply any sort of pressure on you. the fulgoran lightning is also a joke theeat-wise, I really hate all the smartasses going oooh fukgora doesn't need enemies, the lightning is your enemy as if spamming a few rods won't remove that completely.
Now if the lightning rods needed spare accumutor capacity to function and didn't catch shit if there was nowhere to put the energy, that could be kinda interesting as a design challenge but I still think some sort of drone enemy should have been there.
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favorite quickstart mod?
it was a spaghetti base with only science pack assembly and no mall (i crafted everything by hand), can't add new science assembly lines to it without making shitty bottlenecks everywhere that i will waste time fixing like i did in 1.0
Gimme some oil.
Can I just bring enough ammo with me to go to another planet, or do I need to craft it on the platform?
I like the one with the boxy little ground based construction bots.
Is there any point in using high tier ammo in space?
Just found out uranium bullets can only be transported in space by stacks of 25 mags, that's like 20s of turret firing
you can craft it or bring it up
but it stacks to 25 because of the furry autist
i couldn't get to gleba with just yellow ammo and couldn't craft red ammo on the platform yet
do turrets shoot through walls?
I actually checked it this morning, doesn't seem to be on 2.0 yet
I will pick railworld for my first ever rocket launch because trains are cool
wish me luck
trains are so cool that I couldn't image limiting them to a railworld. I need an excuse to use my 16 lane intersection and railworlds are too thin to justify that
Why do you need a railworld fulgora is already a railworld you can't even reach everything without elevated rails
What exactly is the "end" condition for the DLC? What do you have to do to get into the galaxy of fame?
i do NOT like the new landfill icon it looks like overcooked steak
>railworld setting fulgora
>railworld railworld
it only blocks pathing
behemoth biters (way later) also attack with 2 range, so you need a space to protect your turrets
>railworlds are too think
perhaps you are thinking of ribbon world?
the railworld setting is the one that makes resource patches spawn bigger but farther apart (and also disables biter expansion for some reason, i guess so you won't have to build a wall around your sprawling rail network)
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Pipe haters can't comprehend this.
shit i'm retarded
your turret wall pipes should be disconnected from oil so that you don't lose oil along with a pipe
Funny to hear it called "resolve" when I've been working on that save since May of last year. I kept drifting away for weeks or even months at a time, especially when Nullius would update and I knew I'd have to go poke at a bunch of production lines.
In fact I still probably wouldn't be done, if hadn't committed to finish it before I'd buy Space Age. (Actually tried to finish it before launch, but failed that.)

>Now if the lightning rods needed spare accumutor capacity to function and didn't catch shit if there was nowhere to put the energy, that could be kinda interesting as a design challenge
Not really that interesting. If you use nuclear power, you'd just regulate fuel rod input by accumulator percentage, so your accumulator bank stays below 80 or 90%, leaving room for lightning at night.
I'm not sure solar is even worth using now (in theory, adding solar at some ratio to lightning rods should let you get by with smaller accumulator banks than lightning alone, but I haven't run the numbers to see if it costs less than it saves), but you definitely wouldn't use solar with revised lightning rod rules.
It only even approaches interesting if you have high enough lightning-rod-to-consumption ratio that you don't even bother with auxiliary power, and in that case, you just build a big grid of radars/beacons/whatever to drain power, and switch that in when the accumulators get full.
Eh. Factorio (pre fur) doesn't like giving machines failure states. If it doesn't work, it simply doesn't work and that's punishing enough.
You don't comprehend that the overground circulating fluid rejoices the turrets.
I saw some hate towards busses the other day here, but what else should I use early game? just straight spaghetti? it's my go to for pre-construction-bots.

once I get bots I immediately switch to city blocks, usually doing some weird shape like hexagons or staggered bricks
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gleba is so much more interesting than nauvis
setting up simple production chains with no complications is like doing arithmetic
honestly just turns into dumb do work
gleba you have to think about things and it isn't much drudge work like setting up dozens and dozens of assemblers for green circuits (for the 48th time)
Honestly that's why I think this expansion is great. I don't want reskinned version of the main planet, I want stuff that breaks the paradigm and forces me to do things differently
A bus is pretty good for pre-trains, I don't see a problem with it. I tend to make one, although it's not very big and there's no gaps between lanes.
I think the problem is people over-relying on it and doing things like making a billion lanes of iron fed by 8 furnaces
Uh!? That makes them better than nuclear fuel for energy per stack. That's a huge buff, going from 1gj to 2gj. You still lose out on the acceleration though.
>reach midgame, pre rocket but have purple and yellow set up
>want to expand for more resources and space
>base is a spaghetti mess and 0.9157 evo biters take a lot of time to clear
This is the very basic ship I made - it worked in my testing world, hopefully it works normally.
There's obviously lots to improve, but I've put off leaving nauvis too much and it's time to jump in
>cold fusion
>requires coolant
"cold" can be relative
This will die while in orbit if you don't have more turrets you need to be able to shoot them down 360
>continue save that was at 41 hours and had rockets being made
>craft a solid space station and grab supplies
>fly to gleba
>forget that I needed materials for a rocket silo and rockets with me

I'm fucking stuck boys. I sent back the space platform to nauvis and loaded it up with the right shit now.

I genuinely think this dlc is going to be ~200 to finish. Its overwhelmingly large. and tiny mistakes are hour long set backs
I guess in that case I'll probably fly it to vulcanus, drop myself off, and fly back. In my experience, there were no big asteroids around nauvis.
Nauvis doesn't have any. Vulcanus has less than the others. Can't tell whether Gleba or Fulgora has more asteroids but both have significantly more than Vulcanus
You need ice from space or you can't get water I don't think that's going to work
>worms don't apply any sort of pressure on you
To be fair, the worms are functionally immortal if you're not properly prepared to deal with their regeneration ability. If all the small worms decided to "reclaim" your starting area, that would be a problem.

Honestly, volcanus should be the world where there are very few enemies but every enemy is a unique named character with an interesting set of animal-like behaviors.

- Large worms are passive reproducers who die from post-egg-laying hormonal stress. They are too large for the aggressive medium worms to bully, and are waiting for a neighboring territory to be cleared of ownership to lay within. When the egg hatches from underground at a random spot, the emerging small worm is the new owner of that territory. The large worm then returns to its own territory and eventually dies.
- Medium worms are intentionally aggressive and will bully small worms to force them to exchange territory with them (but they don't claim empty territory, because there's no suitable "challenger") so that the medium can mark off the reproduction check list it has before it goes underground to hibernate and re-emerge as a large worm. Mediums that battle one another get a permanent % loss to their regeneration, so an "old" medium failure of a worm will inevitably die of wounds.
- Small worms are the annoying shit head children who want to eat what resources they can to grow, or do random dumb shit like sit by the lava lake and slurp hot liquid rock, or balance on a cliff ridge for fun, or do a false-charge on the big mining drill it sees when it wanders into your empty territory. (it didn't meant to knock it over, it promises it didn't! i mean, all the others are still there, aren't they?)
- Each of them have names and unique subtle color patterns for their segments so each one can be identified.
- Could be made a friend-for-life as a small worm?
cold fusion just means "colder than the fucking sun so it's possible outside a star", it still works by getting hot as fuck and boiling water to turn a turbine like 99% of other power technoligies
wait does using any mods at all really stop achievements now?
considering its an achievement to do it in less than 100 it's pretty beefy
it always stopped steam achievements
guess I didn't notice since my first playthrough was mod free
is there a bypass mod like they have for Bethesda games?
Just play without mods for your first playthrough, or forego the achievements.
I've been enjoying all of the new QoL upgrades.
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what is the alternative source of uranium
none, it's not a needed item
you won't be able to support 5 thrusters.
also put walls around the edge
So when you're on another planet, do you still need to maintain Nauvis? Like are biters going to attack my base and all my iron deplete while I'm out in outer space
but muh Nixie tubes
let go of the achievements
but my dopamine rush
well, I think you can just load the save without mods and get the steam achievement
try that
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Oh shit that adds an entire layer of complexity
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I'm starting to see the appeal of space age less and less. It's vanillla but with more bull shit. You don't have any of the QoL stuff from K2/SE so trying to get through is already going to be painful if you've spent any amount of time in an overhaul and even going to space SE did that already and better, what's the point aside from the "qol" stuff they added that modders already fixed a year ago?
Some people don't play with mods
it's SE but polished
and without that retarded AAI burner start nonsense
but there's a lot of nice stuff in K2, like the T3 miners, loaders (fuck AAI), the T3 powerstations, medium/large warehouses (again fuck AAI) and other various shit.
well Wube hired earendel and not raiguard so that's what you get
Anon, Raiguard is literally in the dev team. He implemented tons of his own mods into the game.
Loaders and warehouses won't ever be vanilla. They trivialize a huge part of the logistic challenge and they're very bad performance wise.
nta, but pre update, my largest tps impact by a large margin was fluids even when I had tons of loaders and warehouses everywhere. now that fluids got remade and are way more performant (and the game overall is too) I can only imagine I won't be having performance issues unless I go for the most extreme of modded mega bases with 2400 warehouses
>they're very bad performance wise

literally a non issue for anyone not playing on a old ass thinkpad
That's because those achievements are new. Steam only tracks the total number of players vs the number of players who unlocked that achievement. A game that has been out for years will have lost the vast majority of it's playerbase, who will still count against the achievement despite never having played the game while the achievement is active.
I will now commit sudoku by rocket
plus you load any mod and it disables them
anyone playing space age already has some favored mods they run on all play throughs
I want Repair Turret in 2.0.
Be an active participant in the discord.
Yeah we have those they're called logistic robots
So when i leave Nauvis, can i decommission all the parts in my base and biters will leave it alone while im on vacation?
but I don't want to make a huge-ass belt full of repair packs to individual roboports
or have logistics robots take years to deliver them
Repair Turret just zoops items needed across the network
on that subject
I'd really like a cheap method of delivering things that buffered less than belts
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no bussing
also, logistics bots are yellow science
repair turrets are green
blue upgrade for construction
very convenient
yeah yeah, cheats or whatever
Even if that works, you shouldn't do it

Automate your defenses. It really isn't hard
Im trying to get that keep your hands clean achievment so there are biters everywhere, it's not worth it
achievement hunter bro...
It fucking sucks i hate it
better set up your logi networks and remote controlled tanks before going anywhere
Neither of you address the "trivialize a huge part of the logistic challenge" part.
surround all the biter nests with firing squads of turrets filtered to not shoot nests, they will instantly spawnkill biters wwithout disqualifying you from the cheevo
is that a thing
you're the kind of fag that thinks linked chests, starter bots and infinity chests "trivialize" the game so i'm not even gonna respond
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It is now
>linked chests, starter bots
>infinity chests
you mean void chests, right?
(well, linked chests aren't really *okay*, but they're tame compared to infinity chests)
infinity chest as a endgame item is fine because you can already make everything yourself and they have a limited throughput, make them cost like 100k blue circuits and they'll be balanced
Yikes, that's problematic speech
did you really have to bring up that cringe here
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Update: this ship barely survived to vulcanus there and back (I think my test world had damage upgrades on turrets). I had to disable fuel to a few engines to slow it down occasionally, it ran out of ammo on the way back, but I finally left my nauvis prison.
Not that anon, but I remember in 2020 my workplace literally blocked your code review if you included "non-inclusive language" like whitelist. I know it got drilled into my psyche
That's your average vanilla loader and warehouse advocate. Thinks there is nothing wrong with literal debug items.
logistic bots trivialize this game and should be removed. worse than warehouses will ever be.
the game truly unlocks once you get robots
if you want endless slog there's always satisfactory
How do you get yourself on the space platform? I dont have any items like it says but the box is still greyed out
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Barely scraping by on vulcanus (I'll need to send the failed ship back after some retooling to get some more supplies), but at least I made a new friend.
You can't have anything in your ammo slots (I think it tells you that when you hover over)
Also make sure that the rocket is there and it's not taking automatic requests from space.
your ammo slots and trash slots and everything count, also don't be crafting something

i really dont like how the rocket logistics work
request 2000 of an item, but it takes 400 to fill a rocket
you have production on the planet but it only outputs to the provider chest with a limit of 100
it will never get requested an sent to the rocket because it "wont fill the rocket"
i've been mining 2 small stone patches in my base to landfill (need lots of landfill on gleba) and I wanted them gone to build there
now i'm realizing that there is no way to generate stone so i have to mine it elsewhere and bring it back to make rails/stone bricks
a small blunder
Can somebody list/screenshot power pole supply range upgrades with quality?
Substation is 18x18 base, medium pole is 7x7 base
+2 for each quality, except legendary is +4
Applies to all poles
>Stack inserters renamed to bulk inserters
>Tooltip still says hand stack size
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>Legendary wooden pole range is almost as big as normal substation
Where would you get legendary wood anyways?
Recycle legendary small power poles
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>500 hours
>never launched a rocket
>bought the DLC anyway
Am I gonna make it?
>prefer small poles to medium ones (fucking huge visually) / substations (hate 2x2 poles)
>no way to get quality wood so can’t reliably make small poles good
It’s funny how you can get quality piece of iron ore but you can’t get quality wood, something that’s perhaps the most common „quality something” in real life
I guess I can install some mod that allows you to produce wood in greenhouses etc
ooohhhh snap
am I really going gleba first? For autism poles and stackable belts? Fulgorabros???
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>You can potentially forget to put bots in rocket storage
Vulcanus would be horror themed without them jesus
Okay nerds, so what Good Shit is unlocked in each place?
Vulcanus: foundry (50% prod on metals), big miner with 4 slots, green belts (meh)
Fuggora: jetpack, recycler for gambling quality in a more deterministic way, 50% prod for circuits
Gleba: stack stuff on belts, 50% research buff in labs, spoodertron, ??
Aquilo: who cares I havent even left nauvis
i went to a new planet, looked for a good spot, put down the pad and then dropped all of the stuff
when I came out of remote view there was a whole screen of small red xs
thankfully the roboport, bots, and a few solar panels were in the cargo pod because they were in the first few things I sent down...
Vulcanus is also a pretty quick stop once you setup foundrys in assembler you can extract infinite copper and iron so I think its still best first just because of speed
gleba is also prod3 eff3 and epic quality
if you go for recycling first you can still only make rare items
Fishing for epic without recycles seems… questionable, unless for literally a few items
Are there even any big ticket items you’d want to quality early on? Something like power armor mk2 on 3* would be neat but… well it’ll be a while before you get to gleba, most likely, so all you’re reqlly getting is what, extra exos? Do you get some extra inventory space at least?
Seems like the best sink would be quality quality modules (heh) so you can slowly start benefitting more and more from the system, but even then a pre-vulcanus mining stack needs an enormous amount of quality modules so even that seems like a dud
I feel like I'm going to regret unlocking quality. Why is there gatcha in my factory game
Because wube is full of niggers who like the idea of having 8 assemblers replace hundreds for performance reasons
i wish I could copy my current factory (including cliffs) into blueprint sandboxes
i need to redo and expand my production but there are cliffs everywhere
i guess i can ... put power poles or something along the cliffs and then copy it into the sandbox so I know where they are
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What does quality do exactly? Can I potentially get a better foundry?
They unironically are... Which is why Kovarex sneaked a nerf to them in 2.0 and nobody noticed until he bragged about how nobody noticed in a reddit thread.
I mean it's only a 25% return

Quality does different things for different items. Shit like belts only get more HP. Assemblers and related buildings craft faster, power poles have more range, solar panels make more power
I think it’s pretty cool that super duper unsurvivable deathworld is viable now, in that you can fuck off to another planet using initial resource patches before you get overrun, tech up etc and come back to reclaim the land from the alien menace
Come to think does evolution work globally? Does polluting on vulcanus cause biters on nauvis to get buff?
Depending on where you normally stop. Rockets are at blue science but you still need to be able to make blue chips, low density structures and rocket fuel. You need 10 times less than vanilla. Purple and yellow are unchanged.
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What in the fuck are these percentages
What’s wrong with those?
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Wow that actually deletes the stone. Cool
Pollution isn't even tracked on Vulcanus, Fulgora, and Aquilo because it's pointless and Gleba doesn't have the same type of pollution
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They are a bit wacky. I guess everyone plays with mods.
I know main bus is shunned, but damn does it "just work".
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sup /fag/s. i accidentally posted this in the /v/ thread so i'll ask here again.
am i understanding correctly that i can just get (number of water pumps * 1200) flow per second if i tile it like this? and then all i need to do is put the same amount of offshore pumps at the start.
the again i should measure out first how big the fluid system actually gets, maybe i can squeeze in more reactors without pumps at all.
the people who shit on using a bus especially for an early nauvis sciences base are the exact same people who have never launched a rocket in hundreds of hours
You can put them in intermediate products machines and just filter the quality. If you invest in quality modules, you can get a decent stock of rare which in turn can be converted into a decent stock of epic. It's really not the best but if you target a few things, it work. I managed to make an epic power armor like that. Recyclers would have made it a lot easier tho.
It do work. But scaling it fucking sucks ass.
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Have to kill two destroyers to get to my tungsten -how are people doing it? It's a somewhat friction-heavy system to get things over to this planet, so I don't want to just try things since each attempt will cost a pretty sizable amount of time.
I need someone to make an art of the engineer handing you a quality module while saying "Here's a quality module because you're epic"
I mined a small amount before worm attacked then ran away since I didn’t have good tools to deal with em
Explore the other demolishers controlled area. Normally there is always a small demolisher with a small patch near your starter area. If there isn't, it's a bug.
Any mods to make electric wires smaller? I can’t see shit underneath the bird nest’s I’ve made
build wall of turrets with du ammo lure it in with a tank, it would die
How am i supposed to make refined concrete on volcanus if it requires water?
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Scratch that, I'll need three destroyers down. I can't place undergrounds under lava, and the only way to my main base will be through a third (unless I do everything in that sector I guess).
I'm going for the "rush to space" achievement (ironic since I'm over 20h in this save) so I do need a pretty significant amount of tungsten to unlock a lot of things I want from yellow/purple as well.
I ran in a circle in the safe area with radars to try and scan, this is all I could see.
Are the demolishers passive if I enter their territory without building? I haven't died this run and I'd prefer to not die.
Sulfuric acid -> steam -> water.
You could also ship in ice from the orbit above, or even set up a platform to lug refined concrete all the way from nauvis.
They're passive if you don't attack them or build in their territory. Just don't get too close to them and you'll be fine. They can still kill you if you stand in their way.
Galaxy of fame!?
What's the best way to mass produce quality circuits?
Hell, if nothing else what's the best way to get quality plastic? Represented as a picture preferably.
either fulgora or vulcanis with recyclers, straight up build big and recycle all non-quality plastic
>quality circuits?
Fuggora lets you dig them out of the ground. Vulcanus mine with 4 quality modules (ideally at least rare ones) -> build whatever out of circuits and recycle
Plastic would be annoying early on
same with construction bots :)
Proof that basically no one plays multiplayer Factorio, I guess, much less PvP.
>wire cannot reach
any way to extend it?
Put a power pole in between
So can I make an assembler + some combinators to automatically set requests and build whatever I request with another combinator that reads from logistic network?
Basically I want the outcome of a mall without building a mall
>played factorio till 3am
>dead after work the next day
>go to bed right after
>dreamt of my factory
Yes you can mall with 1x assembler and circuits
I'd rather kill myself, personally. But you can indeed.
>managed to get gf to lose 20 pounds, she’s like ideal weight now
zamn I’m good
Anyway is there any reason to build up a big base on nauvis before going into spess? It seems like you’d want beacons, tier 3 assemblers, bots and maybe power armor with exos for movement speed - but seems like anything past that isn’t very useful compared to going elsewhere
Why would you not want to minimize the mall? Malls are the shittiest things to build and connect resources to
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Like just two chests per assembler is very simple and good enough and you can paint that down in (your own) blueprint anyway.
The actual reason is I am merely okay at circuit coding, don't find it that fun and refuse to copy designs
What absolute retard thought it’s a good idea to force baseline quality into quality recipes? Why can’t I make normal power pole when I got uncommon wire?
Not having „any quality” for input is literally insane. No, I don’t care about muh balance, this is abysmal UX
this is pretty cool desu senpai
I love quality but the inability to use higher quality in lieu of baseline quality sucks for sure.
Do you get chests bigger than 1x1 in space age or do I play modded?
No, cargo wagons don’t count
how do i ghost build rails without it wanting to put down elevated rails?
>miners: quality module for quality ore gambling
>lava: ????
it's also a fucking retarded decision to not allow me to filter for "any quality" when doing shipments. no, "= Any" quality is not ambiguous, you fucking dimwit, I want ANY, I don't care how or in what order, I care that it's shipped and now.
you get planetary hub which is one per planet but limitless space
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>ummm people exploitted things for easy quality stuff so we make the entire system a total pain in the ass
All they needed to do was making it so that the output is the same as the lowest ingredient used, I don’t give a shit about random plate gridlocking an entire machine indefinitely
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Is this it for fulgora? I was hoping for at least some biome variation.
No the apocalypse is boring
>need to build trains
>don't understand them
fuck me
Can’t you filter by >= normal, same as in splitters?
Dude do I have a way to learn for you
Just do what you need to do.
They're not that hard.
then don't use them retard
big moving chest that goes back and forth
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Start simple then
Make one track for every train and if the tracks ever crosses just make this intersection (the signal prevent two trains from being in the same section at the same time)
Make two opposite locomotives so the train can go back and forth and start transporting shit with two wagons in the middle
no. it says "iT's AmBiGuOuS, oNlY wOrKs FoR tRaSh SlOtS"
well it ain't so fucking ambiguous if it works for trash slots, now, is it?
bump for help
Shift goes through obstacles while Ctrl tries to avoid them typically.
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Anyone has a complete blueprint book to share for a low IQ anon?
IQ is a chink scam
make your own, the game becomes less fun if you don't. If it hurts you knowing something is not optimal then you intrinsically know how to make it optimal. If you can't tell, then who fucking cares about blueprints anyway.
Express yourself
How can you have fun with the game if you don't understand mechanics or different assembly machines or products you make? Play with you or own designs, find something that works best for you and make blueprint for your own need then copy paste design if you need to expand more.
ctrl automatically tries to go over obstacles even if theres a path around
i want to use ctrl but go around and not go over
Fucking fulgora.
I need twelve billion scrap to get 1 special ore for the science packs. The amount of recyclers you need is insane. I was expecting to find an ore vein or an alt recipe but it's literally just mass recycling. I'm guessing they expect you to turn 90% of the other shit into mass produced quality products to share with your other bases.
but how do I deal with shit like blue circuits need green and red circuits so now I need more of these and more of their requirements. I feel like everytiime I have to rip everything appart and start over with a bigger scale
Just build more
If you need more circuits just build more assemblers, if that means you need more resources just go get them, if your current base is too cramped to fit in the extra stuff just leave it running to make buildings and then build a bigger, better base somewhere using what you learned.
If all you want to do is look at a pretty factory you can get that for free on youtube, stamping down someone elses blueprints removes the only engaging parts of the game and turns it into pure cookie clicker.
You build a fuckload of furnace stacks and hook that shit up. I have about eight red belts of copper getting turned into green circuits to turn into blue circuits right now. I don't NEED that many blue circuits at this moment, but it means I don't need to worry about it in the future when I scale up module production.
Get beacons
Get prodductivity and speed mods
Make a simple build that you can easily copy paste in a row.
Spam that shit and hook up everything it needs.
Once you get the copper/iron plates actually producing I find it makes the rest seem much simpler. It's just hooking belts up to wherever they need to go at that point.
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Cute lil space station. Is sending back to earth free?
Seems to be. You can even start steel production up in space if you want. Helps pay back the cost of the platform itself.
Damn, thats even easier than space exploration then. Only difficulty is tiny cargo size of the rocket unlike SE
I think removing wuality from everywhere except designated areas is probably a far saner approach than what you’d normally do with the current shitty usability of it. Transport is a pain, crafting with mixed inputs is a pain, it slows everything down and your reward is so pitiful early game that it just doesn’t seem even remotely worth it unless you’re rushing gleba and expecting combat asap
Or you could’ve gone to big dick mines vulcanus and got big dick 50% prod bonus on holmium plates instead of rushing muh quality
do signals not have persistency anymore? i'm trying to make an SR latch but the S signal disappears once its condition is no longer true.
>Too heavy for a rocket!
i mean i get that you don't want players to rush everything with nukes but this is so fucking silly and arbitrary, can't help but hate it
generally an SR latch would have the input and output jumpered so it's a memory cell
Meanwhile the chad SE:
>"You want to fit an entire country within a rocket with full nuclear arsenal? Sure thing buddy go ahead
Gleba spoilage in wagons I think
Same. Took me 20 hours in deathworld but finally have them.
It's a weird feeling to see that personal roboports mk2 are a planet away. I think I'll set up quality for the mk1 and bots because they're pretty bad.
oh i didn't do literally the thing you said.
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Reminder that this is now possible under a single water pump
People who have killed a Vulcanus worm:
How many turrets/what ammo type/what level of damage upgrades did you need?
Two railgun shots
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I made my first platform, it took me a while to even understand how to put anything on it.
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SR latches are a lot simpler in Space Age too
you can do it with one decider combinator. This one maintains steam level in a tank
that isn't helpful
I want to go to Vulcanus first
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I love 1:3 trains too. They're cute and have decent throughput. One advice I can give you is to use balancers before loading ore and after unloading ore, with a design like picrel. Otherwise, your train will fill up and empty unevenly, which will make them stop at the station for way longer, which will kill your throughput.
> Is loading from one side enough?
You will need about 4 lanes of iron ore, but you can always use two unloading stations if you want to unload from one side.
> Should I have some parallel waiting rails at the bottom for additional trains?
Yeah, add two or three waiting lanes per unloading stations for throughput. No need to put stackers before all stations.
> If so, on all stations or only some?
For now, only before iron and copper ore unloading stations, because they consume a lot or ore. Stone and coal consumption is relatively pretty small.
Yeah, they changed the algo imo. I have 27 million ore patches a few chunks away from spawn in railworld. Not complaining, fuck the early game grind.
That's the way, but increase timewarp for them to complete sooner.
If it did, you're gay
that's an awful design for a train balancer, the outer chests will empty way before the center chests do; and as a result, the train unloading will be much slower, since some chests will be full and their arms will be unmoving.
is there a decent design?
besides using the madzuri chest balancer circuit
nothing too expensive. du with some upgrades are enough if you lure worm into turret line like that
it melts
You don't need to rip apart and start over. The world is limitless(almost). Add on, expand, improve. Let your early work stand as a historic monument to your improvement.
You figure out what you need and you get it.
Even people who are good and do use advanced blueprints and shit don't usually care to make everything work 1:1 all of the time, they have shortages too, they just operate at the scale where instead of adding a few more assemblers they add a blueprint of 50 of them. But the principle is unchanged.
I was thinking of taking on the starter small worm pre-yellow-science
making yellow and purple on vulcanus
Hell yeah
It felt so good to make them, I love the new fluids
you just need like 1 full mag and a tank to drive away fire
also its a good thinking I spend like 10 hours more on nauvis building shit up then regreted it because vulcanus even with lava terrain which forced me to bend main bass turned to be much more comfier production planet
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Thanks wube... i made it to fulgora but my space station is toast
wow this is amazing
vro you dont need science on your spaceship, just leave it on stationary paltform and build a new one for a space travel
Seeing how you made it to fulgora with this design is making me feel a bit more confident about the design I'm current building.
so am I missing the point of the display panels? I was hoping for nixie tube type functionality but it mostly seems to be for displaying text
So I land on fulgora without nothing? What the fuck am i even supposed to do then?
>What the fuck am i even supposed to do then?
build a rocket
pull yourself up by your bootstraps
I cant even build a drill to mine the shit there
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First pull uncommon reactor. Free megawatts for me!
lucky son of a bitch
maybe, if the site can link with gog
I shouldve chosen volcanus, now im stuck on this shit fulgora and i literally have nothing, not even my space station because asteroids destroyed it while it was stationary
Im currently recycling shit by hand lmao
>recycling shit by hand lmao
Get to work indian man
Let's (theorically) assume that I have 2 digits IQ and I only played vanilla
How would you explain quality to me?
How do you even get quality items, do you just slap modules and hope it proc?
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Making something out of quality ingredients guarantees your result is of that quality
Making something in a machine with quality modules gives you a chance for your result to be higher quality than your ingredients
>Making something out of quality ingredients
So let's say I want to get quality nuclear fuel (if it's possible at all)
I should put quality modules on the uranium processor+the assembling machines? Can you "diffuse" quality?
And what about the uranium ore, is there any way to get "quality" ore?
>Legendary power grid
>Buildings need legendary power input to function
The space indians were the ones who shat up that planet in first place
>Build a base
>Unlock new technology
>Tear everything down and build a better base
>Unlock new technology

How do I stop the cycle?
Migrate. Leave the old base as ruins, build a new base on fresh virgin (common quality) soil
>consumes 52MW
>produces 52MW
Not even like this.
You would think "if i add more quality items, the chances are higher to craft same or higher quality" but no, the recipes are hardcoded by quality. This means that you cant even use quality 1 gears and quality 2 plates together. THe system views quality as different material.
So if you want to make someething with quality 2, you need to select the recipe for quality 2 and provide every material with quality 2.

Now what quality modules do is they give you a chance to roll a quality level higher. But as real gacha mechanic, it also has a chance to doubleproc, trippleproc etc. So with quality 1% you have 0.1% to rank up 2 times, 0.01% hree times and so on.
Early on just put quality into your mall as its just free upgrades. You may want to create some quality crafting materials to make quality equipment for yourself. Later on youll have to do recycle loops to get maximum quality.
For science packs quality increases their value, basically quality 2 is as if you have 2 science packs and so on, so prod is better in this case
>And what about the uranium ore, is there any way to get "quality" ore?
You can, by putting quality modules in your drills
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Do people even play this game?
How is it selling so well, yet nobody's even past the early game?
global acm tracking might be broken, steam engine acm ia also at 0,1% last i checked
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>another retard who has only now noticed 0.1% bug despite it existing for years
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>Logistics locked behind space science now
Just spaghetti a bunch of space science, its actually very easy
Gee, I wonder who is behind this change
There is something wrong with the achievements. We know that the game sold over 4m copies and peaked with 2.0's release at 90k, we can easily estimate that the game had well over 100k unique players since 2.0 (timezone, different schedules, ect). At minimum, you would expect to see 0.2% in the easiest achievement: steam power. Yet it's still stuck at 0.1%.
it's based on all time players
so people that have never played space age are tanking new space age achievements
same thing happened to satisfactory when it went 1.0.
Plus mods block achievements so that reduces it even more
Maybe they left mods installed or used console commands before starting.
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>this shit again
Freshly added achievements shown in your library are always bugged and show 0.1%, this is the case for any game
Always go to browser page for real stats and shove your dumbass analysis up your ass
Train intersections sexually arouse me
>no elevated rail
I seriously can't wait to watch the abominations people create with elevated rails
Is that a swastika in the middle?
Mods are automatically turned off and I highly doubt that this many people would use cheats right away.
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There is no crossing rails so those need no chain signals at all, right?
space science is incredibly easy, you just build 2 asteroid catchers feeding directly into the hub, 3 processors, 1 smelter, bunch of inserters tossing useless shit outside with circuits and science crafting itself, it takes 100 platforms tops of expansion to fit it all in. its actually easisets of 3 end sciences on nauvis to craft.
shh, don't scare the nuclearfags away, they are funny to read
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>zero fucking uranium
>made the water settings retardedly high
>ships mod still not updated
Fulgora here I come, I need bridges
elevated rails are purple science I think
all right then
not leaving Nauvis just yet then
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can confirm it's purple science
hope these resources are enough. good luck
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>hope these resources are enough. good luck
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the biters destroyed my tank
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is my base good
Why did rocket logistics have to be so heavily bot based? Why can't we read the requests via circuit and belt in material? Could have been a fun puzzle but it's trivial when the rocket pulls everything from your network like a requestor chest.
I cannot believe how shit artillery actually is now, literally whats the point? not only it locked behind vulcanus and end game sciencies its also takes vulcanus resources to make which need to be shipped to nauvis, and then It cannot be spammed there either due to resource limitations, I cannot see scenario wheres I am gonna use it. It is literally worthless.
it's honestly kinda a downgrade from SE
too dumbed down
Because enderal only got to shit up certain things, and most of his worst impulses were tempered by not having the final say in things.
Adding circuit autism that 5% of the playerbase would solve by themselves to gate progression in THE MAIN FEATURE OF THE EXPANSION seems... a bit questionable, yes?
Looks good. Be sure to expand more, secure more ore patches and build more, you will need more :3
look, I'm just--
I'm just not gonna do more than blue science before leaving for vulcanus, okay?
hahahaaha eat my empty factory you dumb biter, there is nothing there ahahahaha
>research all the "food" upgrades on gleba
>engineer starts using more space in rocket
are you serious
I'm definitely going to automate inserters right after I finish this one thing. I'm definitely not going to spend the entire game running back and forth between iron and copper production so I can hand craft more inserters over and over
quality seems to be weigthed based on amount of ingredients somehow, I have crafted 200+ foundaries and got zero with quality while simple items like copper wires and iron plates are drowing me with quality ones so much that I had to build a line of production for inserters to get rid of it and it is getting overflown to the point where I consider recycling uncommon ones to get more rares
I can't use my science in nauvis to research shit from other planets right? So I have to build all of the science from scratch in every planet? Or can I just craft metallurgy and use nauvis?
why not bring science packs to planet A, B or C and put them in labs there? SPACE LOGISTICS
You're literally required to automate at least yellow inserters before progressing early. Just put a check grabbing the excess and boom you have a source of yellow inserters.
Lolno not worth the jet fuel and launch pods to the platform that's reserved for incredibly rare resources
Why are you limiting the platform to incredibly rare resources?

Because it takes a while to collect the jet fuel to get from A to B, which could be alleviated by building extra fuel storage I guess. So I'll use it to transport shit like foundrys and big miners
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if you haven't used any of there, then you totally deserved it
what do I put in the tanks equiepement grid?
What are the % chance to not eat resources in quality miners?
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Nevermind I hate trains
tank: shields only
power armor: lasers only
you circle around and never stop
bring plenty of ammo for the tank flamethrower
>not taking scraps from fulgora back to aquillo and recycle them on that planet
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thanks anon, I hope it will go better this time
mergers still need signals bro
but splits don't
Gotta make the ship extra fuel efficient for that but you can't ignore the cost of transporting shit to the platform
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>forgot to pause my game when leaving my home
>70% of the base destroyed
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You need to place some chain signals (blue circle) "to look ahead" for other trains and stop in right time so other train could pass by. You place "normal signals" only in straight tracks each segment of length of train or when there is merging end (red circle)

Pic related example:
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Also I would to add - You need this to "mirror" placing chain signaling/signals on track end merge on each sides where train is coming from so in that pic example there are in total 2 ways and 2 ways on bottom.

Try it, experiment with it and your trains will love you for it
What's the best planet to visit first?
So what exactly happens when you land on a new planet, do you just start over from scratch until you can get back to space?
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My biggest gripe with the space platform is that you can only insert items in the hub, cargo bays don't act as an extension to it.
flamethrower on tank seem useless when dealing with creeper nests, are cannon shells better?
Use normal signals after a junction, spam chain signals until the entrance. Everything between the first chain signal and when it ends at the normal signal becomes the crossing.
Damn that makes sense. I'm basically doing train signaling by hand for the first time since blueprints don't work anymore. I haven't used chain signals at all, I need to improve that
whats the best way to mix row of 2 1 side belts with space limitations of inserters on both sides inserting into them to make them 2 2side even split full belts? prio left/right spliters spam?
there's space age train blueprints available but most assume you have elevated rails for their intersections
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Here is another real life scenario example: (pic rel #2)

Left nigga train has already crossed beyond 2nd chain signal so other chain signals are now red telling other trains to stop fucking moving before that nigga across on other side.

you can say that chain signals are reading your small piece of track before any crossing then another one, another one until "normal signal"

Notice that normal signal (left bottom) is a path for train on upper right, its green because the "track beyond" is empty with no train.

Also check the "green triangle" the chain signal is Blue that means the train can move in another direction (forward straight on left side if needed) where other direction is blocked by moving left bottom train. If there was another train then chain signal would be completely Red.
>cargo bays don't act as an extension to it.
That's an intentional decision so you can't just move everything in and out of the big chest.
There is an easier solution.
Take 2 fingers, and draw 2 train lines through the junction. If your fingers hit the same colored block, the trains will stop.
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and 3rd pic example.

The nigga train passed through the intersection and after he just passed through the "orange star" chain signal the "blue circle" chain signals are now Green so top train can move downwards.

The End.
you can wire the digit display by yourself :^)
basically. You land with whatever guns and armor you wore on the space platform, and once you build a landing pad you can have space platforms ship you stuff from nauvis, but otherwise you have what you can get on-site.
>You need a massive setup to remove the gambling factor
or just slap it on miners/furnaces, split out the outputs, and make a whole separate main bus to manufacture ONLY quality gear (probably just personal equipment and a handful of other crap)
unless you mean making shitty displays out of lights
>They removed filter inserters
What the fuck????
How do you replace it? Circuits?
just click on any inserter?
all inserters can filter now
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I fucking love foundries
I mean there are digit icons so you can set up arithmetic comparators to make each display show the right digit like an ugly nixie tube
or, don't be mentally retarded like >>499657297 and build a space platform at home, bring it with you, and drop it on the planet's surface along with whatever else you want when you arrive.
Damn, I'm retarded
that's a really dumb workaround for what should have been baked in
Nixie tubes are my favorite mod. I just like to see the numbers
I did this, it's some CS101 looking shit but it works.
what even is the intended use case for the displays?
I still need to kill a worm about to start making the foundry science packs just need to setup engines and blue chips first
>electric motors require engines
doesn't even make sense
Fellas how much spm does the average player make? I always thought it was something like 10-20 but i have been told 40-100 by my friend
Yeah what a stupid game

*Shoves 20 trains, 5 oil refineries and 5000 pieces of railroad into pocket*
in my experience people make enough science for the clean machine ratios (5:6:5:12:7:7) - They either make that or double that.
Just that is 30SPM on assembler 1s, 45 on ass2, and 75 on ass3.
People very rarely have enough production for these though, so it ends up being moot.
I dislike starting resources running out so soon
>find more
I do but I don't like it in the first 3 hours

Just how much does richness fuck over later outposts because I might just put it at 600% and just accept it

unless there's a console command to reset it to 100% on unexplored regions that won't disable achievements
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items with large number of components are either bugged or have hidden quality roll penalties, I was unable to roll rare armor 30+ times
I do like >>499660570 said and start with ~30 then ~45. When I get out of the early burner start and actually start automating I have 30 but sometimes I don't place down all the labs for it until a bit later.
>People very rarely have enough production for these though, so it ends up being moot.
This is very true from what I've seen people do in multiplayer. Or at least non-/egg/.
Enjoy your 30M+ patches close to base.
>Enjoy your 30M+ patches close to base.
Sounds kino tbqh
Just cheat and use infinite ore and stop trying to cope. Cheating is cheating.
I would say stock railworld start is already too rich
outside my starting patches they're all huge
much different than 1.0
I legit dang near soft locked myself playing SE once though after my starters ran out after I got through the AAI burner phase and resources were hella scarce and far away. Had to relocate the entire base to survive. Meteors slowly decimating ore patches you've never even seen was rough.
>need 15 yellow belts of copper for 20 t2 modules of all 4 types
Okay maybe I’m too ambitious for nauvis
How to logistic network? I thought you unlock it on surface
Agreed, I also chose rail world and I don't even need to build rails to get patches of 10+ million because my base is surrounded in them, generation is fucked
Learn to play. It's not a hardware issue.
Will this record ANY player beating the game or what
Idk this is my 3rd time playing. I played base game once and space exploration once to rockets. My science in nauvis is 100spm since I left the planet and my laser turrets are still holding the biters off and its been at least a few hours. I figure that should be about average?
where are efficiency or any modules best placed? stuff that has the most uptime?
Railworld seems interesting and that it might solve the resource issues I have

Just green science is all that's needed and no liquids for trains/logic combinators, right?
i clicked on a random name yesterday and saw some guy who cheated and had 2 hours of playtime so im guessing yes
>Just green science is all that's needed
needed for what? trains?
And no liquids for trains.logic combinators
why you scared of logic?
Elf modules are best for miners, they heavily lower the pollution output of a mining outpost. I really recommend looking into eff1s in your mining outposts, one of the most underrated things in factorio.
Prod mods are best (at the start) for anything that is very expensive - the first place I normally use them is blue chips (since they both build relatively fast for their cost and are quite expensive). They also go great in your labs.
Speed mods (once again, at the start) are something I use when I notice something is running slow, and I want to speed it up now instead of rebuilding.
Eventually, once you unlock beacons, you'll really want to use modules a lot in builds (speed beacons offset the speed penalty of prod mods, so the only cost is power which is much easier).
Quality is an open question for me, I need to be a lot deeper in my current save to have a real deep understanding of where you should use them.
>you can look at other people's bases
now to figure out map pixel art in factorio...
efficiency: miners are the big one. Take a lot of energy, make a lot of pollution, and they're usually closer to nests so the pollution matters more. Otherwise, electric furnaces? might be worth putting in beacons in the midgame now, idk.

Productivity: Very important in labs and rocket silos, then yellow and purple science, then blue circuits. in endgame setups you want them in basically everything that can take them but it can take a long time for them to pay for themselves in minor recipes.

speed: anything you want to happen faster. mostly used in beacons, or in recipes that can't use productivity modules in. I don't know how to properly use them outside of post-game setups, I just slap them in machines as a lazy production boost.

My gut is that quality modules below t3 are close to useless, but I'm not sure. I put some in my solar panel setup to have some Q2 and Q3 panels for my first space platforms, which felt nice.
I-I'm asking if all I need is green science ot set up a full rail and logic network or if shit changed in the new expansion, anon

Because I just need green science for it then I'll start over with richness up, less common patches and more biter nests
put some quality module 1s in my solar panel setup, I should clarify.
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i see space age failed to kill this cancer
>30 hours in
>Yet to launch my first rocket
I'm starting to wonder how long this game really is
What the fuck am I looking at
At which science are you?
I've unlocked yellow, but I keep rebuilding my base to get big enough
Having enough Iron is so painful
almost a million solar panels, because muh free energy
I'm 30 hours in, automated white science and unlocked everything in order to go the next planet but I want to still properly fix my base before I go so it doesn't just get fucked the moment I leave
No I meant are you able to see someone put that down or?
I don't understand. You can zoom in on the galaxy of fame map click on the stars and inspect the bases in detail
>I've unlocked yellow, but I keep rebuilding my base to get big enough
Try to not rebuild, just expand what you already havem the map is infinite, but you will encouter a lot of biters, just kill them and take their lands and resources.
>Having enough Iron is so painful
You'll will need a lot more for purple, and yellow uses a lot of copper, prepare accordingly.
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Hope someone smarter makes a good version of this idea. I realized that you can make an automatic mall like this. You just set the items you want in the constant combinator, there's the new selector combinator that pics one of the items under the set value at random every few seconds so the assemblers don't get stuck. The two assemblers on the left get the recipe and one of them sends the ingredients so the ones on the right can craft the missing items. It's kinda of a fun idea and it works but I'm retarded so there might be a proper way of doing this.
Gonna be patched, probably
just make a train car mall
but this is funnier
fun is not efficient
Can you send resources between space platforms?
what happens when the calcite runs dry on volcanus
God I forgot how annoying pre-Nuclear power can be
Same as every other ore?
go bully more worms for bigger calcite spots.
you can also get in infinite supply from meteors but i think you need advanced meteor crushing from gleba for that first.
no use case
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I want to have a platform i keep in orbit, and a spaceship platform.

Or can I send resources from nauvis to my platform orbiting another planet?
just build more steam
water isn't an issue so just shovel that coal
If I play with mods but without the space expansion enabled, can I enable it after the mods are updated to work with space age on the same save?
>A factorio general and not an /egg/ thread
What the fuck? Did I miss something?
>You don't craft them anymore.
Hilariously; you actually can still put them on your quickbar and you can give them a quality at that point.
If you do so, e.g. even "any quality" and you select them off of the quickbar the game will try to interact with them as an actual real inventory item rather than a virtual item and the entire game will hard crash.

>Want to start building my space platform
>Chronically short on iron
Life is suffering
>Kovarex is in camp city-block.
kek. Always suspected.
>Rocket capacity is only 1 ton
>Not even quality increases it
Why the fuck isn't there a Mk.2 or something, this is ridiculous.
Also related but is there a way to autosend the rockets before I have logistics unlocked? Manually launching 50 rockets is tedious
Those aren't city blocks
now that's green power!
"no use case" is an /egg/ joke, for when something isn't allowed due to dev laziness or balance reasons.
They're sort of giant flying logistic chests. Click the checkbox on the pad and the pad will put out a logi request and drone supplies into the rocket, then launch it off to the requesting platform. So if you start building pipes on your platform the next rocket might be a stack of pipes. If you don't have logi drones at all yet you are way too early to be making rockets.
I want to get into trains but they seem too much of a hassle.
this goes hard
>how are people doing it?
Uranium cannon shell.
The regular one. It has a staggering 10,000 damage per shot and it's piercing. Angle your shot through several segments of a worm's body and all the damage to the individual segmented parts are transmitted to the head, instantly one-shot killing the thing. You don't need to hit it on the head. Loop around to the tail, and angle your shot to travel straight up its main body mass along its path of travel. Insta-gib, ahoy.
You only need a basic understanding of trains to get most of their power, and their power is really high.
Nta but as I expand my base to capture more resources, do I need to build a huge long long around the huge area that my pollution is causing
>If you don't have logi drones at all yet you are way too early to be making rockets.
I don't have requesting chests since that is behind space science
looking at his image it looks like he cleared hundreds of hectare of spitter nests. I dont really feel like doing that when my mainbus is already 80% complete.
The rocket is a big requester chest though, you don't need logistics unlocked to make logi bots (since logi bots are also intented to feed your inventory pre-logistics)
*Huge long wall around the extended pollution
intersections the size of small countries is pretty based
that Texas highway feel
>it mostly seems to be for displaying text
It's useless for that currently as there's a bug which causes the lines entered into display panels to at any random point in time, trigger unknown, randomly duplicate or shift order.
How do I see my current power usage on my platform?
click on the hub thingy, then click on the lightning bolt in the top right of the menu.
you can drop shit from your space platform's storage so think ahead and bring the machines you'll need to bootstrap production.
>get bat luck in gambling mechanic
>"I was cheated!! the machine is broken"
i thought factorio players were smarter than this
it's even better since I'm pretty sure he tried to savescum but he saved after the craft started.
wait can you do that without a landing pad?
yes (it drops the stuff similar to how it drops you).
Your life will be easier if you bring a landing pad with you and drop that first though
>>Not even quality increases it
just launch more rockets faster
You can droppod them manually.

Landing pad is needed when you want to do automatic logistic shit for interplanetary shipping.
huh. Good thing I started with fulgora where the landing pad is easy to craft so I didn't miss much.
so if something has 3 1% quality modules in it, does that mean it has a 3% chance of making a "good" item
I brought a landing pad with me, but did not drop it before I landed
but it dropped a pod with me that only had the landing pad in it
i thought it just always gave you one
I think a 2.7% chance of being uncommon and 0.3% rare.
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t3 normal quality modules are 2.5%, so 4 of them as the image = 10%
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this thing makes 1 space science per second, for free

it's actually sick, with asteroid collection platforms you can gather infinite
>iron ore
>copper ore
from space and drop it down for free
ok I reloaded a save to test and I was wrong, it didn't drop automatically I must've done it manually
then i started dropping things after landing and tye all came down in pods and one of them fucking landed on top of me and killed me
>I have finally unlocked robots
this is cool
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yeah ok
but why?
>that mod you like a lot is not updated yet
what's her name /fag/s?
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Excuse me. What???????????????????????
Picker dollies. For when all this shit needs to be two more squares to the left.
>My gut is that quality modules below t3 are close to useless, but I'm not sure
Slapping even q1 quality in miners and smelters gives you a slow but steady trickle of quality ores/plates. I used mine on a nice nearby copper patch extending the resources there from 6 to 9m. Necessary? Not really, but convenient. Even better with vulcanus mine, which at rare has 67% chance not to consume resource, and silly 92% at legendary
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is this bloat?
merging chests, dunno I think it's neat
It's it 100% if you use a legendary plate?
How's the combat difficulty after rocket launch/other planets?
Are the biters utterly pointless like in the base game and there's zero difficulty?
Is that actually viable for ore collection? I have fuckall for iron patches near me
yes, but every input has to be legendary
it's kinda slow i guess, but it's just four asteroid collectors. if you build like a hundred, you'll probably get a ton of ore pretty fast.
Fun can be maximized. It's a metric like any other. Aesthetics as well, is your factory optimized for art, does it convey feelings efficiently?
fulgora doesn't have a single enemy type that isn't either infuriatingly overpowered or annoyingly bullshit
>don't have a lot of iron
>make 100 platform starter kits
>make 10000s of platform pieces
>launch all of this to space with thousands of rockets
>free iron
this is your cunning plan?
I feel like the ROI on that is dubious at best.
the point of biters is to force you to incorporate defense into the factory's design, which they succeed at. Unless you turn biters off completely, you do eventually need to start designing builds around them.

Other planets have things you need to take into account besides biters, but most of them are less impactful. You need to cover your base in lightning rods on fulgora, for instance, but that isn't that hard of an ask.
Achievements or QOL mods? Why do they make us choose?
Because there are a lot of people who consider things that are well past quality of life "qol"
How many of you are playing factorio at work?
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Power overload, it's one of my favorite mods. If only it could receive a solid, single-piece transformer entity that can be moved around using picker dollies with a nice electrical graphic effect like inside of the power switch and also secure blueprint/ghost handling it would be the dream.
All I plan to use are these >>499683879
I don't think I can play without Helmod unless I break out the scientific calculator
It would be kinda tough for them to determine what constitutes achievement breaking on a case-by-case basis.
it's a one time investment that generates free and infinite returns forever
Me. I have next to me laptop from job and in front of me 32 inch oled and factorio :3 Basically I'm getting paid for building on Vulcanus
Breaking cliffs by hand. No I don't want cheaper cliff explosives or other bloaty shit. I want to break them with my fists.
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My space science shitty platform :))
I'm a >cs graduate so I dont have a job. The market is so bad right now
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>tfw 231 mods
its smol. Banned for racism
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>the point of biters is to force you to incorporate defense into the factory's design, which they succeed at. Unless you turn biters off completely, you do eventually need to start designing builds around them.
Lunar Landings. Xorimuth is its author.
The Galaxy of Fame is offered when you win the game.
Not when you win a SPACE AGE game.

It's offered when you reach the win condition for any game in 2.0.10 or up.
Modded or unmodded.
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>No Robot enemies on ruin planet that must be scrapped and recycled to obtain unique resources.
>modern heavy-lift vehicles carry 25 tons to LEO
>transhuman ubermensch in 100 brazillion AD can only manage 1
/sfg/ on suicide watch
there really should be multiple rockets to choose from. A small personal one with 500kg, medium-lift for 5 tons, heavy for 15 and some postgame tech shit for 50. Also different gravities should change the capacity or at least alter the fuel costs or something but I'm getting ahead of myself.
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I'm very proud of my spaceship. I can even fill it up with more stuff if I need to
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