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Retail Won
Old Week long thread >>499077512
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BIGLY at that
According to our local schizo, vanilla introduced flying so vanilla is the start of retail
>first thing he can talk about is retail
it speaks something, but what?
we are pogging in the lair
you know where
>OP and FP
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>it speaks something, but what?
tbf? Blizzard just don't give a fuck about other variations of WoW, 20th anni is the perfect example of that.
>hes still seething
look youre the one who said flying. if you wanted to distinguish it from tbc, you should have said flying mounts like any sensible english speaker would have
>look youre the one who said flying.
I didn't say that, that was someone else
also I see you're now doing the "reply = seethe" card. Does that mean you're seething too?
youre seething because you didnt just leave this argument to die in the last thread. you brought it over because you are THAT angry
nta but just shut up faggot, you have an excuse for everything. the naxx/ad rep anon shut your mouth pretty fast when you didn't have a proper counter argument to bitch about rep farm after he explained it nicely to you.
>you're seething because you're replying
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Would you buy a $90 mountie for classic?
Cata mages i need your help

Am i meant to combust off cd or build up a fat ingnite? And what level of ignite do you bust?
>no you cant just hold me accountable for the words i use because i actually meant these other words instead
i can. learn to formulate your arguments better and this wont happen
thats not what i said
>tranime pedo
Nah, not even close. Not even for 10€.
Well, vanilla is literally the start of retail.
You said it yourself >>499665306 vanilla is the start of retail
If it looks like a giant thresher and I can drive over anyone in a city and send them to the graveyard
anything around 15-20k is fine, you might have to settle for anything because the spec is horrendous
>i can. learn to formulate your arguments better and this wont happen
Motherfucker, you ALONE came out of nowhere and started shitting on naxx40 rep farm and trying to use some bastardized logic ala era flight paths = flying mounts.
that posts says it introduced mounts and pets. theres no mention of "the start of retail"
November 13th is the first day of Direct, expect announcement then.
no but i would buy bikinis and halloween costumes
yeah and those are the main focus in current retail, meaning that vanilla started the main problem about retail
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There's only one I would buy and it would have to come with the no-cast time feature.
You'd quit in t-minus 1 week, freshnigger
If we talking about Era, the only thing that should be an option to buy and it ends there is the OG collectors pets, panda, diablo and mini felhound. Maybe the Zebra mount. That's everything.
interesting theory
Glad you agree.
fresh chads we're winning bigly
No, I'd get rank 14, then pwn nubs for a week more then quit. Then they should make a new fresh. People would never unsub.
>he says from his dead hardcore server, dead sod server, and dead cata server
i didnt agree with anything, althoughbeit.
post era numbers
fucking KEK
I miss the times before classic even started because we could argue which version of the game is the best and now that we all agree it's TBC there's nothing to talk about
yeah you did
That is basically exactly what hardcore is, they even allow you to free transfer off after dying. The system literally already exists, it would basically cost them nothing but one spun sever per quarter or whatever.
>they even allow you to free transfer off after dying.
lmfao really? then it's not really HC at all
a real hardcore game makes you lose your character in every way possible.
Yeah, you transfer to Era when it dies.
Hahahahaha holy shit "hardcore"
that's like playing a deathless run in a game that lacks that gamemode but the moment you die you start making excuses to keep playing your character aka cheating
I wish we would've gotten a TBC era server. Everything wrong with speedrunning on a fury warrior right now on Era is fixed in TBC.
>Expertise to remove cringe, infuriating dodges
>SWP has enough HP on bosses to make fights last at least 2-3 mins in full BiS
>Warriors get salv AND WF and the added haste from bloodlust increases the APM by a significant amount over Era fury
Fuck them for not giving us an era server. I would've copied over my fucking 1 glaive fury warrior, my full BiS warlock and my nearly BiS ret paladin.
Say that to pag of exile players with their instant alt f4 disconnect and soft-death aka transfer to softcore when you """die"""
Sounds like petri flask
Also Minecraft does that too
"Yeah I'll definitely actually play the game for more than 1 week!"
Freshniggers, every time
petri doesn't save you in the open-world, or against certain raid mechanics, and you have to leave group before you petri but that's too many steps for the average player so they die anyway. But yes it's a pretty dumb thing to have in a """hardcore""" mode
You have to be extremely GOD AWFUL at a game if you need to use petri in the open world
>he says from his abandoned level 15 characters
Freshniggers begone
Kill freshniggers, behead freshniggers, roundhouse kick freshniggers into the concrete, slam dunk a freshnigger's baby into the trash, crucify filthy freshniggers, defecate into freshniggers' food, launch freshniggers into the sun, stirfry freshniggers in a wok, toss freshniggers into active volcanoes, urinate into freshniggers' gas tanks, Judo throw freshniggers into a wood chipper, twist freshniggers' heads off, report freshniggers to the IRS, Karate chop freshniggers in half, curb stomp pregnant freshniggers, trap freshniggers in quicksand, crush freshniggers in the trash compactor, liquify freshniggers in a vat of avid, eat freshniggers, dissect freshniggers, exterminate freshniggers in the gas chamber, stomp freshnigger skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate freshniggers in the oven, lobotomize freshniggers, mandatorty abortions for freshniggers, grind freshnigger fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown freshniggers in fried chicken grease, vaporize freshniggers with a raygun, kick old freshniggers down the stairs, feed freshniggers to alligators, slice freshniggers with a katana.
patiently waiting for FASHY VND FRESHY
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Kys retail tranny.
God damn the class discords are such shit. All the mods/role leads are such power tripping self-absorbed retards. No different from plebbit.
you don't need that
Stop asking retarded questions then and just SIM IT. Also, check the pins.
Why the fuck would you be in one? asking seriously
read the pins retard
definition of fuck around and find out.
>implying zoomers play this slow ass game with no instant gratifications
I'm not talking about fucking pins, idiot. I mean in regards to any kind of debate whatsoever, those faggots are always passive aggressive and always act like they're right. For example, there's this guy in the druid discord who really thinks he's smarter than everyone in regards to literally everything, not just druid stuff, and when he gets proven wrong, he doubles down and gets all defensive and aggressive. Talks like an actual reddit mod, I'm not joking.
Offended because you quit after t-minus 1 week and cry for fresh because you'll actually play this time for sure
KYS freshnigger
Well that's what happens when you have no IRL friends and discord conversation is all the social interaction you get. The warlock discord is just as bad. People don't actually want discourse, they want to talk, have people agree with them, if they don't, they wait for "gotcha" moment, say something clever then stop reacting. It's best just to ignore them completely.
>Offended because you quit after t-minus 1 week
Nah not really, have 2 chars bwl-naxx geared, ain't resubbing until fresh release. I did quit SoD before the end of p1 tho.
Would you like a "Season of Balance" where the broken shit in Classic were fixed up but the raids were rebalanced health / whatever wise to compensate for the increase in power? and only dragonslayer can be used in raids.
Yeah sure you and every other freshnigger lol
>and only dragonslayer can be used in raids.
No, if they're actually focusing solely on balancing then there's no need for wbuffs. You literally can't balance the game when half the playerbase hates them and won't use them while the other half does. It's literally their biggest issue with raiding difficulty in SoD at this very moment.
>No, if they're actually focusing solely on balancing then there's no need for wbuffs.
and then the game dies in 2 months
see: SoM
SoM didn't balance anything, all they did was remove wbuffs and remove the buff/debuff limit. If anything making the raid more difficult forced people to roll meta comps even harder.
SoM didn't die due to lack of world buffs retard
It launched right around when TBC did so what the fuck do you think most people were interested with after 2 years of Classic
Funny thing is, the guy (allegedly) has a wife. I can only imagine what that relationship looks like if its true.
I'm all for applying hybrid tax for brownies
>SoM didn't balance anything, all they did was balance it by removing the debuff limit
lmfao are you listening to yourself?
>Well you see, SoM was a really good game just like Vanilla, it just so happens that it released 6 months after TBC did, and people were sooooooo burned dout of it, it was super awful timing
>See if you give the players 2 options to play a game, they'd go for the best one, which it should be SoM, but for some reason SoM died and TBC thrived, but SoM was good!
retoilets are having a meltie over a $90 mountie
you mean celebrating?
Golly, I can't believe warlocks, shadow priests and every other dot class suddenly started doing warrior levels of DPS.
Were clearly talking about balancing classes themselves, they didn't add crit scaling on dots, they didn't add spell haste for casters, they didn't touch the classes at all. All they did by making the raiders harder is forcing the people wanting to clear them into rolling fury warrior, which was still far and away the best class. Not to mention how they added in R14 gear at the start of the game.
But anyone still playing retoilet is a paypig, they should be happy.
kinda bored with retail and thinking i might as well try sod
is this thing still alive or should i not bother anymore if im not max lvl?
melee hunter, thrown or no thrown?
a lot of words to say "it didn't count"

See >>499682098
>People don't actually want discourse, they want to talk, have people agree with them, if they don't, they wait for "gotcha" moment, say something clever then stop reacting.
if i buy the new paypig mount can i use it in fresh
Mental gymnastics don't help your retardation
Sucks when one's friends are freshniggers who can't be bothered to play for more than a couple weeks
They'll always find something to complain and quit over, then wait for next fresh to do the same fucking thing
Like do people have some sick obsession with wanting to redo 1-10 shit over and over?
>see this completely relevant post about our talk
i see
Not a full rebalancing just HP or boss damage compensation to deal with weaker classes / specs being functional so it still feels like a classic raid. SoM was just a bad idea because they wanted to do heroic classic WoW but part of the Wbuff stance was good.

Not some huge shakeup, browns would still end up leading once they have gear from like 2-2.5t it just wouldn't be a wild insane wbuff lead they usually have, other class spec just wouldn't look like slouches next to them.

Let the scalers scale and other bullshit, let retardins not be useless or the enhance shaman. If you jack raid difficulty people will just stack warriors but if you can still clear without doing that then bring whatever you want.
>unable to refute, resorts to insults
yup yup yup
You're literally just asking for TBC. You probably just want a TBC pre-patch vanilla only server, you just don't know it.
You didn't say anything that refutes my post.
If we had this in classic it would be popular again, coomers always win
>no u
"Yeah I'll definitely actually play the game for more than 1 week!"
Hardcore players, every time
They do, the retention rate is very good actually. You die and go again
>The system literally already exists
A fresh is fun because everyone starts at the same level. You're not running up against rank 14s on day one. So stop with this nonsense.
You're fucking delusional, retention fell off a cliff after release. Literally no one plays that meme mode. You live in some deranged fantasy where people invest heavily in modes to prop up your central point, ignoring that literally fucking everybody plays the FOMO meta, in every mode
This is someone who fears the fresh enjoyer. He knows his world is collapsing around him, and the fresh enjoyers are winning. They will have their fresh, and you will wither and die alone.
whyd she put rings on her toes? looks uncomfortable
I want official HC challenges with titles for completing them SSF, and no parties. Nudist. No talents used. White knight, etc.
Blizzard, I will vote Kamala Harris for a fresh before 2025.
okay... what is supposed to be the negative of a fresh?
Try playing the games you complain about all day for once, or keep being a clown online I guess
It's pointless because it'll become just like current era servers within 3 or 4 months. Unless they rangeban SEAchimps, South Americans and GDKPs, it'll all go to shit really fast.
I've played every mode. Duck my sock, dude.
I miss my nudist nelfie..
because then all that gold i spent on gdkps will be worthless you HAVE to play with me chuddie
Hating on gdkp is self admitting you are a literal troon defending tranny council
Oh nooooo not the hecking performance rewarding fair loot system!!!!
>hehe I reframed your post in a snarky way, totally refuted!
Tell us more how you enjoy leveling to 15 then quitting and waiting for next fresh
Well first I get the Diddy oil
t-minus 2 hours
And then they resub for the next fresh
>I miss my nudist nelfie..
I was doing a nudist/no talents/white knight/soloist warlock a while back. Got him to like 46, but accidentally deleted my HC save file so I said fuck it. Would love to do an official run of it tho. A slow pace careful version of wow is fun as fuck.
>Hating on gdkp is self admitting you are a literal troon defending tranny council
I'm an SRchad first of all. Second of all, GDKPs promote gold buying even more so than not having them. Gold buying will always exist because classic has a million consumes that are "necessary" for raiding and no one wants to farm gold/farm mats for it but GDKPs exacerbate this issue ten fold.
GDKP isn't even the issue though, it's the gold buying. In a perfect world where gold buying didn't exist, GDKP would unironically be the best method of loot distribution among PUGs. It's the most fair method and has everyone leave with something for their time.
But really, if you defend GDKPs, you're just unwittingly promoting disgusting third worlders being on your server. Look at ZG, every ZG GDKP on Whitemane Era is run by some indonesian roach looking to score a massive pot when a tiger or raptor drops. It happens every fucking week.
>And then they resub for the next fresh
Yeah -- the solution to this failed absurdifaction of the situation would simply be to have another fresh every two hours. Anon doesn't understand he's not making a good point.
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No I am not going to play on your stale server.

Yes all of your gear that youve spent months acquiring is now worthless.
>Yes all of your gear that youve spent months acquiring is now worthless.
Why would I care? I delete my characters every time a new diablo ladder starts too. I don't go back to old characters. Fresh is all that matters, and getting to the finish line first, then pwning nubs for a week.
It's not even that absurd. Niggas will find any reason to quit then cry for next fresh.
>It's not even that absurd. Niggas will find any reason to quit then cry for next fresh
Then keep making freshes, what's the problem?
Make the internim longer than a month so they have to resub
>and getting to the finish line first, then pwning nubs for a week.
Thats not why people want fresh though.
>Make the internim longer than a month so they have to resub
Yeah, there needs to be a grace period to get hyped about the next fresh, for sure. For instance, 4 month seasons in other games aren't meant for people to play the full 4 months. Most of the time they expect people will quit and play something else. That way when the new season starts, people reset their hype and are excited again to get back into it. It's completely expected that at least half a cycle is a ghost town. Working as intended. Then get the new fresh rolling.
Yeah, I originally said once a quarter off-hand. He's just spiraling.
>he says while prepping to level through Durotar for the nth time before quitting at level 15
Yeah thats why i want fresh, leveling is the best part of vanilla and fresh is kino in the first 4 months i dont give a shit about raids
No i only quit after doing 1 mc because i beat the game and raiding is boring.
The only problem is the community fatigue after all this blueballing with all these stupid modes for so long. I wonder how many people are still interested. I guess there's always the fake eceleb hype.
No, TBC brings a ton of new abilities and shit.

Balance what we have, if some class / spec absolutely cannot exist without adding something to it then add it into the talent trees so they have to spec and choose what they want to do.
The only fuckers who'd have to get some real changes is Shaman so they can tank since both factions should have the same amount of tank specs.

Look at how SoD went out of their way to change the Shadowform talent for Priests, they added reduced mana cost on shadow spells and some other shit to make the spec work. Move Insect Swarm out of Resto and into Balance, move Repentance and replace it with something for Ret, consecration in the prot tree, ect

People wanted to play SoD because it effectively was going to be a "what if Vanilla but more balanced" deal but they took it way too god damn far and deep into retail minus mode. Fix the dysfunctional portions of Vanilla to make them function.
It was retail- from conception, none of those abilities are vanilla
No thanks vanilla is perfectly balanced, just remove wbuffs.
>no u x2
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>Move Insect Swarm out of Resto and into Balance
Again, you're literally just asking for TBC.
>No thanks vanilla is perfectly balanced, just remove wbuffs.
This guy gets it
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>move Repentance and replace it with something for Ret, consecration in the prot tree, ect
>Consecration is now baseline and learned at level 20
You're literally just asking for a TBC pre-patch, vanilla only server. Fucking google/youtube it, you'll 100% like it.
Vanilla devs had the right idea with hybrids they should always be a meme in pve thats only good at healing, stop trying to "balance" the game its already perfect.
brownies are a hybrid though
6 months isn't that long especially since TBC was still in T5 and most people were playing for Black Temple which didn't come out until the next year.
Your entire post hinged on that, so go buy rope to snark yourself to death with
brownies can heal?
>6 months isn't that long
lmfao holy shit, i remember how people were begging for fresh 3 months after Soddy released
you're so full of shit and coping with the fact that nobody liked SoM because its simply shit
It's baffling that there's people out there who defend SoM lmfao holy shit
>it's the ol' 'tanking doesn't mean a class is hybrid' schtick
correct it doesnt only healers can be hybrid
hybrid doesn't mean healer
>lmfao holy shit I remember this and that lmfao holy shit
I see
yes it does
>after Soddy released
lol, lmao even
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Dual talent spec for Priests, Druids, Shamans, and Paladins so they can actually farm and do things between healing raids.
can confirm. assuming you have some wa to track the ignite damage, anything >15k is good to combust on.
its the main struggle of the class to be consistent on this. as a rule for myself i dont combust anything <10k ignite but that has definitely fucked me on occasion.
>it didn't happen in my head
last pity reply
We were talking about SoM nigga, but knowing you can't even keep your posts straight I think we're done lmao
>unable to comprehend what comparing a situation to another is, therefore he thinks I confused SoM with SoD when he claimed that 6 months wasn't long enough for playing vanilla again
Do you need more spoonfeeding or...
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warriors arent a hybrid according to the wow devs themselves seethe more
>sod turfing after organic fresh discussion
love to see it
>context isn't totally different, nope they're the complete same scenario
>I'll reply in bad faith just so i can disengage and have the last word!
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>play TWW they said
>Its good they said
>based metzen is back they said
SoM launched off the heels of Classic ending and TBC launching
SoD launched 4 years after Classic launched, obv there'd be more demand for fresh at that point
You wanna talk about bad faith, look in a mirror
SoM was garbage because it increased xp rates and made raids harder some reason, not because it took away wbuffs
>HC fresh launch
>SoD fresh launch months after HC
>3 months later people beg for another fresh once again
Oh I see, you're saiyng that none of these count, and only the one in 2019 did
I'm glad I'm not a hopeless junkie like you lol
Neither HC or SoD are the 'fresh' that people want. I know you understand that much but are pretending not to.
Okay buddy
>they didn't count
not my problem, I'm not the Junkie that needs a fix every so often only to ask for another one if they ever release it
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>new mounts
>january 6 onwards the offer is available
so w.e slop they announce for classic, will be launched in january.
>theyre all flying mounts
what did they mean by this?
>remove world buffs
>nerf raids to be on the same difficulty as dungeons
>bosses now drop tokens every body gets instead of gear and you can get everything you want after 4 runs or so

there i fixed vanilla raiding
>Junkies... Junkies... I'm not the junkie!
>stunlocked again
Go prove you're not a junkie then.
Had fun in 2019, don't need to replace those memories with a hogwashed version
Any other attempts at a gotcha?
Then why are you here
Am I not allowed to browse a general anymore because Anon from 4chan says so?
>just browsing but feels the need to repeatedly snarkpost
>You're not allowed to post more under a certain amount
>so often
I never cared about fresh until cata came out. I just don't really want to play cata or anything that comes after.
SoD and especially HC isn't really to my tastes, either.
You could've joined the community fresh projects, one lead by the illustrious king of cryboomers and vanilla veteran Kungen in Celebras
Well my shift is ending soon so you'll just have to snark yourself to death.
>i need this last word
okay have it then lol
>primary healer
>secondary healer
yeah the wow devs definitely knew what they were talking about
Last thing, thanks for proving that faggot wrong.
Why are you replying to your own post and pretending to be someone else?
Its amazing how the only people seething at vanilla class design are hybridcuck players.
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That's something more your speed, faggot.
I also know how to press F12
the priest description only raises more questions about what being hybrid means
>capable of fulfilling multiple roles
I didn't know about that, thanks for the pro-samefag tip.
You can pretend all you want, everyone knows this general has had many cases of samefags.
>It's a westfall episode
You can project all you want.
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Epic samefag!
imminent meltie
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>alex is becoming based
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can a chud get a ginvite?

8/8H / 2200 m+
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ziqo proved this guy is an actual nazi. fuck him.
>twitch frog
all ziqo did is prove that staysafes discord is awesome lol
SoM was a major success. It was poppin off for at least a month and a half. That's how long a fresh is. Then a quiet period to reset hype for a couple months. Then fresh again.
"The enemy who accuses you of samefagging, has already lost the war" - Sun Tzu
meanwhile everyone defending vanilla design plays warrior. curious
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>ziqo proved this guy is an actual nazi. fuck him.
not really, every non-hybridcuck player loves vanilla
warriors are hybrids, thoughbeitalthough
see >>499694318
theyre not
>can do more than one role
they are
>but blizzard said
blizzard is retarded as seen in>>499698209
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My guilds tranny officer has a meltdown over his parses on ERA. lmfao.
>the devs said
so you're finally ready to admit that Cata is classic? the devs said so
doesnt matter blizzard made the game not you and blizzard says theyre not a hybrid
Hahaha spec is horrendous in what way? I think its quite fun
>Literal ParseTranny
holy shit I thought it was just a meme. art imitates life
I'm gonna do it again btw, I'm not gonna stop messing with this troons parses till he gquits.
If they don't check buffs it's their fault for letting you in with that lol
funniest thing is no one else made a big deal out of this which enraged the tranny further
>noooo you have to be furious about this or im quitting!!!!
Who gives af about Era logs now, those are buried so deep nobody is going to randomly see some tranny's barely top 10 log 3 years after relevance.
their silence speaks...something, but what?
I know, there's a lot of pointless efforts on ERA, like what is the point...
>muh parses
>muh naxx week in week out
>muh pvp (lmao)
ERA is beyond fucked. As are almost all versions of the game rn.
Cata is Classic confirmed
theyre not the same devs who made wow so no
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>Sell 4 flying mounts for Retail and Classic
>Flying mounts are locked to progression realms.
You fags unironically thought one day you'd get Fresh, or Classic+
You're going to be seeing WoD classic and Legion Classic soon enough because that's where the money is in Blizzards eyes.
New mental gymnastic just dropped
the money from these $90 retoilet mounts will be used to fund fresh classic realms
Actually, it's going towards funding Warcraft 3, Re-Reforged.
youre telling me current day blizzard are the exact same people as 2004 blizzard?
Warriors are ONLY to tank according to this. Good to know senpai.
not him but with the current crit rates and shit luck I've had times when I'm spamming fireball for 2+mins without being able to combust. I find fire mage frustrating because of this and also impact not fucking proccing when you need it to.

I also play demo lock and spriest and they don't have these frustrations I can just play the spec without getting tilted if I don't crit.
also should add I'm not combusting on some shit 15k ignite, 30k+ or bust
I always tank when I play warrior, so yeah
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leaked by the manlet himself.
They're still buying it and sitting in town like good consoomers
>they confirmed it
>they said so
this retard will believe anything so, don't believe what he believes lol
>Nov 21
>announced on Nov 13
Does he really think blizzard can shit something out in 8 days? LMAO
They always announce things several months ahead of time.

ofc not, thinking the midget kangaroo fetish retard is right about anything lmao. being sarcastic.
it says warrior is versatile with a variety of play-styles to choose from
It's literally just turning the servers they've already prepped offline on with the game in the same state it was released back in 2019.
>all it takes is just one button and that's it
I love 4chan programmers so much
why does she hate gdkp so much?
that sounds like a hybrid
No, it sounds like a fancy way of describing vanilla warrior's gimmick of changing stances.
it also says priest is capable of fulfilling multiple roles, but neither are labeled hybrids so hybrid must mean something else
>announce a fresh and only give people a week to prepare
Blizzard is dumb, but not this dumb.
Is it worth doing SoD if you're already at 50? If I get bored I can go level up in cata or something.
>hybrid literally means "Don the dress" confirmed by Blizzard themselves
holy kek
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>Al*x is pro israel and pro niggers now
priest can heal or tank on razuvious
>2 insta brownie replies
paladins are a more healer oriented healer, capable of wielding massive 2 handed heals
he's always been a migatard
A lot of these descriptions are also based on very early design plans for classes. WoW was released in a very rough state and classes were unfinished.
i wish i could see the gameplay from their testing. i feel it would explain a lot
They wanted the inventory to be like Diablo aka one weapon will take 6 slots and that sort of stuff
Someone explain to me the reason why we didn't get the updated version of BRD in either SoD or Era.
because Soddy and era makes like 10% of the total playerbase of all of WoW?
holy 'toilet cope
for sod its probably just because its dead. era is for #nochanges GODS
>1 insta indirect seethe reply
Money. Even tho retail has way less players than era and sod, they can just plug $90 mounts and mogs there
>200 posts after 6 hours
is this the fastest the thread has been in months?
>60% of it is retail talk
it's fascinating
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>ctrl f classic
>19 results
>ctrl f retail
>16 results
>ctrl f warrior
>269 results
Yeah flask set is a thing
warriors arent a hybrid because tanking isnt a real role its a gimmick like rogues have stealth
Somehow that gimmick is the most in demand role though
>1 per raid of 40 people
>most in demand role
It is for dungeons, and honestly even for raiding it's sometimes difficult to find one brownie that wants to do it because gotta POOOOOMPPPP IM POPPING OFFF OOOOOO
>It is for dungeons,
you dont even need a tank for dungeons
>even for raiding it's sometimes difficult to find one brownie that wants to do it
what kind of shitty raids are you running where you cant find 1 tank?
How do you get the 30k ignited? Sometimes when i get crits it reset the ignite and im like wtf
am i missing any other retarded statements?
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Are the end game content updates supposed to be something new or is that just BWL? It's after FL and FL isn't launching till next month. I'm guessing it's just wait and see on Nov 13, eh?
>nostlike/back in nost
>som was good
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use the weakaura to track how big ya ignite is
if you get REAL lucky you can get 40-50k+ and pop off
it was something new they gave bwl 3 difficulty modes
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Be honest with me, do you guys actually enjoy the world buff collecting shit every week? That warrior "tanks" are dual wielding fury warriors without shields? Or all the other insipid stupid shit that Classic spawned like multiple parties of browns being the majority of DPS?

The only thing I truly enjoyed that was "new" in Classic was when we marched 10 strong into fucking Scarlet Monastery and recreated the old 10m Strath meme and that shit was merely an accident Blizzard let slip before they fixed it.
no I just level to 60 in and demand a fresh again
based i just do 1 mc then quit and wait for the next fresh
bvsed enjoyer
is it too late to start sod? should i just rot on era when i get the classic itch like i do now
dont start either theyre both dogshit
lol you stupid cunt
>dems r real racists

yoooo dis nibba be readin the daily wire
Haven't played sod in months, how long does it takes to do the realm transfer to these new megaservers?
Is it instant?
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you are not getting 2019 vanilla fresh (because era is up and running), hc tbc fresh will happen in november according to sodappopin and other streamers
One of Alex's/Payo's Grindr daddies works at Twitch, it seems
This is not even a case of muh 4chan programmers, but you're fucking retarded if you don't think spinning up servers being pretty turnkey by now.
>january 6 onwards the offer is available
>so w.e slop they announce for classic, will be launched in january.
If there are any indicators on when it would release this is the best one.
Being a wow fan is a humiliation ritual nowadays
So this "privileged" tranny expects whole guild to slack per se and don't get a certain buff just so he can prove himself on warcraftlogs otherwise he will gquit/already has another guild ready to join them? Kek, should've kicked him the same moment he started bitching.
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update your profile pic you hag
Pretty sure leveling on SoD is just as dead as it is on era at this point. They should just pull the plug on SoD at this point and drop TBC era or some shit.
>pull the plug on SoD
That's their entire reason for existing and they've invested so much antiposting in here, and eceleb promotion to go back.
They were never wrong of course, it was the customer who was.
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>get the fire hyppogriph from the molten front
>it has no flying animation and just walks in the air
oh god the guild lion still is bugged too they will never fix it
Vanilla fresh anthem
not fashy
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>https://youtu.be/p6ppQzS2caM?si=ISvMR96G-IRQ-pO8 [Embed]
>do you guys actually enjoy the world buff collecting shit every week?
Personally yes, I like that there's SOME busy work to do outside of raid in order to prepare. What I don't like is losing wbuffs means your chance to have fun is diminished. I think that's the #1 takeaway they should've realized from 2019 vanilla.
I'm fine if they remove them as well, as long as the player power feels about the same without them. They can achieve this by giving weaker classes like ele shamans and boomkins more support buffs that always merits bringing them. You know, like TBC.
WBs are fine but they should persist through death. Losing WBs feels like absolute shit and basically means your week is over so you just gotta slog through the remainder of the raid being a weak little bitch while everyone else gets to have fun.
I remember when streamers were relevant.
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chinks confirm the november 21 thing, 22nd for them apparently.
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Got some info there will be fresh vanilla blizzard server the week before thanksgiving. No GDKP ban. I think I’m just gunna pass and continue focusing on IRL goals for me personally.
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>Permanent level 60
So HC fresh until lvl 60
>Expert mode
who knows, chink moon runes are difficult to translate with just google, it could mean a lot of things, but theres 2 dates referenced in their chink announcement october and november. could be just hc could be both hc and vanilla...well have to wait and see.
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>retail got a brd raid
>classic got jack shit
>and now were only getting gay hc fresh for streamers
its genuinely never been this over.
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retoilet got slapped with a $90 mountie THOUGH i'd say we classic chvds won bigly
t. poor
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If they do freshie, I'm abandoning the multicultural EU of playing with pajeets, bulgars, pizzaniggers, frenchmuslims, UKmuslims etc and im going to go play on NA.

I can tolerate the occasional mexican better than all the fucking different subhumans on EU.
Is he gonna play Freshie?
>Occasional Mexican
>SOD still has at least 2 more phases to go
>Cata has 2 more phases as well
>We're 100% getting MOP
You're absolutely delusional if you think FRESH is coming next month.
So the leaks are semi correct as in fresh HC-ish. Worst case scenario you'll have to deal with HC rules until 60 but at 60 you can ress/achieve immortality per se, meh if true, tho i already dinged 60 on HC so i would probably go for it. Wondering what Expert is, stick to HC rules forever?
blizzard has been this retarded before. they fucking released SoM after tbc had been JUST released.
Firelands is just 7 bosses though Most people will be done progressing by the time Fresh releases and will be just raid logging
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wake up honey, new wow slop drink just dropped.
80% of the playerbase is brown at this point you dumb animeposter, all I see are mexicans
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Ahh yes the iconic WoW colors of Red and Purple.
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I cant wait till nov 13, when fatggrend and this fucking whale announce HC fresh and MoP classic and nothing else.
daily reminder that any and all freshes are irrelevant as long as botters are banned in waves and not immediately.
all blizzard has to do is hire 10 interns for minimum wage part time and the problem is solved, but they don't because baby boomers run the company.
thats based, though
i only play a server for 2 weeks of its total lifespan, why doesnt blizzard cater to me?
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Would a fresh 60 get turned down for everything in SoD with all it's weird difficulty thingers on MC / BWL or is it just sort of whatever?
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Where's this shit from? Source link.
The Hangzhou offline event is about to begin!

Anniversary celebration activities, official server goes live October 24th
Permanent level 60 special transfer service opens on November 22nd
Old items/rewards will return including exclusive mounts
From October 24th to November 7th, NetEase entertainment activities, where the fun of competition officially begins
NetEase develops their own stuff for their own licenses, so I wouldn't get my hopes up for this
True, i'm expecting the worst announcements from blizzie on 13th of november. my guess mop classic announced, hc fresh and some dogshit for sod. will be fun to shitpost here during the stream if anything.
the only confirmed things are mop classic and fresh era. im sure they will announce naxx for sod and maybe an additional raid
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Remember when Soddy was going to get a scarlet crusade raid and a karazhan crypts raid?
>fresh era is confirmed
Yes? Multiple sources have reported it
>BFD & Gnomer were actually really good with fun inventive fights
>now Razorgore spawns a drake that dies in 10 seconds
>confirmed things are mop classic and fresh era.
fresh era is NOT confirmed whatsoever, just the schizo midget wannabe e-celeb saying he got a dm about le hecking fresh.

You are a fool if you take anything that manlet says seriously.
what the heck are you talking about? belular confirmed it in one of his videos a few days ago
post link.
People in the know have already confirmed weeks ago that the only Classic announcements are Mop and fresh era
Either post source or stfu faggot.
>the only confirmed things are mop classic and fresh era
MoP mounts got datamined. Fresh era has not been confirmed in any way, where did you get that info?
It was confirmed to be SoD HC tho
It's a samefag doing ''le epic trolle''.
nope, nothing for hc
fresh era
mop classic
final sod phase
that's your wawcraft direct announcement
you are the same faggot from previous thread that talked about bellular shit yet when asked for source you vanished. fuck off.
It was simply too much with 3 low level phases. It killed the player count and now it's not worth the effort to make new raids anymore.
>nope, nothing for hc
The ONLY leak besides MoP datamining was HC fresh. And even everything related to HC fresh is because of Soda moving his Onlyfangs thing for 1 month and Sonii leaking HC shit to some bitch on stream.
Literally no one relevant and in the know said anything about hc though
>belular confirmed it in one of his videos a few days ago
Just so any anon doesn't waste his time, there isn't a single thing that Bellular talked about Era fresh in any vids ie. don't waste your time combing throu vids.
im in discords with well connected people are there's nothing new for hardcore, sorry lilbro
My dad works for Blizzard, he told me that MoP classic and HC Streamer only fresh is coming by the end of Nov. Poggers
Guys trust me, all the knowing people have confirmed it that I'm totally not a huge faggot that will die a virgin.
pezado won
Sar do not redeem your virginity
>$90 mount selling like hotcakes
>still getting MoPslop leftovers for classic
lmao. the new Xalatath stateu at Blizz HQ is going to look beautiful.
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>Fresh Era releases
>Blizz makes it F2P
>Implements store mounts and wow tokens
that shtity mount made more money than starcraft 3 ever could
i got a haircut irl today
and then days later
>why is this game broken? why is this bug that never existed here? why is this not working?
you vastly underestimate blizzard's incompetence
this is why im a fresh chad. no world buffs to collect daily, no parses to care about, no endless raids to be mazed in, and no gear to mindlessly collect
vanilla cucks be like "dailies ruined wow!" as they collect world buffs every day
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>done with wow btw
>but fresh when?
do you need to buy that to play?
wtf. arent expansions like $50?
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he's just looking out for us
'nillers love gaslighting
>alex the seething manlet
>trusting anything this little guy says
theres like 200 people who bought the early access but people keep saying the game costs 90 lmao
he said a $90 mount, not the expansion costs 50
>theres like 200 people who bought the early access
don't be dishonest, it was way more which makes it even sadder.
proof? i thought nobody played retail so 200 sounded reasonable
Go watch Asmon' vid when he played EA or any other streamer. That's the easiest proof for your eyes. Btw i hate retail in every way possible but it's dishonest to say that small numbers of people played EA or TWW overall.
>Btw i hate retail in every way possible
yeah i know which is why suddenly admitting the idea that it has a big numbers of players is good when it favors your argument lol
Mate, i pulled the trigger, rushed to i605 in 3rd week since release and deleted the game. Since then it crossed my mind multiple times that it would be better spent money if i bought a 65€ bottle of whiskey and chugged it down in one take. Rarely i hate my myself for spending money on stupid shit but TWW is one of them.
do you need to buy the mount to play?
oh NOW retail has more numbers huh
Supposedly TWW has 1mil plus, Cata Classic 500ish, SoD 400ish and Era 12k. That was the number thrown around on official wow classic forums, no other source because Blizz stopped releasing their sub numbers.
>I hear so I parrot
Here, I'll help you out
Don't these sites count only raids?
>*owns the 5 mil dinosaur somehow and buys the 90$ one for the funsies*
'nillers are a mystery
buy an ad
>insta indirect 'niller
>turdie wow getting desperate and paying out youtubers now
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hc trannies meme is true. lmao.
it wants to be a woman so bad lmao
another grief, another death
hardcore wow 'til my last breath
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If they announce ERA fresh, sorry to my guildies on my pserver that expect me to keep maintanking for them, im literally quitting without a word and never logging back in.
smart man.
>fresh era
How long before I can just buy gold and a quick boost to 60?
amazing how people start hyping up from hearsay
all it takes is one screenshot with no substance saying the words
the chyna screen is legit tho
yes but the fact that people think they're getting the same content as china is simply laughable
lil tourists don't know how tencent is when it comes to custom gamemodes
inject fresh into my veins dont care if i have to go to china servers to get it
what is being coped?
people believe what they wanna believe, especially junkies
fresh before thanksgiving?
yep, it's pretty much confirmed
>all it takes is one screenshot with no substance saying the words
>china official Weibo post 22/11
>Faggotpoppin Onlyfangs thing in November
>Sonii leak
>Alex(i feel ashamed to even mention him) 1 week before thanksgiving
Multiple people leaking and saying same shit, something is going to happen, lets just leave it at that.
>china's custom gamemodes
>faggotpoppin delaying HC project
>sonii leaks HC
>not worth mentioning lmao
Yeah, it all leads to HC fresh, not normal era lmao
the only legit thing is the china leak, others are just randoms lying for clout
EZ skip
Was there any "legit" leaks for era fresh (other than manlet Alex)? At the moment all we have is MoP datamined shit and HC fresh.
Stayvun is live on kick
the only thing is the mop datamined mounts, there's nothing on era or hc
So just wait for MoP, same as before
I mean, massive copium i know but shit about era and hc can't be datamined per se since it's only realm list change.
>So just wait for MoP
fuck that, gimme era fresh and im good for 2years+, depends if they release it in phases.
the china screenshot is legit but there's no hints at anything for era,hc or progressive realms
nobody is excited for fresh in the year 2024, theyve had their fill these past 6 years
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At least gquit before you logout so they know you won't be back.
>our social media only for chinese people
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I'm not sure there'd be enough people for non-eceleb servers, and those would be trash
Decade+ ago i would tell you that Blizzard ain't stupid enough to give China fresh shit and West gets nothing, today im not so sure..
There's only been one, but the interest has fizzled over such a long period of nothing, yes
Firemaw EU was non-celeb server. Biggest EU server/cluster still today.
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>firelands next week and there's 0 hype for it
>try to find out how SoD is going
>thread is useless
>reddit is soiboi cocksockers who will tell you that an era server 4 months into Naxx 40 would be a "Good server to roll on"

Fuck it, I'll do it myself.
>tranime pedo
ez skip
Yeah, EU has more players and less eceleb hysteria.
Molten Front dailies in the house, tonight
>e-celeb free
original era, som, sod, tbc, wrath, cata, sod, hardcore

we're gooning here
>playing blizzslop instead of Turtle
yeah kys nigger
>unpaid turdie shill woke up
ho boy
Sure, can't say he ain't e-celeb but he ain't 10% of what he used to be and even then he was carried by much better players than him
t. top 15 EU guilds in Vanilla/cleared Naxx
imagine not being a vet from nov 2004
Fresh is being announced 1 month from now
Just thought you fags should know
t. knower
i hate streamers but this bitch is pure gooning material, she sucks at game tho.
>1 filtered post
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>*breaks your buck*
Blizzard HAS to announce this before 11/15. They expect people to be ok with less than a week to prepare for a classic fresh? That would be a cunt move.
no one cares about hc. only trannies and homos do.
what am i suppose to see here?
No one plays those anymore becuase all people want is a fresh. So Blizzard is providing that. They like when people sub. Seems reasonable.
why does she sit like a retard?
>being hyped to raid with 20 warriors in the same raid for 1 year before TBBC
yeah idk maybe kys lol
Fuck off Cata/SoD/Retail faggot.
cant people just make new characters on era? sounds fresh to me
Where this bitch from?
>sounds fresh to me
You can but people have been running Naxx/P6 for 3years(?) now. All the GDKP/Gold selling has fucked up economy beyond any point worth investing your time into.
>cant people just make new characters on era?
Sounds like I need to just make an image I can post over and over again with these words so you faggots stop with this retardation: A fresh is a fresh ranking community where you don't run into rank 14s on day one. That is why people want a fresh. I can't just go make a character on DD and have a fresh. STFU
>1 insta 'niller seethe reply
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What are you rollan for freshie anons? For me it's
>give no fucks about parses or damage meter
>easy leveling
>easy gold farm
>easy to gear up in 5mans AND raids
>press 1 button and chill in raids while i listen to music and shitpost in /say
>oh a rogue wants to try and grief me? LOL gl killing me with soul link up nigga
how do naxx raiders affect your leveling experience? isn't the entire point of fresh leveling from 1-60 and then beg for another fresh?
>press 1 button and chill in raids while i listen to music and shitpost in /say
>oh a rogue wants to try and grief me? LOL gl killing me with soul link up nigga
Deep demo build. Pick one and only one.
Brown people are still irrationally angry at the game (vanilla) the white man made.
>Expert mode
Chinese version of "hardcore" probably.
vanilla was made by brown and jewish people, though
simple fag, i pay for the respec after every raid day. because i dont need to load up on 100 consumes every raid and gold farming is ez as shit as warlock. i can afford 100g a week for it.
cope has surfaced
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us white folx demand a fresh tbc realm
fem human warlock
I hate whites. Every time I gank alliance faggots, I imagine it’s some pasty white nerd
My chinese speaking buddy said it's the same character they use for Hardcore and the character for permanent is "eternal". Pretty safe to say it's a fresh 60 era server and a fresh HC server.
ur gay.
based warlock enjoyer
>vanilla was made by brown and jewish people, though
They were all white
>afrasiabi and kaplan were white
hmm strange, a brown ITT is the biggest vanilla advocate thoughever
you didnt seem to mind looking for even more shamans in vanilla, thoughever.
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>afrasiabi and kaplan were white
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is he right?
done with wow btw
fem humans are hotties and cuties though
ur gay.
I never did, I'm white
He is, they won't ban SEA/South American so it'll be a shit infested megaserver with active goldfarmers/botters trying to scam you so they can pay their rent.
white people dont have to announce they are white btw
can i goon to her
any man who must say i'm white isn't really white
GDKP should be banned. Bots are an issue in every blizzard game, so we already know that. And I will quit like I do in every era fresh after I rank up as far as I wanna go. Then hopefully, after some down time, they do another fresh. If they do, then they've learned.
>GDKP should be banned.
nah tho
Get a real job faggot
You are homosexual.
you didnt seem to get the memo that I play alliance
honestly i agree though, just clowning on horde. a bit of banter
>ban loot systems that i dislike
this ain't a pserver
alliance is more brown coded than horde solely due to paladins
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>Blizzard releases a fresh because of Ashes of Creation
yeah all the browns on alliance play human male paladin or human male warrior, but atleast you know one when you see one, on horde it's more of an even spread kinda thing
>noooo my gold selling is just a playstyle
It's sad that it became what it is. It was chill in OG WotLK pubs, but nothing operates now without corruption
What's the price for that phase?
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why is this piece of shit game so badly optimized?
>wanting gold in a video game makes you a gold seller
i want election tourists to leave
/our/ guy stayvun got shouted out by staybased. what a time to be alive.
>only 19.5k people in Ashes of Creation streams on twitch 30 mins before it's public access
oooph is it that bad?
wow only uses one core because its a 20 year old game
>nooo if you don't like gold selling and buying you're a t-tourist
you're limiting the game to 144 fps, a common refresh rate I'm guessing. What's the problem here?
>1 filtered IP
>90 Dollars

Why can't they give us these things in Classic?
any more mundane "noooo" posts, tourist?

Just got off work. Let's go.
we classic shitskins don't have that kind of dough
>have 12 cores
>only use 1
>gpu at 37% usage
>1 filtered IP
Old games used to be single core only, you can patch multi-core functionality in later but if the engine wasn't made with that in mind it won't ever be fully utilized, look at GW2 performance and why it's shit too. And you'd get higher usage if you uncapped your FPS, but there's really no need to since you're already at refresh rate FPS.
Well, I guess it's still a better buy than the brontosaur or 4-day headstart.
sometimes in raids i dip below 144 tho is there a way to improve that?
Think they'd be that petty for a 2nd beta of some upcoming flop MMO? I guess they would though

we're here
Addons are the biggest culprit in raids, weakauras and damage meters sometimes cause way more FPS drops than any actual graphical setting
we watching ss on kick
you read it tho
/ourslob/ is streaming Ashes of Creation. He's responsible for ret paladin greatness in SoD.
>resub to do some classic for a month
>all my addons and shit are reset even though my mod manager has everything updated and what not
yeah addon shit is so annoying. keeps bugging out on new patches.
Jesus christ that's like 5 posts by the same filtered IP under an hour
let it go, no one wants you here
Why does he/she/they/them keep pretending to filter IPs?
and just in cue, another one right there, almost instantly
It's one of the resident bots. But I fear it might be an actual schizoid.
based towelie chad
did you forget about the $90 tbc boost that came with a mountie?
That's not the same though
BC was never classic.
oh hey this old cope again
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this, its okay when classic does it
if the login screen features the original dark portal, its classic
your melty blud?
Calling something Classic doesn't make it Classic.

TBC was/is/will never be Classic.
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wod classic hype
wod classic hype
>the original dark portal
brown reading comprehension at its finest
saying something isn't classic doesn't make it not classic
seems this realm is only for betas? when did wow get so cucked, can we have an alpha chads only realm too blizzard??
Facts don't care about your feelings sweetie.
what facts? your personal affairs? lmfao?
Oh oh someone didn't take their pill.
>indirect reply
that is the original dark portal though?
yup yup, i won bigly
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Buy an ad, funny guy
cute poster
fuck off
>tranime pedo
ez skip, don't even need to hover over the embed button
no its the alternate universe one
nah, buy an ad nigger.
>about to buy property soon
Who the fuck talks like this?
a liar
you aren't even getting a view lil bro
for newfags: thread is slow because we are all here btw

>simping for snowbunnies
Has she sung the dunkaccino song yet, this is important
ok so since fresh is confirmed .. what's happening to current era servers?
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>Fresh Era is confirmed
>But GDKPs are not banned
why would they ban gdkp tho?
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Why would you ban a loot type? Don't join the runs that use it then, you don't have to join tranny council runs either if you dislike it. Blizzard isn't going to police something that's up to the community. You can't ban GDKPs anyway there's always ways around it, just ban botters and then there's no problem
>2 tranime pedos
there goes 2 posts down the drain because i'm not reading them lmfao
they should ban fresh. start everyone at lvl 60. the seethe would be incredible
Is Alexensual coming back?? I desperately need another schizo meltdown arc
we're in the political arc now. he will have a massive meltie once kamala beats drumpf in 2 weeks
ey say what you want but that bitch kona is definition of snowbunny.
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retail chads are dabbin on us ,....
>unironically 2 more weeks until fresh

>Blizzard cum slurpers
One and only one faggot.
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they're funding our servers
>2 more weeks
22-23th November.
>2 insta seethe replies
anyone who buys gold will have their consciousness uploaded into their era character and then the server will be closed.
is FRESH truly confirmed?
yup, /ourguy/ confirmed it
Everyone and their momma is saying that, everyone but Blizzard. Wait for 13th November for Direct where they will announce the 21-23th November release. Few streamers leaked some info and there is that legit China leak.
belular and alexensual confirmed it
yes i had a dream about it
Bellular didn't confirm shit no matter how hard you try to push that shit. No point looking throu his vids and wasting time.
get fucked shill, he confirmed it
cope has emerged
FRESHY won and it's going to be FASHY
Post timestamped link faggot.
Im on the fresh hype train but the faggot forcing Bellular leak has been called out multiple times to provide any source of him leaking it or saying anything about it and everytime he hides and doesn't deliver.
>plz spoonfeed me
this shill is in shambles because he knows current era will be DEAD and his gdkp laundry business is over as soon as freshie launches
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>can't deliver
>hurrdurr i ain't spoonfeeding you
>look mom, pop the champagne, i trolled some anon
Cheers anon. I'll see you in the next thread.
desu I don't even know who bellular is but if he is saying FRESH then I'll believe him/her/xher
All you need to know is that if Bellular did legit leak any info on fresh era that would be the closest thing to Blizz announcing it.
pesado confirmed fresh is coming
my prostate is getting bigger by the day bros
we need fresh now more than ever
what happened sis?
need to pee all the time. just guessing it's prostatitis
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damn...I prescribe fresh to you for a duration of two weeks
Kek, ain't looking good for Ashes.
thanks doc. i will def take the medicine as prescribed and not overdose or anyhting like that haha
What UI shit do you guys use for classic / sod and what not?

I've been using zperl since I used xperl a million years ago, bartender, and some hodgepodge shit but I'm getting sick of shit resetting and other things so I was thinking of trying new stuff.
KWAC (kek what a cryboom)
the default
Confirmation means either an official statement or some form of leak with proof that it's authentic. Right now all we have is hearsay.
>...the CIA will say: what you hear is all hearsay
nice try, glownigger
fresh chvds won ....
woah nice fake outrage! just donated my entire allowance to him!
post the failed trad channel
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and the KWABOTY goes to ....
I don't know what that means.
some guy married an online prostitute and didnt know about it til recently
kek what a cuck
GDKP will be rightfully banned because BoPs aren't meant to be sold. Seethe.
LOVE black panties
I find it strange they're only going to give people one week to get ready for a fresh classic. How do they not know that people need two weeks for PTO and all that. Are they fucking stupid or what?
Black lingerie makes my pp turn into big pp
>blasts his opener while the tank is still trying to pull everything
>is always the first to whine or rage quit when something goes wrong
what are some other common tropes of r*t players?
they think they know how to play the game but are complete ass without bubble up, never help anyone but themselves and even suck at that
>shitskins crying about retchads again
>ret calling anyone a shitskin
>ret calling anyone a crybaby
the absolute irony of this post lol
Never trust anyone, not even yourself huh
>2 instant seethe replies
Diablo 3 season 33 starting right now.


I'm gooning to gacha sluts I'm busy
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>feet cropped
>reply = mad
ah this meme
There's nothing wrong with that
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What is the appeal of feet
people just want to feel special instead of liking tits and ass like a normal person
>by the protocols! goyim must not get f*shy vnd fr*shy
fresh sounds cool but i sincerely want to vomit at the thought doing more MC. i just can't nigga
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Don't care be comfy fresh gaming during the holidays.
A fresh TBC with the promise of a TBC era server after would probably be my most desired outcome next month.
is era alive at all or is it all HC and SoD fags now
holy ded thread
just say something negative about vanilla and it will be flooded with posts
vanilla bad. retail good. ffxiv > both.
why would you ever play a rogue knowing you'll never be better than warrior?
they have the stealth meme and the difference between them and warriors is negligible
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oh no theyll kill the easy as fuck raid boss 2 seconds slower
casual behavior. also you said it's negligible which is statistically and mathematically untrue.
yes it literally doesnt matter unless youre some speedrunning autist who wants to shave off a couple of seconds or some bullshit
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>it's negligible
>no it's not
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>raid logging is how you should evaluate everything in the game nothing else matters
passionately sucking on xalatath toes while grabbing her soles with both hands and making eye contact
>twitch frog
ez skip
how come it seems like horde is always outnumbered when fighting for supply crates?
turtle wow worth playing?
Wait for the patch, sister.
>got the itch to play classic
>made a copy of my retail erp main but on whitemane
>been having fun leveling the last few days, cleared deadmines with a random group, got cookie's stir stick
Yea, this is gaming. I'm so glad we have classic servers.
Fem human warlock with SOVL link
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seethe poorfag lol
vanilla fresh will never happen (because era is up and running) btw, you will get is tbc trannycore for streaming grifters
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Newfag here. I've been playing retail for a couple weeks, but I'm already disillusioned with the whole thing. I wanted to get a complete experience of older expansions but they made sure you cannot. And 99% of my playtime was solo or with randos in group finder that don't say anything and just rush the dungeon.
So yeah it sucks. So I'm gonna try Classic.
Which version should I try? Cata, vanilla or SoD? I don't really know what SoD is about.
Wait few weeks for FRESH
Is that fresh hardcore servers, you mean?
I want to get that "three hundred people running around in a starter zone" experience but I'm not sure if, as a new player, I want to sign up to potentially losing my character forever because of one dumb mistake, I mean I don't even know the ins and outs of all classes yet.
there's an official blizz stream happening on nov 13 - people in this thread are saying it's going to be announcement of fresh of some sort, but I dunno what their source for that is. But just the fact that they are doing this show probably means they are announcing something
No, multiple content creators have already confirmed it'll be real fresh
Oh interesting, thanks. Maybe I'll still check out SoD until then out of curiosity.
links to any clips or posts or?

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i do not give a fuck about hardcore.

Besides the links that the other anon posted you can scroll up and see WoW China leak which is the only legit one and Alex screenshot if you believe it ie. fresh in 21st+ Nov. >>499771695 >>499771546
era is up and running
so expert mode is hc
perma lvl 60 means that once I hit 60 hardcore turns off
cool, I am going to lvl an ud priest
reading comperehension anon, PROGRESSION server.

where is the fun in playing a vanilla already on the last patch with an inflated economy.
is that what the chink shit means?
>fresh hc server
>but permadeath turns off at 60
not the worst idea I guess ......? idk man
one of the anons got some other anon on /v/ to translate it, it's in one of the replies.
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keep dreaming lol
it's already been confirmed though
tbc prepatch fresh classic server would go so hard and be extremely popular, the worst part of tbc was outland so letting us play through classic again with tbc changes would just be all upside
im ok with this aslong as we get the elf sluts and draenei booty.
yeah it would obviously have belf and dranny alongside their zones and cities, just level 60 cap and a closed dark portal, they should do phases again going through all of the classic raid releases but the entire thing is running on tbc patch
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I'm confused as to what version of classic would be best for me as a new player who hasn't played it before
Can someone please make a suggestion on which one would be best, I don't have any friends to quest with so whatever one that would also be friendly to solo new players looking for groups would also be good
wait till november for classic fresh
Era, if you have the will then wait until end of november.
I don't waiting till November what exactly is classic fresh? I'm being dumb but assuming its just classic but everyone gets reset or something?
don't mind waiting*
Exactly what you described, reset so everyone starts at lvl1. You can go play ERA now but endgame content of it has been cleared for 3years+ now ie. server economy is in the shitter due to gold buying, most-ish players are running around with endgame gear hence you won't be able to compete in any way possible, due to gold buying economy you won't be able to get into worthwhile raids but that is debatable. Just wait 1 month if the leaks are to be believed.
fair enough thanks dunno if retail is worth trying out for now but I'll wait till November for classic at least
yeah but it's still cryptic
Ofc, there is some material floating around that can get your hopes up and with each day we get more leaks but still, wait until 13th, it's the only thing that you can do.
retail is monetised to fuck and the story is trash girlbossing + woke pandering.

honestly i consider classic wow to be the only version of wow worth playing.
But it's not really classic or even close to the original tho? Just play 1.12 like a white man
>scroll throu twitch.tv
>all the high count viewers doing hardcore
>most stream titles ala "hardcore is back", "hardcore soon"
hmm, wonder if Blizz is stupid enough to just release HC fresh.
naxx gdkp today
yeah I'm fine with being patient, just wanted to clear up what "leaks" had already been had. And the truth is we have little to go on. We can wait a few more weeks
Out of curiosity, what was the point of having two dozen servers for vanilla when there seems to be like ten players active on any of them? Wouldn't it be better to consolidate?
Another schizo source or legit? No idea who the guy he mentions is
Found the video of where the guy talks about it, claims to have some insider that tells him a few months in advance when stuff happens.
>release a dead mode that has no need for new severs
Only they would
Yes. The custom content ranges from actually decent to obviously amateur, but there is a good amount of it to make the vanilla experience fresh. It’s always populated and I didn’t have any issues finding dungeon groups.
ey, privileged streamers>rest of the playerbase.
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Kek, salty bitch.
Is he wrong? People always say the highpoint of classic is leveling but then they're doing everything in their power to expedite 1-60. There's literally nothing to do in the game once you're 60, fully pre bis and have no other way to gear up other than doing MC once a week and AFKing in AV for welfare r14 gear.
they're all equally dead so you're free to play whichever you want. I am playing era casually and somewhat enjoying it.
>highpoint of classic is leveling but then they're doing everything in their power to expedite 1-60
I seriously don't think the people boosting are the same ones who say they enjoy leveling.
t. Level enjoyer who hates boosting and would rather be fucking around in STV than spamming Arms/Cath
>I seriously don't think the people boosting are the same ones who say they enjoy leveling.
No, they're the ones saying they enjoy leveling but only mean leveling 1-60 once every few years. All of the other characters they plan on leveling to 60 will be solely through boosting.
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naxx gdkp today
More gear won't help you press curse of reck/elements faster, anon.
Give me 100, I need bags.
not having the option to tank(especially when youre the only tank class) is a huge disadvantage.
>best tank does 1/3 more DPS than the best pure DPS class
Based hybrid tax at work.
come duel me in front of org pussy cuck

fuck you beggar
the only people that have a legitimate grievance with fresh are erafaggots because it's going to kill their game
if the new fresh is real, did sodapoppin cancel his fake fresh hardcore streaming guild plans? Because that would be the main indicator since they were planning on a long haul project
that's the only thing that is fucking up with fresh Era leak. Soda implied and Sonii leaked that the new fresh is HC.
Why can't it be both?
mate, everyone itt that is on the fresh train is up for both, no problem whatsoever. It will be a massive shitflinging contest vs Blizz if it's only fresh HC server ie. it's done just because streamers want it and it boosts views on twitch w/e
late sod newfag chad here
eu pve realm
paladin, shaman or hunter
anyone who plays anything other than hunter in sod is a nigger loving tranny faggot bitch
wow thanks anon what an answer
All the inside sources are confirming only Fresh Era
is FRESH finally happening?
Yea pretty much. The only question is if it's only HC fresh.
all the leaks have been about era fresh, not hc
it's the other way around, don't act like dishonest cunt.
the only legit leak was the chyna one and that's about era
I'm going to goon to your troon by the way.
amm, debatable tbf, translation is iffy as in it says "permanent 60 and epertd mode" debatable but could be understood as in ie. fresh HC mode but at 60 you can ress. Debatable tho, but yea something fresh is coming, it would be rational to have fresh HC and fresh Era, after you die on fresh HC you can move your char to fresh Era.
So what's the deal with this fresh era? Will it just be another perma vanilla realm or will it progress through tbc and wrath? I wouldn't mind playing tbc again
It's joever bros, Turtle WoW won... it's over, we should go play there and cut our dicks off.
probably low effort era clone with all the content unlocked in day one
tbc era is never happening
nta but obviously no one knows atm, save assumption is that fresh era will go throu phases, if it will turn into prog server ala turn into TBC and afterwards Wotlk and maybe reset afterwards with option of moving chars to existing realms, that's way too early to assume
probably just an era clone and at the end of naxx it will close and allow people to transfer to current era or maybe keep the server and do crossrealm groups with both realms
>some random retard says we're getting fresh with 0 evidence
>this becomes unironic game discussion for the thread
talk about desperation
it was on the chink version of facebook THOUGH
was it tho?
not only that, it was official WoW profile that made the post, not even that, in that post was also the exact date of 20th anni for retail which happened at that exact date.

>>499771546 https://m.weibo.cn/detail/5091260172079181

The Hangzhou exchange meeting ended successfully!
-Anniversary celebration event, official server will be launched on October 24th
-Permanent level 60 and expert mode, starting on November 22

etc. etc.

I've seen motherfuckers on /pol/ find bases in the middle of desert that USA army couldn't find, i've seen autists find a flag in the middle of nowhere based on sun position yet you can't find a simple source for China post.
What we want:
>Fresh vanilla at the end gives you the option to move to fresh TBC or move characters to current Era realms
>After TBC ends gives us the option of moving characters to WoTLK or keeping them on the new TBC era server
>WoTLK ends give us the option of moving characters to the new WOTLK Era realm or transferring to whatever current classic expansion they stop at (probably MoP)

What we'll get:
>Fresh vanilla, you get to pay blizzard $15 (priced more reasonably at the start since no one shelled out $30 for a copy at the beginning of 2021 TBC) to move your characters to the era realm, everyone else gets moved to TBC
>TBC ends, you get to pay blizzard another $15 to copy your TBC character, everyone else gets moved to WOTLK
>WOTLK ends, you pay blizzard $15 to move your character to the wotlk era server, everyone else gets thrown onto MoP classic or w/e the current expansion is

Trust me, I'm jJewish.
era paypigs are in denial as usual
FASHY VND FRESHY makes their naxx gdkp pumpies worthless
I don't think TBBC did well enough to get another server

Best you can hope for is fresh vanilla and then maybe new wrath servers a few years later
>we want
Who's """we""" moshe
>move characters to current Era realms
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Stop wasting my time
It's already been refuted. When WoW was shut down in 2022, they closed everything down including chinese Era servers. They're re-opening the chinese era servers. Remember, Blizzard/netease sent out your character data that you could save on a thumb drive in case there was a change in service provider from netease to some other company. Now that NetEase is back, they're just reopening those same era servers like nothing happened.
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The fresh dream is dead ....

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