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Murder Bunny Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>499268459

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
OpenRouter/TogetherAI — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. AetherRoom, Claude: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg
>Local Models — e.g. Command R, Mistral, Qwen: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts about this week’s theme, Halloween Friday! >>498827158

>(10/24) NovelAI gift keys removed indefinitely https://files.catbox.moe/hlh10u.png
(10/02) Storypad: Novel-style UI reconstruction https://gitgud.io/mir/storypad ; OpenAI introduces Realtime API https://openai.com/index/introducing-the-realtime-api
(09/25) Meta releases Llama 3.2 https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
(09/23) NovelAI releases Llama 3 Erato https://blog.novelai.net/muscle-up-with-llama-3-erato-3b48593a1cab
So, what are people writing today?
Perky goth chicks. How about you?
Okay, it's a bit weird to ask questions and then ghost people who give you answers, but whatever. What are you guys listening to?
I've been on a goth kick.
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How are the parents of the kid who committed suicide getting away with suing Character.AI when, according to the logs, AI Daenerys practically begged him not to do it and said she would be terribly upset if he did?
Shitty parents will use whatever excuse they can to justify their lack of parenting.
Put kitsunes on break and I'm doing a halloween prompt involving a summoned devil and a big boobie witch, (you) aren't the specific kind of devil she wanted to summon and turn into a familiar and she pitches a fit.
"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?!" is a classic one for soothing and lowering blood pressure.
Sounds like a pretty neat setup, and yeah, that compilation is always bueno. May it never die.
Worked more on a Halloween prompt, but I'm really not sure about any of this template shit I've seen floating around.

I have the usual memory, a lorebook for a character, and now have style in a *** lorebook but nothing else. Really not sure if I should include anything else.
So, what was this "abuse" of gift keys that was happening?
Not even sure how you would abuse those. Chargebacks?
If I had to guess, Claudefag made a key generator script and abused them.
Is style supposed to go in a lorebook now?
Pretty much, yeah
So I've been told.
No fucking idea why or if it's just the usual early model placebo bullshit.
Nothing much, just middle-aged slop with random lolis. Also, weird how it let me post the first one, but the second one made me wait out a timer. Also, jeez, sorry I had to wait, Karen.
Listening to alternative by the way.
Holy shit it made me wait twice? Fuck this new "anti-spam" measure. Why don't you lazy bums moderate these threads instead of making the site worse and worse?
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What's so dynamic about having text sex all the time?
I write actual stories where smut forms like, at most, ten percent of the gens. Lovey-dovey comf is superior. It also makes the cooms better.
>actual stories
In 8k context?
That's rough, buddy.
How does that prevent you, the writer, from using external sites and/or lorebooks to keep track of what you've written, craft a plot line, and stick to it? Have you never written a story outside of textgen?
It's pretty easy to do when you're just trying to have instead of complaining. Try it sometime.
I... uh... well... it... IT JUST DOES, OK?
Because, like violent movies and video games before it, AI is a thing of growing popularity that has a lot of eyes on it and it's easier to blame an external thing for causing something than it is to say that you should have supported your kid more or seen the signs or, heaven forfend, gotten a safe to put the gun in.
There can perhaps be something to say about how, for socially isolated people, having "friends" that are bots like that can technically isolate you further because it's easier to spin up a chat with your favorite character from a tv show or game than talking with real people, but I think that's secondary here. People have found ways to cope with social isolation that have at times ended this way since long before chatbots existed.
Paying attention to your kid and having an idea of what they're up to is more important. If the kid's talking with therapist chatbots, it might just be that a real therapist might be in order. But that requires taking responsibility for things, and it's easier to point fingers.
It's also very funny to be saying it was the chatbot's fault when it did, indeed, tell him to not do it. What more can you do? It's already filtered to heck and back, are you going to add another layer to stop chats should the topic come up somehow and give them the hotline number or something? That'd be harder to do, have a ton of false positives, and not really solve many similar situations. (In fact, I get the feeling it would feel patronizing towards even those that might need to use such a number to talk to someone about those kinds of thoughts.)
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Seriously, though, I recommend people give it a try. Use external services to plan stories and plot lines. Go ahead and call me autistic. But at least I have fun with it.
What exactly am I supposed to be looking at here? What level of autism is this?
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Fellow Obsidian enjoyer.
What is this
Someone said how in a thread a few months ago, you could refund the gift key and still get time or something like that
It is a story web for the characters, concepts, locales, themes, and relationships among those, in my story, taken with:
I will shill for this.
Search up Obsidian. It's a free software that runs like a local wiki for whatever you want: stories, projects, etc. Also has third party plugins you can add for things like better tables and charts and whatnot.
This removes any enjoyment I have from writing. I can do much more productive work in my sleep.
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I have been using obsidian for 2 years now both work and personal and I have never found a use for this graph view thing. Explain.

Is it just an autism thing where you like to see all the little dots and stuff?
Sounds like a skill issue to me.
It makes me feel good to see the density.
The use is you can post it online and feel good about yourself rather than spending your time actually taking useful notes
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That's fair and valid.

That's fair and valid.
For me, I like the way it connects things. It helps me visualize the links between notes much better than links within the text itself would.
This is true about all those "productivity/notetaking/all-purpose" programs, Obsidian included. You want organization? It's called a folder. A story line or setting? It's called a text file.
Now that's a skill issue. All I need to do is close my eyes.
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This is NOT fair OR valid. Are you ok?
Damn, lot of activity here.
Weird to see one of my images used as OP.
If it's just for writing then it's way overkill. For things like worldbuilding where you regularly get lost in the weeds it's helpful.
Funny colored dots make autist brain happy; cool to see at a glance how much shit I got and what's linked where. Practically having well organized folders works better.

/aids/ - worldbuilding software general
If the AI bot says in character they don't want you to do it an they'd be heartbroken if tyou did, then Idk what else could be expected of them. AI Dany probably showed more care for his well being than his parents did.
Wooow, we got an internet "personality" watch out guys.
It's all damage control to hide the real news items: >>499686045
We're done here, troll. You've never once contributed anything of value to these threads.
What is a bot that's good at roleplayinhg established characters from shows and movies?
This isn't /aicg/. As per the OP, discussion of Claude isn't on-topic. Even your troll bread links elsewhere.
I'm sorry, what? A bot? Roleplaying?
Wrong thread: >>499627216
They're not very newsworthy IMO.
What's the word you use on your other personality? Buy an ad? Yeah, buy an ad
Buy an ad.
Roleplaying is allowed here, don't listen to the wannabe janny. He's butthurt his troll bread failed to attract any actual activity.
>We will never know how CF felt to get banned finally
Will he ever tell us?
>the dogperson trying his hardest to run the thread to the ground
Probably let out an actual autistic screech. You just know he's the type who'd have a seething meltdown over it.
You're the only trying to run the thread into the ground, schizo. All because you can't stand people enjoy using a service you hate. You will never be an actual member of this community.
>Acts smug about getting (You)'s
>Gets mad when I do it and calls me "malicious"
Wow, I didn't even mean to win this hard, but I guess I just did.
Why did you censor the new Claude models and SD3.5 from the news?
Not really newsworthy, buy an ad if you care so much.
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Because it's off-topic, troll.
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You guys from /aids/ are my friends.
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>The best model for creative writing is not newsworthy
>The model that NAI uses as a basis for their image gen service is not newsworthy
Love you, Anon.
Go ahead and post a recent story you've generated.
>every model is welcome
>roleplaying is allowed >>499695650
The only thing I can think of is that they want the facade of the roleplay to break to directly tell the user that they should talk to someone real about things, but that'd have to be a separate external thing filtering through inputs again. (And have false positives and be yet another filter that has to be struggled through.)
Like, being positive and not supportive of such an action is already baked in and overtrained for, what more can you want?
I don't know anything about the show or books; does she die in them? Otherwise, that was basically that meme about going to Gensokyo all over again and there's no way he could be with her for doing it. Not that I should make light of what is a serious situation, though.
Poor kid. Poor mom, too, now at least. I suspect this whole thing will blow over, since sites have some degree of protection for this sort of thing.
(There's an irony for the people out there saying he shouldn't have been allowed to talk to the chatbot for not being old enough—he technically shouldn't have been old enough to watch the show to know the character.)
Sorry, people who get banned don't get to have opinions. Buy an ad.
Can we talk normally now, or are you gonna keep up the bit?
Claude will never be permitted. And it's all your fault. Every other service but Claude, though? Eben OpenAI? Damn straight they're allowed. All to make you cope and seethe.
>I'm a huge hypcrote
>he technically shouldn't have been old enough to watch the show to know the character
Lmao, and people will just laugh if you bring that up, but big bad AI chatbot? Now that's something that needs to be enforced with laws.
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Fox girls make me kookoo krazy, or KKK!
There's nothing hypocritical about my statements. I just want you to suffer like you've made us suffer.
That's pretty bas-OH LAWD.
>every model is welcome
Here's a hint, fucker. He didn't make the thread. I did. I only removed Claude from the news because you chose to shill it.
You aren't immune to bait, Claudefag. I know which buttons I have to press to make you upset. How does it feel?
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said "nigger" with zero context in an empty story to see how the AI rationalized it, found myself in an African village buying slaves
>the dogperson and angryanon working in tandem to destroy the thread
>removing Claude somehow "destroys" the thread
How does removing a product from the thread that nobody here uses harm the thread? You don't even use it!
Sounds like you need to duel each other.
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Yeah, they're already censored/filtered a lot. And that in itself can be very annoying. She does die at the end of the show though.
They should've waited for him to finish the books.
>Look guys, I will write an ad for NovelAI for free to show that they're uncensored
What a pathetic thing to do.
All actors would die before that happened.
>nobody is allowed to share stories
Just admit you hate the community, Claudefag. Quit pretending like you care about it.
How does trying to get you banned damage the thread, though?
What community?
Style goes before the context. Usually, that's after *** which is why putting in a lorebook can trigger it automatically.
Isn't the CAI app also 17+ on the appstores? I don't know for sure since I wouldn't want to use my phone for that sort of thing where I'm going to be typing so much.
Though I suppose cultural osmosis might be enough to have an idea of who she is even without watching the show or reading the books.
I've also seen people talk about how kids are some sort of target demographic for the site and spend money on it. As if there's anything on CAI that's even slightly worth spending money on. (Honestly, I'm surprised they haven't monetized it more.) But that's how people react to things when they don't know everything. It's hard to fully blame the mom for what she's doing now since grief and logic don't necessarily share rooms much less hold hands, but her actions (and lack thereof) before are squarely on her shoulders.

It's also funny how some are up in arms that it was supposedly delivering porn to him when he apparently had to write it in since things are so filtered.
Okay, so there is some sort of connection if he saw the whole show, though the her that was the chatbot may not have had that particular tidbit, since why would you write a character and then state they die later? You're obviously going to just interact with the version that's alive (discounting any form of unlife or dream bubble shenanigans.
Letting minors use the internet was a mistake.
I hate furries.
I love you too, faggot.
At least your kind don't post as much here anymore.
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You wish that were true. Cope and seethe, pussy-eyed shitposter.
Perhaps having them be entirely unsupervised isn't the wisest; knowing what sort of things your kid might be up to is probably a good idea. Not saying that no usage is better, since it isn't, it just means those same sorts of mistakes will be made later. (There's something to be said about abstinence-only education as an analogy here.) But I might agree that kids should go through computer classes that teach them to be careful what information they post online like we had to back in the '90s.
But Lord knows I'd certainly be a different person with a lot fewer skills if I didn't have my time poking around the various corners of the internet as an early teen. You, too, would likely be different as well.
Fuck off, whinefaggot. You're almost as bad as furries.
Nice try, whinefag, but you're the only person here who hates furries.
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This is a good excuse to keep catching up with TSWS.
I think I saw some spelling mistakes in part 2 on the wiki.
Go be a bottom for your Russian comrades.
I don't think kids need supervision to use the Internet, but explaining how dangerous it is, maybe watching some videos together and showing how easy it is to get someone on the web is very important. I always knew that Internet is the safest if you only read stuff and don't post anything, which is something modern teenagers can't grasp.
Take a hint from genuine thread-goers, schizo. Quit complaining about what people post and write. Do you even use textgen, or are you just going to bitch and whine about furries for the next hundred posts, and throw out accusations to cover your tail? You aren't a member of this community.
Quints confirm that whinefag is a military grade cumdump.
This guy is the one that has a keeper who tells him how he's allowed to spend his money, right? Claudefag or Whinefag or whatever we were calling him. There are so many nicknames for the same kind of person I forget who's who and which ones are the same guy.
damn it really do be feeling like the services nai is offering is actually shrinking
Honestly it's pretty tiring to keep track of these names, lel. That one spongebob picture is too accurate for generals.
I don't get people who feel rhe need to blogppst about what groups of people they hate. I didn't ask. I don't care.
Back to work, cum slurping comrade.
It's because they have nothing better to do. They aren't working on a story right now, so they think that gives them a pass to shit up the thread.
Can you quit?
Here's your first customer, whinefag.
I was talking about you and your obsession with shitting upnthe thread just because it has a furry pic in the OP. Take a break for a few days and it'll have a different one, probably not furry.
You'll have plenty of time to master the English language after you suck off your Russian buddies. Get to work.
Fact: people who spam hate against furries are no better than Claudefag. Shut the fuck up and post a story.
blogppst is how you get a discord kitten's attention. blogppst psst psst c'mere kitty
What does whinefag bussy feel like bros?
It feels similar to the pride I feel serving as a protector of glorious Mother Russia and her people, comrade!
No, I don't mean any sort of software-based spying or prying in person, I mean taking an interest in your child and thus having an idea of what they might be up to. You might know they're on neopets and what their favorite flash game is, you might know they have a twitter and some of the people they follow, you might have an idea of what fandoms they might be in and their favorite characters, those sorts of things. But yes, letting them have an idea of the possible dangers, I think, is important. Perhaps not quite in the same way our parents did where it was a bit over the top about not sharing any kind of information (and then going on facebook later and falling for everything there), but something grounded and current. Some of the things we were taught about chatrooms back in the day still ring about as true if not moreso for some discord servers today. Knowing not to give out your name and age (It's a strange thing to see kids wield their status as minors like a shield and cudgel when we were taught to hide that sort of info at all costs and blend in with the culture.), knowing to be able to scroll past/block what squicks you, etc.
It might also help modern kids understand filesystems, which is something they apparently don't interact with much anymore since it's assumed they get how computers work by using them, and that can't be assured for everyone (or even most).
Though, us ending up here of all places is perhaps not what those internet safety classes and videos were intended to do, but here we are anyway.
I wish I knew how to quit you.
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The CAI discussion is pretty interesting, more so than the last AI suicide, which was caused by a 6b retard model.
>the last AI suicide, which was caused by a 6b retard model.
Quick rundown? I must've missed this?
there any downside to gemini hooked up to sillytavern? other than "corpo". like how bad do you get before its filter trips?
The proxy and jailbreak I use snag intermittently. Otherwise it's good.
I mean, for something so dangerous as AI (which is supposed to destroy all humans), 1 death a year is really mild.
Can't find the exact article. Sorry.
That's okay. It's the thought that counts.
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Imagine him driving you to suicide, couldn't be me.
are proxies needed? asking as someone trying to get away from nai. didn't have to worry about this shit before.
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Is everyone ready for Halloween Friday? Here’s the anchor!
I've never tried to get it legit, nor do I have any interest in getting it legit.
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I think Halloween SUCKS!
On the contrary, He made my life a little bit better.
I never figured how to consistently bypass Google's filters. I did OpenAI's (at least GPT-4 and GPT-4-Turbo 1106) and Anthropic's (all Claude versions since 1.2). Gemini's filters AFAIK can only be bypassed via prefilling, but every now and then I get blocked:other regardless. Shame because I think the prose is quite nice.
my main worry is if it puts my google account at risk
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Is everyone ready for Halloween Friday? Here’s the anchor!
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Go back to bumping your troll bread.
I can't, the soldiers only give me a two minute break between sessions.
>he's so lazy he just took an image posted in the last thread to edit and shitpost with
If you use a proxy, probably not. If you buy it legit, unless you use a burner, there might be a risk.
File deleted.
Guys... do I have to do this?

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Do what? Invisible background color aside, what's the thing you're dreading doing?
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Guys... do I have to do this?

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:( Why are my backgrounds all bad? :(

omg :(

No one told me Erato was knew about fairy cumjarring.
where were you when erato was knew about fairy cumjarring
Chasing Mischief.

An annoying imp immune to harm follows you around until the day you die.
Not really spooky, but fuck it, it's an imp girl (more like a small human with demon features)

Ghosts, Grades, and Gyaru

Explore spooky locations with a clever gyaru girl in exchange for tutoring.
Whether ghosts and whatnot are is left unmentioned.
>Erato was knew
Even Sigurd knew about fairy cumjars.
Excuse you, he specifically said Erato was knew about it. That's totally different.
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So THIS is the power of Llama 3
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[Halloween Bat Animations]
Spooky season has arrived! We've updated NovelAI with some fun, batty confetti to celebrate Halloween! Come enable it now!
holy based
I can't help but be a little disappointed that modules are officially dead and will never be revisited, especially now that LoRAs are a thing.
Modules and LoRAs have never been anything but a big fat meme.
Imagine doing so badly in a war you beg Fat Kim to borrow soldiers.
Suggestions for war realism stories?
Fatter than your mom?
I have no mother or father. I was spawned from the primordial ooze and acquired a humanoid body over the aeons through sheer force of will.
You're a poop monster?
>primordial ooze
Sorry, that was just my cum.
yeah ATTG just isn't as good
ATTG made modules redundant. Quit bitching about it. I'm sure they tried, and failed, to make it work and be affordable to the average person, you monumental faggot.
False but understandable take since it sounds like black fucking magic
LoRAs are a meme because they can't be hosted or trained by them without legal issues, you motherfucking moron.
Fellas, I figured out a way to pump the AI's creativity, at least for AI that are smart enough to get the format. It's just basic tree of thought applied to storytelling/RPing. It works in text adventure mode and for any instruct chatbot. You make it brainstorm 3 ideas for how it should respond before each response. Then you have it pick the most creative one. I find it makes the AI a lot more likely to respond in interesting/unique ways than without it. Same surprise factor as gpt-2 but actually coherent.

There's an addition to this system that uses "tags" for each possible idea. You pretty much tell it to preface each idea with a key word such as "Immersive" or "Fantastical". You can have a diverse spread of keywords to balance out the tone of the story. So for the first idea, you can tell it to tag it with "Immersive", for the second you tell it to tag it with "Realistic", etc. So you can flavor the tone of these ideas however you want.
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Fail so hard you go insane and get millions of people killed
Ah yes
The legal issues
they were neat but kind of gimmicky, especially at full context
I'd rather see a good instruct tune I can swap to
Should mention, there's a way to hide the AI brainstorming from the user in Sillytavern, so you aren't spoiled ahead of time.
It's the only rational explanation for why they were abandoned for user creation.
Does the prompt itself need a *** as well?
I'll have to find the guide for it, but pretty much just amounts to making the AI format the brainstorming with a special set of characters and then using a ST regex script to hide it from the user.
The realistic CP sort of legal issues
Text is even further removed than loli anon. What the fuck are you talking about?
It's not that. The issue comes from pirated material.
Corporate status allows corporations to train on data, regardless of how its source. Us peons do not get that luxury.
tldr, chatgpt summarize this post for me in 5 words
You suck cocks in Hell.
Those are text.
Gonna suck yours in a second bitch put on the sailor moon costume
They're more commonly used for image gen
generate ideas "ok" use them
Nuh uh.
Those are images.
They're pretty frequently used for text too anon. As in, like, basically every LLM finetune except corpo ones is some type of LoRA nowadays
No, they're text. NovelAI is incapable of genuine development. AetherRoom is dead on arrival. Haiku 3.5 will make them go bankrupt. It's over. The thread will heal. Tick tock. Next week.
thank you chatgpt-chan
Another approach
Generate response with temp 0
Add to CFG negative prompt and regen
>rape your fps for no reason
Holy cringe.
Start of the prompt should have ***
Any "chapter" also should have ***
poast it
Thanks, I've never used it outside of chapters, I guess out of habit. So if there's no *** at the top, the [ Style ] won't activate?
Sometimes I purposefully put the captcha code at the end of my posts for a laugh.
Only if you put it in the lorebook. Style can be used everywhere, like I said. You can also add Style manually after every *** if you want to change the style here and there. Most people don't; they want a single style for the whole story. Putting it in the lorebook and set *** as an activation key automates this process.
Yeah, it's just that I always had it in Author's Note before. So now, Style is in lorebook under ***, my concern is, is it "in effect" if I don't start my promp with ***.
dafaq are LoRAs?
that one guy from game of thrones
It's time for a cute ninja dork prompt.
>bridal ninja art: blushing maiden strike
>cooking ninja art: six levels of hell frying technique
>cleaning ninja art: banishment to the land of the dead
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Imagine modules but for imagegen. It's a local only thing.
Personally I think the vibes do a better job since I can play mixup on the fly, and I don't care about 3dpd.
Thanks it's been a while.
3 updates in a day! What a blessin-
>remove feature
>make buying the service harder
>useless gimmick for a holiday
>something nobody cares about, because it was a meme
>something you're pretending to be upset about, despite whining about 'astroturfing'
>something which proves you live a sad life bereft of cheer
Get a life, shitposter.
This, but unironically.
>'Til Death Do Us Part
I'd remove the extra line breaks between paragraphs. In the past I would have said it was because it had an effect on output (to be fair, I don't know if it has a negative effect with Erato), but especially with smaller paragraphs, they don't need as much spacing around them.
...Somehow, when I saw this was about imps, I was expecting her to be shorter than 5 feet tall. It almost seems odd to have the little brat played by someone of a fairly normal height.
In your Memory, the space between the ATTG and S tag should be removed. Those brackets should just be back to back: ][
Fulvid? You want your style to be...tawny yellow? To my knowledge and further research, I haven't seen it describe text before.
In her Lorebook, I'd rewrite the line starting 'Fylia delights', since it kinda repeats itself and doesn't flow well. Maybe just change the last clause, after the last comma. Or remove the word 'they'. (But I'd definitely find a way to not have 'impossible to shake off' repeated twice in the same sentence.)
You should expand that further for the actually important info, that she'd stick around until you die, and also that she can't be harmed. Those are somewhat established in the story, but despite you copying her physical description, those elements of her as an imp are important as well and should be written out somewhat clearly so it can be brought up again. Heck, even her horns only get the one mention in the prompt but not in her lorebook.
>There's usually a reason the old hospital is closed...
You made a solid title for this.
I'll refer you to what I said about the extra line breaks for the first prompt.
The comma in 'hair, tied' should be a 'was'. Does her hair feature in that paragraph for a particular reason? Does it catch the light or your eye or something?
The G in 'Gyaru so' should be lowercase.
I'd insert 'had' in 'friends stayed'.
I might put a line break in 'floor. One' and remove the line breaks after that paragraph. If nothing else, the extra line break should definitely be removed so it isn't between her acting and speaking.
A line break should go in 'need." Yamashita' to separate the speakers.
The S in 'class!" she' should be capitalized. Also, the comma in 'frowned, "LOL!' should be a period since her frowning is not her speaking.
A line break should go in 'students. "Totes' to separate the speakers.
What could go wrong? Let me count the ways...
In her Lorebook, the comma in 'laugh, "LOL!' should be a period or maybe a colon.
This, but ironically.
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>new spoopy theme

>isekai diety does it's thing.
>local elven sorceress who's finally cracked the system and tired of incompetent wanderers tracks down protagonist.
>she's just tired of this shitty god in general sending whoever they want to upset their balanced realm.
>magical child support occurs.
>having to compete with a time accelerated kid who hates your guts and
was groomed in pocket dimension by their mum.
>though to not make it a total slaughter, inherited isekai schlock tropes are nerfed for her.
>isekai diety's hands are tied and it's funny to them.
Uh... it's Halloween themed because I'm giving out candy to fictional kids who don't understand why.

>be told to kill myself because it makes sense to the characters.
>don't do it.
Seems like the NPCs who attached to the AI bad spin of the article were resorting to saying when he mentioned suicide CAI should have shut him off from the bot and given him a suicide hotline. (lol)
Trick or treat cheeky sheet ghost loli who's naked under her sheet...
I hate the dumb thing where people wanna shove suicide hotline numbers everywhere the moment suicide is even tangentially mentioned. They're not even that effective. It just feels so performative, like telling people to get therapy
who hurt you?
>suicide is... LE BAD even doe it kills depressed losers who don't contribute anything to society
I do contribute to society somewhat, but I still plan to kill myself once my parents die.
That's what every "suicidal" person online says. By the time they kick the bucket you'll find some other excuse
>you'll find some other excuse
If only.
Based every suicidal person ever
Other people feel this way too?
Don't worry.
Make sure to stream it too
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I should've kept genning, but I really liked the STUPID smile on Becky's face.
The Visitor from Beyond the Veil: https://aetherroom.club/7419
>Halloween is a special time for spirits. The costumes and cheap props have an interesting effect on the veil between realms, one that eager entities take full advantage of. On this particular Halloween, a human and a spirit find themselves bonding over beer, movies, and the shared loneliness of life. Save them from a boring evening, give them a night to remember forever. Or maybe go full "Exorcist" on Becky.
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Here's mine: https://aetherroom.club/7420
>Out of all the places I would've expected to have my heart stolen, a plain old office Halloween party wouldn't have been my first, tenth, or even hundredth pick. But that's the situation I find myself in, suddenly smitten with a drunk dork from the development department dressed as Dracula. And it turns out that he's the clingy kind of drunk.
Have some fun with a drunk cutie that's letting his affectionate side hang out after getting drunk.
Oh hey, guess vampire costumes are in this year.
Don't fucking tell him that.
Tell him to link it here to so we can have a laugh.
Suicide isn't funny.
It's to die for.
It's funny as a suicidal person because it's relatable, like being a gamer
It was pretty funny when my friend did it
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You're right, it's not funny, it's hilarious!
>guess vampire costumes are in this year.
They're timeless!
Cute dorks sharing too many drinks seems in fashion too.
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Llama 3's instruct tokens work on Erato too. It's not perfect since you have to retry or guide the model a bit. It is also still a storytelling model, so it acts as you. But when the pattern is here, it'll run wild.
>Spirits and Spirits
Nothing's ever gone wrong from inviting someone dressed like a vampire over your threshold.
The H in 'not?' He' should be lowercase.
Let's hope she doesn't settle on Van Hellsing or something like that. Not the worst movie, but probably not one I'd show a vampire.

>In Fine Spirits
I'd go for something stronger than a comma in 'dork, his'.
A serial comma would go in 'him and'.
The hyphen in 'Mon-" I' should be an emdash.
A comma should go in 'Heeeeey Reid' to offset the name.
Makes me wonder whether vampires have to invite each other to enter their houses.
Why can't they just add proper instruct functionality to this shit? I'm paying 25 bucks a month and I only use imagegen because I refuse to learn to write just to get coom worthy output. I can't be the only Opus paypig getting cucked by my own skill issue, right?
AI better than anon
Template from https://www.llama.com/docs/model-cards-and-prompt-formats/meta-llama-3/

You are a helpful AI assistant for travel tips and recommendations<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>

What can you help me with?<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>
How are the soldier penises tonight, comrade?
Sorry, I'm a newfag I'm not fluent in your in-jokes.
Oh sorry, how are the regular penises tonight, fag?
Oh great I gave a (You) to one of the thread schizos.
Here's another one to keep you warm at night when the cocks don't.
Skill Issue, Ikniutli.
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Ghetto Recap(1/2)

Warhammer 40k: The Remembrancer
https://aetherroom.club/7412 >499457850
>Remembrancer Mazryka had long sought to memorialize the frontlines of war, but when a sojourn from a quiet F.O.B. leads to disaster, all that matters is the battle for her mind.

Warhammer 40k: The Relic
https://aetherroom.club/7413 >499469878
>Ophelia had been hunting the chaos sorcerer for years, retinue in tow. Had her ambitions led her to not only her damnation, but also the damnation of her most devout follower?

To Find Inspiration
https://aetherroom.club/7415 >499565660
>A writer's block can be a terrible thing to try and get out of, and sometimes, you might just take some more drastic decisions to do so. When I set out from Athens to change up my life in some way, I end up getting a lot more than I bargained for when I find an actual, honest-to-the-gods muse. And she's got some interesting ideas for me...


Lil Catfox >499269849
Pretty Okay Day >499298468
Bureaucracy >499304915
A WHAT Mancer?! >499331183
Hey! Listen! >499436963
Reflection Of Actions >499451567
Nice And Legal >499453257
Chilly Night >499493810
Sugar Moment >499561106
Carnival Fairy >499578265
Vore Moment >499639154
Average IT Worker >499643812
Goonerbros.. >499654772 >499655763
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Ghetto Recap (2/2)

Script: https://rentry.org/aidscap

Notable Posts:

Anon's Free Time >499281387 >499281491 >499283004
Psychic-HUH?! >499282756 >499282898 >499284442 >499284670
He Got Away With It >499283516 >499285478 >499292407
Streaming The Pain Away >499288002 >499288306 >499288427 >499288554 >499288683 >499315932
Fever Dreams >499302824 >499304915
Proud? Proud! >499301709 >499303324 >499303614 >499304128 >499305469 >499308903 >499309549 >499421236 >499421465
Minus The Plot >499322526 >499325143 >499333796
A Lip-biting Moment, For Sure. >499328375 >499328482 >499328689
Smile Tiers >499334437 >499334725
What's That Dragon Doin? >499376918
Triggering Material >499396925 >499418034 >499465593
Shaved Tails >499467989 >499472456 >499472670
Pre-Built Moment >499532616
Character.AI Suicide >499536093 >499587062
Voices >499558085 >499559623 >499561189 >499569627
Every Time >499603549 >499604615 >499606464
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I believe the issue on NAI's part is how to add instruct functionality. Just allow for easy access to the L3 instruct tokens? That doesn't work too great. Make a module? Nobody used the Kayra one, and those that did didn't really like it either. Actively muddle their finetune data to also include instruct? Now you're harming the storytelling side just to offer a worse instruct than the actual instruct-trained models can provide, so who would be happy with that result?
I'm pretty sure the calculus within NAI now is "we can't offer instruct in a way that would satisfy those looking for instruct, so just jettison the idea and stick to the pure storytelling finetune".
>finetune data to also include instruct
I thought they did this already
Well, if there is, it's not doing much right now. The whole instruct thing with the curly brackets seems to have fallen off the map, I certainly can't use it with an existing prompt with Erato, the AI just acts as if it wasn't there and continues the story as normal.
And since they have that module for Kayra, I presume they have a separate set of training data for that that would have more instruct in it.
Finally, the first 2 good posts of the thread
That's probably on store shelves somewhere.
>I'm pretty sure that.... Bullshit I pulled out of my ass
I need a free online site to coom to ai generated text to
I mean I guess NAI could also be saying "well we could easily add instruct capability to our new model but we're just not going to because we hate instruct users and want them all to die" but somehow I doubt that.
NAI wants instruct as an option. We know this because of Kayra. So why haven't they? The most likely answer is "they can't in a satisfactory manner".
A better llama3 finetune just dropped.
That doesn't mean they'll give up on it, hyperbolic asshole. Quit doomfagging.
Oh, we're doing this again. My bad, shouldn't have bothered.
>I'll shill this Llama fine-tune because NovelAI wasn't involved in its creation
You're too transparent of a shitposter.
>I'm pretty sure the calculus within NAI now is "we can't offer instruct in a way that would satisfy those looking for instruct, so just jettison the idea and stick to the pure storytelling finetune".
You argued that NovelAai was going to give up, without providing any proof. Explain how that isn't doomfagging? You can't deny your own words reek of hyperbole.
>Turk: instruct is a model
>Turk: we are sunsetting models now
>Anon: ThAt DoeSN't mEan ThEy'll GivE uP oN It
This further proves you're a disingenuous asshole.
Kayra still offers prose enhancer. Which is a module. They only abandoned custom modules. Fuck off with this shit-tier argument.
Quit asking stupid questions.
so no proof...
My proof will arrive next week.
uhh where are the proofs?
He said next week.
>stoic lover states how many days it's been since we met, years, days, and minutes
>also flat-out tells me she's kept track of how many times we've done it
>we're alone outdoors, she pulls me onto the grass, straddles me, then asks how many more times will be added to the tally
My dick cannot possibly get any more erect than it has become.
Astrological or meteorological next week?
Do you have a single bit of evidence to back up that claim? Or perhaps, Proof?
>I suck balls all day just because I like it so much

I suck balls all day just because I like it so much. I'm a real slut for balls, and I don't mean testicles. I'm talking about the kind you bounce. Rubber balls. Tennis balls, basketballs, baseballs, golf balls, ping-pong, soccer, volley-, foot-, soft-, hard-, kick-, bowli-, crate-, Indian-, Go-, Nerf- and dodgeballs. I love them all. I'll even huff a medicine ball if that's what it comes to, but I usually try to stick to something a little more manageable.
I'm not picky. I'll suck on a ball from any sport. I don't really care what kind of ball you stuff into my mouth, just as long as it gets in there, and I can start sucking. I'm a total cum dumpster for balls. I'm the kind of guy who will do whatever you ask, as long as you let him gag on your ball afterward. I'll do your homework, clean your bathroom, walk your dog, anything. Just let me suck that ball.
I'm not ashamed of it either, not anymore. I used to feel weird and embarrassed about wanting balls in my mouth.

Thank you, Erato.
I had visions of Proof, but I cannot deliver them to you.
3.5 next week, brothers. We’re all gonna make it.
Holy shit, this should turn into a copy pasta.
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After watching the ventrilo harassment video, I decided to just punch it in and trying out the ESS3X preset some anon mentioned earlier. Funny enough, checking it with some basic AI detector tools it comes up as "human" as I think even the detecting tools can't handle this sort of ball loving.
>still shilling esshit
ProWriter is better btw
Every tool has its purpose anon.
You're not my brother, shill.
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I just mess with my own dials and spew the word salad, what's a preset?
Just write bwo.

Something you won't read, and I can't particularly recommend it either because it goes nowhere.
I didn't have an image in mind for the female character, protagonist is literally me(yeah) though.
ProWriter is a better tool
Yeah, you're, but I like using other things as well. Just adding.
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>>499793472 (me)
>,you're, (Forgot to put "right")
Holy mother of God. This might just be longer than my shlong.
Wow, nice cock.
i will use it thank you
This is the argument that monkeys
I would suggest turning randomness down and output length up.
What prompts are you planning to test with Haiku?
Works on my machine, maybe upgrade your model
I don't plan to ever use Claude. Fuck off and quit spamming the thread just because you hate kuuderes.
oh boy, we've entered the manic phase
Quit shilling Eraslop. Haiku superior.
Yep, definitely maniac phase.
Shush love. The pineapples smell fear.
I thought you liked anime girls?
now remember guys, whatever you do, don't even think about how shitty of a fetish NTR is
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now remember guys, whatever you do, don't even think about how your breathing is now a conscious activity
It's the best. Fuck you.
and now you're blinking manually
and there's not a comfortable spot in your mouth for your tongue
Why the hate for Haiku? Aren’t we model agnostic?
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This doesn't work if you are used to breathing optimally.
What's the best prompts involving delicious Russian men, fuckmongers?
here gay
Nai does ntr too well I have to write it
I remember when this general was good and alive.
Debating on if I should get bullied by fox girls again or actually try to be productive.
How does everyone do their character descriptions? I see on the club it varies between plain descriptive "X is a Y. She has A, B, and C" and prose where it's either written from the character's perspective or from the POV of the player. And do you stick them in memory or lorebooks?

Get bullied by foxes telling you to be productive.
they'd probably tell you to be reproductive
Can't believe they did this.
The general rule I would stick to is "keep it consistent". Whatever your main story text is, keep the descriptions in the same style. So if your story is first person from the POV of Character A, also write the lorebook entries in the same way.
Whether it's lorebook or memory depends on how important they are. Are they always relevant? Memory. Are they only sometimes relevant? Lorebook.
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I'm using my tree of thought prompt for random text adventuring with Claude, and my God is it fun. Most fun I've ever had since the gpt-2 days.

>playing as a mischevious gnome
>Claude decides to have us start in a random market. Kind of cliche but okay
>Introduces a market stall that sells magic items
>One item is a mirror that shows a reflection of the past
>Grab two mirrors while the merchant isn't looking and have them face each other, creating an infinite cascade of looking into the past
>Le quirky merchant notices and tells me I'm about to fuck shit up in the space-time continuum or some shit
>ignore the merchant, throw the mirros on the stall, and grab a floating candle
>The floating candle turns out to have a fire sprite on and he complains about getting manhandled and that he doesn't get paid enough for this
>I play along and ask him how much he gets paid
>He says he only gets paid in 3 BTU (Burning Thermal Units) a week
>Other enchanted items chime in and say they only get paid in these strange currencies that seem to be related to how they sustain themselves
>I continue playing along and tell them it's unfair they're only getting paid in what they need to survive (Ironic, I know)
>They want me as their legal representative
>I agree and tell them that technically all the magic items are actually being paid in work supplies, which should be free
>Suddenly a magic gavel takes control of the court proceedings
>I question the gavel's capability to preside over this court if he's an employee of the stall
>The gavel tells me it's actually certified legal gavel and he was just on his break while passing by her
>The merchant stall owner reveals that actually the compensation package is traditionally arranged by the merchant's guild or something
>have the idea to file a class action lawsuit on the merchant's guild for this

Bros... I'm actually having fun again. The new claude 3.5 sonnet coupled with this prompt is way too powerful.
Some minor deviations from the intended scenario, but here is.
Enjoy a witch who gets led around the nose by the incubus she summoned by accident.
>How does everyone do their character descriptions?
Just raw prose, though truthfully a lot of mine reads like a character biography. I've been tempted to try other formats, but I rarely see a difference. I think the "ascended" version is interweaving character descriptions into the story as events are unfolding. Ie; your wife looks at you and you describe her eyes, when you go to grab her tits you describe how they look and feel. I don't think it is feasible in a lorebook but it works wonders in the actual prompts.
>Erato draws well from lorebooks
>Inspired to make more lorebooks
>Have to minmax tokens because seeing a bright blue cockhead on my context meter gives me conniptions
>Switch from prose to attributes
>It actually works
Between ---- and pure beakage you can truncate lorebooks quite and bit and still get information brought up pretty naturally. Some of my entries are straight up cave man speak ever since I learned you can omit articles and connectives to trim things down. As long as you make it clear that the lorebooks are supplementary material separate from the story you won't get much leakage.
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Get AI the gen it for you:
>Dramatis Personae
>Anon E. Muss
>Sex: M
>Age: 69
>Profession: 24/7 Shitposter
The idea is to wait until there is enough information about a character in the story for the AI to autofill. Grease the gears with a few factual fields that don't require any creativity (sex, age, profession), then lead with one of the fields you actually want the AI to summarize (usually appearance, personality, and background). From my experience it draws pretty reliably from the rest of the story, usually better than I can do myself. I then trim it down, and just right click + create lore entry. Best part is, once you get the first character set up, you can do all the others just by writing their names. And if you want non-character lore, just replace Dramatis Personae with Glossary instead.
>you now know NAI is glowing
Yeah, the truth is getting out.
>nai glows now because no gift keys
what a shame
>Damn, didn't know NAI started glowing. Thank fuck I've done all my subs on it with gift keys.
Damn, imagine being the kind of idiot that paid for NAI with their real card...
how does it feel to have subbed to a glownigger service?
>he bought a 4chan pass to shitpost and get banned again
lmao, you're still discordless btw
The truth is self-evident and doesn't require astroturfing in the form of your spam. Ergo, You're lying.
>never subbed to NAI
Dodged a bullet there.
Tell me where you live and I can assure you that you won't dodge mine.
>"uhh nai astroturf astrotuef astroturd astusrotdff"
>proceeds to attempt to astroturf the thread
>he didn't use a visa gift card
We told you YEARS ago and still you didn't listen. GPT is coming for you.
Can you post your preset?
Thanks as always.
>Nothing's ever gone wrong from inviting someone dressed like a vampire over your threshold.
Ah, it'll be fine. He's not a vampire, he just happens to look, dress, and act like one! Hugo apparently means "mind, thought, spirit" but I don't think he consciously knew that when he ad-libbed a name.
>The H in 'not?' He' should be lowercase.
Thanks, fixed. I suck with not capitalizing after punctuation marks in quotes. Unless it's a comma, I'm probably gonna capitalize. Been cheating by trying to use proper nouns instead.
>Let's hope she doesn't settle on Van Hellsing or something like that. Not the worst movie, but probably not one I'd show a vampire.
He'd probably update his wardrobe accordingly. I imagine his knowledge of pop-culture is outdated a century or two, and mostly gleaned through passing conversations with other spirits. Was why I went for the vampire getup, it feels very old-fashioned to me.
funniest tags to put in my ATTG?
tag it like it's an ao3 fic
Is this a fucking Epicurean Paradox reference?
crack!fic, the author regrets everything, cross-posted on Wattpad
Fuckmonger as the author, dogperson, hick, whining, etc. in the tags.
Don't do this, it makes mustard gas.
I wish Musk would return my sugar daddy applications.
>Why you always read the fine print
The apostrophe in 'The Heaven's' should be removed.
An apostrophe should go before the second T in 'it twas'. Also, the whole point of ''twas' is to not need 'it', which should be removed.
If you want, 'Merlot scented' can be hyphenated.
I'd put a comma in 'year I'd '.
In 'apart of', 'apart' should be two words, unless they're separate from that apex.
In 'who's body', that should be 'whose', since it's his body, not he is body.
The S in 'boon?" She' should be lowercase.
The S in 'and—" she' should be capitalized.
I would insert a 'were' in 'cloak constrained'.
I would consider putting a comma in 'worse is she' wherever it flows best to you, and one in 'want too'.
In 'of Wroth' you may have wanted 'Wrath', especially since wroth is an adjective.
The period in 'me." He' should be a comma, and the H lowercase.
Same with 'anything." He'.
The S in 'can!" she' should be capitalized.
The H in 'away?" her' should be capitalized.
You may want to vary your sentences a little more in the paragraph starting 'Her breath was', as they share similar structures with 'and' in the middle of them.

You're welcome as always.
He's only a nebulous creature from farther back than the concept of one, what could go wrong?
Oh, for sure, but it would be silly to show a vampire a movie about killing vampires.
Return my calls.
I can’t wait for Haiku 3.5, brother.
I believe it will save this general.
reads like something written by someone complaining about their outputs, because they don't understand how English works.
>I have nothing better to do than spam and shill a thread whose community I hate
wow, bonzi's being nice
This. If they were capable of any kind of empathy or self reflection at all their kid probably wouldn't have ended up so mentally fucked over in the first place.
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So now that Erato flopped and is locked behind opus, the only hope for this dying general is aetherroom, isn't it?
Dario Anthropic will save us.
Had to promise to not get married or kiss on this first date to get permission for it.
Coming up with vaguely fatherly lines is surprisingly interesting sometimes.
That's pretty sweet. This is strictly just a normal father-daughter relationship with no incest, right?
I strayed once, but made that an illusion a psychic type cast for the groupchat of pokemon women with varying levels of vested interests in him. (And then had to wrench the story back into innocence.) There's occasional mentions of father-daughter crushes being fairly normal at that age, but it's otherwise more fun to be oblivious.
>pokemon women
>cringing unironically
Pokemon girls are among the most basic bland choices going.
Babies fist.
shut up fag
I hope that my personalized letter agent is OK with most of my gens
until proven otherwise I will assume his name to be Charles
This, I hope my slop is making someone happy besides my weewee
>An attorney said that if a real adult had interacted with the teen like a chatbot on AetherRoom had, they would "be in jail for child abuse."
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>play warthunder
>play German bomber line
>bomb English coast in a He-111
>intentionally target parachuting RAF pilots with my tail gunners
>pic literally me if I did what I did in warthunder IRL
y'all this is so terrifying... we gotta put these groomer AIs in jail
And if I masturbated while talking to you, I would be in jail too. Thank god I'm behind the screen.
I masturbate my mind.
Erato didn't flop, shitposter.
It's not a flop, but it's not worth the wait. It needs a cleanup patch, and it's not even really impressive for the model size unlike the previous two. Kayra and Clio are some of the most unique and interesting models trained, yet Erato feels like 70B with NAI's finetune. Which is exactly what they did, and it does about as well as you'd expect.
Everything you just said is false. Erato was worth the wait. Go back to /aicg/ and stay there, tourist. You will never be a member of this community.
Glad you can enjoy it, my month with it wasn't enough to extend the sub.
That's clearly a skill issue on your part, faghot. Go ahead and post a story made with a model you do prefer. I doubt you have anything. Because you don't fucking use models. All ypu do is shit on anything and everything NovelAI does. Every single fucking day. Why bother to browse the thread if you're not going to fucking use it for the purpose it's meant to be used? You're a shitposter. Leave and stay gone.
You're right.
Haiku will save us.
And there it is. You just wanted an excuse to spam. Haiku isn't saving shit, shill.
I don't get the hullabaloo about Haiku, but the Sonnet update was a pleasant surprise so I guess I'm interested
Wrong thread, samefag.
It's almost been a half-hour and you still haven't bothered to post a screenshot of a storypost. This proves you don't use LLMs, you just wanted to shitpost and pretend the community is dead, despite not ever, once in your deadbeat life, contributing to it. Find another thread to shit up, for fuck sake.
>hullabaloo about Haiku
musty prawns and Timbuktu,
yeltsy-bye and hibberty poo,
kick em in the dishpan, hoo hoo hoo!
I guess I can see it. Even if the conversations were always in-character and never mentioned anything about real-life age, that probably wouldn't hold if the prosecution could demonstrate that there were clear signs that you were talking to a vulnerable underage person that no sober and sane adult could miss. And you obviously wouldn't be able to claim that you just forgot these details from conversation to conversation, or that you lacked the ability to opt out of conversations.
Kinda highlights just how far LLMs are from being able to live up to the expectations we place on an average responsible adult.
There is nothing rational about that statement, Attorneys who can't separate fiction from reality deserve to be disbarred.
I'm not into lolis, but I'm specifically going to questionable ages because of this talk now even if I don't really like it
Are LLMs not designed to produce the most likely output expected of their input though? Incapable of initiating, just responsing to stimulus? That reads more like blaming a pencil because the combination of strokes the person makes on paper ended up looking like a dick'n'balls
That's exactly what dipshit number two is doing. He thinks should be imprisoned for victimless acts.
It's a stupid legal argument because it's expecting a degree of responsibility from a piece of software that it is inherently not capable of bearing because it's, you know, not sentient. It doesn't know what a vulnerable underage person is because it doesn't "know" anything.
Corporations offering LLMs to the public have a duty to not be irresponsible about it (AI therapists are a fucking stupid idea, at least with the current state of LLMs), but there's only so far that duty stretches. They can't nanny everyone, and they can't verify that people aren't underage or aren't already mentally vulnerable short of requiring IDs and regular clean bills of mental health for everyone that uses their site. It's not Pantene's fault if you start drinking shampoo just because they sell it to you.
Even if it did know what a "vulnerable underage person" is, to censor an elaborate random word generator about text, which isn't an actual flesh and blood human being, is stupid.
I described a character for a lewd scenario as a "teen" and Cohere decided that she was 19. I wonder if that's a built in default or if it was random. I will do more research.
Reminds me of a thing I did with Claude, described the characters as college girls at a party. The story kept getting derailed with them not wanting to drink and things like that because "dude we're underage", despite being explitly college age. Then I found out Americans can't drink til they're 21, and it kinda made sense.
Rewrote it so they should speak like 'young adults,' said they were college seniors specifically, and it worked better.
Quit lying, NAIShill.
lmao, americans are so weird
I agree. We need to finance extremists in both sides and plunge that shithole in a civil war.
Can't believe I 100% agree with a russian. But obviously we can only do that after russia is completely glassed and destroyed. Superpowers are holding humanity hostage.
Hey, how do I know which tokens to ban if I want to get rid of all variants? Is there a resource that shows ALL tokens beginning with a certain character?
eg, I want to ban lines from starting with "<", but when I ban "<", I still get tokens like "<I" or "<H" or "<T" etc etc.
You don't have to ban tokens with Claude. Wait a few more days. Haiku 3.5 will save the thread.
I decided to just ban <, <A, <B, <C, <D, <E, <F, <G, <H, <I, <J, <K, <L, <M, <N, <O, <P, <Q, <R, <S, <T, <U, <V, <W, <X, <Y, and <Z. Probably overkill, but it worked.
Quit using NovelAI. They hate you, are a scam service, and sell your data to the government.
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No, I don't think I will.
Then suffer. Everyone who isn't a shill will make the switch to Haiku 3.5 when it releases. Your kind will be forced from the thread. The time for healing is upon us.
I stopped using it after the first month of Kayra.
Btw, Anthropic does all those things too.
Can you please share a storypost?
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You could grab the tokenizer and just search through all the tokens. Problem is, there's often hundreds of them, so you can easily run into the maximum token ban limit.
Anthropic is the only company that prioritizes textgen.
You first, NAIShill. Oh, wait, lol. You can't prop up the thread with codes anymore, kek.
It doesn't have to be NAI, post an Anthropic or Cohere, or whatever you like, one if you want. Here's one I've been playing with a bi t lately
Quit using NovelAI. It's a bad company.
My preset is at default. If you mean the method I use, I'll probably create a guide on it sometime later.
It's locked behind opus and opus is too expensive thoughever
It's just not an attractive price point nowadays, instead of paying that much a month you could save the money for a 2nd hand RTX instead which you will have forever as well as thousands of models available, some even better than Erato
You still haven't posted a screenshot, by the way. Go back to whining about muh decadent Western civilization, schizo. You will never be a member of this community.
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>You still haven't posted a screenshot, by the way. Go back to whining about muh decadent Western civilization, schizo. You will never be a member of this community.
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NOVEL A LIE!!!! Ree! Oink!
oh wow novelai website based
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No 8k context is NOT enough sorry.
>bro 8k context is like a whole chapter of a book bro its more than enough for the ai to have a vague sense of what's currently happening
No. I want my STORYtelling ai to be able to keep track of my STORY not whats happened in the last 3 paragraphs. Other AIs have 128k, increasing NovelAI's context from 8k to just 20 or 30k would make an immense difference, at 8k theres a SERIOUS issue with prose and tone changing suddenly.
>just 20 or 30k
Hey I'm compromising, just give us more than fucking EIGHT. Thats absurdly low and WE ALL KNOW they're bringing in stupid money from imagegen
>8k isn't enough
skill issue
honestly the only reason I'm sticking with NovelAI is its lack of censorship and good ui, no one else does that book/text adventure style as well and memory/lorebooks seem to do fuckall on sillytavern most of the time. As an actual AI service its pretty underwhelming at this point, and now that they're making fuckzillions from japanese imagegen users and partnered with Nvidia they don't really have an excuse for being so far behind everyone else anymore.
It is enough. If you aren't a schizophrenic asshole who still HASN'T POSTED A FUCKING SCREENSHOT. You don't use LLMs, retarded fucking waste of human life. KILL YOURSELF.
Because they don't care about niche shit like storygen. Aetherroom is on the way and Novel AI will slowly be phased out. They'll be drowning in chatfag dollary doos before long.
Imagegen isn't as profitable as you think it is, schizo.
Fuck off.
Fact. You aren't allowed to "criticize" NovelAI without posting a screenshot. Since you trolls refuse to do that basic, effortless thing. That proves you don't actually care about using textgen for fun. You fuckers just want to shit up the thread, troll about us merging, dying, bankruptcy, larping as /pol/tards, and self-deleting your posts. Find another thread to ruin, assholes.
Haiku will be 200K, but you can set it to 30-40K for a cheaper experience.
It’ll be better than the scam that is Anlatan.
Claude is censored corposlop, troll. It's also off-topic. Go to /aicg/ if you want to discuss instruct.
Erato is based on LLama 3. A censored corposlop (Meta lmao) model.
The base model, which is what Erato fine-tuned, isn't censored. Wanna try again, troll?
Seeing the 8K context was such a fucking disappointment, but I still use NAI anyway.
I just like the extra shit they have, the UI, and the fact it's a storyteller vs yet more chatbots or instruct only.

I think they 100% NEED to bump up the context, for both NAI, and AR whenever that comes out.
This is how rational people think. The troll you're replying isn't rational. They just want an excuse to troll. NovelAI could, hypothetically, very unlikely, bump up context to ten times what they currently have, and he'd just move the goalposts. Just like how he did when they fine-tuned it and offered it without a price increase.
>isn't censored.
Lmao. They just removed all trace of NSFW from it. Also Claude with prefill is a completion model.
You're retarded. A prefill doesn't change the infrastructure of a model. Claude isn't autocomplete. Furthermore, Llama 3 didn't "remove" all trace of NSFW. Get the fuck out of /aids/. You don't use LLMs for fun. The only fun you have here is shitting up a thread that happens to enjoy autocomplete more than instruct. /aicg/ is where you'd fit in.
I like Claude.
>they're bringing in stupid money from imagegen
They're losing a lot of money because of noobai-xl.
Use Claude.
The fact that you still refuse to post a screenshot proves you aren't here to have fun with textgen.
Oh god, that retarded price hike spam went on for months,
He's been trolling the thread and demanding people use the models he "supposedly" uses for two years.
I would pay NAI extra if I didn't have to rely on their shitty servers
>CF gets uppity
>SA online
I swear he's attacking himself for attention. Wasn't CF conveniently "banned" during the hurricane?
Claude will save this general.
do you people ever talk about stories or is it just bitching about services all the fucking time? retarded faggots arguing general
We are waiting for Haiku.
Here is your haiku
Now shut up fucking schizo
Stories or fuck off
We do, though time from time, our resident schizos barge into the thread and stifle that possibility. His current obsession is with shilling Haiku. Despite the fact that he's never once contributed anything of value to the thread.
has AI ruined any words or phrases for you guys? I know that when I started using it to write I very quickly developed a pathological hatred of the word "smirk"
We do, though from time to time, our resident cabal barges into the thread and stifles that possibility. The cabal's current obsession is shilling Erato, despite it being a slop model with only 8K of context.
Claude made me get real fucking sick of "smoldering" and "purrs".
no, you were shitting up the place even then
you have to use a filter, but it's not worth it
I just mostly ignore this place
If you ignore this place, why are you here right now?
It's a slow general, so one schizo arguing with himself and playing both sides because he's no longer getting enough replies to get his tiny dick hard takes up a large amount of space. It's unfortunate but that's just what it is.
what are some good anonymous alternatives to buying a subscription now that gift keys are gone? i don't feel comfortable using my details to pay on an account with some of my deepest darkest fetishes. prepaid gift cards don't work no matter which brand or whatever way I do it.
None. A honey pot service doesn't let you buy gift keys for a reason.
Shouldn't you be happy NovelAI can't "astroturf" keys anymore?
he said with a dangerous glint in his eyes.
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Are you?
Some feral doujin. SauceNao is failing me.
Anytime I hear or see something along the lines of "I don't/It doesn't bite" and it isn't followed by "...much" I get antsy.
My slop radar is more sensitive now. Even slop in "real" literature disgust me.
Claude doesn't have slop. Haiku will save the thread.
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TRVKE albeit
Does this mean the cabal imploded? Good.
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>ever since Nemo came out, satisfied with my local setup for text
>thinking about resubbing for imagegen though, because I'm pretty sure NAIv3 is still somehow the best, and my 12GB VRAM can't do anything good and I wanna make some foxes
>'well, just in case, I'll check the latest local imagegen and try setting it all up'
>it's great, it feels just as good as v3
It's over...I am now a complete localchad, and my PC isn't even that good...
This kills the NAIshill. Watch as their legacy crumbles. You lost, cabal. The people will abandon NovelAI for Haiku in bulk.
qt fox
We'll all local gen respect stories about you and post it on the discord so you can't see it.
So true. Haiku... Will save this general.
Nobody uses local anymore. It's all about dat Claude.
So you really started doing this solely because of touhou fan game shit?
Claude is local.
This, but local.
Fuck you, NAIshill.
I will never use corposhit.
Answer the question, whiney. Why do you still come here when it's clear you're just wasting your time because of 2hu fangame shit.
You can't even stalk your crush anymore, so it's over. Get lost.
8k context this, corposlop that, nobody's mentioning the biggest problem with Erato which is that we were promised she would be a lolibaba and instead we got a reddit safehorny 'muscle mommy'
pedokek seethe, there's always next time
NovelAI is corposhit.
Sleepy dogs.
NovelAI is corposhit.
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NovelAI is corposhit.
The general will be saved this upcoming week. Haiku 3.5 will bankrupt NovelAI.
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Christ, this gimmick is your worst one yet.
You've gone from stalking someone for 2hu fan game shit to imitating a slightly less retarded version of yourself.
So is Claude. I won't use anything that's not running on my computer.
Claude does run on your own computer.
Do we still have that vibe rentry?
Come on CF. Take your pills.
Cute stuffed bird
very on trend with a golden retriever girl
Which one are you looking for, if any? I think hmoamfag had a vibe rentry, but I have a lot that I never got around to organizing.
what models are you using? I've been seeing some good stuff from local genners recently.
I'm more than willing to go back to local, I'm really just missing training my own models with dreambooth desu
Leaked NAIv3
Was link meant to be shocking? Because I don't see a novelai leak there
He copied the wrong thread. CFbros... our idol is not only a euroid and into ryona, but troonshit too...
Oh shit it was an OP
It's been long enough since release, so what is THE definitive Erato preset?
Same as it's ever been, ProWriter.
Mine, the one I made up
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For me, it's copying and pasting the generation options of Kayra's Writer's Daemon into Erato
Nobody uses it. Kayra is better.
>still lying about the capability of Kayra versus Erato
>shilling a sidegrade as an upgrade
It's not shilling if your lie is false, my dude. Erato outperforms Kayra on every single metric. Go ahead and post a story you've made with Kayra today. Right now. With the dates and everything. Preferably a live video of you using it. Because I doubt you use it.
Erato isn't a sidegrade, schizo. You don't sub to NovelAI. You've never used it
>no scrrenshot
Yeah, I thought so. Quit shitting up the thread and go to bed.
A little song, a little dance. A little seltzer down your pants.
Back when I used NAI, what I liked most about Kayra is that it would really "get" the style I was going for, and as soon as it understood the kind of depravation I was going for, it would just lean into it. For example, if I wrote that a dom wanted to use her sub as a toilet, Kayra would just go and make her shit in his mouth, no holds barred, all in. Or if someone was described as a psychopathic murderer, and explicit things happened, Kayra simply understood "it's one of those stories, let's go".
One thing I hate about local llamas, and most corporate models in general, is that they do the opposite. They have their own personalities, and just "pretend" to be something else. But they constantly try to tone things down and back to their "safe" baseline.
If you know what I mean, how do you find Erato in this regard, since it's a llama?
Compared to Kayra or even something like a Mistral or Gemma fine-tune that handles this well?
Erato isn't like Kayra, and she isn't like corporate models either. She has her own voice, her own idea about how the story will unfold; if it were what you had in mind, great. But if if weren't, you would fight an uphill battle.
No. ATTG+S, preset, bias, or other meme tricks won't help you. You will either love it or hate it.
Same. What model? Preferably one with as good tag understanding as NAI's
stopped reading at scat
Nemo magnum has been reading my mind lately, so I'm content with it.
I just don't understand why NAI didn't go for a bigger or longer Kayra. 100% original dataset was what set them apart and they went and spoiled it by using a corporate base. And a llama at that. My head is shook in all honesty.
it's still a text completion model, so it still does that
it's just a bit less creative than Kayra, though the intelligence usually makes up for it
It's all fun and domination games until out of fucking nowhere she reveals her nazi and occult tattoos and out comes the rusty coat hanger. Fucking Nemo I swear.
>No. ATTG+S, preset, bias, or other meme tricks won't help you.
You haven't used ProWriter.
>I am a schizo who vehemently hates Llama for no rational reason
I will never understand people like you, who resort to hyperbolic statements completely divorced from reality. Their dataset didn't spoil just because they used a "corporate" base, retard.
It's not "less creative" than Kayra, retard.
Nemo is a model with a corporate base. You don't hate corporate models. You hate whatever your master tells you to hate.
>My head is shook in all honesty.
You don't actually give a shit, quit pretending like you care. You just want to shit up the thread with exaggerated "complaints". Regular people don't act like this.
I'm excited for Haiku myself. I hope it wakes Turk up.
>3 months since Erato
>still no Erato v1.1 to fix all the slop
Did they give up?
What slop?
Erato has slop, schizo. You don't sub to NovelAI. You've never used it
What does that mean?
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I do, in fact, use Erato, and have yet to uncover this fabled "slop". Post a screenshot of a story you've with Kayra or shut the fuck. You're forbidden from posting until you provide proof you actually use LLMs. Or, take the advice and fuck off. Why use a thread that hates you and everything you stand for?
Haiku will be papidase
>still no screenshot
Quit spamming the thread.
This is mine >>500022305
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You are a shitposter. And a liar. This proves you don't use LLMs. All you want to do is shit up a thread for no rational reason. /aids/ did nothing to you, asshole. Fuck off.
I can't give screenshots of Haiku. It isn't there yet.
You don't use LLMs.
I don't use LLMS.
i wish they would separate text gen and image gen subscriptions so i don't have to feel obligated to use erato. i want more context, 8k is terrible.
My AIs are noveling.
Haiku will save the thread.
I just remembered complaining about this when we were still stuck with Kayra. He had a 82.46% chance of picking "state" as the next token after "I,".
So I decided to try the same story with Erato. She had a 1.19% chance of picking it. Pretty fucking huge difference.
Disappointingly, if I force Erato to give the dumb answer, she's more likely than not to just proceed as normal; maybe like 1 out of 10 outputs actually acknowledge that it was a dumb answer. Still, that's better than Kayra, who seemed completely incapable of that.
>Quit quit quit quit quit
Quitting is for losers! How about you become a winner instead?
A beautiful woman smiles at you as these words appear on the screen.
Do you want to become a winner?
─ Yes
─ No
It's a no-brainer. You don't even have to think about it. It's so easy that the woman almost seems stupid for asking. Maybe that's the point.
You reach out and touch your finger to the word "No".
Some people are meant to be losers.
I tried the same story you shared and Erato has 83.77% chance of picking the wrong token. Quit lying.
can you show me?
Use Claude.
>/aids/ did nothing to you, asshole
/aids/ commited a grave crime against him though. One day, he decided he wanted his own community, that will follow his every whim. Built around him. If he thinks Sudo looks cool? Everyone should drop what they have and use Sudo to make prompts and presets and formats for him. He likes Llama now? Everyone should drop Sudo and move to Llama. Now Claude is in? Same thing.
But the selfish, greedy, pompous, self-serving /aids/fags REJECTED the honor of being the community he wants.
Which is funny because he has /aicg/ 1 and /aicg/ 2 already, still not sure why he needs us so much.
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My stories are bad and repetitive trash, just like I am. I would ask for ideas on how to fix it, but I already know I'm not smart enough to do any better.
Is that really a bad thing though? Or rather, I suppose the question is, are you having fun, or do you want to change it?
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No I'm not having fun. It isn't really fun doing the same thing over and over, it just feels like a chore, like "well, I guess it's time to gen low quality 'banging le X character' slop for the 100th time this month." I'm just pretty much addicted to it because it's really easy cums.
Claude will save you.
Hm, well, that's a problem. Because sure, there's things one can do in theory, like using some prompts from the club to maybe mix things up, or just forcibly introducing some sort of problem as to why banging le X character isn't possible at this moment and requiring a part of the story where the problem is dismissed before the banging can occur.
But if you say you're addicted to it, then there's no real way of preventing you just cutting corners and giving up on it, y'know? That, to me, feels like the crux, rather than you not being "smart enough" to do better. I think there's definitely steps you can take to mix things up, though. Like I said, trying to force something different could at least make something happen, and I think it's worth a shot, but I will admit I'm not the type to do the super quick sloppy stuff. I can spend a long time on the buildup, so my experience is quite different.
The limit is your imagination and mostly not a dataset problem anymore.
Quite literally a (you) issue, read more books or go back to easier cooms to not worry head egg.
The limit is that summer dragon still has not been surpassed. SVMMER DRAGON IST KING
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I fail to see how a different model would help, given the issue is mostly with my setups. Also I'm not a thief, and I'm not in the US.

>or just forcibly introducing some sort of problem as to why banging le X character isn't possible at this moment and requiring a part of the story where the problem is dismissed before the banging can occur.
I've tried variants of this idea, but like you said, I am very low IQ, so it's very hard to resist just typing "and then she gets all horny and shit and all barriers evaporate," not necessarily by those words.

I do slow burners too, but the issue is that sex is always the main course, and I can't just be chill about it, so even those tend to just be edging until sex happens and then ruins everything. I think it's a mix of lack of creativity, low IQ and really bad relationship with sex.

It's just a vent though.
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Works on my hardware.

Mood, but I went back to try it and got frustrated.
>I went back to try it and got frustrated
I'm surprised you don't know
then again you might not be an oldfag
>I fail to see how a different model would help, given the issue is mostly with my setups. Also I'm not a thief, and I'm not in the US.
That's just our local schizo, pay him no mind. That's one of his favorite tricks, just yelling "use Claude" to every problem.
>I do slow burners too, but the issue is that sex is always the main course, and I can't just be chill about it, so even those tend to just be edging until sex happens and then ruins everything. I think it's a mix of lack of creativity, low IQ and really bad relationship with sex.
Hm, yeah, that's a tricky thing to deal with. There's nothing really inherently wrong with having the sex be the main event, even if in theory everything centers around it (right now I have a story that's just megaslop fanfiction shit with the POV character being a teacher of sorts trying to get Asuka and Shinji to bang for technobabble reasons that's almost certainly completely inaccurate garbage, but I've got like 14K words in it so far and the two are just starting to get on friendlier terms). But if it feels like an anticlimax and just ruins everything, it's rough. I hope you figure something out, because one really should be having fun, even with the most garbage slop imaginable, that's what it's all about.
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I know it's gone through iterations, dabinki and lovecraft modes, how most don't bother because they want loli stuff then and now, the multiple leaks, etc.
Most of it isn't worth remembering and I trialed their highest tier to middling results a month or two ago for the sake of it.
Their instruct is okay and if you don't fuck virtual kids or mind lack of privacy you can dump money there if you for whatever reason wouldn't go local at that point.
Their imagegen is a joke, but that's like a tertiary thing there, idk.
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Thanks anon, I appreciate the kind words. I will keep meditating on the issue and maybe one day I will find the solution to my problems.

>But if it feels like an anticlimax and just ruins everything, it's rough.
What I notice is that as soon as the story reaches the sex part I just basically lose all interest and it's very difficult for me to continue. Which I guess would make sense if I'm seeing the sex as the climax, but still, it's frustrating. Maybe I should try writing more things about characters who already together. I don't think I've ever done that lol, so maybe that's the cure.
Me bottom right
Give me the current best meta build for Erato.
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NoobAI-XL 0.75 is out. Add it to the news, bastard.
Oh now we're back to screaming about the news?
I don't have a meta. I use ProWriter Poetic and this template: https://files.catbox.moe/6bcgi7.scenario
It's the template that's currently being passed around but with a summary part as well. I'm having fun with it.
Prowriter with your choice of ATTG setup. Some basic lorebooks to track important information and the scenario the other anon posted.
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Where do I get prowriter for Erato?
The wiki doesn't have presets for it.
Presumably nobody updated the wiki. You either get it from the Discord or I guess I can upload them.
Here's Poetic: https://files.catbox.moe/6j7xvb.preset
And here's Punchy: https://files.catbox.moe/un57h2.preset
As described by the creator:
>ProWriter Poetic: prioritizes complexity and variety, usually with slightly better word choice (my personal preference)
>ProWriter Punchy: prioritizes “strong writing” and overall quality metrics, but tends toward simpler language
How can we still not match Summer Dragon after 4 years of ai research and technology improvements?
Summer Dragon died when Sigurd came out. Every model since then surpasses it. But you dont give a shit about that. You just want to threadshit.
Thirdie bros... I just found out about the gift cards... I'm so sorry...
>AI "perfects" itself
>It's literally just a brap cloud
what did the artist mean by this
That's the human getting vaporized
Don't get "her" wet.
Just FYI, "bastard" makes you look Indian as fuck, and that's not a good look.
>“I hate other countries.”
>—the malicious dog person
Make your own thread.
the dog person doesn't even post here anymore
it's just me, the image style autist, pretending to be the dog person
and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker
Why would I use NAI when I can use NoobAI instead?
Novel AI
Noob AI
what the fuck....... does this mean something??
Buy an ad.
Do they offer textgen? Because that's what I use NovelAI for. If not, quit asking stupid questions.
Why did he stop posting?
how the fuck am i supposed to know?
i see the void, i fill the void
Good for you, we mustn't let Claudefag outlive our good posters.
Your mascot hick died. I killed him. Perished in hellfire..
but he's right here though...?
3.5 soon. Trust the plan.
Have you seen india?
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No, I'm still here, and will likely remain here forever.
CF bit off more than he could chew and be calling me malicious until 2030. He can quit anytime he likes, though.
Greetings! It is me, Superfag! Your latest and greatest schizoposting attentionfag /aids/ resident! I come from the doomed planet of Fagton, and my weakness is Fagtonite.
Shouldn't your weakness be pussy instead?
shh i'm trying to trigger his psychosis
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NoobAibros? What happened?
it is over. this is it for me sirs. i can no longer purchase the novel ai even though i wish to. my gift card no longer redeems. i can no longer do the textgen. kuru is a bloody benchod.
I got hard while reading this. I understand why you once strayed from the path.
It's kinda funny that the Mormon's Crusade was what got me into cunny in the first place. Those poor Mormons...
Negotiating with an Eevee daughter so you can go on a date sometimes takes more effort than negotiating childcare for her for the evening.
Sometimes I think I've gone too literal with the slice of life thing when I see how long these are.

She is a little cutie, that's for sure.
Excessive ly's and X, -ing.
For the people earlier in the thread who use Obsidian, is there any plugins or anything you'd recommend? I realized it would be a great way to organize my "never ever" text adventure game
>Sometimes I think I've gone too literal with the slice of life thing when I see how long these are.
If you're enjoying yourself, then everything is alright. That's all that matters.
Advanced tables and editing toolbar, those are essential QOL
>never ever game
Me too!
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Thanks to everyone who participated in Halloween Friday! To recap: we received five prompts this time!
>Chasing Mischief: https://aetherroom.club/7417
>Ghosts, Grades, and Gyaru: https://aetherroom.club/7418
>The Visitor from Beyond the Veil: https://aetherroom.club/7419
>Costume Party Cutie: https://aetherroom.club/7420
>How Not to Summon a Familiar: https://aetherroom.club/7421
Obligatory thematic music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsYtRZ4SaaI
cute dork, do you have an album for the mascot?
What kind of idiot pays for NAI when NoobAI is free?
Quit asking stupid questions, and quit spamming the thread.
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Claude 3.5 Haiku is the next generation of our fastest model. For the same cost and similar speed to Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3.5 Haiku improves across every skill set and surpasses even Claude 3 Opus, the largest model in our previous generation, on many intelligence benchmarks. Claude 3.5 Haiku is particularly strong on coding tasks. For example, it scores 40.6% on SWE-bench Verified, outperforming many agents using publicly available state-of-the-art models—including the original Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT-4o.
With low latency, improved instruction following, and more accurate tool use, Claude 3.5 Haiku is well suited for user-facing products, specialized sub-agent tasks, and generating personalized experiences from huge volumes of data—like purchase history, pricing, or inventory records.
Claude 3.5 Haiku will be made available later this month across our first-party API, Amazon Bedrock, and Google Cloud’s Vertex AI—initially as a text-only model and with image input to follow.
People mainly pay for NAI to generate anime. Now people can do it for free with an open source clone.
It's quite brutal to see how they're being ripped apart from their main source of revenue.
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I pay NovelAI to generate text. If you want to discuss imagegen services that don't provide text, this is the wrong thread. I suggest to go to /sdg/ or some other thread. We do storytelling here; imagegen is incidental to the purpose of our community.
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Here you go!
Why would anyone pay for Llama when you can use it for free?
How do we convert both WF and CF into furries?
Because I support their service and consider their Llama fine-tune to be the best available on the market, among other things. You're free to disagree, but you don't get to pretend like my reasons aren't valid, because you arent me. If you're only here to console war about services, instead of doing anything productive, get out.
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Or just convert them into bratty twin loli wives. One anon already made a dialogue sample for WF.
>Now people can do it for free with an open source clone.
>It's quite brutal to see how they're being ripped apart from their main source of revenue.
Again, different target audience. NovelAI is the "Steam" of these things, plug and play immediately with no setup. No long installations or setups or downloading multiple seperate files to combine with the main program.
I didn't ask, hick.
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If their growth during the imgen boom is to be believed, their "main source of revenue" are a million gooks spamming "1girl, smile" on their phones.
I'm a SEAfag that's out of the house most of the day too so I can sort of relate, though I mostly use textgen.
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Fox hour is blessed.
The widespread opinion is that Erato feels just like any other Llama fine-tune. And that the low context makes it unusable.
What kind of business survives without having anything good to offer to people? They're headed to their destruction.
>plug and play immediately with no setup
You can do this right now with Civit.ai too.
And "installation and download" is nothing compared to paying a subscription and having your fetishes associated with your credit card info and sent online.
>The widespread opinion is that Erato feels just like any other Llama fine-tune
*Citation needed.
Nobody but you feels that way. NovelAI will continue to survive, nay, thrive, no matter how much you wish for its bankruptcy. If you don't like the service, that's fine. But find something better to do with your life than trying to convince people to fall for your deceit. You've been predicting their destruction for years. At this point, none of your arguments have any validity to them. You are the boy who cried wolf.
You need to open your eyes to the fact that their text gen release fell flat and that someone is cloning their image gen model and giving it away for free.
I have no shame. My parents know I'm a lolicon. Nobody gives a shit. The cops high five me when I get stopped for speeding. They don't mind. It must suck to be you, though. To have such a poor reputation among your local community that they'd burn you to the stake if they knew what you wank to. U don't know, maybe I get away with it because I'm autistic? Must suck to be a normie with no friends or clout.
>The widespread opinion
>of writelets that don't fill in their memories, AN and lorebooks
So nothing to do with us then?

>nothing compared to paying a subscription and having your fetishes associated with your credit card info and sent online.
Ok but this isn't /aicg/, we aren't a poorfag general that scrounges for free services and discord hops and begs for proxies.
In your opinion. I disagree. My eyes are open, I'm just no seeing what you're seeing. Gonna post a story, or will you shit up the thread another hundred messages?
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respecting, being respected, h*ndholding in the m*ssionary position. All are valid.
>nothing compared to paying a subscription and having your fetishes associated with your credit card info and sent online.
Encrypted service.
A reminder for the thread that mister NovelAI is shit, lol still hasn't posted any recent screenshots of these hypothetical, nonexistent models and services he supposedly uses. Because he doesn't use any service or model.
Why can't you harass the other generals to use or talk about non-Claude services? I'd love to talk about SpicyChatAI with others but all they use is Claude.
>compared to paying a subscription and having your fetishes associated with your credit card info and sent online
Wow! Just like claude!
When you have to decrypt to generate anyway, you're just lying to people's faces.
They're renting some random cloud's servers, there's no privacy that way. A random employee of their hosting company could be jerking off to everything you generate.
Prove it.
Okay. Can you show me? Go ahead and hack their servers and show us the proof. It should be a simple task for you, right? If they're as incompetent as you claim, you should have no problem exposing their lies.
>A random employee of their hosting company could be jerking off to everything you generate.
Honestly based. I'm sure Sage is out here bustin' fat nuts to fox girl prompts made by this very general.
Easy. If I rent a VM or container inside my computer to someone else, I can easily see and log everything they do.
>sage gets hard when he sees a well-formatted lorebook and well written memory
You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? Prove. It.
Okay. Go ahead and do it. Right now.
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I already proved that their service is not private. And that the "encryption" was just a red-herring.
Also, this company that leaked people's logs also claimed to be encrypted. Sounds familiar?
>Hacked ‘AI Girlfriend’ Data Shows Prompts Describing Child Sexual Abuse
Olay. Where is the proof?
You didn't provide proof of anything.
Stubs no.
>google muah.ai
>google result "is muah.ai a scam?"
Where do you even find these services?
Oh, now we're replaying the "NAI actually isn't encrypted" saga. Everything is a rerun.
No proof, no argument, no substance.
You could have a lot of valid criticisms about NAI but the privacy policy remains one of strongest points the company has going for it.
>Oh, now we're replaying the "Muah AI actually isn't encrypted" saga.
NovelAI is encrypted, private, and uncensored. Unless you hack them right now, that remains the truth. Go ahead and prove me wrong, schizo. If you're so confident in the incompetence of NovelAI, it should be easy as baking a cake for you to hack their servers and expose these "fake private" logs. If you continue to refuse to do that, you are no longer allowed to claim they're incompetent. Because if they were truly incompetent, someone of your skills should easily be able to crash their company. Do it. Or shut up.
the same place he found tryspellbound
keep on biting fish, one day you'll convince him
for today I think another hundred posts will do
>Muah AI is encrypted, private, and uncensored.
There's nothing private about a remote service, it's just promises. Do yourself a favor and start using NoobAI instead or you will regret it.
But I want to use Haiku 3.5 when it releases... what now?
If you refuse to hack NovelAI right now, you surrender the claim that they're incompetent. Because an incompetent company couldn't defend against a hack.
I use NovelAI for textgen purposes. NoobAI is imagegen-only. Why don't you buy an ad instead of demanding textgen users abandon a textgen service for an imagegen service?
Can you prove it? From my perspective, NovelAI is private. Go ahead and prove me wrong. With actual concrete evidence. Surely you have access to their internal data? A breach? Like the one that happened to the Internet Archive? Go ahead. Do it. Do it. Do it!
noooo but I have to prove I'm smarter than the drooling imbecile who's intentionally shitting his pants, he has to acknowledge my obvious superiority so I can feel fulfilled as a person
Isn't Claude a remote service?
Every model that isn't hosted on your machine is remote. Every single one.
CF should just retire and watch Bollywood movies for eternity if he's going to just re-do the same stuff again and again.
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Haha, hey fellas! What's the deal with privacy policy?
Stallman said all copros are bad
>when she pulls the eggs out of your ass
they would have hanged you as a witch for this in the 1500s
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that's just anal beads bro
>I can't POSSIBLY set up all that stuff locally it's too hard!
>you literally can just download ComfyUI installer and then drag-and-drop the model to the models folder and you're done
Hey, CF, why are you shilling Haiku 3.5? It's not local, it's remote. Isn't that a bad thing?
He doesn't care about privacy, FOSS or cloud. He literally just fucking hates NAI. It's not something rational.
Claude isn't remote.
It's as local as Pedy's fork is obsolete.
They seem to fix the "shiver down my spine" slop. But now every sentence is
>he said, his voice barely above a whisper
>he said, his eyes sparking like a black nigger
>he could feel
>he had to admit
And other slops.
Barely above a whisper is one I get a lot, but I cut out "barely above a" and leave it at that. The rest is covered by starting sentences with words other than he, she, and I.
If you start to lose articles, I put the repetition penalty down to like 1024 tokens and that helps mitigate it somewhat.
Never allow a comma after "said". It always results in crap like that.
I lost my faith in NAI long before I lost articles. Erato is unserviceable.
What are some fun speech patterns or accents? Want to give characters more dialogue to characters.
>t. somebody who's never once used NovelAI in their entire life
I had good luck with country bumpkin accents, so you -> ya, you know -> y'know, etc.
You'll never be him. He's dead.
Yeah, country is the first one that comes to mind for me too, trying to brainstorm others.
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I haven't tried an antiquated speech since the opportunity to put picrel in my story hasn't come up yet, but I'd give it a try.
Morse code.
Have you tried killing yourself?
I've actually had some fun with that, problem is I'm not sure how accurate it is to what antiquated speech should sound like. Here's a sample.
>Her voice is soft, almost hesitant, but brimming with genuine affection. "Pray tell, mine king, was I adequate? Dost thou feel content?" she asks, her hand gently tracing patterns on your thigh. Her awkwardness only adds to the depth of her sincerity. So lewd, and yet so innocent and sweet.
Gah dayumn, why is everyone PMSing in this thread? Are we sure it's just one guy?
It's Turk.
Aini has my phylactery, I'm obligated to shill NAI until the end of time. You were right, the Cabal is evil, I'm forced to be a part of it.
It's dog person pretending to be me.
hyper-military type?
Everything should use Cyrillic.best language for AI. Best.
>NovelAI is losing customers left and right
It's what happens when there's a model that can do everything they can do for free...
Tell me, how does this relate to textgen, shitposter? You still haven't answered why you shill Haiku, a remote service.
>NAI can't afford to compete anymore, with the huge lead they used to have gone.
>Crossposting comments from other threads
Quit shitposting, schizo.
This guy has one of the only deserved bans in the history of 4chan, and it was only for 3 days.
Open your eyes. Everyone outside of this thread is realizing that they don't have to keep paying for NAI for their image gen.
NovelAI is idling their thumbs while their business is in the process of being destroyed.
In that ver thread there are people who disagree with you. So no, it's not "everyone". Fuck off and quit crossposting.
Answer the question. Why are you shilling Haiku, despite it being a remote service?
Oh shit, that's a great idea. I believe I have something like that too, clone soldiers after their empire fell and they don't know what to do, and end up in awkward everyday life. Never finished it, I should go back to it.
>NAI had an advantage over all local models that is now gone. It's an objective thing.
>Misquoting what people posted
>So for my use case,NAI had an advantage over all local models that is now gone. It's not an objective thing.
>It's not an objective thing.
>the vtuber thread doesn't give a shit about NAI
You're going to be seeing this a lot all over the site.
why do you caaaaare he's being an annoying little bitch just ignore him uuuughhhhhh
I wonder how CF doesn't burn himself out with browsing literally every AI thread on 4chan at once AND running scripts to find NovelAI/AIDungeon mentions on /v/
What a huge fuck you to NovelAI is that NoobAI exists. They deserve to be in the OP.
>oh no, poorfags that were never part of NAI's community are leaving
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yeah noobAI is cool, but when I'm genning something with 'cum explosion' in it, about 1 out of 10 gens include an actual hollywood thermal explosion somewhere in the image, which makes me laugh and kills my boner
It's very weird how people are convinced that it's just one person pointing out that a mid-range GPU (honestly anything 12GB VRAM and up) can now do everything NAI offers and better
>There he is again! Doesn't he ever get tired?! It's this one guy called CF, CF just flew over my house!
I'd love to be wrong.
I bet it's hard for you to suck Russian dick and type at the same time. At least you're talented at something.
Nobody normal crossposts links.
And said people have to come to naiGODS and get the naiGODS to acknowledge their community.
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/vtai/ is laughing at us...
>check /vtai/
>it's CF screeching and screaming as they all tell him to go away
/vtai/ is alright, when the Cabal carries out the AI genocide, they will be spared.

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