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>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

the before lock:
Do you think Haze wears anything underneath her latex pants?
vindicta nerfs when
>made vindicta's ass size smaller
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>M&K not only untouched but also buffed
Molechads how are we feeling ?
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>Vindicta nerf
>Vindicta hips and breast size increased to make her easier to hit in air
There is only 1 nerf that could truly destory her.
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Paradox bomb is new Kudzu. She absolutely melts fucking everyone with it now.
Sirs... the Yamato buffs? Mr. Yoship sir???
i've been using this build and throwing bombs across lanes trying to lane janny 2 lanes at once and it works so well.
The only footwear Vindicta should wear is toering with diamond
she needs a pair of sweet kick's if you know what im sayin'
post build
just look up "ability range", "ability duration" and then pickup echo shard with every item that has "cool down reduction"
You just add Superior Duration and Improved Reach on the bomb. You can flex on enemy if ahead with Escalating Exposure and Echo Shard, but the main point is that you max the bomb and it's duration because now the longer duration > the more ticks and it grows with each tick.

Everything else is more or less the same Paradox build as always.

Some survivability is good too if you want to bait people into chasing you in a tight space, dropping the bomb so they cannot escape, wall and ult swap and just watch them struggle to do anything.
Hear me out
Viper kit but with a double barrel shotgun
>At work so cannot play now and test new Paradox builds.
It sucks so fucking much. I hope they won't nerf her or that it won't become too popular and well known.
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i usually do well in my ascendant games but when i get lobbies full of "known" people and eternus players i lose hard how do i gitgud

have you tried it in actual games is it actually legit or a meme i prefer melee dox
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>jump into the air
>aim within general direction of vindicta
>kill her in 4 volleys
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I can't get myself to queue up unranked games, it feels so pointless, but there is 4½hrs till I can queue ranked! FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
>still get hit by melee despite dashing away and them hitting the air I left behind
>still get hit by melee even though I hit parry and the animation is still up (and now longer) as their fist literally travels through the shield
"this is a good patch"
Pulse Grenade 100% giganerf in some minor patch/fix today. It's absurd.
i've been playing this all day and they just kind of take 30% of their life at most and then walk out and hold M1 at me
it's okay, i felt super weak in game despite having armors and lifesteal + a decent mobility from 3. You get crazy fucking cash money from playing it though because you can actually lob bombs over buildings and instantly wipe everything. I felt more like an artillerist, lobbing nukes into teamfights to kill hazes, abrams, bebops, any other close range brawler fell down or had to back off. The build has a ton of pressure and the enemy will not be able to take a walker while you live.
its probably decent as a support build then, lately ive noticed a lot of high level games running dedicated supports not because the team needs them but because there is physically not enough farm on the map for six players to vaccuum up
have you tried running into a corner then pressing ethereal shift and throwing the grenade at your feet
Calico can't be real
literally abrams but better in every way
is there a line i missed in the patch notes about the urn or why does it sometimes have a delivery point in the enemy's corner of the map while your own team is behind on souls?
it's basically the best lane janny build we've seen so far. It combines the best aspects of the seven balls/ivy kudzu of a long lasting but high burst dps grenade to clear swarms really fast. Not to mention a maxed build echo shard shares the exact same cd that the bomb itself does so you will always have 2 bombs up at the same moment.
Guys pocket might be playable afterall... just have to bite the bullet and keep buying nerfed to dust leap. Need to figure out what are my T4s after Kevlar though, I've been getting Leech/Overflow for more CDR but neither feels amazing.
same but because games in ranked are higher quality because people tryhard and communicate more
I think it's bugged and just works incorrectly randomly
yeah i keep getting moments where we are ahead like 20k but we have urn on our side.
>pocket nerfed 4 straight patches in a row
>pocket players still think they were legitimately skilled and it's all unjust persecution of the abused pocket mains
What is Yoshi smoking and when will he nerf this dishonest piece of shit character ?
they still didn't fix pocket's instant reload btw
shes 100% not staying the same her cat shit is going to be moved to the ulti again but yes she does feel great to play
I dont see pockets at all. Pocket has to be one of the least picked in the game. It takes so much effort for such a shit gun and abilities that require stacking damage amp first to do anything. Then on top of that his ult is completely negated by a 3500 gold item. Waste of a hero design, not sure why they even added someone like him if they were scared of it being strong.
please just pickup improved spirit armor and his burrow does jack shit for damage
they need to rework the ult into something completely different
Put his ult on 1 and 1 on ult, change values around so it gives good amp
>biggest hitbox
>has 2 head hitboxes
>2 of his biggest counters are Grey Talon and Vindicta and they both just got buffed
Make it like mars arena where nobody can see inside a 30m cylinder tornado while disabling healing inside by 50%
Make pocket's ult a toggable ability that drains your hp.
I do miss the big cat turret. She needs an identity that isn't ripping off mcginnis (but does it 1000% better)
Is Paradox good now?
>erm ackshyully she's always been good if you buy 20 active items and have a te-
Can it, I'm not playing on high elo where my team reacts to things like swaps. Does her kit stand up on its own without being propped up by actives and requiring a team to do anything now?
I just saw they nerfed clearing waves by giving creeps massive spirit resistance as the game goes on. Yeah I'm 90% sure this game is never going to see the light of day and will be cancelled. They can't even figure out how creeps should work.
melee and possibly the new grenade builds are viable.
paradox will never ever be a solo hero she's like mole
>+ and - spirit res is a thing
>+ and - bullet res is a thing
>but there's only + melee res and no way to lower melee res
What were they thinking
you can, with hunter's aura.
They need to just let Magician have her ult and give her something actually good for ult
They read my build and wanted to buff me in particular

Also if I'm reading this warden change correctly he has Unstoppable during his ult channel meaning you just cast then cancel to dodge a stun which seems abuseable
p sure melee res is bullet res still but strictly is only anti melee. I tried it out against a dummy with and without hunters aura and hunters aura basically made the dmg numbers go back to normal. Bullet resist still fucks over melee.
The candle creep should start out tall with a big heal and as he walks down the lane the candle gets shorter and the heal weaker
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posting again because LOLLLL
Firerate buff on ulti is a buff as well as the backdoor changes

You just have rat with him(as God intended) instead of spirit brooling
cool idea but they only add bad ideas
is he playing on a fucking controller
actual fucking plastic elo
This is worst gameplay of Paradox I've seen so far
wow mikael is washed
when the addy script runs out
these are the people who bitch about haze huh
>dude paradox fucking sucks now without a team you need to be esports to play her solo god she needs buffs so bad
wait does time wall actually block bullet dance????
>longer cooldown on ulti
>+20% firerate LMAO
yep this is a great deal yoshi i love it
yeah they added this feature last month
yes lol
I have a theory after this shit happenes multiple times to me and usually affect the game severely
The urn comeback mechanic spawn the drop off point the moment someone pick it up. However, it will only tally the souls of people WHO ARE FUCKING ALIVE and take the total to weight whether to activate the comeback for one team or not. Therefore, if you take out an enemy then immediately pick up the urn, it will put the drop off point in the enemy's side of the map. To make the matter worse, the drop off point set up will remain until the urn reaet position and swap side (a good while) so as soon as the enemies respawn, they can basically take the urn and basically get a free one due to how easy the delivery is. I had games where my team is clearly 10k-20k behind but got a good 2-3 enemies wipe while they attack our base so we try to run the urn to even out the soul a bit and the urn drop off is fucking in the enemy's side of the map when we try to pick it up.
I haven't done testing but it's really stupid if this is true. If you want to abuse the current flaw, if say 1-2 of your teammates get taken out in the mid game, just tap the urn if you are near it so to spawn the urn drop off on your side of the map so as soon as your teammates respawn, your team can get an easy urn even if you are ahead
dishonest mo players
yeah and what do (you) play
yeah the amount of stupid metagaming that is going to be caused by this urn shit is going to be through the roof

urn is just a terrible terrible objective they need to delete it like months ago
pocket and geist so characters that actually require skill instead of just stunlocking people with ult for a free kill, pressing one button to heal 500hp in aoe or running away at mach speed like a pussy
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>get into phantom
>proceed to lose every single game in full stomps and get players who have literally only played enough games to get a ranked badge and none others
I'm going to fucking krill myself
it's never been mo over
hello bait
i'm being 100% serious, the only reason yoshi doesn't nerf them is because of their pick rate, the character is braindead easy both in and out of lane
This game needs more roof action, not just boxes
go back to fishing school and learn better bait
I can't tell if this is budget Pocket. You won't be able to get all of the pulses in a real game so more like 2 to 4 pulses before they dash jump, then nuke their remaining HP with carbine, shoot with amped damage if not dead yet.
they should've placed the loser urn on the roof
Holliday feels so GOOD to play
Shame I am an absolute aimlet :(
we need a big fuckin ramp on one of these buildings and a skateboard you can jump on that lets you jump off like majestic leap
Aimbot hero
Can't wait for the chinks in my server to get their hands on her fuck me.
>press ult on haze
>game freezes up because it creates every bullet particle effect simultaneously
tales from the favela gaming center
OCE so yeah pretty much
you can try reducing render % to like 80%
>charge carbine as paradox and then call magic carpet
>fly right into vindicta/talons face and unload -> ult
>they die
think I found the answer to sniper meta bros
paradox has always been the bane of snipers, it's comical how badly she fucks them over. make sure to buy curse or slowing hex at least to finish the job
>sniper complains about sniper meta
Idk what it is with deadlock. I am absolute trash at CS but I can flick 90 degrees clean in this game
speaking of cancer sniper meta do you guys build sharpshooter on gay talon? I went slowing bullets mystic shot sharpshooter glass cannon with some spirit items for burst procs on spirit shot

was doing like 500 DPS but not sure if there are better items like maybe going vampiric burst in case i get ran at and want to live
Cs is precision aiming, this is tracking aiming
>sniper is in the air
>freeze them
>put a shield down
>put them on the ground
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
>Viscous gutted
>Infernus and Shiv barely touched
Oh yeah, Icefrog/Hotpoo totally have a handle on this game. They definitely know what they're doing.
shiv has been very touched, but he can still play the game

I played viscous day 1 and after the first round of nerfs never looked back, it was clear they didnt intend him to be fun damager like pangolier. THey want him to be some annoying splitpusher with a heal for teamfights. So fucking lame
>shiv barely touched
Outside of a rework idk what you want them to do with him
Not have him require 3 players and multiple actives to kill? How about that?
gun viscous can absolutely destroy shiv and has the one of like three abilities that even disjointsh is execute youre bad m8
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This is 100% confirmed
The urn comeback system only tally souls from people who are alive. It's mostly an oversight and really really fucking stupid
I queue into a match just for the sole purpose of testing this out.
Here is my team with 20k soul lead but get favorable "comeback" urn drop off position because I pick up the urn in middle of a fight when our team had 2 people down but enemy team only had 1 person down. We cleaned up that fight anyway because we were so ahead and also get an easy urn delivery.
match id: 24693491
I was expecting infernus to get gutted last patch but he barely got touched this patch as well
how do you even nerf him without nerfing toxic bullets/ricochet/leech/escalating?
>gun viscous
stopped reading there. Viscous isn't a gun character, he has no gun synergy. The fact that he even has a viable gun build is just more evidence that the devs don't know what they're doing
lmao omw to die and tell a friend to run the urn everytime i die
that cant be an oversight it has to be intended, but i cant understand the logic for it
he's already kinda nerfed last patch with life steal change and has more difficulty this patch with good vindicta/talon keeping him in check.
are you retarded I literally just told you how gun viscous is played. Use ult for rolling, heal to disjoint shit/wait out ults like haze, punch to either chase or push enemies back into you, and then the goo blast is for slowing enemies for more gunning.

I'm not saying it's a good idea and I agree they should nerf his gun to make the rest of his kit fun again, but that's what it's for and he is 100% a gun split pusher. Just like pocket used to be until they nerfed his gun range falloff to the point it's garbage
>this patch with good vindicta/talon keeping him in check.
How exactly Vindicta/Talon supposed to keep guy in check that can light them on fire faster than they kill him
Use ult for rolling away from being outnumbered/bad fights I meant to say.
>"rank 1" dynamo and mnk players are both dlg'ers
I thought everyone in this general was dogshit?
It has to be an oversight. Remember that the urn system determine the urn drop off when someone FIRST pick it up if it is available. Even if you don't deliver right away, the drop off position will remains the same until the urn position swap to the other side and reset. Basically, if any of your teammate goes down due to a gank mid game, just pick up the urn real quick then drop it so the drop off point is determined by the game. By the time that teammate respawn, you now have an easy path for delivery because the drop off point is in your side of the map even if your team is even or have a lead
Yeah I know how to play gun Viscous, I've won all of the 10 or so games I played it. I just refuse to use it because the character isnt designed to take advantage of gun and playing gun with no synergy is boring. A character with an ability that turns off their gun for 15 seconds clearly wasn't designed to be a gun character, but they refuse to let his abilities be good for some reason. Meanwhile Shiv/Infernus and occasionally Abrams can literally walk into an enemy team's spawn room and rape them and somehow that's a-okay. Shit's gay and I'm mad
feels good to beat an eternus 3stack t. ascendant
I would like to play viscous that is literally always in ball form with 50% more base hp than anyone else and his rolls no longer stun and do like a heavy melee level of damage instead then reset momentum on hitting a player
Woke up to seeing this post and it's so retarded I had to bring it into the next thread.

Why the FUCK do people over react SO FUCKING MUCH to patch notes? Is it literally just for attention? jfc. EE was the uncontested best spirit item in the game and it STILL IS
I never realized how gay games are when you fight stacks that communicate and have set laning strategies they have practiced over and over compared to ranked where everyone is new together. So much more fair and less aggravating. We could probably use a draft mode though so it's not RNG if someone gets an unloseable mcginnis wall combo lane.
>duhh is paradox good now because she can spam a braindead grenade now?? duhhhh
She was always good and while this is a buff to paradox, it does not change the way she's meant to be played. It just means she's better at being a lane janny now
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thanks guys, I think it went well and I will be starting in a few weeks. I get one week of Deadlock to play until I become full time wagey.
Nah I tried escalating again and it did fuck all on shiv daggers. It's legitimately fucking terrible especially now that spirit resist goes up to like 45% for 4250... just build boundless spirit and mystic shot instead because the damage is faster
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And people complain about easy to dodge burst builds but have no issues with giant AoE's that melt the fuck out of you and your team.
You're genuinely retarded
lol underrated
I have like 100 games of dagger only shiv I am an expert on it. Boundless gives you 20% more bleed damage up front. It's way better
yes they were on my team the previous game and gave 0 comms or pings since theyre just talking in discord
>abrams nerfs again
le sigh...
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Dude like... you're the new Ivy so you better buy only spirit items, got it?
I was playing grenade paradox before it was cool
wow good job man it takes real ingenuity to build echo shard on a big area denial skill that's never been done before where did you come up with such a brilliant idea
Amount of games played doesn't really matter and you show you're retardation pretty well here
>Boundless gives you 20% more bleed damage up front.
It's also a near 10k item. EE costs 2k less and more importantly it enhances his kit better. Mystic shot + Improved burst + EE stacks = retard damage and then of course you have his dash too. EE will also increase the damage of his non-kill ult which has no spirit scaling at all, so it's damage is only increased by damage amp and -X spirit resist.

The point of EE on shiv isn't just to increase knife damage but to give you insanely insanely good burst on literally everything you have. You don't realize how good this item is if you haven't hit someone for 1k damage off of one head shot
I guarantee you the majestic leap nerfs will get reverted at some point.
nice tits parasexo
>Viscous, Mirage, Mo & Krill and Paradox in the enemy team all at the same time
Ah yes, so it's the game where the enemy team is not allowed to die whatsoever because god forbid we don't give them 2nd chance abilities by the press of a button.
mystic shot scales with boundless spirit dumbass and so does shivs dash. and it doesnt require waiting when youre no longer as tanky as you once were so you lifesteal immediately instead of being bursted
>all my feedback from the past 2 months has only 1 views (me)
Am i shadowbanned? Is it time for me to make a new account?
>*kisses you on the nose*
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Yes and no.
I predict that Majestic Leap will be restored to what it was, but it will be given a price hike and a slight upgrade path, perhaps out of Enduring Speed. Likely priced at 4,250 or 4,750.
The main issue with it before is it was extremely cheap for what it did, it was a farming/engage/dis-engage/escape/catch tool. It did everything under the sun

Heroes that bought it barely had to commit any real amount of money for it, when in reality an item that strong should instead be made more expensive and given stronger stats, but stats that don't necessarily belong on every hero in the game.
That way, if you spend money on it, you need to commit more of your resources to it, and that takes away from the other parts of your build early on and leaves you weaker

Honestly Leap should only usually exist on heroes like Dynamo, Lash, Viscous and Warden. With some niche-use cases like Pocket or McGinnis
Why are all your characters so ugly lol
Hey! Magician was the idea I posted about a month ago!
Too low mmr
Pocket Posse how is he now?
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lol I do this cause i hate laning and enjoy watching them seethe as I run away from them and avoid playing at all with monster rounds + regen to just clear the wave asap
can you duo hero labs
or is it solo only like ranked
based? I should try this, I also hate laning in this game. Constantly shooting at each other is fucking lame.
Are you even allowed to make a new account? I got it back in may via email, the game still allows me to request a forum account though
make sure to buy the other extra 1 hp/s regen items and also extra hp so that you cant be nuked either if they're like wraith or something

extra spirit/monster rounds are one and there's another I'm forgetting but even just 3 of them is 7 hp/s + extra damage for the creeps to push. It's even better now since denies are nerfed. Shove wave then deny theirs after to get any the enemy denied back
what would revolutionize the game would be showing the rank of the person who made a build guide
sprint boot
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>Block your path
>Turns you into bunny (frog)
How do you respond without sounding mad?
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Post patch shredder Mirage

>Basic Mag(Alternatively resto shot but melee lifesteal+healing rite is enough sustain usually)
>Headshot Booster
>Melee Lifesteal
>Sprint Boots
>Healing Rite(sell midgame)
>Ammo Scav(sell midgame)

>Bullet resist shredder
>Withering whip
>Hunters Aura
>Duration Extender
>Enduring Speed
>Bullet Armor
>Spirit Armor
>Crippling Headshot
>Titanic Mag

>Superior Duration
>Improved Spirit Armor
>Improved Bullet Armor
>Echoshard (tornado)

Why is the game not over
>Escalating Resilience

Titanic mag added because it gives both Spirit resist and melee resist now(along with BRS). I'm pretty sure the melee resist+lifestrike means you can unbind f key and just trade heavies with anyone and win
>healing rite
stopped reading there, fucking awful item never buy this
or you could just post the build id
I shove his ghost wife to the ground and mating press her
Into a cat (bunny(frog))
I'm at work rn so I can't make it public but I'll link it later when I get homein 8 hours
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Thoughts on this head hitbox?
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Why nobody told me Ivy is fun as fuck? I've been avoiding playing this ugly mothafucka because of all the hornyposting.

Tried her for the second time yesterday since started playing and dig her a lot. I've realised that her gameplay is basically the same as my Geist cancer-bomb build that I love + a retardedly fun machinegun .

What's your tips and tricks, gargoylegooners? How do I use her ult effectively if I'm playing solo?
You're so stupid it's insane. Yeah no shit mystic shot and dash scale with spirit, that doesn't mean EE doesn't amplify the damage further. You throw knives from afar before you get into an engagement, adding several stacks of EE before you get to said target. You get to target, you burst them down with super amped shots.

I can guarantee you that you're below archon
>inb4 didn't even try to get rank cope
Before patch when I'd get resto, I'd get flat health over rite but I really like 3 greens + 2 sustain sources for lane

They just keep buffing titanic and I already thought it was underrated
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Here's your Butcher of Ixia bro
The fact that hex doesn't work on viscous ball infuriates me so fucking much
>get the chance to try herolabs four times in the span of two hours luckily
>sevenigga and inferniggus all four times
>some games are stomp snoozefest where I’m 19/4 or 30/10 with teammates huffing paint
why won’t icefraud just let me know I’m low priority so I can just quit the game
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I croak
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You can use your ultimate to get easy urns by carrying the urn carrier to the other side. There's also a glitch version using the teleporter. See video. The ult is also used to carpet bomb with Kudzu since you can use abilities while in air.
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Deferred damage nerfs - completely fair, ultimately it doesn't hurt him a whole lot
Knive hitbox nerf - Reasonable and honestly, to an extent it's a buff just because in the laning phase the hitbox was literally so big it was hard to throw knives at enemies if creeps were surrounding the path even though your aim would be completely above the creeps
Ult range nerf - Pretty fair
Rage nerf - Abysmal, it's so hard to get and keep rage. You have to be brooling really hard to maintain the buff. I think they'll end up either reverting some of the changes or at least do a middle ground. I'm fine with reduced rage from creeps but 50% reduction is way too much. There's also a hidden nerf where it seems like shiv won't receive rage from decay if an enemy is a certain distance away from him.

Overall Shiv barely got touched but I definitely think rage is gonna get buffed again. If they're gonna make it this hard to get rage, then at minimum it should last longer before decaying and before anyone says "why would they ever buff him!!!" they literally buffed him in the prior big patch (then slightly nerfed some of those buffs)
How does stacking Melee resist and bullet resist work?

I figure it must be multiplicative because you can hit 100%
If I could be Icefrog for a day I'd completely rework Kelvin from the ground up. Having a hero based entirely around slowing and healing is so fucking unfun to play against I just want to abandon every time he's on the enemy team
If it was up to me, shiv should get no rage from NPC but build up rage faster when hitting an opponent. Shiv already has a very reliable way to build up rage (knife chucking). Why should shiv gameplan and dynamic revolves around maintaining rage with hitting NPC rather than dueling the opponent.
Fighting shiv would feels less frustrating as well because hey, if he get in rage, that is because he gets to hit you too much and now he has that advantage. Having to deal with a shiv on rage just because he's in lane or just pop out of a jungle camp is just not fun.
So, I have to play with gorillas who lucked into their rank until next week? Their queue does not update in real time?
Add two payloads that snake across the entire map and go across the rooftops and when you complete it your entire team gets flying movement for the next 5 minutes or something
Pretty sure it's just the icon that's delayed a week, your hidden mmr updates still
So is viper broken or what? The gun has 200 fucking base dps, that's 3x every other hero. Even if it has horrendous spray it should be strong given that you can just swooce right into the enemys anus
the urns are broken lmao you cant deliver them
If you say GG after a game where you had an absurd amount of deaths, you're legitimately an NPC
That's why we're testing it.
GG (get grangraped) nigga
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gg bro
I hope this isn't in order. You take waaaaay too long to buy any damage increase items. Reducing resist is fine, but putting that many sources in doesn't work nearly as well as just getting damage early. For this reason, Crippling Headshot is simply worse than the other 6200 weapon options.
If you look at Mirage's gun, the reason why his gun's DPS is so shit is because the fire rate is low. If you get items that buff fire rate you increase his damage by a lot. That also means getting some ammo items, which Kinetic Dash and Quicksilver Reload happily handle both at the same time. I would also consider Burst Fire mandatory.
Your Lategame section is just bad. Spending 18k for zero damage increases is awful. Get Lucky Shot before any of those items.
People are wising up to lava builds, it's not September when even top players would unknowingly tank a full 1k kudzu in a hectic teamfight.
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Was certainly a night
How'd you get this screenshot of my postgame?
When Mirage throws his scarabs and says "consume them!" he's actually talking to the enemy he's throwing them at, demanding that they eat the bugs.
So you are telling me Mirage isn't actually an arab, but instead a jew?
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LIKE oh yeah hubba bubba mr postgame
Damn that nigger must be on his way down he's in piss low archon playing like a wood 0/6 before 8 minutes
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>buy knockdown
>make enemy seethe
>they use knockdown on me every time they see me instead of using it on my teammates who are flying through the air
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>Be Dynamo
>Enemy uses Knockdown on me
>Type "?"
>Quantum before it lands
>Run away unharmed
No it's not in order besides the general categories

I intentionally avoided firerate items because of the antisynergy with his 3. It was not a goal to maximize his dps but to maximize the shred uptime. Shred because it amplifies the team damage, if you have even just 1 teammate with you this is better than maximizing solo dps. The dps is still pretty good even with no firerate. There is no damage items in the late game category because you already have 3 t3 and 1 t4 in the midgame. He can't flash farm so I don't think going for a bunch of t4 is wise
>want to exit scope with vindicta
>muscle memory of like 20 years of gaming tells me to press right click
>have to keep reminding myself i have to press 4 again
this is such a dumbass change, how often could the different scopes even come up? this isn't battlefield, you can see everyone from anywhere
Am I mistaken in thinking that every heros gun is equally helped by attack speed (bar cases like fixation or inherent attack speed buffs)? If you have base 100 damage and fire 1/second, 20% attack speed will increase your dps to 120, same as base 10 dmg and 10 rounds/second. Same with weapon damage
i'm not sure if you've actually played shiv bro but the to build a bar of rage with the knife you have to have a bleed ticking for a literal minute
you can hit 4 knives 5ap before a teamfight and still not get rage
Firerate doesn't have anti-synergy with his 3, it just doesn't synergise. There's a significant difference.
Spirit Vindicta is good this patch, actually. We're back

Idk what you mean, if you mag dump faster then you stack less so it gets worse
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>lane against greytalon and vindicta
he's a high risk high reward assassin
too far in the direction of reward looking at the numbers but he's designed for solo picks and ratting, in an organised teamfight he's basically the same as haze where as soon as unstoppable runs out you're dead.
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>dominating enemy team for 35 minutes
>literally get their patron weakened before they take a single walker
>enemy Haze finally gets her ricochet and silencer at minute 36
>enemy team wins by minute 38
Why does no one listen to me when I say "Haze is online, buy metal skin or we lose."?
I feel like it depends on the heroes actual gun stats.

I could be wrong but if you have high bullet damage, low fire rate then fire rate will better increase your damage while if you have low bullet damage but high fire rate, then weapon damage benefits you more. Or maybe it's the other way around, idk. Obviously it depends on character kits. Haze, Vindicta, and (to an extent) Infernus all want fire rate because their kit gives them straight damage on their bullets so more fire rate gives them much much much higher dps.
looking up vindictas skirt
>you can click on the bars to undo your skill upgrade selection
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Please understand, what separates a decent player from gluesniffers is whether they buy actives to counter
You can reload and still have time to shoot them again and stack more. Even if you only had one mag, you only need 5 bullets to fully stack Djinn's mark, so getting the rest of your shots out quicker has no adverse effects.
It's not anti-synergistic to shoot them quicker unless doing so completely locked you out of stacking Djinn's mark, which it doesn't. You're forgoing the easiest to itemise DPS stat (fire rate) for no reason.
>"Haze is online, buy metal skin or we lose."?
Even then the bullet dodge makes her too tanky during her ult.
You need knockdown and metal skin + team coordination
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why do i even bother playing this hero. same shit before and after patch
>bullet dodge makes her too tanky during her ult.
Just buy lucky shot bwo
should have bought curse and silence
Haze-like, as the other anon pointed out. He's strong against grounded bullet based heroes but he's incredibly weak to air mobile heroes and spirit burst damage. He literally has no answer to them.

I really don't know what they're doing with Viper tho. Kit is all over the place. If Kali isn't gonna be a seperate character, they should really combine the two. Make Vipers ult the bolos trap except make it a skill shot. Make the discs a boomerang again except pressing the button again immediately makes it come back to you instead of it having a set distance before it returns. The slide is fun but he has no natural mobility and again has no way to deal with air opponents outside of my proposed bolos ult but I think a generic speed buff like Kali has isnt the answer either
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why did they buff gay talon?
nobody likes fighting this cunt
>be yamato
>buy knockdown hex and silence
>click them all on the enemy flying nigga
it's spooky month
>you can use magic carpet after Holliday ulti
I know what my build is going to be lmao
I cant handle it.
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*sigh* tired of these shit teams in unranked, luckily ranked is up in 5 minutes so I can get away from these mongrels
activate windows you lazy fuck
obvious bait an hero
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>buff vindicta
>also nerf her control scheme?
>also make her ult projectile so big it stops on shitty postsigns
great job frog
turbo greytalon being back is fucking hilarious
just watched a motherfucker turn in the urn in like 10 seconds.
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Magician is fucking hilarious and I hope they keep his shenanigans

If you want to run firerate then go ahead, there is a hundred fire rate builds
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is ranked better than unranked? I wanna play but running into stacks doesn't sound interesting, plus performance anxiety when trying new heroes, I also don't give a shit about my rank
Realistically is anything stopping me from just grabbing the urn and going full on dumpster diving with boxes on spawn? I'm high enough now that unless you get a good urn drop point or have significantly map advantage grabbing it just basically means at least half the enemy team will just camp the drop-off point. So what's stopping me from just keeping it with me while farming crates and praying my team realizes the opportunity to push?
But /dlg/ meta scholars told me that Grey Talon can never be good no matter how much he gets buffed
kek this has to be the guy with 120 games 0 wins, atraight up intentional griefing
sure but dont complain about being in pisslow with that attitude
It's the increased vs more thing.
Getting 20% weapon damage or fire rate will bump you to 120 dps but splitting 10%/10% between damage and fire rate is a multiplier and will get you 121 dps.
Stacking one or the other has diminishing returns in terms of absolute value.
Inversely resistances get more powerful point for point the closer you get to 100%.
it reveals you on the map so people will know you aren't planning on bringing it in and it starts degenerating your HP after an even longer time.
baiting it to create pushing opportunities is a real strat but if you don't tell your team it's not going to work.
I hope they implement some community heroes, it's very cool to have lab heroes but it's disappointing they recycle spells
they're obviously placeholder
Yes but my point was only related to the effectiveness of this formula per different hero. Burst fire is pretty much the best bullet item for the reason you talked about by the way, 42% dps increase plus the base +gun%
Unless they changed it this patch ranked is solo queue only. Expect more raging in languages you don't understand but less "lol it's just a game who cares if I go 0/20/3" players
The only real problem is the HP, doesn't matter if they know where I am because I know their greedy asses just can't help but to stay there, even if it's only to people that's already a trade of 1 for 2 in my favor. The HP could be a problem but again if they don't just leave I can just drop it off no biggie
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two more weeks of this
There's probably cases for it, like if you're running out of bullets before burst fire is up.
True, low mag size is a killer, but for heroes that you can fit reload items on it's fine
>lane against infernus
>"oh okay, going to be a bit annoying but sure"
>lady geist comes instead
dude...don't say the n-word. we don't do that here
Nerf Geist god damn it, the stupid bomb is just retardedly strong
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seventh moons greatest warrior
>pick great alan
>got 15/0/10
God why do I get 0/16 yamatos in my fucking game STILL HOW LONG MUST I SUFFER
Its clear they know how to fucking make passable MM because the ranked games are much closer but unranked is an utter shitshow of random shitstomping and wildly inconsistent trench pisslows showing up
why did I only just now realize how retarded kinetic dash is because the fire rate is UNTIL YOUR NEXT RELOAD making it extremely good on characters with big mag sizes and doubly good with quicksilver reload
the old indian guy is really fun to play, he's perfect this patch
This game could be severely helped with grenade-style characters being penalized with fuses and bounce but better cooldowns and such
>the slow proc on lucky shot STILL doesn't spread on ricochet
>crippling headshot's bullet/spirit resist reduction spreads if you headshot the primary target on ricochet
why does it work this way this is dumb.
Ain't really a huge feat when you have 20k souls over the enemy
I would unironically love a character with a bouncy frag grenade ability with a cookable fuse. Viscous fully maxed 1 is as close as we get unfortunately.
Will it always be called jungle? I think calling it city is cool too. Though city is a concrete jungle...
i had 21k souls from kills alone i was farming them the same way when it was more even
>Brb going into the ghetto to kill some moon crickets
shouldnt it be called alley then? or are those the lanes
streets and buildings
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
the lanes are streets
I think Vindicta is just awful design. She's either dog shit useless trash or she's the most insufferable piece of shit to play against. You can't balance this kit
Seven hates bureaucrats (Kelvin), blockheads (Abrams), dolts (Lash), pinheads(Viscous) , goons(Bebop), thugs(Wraith), and assorted miscreants (Warden, Haze, Yamato)
>can't play herolabs heroes in custom games
gay gay homosexual gay
Fucking fighting McGinnis reminds me of that fortnite video. 1 bullet on the bitch and its a wall and 5 turrets in a flash.

Fuck this hero and FUCK all gun based heros for that matter
can't you just turn cheats on and use the console to switch heroes?
So that everyone uses noclip?
so turn them off once everybody gets heroes
Loving the urn changes actually, less stomps and makes for a great back and forth
You need to enable dev tools to play as experimental heroes.
When it works
are troopers and guardians alive
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>official emoji
literally just buy metal skin
against spirit damage? right
every soul is conscious and in unimaginable pain as we slurp them up and shape them into weapons
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Sorry, are you having problems with the crow lmao? Didn't realize you were retarded
who is the mo?
as always with snipers
>hey guys we should add a character to our game that can completely disregard any sort of strategy and tactics as long as you can aim like a korean on crack
You must be retarded and not even play or understand her kit. When vindicta goes in fly her bullets deal spirit damage and when you're doing a spirit build (which is optimal now that her fire rate scales with spirit) half of your bullet damage will be spirit, other half bullet.
>b-buy knockdown!!!!
ethereal shift, which doesn't cancel your flight.
are you genuinely retarded?
do you think they harvest souls from graveyards to make troopers
>Lasts up to 7s

Did you actually test this because the item description makes it seem like otherwise. If not,

everyone who dies in new york is unceremoniously dumped in the sewers, which is why there's always a steady stream of souls bubbling out of the sewer grates
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>Firerate buff on ulti is a buff
It's less than the equivalent of two 500 souls items, shit would be worth like 650 souls at most.
And this comes WITH A NERF because the overall ult cooldown went up and can't lower it unlike before.
Fire rare barely fucking matters unless you go weapon and even then, again, it's nothing to write home about.
And let's not even talk about the escalating nerf AND the flying strike nerf, valve is genuinely fucking retarded.

Already saw 2 of the top 5 Yamatos swearing off the hero and removing it from their purple preferred, valve is killing her in cold blood for no fucking reason at all.
abrams is going to get nerfed again. just removed that faggot char out of the game
>for no fucking reason at all.
She deserves it
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One of the lowest winrates in the game.
Never does jackshit in pro when she's picked and she's often a detriment.
Every patch there's less and less yamatos in high mmr/now ascendant and eternus.
How the fuck does she "deserve" the nerfs?
She got buffed back to back every patch because she was dogshit, was good for one patch because of escalating where she got hard nerfed and then immediately became dogshit again.
Then they fucking nerf her again, AND AGAIN, why???

It's not even direct nerfs, they feel like nerfs purely out of incompetence and/or out of spite, would be like the equivalent of nerfing paradox or vindicta or GT (who all got hard buffed)
Are two patrons divorced couple?
I labbed it, yeah the duration is there but if you grab duration 1 and cooldown 1, there's less than a second gap between the duration of kinetic dash and the cooldown. If you buy the advanced tier of either of those items, then the duration will be as long as the cooldown as long as you don't reload.
>Played against krill and talon in lane
>Take damage off screen
>Cant kill mo because scorn and burrow
bravo icefraud, wonderful
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aaa the ghost! call the ghostbusters! the ghost is stealing my farm! she shot me in the face and now she run off with my souls! HEY GHOST COME BACK THAT'S MY SOULS!
Doesn't seem to work. If I lag hard enough on load that I have to rechoose a character on game start then I can run SelectHero from there, but if I load in correctly as a hero then SelectHero doesn't work.
talon is gonna get adjusted today or in the next few days he is fucking retarded now
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>Lanes against literally any half decent laner
*loses game*
>Enemy moves slightly to the side
*loses game*
>Game reaches late game
*loses game*
>Game ends too fast
*loses game*
>Loses lane
*loses game*
>Enemy has cc
*loses game*
>Enemy buys cc
*loses game*
>Enemy picks weapon carries
*loses game*
*loses game*
>tries to 1v1 someone not 15k souls behind
*loses game*
>Bugs out
*loses game*
>Enemy uses their mobility
*loses game*
>Enemy picks any other of the melee heroes who have more damage, better mobility, scale better, have a better weapon, are ten times easier and tankier
*loses game*
>Enemy picks any top tier character
*loses game*
>Enemy doesn't run into melee range
*loses game*
>Enemy turns around a corner
*loses game*
>Enemy plays together
*loses game*
>Enemy doesn't stand around waiting for her to charge like a retard
*loses game*
>Enemy buys/skills any sort of silence
*loses game*
>Enemy picks viscous
*loses game*
>Enemy picks Mo
*loses game*
>Enemy picks wraith
*loses game*
>Enemy buys shields
*loses game*
>Enemy buys armor
*loses game*
>Enemy buys anti heal
*loses game*
>Enemy kites
*loses game*
>Enemy walks away
*loses game*
>Enemy hugs tower
*loses game*
>Enemy parries
*loses game*
>Enemy buys warp stone
*loses game*
>Enemy buys Ethereal Shift
*loses game*
>Enemy picks dynamo
*loses game*
>Enemy farms
*loses game*
>Wins game
*loses game*
She deserves it as long as Yamaniggers keep playing her solely as a win lane -> rice for 40 minutes -> facefuck the base while invulnerable character
Yamatos on my team go 0-9 by minute 5. Yamatos on the enemy team get 10k souls ahead and I still kill them easily kek
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>Shiv can now do dash TWICE back to back if he hits a singular person with it because of the new cooldown reduction items

I hate this fucking company
>ethereal shift, which doesn't cancel your flight.
i thought it does cancel now
Anyone got a good mixed bebop build that it's just gun or just spirit
I must say, I'm a big fan of the new commend system.
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They finally realized that I don't care which team I was playing for.
Nerf shiv 10 more times
1. Reload ur PC
2. If nVidia go to C:\Users\UR_USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache
If AMD go to C:\Users\UR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\AMD\DxCache
3. Delete all files in folder
4. Go to Sandbox and activate Haze ult to cash the effect
5. No FPS drop more
I don't understand how piss low you have to be for this to happen, literally just buy a silencing glyph and she can't do shit.
Not only she has no escape so it's insanely easy to gang up on her with the lowest amount of coordination but a singular 3k item activation completely cucks her and turns her into a creep, can't ult and can't do shit.
CS is crosshair placement game where the goal is to do the least aiming. Overwatch is more mechanically demanding.
is this why my frames went from stable 140ish on medium high to being 140ish but they randomly fucking drop to 40 on the shop and like 13 on base when I open shop?
it's been like this for like 2 patches idk wtf they changed
also drops to like 50 on random moments
yeah the gay talon hotfix cant come soon enough
This is what we get for meming and pretending like Gray Talon was the worst hero in the game last patch when he obviously wasn't bad at all.
Why did we deserve the Miku buffs though.
are we really comparing current kudzu to old, barely visible, sometimes invisible, no audio queue, dome hitbox kudzu?
There's a reason why an archon 4 struggles in the inhouses.
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What exactly is the reveal range?
Since I'm an archon 5 does that mean I'd do fine?
I fucking hate these wards, you have this cool as fuck melee hero and they just turn her into a symmetra.
They need to revert this back to her ult.
>yamato was the true worst hero all along
>gets nerfed
Give me Paradox bomb build.
I wish they would just lower the base damage of her power slash but increase the spirit scaling so that she's not such a fucking nightmare to fight in lane, but then she actually would scale better in late game and not just be a punching bag at 30 minutes in.
Most retards have no idea how hard pancake hitbox gutted kudzu
that would make too much sense, can't happen.
yamato beat yoshi once two months ago so now she must get nerfed every patch until her winrate goes down to 30%

also fucking nonsensical because if the sole reason she's getting nerfed is her laning (when lane doesn't matter much and is considerably worse than before) why the fuck is he HARD HARD BUFFING GAY TALON
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Here is my experimental Calico build. Time to play Hero Labs.
Gay Talon got buffed because despite being a lane bully no one in tournaments used him and pretty much everyons said he sucked. A lot of people still insisted on using Yamato so she's getting treated like she's still good.
do you guys really have trouble with her in lane? you can hear the power slash charging a mile away and dodge it.
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>duo lane with haze
>haze goes in
>no call outs
>haze dies
>"bro wtf can you like play with me??"
yeah let me just drop everything and be your babysitter. lets play exactly how you want to play and nevermind anything i was thinking about in the moment.
whenever a teammate makes no callouts and all they use the mic for is to complain, that's just an insta mute
It's cool until you realize the turrets are broken as fuck and last 30 aeons so you can just sit somewhere, place 5 turrets and giga ass rape anything that comes by meaning you're like three times more effective than mcginnis at area denial because they're not visible until they start raping.
The fucking power slash has an aoe the size of half the lane so even if you hide behind cover it still hits you. The only way to dodge it is if the Yamato sucks and uses it while you're already far enough away to dash jump out of its range.
dont bother with melee until they make her leap not buggy as shit jitters to hell and back
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I'm so excited.
you dodge into her and force her to try to 180
This Slork nigga is so broken it's not even funny
Generally she's already poked you down fairly low by chucking bombs at you so it's really ballsy to do something like that.
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This, I played calico melee yesterday and got stuck inside walls around 5 times
In one of those I straight up lost like 4 minutes of farming and everything so I went from behind ahead to suddenly being extremely behind which was a death sentence for melee.

Then it happened like 3 other times.

Leap goes STRAIGHT into walls and roofs and she also stops and can't complete the leap if there's no line of sight so they both combine and put her in a horrible position where you can only really leap in extremely open spaces or you WILL vibrate into a wall.
>vicious fisted him self into 3 enemies 70m away from team
>WTF BRO WHY NO HELP*abandons*
gotta have balls sometimes bro. bitch mentality loses the lane every time
It's like they gave original shiv a permanent warden ult, it's insane how anyone could ever think this shit would be anywhere near balanced and it really tells you the level of intelligence the dev team has
Listen i'm sick and tired of repeating myself..

It's clearly a work in progress bro lol.
lots of cheaters today, did a free cheat release or what?
I don't get why they gave him the unnerfed Bloodletting as a placeholder ability, that's so fucking stupid
Deferred damage is inherently broken in every game
no you just suck
I imagine he's going to have some kind of tank ability for his 3 when he's finished so they just chose the ability thats closest to what they wanted to give him. They also could've given him infernal resilience but he'd have the same problem.
if I'm being paid 150k a year to balance the scales between 30 grains of rice and then I put a full fucking watermelon in one of the scales then maybe I'm just not very good at my job am I
ok get this
melee hypertank torment pulse tesla EE bebop with intensifying mag and leech
this character is BUH-BUH-BUH-BUSTED if you spend 18k souls solely on spirit items
>why isn't this placeholder no one is working on balanced
are you stupid?
did you crybaby fags really think it wasn't enough that bebop lost two bomb stacks on death? fuck you
mcginnes talon and vindicta need to get their shit hotfixed this instant
what the fuck is this garbage?
The better analogy would be someone being paid to test the limits of a scale by putting watermelons on it. It's literally an experimental game mode with completely unfinished characters. Complaining about the balance there is the epitome of mental retardation.
Bomb build is for noobs stomping other noobs. Go Gunbop.
if no one's working on it how come he exist lmao
why are you reducing things to this level just to fit your view point, it's a dumb badly designed badly dumb thing that shouldn't exist and is blatantly retarded and heavily affected both the quality of matches in hero labs but also affects the data gathered by it.

In 4 matches I played slork absolutely destroyed and ass raped every lobby, it would've taken 5 seconds of testing the numbers once in hero sandbox to see "hey that's kinda dumb" and 20 more seconds to rewrite the numbers.
Is it an early hero test mode?
Yes, but it gives insight on how retarded they are behind the scenes because this kind of retarded balancing manifests itself all the way into the actual game releases, see: Shiv and gray talon.
Slork is so retarded op.
>dude just do gun build
i dont want to play bebop to shoot people with a gun, i want to play bebop to fuck around with his bombs and not fall off extremely hard from one death
>can't even peak 70k anymore
Where is the playerbase going?
to black ops 6
Just build greens and don't die? You scale infinitely
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huh the forums are getting visual updates
the it's you're responsibility not to die
he gets spirit res from leveling up now, go tankbop
almost 70% bullet and spirit res is pretty great for not dying
>dont die
even the best players in the world die, tardbarges
the double shrine flex slot is SHIT
well try to minimize dying then and scale faster than you die
>doing placements and all my lobbies are emissary/archon
I don't even want to finish this knowing what rank I'll get
all my unranked games are rated oracle and phantom so i'm happy, not even gonna play ranked
>fountain swapped by magician
we're back baby
who is Mo and who is Krill
>curse + shadow weave gunbop
yep im being raped
Mo and Krill are both the mole, Krill (the guy on Mo's back) is just a figment of Mo's imagination that manifested through the warp
Source 2 is so peak
Fuck mang only paradox can nuke waves now. Why did they add spirit resist to creeps? It's good that some characters can nuke and push waves fast and others can't. Like ivy kudzu "pushes" but you won't be guaranteed the last hits unless you built hard into spirit, and later on it just won't do it unless you keep building spirit.

With gay talon, mirage, vindicta, and big ass paradox AOE + Mo and krill being even more fucking annoying this has to be the worst patch since I've started playing.

Then they killed majestic leap which was a decent counter to flying fags too to chase/get some hits in.
this also explains why they both die at the same time, when mo dies his krill tulpa ceases to exist
I take it back, this patch sucked ass
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This was so unbalanced, holy shit. If I cared to not act retarded and didn't get stuck in a building for 5 minutes, we would have easily won. I can't wait for these heroes to be finished.
Who is the Lovecrafts Cats Name of Deadlock?
>they killed majestic leap
stop spamming it dumbass
so krill is Mo's manifestation of desire to be heard and commended?
You remember how Diglett actually has a whole body under the ground and isn't just the head? Krill is the head of Diglett and Mo is the body.
Is Mo gay for little men or is a moleman's imagination not good enough to come up with a hot anime waifu tulpa?
I only play honest heroes like pocket and geist (majestic leap soul suck build), so I will complain about it.
Thoughts on Wrecker?
he spent his life underground so that's probably why all he could imagine was a monkey man
Gun is stupid strong in lane, then you just push/farm and join fights with your ult with a million attack speed.
What does he even do outside of ulting
He eats troopers.
i thought mokrill were just tunnel dudes
what is this manifestation of mo's thoughts shit coming from
It's a meme you dip.
>majestic leap nerfed
>superior stamina buffed
deserved, honestly
if you told me this is a 72 year old playing id believe you
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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In our lane. Focused. Burrowing.
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I have to say the way they've added these new heroes in is so fucking retarded
They've made a time gates playtest within a play test, like wtf, how does that benefit anyone.
Starting to slowly doubt valves judgemente with how they've been handling their games post dota 2
Give me the bullshit version of Seven's lore.
>They've made a time gates playtest within a play test, like wtf, how does that benefit anyone.
Because the unfinished heroes are lower priority for testing. Since they're limiting it to 2 hours per day, it doesn't leech players from casual and ranked.
I play a lot of pocket, and I admit openly that majestic leap enabled him too fuckin hard
Now he just has it up every like 35~ seconds rather than every 12 seconds
I don't see the problem. They're letting people play characters not even close to ready to get feedback to make them ready even faster.

Deadlock is unironically more finished and polished than the majority of triple a slop we've got in the past few years. If you don't like the playlist don't play it! Seems like they'll be rapidly iterating on the characters.
>ladies and gentlemen, we got him
but after they get him, he explodes all of their heads and leaves
He new too much, so the feds tried to take him down. But he knew so much that they failed.
With how much people complain about Deadlock it makes me wonder if these people just only play valve games because otherwise all the complaints about the game being unfinished and poorly balanced (while the game is in alpha) make no fucking sense.
Seven was a circus acrobat, he was about to perform a diving trick but before that he ate electric eel that caused him to explode and kill everyone in audience
Pocket was only just pretty good with the consecutive nerfs he received even with majestic leap spam. Now he's just okay.
Steven used to be bullied in Mystic High School because everybody thought he was the weakest. But little did they know his electricity powers far surpassed any of their magics. One day, the meanest bully, Niel N., tried to pick on Steven in front of his crush, Suzy X. Steven defeated him with his lightning powers, but got so mad he ate his corpse. Everybody was terrified, especially Suzy X. So, since that day, Steven abandoned his violent testosterone tendencies and became a gentleman lightning villain..
why did they add ranked in a beta?
like they could've just made normal games mmr visible and left it at that.
wtf do i replace majestic leap with?
I remain a hardcore pocket believer. No one brawls like the teleporting twink with a 4 second damaging decouple on a 6 second cooldown
Me ;3
download a real moba like league of legends or dota2 and leave this rotting trash heap behind.
So they can test and release it when the game is ready...

Is this what it's like to have average IQ?
Depends on your hero. Dynamo still needs a majestic leap if you ask me. Lash can probably just get superior stamina instead of leap. Warden can keep using the ult build with nerfed leap or go back to a movespeed build instead.
Majestic leapers have been banished to the 3 corners of the gun category

fleetfoot shadowweave warpstone
But you gotta land your balls somehow, and with how long they take to fire + telegraph + nerfed hitboxes for explosions it's difficult to get all four off and land them all without majestic leap. That whole time you're extremely vulnerable and you wanna do it from a distance. I don't get how valve is trying to say we should play pocket. Puck abuses blink dagger, so it's obvious that's what pocket would do too.

Affliction just gets debuffed removed which you buy half the games anyway to counter stun bombs or Infernus. They want him to land his balls and hit hard in the middle of a fight but they took away the best way to do it consistently. People gonna be hitting you with curse more than you'll be majestic leaping now.
Why is Hero Labs mode so laggy?
They're using their shittiest servers for it.
Im playing Pocket and it feels dogshit I replaced it with Warp Stone and Veil Walker
Is there something going on with the matchmaking? I’m currently on a 10 game losing streak and continually end up with people leaving early or who have clearly just started playing.
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>build attack speed, spirit and headhunter
>enemy HP simply melts as if didn't exist
good buff, they better not nerf her
Idk but I'm experiencing similar, I did take a month break but since returning I'm 9 loses in a row
They made it dota matchmaking so just give it time you will go on a massive win streak after
I'm hoping they rework Pocket's Barrage to be a regular damage ability instead of a damage buff in disguise. Then I won't feel bad about skipping Majestic Leap.
>shiv nerfs
>mcginnis net buffs
it's fucking over
This feels like the meta for echo shard and knockdown stun max seven with improved duration. Take that flying cunts.
>>shiv nerfs
They didn't do much, Shiv is probably even stronger now because he gets to do a double giga rape dash twice back to back now at the absolute minimum.
Just wait until the shiv tards wise up, the hero is just fundamentally fucking broken.
Hopefully she doesn't last a week when vindicta is even somewhat good it's just unenjoyable
>there's people playing test hero in my regular match
how the fuck
>game crashes
>rejoin match
>cant see bullets or any effects at all
cant complain its an alpha i guess
He's like SUPER strong and edgy, and cooler than all the government wizards who bullied him back in ritual school
>build withering whip
>fly up and kill vindictatranny with a charged arrow and 2 volleys while she shoots 1 bullet per minute
nothing personnel kid
I dunno it’s too fucking demoralising watching the 9th guy in a row DC after 20 minutes or so.
Afraid I was right about the overcomplicated mechanics bloat entering the game

>urn only favors one team at 8% soul lead (arbitrary number)
>differing movespeeds and soul bounties for winning/losing team
>different delivery locations for winning/losing team

It doesn't solve the issue that the winning team has such great map control (because the heroes scale out of control) that they have to nerf the urn's soul worth, nerf its movespeed, nerf its location, and probably will be changed, drastically, in the future. Yes it's an alpha but their tweaks are moving in the wrong direction. 4 separate mechanics to fix it being too good and favoring the winning team too much, the fundamental problem of heroes scaling too hard isn't addressed

as a side, a personal ty to the faggot vtuber/gacha insects for making captcha have a 15 minute wait period for /vg/
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Another Hero Labs game, but this time as the wrong criminal mastermind black woman wearing purple. Other than the lag, these games have a weird, almost eerie feel to them. Too quiet.
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I haven't seen one astro go off yet
>special lobby for trying experimental new characters
>get destroyed by gigabroken faggot Shiv

Wow that would be annoying
I can blast holliday in inhouses and eat shit
Is rebalancing how shit Paradox gun is and how good her Kinetic Carabine is to keep overall carabine damage the same but make her gun less shit to shoot as too much to ask? Or a Finnish autist will instantly go back to headshot abusing the living shit out of her...
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did anyone else have mmr rollercoasters like this these days? almost all the games are win so it's even weirder that I'd drop that low.
Or is this Valve Match Rating thing just wildly inaccurate
2 hours per day
What the fuck were they thinking
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they probably just eased up the mm because of ranked being a thing
so the game is still just shiv and mcginnis ruining every match then
see you next patch!
Those kitty statues are insane
Tanky as fuck + deal insane damage with insane range
No you got it wrong now it's shiv and mcginnis featuring vindicta and grey talon.
But they nerfed yamato don't worry anon!
Holliday seems like your usual waifutranny character
when i saw the talon and vindicta buffs i was immediately concerned. those are both the type of hero where any small change can tip them over the edge (on top of being 100% unfun to face because they're snipers)
>nobody modded this model to replace the in-game one
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Starting to think the forced 50/50 agent is a real thing.
Why does this artist keep drawing Vindicta with a gash above her lip
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Lash feels fucking amazing with sharpshooter guys. The reload speed buff on it is amazing and with some ammo items you'll be rocking. Rest goes into spirit of course. I can do 1,000 headshot damage from far distance without too much issue and every cunt that tries to run away I've been able to snipe. Also Superior Stamina is best in slot for movement.
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You know it's a CERTIFIED DEADSLOP patch when it

>Makes the game worse
>Does absolutely fucking retarded balance changes that make no sense
>Break like 2 different heroes and fails to address the real issues while hampering things those heroes used which in turn affects bad heroes
>A third of the things added don't work correctly
>Needs at the very least 1 balance patch the day after to try and mitigate the devs retardation
Yep. Been basically every patch for the past while now. The Deadlock team might be Valve's worst team ever built.
If this is going to be the pattern the game's gonna be dead shortly after release
>>Makes the game worse
>>Does absolutely fucking retarded balance changes that make no sense
>>Break like 2 different heroes and fails to address the real issues while hampering things those heroes used which in turn affects bad heroes
get good
>>A third of the things added don't work correctly
>>Needs at the very least 1 balance patch the day after to try and mitigate the devs retardation
this is a bad thing?
yeah i'm starting to see what the matchmaking whiners are talking about
Solo queue is just hell.
I just like cubin my homies
If you're so far above your enemies that damage falloff becomes an issue, just press 1.
lane phase is just so much slower and less fun now since the last two waves of changes to it.
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it's funny to me that you guys say the same thing every patch, it never comes true, and despite denouncing the game once a week you still come back here daily like buckbroken dogs.
I’ve got a good two days worth of matches missing from track lock.
/d2g/ has been like this for over a decade
Most toxic shit I have seen in this game
Its harder and harder to fill inhouses :(
i like this patch except chief prepping bull
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i wish it was forced 50/50 but it's not
Meanwhile player count keeps dropping and matchmaking keeps getting worse because people stop playing.
What do Lash players buy now that leap was gutted?
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>make bebop bombs bad
>everyone calls them retarded for doing that until they revert it
>sneak it in next patch anyways
The Icefraud way
same, the ones it does show are telling though. the supposedly highest ranked game in that screenshot had two of THE biggest shitters i have ever seen
You are the sleeper agent.
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They literally just added six heroes and it didn't do shit to the player numbers lol
the game is dying because of these patches
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This comic still remains true
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He... He looks like me...

He's built like me... I... thank you <3

#RepresentationMatters #Deadlock
gay talon seems really good now
still not playing him lol
>bot McGinnis is still busted
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>capture all enemies in his Stasis Trap
>has no Stasis Trap
why did they buff warden
hes my main bc he has a retardedly easy gameplay loop
i cant fucking hang if he gets overnerfed
>you are now realizing that Calico with just 2 braincells will fuck up haze ultimate pre unstopable from potentially safe range
ohshid ohfugg D:
This tale is as old as my ass, just had a game with phantom 3 vindic in a lobby of mid oracle fags (our highest was yamato oracle 5, I was oracle 4 and maybe uncalibrated seven was oracle 4-5 as well). The amount of times she just charged into the entirety of the enemy team to suicide kill someone and then flame post death, niggi you might be as well better then all of us but we can't follow you on an instinct (at least at our current skill level).
>They literally just added six heroes
what a disingenuous statement
I was never a dotard so icefrog's shits don't reel me back in in all honesty
i haven't even installed the new patch yet
how do you even manage this, you must be ddosing your teammates or something to ensure defeat
warden's "nerf" is that slowing hex is ass now but you basically have to buy it anyway
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>it's insane how anyone could ever think this shit would be anywhere near balanced
I just find sniping Vindicta's and Talons is so much easier now and I can exchange shots early on without losing. I've also been using fleetfoot to get around the map with the improved Veil you have so much damn barriers now. I'm going to try how it is like with improved boots and stamina only. I've dropped Majestic Leap. The cooldown is too much for me.
it's edited, you're bound to win some games even if you're essentially disconnected
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Tell me about Lash, why does he eat the peas?
how do you build warden
im going with that hydration build and doing good midgame, but once i "tank up" i feel like my damage falls off a cliff
do you go for spirit late-late game or what
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Dotagen culture tbqh
The only thing missing is saying "this patch makes the game LITERALLY overwatch" like deetoogee says about League
>can you make the cool interesting charge shot that also has a lot of extra effects added to it worse so I can have more fun hitting M1 even though half the characters in this game already spend the whole round hitting M1 and I could play them instead
how about you go fuck yourself
Worst hero design in dota, and that's saying something. Let's make a carry that is weak as shit at a baseline but he can escape from anyone, no one can escape from him, and he gets hyper buffed if he kills anyone.
is there some keybind or other trick to making wall jump more consistent vs just always spending your double jump? I wanna do the cool momentum stuff I see in the clips people post but I always kinda eat shit in the process
You're retarded if you think he's the worst designed character. He ends up being pretty balanced given everything else in the game
Spirit Warden drops off once people start getting spirit armour and a lot of lifesteal. You're meant to stomp the mid-game with your Leap+Surge of Power spike and either finish the game before the enemy gets strong or give your carries space to farm and take over lategame.
I just hold W and turn the camera rather than inputting a different direction for a walljump and its worked better for me.
Source of protein.
I really hope they add a goblin techies equivalent hero.
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Peas are only something a true champion like me can appreciate, nothing Bebop would understand. Another reason why I'm better than Bebop added to the list.
do you think he grooms the eyebrows with the same stuff he uses in his moustache, or does he have special products for them?
making classic techies work with a shootan game perspective would be hard. i can see a red mine oriented hero working though
I'm used to playing Last Stand Warden but as you said, towards late game everybody has armors and lifesteals it becomes harder to get kills.
Haven't tried a Gun build yet. How is it supposed to go? Reliance on the 3 connecting and nailing the fuck out of their heads? Most items are Weapon with a few high Spirit ones so that his RoF increases?
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Fathom is busted.
just make a hero with demos sticky launcher and it's gg
I'm surprised they haven't done that yet honestly.
No on Talon just build around his 1 with only HSB+another 500 orange item for lane (like in first buys 1 through 4). Since he's so safe he usually only needs 4 1250 vitality items so it's all spirit; rapid recharge, improved cooldown, surge of power, improved burst, improved spirit.
Once you finish Boundless Spirit now you have a good reason to buy Rapid Fire and Burst Fire before going back to Spirit and getting Mystic Reverb and then finishing it with a Spiritual Overflow that replaces one of those starter orange items.
i usually go mag, headshot and high velocity for 500, then go spirit items (burst, improved, reach, slowing curse), then if you have boundless spirit and like, glass cannon you can easily reach 900 dps.
they are fueled primarily by his ego
this artist is the only one to make vindicta hot. i think it's the face
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I said design not balance. His design is awful even if they nerfed him to the point where he is "balanced". 120 second essence shift stacks are the worst design decision in any hero design. In fact it would be the worst design decision in the entirety of dota if neutral items weren't in the game.
>I only play honest heroes like pocket and geist (majestic leap soul suck build)
people unironically thinking like this was the funniest shit in this thread.
I wanna play Viscous but his ball feels like shit to control :(
Why does melee trigger midwits so much?
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I keep telling people the game is gonna find a niche appeal cause the game is just frankly getting harder and harder, this coupled with the fact that its has moba mechanics, ranked and local tourneys, so no shit the numbers aren't mass appeal numbers
you have shit coomer mushbrain taste
>Worst hero design in dota
Did you mean one of the best hero designs in dota 2? Through all these years the most significant changes Slark got besides number tweaks were pounce acting as a pseudo root disabling blinks and teleports and an addition of (functional) aghanim and shard (but everyone got them), otherwise he was perfect from the beginning. If you want to look at an actual shit hero design look no further than 'I’ve been to rework and back, and back to rework…and back Clinkz".
The new techies could work

>Base 2 stam
>gun, a shotgun with very large spread of bullets

>Blast off, deals damage based on percent of your max hp, silences enemies for x seconds on landing

>The taser thing
>Techies lights up (similar to parry effect)
>If you shoot him in this state you get disarmed for x seconds, if you melee its a full out stun, during the effect techies cant shoot or dash himself but can move around

>Remote mines with 3 charges, same mechanics as dota now

Idk what the third ability should be, but probably something gun oriented instead of the sticky mine throw,

Maybe a shotgun blast that knocks him backwards like majestic leap but deals large damage in a fronter cone, reducing with distance
why is the ranked icon in game different from my actual rank?
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>the game is gonna find a niche appeal
Wrong thread, sisters
heavy melee was designed by midwits and is loved by midwits, midwit
Shadow MMR
Fucking paradox silly and cooming in her so hard the cum swirly appears inside of her lava lamp head
yeah but new techies are a boring generic hero so that's a moot point
>see someone is going to melee
>dash away
>get hit even though they clearly don't make contact with my character
>see someone is going to melee
>they punch through the parry now I can' do it for the next several seconds so they can just do it again (I'm point blank and dashing away doesn't stop it from hitting me)
>in both cases I take 30% of my lifebar and am then slowed to shit so they can very easily fuck me up

why can't valve make a game that doesn't reward the laggiest person in the room
Sounds like fun for a change but honestly it seems more more painful to play than Spirit build. Weaker Lifesteal (bullet), less reliance on ult thus you can't make the enemy scatter like insects and force defeat by detail, lower RoF until you get more spirit stuff...etc.
I'll give it a shot (heh) but man it's gonna suck...
are they still streaming child porn under the artifact tag lol
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i've been vaguely following this on gt from left to right with some occasional situational shit can use swift striker and replace withering whip with slowing hex or drop it completely if you dont like it
hybrid still feels like the best way to build him
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well artifact is just a lame attempt at a card game, and I have no idea what the fuck is underlords attempted, deadlock combines elements of a TPS and a Moba which at least has more gameplay and shit to do compared to those two
I assume Stasis Trap will dismantle Wrecker's current 2. Also, I know that the heroes are still very in development, but I just with they would give Wrecker some quickly made model instead of whatever it is right now.
Just make it a clone of Sticky Bomb
>spawns a bomb creep that activates after a short delay
>creep runs into the nearest enemy, prioritizing heroes, and suicides into them
>Upgrade 1 reduces CD, upgrade 2 make it run 50% faster, upgrade 3 spawns 3 of them at one time but they do 50% less damage or some shit
There feels like some serious latency issues to the melee. Some Russia abrams was heavy meleeing me during my parry animation. The hit would land delayed after the animation ended and he would not get stunned.
top ten anime duels
You should give it a try its actually really fun, more fun than it was outside of the occassional RAMPAGE with single keypress

T. Played dota when techies had the original stun ward
i got commended by the enemy who i stomped on lane
>games which volvo abandoned at the first hurdle
>vs game being actively worked on
Iunno mehng
Artifact was pure shit, and underlords was just a worse version of the auto chess mode that everyone had already learned the mechanics of. This is something new and with how stale the current state of mobas is it is almost certainly going to have a constant playercount in at least the tens of thousands once it releases
That's a fucking cope when you see people say the exact same shit about deadlock right now
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Alright alright, WHERES the Calico porn
why can't i shoot hoya heya hoya's trap to destroy it
>only black guy character
>is a former criminal
>fuck paradox
>she swaps herself with a homeless std ridden scumbag
>now you're gay and have chlamydia
i did try it, it's fine i guess but it should have just been a new hero entirely. post-7.00 techies were already perfectly fine.
I need some.hopium sisters

The game was popping off and now every newfriend left already

Not a good look
>only black female character
>is a criminal
Literally all my friends stopped playing
that's a mask
everyone in her sect wears a mask
No the new friends are still here. Mainly feeding in my games.
how is the mask 3d
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>only black guy character
>he's a violent alcoholic
>japanese woman
>is yakuza (new york)
>new techies
fuck right off, that ain't techies but a corpse wearing their skin.
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Wait for her inevitable egyptian skin.
new tech
how is there a giant mole man walking around in pants
you dont have friends so thats a net 0

He is actively commiting arson
Calico should've looked like that.
All of my friends are still playing it.
Welcome to nu dota. Get in the brawl, sister. We turned your suicide into a pseudo blink so you can enjoy some high octane fun instead of slow strategic gameplay.
Forget it, the wokeslop accusations are real and the devs are genuinely retarded.
I also go quicksilver reload and before this nerf (i haven't played) majestic leap. also improved stamina every game on every hero and maybe sprint boots if i feel slow
just don't get hit
>less reliance on ult
no? ult is still rapingly strong if you can use it, just on level 2 it's amazing
>lower ROF until you get more spirit stuff
warden consistently has among the highest dps in the early game with just 3 500 gun items and also has very strong damage spells, he's raping ass all the way believe me
>aimbotter every 3rd or 4th game now
bros im so tired
>new update
>half of lobby crashes every time I die
I swear I'm trying to not die but it's hard
It’s okay valve will fix the anticheat just like they did in CS2.
Reminds me of the time I almost had an animal crossing gf haha. I tried to make my island look pretty for her and gained millions of dollars to impress her just for her to never add me haha.
Why the fuck does ranked queue have a bigger time slot during the weekend
Everybody sane churns out their games in the beginning of the week
Why would you ever want to play when the demons are out on the weekends
how to stop dying 101:
don't be where you shouldn't
that'll cut down on 80% of your deaths
>less than 4 people showing on map
you shouldn't be pushing. farm your camps. no camps? wait for something to happen or people to show.
there you go.
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after this game my seething could be used to produce energy
Why would you only play 7 games?
i enjoy BROOOOOOOOOLING but it's retarded how dead set they are in removing any genuinely unique hero designs from the game through the years. oh people complain about techies? fuck off now you brool. oh people complain about tinker? fuck off now you support. people complain about brood? fuck off here's your 40th rework.
to the point now even newer heroes can't get new, cool and interesting shit like ringmaster
>not just jacking off to the animals
should've abandoned the moment you saw yamato on your team
i hate infernus so goddamn fucking much
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Bro you're blind. Vindicta has wound/smear on her lip. Pay more attention to her face and less to her feet
i play a lot of warden, spirit is good but pure spirit is bad. you want some orange items to faceclick people while they're in the cuck cage, point blank is really good for this since you can also use the slow to keep people in ult cone. fleetfoot and warp give good utility too
usually i'm the knockdown buyer on the team since hex + anvil + cage is a death sentence
Deserved for playing geist
But I like being where I shouldn't be.
t. Shiv player
if you know how to aim you'll realize that all spirit items are traps for good players
bad players rely on skill damage and spirit items to be effective
good players understand that gun items outperform spirit items 100% of the time on 100% of all heroes
if you build any purple items before you are maxed on 4/4 6300 gun items you are an inferior gamer that can't aim
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I know
Oh damn never noticed it. Always focused on the mascara instead, and even thought it was a part of it.
i'm going to wreck your shit so hard you won't even be able to walk with your limp dick
A gun build mo is no match for a spirit build mo
Go win some tournaments and prove it.
>if you die the game crashes now
this fucking company
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How do i stop losing laning phases
I get outpoked first wave every time then play behind my guardian for the rest of the lane
motherfuckers posting roblox cosmetics thinking they're slick
Every game without fail, an absolute dog shit Haze.

Death, taxes, a shitter playing Haze. Why?
play characters with easy sustain like Abrams or Krill while you learn how to position yourself to mitigate poke (don't use the sustain as a crutch)
Don't worry they keep pandering to you by making last hit orbs worth less and making the laning phase wholesome fuck you I hope you die
Get better at denying and then push forward when you get a soul lead.
Play Calico.
He's baiting, but if he wasn't he would cope by saying you shouldn't pick spirit build heroes anyway.
what hero
most of the time if you're not good at trading / landing shots in lane you wanna hide behind stuff and let the enemy push the lane so it crashes against your steps / tower. shoot from behind walls, melee from around walls. get extra regen. be safe.
there's really no reason to try and kill your opponent in laning phase if you're evenly skilled, less so if you're outskilled.
No one loses laning phase on the first wave. I am like 95% sure you are actually losing a trade horribly on the second wave and it's because you play like chickenshit while your opponent rushes to the 400 soul power spike.
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I didn't even know this artist made deadlock art, I thought they died

Buy greens
Buy sustain (resto/regen/Melee lifesteal/healing rite)
Inferno and wraith
I do somewhat better at mirage, but i always lose lase with inferno and wraith
>Inversely resistances get more powerful point for point the closer you get to 100%.
Yes, but the amount of resist you get diminishes at an equal rate, while resist reductions are flat. 2 50% resist increases ends in 75%, BRS lowers that to 63%.
>but i always lose lase with inferno and wraith
Literally how?
if you're losing lane as this it's over for you
>DL hardcore edition
sorry bitches this is a real game now you get killed once? You're out
>if you know how to aim
spirit unironically takes more skill to aim with because every gun character/build has unlimited ammo hyper fast guns to spray with and/or skills to CC them and set up perfect headshots.
even with the biggest spirit aoe grenades you can still just walk out because of this games great movement options, but you can't stop someone using those same movement options to chase you and hit M1 in your vauge direction till you die.
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So theres no way im gonna make it in deadlock esports right? I played dota 2, so my aim is not very good. Meanwhile CS players already have that locked down. Is it over for us moba cucks?
I'm trying to learn vindicta this patch and every fucking game has been vs a Chief Prepping Bull who just straight up rapes me out of the sky.
>match ruined by aimbotter
>into update
>into crash every single death
awesome game
Buy monster round
uhm yeah, don't play any ranked games right now, there is a bug where your game crashes when you die, and it happens to everyone in the lobby. At least I got a "free" win
literally run into the creeps and punch them
buy healing rite + melee lifesteal + regen and even resto shot if needed you literally cannot get harassed out of lane
calling him chief prepping bull is too long and wordy, heya hoya is the superior choice
I don’t even read what the items do in the build guide I just buy the things in the order.
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this was me desu. Before the bebop bomb change it was great playing with my shitter friend, getting matched against mid level players who didn't know debuff remover is an item
>literally run into the creeps and punch them
oops sorry I'm one of the many characters with a 200 damage spirit nuke because I bought 1 500 souls item so I hit this + headshot booster you (another 500 souls item) and did 60% of your lifebar in 3s
Who the fuck is chief prepping bull and why does it sound like you're writing the next doujin rape comic?
You're supposed to read chief prepping bull in a native accent with tribal music playing in the back of your mind for the full effect.
>So theres no way im gonna make it in deadlock esports right? I played dota 2, so my aim is not very good
This is completely irrelevant, what matters the most is, how old are you and what level of competition do you have experience in.
post code where you get farmed like that
Im just jesting i aint never gonna make it in esports but really isnt it obvious that CS players have a much bigger advantage to Dota 2 players?
ok can i play now or am i gonna have to restart the game again to apply a fucking update GO THE FUCK HOME

it's difficult to play both of those heroes if you're not proficient at aiming or have an understanding of how the heroes really work. neither of you are helping, you're doing the typical 4chan elitist mentality thing.

infernus is one of the strongest laners in the game due for a variety of reasons. understand that headshots build up his 3, the passive burn, and proc it a lot faster than body shots. being outside of a proper firing range causes falloff damage which also causes a much slower accumulation of damage to proc his 3. try your best to alternate procing burn on your opponent while farming creeps. get infuser as your first item and use it while shooting your opponent for giga burn damage. your 2 is great to escape, clear side camps, engage, to deal general damage, and to self-heal if you've got any form of spirit lifesteal.
wraith on the otherhand requires less aim if you're going spirit for cards as they're kinda big and have a splash to them. try and hit people around corners. they follow your cursor. she's a lot more squishy than infernus, but once you get your 4 you should be able to solo just about anyone.
in general you want to peek, play around cover, and not show yourself too much. this is incredibly basic information but if you're having trouble with these two heroes you probably need it lol
guys actually give him good advice

For infernus and wraith, they have relatively low damage at the start and it takes a lot to kill a trooper. Monster killer, 500 gold t1 weapon item, lets you get last hits, and have more ammo for securing orbs or denying them. The extra regen is also nice. As infernus, you can try clearing a wave with your flame dash if you know they can't jump you after it ends. Best time to use it is when the enemy is up close with the troopers, they take damage and likely will run away to not burn. Then you did a lot of damage and kill most of the troops. Have to use flame dash offensively when you can.

TLDR be a little bit more aggressive
how the fuck do you even ship a bug like this
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>Ritualist is on the left-hand side of the curve

it just takes time to load
worst is being unable to see any players on the minimap
>normal distribution is le bad
Explain why midwits get triggered by this again
So most of us are sitting around Alchemist right? R-Right, bros?
normal distribution would have more people in the shit ranks
>one day go 8-4
>next day go 4-8
>then 8-4
>then 4-8
looks like their matchmaking has a hard time determining what a "bad deadlock player" is exactly
>12 games per day
Anon you need help
They are probably still unranked

I don't even have the 50 games req yet
>Character gets literally any level of nerf
why? I wfh and i get everything done, including gym and house work; ur just a wagecuck
Has this crash on death bug been patched yet?
I'm a neet theres no way im gonna play that many games per day
What you consider shit is not what game considers shit

For the game the shit tier players (aka literal brand news who jist figured out you can buy items) below 50 games

Then theres the 50 games players who ji
Just got ability to que,

Middle of the pack is the 70 percentile.(Still shitters but they might know you have to hit buildings to win)
just got a 4kb patch
It shouldn't be
My favorite is the people who abuse fotm broken shit and then come here to cry like babies when it gets tuned
Haze is actually a lot harder to play than people give credit for. Even in the mud mmr inhouses, you have to be either be a literal pro player or a one trick to do well on her.
Did i get it right, are those the general roles?
Do not pretend man, I was wrecking with my day 2 haze after I found a good build for her.
what characters tank but don't carry? abrams and shiv carry, mo is a support

3 roles
>good player
these are the 2 roles that exist
Brooler (flashy)
Brooler (tanky)
Brooler (ranged)

Those are your options.
I get rat and brooler but what the hell is ricer
I love playing supports, but it’s so fucking demoralising trying to do it in solo queue.
>nerf the worst character in the game with 45% wr
>somehow not unplayable
>cube people as viscous
>can you stop trolling me?
the roles are protagonist, supporting cast, antagonists and henchmen

i'm the protagonist
Spends 30 minutes farming before playing the game
With Ivy, I'm happy to build either support or gun depending on how my team is doing. I go into Health Nova early and check if my team is willing to work together when I give them the heals. If not then it's straight to Tesla Bullets.
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total schizophrenia
>play Dynamo
>initiate by trapping three of their team in my ultimate
>my team still refuses to go in
>I get gang raped after the ult ends
Rinse and repeat.
I'm talking about that being the reaction to literally any nerf to any character numbnuts
>my dynamo is on the other side of the map ulting 3 people
>starts flaming the team that nobody goes in with him
reminder if you are playing dynamo support in ranked, if you want your team to do well, you have to just do like Big Hat and yap nonstop, it's the only way people know when you are going to jump in and win the teamfight.
You might be obnoxious as hell, but it wins games
Kek. This frequently happens with the team nearby. They usually chase away the one that wasn’t trapped in it.
So its eternus, ascendant, phantom, oracle, the rest is hard to remember

archon(?), archanist? Ritualist? Alchemist, seeker, then intiate?
I figured Ritualist was bad after my placements were like 8L 2W and I landed there.
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>Scenario 1
>Teammate is in the thick of it, about to die and explode
>Don't cube them in time
>"Where was the cube?? dumb gooey dumbhead"
>Scenario 2
>Teammate is in the thick of it, about to die and explode
>Cube them, Goo-d job
>They get out of the cube and die anyway
>"Thanks for cubing me dumbass, ffs, troll, stupid goo"
Simply amazing
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Yeah idk what's up, but this is unranked so it's kinda whatever
Pick better opportunities. Your teammates want to brawl, but you are going in when they are already poked down. Or they're looking at the minimap and preparing to defend that walker on a side lane. Then you go in while they're halfway back to base and bitch that they didn't help you. 99% of the time it's your fault if you don't get any backup for a good ult.
Have they fixed the crashing yet?
Feels like the top ranks are exclusive for people who only pick try hard heroes like Geist and Haze when they are obviously not balanced, Seven included. Doesn't seem like a realistic barometer for actual skill.
so thankful I'm in a high enough rank where people accept their deaths and appreciate me cubing them to waste the enemy's time.
Big plap's problem is his voice in incredibly gay and irritating, so people don't want to work with him to the point of being throw on sight for some mental nutcases.
It doesn’t matter what hero you pick you cannot influence if the game is a win or a loss. You just gotta accept the outcome.
Very cuckish mindset
Yes you can. Just play better.
Picking op heroes will inflate your rank but you'll just lose it when that hero gets nerfed. You're coping if you don't think that some people are just plain good at the game. Top players would be top players with any hero.
Geist wasn't even that good. Why did they nerf her?
t. Phantom 5
The truth is hard to swallow at first but in time, you will all see.
Why is Fathom's lore that he's a sea monster, but then he just looks like a guy in a wet suit and he talks normal?
The new patch has fixed the crash on death issue, by crashing in the menu instead.
It seems to start most people closer to the median than Dota's matchmaking. Shitters will eventually sink into their poop MMR, they just haven't played enough games for this yet.
Geist was easy to bully in lane until she hit 1.5k souls
t. Ascendant 2
Holliday is insanely fun, wish the hero lab wasnt just 2 hours per day
Hope you still like her after she gets nerfed to not break the game.
Did the urn "comeback" mechanic get fixed yet????
It's best that it is, a 24hr que would die quick
One more fucking loss and I’m going to beat the shit out of my wife.
That's not true. If these guys had to play Dynamo suddenly or a hero they've ignored, they would start losing 100%.
She doesnt feel THAT overpowered. But for sure a lane bully
The deadlock forum on steam shows just how ESL shits become.
Russians killed the game before it could even get going. They’re truly a cancer.
LMAOO man stop the bs geist was easily a top 3 hero in the game
>Valve game is filled with ESLs
no way
geist makes my weewee hard
t. obscurus
Well it's because the ranked was introduced to a community that already had a core amount of time with the game.
There's no real new players the grand majority know what to do, they just execute it at different levels.
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>game starts
>twenty seconds in hear infernus death scream
>he's on my team
yeah this works great, thanks. I was thinking like it was a platformer or something where it specifically wants you to go backwards from the direction you moved into the wall with
real question if geist gave you a handy with her green hand what would happen
I still mostly play unranked so my experience differs here, there's still a revolving door of newbies getting dragged into my games by their faggot friends.
Infernus players are like lemmings. They just can't help jumping under enemy guardians 30 seconds into the match. 3 patches ago it worked really well, but now it just gets them killed. They never learn though.
>be paradox
>against infernus
>kill him 5 times before 10 minutes
>he gets ult
>he gets spirit lifesteal
>i can no longer fight him
>i have healbane
great hero
great time
very cool
a dumbfuck who's 0/5/0 with two items can kill me when i'm 3k gold up on him just because his kit is actual retarded
little death
yeah but you're probably not gonna see those guys queueing into a ranked mode that's available at limited times only
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it is a complete mystery to me how these subhuman niggers are profittable for valve to keep around in dotter. they are a third world country surely they cant be spending much on these games?
Naturally, but if they don't then they continue to ball through. Only when a real captains mode is introduced should they start declining. Until then they can continue to stop on 1 hero alone if it never gets taken from them.
the ruskies who play doto literally pile every single penny of their earning into doto while living in the crawlspace of their parents' house
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amazing matchmaking as usual

i'm really fucking sorry you got this actual mouthbreather on your team holy shit i've played with him before a couple days ago
I like when they constantly spam the chat with their nonsense alphabet like any of us understand what the fuck it means.
You'd get hard and cum a lot since you're a fag getting touched by a male spirit.
The faggots here think you can overcome this by simply “playing better”.
>there are actually anons in poop mmr
Hero lab is basically easy mode if your team just picks old heroes lol
and he received no nerf
only thing that counters that naruto nigger is going high ground and running from his floor shit or if you get caught not to move around because I believe the ticks start stacking the more surface area you travel in
wow you're so smart lmao
Because she was easily one of the best heroes?
t. asc 6
i win as yamato who i probably the worst hero in the game right now
>MnK did 1 objective damage
Honestly that's even more impressive than doing 0 damage
Hero lab is basically easy mode if your team just picks Fathom lol
>one small change that happened 1 day ago
I hate crybabies like you
nta but this is just what unranked is like now, everyone with a brain plays ranked so the only unranked players left are the shit stacks
I don’t want to play ranked with a bunch of tryhards but it’s looking like it might be the only fucking option.
name a worse hero
Trying hard to win is pretty fun thoughbeit.
unironically i'm ascendant and get these people in my non-ranked games
Ok, we got a patch, but does the patch fix the crash?

Also unrelated, were the lighting graphics changed? I had a bunch of shit reinstalled and settings got reset and things look weirdly different now
Remember that the lane is a 3 dimensional space with connecting streets and buildings, and multiple veil walls.

It's insane how bad people's tunnel vision is in the lane phase, they are so jacked in to making sure they catch every soldier wave that they won't notice you standing 20 feet away stealing their camp because you ran down the side. I've literally sat and watched idiots hang on their shop for 20+ seconds deciding on an item buy while I'm right next to them and they don't have a clue, nobody has any peripheral awareness until their guardian dies or they kill the opposing one.
unranked is a great way to train your gamesense and movement, since (You) are likely the only human on the team and thus enemy #1.
I know for certain you only play once a month.
>vindicta finally back
>yamato beheaded though

why cant my champ pool escape a patch unsathed
>Buy Infuser
>1 nano seconds later fire run at the enemy
Every single time
this would be true if stack games used average MMR, but they don't, they use the MMR of the highest player. so just having stack niggers in your game causes a huge skill disparity. you aren't going to learn much when your games alternate between unwinnable and free wins.
why the fuck did they nerf yamato anyways?
she was vindicta/gt/paradox tier yet all 3 get giga buffed but not her, I actually do not understand
can't even say pro play because she sees similar pick rate to paradox
Am i the only one who can't even launch the game right now?
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Haze is bad, but she is my wife, so you're not allowed to say bad things about her.
is she really a she idk a lot of the cast calls her sandman
Made a seven build that focuses on ball and stun, with echo shard as the first t4 item. Its been working pretty well
Not really, even a good player isn't going to be able to do much when literally the entire enemy team obsessively headhunts them while the other 5 players just bumble around. It's just not the kind of thing that realistically happens in all-solo games.
You are implying that it being "niche" won't cause Valve to immediately abandon it.
Hell, CS2 has 1 million players and it's in tf2 tier maintenance mode
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it's funny seeing all the hero map icons on the map

you'll see like 4 of them approach one from the other team and surround it until they die and i like to imagine it's a bunch of white blood cells going and destroying a germ. like a mindless automatic response
Shiv struggles hard this patch and it's not because of his nerfs but because of how buffed talon and vindicta are now, shiv really struggles to deal with them especially with the nerfed range on his ult
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she is my wife because I have higher winrate on her than you do
I wish I could be a white brool cell instead of a lane janny
I'm not saying it'll be representative of a "good" match but using the low-consequence environment (since the outcome was decided on load-in) to its fullest
>experiment with your build
>train your boxxmaxxing
>find corner boost opportunities
>unorthodox zipline rollouts
>urn routing
I've been buying knockdown every game I play with him because of it.
is the crash bug still there?
this is a meme i can get behind
You're ignoring the fact that stack players are also whiny blaming faggots and will mass report you if you accept the loss instead of delusionally playing along.
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She can be both of our wives. It's okay.
if they're that kind of stack then they were looking for a scapegoat from the start.

new thread migratelock
I swear I've been matched with this shit bag in dota. Is he that prolific or is Nate-dogg a name that shitters gravitate towards?
Infernus death scream always reminds me of the possibility of making something like TF2 greentext that goes something like
>Sending client info...
>M-M-M-M-Mission ends in 30 seconds
>Scout death scream in the distance
>hear a Heavy's minigun spin up
>teleporter at spawn
>TF2, home.
Nate Dogg was a producer so they are probably on pills
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post yfw guns are back
i had a melatonin dream that i was a shota and haze was giving me head should i kill myself tonight?
It's holographic. It looks like it's 3d but it's actually an ordinary mask

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