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Friendly Disagreement Edition

>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

Solo Ulted by Wraith:
First for bebop haters are trannies
Could you faggots not quit the game when you fucked up the line?
dont worry vindicta didnt get nerfed yesterday but trust the plan next big patch she will be deleted
buff my girlfriend pocket
Bebop hate is old news, these days sniper character hate is all the rage
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>Gay Talon nerfed
>Paradox nerfed
>Miku nerfed
>Vindicta untouched
dlg schizos in shambles
Glad I could help
mcginnis broken. I won 10 games in a row as her.
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What happens if I don't finish all 7 qualifying games before the week resets?
what did you mean by this
nothing you just dont get a visible badge for that week
my problem is that soul diff doesn't even really mean the game is tilted one way
and also the indoor urn dropoff sucks ass to defend
lmao your post makes no sense
what was unique about running in a straight line that has to be bait
yoshi disables you from playing ranked again (you wasted his time setting up all the 50/50 agents)
she is, but moleman is more broken
An objective that forces you to run across the map like that is very unique for a moba
Now the game just gives it to whatever team is behind
can we please exile inhouse shitters? i'm so fucking sick of them namefagging and raving about discord-tier nonsense
LMAO you got me crying dlg always makes me laugh
wtf is this mcginnis ult nerf? it was already a worse version of bebop's ult. now they have the same colldown?
I'm ticked because is the size of paradox bomb really such a big deal if you're going out of your way to buy duration extender
confirmation that Yoshi is 2-3 Indian support agents who just have an (indirect) line to the actual devs
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randomly spawn pieces of exodia across the map, eventually once the teams collect 5 they can turn into a giant mech version of their hero for one life
I also thought its strange how active they seem to be on weekends for Commiefornians
>my build every round has healbane + decay and knockdown
uhh i think there's a problem with the game, guys
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
Yoshi is so fucking based lmao
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>tfw you dynamo ult and your team murders everyone
Hearing the team lose their shit never gets old
>Nice fucking Ult Dynamo, holyyy-
It's the best
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time for data collecting anons
>history of other moba/shooter/whatever rank/hours
Sounds awesome! How about my age, gender, and income bracket?
>playing ranked in alpha version of the game
1 year
It's an early development build who gives a fuck, didn't touch ranked.
>>history of other moba/shooter/whatever/rank/hours
shota 2
league of faggots
>above 120k$
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replying with my own stats
>phantom 4
>300 hours
>csgo 1000 hours supreme
>lolbab in the first seasons diamond
>dotard 3000 hours immortal
i feel i have severely dropped the ball with this game
You can tell Mcginnis is OP because so many people play her despite being a fat ugly dyke when Vindicta and Geist are in the game.
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>buy 4 active items
>team fight begin
>shit my pants
it's so over bros, my retarded 35 y.o brain can't handle modern games
Ascendant 6(on two accounts not sure how one of them didn't get eternus)
A couple hundred hours in most popular games never played dota though
Vindicta has almost twice Miku pickrate despite having 7% lower winrate
This reminds me of the thread where I called mcginnis a cute girl to intentionally derail the thread and it worked far better than ever expected cause people just kept arguing about it
pocket is so fucking annoying holy shit
>unique run across map urn gameplay
That's bait right?
I sometimes have 3 actives before lane phase ends. Just keep buying the items that you should be using and press all the buttons if you lose track of whats going on in fights. Its better to launch spells than to not use them. After some games with that particular item you start using it more effectively.
>use anvil on pocket after you see him cast ghost, or if he initiates with it to do his aids drop.
>he will now use suitcase to escape it
>delete pocket
simple as. Buy actives against slippery fucks like lash and pocket.
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Bebop quit like a bitch and we still won
>Bebop fags btfo again
just silence him
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Is Vindicta finally balanced or is she back to being OP?
>not playing it for strict solo queue
way fewer retards dragged into your games that way
Silence glyph is better, but you got the rigtht idea. However for Vindicta/Talon Knockdown is absolutely the correct item, unless you are playing Warden because Prison also ends flight for some reason.
The most annoying items are the ones with self cast and ally cast option. I usually have.
>An offensive active on first slot (decay,hex, knockdown, w/e
>A ally/self cast or mobility active on 2nd slot, usually divine barrier or warp
>A auto self cast on 3rd slot (ethereal, return fire, or metal skin)
>W/e on 4th slot if I get there
>pick mole
>what if you dont have to choose between going spirit memes and gun
>what if you just get to do both LMAO
what other moba has something like this?
The intention is to create fights throughout the game but now who is going to contest an objective in an enemies base?
>early healing rite almost every single time
>depending on hero 1-2 active debuffs so hex/knockdown/decay though decay is not really relevant now that the flying niggas are in every game
>warp stone most of the time
>metal skin/debuff remover/unstoppable as needed then sell hex/decay and get one more of these
Compared to the balancing this game does with other characters, she's relatively balanced. I think her flight could potentially be dialed back again though.
The devs aren't very competent, however, so I think she should probably just stay this way.
I think they need to get rid of gun stats scaling with spirit. It was a good experiment but now we've somehow ended up with a character where both their fire rate and their damage scale with spirit, on top of having good multipliers on their abilities.

Only abilities should scale with spirit. If you want a character's stats to be affected by spirit, make it a passive on one of their abilities.
the inventory system itself is flawed, it's made for retards to easily see what type of item they want for that character but it also removes all depth and turns it into league of legends where more money = win because almost all of the items are stat based and not dependent on good/smart usage.
people shit on it but I like magic carpet for this exact reason, expensive but most of its value comes from actually being capable of properly using it and I wish more items were like it, leap was good before they shitcanned it too
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Just saw the update. Did they really buff Shiv?
Gray Talon is ass until you get Lucky shot then you can literally kill 5 healthbar heroes in like 6 shots
The thing is that they don't want Vindicta ability spirit scaling to be "too good" and that shit has been nerfed since forever. The spirit scaling for both Vindicta and Talon on their gun aren't really something to write home about, just be a bit of QoL.
It's just not very good because it relies on you dying without it to be useful. Or splitpushing, which isnt going to win you a game. You need to brool sometime.
Yeah he sucked. You could literally not farm rage.
yes he was 40% winrate after all the retards carried by the hero now had to play the game
hey atleast they buffed yamato for the first time in 2 months
People who talk about spirit Viscous and Gun Viscous are fucking stupid. The best way to play him as a support and to distract the enemy team. Any player half way decent will dodge the ball in a 1v1 and if you go gun none of your abilities scale off it, so you just wind up being a shitty all around.

As support you can bounce around to distract enemies, slow people with your 1, save people with your W, ectectect. In a 1v1 it's useless af against anyone good but in a 5v5 it's incredibly distracting. Anything else is just too gimicky to actually work.

This game clearly has best options for how you build characters and I'm sad the little goo ball can't be a decent assassin. You're just nerfing yourself so hard when you try anything fun.
thank fuck bebop got gutted
he was the most cancerous hero to lane against because he would either hitscan laser the creeps or get free stacks if you melee
you have a point but people are also much more sweaty and find ranked to be an excuse to be insufferable niggers on Voice Chat as if they're in the finals of a championship despite being 0/12. I'd rather chill playing with shitters and be able to tell people to shut the fuck up and stop whining.
One obvious flaw of gun viscous is that your hitbox, especially your head, is fucking HUGE so you just gonna get shit on dueling other gun characters even with your gun good DPS.

It's same as ever. If you don't counter item she's op, if you do she's not
Dota has plenty of map objectives that encourage teamfights just like the Urn, it has more than just the Urn even
Haze is for fags
Vindicta is for fags
Grey Talon is for fags
Wraith is for giga fags

Bullet characters is gay as fuck and not fun to play against, hate them all.
>"Durr just get metal skin/return fire"
Nigger if that shit worked then these characters wouldn't be so dominant, and I don't want that to be fucking mandatory in every single game fucking hell
get fucked sissy, bend over and let me empty my mag on you fag.
>muh brool

Take the rat vicious pill
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gun kelvin isnt great at killing people but man he chunks buildings

It's literally does work, if you counter item you are instantly eternus
Phantom 2, 130 hours, some hours in Valorant
ascendant 4
immortal in dota and roughly 16k hours in dota tf2 cs combined
Complaining about a shit team all the time and then having a game where you die first is a humbling experience.
Since Valve is killing spirit. Mirage is sleeper hidden OP, he auto wins aim duel with tornado, bullet evasion, and he can give your entire team negative bullet resist aids.
Every moba has map objectives forcing fights holy fuck retard im talking about the running across map, courior aspect, that puts a massive target on you
you are little brain. Every lane combo that is cancer is double spirit harass because early and i would argue even late spirit is way gnarlier. Think haze is bad in a duo lane? How about Geist / Goo man? I dare you to show your face or even ATTEMPT the audacious act of using your guardian shop for more than a tenth of a second.
>durr why do i have to buy certain items to counter a playstyle/hero in a game literally designed around this central gameplay loop
actual dent head statement
Nobody here is particularly oppressive Talon and Vindicta need some slight adjustments though. These guys don't even touch top 5 worst cancer in the game rn, wouldn't be shocked if you were an ultbot M&K or Bebop player
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>The sub Phantom shitters in this general are pretending gun is OP and spirit is underpowered again
is ultra movespeed gun kelvin that just sprints away at mach speed when anyone comes near him and melts buildings funny
I prefer to sprint in and above
Just me or are the feedback subforums privated? Guessing it's only available to certain players only?

Yea ppl finally figured out how to scarab tho I still see him being run as an early game with barriers and such. I think he scales late game so well that eventually ppl will switch to armors
no, only devs can read posts in those subforums
it's just a different way of private messaging
he's just kinda boring because you have to stack vitality items it's not as sexy as the other flashy plays you can do
Oracle 5
1k hours of Dota (haven't played in 10 years), 1k hours of different fighting games, 400 hours of TF2
The last competitive shooter I played was 100 hours of Cunt: Showdown like two years ago
Spirit isn't underpowered, but its 100x more fun than gun shitters
t. faggots. Go play your cawwadooty or csgo. Game is objectively more fun when you its spirit characters
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Rate or suggestions for Wraith build?
It's gonna be awesome when the real FPS tryhards learn this game and people like you get filtered out
Oracle 5
120 hours
3k hours in DotA, last played 8 years ago
You're forgetting that no one can aim in compost MMR so how could they think gun is OP
>Why yes I do want the game to get actively worse!
Enjoy it then I guess
just 2 more weeks
Echo shard does not work for bebop stacks right now, and natural second bombs (if you have low enough cooldown and fight goes on long enough for multiple bombs) doesn't work either.

That explains why I only had 60% bomb damage with echo shard in the one ranked game I played today, fucking rip.
Why would crybaby faggots leaving make it worse? Most of the veteran moba players here just whine all day and want everything shooter focused gutter. Hybrid genre btw.
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>complains about having to counter gun characters
>you get told you're a retard because spirit is stronger and harder to counter than gun
>Assert we're bad somehow because you think we prefer gun heroes
>Miss the point entirely that you have to buy different items for different types of builds to counter them.
Dude you are the dumbest dent-headed, shit-spewing, limp-wristed, onions-faced, hairline-recidin, wraith-playin, autism-speakin, glue-eating retard i've ever seen.
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*stuns you're whole team*
How come Paradox is the only character with a short cooldown ult? I think the second fastest one is like lash ult and thats still like 80 seconds with level 3 upgrade.
Vindicta I guess sorta counts too, but her whole ult have charges gets a lot of value with rapid recharge and the soul stuff so its probably one of the most unique ults mechanically.
>play casual
>everybody leaves within the first 10 minutes
I see the game is back to only being playable at certain hours of the day.
FUCK, meant to quote someone else

also that seven build is cancer, surprised you didn't get duration
what's the healing booster for?
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>gun yamato is good for 2 weeks
>nerf gun into the ground
>also nerf spirit because why not(?)
>she's bottom tier again
>microbuff her ult because there is nothing else to buff anymore
At this point just rework the ult cuz its just a shittier ethereal shift
rescue beam fortitude and heroic aura
same with talon, his visual design is genuinely concord tier and nothing he does or says is cool so if he's highly picked it's just because he's broken
afaik his model is a placeholder from neon white
Yeah but that design is fucking awful and disgusting no matter the setting, what were Valve thinking?
unironically several of my friends (as well as I) thought he was a grandma
When this game officially launches they will slowly patch aim to be a hard skill requirement.
You people are so inept.
>meet potential deadlockman!
iirc Miku's model is literally the first character Valve put in Neon Prime (Deadlock version is just a retexture) and she has some weird animation system no other character seems to have making it impossible to model swap.
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I hope they update Viscous to be female and when she uses her ult she says things like "Oh my belly is so big now" "Im like big blueberry" "My big belly oh noo its too big" and she would also have unique voicelines for killing people with it.
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is that why her healing thing looks stupidly sci-fi
How do you get through Haze early game? Solo lane seems match-up dependent but at least it's 1 on 1 so you can still exert some pressure, but in the duo lanes it's a miserable time
>tfw an abrams has both metal skin and return fire when I'm playing haze, but nobody else in my team does nearly enough damage to get rid of him
It's the worlds most annoying game of tag because I need to bait out the fucking items without eating a fucking shoulder-charge heavy attack and dying lmao
i highly doubt that
where did you hear this?
yea and it would make gurgling noises ambiently
just spam all your actives on the nearest target as fast as possible
How the fuck do you lane against Lash? Am I shit or is he just really strong early game?
he is
he's also a feast or famine type character so if he gets ahead he stays ahead
He has a potent burst if he can get some high ground. You have to win an early engagement before he can get his full kit. Try to bully him into spending souls on sustain instead of damage.

If he gets ahead he stays there, but if you can keep pressure on him and he falls behind he will be working all mid game to catch up
The guy who makes all those model swaps (Pumpkin Vicious, Bald Shiv etc) said it in A_Seagull's twitch chat a few days ago.
My favorite part about discussing balance in any game is when you mind break someone by asking them to bring up a game that has excellence balance. Majority of the time, they're speechless and the other time they'll bring up an example that people will easily argue about being poorly balanced.

You aren't a game dev, stop pretending you know how to balance shit properly. Not to say you can't criticize the balance of the game but you have so many people who are basically only complaining because they're bad at fighting a character or are mad that a character they're strong with got nerfed.

Me? No complaints about Shiv nerfs, even though I main him. I think the nerf to rage build up on minions should be lessened a bit but otherwise, it's fine. He's still good.
His gun is nice but, groundstrike is his main source of damage. Hollow point, barrier or shield should fuck him up when he tries to dive you and doesnt take half of your hp.
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stand on top of these and he cant do shit to you
You are the worst kind of faggot, the smug shithead that wants to police any discussion that isn't just "game good devs good"
>Just become a stationary target, bro
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It's not unique tho. It's true that you can technically intercept the urn before drop off but the reality is everyone will go to urn drop off and set up and wait for the urn carrier to get there before trying to fight. Which is just like a static objective in any other moba. The only change they could make that would or could force fights outside of the actual urn drop off is both revealing whoever picked it up immediately and also having a more strict timer on when the urn can be dropped off (which would stop people from taking the safest route possible, because it would take too much time) but then the issue isn't "we need a big team fight to secure the souls" instead it becomes "we need to distract the urn carrier long enough for them to be unable to deliver it on time"
Good job misunderstanding the point entirely, ironically proving my point.
i fucking knew they would nerf the paradox grenades. can't have shit in new york. can't have anything fun in deadlock without it getting nerfed to shit. game is dead. fuck valve. it's over.
if you stand next to it its cover, and you can climb it when you see him jump and he cant slam you
so close to uninstalling because of these retarded ass balance changes that are so obviously just reactions to shitters in the discord crying that they can't get carried by their broken shit anymore. so fucking close to quitting this shit forever.
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>massive lingering ground AoE
You need to elaborate more.
Just double jump bro
These are the same people that think gun is unfun btw
You just need to be aware of where he is and if he doesn't kill you after ground slam, you need to punish him hard because the way grapple works can make it tricky for him to get super far out to protect himself.

He's also pretty dog shit in solo lane because of how big and wide the lane is that he can't always get super good grapples to actually get a ton of damage out of stomp.
>last patch when Shiv was oppressive they give him minor nerf before destroying him
>They just gave Gray Talon and Miku small nerf
It's over for grandma
You know what? I just don't give a fuck anymore. Today i'm gonna play nothing but Abrams and M&K and just embrace the retarded grugness of this game.
and now paradox goes back to being an ult bot which is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUN RIGHT?
I don't think I've ever lost lane to a lash, just buy Health and he can't combo you. Pocket and haze might be kinda rough but everyone else can just tank it and punish him
You actually have to aim to combo her ult, unlike spamming grenades. And there isn't anything wrong with being a character who is reliant on her ult when your ult has a low cooldown. On top of that, the ACTUAL reason paradox is strong is her wall, she would literally be nothing without them.

You are so obviously in wood ranks that it's not even funny man.
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>sing sing gave up on the game because he can't stomp with a full 6 man stack anymore
>mo and krill have the highest green scaling in the game
>every build is 8 purple

Example 19382 of everyone but me playing the game wrong
>paradox spamming grenade bad
>geist spamming grenade good
kelvin has higher green scaling
I hope they buff Kelvin grenade AoE just to stuff it up your asshole
Maybe if you consider a bunch of conditional factors but at base it's 600 vs 700
yoshi really couldnt at least two weeks before nerfing it? were THAT many people really whining about it that it had to be hotfixed?
Because you don't need that many greens to survive and melee mage is fun, spamming debuffs and pushing active everywhere
>Why would the same thing that happened to Seven happen to Paradox??
And it was just -0.25 m not even -2.5 m that happened for the balls
yea but you said scaling not base
what game did the guy even come from, seen a couple of his clips but never watched him because I am racist
The Balls were quickly fixed. Sevens entire balance trajectory is being backtracked, with his regular abilities being nerfed and ult buffed.
Sorry I am retarded I was referring to how well the item modifiers scale off his base not his hp gain per level

Only works cause you gap the enemies mechanically, in a competitive match up you are using a suboptimal build
>yea but you said scaling not base
every green item gives percentage of base HP
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>just watched an infernus heal his entire healthbar three times over in one teamfight through multiple people with healing reduction items
paradox wall build is half as cheap (fast recharge + optional improved burst) as the nade build and arguably twice as effective

in a real fight people have to go through these all the time
you can be melew mage with just boundless and torment
torment is usually half of mo&k's damage so there's no reason not to be a 8 green retard

Personally I'll run torment+escalating
>le epic strawman xD
Gun is OP, they're balancing around gun being the main source of damage by nerfing every spirit build as it comes to the forefront of the playerbase

you guys are retarded to say otherwise
dota 2 "pro" from eons ago
might as well say he has always been a variety streamer
escalating is a bad investment because you'll have 2 other team mates getting it
No it's actually the opposite. BECAUSE m&k is naturally tanky, he doesn't NEED all of the extra greens. Yeah, theoretically speaking you could build him to be a super tank but what are you really accomplishing at that point?

M&K has great mobility, literally the 2nd highest gun DPS (mcnugget is at the top but requires you to spin it up to reach max DPS), and unreasonably good spirit scaling. Of course people are gonna want to build for more damage.
damn almost like wall has always been the reason paradox is strong
Mo applies it the best, though
nobody is naturally tanky except abrams and maybe shiv
you can have 1000 base health and it won't count for shit past min 10 without adequate greens
lmao hasn't it only been purchasable for a month?
>competitive match up
Literally not a thing that exist, stop pushing your deranged fantasies on people you fucking mongoloid
hos mobility is hard countered by anything requiring jumps
>except abrams and maybe shiv
Opinion discarded. You don't know enough about the game to have a reasonable conversation with when you clearly lack understanding of the game "and maybe shiv!??!"

His base movespeed is literally one of the highest. Also, magic carpet :)))
Why is Bebop constantly getting ass raped by patch notes but Lash is considered balanced?
>not playing mo and krill with Improved stamina and kinetic dash before you get your phanton strike
>he doesn't dash jump up into a flying talon or vindicta and grabthem out of the air
>he doesn't even jump way up in the air and go mole in mid air while flying
I mean are you even trying to get him nerfed this next patch? I'm at like an 80% winrate on him
I thought it just amped your personal dmg
Last already got nerfed 3 patches in a row
all his items also got nerfed
wait smite isnt f2p? how did they ever sell one copy of that dogshit
it's STILL the swap
wall is just another really good ability
>abrams and shiv have abilities that passively reduce all damage
>"that's not tanky stfu noob"

inb4 shiv only delays damage
he reduces it with regen and the active component
His only nerfs were that big patch where virtually every character got nerfed (he got off pretty lightly), and I think one patch update that buffed his 1 to be manueverable but lowered his bullet boon from 1.1 to .95 (and also buffed his 1's spirit damage ratio) which was like 3 or 4 buffs for one minor nerf

He has not been nerfed since like july.
Smite's founder pack gave you access to all characters for free for the life of the game.
Smite 2, even though it's a glorified visual update, does the same for their new god pack.

Basically they're going to get assfucked by Deadlock, especially if valve finally launches a game on consoles again.

You don't know how to use hp bro, if you live with 80% then just dive harder. You should have 4 people chasing you

funny he hee
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its over
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I am unironically at the ELO I belong
because I cannot farm well enough to carry
I can't really see a nonplayer watching 2bh, it's very confusing
>upgrade T1
>”more unstable than my first marriage”
The swap is nothing without the wall. If you removed the wall from paradox's kit. The wall obviously creates an advantageous barrier for paradox, does percentage health damage to the target, and max level silences them. The wall is also a pretty big help in team fights especially with range ability upgrades that let you defend most walkers and base guardians super effectively.
I am in that bracket. Why don’t you just ulbot with unstoppable and silencer? It literally wins the game for you
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Yeah she's used goods, also a coalburner canonically
>ball my heart out dabbing on everyone in the map
>clean gank rotations
>team has no macro
>every time i pull off a successful gank they do nothing with it
>we lose
every fucking time. i'll just play rat next time then fuck you
You're literally too retarded to speak with. You somehow think my point was that abrams and shiv aren't tanks. Please tell me you're ESL because jesus christ
All of his items get nerfed every single patch, Mr. selective memory. In case you haven't noticed Majestic Leap had its cooldown doubled to uselessness and was best on Lash because his damage scales with height and you get to keep a grapple in the bank when you use it.
it certainly helps with keeping you alive behind the wall but it doesn't actually blocks bullets for stationary targets like walker and guardian, since they can't move out of the way.
What is making you guys quit playing the game?
I had a baby
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that's how I feel about doto
I used to play league in s2~s3, so I can understand what dumb shit is going on in that fuck of a game. I never played doto, so watching a billion effects happen on screen at the same time feels confusing as hell and looks stupid as fuck (since I don't understand it). This game, even playing ingame, because it's a TPS I can see everything going on and it STILL sometimes looks stupid as fuck.
Kevin bullshit going on, infernus bullshit everywhere, mcginnis wall+turrets, pocket ghost+aoe. Sometimes it's actually just too much.
and then do what at higher tier?
Nerfing everything spirit and fun and unique - in favor of a sanitized shooter w/ gadget secondaries oh I mean abilities and items
Ye it'll probably be low views until the comp scene takes off. I think they should do prize pools like doto with some compendium or battle pass to juice up the hype
Most of the big streamers are awful to watch.
>valid post
>"you're to retarded to speak with"
this was both your responses. i hope you're being retarded ironically
That's another thing to consider in 1st person pov movement shooters, pros run high sense which can be very disorienting
this but unironically. sometimes i'll get overloaded and shoot randomly in 6v6 fights because i literally can't tell who is doing what
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even at it's worst I can still tell what's going on pretty well in deadlock, sound cues help a lot too
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Which character did you dislike until you started playing it?
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Unironically gow do you Vindicta? My one gane I played as her I went 0/14. Her gun felt like it shot bbs, her sniping did some damage but dealing 1/3 of an enemy's health when they're at 99% (aftet one full mag shot into them) doesn't do anything. Her farm sucks, her teanfighting feels meh, I know I'm bad with her but how do I git gud?
For me it's a lot of unfun heroes that I don't play getting buffed. I don't like that certain characters are powerhouses right from the start of the game that make the laning phase a nightmare no-fun zone. Being skilled is one thing but if someone only picks a broken hero it quickly becomes a drag to play. There's also very little team play usually. Get a nice black hole? Doesn't matter, the Haze has Unstoppable and ruins it. Unstoppable lasts 6 seconds, Haze ultimate lasts 7-10 seconds late game and Metal Skin only lasts 3 seconds.

I'm not having fun playing the game anymore. Ginnis is a powerhouse that ruins team fights and pushes. Infernus just hits you with his super fast fire rate and burns you for 400 damage. Greytalon does 1000 damage in headshots from above and 300 charge shots that go through everything. You have Yamato that isn't fun to engage because they use their "I win" button, same with Geist who spams 10x spells from a distance that slow you to a halt. Then you have Warden that is unkillable at times, Mo and Krill who heal to full in solo lanes vs you and... that's about it. Rest of the heroes seem balanced and counterable but it's these few that are annoying. I can struggle vs Shiv and Pocket, but they are beatable with superior movement and baiting. Abrams has an obvious counter too, but Shiv is far stronger since Toxic / Healbane don't work on his passive.
I think you just switch to a different character like infernigger who plays somewhat similar with jungling and ricochet. But being arcanist/ritualist means it’s good for a few ranks especially given MMR assassins in high elo anyways
Infernus and Miku, they're both still braindead doe
and then i played half my games on her
I don’t play the dishonest heroes I rightfully scorn
A death in the family.
I didn't like Shiv at first both visually and gameplay wise, but now I think it's peak design.(immortal leech shiv is still cancer though)
talon, i suck at aiming, but he inspired me to get good and feels rewarding
A quest for personal revenge.
They also added some really good climbable spots for 1 spam (especially sidelanes, love the billboard spots), and majestic leap nerfs hurt a lot of guys I hate so I can live with it
Just won against a cheating faggot Ivy, feel sgood.
>but it doesn't actually blocks bullets for stationary targets like walker and guardian, since they can't move out of the way.
So? The point is that attacking or defending, you throw up a wall and now the enemies can't really hit you without getting around the wall
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I don't think it's gonna matter, dude
I'm genuinely just not good enough at the game on any hero to carry
I play too safe, I know when to disengage instead of being a fucking retard and pushing forward like everyone does in these ranks and I just can't make enough of an impact to swing a game

I am not made to carry, I am built to help others carry
That enemy abrams was the same fucking retard abrams who fed in my first screenshot I hate this fucking game, man
I can easily slam that t. lash main
play a spirit hero instead of a gun hero
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If you play like a pussy then just buy glass cannon
The fuck kind of aimlet lash have you played against
That things got at hitbox the size of mount rushmore
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Haze. Thought she was just the M1 + 4 hero but her dagger and invis are actually the most fun parts of her kit and unironically she takes skill in the early to mid game, since her ult is so easily countered you actually have to pay attention to who you're fighting and when they use what abilities to be able to get good use out of ult, that is until you get unstoppable.
But my point is that you press 4 and then two other active ability buttons on any grouped up enemies to win the pisslow elo matches
The majority of ranks are shitters and full of feeding faggots anyways. You probably rarely need to switch off Haze
make haze's ult sleep everyone around her and apply max stacks of fixation
not bulletdance
That's an OCE anon based on the fact he's playing ranked games at this hour, and generally the skill-floor in their games is pretty damn high compared to NA games, mostly due to the population being so tiny
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a good chunk at that rank who know how to deal with a Haze ult
Had a geist in a game just run towards us with her hand up for ult every time she had it, she would ult whoever was closest regardless of the health difference - multiple times she ulted me while she had more health than I did (I was on Mo&Krill lol). The team and I came to the determination that the person didn't know the mechanics of the ult and simply thought it did major damage sometimes for no reason or something. Archon gaming btw
Why does it seem like most "high" rank players are either phantom or eternus? don't hear about oracle or ascendant players as much
>high rank
According to tracklock, there are only 126 players NA that are eternus, 147 EU. Needless to say, if you reach Eternus you're literally one of the best in the game (not that that means much)
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For me it was the fact that I was waiting for a new hero to be released for the holloween weekend to enjoy my time on the game
And they released 6 but in a 2 hour gated mode, fuck that shit desu
I might return when they add more heroes to normal rotation but I might not, game just isn't THAT compelling
Think valve have lost the magic
they are all in this thread btw
If you're talking about the game in this thread, you didn't quit it
Well I'm not part of the player count

Nowadays I can only game couple hours weekly but I do have a lot of downtime at work. So I end up with more time spent making builds then actually playing
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Shiv has the best character aesthetics in the game actually
i'm archon going on oracle
i only play paradox
I hope they never change Wardens model, he is perfect the way he is. Hero concept dont have to be cookie cutter regular fantasy shit, its fine to have unique characters.
I bet the niggers who complain about him havent even noticed the Shadow entity that he summons during the Last Stand channel.
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Sevenbros... has anyone else stopped partnering with Haze instead of Ivy?
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>make it into Phantom.
>neat, im mediocre. at least the people in my games should be relatively up to speed on core gameplay and mechanics.
>duo lanes with nonstop feeding, not using abilities, not using guns, not using voice or pinging, not defending objectives, not pushing objectives, people stacking all on one lane for no fucking reason, farming tier 1 camps next to a creep wave attacking our objectives.

It fucking hurts.
makes me wish the NDA was still in effect. every one of them has a horrible ego they picked up from ow, valorant, or smite
>Calibrated to Emissary
>Games are balls to the wall hardcore with teams moving as 1 across the map, cutthroat urn and midboss contesting etc
>Specate Eternus games
>Misuse of basic abilities and everyone just farming neutrals all game
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Why does Ivy present her hairy dog pussy when ever she's stunned?
i'm ascendant 5
it doesn't change
kill you'reself
Fuck Snipers Mirage, for vindi/gray talon hunting. Items not really in priority order

>High Velocity Mag
>Resto Shot
>Sprint boots
>Melee Lifesteal
>Mystic Burst
>Mystic Reach

Mid Game

>Long Range
>swift striker(on the fence w/ this one)
>quick silver reload(3)
>Enduring speed
>return fire
>Pristine Emblem(sell resto)

Late Game

>Siphon Bullets
>Inhibitor(sell Melee lifesteal
>superior duration
>improved burst
>improved reach

Barriers not included but reccomended
Ivy doesn't have a fortune cookie, furfag.
>melee shiv

how do you know
He studied Gothic architecture obviously.
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this is quite the rank discrepancy
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anyone else see this? Game is gunna be fucked unless they have an ace anticheat up their sleeve. I could easily see sneaky cheating in this game being a heavy amount of the top 30% of players
>I could easily see sneaky cheating in this game being a heavy amount of the top 30% of players
of course because you could never easily see yourself being in the top 30%
Shiv is a superior Abrams in every way. All of his kit is better and he's more of a survival character than Abrams.

Perfect for EE

Powerhouse melee range skill that decimates everyone with full rage

Lost 2000 health? Well take 1000 back just like that

Late game you can kill people below 1000 health and it resets cooldown.

He's basically Axe from Dota 2, but much better. Double Helix being replaced by a better burst that requires you to just damage creeps is so powerful it's beyond insane. Couple some melee items and you can destroy people panicking over where you are when you slash through them. In team fights you're someone people ignore because it's impossible to burst you down, while Abrams is easily killed with enough focus even with best defensive items in the game.
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grenade paradox > kudzu ivy
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>try out bebop for the new patch
>blow up an infernus in the laning phase because the retard keeps getting hooked and uppercut into the guardian
>We of course lose the game
>Greeted with this at the result screen
>25-minute match
This is a joke, this can't be fucking real.
Team average doesnt seem too bad imo, there is probably only a handful of eternus in que at any given time so it's either wait 2 hours for a game or fill with midwits
Kudzu Ivy just feels bad to me in general.
With spirit scaling being what it is now, it takes too long to get any meaningful damage started, so I typically run gun.
>0 object damage seven
my FUARKING hero
Gun with Siphon is really good right now.
But I am

I really want to case study test how far I could get with sneaky hacking with my 14+ years of dota knowledge and countless fps years while just body shotting people and pretending not to know where people are until they give away a noise or something. I'm already top ~25% or whatever Oracle is
>first game of the day unranked
>dual lane vs seven and bebop
>as soon as laning starts they kill all creeps and push with orbs
>they hook my team mate Infernus
>even an attempt to damage them gets you stunned, bombed and hooked from stun (you cant do shit)
>they proceed to kill guardian in almost 3 minutes in
not even mad just impressed
Oracle players are staying quiet until they grind up to Phantom so they can say they're actually good
Had a Bebop + Vindicta do similar, but you couldn't run because vindicta staked you over and over.
They could just change his lore instead
imagine landing a stomp on both, only to have seven instantly drop the stun on you and as you try to dodge it into a safe spot you've been lasered to near death and then hooked if you didn't go to safety

meanwhile your laning partner, passive infernus, does nothing but left click the enemy because he has zero early skills

I had the pleasure of running a bebop + kelvin earlier and it was great.
Saw my teammates get stomped in a duo because of a bebop paradox combo, Paradox would snipe them and bebop would hook them. Deadly combo
>duo plays Haze every game
>usually useless as fuck in the laning phase i have to deal with both enemy harassing and farming
>after the laning phase lives in the jungle

I hate Haze.
have you tried talking to your 'duo'
>bunch of seething about paradox grenade only increasing by 0.8 instead of 1m every pulse
it still hits through walls, its still extended by duration extender which means its still way better at farming/wave clear. these are the things that made grenade good. it being comically huge instead of just really big like it is now is a pretty whatever change
they made smite 2?
>still hits through walls
this is the biggest thing that makes playing ranked stupid as fuck, half the abilities still go through walls and they fix maybe one or two every patch. Playing someone like Mo right now is funny as fuck but it's going to suck when the 1 doesn't go through walls anymore
to be clear upgraded grenade with superior duration is 7 pulses = 5.6 m increase over time, compared to 7 like it was before. if you're kinda trolling you could also buy magic carpet and imbume sup duration into grenade in order to squeeze out an 8th pulse (otherwise sup duration gives 7 even if you imbue wall/carbine instead which is better) which was 8 and is 6.4 now. and all of this is before range increase so if you really just want to make the entire midboss arena a microwave oven you still can.

this feels like people going "carbine is bad in lane, you can just hide behind cover when she starts charging till it runs out" as if forcing someone to hide in their cuck corner while my creeps fight and then just blowing carbine on a creep kill/deny for big ammo efficiency isn't a win for paradox
>bebop laning against haze
>I fucking hate laning against haze
>decide to hang back, let the creeps push and only go for last hits and soul denies
>haze pushes a bit
>hook her ass right onto the guardian
>she instantly gets deleted
>do that again
>deleted again
>she is now scared and doesn't try to push anymore
>deny literally all of her souls because of OP hitscan laser and distance advantage
>she lets tons of creeps die without killing them because she doesn't want to be near my guardian
>at 15 minutes, she is at 5k souls while I'm at 14k
>her entire team quits
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I love Haze.
I love carrying her early so she can carry me later.
t. Sevenchad
Calico is a cat retard
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I got chain-splattered from full health once and said "fuck dat I'm instalocking this dude"
Haze is so incredibly easy to bully early on before she's at 20k souls.
Most people seem to realize that these days, and I often get shit on before I ever have a chance to "come online".
t. Hazefag
Would it ever be worth to buy Ethereal Shift to counter Shiv both so that he can't lifesteal off you after you kill him and to dodge his ult
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I wanna find a qt ritualist gf that plays toxic carry heroes. I wanna hold her, tenderly. I wanna look up at the stars with her every night after a shitty day of ranked grind and tell her it's gonna be alright. I wanna be her warden to his vindicta.
It's mostly because I used to kill creeps quickly and push to try and take the tower, and if I got slept, by the time I dashed and ran away, I was already super low.
But in reality, it's the complete opposite, killing minions quickly is pointless, the next wave isn't going to come out sooner, and if you just get one single hook on the enemy and launch them on the guardian, it's a free stun, huge damage and a guaranteed kill. And if you traumatize them enough, they just hang back and let the creeps die and fuck up their own farm.
I don't want to be an asshole. He is not terrible but our playstyle is different. I just started playing heroes that have wave clear potential early so we don't live under the tower.
Does he carry after minute 30
Tell me about the chopping arms off baxter society initiation ritual
Is 'she' cute?
It can happen. If the enemy doesn't buy metal skin.
wow guys spirit meta is so bad why did they nerf gun builds
>every game is a metal skin + return fire game and all the pigs on the enemy team have to do is hold m1
gee i wonder
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Thoughts on guides that look like this?
Yeah, out-pushing is viable against some characters, but others, like Haze, you need to just bully since she's incredibly weak early.
fuck this
Play warden, one point in flask will reduce 1 stam and one point in haze dagger will reduce 1 stam
It's a way of really, really making sure someone is committed
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Hmm yes, if I want barriers I will buy the barriers, and if I want armor, I will buy the armors
Nah slow hex shuts off his dash and ult and it's cheaper
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>fell below 50% win rate
I'm not gonna make it, bros
>every fucking game somebody goes AFK
There really needs to be a fucking low priority queue or something. I'm sick and tired of people lose their fucking lane and then decide it's not only over for them but for the rest of their team too. If you want to go masturbate don't fucking queue jesus fucking christ there needs to be a penalty for this i'm really fucking sick of this
You aren't supposed to buy it all but pick and choose.

Enemy lineup is mostly spirit damage? Pick spirit armor and perhaps Enchanter's Barrier for more spirit. Enemy has tons of disables? Pick reactive. Is it really that confusing to have both there?
6 unfinished heroes in hero labs is too much
4 of them should be max without exeptions and I don't even have to explain why
>no kinetic dash

It's shit
>Enemy lineup is mostly spirit damage? Pick spirit armor and perhaps Enchanter's Barrier for more spirit. Enemy has tons of disables? Pick reactive. Is it really that confusing to have both there?
Why do you need to have this in the guide?
law of equivalent exchange
explain why
Just convenience. I don't think you need guides at all once you're accustomed to the game but I feel like having all there near each other lets me pick items fast for the situation.
I like the idea of many heros in experimental 2bh because you could theoretically have counters within the 6. so you could drop an hero that may be op in the current roster but have a counter drop the same time. In an mmorpg it would be like dropping a knight and mage and archer all simultaneously and it's a sort of rock paper scissors thing
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>be phantom+
>want to try new heroes
>get put in the same sweaty lobbies I would if I played my mains
Blame the player, not the character. Also blame whatever faggot "pro" youtuber told people that that's how haze is played
The only thing that every build should include is armors, debuff remover, and sprint boots.

Everybody should run antiheal

If the enemy doesn't have healing the the matchmaker gave you a free win so your build doesn't matter
>Oracle 1
>170~ hours
>tried out Dota2 but couldnt get into it
>played LoL from 2011 to 2014
>played HotS from 2015 until September of this year
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>distance scales with spirit
seems good
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reminder that if you are playing grenade paradox, you are throwing the game for your team
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2/3 of current roster playing against 1/3 of new heroes covers much more interactions between heroes
Especially because they won't relase them all at the same time, so you're gathering data for characters that will get heavly reworked (literally placeholder skills) and you will end up with useless data about character interactions that cannot happen anymore
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I think Haze is the first character I'm good at. I got 12K/1D last match and more souls than anyone on my team. Is she supposed to be overpowered? I can't tell.
>Is she supposed to be overpowered?
Not at all, if anything she is underpowered, but her skillset is very good for noob stomping
Your laner kinda wants to itemise against haze in lane, (REACTIVE BARRIER) to prevent (your) snowball
I think what happens is she's so fast that moving from one fight to the next happens quickly and keeps me focused. With slow characters my mind tends to wander a little when I have to make a trek to a different lane.
How do you play lash? I feel so fucking weak
ground pound deals crazy damage the higher up you go, and his whip deals stupid damage too
burst the squishies down nigga, just gotta know how to pick your targets
abrams? not for you
vindicta, talon, haze, wraith? free eats
Archon 2, but maybe Oracle 5 this week (picrel)
>2000h CSGO
>0h moba
>20h Overwatch (got to plat)
>10,000h WoW
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Which team won? They answer may surprise you!
Is kelvin gonna get anything but nerfs holy shit has he even gotten buffed a single time?
Left based off obj damage but right based off your post alluding a surprise victory
Every time I see Haze and Dynamo on the same team I think they're gonna win, but the low ass objective damage on their team makes me think that they lost.
Infernus and Mirage have the same double dipping spirit/gun damage baked in 100% of the time for free, but with better scaling
You can say exactly the same thing about Seven

Getting both damage and fire rate scaling seems unnecessary tho and if anything gets nerfed it will be that
The background is Amber, anon
Looking back genuinely curious as to why their objective damage is so low. They took both our shrines and weakened our patron at 18 minutes in.
Have a lil' fun will ya?
does slowing hex cancel in-progress movement abilities or only stop them from using it? ie does it drop a greytalon/vindicta midflight
It used to drop them, not anymore.
And ever since GT/Vindicta/Lash have been a huge problem, Lash forever and vindicta/GT routinely, because whenever they're not dogshit they're insanely fucking overbearing and oppressive.
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>Have a lil' fun will ya?
This thread is full of mobafags, they yell at you if you have fun
Seven and Gray Talon
>Looking back genuinely curious as to why their objective damage is so low. They took both our shrines and weakened our patron at 18 minutes in.
The walkers and guardians have -30% bullet resist after 14 minutes now, so if they took them later it took less damage to kill them.
Also whether they bothered to kill base guardians or not.
item to switch teams when
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im in the big leagues now bros
He's right, fun is something subjective and something doesn't need to be good or immersive to be fun
>mirage is a damage dealer
Someone said this retarded shit. Please explain.
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he deals damage
case in point
Uhhh, how is he not?
What other metrics are used to determine MMR? I hear that you can still go up if you do well during a loss but is "doing well" like I killed 20 people as Haze but we still lost or does me dying 8 times but getting objectives/flex slots count too?
I will smack her ass to death neither you, her or anyone else can stop me.
post items
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Forgot pic
well i guess i just have to buy knockdown for the flyers then.
Knockdown doesn't fix shit because they can just use debuff remover or ethereal or warp stone into safety since they're already 30 miles away.
It only really punishes them in extremely high coordinated lobbies of eternus 3+ where people will instantly jump on the opportunity or the dogshit vindictas with no positioning.
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What items are good for Holliday?
>Team has a way better comp for deathballing
Is the solution to this just to have everybody in different lanes pushing till we get most of the walkers?
>Everybody should run antiheal
No. Anti-heal does not stack with itself (i.e. 2 people putting decay on the same person) and some characters don't heal, some characters will out DPS healers. Really only supports or people with free green/purple slots should consider anti-heal.
Majestic leap is broken as fuck if they finally fix the fucking bounce pads.
Bullet resist shredder is good, she gets a guaranteed passive proc from bounce pad>down barrel melee launch>headshot the knocked up fag

Also surge of power on barrels to probably.
Knockdown is good against more than just fliers anyways. Bebop, Seven, McGinnis, Dynamo, and Infernus all get fucked up by knockdown.
Ideally multiple people would coordinate to get different forms of antiheal (Shiv gets healbane, Ivy gets toxic bullets, Paradox gets decay for example).
lol. That was my 2nd or 3rd game playing Abrams and using public builds (which suck).

Also guess it's worth posting this clip from the match
*activates return fire*
Sure. 100% believable.
>Enemy team has lash/kelvin/Vindicta/GT/Mo n krill that just rape your ass instantly from across the map as they move in at mach 5
>Majestic leap is broken as fuck if they finally fix the fucking bounce pads.
I know that the stomp doesn't currently work, but I don't get how this relates to Majestic Leap.
>bounce pad>down barrel melee launch
Wow, I wouldn't have thought of that. Noted.
>You're toxic
Such an american bitchmade thing to say lol, in europe he woulda just called you pideras and spoken russian the rest of the game
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Pls respond
>but I don't get how this relates to Majestic Leap.
If you use a bounce pad, you can majestic leap during the bounce pad air time and it will still count as being in the air with bounce pad.
This allows you to HEAVILY extend the bounce pad jump and control it way harder with the majestic leap ability to rush down to the floor.
It's like Lash, except she will stun on arrival and then knock someone up with a massive burst.

It did catch a nerf with the recent change tho.
People just get a serious stick up their asses for no reason. He was arguing with the infernus late game for like a minute straight over basically nothing and then when I mocked him by pretending the infernus was toxic I think he just up and muted everybody, didn't say a word after that.
There's literally one guy in these threads who just reactionary claims every minor change is the new paradigm and coincidentally also part of a sinister scheme from the devs that will ultimately fail and kill the game. In the last two weeks we've gone from him screaming himself hoarse about how gun is dead and the devs want the game to be a pure moba, to now apparently spirit is completely dead and they're pushing guns.
he does a lot of damage the moment you have headhunter + mystic shot man idk what to tell you
It's less of a nerf and more of a "shit just doesn't work anymore".
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before ranked released i was already almost done with the game
news of ranked extended my playtime a bit but then we got the shiv patch which was complete cancer while they also nerfed all my heroes
now the flying niggers are overtuned and playing the game is very unfun especially after mole and mcginnis also became popular picks over the last couple of weeks
>decay doesn't stack
Just stagger them

You are the free win I was talking about
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They fucking buffed mirage and mcginnis while nerfing yamato what the fuck
Nig, decay lasts for like 10 seconds
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>wanna try new hero in hero labs
>unstoppable haze and mcginnis on enemy team
Anybody who thinks Yamato should be good is retarded. Her design is fundamentally buillshit and if she's "good" then she's extremely hard to beat.
You could say that about basically everyone in the game.
It's actually so fucking crazy how bad public builds are. They're always formatted so shit and they either have two few items (no leeway for helpful situational items) or too many items (feels directionless/makes the total build too costly) and the thing that pisses me off but happens WAY TOO FUCKING OFTEN are builds that will put in an early item but not the upgrade and sometimes, the other way around
>M&K build that has both mystic burst and duration extender as an early item
>Doesn't show the upgrades
Sometimes, I just want to pick up a new character and try them out but I can't do that, instead I have to spend 10-15 mintues in sandbox creating a build and semi-refining it so I have some kind of build order going on.
>wow that guy bought antiheal he is the reason we lost

Said no one ever
Yamato's ult is basically a get out of jail free card and if you made her genuinely good then she's actually unbeatable as she will out damage and out heal you before her ult is up. Don't forget refresher memes too!
Tips on building gun holliday? Aside from the obvious headhunter, sharp shooter?
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She was good for one patch and was promptly nerfed.
And then nerfed two more times when she was mid and low tier to begin with.

>Her design is fundamentally buillshit and if she's "good" then she's extremely hard to beat.

This is LITERALLY all the broken as fuck perma top tier heroes nigger.

Literally all of these are insanely fucking overbearing whenever they're not dogshit tier, and they're rarely if ever dogshit tier.
The difference is that Yamato is instantly removed from the game if you buy silencing glyph AND/OR curse, which are guaranteed to be usable on her since she has to get in melee range and is not tanky as fuck like shiv.
>>M&K build that has both mystic burst and duration extender as an early item
>>Doesn't show the upgrades
Well it's kinda hard to activate improved burst on M&K these days
so the same as every 'damage hero'
check recent builds, pick one you like more after few tries
>instead I have to spend 10-15 mintues in sandbox creating a build and semi-refining it so I have some kind of build order going on.
that's what you're supposed to do you ape.
Builds should be like 5-10 items tops. You can figure out on your own to buy Toxic Bullets or upgrade to Improved Reach at some point. A build just needs to tell you quickly and concisely what the creator thinks is the most bang for your buck you can get in the early-mid stages of the game, and what direction you should look at in the lategame.
what rank are you
>Yamato's ult is basically a get out of jail free card
and she cannot do anything anymore
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I enjoy Holiday's kit but I can't name a single synergy with her 3
unironically fire rate, she already deals a shit ton of damage in each bullet so fanning the hammer is good especially when they get slowed by crackshot

Early/Mid Game
Hollow Point Ward
Headshot booster
Combat barrier
Enduring Speed
Rapid Rounds/Basic Magazine/Swift Striker
Active reload

Siphon Bullets
Burst Fire
Crippling Headshot
Cooldown (for 3)
I wonder if quicksilver reload also works on 3, that would be nice
She can headshot someone for free after a barrel but that's about it.
One of the many reasons why it should be removed.
well i don't think she's very good still even after the buffs, but you basically just want to poke enemies with your gun/crow and then when they're at half heath, you finish them with your ult because it does bonus damage. if you max out her ult, she gets +600 souls for every kill you get with it, which gives her a lot of snowball potential.
however as I said, i don't think she's very good right now, or at least her ult build isn't. i feel like it takes too long to get to the point where it'll reliably kill people at half health. so in my experience it's best to build her for gun focusing on her 2 and her firerate to just try to melt people with it
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What's your favorite Deadlock ship?
cowboys are known to be able to shoot good
that's literally it.
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Is this sarcasm

Headshot item synergy+ slows synergy+ double dipping duration(the slow and the movement lockout)

It also ignores falloff so sharpshooter is a sort of synergy, cooldown is also pretty good
What's the fastest way to tank my mmr so I can play with my group? We can't even queue anymore, says the skill difference range is too wide
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I am on the Ivy/Lash friendship, if only because it would be pretty funny.
Ok and what's the synergy with the rest of her kit dumbass.
She literally cannot even use her 3 at all whatsoever with ult, it's straight up bad design.
Just play the game and don't even attempt to farm. Try to get all of your souls solely from killing enemies. Brawl all game and ignore objectives.
>monster hunter and "monster" girl having sex
Extremely basic but good enough
do you think raising your MMR in non-ranked games affects your matchmaking in ranked?
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so this snowcoon is just cheating right
As anon said, 1 with 3
2 with 4
2 into 4 into 2 with extra charge (kidnap)
1 into 2 for napalm which if hit leads to 3
3 and 1 after 4 to stop the faggot from escaping
No one you listed has a character that literally goes invincible for several seconds and gets more healing and damaged during that invincible state. No one. Not to mention how broken her grapple is, literally no downsides to it.
Doesn't look that suspicious to me
if you climb a bit people will figure out you can buy active items in this game
>more headshot damage than regular damage
>Holliday is trapped in hero labs with her weird meme kit that doesn't hold a candle to the other new heroes
Headshots do more damage. That's a 33% HS rate with a skill that holds enemies in place for free headshotting
A good CS aimer could easily pull those regularly.
with the previous bullet size that would be very believable now a bit questionable
You know i'm not complaining about her, right, retard-kun? I'm saying yamato would be cancer if she was good.
>removed from the game if you buy silencing glyph
not if she ults before hand!
she would have the exact same counter as now
she is way too nerfed and entirely reliant on snowballing hard

I also have Shiv as my most played, and I thought big nerfs were perfectly reasonable (though I think Torment Pulse in general is the bigger issue, Shiv is just really synergetic with it).

I think they just need to rethibk Rage as a mechanic honestly. I think it will stay a problem when it goes from zero to a hundred immidiately.
Rage has got to go and it should instead be a buff he gets from an ulti kill
based but i would only make it so he gains rage from hero damage or killing with ulti

Why would you want those items? Holliday is the type of hero to scale way harder on Kinetic Dash and Burst Fire.
shut the fuck up cheating faggot
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>have the worst lane known to man
>abrams dives my tower like ten times in a row and murders me
>farm and defend effectively
>win one big teamfight at the end
>win game
It's really that simple.
>if you shoot them in the head they die
that isn't exactly remarkable.
Brother it's seeded so of course
>and gets more healing and damaged during that invincible state.
What the fuck are you talking about she doesn't get more healing and she doesn't deal more damage, all she gets is
>Unstoppable effect
>Can't be killed
>Refreshes abilities and they're very slightly faster.
That's it, there's no extra damage, there's no extra healing, do you even fucking know how the hero works?
>with half of that duration post nerfs being used SOLELY to catch up to her target so it's like fucking 1.5-2 seconds of actual invulnerability.
Which is all countered by a singular 3k item purchase if she does ever become a problem and it's a GUARANTEED hard counter because she cannot do anything if she doesn't put herself in a position where silencing glyph/curse is not an instant fuck you.

If she ults beforehand (which means she's ulting in as soon as she goes in melee since silencing glyph would be near instant) she sacrifices most of her damage as she now can only do power slash once instead of twice.
If she's hooking in, standing still for power slash for 1 second and THEN ulting and you didn't silencing glyph you got the hands of a grandma, that's like 2 seconds of her being right in your face.
it's a 50% headshot rate with every bullet

50% of his shots did 25k damage
the other 50% did 13kx2

Honestly making an execute bonus would be cool. I personally want the rage to basically be a 0-100 number and that bonuses unlock on 10 intervalls.

Say, 10 is 2 ms, 50 is double dagger, 80 is double dash, 100 is instant refresh on ult on kill (example)

With this, the rage buff becomes easier to tweak since partial rage states are still beneficial to Shiv.
Looks like he's in this thread defending himself.
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Everygame has cyrillic with suspiciously high gun crit damage and at least 1 VAC ban on record. The player count is dropping despite the game being literally free. Is this a coincidence? Maybe.
i mean after you've already placed and gotten a rank.
i feel like normal games raise your valve MMR and in turn you get placed in higher MMR games in ranked but i might just be insane.
Geist and Pocket for the younger male older female vibe
>hes not a damage dealer what kind of retarded statement is that!
alright man
Yeah it would probably be easier to balance rage if they made full rage harder to achieve but he still got buffs while having some rage. i.e. the damage buff he gets from rage scales with the amount he had so if rage was filled to 10% he gets a 2.5% damage buff or something.

You could then more reasonably nerf his rage gain or w/e since now his rage buff isn't completely useless when it's at 50% filled or w/e. Shiv without and with rage are basically two completely different characters.
HS damage is doubled so it's a 33/66 split between HS hits and normal hits
What's the game plan in lane for wrecker? Is there even hope in a solo lane? Don't get me wrong, once they're online they utterly warp the game but getting there felt miserable the first time I ran them. I definitely think picking 1 start was a mistake, but the alternative I can think of just feels really lukewarm (3 to have *something* that you can build spirit on early and actually threaten damage, then into 2 and just ignore 1 entirely up until you've at least maxed 4), and when I think about solo lane matchups it just feels really dire because you have excellent sustain and fucking nothing else and will probably just get denied all day because your gun takes 5 years to pop a creep or even get it weak enough to SUCC.
I think Shiv has the best voicelines in the game
Her 3 scales off spirit, you do NOT want to build a ton of gun items on her, it's literally counter productive to her actual gun ability.

And that's reason number 91812192 why crackshot needs to be removed.
Is the fortitude regen ui bugged with healing booster? It should be 5% per second but it displays 4, does it still regen at 5%?
that's what I said

half of his damage did ~25k, the other half (headshots) did 13.5k X 2 =27k (headshot bonus)

where are you getting 30%
I didn't even mess up my hair.
>want to play holliday, a non-gamebreaking hero in the experimental roster
>get cat spammed in lane and lategame with invisible cats far above dmg falloff range
>ulted for full health by wrecker sitting in spawn
>slork holds w + m1 at you taking all of your dmg with bloodletting
It’s very unfortunate
>The player count is dropping despite the game being literally free.
You and I both know that the price has nothing to do with that.
The average gamer cannot and will not subject themselves to any video game without some kind of skinner box retention mechanic like loot boxes, battle passes, or some other grind or gambling proxy
Why do you think War Thunder has an extremely large and long-lasting contingent playerbase despite the fact that pretty much everyone who plays it openly and vehemently hates the game?
Yes lmao you are not insane you figured it out you are always playing ranked "ranked" is just solo queue
who builds gun m&k and do you have example builds because i've literally never seen it
Berserker might be the worst gun item in the game and it's crazy to me people still use it.
Reminder that even though it's a closed alpha and hero labs is the testing mode of the closed alpha, a developer at Valve still pressed the 'Submit changes' button on Calico's Nekomata Ward thinking it would be fun for anyone involved.
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This was pretty damn fun. Magician kept using the "double swap to the base" exploit.
can anyone confirm this I feel like i'm being gaslit

he had a 50% headshot rate with every bullet, right?
>set all heroes on equal priority
>only ever end up getting dynamo, bebop, and ivy
Whats fucked is that before this patch her kit was actually balanced with her turret being an ult.

I know right? The only good thing about it is the +4 ammo lmao
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Holliday would be fucking broken as fuck in the normal game but since hero labs is retarded and she's bugged to fuck she doesn't feel as strong.
Also the moment they fix bounce pads she would be insanely fucking dumb.

The reality is that hero labs was honestly a horrible idea, heroes like callico were literally perfect and 100% ready for release before they swapped ult and invis and just made her a retarded mcginnis that doesn't even function with the rest of her melee kit, lots of last second badly thought out shit like that and holliday passive.
They just want you to be a tester for their incompetent changes for free.
>actually balanced
no, it was just a different kind of retarded
>They just want you to be a tester for their incompetent changes for free.
>Everygame has cyrillic with suspiciously high gun crit damage and at least 1 VAC ban on record
It doesn't.
52% of his gun damage was crit damage
since crit hits do double damage, you need half as many crit hits to achieve the same amount of gun damage as normally
if all of his crit hits were bodyshots, he would have 13,8k damage from those hits
13,8k out of (13,8k+25,4k) is roughly 35%
>man every other hero gets to just shoot mans but you have to hit heads
fucking retard
same shit for why paradox is dogshit
Except they rarely listen to feedback anymore lmao.
And this is hardly a playtest anymore, not when they opened the floodgates.

It WAS a playtest when it had 2k people, not when it has fucking 80k throwing random shit all over, hardly any different from any live service game.
>One of the strongest laners in deadcock history
>"Weird meme kit"
build all the funny gun items that come with defensive stats on them.
threaten unguarded objectives with your absurd mobility.
Oh man too much weed, the 13k is the % of headshots out of 25k right

over 30% in this game still kind of sus
ive been highest or 2nd highest damage on my team five games in a row and 3 of them i was highest in the lobby anon if thats not a damage dealer then who is a damage dealer
oh no how dare they allow people to have fun with experiemental characters and give feedback that could shape up the character to be more fun before being released into the normal game noooooo don't do it!!!! you're doing it for freeeeeee!!!!!!
It's up there but isn't really sufficient on its own, and actually good players can manage around that somewhat regularly
could check his other games for more proof
>have fun with experiemental characters and give feedback that could shape up the character to be more fun before being released into the normal game
Explain to me how hero labs callico is in any shape or form more fun, balanced or workable than her past iteration.

You probably didn't even test that iteration, subhuman.
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>paradox is dogshit
wrong again
>Hollow Point Ward
What is the point of this Item
I'm wood mmr, please explain it to me in my terms
Anon. Mirage can literally lock people in place to click their head
If you're losing with paradox right now you are a genuine fucking troglodyte, she's one of the most broken heroes in the game and this patch is a huge reminder why she should never be good.

It is absurdly cost effective on hero that can avoid damage and use both stats (cough Vindicta cough)
>Except they rarely listen to feedback anymore lmao.
write better feedback
yoshi likes mine
Anyone who likes Paradox and thinks she's good is an aimbotter.
Prove me wrong.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
>Lash ult on 4
>Kevin ults
>Lash eats shit
He's a retard, mole is a terrible gun hero. You use your orange slots for utility and early stats.
>Explain to me how hero labs callico is in any shape or form more fun, balanced or workable than her past iteration.
They weren't asking for feedback, people were playing her through console commands. dunno why you're getting so autistic and uppity about this shit.
>everyone better than me is cheating
they changed her kit like three updates in a row too
>most kills
>most damage
Yet you still lost by a landslide, with that little objective damage I am guessing your team only killed like 2 walkers

Were you grenade build? That would explain the high damage and zero impact
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>I wonder if quicksilver reload also works on 3, that would be nice
Headshots do 2x damage.
27,648 / 2 = 13,824 base hit damage
13,842 unmultiplied headshot damage / (13,842 + 25,416 total gun damage) = 0.35 = 35% headshots

Suspicious territory but not necessarily blatant. Especially if this is lower MMR where people just walk in predictable straight lines and don't jiggle/juke every fucking second.
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>prove me wrong
This is a hit with kinetic carbine.
Why would you ever need to aimbot this
He literally has the 2nd best dps
>b-but it's a shotgun!!!
And yet abrams and shiv are generally considered some of the best characters. I'm not saying gun mo is the best but the fact that his gun is good just makes him more of annoying threat than if it was much lower
hey guys i like the goo guy how do i play the goo guy
im like 10-2 with that build
how joyless are you that your entire personality is downplaying literally everyone else around you 24/7?
Correct. I also cheat, and this game already has a "Tarkov Lean" established. The only time I've ever lost is to another team with more cheaters on it.
t. 2k
kudzu ivy is unplayable now because of the EE gutting, it literally does no damage now
You are in MY domain now
>Anyone who likes Paradox and thinks she's good is an aimbotter.

>throw grenade on floor
>throw grenade on floor
>deal 3k damage

Amazing aimbotting
Apparently casting Divine Barrier on a teammate give you assists on all of their kills for the rest of the match.

Did anyone notice this?
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Support Ivy > Everything else
Slowing Bullets, Kudzu and Inhibitor is terminal ankle cancer.
2k? that's dogshit
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Yup. I regularly get matched against teams with 3+ cheaters with only myself and maybe one other. Bad luck on my part.
Right, well given that you think everyone better than you is a cheater I don't think you're quite accurate
It is absolutely blatant. Kill yourself.
>Get reported by 3 players on the enemy team for 'chat/voice chat abuse'
>Didn't say a word in all chat
>Get banned from ranked for the 31st
>Forced to play without comms
>Forced to play unranked with retards far below my average skill games
>Report them for matchmaking issue because maybe the 1-15 mirage doesn't belong in my match actually
>Get report banned
lol this game is fucking dead
Again: the only time I lose is against teams with more cheaters.
I still have a 79% win rate.
This game has some terrible design choices, is it over bros?
Right, right.
Good pic since Vindicta is a ghost and would want him dead to be with her forever.
Why is it that when I'm just pushing the T1 tower to kill it and it targets me after the creeps die, it does huge chunks of damage in 0.1 second, but when a god damn enemy is over extending all the way past it for a cheap kill, it not only never targets them, but when it does, it does piss poor damage?
enjoy your trench shitter faggot
Isn't shiv part of the baxter society which is literally what Vindicta wants to destroy and kill, as in it's literally her sole fucking purpose?
What retard made this?
Were they playing mo and krill or some other broken bullshit that starts with like 650 hp?
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lol no both vindicta and gray talon want to destroy friends of humanity, and talon even says she's his friend when he has to kill her ingame

jesus fucking christ pay attention
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Yeah, I'm thinking bombop is back. You were meant to be killing people with your bombs anyways and the spirit scaling feels so good now

Ignore the two other carries
That's the point
Also she's after the Friends of Humanity
I honestly have no idea what's the reasoning behind making callico turret just a mcginnis turret but better.
She's a fucking melee character with a kit that's all about melee and melee combos, why?

Her old ult gave area denial and allowed her to teleport and literally POUNCE on someone that entered her turret range, her current turrets are just so fucking dumb and don't make sense.
that obj damage looks like four walkers
hopefully they don't minor patch this out, I want to abuse it for the next week
write feedback on it then nigga
I did
1 view (my own)
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I still wish Calico was an actual catgirl...
kys woke lmao faggot
decided i dont want to burn myself out right now and would rather play in a couple years when it's finished
Uklamato is good.
No one likes woke lmao though.
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I forgot how it is, do you get your new rank before or after tomorrows ranked window?
if you kill someone with a double bomb, do you get +5 or +10? with the new design, i could see +10 causing really good bebops to spiral wildly out of control, or even just a bomb on a well placed dynamo ult
I knew it lasted way long than the duration but I did not know it was forever
You got my attention
Monster rounds +health + mo or abrams and u can stand under tower for like 30 seconds
Don't even bother. Deadbabs are coping hard that the anti-cheat is working. 40% crit damage in low elo is just skill! Probably smurf. With several VAC bans that was a misunderstanding on Valve's part.
It's way easier to crit shitters, yes
Does this works if I randomly cast it when they're on a lane doing nothing or do they have to get a kill with it first?
especially in a comfortable top tier gaming chair
I know who you are. You're very easy to identify. You need to work on your attitude, especially in the inhouses.
The former
Oh this is some good schizo stuff, please share, tell me who am I
Didn't they say Callico was supposed to be a swarm character
She was like broodmother at first before the change
At one point in development she took a lot of inspiration from Broodmother, but I don't think that's been true for a while.
why is paradox even wanting to summon the patrons, the pre-match whispers in your ear just talk about how cool she is and they expect good work from her
for the lulz
For a short while but then they gave her two abilities that are about melee and melee range.
carbine is pretty forgiving to land between its size and you being able to enter bullet time while aiming it and grenade/wall are obviously anti aiming moves. the only thing on her that can be tricky to land is swap but given how fast it travels thats more an issue of remembering the max range then leading a hit
I'm not going to name and shame. I'm sure other people know who you are as well and are just too polite to say anything.
paradox (the organization) is just a group of phantom thieves stealing the unstealable and fighting the power to show off that they can so I'm pretty sure paradox is literally just doing it as a flex or so she can steal the patrons birth certificate and tell everyone its cosmic true name because it would be funny
You are Bug Shaker

You are either meppz or one of the two Hazebots
I have no idea what to do with pocket anymore
Damn who im I then
I just don't know what you expected with these dumb fucking posts, what even is this, a threat?
A threat of posting my name on a chinese weaving forum where I supposedly already join the inhouse and people know my name and who I am?
because you don't like how I post?

Keep crying lil dude, genuine schizo mental asylum patient post, seek help anon
Just 5 I imagine, it's based on heroes killed, nothing to do with bomb amount
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>braindead slavic team mates every single game today
You are bug shaker trying to troll me
It's not Bug Shaker.
needlessly aggressive
I never throw my flask about 40% of the time

fucking kek here's how to ruin wrecker niggas day
It's not a threat. It's a notification that you aren't anonymous right now. You clearly think you are, but you aren't.
Her slowly amassing a herd of cats and them all pouncing on an enemy with her would be pretty cool
I don't fucking care dude, but you should really seek mental help
It wasn't a joke, this is deranged behavior and again I don't know what you expected, even more so when you most likely have it wrong.
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>another "team that gets vindicta wins" episode
funny how none of the ascendant players are toxic in inhouses but all the phantoms and archons seethe and sperg out at other people in inhouses all the time
Finally, she's free. We should all aspire to such.
How do I counter Vindicta doing 30000 damage to me in a second? I have bullet armour and bullet shields and she's still shredding me on the fucking ground
Most people don't fucking care about this, schizo

You the type of nigga to hold your thumb over you license plate in Craigslist photos so the Rothschilds can't track you
Kill her faster.
metal skin return fire
Pray your team gets the vindicta, nothing else matters.
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Finally, my losing streak is over. I'm having fun again.
>winning in hero labs
doesn't count kys
>hero labs
doesn't matter
you didn't win
you didn't beat the game
your own personal fun isn't culpable
This and hope for the best lol
>grey talon and vindicta on the same team
It's not deranged behavior to have a strong suspicion of someone's identity. Anonymity isn't this impenetrable wall, you can still be identified. Replacing your name with "Anonymous" doesn't replace anything else.
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im not necessarily quitting i've just been working more on music recently and playing stuff with my bf
>the tripfag is the one saying this
lmao nothing really just waiting for this sniper meta to pass or at least vindicta getting a nerf then im back to grinding it out but so far just been playing inhouses with dlg to keep myself from getting rusty
Me, mettle and Soul are all nice in the inhouse
Can we get a spoiler next time your gonna turn this into /lgbt/
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Scalding Spray can have charges. Does activating multiple of it at the same time increase the damage?
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I enjoy:
>Haze, because I can press 4 and either kill or scare off anyone interrupting my pushing of objectives
>McGinnis because she's the queen of pushing objectives
>Seven because he second only to McGinnis at pushing objectives
How does this make you feel?
spray only checks once per tic, even if you're hitting multiple people. Spending another charge just resets the duration.
I was nice in the inhouse, but I stopped coming because the last one I played had two guys arguing on vc the entire game, which was exhausting
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idk how you're supposed to use Seven's ult desu
i bet it was meppz and someone else
Area denial.
You need to press 4
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>>Seven because he second only to McGinnis at pushing objectives
You're forgetting someone
Bebop only needs like one T3 gun item to kill walkers in 7 seconds or less, and he demands quite a response on account of being a strong duelist
Tell Gay Talon to focus her
Tell Lash slam her
Tell Bebop to hook her
Tell Yamato to focus her
Tell Kelvin to focus her
Tell paradox to swap her
Tell Haze to climb on a roof and dagger her
Tell Seven to climb on a roof and stun her
Tell M&K to buy warp stone/leap/carpet and combo her
Tell Dynamo to buy warp stone/leap/carpet and ult her into the whole team
Walk under a roof
Buy knockdown
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cry about it biiiiiiitch
the retarded report system
>get a bit feisty during a game
>eat a 2 day comm ban
>shut my fucking mouth and don't say a word to anyone that isn't immediately useful information
>eat a 4 day comm ban
>forced to play unranked
>get retards because good players are in ranked now
>report people going 1-15 for 'matchmaking issue'
>get report banned
>can't play ranked until the 1st of november now
what's the point, games in freefall with automated bullshit like this.
I forgot Wraith but you get the idea
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>You need to work on your attitude, especially in the inhouses.
this is true for like half the players in inhouses desu there is such a wide range of skill levels so of course the weaker players are going to get absolutely shat on in some lanes and bullying them for it when they're given a death sentence is kinda wack
ASSFAGGOTS are a demonic genre and i think everyone including myself gets pissed off at them sometimes but some of you niggas are mad the entire time you play and the atmosphere feels like pubs at times
I mean I'm not one to shit on someone but if they go 0/10/2 on literally every single inhouse without fail back to back, they become a force of nature that genuinely makes balancing impossible
Explain bebop bomb stack change to me i am retard
>Walk under a roof

best advice i've seen this tripfat give, even in the highest ranked games i play people seem to forget you can simply get out of her LoS
>guy is blatantly aim hacking
>still loses
gun bros... it's not looking good for us...
>Did they make the game fun again yet?
>Read patch notes
>Literal buffs to Shiv
>On the second tuesday of the third month the broken gimmick is now 1% better at being worse for the worse team doing worse at being better
then I lol and don't play
youre right but the games are advertised as being welcome to anyone of any skill level so turbo shitters are allowed to join and just play the game its nbd
lmao niggas need to chill and just enjoy the game and work on what they feel they need to work on shit that what i do i give 0 fucks most of the time

ask shallow he is the bebop master
how can we let valve get away with this?!? eu bros??

an aside, the general IQ on the forums has plummeted. they should close registration and start banning people for low IQ posts
>get a bit feisty during a game
>eat a 2 day comm ban
>shut my fucking mouth and don't say a word to anyone that isn't immediately useful information
>eat a 4 day comm ban
you said some retard shit don't sit there and lie
>get retards because good players are in ranked now
play ranked
>report people going 1-15 for 'matchmaking issue'
>get report banned
stop playing unranked, alternatively you don't get to complain about this unless you play ranked
>can't play ranked until the 1st of november now
your fault
bombs are better but now bombs only increase damage when people die right after it goes off instead of bebop being able to just suicide into the entire enemy team and clip them all with splash damage to get 6 stacks
Why opinion on wrecker downplays him so much?
He can dish off 2k damage before 10 minute mark by a virtue of clicking on someone's body and spamming bio blast
All of that when he's turning himself into an ultbot that deletes enemies
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Oh shit quick what do I tell him.
This is in response to me bitching about the yamato nerfs
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I must say, once Fathom gets more developed, he might be one of my favorite heroes. I really enjoy his ambush predator shtick.
Tell him they decreased the height of her forehead
Just tell him what you didn't like? What you don't have your own opinion? Alright then, say this
nigga hero labs is the most fucking kusoge 4fun dogshit ass game mode, everything is broken and doesn't work as intended
no one gives a shit, not even valve apparently since you literally can't even build callico with melee which is half of her kit because she will get stuck in walls on every leap
oh shit its time shill the abrams buffs

we need 600 health back
we need shoulder charge to disarm
we need our passive to get a buff
we would also like our melee attack speed to be reverted

thats what the abrams declaration would like

and nerf vindicta
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I like how some of her new model concepts essentially keep the silhouette of a big ass head
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Can you anons post seven please?
>some fucktard gets mad because I don't dive a kill lane when he's playing a self healing tank
I'm getting tired of this pattern.
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If I want QSR on Ivy, which ability should it be used for?
I just hope they keep the long skinny yokai look. I'll be pissed if they just turn her into a generic japanese weeb girl
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sick, thank you anon
>solo lane vs abrams
>not doing great because I'm Gay Fallon but not falling behind
>next lane over keeps trying to gank him and either dying or forcing me to lose farm to help them
just let me shackle this blueberry fuck to the lane so he doesn't start roaming and molesting you all
Literally what they need to do with calico is to delete lock down mechanic and make it into passive on dash or some shit
>Inhouse up! Any rank welcome!
>Some low rank noob joins
Seek help.
I have only ever seen 2 people go 0-for in an inhouse
meppz on haze went 0-4 in a 22 minute stomp, and this game

>but the tripfag always goes 0-10 this isnt real
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>paradox ult is just bad bebop hook
ok but can bebop hook heal you 500 hp in 2s? I don't think so chief
bomb scale better
bomb shorter cooldown
bomb gains stack (+5%) when person die up to 12 seconds after getting hit by bomb
if you downplay paradox while one tricking her you are not only a faggot but coping that you cant gitgud at her
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Man, now that there's ranked, quick-play is so easy.
I clowned on Warden in Lane, killed two people post-mortem with my turrets, and basically carried 5/6th of the match for my team.
Stoners are easy prey.
Is emezz getting uppity again?
even better, take the teamfight inside a building
I get instantly deleted 80% of the time I fly through a doorway
>Bebop only needs like one T3 gun item to kill walkers in 7 seconds or less
how? gunbop works because you get like 100% more damage after you hook uppercut someone, if you aren't doing that, ive found his objective damage to be middling at best for a gun build

contrast with wraith who really can melt a walker in 7 seconds with a single T3 and pressing 3
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>all 5 team members 0/5 within 10 minutes
>you said some retard shit don't sit there and lie
no point trying to argue with someone like you. I'm honest enough to tell you the first ban was for a reason and the cascading bans are bullshit. but that's not good enough for you and there must be a conspiracy it totally can't be that every automatic report system in video games fucking sucks and if you don't have actual humans looking at chat logs and reviewing voice chats don't fucking bother including it.
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I've got a handful I can post
i've never been banned, chat banned, or any of the sort in any videogame because i'm not an insufferable child. so no, i wouldn't know about that.
maybe don't be a faggot next time
you are an insufferable faggot though. it's on display right now. you just spend most of your time on here rather than in game so you don't get the ban you'd rightfully deserve.
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What's even the point of using the mic when you'll get spam reported and comm banned for the most schizophrenic of reasons. Banning for any reason other than hacking is soulless as fuck and hurts far more than it helps.
look at the juxtaposition of this man making assumptions based on tall tails
or the lane becoming a 2v4 because you still have guardian up when all the others are down holy shit
please fuck off to quora.
idk i feel like you have to take your retardation pretty far to actually get muted in this game i am toxic sometimes but pretty light about it and ive never gotten muted
The random sci-fi neon prime alien was never meant to be a "yokai", gamingcirclejerkposter. Just because her current model is ugly doesn't mean it's good.
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this one as well
more like quora this dick lmao
The game has been significantly improved since the urn change
>What's even the point of using the mic when you'll get spam reported and comm banned for the most schizophrenic of reasons
This literally never happens.
does the damage bonus paradox gets for shooting people hit by grenade also work on objectives? if so isn't she pretty good because she can get like 30-40% for free once she increases its duration?
There isn't a point. People will see what it leads to. They'll disable chat and never engage with anyone. Match quality will be worse. People can literally just 3x report you in the same game with their stack to get you banned from ranked for a week instantly. This takes well meaning people who try to coordinate and communicate with their team out of the pool further fucking match quality then people will wonder why the matches are ass, hop on the forums and add another page to the 137 pages bitching about shit games to yoshi that's publically viewable right now.
You can get banned because you spoke the King's english in a lobby full of VPN abusing russians. Nobody should ever be banned for speaking the lingua franca of the internet, yet this is happening right now because bans are automated and spam reporting for any reason works.
Mfers will buy duration on abrams for .2 seconds on 1 ability but not on mirage when it effects his whole kit
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Real 2 and 8 with lowest damage? Is someone in this thread a pretender? Worst Lash ults I've ever seen in my life btw.
I have not found that to be the case...
Is bug with divine barrier real? Is this true, that if you cast it on a teammate you're getting assists on their kills for the rest of the game?
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Neon Prime design is a weeb alien cosplaying as a japanese, that's why she wasn't even a native japanese speaker.

I feel that concept art I posted fits everything perfectly
>Younger sister, makes the lore make sense and fits with the mob not wanting to be exclusively led by her
>Yakuza tattoos
>Looks quick and nimble
>Fits her new voice
>Colorful unique design
>Face that looks kinda fucked up

Ideally, she would look like that normally and then when she ults the "yokai" takes over in a blood lusting revenge mode.
Basically I want this but with the clothing of the previous design because these clothes are fucking horrid and generic, they're literally just infernus outfit 1:1.
So you're saying that we need to rangeban Russia.
This. If you get comms banned or griefing banned you very well know the reason yourself. Downplaying or pretending bans are automated is a sad joke.
>his life drain
>shoulder charge stun
>ult stun
it's worth buying
Not even the best player in the world performs incredibly on every match no matter the game, kinda retarded to make posts like these
Is that the devs? They look like people who would make real good vidya
I agree thats the best of the concept arts I've seen for her base design. The school uniform would be a good cosmetic. Ill be pissed if the do the thicc brlwn one as it fits her less than her current alien cosplayer model
>wow, this person on my team is doing a bad job.
>i think i'll use them as a stress release valve and spend the next 30 minutes watching their every move and calling them a retard and a fag. that's sure to whip them into shape and get my team the win!
manchild ritualist rank ass behavior fr
Lash is so bad when your team is bad who should I play that's less reliant on team
>have 7k hours in dota 2
>still fumble items when i have too many actives
Have you ever played WoW before? Did you know you can just get your guild to mass report a ganker and he'll eat a month ban? Did you know that none of the people abusing those reports will ever see any consequences? It's the same shit happening in this game. You can literally get yourself and 2 team mates to report someone who just raped you in a game and they're getting a week ban from ranked.
>Have you ever played WoW before?
No I don't play bad games.
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if a fight goes inside i usually just cancel flight and try to poke through a doorway. if my team is going to take a tf inside they dont really want my help
I don't know who you're trying to shit on, but Lash is so hard countered by Mcginnis that he's almost impossible to play right now.
Hello Swallow Rod
You're playing a fucking moba bro.
I already said downplaying or pretending bans are automated is a joke. This isn't WoW and I highly doubt that's even how it works there - commsbanned people are niggerish and will lie through their teeth rather than admit they were in the wrong.
What's so awful and toxic about speaking English? Reminder that you don't actually have to break any rules. You just need to exist for some stack abuser to find it worth their time to get their buddies to spam report you, and all of sudden you're comms restricted. No trial, no oversight from a human, not even a warning, just banned from ranked for a week because some stack had a giant melty. As a player who gets complimented for their good comms a lot, I don't feel safe playing any queue that allows people to stack and put my standing at risk. It just takes one bad mid call, one misconstrued joke, or people not liking my voice to get spam reported and banned like it's communist china.
literally never seen someone who isnt a massive faggot get comms banned
Oh wow imagine being the sort of person to say the n word and you think you're like some moral authority on who deserves bans. The irony.
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The new voice pretty much confirms the fat indian is not happening.

I honestly just want this design
With the yokai aspects of this one
But there's pretty much no reference to any yokai or anything on the new voice, so unless they're holding out on those it might mean they're just going for the first one, which is fine by me, that's my second best option.

I agree this one would be a nice cosmetic and I'd use it relatively often, but for a base design this would be horrid.
And thankfully the voice confirms they're keeping her yakuza lore.
its about hiding your power level man
i say nigger faggot and tranny all the time on 4channel but im not retarded enough to say those words around normal people
People said this same shit about CSGO and IIRC valve flat out denied it and no one was ever able to verify it consistently. CSGO didn't have comms bans tho, they would just mute you by default

I doubt the devs are retarded enough to implement auto banning unless it was different people reporting you from different matches

maybe you're just consistently an asshole in every match
That only gets rid of the highest profile demographic that abuses the fact that comm reports are automated, while not solving the broken system that allows people to get rid of people that they don't like stasi-style.
>>This isn't WoW and I highly doubt that's even how it works there
>I've never played this game before
>But I know the story
Same. I'll throw my stake or take a potshot and then I'll just hover away to rat a walker/run or fake urn/farm
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You can get comms banned in fucking league for anything, that game's a genuine day care.
If you call the fat, nasty ass NTR ugly guy incarnated a fat fuck you can literally get muted for 2 weeks, even if you're the one playing him.
I've gotten muted for 2 weeks for saying a guy feeding on respawn because he was having a melty had a micro penis.

Meanwhile in dota I called peruvians disgusting little indian subhumans that need to be culled down like the dogs they are every other game and I have 10k behavior score.
And yet I'm sure you can show me these automated bans that have been checked through support, right?
Because every time their chatlogs are filled with shittalking of the highest order.
Yamato still needs buffs.
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It's that simple.
>"people get muted for no reason"
>know two guys who got muted in online games, Dota 2 specifically
>both of them can be extremely toxic, call people retards, niggers, faggots, telling them to kill themselves, death threats, based things etc
>one time we're playing the friend figures out teammate is a Serb
>speaks on VC "Hey man you know I bought a jacket made of fresh Serb leather?"
>it was extremely funny but I can see why he had to grind good behavior score for months
I have never known about anybody getting muted without a reason. If you are toxic occasionally nothing happens. If you get muted you probably not only insulted people, but went overboard, and did it way more than once.
>be bebop
>enemy's a bit tough to deal with
>save money for slowing bullets, then silencer and lucky shot
>enemy hooked can't shoot because maxed bomb
>can't use powers because silencer
>guaranteed death for those shitters, even stronger than the double bomb
Oh you should've never nerfed that build, now it's going to be even worse for your sorry asses.
I've never been muted.
There are also no toxic people in my ranked games.
Same. The system is working.
I've called people niggers in chat and voice in Deadlock at least a dozen times and every time I just get a "WHOA DUDE" and nothing happens

>Is Mo & Krill a they/them because it's literally two niggas?
No shit, did you see the list of changes?
>- Grey Talon: Movespeed spirit scaling reduced from 0.04 to 0.032
>- Grey Talon: Bullet damage spirit scaling reduced from 0.13 to 0.12

Literal minuscule stuff, this is a "here's changes shut the fuck up stop bothering us" patch.
>Barely play the game
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>apex streamer sperging about aim as if you autowin by having good shooter mechanics
>while being 0-5
many such cases
Ive only seen one person go on a nigger/jew rant and you may be surprised to know it was a sub 20k seven
Did you win
>dropping twitch handle
Apex cringe
Wish I could smash their head in with a brick.
i followed this guy when he played apex he called me bad after i killed him 4x in lane as paradox a few patches ago
On abrams it's a difference whether they have time to parry the follow up heavy melee after shoulder or not
>Apex streamer
>plays Wraith
Like clockwork.
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>wraithfag telling other people to get better aim
>dont have rank yet
>lose first game decisively
>go 8-2 w/l with spamming warden
>after that first game noone is higher than purple 3 despite me slapping the absolute shit out of everyone
feels like ranking is over after 2 matches lol, winning barely had any impact on enemy rank for me
It's not necessary on Mirage when his goal is to just shit out damage by left clicking on people.
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>I mainly play FPS and have reached rank #1-10 in CoD/PUBG/ROE/APEX/WARZONE. I am diagnosed bipolar 2 and ADHD, it can cause inconsistencies with my mood sometimes.
You can't make this shit up.
Crazy you can get away with that but if I call my teammates bots and tell them to stfu and let me carry you I get muted can't even shit talk the enemy team
>broccoli hair zoomer
>mental illnesses in bio
>Crazy you can get away with that
It's always disingenuous faggots just lying through their teeth about how they call every living thing a nigger and they haven't been banned despite this. They're just pathetic losers looking for attention by holding bad faith arguments.
I'd literally bet my balls that's not the extent of your trashtalking.
Wraith always attract overwatch and apex players
The people gaslighting have zero clue of the problem. I've never been banned for any reason in this game or any other video game whatsoever (outside of lag griefing my friend's minecraft server ages ago). My comms in deadlock are top tier, and are pretty much the only reason why I can go toe-to-toe against people far better than me in the inhouses. I feel incredibly unsafe playing any mode with stacks knowing that I can get instantly banned because someone on my team had a melty and got their entire friends list to start reporting me, knowing that I will get banned because of the volume of reports.
Huh? I haven't had that experience at all. I just get tesla bullets and intensifying magazine and kill walkers instantly
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how do you yourself act in matches dlg? and how do people in your matches usually act? i dont shittalk anyone and everyone in my matches is usually chill, at worst some teabagging between sides but lots of glhf and banter between teams even in ranked

wondering if there's a hidden behavior score that it groups people by in addition to mmr (separate from the low-prio queue) considering how consistently pleasant the players in my matches are
rip bozo didn't read
lmao i be going overboard at times ngl told a enemy team to kneel to me also shit talked a pocket the whole game
Keep going anon
I had to win 6~8 matches in a row before I started seeing higher ranks in my games, but after that it started going up faster

After going about 25-5 I'm now in games about 9 ranks above my own
I don't say anything unless something extremely retarded happens and the game I was carrying and was a guaranteed win is now suddenly lost.
And then I fucking lose it
I just play the game.
I am reformed I learnt my lesson
>how do you yourself act in matches dlg?
non-grief pings only unless the entire lobby is already cracking jokes/bantering
>and how do people in your matches usually act?
Either short callouts on mic or the usual NA blabbing.
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NICE LA on every kill my team gets. Teabag every enemy I kill. If an enemy player tells us about how bad their 0/12 Vindicta is I flame the flamer.
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I lost 14 out of my first 15 ranked matches.
I went from low eternus/high ascendant to phantom dogshit pisslow
>the usual NA blabbing.
had a guy in one of my matches ask who everyone was going to vote for in the election
one guy said he was writing in harambe
i said "there are worse candidates running"
he said "there are worse candidates than a dead gorilla?"
In dlg matches im cool in pubs I'm a egoist
>hidden behavior score
If it's anything like Dota, and it likely is, it already has a pretty robust behavior score system.
>how do you act yourself
I'm not perfect and can be an asshole when I'm tilted but I usually just write "0" or try to get in an argument with another tilted guy on my team about whose fault it is.
fuck marry kill?
>"there are worse candidates than a dead gorilla?"
wtf you can't say that about saint floyd
your mom, your sister, your father
>fuck mo & krill
Do what you want I guess
i think you mean fuck marry krill
Fuck Geist
Marry Yamato
Kill Mcginnis

I don't play those OTHER female characters
Happens lmao you will auto correct and go back to low eternus losing streaks happens even more so at higher mmr keep your head up my G
>viscous has 47% winrate
am i gimping myself if i play this character i just wanna goo my dude
his sister is trans what now
Pocket, Shiv, Bebop.
There's two likely scenarios. Either you went on a losing streak and you'll have easy games now or you were overcalibrated at first.
Today I actually had a Haze player complain that I was building gun Ivy so I couldn't rescue beam her out of Dynamo ult. I'm so done with this game. It took less time than any other moba in history for tryhard faggots to ruin this game with their metagaming bullshit. I had to quit Dota and World of Tanks because of this shit where people complain that I'm building for damage on the "wrong" class. Now Deadlock is doing it too, and it's still in fucking alpha.
fuck paradox
marry paradox
kill myself if I don't get to do the above two
his skill floor is pretty high to do well, but if you are good, he can be good
Viscous is still strong af and can poke harder than anyone else in the tank/initiator category.
Fuck geist and impregnate
Marry new yamato here

Kill vindicta
im waiting for the new one
lol epic harambe zomg take an updoot!!!
1/4 of my games no one but me talks
1/2 of my games at least 3 people are regularly on comms making calls and being generally positive or neutral, maybe complaining about their lane but not raging
1/4 of my games 2 players decide to bicker or call each other trash and usually myself and someone else cut in and go "guys this isn't helping just play the game" and it's 50/50 whether they agree and stop arguing or one/both double down on being a faggot and rage harder or mute everyone
>had a guy in one of my matches ask who everyone was going to vote for in the election
One guy did that and I said I was voting for Jerma.
For late game yeah. Maybe better scaling. If they nerf her 1 range they can throw her a fucking buff party on everything else.
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One game the entire enemy team knows your every movement beams your healthbar down as soon as you live any cover. The next game the enemy don't even last hit souls, one of your teammates dc's but it doesn't matter because you can easily win 5v6 anyway. Truly magnificent.
Viscous, Holliday, Grey Talon
okay i’ll keep at it i suppose
guess ill be a valve sanctioned smurf for a while longer then
vindicta but in reverse order
Fuck Mcginnis
Marry Geist
Kill Yamato I guess
The difference is literally just the first team is communicating with each other on mic. The second team is not.
it is weird that you didn't build rescue beam on ivy
I don't type and don't talk, players in my lobbies say glhf or some use vc usually just for callouts or "hi how you guys doing :D let's win" type shit. Only ever seen 2 mcginnis players trashtalk everyone
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I'm not calibrated yet these were my first ranked matches ever, but I'm down to seeing low ascendant/phantom people on the lobbies so I assume I'll get one of those.
>you were overcalibrated at first.
I wasn't calibrated before, this comes from my normal matches where I relatively often got featured.

The issue is that I had GENUINE ascendant people dying 15 times somehow, constantly.
I posted about it yesterday but I had some of the worst games I've ever seen in those 15 matches, I had a kelvin teammate trap us with ult with a haze ult with unstoppable.
I genuinely did not know what to do, felt like I had to omega giga hard carry 2-3 people feeding their ass off from minute 1 and if I wasn't able to do that the game was instantly over and everyone would lose their lanes early on.
Haze players are welcome to swap mains to Ivy and go whatever healslut items they want. You don't get to dictate my build to me. One of the few real innovations Deadlock made was getting rid of the team slot where someone is forced to play a support in League and DotA. Stop trying to put me back in the cuck box.
yeah current deadlock is peak "trench never ends"
why would you pick a hero who sucks at anything but supporting and then refuse to build even a single (one (1)) support item
soul does it every other game

>"hey this Seven splits every time we team fight next time we fight wraith should go yellow"
>30 seconds he eats a wraith ult and gets deleted
>him in chat "lol okay pusies"
>play a hero that is geared towards supporting
>force a gun build on it even though there are heroes that are better for that
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great comps
don't think i've ever seen a team with both vindicta+talon win a single match
>please play the meta build I saw in the tournament
>please ivy you have to play the meta build
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i exclusively communicate through pings and such, when people mald at something i just ignore them but i hear them if they aren't retarded
sometimes i tell people not to go to mid because the opp team is about to respawn and it works and we don't eat shit
If your good with him hes an unkillable disruptive initiator. Most people just dont get him
Heavy "mid or feed" vibes here
no one is talking about meta builds
we're telling you that you should take a single specific item that synergizes very strongly with your hero and benefits your team
>the only char that can dive this is lash
Aint no way you lose this
i've paused literally once and i immediately said afterward that there was someone at the door
i came back and two people on my own team told me to "fuck off with that pause shit"

it took me 15 seconds
spoiler alert we lost this
the only reason i don't play support in dota is that my MMR is so low that i can't trust my carries to actually play carry
And I'm telling you that I want to play gun Ivy so I can clean up lanes, split push, and kill unattended walkers. I'll play the game how I like.
are you aware that rescue beam doesn't take a gun slot?
for me its the russian 12yo that emulate their favourite streamers by pausing 5x in a row at the start of the game
theres a reason you cant pause in dota within the first 5min...
it only annoys me when people pause and say nothing, if they whine after it's explained they are just monkeys
That's what EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. at low MMR thinks. Well, that's how it used to be back in the day when supports were super poor and mid wasn't so volatile.
>pausing at the start of the game
they're doing this to disable VPN lmao
Are you aware that it's more expensive than Tesla Bullets?
Even in the top 1-2k you will get some bot players but remember after a long loss streak a big win streak is on it's way
>That's what EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. at low MMR thinks.
yeah dude I'm literally in low MMR (unranked) in dota I know what a shitshow it is
we've got noobs like me who are learning the game plus turboshitters who have 2000+ matches but have never learned to last hit
when i lock in a support i get a carry who can't farm
when i lock in a carry i get a support who steals all my farm and shoves the wave
we're all shitters down here but the core roles have more agency and so it feels more like losses are your own fault when you pick one of those
>lost all 4 ranked games today
no theyre doing it because theyre subhuman fucks that like to waste everyones time
>solo ethos reaches its limit
they both cost the same amount
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hey dumbass, ivy boosts herself as much as she boosts anyone else with tether. two people being buffed is way more of a force multiplier then one person being buffed while the support cuck ivy main masturbates and follows behind them
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played mirage for the first time last night
went heavy on spirit
tagging people from far way until you hit 16x stacks to instantly kill them when they're at half HP was awesome
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>40 minute game where you're defending for like 90% of it and you lose
ive been doing nothing but gun builds but spirit seems funny although not ideal
I performed quite well in most of the them, usually the most kills on my team. So hopefully what they said about ranking taking that into account is true. My teams were full of russians having meltdowns

Frankly bebop just gets popped so easily. Are shield builds just trash late game?
Gun is a lot better because if you exclusively build spirit, you get into a lot of situations where you can't properly defend yourself long enough to build up enough stacks to kill people if they jump on you. Gun builds can actually kill people fast and still chunk people with his 3.
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Yeah I dont imagine this is viable at all
However just cracking someone for 50% of their total HP once you build enough stacks? Hilarious.
>Shouting BITES ZA DUSTO when tapping 3 as they're low HP and 2 miles away and they die
>supports have no agency
Not true, especially not nowadays where you can actually get items as a support. You get to do things, and cores are stuck in playing Diablo 95% or else they're griefing.
>when I play support carry can't farm
If you play your cards right as a support even a fucking monkey will be able to carry you just by having more items than the enemy and pressing random buttons in a teamfight.
>when I play carry I don't get a real support
That's because you probably got somebody who wanted to play core but were bullied into not doing it, so they think they're excused from playing like shit because they don't have as much farm.

You can absolutely win games as a support nowadays consistently, you just need to be... better than the enemy team at the game. Otherwise you're playing against people doing the exact same thing. 90% of the time, winrate topping heroes are hard supports, and not just at high MMR.
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>support cuck ivy main masturbates and follows behind them
yeah okay
SCARAB'S RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you didn't beat the game
you're carried
i'm sure this is true at higher skill levels but the amount you have to gap the enemy team at bottom piss and shit MMR to win as support is just too much

>That's because you probably got somebody who wanted to play core but were bullied into not doing it
you clearly don't understand just how LOW my MMR is
these are people who don't know what a support is
i'm not exaggerating or talking shit
i had a guy pick drow support once
Be wary of your surroundings.
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Games fun
99% of deadlockers doompost just before the enemy team is about to massively throw the game
>I performed
You did okay or even poorly. Faggot main pickers deserve the rope.
>Are shield builds just trash late game?
they're slot inefficient, countered DoTs, and require a very specific playstyle. for characters like bebop who can't leave a fight easily you're better off going for armors once the T2 shield items fall off.
>combat/enchanter/both and DB or preferably veilwalker
>orange/purple items also need to give barrier, for example have to skip pristine emblem for sharpshooter
>have to play around veilwalker to not explode in sustained fights
on the upside you get to skip lifesteals and can rely solely on fortitude for health.
i doubt its even worth in higher mmr if the only thing you play is pubs
damage is also support, they cant do shit if theyre dead
I love how they gave Bebop that sick super-saiyan aura around him when he channels laser that also damages players near him
And you know how? Why would I pick the heroes I'm less good at for ranked? I was playing lash unranked for a few hours today and I got put in the same sweaty lobbies
Not that guy, but an immortal mid player in the ancient bracket could carry 90% of their games. An immortal hard support player is probably not even carrying 75% of their games. It's not about aggregate winrates between same skilled players. It's about the time it takes you to climb to your real MMR, and support is very bad at that.
which heroes are not carried
At what rank?
It's usually a free lane or sub 30m game for me unless they have Lash and he's carrying.
Have you seen the concept art retard? Thats clearly what their going for with her character and i hope they dont pull a 180 now and make her some tiny little jap girl to appeal to faggy weebs like you
Paradox (before buffs)
Grey talon (before buffs)
Viscous above phantom
are you gonna seethe every time this guy posts?
>paradox (before buffs)
I think the point of Mirage's kit is to out-sustain your enemies while applying debuffs and mark stacks and then promptly nuking them.
But this falls flat on its face because his gun is so good, why apply damage later when you could just blow their heads off now?
asc 6
>risk of rain 2 dev liked my viper post

I knew this character was by one of those guys, too kino.
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>Have you seen the concept art retard? Thats clearly what their going for with her character
We've literally only seen the NEW, REWORKED YAMATO concept art, all of those is a japanese girl.
>i hope they dont pull a 180 now and make her some tiny little jap girl to appeal to faggy weebs like you
Holy fuck what is this brainrot.

She literally has ONE concept art with the yokai motif and only half of it and again, these arts are for the future yamato, it's never been a consideration for current yamato.
viper was around long before hopoo was
nvm we don't even play the same game

also he literally confirmed it in the discord, viper and magician
>won 11/12 of my ranked matches as mo and krill
>bored of him but dont want to play normals to tank my mmr trying a new hero and get retards in ranked again
idk why they cant just be totally separate mmr's I play completely different in unranked to the point im basically a griefer



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The current viper in hero labs is not the same old viper that was/is in the game, confirmed by yoshi.
Actual viper model is probably gonna be a green snake girl or some shit.
Mirage's kit is a mess because he has this long range theme where he can teleport around the map and poke people from any range (ignoring damage falloff because that never causes problems). Then the other half of his kit is stealing HP, crowd control, and getting evasion so that's like a bruiser theme.
No shes not for weebs you fool. Shes for sophisticated seven samurai and Shogun loving Japanophiles like me. LoL may be more your speed, sped
>buy debuff reducer against abrams
>stun him twice off his dumb charge
>then stun him out of his ult
>then stun him again off his shoulder charge
Get fucked asshole, abrams players really are fucking retarded.
He can still get you if he buffers the imput and clip into you (with duration extender)

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