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halloween edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/
Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

>Previous thread
First for bikini protagonists
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Poll results update: /agdg/ is mostly yesdevs. What can we learn from this?

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wishing a happy Halloween to all aggydaggies
and a slow and painful death to all inncer circle goons
i give up. im literally not smart enough to code my game.
its over.
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why is life (3d modeling) so hard? :( i just wanna become an expert at low poly so i could make good models fast and with low poly counts, i guess i have to focus on the areas i have difficulties with, but it's so much, at least there's wwf smackdown 2 for the psx to guide me
The ai shitposters did not vote, or are coping and saying their "assets" are games.
I'm seriously considering making a blobber and using generated images for enemies, npcs, player character portraits and item graphics. The blobber audience might still accept static sprites with no animations. I'm not sure how they'd react to them being generated though.

With some careful edits and persistent genning I think you could get something decent.
I appreciate your wishes but you're too different and it shows in your message which is the point I'm making.

If you can't even understand my post why do you think you would understand my game?

People like you will play a exploration game and complain it doesn't give directions or die and complain the game forces you to play from the begining rather than having a checkpoint as if those things were flaws.

But that's because you have not played the same games I have so you don't understand my view of video games.

If you're not willing to accept that you just are not capable of understand my game due to your background it would be better if you didn't reply to my post.
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Progress: Improved lobby system and added option to set up teams before game start.
>mp rts
very cool
once you can do regular modelling, you can do low poly, high poly and anything inbetween
low poly alone is a scam made up by NGMIs who couldn't be bothered to learn 3d properly
regular modeling is also hard, i'm really supposed to make all those edgeloops by hand?
brick break but with anime waifus calling you baka as they dance on top of the bricks
ball hits waifu -> clothing damage
break brick from under a waifu -> she falls down
catcher a falling waifu with your paddle -> h scene
it is that shrimple
Depends on your use case
But honestly, I've had a 3d course in my uni and even the biggest retards had no problem with blender, you need to do a few tutorials back to back and you'll be fine
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yeah i like open source its cool
but i think ill keep my game private because steam is filled with abusers that take projects edit 1 pixel and release it 100 times at 99% discount of 1k dollars
He's right.

Still not making my game open source tho.
>lists a bunch of physical products trying to compare it to a digital product
>that artstyle
agdg could never
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yeah... I'm skipping it
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uhhh trade secrets sweetie?
uhhhh henlo?
You can't copy the manufacturing process of car engine just by looking at it, and plagiarizing a book is not equivalent to repurposing code from another game. Those are stupid comparisons.
Not clicking that ip grabbing link.
hehehe I already have your ip prepare you get ip spooped!!!!!!!
They're most definitely a commie faggot but regardless I kinda agree. The only reason I don't make my stuff open source is because my code is kinda messy and not useful to anyone else.
I'm about to grab your IP (increddible penis) anyway and YOU CAN'T STOP ME
Normally you would not be able to spoop me but it's halloween so we're under seasonal double spoopyness bonuses
It's Halloween?
>not browsing 4chan vanilla
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Phew alright, time to texture this bad boy
I would only consider making my game source open if I got notch tier money from sales, then I might release the source from older versions like Doom
so the Demo deadline was just moved 14h earlier for no reason??
Who cares
If your game isn't ready in time just uploaded a placeholder and swap later
it's been always friday morning UTC time
always wondered what that means
Ugly Tarantula Cock?
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just wasted 6 hours of my life writing the serialization and deserialization.. i shouldve not used strings for my game components as identifiers.. ill do better next time
i knew 4 days ago that i wont make it for this dd, so no need to rush something that wont be fun to play, as long as i can get one feature done a day, im happy. good luck to everybody else, looking forward to trying some out myself
no it definitely said 10pm Friday CET just a day ago
The game is finally out, if you type "boo" in on the title screen you can play as the Fairy from Poke All Toads
Decide for me AGDG
Should I make a porn game or a sfw game today?
looks transcoded
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I made a gerrymandering puzzle setup, I'm gonna change the colors out for ghosts, pumpkins, candy, and maybe a spider or something. Then I need a score system.
Coordinated Universal Time
>b-but why isn't it CUT
Because circumcision is antiethical.
I made it but I did not "make it".
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Cope, devvy.
YWAHMI (You will always have made it)
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
make a good non-adult game in roblox or fortnite
I am at a decisive crossroads of sorts.

I have two project ideas that I can do. Both use the same systems which I have already coded completely. One is ~20 hour game that will take me at least 4-5 months to completely build and will blow everyone away, however I don't think I can sit through making it because I haven't shipped anything in too long and it's getting to my head. The other one will take a month or two to finish and isn't as impressive in scope but will be finished quickly and I will feel better for finishing something, however I don't want to make disposable sub 10 hour games because those have almost no substance and barely sell.

Got my ativan prescription, will it help me gamedev better?
make a gta clone
make it pornographic
google the witness
jblow was racist for that puzzle type seriously...
haha, that's cute.
skibibi toilet rizzer mog simulator
No. It'll make you an addict who can't deal with the slightest bit of stress in their life without it.
Get on a longer acting anxiety medication or (better yet) find another way to cope.
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tomorrows the beginning of a new month hope you guys are setting up your milestones to keep yourself accountable!!!
I'm giving myself today to figure out what I should make.
amazing stuff :)
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its over
maybe itll pick up again
It's decided. I will neither make a porn game nor a sfw game today.
Does anyone have the screenshot of that post about people wanting systems games? It used to get posted a lot. I started playing Stardew Valley for the first time recently (thanks to this general) and I'm blown away by the depth of the content in this game. I thought it was just a silly little farm building game, I didnt realize there were NPC relationships and a story and combat and crafting. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that this is what I have to match if I ever want to make it.
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I think I discovered an incredibly cheap loophole for advertising my game that doesn't require humiliation rituals, money or even huge time investment. I'll let you guys know next month how many wishlists I got.
Can't share it because if everyone starts doing it, then it would stop working. I wouldn't mind my aggy bros knowing about it, but I know Marnix and other reddit grifters are lurking this thread and the method would immediately go out on youtube, twitter, reddit and whatnot. If it works I might contact the devs I like in private about it to tell them. Wish me luck.
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I feel you. Worst part is that it was supposed to launch in early access and somehow I fucked up and released it normally, so now I'm doubly fucked. Oh well, I've already moved on to my next project.
I don't care about that. Post progress instead.
You don't need to match Stardew Valley. The guy worked 4 years non stop while being carried by his girlfriend, not everyone can do that.
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this one?
Wrong. Customers don't give a fuck about your circumstances. They just see your game with 10x less content than SDV and call it shit.
how many wishlists did you guys have
There are plenty of successful games that don't have 1/100th of the content that Stardew does
Pull your head out of your bum
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then dont just make a shittier stardew valley and make something else that hasnt been beaten to death. you do have lots of ideas right?
False. I'm a customer and I give a fuck about your circumstances.
they succeeded in spite of that, not because of it
I know that. And I admit if you're trying to make a farming game than yes everyone is going to compare it to Stardew. But what I meant is that you don't need to spend 4 years and make a bunch of content to make a good game. Soemthing like Vampire Survivor arguably has less content and I'm guessing it took much less time to make, but it had huge success.

No idea, somewhere around 300. I did literally no marketing though, and sold about 20 copies.
I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.
Stardew isn't the norm. It's the exception.
Most indie games (outside of roguelikes) have like 4 hours of real content.
and because of that they appeal to no one
>67 Joined

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Blame the guy that decided to have it so close to halloween
He's not necessarily wrong but in practice everything being open source would cause all sorts of problems.
Normalnigger grifters are becoming fatigued and leaving. Inflow of new blood is reducing. Indie gamedev is healing.
It's every 2 months. No exceptions.
It's not my fault it happens to land on Halloween, Christmas, New Years, Spring Break, Kwanzaa, Independence Day, the release of most major video games, etc.
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>skipped last DD for lack of content
>still haven't finishes what I want for this DD
guess I'll skip another DD.
my demo isnt even playable, its literally just a character that can walk and jump
Got my RC stimulant to treat my self-diagnosed attention issues. Am I going to make it?
Smart with the segmented limbs. I gotta try pushing that style some day.
>don't just make a shittier stardew valley
wise words.
too many grifters in this shit now flooding the market with trash.
>how to get your wishlist up in 10 easy steps
>marketing 101 do this to get the big bucks
>best way to shill your game on tiktok
the indie scene has become a crypto style get rich quick grift and then people wonder why their 'game' didn't sell 20 million copies.
that sounds like its playable tho
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good morning sirs
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Oh my God, here we go again:

> The guy wanna make a game
> Have no experience on making a game
> Don't even play videogames.
> Decide to make an "AA game studio"
> Spends 800k usd on that process
> Don't have a plan
> Use AI as concept art
what an awful gif
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I like the crunchiness of old compressed gifs desu
>it's not my fault
Yes it is. if you follow a dumb made up rule its entirely your fault
>had to cut my already uv unwrapped model to add some fixes
>somehow managed to stitch it back up in the uv editor
phew, I thought I was going to need to re-paint the model
it just reminded me of that tragedy is all
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i can do it guys. i can become... a yesdev. i can make game, and so can (You)
>makes a shittier stardew valley
>Gross revenue: $4.5m ($2.2m - $6.8m)
nothing personnel, kid
shut the fuck up marmo. You'll never be a developer
>only 800K
there's almost a millie down the drain
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Had an idea for an easter egg,
Is it weird that i find the 3rd person template in unreal genuinely more enjoyable to play in than most of modern games? like i can just put a couple of moving platforms and make an obstacle course and it is already more fun than something like nu-GOW
Negrosmell has legit mental illness
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>thinks every bocchiposter is marmo
erm actually

what did he mean by this
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but can you become a cute yesdev?
Platforming is fun

Someone really should make Mirror's Edge but with user created maps. $10,000 idea minimum.
I watched the newest video and they're literally just making Assassin's Creed.
What's up with all these tasteless guys having a midlife crisis and deciding they want to gamble everything on making games?
No, we are too different. Something that works for your game isn't guaranteed to work for mine.

Your views of video games and my view of video games are nothing alike because the kind of video games that are played by me are obscure and unpopular but most people play current and popular video games.

If I try to follow your footsteps and expect the same result it would not work. I need to do gamedev my own way.
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>work really hard on game for months
>finish it finally
>feel sense of accomplishment
>that feeling fades after a few weeks
>don't really care if anyone plays it
>in fact i hope they don't, since it's not that great
>don't want to bother shilling it or releasing it on steam, i doubt anyone would really buy it anyway
>it will probably end up just another forgotten demo on itch with less than 50 downloads
>the emptiness inside is too profound to express
There is an idea of a Yesdev. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can reply to my post and get a (You) from me, and maybe you can even sense our mindsets are probably comparable, I simply am not there.
it's funny to watch them bumble like retards through it. They will never be the cool xoomers of the 90s who made all the ludo we love today
The idea is that the photo booth from Massag-Coav shows up in Nortubel part 9, where worlds collide.
So the photo booth sort of reveals that other characters used it.
Also the default controller and animations are great, like should i even try to make my own when even the biggest AAA games feels far worse to control?
slimo dev, can you make pixels like this ?
There's a reason marmo is known as "Marmocute" and it isn't because he isn't cute.
Honeslty I'm impressed the game has this much content for 4 years of solo dev and I've barely even scratched the surface.
That's it, thank you! I agree with a lot of what the anon is saying here.
I agree with this guy >>500541768
It's very rare for a game that doesn't have the depth and replayability of a systems based game to attract a serious audience. There needs to be mechanics for players to explore, that's how you develop a community around a game. People will want to share their ideas with eachother.
>It's very rare for a game that doesn't have the depth and replayability of a systems based game to attract a serious audience.

Hollow Knight?
Hotline Miami?
Shovel Knight?
Buckshot Roulette?
Doki Doki Literature Club?

*All examples of fairly linear games that don't have much replayability nor content
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I used to do cylinders for the arm and forearm, then put a sphere in the elbow. It was ugly as sin and very amateurish-looking.
This time I copied how Resident Evil 1 used to do models.

Texturing going alright.
Pic rel, it's the protagonist's partner. I hope you can tell right away that he's a slimy arrogant prick, using his cyborg enhancements to scare people. He's very loyal to his country though, at least.
Hotline Miami, Celeste, and Buckshot Roulette have interesting mechanics to explore though.
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>m*sk will harvest your data for AI forever unless you opt out before november 15th
Do I wait until m*sk fucks off from twitter or do I move to blue sky?
Define "systems based game" for me.
Because I wouldn't consider any of those games to be systems based. Not in the same way as Stardew Valley anyway.
Nothing being set up, I already have a list of stuff I need to do. But I do keep track of my gamedev hours. This month has been the worst of these 3 so far, ~40 hours of gamedev, I'm a neet btw. Feels like the harder the stuff I have to work on the less I work, right now art, where I sometimes am not sure what to do.
I have nothing against more linear games, I just think it's much harder for these games to make it since so many more of these games exist. I'm sure if you compared the amount of linear games that made it to the amount of linear games that didn't and then did the same for systems games the systems games' numbers would look much better simply because they take longer to create and there's less of them.
Just my opinion. If you like linear games and want to make one then I don't want to come across as telling you to not do that or to give up.
well, my game is ready for demo day.
Come to bluesky twitter is (X_X)
gay faggot wacky chungus game with a huge tumblr niche
not that popular. Its limited success is an accident. People certainly don't play if for months and years
>Hollow Knight
one of the biggest and most fleshed out metroidvanias ever made with an unspeakably immersive story-rich world
skill platformer that appeals to autists and speedrunners. Somewhat of a systems game
>Hotline Miami
indie pioneer. Doesn't hold up in current market. People certainly don't play if for months and years
>Shovel Knight
indie pioneer intentionally made as nostalgia bait. Was propped up by the game journo cabal
>Buckshot roulette
streamerbait fotm wacky chungus game and not that popular or enduring. Its limited success is an accident. People certainly don't play if for months and years
>Doki Doki literature club
initial shock value made it a meme. Don't know anything else about it. People certainly don't play if for months and years
>we are going to fix gaming by making a worse version of the same game you've been playing since 2007
>projected release of 2026
kek yeah idk how thats going to play out for him.

The cat cake shop for buying cakes that restore you to full health is a lot more polished than it used to be.
Why do so many people watch this stuff anyways?

Why can't I have a cute gf like this? Btw I'm a bocchi poster too

What setting do I need to change. I'd rather have 0 social media and I rarely use my serious account atm. I don't really feel like hopping to another platform when I don't even care much about using the current one.
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I can't wait to finish my mobile slop so I can make a real game.
>not that popular. Its limited success is an accident. People certainly don't play if for months and years

Nigger it has 20k reviews. Low estimates put it at over half a million sales. High estimates put it at over 2 million.
If that isn't a successful indie game then I don't know what is.
that doesn't even come close to Factorio, Rimworld, Stardew Valley, Kenshi, or Project Zomboid tho
That is a lot of text and UI for something that could be better integrated into the game world like Spelunky's shops. Knowing Bokudev, he won't change it though.
>16 hours
maybe i will get a sudden burst of motivation... eventually...
>Another DD approaches
>BokuDev comes out of hiding to post progress
>But won't submit his game to DD
>Nor does he release it
Like clockwork.
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And none of those come even close to Minecraft.
What the fuck is your point?

There is always a bigger fish. Doesn't mean a million copies isn't a success for a game made by 2 people on a budget of nothing.
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yeah i know...
i give up
Are you not motivated seeing progress?
Minecraft is also a systems game
don't be motivated. it's a bad thing to be motivated. don't think. just do.
now add roguelike upgrades to the shop
how can you work on your game if you don't know what you want to work on?
No I am not motivated seeing someone linger in mediocrity yet demanding headpats for the bare minimum.
>you don't know what you want to work on
you do though
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>front page
fucking annoying
my head is completely empty... i think i have brainfog
holy based :o blender on a nokia? https://youtube.com/shorts/0CAQh3TTc0w?si=lJDcBbyD7Tp2hFUj
Good luck anon. You have the same mindset on why I dont share certain stuff here
>reddit grifters are lurking this thread and the method would immediately go out on youtube, twitter, reddit and whatnot
It pisses me off so much that they immediately run off and tell everyone. My friend has mentioned this exact same problem where something useful is found out only for some clout chasing fag to see it and proceed to reveal it on social media rather than simply enjoying the benefit. Sometimes they get hounded to remove it and it works. But man those types that just HAVE to "share" all that stuff clearly looking for 1 nanosecond of relevancy really piss me off. Do they not have foresight that by revealing it to everyone it has a good chance of not being a benefit anymore due to mass attention having it removed?
what did you want to do when you started gamedev?
Reminder to market your games everywhere;

>publish major update on itch
>3 views, 0 downloads
i dont know, make something fun, maybe make some money if people liked my game
love you BokuChad
sir, demo day is tomorrow

demo day will fix it
welp, another demo day missed. unfortunately, work got in the way as well as family travels.

that said, my job has moved in the direction of being something that will have long-term prospects, and it allows me to completely customize my schedule for gamedev, so now i can be a failed enginedev forever
what kinds of games do you think are fun
Still no release date? Sad!
I got super burnt out on my project about 5 months ago.
This morning I woke up and found that I wanted to do it again.
But I kind of want to start from scratch just with the same general idea.
Avoid all the baggage of old code and all that shit.
Is this a bad idea?
>its a platformer episode
im sure you'll do great bro LMFAO
Oh kek I think, Ive turned that off months back. Should probably check in case its been turned backon by them with some excuse as the reason

No kidding, the constant demoralization. If I could set it to 0% revenue cut I would. But you know the guy is a liar "any percent you want" to "NOOOOOO IT MUST BE 10% MINIMUM!!!!!!"
when i was a young boy, i liked platformers and action/shooting game, but now im more into tactical strategy type games, but im not very good at them, i usually don't have the patience to focus on games anymore to be honest... maybe half an hour a day
Can someone explain quickly how FAB changes my life as an UE dev?
I just got back into this shit and yet another major change is happening in the gamedev world. Why they always have to go for changes?
you can only hand out "reminders" after actually releasing a game
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Reminds me of dumbasses in easy IT jobs making tiktok videos about "a day in the life of my job" showing how they do nothing all day and relax on the company's dime, and then everyone getting laid off next year.
so make a tactical strategy type game
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>tfw failed my performance review
>tfw not getting a bonus this year
I have to make it bros....can't take this shit anymore
Starting over is fine. You're better faster stronger smarter now, right?
this was about the fucking QUEER garbage being put in front again
but i forgot this thread was also full of queer and trannies so no wonder why nobody cares in here
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I've been busy making my game so I haven't been posting here much but I'll start now from my game Virus Brain and I'll will release on DD
like xcom? or divinity original sin?
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never tried, maybe is possible
hope youre using activitywatch to keep track of your game dev hours and not pushing start and stop on a stopwatch and writing down your times like a monkey. unless the ritual keeps you going in which case have at it
I care
I fucking hate gays too
*I'll start posting art now from Virus Brain
>can't have a dark fantasy game without normalfags declaring it soulslike/metroidvania/buzzword slop
Epic owned and operated the Unreal Marketplace, Sketchfab, Quixel Bridge, Artstation Marketplace, etc.
All of them had different licenses and a bunch of other retarded shit.
FAB is basically them combining all of their marketplaces into one.
It's also engine agnostic so Unity users can download the Unreal assets and vice versa.
Sketchfab and Artstation are still operating but they'll close down in the new year at some point.

IMO, it's not a great idea. ArtStation used to be one of my favorite marketplaces before it became flooded with low effort AI garbage. I suspect the same will happen to FAB.
>isometric PAT
fund it
you're the one that knows what you play.
Any article on that, it could give me some sort of happiness for the day that'll fuel my gamedeving. I remember these fucking videos too well.
>watching cppcon talks
>white man, white man, asian man, white man, white man, jeet, white man, asian man
>white woman holding her baby gives a 5 minute talk about how important it is to support women in tech and nerds need to do better
>all the comments on the video are just ? tf does this have to do with programming?
collab with me on an orblike
>white and asian men give tech talks that are actually useful
>white and POC women give talks about retarded social bullshit and HR

This is the GDC youtube channel in a nutshell.
Gwen Frey the TA is the only decent female dev I've seen there.
I feel kind of bad for AAA teams. They want to hire women so bad but 95% of them are incompetent.
I'm making a web game that will be running on a sandboxed environment which is safe by design
check mate
this applies to mobile games too I think
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>hope youre using activitywatch to keep track of your game dev hours and not pushing start and stop on a stopwatch and writing down your times like a monkey.
Writing down when you're taking a break keeps you accountable for that break. All that a tracker app does is tell you at the end of the day how much time you accidentally wasted when you clicked that youtube video and went down a rabbit hole, but by that point it's too late to help.

Automating something with technology isn't always an improvement.
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>4 directions
Sounds like it's going to be a bitch to animate.

Also unrelated but do you mind if I ever decide to try something with those for the next DD? Just a small game idea I have in mind.
Disregard what's on the right I tried something and remembered that I cannot do pixel art.
Yeah they always ruin stuff. Those types piss me off sooooo much. They just can't keep their mouth shut, literally incapable of realizing the consequences of it. Instead they'll trade a major advantage for
>1 second of attention
>1 year of self feeding their ego
>a lifetime of lost out life on easy mode
But these types are always the same, that final thing was definitely worth it to them and that in itself pisses me off so much because they always end up using the same excuses for the end result
>it is what it is
>it cant go on forever
They're literally the reason it stopped

Anything to avoid responsibility for their actions. AAAAAAAAAA I WANT OFF THIS PLANET!!!!!!!!!!

These retards even go shilling gamedev like it is some sort of glamorous lifestyle where you do almost no work and simply just have all this free time to go around walking in public in the middle of the day just to relax, in fact iirc this is where those day in a life video's started from!
itch doesnt promote updates
I like the design. Reminds be of Batou and System Shock 2 character model mixed with G-man.
Ok but does it change anything when it comes to pricings and asset's copyrights/IPs/right of uses?
By your description I actually think it's a great idea if there's not a jew move behind it.
>7 years
>on THAT
....that's why I said I want to set it to 0%. If the itch.io dev is going to promote that, then I want to make use of his so called "any percent revenue is fine" policy. Except he'd throw a tantrum and have me eemoved the moment I try to make use of it.

I'm not sure how the licensing transferred over if you originally bought the asset on the Unreal Marketplace. I think they keep the original Unreal license though.
But there are new licensing options when you buy on FAB. Basically an indie license and a pro license with the pro license (revenue over >$100k) being significantly more expensive. Which is how ArtStation does it.
don't make the gameplay similar to those games
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you can, nice forniture
Stopwatch thing on the pc sometimes the one on my phone. I don't track it specifically. As long as it's gamedev I'm counting it all under 1 time. How's this thing work though, like how does ot know what I'm specifically doing? Not to mention knowing if I'm inactive or just sitting there thinking on what to do next?
what's an underrepresented genre?
seems like, it, i got the info that it does for major updates and releases but the only boost you get is when you first publish your page and it gets into the recent list
Awkward male protagonist in a diverse cast going on an adventure (suikoden, grandia, lufia, trails)
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people doing that shit when they started working from home in 2020 pissed me off to no end
>haha look at me i'm playing video games during a meeting
>i'm done with my work before noon now i can take the puppers to the park
and now a lot of them are back in the office
I spent 6 years on a game less complete than bokube and I'm neet will all the time in the world
that roodt:2d was a systems game...plenty of systems games are shit dummass
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Yeah, played your games and the only furniture I could use for reference were top-downish view. What I'm trying is mostly 2D like your picrel.
Okay but I've been doing this for longer than that and haven't worked on a single project longer than a couple weeks.
man I had two jobs at the same time and didnt do jackshit it was a good time
double fired now, back on the neet gamedev grind
I've only played Trails out of your list, but those are not indie-scoped games. You need at minimum a dedicated writer, if not multiple. Each game contains several novels worth of text.
we get it, you work in real estate...lmao
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i have my days time boxed but im not too autistic about keeping to it as long as i check activitywatch at the end of the day and it says 3-4 hours. it keeps track of when youre actually doing things too so you get an accurate count of how much time you actually spent coding or drawing rather than clicking start timer and getting distracted by something and just running the timer for no reason and then lying to yourself that you actually got stuff done when only 10 minutes was spent actulaly working and the rest was spent answering a phone call or whatever. knowing that i have something monitoring how i spend my day is enough to keep me on track so i dont disappoint myself. if you dont wanna time box then i could see setting a timer for your breaks to be useful at least but i wouldnt constnatly set timers to make sure im devving.

yea it has a afk watcher that polls if youre moving your mouse or doing anything
I barve for all the mentally ill troons itt.
You solve this by playing more vidya.
>oh I played Legend of Sòylda when I was a kid, I guess I'll play a new one
No I mean MORE vidya, not more of the SAME vidya.
Play Warband, Godhand, the first Ass Creed, Prototype, Hearts of Iron 4, Just Cause 2 etc etc etc.
Once you've played all kinds of games you'll know what to do.
no rule saying you can't make a indie sized version. in all honesty most indies are shit at writing stories, so a good one, with a likable cast and male MC is extremely underrepresented.
I used to do that. each new project has lasted longer than the previous one. this one got out of hand and I just don't care how long it takes. (within reason, release before it his 10 years would be nice)
>watch guy on youtube doing a tutorial for something specific I need to learn
>he's got his own game he's working on
>it's utter fucking garbo

every time
why can't tutorialfags actually make games? they know everything and yet...
first person not-blobber dungeon crawls
first person RPGs in general

also coop loot games like PSO, Spiral Knights
everything in that genre nowadays is either MH or Diablolike

dungeon siege has no spiritual successor
they clearly dont know everything, but they know the basic shit for absolute retards
you're the audience (an absolute retard)
Cool. Too bad I suck at these so I'll never see what's after stone cactus guy.
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No articles, I was in a /g/ thread last year where people hunted for tiktok videos with before and afters and put them together, like pic related. Should've saved more but I didn't want to rejoice in other people's misfortune.
This is why I suggest to people to play all types of games and all of them. So many times you'll end up playing a game and realize why it's not good or what it does very well. That sort of thing can then translate to your game. Build from the shoulders of giants instead of starting from a blank slate.
“Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.”
The shit I look up is way higher than the beginner level. These people know the real advanced shit, the in-and-outs of their respective engines and programming languages, and can draw well too.
And yet their games suck ass so hard I can't even describe it. Like even the concept is horrible
tell me what you were looking for so i can laugh at you
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That's what I was trying to explain and you put it much better than me. I prostrate myself in front of you, anon
That's not good, going to the office to do the same shit you could do at your house is bullshit.
Also, that way you don't have to live in a pozzed hellhole like LA to get a high paying tech job.
One of the main reasons why people are forced to go back is because the same people who own the tech companies also invest in real state.
link the thread, igor.
The quality of your game doesn't grow linearly with the amount of content (story). It grows exponentially. A 5 hour game isn't going to be 10 times worse as fulfilling as a 50 hour game. It'll be more like 100 times worse. These kind of games NEED really long stories. I still look forward to every new Kiseki title even though the writing is frankly shit because it's one contiguous story spanning over a dozen games.
I don't think there is a game I haven't played. (excluding x but worse)
how to grow tomacco
looking at a game's screenshots and simulating it in your head for 5 seconds is NOT playing a game, surprisingly enough
brother, you're overthinking it. Paper Mario and Hi-Fi rush do the same thing and have basically zero story. If you can't write a videogame story in a single paragraph you're overcomplicating things.
I got this
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No. You just think you got this.
I agree. I am not exaggerating though, I've been gaming for decades and never stuck to one game long
if true then based eclectic gaymer
I am insecure about it. I want to make something people LOVE and enjoy, truly so. But I don't know. I am still doubting myself about how things ca be seen by others. I want to at least make something people enjoy as much as I and others enjoy nier, and all of that similar stuff. I want to make something popular, characters that are popular. Not for money really but for knowing people like it.
We're talking about story games that are basically just visual novels with some extra steps.
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Added controls to the pause menu.
I like that twitter will support more speech but unfortunately like all gamedevs moved to bluesky. I got wishlists from there but not on twitter
cogito ergo I got this
When its ready hahahahhahahaa
You got any expert tips on becoming a good 3D modeler? I know I need to practice more, but damn some things just don't click for me.
I unironically use zbrush for low poly modeling. Zmodeler + sculpting brushes + blender/zbrush bridge is comfy
>coop loot games
yeah i quite like co op games the problem is i have no experience with multiplayer programming and i have no friends to test it with.
yeah, my tip is to practice dumbfuck
nah. we're talking about awkward male mc's in a diverse cast going on an adventure. You're doing procrastination disguised as overcomplicating things.
Do the opposite of this.
Playing games is a waste of time.

You make better games by prototyping, trying shit, getting playtesting, reacting to that playtesting, and prototyping something else.
I can't think of anytime I've seen agdg devs doing this and it's why most of your games suck. Well I guess PAT has done it well because he started with shit art, got the mechanics working, and then has built the mechanics level by level, and he seems to pay attention to feedback.
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it's true. "101 best games" compilation cds broke my brain early. then the discovery of roms...
sabotaging troll go away
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nta but model things you find interesting. When I was younger I got a lot of practice modelling guns for HL mods.
This post is gonna filter nodevs because you're basically telling them to actually do work and make changes
>You make better games by prototyping, trying shit, getting playtesting, reacting to that playtesting, and prototyping something else.
How does playing a lot of games make this not possible?
Fucking dumbass. Those are things that you do AFTER you've come up with an idea. Having a large database of played games helps you come up with the idea first.

I hope you're trolling and aren't seriously this much of a midwit.

watch how you ignore my question btw, that'll confirm you're a troll
do I project hop again and start an OOT like
Why not?
No, I'm just not going to make story game because I'm not much of a writer. I'll just keep working on my no-story roguelike. Post your story game.
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ive wanted to do this so bad since i was a little babby. i have the skills now to do it but idk if this genre is smashed fill now like mario 64 rip offs are
the only old game that holds up till today is RCT. other genres like boomer shooter get better versions every now and then, having doom in this list as the first item already makes me feel like not even reading the rest
>he thinks ideas matter
ideas are procrastination disguised as work.
What is your current project? will you ever learn how to finish games?
yeah it's a troll
this list forgot my game
use reference, always move around your viewport to see it from every angle, model orthographic and occasionally check perspective views to make sure your forms aren't giga fucked. go low to high density, understand how catmull-clark works if you are doing subd or hard surface, and don't bog down your workflow with dozens of tools, most models can be done with a handful of tools.
also learn the basics of topology so you can manage ngons, poles and proper deformation.
anyone knows a way to make fast dust/smoke vfx? stacking transparency doesn't perform well enough
OOT is a 40+hr game with 9 puzzle dungeons and a large open-ish world.
if someone could do the research on that front for me I would appreciate it
a hat in time kickstarted the mario 64 style game gold rush so I dropped my own project because of that and now the newest Zelda game not being my cup of tea made me want to make an OOT like and apparently a lot of other people are doing that too
>What is your current project?
its a basic post-nuclear first person shooter..... I don't have anything besides concept art, a few models and a lot of background writing done but not more than a 100 lines of code
>will you ever learn how to finish games?
umm...... please don't ask me that again I might cry
stacking what doesnt what
ya i do this too GoZ is great for that since you can do all the fine nit picky vertex manipulation stuff in blender and push it back to zbrush and use the better sculpting brushes there to adjust things. ive even used polypaint in zbrush to get some really nice anime girl textures out of
It's a pretty immense project, best case scenario you can do biyearly episodic small releases or something like that. I think the work that went into making good environments like majora's mask's clocktown is underestimated too. I am definitely tempted to do something in the 3d zelda direction but I would be changing up quite a bit in terms of mechanics if I ever did
maybe i should make a nokia 3d game-like
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Heyo. Penguindev here.

Been away for like months from here but just checking back in. Penguin Heist recently participated in Humble Bundle, got a really juicy uptick in player activity (as well as non-bundle sales!).

Also been really busy streaming while developing (pic related is a group photo I took during a multiplayer stream today).

My plan going forward at the moment is finishing up a singleplayer spin-off of Penguin Heist called Detective Penguin ($7 price point). It's a narrative-focused open-world (read: single level) game where you're a detective trying to solve the case of a mackerel gone missing. The main story is almost completely implemented, I just need to make a bunch of side missions soon.

After that I will release YET ANOTHER Penguin Heist spin-off called Penguin Village which will be me going FULL BLOWN Club Penguin meets Gmod Dark RP. Basically a social room with RP capabilities within a penguin+physics-based universe. $5 price point.

And all of that will align with Penguin Heist coming out of Early Access as well, for which I only have one major update left to get to.

So things are going great and I wake up every day just excited to sit down and work on my game(s)!
there's nothing wrong with finishing your work at noon and then taking your beloved pets to the park, you oversocialized faggot
>nodev thinks he can do an OOT like by himself
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are you going to abandon us again when detective penguin releases
I'll never be successful and I've finally accepted it.
Nice! I'm glad things are working out for you.
the problem is publicly bragging about not doing your job and potentially ruining it for everybody else, you stupid nigger
like pottery
I'll NEVER be successful but I will NEVER accept it.
>27 votes for playable demo
>meanwhile there's 100+ submissions on DD
if there's majority of nodevs here, that means there's roughly 400+ people visiting aggy on a default week. The better explanation is that there is a minority of loud nodevs, or people that are shitposting are also devs that are very mean to fellow devs. Some of them might be here forever, so they released their game, got very little interest and fell from grace. It's very easy to be bitter after failed attempts and there's plenty of people that I haven't heard for a long time, despite seeing them here and releasing their games. From the top of my head, there's Alphamandev, Vitaldev, catboy, occult rewrite, catlike magic. There are hundreds of prototypes shown here, devs work on them for two months and then drop it to never see it again. What we see here is just a fraction and shitposts we're having are just a small fraction of frustrations coming from all sorts of devs from various steps of their paths.
tl;dr we're all shitposters here
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in that list, yeah not much I'd revisit for more than 5 minutes for nostalgia. star control 2 though...
Here's a game with simple graphics succeeding.
Learn from this.
that twitter account is total cancer
basic testing you can do alone and anons or other gamedev communities can help you with it once it's further along

unity has this https://unity.com/demos/small-scale-coop-sample you could use to learn
I'm sure unreal has some too
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i think if you REALLY optimized your work flow, and put in olympic athlete levels of training at producing things fast and making yourself efficient, you could put together any gamecube game imo
it's actually easier to animate if your character is symmetrical. only need frames for 1 front facing direction and 1 for back facing and then flip them horizontally
why should women be a part of the work force again? they do fine in menial labor but have absolutely no place in something like a tech company
what do I actually like about video games? nothing
The bocci avatarfag woke up, now he's gonna start his residential proxies and start pretending that he's multiple people, watch.
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I'm going even less ambitious. Literally just counting.
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random idea to finish it quick but keep the theme, make the phone game the post nuclear protagonist has on his wristmounted scanner/device. don't have and 3d gameplay, just a cropped view of the wrist and the minigame. maybe occasionally you have to hide from raiders by pressing a key or you just get shot. atmospheric sounds/distant gunfire. maybe some codex of that background writing stored on the device.
>mfw this goes viral
looks transcoded
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Theres a more readable 3D model for the boss ghost bunny cube at the games final challenge tower level now. She used to be black before but it was unreadable with the games black backgrounds in the last areas.
based penguin spinoffs
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it was coded by john carmack
So cute. Every time you make something new, you grow a bit more powerful

Hey penguindev, nice to see you still dropping by from time to time. So you are turning your tiktok series into a fullgame? Sounds cool. How does it feel to dev on stream? Aren't you worried about spoiling stuff for your viewers?
Is being a sissy my only chance at making it?
yes you little faggot
post webms?
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You can't fool me, falseflagger.
To further elaborate on the spin-offs. I basically realized I had put so much work into all these different worlds, gameplay mechanics, and aspects of Penguin Heist that I could basically rip some pieces out of the game, market it to a hyper-specific audience, and sell it as smaller self-contained experiences (albeit after tweaking).

Because many people just want silly penguins doing THINGS, not silly penguins doing HEISTS.

So I sell silly penguin doing DETECTIVE.
And silly penguin doing SOCIAL ROLEPLAY.

And I can also market it to those who are not willing to spend $15 on a game, since these are non-premium games (but that still coast on the "premium" base game from which they stem)

> How does it feel to dev on stream? Aren't you worried about spoiling stuff for your viewers?

It was weird at first, but I'm way more relaxed about it now. I like the feeling of being held accountable to how I spend my time working. I always risk slacking off when I'm not streaming.

As for spoilers I don't worry. I realize that the audience that watch my streams are a blip compared to the potential audience that will play the game. Plus it lets me throw ideas around and see what people think!
>0(zero) bocchi the reddit posts in the last 9 hours
>suddenly 4 in a row
hahah... yeah...
I bought Doom + Doom II for PS4 to play it all again, in one package you have all expansions with final doom, plutonia's, TNTs plus romero's Sigil and newly released Rust. You talk from your ass, doom still rules
Through dick, Unity (game engine)
stroking bocchiposters rock hard girldick from behind
you are valid, madam
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unpopular opinion: this hobby is grim...
>After that I will release YET ANOTHER Penguin Heist spin-off called Penguin Village which will be me going FULL BLOWN Club Penguin meets Gmod Dark RP. Basically a social room with RP capabilities within a penguin+physics-
going for the webfishing audience I see
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>>500554335 >>500554989
>>500555136 >>500555643
>>500555909 >>500556436
that's popular here.
please get a boyfriend and stop shitting up my eceleb discussion chatroom
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>14 hours
Don't forget about us when you break $10 mln income.
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I'm in
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Chances are this guy >>500555909 is running a psyop against bocchisisters since we grew so powerful
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I would say not quite. Webfishing is more relaxed. But there might be some overlap for sure.

I always had the idea for a social hub in Penguin Heist, however it wasn't until after I worked on Detective Penguin that I realized I could just "fork" the game and sell a separate version of it featuring ONLY the social aspects.

You can still buy guns, clothes, and such. It just occurs in-level similar to Dark RP as opposed to in some detached menu scene as it happens now.

It will have a bit more of a cops vs. criminal vibe (including the ability to arrest) as well as the casual aspects of mini-games, or traditional civilian jobs e.g. pizza delivery.
>Join Jam
No you're not
thank you for standing up against genocide, i've already bought it long time ago but i'll get it for the gf too, good luck with the next game it's gonna be a lot of work
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>14 hours
>decided to add an entire new system in the last 24 hours and it still isn't anywhere near implemented and functional
>still haven't slept
maybe if I keep making these small games one of them will and then someone with talent will want to work with me on a real game
finish your current game
what happened to that photograph game in an island ?
i'm just waiting to see if the bocchis are going to do any 3D bocchi model or not
if they do i'll unironically make a game to support their supremacy
I will now add a pink haired cartoon lady to my game.
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i don't have many 2D platformer assets, here are some old mockups if it helps to use them as reference
>make a game for the 5 people that owned an ncage
Doesn't seem like the smartest idea
That would be Puffin Game (title not given). I put it on hold when I realized I could dish out Detective Penguin in half the time and probably give myself a little financial boost. Although it was nice to divert from the penguins for a while to just do something slightly different.

I'll be back to it and finish it after I'm done with Penguin Heist, Penguin Village, and Detective Penguin.
I just want to say that this is the worst or second worst pixel style. Small, ugly, oversimplified
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>So things are going great and I wake up every day just excited to sit down and work on my game(s)!
From now on if you bocchipost you're a troon. No way around it. Make your choice wisely.
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Happy Halloween to all the yesdevs
Yes thanks. I just needed an idea on how to tackle shadows without falling into the pillow shadow trap.
huh? but I just did
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okay, but what if I post other pink haired cartoon ladies?
It's a slippery slope.
>shoes on carpet
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>upload my page on steam
>afraid i will have 0 engagement and no one will care
>1 month later, 300 wishlists, 25 page followers, 40 discord members
>wonder what the fuck all these people even see in my game that i do not
post it friend
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I see. bocchi was just a gateway drug
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>keep losing progress to power going out randomly throughout the day
>Got systems for my rpg to a point where they're good enough
>Time to start on the level/area design
>Can't think of anything for two weeks straight
>I'll just work on another project in the meantime
>Eventually get hung up on something in that
>The cycle continues
>eric has a social circle to attend halloween parties
he's so not literally me
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oh really? you'll make a game? about what? you realize you could have made a game this whole time, right?
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Can you at least recommend me a godont or better enginedev tutorial?
just be good-looking lmao what are u ugly rofl
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just commit to one idea, you're picking the easy way out that will leave you with nothing.
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I'm dressing up as a Yesdev for Halloween
Show me some successful steam games that use AI stuff.
Trying to figure out if this discussion matters at all to normalfags, which I suspect it doesn't.
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>mfw i will not be ready in time... again.
godspeed to all who submit.
will try to find time to playtest and comment on a few demos that catch my eye.
Why don't people make bird's eye/true top down games? You would think it's even easier than platformers, since you only have to make one asset and it's all one perspective and the rest is rotation.
The biggest thing would be it's difficult to represent depth, but I've seen plenty of games even 3d ones where the ground is a flat plane.
>AI Generated Content Disclosure
>The developers describe how their game uses AI Generated Content like this:
>The character voices used in the game were generated by artificial intelligence.

>Release Date: Oct 2, 2024 (less than a month ago)
>Gross revenue: $10.2m ($5.1m - $15.4m)
because unless you're making some kind of shooter it's usually ugly or unfun
>update animation tree
>it breaks
>revert it back
>it is still broken
Genuinely hate Godot
Liar's Bar apparently uses AI voices for all the characters and it has 11k reviews, mostly positive.
Someone even tried to brigade it for the AI voices on twitter and it went nowhere.
I don't think your average person gives a fuck as long as it isn't noticeable.
Because nobody wants to play that, much like how nobody wants to play platformers. If you look into it, it's probably full of such games, just nobody gives a shit.
because you're thinking about how it would make your life easier instead of what would be better for the player
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i'm not doing anything until i get my hands on a 3d lowpoly bocchi
they need to get the show started first

>you wont do shit
you have no idea how much i like doing shit just to piss people off
people like (You)
Yeah, you're right. It's a bad habit I've built up overtime.
GDQuest has good stuff. Brackeys big Godot video is also a nice starting point. Specifics depend on the person.
It probably helped that 57.4% of buyers were from China and don't use twitter.
Why does it have such a big china audience?
>development computer fucking dies
>going to have to spend all day loading backup files onto backup computer
I guess no DD59 for me though maybe that's for the best
I'm making a platformer though just for practice. It is funny. Not only are they kinda hard to make, no one likes them anyways.
Here you go fampai
Happy devving
>dressing up as a slave owner
classic eric
years ago, long before ai voices were a thing i was reading about the voice actor community and how cunty they were, mostly cartoon/animation.
it seemed like a pretty shitty group of people, basically a small group dominated the profession and bounced work between themselves to gatekeep newer talent from getting a foothold.
i just took it as sour grapes from shitters but after seeing them sperg out over AI i say fuck them all.
no cheating bocchi posters didn't make this
i'm waiting for them to specifically do the low poly one they promised
making a game makes me question my sexuality. before i just just a normal dude, but i realized i'm way too censored in what i'm making. which means i explore my sexuality more to become more hyper-heterosexual. girls need bigger boobs. i need sex slaves in my game. main character needs to be hyper masculine and dominant. women aren't allowed to talk to other men.
hell i'm still a bit confused. i try to come up with more ideas, but i'm not heterosexual enough yet. i've grown up in this evil world of anti-male sexuality and i need to convert myself back to being a real man.
it'll take a lot of exploration, but making a game will probably help me heal.
probably also shouldn't focus too much on women and also explore themes like brotherhood, nobility, code of honor etc.
You were right, these two posts
got deleted at the same second, revealing it was a samefag.
I think it's the same studio+publisher that made Human Fall Flat, which is like one of the top 20 best selling video games of all time because it got hyper popular with Chinese streamers during covid. I'm guessing Liar's Bar is also similarly popular with Chinese streamers.
Nice impact animation ref btw
No advertisement whatsoever? People really just check out newly added games on Steam?
I think AI voices sound bad and should be the last place that AI is implemented. At least based on the current iteration. It's fun for a meme video or a Skyrim mod but for an actual game I just cant get over how robotic they sound.
>cant read
>thinks anon is some oversocialized guy
>the literal people hes complaining about are the oversocialized ones that have to share everything with the world

So youre free of the wagecage right? Wish my games made me rich and were popular enough that Id actually be excited to work on them

Thanks Eric, and yes Im postivie its you posting the very pic of yours
>how do you know
I just know

I thought the same after
>1 week
>~5 wishlists
Im no longer as enthused as I realize I dont have all that much interest, <250 wishlists after many months.
Why you need bocchiposters specifically to make one? I could make one but I don't post bocchis
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Death to bocchi posters
Probably didn't make millions but it's still a success even by the insane /agdg/ metrics
Oh and Happy Halloween to you as well, though I'm a whodev.
you just posted one right now retard-brain
What is your point?
you must be trans to want a job in the "industry". there's no other way to explain why you want some woke psychopath to tell you what to do while you are surrounded by woke people all day.
Skill issue, use better models.
I though that too but then when listening to the Ada Wong AI voice mod I confused the real voice for the AI one...
Using 30 sale/review estimate, he's made at least half a million net in his first week, so he's well on his way to millions.
Prove me wrong by linking some good AI voice acting then.
Hardmode: It can't be based on a speech to speech model because that requires a good voice actor to begin with.
I was considering buying these clothes just for a shitpost, but that jacket is 300 bucks alone.
>Hardmode: It can't be based on a speech to speech model because that requires a good voice actor to begin with.
This allows 1mas to have voice acting without giving in to the temptation of contractors. It's a valid usecase
Do it anon
Demo Day #60 needs some meme videos
Its been too long
File deleted.
You intending to do the full release this year?

There is just no way Im making this demo day. There is far too much still to do and I'd rather not put it up in its current state.

Im sure its that guy that spazzes out over bocchi posts, eric posts, and ends up spamming. Wouldnt be surprised if he starts complaining about how his bocchi posts were deleted.
I wanted to post an example I had from my game but I'm afraid some schizo on here will find it and doxx my game so you all will review-bomb it for using AI.
the point isn't to use just any bocchi model they are plenty of them on the internet
the point is to force them to do something and then do something too
Thank you Reddit for posting a video of your laptop instead of just posting the fucking audio file. Holy shit I hate that website so fucking much.
Is this that one game where you have multiple soldiers fighting with you?
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I have a question that absolutely does not concern me or anyone else I know in the slightest but it's still an interesting query:
Let's say you put out a game and, by some miracle, it does insanely well. We're talking fat 6 figure paycheck from Gabe himself levels of success. With that newfound success and all that money, what would you do?
I think the obvious answer for some would be to buy a house, pay off all their debts and/or go on a longwinded vacation. But has anybody decided to make something out of it? Like establish a studio to make more games or branch off into other territory? I really can't think of any examples besides maybe Foby Tox the Uppertail guy and this one guy in my old city who makes RTS games.
don't forget jonny blow, who took the opportunity to make more games and a programming language in which to fail to make yet more games with.
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me as a solodev looking at the industry giants and thinking "I can do better" (im guaranteed to succeed because of my epic vision and endless ideas)
>6 figure paycheck
not really enough to fund a studio.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Another one.
>Under $100k
Hookers and blow. Maybe a new car.

>$100k-$1 million
Down payment on a house. Keep working my current job.

>$1 million-$10 million
Buy a house outright. Build a 3 person studio in my basement. Go fulltime gamedev.

>$10+ million
Start an actual studio.
Find a way to secure my money, handle taxes, etc. Live frugally, invest wisely. Travel and hang out with my internet friends occasionally.
You do get some traffic from steam natively but you don't really get put into any of the steam's curated features without massive traffic coming from elsewhere or a lot of direct searches happening for your game. There's always going to be some weirdos scouring through the steam search checking out random games.
6 figures is enough for me to dedicate more time to wife hunting, but not enough to open a studio with. Need 7 figures for that.
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im gonna win because i put cute anime girls and cute anime girls(boy) in all my games
True top down is just not as appealing as angled/isometric. Even roguelikes using basic bitch sprites have them angled.
How long does it take to make this type of game? Feels like it'd be time consuming and take a long time. I want to make a 4x type game but it just seems way too large in scope to even consider. Not to mention all the UI it'd need. I don't like working on UI design. Also art since I want to make something more pretty than what this guy made, that is far too basic in design, I want mine having nice art. But that really increases the scope.

>I was considering buying these clothes just for a shitpost
Kek I'm positive Ive considered stuff like this before. The jacket is $300? The brand has like 4 different versions. I think it was around $80. I got a slightly different version that I liked, the other onr I saw in store felt thinner on the material and I may have also seen the Eric style one but the sherpa is a light tan color, while the one I went with is a white sherpa. I wanted a blue one but none were available in the size I wanted when I finaply bought it. I think there was black but I didnt want it at the time.
You made the choice to use Godont. Now you're paying for it.
all in NVDA calls (okay fine buy S&P 500 and then a modest amount of NVDA calls). Aside from that I would go on a training arc developing skills I haven't had time to. I can make amazing games within my capabilities but there are so many areas I am weak in, and so much more I want to be able to do. I'm clearly not as good as the best solo devs out there.
>he doesn't have a NAS
ngmi energy
Move to Japan
Buy girlfriends
Buy lot of land and equipment
Start gamedev/anime studio
Develop custom hardware and games
Purchase zombie IPs and revive them
A long time but it depends how much time you can put into it and what your quality metrics are. I'm about 4 years into making a GSG and still nowhere near playable, but I work on it in my spare time and plus a lot of the time is just spent on editor tooling and abstraction so that the engine will be reusable for different scenarios/campaigns. If I hard coded shit and just typed up scenario data like Paradox does it would be a lot further on.

Age of History 2 came out in 2018 so AoH3 can't have taken more than 6 years tops.

Project Alice took a couple years and is basically a finished product even if they are still working on it.
what ip?
>6 figures
Better be 500k or more after taxes because any less and you probably wont be able to buy a house that is both
>somewhere safe
>somewhere that you can still drive a job (ie not some rural place where you've got a 3+ hour roundtrip every day to work)

With that said, if my game made me $500k, post tax, I would
>continue living at home
>do some more updates to my game and DLC before fully moving on
>consider what game to work on next, depending on which I pick I already have an artist in mind for one and with said money I can contract with ease
>go on a small vacation, bringing family (parents and siblings if they so desire) to a destination they'd all like to go to
>throw away my resume
>throw it in multiple savings accounts, before deciding where to invest it to make a good passive income, though itd still generate a decent amount
>mught give each family member 25k, I still have this self given burden of getting rich to help them all so I cant give too much away, not yet at least
It's not all in order but that should give you the general idea.
keep dreaming faggot retards
Someone posted this yesterday and it does seem capable of emotion which is pretty cool. Maybe the bad parts aren't coming through since it's in Japanese which I don't understand but I'm hopeful that it's improving.

I don't have any plans for a dialogue heavy game but it could be cool to have voices for some lines and reactions. I'd be way more likely to do some sort of cutscenes if I can add voice to them. Otherwise it feels a bit pointless.
Nothing original, I'd try to secure some kind of property and I'd start a new project right away.
Aaaaaaa that sounds way too time consuming, maybe if I get rich off gamedev. I dont want to work 5+ years on a game and still feel far away from done.
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>it's finally halloween
>twitter feed is filled with nothing but drawings of little girls wearing slutty costumes
In order going further depending on how much my game makes
>build backup funds for a rainy day
>new PC
>investments until I reach a point where I can live off the yearly profits
>larger backup fund
>double investment portfolio
>probably a nice car at some point
and if I got to multi-millionaire tier I might consider opening a studio and possibly look at acquiring the rights to some old games that have gone offline to resurrect them with sort of a non-profit sense.
I don't really know for sure. I'm not in gamedev to make money and I don't think I'd ever start my own studio, I don't work well with other people. In fact, I care so little for money that I'd gladly trade the income for fanworks. I want people to enjoy and remember my game for all that it is, the dream for me is to have people invested enough in it that they'd make OC and stuff. I seek to leave a legacy of entertaining people and making experiences and memories, not money.
The money I get would probably mostly go into investments and I'd quit my decent-paying sysadmin job just to get something simple like a janitor job that barely maintains my life, and I'd slowly but steadily burn away at the money I got from gamedev that didn't go into investments. I'd like to travel to other countries to seek inspiration and ideas to make more cool things.
One big fear i have of gamedev is actually the responsibility that comes with making it. If my dream comes true and I get a huge fan following, what the hell am I gonna do? I'm gonna be chained to maintaining that one thing for the rest of my life. I'd hate that, but I also wouldn't trust anyone enough to delegate the task to anyone else. I'd much rather move onto new things.
>/agdg/ - daydreaming general
konami, snk, whoever has cool vidya/characters and does nothing but pachinko with them if I can find some they're willing to sell I will but them
I'm going to buy a racecar! weeeeeee
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I hate those trash posts
Nothing screams "I'm new to this" more than that really. That kind of mental masturbation just crushes you after you've been working for 5 years and more without success.
Gaben unironically bought a whole racing team and put his son in the car as a driver, I'd definitely do that
Or just pay to race in a pro series like rich tech guys do
Cleaner version
>stick it all into 3 bank accounts since FDIC only goes to $250k iirc
>research a bit and put $80k into stocks
>gamble with options using $20k
No studios at this time as it's not enough for that beyond 1 single game thst you better hope breaks even at a minimum. I can at least not wage. Would just solodev and contract someone for art or maybe code.
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>give your son his own racing team
>he sucks
must be crushing
><250 wishlists after many months.
what's your game? mine is at 407 and i only get 0-1 wishlist every but i am releasing next week:

you need to make a demo for better wishlists farm
>what would you do if you had tons of money ?
no fucking idea. most things that are worth doing don't need lots of money, everything else seems to be already done
Why is this even on Steam? Do you really think people will buy it? Put it on itch and move on to the next project.
Children of rich people feel no pressure to develop strong skills in any area since they're set for life anyway.
However this also allows them to explore newer avenues of art since they don't have to worry about putting food on the table. Assuming they don't just waste their time with good food and prostitues and cocaine. Pros and cons really.
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Rate the body
It''s the final revision before attaching the face
its just a warioware like game with simple assets, my hope is its picked up by a streamer))
i dont care that much if it flops i have a job
Hiring people and maintaining a team is a MASSIVE pain in the ass, especially if you're capable of doing each role yourself. Just look at Eric, he has some weirdo slandering him because Eric wouldn't pay him hundreds of thousands of buckeroos.
vile, makes my pipi tingle
>my hope is its picked up by a streamer
It won't. The wishlists reflect your game's reality. Nobody wants it. Nobody asked for it.
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Id rather not share it. I only get 0-1 wishlists per week. I'm not good at this so there is no demo. The game is playable but it's in a state where I think a demo would hurt more than help.
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I had this on my old Android phone. Controls never worked for me.
Retarded tourist doesn't know about demo day? You get your game playtested for free and get feedback, I call larp.
Would marry a woman if she had a body like that but obviously you know living rather than in the computer as 0s and 1s lol. Now if only I could get a wife with a body like that, id be so happy.

What game is this for anyways? Think i ve seen you make progress on a model lile this where it looked stiffer a few weeks ago.
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Knowing myself, i'd think of all the cool things i could purchase with that cash and later on i'd think of all the negative outcomes if i throw it all away right on. In the end of the day, i'd just keep the cash in my bank account and do nothing with it for the foreseeable future.
>t. the anti bocchi schizo
Should I filter out all frog posters?
Remember. Your game is only as good as you make it. If your game sucks make it better. You're only gonna fail if you release a shitty game.
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I've been trying to filter bocchis for weeks but they have an endless pit of bocchi images to post with. Probably a similar case with frogposters.
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if this is what writing your own shaders looks like, I'm never going to fucking make it
holy shit I fucking hate mathematics
hello barone schizo, you're the bocci troon too? not surprising kek
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from 0% to 100% how ready are you for demoday frens?
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We own you.
It's not that deep. That formula isn't as intimidating when you convert it into a few hundred lines of human-readable code.
You don't own a game though.
3d warioware? Looks like it need to be made prettier in for it to have a better chance. Right now it kinda looks like something someone quickly put together in hopes of getting some money out of others. Idk if it's a good use of time to improve the visuals tho

Have to keep switching to desktop mode to download the higher quality picture -_- why does mobile mode get the smaller version anyways? ~35kb vs ~420kb. I hate having to keep switching just tobget the higher quality version. It seems random too since sometimes it just hands me it without havong to switch.

>just keep it in the bank
Kek. Kinda like me. It's like we're playing an RPG and just hoard the stuff and not use it. Granted I do use it just that there isn't a lot Id spend it on.
why does the boob start above the armpit? I've never seen them irl, does that happen?
It's a borderlands-like
I don't have that much time to work on my stuff inbetween the uni and work so it's going pretty slowly, but surely
0%! but your bunny is cute.
fun fact: slimo is 90% of the redditfrog posting

ps: it's true according to wikipedia
There are all sorts of deformities in the world, anon.
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Bold of you to assume that
submitted and already working on the next one
75% but my update is moderately small
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>your bunny is cute
thank you anon
yeah I'm very pleased with Mitsu
progress is progress
>female protagonist
Shartwoken is one reddit tranny ass "game".
Boobs simply too big
Nyo. We even have proof of a yesdev frogposter, see Pogo-dev

Your pcs hardrive permanently crashed and broke with all your game backs up on it????

>t. Anti eric, anti bocchi, spam, gore, etc poster who got his troon bocchi false flagging posts banned
Cope and sneed.
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You're angry over drawings of cartoon frogs in the internet. Let that sink in.
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>t. the least envious crab
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What's got his panties in a knot?
Maybe theyre just super perky?

Which one? Or just in general? I only played the 3rd one though I only semi enjoyed it, wasnt really my cup of tea.

>t. Flat chested female/guy with flat chest desire
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can't wait to play your game, what's it name? I'll play it first!
half way through she wins a million yen in and it was quite funny.
>>t. Anti eric, anti bocchi, spam, gore, etc poster who got his troon bocchi false flagging posts banned
>Cope and sneed.
Curious that the janny is letting bocchi offtopic posts fly, eceleb offtopic posts fly but deletes posts critical of the schizo, as a 4chan ads buyer I may have to go talk to a moderator and see what's up with this controlfreak behavior from the janitor. Neutrality is important, I run 4chan ads campaigns multiple times a year.
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I don't know, really.
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I don't have a game demo, more of just a prototype.
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Monospaced Lovers key drop incoming! Picrel.

Been a while, /agdg/. I haven't been chatting too much about gamedev lately, so I've been gone for a few months. But, yes, Monospaced Lovers is finally released. A lot of people may not know it at this point, but it was in a bunch of demo days in 2018-2019.

I was skimming some posts in the last thread, and yes, the estimate of 50 reviews in month 1 is (hopefully) accurate. It launched with 10,665 wishlists, so that "should" mean 3000 units/60 reviews week 1 and 13000 units/250 reviews year 1. I think the formulas in my spreadsheet are outdated/optimistic though, and a lot of people get filtered by the game's difficulty, so it honestly might be lower. We'll see.

Anyway, I'm happy with the game, and I'm sure I'll return someday. Right now I need to escape from the NEETdev life, but at the same time, gamedev is by far the coolest thing I've done in my career. I've thought a lot about making some Va11 Hall-a-esque VN with token gameplay, or some VR waifu app, so who knows.

Gamedev never ends. See you guys at demo day 69!
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Idk I think that guy is just insane. Any progress on your new game Pogo or are you someone else?
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I am one of many, but my tech demo that I started on 3 days ago might actually make it into DD.
looks good, I'll play it fren
tell me the name
congrats on the release!
imagine if this was mildly successful and instead of making his dream game eric just made sequels/updates to air pear.
What makes it difficult? I saw the video and didn't really see anything thatd make the game difficult in terms of skill.

Any sense of relief that its finally done considering the long time it took to dev? How's it feel?
Good job anon.
Got the middle one, also it was my estimation for 50 reviews in a month, although I'm a pessimist and it all depends how much muscle your publisher has. Was it a good deal? Also congrats and I wish you the best!
Gratz on the release. You're releasing on all consoles right? Your Steam revenue will likely be less than 20% of your total revenue.
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We went from the trainwiz gf janny arc to the bocci/barone schizo janny arc, meanwhile yesdevs are making games while you waste your life shitposting KEK.
Daphne McFart: the angry squirrel and the secret of a floating platforms
Nta, I like it tho. Cute design what is she supposed to be?
>big booba, nice looks well done and modest while being big
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at this point i feel like someone should make a separate DD type event but just for prototypes
>not a shitposter
Good luck everyone! I hope DD goes great :D
d-does it have to be finished?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Last one.
thanks fren
hope you have fun playing the games
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Jealousy is ugly.
Thanks for proving my point
>>you wont do shit
>you have no idea how much i like doing shit just to piss people off
>people like (You)
Wow it's just like mine
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>pedophile tourist ruining /agdg/
well that makes 2 of us, i hope you get debanked, doxxed and your entire family knows that you're a kid diddler

pic rel: a pedodev got 15 years in prison for making a lolitroon game, i will be on the lookout for a boshart the reddit game :)
It's crazy how many people take AGDG keys and don't even thank the dev
how unfinished we're talking about here?

The platforming is hard if you go for 100% completion, but the mandatory stuff isn't too hard. As for the puzzles/exploration, it's possible to get lost in an N64 Zelda sort of way, like having to talk to NPCs to figure out what to do instead of following the yellow paint or whatever.

I honestly don't think the game is that hard, but I ended up adding two assist modes anyway. And then the journalists still got stuck even with the assists!

But yeah, it's a relief. The game has been done for a month or so, and it's been nice to catch up on games guilt-free. I'm hoping it gets a few wall-of-text steam reviews from people who get emotionally invested in the game, even if it's just a few people.

The deal was actually just for Asia + console, so in that sense it was a good deal. No upfront cash, but they took a pretty small cut in exchange for PR and internal pitching (like shilling the game to the Indie World people). Non-Asian PC sales are fully mine.

It was objectively decent, but I honestly wouldn't do it again, because the extra layer of bureaucracy and vagueness of having to email an external company is not really worth it, and you still have to watch over their shoulder to make sure they don't upload the wrong build or something.

Didn't do Xbox, but it's on PS5 and Switch. Hopefully you're right. The demo got a lot of downloads on console at least.
i just made an awful 3d model... it's so over, i lost the sauce, idk how to recover from this

the massive willpower that motivated me to make so much progress in gamedev is gone, to fully lose this would be to lose my new self, yet also be unable to go back to the past, to be stuck in limbo again

i have to make a game.. it's the only way to make things right, idk what else there is for me to even be than a gamedev (well i'm a musician also but that's not as cool as solo devving, and i dislike drawing, i wish i knew how to like it again, but i can't)
>AGDG keys
i don't need keys i just yarrr the games
>i just made an awful 3d model.
it can't be that bad
Crumble won tough.
I've taken keys and haven't even downloaded the game
imagine living on a penal colony (australia)
it is but every legend has to face a struggle eventually

it's so sad things had to turn out like this, even sadder for ai bros tho
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I think I was able to emulate SF1 mechanics using AI sloppa.
>And then the journalists still got stuck even with the assists!
That's fine
>street fighter 1
more like... street mid lmao
>he fell for the 1ma meme
do not do art if you're not an artist
you're just wasting your time


Are you ready?
Journos are useless, all they do all day is write garbage and shill for nepobabies like Eric Barone and Toby Fox, us amateur/indie gamedevs have to struggle. Good luck with your game.
i was an artist once, but i'm not a programmer
yes, stop asking
Finishing up localization, boring but it's not as bad as it could be. Still have a bit to go. Still wondering if I should do that other game jam or not outside of demo day
Actually it is if it doesn't have DRM due to some programs the NSA developed. I can look at Steam's main code with decompiling in seconds. Decompiling is fun, I remmeber decompiling a TF2 clone from China and posting the code in the tf2 general
No.... I asked what game to make but no one answered now it's too late and I'm skipping
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i will submit, even though its garbage = )
I'll play it, tell the name of your game
Still at work, planning on crunching this evening but most likely there will be at least one softlock still.
extreme vroom vroom prototype
cool name, I like it already
He's going fucking insane ever since trainwiz left, it's like trump to biden
>Which one?
I'm the most familiar with the 2nd one, but it's just a general direction I'm following, I don't want it to be a class focused game(any character can pick any weapon) and make it more focused on upgrading the weapons you find with the things you find while looting
more like chose your sloponent lmao
>The King of Fuckers
is this an erotic game?
>She's on her knees when you beat her up
I guess I have my answer.
I wish I had whatever the fuck you have that makes you willing to look at this and even work on it for any amount of time
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>The King of Fuckers (Debug)
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I'm getting so many errors right now that my game just crashes. its one of those episodes...
this thread is truly gone
Is called being ok with good enough work.
with the quality of games that get released here the devs should thank us for taking the keys
this is total dog shit not even "good enough"
add an anthro female and i will maybe play your slop
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i liked this isometric perspective, i'll try to learn it
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poke all dwarves is an isometric DF-like with pixel graphic; in the game you play as a colony of dwarves that must avoid getting fingered by the smug fairies of the underworld. don't dig too deep
Case in point. Posters are really entitled now, it wasn't like this some years back.

consoles too? So the rest of the world goes through them? How big cut are they taking? I think the console games still suffer 30% cut to publish on them, then with publisher cut and taxes you're left with like 25-30%? I honestly don't think I'm even able to publish on consoles, with the amount of red tape to get there I think I'd rather save my nerves.
minecraft is big *because* it was functionally open source, thanks to java. it's not just the sandbox that gave it its depth, but modders that extended it and compatible third party tooling that made it easy to create for. then you had custom servers and plugins and it took off the same way roblox did. the only other reason for its rise not covered by being open source is youtube letsplays.
you sound like a butthurt little bitch who made a shitty game
Do anons here talk about redot? I've only been luring on redot discord and twitter
gone where?
gone home...
god I hate you lol
>great ordeal on DD
>moku on DD
man, I'm already hyped, who else is gonna show up?
>still here raging and pissing himself
technically the muscle insertions under the boob are around that area, boobs don't appear to start there because they sag down from gravity. If anon is planning on using jiggle physics and simulating some amount of gravity, modeling them like that is fine, looks more natural after physics are applied.
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still need to add background arm for the sprite at the apex of the jump, thoughts on my motion blockout?
>projecting projections
sounds like I was right

make a better game next time
It depends on a few things, I think.
1. Depth.
2. Direction.
3. Scope.
Depth: how much do you want to simulate an economy/industry/supply chain? For example a HoI4-ish economy where you just have two factory types and a few strategic resources is going to be relatively simple to put together. If you just want map painting (which is probably ideal for a first project), you can probably get a game out a lot faster. And especially if you're making something HoI4-ish you could potentially end up with a good PvP game that streamers would take up.

Direction: are you working top-down or bottom-up? Top-down means you start by just implementing the concept of a country and warfare so you can get the basic skeleton there first, and then you flesh out internal systems later. Bottom-up means getting all the systems in place first and only adding on the high-level gameplay at the end. If you do top-down you can get a playable product out much faster.

Scope: how big is the game? How many tiles in the map? The more you have the longer it'll take to fill everything in. A game focused on just unifying Ireland with a few dozen tiles and a brief time period is going to be a lot easier than a full Earth map.

A low-depth, small-scope, top-down grand strategy game is probably not that hard to make; there's at least two devs I've seen on /vst/ with working prototypes with spectator footage & working AI (Princes' Fortune dev, and goudadev).
will you share this with the class on demo day?
when was crumble wrong? he was right on underspace, right on the eceleb schizo (now a janny btw), i genuinely want to know? i dont get why you would attack one of the few yesdevs left from agdg
Nah, I called you out on your rudeness and you started projection your emotions on me.
it's not set in japan THOUGH
Idk, I don't really have enough content for a demo atm.
When are the next demo day(s)?
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'Tis never over! Nay, it has only begun.
something about this is awfully uncanny and discomforting!
Why not lean into that really hard and do some imaginative stuff that goes beyond humanity or just learn art yourself?
It's very discomforting!
Best of luck persuing your dreams and ambitions whatever they might be11!! :D
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If he's so desperate to be loved like trainwiz is, why doesn't he just make a good game and not be a stupid cunt?
I don't even frequent this general and I know it's bimonthly anon lol
y'know what, you're right
cris, you should generate images of the women aggregating bruises, cuts, etc, as you continue to beat the shit out of them, AI is a pretty good solution for this, most artists don't like drawing stuff like that after all.
see >>500576796
>no reply
not surprised, crumble was right about everything he's a rolemodel to me
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Pure coincidence that I did this today, but made a bunch of gravestones for a bonus extra area. Added some gibberish to it.
I should've made more generic headstones instead of doing completely different styles for each but w/e.

fuck, I forgot about the plant and I just exported all the versions am I really going to re-export because of a plant
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tfw friends getting lost not knowing what to do so i have to keep adding small helpers to guide them
You got 11 hours bucko.
Working at google is bulletproof resume stuff. She's fine1 :D
Why not desu. I personally thing Cris and whoever the AI art dude is to be very very uniquely special and the raw autism of their human ambition and oddness is something I salivate over. I wish they really harnessed the pros of being able to have lots of output at the cost of consistency and just leaned into it as a style... THAT OR HE SHOULD JUUUUUST MAKE A SET OF MINIGAMES or some shit. I would kill to get Cris to focus on slopping up WarioWare minigames, I wanna play all the weird demos he's made it's like performance art it's beyond words
QRD why is the barone schizo so mad at Crumble? I'm an AIchad who despise nodevs so I'll have to begrudgingly side with Crumble on this one.
heh..... yeah...........
That's nice crumble, maybe if you make a good game your parents will finally give a shit about you.
what's the lore on eric and quaker oats?
This replychain has nothing to do with amateur development or videogames but the janitor won't do anything about it, ask yourself why.
it's halloween. lighten up fren
it's a digital world!
He's incapable of doing so. It's why he got banned from the discord.
Some autistic people literally can't help but be insufferable imbeciles, even if you tell them exactly what not to do.
Amateur game development? You should post some progress instead of talking about some nepobaby eceleb facebook pictures, there are other venues for that.
Cuz ain't nobody got time to babysit a buncha grown manchildren?
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all it takes is 1(uno) obsessive schizo to ruin a general, thank God for the discord
of course its you frothing at the mouth at an ericpost. its even more obvious than when you say "shartdew valley"
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>decide to relax now that the game is ready for DD
>constantly feel bad for not devving and just wasting time not knowing what to do
devving has completely devoured my life
never liked OPs with anime dev girls
never liked OPs with cr*mble
honestly Eric OPs aren't as annoying as afromentioned ones
Still, AGDG themed and with AGDG games are the best
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you don't owe us a single thing
"we" don't owe you anything
everyone's just people on the internet
be productive while not burning out, all a balancing act, go play some old DD games and chill
you made DD, good job man! now get back to it when you're good
I have no idea what you're talking about, amateur game development? Calling it "shartdew valley" is /agdg/ cutlure btw.
>Productivity inertia.
You built good habits.
AGDG owes me sex.
reminder to not respond to posts asking:
>how to make a game kids would like
>how to make a p*rn game
if you have to ask those questions fuck off we dont want you here- jblow
idk, eric barone has literally nothing to do with amateur gamedev he's a privileged dev from the easiest indie era who gets as much press as AAA studios for some reason (allegedly nepotism)
if you gonna simp for someone at least have it be relevant to us, crumble is an asshole but when he's right he's right, all the schizos are annoying but the barone schizo is the worst because he's boring unlike say cris who can be funny and entertaining
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>actually isn't a nepobaby
>probably one of the most grounded devs, self-made and humble about it
How to make a porn game women would like?
Ok. I made Snake, Pong, Flappy Bird and Tetris.
Now what?
How about idol manager game but with male kpop group?
Go play one of the porn games :D <3

Female MC POV dating hot buff idealized perfect men.
The end! :D
your ready to work on your dream game for 10 years
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>one of the most successful indie devs of modern era gets coverage so he's a nepobay (alleged)
>mentions crumble who gets fuck you money from his dad and basically paid $20k of his kickstarter campaign alone out of $35k for paper sky, so actual nepotism
you can't make this shit up
Make Pong again
Keep making Pong until you have mastered making Pong and you can make Pong from start to finish in 30 minutes in any engine
Is it nepotism if your dad doesn't seem to really love you?
>Female MC POV dating hot buff idealized perfect men.
So like one of those dating sims?
None of that sex on lose platformer things?
maybe its time to stop using the term 'dream game'. it sounds so juvenile, im a mature adult that plays rated m for mature games i dont have time to 'dream'.
Did the DD59 submission time change? I thought it was set for 14 hours later.
I think I know who's behind this post

Hi Eric. Happy Spirit's Eve

I imagine that's the face you make when you read jealousy charged crab posts like this >>500579930
Post 'em. Can others play it right now? Did you add music, sound effects, and juice?
It's nepotism if you're getting extra funding from your family while pretending it's from genuine fans
Yay :D

Nay D:
I don't think I've ever seen a genuine fan of his work. He spends more time samefagging or paying bots off than he does actually adding content to his tiny games.
I did it! :D
I got Unity to save player prefs and scenes and stuff very nicely on the first try! :D

I feel pretty good! :D
I'm totally gonna make it next DD :)

those realistic arm joints mixed in with the legs sorta dangling there give me some major whiplash and makes me itch, HOWEVER, I would still probably give this thing a big hug if it asked me for a hug during a fever dream.
it's just a roll-a-ball and throw-a-plane
I'd have to actually be high on antidepressants to make such a boring game conceptually
i mean i would shit on a schizo posting crumble all day too but instead we have a schizo posting barone, what you want me to say? + it's not like his career is impressive, he was rich already and hit the lottery by cloning a japanese game, am i supposed to be impressed? am i supposed to learn from it? look at hopoo, from seattle too and microsoft didn't give a shit about him nor game journos ran a billion articles about his favorite snacks or whatever
i dont care kek and i would never ever exchange my life for barone's, i'm set for life from crypto and gamedev is just a soulful hobby i dont brag about being successful or post demoralization garbage like a cunt to struggling devs, schizo
I'm so sick of this nodev cope.
Yesdev means you have released a finished game on a major platform. itch.io game jam slop doesn't count
>Landlord cut off water to building for emergency maintenance
>Have to run down to nearby gas station to take dumpster
>i don't care
Why do you keep replying then, day after day, screaming about how you're not owned?
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i-i-is it okay to submit in both halloween and regular jams...???
>a privileged dev from the easiest indie era
that shit released in 2016 which was after all the aaa devs went 'indie' to milk kickstarter and early access.
the guy was a nolife neet for like 6 years working on a fucking harvest moon clone. idk much about the guy but he clearly worked his ass off on his game.
I think the platform's cut is similar to Steam's cut, yeah.

Without disclosing the actual number, let's just say that the publisher's cut is small enough that I figured it was worth the risk. Normally you'd expect a publisher to take 50%, but that's because they're providing funding etc. This one was a lot less than 50%, otherwise I wouldn't have taken it.

I actually got access to publish on consoles myself, so it couldn't hurt for you to apply. Your gut instinct is correct though - it's definitely more cumbersome than steam.
What's your game?
That's because he doesn't have concepts, just trends. It's like the most soulless rich person game you can think of. Even goes to a pretentious art school to make slop that only bots engage with. And the funny thing is nobody would care in a negative way if he wasn't such an annoying retard.
the only one owned is you, owned by your parasocial mental illness that is. all i said that is that one schizo is all it takes to ruin a general, case in point
he literally said he spent most his time browsing reddit and only got to work when his gf went home from sucking mad cocks
you dont have a gf working for you, you dont have a microsoft sponsorship, you dont have game journos talking about your game, he had all of that in the easiest gamedev era, so yeah easy mode devving is accurate
anyone ever experience a time where their game crashes so hard that you are hesitatnt to open it?

My game is locking up my pc with crash.
>n-no you!
Kek, what could you not think of a comeback that wasn't something someone else already came up with?
Ask Jeeves "Stranded Skies"
>he literally said he spent most his time browsing reddit and only got to work when his gf went home from sucking mad cocks
Pretty sure he did not literally say that.
Are there modest patreon successes that just cater to its own niche? Instead of being about youtuber engagement, porn, nostalgia pandering, etc?
you started namecalling because you have 0 arguments, mental midget schizo simp
he did, cope
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>stone alcoveza beer
>"Seeing as how its amazing flavor profile is evocative of Mexican hot chocolate, featuring coffee, pasilla peppers"
poetry. 'tis destiny
Maybe his parents can give him some clever comebacks.
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EWWWW... he posted that ugly nepobaby redditor again, with an offtopic post too!!!
nodevs have way too much freetime compared to us yesdevs
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this posts are totally made by someone who's most definitely set for life from crypto and only gamedevs as a hobby, trust me

Honestly it's kinda weird that people ITT obsess over him instead of almost millionaires from AGDG itself that actually started from 0, like yomi hustle dev or penguindev, who even still post here occasionally. You'd think they could relate with them more.
hopoo actually did it earlier, his game is much less polished and isn't favored by game journalists as it's just not appealing to women and casual gamers, while Stardew Valley appeal to both AND can get extra boost from autists too my brother was really into it, finding the best combinations of crops that would yield the most money kept him invested for a long time
So does crumble hate trainwiz because his parents actually love him or
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Those people usually have a community before making a patreon but I've seen game designers on youtube run patreons from worldbuilding alone without a game.
>only one person ever used this word
>only one person ever disliked my extremely annoying behavior
You're unironically mentally ill dude, get yourself some help. And before you chimpout at me: fuck cumball, fuck whoever else you think is your thread enemy, fuck barone the nepobaby turd and fuck you.
cumball hates trainwiz because trainwiz is a snake
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progress: not much, but with the power of the game-design-defining red paint (not yellow, that one sucks) i prevented players from cheesing by spawncamping on the AI rally point for this DD.
anyway, i wish luck for those who will submit today. WAGMI
It's because cumball in his mind should have the accolades trainwiz gets but doesn't because his game doesn't have a soul, just a budget.
I guess crumble hates anyone who looks down on him
I mean, Underspace has structure. Missions, upgrades, spoken dialog, fights in space, monsters, what not. It is, hovewer you want to look at it, a complete experience. Crumble has basic bitch physics demos with nice shaders. He knows Trainwiz is better, trainwiz also knows crumble is a bottom feeder. They are on the opposite sides of a gameplay loop approach. Their hate is only natural.
>spend ten minutes working on sprite
>immediately need a 4 hour break to emotionally recover from the pain

fucking help
>spend 10 years on a side project to raise funds for your main project
>doesn't break even
>not even the most successful /agdg/ game in the release quarter
nice accolades bro
>tfw no rich Godot gf
eat your hamburger, apollo
you sound like a bitter faggot who wants a payday without putting in any effort.
you are delusional if you look at that game and think the guy didn't sink a stupid amount of time and effort into it.
I accept your concession, nodev.
crumble has a crush on trainwiz and after trainwiz ignored him once it mindbroke him
I wish I had this...
>You'd think they could relate with them more.
well the schizo is a tourist he doesn't care about /agdg/ devs just about his parasocial obsession, you need to understand that he can't help being insane he's just like this dude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qANNJP2DG8g

i tried my best to get him to stop being this obsessed because it's extremely unhealthy and get his life together but just like cris he doesn't listen
i swear there was another backpack game like this with a furry character too or am going insane? still that's crazy
Maybe if he wanted less people to look down on him he should work on improving himself or just not be an asshole to everyone?
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it gets easier with time...
that's where you're wrong
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Anon, you better have a linux build or I won't play your game!
I thought trainwiz was only into black girls
>spent 10 years and a small fortune making the 3rd most successful /agdg/ game of 2024
Good job trainwiz, I wish I could be like you
Oh that's why they're vacationing in New Orleans
He's a visionary.
she did the shitty art btw
actually I believe that's his problem, he doesn't want to improve, he wants everyone below his level and anyone putting extra effort will offend him and he in turn will lash out at other devs
it's a 2d pixelshart game made with XNA that had a lot of built-in tools, it's no technically impressive or graphically impressive especially the release version before he hired that korean guy, if he started working on it in 2010 that's even worse, notch made minecraft in a year for comparison, hopoo made a 3d game with tons of content in 2 years, etc
Backpack games were the latest FOTM recently. There's like 50 of them on mobile stores.
He actually likes being stuck here whining about unrequited dev crushes all day?
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not happening retard
shhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeessshhh that's a lot hardwork mr!!! i'm sure game journos will run tons of articles on your game, since you put so much effort into it, right? you don't need that nepo, just pure effort WAGMI
well, that depends, are you willing to build it from source yourself?
I don't believe I am, given the circumstances.
the idea was stolen from an agdg game
Godot's Linux performance and development is so bad it hurts
Imagine barely being able to run 2 instances of your game for testing on a 4060, while on windows you can run 4 no problem
Also constant vulkan problems that make you need to restart godot
fuck that shit, too much hassle
windows builds work on linux just fine though. As someone said, WinApi is the most stable API on linux
Unfortunately no, I'm not into cozylikes.
godot 5 will fix that
im starting to believe the antiericposter is mr poo dookie
whatever you need to tell yourself
No Tomokodev,
No Demo Day.
>i swear there was another backpack game like this with a furry character too or am going insane?
Do you mean this?
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That's it, Halloween is over.
No more fun decorations at work.
No more fun office parties.
No more bowls of candy in the break room.
Back to hating every minute of my waking life.
Hopefully I can make it to Christmas.
Again projecting your need to tell yourself things on me.
erm, what? are you implying that some devs are more privileged than others????????? WHAT THE SIGMA? that's nepotism dude you can't say that man, we're all equal :^)
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>Backpack Hero stole their idea
Over 6000 reviews at 18,99€

I think this dev might've kyssed
I love your art, how did you decide on that color palette? Dirk has always nailed this DOS game feel in my mind even though I can't think of a specific game that looks this way. It looks like how I remember the games from my childhood looking like, the colors have so much warmth and whimsy to them.
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>read the comments
>dev took a "mental health" break and disappeared years ago
he was a tranny wasn't he
You can do this wagiedev!
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>Hop into /agdg/
>90% of the thread is just people discussing about profitting with indie games
>None of these people seem to have a game
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For me, it's more like this.
Idk but I think their original kickstarter did fail
I'm so glad I'm not a wageslave.
cris never disappoints, holy shit
this is an advertisement, please buy an ad, factor marketing team
>ask agdg which game to make
>doesn't reply
>then acts surprised when I dont have a game
You brought this on yourself
skyrim 3
i think you should be worried about making a good or atleast somewhat fun game before worrying if it will sell
sabotage it
I envy you.
It wouldn't surprise me if this is an ad, but how lazy and addicted to processed slop does someone have to be for pic related look like a "heathy" alternative? Especially considering you microwave it in black plastic.
tomo has been know to pop into demo days even if she's not participating or active in the general
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Week 2 of art learning....
0/negative progress.......
she hasnt been back a single time after getting a bf
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>but they have an endless pit of bocchi images to post with
based bocchieschads
Unfortunately, I got some bad news for everyone still here...

From his family : "Our Son, Alex Sian, passed away on January 17, 2024 after battling cancer the past 16 months. Alex was just 28 years old.

Many in the indie video game dev community will remember him as ShoutScion or Bushido. Those who knew him will say that Alex had immense passion for video game dev, and often helped others in their journey as game developers."

May he rest in peace.
I'd probably be happier if my game didn't totally flop.
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delete this
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What's a good system for handling dialogue and the associated animations and sounds for each character?

I'm already shitting bricks imagining the hard coded decision tree per character and the number of unique animations and sounds I'll need.
You only got yourself to blame for it. Make the next game better. The only way is up.
Day 2 of downloading free assets. It's kind of boring so I keep getting distracted.
slimo mind explaining why you did ctrl+f "bocchi" before ctrl+f "slimo"?
Free asset hunt is such an endless pit. At some point you gotta call it quits and get back to deving.
yeah, we get it, autobattlers were the new roguelike for a bit.
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Will buying this shit teach me how to compose music?
I've already got ableton but never even started it
she's just like me fr lol

anon is right
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Starting to think I should turn my game into a porn gambling auto battle VN fighting game.
I'm now going to play every single AGDG Halloween Jam 2024 game and leave a comment.
>Hildegarde & Lombard (Spooky Version)

Happy Halloween frens
uh yeah totally
get 2 for x2 the effect
it's not magic but it can inspire you

usually games reuse animations a lot (like "angry" and the NPC acts angry but in a very generic, reusable way)
You can take a look at the witcher 3's redkit to see how they do it, they pretty much give you the same tools they used to make the game and all the assets
voices are just a big money sink, but you can do what jap games do where they have canned voices they use instead of actually speaking out the dialogue
I already moved to the 'cord, made some lolidev friends there too
peak comfy compared to the thread
All Reviews:
Overwhelmingly Positive (19,931)

AI slop cringe TCG card shop simulator is gonna pass 20k reviews soon, it released a month ago. This hobby is a joke.
More buzzwords next time Pedro
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Third day of making the autobattler demo, most of the systems I wanted to have for DD are ready, now I just need a tutorial and some content.
9 hours isn't a lot but I'll try.
bro about you just start learning instead of dumping more money into a thing you haven't even tried yet
i just updated my itch page and i already got 2 downloads since then. wtf? dont download it yet fellas im just updating stuff
>people like fun games
Bros... How can that be?
AIjeet tranny.
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>microwaving plastic
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Starting to think I should make a gambing game with porn pictures made using AI.
I wish I had an idea for one of these. There's at least a couple meme simulators that sell big every year.
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just eric things lol
Cris has been asking this exactly same question with the exact same image for years, just ignore him.
he's already eating poison packaged in microplastics

microwaving it can't make it that much worse
cris couldn't probably afford it though
sadly couldn't run Vistors properly on my machine. Got some error and the game was all bugged out. on to the next one.

>Hildegarde & Lombard (Spooky Version)
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>still can't understand what nepotism is
Every few weeks one of our resident thirdies learns a new English word and repeats it nonstop for days in an attempt to seem more intelligent regardless of whether or not he actually understands the context or meaning of said word.
Consider it done.
Please don't put your words into my mouth. DIfferent games cater to different groups of people. I'm not delusional, Dirk isn't gonna be another success story as it's targeting a niche, or rather I'd like to believe that there are people willing to play my take on action adventure, with emphasis on adventure. If you want immediate success, you can take the streamer bait route, the porn route or the unreal asset store route. It has nothing to do with nepotism. Also we're not equal.
I'd like to give you a cohesive answer but the truth is the color palette is still evolving. I'm taking different approaches, from playing around with colors/hues in ms paint, through lifting some nice compositions from other games to mashing random colors and seeing what is appealing.
I think that DOS games used to be full of color, putting saturation to the max. Nowadays the pixel artists tend to go with "modern techniques" of blending colors, giving them more cohesion but losing the raw 90's look. I guess the "unlimited" colors gave them too much freedom and in the end the DOS look went out of fashion also pink faces. DOS look means you need various levels of that salmon coloured skin
>xhe still can't accept that xer idol is a nepobaby
KEKAROO, keep working on your flop lil bro
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>in other news, any person who earned a lot of money is considered now a nepobaby! New trend among the insane shut-ins is taking an /agdg/ by the storm! Is it just one NEET with delusions or is there a grand conspiracy? Don't change the channel because if your parents put something for you in their will, it also applies to YOU!

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