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liars edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>Halloween Jam

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/
Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

>Previous thread
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happy halloween
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pick one
>1200 cards made with AI slop
>metahuman characters
>asset flip environment
>valve allows it

If you have any kind of respect for this hobby then you're a cuckold, keep making that pixelshart game expecting any kind of "street cred" from goycattle gamers.
>temu pokemon
nice, thaks
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Sending gooder vibes.
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the real question is why don't you doi it?

I am already planing on ading trading card game mechanics to my games and random dungeons.
still debating wether i should submit or not
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Just like, make game
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>brewing the third cuppa to finish the demo no one will play anyways
Unity is being a DUMB GAY WHORE.
It fucking refuses to let me fuck with the transform of a recently instantiated object and drags the child back to the parent's initial position for no raisin wtf is this FAGGOT SHIT.
Looks more like a graveyard than Stardew's graveyard.
Didn't you have another playtest recently? How did that go?
this comment has been sent to the unity DEI team
soon your account will be banned on an account of homophobia
Send me a name and I'll play it dude, I'll even record it just for you.
I swear to fuck, Godot didn't do weird shit like this.
How the fuck.
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>tfw my graveyard level is still in conceptual phase
Mirrored Soul in DD59? That's some great news!
Not sure if I make a porn game or not
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Do it.
Are your earlier levels 'finished' or are you gonna add new stuff there?
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it's done
Interesting, but please add eye-candy. I hope you're not gonna leave these icons for your final game.
blackbox go brrrrrrr
Next year an AI slop indie game will become FOTM and /agdg/ will cope and seethe.
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Roasted pumpkin sneeds are the perfect comfy fall devsnack. I wish I had some apple cider too, but alas.
pokemon clones fail all the time, I guess it can work as mobile game slop though
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Done with work for the day, now to keep playtesting and looking for any last-minute bugs. Already found several soft-locks, like pic related- during the tutorial, every button BUT the one are supposed to be enabled for the tutorial.
AI is the great equaliser, it's already an industry where game journalists decide how many people will ever hear about your game, nepotism is everywhere and you need to go through humiliation rituals on social media being a clown to get some marketing, I have no problem with AI.
In fact I welcome it, God bless slop.
Oh, someone uploaded a new game to the halloween jam

>Hildegarde & Lombard (Spooky Version)
>SecondHuman Project
It's just something I'm rushing out for DD, if it's fun I'll try making it look decent
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lmao, his baitpost didn't get enough (You)s before the last thread ended so he just made another post in the new thread.
Remember that this is who posts here with you. Not fellow devs, not people looking to offer you helpful feedback, but dopamine addicted zoomers who use /agdg/ as a pseudo-/v/ because they're guaranteed attention here rather than on a fast moving board.
>cant accept the truth because in his mind anyone that posts frogs and bocchis and ai must be nodevs
>denies all proof too

Kek based. Anyone have the screenshot of that one dev saying the Linux grpup was a vocal minority and how we wont include Linux builds in future games?

I have found the fucking solution.
The character controller needs it's vector3 position set manually or else it slingshots itself back to where it was created for no reason the fucking thing.
I'm fucking trying but this engine is so barebones I have to do everything myself
dios mio pedro, muy buzzwordos senor
Very atmospheric.
Umm its a jobby for me
>gamedev gf
>beong able to say I made "that" game (mine)
>having a game
Those are my goals for me

>dopamine addicted zoomers who use /agdg/ as a pseudo-/v/
The same types that can easily be duped for sales and dlc if you play your cards right, hug
why did you reply to your own post?
>the character controller
too lazy to write your own? sounds like you're making slop.
What's the problem? You didn't literally think it was impossible to make it just because some AI art was used do you? There are literals games that have used AI for fake frame gen.

Ironic Patreon monitors the social media of anyone who uses it. Why's it their business? Kek at how much they're to force a certain type of thought process
God I wish I made slop instead of fiddling source movement in Godot for a while.
I have no idea why Unity wants to store it's own internal value for the Vector3 positions and not use the transform for no fucking reason.
What autism.
Played Minty's Challenge and was a bit sad it had no comments. It's cute game, try it out anons https://itch.io/jam/agdg-halloween-jam-/rate/2960727

>Hildegarde & Lombard (Spooky Version)
>SecondHuman Project
>Minty's Challenge
By source movement, do you mean Quake/Source like player movement or what? Because I tried to do the exact same thing but gave up.
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since anon asked before, splattercat got me 915 wishlists, compared to yesterday where i got 20. i had plans to contact him on release so this was a nice surprise.
happy halloween
Cool, hopefully that number keeps going up.
>try it out anons
when DD starts and I submit my project I'll start by playing the Halloween jam games
>I have no idea why Unity wants to store it's own internal value for the Vector3 positions and not use the transform
makes sense to cache Vector3s that will be used a ton in the same script. is that what you think the reason for the "reset" is? that the character controller script is caching the spawn position and then applying it to the transform after you manipulated the transform elsewhere?
if this is what's going on then the character controller probably has a method for telling it to teleport and you should be using that when you want to teleport the character. to have a character controller and separately move the same character with another script, with no synchronization of states between the two scripts, is begging for bugs. I don't see how you could expect it to work.
Quake/Source are both similar in how they process air accel and rotations to where they're fucked in unique ways that allow you to air strafe.

You can decompile ver_DD58 to get at fixed source movement for Godot and use it as you please.
>stalked my oneitis' Halloween posts on Instagram instead of devving again
People still use this word? Holy cringe
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oh wait you're right! I've failed to see this and it's really obvious to me why it's done like that now in the way you explained it, thank you!
fr lil bro that wasn't very sigmamaxxed of him on god
yeah the post quality in here is soooooo high that we are soooooooooooooo much better than vee, sister
how long can you spend on instgram posts?
or were you...
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Adding some final touches before submission opens. As far as itch.io submissions go, do I need to prep some kind of thumbnail or other content as well?
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Went great. People had a really good time with it.
I've come up with this idea similar to world tendency in demons souls. When you find secrets in a level, it increases a karma level. Increased karma opens up new rooms, spawns harder enemies and unlocks better weapons. You can then start subsequent playthroughs with higher starting karma. Should add a lot of replayability to levels that are currently quite short.
that will be 20000 reviews+tips
no, itch let's you do whatever the fuck you want
Actually neat concept. What happens if you have a really bad karma? What if you had a good karma and then fell down to the low karma regions?
>As far as itch.io submissions go, do I need to prep some kind of thumbnail or other content as well?
you really should or else no one will check out your game. I usually only play games when I recognize the game in the thumbnails
Patreon counts as a 'major online store'
thumbnail, screenshots
Thanks fellas, I'll try and cook up something
do screenshots matter?
Are review bombing dying as a practice? Dragon Age's new woke game isn't able to maintain a negative review ratings despite massive <2hours negative reviews campaign by grifter discords, am I safe to have a black female in my game?
I wont bother with your game if there are no screens
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Turned my game into an autobattler.
wtf im adding screenshots then pls play it!!!!!!
but im bad at screenshots whats the smart screenshots i have to take
Nobody gives a fuck, Cris.
it doesnt matter I just need to know what the fuck the game is
Okay, I'm done with AGDG Halloween Jam 2024. My personal favorite was BATTY VAMPS.

>Hildegarde & Lombard (Spooky Version)
>SecondHuman Project
>Minty's Challenge
>Fatal Delivery

Thanks for uploading your games to the jam frens!
new hrt pills arrived it seems
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>install UE5 on Linux
>it crashes at "Waiting for textures to be ready" whenever creating/opening a project
>crash log is full of "libvulkan_radeon.so!UnknownFunction"
>can't find any info about it online
If you can't figure this out you were never going to finish a game anyways. This is an issue with a preexisting engine with documentation. What are you going to do when you run into a bug with your own code and have to fix it yourself?
It's not a pokemon game it's a shop simulator.
thx, looking forward to trying your game out.
Too bad you missed out on Visitors, that one was a fun spook.
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Such a cute gesture!
What exactly are you doing? Are you using instantiate properly?

>that jas pumpkin
cunny bros...
>missed out on Visitors
yeah, sadly couldn't get it running properly on my machine
>looking forward to trying your game out
thanks anon
can't believe there are anons on this thread right now who identify with this redditor
I will add this to my Eric folder.
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please add my pumpkin to your folder Eric!
Kill yourself back to shartdew general, schizo.
weird choice but if you scrap the ai and make the game about something like running a dojo and training students it might be pretty cool.
frfr lil bro this boomer ahh dev cringe no cap
>not even DD yet and already got a download
we're all going to make it bros
chillin on my front porch handing out candy and working on my game.
Beautiful night out tonight, it was like 80 today.
Figured out why sometimes the projectiles would immediately despawn, they were hitting the leftover hitboxes of dead humans.
>antiericschizo is so obsessed he browses he browses sdvg too

notice how both screencaps arent even the same, just compare the image size
>coating your blade in charcoal makes it less reflective and better for stealth scenarios
>charcoal is removed when the blade is used too much or sheathed
Does this sound fun?
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Happy Halloween, /agdg/! Let's make this the spookiest demo day yet!
>leftover hitboxes of dead humans
somehow, that sounds cool as fuck with zero context
Post a link and you will have two downloads
in the same way that tracking the player's kidney stone development is fun
>coating your blade in charcoal makes it less reflective and better for stealth scenarios
Feel free to prove me wrong if you're basing this on some historical context you read, but this sounds retarded. Would the charcoal even stick to the blade? Would the player even think to make that connection without you spelling it out for them?
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>16 days thread
Yeah I can see why you became an /agdg/ tourist, kek.
/sdvg/? Isn't that general full of pedos?
please don't mutilate dead people
I am thinking of like tracing the AI so is not obvious is AI.

And then make the story about a guy who is posesed by some evil demon, so a bunch of girls (kof and SF parodies) have to defeat him.

Dunno if make it NSFW.
cris, i genuinely like some of your art, but i'm gonna be honest, you are not good enough to make a porn game
please keep it sfw and people will play it
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i blame slimo
who the fuck is slimo
>Would the charcoal even stick to the blade?
Old scabbards had a veneer of oil in them to protect blades from rusting. I can't say I know of any specific historical context but blade coatings to reduce glare are pretty common. The character is a thief so this will be in the tutorial.
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>year only just got started
>it's already fucking november
what is this, dirk the adventurer?
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>Final hours before DD
>Discover a couple of annoying bugs with recent refactors
>Nothing game-breaking
>But fixing them requires more time than what's left before DD
Of fucking course.
Y-yeah no. Sounds like ridiculous bullshit that's hard to keep track of as the player. There's a reason why Thief had the visibility gem. In a stealth game it needs to be very clear to the player when he's hidden and when he's not or it's going to cause a lot of frustration.
0 karma is just the base game level. Everyone starts the game with this level, so they can know the level layout, whats needed to get to the exit, etc. Adding karma adds the complexity. Think of it as adding in skulls from halo.
I'll have both, actually this mechanic was inspired by Thief because in TDP your visibility is increased when you're holding your sword for the same reason (same with arrows). I'm just offering a consumable that lets you keep your sword out while sneaking (sheathing/unsheathing takes time, think Kingdom Come Deliverance style).
Do you think a horror tactics game could be made using Chimera Squad's encounter system? Would it rely on a lot of CYOA?
that's why you never refactor
Maybe it because of Linux itself?

Kek it'd be funny if it was actually carved into it. with a pear dyed in purple food coloring next to it.
hotfix that shit with horrible shitcode for dd
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Whats the gameplay
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It's an autobattler anon.

That's the gameplay.
>Maybe it because of Linux itself?
It was the engine. I just installed UE 5.4.4 instead of 5.5 Preview and it works.
Autobattlers still have gameplay in the form of setting up line-ups/abilities/preplanning. That thing is just "select a character and hope for the best" which is not that compelling.
Have a build ready but wondering if it's worth it to submit since it'll probably get ignored for its ugly cover and screenshots
I added some special blocks mechanic where you can charge a resource bar to earn coins so you can gamble them to earn waifus.
But I had to refactor it at some point. The original code was just enough for an alpha but to support rogue-like gameplay, I needed it to be able to swap out logic based on the player's decisions. That simply wasn't possible with the original setup. There's a time and place for KISS.

Imma push a build now and start working on just that. I'd rather an okay working build than an untested one.
please stop replying to cris
If you can't identify crisposts then you need to lurk moar
When will we get some decent AI tutorials. I want to use AI for my game but I just don't understand how it works with all these acronyms and fancy terms and Chinese language documentation.
first, I recommend you learn art, because all the best AI art is made by artists
well it was an easy fix at least

what do those sprites in the boxes at the bottom mean?
Just buy some AI off the asset store.
Done, what's the next step?
the tatami area.
No money.
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one of my favorite, if not my favorite, thing about AI is that its totally gonna destroy idol worshipping (eceleb worship)
no more gamedevs to worship hahaha everyone will have a game tailor made for him from an AI
I don't give a shit about what subhuman retards think. I will NOT let anyone playtest my game and waste my time with the worthless opinions of people who upon missing one more brain cell would walk on all fours like a beast!
It's my fucking game, >I< know what I want and what I am doing and you get to play MY vision and not some kike's or COD kid's soulless trash of shit.
You don't listen to feedback, Anon, do you?
He may not be wrong. He's specifically talking about the Internet 1998 and earlier. Was the economic impact of the Internet in 1998 really that much bigger than fax machines?
This would be valid if you were sane and had good taste but then you wouldn't be posting here.
I WILL let people playtest my game
I WILL listen to their opinions
I WILL NOT compromise my vision to cater to them
Singleplayer games are fun because it's a weird indirect way for the game devs to communicate with you, through mechanics, levels, etc.
The moment an entire game is made by AI nothing will be communicated. It will just be vapid thoughtless incoherent visual slop, sound slop, mechanics slop, story slop, and content slop just trying and failing to give you an engaging experience.
Also videogames are 100% reliant on consistency, which is what AI struggles with the most. Have fun using a mechanic once and trying it again 3 minutes later only to realize it now works differently because the dumb "AI" forgot about it.
And if you think it will help you code the game good luck again. AI code will never have any foresight or consideration for other related pieces of code
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Gerrymandering is a fun game, who knew?
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That's not gerrymandering though. gerrymandering is about creating districts of equal size where the party you like has a bunch of slim majorities, and the party you don't like has a small number of supermajorities.
Gerrymandering is setting up districts that disagree with me.
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for true spacers
to be fair kikes and corpos hadn't figured out it back then

2011&2012 is when they got spooked, realized the power of internet and took control of the masses using it
Yes, the color coding shows which of four parties won the district. I just didn't set up scoring for packing and cracking yet. This is a contrived one based on matching people to their group.
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>open /int/
>first thread see this
Finndev are you here? :3
That's mean, you asshole.
>I WILL procrastinate
>I WILL waste my time
That's all I'm reading
Correct take.
Simply changing your whole game because a fortnite kid didnt get it is different from changing the UI a little bit because playtesters kept telling you they couldn't quickly see how much ammo they had or that kinda shit
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brazilian cutie
you have a target audience. if a member of your target audience plays your game and suggests something, then you should give it strong weight. if someone outside your target audience suggests something, you should give it low weight.
Remember, when an agdg game fails, it's agdg's fault for not play testing it and giving it vital feedback to make it not bad.
>Retarded compulsive liar attention whore makes up shit to get the dev's attention and possibly get a mention in the credits or patch notes
>"dev" changes game, because he doesn't know what he's doing
Man, if you are too lazy to think about your game and what to do with it, you deserve to fail.
I'm not bad, you guys are. It all makes sense now
My target audience includes women. Why the fuck would I listen to the opinion of a women? Women have no idea what they want.
Once in a lifetime something unexpected happens and your game becomes a massive hit but 95% of your playerbase is far, far outside your target audience. At that point, you'll have to make a decision whether you cave into mass appeal to keep the player numbers high or whether you keep your course and inevitably steer the ship towards your original audience, who are a minority.
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Dad just came into my room. Asked me if I don't want to go out with friends, a girlfriend, and stuff and about my future as well. I've been "busy" on gamedev but simply don't really have much to say to them or my siblings. I think, they think somethings wrong because I keep to myself. In terms of a future job or gf, yeah I don't see that going well at all. Gamedev is unironically one of my last few hopes because the alternative is slaving away for small change. Though my game doesn't really inspire much confidence and a future game is probably too far out to just keep neeting. This stung, I need to make it off gamedev so I can move out since I'd probably get asked these questions even if I got rich, because I'm a shut in. It'd be like my game making me rich doesn't make much of a difference to them because I'm still a shut in.

Aggy what do I do!!!! Besides looking for a job to just have as an excuse in hopes I somehow make it within the next few years. More hours into gamedev to sped up the process of releasing games?
I just watched a streamer play one of the best games of the last few years and guess what happened? He loved it and said he wants to play more of it but he also said, and I quote: "It's too slow for streaming".

I never want to hear again that streamability is a metric for a game's quality. If one more inner circle nigger comes in here and wags his finger at me for not making a game that was perfectly engineered by a team of soulless bugment marketing scientists to have something wacky happen every 10 seconds I will kill every single bitch here I swear to God.
You don't listen to what they say, you watch what they actually do and how they interact with the game. Even with male testers you should pay more attention to what they do in play tests than what they say in feedback.
welcome back progress schizo
become a gamedev stay at home wife
what was the game?
shut your fucking mouth asswipe. I am leagues above the likes of you
I showed my parents my project and that got them to back off for now.
the streamer economy really did a number on the industry holy shit
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this is my target audience

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How can I measure the relative vertical angle between two vectors in Unreal Engine? Specifically the direction my object is facing and the direction of movement. I tried getting Velocity and Actor Forward Vector, normalizing them, and then getting the dot product, but that gives me that total angle, when I need only the vertical angle between them. This is like a brick wall I can't get past.
This kind of shit is exactly why I despise most "demo day streamers". They don't understand their fucking place in the ecosystem. No, you are not here to farm views by using the content of demo day games as fuel for your soulless twitch career. What kind of a fucking troglodyde still doesn't understand that this is poison and obfuscates the true purpose of demo day which is about giving an outside perspective to anons' games? No I don't give a shit how streamable my game is I want to see someone play it like a nomal person, not like some cumguzzling soituber who's really squamish about losing 10 viewers over some dead air of 20 seconds without jumpscares. If no one understands this then we are all truly lost
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GN ready for DD
>I never want to hear again that streamability is a metric for a game's quality. If one more inner circle nigger comes in here and wags his finger at me for not making a game that was perfectly engineered by a team of soulless bugment marketing scientists to have something wacky happen every 10 seconds
literally no one here has ever said this or anything close to this.
Literally DOZENS of demo day streamers have quit demos that are otherwise high-production over too much dead air. That's not the fucking point. Some of us don't make games to see how good they will perform on streams. I want to see how much game performs when a normal person chills the fuck out and just plays it
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Now this is a proper bocchiposting!
How old are you fren and which country?
also niggers like the inner circle faggots who ONLY stream games based on how streamable and content-farmable they are. Are you fucking kidding me? The fucking GAME DEVELOPER COMMUNITY that is supposed to be about giving each other feedback and they have turned it into some kind of eceleb cumguzzling competition where they do 4 hour streams on a single game for the 40th time instead of God forbid giving a single ounce of feedback to some game that might not be cranked to the max with zoomerbait shiny bing bing wahoos but was submitted to demo day because it can use the feedback BECAUSE THAT'S THE POINT OF DEMO DAY. What the fuck
where did the anon go that shamed demo day participants that don't leave feedback?
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None of this has ever happened. Take your meds.
Are you a differerent schizo than the other schizo? Your writing style seems a little different.

If not enough people play your game, have you considered making a more appealing game? Or asking for feedback? Don't answer that, I don't actually care what you think.
>relative vertical angle
Assuming "vertical" means relative to the world-frame vertical, then all you're looking for is the difference in vertical vector component. Unreal is Z-up, right? If so, I think you're just looking for arcsin(velocity.normalized().z - front_direction.normalized().z). Arcsin is only valid for angles <90 degrees btw.
hmmm WELCOME BACK CIRCLEGANG today we will be streaming DREAMS OF JOY DEPARTED for the 4th stream in a row for the 8th demo day in a row be sure to RING THAT BELL and HIT THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON also don't forget to check out the MERCH in the DESCRIPTION BELOW
>Are you a differerent schizo than the other schizo?
the same one who pretends to have gotten no feedback, and had his streamed game cut short, and been left out of the collage. the same one as every demo day
I stream sometimes on DD the new prototypes to give some input, but with a dev perspective and so far its been all good
maybe there's someone in particular you just dont like that acts as you mention, but that's also part of the business
if your game isn't good for streaming, its alright, not every game can be fun to stream and that will tell you to work on alternatives for a spotlight
my friend already made it so he’ll just spread the word
>no guys you have to believe me /agdg/ is not a rotting corpse. this never happens. it's all just one person who has these grievances and they don't happen to anyone else he's just a crazy looney kook. anyway please perticipate in my demo day and suck my dick on stream thank you
There's so many fucking kids screaming outside. I turned all my lights off, but I hope the light from my monitor isn't enough attract them.
>pixelshit action platformer
>28k reviews
retro chiptune bros we are so in
It's raining where I live so Halloween is effectively cancelled.
It's a shame cause I bought lots of candy.
>because I'm a shut in.
I understand that people here are not normaloid hypersocial but you really need to be aware of the trap that is to be attached to personality traits like this. literally just live life. don't try to play a character that you think you are
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Are you trying to calculate a lift force?
You have no excuse. If you are a streamer and keep streaming the same 4 games because they are the most fun and get the most viewers then you are not a participant in the community you are a grifter. The games on the top row that get 6 gorillion streams every demo day don't even fucking need them because they already have mega traffic from 10000 other places. If you're gonna be a feedback giver then the position requires to give your time to the games that can benefit from the feedback, not to games which are already cocksucked from 12 different angles
Bro you're all slowly turning into Marnix
Does that mean I get to go to Japan
>Assuming "vertical" means relative to the world-frame vertical
I meant relative vertical. It's for an airplane thing, so it's going to be rolling and inverting and stuff. The object's "up" is going to be changing constantly.
Yeah. Is there some easier / more performant way of going about it?
My one-off mid-row submission a few demodays ago got like 3 streams. Skill issue?
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i would set off a firecracker inside my nostril before i showed my parents my game
how did you stomach the disgusted looks on their faces
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Its marnix who slowly turning into us
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where's my streamerbait slop that appeals to jappanese vtubers then?
Get a job and work on your game on the side.
They are not your personal playtesters, you're lucky streaming demo day games is even a thing.
This isn't about my game or any single game. It's about the /agdg/ culture. It was supposed to be a brotherhood, not some faggy pecking order where a bunch of faggy zoomers relish in their popularity while acting like snobbish pricks to all the games that aren't customer presentable.
NEGRO we are not consumers here. We are CREATORS. How fucking subhuman do you have to be to think that people come to the game developer community demo event to get customer-tier evaluation instead of fellow developer evaluation. Fucking pull your head out of your ass for a second and look at the bigger picture you nihilist irony poisoned zoomer cumstain. This isn't about me and you. We are individuals, but we live in a system
I'm a man tho, I wanna be a stay at home gamedev husband while she does the waging! Just a few household chores and gamedev, easy enough. But that wagecage, I don't ever want to go back.

I doubt that will work in my case. They're aware of my game's existence.

I dare not reveal which dev I am so I'll give an age range 30-40 and in the US.

>don't try to play a character that you think you are
It's the easiest way to describe myself. It's not easy finding people I get along with, it's not easy getting a gf either. How many 30-40 year old people do you see frequently hanging out? Maybe once a week, more/less if married depending on their relationships dynamic. It's not like I can just go and start chatting with randoms on the street about gamedev, I'll look like a weirdo. There are no gamedev clubs here btw. So it's not as simple as going to one of those like that one anon with a literal gamedev club though iirc he said most of their games looked worse than his or aggy's games.
ony thing i do is to take directions and put them in the local space (by multiplying by the basis.inverse()). then i set one of the components to 0, normalize and revert back to global space
If your two vectors are already in the frame of the airplane, then what I wrote still applies. You don't need some weird vertical angle to calculate the lift force though. That's just the dot product of the velocity and the plane's forward vector times some lift factor.
Yeah, and I don't owe them a "streamable" game either, faggot. It's voluntary both ways.
this goes hard
get angle from wind direction x wing normal.. this gives the same angle even if the wing is rotated about this normal
this. so much this.
Yes, exactly, and nobody said you do.
>and in the US
do you have your foreskin intact?
Bro, shartreal 5 is useless for a proper flightsim untill they roll out chaos physics documentation, believe me
Youd better pick shartreal 4, poonity or even godont
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someone draw
marnix im tired wojak.jpg
don't care didn't ask still gonna stream demoday games
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thanks, goes straight into my faggyfaggy takedown folder
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Happy Halloweenie, Aggy Daggy!
Post the rest
>anon makes an unfun games that no one wants to play
>no one plays it
Shut the fuck up faggy zoomer. your game most of all gets no plays
I was going to say that it's ridiculous to treat agdg like some sort of brotherhood, but then I realized that maybe it was like that before newfags like me showed up, and got sad both for having missed out on it and for the oldfags who lost their community.
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I need a non AI cheap method to make 2D HD anime waifu art.
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It was exactly like that. Imagine a Demo Day with less than 30 participants
wait what, doesnt demo day usually get less than that?
I think most of the old posters moved onto the Discord or different forums already. This general has become so incredibly abrasive these past few years that it no longer really has anything to offer to anyone who honestly just wants to make games.
Actually, AGDG owes me sex.
Pick up that pen.
Or just just render or trace vroid models, but then it's obviously 3D.
it still is a brotherhood. but we had to retreat to private discords to keep out the raff. As you might imagine, anon was not invited to these.
Last 10 demo days consistently get to ~100
thinking of studying photobashing and kitbashing workflows.
i havent checked demo days in like years yikes
not enough eyebags
>DD didn't even start yet and anons already seething about streamers
I made it without nepotism, by my own strength and willpower. :)
i am convinced this is tca dev
>Gamedev is unironically one of my last few hopes because the alternative is slaving away for small change.

In all likelihood you are still doing that with gamedev. Have you seen the games that people are releasing here? 500 reviews is a megahit from agdg. I don't think any games this year have managed that. With that many reviews let's say you get $120k, then steam cut, then taxes, you're down to more like $60-80k. After how many years of work on a game? The longer your game takes the closer you get to minimum wage.

Oh wait no. I forgot... You're the one who's going to drop his first game and get 50,000 reviews. You'll be interviewed and invited to give talks about your remarkable indie success story and genre-defining game.

Stop dreaming and just get a job like the rest of us. Nothing is free, you are spending the goodwill of your family to sustain your loser neet lifestyle, and you probably waste most of the time you have on shitposting, anime, vidya and porn.
Now count again but without whodev games.
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>got permabanned from chatgpt
they should geoblock india china and russia it would save on costs
I failed without nepotism, by my own strength and willpower. :)
Damn fren...
Since you have a relatively good location ask here or even in d*scord and maybe one of the US aggydaggers will help you to socialize?
Oh anon, you don't know? No ChatGPT access in Russia or China, no officially anyway.
what's that?
Wtf did you prompt Anon
Next, learn art direction so you can prototype art styles for your game and understand what would make it viable or non-viable.
Keep your chin up bro, it's rough but it's also a great time to be a gamedev. Your next game could be your big breakthrough.
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>Your next game could be your big breakthrough.
Haha... yeah
this dev >>500607141
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this marnix in the style of this
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You are not a true jobby dev if you aren't making a coom game.
you guys ready form some sh- i mean some *amateur* games ?
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Happy Halloween bros
sad to say this but you're one of the most talented people here
what's the issue with whodevs? this is a public thread and DD is a public event.
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equipment slots
is a public toilet better than a private one?

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