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/lolg/ OP pastebin
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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xth for Xayah
where are all the yordles
you can't spell "you should kill yourself" without "fish"
pyke is the only nigga champ i like
you can actually
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you sould kll yourel
shes asian
She's not even here. Why are you so obsessed?
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champions for this feel?

She looks like a yakuza telling ez not to mess with her waves ever again after ulting it.
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I am de carry now
> you cant kill yourselfish~~, uwu
wow it really works
i wasnt complaining doe? this is an actual legit observable phenomenon that happens every time you duo
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Iron 3 shaco support here

I always do really well (I get like an A or S normally) but my team often still loses. Any way to have a higher winrate for climbing? i don't really care about rank but just curious what I can do to carry harder on support
whatever happened to eyoson?
stopped getting updated so noone used it and stopped putting it in the op and later the owner took it down
Atleast you climbed out of Iron 4.
We're all gonna make it
I like making those google docs titled "how to play with me" and just fill it with scat starting on slide 2 and post them in champ select
Shaco is not really a carry champ, first of all. You will probably have a hard time making things go your way until you get really good at the champion. Second, learn how to support properly. Shaco (I assume you are playing AP) can set up on objectives better than a lot of other champions. The more you can force your opponents to have to use scanners the less wards they will be able to place. A tip that many support players use is to spend your wards about a minute and 30 seconds before an objective is about to come up, then recall so you can place more wards when the enemy team wants to clear them. You can’t force your team to help with the objectives, but you can give them as many tools to work with as possible
On low elo you pick stuff like mages or meme supports like Senna and Pyke to get control of the map/lane, low elo games can be very snowbally and people tend to die left right and centre so you try to make moves and get kill gold to have agency in the direction of the game yourself, thankfully it is possible for you to solo carry low elo games due to so many mistakes enemies make but there can be times where your team give the enemy too much kills and cause that to happen on the other side.
Play Pyke !
>curious what I can do to carry harder on support
Roam more. Level 3 back ? Go roam top or mid. Roam for grubs, but only stay until you win or lose the fight, any more and you're inting your ADChud. Every back go roam. Nothing happening in lane ? Go find the enemy jungler and annoy them.
You barely need levels after level 3, and you can take a really late 6 if you're causing chaos around the whole map.
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I can't learn how to last hit
use the practice tool
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>Pyke is so squishy guys, if you catch him he melts!
>he's soooo bad after 15 minutes
>meanwhile Pyke gets caught multiple times by an assassin that should be able to easily destroy him and still gets away easily multiple times
And people were telling me that Pyke isn't annoying or strong.
Become jungle
if kalista gets ulted by renata, can she trigger the stacks without damaging the teammate?
>Pantheon support pings "Will buy Eclipse - need 200 more gold"
>Starts charging ult towards my lane
>Use my abilities to clear my wave asap
>Panteon arrives to 2 melee minions.
>Pantheon support pings "Will buy Eclipse - need 198 more gold"
>Pantheon support pings "Will buy Eclipse - need 197 more gold"
>Pantheon support pings "Will buy Eclipse - need 196 more gold"
>Pantheon: "Reported"
>Pantheon: "[All] Report mid 9x for troll"
>And he goes back botlane without his Eclipse
did he died
Thank you bros

Ok I will start roaming more to chud max against the jungler and will also start setting up objectives more

it seems like shaco is a really a specialist in wasting their time
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I tried. I've spent last 2 hours last hitting shit with mage autos and I only manage like 90-95cs out of 114 during first 10 minutes. I always miss one minion per wave due to just poorly timing the last hit or 2 minions dying at the same time

I'd rather not
Keep at it nigga
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This shit is harder than doing electrics in Tekken holy fuck
It’s cold bros I don’t want to get up
use spells to clear what you cant with AA
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If its Iron, I recommend AD shaco support. AP variant heavily relies on your team, and has atroctious ratios. Seeing Iron games always go for so long that most people get a full set of items, you'll be able to handle squishy carries solo and also push if needed. AP is overall much better, but not in the range you're playing.
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Oh good, this thread is moderately usable again.

CSing is a bitch sometimes. You've got this- promise.
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i bought a new mouse i hope it boosts my performance on stream. https://www.twitch.tv/miximumdennis
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I still stand by it - Kayn played that as badly as he could. Notice how Pyke's only hooking when Kayn uses his W and makes himself immobile. Red Kayn isn't an assassin either, Lux...

Cheer your team on and try to encourage good mental - say "wp" and "gj" often, etc. I've noticed it helps people refrain from tilting. That's all I've got.
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You wouldn't a fish.
i wanna rank up before i take a break but soloq is so frustrating i'm not coping and know that if you deserve it you will rank up eventually but i just cba having to play through a bunch of cancer games to get there
i only recently started playing again
how the fuck are you supposed to fight garen, i didn't realize they had changed him into a full-blown fucking dps
Pyke is squishy and annoying !
Though he isn't a champion after 20 minutes - https://lolalytics.com/lol/pyke/build/
I recommend you play him so you do realise where his weaknesses are !
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They made his E scale with attack speed at some point which made it start dealing like 3x the damage. Pair that with Conqueror not having been bad in years and him benefitting from just about every item rework/item change throughout the years and, well, he's just consistently good.

Is Celestial Opposition really what Pyke players take now? That's annoying.
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Double Bubble Pyke is good and fun to ensure safety ! It's honestly really hard to stay alive on him.
It's split between Bloodsong and Celestial though, which kind of doesn't make sense, since you're often not able to get that auto off mid and late game.
>Notice how Pyke's only hooking when Kayn uses his W and makes himself immobile.
Yeah well the alternative is just not to W ever? Just don't catch him with cc which he is supposedly weak to? Otherwise Pyke can just walk away from a fight he doesn't want. Any other champ would die out of position there, it doesn't matter that he is in theory squishy when in practice its still very hard to pin him down and kill him.
>Red Kayn isn't an assassin either, Lux...
Pedantic and beside the point but red Kayn is still an assassin by definition of an assassin and still has high burst. Especially when that is a 3+ item Eclipse/BC Kayn with around 12 kills.
I have played him and usually do well when I pick him.
Also Lolalytics numbers should be taken with a hefty grain of salt since averages are subject to biases.
Like you wouldn't also say that Lulu is useless after 20 minutes.
Or if you change the rank range to high elo only then Pyke's dropoff is not nearly so steep and is useful well into 30 minute games, having a 52% chance of winning in 35 minutes is not exactly bad which would suggest to you that the drop off in winrate is more because of low skill Pyke players rather than a limitation of the champ itself.
idk why every retardnigger in the jungle goes AP-burst shyvana
i just had some mongrel try it against a khazix, she insisted on goin nashor, even when behind
what is the rationale of these hollowbrained retards?
is it not better to just go iceborne gauntlet at that point and being a somewhat sturdy front line?
shieeeet, even zeke's herald is a cheap "power-up" they ignore...
My reccomendation for making Pyke more useful after 20 minutes. Is to build Frozen Heart as his 2nd or 3rd item. From there he should build more items with Cooldown Reduction/Ability Haste, Armor, and Magic Resistance.

Make sure to try and stay from items that give excess amounts of HP. Or have Passives that scale off of HP. As his passive converts Bonus HP into AD, and the conversion rate for it sucks.
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I don't play Shyvana precisely because AP burst is so prevalent. I prefer raid boss, and right now raid boss is ass iirc.
3 days until Arcane, right? Finna be good
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We could go in circles over this all day again, but no - just specifically abilities that specifically make you immobile for a long period of time that guarantee skillshots *while* he's charging up his Q. I don't agree on the every other champion dying in that situation thing, either, but then that opens up a can of worms of us going champion-by-champion trying to imagine said scenario and picturing how it'd go down, so whatever.

Chasing a Pyke around is a dumb endeavor in the first place - again, Kayn played that as poorly as he could. I guess I can concede that Red Kayn in this situation also sort of fits into the assassin criteria, though moreso because of the Dark Harvest imo. My counter-point's just that Kayn doesn't really have the burst you think he does, imo. He's probably the *one* assassin that's more focused on area/AoE damage, so in turn, his "burst" is slowed down to a crawl to compensate and his abilities all follow this train of thought to a T - like how his R is also a slow, charged ability.

I kind of agree that stats are prone to biases and should be taken with a grain of salt and not used as a be-all end-all too, but in this case it's just another layer on top of all of the other things.
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Buff serpents fang and buff yuumi for compensation
I wanted to raidboss on top with hullbreaker and tank items, however i asked myself why not just pick
since they offer a lot more without being as ass in the lane
in either case its dumb to have to build AP items to stay relevant on shyv, a single liandry in the build makes you more relevant than a whole titanic/trinity/botrk/hullbreaker/whateverthefuck combo

plus her being made for jungle is ass due to drakes
not that I mind having the clear-back-dragon gameplan

she has the same issue as old nunu or sion
>why yes, i could build into strong, durable frontline
also fuck riot for enabling this build behaviour
for some company that wants counterplay, it breaks the rule
It comes in Saturday. At least for me.
I will stream it but depending if someone else will host it, the demand and time.
you can play voli or mundo jgl
>Were getting stomped we have all 3 inhibs broken and we only broke 2 of their towers.
>Enemy team comes to our base for the finish
>We ace them somehow
>Enemy team has surrendered
Ill take it i guess?
Im pretty sure they will show the 1st episode on twitch like last time
kill more towers and dragons. the tier 2 sidelane towers tend to have a high impact on game outcomes
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If I play jungle, I like playing Kayn.

Yeah, that's pretty much my problem. It's a damn shame, desu...I can only pray her VGU goes well, but I'm not expecting it to.
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it's over, they're about to get me
another monday and im still alive
I meant throughout the month too not just the first episode.
Its not going in circles its directly responding to what you said.
>Chasing a Pyke around is a dumb endeavor in the first place
Yeah because its a poorly designed champ that you won't catch and can't pin down despite being out of position and hit with cc multiple times. Its literally a showcase of how impossible it is to punish him which is exactly what I'm talking about. Even if Kayn wasn't hit while using W he can still be easily hooked while in melee and Pyke would still get out, it doesn't make any different because its not like he interrupted cc to prevent it from hitting him.
>My counter-point's just that Kayn doesn't really have the burst you think he does
If you are telling me you think a 12 kill 3 item red Kayn wouldn't make mincemeat out of basically any other support you are crazy. Red Kayn does deal tons of damage even if blue Kayn would do more. You act like I have never been in a game with red Kayn before.
>but in this case it's just another layer on top of all of the other things.
All other things like what? Opinions?
>Top 20 Challenger EUW
>10x Jungle
>5x Mid
>3x Top
>1x Support
>1x ADC
Support is weak, and doesn't have enough players maining it. Riot should buff supports more.
fr tf is consciousness
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think about it - if it's as bad as it can be right now then that means there's nowhere to go but up. things will get better soon, anon.

I'll just concede because I don't have the energy to argue anymore - I've been exhausted and this is too much for me with how I just keep making typos and everything and more importantly I don't think it'll go anywhere, either. You don't like Pyke and I understand why you don't like Pyke - you've given me plenty of reasons why. I think he's okay and not that big of an issue. I don't think either of us are going to budge but I also don't think that makes either of us right or wrong - we come from different places, experiences and obviously champ. pools which means we interact wth Pyke in extremely different ways.

so yeah
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>Feels for when that young hot piece of ass from the slum is smarter than all the "nobles" from their houses that literally simply ignore the ban on magic and do spiritual invocations to increase their intellect and abilities......

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I've been playing poopy support these last few games and I've found her to be quite fun.
Strong, has a lot of damage, can engage and disengage with ease, can zone people out of a fight, can take a hit or two. It honestly feels really good.
I might just abuse her until I can leave niggerlow and then get back to maining my 48% wr jungle champ.
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>O Dyke O.....?

imagine not only being completely schizophrenic but also having 0 sense of self awareness

shyv VGU will probably be better than what we have now, but most likely she will be a pseudo-sett with a "fire breath" on E based on her fury
guarantee you she wont be able to melt tanks like she does now...
if she even does any sustained DPS at all lmao
cant even imagine what to build for AD/Tank
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*steals Lucian's fried chicken in front of his wife.*
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I just like ice skating around the map with mobis...or did, before they changed it.

It'll be better than what we have, probably. I think a good chunk of her VGU team got laid off though so who knows
>reformed in name
>trying to scare people with bans
please dont remove him and remind him in 5 days that your ban has not arrived yet
put vision in ther jungle deep so you know when the enemy is coming, you can try kill jungler on his camps or some shit
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Vi, of course, meaning alter/temple/place of worship in Norse.......

>List of names of Odin
>Havi High One
>Blindi, Blindr 'the blind one'
he said he took clips from the replay and made a ticket. now he said he got a reply, called me a virgin and blocked me
scary stuff
>type stars when im angry
>****** ***** *** ******* ********
>teammates saying theyre reporting me for hate speech
Lmao you rascal.
Why'd they pick Heimerdonger...
old ap sion was actually good tho. shyvana is just a terrible champion design, is it a melee carry with no scaling or is it a tank with no cc? NO ITS A MAGE
Delete Yuumi from the game!!!
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Ok, still gonna play LoL and vote Trump
Not bloodsong?
Alright anon. I'm not here to make anyone play Dota, I'm here to popularize the accurate view on the Dota/LoL dynamic due to encountering widespread ignorance on the subject.
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silence, chud
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Bloodsong is for funning it down. I genuinely like to play for survivability, even though my Pyke stats say otherwise...
You can play with Bloodsong, as I said, on lolalytics they're both equally at the same win and almost pick rate, it just depends on personal preference.
>ignorance on the subject.
Ironically, nobody fucking cares you schizo
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I love Lissandra!
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I'm finally out of the salt depths and into the salt mines.
I want to go home and play league
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silver's up next, anon. you can do it.
did you guys do euw vgs yesterday or is it dead
>willingly playing with troons and thread primadonnas
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we didn't

i'm gonna take a nap

good night for now lolg
i don't know anyone here i just think it's fun to do custom games
Character development arc.

None that I could think of, NA vgs sweeped as usual. Though EU vgs are kinda rare they've been comfy.
>sit in lobby for 15 minutes
>finally game starts
>some faggot soft inting because he didnt get a perfect start
>30 minutes slog with constant bitching
no thanks
doesn't matter to me, it's more fun to play with the same people instead of shitting on randoms i'll never see again anyway
Never saw anyone soft inting in EU games so far.
spotted the soft inting fag
Be nice to me with a lamb image attached NOW
I int but I don't complain
Am I the problem?
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ok ok
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>Meanwhile for the fangirls and fanboys who pay attention to detail....

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Which team has better champions?
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nvm its remake
they tried so hard to make it not obvious 4 faker clips, my GOAT is just that clutch
kill yourself pyke apologist
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>honored the faggot annoying me whole game again because i just spam all 4 honors as soon as the honor screen pops up
what do you gain from honoring other?
lately I just smurf in flex queue and get honored nearly every game
you guys fucking suck
it used to be up to 12 key fragments per month, now i get maybe 2-3 even though i spam honors and get 2-3 every game
actually, thats fucking it, im skipping every honor screen from now on
i play only arams anyway and you basically cant get chests anymore unless you play cuck's rift
honor system is one of the most useless thing in this game
>got my accounts banned by disco nunuing after faker won
>installed dota 2
>none of the characters are cute or sexy
>keria #1
ok thats pretty cool
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I like it. Its nice to honor a rival when he puts in the effort, winning or losing
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elo hell isnt real. normal matchmaking in a competitive setting is when your four teammates all lose their respective roles 45 games out of a 50 game span. thats normal. what youre failing to do is win your lane harder than all 4 teamamtes are losing. so thats not elo hell. elo hell has a definition in my mind that changes to avoid the context that youre currently experiencing at any given time. chow.

sorry. another day another dollar
its otzver
if elo hell is real how come half my games have a graves or khazix jungle that goes 24/2 and 95% winrate in the past 40 games? Have you considered trying to just play like a challenger to get out of bronze?
your honors carry zero weight and are also useless since you just spam them without really honoring players who have played or behaved well.
I honor my opponents that stomp my annoying teammates
elo hell is only real if you're playing a champ that turns into a paper tiger after lane
its not supposed to be useful for the player. its for riot's matchmaking
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"He didn't even haggle....."



You know boys and girls.... the caw fee.....

are you the retard who was thinking that honor lvl affects your matchmaking in the last few threads? how new are you to this game?
reporting your name directly to rito you toxic autist
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hey lets not give this a nickname of elo hell what is the new nickname we're going to give to games where your jg gets outdamaged by over ten thousand percent

whats that elo called. whats that subset of matchmaking called.
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dude, that's absolutely true. when i was first punished years ago, i got a wave of toxic griefers that i never received before. they can't just appear when i am nice
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>honored everyone except the support because I click like a heeb and go left to right and realize i have 3 instead of 4 clicks
>support earned their share
lamb sex
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Playing since season 2. Here is the patent for it
>b-b-but they might not actually use it
Ask yourself why else the categories of honor previously used where chosen in the first place or why Riot would bother to implement the honor system at all. The categories are literally discriptors of player behevior and its used to build up a player behevioral profile for use in matchmaking.
What reason do you have to be skeptical of it?
I'm that guy, I've played since maokai was the newest champ
>Riot's behavioral matchmaking is a conspiracy theor- ACK!
Just because someone patented something doesnt mean they are actually doing that.
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shut up you fucking semantics pedantics poster.
fucking midwit accept that you are wrong once in a while else you learn nothing ever
just because my support locked in nunu with ghost cleanse and said he's gonna run it down, doesnt mean he will actually do it
This was originally filed in 2012 multiple years before honor system (giving shotcaller, gg etc, which are presented here) were added to the game.
They implemented things presented in it verbatim.
What rational person would then expect the rest you can't verify to have been left out?
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>even though they patented it and implemented all the consumer facing parts, we can't asume that they implemented the backend parts actually
Imagine being this dumb.
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You know anons.... because it's good for thought and memory..... the caw fee......
nigga ive softinted over 50 euwvgs games
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elo hell isnt real. part 10983412093819283201989 -1280918409128091284091284140-4
what are you suppose to do with all the gay inting retards?
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carry them
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i guess i have to start a 1301238102938th account and rip the chat off of that motherfucker but i guess thats something ill never be able to do
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god gifted me three inting lanes for a reason right?
biggest fights for the strongest soldiers
Kennen isnt a girl.
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he will be after I'm done with him
it's just a game. you'll have bad teammates sometimes.
i afk all my force 50
game needs to try harder
whenever I get into a game I look up my teammates recent winrates and then int or tryhard depending on what will bring them closer to 50%
I was out of town, doing a bit of visiting. I heard my friend KkOma had finally taken the time to settle down in the countryside. Rightfully so, after what he’d been through, with all the pent-up stress and frustration built up over the years of coaching the most successful KR team in League.

“How have things been buddy?” I asked, as I saw my man step out of the house upon hearing my car come in the drive-through. “All good, life’s been a lot more chill, now that I’ve retired,” he answered. “Hey, wanna check out my animals out back? I’ve taken up farming as a hobby with my free time,” as he motioned over to the back gate.

We headed out and he started introducing me to some of the livestock, mentioning how he had named them after his players, as the unhinged animals they were. Just then, I was hit by an unbearable stench. With my eyes watering uncontrollably, I questioned through gritted teeth, “What in the hell is that smell?”

He looked over knowingly and said: "Ah. Faker? The goat is never washed.”
wow the shit players make this game a horrible experience
ashe getting hawkshot into our jungle for free every minute is aids 'I hate that champ so much it's unreal
ok but can we talk about how irelia can literally dash around like a million times and give me a seizure ?
êvery 90 seconds actually
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elo hell isnt real. however all four of your teammates will lose every game you ever play. thats not elo hell. its just what we call a challenge. elo hell is different.
at least she can't track the entire map for FREE

>doesn't get boosted
>immediately starts losing
It's monday, post the full Drawpile.
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Im obviously deranking and im getting banned because i picked Briar support?
When are these jungle and top apes playing worse than a "obvious deranker" getting banned?
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Are these exp boosts worth it, how many wins will it equate to a single level with it? Like 4 wins = 1 levels such and so.
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Briar won
Finally back from London
Watching the Finals with friends was a pretty cool experience.
I wish we could watch the Finals 2025 too, but it's in China, and neither of my friends nor I want to go to China.
Hope you had a lot of fun, lady.
scale of 1 to 10 how fucking mad are you that you paid money to watch guy who wins a lot win again instead of something exciting like an upset
the goal is to destroy all humans
Yeah it's is some place that's not Hong Kong so it's not worth it for me either. But yeah it was fun.

It was a 2-3 finals so it was worth the money, the tickets aren't that expensive.
Add the racebait filters back into op.
were you allowed to drink alchohol or eat food in there?
so youre telling me people actually did their homework in high school at home and studied for every lesson ?
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0 because I was rooting for T1
One of my friends was somewhat mad when T1 got stomped during the first match, but I was fine with it because it wouldn't have been fun if T1 just came in and 3-0 BLG

They were selling food like burgers and hotdogs, but I didn't check to see if they were selling beer or not.
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They had bars across the arena so people paid about 15 GBP per glass of beer or vodka and redbull and so on. There were also food stands for popcorn, gummies, etc. If I can recall people also purchased nicotine patches but they were vaping in the lobby too but not the arena itself.
>3+ strong heals on enemy team
>retarded mouthbreathing niggerfaggots on aoe champs rather build their cookie cutter trash than spend 800g on anti heals
such is life in aram
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C'est la vie.
This one has "lewd edit layers" that I can't turn off so I can't post the SFW version. Gonna need somebody with admin powers to do that instead.
Finally figured out why was losing in Masters. The bounty system is bugged and doesn't give as much gold anymore when your team is behind. Should be corrected a bit next patch and the one after.

Will play a bit more aggressively Ig can't just sit on my tower anymore as Seraphine. Really dumb change that an ape who gets ahead early cannot be punished with bounties early on as well...
Just make a layer and put a black blob on neekos butt.
The Neeko anus layer is added on top, she has a fully rendered "closed" bottom.
One of the ppl w admin powers left it on.
Neeko powerful...
It’s not competition if only one team can win. Riot always changes the meta to suit T1. That’s why they don’t win the LCK summer trophy or MSI but they win Worlds. Because Riot changes the meta from summer to Worlds.

They saw T1 lose in 2022 and said never again
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reminder that Nami is soft
how is the mcdonald's at london like?
I think trying to beat the unbeatable is very honourable. Always open to see such a thing, people overcoming everything despite all odds.
I thought email registration was supposef to prevent this?
Mcdonalds in London is very cookie cutter and nothing interesting.
If that guy who wanted to find me actually had found me in the arena I would've probably offered to have taken them to Marugame Udon instead and paid for the meal and talk for the duration.
It slows it down severely unless you put money in. Impossible to stop though.
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Soraka my cute wife!

She looks warm too.
you can just manually set which layers are visible to you and when you download it it gives you whatever you selected
Nice, thanks.
>next drawpile on Dec 6
Xmas theme inbound. Santakinis for everyone, winterblessed slop for ingame.
>Dec 6
Ah I can make it. I'll try to make this one comfy than draw lewd things.
is the balance team of LoL made up of 3 retarded roaches? K'sante and Skarner are left at this state while Briar and Mordekaiser and etc etc got nerfed????
I think we might need to do separate SFW and NSFW drawpiles, having a few slightly suggestive ones was fine but I feel like we're sliding fully into just a straight up softcore porn collage when I always saw it as more of a silly/fun thing
its slower if you want to post unblurred, you have to cook the ip a little bit
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because she is hot
There's always layers.
>2 drawpiles in and already forgetting
First one was mostly lewd too. Seems you can use layer magic, or perhaps we can divide the canvas in half, SFW side and NSFW side.
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I need that liss pic in full
this game is crazy in the senes that it can always find bigger losers than the ones you just played with
every day every match it will never let you down on that
>americans go to a different country to eat mcdonalds
You can go nab it.
Most of the left side were yordlefag requests, so that's not surprising. I like the idea of Splitting the canvas in half.
new skins doko?
>Naughty and Nice halves
Wait that is actually just peak. We should do that.
the game is so fucking dead on NA is makes the gayest and queerest lobbies it can
She sounds so damn comfy!
For me it's Heavy Is The Crown. The best Worlds song.
is this game so fucking dead on NA
I feel you shouldn't put such obvious misinfo in your troll posts, it makes it way too easy to completely discredit the rest as seething nonsense.
Great stuff everyone
November is hard to do a theme for but christmas will have a huge turnout im sure
game was only fun when it was intended for actual humans, the second chinks became the biggest wallets everything went to shit
Anyone up for eu vg's? I can make a lobby for a game.
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remember - no touching
ur fat mom
played 3 and only have seen cancer
Most rapable champion.
Yeah For now
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Champion that is perceived like this by the team?
Male yordles
Yuumi while attached to her most fed teammate
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Wow everfrost they should put that in the game
Praying they do everyday.
you bought runes with ip which you earned by playing. next cope
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you have your cheerleader Soraka - go touch that
holy fuck the game just made me play in some fag ass lobby now i don't want to play any game ever again
>all female thirst shit aside from swainbro
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Why don't they put money into things we already like instead of putting all this money into fucking Ambessa.
I don't care about her, but seeing all this money invested in her when so many characters don't even have any lore just makes me angry.
i'm so goddamn bored man lets do euw vgs tonight wake up
how are the norra, neeko and nami thirst shit?
Tiny norra is so hot
Do it now and I'll help fill 1 game
holy fuck this game is so bad it can make you never want to play any other game again
neeko is literally presenting her ass
i'm making food now anyway i don't expect people to get on before 9 anyway but idfk
the other neeko
In 15 min maybe.
the other one is cute Ill give you that
What the snip..............
Yeah, but we'll need a Nami pillow soon.
WTF is annie holding?
i gain nothing outplaying chinks and faggots
queue up
let's win vs cancer
very cool ill play
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you'll get your pillow, don't worry about that
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if someone hosts i'll join but i'm anxious about hosting one myself
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Why would I go to London just to eat fucking McDs?
I did try fish and chips across multiple pubs, and they were all shit
the fish was underseasoned at every single pub and the chips were nothing special. Also, mushy peas are fucking nasty. The lagers were fucking good, however.
thanks chatgpt
Should've just went to the udon place.
going to a pub in the uk and expecting good food is like going to a dive bar in the us and expecting good food
how many people want to play tho?
just host up and check, if there's at least 5 you can que a norm, otherwise can wait for a full lobby
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yeah, I know. But I still wanted to give it a fair shot

funnily enough, I went to a japanese restaurant in London and it was the best food I had over there by far.
shut up Dabs
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EU lobby up
Name: Eu vgs
Pass: euvgs
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Need 7.
>Pass: euvgs
because your reward circuit is atrophied, same with wow players you guys do not feel anything while opening any other game
four now
Need 5.
I'm only playing wild rift with bots and treating it like a puzzle game.
I try something, find resistance, think a bit about it and go to sleep, next day when I try the same thing I excel at it. Turns out when I go play a ranked game I'm way better than before as well. But i'll keep playing bot games instead, the new bots are really good, they're like consistent decent players.
can you explain why you would root for the richest gamer of all time who has already won 4 times who throws babyrage tantrums when losing regular season games? bandwagoning? just plain old sinophobia?

and when it doesn't happen so many years in a row?

Mordekaiser is absolutely terrible to play against, what the fuck am I supposed to do as Hecarim when toplane goes 0/7 against Mordekaiser who is now 3 levels above me, I have no (not a single) ranged attack and he gets to send me to the shadow isles just by standing next to me. There's no counterplay.

Fed briar outheals in 1v3 situations
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Not me
Never actually been to the UK only flown over it
Yordles and the animals they are based on
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You too, will be judged
I want to fuck a cat now
the bat vex concept art was what we should've gotten desu
wtf is that real
very real
Name: Eu vgs
Pass: euvgs
TFT is such a dogshit game mode for gambling addicts

>heh the game gave me good units and didnt give you good units, that means I win
another brutal reminder that eurotrannies are helpless without assistance from na GODS
lmao it so funny watching silvers lose game
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Should i buy the pass or save this leftover rp for the new jinx skin?
EUW aram results...
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Finfag i need to tell u something rly important if u add me on discord
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>Fed briar outheals in 1v3 situations
yeah, they should buff her so I get fed more often
if you play garen you are a literal fucking faggot
Im giga tired and sleepy
should i queue soloq ?
brain rot chink tier gameplay is some of my favorite slop
just pick gnar.
briar walk into skillshot.
started playing with my /lolg/ crush again
it’s gonna be a good week of league of legends
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he literally just sits around waiting out the 15 minute timer lmfao
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you can see that he gets banned every 5 minutes and then posts instantly
Im done being autofilled jungle.
Everytime im going to get jungle im just going to pick Yuumi and if the game goes through ill attack to top or mid and support them.
And if it doesnt and i get a diffrent role next time my team gets a junger.
>get banned
>go to gmail.com
>make new account
>verify it
>evade bans 10 minutes faster
we truly are dealing with a genius
He still has to wait 15 minutes on the IP's he opens with his VPN. He can load a bunch of tabs he has waited out, that can give the impression he hasn't waited. Regardless, his activity has grinded to a halt.
Elephant champ when?
season 14 iceborn sundered sky aatrox autos you to death gj riot
Shouldn't work because you need to have a phone number for gmails.
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high level bros?
this game is the goat at making cancer lobbies
Just seeing this pic tires me out what the hell.
congrats! make sure to wear matching chromas
omg the game is balanced so this faggot can do this
I'm only at 127
well fuck I guess he'll have to use yahoo
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My post got deleted for whatever reason but this is really good. Good taste!

this game is so fun when you don't carry the lobbies it wants you to carry
still better then when ayyyytrox was 70% pick/ban lethality oneshot build
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why they made gwen a perfect onahole?
pretty sure only faggots are left playing this game on na because its always the same champs too
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I went full retard this season
prob bc im bored and theres nothing else to play

ffxiv new patch coming out in 1 week so Im finally free
Are you fucking dumb?
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I swear I saw ''Elegant Champion''
>blah blah verified a player sabotaging your team
>no pity lp refund
well what the fuck man
cant just have whip, you also need carrot. also honoring your lane opponent whenever they outplay you is very important to battle the ego
another 90% load screen hispanic low elo lobby
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I had fun for the first time in over a dozen games

redpill me on truely building with oriana.

gonna live ttv dumbdigger
kill yourself
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nice wallpaper dumbdigger! that's a good upgrade.
back 2 back 3 losing lanes so much fun man
Sure I'll watch as usual.
Making a new account is boring as fuck
Well yes, that's why people buy them.
Last two I bought got banned like a week after. Riots vangaurd bullshit or something because I've never had problems before.
did euwvgs happen
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Nope, needed about 5 people, we did arams with 4 instead and won both.
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no, sadly, we only got five people. we did two arams and one person left to go do ranked.
sad! would have joined but was busy
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it's okay, we can try another time. arcane s2's this weekend and hopefully that'll bring some people back, even if just for a short while.
An extra member would not have made a difference we were off by a good margin.
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Do you think Keria ever fucked any of them? Better question do you think Showmaker fucked Sunmi?
post the pic with her being raped
No matter if i try or not the other 4 players are going to go 0/10/0 and im still going to lose so why would i not just troll and at least get some fun out of pissing people off?
Give me 1 valid reason.
Uhhhh um uhhhhhhhhh
how i lower my aram mmr bros? im trying to snipe a femboy i used to fuck back then but he fucking sucks at the game ;_;
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You vs the guy she told you not to worry about
na is a dead server
dead game
dead people
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Me and who?
>everyone throwing a hissy fit over shyvana and ambessa having a similar running animation
>10 years later, people still don't realize that Kalista's "short-range movement" that isn't the animation where she points her spear is literally just Sivir's running animation
I just wanted a fun game of double enchanter bot... But my support was a creature...
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mine's usually higher, but I was in Europe for around 2 weeks and I didn't play anything while I was staying there
>+27 on a win
>-26 on a loss
How the fuck am I meant to climb out of bronze with an almost null LP gain?
you can just tell playing this game on NA all these kids were sold to the devil by their parents
it is just that simple
Stop playing the game if you hate it, whats wrong with you complaining all this time?
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Why do you almost always have your whole team and enemy team muted? Do you just mute everyone from the start? Good job all the same, though, I guess.
That's just how it looks when you have party only chat. Though this game I did do a full mute because the jungle and support were spam pinging me to leash. There's no need for any of that nonsense.
Of course, they began to troll afterwards, but it is what it is.
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It's still so funny to me that junglers beg and beg for leashes and throw fits when they don't get them still. Oh well.

graves mid. i haven't seen that in a while.
be graceful it's not +20 -27
Pro-tip: play other games besides League with your duo; you'll have much more fun
Jungle fid ttv live
i got autofilled gay nigger autofilled jg fid
Program zoe
>Not duoing with them and reporting them behind their back every game of League.
ttv dumbdigger
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Skins on sale this week.
shit shit good shit shit
shit good good shit shit
shit shit good shit good
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Why is this thread full of fish? AGAIN?
Well someone has to bump this thread and make it go faster.
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this nigga maxes q on fiddle and complains about losers q
schizo has to talk to himself
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Faerie Court Ezreal or TD Qiyana are good thoughbeit
i've been making alot of typos recently. i feel dumb
Faerie Court Ezreal sucks ass, even if you don't don't care how faggy it is.
TD Qiyana is a literal advertment.
tf and graves
>laner doesnt use wards
>over extends
>gets ganked by jungler
>wooooooow i wish our jungler would gank this often, total jungler gap!
total laner death
>Poopy support
>Jhin ADC
>He sucks ass so I get level 3 as quickly as possible and get the fuck out of lane
>Team flames me for roaming
>They AFK farm instead of helping me gank their lanes
>Call them a bunch of niggers
>They shape up and actually start following calls
>Win game
Racism wins again.
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Did we ever get Gyaru Poppy, this general is too awful for me to be able to keep a careful watch on it?
>racism outside of /b/
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best I can offer, take it or leave it
Racism is not good
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any other video game since the literal inception of video games ever that puts you in a different role that you selected?

why is it okay when riot and literally only riot does it? justify matchmaking when riot is the only company in existence to do this?
Shoot, I never checked either!

Based, though.

Rather based
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Have you ever reached Silver so far? It's been months. Also how were you plat in the previous season or something and struggling. I think you're just getting put in a bad queue because you bm and type too much.
>watching trump rally
>homie almost called kamala the n-word
champs for this feel?
these accounts started silver + i actually got dieifyoufeedirl to silver myself so it counts. i think i got a teamdisparity acc to silver too. but for now im stuck in bronze and the games are unplayable.
Damn, must've been when you streamed in the middle of my night or something, totally missed both of those.
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Apparently blue side had a 58% WR at Worlds. I've got no doubts left whatsoever that S15 will include a map/jungle rework - I just wonder what they'll change.
I should start drawing bigger
>be red side
>have to ban aurora or auto lose
>have to ban yone or skarner if blue bans one of them or auto lose
>only get one ban
>blue gets three
I wonder why blue side did better
>complain about blue always being better since season 2-3
>10 years later they're still just fucking around with teaking pathing, spawns, objectives rather than focusing on the camera tilt and adding a mirror mode
fucking embarassing
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Genuinely still hoping for the Wild Rift mirroring system
I think that's a thing in wild rift and they even made it so to make the perspective going from the bottom up or something however I do not play mobile games so may have not been true. Still a good idea though.
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hello lolg
camera tilt isnt the issue. its dragon being next to bot lane and the pit is on blue side
How the fuck do I leave honour level 0?
It's been at that for a while despite me getting honours practically every game.

And that % is also skewed from bad teams constantly picking blue side and losing anyway. If all the teams were near equal in terms of skills the winrate for blue side would be even higher.
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No, this is true. Used to throw me off a little when I played WR (before it went to complete gachashit, much like PC is starting to).
its the fucking issue
>getting honours [sic]
giving honors is more important than getting them. also please remember that this is an american game and general.
What's this Aatrox doing... ?
She's not even black...
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>play since S3
>Main Sona
>Wish for Victorious Sona every season
>Don't play the last 2 seasons
>Miss Sona
what killed lolg?
The devs.
unironically troons
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Vanguard and low quality posts
the chinks, the troons/avatarfags have always existed but 10 years ago they were overshadowed by the fact that people actually wanted to play the game. the chinks killed the game and now this place is just a hollowed out cesspool
riot and bbctard
if game is alive = thread is alive
game is fucking dead honestly, queue times are much longer + reports of less and less ranked games being played
people are jumping the ship until next event i guess
did you get chat banned for a week?
>get 4 man as my group in non ranked as im testing champion
>im farming my lane, big wave
>the 4 of them group up then push into enemy jungle for no conceivable reaason
>they all die like retards
>they start flaming me and harassing me because i didnt sacrifice my wave to help them in a pointless teamfight on enemies side where they have no vision
>call them idiots for dying in the jungle for no reason
>they mass report me cause all 4 are butt buddies, they tell enemy team to do it too?
>banned from ranked (it wasnt a ranked game and i didnt feed???????), and banned from chat for being "negative" ??????
way to go riot, great automation system you have here.
3 splits a year
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State of the game + thread being genuinely unusable any day that ends in y
pretty suspicious of the replies that didnt list the spammer as a reason
mods defeated the spammer
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Hence 'unusable any day that ends in Y'.
The biggest problem is the game itself being miserable, filtering the spam wont make this game any more fun to play or discuss nor do I care about having online arguments about the same overdone themes about x feeding, y op, z not my fault and whatever else that comes.
just because you were born 4 years ago and he literally all you know doesnt mean the game wasnt dying and shit 7 years ago. it takes retards 5 years of wallowing in shit before they think "hey wait a minute, i think everything is shit guys, anyone else notice???"
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I want to hatefuck all Seraphine players
thats a really long death
gonna find out if filing a bug report as a joke and using naughty language gets you banned
Also I think it's wild how people are still playing or care about ranked in this game and not playing quickplay and arams exclusively when ranked is an absolute chore these days in terms of the extra elos to grind, the splits, the ranked points for rewards, the amount of fresh accounts stomping people, the punishments for dodging a jungle yuumi, etc. Genuine asylum.
>turning lolg boys into lolg girls
i was exclusively playing non ranked with chat off but once i turned chat on and realized just how retarded the people i was playing were i wanted to go into ranked and try to climb away from the retards.
>youtube randomly recommends me "the neuro-biology of trans-sexuality - robert sapolsky"
is it time to reinstall
the initial post was more about what killed lolg specifically rather than the state of the game itself and id argue actual spam making the thread unusable for 3/4ths of the day would do more to discourage people from coming back here than how bad the game is at any given point, given that we had and continue to have posters that have either quit or never really played to begin with, so the state of the game doesnt really matter to those people
also yes the new spam changes seem to have slowed it down so we'll see what that means for the future but it doesnt really affect my point because the damage is already done in that regard
Yeah that's never happening if you're a stubborn little sisyphean then go ahead but I genuinely do not think it gets any better.
I think the only high elo person I see blog about their climb and not complain about their games was the Singed guy. Every high elo person here or wherever in twitch/online have a mind break episode.
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All roads lead to Seraphine is 17
>b-but I'm better
>b-but she's boosted
Prove it,
justice for sera17
I don't think that spam really did anything lol but then again they never could figure me out so never bothered with me so idc.
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i think if all of lolg were to drop everything and start only playing seraphine S17 wouldnt even be in the top 10 after like 3 days
imo it harmed lolg a lot just by scaring off potential newcomers for basically 2 years. people here now are largely thread regulars who have been around for years
Which champs (female) use a buttplug?
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>coven ahri on sale
buy it!
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i want to fuck seraphineis17
you might have had game impact and been a positive deciding factor in the outcome of this game. maybe you are getting better? most of your wins are just you getting hard winners queued because you have a negative winrate in bronze
seraphine is 17 isnt even the best seraphine player on lolg already
you want to fuck angrytrumpfan?
Lothrup and Riley is way better at the champion and league fundamentals in general
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>s17 supports trump
I thought she was non-binary? Why would she support Trump?
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What leads people to post things like this
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I mean they can still play the game and not be in lolg or could come back anytime, there have been newcomers who stayed and knew what to ignore. If people do not know how to filter things then it's not my problem because I cannot control them to do so otherwise and stay.
However when I do see new names I try to give them attention and remember them and what they do and like and maybe duo with them if I can fulfil the role they want but it does get tiresome to do all that and curate a local visitor into a regular since I've been doing that for months now.
Overall I'm also getting a bit tired from this game and the general (came during summer because there was genuinely nothing going on and 1 thread would span across to the next day sometimes so regulars were needed). I'll see how the threads go during November during Arcane and getting the skin for my champ if I can grind enough. I am planning to leave early December till I feel like playing this game again because looking over these threads have exhausted me.
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if you are who i think you are anon you'll be missed. thank you for what you've been doing for the thread and other anons. not that you're already leaving but i'm not sure i'll be around when you post a farewell post (if you post one at all) so i'll just say it now anyway
>Riot wants to make Gwen not depend on building full AP to do her 1v5 plays
>Nerf damage
>Now I am forced to build AP to do damage
>If I build bruiser I do negative damage

Fuck Riot and fuck Phreak.
kayn is in every singel game and he does nothing every single team on na server
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i think looking over your friendslist and friends' match histories and seeing nothing but people who haven't played in weeks or even months is one of the most depressing things ever
Why dont you make new friends then
phreak killed league
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>open league
>look at friends list
>VG (2/65)
man I want to play but I'm out of dodges and every champ select my teammates pick squishy immobile champs vs hook supports, divers and assassins like what the fuck do I do? I feel like paying for a booster just so I can keep playing with some sort of consistency in the game I'm seriously conflicted the matchmaker is such bullshit about this you win a little bit and you get champ selects that are just so heavily enemy team favored I don't want to waste the 15-30 minutes in these games and I've played enough to know that my teammates will int and flame me even though they counter pick themselves and play like shit what the fuck do I do I don't want to boost but I don't want to lose and I'm not good enough to win these fake fucking forced losses
>the 2 "online" are riot mobile
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Yeah though I won't make a farewell post I think the last time I did that I wanted to get married the following year and failed.
I'll be back when I feel like it lol though the spam is done so things should get better but for now we still have things to do.
vgs is the only thing fun about nuleague
Phreak is just a figurehead . It's always been done by committee, they just have to rotate the public face every once in a while when the hate they get reaches a tipping point
wan duo?
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i do but most of the people i add from games are either just anti-social and unwilling, esl to a degree that they're completely unable to have a normal conversation or they just randomly remove you when you're offline and/or are just generally unwilling to make new friends because they're comfortable in their pre-existing friend group

to some extent i like to be hopeful and think that new people will seep in and this is just a cycle that happens every now and then - people leave and new people come in to take their place. but it's always worrying. there's always so much anxiety surrounding whether new people will surge in to take the old peoples' places
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Im lucky to have a friendgroup that still plays League among other games, but we usually go through it in cycles, playing it for a few months then people wanna do something else for a while before we hop back in it

Gwen was perfect and the only people complaining were retarded ADCs that walked into her E range and top laners that didn't know the matchup
>not having 7 different games to play with friends with league just being one of them
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im winning.
ttv dumbdigger

fuckign kill yourself i carried hard.

I played my first game in bronze and got stuck with Smolder Top, Ashe mid, Shaco jung and A.Sol ADC against Teemo, Sylas, Volibear, Caitlyn and Zyra.

Needless to say we didn't win that one.
New people will come, there is no promise in them staying or playing frequently since this general has run for over a decade so social circles do not necessarily care about new names unless they have something they want or offer something new to entertain themselves with and this game regularly punishes new players for simply being new so not many will stick to it either, the best selection of newcomers are the relapsers like that runescape PK guy from months ago who was coming back to the game and then blogged about their grind to emerald+ after being done leveling up the new account. Otherwise the only thing left is gossiping and playing barbie with names or witnessing dynamics between regulars.
>morde ults you
>forced to 1v1 in tiny arena
>not a 1v1 champ so just lose
I bet this sounded really cool as a laning phase Ult but this is ridiculous when the rest of the team has to deal with morde.
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>he ults enchanter support
>he gets cc'd and embarrassingly times out his ult
jelly is new and she's already the star of lolg
hag is already old news and has been thrown out with all the other hasbeen lolg former queens
im new ish to league will someone add me that doesnt mind femboys/people new at the game, if you know what all the champs do and could help me id rlly appreciate it, im doing okay but alot of the knowledge stuff escapes me and i dont wanna ask in game and waste time for other people
i dont currently have any friends on league so i just thought id give it a shot
SN: SmolFemboy18
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this makes sense, yeah. most things in life are that way - cyclical. people just go through phases, even in adulthood. it's just sad because at times people go back to something they've enjoyed playing from time to time and suddenly, for one reason or another, some minor quirk or issue, whatever it may be, puts them off. it's all very little-by-little - champion reworks and balance changes like what happened to swain or rell/tk/asol's former playerbases may not really have the impact people think they have, granted - there's no mass player exodus over them. but there is some. and over time, these generally "small" mistakes and bad decisions snowball farther and farther into, eventually, that actual mass player exodus. compound this with content creators sometimes being the ones to quit over these small decisions or a person in a friend group quitting and therefore the friend group also quits league in conjunction and then it just dies

the only ways to solve this are either by showing some willingness to rectify those mistakes or address them by virtue of admitting their errors or just having a comfortable degree of new players seeping into the game that can replace those who quit. i don't think league is doing either of these things as it stands so i worry a little

companies generally only tend to start actually putting effort into things and caring about things like this when things get really bad, however, which is what i'd say is the worst part. we'll probably have to go through another year or two of soft decline before riot starts to actually notice something's gone awry and starts to pump into gear.

it's just one game. you'll win the next one - i believe in you and hope that you get actual human teammates. good luck, anon. don't give in to the despair

i don't have much to add, but i agree. also text limit so i have to keep this brief. sorry.
so you're just giving new people a fake impression that you're anyone worth spending time with, ever thought about it like that?
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is it true sisters is CHUDlyn le queer!?
Add whoever wrote this >>501100110.
>didn't play for some time
>lost confidence for bronze
time for iron smurf!!!
contain your jealousy l***
watch this support guide and pay attention to the way he positions in a line, its such a simple thing but extremely high impact on laning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-ec5astbE0
lyra is also washed up
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but she's a coalburner
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These do not count unless you disable people mobile grouping. When I do that it bumps up to whole 5 people.
name one lolg girl that isn't
kick phreak in the face
thats not even jfs's twitch
I dont think thats for me uwu
chudgot propaganda to make the cops look bad.
>enemy picks morde top
>brace myself for the fact my top will feed him all game and then afk split
>top feeds him all game and then afk splits
that's why he's my ban right now
No. The only time I duo'd with people here they wanted to level their accounts which I could do and did so, there were also other people that needed a duo to help rank up which we won enough times, I think the next day I came online and they were over an elo above me so I could not rank with them anymore. I essentially did what was required and fulfilled it, I did also unfriend them but that was only because there was nothing expected for me to do after and they found duos in their elos and stuff so it was fine.
I also watched plenty of peoples streams and talk a lot to them to make them feel less nervous and stuff, some of them only streamed once and never came back due to having only had the time to do so that one time probably because they were curious about doing that. I also mentioned vex briar lover after he didn't stream for a long time and mentioned he had a very nice voice, he did come back shortly after and streamed and got a lot of viewers and I guess people added so there's nothing for me to do there either since they got friends now which requires obligations and can be a reason to come back into this game since it would make a person feel like they have a purpose though they got a job later.
>every single assassin has the issue of running out of moves after they blow their load on someone
>but not akali
delete this stupid retard tier champ already
whatever helps you sleep at night, its not that deep
"I'm black"
Jelly isn't black, that's not her twitch. Then again, you're prob the blacked spammer just posting slop as usual.
The duo stuff, they needed friends and noone was going to add them because they're not regular people that have built a persona of sorts and thinking about it noone really did when they did ask if anyone would play with them. I did not give a fake impression on anything nor claim I'm worth anyones time.
Hey, you need to add the tag in there too. Should look like:


Hope you get lots of adds from good anons! :)
newfags don't even know who kur0star is
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she does though - she just gives the impression she doesn't because she can go through two bursts by virtue of how her E and R both have two parts that can be delayed, meaning that time frame between both E1/E2 and R1/R2 are open to lots of opportunities
still don't get how someone got banned for onetricking when there's people who have done much worse
>she does though
>it just doesnt look like it cause shes doing abilities for 10 seconds straight
kill yourself you retard avatar troon
jelly is a coal burner, kurostar is her bf
I'm not saying Zed is currently good but that fucker can be pretty annoying late game with cdr. He can perma cast w. And if he's landing everything thus getting energy back, he's an unstoppable menace.
>3 games lost
>2 were winnable
>all 3 of them had nigger teammates with negative IQ
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almost all of these issues and discussions can be addressed and solved if the person arguing about the champion played said champion for a game or two.

zed's w gets 3 seconds removed off its cooldown per target hit by his e. don't stand near the shadow. i agree with the rest, though, he does benefit heavily from cdr. shame it's been getting removed from almost all of his items.
Oh okay thank you!
Zaunites I.....
banning gwen imploded the euw vg scene
When are you going to expose Azakana for the little bitch he is with your Lux?
this is 100% someone like lyra pretending to be a new faggot to collect faggot erp DMs as blackmail material to jerk off to later, do not fall for it
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i'm neither of these people, sorry
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total nigger domination
Doja said she hates S17 and Majin being her simp, kowtowed to her demands
its funny how he is constantly chat banned for defending the inting sorakafag
D: Im me not no one else mister
Cant you check my games or something
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anybody wanna play a couple arams or spellbook?
tag is #NA1
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>be adcuck
>get griefed by supports and jungloids 24/7
>on a 9 game loss streak
>people smiting my cannons and perma pushing with brand/lux/morgana is just the norm now
>every single game they just take as much gold from me and then laugh at me when i don't do damage cause i have zero items
>queue up 1 last time
>get griefed by jungler already who dies to the enemy jungler at scuttle then runs into the enemy adc twice to donate gold
>we get camped
>say "its over"
>support tells me "not on my watch"
>we actually make it
>scale and play around cds
>take over the game and win
>honor ofcourse
>"lets just play 1 more game, i kinda enjoyed finally not afk farming under tower"
>get the same support
>we fuck botlane again
>take over the game again
>he high fives me at the end

2 wins and i almost forgot the torture/mindbreak/gaslighting i got for roughly 6 hours straight
funny how all it takes is just 1 person who doesn't want you dead and life becomes a happier place
I cant say ur wrong though since you got trips maybe im this lyra persons alter ego
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what the fuck
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is gourdon a genius?
god-level play. i thought the tp and flash were him inting but holy fuck
Oh okay, my bad. Please post this lamb's asshole then.
>able to hit gold on alt
>can't on the account he plays with Soraka poster on
>play iron
>get stomped by a 16 0 smurf who just bought an account
one more reason to not pour time and effort into this rigged slot machine crap
>but you supposed to learn from smurfs! just git good and thank smurfs for free coach!!!!!!
vgs NOW
oh my gourdon
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im not gonna do that

the new player experience in league is really terrible. people like to specify the tutorial being bad but i think that's one of the lesser evils. new players are constantly forced to play against lv. 300/400/500 accounts and are expected to put up with being bullied by their teams and BM'd by their enemies whilst also being unable to talk back because they don't know how punishing the chat restriction system and they're also just unable to learn how to play the game against other new players

but even if they do get placed against new players, then there's the queue times. the champion buying without being able to demo champions first meaning sometimes you're just stuck with shitty choices because you liked a champion for their aesthetic but then don't enjoy playing them.

and so on, and so on
You saved several crucial seconds with that TP
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>you can learn from smurfs
argument is only used by people who are either acc boosting on a regular basis or they just buy random accs to shit on pisslows

anybody with 2 braincells can easily tell that you getting 1shot by 10-0 katarina at 8 minutes is not a lesson you can actually learn from
these creatures do nothing but play heavy snowball champs(kata,akali,yone,zed,yasuo FUCK IONIA CHAMPS BTW?) that use either energy or no resources
get 1-2-3 kill, turn it into 1 item spike(btw all listed champs have their best 1 item spikes in the game) and then just stat check everybody regardless of skill
it's effective because it leaves no room for counterplay even if you were to be a better player
once you realize what situation you are in, your best option is to play for your own spikes and turtle under tower
great way to shut retards down is by playing fucking malzahar and point and click stunning them for example, or any ap champs like hwei that can insta waveclear so you never have to interact with them and you can stall the game + scale
wrong and retarded
im not really new, just an old slowbrained boomer with potato pc who got nostalgic
and that guy clearly got himself a botted account, i checked his history

should have just played a single player game and call it a day

>you liked a champion for their aesthetic but then don't enjoy playing them
this, so much this. i returned to league just to play champions that were my favorites 9 years ago yet it's always the same disappointment and misery. perhaps im just too old for this crap
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garen's so lucky
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I'm rewatching Arcane S1 and it has me H Y P E D for S2 bros
im >>501113970 and i was wondering about that, howcome as someone who is grinding to 30 currently i get matched with people who have like 5000 games on a champ? shouldnt i be in baby q or something? im not complaining the game quality is okay i just dont understand why the matchmaker puts someone with like 10k hours with me and my 30 or 40 hours
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>was getting caught part of your plan?
lol doesn't get many new players. it's a prisoner island of people who are too addicted to let it go. so there aren't many other beginners for it to put you against.
Female katana champ when
I love lolg so much
literally unironically this game doesn't need more female champs
i'm so tired of them. we get 3 champs a year and two of them have to be cumskull champs that immediately get forgotten as soon as the next one comes out. female champs are not cool, and you can jerk off to the ones we already have just fine.
host vgs b3ll boi
vgs are how I imagine a downy mosh pit would go
>this is apparently the worst adc in the game
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it's basically what
said. league has been declining for a while. it got a MASSIVE surge of new players around covid/arcane s1 but they've all just about left with the streak of bad changes, the bad new player experience or whatever other reason from the massive list of them. to get into league you just have to be extraordinarily patient and realize you're gonna get your ass beaten for a good while. it sucks.
If your team is more retarded than the enemy team, it is immoral to carry them. You take LP from decent players and give it to subhumans just to feel like you lost when you won.

Someone on my team did something I didn't like? Cool, I'll be making swastikas with traps or fishing with Jax passive and baiting in chat to get them muted.
I want more vitkor that's all I ask
i want to be excited for noxus arc but i know it's going to focus on riven and rell, the two champs that nobody who likes noxus would ever give a single fuck about, instead of the actual cool noxians like swain darius draven kat lb and talon
people who have watched arcane s1, is it a fun watch?
yes, great writing and superb animation
it's objectively good for the most part but i fucking hated the jinx x vi storyline past the first 3 episodes
jinx overall is just really bad as a character but literally nobody cares

>excellent world building
>FUCKING VIKTOR(best character)
>jayce literally banged ambessa's daughter countless times
>extra characters are overall good and add quite a bit to the lore
>enjoyable art
>really good music choices

if you can look past the forced schizo jinx storyline it's pretty fucking good
ill give it watch then, thanks!
watch the first 3 eps, if it's not enough to get you, you drop
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iirc it's G O O D and F U N ! But I'm now on Episode 3, and barely remember much of it.
Here's a good site that has it in 1080p: https://goku.sx/watch-series/watch-arcane-73990
I wish Renata was in it instead of Silco... But I guess Renata comes after Silco, and we're never going to see her...
> it's going to focus on riven and rell
Wat Rell wasn't even a real champion until last year... Why would they do something so dumb...
isnt it only like 4 episodes
games like these make me feel extremely empty inside. how do you guys still get enjoyability out of league? if i do poorly i feel extremely bad for my team because i see them trying their best to win and me being lackluster just sucks, so i get pressured to "tryhard" but then i just feel bad for the enemy team because they can't really do anything despite also clearly trying their best and i just get anxious knowing i'm probably the reason of people flaming each other in team chat
>jinx overall is just really bad as a character but literally nobody cares
thought i was the only one, everyone else seems to think shes the best part of the show
Yeah I liked it a lot
Nah Jinx is sexo
I thought Vi was a little bit boring but Jinx was really good and her schizo melties were all kino
The worst part is ekko, but he kinda disappears after the first few episodes.
shut the fuck up windupsissy
thanks for the link!
oh, felt shorter when i watched it
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Knowing I'm the reason why people are flaming each other is why I play league
That's the entire high I'm chasing
When the enemy team says mid canyon at the end of the game I'm patting myself on the back

I only feel kinda bad if it's like an obvious new player or a support sissy autofilling the lane or something. But obvious new players don't really exist and supports gotta learn sometime
Your argument is valid when it's a smurf in a different role than the one you play. You CAN learn from a smurf when you're directly playing against him.
>once you realize what situation you are in, your best option is to play for your own spikes and turtle under tower
And that's exactly why boosters (not so much smurfs) overwhelmingly choose to play jungle. They can't really be stonewalled there, they can just go gank someone else. If they make all laners hug their turrets they get objectives uncontested and win through that instead. Additionally by counterjungling they can take away enemy jungler's way of getting back into the game while as a laner the moment they leave the lane it relieves pressure from enemy laner and allows them to get back on their feet because minions spawn all the time while camps take minutes and can be denied.
That's the optimal way to play when money is on the line. Someone smurfing just for the sake of smurfing sticks to their comfort champs and unless these happen to be junglers then they are vulnerable to being stonewalled.
godspeed, anon. tye threads are about to become all about this when it comes out
>When the enemy team says mid canyon at the end of the game
this never happens to you, qmm.
Why do you hate me so much anon...
You're welcome ! Enjoy !
It happened to me yesterday thoughbeitever
>You CAN learn from a smurf when you're directly playing against him.

it doesn't matter what situation it is,as long as you didn't die in the process you have the ability to take away something from it
but first of all
>you learn faster/more when you are having fun
>if the gap is too large it's far more difficult to learn

for example lets say you are playing botlane as a beginner and after a bit of skirmishing you notice you are down 20cs and a whole level
but then as a new player you ask yourself: wait a second, we fought a bunch but i am still down in exp and gold? why? we recalled around the same time? i don't understand the situation or why it happened? i made sure to lasthit as much as i could!
because a new player doesn't understate wave states or wave management, that's why
they don't understand why the wave is staying on the other side of the lane, they don't understand recall timers, they don't understand how to effectively reset or how many minions they need to freeze/slowpush

a new player will struggle to take away key aspects of their downfall/failure because they don't know why things happened the way they did
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You did get your free worlds viego skin, right /lolg/?
winning lane vs dennis in a vg doesn't count, qmm.
how does this retard get an ego tryharding in vgs and barely beating out steel and dabs
I missed it again :(
Is it still up?
How much CS is it worth it to drop to get a good trade in mid?
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it happened in a ranked game albeitly
I didnt even play vgs yesterday soz
qmm cleared seraphine is 17 who is the highest rated lolg player
First of all I play with home on both accounts. Second why would playing with him prevent me from hitting gold on my main account? Normals and aram has zero effect on your rank.
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beating a fellow gold player even if he's boosted doesn't mean jack thougheverbeit
Depends on a lot of stuff
If you plan on diving and killing them and they dont have tp then you can drop as much as you want
because mcdonald's is supposed to be different in every country...
fuck, the schizos are here
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Anon...we're on a mongolian basketweaving forum
The schizos are always here.
why he say fuck me for
We have our own lolg branded chris-chan, consider us blessed
>beating steel
Steel on Kayle one of the weakest early game champions solokilled QMM Qiyana twice in lane.
Steel clears.
why do dykes need breasts??
my life is dedicated to serving poppy anon
i like how jungle CHUDS can afk in lanes spam ganking then kill ONE camp at be even levels with everyone else
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Fuck, I JUST got into a tft game too

Oh joy.

I still post more than just Poppy.
desu dabs is a very underrated player
this meme he sucks just comes from retards that don't play vgs parroting wiggums meltdowns
but wiggums thinks even ppl like bearizard are shit
remember dabs is a briar OTP that never picks briar in vgs, the fact you guys consider him "on par" with qmm who picks his onetrick every game means dabs is actually much better
god coven ahri is so my type
black eyeliner/lipstick and I fall in love
>we're up like 18 to fucking 4
>we have all objectives so far, both sets of voids, drags, and we just took baron
>we're all X levels up and we have a combined 5 item lead
>team starts to back
>ping the enemy nexus 5 billion times
>"nah senpai, gotta go farm fucking wolves"

What is the name of this utter brainrot?
wiggums actually respects certain players, i seen it happen
no he doesn't
we do have women here and not fake ones like the seratranny
yes he does I seen it happen in vgs chatroom when he hosted a game
yeah and then 10 minutes later he insists they're the most dogshit retarded nigger freak with no parents ever due to them making one misclick
he's a temper tantrum baby
*shoves king brown inside a locker*
>you learn faster/more when you are having fun
Some people only have fun when they're winning. That's why t
>if the gap is too large it's far more difficult to learn
Never said this wasn't the case. If you put a genuine iron-bronze player against a diamond-master player the gap gets so huge that the difference in movement alone makes the low elo player have a hard time even point and clicking the high elo one.

>because a new player doesn't understate wave states or wave management, that's why
I wasn't talking about people who picked up the game a month or two ago who still don't know what some of the less popular champs and items even do. This is a matter of attention to detail and being able to figure out more "background" and nuanced mechanics like wave management doesn't come until you are fully comfortable with basics, which a new player obviously isn't. Someone who is used to playing against moslty the garens dariuses and mordes doesn't have free space in his mental stack to notice minion wave shenanigans because he's trying to figure out what midget on a lizard he sees for the second time ever even does.

You're pulling at things that I didn't bother saying because I thought they're already implied.
Keep inhaling copium and being low elo forever with this mindset.
kled is just fucking op
what the hell, zed
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Every game where you play jungle in low elo is a 1v9. mid doesnt ward the side enemy jgl starts at and they get to steal for free if they want. if you spot them then 80% of the time your team ignores them in your jungle. Like the enemy jungle is a champ that invades or ganks 99% of the time and your mid doesnt ward. they either steal your shit for free or they gank mid, mid has a mutual need to know if that jungle is coming that side river and they dont ward. As a jungler you are the only one with the overall macro game in mind, your team is hyper focused on trying to kill 3/6 minions per wave they dont have the mental capacity to know much of anything else.

Bot will spam ping you to take dragon even when enemy jungler is bot side too and they are low HP. I have had bot lane ping for dragon then recall back when i b-line and pull it.

The #1 tip for junglers is to ignore your teams pings, immediately mute the guy who makes a dumb ping at you, and just farm your creeps. Dang is top lane losing? well maybe if enemy over extends and hes an easy to gank champ ill gank, otherwise im gonna have to ask you to slit your wrists after the game bro idgaf, im farming my creeps, should have had a ward up if you are gonna try and siege enemies tower so hard.

Yeah bro total jungler gap cause you give enemy jungler FREE kills. When im ganking some idiot who has no wards and is over extending with no HP im not thinking "wow im so skilled to take advantage of this" im thinking wow lucky me i get a FREE kill, and when enemy team says jungle gap at the end after feeding me i report them for being negative and abusing their jungler because monkey retards shouldnt be abusing humans in the game.

Yes i am mad, i will always be mad at retards who dont know how to play the game flaming me just because my creep path wasnt near them when they madea mistake and needed someone to bail them out, fuck you.
>parroting wiggums meltdowns
nigger no one is parroting me, if i call someone a retard then guess what? they are a fucking retard!
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smolder is pretty fun i like him too bad he is gay
Velkoz belongs to Zed
7/10 custom game NA vg vs vg pw vidya
Actually belongs to Ekko and Nasus
you're such a fan
got a crush or something?
I ain't reading all that. All I see is jungloid coping about carry mid not giving up two thirds of a level to chase a shaco to punish him for stealing 1 camp from anon playing a supportive tank jungler. Oh, the horrors!
that was pretty close
the team with the most hair wins
who potato pc?
why the fuck don't I have runes
i just report my entire team every game instead of honoring them
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Thats very nice to say but I am really not good
I do like picking different things in vgs though, theres no stakes involved so its easier to try different champs
Are you a girl
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good night /lolg/
luv u babe
kill youserlf njigger
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gold elo match but i main nunu so i cant carry this shit
You owe us cute non-sexual Gwenny pics.
Are you an egg
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i used to be diamond you know
A report has been sent for review. Thank you.
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send 3
1 more for me
>Winning against a good Teemo player as Sion
>Forced to never push up as Viktor and Fiddlesticks died to Irelia 13 times and worried she will head top if I dare try to take a plate
Fuck my life.
botted accounts get banned
considering this places track record with girls id lie and say i was a boy too
should be easy for you then
>darius keeps losing to voli
>voli builds an adc item
>voli has like 20% hp and is staying in lane when darius gets back
>darius goes all in, i watch to see what happens
>darius dies to voli and voli has more HP at the end of the fight than when the fight started
not retroactively, all my accounts are botted and still kicking
new lobby in 30s vg vs vg pw vidya
bellamy lobbies steaming pile of dogshit
volibear is so op he can just build random items and rape
i hate this grooming tactic rumia does where she throws the lane against her troon opponent, very unfun
the bellamy lobby is not happy with me, thats okay, ill still keep joining that garbage
me too :)
Steel never plays these anymore?
naafiri is pregnant
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last thread
it took 15 minutes to get into another game after the last one ended even though i queued up right away
alive game i think
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Pyke !
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The next TFT Set teaser image got me thinking.

I think the skins we're getting after Chosen of the Wolf will be "Arcane-like" skins.
Alongside Arcane Brawler Vi and Arcane Singed, we're gonna get ones for Sevika, the shield guy in Cait's new squad, Ekko's bat buddy, and maybe Powder.
But the catch is they're going to be skins for other champs that just fit the body/weapons:
>Sevika - Renata (I think I saw the Sevika in the ARAM files had a reversed arm, matching Renata)
>Cait's Shield Guy - Braum
>Ekko's bat guy - Xin (ARAM files has him with a spear)
>Powder - Annie (big stretch, but it could fit with how she's holding the bunny doll)
and the game im joining is at 90% for 5 minutes so it will be an instant remake too
he is final minutes, his main got banned cause he calle dsomeone a nigger in ranked
no buy top lane, midlane, support etc starter packs instead they are 14 day exp boosts but way cheaper and gives other stuff too
>Steel going through a toxic arc
You hate to see it...
I doubt he did that
no i didnt
i can play on my main next 1
if i join
idk these games are bor9ing lately
someones always having a mental breakdown and being a spastic and if im going to sit through that i may as well get LP for it
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i mean it is but what can i do when i get disgusting subhuman turkish cockroaches as my botlaners\ polish swine on jg
I’d say he’s trying to be like Azakana but he has an odd cuck view on racism. If that wasn’t him that started playing Yone then never mind I’m thinking of a different sissy.
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steel chad arc

tippity top
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here see picrel
i literally no joke got banned for declining queue pops too much
that definitely isnt me xd
i fucking hate yone and im not racist either
I don't, it was a joke name. All trump supporters are retards
even me?
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you get salmonella if you don't wash chicken
is anyone streaming
I need something to watch while I cook my food
is pretty good
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friendliest chat gpt gaymaster ive seen.

could this really have been written by human hands with the help of a canned script?

I dont think so. It's too comprehensive.
youre free to join the winning side.
yeah trump
I doubt even the people who like it would call it fun.

It's also overrated.
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this is not entertaining or pretty good
What I meant was he has no issues being homophobic or wishing horrible deaths on people but frowns on racism. Hypocrite, etc. My favorite is when riot bans people for their client crashing.
anon you watch for the high elo gameplay if you want to watch something entertaining you can watch jbpoppinz
also dont say anything controversial that nigga has that thing if you get permabanned you cant watch
oh i dont do that stuff either really
i say retard a lot i guess
but im legit retarded myself so i have that pass
You are doubling down on your failure to link a stream worth watching. I appreciate your warning though! Definitely gonna close that boring gay shit.

So this is this my mean way to encourage lolgers to stream. now.
ok then nigga just rewatch arcane
I could do some streets for your viewing pleasure
How do you win when you have a KDA player on your team? Fiddlesticks costed us the whole fucking game because he wanted to chase kills.
>dying more than 10x

u all trash bro
Am I a bad person if I miss that version of him? I would laugh so hard at the gore video concepts he would come up with for teammates. It’s the only person’s whose rages came off as authentic and not just fake shit trying to be funny.
*grabs vel'koz's tits*
>Kayn deletes my health
>Cho Gath's existence
>Brand still being broken and able to just shred health still
Of course I'm gonna fucking die a bunch.
To me it comes off as mentally unstable.
leave her alone
yeah well, jesus says homophobia is based
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Hello, anon! I haven't done her yet.
Here's the latest poppy I did during worlds if you want.

I'll start now on GyaruPpy and should be done in a couple hours. Do you have any pointers you'd like? It was big boobs, gyaru, and meaty yeah?
I just love him period, he's my favorite poster.
demonic torture for hours straight playing this game past 2am on a weekday
Did your bicycle's tire pop anon? What are you pumping?
new game 1 minute
>he doesn't know
damn who tf asked nigga?
I want to play with Velkoz
A lot of non NA. And by that I mean the fucking chinese.
1 - 4 minecrap or subnautica
5 - 6 league of legends
7 - 9 rainbow six siege
0 watch dragon ball z
Damn, I guess you're watching ALL of it
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tippity top
that bottom team is fucking toxic waste
I asked
LMAO this fiora so shit wtf
Bets against that annoying retard steel
ive been watching it this whole time, been liking it so far
not sure who outplayed who here
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Now that the trolling is over I can continue to climb in Masters. No riot algorithm forced 4 losses is going to hold me back.
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that clip fucking sucks, this was the real play of the game
The only way to win is not to play.
top wins because b4llamy is a faggot and locks in aurora Prove me wrong steel, beat that faggot
You literally bought another boost
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Um no? Hes my friend. He has 100+ games and ended last season Master.
your so called friend's other boosting account https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/Minecraft+Gamer-gold
holy based seratroon destroyed
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Oooh, I must've missed this while I was getting my PC together. Great Poppy!!

In exchange, c o m p u t e r.
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lmao this guy really bought another boost purposely cut out the duo image in his screenshot and posted on lolg bragging about it
The rumble is probably this same sanflowzz guy

What a loyal customer
Oh, that is so nice, consider me jealous.
Were you the Gyaru requester btw?
Fucking retards don't understand how EOMM works.

I guarantee you I'm going to be able to climb tomorrow. There is no way I can get another 4 losses in a row
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Nope! Weddinganon.
what color is your chastity cage?
ahri killed me without landing r or more than half a q :)
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Don't have one, nor want one.
Wait do you really have this? The rog eva02 edition?
man I got mine a few months ago and my friends wondered why I went with a basic all black scheme instead of the rgbs
thats way too much imo
so steel isn't /oursissy/ anymore...
Ah PlappyAnon, yea
I'll start work on Gyaru Poppy anyways.
Of course she is.
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I don't have EVERYTHING Eva-02, but I got the case and the cooler yeah. Still equivalent parts for the rest.

I am hoping to not upgrade for like 10 years.

For me it's very neat. The all red goes with the case and such- but entirely fair. I know the RGB can be suuper obnoxious.

Please do! I'll be excited to see. :>
why not
It’s my fucking dream pc. I just do t want to start buying the pieces and then they announce a Rei edition one.
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this shit is actually fucking ridiculous
5 games in a row i see a severe bot gap what the fuck
welp i guess its time to pullout hte taric pocket pick until we reach emerald
Oh dude, yeah. These are like, fucking IMPOSSIBLE to find nowadays, anyways. Unironically wait for the inevitable Rei 50-whatever collab. I was this close to getting the old Shinji stuff (purple/green/black are way more my speed), but she's a beaut.

She's also SUPER fucking heavy, holy shit.
sylas is so fricken fair and balance xd
who should I vote for tomorrow, /lolg/?
Hmm should I make her a slightly darker blue? Most Gyarus are tanned no?
ttv dumbdigger autofill jungle cho
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For Pyke !
Yeah I fucking love the red, I love that case model from them (the hyperion) you're a lucky son of a gun. Too bad they didn't have the matching monitor like the purple/green one.
Yeah, a lot of them are- so maybe a darker blue would work!

Oh dude YEAH, that fucked me up! I still got a decent monitor to go with it, though.

It cost WAY too much money to get these now- so trust, save for a new collab and get them then.

Blow me reject! easy game for me
i did it for you :3
qmm singlehandledly making the game close, good lord he sucks
grown ass man picking cait in vgs lol!! holy cringe!!
Its Luce's walking stick. It's a reference to that one new Church chibi mascot
Steel went berserk on you losers.
seethe harder doja he cleared u
my steel is going mental help
lucid my beloved
you tried your best stand proud boodrum you are strong

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