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Previous: >>501338996

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - Check in to claim 10 free Boopons! - 10/16 - 11/05
Roaming the Ether - Complete minigames and recover lost data for the Cunning Hares - 10/16 - 10/28
Advanced Bounty: Routine Cleanup - Double drops for all Routine Cleanup stages - 21/10 - 26/10
Vicious Dogs Within - Earn Doggy Vouchers exchangeable for various rewards by playing Soul Hounds III - 25/10 - 11/01
141 Friendship Fair - Help Sjal with the Sixth Street market fair and earn rewards - 27/10 - 11/04

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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This one.
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bwos, they're going to make 3 part original animation series for miyabi at this rate. Maybe even a mibibi musical
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what is the fastest method in HZ to grind bangboo exp mats? i want to uncap all my boos
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section soul
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Rorin Cape
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Why do I get the feeling the update brought a lot of people into the general. I've seen the terms "unit", "light cone", "mora", and "power creep" more in the last two days than I did the entirety of 1.2. Go the fuck back.
is kino6 corin worth leveling or is she useless now
take your meds, tranny.
sar please tell me the value sar
should I pull sar?
Is the Knightboo any good? If so, who for?

There, I said what everyone was thinking about
New update
People who use other threads come to see the new update
Shit poster opportunists
It's the patch before 1.4 which changes a lot so maybe they want to get ahead
Genshin and star rail are currently super duper ultra dead
Lot of factors
I drew this https://files.catbox.moe/bpw893.jpeg
Miyabi will save this game
She has to...
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Maybe Nicole + Zhu if grouping is not a concern.
Nice. Take commissions?
>MV with no ship faggotry
Thanks Da Wei
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I prefer this than people doomposting yanagi for three weeks straight and salesfags.
yanagi x soukaku...
I can see him being a good generalist Bangboo for any team that is using a normal Support agent but I need to experiment once I get all of his dupes. The ATK buff seems kinda inconsequential at first glance but I might be wrong. I want to use him regardless because the unicorn thing is extremely cute
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Alright bros, newfren here. IK36 and only been playing a couple weeks.
What is my best two teams from among my roster? I managed to luck out on both Burnice and Yanagi so I got them both in about a 100 pulls collectively.
Presently I'm running: Yanagi, Anby, and Nicole - Burnice, Lucy, and Piper.

I know Yanagi and Burnice work well together but I'm pretty sure seperating them most easily gives me two strong teams. Thoughts? My Nicole has Weeping Cradle too.
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I have sent an elite squad to kill you
I'm euro but I play on the american server because some anon posted a pic of nicole wearing an american bikini
My ping is always orange, it doesn't matter right?
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A nomal generic bland song for a nomal generic bland woman that sees herself as a normal generic bland woman.
Honestly, not a bad rate.
why is the resolution so shit drawbro
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I guess floor 20 is as high as I go. I don't have the patience to restart every time I get tickled and end up losing Caesar's shield and 60%+ hp of whatever character I was on. Really would like to eventually get the floor 30 reward.
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People love normal generic bland women!
no you can only actually lag during hdd exploration
combat is only affected if you straight up lose connection
>I play on the american server because some anon posted a pic of nicole wearing an american bikini
I don't want to admit it but I think I'll have to resort to the Caesar crutch... Pompey is just too unfair...
anyone else getting frame drops in the vr area
Why don't you get totally bodied and find out your limit at least once? Losing is fun! (once in a while)
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Both Genshin and HSR are dead right now, so a lot of people probably decided to check out ZZZ. It honestly makes me suspect that Hoyo planned it out because I remember Genshin also had a dead patch when HSR was released.
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What appeal could she possibly have?!
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yanagi/burnice/lucy for a super team
piper/nekomata/nicole as a cope team

just make piper as strong as possible and she'll carry your cope team across the finish line
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>read the patch notes
>they actually added cutscenes for lucy and piper's affinity resonia in OG HZ
>cool, let's see what they are
It seems like her trust events weren't enough. Lucy dev confirmed pushing this character on us and I'm all for it.
What's the sales status of Yanagi? I'm surprised she did better than Burnice
How the fuck did this game from casual easy game to prenerf elden ring?
Man 26+ of the Battle Tower is no joke
Maybe another time but I was not having fun when they drop multiple enemies with super beefy health/daze and that can do that kind of damage at once. Sadly patience isn't a virtue I have in an instance like this.
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My wives Brick Joe and Flop Doe
Yanagi/Burnice/Lucy, Koleda/Ben/Corin...honestly you could pair Yanagi/Burn with anyone and Lucy/Piper with anyone and it'll work out
They definitely do
20 already made me learn how to dodge Jane's attacks. I was kinda just blitzing her in shiyu because Caesar shield lets me ignore her damage but it's hard to do so when getting hit deletes your HP.
Yeah I cannot go past 39. I guess you really need to whale C6 Jane and C6 Caesar to beat all 100 floors
zenless zone zero indeed
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Her thighs and ass equalize it all desu
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>I issued a ticket about this
There's no problem with optional fringe content being difficult.

Otherwise what's the fucking point of 90% of the systems? What are you optimizing to do?
I find 26~30 easier than 20~25 since there's only one enemy
Lucyfags lost
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nobody's making you do floor 16+ of tower
There's difficult and then there's *slaps you for 100% of your HP*
>Could have c6'd Caesar but didnt cause no content needed it
>they release content that needs it
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>in the last two days
You clearly weren't here for the M1 vs C1 vs K1 shitposting in the 1.0 threads.
>want Yanagi but already have Grace
I feel conflicted, bring me numbers, how much better Yanagi is compared to the russian tiddy monster
ZZZ is a video game.
The point of video games is to be fun.
If a piece of content is not fun for 99% of players, it's bad content.

Hope this helps.
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>new difficult content
>its just the same as before but with a couple zeros added to the end of their stats
>M1 vs C1 vs K1
So, which one do we use?
What do you think of Anomaly Mastery 6th slot for Lucy in S11/Caesar/Lucy team? I notice that I can barely build another burn after 8 seconds for S11 Inferno Metal crit uptime tho I'm not sure losing 60% of ER from Lucy would be worth the cost.
Did they fix the glitch?
>Eos got to feel Lucy's bare feet on him\
That coffee event where she calls herself that, it was more self aware than I was expecting. Even though she's a barbarian mutant with time powers it doesn't color her interactions with anyone but soukaku. Good or bad, idk I'm just the messenger
The group will review your badges shortly
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Primarily M but no one cares anymore
28 is really annoying because the dog doesn't have the shine for a lot of his attacks and it's very hard to read his animations when your shitting out flashy effects from your own attacks
>he's still crying about it
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I dunno why some are so mad about it, like anyone can make it to 15 and they don't have to touch it ever again if the mode makes them bored or angy
>ellen flopped
>zhuyuan flopped
>qingyi flopped
>jane flopped
>caesaar flopped
>burnice flopped
>yanagi flopped
yenless flop zeroed
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>NOOO you can't criticize anything unless you're forced to do it!
Holy fuck why are there so many mihomo slurpers in this general, feels like I'm on reddit
what discs for nagi?
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None of the above. We're all F2P day wunners with sub 5 digit UIDs, all we know is the S-ranks are at 0 and the A-ranks are maxed.
>No boldly accept option
Mibi should have been shorter desuwa. Like barely above the kids.
The yanagi song is kind of a bop...
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Speaking of, dupes of balls are officially called "phases", but we just call it W* instead of P* here.
im sure its doable at m0 but its a long grind. i believe many people will get it towards the end of the patch. caesar is a must tho.
is s11 piper lucy still a good team
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This one sounds the most fun because I like playing the Kot so I'll go with this. Thank you anon.
no one cares, really
It's mostly M and C. Some like to make the distinction of having a c2 character, but the specific mindscape is called m2
personally I could call it Y0Z3 if I want to
>No ambush mode this patch
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I saw more /zzz/gers posting on the celebration sticky yesterday than /hsr/tranxisters and /gig/gers. Therefore I conclude our enemies are faggots who need to be crystalized
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You don't need to reach the 9999th level of the tower anon it's optional content there's nothing waiting for you there it's just there for whoever wants to challenge themselves for fun you don't need to engage with this particular content you don't like because it's optional
but y?
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>No one talking about the kino song for Yanagi
I hate you guys
if you have sig and high lucy cinemas you don't even need ER anymore
Personally I don't think AM is worth unless you can confirm that the m6 piggies benefit from it.
>ZZZ is a video game.
Nothing gets past you, eh?
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Does no one else find it weird, that Caesar, a character with a shield, can't deflect bullets while running? Just a silly thing I noticed.
no but really, who hurt you
Because it's bland like the agent.
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i dont listen to any of the songs
I don't know why they waste money on them
those times when she couldn't walk straight from exhaustion, I felt that
How does it being optional put it above criticism?

The devs did by being schizophrenic retards who listen to every individual piece of feedback at once and are turning the game into a mess that doesn't appeal to anyone
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>you only get 1000 dennies after the 25th floor
So this mode is only for masochists and/or people who whaled for their characters to see their full potential. This is not for normal players....like me.
She can tho
EP ratings so far
Ellen: Polyphia /10
Zhu: 6/10
Qing: 5/10 I don't even remember it really
Rat: DQ/10
Caesar: 2/10 should have been the song in the trailer
Burnice: Burnice Burnice Burnice/10
Yanagi: 8/10
my m6 lucy is on hormone punk full carry build and she has just enough energy for permanent uptime
i dont know if anomaly mastery works but i doubt energy will be an issue
>Doing floor 21
>Doing well with the boss
>You get surprise ganked by a 2nd boss out of fucking nowhere when it reaches 25% HP

What sadistic fuck designed this tower? Holy shit.
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I skipped through the song it's not really that good
>Yanagi: 8/10
l o l
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Don't ask me what happened in 28 and 29F.., I got tired of resetting and just kept going. Had to finally git gud and stop getting hit by stupid things in 30F and that was really fun, now I see why peop QAle go for those clears. Qingyi is really good in this, I was trying other teams at first, but she really carried me there and I almost choked at the end but luckily she didn't die...
I'll have to climb 26+ again at some point because this is really fun.
ZZZ is Da Wei's passion project
I mean its an okay Citypop inspired track. But it's literally another "Yanagi is a workaholic" thing. It's way behind Zhu Yuan and Qingyi's thematically as far as sentimental songs go.
Guys I am starting to think Yanagi is Soukakus mom
Saying content is bad because you don't find it fun is not valid criticism
fuck off masuda
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Take your meds
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maybe i'll try 26 and beyond when I have mimi-chan
It puts it above your retard level criticisms which boil down to you not liking it so it shouldn't exist.

If it were mandatory you'd have a point. But it isn't, so you don't.
your 'criticism' is that you can't cope with your own failure but you HAVE TO clear it even after being told it's optional and that's why you want it gone. because you suck.
stop being childish and either get good enough to clear or deal with it
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>they made an entire mode that's impossible without a specific character
unless shes a dodge focused hypercarry she will struggle
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>tower bad
translation: i'm a shitter that got filtered
This game is fucking doomed
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that's a big fella
Shut up retards
tower bad
to justify its difficulty, caesar has to be a standard character
26-100 is basically undoable without her
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literally a skill issue.
I literally asked for tower though.
The direction of the game is very vacant and schizophrenic right now, but tower being optional is not the reason why the game might be doomed. Every live-service game might have optional content that you're not forced to engage with. I don't like any of the arcade minigames and you don't see me having a meltdown that there's like 3 pulls of polys locked behind their achievements. I just don't play them. You too can learn to ignore optional content you don't like.
did they fix not being able to progress yanagi's story on pc yet?
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you're missing an extra 750k dennies from clearing floors 26-100
those are rewards you will NEVER get because you're too bad at a phone game
Where the fuck is miyabi drip??????
post your floor 100 caesarless clear
Unironically this tower is clearable and not as bad compared to wuwa's end game tower mode. That shit is quite literally a whale check
Umm yikes chud, don't be toxic. It's optional content so that means you are NOT allowed to criticize it. You must slurp it like a good goy otherwise you are a problematic transphobe and I will be forced to call upon the moderators of this subreddit to deal with you.
pressing retry for 300 hours is not a skill
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>why yes I do love it when 95% of my character's health disappears when an enemy touches them
>why yes I love resetting a floor for the 100th time to get a perfect run
>why yes I love it when I get absolutely nothing after the 25th floor
>why yes I love it when I don't have a M2 Caesar when she's a must pick in this mode
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Do you guys actually think Miyabi will live up to even half of the hype you fags are putting on her?
>wuwa out of nowhere
wuwas tower isnt a whale check, just an echo check. Proper swap cancels will do half the work for you.
>the game is bleeding casual players at a record pace
>but the fact that every patch adds a new whalebait mode that alienates said casual players even further has absolutely nothing to do with it
Tower is a better SD/Ambush node.
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>the criticism
>it's too hard so it literally shouldn't exist
Kill yourself you insufferable scrub faggot, christ.
Wow solid criticism you dumb cunt

>Waaaaaaaa it isn't auto battle tier dogshit for 100% of the possible things to do waaaaa
The game is actually doomed if there's never any point to chasing best in slots because it's all mindnumbingly easy. Why would anyone spend time pulling for a 3% DPS increase if you can never really see it expressed?
wuwa tower is same as shiyu u struggle at first then u get max level and it becomes piss easy, probably something that has to do with lvl+def formula
the game is bleeding players because the core gameplay is fucking boring and theres nothing to do not because they add modes nobody cares about
Yes, it was fixed like 10-12 hours ago. You can even read what was fixed by going to the menu and hitting notice and seeing the changes/issues that were fixed.
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>2 days of farming dennies
No lol. I'll still pull her + sig though as long as her animations ripoff Vergil enough. I'm a sucker for that.
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Was Miyabi drip marketed yet?
So is the system to unlock those bookshelf bangboo not in the game yet? Can't figure out where this Ridu Weekly shit is in any of the menus
What is the best team for Anton? I've seen in multiple websites that Grace/Rina is his best team but that's from 1.0. Does he have anything better now?
>fluffy ears
That is already enough.
next week
the tower is permanent
characters in 2.x will be doing 4x the damage of characters now like how they are 4x better than launch characters
Weeklies will be updated next week. That's where you will get this new currency.
Just be Jane but Ice and Ill roll its not hard
>game was suppose to be DIFFERENT, SOVLFUL, and QUIRKY
>same old no stake story, everyone's friends, safehorny designs, and bland MCs

Bros....? Were we deceived?
Huh, guys, I think discovered a bug. I was checking out >>501357838 comment, and was about to say, yes, she can block ranged attacks while running like most units with that can block ranged attacks.
However, she apparently glitches out after blocking one ranged instance, and stops blocking ranged attacks after that evne if she's still running. To compare, I used Seth in the same team in VR training, and he can block these consecutive cannon shots from Guardian bot.
This applies also to its machine gun fire, where if Ceaser stops blocking the shots due to the bullets missing, she just doesn't block any follow-up shots. I'll send my proof to Hoyo, see if think it's a real bug.
I feel like it wasn't a problem last patch, but I usually rely on Ceaser's aegis anyway. Anyone else can doublecheck before I send it?
And that's a good thing.
This content wouldn't really be optional if you had to get through all 100 floors to get important resources. 25F is doable by any team at lvl 60 since you still have the gold/red flashes and bosses don't oneshot you yet.
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>48 rolls until hard pity
Should I say fuck it and just throw singles instead
just because of tower, for the time being I'll stop buying the monthly for wuwa and start paying my 5 neetbux for zzz
>The game is actually doomed if there's never any point to chasing best in slots because it's all mindnumbingly easy
Genshin was the most popular gacha in the world for 3 years while completely ignoring every single dumb retard begging for more stupid endgame modes. Coincidentally they finally added a second endgame mode this year to milk whales after the game started dying.

Gacha games with fun gameplay that aren't dying don't need a new whale mode every single fucking patch.
It is different, it is soulful, idk how quirky it is but yeah this is the best game I've played, not just gacha game.
>whale 100 bucks
>yanagi on my first 10 roll
what am i gonna do with the rest
because of the tower i've refunded all my purchases made to zzz and will be switching to another game
Miyolohofo does it again.
or bibimers
pull her ball
>I'll stop buying the monthly for wuwa
Please anon their revenue will be in the minus...
i dont know bros

no yellow/red flash
casual 10-15k hits out of nowhere
increasing daze/anomaly buildup resist
2-4x higher hp pools

and all of this for 75 floors
im really excited to see someone clear it without caesar and present a honest data, of hours spent retrying
>this is the best game I've played, not just gacha game.
I actually like this game, but if you think this you seriously must have only played like 2 video games in your entire life.
last thread retard
HSR is the most popular gacha in the world and it's nothing but endgame with rapidly increasing HP pools
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See, >>501357942 had me thinking I was crazy, but I knew I had seen my Caesar getting shredded by machine gun soldiers. Thanks for confirming I'm still relatively sane. Have King tits.
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Spend it on the next impulse char.
definitely grace so you can keep shock anomaly up so he gets more damage. After that, caesar or lucy should work. That or a stunner.
the reason why bloody palace is good... is because the gameplay is actually fun...
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>this is the best game I've played, not just gacha game.
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>oh hey, Yanagi's EP is up
>literally tells us NOTHING new about her, it's just more WORK
>also STILL no Miyabi drip
>>the game is bleeding casual players at a record pace
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Only 30 floors left
Yanagi uterus...
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>get hit once and end up with only a quarter of my hp left so I have to reset
>enemies have so much hp to the point where it's draining my enjoyment
this is the 'bloody palace' you guys were hyping?
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ZZZ is a fun game.
Her shield has holes in it, so maybe it's just Caesar's fault for being stupid
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Zhu's savior...soon
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I can see the entire outline of her breast jesus fuck
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So does Yanigga want some PEN stats to go with her skills or is it just better to stack more raw attack?
who was floor 70
and why arent you using avocadoboo
I'm close to guaranteeing Yanagi's ball. Not sure if I should go for it or just penmax with Fusion compiler.
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Nope, this game is the best I've played. I've played a bunch of games when I had a console too
>see red -> dash attack
>see yellow -> dash attack or parry
>do this for x minutes depending on how much money you spend
>farming dennies
Holy bricked account
>theres nothing to do
And why could this be? I'm sure it has nothing to do with the devs wasting their time implementing a new whalebait mode every month and going back to rework existing story comissions to remove the TV mode, all because a bunch of retards asked for it in the feedback form.

>HSR is the most popular gacha in the world
Uhhh no it isn't. It only seems that way because we only get revenue charts for mobile and HSR is by far the most mobile friendly mihomo game, and it doesn't even top those charts most of the time despite them spending millions on advertising it every single month.
The vibes bro just like the vibes I totally feel it
I’m quitting zzz for NTE because of Tower
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>the whalebait mode in question
I think this guy actions
Answer me honestly because I don't want to get false hope. None of them are M0 right?
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>see red
>see yellow
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>got Yanagi on roll 11
>will probably spend 10 or 20 more rolls to try and get her sig
>nothing else to roll on until Ellen/Mibibibibibibbibibibibibibibi
I mean, even though she is super busted on all fronts, the quest showed that she is actually insecure as shit for some reason
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I believed bwo
how is his one billy faster than my whole fucking team clearing floor 15
why do I deal no damage
bras really do not exist in new eridu...
You didnt beat the game(floor)
>No no no it isn't!!! Just because it shows on the most common and popular platform that it is, that's actually a lie!!

You should spend more time practicing dodging and less time whining on the internet
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I got pushed out of bounds
billy is unironically fucking cracked. Dude is secret S tier as long as he has the disks and is M6.
The Tower? I TANKED that.
Whaled ball and good disks.
I swear, you guys are so bitchy. Every single update, it’s either:
>1.) “Uhhhhh, I completed everything after no lifing it for an entire day and night. Why can’t they keep me entertained 24/7 like an MMO this shit is going to EOS.”
>2.) “This new content is too tedious and hard! Obvious fucking whaletactic trying to bleed players dry ZZZ is garbage.”
Can’t you faggots enjoy and appreciate anything?
Is it bad that I can't beat floor 28 with Qingyi Caesar Billy
>muh mobile
gacha across the board is RETVRNING to it's glorious roots of filtering turboshitters like yourself
You have brain damage.
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>this is the best game I've played, not just gacha game
That's kinda sad.
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As we get more and more chapters, it surprises me that Belle is even a playable character, Wise is the one always doing the MC-ing and belle is more of a silly, cute sidekick sister.
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Since the tower crybabies can't come up with any actual criticism of the mode, here's some:
The movesets of individual characters are too distinct to just throw a bunch of the same enemies, with the same resistances and movesets in a super-hard gauntlet and expect it to feel fair across everyone's accounts. I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to consistently dodge Shadow Jane's windup attack where she does 3 dashes into a divekick with Burnice and Piper because neither of them get enough clearance on their dodge counter to avoid the slashes consistently, and you can't do 3 dodges in a row since the slashes are timed to land in your dodge cooldown window after you dodge twice. After switching to Qingyi, it was pathetically easy since her dodge counter has 1 billion i-frames and can just avoid all 3 slashes automatically.

The resistances also don't help, since while there's no real time limit, the longer it takes for you to kill a boss, the more likely you are to make errors, so keeping the Shiyu shill resistances in this mode doesn't help the "character check" feeling of it. I think it is possible to clear with mostly anyone if you're persistent enough but they could have put more effort into making sure the movesets were doable with every character, and maybe just dump the resistances and make the damage entirely agnostic so certain bosses don't feel biased towards specific limiteds. Ultimately, it is still a gacha though, so they want to you to feel like you need the shiny limited characters, and it's clearly working on the retards here despite it being an optional mode.

With all that said, it can be refined. I think the general starting point of the mode is sound and I hope it gets updates to smooth out some of the issues. Better to try to seek improvement than just seething that it's too hard.
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Go ahead and post your mobile tower clear.
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Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet Yanagi feet
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>4 minutes
what a legend
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I am a free man
>doompost caesar as unneeded because game easy
>release content that she's good in
>shitpost caesar because she's good at it
you are all just gay and retarded
There are no issues with his sentence, ESLgod...
At least 3 of the games in your screenshot are better than this one though.
>The movesets of individual characters are too distinct to just throw a bunch of the same enemies, with the same resistances and movesets in a super-hard gauntlet and expect it to feel fair across everyone's accounts. I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to consistently dodge Shadow Jane's windup attack where she does 3 dashes into a divekick with Burnice and Piper because neither of them get enough clearance on their dodge counter to avoid the slashes consistently, and you can't do 3 dodges in a row since the slashes are timed to land in your dodge cooldown window after you dodge twice. After switching to Qingyi, it was pathetically easy since her dodge counter has 1 billion i-frames and can just avoid all 3 slashes automatically.

That's a lot of words to say "I'm bad at dodging"
I don't play any other gacha games and never have, I call characters units because of past experience with Fire Emblem mostly but also because it's shorter and easier to type.
interesting considering i did floor 49 jane with piper and was consistently dodging her triple strike attack
ping issue?
how about this one bro >>501359201
>mihoyo makes a gamemode thats completely impossible without a specific limited character
>retard thinks its fine and not completely jewish and retarded
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>Eous just doing a whole ass split
Im glad i rolled for QY and Ceasar KING.
Just fucking play Ys games on nightmare instead of fighting the same handful of enemies, it's a much more satisfying game experience.
cute and funny
>>doompost caesar as unneeded because game easy
Only retards did this, anyone with IQ above room temp could tell they would inevitably use her existence as an excuse to add cancer content where you get 1shot without her
you can just check his build
your discs are probably just bad
I literally spent 2 hours trying to figure out a consistent strategy to dodge that attack with my Burnice/Piper/Lucy team and I just gave up. If someone has a video example of how they approach it I'd love to see it and be proven that I'm just trash, but that specific situation felt very unfair for that team. I'm sure there are other small moments like this from floor 20+ but after that point I just used Caesar because I was tired and I wanted the rewards.
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>one of the new modes for an update is just a way for big spenders to show off
since when did mihomo stoop this low
no, most can't reach 15, Billy needs Zhu's engine for the gay HP bloat past floor 25
NTA but currently I'M on floor 50 with the exact same team and plan to push further today
all of them are M0 for me but qingyi and caesar are sigged (zhu is using saarlight)
>how is his one billy faster than my whole fucking team clearing floor 15
It isn't, that pic is edited
Tomorrow I'm gonna edit a ben solo clear and spam it every time this retard spams his, we'll see how he likes it
Truly, this is the zenless zone.
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nta but the actual answer to Shadow Jane's triple slash and drop kick *is* to dodge counter it. Some characters have better dodge counters for it than others. Corin's for example, will get her slapped. Jane's is obviously the best, but if you don't have her, well...
this webm should have the kinect han solo song playing I think
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you know when dawei cried and talked about returning to his roots
There's no need to be so salty that I have the cash to get Billy ok
>completely impossible
BillyGOD did it again bwo >>501359201
Sounds like you need to git gud. You call other people "tower crybabies" but here you are admitting to being bad.
I can't beat the fucking tower
im uninstalling, the game was already boring as fuck and if this the direction they are going theres no point of playing
Pretty much this, anyone that has played any prior gacha games knows that when a meta shield / mit char comes out its not something to be overlooked.
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can I just roll ellen please
whats the hold up
Yeah, it was probably the one moment for ME where the tower felt like an actual character check. Either you have a character with a cracked dodge counter or you use Caesar... or you just accept eating half your HP whenever she pulls that attack out. Under normal gameplay it's not a big deal since it doesn't do that much damage, but when it can potentially one-shot you if you eat all 3 slashes, it's a lot more imperative you find a way to actually avoid it.
Then where are the rankings and raids?
>im uninstalling
You and thousands of other players but it's okay, the whales are enjoying it and that's what matters. Soon they will have the game all to themselves (for a few months before EoS)
Is that the Outer Ring?
Returning to roots tourist gweilo. Did you think genshit was always hoyo's standard?
shes cute. A shame about her VA being replaced three times. The first was really good, but each iteration is worse than the last.
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Are you feeling "excessive anxiety", anon? I think you should play Genshin Impact instead.
show me your no caesar floor 100 clear bro
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Can confirm that billyfag is legit he posted solo clear videos here before
>Either you have a character with a cracked dodge counter or you use Caesar
Or you get good at dodging. It's 100% skill based.
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Verification not required.
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Things have not gone well.
I'm not admitting to anything though? I even asked the thread on the night of the patch if anyone had a strategy for dealing with it, and all of the responses I got were character specific (all characters with excellent dodge counters, like Koleda and Qingyi). Like I said, I'm open to being proven wrong, but I couldn't find a way to do it consistently with those characters.
>You call other people "tower crybabies" but here you are admitting to being bad.
Yes, because I can recognize the mode has potential and can be improved rather than just crying it's a whale check or that it should be removed because it's too hard. There's a difference. Even being willing to admit that my own skill might be the problem is different from these shitters.
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Ballerina twins and I use officer Cui in the chain attack, he deals a lot of damage.
Only Qingyi is 1/6 but I have all their signature w-engines.
I ask for them every survey, if only for the seethe here if they ever added leaderboards
fuck floor 24, literally no hit until the second boss came and keep ruining the flow
No. Just get good bro LMAO
>game was comfy before
>whalefags had to ruin it for everyone
this is quickly becoming hi3
None needed, King.
Honkai Impact 3 abyss used to have competitive shit and rankings.

You could sabotage other players with traps and bombs to lower their scores or impede their progress.

Eventually they got removed of course but ranking itself still remained (or at least it did until I stopped playing) so you could still see who the big epeen players are

I cant believe Nu-Hoyo doesnt even have rankings just for the community to have something to reference and talk about
so this is why mihoyo refused to add any "hard" game mode
the amount of crybabys who can't clear and uninstalls because they miss 10 polychromes and 5 tuners LMAO
retarded questions: i read up on both pen stats and want to use my lovely mommy rina with corin and stuff more but
>only pen % does anything and pen (non %) is useless right?
>if im using rina with qingyi and corrin, do i give corrin or whatever DPS i have 2-4pc puffer or is that retarded?
I donno, I think that'd depend on who you ask.
Yanagi Verdict?
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I love the Saturday morning cartoon story
1 million disorders with piper is pretty crazy ngl. Neither of them are very well built either.
>he's still typing out essays to cope with being bad
>ju-just play as good as the top 0.000001% of autistic nerds with no life and no pussy bwo!
>this new mode is totally fine bwo!
Truly a zzz agent.
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All these people saying tower is good or bad are missing why I hate it. The fact that it ISN'T actually hard pisses me off. No, just slapping a 10x HP/damage modifier on an already irritating enemy doesn't make it hard. All that does is make it a tedious "reset until you get it right" mode. I wanted to see stuff like old enemies getting brand new moves or new enemies that require actual strategies to beat (e.g. enemies like rampant brute that completely change if you do certain things).
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may Allah forgive me for asking this, but how is r**dit feeling about the tower? are they seething as much as the anons in the thread?
I'm quitting this game and moving on to the best phone game available
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Hardest floor in my opinion. Anything + Farbauti is retarded.
Okay, so you're just a faggot who doesn't want to actually engage with any meaningful discussion of the mode, cool. Post your floor 100 clear then.
the tower is fine if you rolled all the top tier limited agents recently released
At this point I'm tempted to start asking for more whale modes with leaderboards in surveys too, just to kill the game faster.
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pompey in floor 50 is fucking aids
the red attack yellow attack system is showing how dogshit it is the second the flashes go away
he just starts swinging wildly and you can only parry half the attacks, if you guess wrong you just die
really cool
mahjong is better
Just started tower. I don’t think my Caesar shield ever went down, but I’ve noticed I’m taking some chip damage anyway by the end of a round. Do enemies have any anti-shield moves or am I just blind and didn’t notice my shield drop?
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I like how people are saying Tower is the death knell of the game and complete whalebait but, like...You don't have to push floor 100. You can push 15 and chill or 25 if you're feeling spicy and call it a day. It's permanent, to boot. You can just come back to it later when you have better disks, characters or thumbs. The only thing holding you back from clearing it is your own impatience. If some dude can clear 25 with Billy in under 5m, you should be able to manage 15/25 without Caesar.
gacha and difficulty doesn't mix
the tower just needed to give you specific characters with discs you can't change
you're just blind
also you will be crying soon like the rest of the fags ITT for it being too hard
Just disengage and let him throw his tantrum in peace. He won't chase you since that attack string is a million years long.
I solo cleared floor 100 with anby but I'm not gonna post it because I don't need to. Everyone who isn't a total shitter knows it's easy. Just because you're bad doesn't mean everyone else is.
My rating on the released EP:
Ellen: 10/10 literally t0 meta of EPs
Zhuyuan: chinkslop 0/10
Qingyi: chinkslop 0/10
Caesar: 10/10
Burnice: 10/10
Yanagi: ywnbaj 0/10
Does Avocaboo actually help
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>the TVslop event happens in hollow zero
>the event gives you a bunch of character and general resonium
>NONE of them gets registered in the compendium after you get them
Man I thought this was finally my chance to unlock the ones for characters I don't have. I fucking hate this.
>death knell
This is literally the only place where I see a FEW people seething over it. Twitter and reddit thinks the format is pretty good if anything.
flat pen becomes completely useless really fast so only focus on %
you could just slot a pen% disc 5 and go with 2p fanged metal instead for corin
I hope they add both tetris and mahjong to the arcade. I watched akagi and then read the manga (when it ended) but I still don't know how to play it and you can't cheat in video games
i liked how in 1st phase he just randomly whips ur ass for 5k with no real windup or time to react even
must be so retarded without caesar
It's more the fact they even had the gall to do it. The game also has a huge issue where it's suffering from "let's just make the enemy into a super sponge that instant kills if he even farts near you." That's absolutely terrible game design.
At least IMO, my biggest issue with floors 25+ on tower is the Ambush "mechanic." Certain enemies really just don't seem like they were designed with a lack of attack flashes in mind, the visual clarity gets really bad. For most of the enemy types (older ones especially) it's fine but I can't help but feel like certain enemies don't have the same quality control as far as making sure their attacks are easy to read without the flashes. Pic related for example felt way harder than it was surely ever meant to be, solely because his small animations without their flashes get covered up by the player's attack effects and models the entire time.

The rest is fine/in-offensive, everything hitting like a truck feels inevitable so I don't have any complaints per se even if I think it's a little bit of a boring way to add spice.
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have you tried uhhhh idk dodging?
I thought this for the first two months or so but the shit updates have worn me down. Live service was a mistake.
>caesar fucking flopped big time
>devs have a temper tantrum and make an entire mode where she is mandatory
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This would probably be the direction I would ask for if this mode got refined/updated in future patches. Rather than just dumping the same enemies from the rest of the game with the same resistances and juiced up stats, actually build some interesting movesets that you have to play around that reward some observation and problem solving.

No one here is actually interested in discussing how it can be improved though, you just have scrubs crying that it shouldn't exist because it's hard and try hard smug faggots who think anyone who doesn't think it's the greatest thing ever is just bad at the game.
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I regret to inform you all that I have yet to be able to clear the tower and may indeed be missing out on a pulls worth of poly

As such I will be shutting the servers down in about 20 minutes or so, depending on how long my halloumi fries take
>twitter and reddit say it's good, that means it's good
Please tell me you're not being serious. This shit is beyond parody.
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uhmmm your Ben?
verdicts on Yanagi?????????
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>No, just slapping a 10x HP/damage modifier on an already irritating enemy doesn't make it hard.
It makes it hard for f2ps and easy for whales. That is the intended effect.
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See, this is a take I can get behind. It being hard isn't the issue. The enemies being spongy is. I actually rather like Tower and I agree with this. Tower is just gonna be something I push in my spare time to test out new characters down the line. It seems to be the perfect place to stresstest them.
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>I solo cleared floor 100 with anby but I'm not gonna post it because I don't need to. Everyone who isn't a total shitter knows it's easy. Just because you're bad doesn't mean everyone else is.
Do these people seething over 10k dennies per hard stage actually know there are multiple pulls gated behind Arcade shit that's much worse to get?
op until the next character releases and shits on her
so same as every character
they honestly should stop reading to random suggestions and just do their own thing
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Caesar skippers do not exist... right?
you will never be a jew?
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was this part really necessary?
just got the latest feedback from NGA and Tieba. Hearing a lot of "你应该改进" about the tower, probably going to have a big impact on the future direction of the game.
Feels like shit to play, don't like her personality
>he didn't roll for the best unit in the game
holy bricked
she's scheduled for next version iirc
also sucy sex
I also got kotted at 77 before Jane. I've lost every 50/50 I've pulled on now and it's left me destitute pre-Mibibi.
Are you actually using her stances properly?
Other than some gay achievements for hound and snake, vampire survivor is genuinely fun to play.
Holy shit, he did it, he figured out the gacha formula.
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roll for the characters next time gweilo
No, because they just want a reason to be upset that there's combat content in the game that you can't clear while half asleep.
Was at the construction site chewing out an intern
Lazy bastard went on a 2 hour break and the accountant just so happened to catch him
Once I finally cooled off I got to the issue at hand
"Where you been?" I said.
"Huh, I'm right next to you!" The accountant said, jokingly
"You stupid fucking bigger"
cute soukaku
>fell for the don't roll weapons meme
>now characters fucking suck and are useless with cope weapons
thanks a lot guys
Really? You really can't tell why people complain about the tower but don't complain about arcade?
Aren't they just passive buffs?
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im really not sure what u mean by this
i dont know, like, just press shift? jane is hard but not a character check by any means
how's the build look like?
>check uid
different server
They change her moveset and empower her autos.
Skill issue, just whale for all characters and their weapons and you won't have a problem. Tower isn't whalebait btw.
nah Jane is a character check
the character she's checking is called Qingyi
the music was so fucking peak this patch
bro you can see her charging her shit, just walk away nigga and let her whiff.
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IIRC the jumpy stance has more I-frames while the slashy stance does more damage but don't quote me on that.
>iframe abuse
you didn't beat the game
Whenever I tried this with Piper I'd just get fucking smacked by the third dash. Maybe my timing was just off. I'll accept this but my point about the elemental weaknesses/resistances still stands. There is literally no reason for that shit to be in the tower if it's meant to be a mode focused on skill.
show proof you didn't abuse iframes
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BROS?? real or not??
Qingyi can stun her like 70% of the time out of her animations
Why is it "unreleased" If the music was so good?
Tower doesn't have a time limit, there's no reason to fuss over 5-10% dps differences.
This is 100% luck, her third dash should've hit you but it just whiffed for no reason.
>give enemy more health
>complain it's just an hp sponge
>give enemy new movesets
>complain they're just "annoying" not hard
>make enemy fast and spastic
>complain they're too schizo and unfun
>make enemy slow and sluggish
>complain they're too slow and unfun
>give enemy interesting gimmick
>complain it's just a "forced" check
>give enemy a timer you have to beat
>complain it's just time attack and nothing else
>give enemy big damage
>complain it's just one-shot slop
>give enemy unique mechanic
>complain it's just a character check for whales
you will always find something to complain
>he's so lame that everyone gets him for free
I'd die of laughter.
>free homo to get girls to play
yep its real
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I'm retarded and it's likely a skill issue on my end 100% but is there something with qingyi's dodge? It was really apparent in the tower
>Fight the new midboss plus the not!rockbear add the cones and the ballet twins
>Do constant dodges (and dodge counters obviously)
>She will sometimes just do a regular ass normal at the most weird times when I'm dodge & dodge countering something consecutive (example the rockbear doing it's stomping march and the midboss doing its non lightning infused combos)
Anyone else experience this or am I just mashing like a monkey without realizing it?
Probably not but I hope it's true so I can bench Grace once and for all.
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use dodge counters too, not just dodges
they have Iframes as well
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it's complete bullshit but if it somehow isn't i will not redeem
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banging . . . BOOS!
Not sure I could tell the difference between them. Her normals feel slow and her ex isn't exciting. I don't like that burnice, yanagi, and jane all just hold down a button to unload their meter.
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are you that gullible?
Fucking checks out, honestly

>HSR gave away it's lamest male character
>Wuwa gave away it's lamest male character
>now ZZZ
100% real, just like the free ayaka in 2.0
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Yeah, free S-rank. Totally.
hrtg_diluc would not lie to us, guys.
>dr. ratio
>lamest male character
Consider the following:
>make enemies not a giant sponge where I'm sitting there wailing on them for like 5 minutes
>do not give enemies in a mobile phone game Radahn's pre-nerf move set
Rampant brute is nearly perfect. Just put some sort of "enemy can't use the same move/combo twice in a row" rule and you're all set.
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I was using the dodge counter and what I described was happening. I will retry it later and confirm that I'm just dogshit though.
true, there's a lot of competition for that title in hsr
damn, they have to reuse some of these
I only really got to appreciate the virtual revenge one because I got stuck at the bugged machine
>called HRT_diluc
>has a little white girl elf as a pfp
I don't trust pedotrannies.
>make the game pisseasy because I am a shitter
If you don't like Ratio, we can't be friends.
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>he doesn't know he can chain dodge counters
it would make more sense to have a free miyabi at this point since she hasn't even been drip marketed
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my C36 Anton isn't feeling so good bros..
I'll just complain that the game's too easy.
Rampant Brute is probably my favorite enemy to fight in the game, he's basically the perfect balance of aggressive but learnable for this game's combat. It's hard to say every enemy should be like him since that'd be boring but a lot of the earlier enemies rely too much on obnoxious stally attacks for my liking. The doppelgangers are all mostly well done IMO but Pulchra can fuck off with her UI mode, literally serves no purpose other than to waste your time.
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okay i tried it again, this time staying still without WASD inputs so jane chan doesnt miss
im still not sure what ur issue is

Attacks 1-5: Clearly missed.
Attacks 6-9: Missed due to dodging (skill issue).
Attacks 10-11: Very close, but small body and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Attack 12: Likely didn't actually start because Jane was already stunned
i feel like im barely tickling hp bars and makes the combat feel really unsatisfying
>just release the most anticipated unit in gacha history for free bro
they're not doing that, they'd miss out on too much money
I think you anons may not be taking advantage of the huge amount of iframes you get from doing a dodge -> attack. If you just plain dodge during her first dash and don't attack (even if it doesn't hit her), you're gonna get smacked by the second or third dash.

Also, remember that dodging is not your only source of iframes -- Almost every character has some amount of the in their BA/hold BA/EX/etc.
A good example is Burnice's EX, which has iframes at the start and when you press EX again to double shot.
Wait, people are having problema with this attack? well at least they are learning how to play the game
that would make infinitely less sense since miyabi is more sought after
gacha only give away characters that they can tell have low hype
Just git gud bro (and by git gud I mean swipe)
You can make the game hard and fun without resorting to mindlessly cranking up the stats so every hit is an instant kill. Doing this requires actually competent devs though, and so far ZZZ's have shown they're amateur at best.
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Post em
That's actually Kazuha bwo
I feel bad for anyone who doesn't have / use Soldier 11. The most kino character by far. God I hope the rest of Obol is like her
antonkyodais,,, owari da...
why does my burnice have zero energy
my soldier 11 feels like shit without her sig
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holy fuck...............
you didn't roll her sig
I don't know what's so "kino" about dealing so little damage that your enemy's HP bar doesn't even visibly go down after 10 seconds of attacking
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Ratio is based b
Use the 2 piece energy regen set, with energy main stat on disk 6 for max comfy
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FWIW part of what I wanted to stimulate out of the thread was people sharing their strategies and approaches for bosses in the tower, rather than just mindlessly going back and forth about whether it's too hard or not. It is much more productive if people actually try to offer real advice than just complaining that it's too difficult or that people are bad at the game. Thanks for the Piper examples too.
>Genshin has Archons
>HSR has Emanators
>ZZZ has ________

fill in the blank
Void Hunters.
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No way.
Just fucking kill me already.
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I'm going to sex her on day 1
Ah, commence the homo tranny raid.
Right on queue.
Cunning hares.
does this mean we are walking the same path as hsr instead of genshin? it's unironically depressing since they want to follow the footsteps of powercreep

your jane doe, caesar, burnice, yanagi every single one of them will be worthless in less than a year, i hope they stop the powercreep man
This is going to be the final nail in the game's coffin.
>The only S rank on the banner given away for free
They are speedrunning into EOS.
explain to someone who doesn't play genshin?
Man what a zenless zone that zero is.
>kill off everybody with Part 2 of HI3
>bring all the characters back in every subsequent game
Why can't mihoyo make a new game with all new characters? All the doppelgangers and "expy" shit is getting tiring
jkwfedghcvghuio2fhiopcv hniopl!!!
>your jane doe, caesar, burnice, yanagi every single one of them will be worthless in less than a year
But /zzz/ told me that powercreep doesn't exist and that my ellen dealing a third of the damage of any anomaly character with equivalent investment is a skill issue
Mihoyo likes expies. And they like wanking them even more
youre gonna get an absolute dogshit annoying character who willl be overpowered cause its the company main girl for 10 years.
I think after idols and/or obol is a good point in time to quit zzz.
Wrong game, that's Honkgay Yurimpact 3.
Anomaly, especially disorder spam, blows the fuck out of regular attackers.
I've played Yanagi's demo twice and have a really hard time figuring out wtf I'm doing wrong or right. I hate teleporting shit, I think its a skip for me... which sucks because I really like OL cakes.
Genshin isn't even mentioned there
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Who is the Raiden Bosenmori Shogun Mei of ZZZ?
does the piece of shit boss in floor 24 even have any tell on the blue attacks?
Not genshin, it's honkaislop. If honkai troondevs get their hands on this game enough to force one of their shitty selfinsert characters in, it's over.
Damn... do people like... really?
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Let me be the first to tell you that he won't actually save you, if you're expecting his shield to offer you survivability. Even with more defense than most builds, Proto-Punk, and Core F, his shields don't actually change any damage threshholds. Lucy/Burnice still died in one hit to most attacks, and in two hits still to anything that didn't oneshot outright. The shield is essentially just a conditional buff, you have +16% crit so long as you don't get hit and don't once you do. Ben himself does alright damage and his crit buff is really good if you're already a bit saturated on attack (running him next to Caesar or Lucy) but you can't really run him just for protection.

There is value defensively still, Defensive Assist is actually quite strong. People used to doing efficient quickswappy rotations in Shiyu probably got caught off guard a few times with their characters getting instagibbed before they could leave after a swap. Defensive Assist is *as the name would imply) unironically great at reactively protecting characters during hard swaps and having more charges via the reduced cost does help. But it's hard when Seth/Ben don't really fit into most comps, both are already somewhat limited by their faction+element additional ability reqs and it's not really worth running an un-synergistic character just for 2~3 more defensive assists per fight.
That's not Genshin, retardpag
and I guess her gimmick is that she likes ramen, the void hunter looks like her and since they mention noodles they're related?
I guess I can see what's going on
yanagi apparently, same voice across chinese
unironically yanagi
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she's so sex
For now. They will just make enemies that are super resistant to anomaly later to shill retardedly op crit and stunner units again, and the pendulum will swing back and forth until eos
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>A nomal generic bland song for a nomal generic bland woman that sees herself as a normal generic bland woman.
The video isn't made you for.
>People love normal generic bland women!
Check the comments on the Japanese video. They're going nuts for her because the video reminds them of when Japan was at its peak. It reminds them of the end years of that great era and the early Heisei era.

The video is literally the Chinese whispering in their ear
>see? we remember when your country was great, what do you say? join us, the Americans will only flood you with dancing metro monkeys and make your streets unsafe for children
>the Americans are the reason why your economy crashed to begin with
>have a really hard time figuring out wtf I'm doing wrong or right
what is so hard about keeping up two buffs and spending energy?
not saying you have to do it perfectly but understanding the idea behind the kit shouldnt be this hard
The trick is to familiarize yourself with her N3, N4, and N5 animations (for both stances). Her gameplay is basically doing those on loop using her EX skill.
e.g. EX>N3>N4>N5>EX>N3>N4>N5
That's basically it.
23 left!!
Ben Bigger.
>me when the hrt finally kicks in
>/pol/cel too retarded to realize Japans economic boom was only thanks to USA
Any Yanagi bros know how her parry works? Sometimes I press special to do it and it just doesn't parry, other times it works?
Yeah I'm pretty sure her dodge is just broken. Sometimes when I dodge counter I'll even take damage on the first frame as if I don't have invul from perfect dodging.
>dodge & dodge countering something consecutive
You may be spamming a little too hard in this instance. A second dash will give you a dash attack instead of a dodge counter, although it's weird I never have to think twice about spamming dodge with any other character.
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I don't know how your team looks, but Billy scales with how agressive enemies are thanks to his strong Dodge Counters and can deal with multiple enemies at the same time because of the piercing properties of various of his attacks. Having less characters probably cuts down on some time spent on certain animations too.
Not at my computer but here you go.
PEN% really helped since most enemies are level 70. If you don't have Brimstone Starlight Engine works fine by the way.
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Corin-chan, you better hurry up and git gud... Or you know what comes next.
has to be after her N3, N4 or N5
Does the icon change at all after 30 or is it just the number? Might try to do funny 69 number if its just a dick waving icon. I need something to do until Lighter anyway.
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>Decide to give limited male because game flop so hard
Not like this ZZZbros...
powercreep definitely exists if they start handing out free shit this early, genshin is much more stingy than hsr and zzz and that was the case since 1.0, but that same stinginess allowed little to no powercreep, 1.0 characaters are still perfectly viable

but here we are following hsr's trajectory, where they give a bunch of free shit but they will make new characters so strong and the endgame so hard that any character at m0 will become utter trash after a year or less
this sucks not only because of pay2win but also because i like the characters i roll and i don't want to be forced to bench them just because the new toys are stronger...

genshin is trash and i hate it, but at least that game has insane pull value, they managed to make a profitable game without making old units obselete
Will you redeem the free HOMO?
>i like the characters i roll and i don't want to be forced to bench them
You and everyone else, which is why every new banner sells less than the previous despite the character being stronger. I don't know why mihomo thinks they can get away with this level of powercreep in a game that is primarily targeted at PC/console audiences.
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How fake and gay is this?
Corin: Prepare to get raped edition.
>genshin is much more stingy than hsr and zzz
what are you talking about
the premium currency for an average player is about the same in all three games give or take maybe 10 rolls per patch, but genshin is infinitely more f2p friendly thanks to a more flexible combat system

its been posted already SLOWPOKE
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(You) retards are way too confident that were getting a free S-rank this early in the game's lifespan. This isn't /wuwa/ lmao
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What the fuck? That was happening to me too. I will literally dodge on the first frame and still get slapped somehow. But for the latter I probably panic mashing too much. Though I do think there is something genuinely up with her dodge. If feels way too finnicky and I never had this issue with shit like Ellen or any other character who zooms around the field
Yep, looks like Mihoyo signed the deal with doritopope to give ZZZ awards in the upcoming TGA.
Don't care, I want all the expies since I didn't play HI3 and I got baited into playing HSR thinking it'd be a similar setting but t was just wuxiaslop/chinkwank from the beginning.
I want Kiana.
I want Bronya.
I want Seele.
I want Mei.
hsr has such illusion because you cant win timer with your skill and have to rely purely on numbers
shiyu/abyss/moc are balanced towards casual audience, but in hsr the difference between a sweatlord and a casual is much much less than in zzz and even genshin, so powercreep is more apparent
>Didn't play hi3
Why do you care then?
but kianner is from flyme2themoon
It's not a bug so much as, on Qingyi you're frequently dodging out of something that already has super armor. On other characters you'd be getting hit and stunned but because you're coming out of super armor, you get hit (tanking it) and then dash into the still lingering hurtbox.

How you can get hit and also get the Dodge Counter at the is the same reason you can Dodge Counter into parry. Attacks have long active frames and the Dodge Counter itself only cares that you're dodging an active hurtbox, even if it has already hit you miliseconds prior.
Can someone crop Ellen butt shake from 0:04?
Pretty please
think for yourself, man, nobody here knows anything more than you about this.
HSR did the same with Dr Ratio
Because friends baited me into playing HSR showing me all the cool anniversary shorts for HI3.
I don't know what that is
are past honkgay games even relevant
who the fuck remembers anymore
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>start playing because Yanagi is SEXO
>everyone says you need Burnice
>not entire sold on the game yet so I just use the free pulls to lord up the pity for Yanagi
>story kinda sucks
>so much reading
>so much clicking shit
>cutscenes are cool
>so as fuck grind
>get Grace instead of the Electric Maidu SEXO for Yanagi
>Grace play style fucking sucks
>Get Alex
>His playstyle is more fun and I hate that he's a Fury for muh JUSTICE and muh HONOR.. but his kit is fun and he's electric and works with Yanagi so fuck it
>60 rolls in and no Yanagi
>slow grind
>SLOW grind
aaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHH this fucking sucks. What the fuck happened to those 160 FREE pulls from the fucking ads I keep seeing on my phone!?!? This is so slow it hurts my souls. I play for 5 hours and it feels like I'm not progressing and I'm getting breadcrumb Poly currency. Not to mention I missed Jane and this is a mihoyo game for no Jane rerun for a whole year. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
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But I cleared 30f with you.

Also Corinrape.
Not reading that, make it shorter
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They'd rather give away a free homo than dripfeed miyabi
>the premium currency for an average player is about the same in all three games give or take maybe 10 rolls per patch, but genshin is infinitely more f2p friendly thanks to a more flexible combat system
outside of new region patches genshin gives 65/70 rolls on average for f2p players, hsr and zzz average at a 100
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>Japans economic boom was only thanks to the USA
The crash too. They only helped them because they thought they couldn't compete with them. When Japan destroyed American car companies by outcompeting, the Americans suddenly started hating Japan, the WW2 memes came back with a vengeance. Hell, today you can see echoes of what Japan went through if you look at how Americans react to China breathing down their necks with the computer chips, cars, space technology, etc, you seething like a little shit when you're reminded of history is proof enough of that.
That's why China is making joke games like picrelated, they know who broke Japan's neck back in the 90's and they remind them every now and then.

tl;dr you don't know history, all you know is how to screech like a buffoon
>free homo
haha who is the homo game now
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why are you excluding new zones and hsr/zzz do not average 100+ you dumb pag
who the fuck is alex
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I'll never understand people who get into a game but skip past the story and since they're not invested in the story, they have nothing to distract them from the grind. What keeps you around after you acquire the tits? Why would you do this to yourself?
Feel ya on HSR, the initial characters and setting seemed interesting at first but went downhill fast. Shame.
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Why would they give a character away for free? ZZZ didn't win some big award or hit a milestone
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zzz averages 120-140
pic related is never coming out though, first trailer was like 3 years ago and radio silence since lmao
not that person and mostly off topic because i'm not even comparing the free rolls, but man the autistic urge to fill up the map % cheevos burns me out on genshin like nothing else

the open world becomes a checklist to solve rather than something that's fun for me to explore it's just how my brain works unfortunately
Whats with that difficulty spike at 15, pompei is murdering my girls if when I swap around and the previous characters doesnt have the shield on.
>Harumasa free
Yanagi rolllers in shambles
kek, this shit will never get old
tl;dr: gambling addict
they already paid Geoff for the award
that's not my mibibi...
Anton is basically free free.
>Attack role
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>he wasted 180 pulls on a limited electric character when they are giving out one for free next patch
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Enemies in the tower attack much faster than they normally do so characters switching out may get hit before disappearing.
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I just maxed my Anton...
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I genuinely do not understand how people are getting filtered by phase 1 Pompey, the man has a teleflash on every single move and they're all a year long. Phase 2, I get, but phase 1?
>the reaction to harumasa has been so negative that they're begging people to take him
I could see it happening.
But who do they run instead of him?
I only wasted 60 and I got her and her ball.
Dawei already deposited the TGA money.
Oh fuck forgot about that shit awards show. Yeah they'll probably announce him for free during that show then
Anton has been there since 1.0 tho?
Plastic surgery won
Ellen rerun maybe
>tfw so used to quick swapping I get ass fucked by the ballet twins even when using Caesar
Fuck, they really want you use to defensive assists here
Imagine Harumasa out dpsing Yanagi? Surely they won't allow that to happen?
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because i'm talking about average here not outlier patches
and yes zzz has more than a 100 f2p rolls per patch, the truth is it's closer to 110 than 100 even
im not building homomasa even if he's free
Is Yanagi good with M1 Rina? I was thinking Yanagi/Rina/Nicole as a team - would that work?
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I'm actually getting filtered by this stupid fucking rat
I can't really tell the old and new apart.
Am I not Asian enough?
>doing engaging content with a team of cute girls
i am LITERALLY winning so hard right now bwos
you didnt beat the tower
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>simulated battle trials 3000
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I've missed the 50/50 and hit double soft pity, three banners in a row.

Give me a break
>using a homo
We've been figuring that for almost a month. But, Just Ellen for 1.4? Maybe Miyabi?
What a mess that would be.
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The only thing that sucks about phase 1 Pompey is that the motherfucker keeps VROOM VROOM'ing away from you.
No, it just means the devs did a good job and the people complaining are contrarians
Bwo...what are your Miib funds even looking like now? Are you going to use..."that" when she arrives?
You are right, I fuckin destroyed the tower son.
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>I like Yanagi
>rolled and got her
I know this is a concept that cock suckers and ugly women can't even begin to fathom lmao
Yanagi should have been on a date with Wise
I think the Japanese are also aware what being a tributary state to the Chinese for... almost all of their history was like as well. They are a bit bitter.
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how are we feeling, nagibros?
I only used 11 actually. And I don't think I'm going for her ball.
but she can go for my balls haha ha haha
Happy for you anon
if they make shiyu as hard as the tower i will quit
>Homo is an attacker
>Using homo
>Building homo
So much copium. He will be the Dr Ratio of ZZZ
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Yeah I saved my 2x bonuses for her
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where the fuck is she
Cheesed to meet you!
You've seen nothing yet.
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I fucking hate Special Episodes because what the fuck were Phaethon doing in the entire episode other than to appease the "Phaethon doesn't appear in Special Episodes" complaints people have?
>real or not??
If the person in question is dataminer, then real(and it was likely referenced as event reward, be it login bonus or full event)
If it's "leaker" larper, then probably not
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IT'S UP!!!
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really? her eye shape is very different now
1.3 Miyabi looks like she plays yugioh unironically
This character is so exhausting.
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Her ears don't look as soft now...
Damn, she looks a lot better.
From downy to aspie
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This slow ass imouto...
she only have like 3 patterns, use your dodge counter against it.
there are worse characters bro
not every quest needs to have phaeton as the main character, in fact i don't think every quest needs phaeton at all.
virtual revenge was nice because we got a glimpse of the true section 6, we would never see intimate moments like that if phaeton were around.
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Does Belle dye her hair? I just noticed her greyish eyebrows.
Look man, you're right about the game averaging 100 a patch, but that graphic is not reliable. Multiple things on there are wrong. Simulated battle trials is the tower and it doesn't fucking give 3000. The Shiyu amount there is also wrong.
Will likely save her announcement for some large event to maximize media circulation to the masses.
if it's real, im very happy since i was going to skip him but i wanted him anyway
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Me? I think she's pretty easy!
This. The story doesn't always need Phaethon, just like my wife doesn't always need me to be sexually satisfied.
>he rolled bricknagi
>missed Jane
>missed Caesar
I don't think I'm gonna make it bros...
Is anyone else finding the tower to be way easier after floor 30? Just got to 40.
it's full stop chan, he is not a dataminer but he has gotten every single genshin banner right for like a year, the guy is reliable
Straight up unless you put them side by side I would not have known the changed her.
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God I really hope that free Fagumasa thing is fake... I was really hoping he'd be a limited S rank so he wouldn't pollute my Agent roster.
Slow! Belle is slow and cute! My stupid little sister~
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>simulated battle trials 3000~
you can just ignore the mail. there were a % of ppl that never accepted the ratio mail in hrt
Feeling good about her. She's surprisingly more engaging to play than I thought. I keep overextending her field time because she often procs disorder at just her second round of NAs I keep forgetting to swap out and reapply another anomaly. I have a feeling once everyone finally gets a handle on how she plays she's gonna be strong and very solid.
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Can you imagine the sheer SEETHE if 3000 fucking polys were gated behind Tower? Lmao.
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Which disks for Anby?
I have never replied to Seth DM and I WILL NOT claim homomasa.
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We can only hope.

I would replace Nicole with an anomaly agent, since Nagi really wants to proc big disorders, but yeah it should be fine.
By this place's standards you need to have Rina's ball too to make penmaxxing actually worth it.
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Damn lucky lizard...
Harumasa will auto claim himself into your account.
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This game is flopping bigly. Where is the free limited 5* to bring players back?
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man I love doing QA testing for my favorite game, Zenless Zone Zero (TM), for free
I look like this
Da Wei already paid the deposit for the TGA awards
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Is avacadoboo the best boo for later floors in the tower? I heard theres a bangboo that can taunt which is also very good for the fights to give you some alone time in those double elite fights.
t. the schizo suing From because xhe thinks there's hidden unaccessible content behind bosses xhe cant beat
>Lucydev pushing her onto us
Then what the fuck is the point of phaeton as MCs if every single story doesn't have them as the central characters? We might as well have nameless, faceless proxy at this point
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Fuck this gay shit
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Lucy won
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so how is the patch so far? havent had the time to play it
That'd be Paperboo. Most bangboo skills have about >20s cooldown, so I don't know how good he would be at aggroing attacks long enough for you to benefit.
>Is avacadoboo the best boo
he's my mvp
>I heard theres a bangboo that can taunt
paperboo, he also gives shield
Kill yourself you self inserting Senseiniggerpedo.
it's worse than in genshin. at least the traveler participates in shit as the camera. in this special episode, phaeton might as well not exist at all. we're not even a camera.
I'm really glad Lucy is just an A rank.
I'd starve and sell my old ass car and house if that's what'd take to get her M6W5 if she was an S rank agent.
>forced worming
Hmm nyes
anything else?
>lucy is the bennett of zzz
>piper is the xiangling of zzz
is this true bros?
>it's literally another "Yanagi is a workaholic" thing
The MV is literally just her walking home. I know you fags like to push the whole WORK shitpost but come on now.
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Free homos for us, Xisters!
First it was Ration in HSR, next is was XY in Wuwa, now it is Harumasa.
We wonned!
i would describe it as "content light" but the tower mode and arpeggio are kinda sovl
>the worst chapters so far are all special episodes where the incest siblings have zero role in them
Law enforcement factions stories are gonna be the xianzhou of zzz
yeah i know one person who is >>501356780
are there any super powerful weapons in the lore
like excalibur in real life or masamune in japan
your enjoyment of this patch is going to heavily depend on whether or not you like the following
>section 6 wank
>lots of ballbusting combat
>lots of tv exploration
neither of these characters will still be considered playable after 2.0 so no
Was Ratio lightning too? Why are all the free dudes lightning element?
Solider 11's sword
>xbox release
It's all coming together...
What do we think, bros?
Shut the fuck up if you can't think of anything actually original to say you fatenigger
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>miyabi's eyes on the shirt are placed on that busty girl's chest, making them seem further apart
Kek. This game truly has some sovl.
Billy's guns
what does it do?
Neat, thanks
being the mc doesn't mean you are the central focus of every story, if anything mc's tend to never be the focus, the central characters in fictional stories tend to be the antagonists or side characters of the arc
being the mc means you are the main pov of the story, the one who appears the most and we see the character through your eyes, and as that paheton are the mc of the story
you first tranny
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I don’t know what I’m doing lol
>lots of ballbusting combat
>lots of tv exploration
then i might like it then
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Considering Lucy has only appreciated in value over time, not quite sure this is true.
>being the mc means you are the main pov of the story, the one who appears the most and we see the character through your eyes, and as that paheton are the mc of the story
except in you do not even play through the POV of the MC in special episodes, the MC literally does not exist in them
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>giving out free s rank when the game should be squeezing out every last penny, yen, rmb, from the remaining fujo, yumes, and faggots that play the game
hsr is giving this team way too much pocket money to fool around rather than make profit
If he's actually free I'm thinking kino
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Yeah even if I am taking testosterone I'm still more of a man than a scrawny little pussy ass bitch nigger like your retarded ass
Suck my dick bitch
they should let you choose between the homo and 20 rolls
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Some GOOD FUCKING FOOD, that's what.
Ok cool
What floors are most people getting to in the Battle Tower?
man people talk shit about the shadow pulchra boss fight or pompey or whatever, but the one who always fucks me up is the orangutan
I just eat 2-3 jumps in a row every time
i beat 15 and gave up
100 if you're a whale, otherwise 10
15 then stopped kek
the arjuna orbs..
I got to the 2ndth floor once
I got to 40 but it was my first run, if I get real autistic I will likely go higher tomorrow
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I stopped at 25, might push to 30 or 35 once I finish my Yanagi.
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25 for anyone that isn't a little pussy.
I did 15 because I was reading the thread and people were complaining about that one but it's just Pompey. I stopped there, I'll do 15 more tomorrow.
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i stopped at 30 to claim all the rewards but i'll keep going another time
>actually is a troon
15 is easy if your pussy is very loose
it looks like the tower is quite a bit harder/easier depending on the characters you are using and how strong they are
doesn't seem like much of a skill check...
>TV only Hollow Zero mode
Whos idea was this?
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the tower is the biggest nothingburger ever in zzz no substantial reward for doing it too
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Mine. I'm the one who asked for the Tower, too. No, I don't regret anything. Yes, I'll fucking do it again.
25 for now
Stuck on 29 because I'm not used to the new ethereal.
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>tfw playing Jane and dodging everything like a god with this banger
BASED eos harbinger
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BASED, so fucking ZASED.
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reminds me of futuristic racing game music, so good
But so far phaeton haven't been the central focus in EVERY single story. People can meme gayther as cameramen all they want but at least he got to be an actual mc in some stories like mondstadt and inazuma. Where's my story about conflict between proxies? Or about business rival? Or actual attempt to investigate their master's history and stuff? This game keep throwing factions that have nothing to do with the mcs and have them doing the bare minimum of proxy work in their stories so they could be "involved" the main stories.

special episodes are even worse in this case because the writers literally put them as ignorant bystanders.
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Thank you so much!
Same, Janebro. Probably the most fun I've had in the game so far, specially versus [ULTRA GIGA SHADOW JANE.]
the tower would be fun if the enemies had less health
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>Harumasa literally will whore himself out for (You)
For (you) confirmed.
Literally signed himself up just for (you), we won xisters!
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Me and the /gig/ jannies have decided to do a fraud check system for the tower to ensure that everyone is able to meet quota and work sufficient hours on the clock for the future Guild wars. You will be required to fill in your lunch and break timings so I know that no one is taking too much time off on break.
Please ensure that you download a copy of the excel file attached below and fill in your particulars as accordingly. I will need to check every individuals' punch card one by one so please post your punch card file in #gig.
Anyone that is below floor 30 by the end of week will be purged.
>it's a belletroon
of course
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Jane mirror matches play like DBZ fights, I love it.
We are getting a free boy? Who is it?
I'm glad I quit Grubble before this started being the norm, holy fuck
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I am not playing a character with a choker even if given for free.
Okay now that Hoyo fixed the PC version I was able to play more Yanagi. I now understand how she plays. She's actually easy to use despite what the CCs tend to say, until you learn when to time using her EX skill (non-hold) to parry.
But still, the parry window is huge enough that she gets a big ass leeway in regards to it.

That's it basically. In terms of difficulty she's like a 3/5 while Jane is a 1/5. Lower being easier.
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>enables easy mode
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but why would you hate chokers?
Why though? He’s very likely Electric Zhu Yuan + Anton.
Low field time attacker that‘s good with Shock comps
Yanagi monoelectric is already pretty good. Harumasa might just make it as good if not better than the disorder comp
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Then it would just be a roflstomp like Shiyu. The fact that they are tanky as hell makes it an endurance match, making you have to focus if you don't want to get vaporized. THAT'S what revs your [pic related.]
coco has a drawer full of snapped chokers
>more electric shilling
why is this a bad thing
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I know they've been clearing floor 100 with piper and stuff in asia but are there any thread posters that made it to 100 with any comp? There must be at least one sweaty.
bullshit, I still had to dodge so much in the tower
the zhongKING would let me beat the whole thing with no dodge button
t. a fag
No, it's not possible to hit 100 unless you're a gigawhale
>Miyabi really will be the first banner next patch
I just spent everything for Yanagi, FUUUUCK.
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Okay, King.
I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
??? You literally have to play Anby to get past the tutorial???
no it just makes the shittier characters unusable
Who is 5/5?
Unfunny forced no effort copypasta that has nothing to do with ZZZ
Kill yourself nigger
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Now that Harupipi is free.
Should I roll for Yanagipi, Mibibi, or Lighter?
>Context: M0R1 Ellen, M0R1 Jane, Caesar, and Burnice are my limited so far
TVslope is awful
If you use Caesar in the tower you did not clear the tower
cope and seethe
Mibibi and Ellen rerun
everything else is a scam
I'm a Caesar user but I also play on phone
Do they two cancel each other out?
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I always just went to gbfg guilds and reaped higher tier rewards during GW I think I went through like 20 tier A and B guilds from that general that
>practicing no hitting pompey (not running away) in notorious hunt for tower
pompey is pomGAY
anyone with a super clunky kit like ellen without caesar, she wants to do her sharknado but every mob will punish her for forcing it unless she has a shield.
tower is anti-fun
again an mc doesn't have to be the focus of a story to be the mc, stories don't even focus on mc's 99% of the time but instead on the antagonists
and we are still in the introduction phase of the story, we barely learned phaeton's true purpose

and i just don't understand this obsession with mc mc mc mc mc mc, it's as retarded as the plot obsessed retards who just want to go from point A to point B
a good story is a good story, you don't need to shove your self insert in a story where they don't fit, and you talking about aether but aether is 100% worse, because he is so useless that he undermines the journeys of other characters, he is shoved in a place where he isn't supposed to be

it seems to me this is mainly a thing gacha players obsess about or did you also get angry when hank got his own arc where walter was a bystander, did you scream at your screen WHERE IS WALTER WHITE WHERE IS MY MC
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>makes the shittier players unable to clear*
Reminded that solo Billy f25 clears are already out there. You have no excuse.
Remember to report the niggers talking offtopic about shit games like Fag Gay Order and Gaybutt Fagtasy.
Where'd Anby's skirt go?
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I want her.
Based. I'm surprised there were even that many guilds
on top of me
I tore it when we went for a quick plap in the Hollow
My bad
im on 50 and getting fucked by pompey
his second phase makes no sense idk when to parry
>good story is a good story
the problem is even without the blank slate mcs the stories are still fucking garbage. if this S6 wank story didn't convince you of this then you have no business talking about quality
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She takes it off when she engages serious mode.
Why is she such a bitch?
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>I want her.
to bite me
I cleared it up to floor 25 so far with Anton as my main DPS. I'll keep going tomorrow.
High school girls stink pretty bad
the tower has made me realize zzz is just not fun
doing the same basic combo 6000 times in a row while barely scratching the enemy hp is mind numbing
None. CCs made a big deal about her stances but once you realize how it works it's easy. People being confused at the beginning about her is understandable but that doesn't mean she's clunky. In fact her kit is very clever. But it is very understandable if people would not roll for her especially if they have Jane. Better wait to see if Miyabi really is Ice anomaly or something.
>m0 Yanagi deleting HP bars in 26-30
Also no Caesar, but he has m4 Burnice.
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She's in permanent shark week.
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anby has some of the best impact frames, I dont remember the new characters gets these anymore, only the standard ones?
>a main character has to be more useless and irrelevant than side characters!
and here I thought /hsrg/ has the most retarded story shitposter
What the FUCK is his problem?
At least our MC has his/her own room already
And so Yanagi's secret prevailed against Miyabi's prowess to claim victory against this episode's true enemy. Null_Face's battle data collection was more potent in program than I thought. Shadow Mibibi, soon...
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Hollow raiding's hungry work.
i simply kited the 2nd phase, just run away when he starts doing his retarded attack spam
took a few minutes longer but i rather do that than retry for hours like i did on 49th jane
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Her and Rina's are my favorites. So fucking cool.
Stfu retard, you know nothing about biology
Boys are the ones who cant even smell their own nasty odor, like shit dude if they can smell themselves then why do they even go to anime cons to try to socialize while they smell like ass?
They are the characters of the primary plot of the game but the world they inhabit does not necessarily revolve around them if that helps.
>difficulty of tower is almost entirely dictated by how often the enemy AI decides to spam 7 attacks in a row

very fun mode btw
That's basically this entire game bro...
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I think the towir iz pretty eezy!
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I think I might farm an Energy Regen disc for Caesar so I can always make sure I have my one hit shield available for higher tower levels. Good or shit idea? Worth losing Imapct?
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Being an apex predator gives her no filter.
it's funny that you're referencing BB when the best seasons are the ones that feature walter and jesse the most

meanwhile even now wise/belle are still barely relevant in every story they partake in
anime girls having a separate colour for their eyebrows is a very common occurrence, not really a dyeing thing
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You would be too if everyone you met wanted to touch your tail
if you were wondering... nyo
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Damn illiterate overpowered cutie...
>tfw favorited ellen and now she uhhh no's me every time I open the agent screen once again
best part of this patch
>get hit once
>need to restart or suffer an hp deficient for the rest of the run
this shit doesn't work without caesar
>he skipped GODsar
Skill issue, I'm afraid
It's funny that you're bitching about the games writing when you 1: don't work for hoyo 2: havent made anything of value yourself 3: there's literally billions of books that change povs throughout and apparently its only bad if ZZZ does it?
hank is the best character and the best part of the story
I cleared 30F and I didn't feel like I needed more ER on Caesar, I prefer to use an Impact d6.
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I didn't even ask yet...
Gachage autism is fucking irritating as hell
All yall need to drop dead but i doubt you have the iq to know who you are
>havent made anything of value yourself
typical turd worlder argument

MOST people? 15, 20 if they're a cut above the rest, 25 and above for masochists
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>ellen won't let me touch her tail
>miyabi doesn't even have one to touch
it's so over
95% of players who don't have caesar won't even clear 15
People here grew up on isekai wish fulfillment and it shows.
> what no /ss/ does too a shota

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