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Cobblemon on Bamboo Rafts Edition


We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.
NO e-celeb faggotry.

► 2. NEWS

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use links below to keep playing the game without a M$ account.


>Play modded now!:
github.com/fn2006/PollyMC [offline poly fork]
github.com/antunnitraj/Prism-Launcher-PolyMC-Offline-Bypass [offline prism solution]

>Get mods:

>Useful Curseforge Search
greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Optimization mods:

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers (Do you have a server up? Add it to the OP!) :

GTNH 2.7 Beta 2 (Requires Seamless Auth):

Previous: >>501749721
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good picture
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Mana blastin
The List Nr.7 is out
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I want my cape dammit :,/ people who are younger than me and that are newer to the game have multiple ones and I don't even fucking have one. It's my fault for being too fucking stupid to remember some stupid password during the migration. permanently out of a migration cape. Just another online item im entitled to that I'm cheated out of.
You're in the modded minecraft thread just mod in whatever cape you want.
It's not real.
What's the definitive modpack to dwelve into Botania? I see Floramancer a lot but it's an expert pack geared towards automation with decay for all generating flora as its main quirk, other than that it's centered around Botania with just a few other content and QOL mods accompanying it which I like. Any non-expert variant of it? Another question is what version is better suited for this?
Pros for 1.7.10
>has Alfheim dimension add-on (it's not very good?). Still waiting for that anon who told he'll check it out on the results of his expedition
>has Fairy Factions mod. I think it complements it very well
Pros for 1.12.2
>has Botania Tweaks which brings more customization options for packdevs
>has more stuff and some 1.16 features backported, don't know if these features are worth it.
Addons for this aren't generally good I hear so I won't pay too much attention to these, elven dimension sounds cool so I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt anyways. Don't mind working on a TOYMY, just wanna check what options are available.
buy an optifine cape
would everyone else be able to see it online?
genuinely just botania+qol, any minecraft version is sufficient
botania is complicated enough that any time you play with it your systems will be different, it's not like after you've played through it once you have a definitive idea of how to do everything like with many other tech mods
Back then capes were truly special and were only handed to those who really deserved it. Now every idiot has it, it's not like that anymore. So don't be a bitch, mod it in, and wear it with pride. If anything it's more real than what those migration whores are wearing.
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Thanks, I'll make a TOYMY then. Still not sure about what version to pick tho, do you happen to know how big 1.12.2 changes are? If there isn't anything mindblowing, might as well just play 1.7.10 for Fairy Factions because I think they are very cute.
I want mine. I've been playing on and off since 2010.
Fairy kino. Didn't know it had off-game autistic lore.
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You guys alright?
Retards are still in their pen?
I see there's no tjfserb yet
>Retards are still in their pen?
If you mean /mc<eceleb>g/ the illegal immigrants came over and we can't even deport them since their own thread keeps dying over and over. If only god emperor trump could deport them back to where they belong (in minecraft)
everybody who also uses optifine
I like M-bos concept of having one storage system and distributing different categories to different buildings.
I think im going to design my own now.
That's actually pretty fuckin' neato
>not posting the best one
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My space autism test world is coming along nicely :D
Meh the suggestions in this one are ok but not anything stunning.
What is this worldgen?
Looks like Realistic Terrain Generation (or similar) with Streams (or similar)
>still nothing like this for 1.20.1
Some of them are promising, but none of them upgrade the shitty vanilla trees or add flowing rivers/watefalls.
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When does it go from vanilla to modded minecraft, as a lot of players of "vanilla" still mod their games.
Use of minimaps, freecams, UI changes, tweakeroo ect.

Also how come the vanilla general keeps 404ing? it was a lot more active even 2 months ago?
>Also how come the vanilla general keeps 404ing?
eceleb spam
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Can you make a SMR in New Age that works without boilers?

What space mod?
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Went down to the bottom of my stairs and started clearing a tunnel back under my claimed land, seeing if I could get lucky with some bedrock ores. Only found Depth Borax which I'll need some mining charges to clear out. I did run into my oil vein and goddamn is it a chonky boy.
I appreciate the information, fren.
Can't wait for them to add Palworld Pals
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Found my extraction pipe from my derrick as well. One of those, I was pretty sure but this confirms, things. I was running low on diamonds (down to one) so this is also a good find.
I think minecraft mods can fundamentally change the game so much it goes beyond what the majority of games get from mods, which in turn makes "modded minecraft" into something completely of it's own. Vanilla players can (and do) use minimally transformative mods and are still considered vanilla because "modded" means something else than it does in other games
New Jaffa Factory just dropped;
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This was a better find and I was able to get all three in the same screenshot.
>minimaps, freecams, UI changes, tweakeroo
Asking again because last thread died
Immerisive and greg ethanol aren't oredicted, any easy way to unify them? Most other fluids are, the few that aren't can be manually cheated in, but I plan to use ethanol for automation.
1.12 pack
Also mod that adds a tool that increases sapling drop rates? Ex nihlo crashes, forestry tool sucks
Just fix it with Kubejs
fing hell a create space mod that works, how many have failed? glade to see after all this time we got one
play gtnh instead
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>fing hell a create space mod that works
Well, it's kind of unpolished right now, but it's very promising.
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I will make my storage system vertical in three stages.
One chunk for crafting. One for shulker loading. One for multi-item sorting.
So when i need to expand in a few years, i can just keep building down.

Pic related is the auto-crafting, it's compressing things that can be reversed. Currently i have:
- Honey Bottle
- Iron Nugget
- Gold Nugget
- Redstone Dust
- Emerald
- Diamond
- Lapis Lazuli
- Iron Ingot
- Gold Ingot
- Copper Ingot
- Raw Iron
- Raw Gold
- Clay
- Bone
- Snow Ball
- Raw Copper
- Coal
- Wheat
- Kelp
- Slime Block
- Bonemeal
- Melon Slices
and two empty slots
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Alright, went back to clear out some more chaff from the start of my claim area out from the tunnel and found two more veins of diamonds. First one was two swings into this sub-tunnel. The one thing I'm not looking for I'm finding in fuckin' spades now. Guess I can make a jukebox to see what all the fuss is about with that disc I found called "????".
all of this to avoid downloading ae2
That's impressive, but it being so complex as for what it does is one of the reasons people use mods for that. And your build is kinda pure vanilla?
Anyway, good job. Being so good at vanilla redstone must be fun and satisfying.
>Immerisive and greg ethanol aren't oredicted, any easy way to unify them?
You can try checking out if the most popular / decent-looking packs that have both GT and IE have that problem and just copy their homework if not. It it persists then yeah, fuck with KubeJS or whatever people usually say when they have no clue of how to fix a thing.
>Also mod that adds a tool that increases sapling drop rates?
No such thing unless scripts.
>forestry tool sucks
What problem do you have with the grafter?
Hmm, didn't think of taking the scripts from another pack. I feared I'd have to much around with KubeJS and that sounded like bunch of tutorials watched and hours spent
>No such thing
I know ex nihlo has it but it causes my pack to crash on start up. I was looking for other mod
Low durability
Almost any mod that wouldn't work clientside on a server would make it 'modded minecraft', I think.
>not just using RS/AE2
>I feared I'd have to much around with KubeJS and that sounded like bunch of tutorials watched and hours spent
If no fluid compat mod or GT/IE config exists, then you have no choice but to mess with KubeJS. If you're gonna be stealing scripts, there are 5 packs with all three mods included, chances could've been worse.
>I was looking for other mod
No simple one that just tweaks the sapling drop probability, searched for 1.7.10 for a while and bugged many people about it, no one ever answered. Ended up just growing more trees and using some mod that added watches that change tick speed.
>Low durability
Build a villager slave camp and search for ones that sell proven grafters, they have better durability. Villager Market adds a block that shows all trades in range so you don't have to individually click on every villager. Also, can't you enchant it with unbreaking? Don't remember trying
any cool thaumcraft addons that aren't mentioned in the git list?
I saw https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/essentia-pipes dropped recently and I thought it'd be neat to try out. Can work on making a different kind of essentia system instead of the usual centrifuge loop
>Are quest book modpacks still a thing?
>Any good ones?
Thaumic Concilium is a relatively new one, but don't know if its any good.
you should update xaero's minimap
*heavy's voice* NO!
I'll do it just because of this post, fully expecting it to become outdated again within a week.
ae2 subnets my beloved
No oredict but found this https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fluidconverters
sound interesting, but Thaumic Thinkerer is one of the required mods unfortunately. I don't really like TT, a lot of its stuff is retarded OP
just don't use the op stuff?
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>just don't use the op stuff
Your steaks look disgustingly green. Is it zombie meat? You actually eat this?
>using water for item transportation
please tell me you're baiting
These are onions vegan steaks.
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Grilled Glyphid Meat. One of the shouts from Nuclear Tech Mod to Deep Rock Galactic, among other things, as they eat pollution, evolve, and will expand their nests into your territory if you're being stinky. Very similar to Factorio. I helped a buddy clear out a bunch of nests that got out of hand around his place and ended up with several stacks of the meat. Got one stack left uncooked from that fiasco. Makes for decent food, actually. But once those are gone I can start munching on the MRE's I got from the various loot I've found.
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Optifine, Sodium, NCR, and Simple Voice Chat are mods.

Basically the only 'vanilla' players are bedrock babbies and people so noob they haven't figured out how to install anything yet.
Post build
Did Jevin ever say why he almost instantly privated his "List" ripoff video and never reposted it?
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can i cut holes and make man-made rooms inside my self-building Biomancy 2 flesh-mound or will the flesh-mound heal itself and replace all the blocks i put down back with flesh again?
the documentation on this mod is sheer ass
Have you considered testing in creative?
i am. the flesh takes forever to spread in its initial stages so i'm gambling if an anon knows the answer while i wait
Ah, I wish you luck then, lad.
>requires the block to have a tag
i take it most block from other mods will be immune then, which is good enough for me. thanks anon
even better! thanks anons
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I just like building sewers for some reason...
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>pure blue water
Where's the crud and sludge?
we need a serb where we collect all our autistic anons with niche building desires and for it all into factory city with infrastructure
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Pretty sure thats been done and it was called Broville.
>Where's the crud and sludge?
On my dick after I fuck you in the ass.
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Terminal stupidity or actually throwing?
this isn't even modded fucking kys
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Thanks for playing.
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serb has been slowing down quite a bit (we are stuck in zpm) but I've just about finished redoing our platline / titanium lines to use MCRs
we will never need to redo these again, thankfully
I want a broville 2 then
I want autistic greg factory setups and nuclear plants and all of it properly plumbed to a water treatment plant and all the materials trainned in from giant quarries miles away
Also shaders.
the dutchfaggot serb might be what you're looking for?
its running create:astral
Decide, /mmcg/
Your builds
Or his life
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I still don't know how to make spiral staircases
Does inferior gregtech also not have a branch cutter?
greg my nigga, you should know why /mcg/ keeps dying by now, especially cuz you are a youtuber.
/mcg/ keeps dying because mojang haven't done anything interesting in like ten years and because the spammer who flooded it for weeks with false flag shit and anti-Etho rage drove everyone away. Your hatred for youtubers is strictly a "you"-problem.
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Wanted to work on Fart Gallery more but world keeps crashing on load because apparently Random Things redstone interfaces and trannylocators don't play well together.

Vanillachads win again.
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small update, I got a digester set up for Samarium processing (and eventually swapping to nano resins). The final ratio for LuV tier Samarium processing is great (it's like 2/3 samarium mixure dusts to 1 samarium ingot) so we should end up with ~6k Samarium ingots once we finish processing the backlog.
This is actually huge because we've been manually crafting samarium a few stacks at a time up until now, which takes forever and has horrible ratios...
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>is great (it's like 2/3 samarium mixure dusts to 1 samarium ingot
I'm retarded and can't do math I meant 1.5 mixture dusts to 1 samarium ingot
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This is /mcg/ now, the thread split is over.
Unfortunately it has to stay named /mmcg/ or else the people who split it originally will just instantly re-split it.
no fuck off and take your eceleb posting to it's own containment general
Refugees welcome, chud.
Yo, I think I found the hack. If you just randomly add "Etho" to every post you make the schizo will never see it and not seethe at you.

Watch, he'll ignore this one.
that would be fine if it was actual discussion about minecraft and not faggot youtuber gossip
just leave the board entirely and go to reddit or discord, theres plenty of communities for you there
Every other general for every other game is fine with "community" posts. It's literally only you and only this thread whining about it.

>outright lies
Are you some kinda jew or tranny, either way your kind aren't welcome here
If you were talking about modded youtubers it would be fine. If you were talking about youtubers who were 50/50 modded it would be fine. You are talking about yutubers who are basically vanilla but use a few mods to help with recording. Direwolf20, Dewstream, CyberFuel Studios, ChosenArchitect, Hololive or any of the numerous modded vtuber servers, heck even the Yogscast did more modded than vanilla but you ONLY talk about the scummy as hell hermit craft server, look into the history of it it is basically run by a "discord mod" that stole it from Generikb and refused to give it back. Even Generikb played signifagantly more modded than those people, he ran a fairly popular pack at one point IDR the name. Fo back to >>>/vg/mcg/ if they dont want you, Etho discussion can go to >>>/vg/ because he is a vtuber and the rest of it should stay on >>>/trash/.
>plebbit spacing
Every time /mcg/ dies doesnt mean the two threads reemerged it means vanilla mc doesnt have as many people bumping the thread as us. You could help with that.
It's either modded or it isn't, and hermitcraft is modded. Not that it matters anyway after reunification.
This seems like autistic rule lawyering.
But I have a worldmap installed, therefore I have modded my game client. Autistic Rule Lawyering right back at cha'
Turning reika off for a few hours maybe forever?
Does anyone still play on it, have there been any issues, should I host something else?
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advertising is against the rules, name nigger
>should I host something else?
not necroshit plz
host hardrock :^)
I don't know what that is. As long as it's not greg I'm happy. Could dredge up my old hyper-autistic zombie pack

sounds disgusting and like nobody would play on it
Nah namefags are great. I wish all these hermit craft fuckers namefaged, It is easier to hide there posts that way
Do the filters work on partial matches? What if I want to hide my posts from the mentally ill but don't want to impersonate anyone?
Dude you are purposely coming in here to cause troll at this point. It was funny for like the first week but after months it is just pathetic. I am giving you an out, start up a >>>/vt/etho/ thread. that board is sutch a mess no one will care if you use it to talk about all of hermit crap. >>>/vg/ threads arent just about the letter of the rules it is also alot about what people want on them and WE DONT WANT YOU.
Why do you think I care if you want me here or not?
you can expand them to partial matches with regex if you want but by default no.
Btw have anyone ever even played multiplayer Flans mod how it was originally intended? Like, making several teams with ww2 uniforms and guns and driving jeeps, tanks, and other military vehicles just fighting till the last one stands?
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At all times of day, it needs to be bumped every two hours or less. I think /vg/ is more active or there are more threads than slots for threads, so frequent archiving instead of languishing on page 10 for hours is the norm.
>and then one day, for no reason at all, /mcg/ collectively decided to migrate to /mmcg/
Continues to be based, anyone got modpack suggestions built around cobblemon, or is TOYMY the best bet for it?
The most fun thing I remember doing is shooting a giant dragon with several antiaircraft guns until he shuffled off this mortal coil in my main survival world. Felt surprisingly cinematic for something this retarded, this kind of stuff you usually do in creative
yes, i've encountered several groups who have servers like that, one on /int/ even
Cobblemon Delta, it has player gyms and shops, daily events that you can do, minigames, and some custom variant mons that fit really well into the game. They also built a proper world to enjoy
Eww, go back to /v/.
I feel so lonely while playing MC sp.
This blade is soaked in the blood of orphans
yeah but loneliness is all i deserve
>public servers
not even once
>wants to play pokemon in minecraft
>but refuses to turn it multiplayer because uhhhhh...
I've got friends I can play with, why would I want to play on a public server?
>has friends
kys normalfag
/mmcg/ cobblemon serb when?
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Spent the night on designing a shulker box loader.
This is the current iteration. 1 wide tilable.
It automatically crafts the shulker box and dyes them. A water stream goes through the hole in the center where the finished shulkers come through.
The idea is that it stores all the trash like cobblestone, deepslate, etc. into one chest array where you would spot the difference by color.
Just wait for /vp/ixelmon.
but when
Look at my uneducated ass, flans even has a servers tab on their website, I assume it's always been there. Not only that but I also found a modded server list (that's a thing apparently?) according to which there are people playing on public serbs with flans as we speak.
>one on /int/ even
when was that?
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Every server has a guy like this, wonder what he's doing
This you?
no, i dont play on servers but my own self-hosted
i hecking love hololive
nobody plays public servers
Vtubers play modded?
>"yeah this 2 viewer pngtuber plays gtnh"
No, I mean real vubters, not trannies
Who do you host it for if not for friends? Enemies or public?
Who are these fellows right here then? Shadow monsters? Soulless husks? Inorganic replicants with no pulse?
performance reasons
Oh makes sense, hope you at least have meidos to accompany you in your adventures
i never got the appeal of such, so not really
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> curseforge: modded servers
> wow that must be a brilliant place to promote my modded server!
> pagination doesn't work
i hosted modded server and played with my bf but he always gets bored after a few weeks.
when will it be my turn
post asshole
are you ok
no and i never will be
kill yourself sodomites
do what I said.
uh oh the gaycel is angry
>having to use public servers because nobody will play with you otherwise
lol, lmao even
Inventory pets more your speed perhaps? They are very cute and help you out as well. I only take 3 at a time because they can get pretty op in packs, my last trio was
>snow golem pet, pretty useless but I like the way he looks, he eats pumpkins
>double chest pet, helped me store my items, very helpful, he eats wood
>hanukkah pet I kept because he gives me "that weirdo in your jrpg party" vibes, gifts items somewhere in december but I stopped playing in this world so I don't know it they are any good, doesn't eat anything I think
There are way more powerful ones like the grave pet who saves your inventory after death, but that was my pick for that run.
lol didn't notice, it works if you manually add ?page=2 to the link
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Post your pets
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If you don't have any, you may claim one of these solely based on their appearance
How hard would you coom if this december Thaumcraft 7 finally came out and Etho did a series with TFC, gregtech, and thaumcraft.
Why do you have a menorah in your hotbar
>least easily offended 4channer when he sees a weird pixel candle in a video game
>easily offended
Ehhh ok
for religous purposes
It's the hanukkah pet one, you can see the face
when will they finally kick out doc from hermitcraft?
get rid of scar first tbf
>minecart goes in lightspeed
>custom armor
>voice chat symbol
>a quiz robot is visible for five frames
>player has 12 hearts
only the voice chat is a mod and it's not even a content mod, the rest are datapacks. get the fuck out vanilla ecelebslop faggot
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yikes, sweety, you didn't pay attention
it's a datapack, and even if it wasn't it doesn't qualify your eceleb fagottry to be posted here
I'm using PollyMC and for whatever reason not a SINGLE performance mod works, the game just isn't booting up whether I use Loli, Universal Tweaks, Fermium, Alfheim, anything. Optifine works well though.
Is there something obvious that I'm missing that could be done about this?
PollyMC doesn't let you use woke pedo mods.
>optifine doesnt require forge to work
did you forget to install forge anon
All other mods are working fine, it's ONLY the mods that touch on optimization
The sheer difference in approach, promotion, and quality between Pixelmon and Cobblemon is insane. Pixelshit should just shut down at this point.
>no 1.12.2
Dead on arrival
Cobblemon devs update sooooooo slowly. They don't even have breeding, mega evolutions, or tms. Maybe once Cobblemon is feature complete in 2028, Pixelmon can discontinue.
holy bait
You already posted mine, except mine tends to get exploded by stuff two-to-ten times its size.
They're missing a ton of other features too, the ones I listed were just the core features they're missing. Also the fact that the pokedex of non-generational-gimmick pokemon isn't full yet.
Optifine breaks alot of performance mods. Have you tried without optifine?
Tin Foil Chef, the second to last decent person on hermit crap, died a few years ago now so that would be a literal miracle
That is a sexy ass sword anon. What are your plans for the empty socketa?
dawg no one cares about that dude we're talking about terrafirmacraft the gmoat
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Didn't expect chunks failing to load to be this cute!
I use almost every performance mod there is alongside OptiFine and it works just fine, nothing worse than some visual glitches. He got minecraft aids
I haven't played Minecraft in years and I'm thinking about getting into it again with a good modpack. I'm curious to hear what you anons would say is your most treasured minecraft memory or the most fun you've had with a modpack?
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How is that different than just regular gregtech?
>what you anons would say is your most treasured minecraft memory or the most fun you've had with a modpack?
Packs I had the most fun with are absolute dogshit, it's your imagination that matters
I dont really have treasured memories from this game
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>I dont really have treasured memories from this game
then why do you play it?
why is the sky blue
Give me a seed.
I did, it just gives me a fucklong error message which I am in no ability to desipher
Start with a vanilla instance. Make sure it loads. Then add your modloader. Make sure it loads. Then add those performance mods one at a time until it breaks. THEN look at the resulting error and it shouldn't be hard to decipher. If it's still too hard, throw it onto pastebin and link it here. It's not rocket science.
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Spawned me near TC forest. Neato.
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I spawned in the desert.
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32 shulker loaders ready.
Survived all testing, even when dumping items in twice as fast as planned.
Only had to replace the upside down stair with powdered snow to stop shulkers from rarely getting dyed wrong.

Next will be the multi-item-sorting, which will be the only part i am not developing myself, so i will procrastinate this hard, because trying to figure out if whether someone else did is chunk load save, is cancer.

I am hyped for building it in survival, it will be a glorious dig.
It's still fucklong and from what I can tell it has something to do with my Java

>>502722926 (Me)
The command blocks are for stress testing. They fill the shulker boxes inside to make them drop faster.
And structure blocks stopped working in that world. I now have to mess around with the clone command.
Personally I've been using the seed
since 1.12 till now. Kinda miss 1.12 world gen without the fuckhuge caves.
Alright, can I get a screenshot of your mods folder and tell me which one you added most recent when this error happened?
It's a fresh instance with just Loli. But the same result appears no matter which performance mod I try to install
good ol' niggerniggernigger123 has never failed me
Nevermind, downloaded Mixinbooter and it works like clockwork now. Too bad momma didn't make me tech-savvy
Alrighty. Godspeed, anon.
go to perplexity.ai and post
I am launching (modpack name) or (making my own modpack) and I am getting this error. Any idea what mod it's from, and what's causing it?

You may or may not have to argue and gaslight the ai for an hour, treat it like arguing with indian tech support. As soon as you get the manager (forcibly enabling legacy reddit/4chan archive search functionality within the AI) you win.
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>Use the Convocation of the Damned in the nether
>Chunkload the portal for fun
>Forget about it
This has spread like 1000 blocks in each direction, no matter in which direction you look it just keeps going
looks like the best way by far to cross lava seas and actually BUILD in the nether, I'm taking this down in my notes
>Convocation of the Damned
What blasphemy is that?
yeah i had the same thing with the creeping nether thing once, it's a cool idea but doesn't really work in practice
It ain't much, but it's honest work. That'll do, he lives. Brought him a girlfriend too.

Nice clock tower. What's with the obsidian cube?
Same, I use ladders like a pleb
Screenshot software
boipuccyfaggit is a good one
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>What blasphemy is that?
Blood magic ritual
>gather a bunch of random blood magic stuff
>perform the ritual
>it spawns a demon portal
>demon portal slowly expands and creates a demon city
>demon city rarely spawns demons that drop crystal shards needed for blood magic stuff
Tier 6 blood altar is locked behind the convocation and so are a bunch of other rituals / meteors

Also Beta4 came out, can we get an update to the serb? it's been a while since the last update
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Alright, did some work after the gym and then hopped on to keep looking for bedrock ores. I've found two instances of Depth Borax (which should have Bedrock Borax beneath, but I don't have the explosives quite yet to reach). Found an instance of Depth Cinnabar. Then I found deepslate where there should be flat bedrock. Cleared that out to find pic related. Should get going on those tanks I've been talking about, but this search will help me in the future. Gonna head back to the gym and I'll report back once I have tanks.
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any mods that add concrete
No, none at all, and even Mojang refuses to do so.
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That's not good
how should the texture of stone be different from concrete?
Chisel has concrete blocks and pretty much everything else
this area isn't spawning mobs even when I stand 25 to 100 blocks away in agrarian skies 2. what am I doing wrong here
>maintenance status: working perfectly
sounds like it's working perfectly anon why don't you just stop worrying because it sounds like a nothingburger.
I highly recommend asbestoscrete from hbmnucleartech
Seems like it's no longer coping, anon. What did you turn on to suck so much juice so quickly?
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>Oak Wood Slab
> Currently Harvestable
>Effective Tool: Axe
It's time to discourage people from wasting 10% of their screen real estate on such worthless information.
thanks for saving my screen real estate with your tiny schizo meme
gotta have that so I don't accidentally break some machine that instantly turns into a machine blocks or breaks REALLY FAST with a pickaxe even though that deletes it. there's a shitload of mods that do stuff like that.
I miss Automagy...
You can change the size and opacity.
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Got a max tier blood altar
Now for 2 more hours of micro crafting to get the max tier blood orb and we can summon the best meteors... (eventually)
Them pillars look like speakers. Rave ready if I've ever seen.
it's an inventory pet, it consumes emeralds but lets you spawn iron golems at will
>by default blocks don't even drop into the world, they just go into your inventory
And then everyone in modded wears a magnet. But then the magnet picks up stuff you don't want picked up, so you have to tell it to not pick stuff up... but actually all you really wanted was to not have to only pickup what you mine. But I get that it's kind of cheap-feeling to not have items drop. And the magnet denies you the Fun Emotions of oopsing diamonds into lava or a deep cave. IDK I guess it really should be in.

Using that texture pack allows you to self-sacrifice IRL to gain additional blood in your altar.
Why EBF recipes for chalcopyrite and such exist? Early on you can't waste EBF time for anything but advanced metals, but when you can scale EBFs, it's easier to just mine more copper. Is it
>it's just like real life!
>OP with no eceleb rule
who is he talking to
Are you talking about the Pentlandite / Galena / Cobaltite etc. + oxygen -> outputs + sulfur dioxide recipes? Yeah those just suck
EBFs gain perfect overclocks with higher coil tiers so eventually those recipes will be faster than just using electrolyzers, but it requires additional processing, more machines, and it's not like those materials are in short supply by the time you gain high enough coils to make those recipes worthwhile.
In this case, you're overthinking. It's not there in Minetest not because of some deep game design concerns... Just go play that game and see what's their problem. It's almost like they exist just to discredit the concept of opensource minecraft clones. Like,
- "hmmm, it would make so much sense for minecraft to be opensource and mod-first"
- "yeah sure and it already exists, it's called minetest"
But then it's just as shitty as it was 10 years ago and doesn't have even the most basic features and is less moddable than Minecraft. And people involved say they work hard on it, do regular commits and say it's all slow because it's a lot of work and it's not paid etc. Minetest is basically a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought-terminating_clich%C3%A9
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I stand corrected, they are not entirely useless
I'm not exactly sure about the other recipes but this one for example is 1 Cobaltite + 3KL Oxygen -> 1 Roasted Cobalt + 1 roasted Arsenic.
Compared to straight electrolyzing cobaltite, (3 cobaltite -> 1 arsenic), this recipe provides you 3x the amount of arsenic as it's 1 cobaltite -> 1 arsenic.
The other recipes seem to follow the same patterns where they double or triple the electrolyzer outputs at the cost of extra processing. Neat.
If any (native) Europeans want to try out Create: Astral, we're doing a complete playthrough of it in the next 1-4 weeks.

Here's the thread for our server:
(Which is still Euroid-only.)
>we're doing a complete playthrough of it in the next 1-4 weeks.
what does this mean? are you restarting or is that the planned longevity for the server?
Why the emphasis on *native* europeans? Is this some weird nazi rp server?
Last time I checked in here it was LAN-hosted via port forward or something, but maybe it is an actual server at this point.
Mulattos in America pretend to be Europeans, so you have to specifically point out that you mean people in Europe, cause the server is in Europe, and America is on the other side of the world, so it would be a very bad experience with them.
We don't have that many players yet so this is the best time to change mods. We'll still end up with about a 7-week total time until reset, that is like 4x the first run, so not bad.

Also Create is significantly more grindy than expected, and Create: Astral makes a bunch of less-than-comfy changes to the mods in it. And the initial plan was Tekxit 4, but it was too unstable.
At this point it looks like Fabric is just not great yet.

I don't talk about politics.

It's running as an "actual" dedi now, dw.
astral is an expert pack you should maybe have read what it says on the tin
It's a tolerable intro to Create, but it's very s0i and also clarifies that it's not worth the hassle yet to play any MC version beyond 1.12.
Whats the name of the painting mod? You know, that one? The one everyone uses
Gem will win this season.
They will rig it in her favor because she got so many mean comments last time.
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>I don't talk about politics.
You're a pussy.
Block skylight, make area larger.
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We're officially back
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qrd on create: astral
I already beat CABIN a while ago and I wanna play some more factory game.
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So you're a manchild, no wonder you have to shill your minecraft server this hard. You're a pussy and a coward.
Probably smart on his part. Britain and most other european countries are dystopian hellholes that arrest thousands every year for illegal opinions and historically 4chan won't lift a finger to protect your identity if the police demand your info.

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>Eyesight: 20/20
What did they mean by this?
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Yeah, I don't blame him for that. I will be joining his server to report any hate speech I find though just for the lulz
Probably cast time reduction, endersurge and ravenous blood lord
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New movie leaks just dropped

Why would you ever play 1.12
worse than 1.7 in just about everyway and doesn't have create like nuslopversions
I really should start researching every mod that interests me myself and stop trusting packdev morons and their horrid questbooks that gatekeep me from literally the coolest shit ever like this and ask me to get 10.000.000 rock instead
>It's time to discourage people from wasting 10% of their screen real estate on such worthless information.
Wholeheartedly agree. Been a waila hater since day 1, schizo-kun.
I'm stuff…
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My beautiful reward for grinding out all of Blood Magic
>Strontium Ore
>Tellurium Ore
>Promethium Ore
>Terbium Ore
>Dysprosium Ore
>Erbium Ore
>Gadolinium Ore
>Holmium Ore (most important one)
>Lutetium Ore
>Lanthanum Ore (second most important)
At least vanilla block vomit has structure to it.
Haven't checked here in a while, but last time I was here I often saw a guy talking about a Psi port.

Have any of you been tracking this? Latest 1.20.1 alpha posted 3 weeks ago.
what are you even talking about
Is there a mod which lets you blacklist trees from spawning? I'm using dynamic trees only there a bunch of mods I want to add which add content to biomes only they also add new vanilla style trees.
Can't with dynamic trees because it spawns trees itself, and doesn't manually replace every tree. Dynamic trees HAS it's own blacklist config, but the config doesn't WORK.
I know this because dynamic trees has cross compatibility with forestry but there's *one particular* type of tree that crashes the game when you knock it over- but only if you're using an unrelated mod at the same time.

It's some kind of... palm tree or some shit.
Are there any mods that add guns that don't have a higher demand for resources and less damage than vanilla enchanted bows?
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Do any of you play horror mods?
Seems like most of them are just youtuber bait.
The only real horror-adjacent mod worth a shit is Scape & Run Parasites, the rest are exactly as you described, especially on nu-versions.
>that don't have a higher demand for resources
You can make it take as many resources as you want with CraftTweaker, its config is retard-proof
>less damage than vanilla enchanted bows
Flans mod's weapons store all of their characteristics inside the .jar in plain text, including damage, you can play with that
Damn, guess I'll settle with HT's treechop.
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I wish mech mods were more common, there's only two that I know of on the latest versions.
yeah, its called thaumcraft
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Holy sheep!
Serb going down for a bit to update to beta4!!!
make a discord

no fuck you
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make an irc
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That took much longer than it should have because I got distracted with digging out a maintenance floor beneath the lawn. I also sperged and used coal tar creosote to make the tar instead of the planned wood oil because there are barrel "item" things that can be filled but not emptied in certain things and vice versa. Got butthurt that I couldn't put the wood oil back into an empty combination oven to then pipe into the solidifier... so I just ran a temp line from my coke setup. But now I've got somewhere (at least for a while) for this natural gas to go from the derrick. More tanks and proper barrels tomorrow night. Maint level also will be getting exhaust pipes run through to the Industrial Smokestack. Which I haven't been using yet.
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Maint level clearing. This ate a TON of dorf pickaxes. I'm glad they're so cheap, but I had to process some more copper in the middle of it because I was running low.
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Any 1.7.10 mod that makes this fellow spawn naturally? Giant Spawn does it but it's for 1.14.4 and later
Custom Mob Spawner that a part of Mo Creatures.
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Serb is back up sorry it took so long I got a little distracted. It's updated to beta4 so make sure to update your client before trying to join the server.
If you forgot how to update check the gtnh wiki and remember to keep your seamlessauth keys!!!!!
I think I did everything right but if anyone has problems joining let me know....

latest backup
Have you used this thing? Started looking for guides and it seemingly filters everyone without exception. I don't want to get an aneurysm over big zombi
Is there a mod that lets mobs tunnel and dig, and has good config to allow you to define modded mobs as the ones who can do it instead of the vanilla zombies?
Whats the best chisel and bits/ microblocks/ etc mod? Most of them seem to control like ass and act very buggy. Is that just unavoidable?
Last time I used it I configured the mobs from TF to spawn in Overworld
, I can confirm that it wont change much with the vanilla spawning.
With that said, it will completely nulified structure spawned mobs such as wither skeletons, so you need to config nether fortress mobs to spawn anywhere in the nether.
There was a mindcrack uhc a few days ago and literally no one noticed.
>i want comfy mindcrack UHC back!
>*mindcrack UHC happens*
>nooo, not like this!
>*watches another episode of Wild Life, which he claims to hate*
She is top 5 to win assuming she doesn't get targeted by the gay squad. Also, it is annoying that dying was not that important in the first few episodes because of dark green names giving a life to yellows/reds when killed. It guarantees almost everyone survives. Then the sweaty players can decide who wins.
Physically extract skulls from these fuckheads
I got it in my youtube recommended because I was browsing this thread and google captcha detected that the threads I was in were talking about etho and mindcrack.

didn't watch it- I've never watched a single one of ethos videos but I DID notice google is tracking my traffic 10 ways to sunday no matter what I do
>almost everyone survives
The 'too dumb to live' gang will ack themselves soon enough. Then it will all depend on how dangerous the mods are.

The season with the countdown timer was the best one. If it was a remotely serious competition they should use that format forever.
We almost never mention mindcrack and etho hasn't been a member for a decade. Obviously google is up your ass in a hundred ways but this specifically isn't proof.
>curseforge site doesn't acknowledge using quotes to do exact searches
useless fucking website
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It became even better not so long ago, now when browsing mods this occasionally pops out
I have more luck searching on google and adding "site:curseforge.com/minecraft" in the end.
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Bug Mozilla to add local Chinese to English translation for us to use MC百科 (mcmod.cn): https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/new/firefox/form and/or click "I have this problem too": https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1466363
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>Why would you ever play 1.12
For many, it's not a point of what version of better, it's a point of which one has all the cool mods and 1.12 fits the bill. Also, it brings customizability that 1.7.10 didn't have with KubeJS and some of the other tools. It's a sane man's last stand on an uphill battle with false versions, anything newer is a point of no return and grills your brain.
>day one, you look into create and get very excited about trying it out
>but you find out that it's for 1.16.5 minimum
>you hesitate for days, but ultimately give it a go
>you find yourself really enjoying it, spending many hours on it
>suddenly you don't mind mojang's morally repugnant additions that much anymore
>there are things you don't like, but the mods are cool so you don't give it much of a thought
>day seven, after many sessions you found pleasing, you notice an appetizing-looking create addon, like clockwork for example
>"it's only in active development in 1.20.1, should I go this far?" - you ask yourself
>hesitating just a bit, you give it a go
>surprisingly, everything seems natural and in order, your previous complaints now forgotten
>"that's what I was avoiding all this time? finally I can enjoy new mods like everyone else"
But that's what you think and see. What I see is a man smearing himself with baby blood and gorging on their intestines, enjoying every second of it. You are a man of principle no more, you knew it was evil but you succumbed regardless.
>day twenty eight
>you start actively shilling false versions and bring lost souls to the wrong side
>getting ignored or told to fuck off, you get frustrated
>you start defending it, saying that old versions are unplayable and it's so much better now
>anons prove you wrong, bringing you to glaring issues, you just hiss in return
>after asking some more questions, moving goalposts, and getting ignored or ridiculed, you leave for a while
>day fourty two
>having left the website you've been using for years, und
erstanding that you are no longer welcome, you flock to a hugbox for communication
>can't say and think certain things, but that's ok, because you can finally talk about your favourite game, the newest mods, and get all support you need
>day sixty
>you get invited to sinytra and now your goal is to destroy any minecraft discussion outside of heavliy moderated places where criticizing false versions is frowned upon by like-minded parasites
You seem to be fond of 1.7, for now at least, so I suppose that you are just a lost soul wondering in places where no soul should be. It's not too late, try to enjoy 1.12.2 while you still can.

Evil pathetic faggotworm. Fuck you.
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so trve king
Forge Microblocks.
I wish gtnh had bulldozers, excavators and other machines, I hate digging and filling manually.
Oh thanks but nevermind, I just added a big zombi spawner into Recurrent Complex's structure list
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Why is it called like that?
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>approaches you and asks you to develop a mod for their next wildcard
what do?
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I like the "Minecraft-y Pokemon variants" they have, shame there's so few besides this and... Uhhh... Forretress but Shulker, and I guess Mooshroom Miltank.
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For 1.8, 1.8.9, and 1.12.2. Sorry gtnhbro.
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Look what I got! Can't have it in newer versions, can you?
I am 100% sure loliasm and optifine together cause every single mod to break even if they don't cause problems with eachother in a controlled environment
They don't
More optimization mods = better running game
but /v/ hates us and doesn't want to be lumped with /vg/ because they think we're all gachaniggers :(
I'm pretty sure this splash was added before the infamous board split
>they think we're all gachaniggers
we are
>they think we're all gachaniggers
We are
before gachapocalypse too, good times
well yeah but
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I do wonder about the headspace of the people behind these choices.
Remove "woo /v/" I dislike, but I can understand the reasoning.

Add "teach your friends about anti-racism"
Add "Your Valid"

There's no profit to be made from these changes, so do they think people will like their game more because of this signal of virtue?
Do people not think it's insulting and pandering? Does someone see Minecraft telling them their valid and think "wow I was gonna kms today, but maybe not, thanks MINECRAFT"
You now also remember the BLM Quark fiasco
>youtube nigger doesn't know about ESG investments
>Does someone see Minecraft telling them their valid and think "wow I was gonna kms today, but maybe not, thanks MINECRAFT"
Unironically, yes. You have no idea how mentally unstable these types are. And then they'd lapse BACK into wanting to commit sudoku because "wait... that wasn't a personal message to me from the game itself, that was just a splash message that ANYONE can get, which means i'm NOT valid... FUCK!!!!"
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This was epic, i was laughing at modcels so hard.
It got even better when mods, that deactivated the BLM splash, got removed from courseforge.
didn't read but I agree completely 1.7 bestie
or if you were saying something bad about 1.7 kill yourself 1.12 tranny
Catbox hasn't been working on my machine for a while for some reason
this your screenshot? are you russian?
I tried using vpn if that's what you meant
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>any mode that makes the mobs even a bit tougher completely annihilates any and all Millenaire villages
I did not foresee this.
have you tried Billenaire
yeah, run by a technically incompetent cunt admin
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Make these fiends not foresee this.
i use the twp extension for exactly this lmao
kinda strange they don't have mandarin tl by default
they're missing jp too
this but unironically
Still boggles my mind that chinks have that and we have fuck all, and the little we used to have (Witchery, Buildcraft, Mo Creatures official mediawikis) we have no more. Will we live long enough to see a decent mcmod alternative in english? Ftbullshit, shinytra, and femdom are all a lost cause.
I unironically like the set pieces and designs. but the main characters are horrendous dei shit.
So start your own wiki or contribute to moddedmc.org
the dummy target is sentient. it cannot speak, hear or taste, it cannot move or express itself in anyway. it is a brain in a jar. in its nature, it is a target to be practiced on. in the beginning it was confused, sad, angry that it was treated in such a manner. and now, it has gained pleasure, contentment and enlightenment from its state. "MmmMmmMmmMmm" is its holy mantra.
>start your own wiki
That's a lot of work
>contribute to moddedmc.org
moddedmc.org is a glorified collection of github wikis, not a database of every block, item, entity, and multiblock that mcmod is, not even mentioning all the extra features. No amount of contribution will make it even half as good, the core is shitsticks.
we should force gerg onto the next modded server
one of us
New Jaffa Factory just dropped
New filtered words just dropped
Jannies are fucking useless (shocking)
as a hermitcraft fan, would i like those people as well?
no, they're too genuine for you
which ones?
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Any idea what the fuck FeatureCreep is? Apparently a modding API that's been the works for 4 years that allows you to make version-, modloader-, and game-independent mods, it's still in "pre pre alpha stage" but somewhat recently updated. Everything made with it so far looks as horrid and schizophrenic as the mod's main page, mostly by one guy. Some of the platforms it currently supports, aside from Forge and Fabric, include
>DangerZone 2.x
>and more in the future.
The guy behind also has some ties/autistic interest with OreSpawn and DangerZone, having made a modpack with the first (or rather a joke that he used a different mod with the same name) and FeatureCreep support of the second, even with the same NamingScheme. My current theory is that asbestosstar (account behind FC) is actually TheyCallMeDanger who announced his departure around september, just when the last FC update was, but if it ever updates again, then no clue. Maybe one of his buddies or just some eccentric fan, kinda curious if anything actually comes out from of this. I'll post some of the pictures below.
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Can we secretly modify it in a garage for a year?
...there are now 15 competing standards.

oh fuck, powerful
how the fuck do i fix invalid player data
does anyone have the filter we passed around last time? can you link it in the next op please
There's no way this will work.
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new trailer
Spells don't seem to work, can't make things explode
don't spoonfeed retards
It's a demonstration of how soulless corporations are destroying everything human in this world.
>New filtered words just dropped
No they didn't. Unless it's thoever / thoughever / thobeit / althobeit.
To be fair, all the soul in the game ended with the release of version 1.0
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gtnh server updated successfully and has NOT pooped its pants
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Small update.

I thought about the basics of cart based multi-item sorting in 1.20+, and i am confident that i can come up with something myself.
I just have to get the minecart basics down first before starting.
just die then
I do not associate myself with.. nikgerrrrs.
so when are they going to actually add content to the twilight forest
I want a world gen mod with deep oceans, I'm currently using "deeper oceans" but that isn't compatible with Terralith or Terraforged so I'd like a world gen overhaul that either already has really deep oceans or one that doesn't touch oceans so I can use it with the deeper oceans mod.
Anyone know a good one?
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ultra kino mod
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When will the suffering end
Here is your content
>New mods should be released on older versions
What brain illness makes you think this way?
I'm still not sure why they've not added anything for so long. Is it feature creep for the final castle and boss? Is it trying to keep up with the pace of mod development throughout the years, meaning they keep scrapping what they've done? Is it just realising the Snow Queen kind of sucks and so they REALLY have to nail this one?
is there a way to enable the chest open/closing animation for TC6 when the golems interact with them like in TC4?
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>"What brain illness makes you think this way?"
>all mods should be constantly rewritten for every new minecraft version
What brain illness makes you think this way?
Most would rather work on their own mod.
absolutely based serb host

Also, would you be able to change the chunk load limit per player to something more reasonable, perhaps 100 as opposed to 16? Should be able to easily do this in the serverutilities config.
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You have to add the content yourself.
busy actively competing for the title of the longest running gag
wrong, it was in 1.8
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Unironically they should've never released any trailers so no one could ever know how bad this was until they'd already bought the ticket.
10-15 years ago yogscast was comfy and chill, today they're just going through the motions because they've got nothing else to do with their lives. Nothing wrong with it I guess but I don't know why anyone would jump in now if they weren't already a fan.
The thing from Project Ozone 2 where creepers never defuse even if they lose eyesight and every tenth one plays the John Cena theme and destroys an entire chunk.
this will finally save the life series
>literally a new mod
you need to earn a couple dozen IQ points before you can reply to me
he's right, playing every mod, old and new, on the same version is an objectively better experience than changing them like gloves, always missing one thing or another, and waiting for someone to make a replacement which often either doesn't exist or is inferior in one way or another. the fact that you completely ignored the implication of his post either makes you a subpar fisherman or an absolute retard.
Nta but look, as someone who plays on 1.7 primarily, you're never going to get new mod devs to work on 1.7. The playerbase is extremely small despite what your confirmation bias might tell you. Nobody making a new mod wants to develop for the version with less players. It would be great if everyone agreed on a version but they won't, so just get over it. There's no need to bitch and moan every time someone posts a mod for a newer version that you have fomo over not being able to play on your 1.7 pack. If you want mods so badly, learn to make them yourself.
It's the Epic Siege mod.
I would say you are mostly correct, but this new jaffa factory series is good fun so far.
>you're never going to get new mod devs to work on 1.7. The playerbase is extremely small despite what your confirmation bias might tell you.
anon, I might be visibly dissapointed and whiny, but I'm not delusional, and know full well that I'm in the minority. to make my post a bit more reasonable to you, I tolerate 1.12 and stuff is still being made for it, even in normalfag spaces I stumble upon 1.12 hold-outs somewhat often, so it's not that insane to expect a new mod to be available for it.
>It would be great if everyone agreed on a version but they won't, so just get over it.
>There's no need to bitch and moan every time someone posts a mod for a newer version that you have fomo over not being able to play on your 1.7 pack.
I will bitch and moan until the day I stop caring about this game, especially here. it makes the potential lurker understand my agenda about new versions being frowned upon here, so he fucks off if looking for 1.13+ mod discussion. if every second poster would be posting about new versions, I'd stop coming to one of the only easily accessible places with non-insane human beings left on the web, actively discussing one of my favourite videogames. I don't want to lose that, so I do what I do.
>If you want mods so badly, learn to make them yourself.
there is a sizeable amount of mods for both 1.7 and 1.12 I still haven't checked out. I show my dissapointment for reasons above, not because I'm desperate, so I'm somewhat comfortable actually
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This whole building is difficult and makes my brain hurt.
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>this whole building thing...
I need to go to bed.
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Overall nice texture selection,
red bricks on the chimney look off,
shape's a bit flat,
the roof of the tower would benefit from 1 block overhang I think?
I mean it looks scuffed when it ends on the same block as wall.
I'd say 6/10 with potential to become 8/10 with some easy fixes, and more with hard rework to add depth.
I live in a cobblestone wizard tower and don't know jack about building, but I just want you to know that your house is very interesting and pleasant to look at, with all of its imperfections other anons point out. They give off that "I tried my best" feel I absolutely adore, so good job.
Applied Flux is a pretty handy mod, now I can just use Induction Cards on Pattern Providers to power my machines instead of wiring in from an outside generator
The fuck is this abomination? All they needed to do was let interfaces provide power to whatever they were attached to from the ambient ME system's power. Make it an upgrade card or whatever.
>All they needed to do was let interfaces provide power to whatever they were attached to from the ambient ME system's power
We don't live in a perfect world, that's why AppliedFlux exists
Why is AE 1:2 anyways with FE?
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Always wondered why everyone always has a different opinion on what the last "true" version is. I get the pre-release argument, the adventure update was indeed the first big shift of game's feel and aesthetic, but anon, why 1.8? 1.6 alone brought so many features that still feel odd to me
Horses always felt off because of the amount of detail in their model, especially the saddle, which looks completely fine on a pig but completely different on a horse. It was the first time I have noticed a clash of styles that plagued the game forever, giving it a modded feel when no mods were in play. Ender Dragon works because it's the final boss you only kill once, horses on the other hand are naturally generating mobs, and I will never look at them the same way I look at pigs, cows, or even wolves. And nevermind the looks, horses made minecarts even more obsolete than they were before because of the terrible decision to add running to the game, and were one of the earlier instances of mojang's power creep fetish. Also, why 4 types of horse armor?
Animals following the kind of food they liked was always a perfect mechanic, it allowed you to
>figure out what they eat
>make them follow you
>tame them
>mate them
All that without adding a single extra item, brilliant. Maybe you can get a point with the fact that slime, material required for crafting the lead, is one of the harder materials to acquire, but if there is one 1.6 item that screams soulless to me, it's that one.
I'll throw in some 1.7 additions because fuck this version too
>hardened/stained clay/packed ice/podzol/red sand/stained glass/acacia
Part of early minecraft's feel is the fact it looked like a retro game, and even after the grass texture change, more or less, still reminded of one. Every texture used to be distinct, and even the most basic shit ever like dirt and stone you'd still recognize from a mile away. Mechanically, some of these blocks are cool and unique,
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>>502923119 (cont.)
but the textures are just unremarkable. I also don't like the fact that there are so many colored blocks, makes wool less special and shits up the inventory. If you absolutely must add a different colorable block, just make it bricks. They're durable, not flameable, fit the artstyle, and have some of the most difficult crafting recipes in the game for no reason.
>tall grass, flowers
I wouldn't mind normal grass if it wasn't spammed the way it was, but tall grass is just too much and unnecessary. Same with flowers, there is too much variety that bites existing features in the ass. Blue orchid replaces lapis lazuli, Azure Bluet and Oxeye Daisy = same dye, poppy (fuck you mojang for getting rid of roses) and rose bush = same dye, dandelion and sunflower = same dye. I don't need a flower for every color, let alone multiple, especially if a recipe already exists.
>clownfish, salmon
Not any different from normal fish, useless inventory cloggers
>new biomes
Look up 1.7.10 biomes and tell me how much you recognize. Here is my personal rating
>snowy taiga - actually kino, this one is awesome
>birch forest - neat idea but executed in the most boring way possible
>snowy beach - neat idea as well, but once again, execution is meh
>stony shore - yeah why not
>deep ocean - yeah why not
>mesa and variants - don't like it
>sunflower plains - don't like it
>roofed forest - don't like it
>sparse jungle - don't like it
>flower forest - don't like it
>mega taiga - don't like it
>ice spikes - don't like it
>savanna - don't like it
What's so good about 1.7.10 again? Not a rhetorical question, a genuine one. King for mods, no doubt, but the version itself is a complete disaster and the rot has clearly already begun. I'd stick with 1.5 if I had the choice.
Sorry for vanillaposting, I am ashamed, but I just don't get how someone can look at all above and think "All of this is good and you're wrong".
Is Statech Industry a good modpack?
> ...
> terrible decision to add running to the game
Omg, you should definitely play Minetest (Luanti).
But it's not good. Why are you recommending me bad games?
The tiniest bit of depth would turn this build great, inset walls, flower boxes and windowsills, the wooden frame maybe being a block further out, fences, walls, and stairs to give some detail around edges
There's a whole lot you can do but you've done a good job overall!
It's the same as it was 10 years ago, and by default there is no running, you need a mod to add that.
To be honest I'm surprised it was even possible to add running as a mod, because most of core mechanics are unmoddable there.
I think I got into a spooky mein kampf arg you guys
I deleted a world and tried creating a new one with a new seed, but it generated the old one instead
Tried doing this a couple of times to no avail
Should I be looking for shadow creatures lurking in the woods? Would also appreciate genuine help since this is pissing me off
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Since mojang fucked around with chunk loaders in the past two updates, i decided to go through the extra mile to make it chunk unloading safe.

Pic related is what i came up with to fix lazy chunk fuckery.
The loop with dolphin deals with thousands of items coming in at once if an active chunk dumps stuff into an inactive chunk.
The dolphin resets the despawn timer and it can loop as long as needed till the hoppers pick it up.
Then the dropper clock has a piston pushing sand in between, which turns the clock off when it is in lazy chunks to avoid dropping items that aren't processing.
I have to build this after each chunk crossing. But i only have two, so it's fine.
>lewis' idea about cruelty-free and a cruelty-full jaffa cakes
actually ludokino, I hope they go through with stuff like that because it would be infinitely more entertaining, and just "make jaffa cakes" is so easy in the modern modded ecosphere
i dont see mods you retarded trannoid faggot
Does it still feel like generally everybody except Simon is likeable? Have they toned down how much Simon talks?
i do
>The fuck is this abomination? All they needed to do was let interfaces provide power to whatever they were attached to from the ambient ME system's power. Make it an upgrade card or whatever.
That's not going to happen because AE2 doesn't want to act as a power system. You can transfer external power through AE2 (rf p2ps) but not convert from AE2 power back into an external power source.
Probably something to with IC2 power being 1:4 with RF and AE2 just split the difference because it could accept both power systems.
I don't know the exact order of conversions when mods decided that IC2 was 4x denser than RF.
It's still weird how it feels like there's no standardisation for what RF/FE is worth. A single piece of coal SHOULD be the standard, and in many cases it is, but some mods give way more than others for that.
A single plank should be the standard imo, since a coal cooks 8 items
But planks cook 1.5 items, that's retarded.
Two sticks should be the standard.
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I'll elaborate a bit more. The problem I have with running is that it fucks with the balance of many of the game's features. Mobs are less of a threat, any method of transportation besides magical teleportation is useless, mounts (unless flying ones) aren't worth the trouble. Walking makes me feel like an actual explorer, appreciating the nature and its lands, but also not forgetting that it can be cruel, looking out for potential danger. Running makes me feel like a sperg tripping over rocks and jumping from block to block while drooling. Basically
>"I have to find this ancient castle, but I must beware for there are horrid creatures on the way. I'll bring along my strongest items to help me on my adventure and hope for the best. May God be merciful this day."
>"i'll get to this shitty castle in no time! man this biome fucking sucks, oh, zombie! haha! can't catch me, faggot! see you on the other side!"
It really takes the roleplaying aspect away and I don't care if it sounds gay, I like rpgs and getting immersed in games is the usual to me. Walking feels more natural and meaningful, and this way, finding mounts and building (rail)roads is actually rewarding.
>inb4 just don't run
That's what I usually do, but it still hits different when you have the ability to do it. Even if I install Classic Tweaks or whatever it's called that allows me to disable the sprint feature, I can easily get dunked on by some insane fucker like one of those from DivineRPG who will make me eat a hundred of projectiles before I even approach him when rushing towards at full speed, let alone walking. I'd use speed potions but I don't like how they turn my game into quake every time I want to be slightly faster.
>planks are 1.5
I forgot, I'm bad
Yeah I'll take the TSS (two stick standard)
>It's the same as it was 10 years ago, and by default there is no running, you need a mod to add that.
Yeah I know, if you're the anon who greentextd about minetest in the previous thread, we already discussed it with each other a bit. The game has way more issues than just running, man, even walking feels like shit, I don't know how they manage do it.
Regardless, the amount of "RF produced from fuel and how much is used to smelt an item" should be fairly standardised, but it just isn't. I can understand when you have, like, higher-tier things that do it more efficiently, but at a baseline, it should be something similar across various mods.
Just add stamina to the game, but then again most stamina mod are AIDS
>Act like a 2nd food bar but regenable
>Don't interact with health or hunger
>Can be abuse using potion or coffee
They should just made it into a large bar that slowly drain by every action and limit to only regen by sleeping
Fuuuucking hell do I hate this
What do I even do, I keep dying on like second or third night and rage-quitting
The only mob mods are zombie awareness and special mobs but somehow they all feel untouchable
Am I just THAT shit at games?
Food bar is already a stamina bar, you can't even sprint for a few minutes without having to eat. Monsters spawn all around, if you run from zombie, chances are, you are running into other zombie, AND a skeleton who shoots you no matter sprinting or not. Without timing jump properly you can get stuck on the most basic landscape elevation change and get blown by a creeper in the nearby bushes. For me combat in Minecraft is too annoying even with sprinting though. It's definitely not too easy.
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for me, it's 1.3.1
Vazkii was right when he said we needed to adhere to the coal standard.
why are most mods so bad?
Because all the best ideas have largely been used, and the good mod-makers usually end up just making their own games instead.
>and the good mod-makers usually end up just making their own games instead.
name a single time this happened
They don't actually FINISH their games, but a lot of them often end up just doing other stuff, sometimes making their own games, sometimes just getting full-time jobs, sometimes they just burn out.
There's also the simple fact that a lot of mod-makers are clearly just making their mods as Youtuber-bait and not actually as... Good mods.
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New Supersymmetry update coming soon………
>mod makers are good and make their own games
>actually by make i meant not make
the tranny moduser cope is off the charts
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Any anons know a better method for making sure Create A&B chromatic singularity crafting doesn't get clogged at the basin?
I'm near the end of putting my process for ch3 together and everything is smooth and fine apart from this step. It needs the entangled singularities mech pressed together with dye, but because those singularities are 'entangled' via every pair having different NBT tags, the basin thinks they're all seperate but valid items for the recipe, meaning it just fills up with them completely and leaves no space for any dye.
I already have a plan to solve it but it feels retarded having to make a bunch of redstone logic just for what feels like an oversight and I'm wondering if there's an easier way to make the basin regard all those singularities as the same item or something.
They'll go off and say they're making a game and usually not actually do that.
>Just add stamina to the game, but then again most stamina mod are AIDS
Yeah, I had that in mind, that's not a bad compromise. For 1.7.10 I tried using 3 stamina mods, one with feathers, one with lightning bolts, and one with a bar in the center as indicator icons. The first overhauled player movement as a whole to add parkour abilities, with stamina as a bonus, felt weird and I didn't like it, the second didn't have any config files and you ran out of energy way too fast, the third just looked ugly. Recently (like, 5 minutes ago) found RPG Stamina, a 2-year old mod that, what it looks like, could be exactly it.
>With every level of experience you gain, maximum stamina is increased.
>An endurance potion is added - it increases your stamina.
>An endurance ring is added if Baubles are installed - it increases and occasionally regenerates your stamina.
>Light Feet enchantment is added - it decreases the stamina used by sprinting.
>The maximum stamina each player starts with, the amount a player gains with each levelup, the jump, sprint, use and shoot penalties, the stamina bar position, toggles for the enchantment/potion/ring as well as both the regeneration rates are completely configurable in .minecraft/config/rpgstamina.cfg
I haven't checked it out yet but absolutely shall one day. If it's as configurable as it states, a years-long problem of mine might be finally left to rest.
> the second didn't have any config files
> what is recaf
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>Food bar is already a stamina bar, you can't even sprint for a few minutes without having to eat.
If I won't eat, I won't regenerate HP. Don't want to be chugging health potions like tap water, especially during battles to the death.
>Monsters spawn all around, if you run from zombie, chances are, you are running into other zombie, AND a skeleton who shoots you no matter sprinting or not. Without timing jump properly you can get stuck on the most basic landscape elevation change and get blown by a creeper in the nearby bushes.
That sounds like a very unlikely scenario you just described. Terrain generation is as plain as it can get on 1.7.10, so chances that landscape will play against your favor are pretty small, and I don't remember vanilla monsters being that much of a threat. With Infernal Mobs or other modded crazyfucks maybe, but the normal guys are a joke when you have magic wands and scythes. Nevermind walking, you can swipe them clean just standing.
>For me combat in Minecraft is too annoying even with sprinting though. It's definitely not too easy.
I edge for hours to accidentally dropping my weapon and blasting myself in the face with a necrosis spell due to low hit % in rpgs. Annoying things can lead to great fun sometimes.
That's quite an unusual feature to get attached to, but I can't deny that it's definetely a cool one.
The chimney should go all the way to the ground.

Did Simon get kicked out or die or get tired of playing a guy who's just 5 catch phrases or what?

An RF should just be a fuel-tick.

>name a single time this happened
Dan200 (computercraft) actually finished some robot programming game. Spacetoad (Buildcraft) was making some kind of cell biology simulator thing; IDK if it was even supposed to be a game. Sengir (Forestry) was making some top-down Forestry bees 'n' trees game. The Vintage Story dev started & abandoned a v0.1-tier Terrafirmacraft clone on 1.8 or something like that which nobody ever played, but VS itself is reasonably successful. ... and of course OreSpawn >>502960748

Brass tunnel synchronizer.
> qrd?
you can modify any mod
Simons involvement has been very limited for years now. At the start of the year he was a regular feature in some role-playing content and did a film podcast. However, he hasn't been seen in anything since March. I should think he will make an appearance for jinglejam at the start of December
That's nice to hear at least. I don't know if he's actually just annoying to be around or if that's just the character he plays but I could never really enjoy Yogscast stuff with him in it.
It calls itself a reverse engineering tool. No way in hell I'm going to understand anything past the welcome screen since editing a .cfg is the pinnacle of my programming abilities. Have it ever been used for the purpose you described?
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>good mod-makers usually end up just making their own games instead
or just evaporating without a trace.
Sure if you consider overdosing to be evaporating without a trace.
What the fuck? I haven't heard this story, tell me more.
>cell biology simulator thing
sauce? i fucking love bioclang
>Nothing in 8 years
It's autophaged, Jim.
Any mod that adds an item that allows you to find out mobs' hp? NOT Damage Indicators or ToroHealth, something more like a spyglass from Minefactory, but for entities, or HBM's power armor that adds health bars above mobs when it's charged, an item equivalent of that.
Not that anon, but
>some top-down Forestry bees 'n' trees game
No. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRp6qk3Suq0
>10 years ago
Damn, glad Apico actually happened then.
that's off by default in epic siege I think. that or obscenely low odds, unless you're playing a modpack that tinkers with it.
>you're never going to get new mod devs to work on 1.7.
I am/was a new mod dev working on 1.7 but i've realized it's much easier to make my own game instead based off of it.

nu minecraft is tranny shit and anti freedom of speech. inb4 well the first amendment only guarantees the government doesn't interfere with free speech, get fucked, microsoft was subsidized to buy minecraft BY the US government using special interest free loans that they only get because they want to fuck with freedom in the first place.

in short, fuck you and I hope you die. 1.7.10 forever etc
>10 years ago
Colony collapsed.

>it's much easier to make my own game
lol. And even furthermore: lmao. Consider stopping by >>>/vg/agdg/ and >>>/g/gedg/
> That sounds like a very unlikely scenario you just described. Terrain generation is as plain as it can get on 1.7.10
> 1.7.10
Kek. I honestly don't remember how running was in this game 15 years ago. I'm talking about 1.21.
the problem is that alot of the mechanics I want would tie into other mods that currently exist, or are things hardcoded into the backend of minecraft. for the first half, everyone elses mods all have bugs that overlap and cause compatibility problems even for mods that ARE actively maintained in 1.7. hbm causes problems with at least 10 other major mods, and most of where it *doesn't* cause problems you're looking at serious balance issues or you're looking at content and assets they stole and repurposed from factorio and fallout. thaumcraft is good, right, but all of the balance is FUCKED compared to even vanilla. When I put in an hour of work in vanilla I can get a diamond pickaxe with fortune. when I put an hour of work in thaumcraft I can get a straw golem to slowly harvest my wheat. good LUCK actually fucking with how and where mobs spawn and in what biomes for the second part.
the point is that I realistically can't work on 100 other peoples mods and retool them entirely for a modpack with existing incompatibilities and actually make my own project, and dump thousands upon thousands of hours of my personal time into a project just to make OTHER PEOPLES MODS playable for FREE.

I'm not going to charge for mods because i'm not a retarded hack and so my only other option is really, making my own game.
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i have not left the basement for 3 weeks
Absolute soul. Take some vitamin D because you're not out in the sun. Stay hydrated and take a shower once in a while and you should be fine. If you're feeling up to it, a small tour would be nice.
restarting the server soon. I thought I had already changed that.
No one cares about my space autism :( I was really proud of that
What goes on here?
I don't know
I lost track ages ago
>vitamin D
imagine not being white enough to generate enough vitamin D from the light of your screen
If I had to wager, everything.
in this thread?
I just got here
Yes, here: >>502592853
indeed that is very cool
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Added the propellant farm. All that's left now is the rocket factory. I have only 400Kfe left to work with with this one power plant. I don't think it will be enough.

Yes, to look how some mechanics work or to modify the behavior.
Here, for example, I've swapped few lines and added extra 'if's to make TC's crafting station put items from the crafting grid or player inventory on shift click to the attached container instead of player inventory to avoid extra mouse movement and clicks. It's not that complicated as editing binary code/asm. The hardest part is setup and finding a place to make changes.
The sheer amount of space Create setups can spawl over is pretty satisfying. Even if I keep understimating it and having to add yet more sections to my factory areas.
we need create mekanized serb
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Rate my modpack
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Why would you use recaf for tinkers? You're forcing yourself into having to reverse engineer without comments/constants/ etc when it's open source on github.

Of the original 5 in Jaffa Factory only Lewis and Duncan are still there. Simon is all but retired, Sips only does solo stuff now I think, and Sjin was fired for being male and has his own channel now.
now save the document
Because it is easier and faster just to open recaf, edit, save, close and forget, than to fuck with git clone, gradle, jdk and other stuff. The jar code is not obfuscated, so it's easy to understand what's going on without constants/comments/etc.

I already did, why do you mean?
> why
You clearly understood what he meant, don't be pedantic.
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Oh, I assumed we were talking about the same version. Did zombies, creepers, and other folks get the skeleton treatment in nu-versions? That's the only significant monster buff I know of, so I can see how they could be a menace, but not the other guys. Played 1.12.2 a little and found skeletons to be worthy opponents, although I had the disadvantage of not using the shield because I am of the opinion that they are for pussies, and I was in a vanilla+ kind of session at that, if I had the usual magic stuff, I'd make them disintegrate at the sight of me. Still don't see how fighting vanilla monsters can be classified as "hard and annoying".
>It's not that complicated as editing binary code/asm. The hardest part is setup and finding a place to make changes
You underestimate people's laziness and retardation, mine included. 1.7 always had the disadvantage of not having proper configuration tools like 1.12 does (or at least I think it does, KubeJS can do crazy things I've heard), something like what you're describing could be absolutely perfect for packdev hold-outs, but I think it's clear what the reason behind Recaf not being more widely used is. I'll stick with .cfgs and take what I can get for the time being, perhaps some ultra 1.7 autist will adapt this tool for the mentally handicapped one day, it's not THAT much of pipe dream all things considered, Angelica is a thing.
You're the first person I see willingly putting this nightmare of a mod in a toymy. You actually like it? Can't stand temperature mods, and as far as my knowledge goes, TAN is exactly that.
No, I don't. I just pressed Ctrl+S and clicked on "Export program" entry in "File" menu.
we had one already, it died
didn't really answer my question, but i'll assume you are. using securednsclient with goodbyedpi's modes 2, 5, or 6 activated usually makes catbox work, try that
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This is how a lazy-chunk surviving input of a cart based multi-item sorter looks like.
It's wild. You can't rely on any timing, any clock is a mere suggestion and the minecart can freeze at any point in time. Even comparator outputs of detector rails can't be trusted.

The goal here is to have one item stack put into a cart and sent off, one after another. And the stack isn't allowed to be full.
It's accomplished by putting four unstackable items into the fart, then filling the last remaining slot with the input chest, remember if the cart became full, pull the unstackables out again, and then pull one more item out of it if it was full before.
Is there a mod which makes dirt blocks become mud blocks when dropped into water?
Just design a giant vertical storage system from bedrock to world height. Chunk loading problems gone.

>putting four unstackable items into the fart
Sounds painful.
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The server is collapsing
>80% of our power comes from Nitrobenzene
>Nitrobenzene plant keeps powerfailing for some reason
>benzene plant powerfailing causes a cascade where everything else also fails
>our ae2 network consumes so much power that we need to have the benzene plant up 24/7
>just spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get the ae2 network back on because we powerfailed and all the stuff needed to fix the benzene plant is in ae2
Just found out that our air filter powerfailed 10 hours ago so our generators have been killing all of the trees around the area unimpeded...
time to dust off the boilers
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>add vertical minecart rails and redstone
>literally all chunkloading issues disappear overnight
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>i've realized it's much easier to make my own game instead based off of it.
I don't think you have any idea of how hard it is to make a good game all by yourself. Read >>502961012 and count the amount of games all those noteable devs worked on that actually got finished just as a little example.
>nu minecraft is tranny shit and anti freedom of speech
All that started with 1.14 and fully got into effect in 1.16, anything earlier is safe to pirate.
>in short, fuck you and I hope you die. 1.7.10 forever etc
1.7 is harder to tinker with and 1.12 has more configuration tools available for it from what I've been told, so it's not that bad. Basically a 1.7 DLC. If you don't like the new additions, almost every single of them can be disabled with some effort, I could scour for a list of mods that can get rid of most of the things but I assume you're not interested, considering your lack of desire to tinker too much.
>dump thousands upon thousands of hours of my personal time into a project just to make OTHER PEOPLES MODS playable for FREE.
What pack do you even have in mind that would require this much time and dedication? I get that you're exaggerating with 'thousands of hours' but I'm still curious.
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Working on redoing the Oil warehouse. I've torn down all the old machines, expanded it a bit, and set up new generators + a lapotronic super capacitor (big ass battery).
Now that we're in ZPM and have access to dangote distillation towers I'm going to redo everything and aim for 2.5 Million eu/t in gasoline (very reasonable) or maybe 8M eu/t (not so reasonable)
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Also in the latest update they added UI information to the LSC which is nice, now it's no longer required to set up a nuclear control information panel for every battery (before it displayed no information and just said it was running)
I don't believe any of the mobs got significant updates to their AI or behaviour, but for the most part, normal Overworld mobs have never been meant to be an issue when you've gotten yourself established, even in vanilla. The worst that can happen is a creeper blowing some shit up, or zombies killing villagers. The threat isn't to you specifically with those. There's still phantoms being the absolute worst mob Minecraft has ever added, but that's not really a new thing at this point. The Warden is also kind of in an odd dichotomy where it's either completely unfightable and you have to run, as vanilla typically intends, or you just cheese it with flight and magic bullshit (not that you usually need to kill it except for some mods). Haven't tried out Breezes or whatever myself, they're probably just whatever.
This time, the modded server I made for my friends lasted a whole 3.5 weeks. I count this as a success.
>lasted a whole 3.5 weeks
That is definetely a success. It's been a week since my friend drunkenly agreed to play a modpack with me, but every time I remind him that he did, he start stuttering and acting all strange, probably sweating profusely too.
>we had one already, it died
It died because op got problems in life, but as it was quite a populated server with nice and interesting buildings

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