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Guess I'll bake one edition
Previous >>502846926

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks, and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>CHODE - Children of a Dead Earth
>KSP - Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Pajama Sam's SockWorks
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Last Call BBS
>Opus Magnum
>Shenzhen I/O
>Turing Complete

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Satisfactory posts need to be spoilered

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>Factorio - ask in the thread
Because they are a metaphor for Luddites
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Can someone explain the difference between the orange and green zones?
I thought orange means that the bots can place stuff there but with this belt the bots also placed it in the green zone?
green is construction range, orange is logistics range
Oh, I got it backwards? I see, thanks.
>Wait what? Can I not use metadata to unlock research in new games?
You can. Once. After you spend it you don't get more unless you grind out an even bigger research setup than last time.
Green: Bots can build stuff there
Orange: Bots can build stuff there, bring stuff to chests and the player, and the orange areas need to touch in order to have roboports form a mutual network.
>Gleba has free plastic!
>The actual free plastic comes from turning carbon into coal, into coal liquefaction, into sulfur for turning carbon into coal, ignoring the biosulfur and bioplastic recipes entirely.
I have a feeling I'm going to rebuild each of my bases after every planet I visit
>is there any way you can tell the rocket silo to launch?
>With circuits logic maybe?
Not really. The only method I've found is cutoff power from the silo with a power switch to keep it from launching until it's been filled.
Isn't there a mash to plastic recipe?
I think they have a propensity to try to destroy anything they run into, like most of the time they'll go around smaller things like poles or underground pipes, but they might get tripped up on big ramps like that.

Also, if a train hits one of them, that group is gonna get mad and start attacking tracks
Yeah the em plant can be an in-place upgrade. With foundries, you can tear down your whole base and start from scratch. I haven't done it yet, I'm going to finish the tutorial first (ie. get to the edge of the solar system)
Yeah but that anon probably got filtered by spoilage.
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I want the Gleba music to stop moaning
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it will once you stop fucking the planet up with your presence
>on aquillo
>hmmmm spidertron research is taking a while
>check on gleba
>it's deadlocked
>biochambers are empty
>Oh fuck there has been a containment breach, time to assess the damage (I have no defences around the egg labs)
>0 (zero) points of damage
Wtf? I'm kind of disappointed actually. They should destroy your base if they hatch.
>em plant is bigger than the asses
>foundry is bigger than everything
>biolab is bigger than the labs
>can't fit them into existing spaces without having to rearrange everything
fuck off
is there a way to set the logistics limit to whatever the fuck the ass is building? i have a bp with it wildcarded, but when i need to change something that is already on the ground, i need to manually click that shit and it's tedious to fuck
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>filtered by lack of spatial planning
The ones that hatch from spoiled eggs are premature, and slowly take damage over time, presumably to prevent that exact scenario.
sounds like something for decider combinator and "read ingredients" option in wired assembler.
What do you mean by logistics limit? How much it makes? How much is sent to the requester chest? Can you not place the blueprint over the existing building and use the bp parameters to set it?
i mean the small panel on the top right when you connect it to a logistics network
Although to be fair, they should still do *some* damage, just not "you failed to keep your pentapod eggs alive, so you lose your entire base"
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the shit I'm cooking is fucking vile
god bless bob's inserters I would kill myself trying to do it with vanilla ones
That looks like it can be used in the blueprint parameterization features, can you not put the blueprint over the existing building? If not that sounds like a bug and should get reported on their forums.
I don't understand (other than retards getting filtered) why you can't just have a research that allows for better turning on inserters?
You're telling me the engineer can construct megabases with intelligent flying bots and production, but can't figure out how to turn a grabby arm less?
That is the strange part. I have no turrets, I got no damage notification. The chambers are empty and my factory is fine.

now that I think of it, it's possible I left some repair packs there and it was all repaired, and I missed the damage alerts (I get lots of alerts from my nauvis walls).

but they really didn't even destroy 1 belt? That's lame.
personally I'm miffed that the inserters change directions instead of spinning in a circle desu
>size being a problem
>extra access points for inserters is a bad thing
Nigger, I sometimes have to use cargo wagons as a storage buffer in compact setups because I need to move shit back and forth and the inserters can't reach/all spots are occupied already.
Those things being their size is a godsend, as they will be both consuming, and shitting out ungodly amounts of stuff with beacons and quality.
Foundries at least have the benefit of direct pipe connections that bypass the inserter bottleneck.
I'm not tearing up everything in the way of their size when I need to replace the asses in the middle of my spaghetti sprawl with them
Adjustable inserters are no fun. Removing all the constraints make belt design boring, you might as well be using bots at that point, as logistics between machines become samey and trivial. You effectively get to double the types of ingredients you can comfortably input and output from your machines by using both sides of the belt without any thought.

Maybe it's justified in autism mod packs with recipies that have 8 inputs and 3 outputs. But in vanilla? You didn't beat the game.
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>research that allows for better turning on inserters?
well at least its "fixed" in SA with quality, seems reasonable solution to me.
Having the engine hang off the side invalidates all the work done into minimizing the width.
I will not. You know what I will be raping more
yeah i have such a blueprint already, i guess i was looking at this wrong, thanks anon
idk man, how else am I supposed to keep it as wide as the cargo bay while making it possible to stack engines vertically
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Are you the same anon who was going for a 10-wide ship? Yeah that is hilarious.

I tried doing a really narrow/minimal ship and 12-wide was as low as I felt like pushing it for now. But 4 wide for most of your ship, that is a different level like ribbonworld ship.
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Not filtered, biofuel and bioplastic are the suboptimal recipes, same as aquilo's rocket fuel that takes a whopping 500 ammonia to craft.
You're supposed to scale into normal oil on Aquilo/ Coal liq. on Gleba.
Space age seems awful.
nah, I just threw the idea in the thread yesterday
and now I've managed to make a perfect stackable stick
now to see how many engines I can slap on the bitch (and also build some front setup to defend it from roids on the road)
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Okay i think i give up on this one, how would one go about making a condition on gleba for inserter to only insert when there's enough nutrient for craft, and only insert one egg?
Right now i tried to configure it with just decider combinator or simply wiring together ass and inserter and so i guess the problem is that inserter inserts several eggs all the time because it's just that fast, even with limit of 1 item. And also it does it because assembler (well biolab) adds 30 nutrients in craft to total nutrient count so it's an unreliable metric anyway i guess?
I thought I'd look around a little for a better location since my starting area is running dry. How the fuck are you supposed to deal with all this? Are you not supposed to leave your starting area?
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I wish I could connect the labs to the circuit so it only works when they're active.
Interesting to see it in action.
I might try doing this at some point but probably would do a central production and a lot of belt weaving. Like a sushi belt with both directions on the same tile. I think you may run into asteroid supply issues on your more backwards thrusters.

> stackable stick
trains transport a lot of items between 2 points very quick.
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Forgot picture
Your snake is fat
you could krill all those with a tank and a bit of patience
I don't have a tank
>I think you may run into asteroid supply issues on your more backwards thrusters.
oh I'm sure I will
this is just a silly project cause I'm kinda feeling bored with space age by now
>you are supposed to jump hoops instead of using the free resources of the planet
Nevermind, I'm now researching a tank
I don't know what you're attempting to accomplish but I can guarantee you're overthinking it. Everything egg related can be accomplished with a priority splitter and maybe a heating tower at the end of the line just in case. Throw in a belt reader if you want to be fancy.
You could have it activate when the inserters move.
huh should be a bit like my kovarex setup. read nutrients and eggs of the biolab and sent it to a decider combinator only enabling the inserter with stacksize if nutrients are enough and eggs are zero. add read hand content hold of the inserter to the signal if it still grabs more than one egg.
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fucking LMAO anon, for what fucking purpose? bioshit is LITERALLY free. it costs fucking nothing, why would i want to do some retarded liquefaction setups on gleba? just slap more fucking gardens, what the fuck
use the 'read contents' on the chamber itself with a decider combinator then you can enable the egg inserter only if nutrients > 30 (or whatever it is) and egg = 0. Though like the other anon says, you can also just ignore efficiency and burn the extras. It does feel bad, but everything is free.
You may need to keep your wire colors separate for this, but wire up the biochamber to read contents, put that output into an arithmetic combinator that multiplies egg by -30 and outputs nutrients. Put the output from that combinator into the inserter, and also put the output from the biochamber into the inserter. Set inserter stack limit to 1, and inserter enables only when nutrients >= 30
>inserter inserts several eggs all the time
Deactive inserter once eggs in there >0 (use read contents), and make sure to set the hand size of the inserter to 1.
>it costs fucking nothing
Except patience and sanity. And I like Gleba.
anon here's my setup
>inserter at the start of tthe belt shits out eggs from the plant
>inserter at the end of the belt takes eggs back in
>surplus eggs move on the belt to whatever the fuck needs them
>jewhouse at the end of the belt
that's it. if you're REALLY paranoid, just use a decider combinator to enable the inserter to grab eggs only when all other ingredients are in and set the stacksize to 1 or some shit.
>Except patience and sanity.
lamo no, i'm a literal brainlet and i solved gleba after like a singular block, i just needed it to click and that was it. lay off the fucking coke anon
>They should destroy your base if they hatch.
I had some cause significant damage when I accidently brought them back from a hunting mission. (Being panicky with my shotgun didn't help.) Do you have peaceful mode on?
Unironically yes.
Turning spoilage into carbon is a better use of free resources than spending 4 mash +1 bioflux for 3 plastic.
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the fuck is this
fluids should be infinite
It's not too tough but Engineer Time IS a cost actually.
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>Modded fulgora start is hard
>Let's fire up graphvis
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>I don't know what you're attempting to accomplish
Right now it's basically just puts eggs only when the machine doesn't have eggs in it so it inserts 1.
I don't want there be a sutiation where nutrient production fucks up, so it makes batch of eggs and stops, so there will be eggs sitting in bios waiting to spoil because nutrients don't come in. So i want 1 egg to be inserted and only if theres at least 30 nutrient in the chamber.
>you can enable the egg inserter only if nutrients 30
yea, it counts recipe in progress as "contents" so 0 actual nutrients still output 30, i guess maybe if i put it in arthmetic now i think about it...i guess if we assume it would be at 60 always if nutrients are not dying, so 60-30=30 that might work.
thats basically how it is for me rn, inserter on the left puts it on belt, inserter on the right takes it back in, then it takes a loop around science and goes to furnaces (rn i just made a shotrcut straight to burners cos my research stopped).
>Right now it's basically just puts eggs only when the machine doesn't have eggs in it so it inserts 1.
you literally need a single decider for this
You get infinite free carbon and sulfur from space. Spoilage is for landfill.
nutrients + (egg*-30) will be 0 when there is one load of egg and 1 load of nutrients. If you enable only when nutrients >= 30, you will never put more eggs in than you can process.
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Interesting idea. I could have it advance one step every time the hands move but the biolabs don't move the hands that much so I don't know how much it'll move.
>if you run out of fuel, the ship just limps back to the planet it started from at 10 km/s
>Why do I need to do a tiny bit of busy work for an absolutely overpowered building
yes its overkill, but the solar panels will be removed, nuclear plants switched to fusion and kovarex setup added for nuclear missiles once I finish Aquilo.

>12 seconds to make 1 carbon.
>5 seconds make 5 carbon plus 1 sulfur into 1 coal.
>5 seconds using 10 coal plus heavy oil (import barrels to start it?) + free steam, to make your oils
>have to setup cracking of heavy/light oil
>finally can make sulfur and plastic, but plastic takes coal and sulfur with this so you need to also increase coal synth to cover that.
>2 seconds to turn 5 spoilage and 1 bioflux into 2 sulfur.
>2 seconds to turn 4 mash and 1 bioflux into 3 plastic bars.

anon... explain
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Gates with a one-way rectangular trap door at the bottom to let belts pass through.
I dare not ask for diagonal gates as such feat a concept is beyond human cognitive capabilities.
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but high fantasy
As long as it's not wider than the hub it doesn't matter.
Circuit wizards, how do i make a speaker sound an alert only once if im waiting on a continuous signal? For example i want to have a single alert once a box has 100 U235 in it.
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Trying the mod that makes your character a bit smaller
I like it
Trains are big, tank/car is big, now walls actually look like they come up to your head and not like waist-high.
Inserter pulse
>spend fruit on oil items
>not spend fruit on oil items, spend spoilage instead, which you'll be making in droves anyways.
>use the bioflux, mash and jelly for something else
time to get one or the other is irrelevant since you'll be making both anyways.
>make plants for the abovementioned 'something else'
>make MORE PLANTS for bioplastics and biosulfur
why make complicated thing, when simple thing work?
Just observing their behavior for a bit, that seems right. If you attack them in a vehicle and get them chasing the vehicle, when you jump out, they keep chasing the vehicle like they're fixated on it. I thought that was cool. Kinda reminded me of Rain World or something
I had to make coal from carbon from spoilage for military science in my Gleba start, it was like half my base.
Try overriding the stack size of the inserters to 1, that'll make them all activate a lot more
Yea i tried that and works as i wanted, thanks anons. Forgot i can even do math with circuits.
Neat hull shape. Big shapely ass on her
update on the stick
only 2 sections in and I already agree that I should've just made a centralized production hub plus a lengthwise sushi loop plus two lines of fuel and oxidizer right next to it
this thing will never have enough fuel to actually move from orbit, let alone get anywhere lmao
>Modded fulgora start is hard
how is it hard
you literally just recycle scrap, put it in boxes and then use it later
fine, automating all the sciences on Fulgora is hard (without bots)
>filtered by a line of 12 splitters
>splittered by a line of twelve filters
>time/throughput doesn't matter
uh huh...
>you can use fruit on something else!
who cares? it fucking grows on trees, trees i can plant more of forever.

nothing wrong with making coal from spoilage
what's this then
ShapeHero Factory
>Em plant can't make railgun ammo
What the fuck did they mean by this.
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I have up to yellow and just now connected my first scrap island not using bots isn't that bad. I have a silo just waiting on platforms
is movement speed the same or are you proportionally slower to size?
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What planet am I taking this bad mama jama to?
>try to load 1 rocket manually
>bots still bring the requested item to every other rocket that's set to automatically fulfill requests
>they even take from buffer chests
this is asinine
may have fucked up and made too much repopulating iron and copper bacteria somehow
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>need to transport 2.7m acid per minute (46k/sec)
how do I transport a huge amount of fluid when the pipeline is bigger than the max size? just spam dozens of pumps at max range?
Pretty much. Quality pumps means you need less.
Alchemical factorio would be cool. With less of a focus on base logistics and more of a focus on ratios and complex products.
the sulfuric acid wells are big number, but are they actually almost endless?

if i try to mass produce water, am i going to end up sucking these dry?
high fantasy is SHIT
I think it's the same. There's a setting to make your mining/reach and melee scale with your size though.
The default 70% was a bit too small though, 85% seems fine. You still look the right size next to vehicles without looking weirdly tiny against regular structures.
spin up those legendary pumpjacks cause those avid wells are by no means infinite if you megabase on vulcanus
you will almost certainly want to use fusion instead of steam turbines and use acid for oil instead of power
If you don't have enough military tech to deal with the big nests far away, then just grab some nearby patches for now, and research till you do.
Fulgora or Vulcanus for pain and suffering, Gleba for fun.
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Coal liquefaction using only local gleba materials--no imports from space, no sulfur direct from spoilage because that costs bioflux and why would you spend bioflux on sulfur when you can "just" get it for free from coal liquefaction using nothing but spoilage--is impossible unless you use productivity modules, as you spend more sulfur synthesizing coal than you can produce with the resulting petroleum gas, and even then the returns are not good. With legendary prod 3s in all 3 steps necessary for coal liquefaction, and assuming all your spoilage is byproduct from other processes, a plastic bar is about 60% of the yumako cost and about 160% of the jellynut cost relative to plastic from mash, and needs nearly 30 times as many biochambers to create. Is it a more efficient use of your resources? Arguably. Is it better in any other conceivable way? Absolutely not.
>How the fuck are you supposed to deal with all this?
Tank and grenades, later artillery.
>Are you not supposed to leave your starting area?
You are supposed to build outposts, not to move your whole base.
There has to be a better way, but I'm not that good at circuits and this just werks.
Yeah that works better. I also replaced the bulk with regular inserters and it sill skips sometimes but I declare it good enough.
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>not to move your whole base.
But I want to. I can't look at this anymore
Just bought and started Factorio and the start feels more... game-y than I expected? Not bad just very surprising. My base basically just looks like a bunch of direct inputs and outputs and clusters of buildings making colored juice as opposed to well-oiled "factory" that I expected to make.
you'll get belts and inserters basically right away and that's when it gets going
>Fulgora music
Damn this is nice. I'm seeing a lot of non penis or turd shaped designs ITT. I'm gonna have to go back to the drawing board
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Bros, I've gotten to chemical science but now all my designs have no more space and are completelyt intertwined and now i have to make shit for production science

im getting filtered because all my shit is a mess
>Finally get into a smooth groove of building on a new planet
Fucks sake
itll get real boring once you get stuck in a clean format, then youll either drop the game or break out of it (just into a different format, until you get good enough to not bother making it clean)
>seablock planet
>starting island is big enough for starter base
I've spent all day trying to automate all the defenses to avoid this, but I know it's still gonna happen
also all the biter niggers are encroaching on me, ffs

im too much of a brainlet for this game
What is the engineer?
They get more health from the gleba research.
They heal when eating food, and also gain speed from bioflux.
But they do not need a supply of food.
They slowly regenerate without food.
They do not need a supply of life support in space, nor on very hostile planets.
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use a combinator to delay the signal by 1 tick, then check for when the condition is true on the current tick and not true on the previous tick.

He's the Antichrist
A fallen Angel that travels the universe and drains planets of their resources
Hello Joe Abercrombie.
The engineer is a convenient interface between the player and the game world
Cyborg with a constructor chassis. Bio brain in chest but the rest is custom. Internal chemical reactor for nutrients
>can survive running around in 40m/s^2 gravity on vulcanus
he's a dwarf god or something
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>calculated green belt as 16.8k throughtput
>they're 14.4k
thank god it was just coal and iron which I can move around easily
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>make tank
>make tank shells (not explosive)
>make modular armor
>fill with solar panels and personal lasers
>fill tank with shields
shoot nests and worms, make the planet fear you
Just leave everything as is, so long as it works, and add more furnaces outside of the spaghetti for making production/utility science. If you have chemical and military science up, you can get a tank and poison capsules and go clear biter bases for lebensraum. If you're too disorganized to set up automatic wall/outpost defense resupply, just put ammunition in a chest at each area that needs it and hook up a speaker to play an alarm when ammo runs low, then go refill it manually.

Cludge your way up to higher tech levels, then use that better tech to give yourself what you need to actually build properly. No one starts the game building a distributed train-based factory, you need to take smaller steps to close the gaps.
>7.3 yamako, 1.1 jellyfruit per second, takes almost no energy, 12 machines
>outputs: 15 plastic /s
>being a fucking inefficient idiot
>4.6 yamako, 1.8 jellyfruit, steam, and 248 spoilage per second, 57.4 mw, 300 machines
>outputs 15 plastic /s
it's over
No, you are supposed to do whatever the shit you want with the tools you have. Ill sit here and have infinite rocket fuel with minimal overhead. you can have a 15 step production chain for no reason.
Is it ever worth it to dump blue and/or red circuits into green to then make iron in fulgora? I'm facing a serious shortage of iron using only gear wheels to convert but I could be using batteries instead too
The fools never considered qol in the infinite resources planet. Just use the landfill cheese lol
>Ran out of stone on Gleba
Uhhhhh, now what?
your mining productivity 50???
The setup I went with buffers up to 48 stacks of every resource that can be produced downstream of scrap recycling, and if any other resource is below 5 stacks then it recycles everything over 40 stacks. So if iron plates run low and there's not enough gears to recycle, but blue circuits have backed up it will recycle those, eventually down to green circuits and then iron. Recycling things over 40 stacks when something else is low also ensures that raw scrap recycling product can make its way into the system, which includes more gears.

So in short, yes. If you're out of iron plates, but you have so many circuits that you can't get more gears to recycle, it makes more sense to recycle the circuits for their iron than to sit there and stall. Out of curiosity, what are you using so much iron for on fulgora?
Alternatively to this, I like having a "silence" constant combinator next to my alarms I can toggle to shut them off as a personal confirmation that I didn't miss the alarm. I'd like to add a "snooze" option to my speakers at some point to have a timer that allows certain alarms to turn back on if enough time has passed. I really should make a massive speaker alarm system at some point tracking all possible logistic bottlenecks at some point.
I started there that's why
wide design hits more asteroids and moves slower
Go for a walk, find a new stone patch, and start mining it. It'll never come under attack because it doesn't produce spores, so no need to defend it at all.

Oh, that would do it. It would only provide a little bit, but I'm sure you're producing more concrete from scrap than you can use as well, and you can recycle that into iron ore to smelt into plates.
what if you send rocket parts to vulcanus from gleba to support sending excess stone from vulcanus, back to gleba?
>rocket parts to vulcanus
send plastic and rocket fuel
vulcanus metal throughput is much higher
I have an excellent recycler better than the one I beat the game with I think I'll circuit it to reroute some of my current batteries to refeed into my main recycler loop to then spit out iron where I need it. I wasn't doing that because I was on the "I'm probably going to need these for mass accumulators later" but I can deal woth that issue when I need it and by then I'll have moved labs to another planet
did they fix the science floating point thing
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Tanks are awesome!
This is such brain poison retardation just because the drag mechanic exists doesn't mean you can't build wide. I've seen continent sized space factories going several hundred km/s you just need quality thrusters to make it simple
can you actually use the train stop color picker button as a color picker or is it just a misguided attempt at skeuomorphism
It colors trains automatically if you turn that setting on.
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no I mean, can I actually use a color picker or do I have to put in the rgb values/use the sliders myself
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Rate my vulcanus belting facility (I'm really liking the foundries)
Where's your green belts?
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When it must be done it must be done I guess
How am I supposed to mass produce processors.
I'm too stupid for this.
Accounted for, but unresearched yet
godspeed brother
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Is there any way you can tell the rocket silo to launch?
With circuits logic maybe?
In vanilla you could just tick a checkbox "launch when full" but it's gone now.

Trying to figure out how to launch several things automatically "when full" but the game just launches the rocket when one of the items in the selection group has met the minimum, not when all of them are at the minimum.

This is a flaw in the game that I'm 100% will be fixed eventually. The interface for launching/receiving stuff in space is not very non-confusing.

I really want the "auto-launch when the rocket is full" checkbox back... Just with a added space platform destination.
It would feel much better to be able to handle all the stuff that should be shot up into space on the planet, instead of being forced into using this request system (which doesn't seem to support launch of more than one type of items at a time).
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>tfw the serber right now
More (advanced) electronic circuits. Like way more. Dozens of assemblers. The ratio (with no modules) of electronic circuit assemblers to processing unit assemblers is exactly 1:1, and 1.25:1 for advanced circuits to processing units, and then you need extra electronic circuit assemblers in a 1:6 ratio to make advanced electronic circuits.
Around how many assemblers making missiles should I plan for to travel to and from Aquilo? I'm trying to redesign my scrapheap, but I don't know if I should just build a couple and stockpile them before each run or make enough to continually meet production, if that's even feasible.
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f r u i t
I only needed 2 baconed and full speed for aquilo and solar edge you only start to need more when you want to do shattered planet fast, but I did plan that ship for pre fusion so any more power consumption would've been insufficient anyways
>Is there any way you can tell the rocket silo to launch?
click the launch button, or wait for auto launch (only for items that are requested by platforms)

what exactly are you trying to do? auto launch requested items covers pretty much all use cases you could encounter with platforms
Yeah it's 100% possible to do constant movement with just 2 for aquilo. The bar for aquilo isn't that high it only gets higher for shattered planet
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>auto launch requested items covers pretty much all use cases you could encounter with platforms
nope as far as i can see, a planet is exporting science, uncommon+ foundries and uncommon+ big mining drills. (no player on the planet.)

i want to load the rocket up with as many of these three items that can be produced while my space platforms flies between the planets and then just shoot it up when the space platform comes by. i can't figure out how to do it without launching more than 1 rocket.

even if my space platform is requesting these three things in the same group, accepting minimum 2 in each group, only one of the items are launched even if all items are in the rocket inventory (the ones not launched disappear during launch and then appear again after the launch is completed - staying on the planet)
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Made me kek
I think I just took out a biter nest, I'm not sure because tanks don't have radars
yeah the rocket system is a mess. you can't even send signals to/from space platforms, or set platform requests with signals.
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Damn it Roach.
rockets can only send one ton of items at a time, why the hell would you mix them? are you trying to send 2 foundries, 1 big mining drill and 50 science? what the hell kind of load is that?!
Just dedicate a rocket to one item, and set requests on the platform, if you want to have the rockets preloaded.
Cut power to the rocket until it's full.
>I think I just took out a biter nest

Just pretend I posted that coke esports image
>We're unstoppable!
>and then I said,
>Inserter? I hardly knew her
>several engineers laughing raucously
>rockets can only send one ton of items at a time, why the hell would you mix them?
Not that dude but I don't need 50 deciders on my space platform, I only need like 5. If I want them shipped up automatically I have to bite the bullet: 50 or none at all. Yes, you can lower the rocket fill% but that doesn't solve the issue, it would still be a waste of rocket space.
Manually I can put 5 deciders, 5 arithmetics, 10 long inserters and fill the rest with scaffolding or whatever else I need. As long as it's under the 1 ton limit it's all good. Only problem is that I have to do this directly with the character.
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Does this count all wagons or only the ones that are being loaded?
all wagons
if you have a wagon for seeds or sulphuric acid it counts those too
Shit, I was hoping for an easy way to fill up several wagons with different stuff but I guess I'll just get extra trains
Did I dream this up, or did they implement a one-time logistic request feature and I can't find it?

There is a slightly more automated way around this, but you still need to press launch manually. Have the silo ignore automatic requests and read platform requests, and use that to set the requests on a requester chest feeding the silo. Disable the inserter pulling from the requester into the silo until all requests are accounted for in the requester, then disable the requester and let the inserter fill the silo as much as possible, then press launch.

All wagons. And full means "every slot is completely filled", not just "there is something in every slot". Full also means all fluid wagons completely filled.
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Thanks, two assemblers with a beacon and some extra modules did the trick
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oh THAT's what you want to do.
>pic related
>disable all automatic requests rocket launches on planet
>set requests on provider chests, filters on inserters
>rocket is full, have to click a few times to launch
better than manually doing it.
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Doesn't help, the rocket just leaves stuff behind that isn't part of the one type of items that it decides to launch.
Try it, the extra stuff in your rocket's inventory magically disappears and then re-appears after the rocket has launched one type of items.
Don't know why they've made it like this. Doesn't help if you also request the other types of items in the same selection/group on the platform, it only launches one type of items at a time. Even if "minimum items per launch" is set to lower than default for each requested type.
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should I have 3 separate inputs to my asteroid crushing loop (1 for each resource) or just one and assume the reprocessors can keep up with balancing?
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if you're dealing with such small item quantities then it's not even worth shipping in the first place desu
like what exactly are you going to do with 3 mining drills and 2 foundries? you need these buildings by the hundreds, better set up more production than worry about how to transport single digit amounts of them to other planets.
If you're using set recipe reprocessing randomized you can do with less crushers and just add more when you need it to be faster or when you start using quality
What's the ratio of steel plates to steel beams using electric furnaces? 2:1?
Sorry I meant iron plates to steel plates
it's just a uncommon/rare/etc bonus want on top of the science research.
i know that it's possible to spin up building more of them and set up a whole fleet of space ships, what i'm remarking on is that the game is limiting me from doing what i want. that's the problem, the solution is not that i could be doing something that i don't want to do. the solution is the devs fixing a limitation that shouldn't be there.
it's 5 iron to 1 steel, but the 1 steel takes the same amount of processing time as the 5 iron
with electric furnaces you just need two, and you could direct insert the iron into the steel

I always see this online but I never do it, I process all the iron plates first then split it off into steel. Guess I'm weird
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with snake
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Gentlemen, we did it.
Desu (total. biter. holocaust.).
Iron to steel is always 1:1
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I made this for you.
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biter roulette
a train runs along a circular rail partitioned into six equal-sized sections
one player sits inside each section, naked
the train is carrying 100 biter eggs
Go look for Santa.
how do I read the fluid contents of a pipe section? I can't connect a wire to pipes nor an engine
por que
Hello George R. R. Martin. Please finish your book.
works on my machine
It's not a color picker. They should have used a palette for icon.
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I will try hard later I promise, I just need a quick mall right now. You will be impressed.
Doing desu's work.
Sending 1 decider is the same as sending 50. EIther way, it's only 1 rocket.
Connect something to it you can read like a storage tank
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WIP but how's my general layout / ratios for my first nauvis<->fulgora ship?
In factorio, I feel like I can't ever make efficient setups. Everything is spagehtti and low throughput and everything is slow and ass. Is the only true answer just to build more assemblers? And technically speaking, is the most efficient assembler setup literally just a straight line of assemblers?
finally set these fuckers up

those last 10 techs are gonna research real fast!
i'm not sure what you're doing but you definitely don't need to be reprocessing asteroids for nauvis - fulgora trips
but I can
also I found with my vulcanus ship I was alwys short on ice
>Upscale every science except promethium to 5k spm in the postgame
>Pretty easy, basically just looks like the starter base but with legendary beacons/modules
>Look at what's needed for 5k promethium spm
>On average need to be processing a little over a fucking green belt of promethium chunks
Fuck that I'm done with SA, I hate designing platforms and I'd need to copy paste my existing abomination about 20 times to handle that. I'm curious as to what megabase level promethium hauling actually looks like because that shit is horrible for UPS.
Gleba's pushing out a big turd, you'd sound the same
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>forgot pic
going to fulgora is practically the same thing as going to vulcanus, why are you asking if you've already been there
>yellow and red belts
it's nauvis, starter planet where starter things are made. It's the only planet I'd expect to see yellow belts
it's further out in the star chart though? thought that would mean more asteroids and a longer trip. my vulcanus ship has 3k fuel and 0 ammo left after travelling 1 way so I wanted to make something more robust for fulgora
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Hospital Train
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>post picture of my game
>reeeeee why aren't you doing things faster
every time
>the solution is the devs fixing a limitation that shouldn't be there.
its not that easy though
filling a rocket with different items of different weight up to a set total weight limit, that's the knapsack problem which is NP-hard so creating a solution is not easy

same distance, same asteroids. the only difference if you get less solar power on the way to and on fulgora
oh. well that makes things easy then, solar I was preparing for, have been manufacting rare panels en-masse for this ship since I saw the % difference
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I made this thing. You tell it what you want and it makes it (eventually). Slapped one down on every planet so I didn't have to worry about importing belts anymore besides green.
biolabs are FREE science
expensive belts are just more expensive belts
the inserter pulling the spoiled packs out of the labs is missing
>yellow belts do 1000SPM with these labs
seems enough
haven't had any spoil yet. i'm one of those people who turn gleba science production on and off, but you're right.
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[x] Launch rocket when inventory is at least [90%] full.
Delay launch at least [10] seconds after reaching target weight.
Acceptable target: [MySpacePlatformNameA] OR [MySpacePlatformNameB]

That sure was hard to solve.
why not just do whatever Space Exploration did
>at least [10] seconds
*at most (it would launch if actually reaching 100%)

also these are settings on the rocket silo if that wasn't obvious (space platform isn't involved at all, except being a possible target)
can be expanded with target logic of course (like only pick this target if it gives [signal] or something)
>get banned for a week on your own games reddit sub
foundries are 5 per rocket, with certain combinations you have 89% full rocket stuck forever.
wow that was easy to break
>set it to 80% limit then
now you can only fill to 80% and space is wasted again
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Trying out quality was a BIG mistake!
Did they really do that? Are the factorio devs not in control of that subreddit?

i'm not going to spell out all the ways this could be solved, the limit could be lowered at a fixed rate per minute or something etc etc etc etcetcetectecetcetcetec
>On hour 150 or something of my Factorio game
>Finally come back to my Nauvis base after a long haul
>Start replacing my original steam power
>"Wait, the grid is still connected to 80 steam engines. But where are they? They aren't anywhere in my main base."
>Spend 10 minutes trying to find where the hell I put these steam engines
>Turns out I built a massive satellite factory right next to a lucky deposit spawn and then never used any of the products and forgot about it completely.
People talk about the 40k-like 'forgetting how your factory works' part, but I've ascended to forgetting that your factory exists.
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Now place a steam engine and type in 'steam engine'. Look at all the steam engines it doesn't show, because it's not an assembler making steam engines.
>I really want the "auto-launch when the rocket is full" checkbox back... Just with a added space platform destination.
Rocket capacities are too irregular for that to work well -- if you just start cramming in items of different rocket capacities willy-nilly, you're quite likely to get stuck at 98% or whatever.
You could have a manual threshold slider, but the people who need it most (don't have the autism to carefully select compatible items to mix, or just build a combinator contraption to precisely fill rockets to 100%), would struggle to identify the worst case for a particular mix of items and set the threshold correctly.
And there's no easy, general way for the silo to pick its own threshold when "no more relevant items will fit" -- just because the last item you inserted off a belt was 10-capacity, doesn't that isn't a sushi belt with a bunch of 1000-capacity items coming next.

The simplest way to make it idiot-proof is to drastically revise the rocket capacities so each possible rocket capacity is a factor of all larger values, e.g. 1/5/10/50/100/500/1000/2000, 1/2/4/8/16/80/400/2000, etc., but I don't see that happening at this point.
For reference, the current capacities in vanilla are: 1/2/4/5/9/10/12/14/20/25/50/67/100/150/200/250/300/400/500/1000/2000/4000 (Plus 10000 for blueprints, deconstruction planners, etc., lol et lmao)

I'd like it too, but I think we'll have to get it from mods. It's just too much of a footgun to likely happen in vanilla. More likely to get a mixed-rocket mode where you set (by circuit or otherwise) requests from the logistic network. That way the silo knows exactly what items to expect, and when the remaining space is too small for any of them, it launches.
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it's GROSS
the best part is that even individual items don't fit neatly into the 1000kg rocket limit. the rail ramp, for example, has rocket size 1 but has 552kg mass just because.
put quality modules in the asteroid recyclers
>make steam tank out of waste arc furnace heat
>burn it during lunar night when my accumulators eventually fail (I'm using around 40 MW of power)
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or they could just, you know, allow the rocket capacity to go above 100% capacity for 1 single item.
god forbid!
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Gleba is buck breaking me.
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after neglecting nauvis for so long... biters are starting to look a little spooky. any suggestions? ie. can i ignore it? am i going to need to replace laser turrets with something else, or should i start wiping them out?
>any suggestions?
Flamethrower turrets.
>carefully fill rocket to 99% full
>shove a whole ass landing pad on top
gleba is actually nuts;
biome specific farming
AND enemies

i love it, but why is gleba loaded up, while the other early planets are just sandbox mode?
would fix so many things.
you can explain it away with using less packaging or ripping out the chairs that any passenger would sit in.

it's not like the weight system makes any sense anyway, 1 factory weigh less than 50 ammo.

doesn't exactly matter
>I was hoping for an easy way to fill up several wagons with different stuff
You can do that with the "item count" waiting condition.
i switched off of flamethrower turrets because my oil wells were depleting fairly quick. but i may not have a choice in the meantime
just set up a big-ass perimeter
Flamethrowers really dont consume that much oil. Keep in mind that you dont need to spam them, there is little benefit in doing so due to how fire works. Also speed module your depleted oil wells, it gives you more output for no cost making oil essentially infinite once you capture enough wells.
your first mistake was setting up shop right next to the growing zone
ohh, cool. thanks
if you aren't even making one rocket load of each of the items you're "exporting" in the time it takes your ship to travel between planets then automated interplanetary logistics should be the least of your worries lol
these things are so dumb, coupled with some research productivity my 1k spm is worth over 4k
Don't worry about that, even a completely depleted oil field with 120% yield is enough for your flamers in most cases.
The solution to mixed rockets doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be better than what we have now. I'm not sure, even in the worst possible solution, that any algorithm could be worse for user experience than "send at least one full rocket of every requested item". It might not be performant, and that's definitely a big concern for kovarex & co., but I'd rather have the option with the knowledge that using it en-masse (at which point you really shouldn't be using mixed rockets) would cause slowdown.

for (let r in platformRequests)
for (let s in rocketSilos)
let items = sortItemsByWeight(r)
while (siloWeight(s) < 1k && !requestSatisfied(r))
let added = addHeaviestPossibleItem(s,items)
if(added == 0) break
if(requestSatisfied(r)) break
if(requestSatisfied(r)) break
man, another anon that don't get that what i'm complaining about is the restriction in how you're able to play the game. the reason the solution i came up with doesn't work is due to limitations in the game's system, and that's a problem when the game is all about coming up with solutions.
How the hell do you guys make malls? I feel like my shit is so chaotic I cant find spots for this stuff or shit is just being made too slowly
I don't believe you
it couldn't possibly have been more than 300k, not to mention the wooden cargo wagon doors
legendary inserters?
In factorio if I have an interrupt setup that serves one station that can take different items (just simple combinators to see what is missing and send train to pick that up). How can I make sure the train comes back to the same station if I copy paste stuff. Do I have to manually rename stations with numbers each time I paste a blueprint?
step 1: research logistic system
step 2: ???
step 3: mall
>whopping 500 ammonia to craft
WOWZERS, that's a whole 0.41s of a single offshore pump AND 10s in a chemical plant, just to feed this one 10s craft
wait a second, those numbers...
this "problem" solves itself as the player scales up production

automation for mixed rockets would (maybe) make sense if rocket weight limit was 100 times larger than what we have now, but as it is right now the "full load of single item" approach covers everything a reasonable player would want
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Shift right click on assembler. Shift left click on blue chest.
It doesn't because when I build a new hauler I get a shipment of 1000 inserters. Unless I do it manually of course but even then it is a pain in the ass.
a single, fully depleted pumpjack at 2/s will unironically supply all the oil your flamethrowers will ever need in a death world run
but 10 is a smaller number than 500 anon, therefore the oil recipe HAS to be better
the "solution" you came up with is retarded

your problem is low production. the clear and obvious solution is to increase production, not bitch about how cargo rockets are bad when you have low production.
>automation for mixed rockets would (maybe) make sense if rocket weight limit was 100 times larger
so space exploration with its 500 slot cargo rockets and inter surgace signal transmission
Helmod or factory planner?
opinion discarded (you are retarded)
It would be nice if there was a checkbox that allowed automatic construction requests to not request a full rocket, I don't even care about mixed rockets it's just annoying having to manually deal with high quality stuff that I need to send back. I understand why it requests a full rocket, otherwise if you were designing a platform from scratch it would suddenly send a rocket with 1 inserter as soon as you placed it, but as least gives us the option when copy pasting a platform to just send the exact amount.
>why didn't kovarex solve the knapsack problem for me??
It's an Elite Dangerous reference, Python is a model of ship with the same shape
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Say I have a platform blueprint as pictured. I send up a starter pack, then slap the blueprint down on top of it, with the platform set to auto-request needed construction materials. As things stand now, this will launch at least 40 rockets with a full load of every kind of item, assuming I even have a rocket load of each, when I could fill this manually in probably 5 or 6 (all that not counting platform foundations). If I don't have 10 rare asteroid crushers, this request will never be automatically filled. Even if I do have a full rocket load of each item required, I will now have 8 rare asteroid crushers etc. sitting in my platform hub, which I will need to drop back down to the surface.

>Buh buh there's no use case for mixed rockets

Fuck you.
Why going wide makes space platforms slower?
There is no drag in space. It is vacuum
same reason why if you turn off your thrusters you start losing speed
Limitation for the sake of gameplay, so you can't make a T shape with a billion thrusters send your thrust/mass ratio off the charts, and break the speed of light.
In what way can drones be used to refill turrets? I put the ammo in the red box and the drone won't bring it to the turret. Can they not place ammo directly into the turret?
Space in Factorio is actually gelatinous
aether, not space
space isn't real or it would suck all the air off earth and I'm glad the Factorio devs are brave enough to acknowledge this fact in such a public forum
>Fresh fruits
Let me have a crack at it
>list of items requested
>try to fit each one alphabetically until the next one doesn't fit anymore
>launch rocket
Where's my nobel prize?
Tank with uranium rounds to clear out the nests. You can remote pilot them now as long as you have radar coverage. + they have equipment grids.
get outside of roboport range
place a ghost turret, drop ghost mags in it
now copy it and paste it to your liking in roboport range
They have a two hour spoil timer, dingus
What you've basically done there is multiplied the amount of space you need to defend by several orders of magnitude for gains of maybe 2% spoilage efficiency by not using trains to ship it in from afar
You don't even know what you're talking about.
>or it would suck all the air off earth
It actually does, slowly
>multiplied the amount of space you need to defend by several orders of magnitude
A wall perimeter only doubles in length while the usable area within quadruples, fuck off
One hour, two hour, point still stands
>stompers will walk over rails and power poles and destroy them while just walking around aimlessly
great, guess I'm giving up on trains then
You shouldn't give advice since you don't have a clue. telling someone to build further away on the planet where science can fucking rot is retarded.
POV you just landed on Glebus.
just train them in. I have the harvesters connected to the train station and they only turn on when a train is on the way/parked. fresh fruit arrives around when the train does, it loads up (or partial load) and away it goes.
my dude, you built your base on the "DO NOT BUILD HERE YOU WILL BE ATTACKED CONSTANTLY" zone.
I'm not the guy you're giving bad advice to.
And defending on Gleba is as simple as loading your turrets with missiles or spamming Tesla towers. Sprinkle in landmines to delete pentapods that try to fuck around at range. There's no need to be afraid of your spore cloud.
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>setting up camp on a game trail
a blue belt is 45/s, tile holds 8, so it moves items 45/8 = 5.6 tiles per second
if you build plantations 300 tiles away, that's 60 seconds to get to base, ie 1.7% off your spoilage timer
equivalent to 3 seconds holding mash
For filling a turret once do what >>503017606
For ongoing refills, use a requester chest with inserters putting it into a few turrets.
The spoil timer is incredibly generous and the timer of resulting products is weighed in favor of the freshest ingredient. Just use trains.
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>check science
>half rotten
It's always the fucking jelly
I like doing shit botless in Factorio, maybe except loading rocket logi requests. I did Fulgora that way, I did Vulcanus, but after spending 4h trying to figure out Gleba belt-fed system I'm honestly wondering if doing absolutely everything except fruit delivery via bots might be a better idea.
Fuck this hellhole.
>doing absolutely everything except fruit delivery via bots
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Do direct insertion if you don't want to fuck with belting stuff around.
Here's my advice after struggling like you. Make a self contained bioflux build. Insert jelly and mash directly into the bioflux (which doesn't rot for like 2 hours) just like you would for your green circuit build. Then just have your nutrient belt have a filter splitter on it for spoilage that everything gets dumped on.

Think of your yum fruit and brain nuts as you would copper and iron plates. You bring them to where you want to start a new process instead of belting around loads of jelly/mash. Same with bioflux.
What's "sha256 checksums"? I saw that on the factorio site. It looks like a bunch of random letters and numbers.
its doable, bro. Took me a couple of hours but even my low-iq self figured it out.
personally I belted fruit, jelly, mash and bioflux and used bots to handle spoilage and nutrients.
>just uranium ammo gun turrets is good enough against medium demolishers
they do get close enough to kill a bunch of turrets but eh I'll just scale up uranium ammo deliveries

honestly it feels really good to have something to actually make use of uranium turrets' ungodly DPS, in the base game it always felt like just absolute indulgence because of how overkill it was against literally everything. (plus flamethrowers being so good against groups)
two dozen turrets collectively doing about 70-100k dps (about 2-3 seconds to kill him, and 50% physical resistance) brings me joy
Is using lasers for small asteroids worth it
I figured out this design early on, the issue was with getting everything else set up - rocket materials, fiber shit for the future etc. Getting a good amount of ore churned out so I can supply LDS and blue chips eats up so much bioflux with this ass cancer bacteria shit.
Not really. It's mostly because it's free in the endgame when you have to use something other than solar on your platforms. Before that, they're worse than useless.
How do you dispose of old bioflux? You can't burn it. Is throttling production the only way?
If you can do Fulgora without bots then you can definitely do Gleba without bots.
Using foundries instead of furnaces helps, because you don't need hundreds of furnaces and you get more metal per ore. Just import 10k calcite every now and then.
FIFO and a heating tower at the end for when it spoils if freshness doesn't matter
Recycle it. I personally run most my builds in loops so bioflux only gets added as needed which makes it pretty much impossible for it to last 2 hours without being used. I make bioflux on location so I don't have old stuff floating around unless that particular set of machines was idle for a long time not being used. Even then after a few cycles they're back to using fresh bioflux.
I just loop every belt on gleba and put priority splitters for spoilage leading into a heating tower.
>coal synthesis
are these niggers really expecting me to make coal
you can't burn bioflux
lol i thought the same thing, very similar to that 1 gleba soundtrack
yeah but when it spoils after 2 hours it'll immediately be burned. as long as the oldest bioflux is in front there'll never be backed up mixed spoilage.
It's super easy. Just have your ships carpet bomb the planet with sulfur and carbon that they make in space for free.
>can load a whole spidertron loaded with modules into a rocket
>one single nuke is "too heavy for rocket"
How do you load a full spidertron?
>44 SPM
It aint fancy. But it gets you where you're going
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it's just fucking standing there
watching the trains go by
I don't want to incur its wrath
Full of modules? You place it, fill it with module and pick it up again. Then you drop it into the rocket
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big rocks almost grazing the ship are scary, I'm not confident they won't smash into the sides when I'm not looking
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why are all of my nutriends coming out of the biochamber at 50%?
you're making nutrients from spoilage, which come out at 50% by default. or your ingredients are half-spoiled.
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imagine the sex between those two
Oh I never played that because it apparently can't be pirated
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in case anyone was curious, the legs are not like a spidertron's. trains can hit them. it didn't like that.
why do their legs look like that though
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Why isn't it making legendary iron yet???
Did it at least take damage?
traumatic insemination
if it did it regenerated everything by the time I clicked the alert
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Speed ruins quality
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I can't believe i just now realized speed modules suck here.
Is my only option to go slower or expand the grinders?
very viscous jello please understand
Wouldn't it be infinitely better to store a bunch of promethium and then make the science pack on nauvis so biter eggs are a non issue?
It looks like that is what that anon is doing.
Gravity pulls you towards the closest planet. You have to overcome it to escape a planet but it works in your favor after the halfway point where you're pulled in.
You make the packs in space. The ship heads out,gets rocks,goes home, and then you send the eggs up in orbit and it drops the science down. You can just launch up a fuckload of eggs and make all the packs in space as long as it doesn't take more than 15 minutes to use them all.
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I'll definitely use them later
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Not an anon that has tried this, but this is my first stab at an 8-wide ship. I'm not sure 8-wide is going to be optimal but it does include the narrow tube or support column feeding supplies downward which is unavoidable in a super fast ship I believe, since most of the space has to be empty, and supplies have to come from the front.

My support column is 4-wide and includes the fuel makers using the advanced recipes but I would guess 3-wide is possible. If using a centralized fuel maker and piping the fuels around, 2-wide is definitely the lower limit for the support column.

Interesting optimization challenge here. It comes down to mostly how wide is optimal.. more thrusters per thruster group means higher percentage of the width is used to push faster. But there is a potential tradeoff, that the width of asteroid collection is (half) ship width + constant (seems to be 14 tiles to each side). So wider ship means lower asteroid collection area per thruster.

I am guessing that 10 or 14 wide is going to be optimal but I dunno yet.
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same, same
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Oh yeah forgot to mention the speed, it is decently fast even with just 3 thruster groups. Not sure yet if I have a power supply problem generating the ammo.
Kovarex gets another one!

Quality machines craft faster with no penalty to the quality of the output, so there's one option. If you don't mind losing out on just a little quality, higher quality speed modules have increased speed bonus but keep the quality penalty the same, so putting an epic speed mod 1 in the beacon, and having each machine affected only by a single beacon, will provide a decent speed up without penalizing quality down to 0.
What's you guys's "planet build order"? Measuring in running rocket silos, I did:
>Nauvis to 1 silo
>then Vulcanus to 16 silos
>then Fulgora to 2 silos
>then Gleba to 4 silos
>then Aquilo to 1 (currently working on it)
Next I'm probably going to upgrade Vulcanus to like 70 silos if I can get enough coal patches.

But if I did it again I'd go to Fulgora first since it's quick and I want electro plants when I start on Vulcanus. So more like:
>Nauvis to 1
>Fulgora to 1, no trains just 1 island, get electro plants
>Vulcanus to 40, pumping out sciences and spaceships
>Gleba to 4 just for science
>Fulgora to 4, using trains for scrap
That's fine, beacons are gay anyway. Multiple grinders, and their electricity are cheaper
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103 hours in and I have exactly 1(one) silo on every planet (have not been to aquilo yet)
i think i want to completely re-design my gleba base but its so annoying. i hate this planet but i also enjoy it, its just high stress. im currently getting about 120spm off it but the base is a mess and i feel like its being held together with a prayer.
anyone have any good flowing bases that they'd like to share for inspiration?
>finally build tank
>wow this is gonna be fun to go blastin' on the go
>its absolutely shit

why the fuck is just running into a biter base and just spamming turrets down the most effective method besides nuking or w/e

the tank fucking blows
Use regular cannon shells, not explosive
oh shit, i didnt know there was anything like that
my gleba outpost is just now coming under some real heat, but the tesla towers have been doing work
thats one big boy though
pls...i just want to go back home to vulcanus...
I eventually needed 10 silos everywhere then I got rocket productivity tech and silos started to complete in seconds but having them is still pretty good just need less beacons because they quickly become overkill
Even if you only make enough ingredients to run one rocket silo at a time, it's still worth building like 4 of them because each one builds and stores 2 rockets. Otherwise when you send a ship to go fetch something you can only launch 2 rockets before you have to wait for the silo
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What do you use excess legendary circuits/plates on? Science?
Start in fulgora does have a few quirks space atmosphere has low energy so you need more solar and you have no coal so you will have to leave with no projectile dmg beyond that it's free. Still the biggest limiter to speed to leave the planet is steel plates although I could dunk on my lds to get some
my science. it's made constantly and deleted at a moderate rate so there's always some on the belt for rocket demand.
Is it just me or are quality turrets just straight up worse for ships? Higher range means they keep shooting asteroids on the sides that would never actually hit my ship instead of the ones coming directly at me.
Turret arc limiter mod if you beat the game modless. Suck it up with intended shit turret arcs if you haven't
Or I could just not use quality turrets.
items and recipes done. entity placeholders done. Now I just have to code the custom stuff and put together a bearable worldgen and I'll have a functioning mod. Then comes balance and graphics.
God what a dogshit dlc.
Discharge defenses.
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>luck out on a legendary spidertron with all legendary exos
eh in practice its ok, but it taking 3 years to essentially neuter the SE
od is kinda just sad
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>misclicked nuclear missiel
why the fuck does EM plant stop even if it's running with 100% uptime
mmmmh yumnmy gear
i'm nearly done all static research at 30 spm. idler factorio is alright
as a spaghetti enthusiast i dread returning to fulgora more than gleba
if anyone follows that shit, what are some overhaul mods that are going to get ported/updated?
no i'm not interested in py
could definitely work. Look at minecraft's magic mods, they can get very tech-like.
what about stuffing them deeper inside your ship
>can't recapture the steam used in turbines to condensate and use again in space
earandel did it better
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inputs goes west to east, output continues east. Splitters using spoilage filter, all spoilage goes north to power/burn/carbon/coal.
i loved thaumcraft. it was cool. i checked back years later and a lot of them were abandoned
thought minecraft was huge, but the mod scene seemed weirdly quiet
I dunno if measuring by silos as I'm manually shipping at the moment but Fulgora can handle loads of silos because everything rockets need comes out of scrap directly pretty much
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Odd I keep playing Factorio.
Even I build a factory in Rust.
Double zero and I make a new survival engineering game mode for Gmod.
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I'm beginning to think I haven't quite thought this through all the way
Medium asteroids have 90% laser resistance, don't shoot at them with laser turrets.
the mod scene has changed to fantasy adventure shit for streamers to spend hours sucking at
just need 9 times more lasers
More lasers? Got it
There was a version update that broke a lot of the old mods and no one was willing to refactor them.

On the other hand it allowed other people to make Create, which is /egg/ as fuck and would totally be welcome here if it didn't already have its own general:
should I hit vulcanus after fulgora?
I'm gonna try and automate science production a bit better before I leave it
Space age is the most soulful DLC of all time
Those two are free and thus make gleba more pleasant
this is sick, thanks
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Am I supposed to bunch up heating towers for the adjacency bonus or is that a waste of fuel?
what adjacency bonus
There is no adjacency bonus but heat passes through them so having multiple will give you more output potential and more tiles to put inserters
am i a cheater for using loaders
they're such a perfect match for trains
caring about what people think for a single player game automatically makes you a massive loser
this is cope, cheaters get the rope
Why should I care?
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That's a pretty unique feel
how do I get quality eggs
Recycle eggs
Recycle products consuming eggs with insufficient quality
they're working, what's the problem
Build a satellite and drop iron ore from orbit. Bonus points if you rarity it up a bit first.
Okay so, DSP but normal technology from industrial to space age. And regular spectator perspective instead of a stupid robot.
Find a quality woman.
you know what, on second thought, I think I'll just keep recycling, a biter is fine too
I saved up a measly 30k uncommon circuits doing nothing, then fulgore ate them all.
Tanks have module slots, you have module slots. Load the tank with exo speed and shields, then load yourself with guns. Blue tanks can handle themselves, but need a laser turret or so to handle long range spitters.
It sorta barely makes it through.

I don't think investors will be happy if they are paying for replaced repair packs and other items.
I would say it's modded but not cheating. Following the spirit of the law but not the letter.
Here is with a few more thrusters, going too fast for the guns to handle but also barely even reaching top speed.
I hate the box ship, I hate the rectangle. I want cool looking ship, options for railguns are straight lines for max forward dps. I hate it.
I agree. Remove earandel.
If your ship is wide enough that you have to place turrets to either side of center for width (rather than just to fit enough turrets in), then quality turrets can be placed closer to centerline to cover the same width, and benefit from the extra range forward.

But if you're slim-maxxing, yeah, they're just worse.
so are there any good mods for spage yet?
i mean new, cool ideas/things, not updates to 1.1 stuff
it's barely been a month, give it some time
there's nothing yet other than py and some weird mod called yuoki
I see what you mean. That is not a color picker but you can copy paste the color from other locomotives, it'll copy the train schedule as well if you do.
Reminds me of a blockade runner
>turn on loaders to test throughtput
>they don't stack items on belts
that seems like an oversight
or is there some toggle-able setting to switch between stacking/not stacking?
Why would loaders stack items?
because loaders are a cheaty item to fill a whole belt
given that now a "whole belt" has 4x the throughtput it's odd that a loader doesn't have the option to stack - or that there's no stacking loader alternative
I think only IR3 have that.
Since I need Holmium plates on Aquilo, does that mean it relies on constant shipments from Fulgora for that planet to even function? What else do I need to ship in?
LDS, blue chips, both forms of tungsten, superconductors, carbon fiber
What does this planet even fucking produce if I have to ship in most things from elsewhere. Can we not just to go Nauvis' polar caps if we need chilly weather machines.
dont think about it, Wube didnt, Gleba feels like the first planet they made, got tired and realized this was HARD, made vulcanus next and got even lazier, then made the other two essentially barren planets and put a $30 price tag on it
just stop being poor
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>>503048461 You serious?
dont forget the ever popular
>mods fix it stop complaining
In a similar beaten housewife state to the project zomboid anon who cant do basic shit because the developer has been spending the last decade poorly implementing co-op*

*(Hopefully im wrong and they'll address some of this stuff I have hope in wube but this DLC still feels half baked)
guys whats a good train setup that doesn't involve just covering everything in crisscross x's at the station in openttd
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here you go. Oh wait you said "good"
>you will deplete 20 yuge coal patches by the time your first big calcite patch runs dry
>acid fields run dry really quickly as well
bro at least let me move those pointless calcite veins elsewhere so it's not an eyesore
whole lots of fucking nothing
the game wasn't made for genuine spergs such as yourself, deal with it
Rebalancing and custom tuning the entire rocket weight system to my own tastes isn't nothing.
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Occasionally I see that my production is blocked and I find out one belt like this, not sure what happens, I don't think I randomly press R around, but it drives me nuts, anyone know what could be happening?
what the actual fuck is doing this? its only happened a few times but my belts will randomly do this as well
dunno i sometimes encounter a splitter not letting any items through, rebuilding it fixes the issue
lots of weird little things with this update that drive me insane
You placed a belt wrong or rotated it at some point
You hit r while you were scrolling around
Hopefully we get more expansions, each one for a new a star system
oh god that might be it
nah this is the only dlc he's gonna make
That would be boring. More content, more content, forget about deepening existing content, bad attitude.
What do you mean? Like, does the game still take inputs while I'm alt-tab? That doesn't seem right, it only does that for rotate.
He mwnas while we have the menus open or are looking through the satellite viewer we must be accidently clicking on them while doing other shit, either zoomed out to far ot notice, or while it has menus in from of them
You move the screen in remote view with wasd so it's not unreasonably to think you might hit r accidently
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this is the kind of bull kovarex creams his pants over
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>half the optimizations were made so megabasing autists could shit out infinite sps before game becomes unplayable
>YoUrE nOt MeAnT tO bUiLd BiG
I enjoy all balancers except 1-belt balancers, these ugly little knots. I detest them don't you?
imagine not using krastorio inserters
i like how it looks on the minimap
I won't play a mod that sounds like a bulgarian soup dish.
Do those foundation things you build your space ship out of get destroyed by asteroids? I've only lost some turrets. They have hp in the factoriopedia thing
Yeah basically everything needs to be shipped in. All infrastructure, plus ongoing shipments of ingredients for quantum chips and fusion fuel.
everything you build in space can be destroyed
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>asteroids hitting things remove some hp
>if you put a wall on space platform tile it takes more hp to get destroyed
...what if you use behemoth biters as "armor"? those have a lot of hp
or are live entities different from buildings
you would have to somehow keep them from eating your ship
>behemoth biters as "armor"?
Cant be repaired and Im not sure if they even tank damage
What you can use however is storage tanks
>no trains
sorry that doesn't get kovarex hard at all
Why is it so much fun watching trains come and go?
Doesn't have to be perfect
Sure, there may be an optimal way to send 20 different items in varying quantities up into space with just 5 rockets that takes forever to calculate, and going for some dead simple imperfect "solution" like loading up the heavy stuff first, then cramming any remaining space with the lighter stuff until nothing else fits only gets you down to 10 launches...
But that's still a massive improvement over having 20 different launches each waiting for enough material to be sent up - only for most of it to come back down.

And you could also have the player try their hand at solving the problem by themselves: add the "logistic groups" UI you see everywhere else to the silo, and have it check the contents fit in a single rocket. If a platform comes by with a request that matches one such group, use it as a template for what to send.
Players should have no one but themselves to blame for any inefficiencies, rather than seethe at the game itself being inefficient and feeling powerless about it.
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lmao it works
issue is, by the time you could set it up you'd be better off with normal defenses
could make it work as a meme when traveling between first 4 planets, probably aquilo as well
Because it's>>503055467
a working system that you set up, same reason watching your factory work is fun, you did that.
I'm about to do something similar, is this setup fine or should I also add walls and bots that the stations can pick up if needed?
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>salvage alien mecha tech
>it's a civilian version, but at least it has shield generators
>use the fusion reactors and shield generators to make a nuclear-shaped-charge gun
isnt that essentially the mech we unlock as is?
I've noticed sometimes bots don't place belts in the correct orientation if they have had to remove a rock or something to place it there. Not sure if that was just it not getting the underground belts right or if it's just all belts in general.
You lose nothing by adding walls and other things like power poles to you supply train just in case.
how do i set up a supply train if all my outpost station are named "load"
you are right, and I can dump several items in the same wagon since I won't need a ton of them so I might as well send off a bit of everything just in case
whatever, guess i can simply make a separate station
bro literally couldnt wait ten minutes
an idea surfaced automatically in my brain, not something within my control you know
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I'm almost there, bros, I can feel it...
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what is that, 500x cost modifier?
it's retarded as fuck. good luck trying to research sth like mechanical armor with 5000 cost that needs you to transport science from another planet
screencap your full base
also have you depleted your starting resources yet?
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100 modifier
Iron is gone long ago, copper is getting low, coal is now so low its not even enough for boilers
Can you tweak the science modifier after starting the game? 40h in and it feels too easy
So, when you're in your ship or map view, how do you actually access your inventory?
I made a new blueprint while traveling between planets, but I can't figure out how to change it or move it to my blueprint book while I'm on my ship.
you keep leaving and coming back
why are you like this
Why would you do that to yourself? I can understand like, 5x or even 10x modifier, but this is just masochism.
Is it just me or are regular cannon shells just not as good as explosive?
It says the range modifier is higher but I don't seem to notice
>but this is just masochism.
Not really, it just ensures you have to use everything you got at current stage of progress instead of skipping steps and rushing next science
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I found regular better att killing small worms on Vulcanus.
>100 modifier
you will never finish the game once you start needing off-world science packs
Quality trains when?
5x-10x is peak factorio, I wouldn't go below nor above that.
crazy how nobody made it yet
I am going to prove you wrong
No you wont, you'll get bored after a few days and forget this conversation ever happened
Can't wait to get home to play dsp
I beaten SE on x100 before
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Cool idea. What about Factorio but you need to construct each assembler yourself similar to Opus Magnum?
>needing 300k science from all planets just to unlock aquilo
>somehow not getting overran on gleba when you need dozens of hours of megabase level production just for normal science progression and giganigga stompers can easily wreck your shit at >65% evo
>can't even get to infinite resources and afk because mining prod 10 is already 800k
you won't
>No one starts the game building a distributed train-based factory,

I started the game making a distributed train-based factory. Do not recommend.
What about Factorio but it also simulates every single physical force in the in universe and also you have to manipulate matter quantum by quantum in order to manipulate anything and the goal is the full and complete simulation of an infinite universe?

That might be too casual for you guys though.
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>the manufacturing of recyclers need fulgora's magnetic field
>but it also simulates every single physical force in the in universe and also you have to manipulate matter quantum by quantum in order to manipulate anything and the goal is the full and complete simulation of an infinite universe?
that's just no man's sky
>>needing 300k science from all planets just to unlock aquilo
Thats not that bad for megabase scale
>somehow not getting overran on gleba when you need dozens of hours of megabase level production just for normal science progression
I already know how gleba works Gleba will be conquered last and I will send a megabase factrory worth of stuff before the bugs can even pronounce the word evolution.By the time they evolve they will be shredded by qualiy 3 tesla turrets.
>can't even get to infinite resources and afk because mining prod 10 is already 800k
That would make t too easy
It's a bad dlc and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
No mans sky mentioned, swell with procedural pride.
Man, those marketers did a number on you.
Nms only had one marketer
>giganigga stompers can easily wreck your shit at >65% evo
Evolution doesn't start till you touch down for the first time. So you can do the other planets first and arrive in force with teslas, nukes and DP ammo ready to rock.
I really dont care anon
Posting your question in /egg/ unlocked the answer, it's how it works, my rubber duckies. Sorry for asking stupid questions but it literally helps me build my factory.
Arbitrary limits for the same of just limiting hte player is dumb and IM tired of pretending it isnt the 1 ton rockets along are retarded
It's all just to encourage you to make shipping platforms and focus around automating your interplanetary system. Otherwise people would just stay on one planet and 'be done' with the others instead of adding them to your factory.
they go right through biters (unless behemoth? not sure if uranium with damage upgrades and perhaps quality can pierce those) and hit nests/worms for big damage
you should have turrets just out of worm range to deal with biters
also very good at killing vulcanus worms
spam poison capsules and fire uranium piercing shells from head to tail
hey i'm fine with EM plants and EM science being fulgora exclusive, but a simple crusher and sorter has no business being buildable only there after unlocking it on fulgora
i meant craftable
has anyone done the maffs yet? how much recycler productivity would be needed for a positive feedback?
You cannot boost recycler productivity for actual recycling, it only makes scrap recycling better.
>it only makes scrap recycling better.
oh damn, i missed that part
how many can you fit on a rocket
maybe 1, erendale was in a good mood that day
no way
also, that's not even earendel's thing
I heard that SE rockets can fit a lot of stuff
10 (0.5 stacks)
That's right, TEN, you have no reason to be whining. It's a logistics game, if you don't like it, perhaps you should move on to minecraft or tetris. Or candy crush.
How does bug expansion work?
Do new spawners just plop into existence or do they send out bugs and then the spawners appear?
they send out bugs which transform into nests and worms after 1 or 2 minutes
Is there a faster way to cover a planet with foundations in dsp? My finger is cramping :(
oh for fucks sake
guess I gotta build quality recyclers so they go at a decent speed (especially after adding quality modules)
I mean
at least LDS and blue chips are basically free
rocket fuel is just offshore pump, scrap/orbital ice, and chemical plants
Why are your guns not quality?
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Limit train wagons like rockets or else i might transport items instead of producing locally in the outpost, i can chain 20 wagons together it's already overpowered enough.
after a couple dozen hours or so, I got a space platform that makes space science, then I decided I wanted to change my modlist and scrapped that playthrough
Anon are you the one constantly calling equipment "modules"? Or is this somehow widespread? I keep noticing this and getting confused in the last few days especially. Like the post earlier that was talking about loading a spidertron "full of modules" into a rocket. I was thinking that maybe they added module slots to spidertrons now for some reason (though what would they even do??).

Modules are speed, productivity, efficiency or quality. If you put any of these into a tank or spidertron, they go into the trunk/inventory and have zero effect on the vehicle's functionality.
the point is that different resources have different methods of production on different planets, and they want you to use them all
under this paradigm, things that are unique to a planet should always take little rocket space
the fact that they sometimes don't, is puzzling
>It's a logistics game
vanilla is, with the super infinite magic pipe update plus dlc you can hardly call it that. you get like 10x prod over the entire chain and the base materials are in effect free compared to how it used to be.
its more like a puzzle based idle game.
>no i'm not interested in py
I am actually, if only out of morbid curiosity. Does anyone know what their plans are for SA? Are they looking to update it or no?
Their subforum is absolutely DEAD as fuck, is pY even still being developed or did they finally get tired
>its more like a puzzle based idle game.
Is that why I hate it so much?
they're modules because they slot into modular armor, simple as
>more tedium
>less factory
>less throughput
>less items
>less trains
its very possible
trains almost feel unnecessary these days, I haven't even laid a single track because pipes are so good now
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some of these numbers are genuine clown shit, can't wait for bob's 10 tiers of foundries with 10 tiers of modules and beacons for a 50000% speed increase
>less throughput
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>2k/s from a single building
I have decided, spage is bad.
I've had this happen with an inserter once. Its hand was definitely empty, but it was just idling until I mined and rebuilt it. Weird indeed.
Holy fuck, you have my respect but I also wonder what the fuck is wrong with you.
>single building replaces an entire vanilla factory
>requires 190% less items to be fed
>repeated over the entire chain
if only you knew how hard you were proving my point. 30spm(items) is the new 450spm
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>you have my respect
Jesus fucking christ
dreamed up by the utterly deranged
>fulgora: trains mandatory but it's not really a network
>vulcanus: you want to transport coal/tungsten since they're likely away from your base but you will struggle with placing a proper depo due to lava, so might as well just lay down a belt or four
>nauvis: dead planet
>gleba: you can maybe transport fruit by train but why would you when growing spots are so frequent
>aquilo: ehhhh
I do have the odd train here and there but you could go the entire game with only a dead simple fulgora loop and never feel like you're missing out
I'm not sure even instant load/unload would help
>X seconds of inactivity
wow that was hard
if it works for trains loading mixed quality mines, it should work for rockets loading mixed cargo
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>Day 3 of fucking around with asteroid chunk processing control circuit
Dear diary, I'm officially a retard. What I managed with 6 combinators can be achieved hilariously easily with just 3, and none of it is complex.

>conveyor (read: hold)
>inserter (read: hold)
>crusher (set recipe, read content)
>arithmetic combinator (reprocessing recipe = product / threshold), wire hub to input, output to crusher
>hub (read content)
>signals are processed by ID order, same as they are in factoriopedia
>recipe's ID is just larger than product's, so recipe takes precedence
Simple as.

Yes I am mad, mad at myself mostly. I'd shoot myself but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to figure out how to operate the trigger.
>some of these numbers are genuine clown shit
I agree, but the upside is that it's purely post-game stuff
I'm building a big vulcanus base before going to aquilo and for the most part everything still takes a lot of buildings, all my beacons are peasant tier and the only difference from vanilla is that I use rare power poles and substations and filter out quality to its own belts
I build and do all kinds of shit in factorio without being nudged into it or encouraged or forced and so i have a problem with this restrictive philosophy because i think it's completely besides the point, it's no matter, it whizzes past and misses the game. I don't refrain from using robots because i'm unable to use them but because i choose not to and i use bots when i want to: my driving force with every part of the game is purely how i want to build that part of the factory. I can build it one way or i can build it another way. Loading a rocket with 4000 ammo or loading it with 50 ammo is the difference between buying a blue toothbrush or a green toothbrush.
Shitty bot batteries on Aquilo would not factor into my decision to use bots on Aquilo.
I suppose i play the game incorrectly and the devs felt they should fukou-da my ass.
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>not being an autistic minmaxnegro lets me enjoy the game
Holy shit it's Sneed
I don't want to agree with the frognigger ... quick post something dumb again.
I liked setting up trains too on my first game, but now it just feels pointless
The modular armour does not have any module slots though. It only has an equipment grid. Where do they slot?
>under this paradigm, things that are unique to a planet should always take little rocket space
>the fact that they sometimes don't, is puzzling
I agree. It looks like it's balancing for "either ship multiple raw materials, with high throughput but more logistics effort; OR build directly onsite and ship the finished product, which is easier but with a throughput penalty" except the first option is just... not there.

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