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The eternal rivals edition:
old breab just hit 500+

>What is Vintage Story?
Hardcore block autism

>Question of the thread
What hobbies have you picked up recently? I have been bird watching while I sip coffee or cider. It's very comfy.

>What’s New?
OG is the most popular server again with a good number of anons exploring the old world. There may be events in the server soon. The next update for vs is on the horizon (december?) and we will officially get boats, mounts, faster clay works, and more! Spyglass got added to OG.

>Do I have to play the listed servers to post here?
No. Singleplayer lads are welcome too, just try and keep it civil and avoid dick-cord talk.
>Servers: NOTE - No servers with discord will be posted in these threads. If you can prove a server listed has a discord I will remove it. If you make a server with no discord I can add it, otherwise, discord posts are off-topic to the thread.

>Server List

The original server and longest running server in the entire game. Picking up in popularity again. Good server for exploring ruins or making your mark on vm history as this server's map has been going for roughly 5 years now.

>New island sbr
Hardcore island sbr. Reported dead. No one really talked about it last thread.

>Mazor’s Sbr
Was the main server for a few months but even head janny dropped off. Still worth a visit. This server has a few ruins and some nice oceans. Dead but he might come back for a fresh map on the next update.

Heavily modded server. Died half way through last thread.

>Other servers of note
The MLP server has some vm fags. You can find it on the mlp board’s gaming thread. It is a little alive but has a discord for it.

Music for the music mod and stream will come in the second post as well as the pastebin for thelamar.

>Previous thread
>Inb4 too soon. >:(
>Music packs of .abc files for instruments mod

cytu DOT be SLASH r SLASH joyless
Named after the town in OG, Joyless, this is a public music streaming area for /vm/ vintage story players on any server or game. (Replace DOT with . SLASH with / and r

Pastebin for thelamar
Damn, it's been a whole in game year since I last joined OG, stop playing you fuckers, my cheese is almost going bad.
>1000 songs
>only ff6 for classic final fantasy midi conversions
>most have vocals
starbound players had shit taste in music and games, this is how vocals were handled even if instruments got the song right.
Real but they also compiled the most abc music of anyone. I think some of it is that sb players were 2010s emo furries who gamed all the time and grew up on nintendo.
>they also compiled the most abc music of anyone.
not even close, starbound's 1k music file is 2MB while the LOTRO autists have a 24MB 15k+ song behemoth though it also probably broke songs down to single instrument parts to better support the band system
they also had a nicely formatted guide site that included an 8MB collection that's probably included in the above behemoth
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How does this game handle network lag?

I'm from south america and playing at US servers gives me 150~180 ping, 200~220 if it's a EU server.
I can easily play Minecraft even at 300ping(RU servers), with only a small delay in actions, but I wonder how this game netcode will behave before I buy it.

Anyone have any experience with that?
This game handles fine with lag. Slightly better than mc in my opinion but extreme lag sucks in all games. People from europe play og fine most the time. We had a few latin americans play fine as well.
Thanks we should add this then. Anyone can use any .abc for the music mod.
EU servers are not a fun experience, US servers are alright.
>I'm from south america
two days after they get a south american retailer and it's already begun
at least it's not punjabis yet
Souf gunna go hard this year
Imagine if vintage story blew up on indian youtube. Or if one single man from india got a fat white gf from vs.
I can hear it now, the screams of "sar do not redeem" as I smith my tin ore into lanterns

Don't worry about it. I have yet to see a single mention of this game outside of the EU/US. I know about it because I played Terrafirmacraft back in 2014 and became aware of its development.
I've been playing the pirated 1.18.5 version someone here cracked, but I'm thinking about buying it for MP.
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I finally found a bunch of marble, but relieving it seems like such a pain. I don't know if I even want to.
pink marble? it just looks kinda dirty in your screenshot
Unfortunately marble just doesn't look the best. Polished marble looks a little more distinct, but then it has the hard edges between blocks. Mable topped tables can look kinda nice as flooring if you ignore the repeating texture.
I've seen white marble but not pink or green, I really should just check them in creative next to halite and peridotite.
If you could change/fix vs combat, what would it be like?
Wonderful 101
different modes of finishing would be so good for chisooling (and jewelry). crack, polish, then finish surfaces.
I just nerf animals in the world gen options. I can see why the defaults are the way they are, but being instakilled while exploring because you didn't notice a wolf is not my idea of fun.
VS is really not a combat game
especially when said wolf instantly notices you within a radius around it, even when you have no physical, non-cheating way of spotting it first through the thickass retarded leaves.
disable driggers wholesale, lower animal strength, then it will be playable.
i think it's intentional
i don't run through droves of vegetation headfirst
gotta look out for a clear-er path
if anything, the game is kinda merciful in making them solid blocks because it discourages you from hugging them and wolves don't have trouble chilling in them, being one block tall and all
...that and them covering bottomless pits whenever something grows on the edge
fuck wolves. tyrone is so far in fantasy that we can't domesticate the animal that has been beside humanity since before agriculture. meanwhile we're getting rideable elks when it took some mongols millennia of breeding to make some strong enough to handle their 5' flat 90lb asses saddled over the front legs because even super elk spines can't handle load like horses.
Remember seraphs are 200 cm (6 burgers and 6 large fries tall) and roughly 90 kg (200 bbq ribs in weight).
Most retarded things are the fault of his wife wanting this game to be whinsical. She is the kind of woman who dresses as a fairy at the renaissance fest and gives little kids glitter
we should be getting sleds or carts, deer legs also aren't build for downward loads which is why Santa's fat ass is on a sled.
This game was high realism but these last two updates really are taking it to a low fantasy setting. Also, since these threads started, pit kilns and adding a block to the chisel without a crafting menu are the only thing that really changed how I play the game.
And it's not even whimsical.
Idk if this game is ever going to be great. every update i am just dissapointed in tyrone. how long do we have to wait for deeper mechanics? i guess elk and boat is ok but i would like a mechanical power rework.
I mean we are getting better pottery (again) so that is a step. I WISH homesteading lost and mechanical won. Pray tyrone lets us vote again or spam his dms because he actually responds sometimes. He actually added a few commands that I mentioned to him.
I'm hoping boats eventually lead to rivers with water wheels. the rivers mod includes water wheels and it's nice having consistent speed and power at the cost of iron.
waterwheels/rivermod is great im gonna make a sod roof / underground town next srbr
I think riversmod was made by sneezer.
haven't played since 1.18, do any of the npc mods that all seem to have came out this year actually work at making sp feel less lonely? none of the vm servers sound very tempting atm
all fucking driggers must fucking hang
the raider brigand mod whatever its called is pretty fun
I want to larp as a brigand in mp. Catpottery had the best timeline. The server had enough towns and successful traders to actually make being a brigand effective. I might roam around og and loot rare art.
>being a nigger on a dead srbr
how about no
what do you consider true wealth to be in this game? what items do you need to be rich?
Copper roofing
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as far as material wealth goes, a large statue chiseled out of gold plates would be pretty opulent
though I'd consider having a big, nice house with a lot of chiselwork and a well developed area around it to also be enough to elevate your status from a lowly spawn peon to a respected land owner
borax, sedimentary rock only ores can be absolute pains in the ass
South american players won't have much issue with north american servers, but it will get annoying with european servers.

t. sudaca
wolves and bears are completely fine, just make spears and run to water
>wolves are completely fine
they can't be domesticated which is shit game design
I wonder how feasible would water flow (where water blocks and how fast it pushes objects inside it, not liquid simulation) rapids would be fun
TFC already has this feature
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Well, well well if it ain't the greatest thread on the site
When's the next update dropping?
Tyrone really needs to focus for five days and make the damn rivers.
>get map of resonance archives
>beyond world boundary
I'm guessing even if I teleport there it'll be nothing
In og? It is not beyond the world border if you want coordz
If you’re wondering
>do I have autism
Well fret not! There is an easy online test you can do that is 100% accurate! Just ask yourself, do I post in the vm vintage story thread? If you do, congratulations! You are a certified autistic individual!
Based booba chad.
By the end of the year, supposedly.
I mean, it is the only server here that actually has people lately. And fuck discord trannies. With how much time I put into server builds I am tired of all these resets. Besides og, I wish we had a more intcraft pattern of servers to keep shit interesting.
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god i wish driggers were like this, then i could slap them and call them fat before hanging them
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137,500 32,000
mundane springs
Either take it to Minecraft style where you click and it instantly attacks and be done with it, or something like Mordhau with locational damage, damage types, and swing directions.
make driggers only spawn underground and get rid of temporal storms
Single player 5x5k map
what the fuck? Why?
Why not? Don't need gazillion samey places that I'll never visit
you are severely limiting the amount of different rock types you'll be able to find as well as various metals, minerals, traders and ruins, fruit trees and so on
there's really no reason to play with a tiny map in singleplayer
Based retard
It's big enough, got all I need for steel production, got different traders, ruins don't really matter, polar-equator distance also changed to have hot/cold climate stuff, don't care much about not getting that one specific fruit tree.
I have standart settings world and it's size got bloated, didn't even see anything special in there, maybe a single lava block outside.
you fucking lucked out on borax, I had to travel well over 10k just to find sedimentary rock in my last world.
based size chad
i go with 25k sq but 5k sounds like enough too
you know what they say about men that play on tiny maps
that they're retarded?
they never experienced the suffering of garnierite in TFC
River mod has this but the rivers never have sloping banks, just canyons & weird boulders.
Carrotscalar face reveal
Barm, i found two more warps right next to the last one. I made a tunnel leading to them right next to the last tl. I activated one, but didn't explore it much, the other is a bit further down the cave and still unactivated.
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>let's see what the devs have been hard at work on for the last week
>albino elk WIP
how the hell is it a WIP when they already colored the thing white?
i assumed you meant the outlaw mod so i've been trying it, could be cool but the spawns are just way too fucked, i see more of each type of outlaw than i do every other animal spawn combined
Beautiful place for a base
Some people are not autistic enough for this game.
They get filtered when they punch a goat and die or try to punch a tree. Or god forbid, have to use the in game guide.
need 30 more sprite variations before it's truly finished (you will ever only see two)
Did he fix master sound not affecting ambient sound in 1.19?
Is it a coin-flip for everyone whether homo sapiens mode actually works, I've been creating a bunch of test worlds the past week trying to find nice gen settings and half the time I end up with traders and driggers anyway. Can't find anyone else complaining about it online though.
neither can you see anyone complaining about cassava rotting within cooked foods, yet it has been broken since at least 1.7
I fucking hate bauxite
It orange.
you líke cock
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it begins
It senses?
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Dove, can you invite mundane to byz group?
And that's enough for today
Gonna start a new world soon
or access him the claim i mean
nice piercing, hope she gets even more pregnant
Okay, when can he be on? I just got off work
is there literally any source besides one fag on the forum? I don't use their official discord but the time to push a mod api would've been when changing the .net version broke mods already
just add him to the claim
Adding to claim is not same as the group because some byz anons live outside the walls but I will do.
Added anyways
simplest lazy fix that would actually work? recreate the "better hurt timer" mod from minecraft into vs.
using any tool with a forced cooldown is annoying and tedious in combat (all combat weapons) because either
1. the drigger hits another drigger with a 0.5 damage rock and absorbs my 10 damage attack for no reason
2. groups of players can't attack anything together effectively, because there's a very good chance someone will attack during an invulnerability frame.
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Dead thread
What happened bros?
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no update
tyrone's teasers are boring and core keeper had its 1.0 release so I'm shitposting less
>100 posts in 6 days
Not bad for vm. More alive than last breab
core keeper server where?
>Damn the community feels dead
Inserts Whyte deer
>Community becomes alive again
What do you think of the video game Vintage Story?
US servers are fine

EU servers are hit or miss, for example I played in grassless for a while and never have any lag issue

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
modding seems to heavily affect lag even for unrelated actions in VS
i've noticed even playing SP lately (which just uses a local mp server) that it can take a second for doors to visually open or broken items to disappear

the best building and food systems in a survival game are being squandered due to the more tedious mechanics and scare-the-hoes-tier horror elements
>Best building system
You have to justify that claim
>hands drawn behind back, obscured
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I can draw hands just fine(I think)
>the best building and food systems in a survival game
lifted from terrafirmacraft and given the ability to mix materials because it's no longer built in minecraft. I hope bioxx is getting roylaties but it's more likely tyrone is going to steal the messy lumber placement system next.
Are we pretending VS wasn't supposed to be a TFC clone with less jank from the very beginning?
no, I'm just taking swings after seeing vintage story be called the best building system when it still allows for floating cubes
Not him but the ability to drag/drop any block to add art to a chisel block, the resizing, easy ability to rotate and copy chisel blocks (especially in creative) and built in world edit are great. I love it for small, detailed, survival building. I can only think of a few games where I would argue the building rivals vs. But in immersion + small comfy building, vs wins hardcore. I think starbound has the best 2d building (block variety, ease, and painting) in games and starship evo has the best vehicle building (easy stretching and ease for large to small scale quickly).
You can turn on gravity for most blocks. I think floating cubes can be useful for creative builds in any game. But if you are that autistic, 7 days to die or from the depths might be more your style.
I think combined with the farming mechanics, cooking, with diet, it is the best food dynamics in a survival game. I could argue the long dark (good medicinal plant properties, butcher system, and cooking system. Semi realistic digestion) project zomboid (decent cooking and gardening, I like the skill factor, the weight and mood make it that much more vital and fun (or tedious to some)) or green hell (like the long dark, good medicinal, fun cooking, lots of use for butchering, decent farming, esp animal husbandry).
Vintage story to me wins for the farming/soul nutrients and the cooking which is fun for me. Especially with processed foods like pickled goods or cheese. I think vs is severely lacking in the medicinal side of things. It needs some sort of potions or foods that help with ailments. Green hell is good making disease avoidable. Any time I get sick or hurt in green hell I feel like it was my fault so it is not an annoying disease system.
I do hope VS gets a good butchering system eventually. There are mods for it but I'm reluctant to install heavy gameplay altering mods while the game is still so immature
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yeah that's gonna need a pirate cove build
give me nitrogen fixation to have legumes increase soil nitrogen and push nitrogen to neighboring crops
Eco did the nutritional balancing system better, but Eco is also a game developed by kikes, so fuck it.
I would really love to see herbs and shit get added to VS properly, and not just for health/healing. I want it to go more down the path of The Long Dark, with localized/specific damage, maladies and everything else. Also gives more reason to actually cook foods when you can get poisoning from raw shit.
Based oc chad. I wanna make one.
It breaks servers and games too much. I only do json mods. Speaking of, I wish og had some combat mod. Turn it into some intcraft type shit.
I have come to an conclusion that PvP/Civ/ with some RP kinda suck hard. No mods like towny or factions that MC has so organizing any wars is hard. Mod balancing is an issue when you involve PvP. You have to maintain consistent pop of +20 on your srbr for it to be meaningful and for things to "happen" which is very hard. Game progression even with mods is still short. Ded srbr within 2 months. I guess the game is not ready for good PvP experience.
More speaking of, it should be entirely possible to make a pure json/sprite mod to unfuck world generation once and for all. Taller trees and minimum canopy height, Total Bush Death, less dense leaf blocks.
I don't think it's worth worrying about, most large VS mods seem extremely stable, I started playing with 48 in SP atm ranging from tiny UI tweaks to large ones like golden combs/culinary/village/groves and have had 0 crashes or issues in ~12h of gameplay so far.
I think most people would rather just do that shit in conan exiles which was made for 20 on 20 gang warfare instead of trying to make it work in VS
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>in ~12h of gameplay
oh sweet autumn child
I know it's not long into a VS save, but I've touched on basically every non-endgame gameplay mechanic already, it'd be enough time to expose major issues.
I've lost worlds to mods not updating correctly. I'm sure if you restrict yourself to small mods it's ok (and I do use a few, like step-up) but I'm not touching any large-scale mods until the game is stable
epic oc anon
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this is definitely some sort of spaceship disguised as a mountain
Some poor elephant has his legs stolen out from under him and you joke about it like that? Not cool, dude.
Actually they were just turned to water
who cares about the legs when the ivory is missing? you could make boulder sized billard balls with that thing's tusks
i hope you are gonna make a base in that elephant
it would be pretty cool to turn into pic related, but with the amount of metalworking it would probably take me 10 real years
>updating mods mid-playthrough
asking for it
>He plans to ever "finish" his worlds
This is a pretty ancient OC but thanks anons
I can't find any info on how cave-ins work, does rock-type matter? I remember testing it out in the 1.19 pre-releases and being able to get pretty tall and wide (5-7+) rooms before it became an issue but on my current world even 3*3 is asking for it.
Now this is Kino, nice one.
no idea but I have a question for someone playing with cave ins turned on, does a cave in destroy ore?
Doesn't destroy ore blocks that I've noticed, and any ground item just floats to the highest air pocket like with dirt falling
I mean the ore blocks, do they collapse as well or remain while stone collapses?
Jumped into game to double check, they fall too.
damn, umbrella strat is still dead. I used to use cave-ins to reveal more ore by standing under an ore block in tfc before they were changed to also collapse after someone on a server narced on me.
I mean, if you want to exploit just use xray or hacks at that point. No point in dipping your toes in cheating.
it wasn't about finding the ore from a distance, it was to clear a pocket without dealing with a propick's shitty radius once you find the first piece of ore to hide under
its fucking cancer you will get collapsed upon for no reason even if your tunnels are 2x1.
atleast thats how it was when they were added, maybe tyrone was gracious enough to patch it so that you can have a 3wide now but i am sure it will still decide to randomly kill you.
I've never seen a 1x2 rock tunnel collapse
Though digging through soil is a colossal pain in the ass
no that sounds pretty close to my experience so far, i love the idea of having to use supports in my basement or something but the actual execution of instant 50% instability as soon as a stone block has air underneath it makes me want to turn it off already
are you digging your 2x1 tunnels bottom to top?
I'm still searching for bauxite in my map with no success
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Should i remove this arch?
for context the pillars do not align so i made the one on the right slightly angled so that the bases of the arch align
Have they finished the ocean update by now?
I haven't played this game since the original server collapsed
Oceans have been in for about a year and a half.
I wonder if it would be possible for tyron to standardize or casualize the map generation more? There are spawns I get that just don't have the resources that I need within two days travel, like lime for instance.
I wonder if it would be possible for Tyron to drop the garbage story and instead fully focus on the gameplay and survival aspects
Nobody has lime near their spawn
Pack up a few days worth of resources and go on a long trip. You will also find fruit trees and merchants on the way so it's worth it
no, it would not be possible.
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nothing personnel kid
meant to reply to >>1428219
to make up for it: oceans are added but there's literally no content in them, it's just bigger bodies of water between potentially interesting land (vanilla terrain gen is still shit too)
Did you travel in a 1k wide circle? Did you check under other sedimentary rocks?
have fun searching for bauxite though
Dove, when will you hop on og?
>standardize world gen
yeah, andesite should be treated like basalt as a top layer igneous extrusive covering all other rocks. the entire western US is made of andesite from northern california and nevada through alaska
When do you want me to? Work is rough this week.
yeah i went in every direction from my base for 2 days and couldn't find a source of lime. but I was looking on the surface, not under sedimentary rock.
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anytime so you can add my friend ludo to byz claim.
also btw mundane we have made a bridge that goes through the tunnel at the end of the road. picrel is an outpost we built there. the area has alot of silver and quartz veins in the cliffs.
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its gonna be full beamtism
Type his full user so i can do it remotely.
Also maybe screenie stanp so I know that the first reply is not some wigger alt
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ludo has full perms
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new devlog, visibly hot crucibles
stunning and game changing
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I'm mooopping
I wish the different seasons wouldn't be visible on the map, it looks so bad when you explore certain parts of the world in winter and they just stay white on the map forever
should've taken 15 minutes at most to copy the incandescence code from metal objects to apply to crucibles based on their temperature value
sounds like a week's worth of work to me anon, we can't expect the poor indie developer to overwork himself now can we?
Look on the bright side, that's one less trivial thing for him to work on.
it's probably an extension of molds shattering from getting wet while the object is hot, no more open air forging in regions with perpetual rain.
>no more open air forging in regions with perpetual rain.
only niggers don't put roofs over their forges
I'm mostly nomadic while still using crucibles and molds, I don't build a proper home until I'm making iron.
>crockpot on a shelf - fresh for 64 days
>look inside
>80% spoiled
the amount of trivial things he could work on is theoretically infinite. the options expand fractally. okay, so the crucibles now glow, good; how about the steam rising off them at first? how about them cracking due to temperature and thermal cycles? how about the pot changing color over time as it gets scoured? what about them cracking if cooling too quickly? cooling when you water them? cooling depending on environment/weather/rain?
you could go forever.
Norf needs more unique flora and fauna.
Polar bears and other shit also need to stop spawning on mountains just because they're cold.
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i finally got around to testing it myself and it turns out that yes, rock type matters quite a bit
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beamtism bridge complete
Like the og trading center. I hardly have seen any coves as good as from og.
oceans need more than giant chains of seaweed
Polishing shit like this is always based though, why is /vsg/ so spergy?
polish bamboo plz
y no beamz
its just another reskin he should be good at that
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this worldgen is too fucking good wtf og is kang
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Honestly though. Idk what it is. After the ocean update, worldgen went downhill. Og has worldgen I have never recreated.
This game is an horror game, i feel genuine terror when i aggro a bear and i don't have a body of water nearby
Lol. I feel horror when I am mining and the gear is spinning down, I am walled in, hear many driggers outside plus a bell, and my pic is too broken/not enough blocks to get out without using the drigger cave network.
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still exploring
idk what it is either but i remember it getting genned in 1.7 or earlier
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ofc, the og spawn has many cool coves as well. I have seen a really neat one to the SE of the trading center that i call the batcave. joyless also very amazing. maybe the world sneed is just blessed.
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shit wrong pic,
last one before jannies get me for spam
I feel horror when I realize I need lime
there's no jannies on /vm/
I want meandering rivers and deep-riven dells and soaring summits and crystalline karst caves, not another unhinged output of basic perlin noise generator.
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I have begun operation Total Bush Death.
There's a few interesting variables in the worldgen treegen definitions. None of the variables are actually documented, of course, but "branchStart" seems to be the moneyshot. Just by changing it from average of 0.2 to 0.4 (I assume it's "where on the trunk to start placing branches, from 0 at the ground and 1 at the tip") it instantly improves any pine forest because you can ACTUALLY FUCKING SEE. There is no "minimum amount of leafless trunk" value, but adding a MinSize to everything seems to do the trick.
I'll probably make the other treelets grow primarily outside of forests. The rest is a matter of ensuring that all tree definitions have leaves start high up.
Also, "big" kapoks were set to some absurdly low value, like 0.1, so they were a magnitude more rare than even fucking ebony and purpleheart.
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With my edits, this is what a bushland looks like now.
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Total Bush Death finished, for now.
I'll update it when 1.20 or whatever pops, it's just a dumbshit .json replacement, so if tyron fucks with trees at all, it'll stay old.
What it does:
>more than halves the spawning rate of all bushes, because fuck bushes.
>moves the branches on most trees up to half or near half so you can actually see in a forest's underbrush
>defines a minimum size for many trees so there's no shitty bushlets everywhere
>consequently reduces tree spawning rate a bit also, because there are far fewer stillborns
>increases probability of retardedly rare trees (like large kapoks or old english oaks)
>adds a rare large mountain pine variant (with double the resin spots)
I'd appreciate someone test this shit. It doesn't change landforms or other worldgen at all, #OnlyTrees.
I can't approve, it looks like Minecraft now
Ideally I'd also prune a lot of the fucking leaf sprites, but that would be a lot of editting effort compared to dicking with some text for a few hours.
And if an absence of bushes is all that's needed to make it look like mingecrap, so be it. Fuck bushes. If I could make bushes only spawn on inclines/wherever you can't easily walk, I would, but I don't think that's possible.
can you kill gravel and sand forests next?
You mean forests spawning on top of gravel/sand?
Probably not totally, there's no substrate exclusion variable that I know of, so if I set everything to spawn only with minimum rainfall, it wouldn't really exclude only sand/gravel but also most plains, so it would need a .dll mod not a basic bitch .json mod
but I might be able to json jank a fucking Yggdrasil tree. there's unused TreeGenRoot prototypes that appear to code for a root system.
>there's no substrate exclusion variable
damn you tyrone
make a PR :)
that will never ever get merged because he doesn't merge pull requests, it's purely for educational purposes, sweatie
I'll just wait until 2028 when he gets around to desert flora after lore update 7
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based as hell
nearly all the kapoks are huge and the pine forests are walkable now, bushniggers at a minimum.
>nearly all the kapoks are huge
yeah that's the problem and probably why tyron set the weight to 0.1, IE will never fucking spawn
must be something to do with the spawn system having a retard moment and thinking that anything with the same distribution range must automatically be the same tree
That looks liminal as fuck
Bro you turned the game into minecraft
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>the only thing keeping Vintage from being minecraft are bushes
>the worst part of worldgen
maybe it's trying to tell us something...
it looks like a mature forest that starves underbrush of light. there's nothing uncanny about it unless you've never been outside.
real mature forests still have an underbrush, this looks like a tree plantation
disgusting and completely soulless bugman aesthetic
look up ponderosa pine forests, pine needles have the same chemical other tree roots have that stop plant growth so the undergrowth is near absent.
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As someone who lives where those kinds of forests are, it's uncommon.
I live within the redwood's natural range, and while it's true redwoods will eventually suffocate almost everything beneath them*, things like the Douglas fir, cypress, and other conifers fail to do so, typically being in more mixed forests. Also, oak forests are obviously much less dense and rife with undergrowth, although typically it's more grasses than woody bushes.
So while that can happen, you really need monoforests of the right type of tree, and it's uncommon. I've never even seen a ponderosa pine monoforest, despite living in their range.

*It should be noted that lichens, mosses, and ferns all thrive underneath redwoods. Ferns specifically are quite notable as excelling there more than anywhere else locally. Also, the young saplings could be considered quite bushlike.
This. I live in an old growth, northern pine region. Only ancient monogrowth forests are like that. Realistically, there is so much disturbance, that when those forests pop up, it is not long until they burn down.
it happens, but most forests need forest management to look like that. there'd be dead trees, leafcover, ditches and ponds at the very least.
however, even in a thickly overgrown forest, there are still fucking sightlines. if I don't make modifications, VS forests have basically fucking none. every forest is stiffeningly thick with endless leaves. so it's either me or the infinite bushes.
the alternative would be to make the trees even taller and to move the leaf start higher, to have a visible midlevel above some bushes, but that might make the trees dangerously high. ideally, there would be some way to differentiate between old growth like that and new, shorter growth, but the game doesn't have functions like that. at most you can exclude bushes from highly forested areas, but the "forest" variable itself is chintsy as fuck.
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vintage story is supposed to be old growth instead of a modern goyforest with one contiguous canopy waiting to be incinerated by a lone wigger or gender reveal party
I wish the fruit tree system was used for young trees that thicken to full blocks as they mature instead of lifted 1 for 1 from TFC which didn't implement that because of minecraft being its core game.
at least wildcraft being split in to three mods and a library means you can use herbs and spices for groundcover which avoiding the shrubs and bush menace 2: poison berry boogalooI use the fruits anyways, especially now that expanded foods is updated for the wildcraft split
the west has fallen
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When are the mounts and boats coming please I need to travel cross continent
after the lore content with 4 new variants of physically retarded robots is finished
Today, og had 5 people on at the same time.
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guac is this the cheese you looted or did you make it?
lol this is >>>AGED<<< cheddar no?
Hi lads, Wurm Online made some great updates since I last played it in fucking 2012 wew.

Anyway I love Vintage Story WHERE UPDATE??????

t. retard
You could argue the people who ruined the world used to farm forests. Depends how long after the apocalypse the game takes place.
Adult trees can persist for many years although none of their young can survive in their current environment. Before those forest may burn up or die, they will be lacking sufficient resin to defend themselves from disease and bugs. I guess no-resin forest would be oke in a realistic sense.
There is the yellowish short grass and like you see in the image, is it possible for it to be a bit more of those hardy grasses on the sand?
It think it was the stuff I looted since it was closest to expiring. It was waxed cheddar and must've been sitting around forever.
the rot consumed all organic matter on the surface including any former tree farms, the rust dimension bleed through isn't great but the world was saved with it not ruined. all current enemies are just haywire robots after who knows how many years without maintenance, even drifters with their linen skin and mechanical loot.
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Man the okras are doing so great this season
pretty sure the lore was just tacked on after development so they needed an excuse for the world to be clean again.
I love Vintage Store
I love Tyron and his wife
are you their bull?
He said fix.
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Restore him
no, he said change/fix. tiktok kids need to be punished with the opposite of current spam to damage combat, dnd rolls for every swing that don't work without stamina.
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The skwerl
RetVrn to soVl
what's Sam B doing in the minecraft movie?
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Just hacked (copy pasted code) into 1.19.8, is map supposed to look like this now?
there's an option in world gen to have a color accurate map but the default is to look like it's drawn on parchment
It's Tyrone impressing his girl with butterlies.
would you say he's using voodoo on the bitch?
so when is that Austrian fuck gonna add the ability to pick up and place leaf blocks in vanilla? Not being able to add greenery into my builds is severely fucking up all my plans
having to tardwrangle tree growth so it spawns the leaves in the places I want is NOT fun
Can't you use berry bushes?
berry bushes work if you need something like hedges on the side of the road, but they can't be used everywhere since they need a dirt block underneath them and most of them cannot stack
I'd rather he fix basedbeans to require a trellis, add more trellis crops and add ivy. ivy gets decently bushy, grows sideways and vertically but avoids direct sunlight.
very kewl
very autistic
They made the minecraft butterfly mania mod together. So the bug autism makes sense.
How hard would it be to pick up the basics of creating mods for VS if I already dabbled in Minecraft modding
I know I need to practice with C at least
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Sorry for this btw.
Also for Barmesean. Sorry for disconnecting so suddenly, my laptop's battery died while playing.
>stopped by a door
you're lucky it's a wolf and not a pitbull otherwise you'd be getting mauled like a toddler.
Depends on what you want to make. Blocks and recipes are so simple even I managed to make one.
I wanted to add a few steel+ tier tools with unique abilities, good to know the tedious parts of recipe making and creating the items will be pretty simple so I'll just have to focus on the actual code
>I've dabbled in minecraft modding, how hard is VS?
>it depends, what do you want to make?
>tools stronger than diamond
More like Thaumcraft/Botania tools that you make for the utility but yeah
how do you do it vanillabros? i can't force myself to enjoy an obviously inferior game
is it just blissful ignorance?
personally I'd go the enchanting route to add utility to tools. I've always liked the concept of carving runes into items as an enhancement system.
That's not a bad idea, I'll look into it.
Haven't had my fill of vanilla yet. I do use one small block mod. So not completely vanilla I guess. What's missing?
I tried FoG once but it was a pain to rescale all the values for different year lengths.
>Not even a bush per 100m2
Looks fucking awful
it's (mostly) not what's missing, just what's been done so much better than it is in vanilla, or done more of
(much, much) better terrain generation, better logging, more food variety, better flora mechanics, more apiary mechanics, more (non-fantastical) wildlife
these are the major areas that immediately come to mind i don't think i could go back to playing without
That's pretty vague. Got some names for me to look at?
>World gen
I like the default settings. But I don't remember looking at any mods for it.
>Better logging
Meaning? Like more autism and saw pit mechanics?
I bet VS has something more interesting than MCs largely pointless Pam or whatever mod
>More animals
Alright sure. But the horse mod spawned so many horses it was ridiculous. I'd rather not have meat walking into my yard constantly.
>Flora mechanics
Do flowers even have mechanics in base VS?
not him but I'd assume food is expanded foods which was recently updated to work with the newer version of wildcraft which might be what he means by flora mechanics since it adds plants with thorns or poison ivy applying a dot when walked through while changing bushes to be propagated by cuttings that slowly dry out in your inventory instead of picking the whole bush up.
i was deliberately being vague because it was more about the principle of playing with less content than any specific mods but sure
world gen: rivers + vanilla terrain reformed
logging: dappled groves and its stumps, better looking trees, and just not having everything you do with an axe be "drag to the crafting grid"
food: yeah expanded foods, stone oven, primitive survival really improve upon what's already there
animals: i was thinking of FotSA which i recently started playing with, never tried the horse mod, but dling all these made me realise holy shit, VS was missing owls or any kind of nocturnal wildlife this whole time
flora mechanics: no and that's the problem, i forgot its name but even just being able to propagate flowers instead of having them be (mostly) a limited resource is such a no-brainer
I don't know how to gen a world where the middle of the map is exactly at the equator, please help.
are you sure you have the minimum iq specs for vintage story
you make the equator distance 1/2 the world height
That doesn't work. The middle of the map will be in the temperate zone, so there will be no south pole and there will be an area beyond the north pole. Even setting the starting climate to hot doesn't put the middle of the map at 0° latitude.
starting climate moves where you spawn away from temperate
You'll have to be more even as decided if you want me to use even go want to do look more like.
his sentence was plain english retardanon, the starting climate setting moves the world spawn, the world itself would still have the equator in the center
I tested it, cretin. Go make a 50k x 50k world with temperate spawn and 25k polar-equator distance. Teleport to 0 150 25500 and 0 150 -25500 and post these beautiful polar caps at the north-south edges of the map for the whole thread to see.
>expanded bloat
opinion discarded.
>expanded bloat
apply yourself. expanded folds was just sitting there to continue the legacy of pam's fatcraft
expanded foods is only for when you're playing with a girl, they immediately turn to caring housewive larp when they realize they have a whole cookbooks worth of recipes to prepare
not again please
VS players don't have girlfriends, silly.
Yeah girlfriends are for losers, VS chads have wives
God I wish I had a girl to play VS with
I tried to get my gf into vs but she still prefers minecraft because she is too retarded to figure out the mechanics
This is not r9k
Is it possible to uncap the max view range on OG? There are never enough players for it to matter.
Yes I can do that when i am home but i work late
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Time to start a playthrough with that villager mod, hopefully this one is good unlike Minecraft's villager mods.
Villager mod in VS? How is it?
i love medieval homesteading
only complaint is combat
>shitty enemy ai
>shitty enemies in general
>dumbass, minecraft-like combat but worse
>not enough weapon variety
>most armor is useless since gambeson > everything else
>damage types inexistent (you´d use blunt and crushing blows against plate armor, just as in real life since swords do dogshit)
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thats really good anon, (assuming you built that)
but you should make the stone walls extend up to be level or slightly higher than the roof like pic rel
if you did that your build would be perfect
>tools stronger than diamond
thats just in terms of durability
but mining is so slow that it feels at best like mining with iron while using steel
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I don't know anon I'm going through the vanilla grind first and very slowly
it was a shitpost about early minecraft being flooded with tools stronger than diamond as baby's first mod project.
i was too youjng at that time to know that
born in 2004 and it still feels like its against the rules to post here
as a modern equivalent, imagine dwellers but new ores with tools instead of shitty mobs
what the fuck is a dweller, looks like some mod shit
i may be a zoomer, but the last modded minecraft videos i watched were mostly tech packs and dan the diamond minecart's doctor villager videos
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It's still the same.
does literally even a single person like the godawful fucking combat and forced out-of-nowhere enemy spawning? a singular person alive? the game would be improved if you could toggle driggers off completely. aggressive animals are tolerable, though only just.
Honestly the base VS cooking system is fine and reasonably balanced as it is. I can live with pretending the pot of stew is actually fried or whatever.
Caves need some kind of threat to not be completely boring.
Yeah but do they have to spawn instakilling turbo driggers when I just want my first iron?
the caves themselves are enough of a threat, with you getting your shit lost in horrible winding mazes. it needs nothing. if anything, they need some natural fauna so they aren't so fucking dead. I want cave salamanders, snails, bats, troglodytes, anything. and making bears/wolves gather around surface caves.
you're scared of drifters aren't you anonette, there are already mods to disable them and i'm pretty sure it'd be a single json patch if you want to diy
no, I'm fucking sick of them and their fucking groans. I want to build shit, for fuck's sake, not be forced to just go somewhere else while surface rifts fuck up the landscape.
(fuck jannies who leave surface rifts on btw)
Yeah I don't really see the issue. Caves are supposed to be endgame shit, you get more ore visibility and chance to find hidden treasures but you have to face enemies. If you want safe mining then prospect and dig shafts
Yes, I worked a 13 hour shift, passed out, and have work in 5 min :(
>I want cave salamanders, snails, bats, troglodytes, anything. and making bears/wolves gather around surface caves.
Honestly if the game really wanted to mess with players AND have "natural" cave difficulty. They could introduce a bear hibernation system.
Spelunking into a cave during the winter? Oops, a brown bear is sleeping there, hope you laid down some proper ladders and have an escape route preplanned. Can't think of any animals much more dangerous than that though, besides snakes, but poison is a pretty aids mechanic.
Tyron says 1.20 pre 1 drops today, how long will it be til launch y'all think? 4-6 weeks?
in reality, would a hibernating bear even pose a threat? can they wake up in the middle of their hibernation and be actually threatening before you run the fuck away? of course in retard game logic it would immediately spring up and start murdering you within seconds, but I'm holding out hope that someone ever makes the mobs non-retarded gamershit
Thanks, I was just fucking around without a plan to be honest, really should try to plan buildings and chiseling in there again.
auth serbs down? or just me
Oh boy
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gods no, am i going to need the cuck sticks every time i make soup too now
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what manner of mental mongoloid decides to focus "story" and "lore", the most ephemeral and irrelevant aspects of a videogame, while most of the videogame is still barebones and unfinished with progression that drives off a cliff?
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I like all the building stuff they're adding, the new bricks and all clay colours being obtainable without having to get jewed by traders is fantastic
>entity attachable system
>dynamic rope system
finally, the day of the rope has come for the driggers
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>all clay colours being obtainable without having to get jewed by traders is fantastic
it only mentions red clay deposits being added, nothing about brown clay deposits
>Added behive kiln: Allows you to fire up to 27 full blocks worth of clay wares at once. Allows you to fire bricks in 4 different colors by adjusting the level of ventilation the kiln receives
you might be able to fire them into brown bricks as well
hopefully it will also work on shingles
>will probably still have to fucking form shingles by hand
Would be a step up but holy shit i've given up on shingles after getting massive hand cramps a year ago on my last build and I never even got to finish it.
if you use the 1x1 tool when making them then it's your own fault
>beehive kiln
fucking finally, no more grug pit kilns when im in the steel age, i can finally be civilized.
>dimensions support for the mod api added
I hope that's like item dimensions and not a sign that the lore content is VS getting the rust dimension as its nether equivalent
9 brick colors, red and brown have legacy blocks due to having new textures, fire clay I'd assume doesn't get included in the four color variants due to having non-decorative uses.
Brown bricks
in... vintage crap
I think he means the independet off-grid block grids system, it's got an absolute dogshit name though
it's the thing minecraft modder femboys added to simulate block-based vehicles, except he can (theoretically) do it in an intended way
>beehive kiln requires refractory bricks and iron
>9 full blocks of coal to fire
yeah get fucked tyrone I'm keeping the mod version or grug pits
I've never even been to the resonance archives.
>better raft
>missing out on the glider
Your loss, anon
Where did you get
>9 full blocks of coal to fire
it says
>Peat piles and firewood piles can now be ignited like coal piles, which can now be used to fire the new beehive kiln
Also 27 clay blocks takes 4 coal each, that's 6.75 coal blocks
The new creatures are uh..Interesting
it's borderline useless anyways
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from the only source in game for what it requires to fire the kiln, the door. the patch notes list peat and firewood which I'm firing the first two with now, wood has a longer timer than peat
brick cooking color results after already making a bug report, someone fucked up.
order is raw red, raw fire, raw blue, it's pretty clear raw fire and raw red were mixed up
0 doors: red clay bricks, tan clay bricks, cream clay bricks
1 door: red clay bricks, orange clay bricks, grey clay bricks
2 doors: red clay bricks, red clay bricks, black clay bricks
3 doors: red clay bricks, brown clay bricks, black clay bricks
does it work with shingles or only bricks?
there's only the four shingle variations in creative inventory and not even raw red clay shingles yet
He once said he wanted to get in contact with the ponyfag that made the mod to maybe implement it in the game.
Should i wait to make a full playthrough until 1.20 proper releases or should i play now and do most content afterwards?
Bear in mind we get mounts and proper multiblock boats this update, id say that will boost the game.
>spider driggers that make the predator clicking noise
oh fuck me it did a weird standing pose while I tabbed out to shitpost what the fuck, forget jonas falx I need john browning to deal with this shit
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They are doing towns?????
> In Homo Sapiens and Wilderness survival playstyle: Can no longer create water source blocks with a bucket.
just what i wanted, the worst fucking mod integrated into the game

curious what new creepybro spawn conditions will be, if the surface variant can just spawn anywhere anytime then shitshack walls need to be 3 blocks at least or they just climb over them
the bowbroken one seems locked so it's something to do with lore but spidey probably follows drifter rules.
the generic male and female villagers can be spawned but not the named guy
>try to ride elk
>game crashes
well played tyrone, well played
>issue closed
stock up on blue brick coin. fire bricks and red bricks were swapped but blue bricks intentionally only fire to cream, grey and black.
Chromiumbros, we won
>New optional survival challenges
sturdy mining sack was prematurely cucked by normal mining sacks getting buffed from 10 to 12
fuck yes, mandatory aqueducts. If only water wasnt so shit. Why not just invent a less shit system like say, if the water is on a stone surface it will travel really far, maybe a few chunks 64 blocks or so, until it finds gravel or something to seep into, and any natural depression with a stream going into it could form a pond. minecraft water is gay so why copy it and have it go even less distance it is fucking maddening.
TFC has aqueducts. idk why tyron stopped at only copying 95% of the mod
red steel bucket
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Yeah I wouldn't be able to spend months on this in survival mode
Where's the link to the pirated version? I remember one of the generals/threads to this game had a link to a sort of russian page that had download links to all versions or something, and I wiped my PC and want to play this game again
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some interesting bits from the blog post. also he mentioned they're working on wind mechanics for the boat which would be nice.
I like the bombs because they basically confirm a large chunk of this update is copying popular mods
Can you throw the scrap bomb or do you still have to place it on the ground and light it?
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>sturdy leather
holy shit thats the recommendation i made a few years ago in their discord server (boiled leather/cuir bouili)
the use i recommended was for armor and shields, since it was the only actual historical use of leather as a first line of defense in armor
hopefully we'll see a lighter weight plate armor made from iron or steel that looks something like pic rel, where some armor pieces are substituted with cuir bouli and all over chainmail
it also makes for really good shields that stop arrows better
and heres another take on the idea, although theres no way of knowing if cuir bouili breastplates existed since they would've been covered by a jupon or overcoat
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fucking image
>open creative mode and peer into the future
this update will be quite meaty methinks
you should only be able to download pre-releases if your account has posted a mod with at least a few hundred downloads
9/20 latest mod comments are related to 1.20 compatibility atm, nobody else actually needs to try these anyway
Woo I'm eligible
>one billion 0-effort cheat mods hit the moddb at the Same instant
Guys I'm trying to play this game for the first time on the latest version but placing clay on the ground instantly crashes the game...
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out fucking kilned
temporary vanilla serb that keeps up with the pre-release versions when?
just wait for stable like a good boy
When you host one.
Maybe this weekend. I'll also test these serb settings some people were bitching about last thread.
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you could build 90% of this in a single afternoon
now things like pic related on the other hand..
I don't want a new server, i want to keep playing on og.
bug reports, modders wouldn't test new vanilla shit which would launch in a broken state if only those faggots had access.
you forgot the resource gathering man
>TFC has aqueducts
classic doesn't, that shit was added in 2022 by whoever is maintaining the mod now. when VS was first released it was the wild west of classic abandoned on 1.7.10, tfc+ made by dunk who was the farming autist that left the original tfc team, tfc tng on 1.12 which had a shitload of features stripped, and bioxx working on tfc 2 which never went anywhere. it's like asking why the american revolution wasn't fought with the henry repeater.
Yeah that's the state of things I remember. Wish Dunk did more, I love every idea he has and actually implements. But TFC seems to have gone through major improvement lately, who is doing that, is that the TNG people? That version looked like soulless slop.
I don't think the new guy is from TNG, he's some random autist with bioxx's approval who's just maintaining the whole thing. I didn't even know it existed until anon mentioned aqueducts and I looked up. the aqueducts are pretty neat, they're basically infinite range redstone that's turned on with water.
Should i wait for 1.20 to play a permanent world?
>plays experimental, unstable, pre-release
>surprised when things are unstable
I mean... ok but placing clay down is something very very basic in the game right? I am surprised it happened.
>check bug reports
>elk are better boats than boats
does the creature swim speed buff also apply to players or will I now get raped by bears and wolves in water too?
You should get raped by bears in the water desu. Very good swimmers.
not me, half my playtime in ark was being the alpha predator in water before the devs nerfed oxygen because land lubbers were angry specialists absolutely destroyed them in their specialized area
I really REALLY like this picture
Can I save it?
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>tfw not relevant enough to have a grave
at least I got a statue in grassless
no, it has Internet ToughGuy Dibsies rules applied to it, same ones that all commission whores and furry artists use. sorry, but if it's re-uploaded literally anywhere, it'll bring blight and frivolous, ungrounded DMCA requests that you have to abide by anyway unless you want to go to a c*urt and listen to jews upon ye.
>here lies anon
>he never scored
Why does fat in a bowl make a permanent light source?
A rare case of gameplay>realism.
Beeswax candles burn longer IRL (and don't stink to high heaven), but I guess bees are climate locked and tallow isn't?
why does a bit of brass make torches forget how to extinguish?
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tyrone could make it cost a tg or something gay
your clay bug got fixed btw. will have to update to latest prerelease
I set my world to be slightly more humid and it hasn't stopped raining since I started playing. Is this gonna be a problem?
You get to:
Never water your fields
Tyrone please implement waterlogging
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Blunt force trauma is actually really difficult to work through properly constructed plate armor. since there's layers of padding and mail, you'd need to get a REALLY strong blow to the head to even do any damage let alone seriously wound them. Swords were way better at dealing with plate armor than people think, it's just that you would hold them by the blade and jam the sword into the eyes/neck/armpits/groin. There's a reason knights typically carried multiple swords as backup weapons and not multiple maces or axes.
I would be much more confident betting a duel on a knight wielding the trusty can opener than one with a warhammer.
yeah but consider
hugeass hammer whack
you unhurt, but on ground
I stompy stomp and stabby stab under armor joints
Flooding systems and dynamic river/lake depth when?
>Flooding systems
is this even a feasible thing to add? I imagine every surface cave would end up completely flooded after a while, not to mention how much resources it would take to calculate the new water blocks during every rainfall everywhere on the map
>new hotkey in controls and command that are disabled
minor lore spoiler
they're for the not-nether dimension, it's called the devastation.
you just know some sick fuck is going to make a coomshack in there
probably the same guy that's going to kidnap all the female villagers with their triangular busts to put in his basement
Not really it'd be super intensive.
The cave's wouldn't all flood though because most rock is still somewhat porous, so it'd drain. During heavy rains they could flood temporarily though, and some types would stay flooded longer.
unfractured igneous and metamorphic rock are even better as aquitards than clay, it's all the cracked shit that would allow drainage. when it's not cracked stuff like granite is great at storing water, that's why abandoned quarries flood to become dive spots.
I just hope the dimensions api is way better than Minecraft's
I want Mystcraft - VS edition so bad I might make it myself if the game can support it
just take a look
I hope you have a hard drive dedicated for VS saves, my last world using oceans and rivers with the sailboat mod resulted in an 80+ GB file just from traveling a short 20k or so blocks
mystcraft was the biggest save file balloon minecraft had, VS saves are already fuckhuge compared to minecraft.
I see that if you use a shield while attacking with a spear, the shield hand is animated to move the shield away, but if you attack with a sword, you stay shielding. Does that mean you can block while attacking with a sword but not while attacking with a spear?
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Warhammers aren't really that big, you'd have more luck trying to get the pick end through the aventail or visor that you would knocking them over with it. You'd knock them over better with a shield than a hammer.
that looks like a great combo just bash them with a hammer till they recoil a bit then when they are off balance knock them on the ground and stab the fuck out of the weak points in the armour with the knife-on-a-stick end.
I wonder what changes between whatever build the dev is using and pre release. Unless the elk riding was in the background after the showcase a few weeks ago and Ty hasn't ridden one since?
1.20 spoilers: there are currently villager npcs, a detailed village setpiece with a castle, and a villager AI system that defines pathing and interaction routines like "getting dressed", doing their jobs and then going to bed. there's also a new story related mechanic to time-travel which provides access to a new dimension (like minecraft's nether) that directly parallels the regular world. i expect you'll see similar terrain but with rot covered black soil and ruins, as it was in the past in the game's lore (called "devastated soil" in game). these are new features they're not talking about in devlogs and it's pretty cool
oh FUCK why did i read this
I wonder if we can do stuff like leaving time capsules to create items like aged wood.
>people shit on Tyron for lore and story focus
>lore and story update sounds sick as fuck
>"people" shit on Tyron for lore and story focus
>when Resonance Archive is genuinely one of the best things to happen to this game
these "people" need not be listened to
>>when Resonance Archive is genuinely one of the best things to happen to this game
is this a joke?
Sounds fun
But at the same time i want tyrone to keep the alternate focus for vintage story about just realis-ty homesteading without the supernatural stuff like most people initially see it for.
>Game with horror elements and eldritch stuff
>the most terrifying thing in the game are mundane bears
he'll find some way to fuck it up and make it into a horrible slog. like the parallel dimension being entirely, and I mean entirely, full of driggers. at least 2 driggers per each open tiles.
nope, its nothing but truth. you useless niggers are just unable to recognize kino. anything that further develops the game into being something other than a tfc port is good. what you really should be complaining about is shit like 1.15 adding pies and ovens and wallpaper and other minor, inconsequential shit, not updates that actually improve the game with meaningful content
I want the survival mechanics to be expanded, not the dumbass story no one cares about
Kind of funny how back then many people were mad at Tyron for focusing on homesteading when there was still only 2 main enemy types in the game. Now Tyron's adding more enemy types and people are mad he isn't focusing on homesteading. You just can't win.
Pies and ovens seem like minor things, and they kinda are, but they're also things that I'm constantly interacting with now and have a real impact on the overall game. Resonance archives still feels like some one-off thing disconnected from the game overall.
The problem with just about everything tyron does is that he seems to rarely consider how it fits into the game overall. The best thing he's done in recent memory is deciding that since he wants players to travel a decent distance to get to different lore locations, it's time to finally get mounts and ships working. If his lore locations are somehow tied to mechanics or features that are relevant outside of his little one-off dungeons that would be great, but resonance archives really didn't do that at all. We'll see how much better everything is connected once this update is complete.
when will the resonance archives have an embedded river passthrough so he's forced to implement rivers in world generation, and river-based generation events?
the furries are here
I'm surprised the ponies got here before them to be honest
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we have kobolds too
Do kobolds count as furries?
no, they're scalies you fool
Looks like a Yoshi
There's several kinds of people, and unless you're pleasing literally all of them, there will be complaints. It's just how it goes.
imagine if he pooped out an egg haha that would be funny
imagine what it would smell like haha
Rivers mod isn't working in 1.20 yet.
Also it's impossible to disable setting spawn with temporal gears, setting 0 still makes it work once.
use your brain, drigger
If you please everyone there will still be complaints.
People just love to complain.
Is there any server that's alive?
OG has several active players.

I hereby set up a 1.20 server for playing around before the stable release on the Hetzner box. You can connect to it at Have fun, tell me which stuff you find cancerous. I'll be around later today, I need to practice my daily Gook first.

>enemy types
without a combat overhaul it's just model variety for whatever is being hit by your ugly as fuck curved sword
Dwarf fortress has it

If they added such a thing it would be like the Holy Grail
This. The shields and drigger stone throwing only made combat worse. I would not mind a ranged enemy but every enemy having a homing rock missile with an unpredictable contact/hitbox is retarded
OG has been hitting peaks of 5-6, usually with 1-3 people on. So the same peaks as the classic vm days before norf/int
>500 replies in less than a month
Triple the speed of last thread. Are we back?
>bricks and roofs for the builders
>mounts and boats for the explorers
>bags for the hoarders
>water plants for me
>enemy mobs for the clinically insane that enjoy VS combat
>lore for the fnaf fans and people who read mmo quest dialogue
>stuff to complain about for people that like complaining
1.20 is shaping up to be an update that everyone can find at least one thing they like
what mods did you put on? there's cairns, but it's also looking mighty bushless (And That's A Good Thing)
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Every update is like that. A little for everyone but nothing fully fleshed or expansive. We need an industrial, a nature, and pvp/pve update. Also god I wish a mint/civ update.
Who is the maker? I want to know if you are a trustworthy janny. Mazor?
I am the maker. I ran grassless before and people didn't complain.
Also, seems Tyrone a shit and broke changing spawn, and then I didn't make an admin box I guess? Or the spawn moved on its own? Anyway now you have a choice between a temperate and a tropical spawn, enjoy.
I have a whole wishlist
a pottery wheel and brick/shingle molds to fill up the kiln faster
a slip-clutch to act as a mechanical circuit breaker
fruit press automation now that the slip-clutch prevents them from seizing the whole system
bellows both manual and automated for hotter forges
crucibles in forges, if I want to melt down four different metals/alloys I don't want to manage four fire pits
12 ingot mold in vanilla, make it use refractory clay or only fireable in the kiln if balance is a concern
I wrongly assumed that that tl you made went in both directions and wanted to look at the temperate spawn. now im stuck. any chance i can get a tp back?
I trust mazor, the question was to mark my guess.
Uh, oops. Lemme fix that.
Fixed. There's a tp back at the temperate spawn.
cool thanks, this way I can just play with whichever spawn people use.
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I hope this means it's a continuation of grassless.
It's not, it will maybe be nuked once stable comes out. I'm open to importing stuff from grassless though.
Hello, can you guys recommend me some mods for this game? Are they easy to install by any chance?
>Are they easy to install by any chance?
there's literally 1-click install
xskills is a necessity
like, just flat out dont even play the game without it, it completely fixes the balancing of the game and makes it more rewarding
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you have a problem
does the crack pipe give survival exp?
I see, but I'm assuming I'm going to run into version issues since the game was updated a day or two ago correct?
the prerelease version takes additional effort to install and you should assume mods won't work on it. that's like asking if mods work on a minecraft weekly snapshot.
i remain vindicated, the sheeple normie sees a bigger version number and their brain shuts off, anything after that doesn't exist
your complaint was invalid when all those 1.20 updates had the few hundred downloads you proposed except the guy updating an abandoned mod that broke with 1.20
My vision of the drigger hell is a waste land with rot dogs, more driggers, flying rot wyverns and giant towers of rusted metal
>flying rot wyverns
sorry, it's stupid giant mechanical birds
Forgive me for autistic rambling
>new dimension (like minecraft's nether) that directly parallels the regular world. i expect you'll see similar terrain but with rot covered black soil and ruins, as it was in the past in the game's lore (called "devastated soil" in game).
WAIT THIS EXPLAINS THE RIFTS THEY may actually be a rift in time where the past meets the future and temporal stability is such an important thing for seraphi because they don't belong in the world as they are from the rot era of the world.
In other worlds, the fucking rift giraffe may have been a real creature in the past and all the hostile mobs are other automatons that due to having no soul they have been inherently corrupted by the rot and may want to bring us back
Maybe the time machine allows us to interact with the rot plane in a way that doesn't threatens the Seraph's life, like a personal temporal stability field??
Has anyone tried making calcined flint in the new update yet?
I'm assuming it's broken but maybe I'm just doing something wrong.
New thread
I wanted the mazor server in op
its dead
Rip. I guess we stick here until page 8
While we wait, any idea for the name of your server and a possible description for the op mazor?
what kind of pathetic janny is sitting on /vm/ deleting threads when the entire place flaunts the no generals rule?
The merchants see driggers and are tangible to them, they just don't fight them for game mechanics purposes.
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getting filtered by the new update because i have no idea how to install .net 7.0 with my current package managers (portage, flatpak) and i'm stuck on the official release of 1.19.8
the .net 7.0 requirement was added in 1.19, if it works then 1.20 should also work
i installed 1.19 through flatpak, but installed 1.20 manually
i think a manually installed game just doesnt detect dependencies that were installed through flatpak or something
i need a real package manager for once, i'm flip flopping between trying to make decade old repositories work to install a single program and then waiting half an hour for it to compile and installing whatever spyware redhat/ibm has to offer, needing a script to run the programs because the command to run them is needlessly complicated
Dwarf fortress has a map edge for water to flow off of
yeah but time police when?
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>sexualizing angels
you're gonna go to hell!
breed not afraid (in enochian)
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Jesus christ tyron what the shit?
Dry thunderstorms in the middle of the night?
I ran around like a maniac putting out fires, the whole plains around the southern spawn shack on the 1.20 test server were burning.
Dont' think anything was lost in the end except maybe one or 2 of the fruit tree cuttings i had planted.
But holy shit if no one catches it this kinda thing could destroy so much.
am i the only one that wishes fire particles looked differently? it just doesnt have enough presence right now
Will the new server be reset when the full version drops?
civilized serbs don't play with firespread
Nice girl.
that's how it works in real life thougheverbeit
yeah but in real life it eventually grows back, or the local climate and flora changes
but in vintage story it's gone for fucking ever unless the player replants all that shit
it makes the scarcity of resin spots and others all the more baffling when one (1) random dry lightning bolt can deprive you of all natural resin for no reason
>one (1) random dry lightning bolt can deprive you of all natural resin for no reason
just go look for a different pine forest bro
Full version hwen.
New to VS, what does it fix? Just add skill progression on top of the game?
Skills which unlock perks that reduce the pain of some of the most tedious parts of gameplay (e.g., resin gathering)
it doesn't even help with that unless you make yggdrasil tier giganigga nurseries for a smidgeon of resin
I'd much rather take Culinary Artillery tree taps
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the area to the north/northeast of spawn is pretty coow
bushes and shrubs for other sources of resin when? animal glue as an alternative to resin when? we have animal hides, fire and water already.
Farming resin is trivial.
I want to build my industry with the corpses of my enemy when I enact my final wolf solution
it makes it fun, not just make it less tedious, and it really makes endgame feel a lot more like "endgame"
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is that a drigger or a shigger?
Which is why fire spread is on.
are you going to have an arson day before the wipe?
Oh, it's apparently a bloomery recipe despite not needing the high temperature.
So that means you can't make more fire clay until you at least find an initial source
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when game fun again take me back >,,<
show knot
1.20 will fucking SAVE Vintage Story. We're back!
Neat. Do you think it needs any changes?
yes, it should be possible to disassemble the cairns (probably for fewer stones than were used to make them) in case some dipshit turned all stones into cairns
probably shouldn't stack very high either
and there's an error with 1.20
23.9.2024 09:42:08 [Client Error] Exception: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". Path 'block-bigcairn-*', line 4, position 1.
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParsePostValue(Boolean ignoreComments)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Read()
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateDictionary(IDictionary dictionary, JsonReader reader, JsonDictionaryContract contract, JsonProperty containerProperty, String id)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateObject(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.CreateValueInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract containerContract, JsonProperty containerMember, Object existingValue)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value)
at Vintagestory.API.Config.TranslationService.Load(Boolean lazyLoad) in VintagestoryApi\Localization\TranslationService.cs:line 82
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Is anyone up on island serb?
Or is it dead?
Finally managed to get my internet fixed
I may have used an iron bloom to make a chisel
you've got it all to yourself and your un-modded hudclock, bud, go wild
everyone is here >>1442519
Has anyone tried QPTech? How does it compare to greg? (pref greg 6 since that is the only version I have played) I figure it won't be as expansive, at least
btw, in the vintage story appdata folder there's clientsettings.json and in it the "hideFpHands" setting. set it to true. you will never see the shitty first-person animations again.
as much as i really hated them at first it's grown on me, chances are good that option will be removed in an upcoming version anyway
I guess I should get 1.20. But why should a simple block break
because json parsing error
How long until full 1.20 version hits for fucks sake.
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give it a month
I already use immersive first person mode since it adds the realistic constraints of not being a le to see through your feet
Good i want to play this game but i know i'll be fucked over with all the stuff that is supposedly coming.

Unrelated but how do you avoid going thru early game, getting copper and then any excitement fizzling out due to not finding a decent place to make base?
Idk if it's my world gen config or the way i aproach my game.
it's your worldgen and you inability to literally just move lmao
unless you're a sucker who genned a mostly-ocean world, you can always just get up and walk away (or find some TLs to do it for you)
make base first then mine
there's always copper around, there's not always a nice base location, priorities
Any good world gen configs so that the world is not some innavigable mess?
Also any cost efficient material that's not dirt?
>Any good world gen configs so that the world is not some innavigable mess?
with mods, yes: rivers + vanilla terrain reformed
otherwise no, you cannot salvage vanilla VS wolrdgen it's been shit for years, it's still shit, it'll be shit for years to come
>Also any cost efficient material that's not dirt?
arguably logs, otherwise not really, whole point of packed dirt is to build with until you get some tools
Disable item drop on death and go travelling until you find somewhere you like
I'm not autistic enough to have this issue though. I just need a nice relatively flat hill or valley with access to water
What config would give me some kino generation?
I would recommend increasing landform scale.
How much?
300% minimum
Isn't that a tad bit excessive?
300% isn't excessive enough, 400%
I just checked. From the way it was explained i though it would be like the bigger biomes features of minecraft but instead of biomes it would be type of terrain making it boring.
But it was just the explanation that was wrong and it just provides for less noisy terrain with the noise generation being applied on a far larger scale resulting in more realistic terrain.
FFS the world config needs to be revised i almost dropped the game due to how maze like the terrain was no matter what i did.
Thanks anon.
You suffer from shit taste.
you know how perlin noise works, right?
the "landform scale" is literally just increasing the perlin noise scale
https://gen3vra.github.io/perlinnoisegenerator/ like if you increase the cell size in this
all of us do, it's a vintage story thread
Make a cave home and explore from there, only start building a permanent settlement when you find a good spot.
You'll also NEVER find the perfect spot so find a good one and if you find a spot you like later you can make it a project to build an even better home there and eventually move.
>lore content off
>still plays spooky underground music
>still get spooked
i hate driggers
something i've been wondering since i started VS but never able to find a conclusive answer on: do mature crops left fully grown in a field start rotting? or does the process not start until they've been harvested?
no. they last forever, unless they go too cold or too hot or get nibbled by rabbiggers
cool, so if you already have enough food and no time for a second growing season, it's the best idea to wait until it's almost winter to harvest?
I'm not sure if fully mature crops keep draining nutrition from the soil or not.
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kneel on driggers
if it's not fruit or meat it's going to last inside your cellar
They don't.
normally i would trust that but it's autumn year 1 and i wasn't able to get very big farms going
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would there be any interest in a twist on this idea for vm serbs
could help keep them individually more alive if joining any of them let you speak to/see who was online on the others
Anon, this is just a regular vm server
yeah my twist on it has nothing to do with the guy's original singleplayer idea
more like server-group-wide chat/online status
I would like that
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Has anyone tried this TFC-like https://content.minetest.net/packages/Mantar/exile/? I know this isn't the Minetest thread, but I thought it would be more likely someone here has tried it.
Inshallah all infidels(driggers) get beheaded
He kinda looks like one of the bedouins
beheading doesn't work, the "two headed" drifters just have a split head
those aren't pine trees retard
Then behead that other head too
Anyone played with the moose mount or ship yet? I don't want to see any of the new enemies and spoil myself before the full release but I want to know if they control like shit or not
I tried putting a saddle on one in pre1 but couldn't then managed to sit on it before crashing
Epic I'll just wait for the full release then
I'll switch to pre 2 which fixed the elk crash and test both today, I have low expectations for the boat compared to the mod.
Yeah that's my feeling but I'm hoping they can just port the sailing and wind code right into the new boat, all that storage space and bringing your mount with you across the ocean looks too good to pass up.
Itching for a Viking playthrough...
they need to change wind first, it always blows west in vanilla
Is there an active serb with xskills?
Someone a few days ago said they're working on wind for the full release
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Works on my machine
New thread fuck jannies we are on page 10
jannie told you to get fucked apparently, even this board has shit jannies lmao
happened again award
are we getting fucked over because those doko faggots have vintage story in their OP?
Can you retards make your generals not look like generals?
The jannies only nuke threads that are blatant about waiving the no generals rule. Putting a huge wall of text with links in the OP and a funny edition name is exactly what you're not supposed to do
then why isn't this thread deleted, retard
the fuck are you talking about? the fuck else is this board even for?
I'd say you all ought to move to /vg/ but frankly these threads move way too slow for that.
Janny was asleep when it was made and it got away for too long to be deleted
why aren't the dozen threads with general in their OP title not getting deleted? blue protocol general is literally a general for a canceled dead mmo
that doesnt make sense
bro go cry somewhere else this general has been around for a few years by now
I'm crying because you're not taking the slightest precaution to avoid getting nuked by the jannies
cry harder retard, no one cares
The janitors work in mysterious ways.
Captcha: 2KNOTG
got i wish i (my seraph) got knotted by a jannie
their training starts as a toddler with a diet of lead paint chips and elmer's glue
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There are 14 threads with the word "general" in the title in the catalogue right now.
A fun new thread!

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