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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 5 started Sep 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.

>Interactive Map

>Items/Tac Skills/Augments





>/erbsg/ friends

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>Eternal Return Season 5 Preview

>Season 5 Lucky Preview - Eternal Return

>[New Character] Garnet - Eternal Return
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Thank you, Mr Baker!
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Anyway, binky thread.
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How is the CLIMB going?
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Garnet players, I have a gift for you.
*heals for free*
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Overall? Super well. Recently? Peaked. But I'm home and it's time to queue up again
They're touching everything but the execute. But soon the execute won't matter if her E range gets nerfed anymore than this
>garniggers trying to pretend their fotm wheelchair character wasn't broken as fuck
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so far so good but it takes forever to climb up bwo
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You bastard... TAKE THIS
>270+ mmr
Are you playing in Iron bracket?
I'd like for them to just give her a mini rework now, rather than later, so no one gets attached to a female Alonso that's worse for gameplay QoL.
that would involve NN admitting they're wrong on character design, which isn't often even if it applies to 70% of the cast
Imagine if Garnet had Axe's kit
>dot that slows the target and makes her faster
>passive that deals damage when getting hit
>execute that refreshes itself after a successful kill
You niggas have seen nothing, lmao
They are cranking out mini reworks and reworks like Laura pretty consistently let's not talk how bullshit that R is so I'm hopeful.
go away dotard
If she has Axe's kit we would be playing Dota 2 with a lot of the same bullshit to fight back, so in a sense it would be fairer. I don't think it's a good comparison to make.
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Naafiri will save eternal return
We needed a dog kemonomimi girl
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But then again Axe doesn't have that fucking absurd heal on demand.
If you ask me, Garnet's ult should be as it is but instead of applying the root debuff then having the chance to kill someone, the projectile should do damage and root, but only kill if the enemy is already on the HP threshold, otherwise it does nothing else and goes on cooldown.
given how NN are just shamelessly chasing whatever is popular elsewhere with no real identify of their own nowadays, that'll happen next season
We need an actual animal character, not this irene half/half thing
>niggas want notAhri or notHoodwink
Pick your poison, faggots
yeah I started at Iron 4 this season. I think I had a game with ~350 rp gain
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Figures. I gotta learn how to play him, he's always dealing massive amounts of damage for free.
William has the highest dmg output out of all adcs but takes more work so theres no good williams at the top of the ladder (in NA at least)
It's already a step above %current HP dmg to a %HP threshold execute so I can kind of get behind that.
Marlene Sex
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Based, this is a Marlene General.
I have been waiting for a kitsune skin for any female character since this game was in EA, and frankly, it is criminal it has not happened yet.
You'll probably have to wait for Nadine's Epic skin
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>Doomposting about Garnet in ranked
>She's fucking mid
So is this proof that /erbs/ is just shit at the game?
When we're we ever good
Garnet is constantly picked in scrims
that's all I need to know
>3 day sample size
Is this before or after she got hotfix nerfed like three or four times?
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holy shit niggERs can't even win on the designated easypeasy braindead autowin character
pretty sure even Sua's stats are bad as well nowadays
2 much ranting and shitting ur pants. go put ur money where ur mouth is and become the best garnet player eu na asia whichever.
Easily the sexiest twin
dude its just 1 guy malding over garnet since he cant play around her R lmao
What does Echion do bros I've never seen this character. People play him? Even people play baseball guy, not Echion
I see Twao on stream!! good luck!!
Wtf why do you see me on stream, we died because my boy Echion really wanted the red box despite pinging to back off sandwiched between 2 teams
At that point I should just run on my own right, I'm a dumbass for staying
we all see you
kira's a bit retarded you had almost 3 teams on you and you should move to cams instead and move down
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My Elena was pinging back with me too. I think we should've just majority 2/3 decided to run away lol. If I were smarter and better macro in the moment I would've just ditched
better luck next time
if he saw himself alone he would've moved back too
Yeah you shoulda ditched him at that time, either that or balls in pushed instantly and hoped you can kill them before the other team decides to walk in (lol). Flaffing around there was just the bad third choice. Though I think there was another team was coming in from the top? So pushing into that team would've actually been the best choice if so. I'll check the replay cause I'm curious.
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god i hate that bug eyed stinky bitch so much
Yeah bro, Irem is kinda hideous ngl
Ok nevermind the 4th team was peacefully farming. Both options of push in to fight team or move back would've been fine as long as the decision was made fast, since the other team in Chapel was crafting and separated. If you guys bush checked before you entered the chapel you would've found someone at less than half health too lmao.
I used to play him
I don't play him much anymore, I resonate too hard and go full retard every time
Listen anon, I can only let primal instinct take over so many times before I have to start considering that I am making bad decisions.
Its a game,if you are having fun its worth it

right? or you could simply hold back abit and still play what you enjoy instead of dropping it completely
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I'll consider playing Echion again though. I just need to get teammates that are as bloodthirsty as I get when I play him.
Sorry just finished my game. Damn so like maybe Echion wasn't completely wrong about wanting to go balls to the wall. Not as safe as running away but if it works we grab everything and run.
Also unfortunate, we caught the straggler but not the ones the straggler was fighting
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>I always let fwitchu down
It's over
Anyone to play ranked in NA?
I've gotten fags that only play Aya and Katja and it's driving me insane.
eternal return child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. eternal return cartoon world with rainbow unlike dota chad with dark corridorr and raelistic character.. eternal return like playhouse. eternal return playor run from dota fear of dark world and realism
The darkest Black Survival doesn't even compare to what release day Garnet was.
Was this a LoL pasta?
Next season I'm down for the grind until dia
I have a strong desire to impregnate Vanya.
Does this happen to anyone else?
watching dyrus play and isn't premade unfair? should stop premades at gold. what they lack in mechanics they easily make up with coordinated plays and comms that you will not see at that gold plat range. premade makes it so you never have the frontline katja aya player.
In an ideal world with a huge population, premades would have their own separate ranked queue. Alas, smol indie game.
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Promise you the second you hit diamond currently (may change later in the season if pool of plats come to dia through grind like me), you completely stop seeing melee range adcs with horrible positioning.
I completely understand the pain, I spent like 100 of my games in plat and whenever you get an adc in that elo that's not a previous season mith you know it's top 8 for you
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Echion edges his roboarm until he sees an enemy player, then he tries to laser bukkake them.
Historically, Red sword Echion in particular made the best showings because the innate lifesteal helped him live through the questionable decisions he thrived on. Not sure if that is still true.
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It's always gook names in this elo. Chatty little rat gives up and doesn't revive instead just types types types. I'm sure Fiora really cares about your adc tantrum!!
>korean student in NA
Its always like this.....They should just study and stop playing erbs.
I want Katja to sit on my face.
I think Red's still the best in a lot of cases. Purple or Blue can be useful if you're a 2000 games one-trick that's devoted your existence to mastering one of them
>stuck with new players
Normal queue matchmaking is so bad. 90% of the time, my teammates are new players since the game release
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I got him on the one game where he just... nyo... he's usually super good lmao
in this general?
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Grind grind grind
Big gainz
Bigger losses
>unable to cope: the post
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>If Dailin has 100 hp and press r nothing happens
>If garnet has 100 hp and press r she auto-wins
>This is balanced in NN logic
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>>If Dailin has 100 hp and press r nothing happens
Wrong. She dies because she self-CCs herself during the ult while many characters can still channel or use other skills during the second of impact and kill her.
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new chapters

>b-but where's muh homo headcanon :(
Dailin fucking explodes and dies if she presses R even in the best case scenario.
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If you're at 100 hp while the enemy has more hp that's your death
If you're 100 hp and the enemy is similar the winner just did his best
Garnet having free Execute in R is gonna win regardless of play like shit and have 100 hp if the other has 25% hp
Bye bye to all "epic 1v1 esport moments" in the official youtube of NN if Garnet is the last one standing
She still needs to aim the R. If she only has 100 HP the opponent can kill her before she has time to go into the 2nd part of her ult, assuming the 1st part hit.
Is it possible to get queued with a 2 people premade as a solo player?
I think I sometimes get people who are weirdly in sync and don't pay as much attention to the minimap.
Yes, for both norms and Ranked. For Ranked you can disable it at least.
Can be a double edged sword since sometimes you get a 2-stack that knows how to play the game and they're on the same wavelength as you or better than you and can carry as long as you aren't actively griefing them. But then there are also the times you get a clueless 2-stack that'll make it feel like you're just playing 1v23 because they don't know how to play the game or they make int decisions all the time like trying to 2v3 every fight, buying at kiosk in the middle of two teams, etc.
And regardless of whether they are a good 2-stack or a bad 2-stack you can be certain they will 99% of the time hog all items - the 1% being you are either some famous streamer that they will funnel you or they realize you're good enough that they don't mind giving you items that aren't priority upgrades.
Is it me or is Dailin actually bad?
What is the secret sauce to getting good at her?
I might just suck at squishy characters because I frequently top 3 with tanks and bruisers and barely ever top 5 when I play a squishy DPS.
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She's good for sex appeal and that's about it
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My last match I got a Garnet with 0 kills and 5 deaths, in the last was zone everyone died but garnet and mai, had like 400 hp and missed all skills but the R, guess who won.
Stinky drunk hobo only good for her sex appeal.
I pray NN doesn't forget about her, she does need a touch up for the current state of the game.
She's not terrible but she's very teamcomp dependent and highly punishing if you mess up.
Like most assassins you need to understand when is the right time to go in and figure out whether it's a situation that calls for diving the backline or if you should play front-to-back and work with your team to melt the tank/bruiser first.
If she gets peeled she's most likely going to die since she's squishy and even if she doesn't die she will need some downtime to heal and cycle her CDs again so she will be fairly useless for a bit. If you're on Nunchuck you can try to help contribute to the fight while out of it by charging a weapon skill while your team is fighting to put pressure on opponent from a distance but on glove you are usually strictly an assassin.
She needs another frontliner in her team like a dedicated tank or tanky bruiser that can take the brunt of skills while charging in - if she is solo frontline then you better hope your backline knows how to survive by themselves because you are not going to be tanking shit for them and the only peel you can provide is E's slow and Ult's suppression but since Ult also fixes your position in place it will let enemy teams just focus you down in 2-3 seconds as well. In most cases if you're solo frontline you're better off treating your teammates like bait while you hide out of vision and then blink onto the enemy backline while your teammates are kiting and distracting the enemy frontline.

TL;DR: she is a duelist character designed for Solos that doesn't contribute as much in Squads and she has many losing matchups against newer bruiser/tank characters that are too hard for her to kill alone unless she's fed and ahead.
She seems really weak for how squishy she is. Strong early game duelist/bully when people are crafting but when people start getting more and more gold items she just seems to do nothing.
Maybe my judgement is wrong but she's like an early game bully that doesn't scale. There are other early game bullies but they scale so that's not good
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>Ready for a summer adventure?
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Nunchuck scales pretty well if she can get her full build online with Hydra. Even tanks get chunked with the combined armor penetration of Hydra + armpiece and the Max HP damage of Halo.
She's got a pretty smooth curve on transitions if you take the credit centric green sub-augs, being able to afford FC for Halo Day 2 and then Blood Night 3, with some room for a Meteorite/Tree buy if you loot some credits from corpses here and there. This assumes you don't need to waste any credits reviving allies however but if all goes well and you pick up some more RNG on the way from Wolves/Bears/purple boxes you can hit full build or almost full build Night 3/Day 4 and kill pretty much almost any character outside of the most tanky with one full skill rotation and most squishies will melt in half a skill rotation.
Oh I see. But you melt just as fast right so you gotta get creative angles. Front to back seems to just kill her gameplay
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Sex with stinky drunk chink
>Li Dailin has to experience the Iliad and the odyssey to be decent while Garnet just see someone with 25% hp and press R
Depends on your team comp and what your team wants to do. If your team has a lot of poke and they are landing a lot of hits on the tank then might as well just help them finish the job. If your team is mostly melee then there's no point in crowding around the enemy tank and putting yourselves in position to get AOE nuked.
But in general yes, creative angles is part of her play style. At higher elo especially people know to be wary of a Dailin walking towards them and will prepare for an obvious Blink E attempt - you'll want to try and gank them from out of vision angles like through a wall or bush, or come at them from a different angle after they already started committing to chasing a different direction i.e. waiting on the sidelines at a distance as your teammates retreat and bait the enemy team into advancing deep in.
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>Skins available again in store and boxes
Arcana of Fate Adina
Underworld Org Haze
Steampunk Martina

>Skins not avaialable in store and boxes
Crimson Devil Echion
Magical Girl Rio
Lovely Magical Girl Rio
Beachside Nicky
Exterminator Adriana
Test-taker Hyejin
Masquerade Daniel
Demon Hunter Johann
Burning Maid Adriana
Morning Coffee Sua
I can't believe Kenneth is gay
Are any of the characters actually confirmed to be homo?
Only headcannon shit
No, but unfortunately we have have people obssesed with it 24/7 and you can't even hold a talk about lore in the official discord because some faggot will start with homo shit
Imagine have 20 and being flatter than Eleven, no wonder Garnet is crazy.
Don't stick your dick in crazy.
but he didn't even stick it in
he smart
i believe in the original game fiora had a crush or something on jenny but i cant remember where i read it from
In BS we got a little hint that Fiora was bi (which is tolerated in korea unlike homo) but then people just took it as "Fiora is lesbian" and NN decided ditch this stuff since the local feminists are sick in the head there.
P.D.: The thing of Fiora being bi was Archbears (previous devs) idea, not NN.
That's a lot of Korean non-sense
That snipe holy fuck
>2 tanks slapping each other, with Garnet having lolheal and Mai most likely not running healcut.
I mean, yeah.
no it's a diabotical/arena fps pasta
>all these ardas
Is he getting slapped next?
theodore barbara alonso is illegal
Barbara op.
>alonso wins yet another game
Where are the Lauras? I thought Camille with Rell's ult would be broken in competitive?
laura and most right click carries are gutted
Man, Hart and Darko are dogshit
What happened
Lumi paid actor.
kek I was thinking the same
That nigga ratted his way to 3rd place
What a lad
Maybe give your best Adina player Adina.
what are you? their coach? yeah don't think so
Nah, I just want to pretend to be invested in what I'm watching.
I think adina numbers are just not good enough right now
and most of the right click carries
it's a bruiser/tank world
That Tia up there lmfao
Lumibot nigger turned the game upside down. Absolutely disgusting.
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Well I didn't expect him to instantly throw and instead kill the corpse first.
No wonder Shoichi broke Nuguri
Darko is a dishonest character and I'm tired of pretending like he isn't.
Utterly dishonest.
Shut the fuck up, Puppey.
Priya's KR voice is soothing.
gatekeepin went wrong
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>solos was deleted because of people camping for final day
>meanwhile squads
nicky r and you just die
Where can I find pocket Priya gf?
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Alive game btw
I never understand WHY dev just keep removing OPTIONs.
>can't have dominion in league
>can't have solo in this game
It's literally the appeal of the game...
I love the way MSJ dipped their toes and sat back and waited for the right moment to go in again.
Because the playerbase of the game isn't large enough to sustain splitting queues further
Where's the chicken commercials?? Did they drop them?
>can't think beyond what he wants
Dominion (and TT) was unpopular and they probably didn't think it was worth balancing for.
Solos would split the small playerbase even harder. Cobalt is already just a playground for myth+ to ungabunga each other once in a while.
That's really interesting though. Managing whether the team needs extra timer through kills while also not going too deep and becoming the team in the middle
League would be dead by now if they split their resources for Dominion during League's most critical years. Aram is pretty much equivalent to cobalt.
>split their resources
How about "just leave it alone"???
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That's just solo with extra chaos.
Rat Jackie, my beloved.
Team play is just funner imo
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I hate being forced to socialize.
Man I forgot there used to be a 6th slot, holy shit
You don't like being chased across 3 zones and sent back to the lobby because someone else had better rng and looted a little faster than you?
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Binky love
Chuuni brat needs correction
so are they siblings yes or not?
Non-blood related
>Since he had no name and was the first to enter the orphanage that year, everyone called him "One."
>He formed a special bond with the second child who came in after him, which became a turning point in his life.
No, but Kenneth is a dick and Garnet is crazy
>Played nothing but AR ayaya
>decide to try pistol aya for once
>Holy shit my W does damage
>Holy shit my W does a LOT of damage
>holy shit, this is unreal, I cannot remember why I never tried this before
>get to two teams remaining
>miss my W
>fucking explode without a shred of damage for the next 6 seconds
Oh, right.
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Stick your dick in crazy.
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>Implying healcut is enough to beat Garnet
solos was deleted because squads had the highest player retention. NN never said that it was deleted because of people camping for final day.
Katja's ult is just useless isn't it?
I only ever use it to pick off fleeing targets if I have the space for it, its very good for finishing off enemy backliners that are chunked and are trying to heal up or disengage, but it's rare to get the chance to actually fire it because actually using the damn thing just gets you killed if anything is actually looking at you.
Don't worry they will re-add the 6th slot by introducing neutral items (active skills) found from killing creeps. Thank me later.
Never said it was enough, I personally think Mai vs Garnet is impossible. However, I've been watching streams lately and for some reason there are mutliple teams running no healcut in garnet lobbies. Unless you're shitting out damage you aren't killing Garnet any time soon.
Debi sucking my dick while Marlene licks my asshole
It does peanut damage at level 1 and late game standing still is not an option lol
I hadn't realized yet that harts R got changed.
Sweet, now i can play her too without griefing my team too hard
It's a long range pre engage tool and a finisher, it has no use in combat. It's not useless, and in the same vein you could call her W useless when you can win over a final zone because of it.
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is this guy going to singlehandedly push us to become mainstream? his views are crazy for ER
Well her W actually helped with scouting and/or getting rid of camera.
How alive is NA compared to EU?
I feel like EU is half dead even during peak hours.
Damn Raden's meme went viral.
Normals mostly always alive.
Ranked alive at peak hours and in lower ranks also alive outside of peak hours. Just not in the morning
>How about "just leave it alone"???
I don't think you quite understand how much of a bad idea that would have been.
With how much shit League adds in terms of characters and items the game mode would either go quickly out of hand without any balancing or become extremely stale because all of the new shit is on ARAM/SR while Dominion is still playing around outdated mechanics and items
>Uhmmm I'd like that!!!
Speak for yourself
"Just leave him alone" and let his naive mind figure out how the world actually works.
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>one of the most boring and monotone characters in ISBS
>gets turned into a clueless slut who prances around with her VF-enhanced tits flopping around to be fondled between rounds of blackjack
It's still funny that somehow she got more personality in this way now
I hope NN will revisit their Projec- I mean Neon Aftershock skin theme.
Your ultimate can also be used to help with scouting at a far longer range too, anon. Point is that it does have a use, it's not like characters from before 1.0 having useless skills (Estelle passive pre rework, Hart passive, Johann's passive, etc)
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Don't look!
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>TK 19
>K 4
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You didn't beat the game.
Need to impregnate Rio
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Estelle passive gave faster res before too, even then it was arguably better than Q to put points into
meanwhile Aiden's passive still exists as is lmao
I mean it's the 6 sparks = electricity thing
you can't remove it
I was thinking about the overcharged part with the crit damage per crit. No one builds for it because the numbers are so shit if I recall
Doesn't count
yep, had to leave the discord after a few days due to all the faggotry
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Genuinely one of the few ER clips that made me laugh.
I don't think so and neither did anyone else, sorry anon.
HP Regen: 40%/60%/80%
[Resurrection] Extra Heal: 5%/10%/15%
Cooldown: 140/130/120
[SuppressionI] Extra Skill Damage: 25/35/45/55/65
[SuppressionⅡ] Extra Skill Damage: 30/35/40/45/50
Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6
Cost: 20/25/30/35/40
They really should fix that but they hate crit Aiden with a fiery passion. And then they added that to Debi and Marlene and release Tsubame because reasons.
Lumi is a nigger
>dyrus queuing this early
You fool. Also how is he not dia yet he premade for a hundo games. Is his Tazia grind holding him down
maybe he's just ass
or the game hasn't clicked yet
Nyo it has to be the Tazia weights holding him down... In my memory he's a god gamer 10 years ago
bwo he is playing the hardest character in the game and he was never known for his mechanical skill
his macro isnt bad but i see many fights where he does literally nothing since he mispositions and dies instantly
I'm surprised there's no fan art of Lumi being a smug bitch.
>posted almost same time as the tweet
s-snipy what are you doing here
>bwo he is playing the hardest character in the game and he was never known for his mechanical skill
True but noooo... I need to watch. Also
>he picked martina
??? Does he know this character?
It's no secret that he browses here.
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Make way for the best daughter in Lumina Island... and Chloe I suppose.
JP audio users. Who's the girl who says ora ora like a cutie?
dailin r
It's over
>In my memory he's a god gamer 10 years ago
I'm sad that he dropped Kenneth after one game. I remember him being really good with bruisers.
Yes it's his calling man. But he's playing Martina right now and it's not so pretty
not gonna go through a dailin arc?
How old is that? I would have sworm that when they changed the 'main' effect from an ambiguous healing amp to simple regen it already had the faster revive bit.
Decent fucking wiki when
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I'll be satisfied with her JP announcer pack and other people using her. That playstyle is not for me
theres like 1 guy working on the wiki so never until we get more people who want to help
I am still waiting for that one guy to update two years worth of fankit content.
fankit is nn
they update it themselves and they did it rather recently with garnet's content
go bother them
When the fuck is NN gonna upload their in-game models?
that was 1.0
Unfortunately fandom is gay as fuck
someone reposts that derpy redraw of dailin pls use our mmd
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Rip Uptown Bears 2021/2024
this picture is so sovlful
They're adding premades in diamond midseason? That sounds awful
Don't post your chink shit here
>yep, had to leave the discord after a few days due to all the faggotry
being mod with so many loud faggots around must be a nightmare lol
>Error code 2132 cannot purchase in my region when trying to buy skin boxes
>Live in NA
>All my friends can buy them fine
Anyone else running into this issue?
>excited to see dyrus in my lobby for first game of the day
>he's 8th in 3 minutes
What are they doing premade collective suicide?
works on my machine
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I'm in NA and it works with event NP
Sorry, I should specify the monthly bundle that's available for A coin, I've done some searching and it doesn't seem like anyone else has run into this so I'm not sure what the issue is
Not enough A coin? Try relogging or changing region idk
I don't think he knows that you can charge W before the E dash and it's triggering me
Why he hopping characters
He's still on a journey to find his main.
Yeah still nothing, whatever I'm sure it'll work out eventually
Red hair phase is over...
This game needs Genderswap Epic Skins.
>/pol/ faggotry
Go back.
Gimme Luke, Hyunwoo and Aiden
No one cares, tranny
Relax, gender bender is not bad. I think seven knights or some other gook game did that and it's kinda nice if you wanted to use the character when they're gender bent
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>That femLuke
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Narrator's note:
This brat lost to the dick
watching it now and yeah its' triggering. does he not ask or want advice from his chat? someone has to tell him he can e confirm into w dash.
you're on stream. godspeed.
Based, throw a link
just check ezter
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Dumpire is peak.
nice try bwo
if you've got time watch unibell play her
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anyone NA want to join me and another anon in some norms
Marry fat bitches
Yeah I gotta check some pros and how they play her. Finished my game on a hot spree so gonna take a break and see how Unibell does it
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>when you literally can NOT stop getting 3rd party
Gonna marry her,feed her healthy meals and pop a soccer team
Uhhh, is Tsubame this fat normally?
Im never touching alex with a ten feet pole but if they somehow gave him THAT jake walker skin I'll probably go through a alex arc
would also be pretty funny to see NN drop the "high pickrate" nerfs to random test subjects all thanks to skins
The high Abi pick rate made me realize that she's dogshit and desperately needs buffs
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Good games bros. Aiden's super fun but I'm not pulling half this shit outside of norms. Vanya letting me try multiple E's until I land it on Tia lmao
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wtf stop Adina abuse
We love Adina in this thread
we love dogina
delet this
saved this
Feels good getting wedding dresses for my top 2 waifus
NN probably keeps Sua wedding dress as last resort
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Eat burg
Marry burg
Have children with burg
The release of garnet just feels like I can't play half of the characters I used to enjoy anymore.
I don't even see Garnet in my games anymore, she got gutted so people went back to play their mains.
I'm more salty about seeing Darko every game.
She's not that hard to poke.
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Darko R is proportional damage and you can survive to fight back though, Garnet R is auto-defeat.
Are tanks like eleven or lenox not in style this patch?
Lenox is super meta. Eleven a bit less so but still usable.
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The Korean people are funny.
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Yamato Nakadashi
Is it because of my reset MMR, but why is ranked so hyper aggro now? I'm constantly having to tell people not to take bad fights (which rarely ever actually works) as my carry tries to dive headfirst into a terrible position to fight a team that is way more stacked than us. It's not even a one off thing, it happens almost every single game where the other two people on my team just want to fight fight fight full on committal from day 1
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>check discord
>some faggot complaining about eleven "age"
why burgerniggers are like this? i mean, i know basic education is shit there but none realizes every place of this planet have his OWN lwas and culture?
ah this
why didn't you post it when I wanted >>1441610
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his own what
and no they cannot look outside their bubble, which is why if you draw a featureless, colorless stick man they will think it's a white stick man instead of it reflecting every race or being the race of the creator
It's just like you said, reset MMR. The season just barely started and it takes longer to get to higher ranks now because of the introduction of meteorite.
Can someone please give me an example a scenario when escaping from the island is a viable strategy?
When you want your squad to lose RP because they're acting like faggots.
Given you have a fuckton of ways to revive after Day 5, I'd say there's basically none.
Day 4, your team has 3 transitions in total, 1 or more members of the team are assblasted and typing a lot, the comp ended up being not so great, various enemy teams have frontliners that basically unkillable for you or unreachable backliners, your characters are not good at ratting, the remaining teams-players counter shows that there are no other rats.
It has to get really bad for me to vote yes though.
Back in season 3, because of the RP changes to kills, the decision on when use a rootkit was when your team was below 9 Team Kills and you rat as long as possible to finish 3rd or below. If you have >10 Team Kills, you'd get more RP for staying and trying to get 2nd place or 1st rather than escaping. The scenario is pretty much the same, only that you are given a few more ways to come back from behind and an easier way to hit both 10TK and get to 2nd (final zone respawn and Lumi the robot). Remember you cannot use hyperloops when the final zones are closed so in a 3 teams left standing situation, if you know one of the other teams has more than 1 member alive, you rootkit out before it closes, again, if you are below 9TK. 10 TK or above, you fight it out no matter what.
One of your teammates opened up the game by saying that he really needs to take a shit and is about to shit his pants.
>what's minor spelling mistake
>Khatja presses R when she has 3 enemies on her face
silly girl
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It has begun
ShoichiGOD things will get better...
5 bucks you quit in 6 games.
curse be upon ye
assassin niggers need to be eradicated
>watching replay
>he uses blade of truth
>his newer build is double gold antiheal items
Wtf is this secret tech. Also is antiheal stackable?
I appriciate the soulworker ref but this guy is kinda doozy
He switches to revenant later if his team isn't terminated as they fund all rare drops into him. I see the build and they funnel everything into him because his mechanics and movement are on point. But I'll stick with totem and the normal build
Even he misses Vanya R nyoo
>Reading Hyun's ISBS lore
This boy needs a hug for real
fuck him
some of the characters dont look mentally ill like to be on the island or is it a "Got kidnapped and forced to participate" kind of situation?
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i need sauce
>Noooo she is just misunderstood her violin is actually good
>her skills make my ears bleed
yeah no you are a terrible violinist lenore
This is true, no violinist would wear the things she does
Lenore heard her swansong when she almost died. this girl is a masochist and should be asphyxiated to hear it again.
Adc mains eating good.
11 is a horrible tank for front to back though
she's the cutest and the least hag tank so that's all it matters
Holy shit thanks
any particular reason for these two being shipped or its just artists being artists?
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Artist is a haglover.
Almost nobody gave a shit about her until the epic cosplay skin, fan material pre-bestelle is close to non-existent
Hyunwoo and Jackie are the franchise mascot like Pikachu since a decade ago, m8
If he builds chest last then double antiheal is probably because he's building Kabana as a cope item since no force core.
Memes and Porn
guys i'm reaching my 40's and my hands can't keep up with this game anymore
aesop tier
Actually just scrolled down and it seems like he's building kabana before the healcut boots, probably cause he needs the healcut earlier and doesn't have the money for myth at the time. So it'd go kabana > legs > force core armor
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>tfw nobody want to switch char
now show dmg chart
Rozzi wanted blood.
swap to easier toons like alonso and lenore
anon spoiler that shit
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play Tazia, Alex, and Shoichi to keep your hands nimble old man
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>build hydra
>don't build hydra
mmmm it's that simple huh
nunchucks weak
if weak, why he won?
Not 100% winrate, it's weak.
Who is the unga bungaest character of ER?
Where's your gloves
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glove is dead
even with the additional weapon skill you do less damage than thwacking someone with Hydra
Sua. Death by snu snu.
>crimson hydra
Damn, it got the crimson Nosferatu treatment with an upgraded/better passive. And glove is still on base level magnetic midnight. Did they forget to buff the rest of the blood weapons? Magnetic midnight doesn't compete with Critical blow or Echoing Strike/Blaster Helm passive.
Glove Dailin also has way worse basic attack amp scaling compared to Nunchuck Dailin (1.7% per level vs 2.4%; 34% vs 48% at lv 20)
In my experience Nunchuck Dailin can assassinate squishies in about the same amount of time if not less time than Glove Dailin can at the moment at regular builds, and if Nunchuck can ever build Hydra then she just simply does better than Glove with Bloody Hand.
>Also is antiheal stackable?
No, only highest applies and you as anything but a tank/bruiser only need one (healcut through damage). Bruisers and tanks settle on reflection and sometimes dip into damage healcut for problem test subjects/mages since they almost never willingly AA tanks. One exception is that Legs of Steel + Nightmare Nails were the go-to combo for arms and legs, being hyper cheap with a ton of stats so it didn't matter that you were doubling up on 40% healcut.
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Then maybe it's time to retire glove, it doesn't add anything to her kit. TONFA LI DAILIN MAKE IT HAPPEN NN
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Huh, well that actually took way less games than I expected for solo queue only. Thought I'd have way more doomed games with literal level 30 fresh beginners or hardstuck iron-bronze players.
it's impossible to be hardstuck iron-bronze even if you are the most disabled person on earth.
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I don't mean literal hard stuck but the kind of player who spends way too much time at this rank picking ADCs and doing 6k damage average and dying 5 times a game minimum and it's a miracle if you can even end top 3 with.
>picking ADCs and doing 6k damage average and dying 5 times a game minimum
doesn't this continue to happen until platinum? that's where the entry rp starts making it so they can't get 1 win every 20 games and still climb.
Yeah I don't expect them to be gone at Gold-Plat I am just expressing surprise that there weren't more of these people keking my games at low elo when I expect low elo to be full of them.
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Yeah nah those ranged carries are a nightmare. You still get paired with silver-gold in plat so you will still see adc only pickers with no sense of positioning until you're out of there. Biggest annoyance at those ranks
they must all be in that silver-gold range then kek.
Also I think smurfing just gives you an unfair edge in matchmaking as well. Starting from the bottom, you will often be the low roll Silver for some Plat player or Plat 2-stack who were Mythril last season playing in some high Silver/low Gold average MMR lobby. Sure it doesn't mean you autowin the lobby but it gives you a much bigger chance than the other Plat in the lobby who has the 150 games 3% win rate Silver 3 player with 4k average damage and only plays Nadine
>queue pops finally
>I get the 2 plats
>8th team gets even unluckier with gold teammate
>vs all dias that are previous season immortals
My Mai had no clue what to do; no engage taunts no forward positioning aiiieeee. Still won the 2v3'd until 3rd party. But I will wait a bit longer for more people to get on
this is how you were back in plat. low tempo and low comprehension until you're fully in the high rank lobbies.
You are not wrong. It's annoying but it's ultimately low playerbase mm problems. Just where's the fire armor day 2, or a courtier/dai if not rushing that
>make it happen
you mean the past 5 weeks and more on the tournaments?
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>something happens irl
>attention completely taken away
>2nd place instead of 1st when we were dominating all lobby
My concentration breaks so easily and I just become the spaghetti... Fuck. Ok lock in goodbye /vm/
which tournaments. watched the korean one linked and there's no dailin!
this one https://www.twitch.tv/dyrus
when is the hrt meme ending?
I'm tired of watching scrims and unironically hearing voice cracks every 0.25 seconds because they are forcing their voice
>get jumped because overchase day 1
>"it's the only time they can be relevant in the game"
already having an ego playing premade while having a completely sauceless aiden?
How do i get into this game?
Garnet after nerfs has to be in the top 10 most useless picks
Download and play!
Complete the in-game tutorial then watch these




You will be thrown into bot lobbies for your first 10-15 games.
Apichaya Chaipattama
Are you saying that ONE anon who kept bitching about her was exaggerating?
>Still did nothing about her ult or retarded healing
Hit her again
yes and he won't stop
They hit W so many times idk what to tell you
Get some anon to help you out. Play norms with them as they guide you through how playing each day works. If you're new new you can still pick experienced to stop getting bots early. Bot games don't really teach you anything other than bad habits.
Otherwise check basic guides, Superior has a nice looting guide that helped me a lot early on
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The dumbest.
Switching to campfire every time I team up with a Bianca to be lore accurate
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If you watch carefully, you can see the exact moment he loses all hope.
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Deserved,i hate this fag with stuns and teleports
Animated opening each season fucking when?
No budget, pls understand
Fuck animated opening. Give us animated music video.
E-every 2 seasons?
Yes, with more hidden feminist hand gesture this time.
Not my issue koreans became mass incels
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Sex name for sex dumpire.
Screw animated openings I want animated fucking SEX BETWEEN ME AND ELEVEN
I assumed she was american,not chinese
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>Have a Tree and 200 credits early on
>First priority transition uses Force Core
Is it worth it to just buy a Meteorite here and make the FC or save up 150 more credits and use the Tree for another item?
How can you call yourself a chef when you can't even make a simple cheeseburger? My wife wins. Lose weight, fatty.

She's a chinese streamer with rich parents.
Nyoo after win and good spree just literal ??? plays from people. I had it too good for a while tho.
>player rather search loot clusters and craft for 15 seconds isntead reviving with a kiosk right next to him
>too long and too much noise so he gets found
>has to run to next kiosk but gets chased and dies
Bro what item could be more important than reviving 2 people. Even I know this instead of crafting whatever the fuck looking for items in loot clusters
Make the FC, holding onto it is a mistake and can quickly cost you a strong lead. The only reason to "hold" onto rng materials is because a transition material is in an adjacent area, so you walk over there instead of calling it in. Alternatively, if you're not the priority in the team, pass it off and hold onto your credits to purchase a Force Core.
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>15 minutes into the game
>Teammate looks like this
>public shaming.
You deserve it for being a faggot.
Are you sure your teammate wasn't a bot pre-anniversary?
who is blud talking 2
No, it looks like it was his very first game ever played. Or maybe an actual bot.
>public shaming
We don't even know who anon is talking about. Kill yourself retard I too will call out people who cannot get a purple build running by Day 5
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I really feel that since this season started we've gotten a lot more people willing to do more artwork, videos, memes and shit.
Alive game and such
How do I get more tokens?? I never played her but I need the skin!!
Trash dupe skins
Buy tokens when these go on sale
Buy the battle pass and level it up to get more tokens
>dupe skins
Umm haha. I do the rest tho
It is what it is
I have all but 3 skins so it's easier for me to do that.
Tough day. Sad
The problem has been Execute in R since release though
I see you twao
twao throwing night 5
it's over
AHHHHHH that's why you get the long range vision NOOOOOO.
I thought it was someone trying to greed lumi revive
you were on twitch
I saw everything
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It's over... I will never recover
>climbing with 8% winrate
But I can't win I'm getting hands gapped! This number is embarrassing!
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sex with cat
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I can fix her
Do not.
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The characters in this game are way too sex, man.
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Kind of.
I wish the passive had a visual indicator, counting to 5 is hard.
Any EU bros?
Do you play on NA or do you wait for EU hours in hopes of getting a full players lobby?
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I'm waiting for mid season to see the -rng changes because I think this season SUCKS
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I can get full normal lobbies on EU from ~15:00 to 01:00
>I am gold II
>paired with an Iron 4
-2/+2 ranks normally but was he premade? If so he can get in your games unless you uncheck the play with duo premades box in the settings somewhere
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I started the day so well, if only i knew
Don't stop, another +150 rp is right around the corner!
I know when to cut my losses for a day, its a sign
Is there any website that shows patch history? I need to check a few items and wiki/main page is a bit cumbersome.
You're not really losing any RP at that stage yet anon, keep going.
Damn we were just in the same lobby but your team died before I could even meet you.
>teammates see Lenore landed an ult
>they go into the circle instead of backing off
But why
Clearly you're supposed to split the damage.
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Stinky bunnies
You could had NOT posted this
holy FUCK
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Oh sorry
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>*kills your boner*
Which ultimate is the most embarrassing to miss? I just finished a match where I fucked up my Abigail ult so badly that my team and the enemy stood still for a full second to judge me.
sabotaging your own team with nathapon ult
Hart pre-rework and Nataphon currently.
>dyrus lost his carry
it's over. he's quitting the game.
Solo queue after Gold is pretty dogshit
Keep getting 5% win rate hardstuck Golds/Plats that have the map awareness of a new player
It's still climbable but you're pretty much playing for kills and top 3 as a bonus rather than to actually win.
Alright my mental is worse than it is when climbing through Iron
I am drawing aggro 1v2 as an assassin and my team fucking dies to a single Garnet what the fuck
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>won the second to last bz with 2 other teams in it
>while ezter was lagging his ass off
How the fuck LOL
My mental from plat->diamond was at the bottom. I wasn't nearly as good back then as I currently feel I am but you'd get non-full build day 2 players, 5k dmg adc lovers, and straight up ignore objective gamers.
But hey what can I complain about, I was one of those and you get free gold-plat just playing
Need Abigail's bunny ass on my face
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Alonso and Katja got meh first skin compared to other new characters.
>steals aya bought item that she wanted to give to mai
Idk man. I think you should've learnt this 175 games in.
He's been premade the whole time no? If his teammates never played it he won't know. Just tuned in now while waiting on a queue, he doesn't know Leni heals a lot late in the game if he doesn't build antiheal. Just knowledge checked
This should be her default skin, honestly.
Mating press
Ya you mean sheltered. Lose streak since his carry left him.
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>This should be her default skin, honestly.
Yeah, I heard the same thing about Piolo, and agreed with it.
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Boo show ass
She looks like she only dates younger men.
Why did they stop releasing characters that can use multiple weapons?
Alonso skin is fantastic, fuck off
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Come back please...??
I think it was something about not wanting or knowing how to balance any more multi-weapon character
I'm paraphrasing a TL from a big stream like several months ago
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Nvm we're so safe guy's been gone all game lmao
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holy kek
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>runs into people and starts bad fights 24/7
>gg! wp! crazy!
>just running into people's face as arda even though he knows they're there
Damn wish the guy was on his real account instead of a smurf. Guess he's not as afraid of getting the accounnt banned. Should've dodged him after the first time where he greeded every item and did the least damage on Lenore missing every skillshot
But to his credit he did the most damage on Arda running into people wow only died and got saved 4-5 times in a 5 minute loss. Take every fight melee range on Arda bro!
Some people are so miserable lmao, reminds me of mentally broken league players who play nonstop even though they hate it and troll people to feel like they have some sort of control in the game
I always thought these sealed off pathways counted as a wall for colision purposes.
Does it mean you can push enemies into them with abilities for instant kills?
If you try running into it, do you also die from touching it?
You don't die for touching it unless it was open and then sealed shut right as you cross over
Otherwise it is a wall that you can't walk through
Trying to use movement abilities to get over like Blink will explode you
Pushing enemies over also instant kills them, similar to how boars in battlezones (before they instakilled animals) used to kill if they knocked someone out of the zone.
you need to jump through or forced through it
No, it's shit.
Oh good catharsis, he died 7th-8th yet again. He's just trolling people on that account I guess. Get his ass banned
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>karma hits me back
>extreme gangbang
>bad streak
Ok I'm sorry shouldn't wish bad luck on a guy trolling and running it down. Esp when he does it against me and griefs his new team going melee Arda against us and other teams
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>Eleven skin soon
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My winrate tanked quite a bit compared to yesterday but making steady gains at least. Thank you for reading my blog
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It's ok I think I got tilted from the trolling guy who kept trolling until he got a win on not Arda. Arda's the troll pick 3 times in a row until he feels like being serious. Tomorrow's another day but damn nothing's going right rn
Or it's just the usual massive win sprees into massive lose sprees. Why does this happen in every moba...
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By me
>extreme gangbang
by me
Post card
I love my stupid drunkard wife so much
My favorite girlfailure
look at this stupid girl
Are mythic items considered situational or do people absolutely aim for them on every character if they finish their legendaries?
I see that some of them provide better bonuses but only if your character can take full benefit from those stats.
they are situational.
for almost all dps, the blood weapon is better than their legendary weapon.
for armor slots, a blood item is not necessarily an upgrade. for example, adcs that use star of the wilds can upgrade to blood crown for the better stats (minus heal cut), but they may lose dps if they switch racing boots/alexander to red shoes, while characters like ly ahn may skip legendary shoes and go straight for red shoes.
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you're on stream. make us proud and btfo this ech character
I'm a choker
still made me proud good job
Thanks bwo
you should stream
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I think Jackie is some sort of cheat code against Golds and under. Like literally had a Jackie on my team who I'm pretty sure just clicked on the enemy backliner and made coffee during the teamfight. We won every single fight and got 20tks.
Shit pc (drops to 30fps) and I don't like talking tho
There's a lot of one tricks and smurfs that love playing Jackie so they tend to be insane, but they're not always infallible
Seen just as many fall flat on their face
over before it began
Will this increase the amount of people playing eleven
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The kind of skin that makes you want to play Eleven...
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There's 1 person I have to dodge and it's this melee Arda dude. Why is he trolling go on your main and troll coward. Salty at everyone or something
Nyoo lost to Dyrus who doesn't land shit and makes it 2v3 but our comp can't beat the healing. Leni sweep
>Losing to a carried nigger like dyrus
Peak shitter
I half-agree half-disagree. He was always my league goat but yeah he's still learning in this game. But he's got the mental and 'mechanics'? I mean back then he was good mechanics and a stone wall top. But in that scenario we got hands diffed 2v3 it was embarrassing
>1 game with superior he str8 up hard carries
Ok well the best are truly the best holy
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everywhere I go I see him
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Gn bros
LMAO I uhh threw the final fight. I'm so inconsistent fuck aiieeee
Just popped into Dyrus's stream and he is definitely learning still... doesn't really check bushes despite red pings on the minimap, didn't notice another team TPing in next to his right before BZ started, doesn't really pick up cams or get the security console, etc.
He is pretty aggressive in getting objectives at least.
game vs anon was funny. literally the perfect team comp vs all final teams that had no adcs. nobody could kill his team and, despite him punching above his weight class idk how many times he missed his full combo on aiden lol, the leni infinite sustained everyone and was too tanky. but since then he plays on autopilot not paying attention to much except, as you said, the objectives.
I started playing Sissela I think I like her.
I'm a bit confused though, do I just keep Q+Eing enemies from as far as possible?
Her basic attack buff from getting in contact with Willson feels like it doesn't really fit her kit.
Her W is an escape utility but for some reason it deals damage when the shield pops? I think I only got to deal damage with it when I was desperate to win a close fight and dashed into the enemy.
>They censored sailor eleven's ingame model for some reason to prevent me from licking her pits
>bridal eleven comes out
I forgive you NN
I forgive you for everything.
>Eleven pits are pay2lick
wtf bros
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getting drunk with dumpire
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>both tend to derail off into insane monologues merely for walking or seeing a tree
>both transform into a similarly-ranting winged entity for their R
>both involve being able to chain someone in place
>both have resets on their R duration if they kill someone
Chiara is LITERALLY Aatrox
Yeah, but Aatrox is an edgy demon and Chiara is a sexy goth nun.
Public onahole
Katja looks /fa/ as fuck you pleb, get better taste.
I want katja to sit on my face so badly
Convince Nadja-neechan for her to do that
Don't disrespect my wife or else
I want to make Katja emotionally dependent on me.
Shut up, Darko
I want to make Katja a hand-knitted ugly christmas sweater
She would happily wear it unironically.
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we were really, REALLY fuckin' robbed when it came to Chiara in ER
could have gotten a religious horror themed (think FAITH) fallen angel and instead we get the cute-but-useless nun who got reworked to be even worse design than she was pre 1.0
at least the one patch every season where she's turbo-broken is funny I guess
Shut up, Chiara is perfect
she could be EVEN MORE perfect
I really like the fact that Chiara's transformed model is also slightly different across all of her skins.
It's a shame you can't really observe it more closely.
no character should be able to do this
Hyunwoo, Nicky and even Eleven send him back to the looby
>no na player* should be able to do this
>Chiara is perfect
Yeah, perfect sucking everyone dicks
My dick*
I'm her husband btw so stop this slander
He started with full 10 stacks anon
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Why did she hold my hand then?
Wrong, now show me your pits
Emma sexo. It suits her.
Yes, Adina is my wife.
>try playing eleven
>hug my carries as i should,taunt if enemies dive in
>they just keep blowing my carries and then i die
That's not how you play her. If you're hugging your carries that means the assassins are already going to be on your carries. By the time you charge up your taunt they'll have dropped their whole combo on your team
okay then what the fuck do i do? if i dive to initiate they just walk past me and get blown up,if i dont dive they get blown up as well

if i try playing neutral we just get chipped down
Watch https://dak.gg/er/players/%EB%9E%98%EC%9D%B8?season=SEASON_14&gameMode=RANK
90% of the time he's engaging. You're super tanky if you pick up your deserts
every time i try engaging the enemy just blinks/dashes past me and blows my backline, i will watch it abit and see what i am doing wrong
Come from angles they don't have vision of. Vision game is important, charging the jump in their face gives them too much prep time
gonna keep that in mind, thank you
Getting drank BY dumpire.
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343 games I think I should stop now but the gameplay at this level is so fun.
I still somehow found time to do assignments and classes inbetween all that (my sleep took a hit)
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Bwo no...
I was going to defend you until I saw your rank. Yeah fuck you and your stupid rank. I hope you derank.
Probably will but why bro
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mass produced stinky owls
go cheer for dyrus he is diamondo!! you can now get him on your team and have him job have fun.
bruh got gallazor on his team
it's not the real one. he's not on abi.
>gallazor playing tazia
Isn't there like 3 gallazors? Real (abi), then there's a shoichi and tazia?
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She takes baths regularly unlike your waifu.
katja doesn't even know what a "bath" is unless it's the current location of her assigned target
prove that she takes baths then
After you prove otherwise.
your waifu is stinky and you know it
So you can prove your point? I accept your concession.
I accept YOUR concession.
NN should give Aiden's overcharged AA sfx more oomph instead of it sounding like zeus jizzing,
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Nice job!
I want to marry Nicky and make her dere!
hey wtf you're not allowed to be good
get back down here with the gold/plat shitters
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I'm on the precipice of D1 after this game. Smurf acc or something just suiciding in and then refusing to group. Which one of you is this lmao
I'm with Dyrus. It's over bros.
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I'm judging your every mistake.
I'm ded
>all these ecelebfags sucking off that faggot.
We deserve to be here instead of /vg/ with all these faggots in the thread.
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>he thinks being on /vg/ would be a better option than being here
There wouldn't be ecelebs there, that's for sure.
LMAO we dead
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When was the last time you visited /vg/ to have this much confidence behind this post?
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You tried.
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They're definitely trolling since their most played character is Yuki
>Being this new
/erbs/ was made here first, ecelebniggers came after move /vg/, but yeah, dyrus is a carried nigger ann only shitters simp for Gallazzz
I don't know what I should've done there, probably outside of just playing better it's actually not killing the dude even though I needed him for shields. Leaving him at 30 secs or something so he can't revive after rewatching that. But also damn nobody else landed anything lol I should've just ran possibly
>queue match
>get paired with 2 new shitters who picked randoms character without even know and read the skills beforehand
fuck off
>But also damn nobody else landed anything lol I should've just ran possibly
Both of your teammates griefed hard lol. Yeah running away was the best option.
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>I pick tank
>I get 2 dpshitters doing nothing but die and spam ping
>I check results and did more damage than them
full amp magnus is not a tank
going 1 vs 1 and let the rest dive your carry is not tanking either
Are you another dpshitter or what? I was not amp and they took all the fucking loot, no excuses.
So in normals, can I always get queued with people below level 30?
Yesterday I got a team of level 3 and level 14.
Obviously there were still learning the game and it wasn't their fault.
But I don't think matchmaking should allow that.
Yes. I got queued with someone who was level 1 the other day, it was a magical experience.

patch notes
>Slasher got the best general content again
whoever designed cnj is mad
I doubt they get money than others since previous pack was also bad
At this point garnet is 6 feet under
Chiara is 6 feet under of cum
>garniggers in fucking shambles
oops time to actually play the same game as everyone else :)
does a single person actually care about this game's "esports" scene apart from another source of silly pictures of their main or waifu
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It's so over
It's probably cause they chose the "I know what I'm doing" option or whatever it's called so they immediately got dumped into regular normals. I just started an account and chose the "haven't even played moba" choice and regret it since it threw me into over 10+ bot games and it's driving me insane. I'm already lv 19.
>Markus has been underperforming with both of her weapon types
Markus and Magnus are best girls
Didn't you get the memo?
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Dumpire tits
>NN: "yeah even when she lands her ult it seems like she still sucks in this meta"
>better buff her heal that'll solve it right
Is isaac bad this patch or do I just blow at him now?
It doesn't feel like I can really join fights anymore as a brawler and now I feel like a really poor assassin
Just judging by the dak stats yeah he's fucked. Specially since he's a notamp Tonfa so he doesn't get cataclasm. Also is wiki outdated or do the red tonfas give LESS attack than frozen echo?
Wait I didn't realize the attack stats were separated. I'm just dumb.
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Should I buy the skins so I can salvage dupes even if I'll probably never play these character?
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Kill Garnet. Behead Garnet. Roundhouse kick a Garnet into the concrete. Slam dunk a Garnet baby into the trashcan. Crucify Garnet. Defecate in a Garnet food. Launch Garnet into the sun. Stir fry Garnet in a wok. Toss Garnet into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Garnet gas tank. Judo throw Garnet into a wood chipper. Twist Garnet heads off. Report Garnet to the IRS. Karate chop Garnet in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Garnet. Trap Garnet in quicksand. Crush Garnet in the trash compactor. Liquefy Garnet in a vat of acid. Eat Garnet. Dissect Garnet. Exterminate Garnet in the gas chamber. Stomp Garnet skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Garnet in the oven. Lobotomize Garnet. Mandatory abortions for Garnet. Grind Garnet fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Garnet in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Garnet with a ray gun. Kick old Garnet down the stairs. Feed Garnet to alligators. Slice Garnet with a katana. Total Garnet Death.
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I'm a one-trick nigga, there's nothing to spend coin on...
Did you buy it with cash?
>page 10 already
/vm/ has had a 50% uptick in posts in the last few months (from 750 to 1200/day) so it's quite normal this happens, lole.
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Requesting this to be next OP image.
I was thinking of >>1445616 this webm, but you tell me
the webm is better but if you could change the thumbnail
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You lemme know
ogey for me
>called Eleven
>is not actually eleven
I want to bury my face in Eleven's pits and huff and puff until I pass out from oxygen deprivation.
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out of 10
Let me try getting ffmpeg to work for better webm quality.
Garnet must've been strong in KR because she is fking shite in NA
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People abusing of Execute in R to get free kills, yet NN refuses to remove o rework it
>Adina nerf
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Lmk if it's fine.
marrying eleven is a trap. she will gain hundreds of pounds when her metabolism slows down because she is a fat american.
she's Chinese bwo
11 pads her chest
I was told she was the burger king. there's no way she's chinese.
she's the chink thot vtuber burger king hired to do streams for them
>Xia Zixuan
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Better thumbnail.
umm her name is eleven
Abi sex
what is this emote for
is she telling me to poke her nipples?
She's going to poke your nipples
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I can poke hers back right?
If you have the speed to do so
I do
It tells me who's gonna get nerfed so I watch it when I'm bored.
for most of the gooks I would imagine they do care
they do live in the same city and might know the players personally
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What a fucking pit slut, holy shit.
10 kids minimum.
not 11?
You're right, I need a full soccer team.
1 kid maximum*
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new bread
eleven will be the 11th

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