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>What is Bizarre MMOdventure?
This is an ongoing project from a group of anons dedicated to playing through obscure and niche MMOs, or ones 4chan hasn't played together before.
>How does it work?
The rules so far go as follows:
>Hold a tournament-style voting contest from a list of games
>Play the game that wins the final round of votes for 2 weeks
>After each game, we alternate lists of MMOs to vote on
>A guild photoshoot will take place every saturday, check thread for pic times
>New adventure starts every other saturday, after the week 2 guild pic

You are free to recommend more games be added to the lists, and encourage people to vote on a game you want to play.

>Games we've played so far:
Phantasy Star Universe
Trickster Online
Rising Force Online
Ace Online
Emil Chronicle Online
Fiesta Online
Requiem: Desiderium Mortis
Dream of Mirror Online
Dragon Nest (thread here: >>1472917)
Scarlet Blade
Neocron 2
Uncharted Waters Online
Dark Ages (thread here: >>1520519)

>Current game being played
Aura Kingdom (thread here: >>1539958)

>General Info Page
https://mmodventure.altervista org/general-info-post-2/
>Picture Gallery
https://mmodventure.altervista org/gallery-filter/

we are getting together to play minigames and have a laugh on a semi-regular basis, check the thread for times. minigame suggestions welcome, current list can be found on the MMOdventure website

>last thread
latest poll results for next game
upcoming movie night
hello friends souls remnant is open tomorrow for 2 weeks (around 16 hours from now), hope to see some people try it
I'll give this a try when I get home tonight. thanks for the reminder, anon
server just opened
Aura Kingdom guild photos in roughly an hour.

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I hope you're not too done with guild photos, because we're going to be taking just a few more in Dark Ages tomorrow (9:15pm Sunday UTC). We're just going to have a quick meet-up to take a picture we couldn't last time as the servers shut down. Feel free to come if you like.

>Time Converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Quick+Guild+Photo+-+Dark+Ages&iso=20241222T2115&p1=1440
You'll also need to get the current client. Most recent one that's been posted to the DA thread:
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I think having a spot for reviews/thoughts is a great idea, would be nice to look back on old games and people who didn't play them could have some insight as to what they were like.
I could set up a spot for them. Maybe a page for thoughts sorted by game, or we could keep them under the screenshot page for each game.
I got DC'd 10 minutes ago and the server still thinks I'm logged in... no...
Thanks for sharing this, it seems pretty cool.
yeah the easiest way would be to allow comments on the screenshots pages. I could add rating criterias but it may take a while because my PC time is so limited these days.
some criterias I've been thinking of
any other ideas? and also what should we call the reviews section. I want to add an OC section as well to archive the few ones we have

OP guy I made a megalist for the picture
https://mmodventure.altervista org/mega-games-list/
the new games still need to be added however
should we vote SotS right now, will even you be able to play?

kek, this is like reading a terrible gaming mags' review section
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we can use the dartboard method
>OP guy I made a megalist for the picture
I'll do that from now on, thanks. I also think just enabling comments on the screenshot pages should work.

While we're on the topic, should a single post for all minigame pictures? We have some Alicia pics floating around but we don't have any of the others.
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Vote Secret of the SOVLstice.
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Is "Tom Clancy's: The Division" a little too mainstream to be voted on? (the first one)
It's $5 and has barely any players, so it's certainly on-par with a lot of games we've played in that respect. The game ate shit on release so it never had many players to begin with. The progression is really quick (if you rush, you can get to max level in just a few hours) so it's definitely playable within 2 weeks as well and people can enjoy the end game.
People think it's a mainly a cover shooter but it's really just an MMORPG with shooter mechanics. The setting is absolutely kino and the PvE is pretty neat, although it does get repetitive if you're a completionist.

I played it a lot, so if anyone (or the guy who runs the site) has any questions, I can answer them. Even if it doesn't get added to a list, you could at least have some info ready for when the next person suggests the game.
Let's use real words to describe our qualia instead of newfag buzzterms.
I'm a NEET, I don't have 5 dora
This project is limited to free games, friend.
tfw fun is a buzzword
That's a shame, but understandable. I could buy everyone keys if that solves the hurdle, although that might attract a bunch of new people who show up just for the free keys. I can imagine that would be undesirable.
That said, ubisoft have made the game free (to keep) a few times in the past. I can only hope they'll do it again.
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wrong pic repost for cringe
>should we vote SotS right now, will even you be able to play?
feel free to vote for it, I'm not the only one whose been waiting to play it. i'll try to play properly but I can't make promises...
that could work. you can tag all the images under minigame and the gallery should pick them up
this looks fun, I have no idea how to put the dartboards on the site though kek
I like these ones personally but do you have any suggestions?
well now I'm not voting for it this month
are the dark ages photos still happening. i cant connect.
do you have the new client?
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Dark Ages guild photos happening
New client: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FztTBzEhgLKZ64rGr0IyeJhcGgHiZDcR/edit
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The count is in, these are your 8 finalists:

Secret of the Solstice
>Silkroad Online
Spiral Knights
>Warhammer: Age of Reckoning
>Iris Online
Dragon Ball Online
>Continent of the Ninth Seal

results link:
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Game 18 finals is go.

closing Dec 28th, 12:00 EST

results link:
Took a look at Spiral knights and while the energy system remains it seems like its not as bad as it used to be. They -do- expect you to swipe for energy at some point, but if you pace yourself it shouldn't be a problem for the 2 week duration.
>Spiral Knights
There isn't an entry on the server research page yet, but someone mentioned last thread that it was official only.
>Warhammer in the finals
oh shit, it's finally happening. Gonna pvp with the boys for two weeks.
It's also dead and hasn't been updated in years beyond cosmetic whale shit.
WAR has been in the finals every time it has came up, since early on. We'll play whatever the shittiest option is instead.
warhammer isnt cute so i will always vote against it. simple as.
its my first time in one of these threads, does the site not get updated? or is the current game actually still aura kingdom
also if anyone knows where we could find a private server of this, should definitly play this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFCzVsHRidA
current game is still aura kingdom, we're a little over half way through the two-week cycle until a new game.
Rigger niggers will never let Warhammer win
If it happens to win I will rig the post vote strawpoll.
I do wonder what barely-functional bugged piece of software they vote in this time.
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warhammer is gonna job to a tiebreaker again isn't it
I'll vote for it, just to remove it from the pool finally. Does it actually have pve? I keep hearing conflicting reports.
>I'll vote for it, just to remove it from the pool finally
same, im tired of hearing about it
Yes you can quest to level cap and not enter a single PvP area. It is obviously not beneficial but it is possible.
At this point I'm voting against Warhammer solely because the Warhammer fag(s) can't shut the fuck up about it.
i vote against it because it wouldn't be the same without their monthly seethposting
I'm not voting, but if it's warhammer I'm sitting this next one out.
im gay
>Secret of the Solstice
>what class is everyone thinking of rolling?
I always play dps/mage but I'm thinking templar looks cool or maybe rogue
Doubt I could handle full support
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get well soon!
dont get cocky cutebro, warhammer is winning this one
>couple posts once a month
The horror D:
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I made an OCs page
dump any OCs I've missed or you think should be included in the page. also not quite sure how to organize this, if anyone has nice ideas let me know
As long as they're tagged as OC, the gallery already puts them in a big list, right?

Can you install a countdown plugin to the site? It doesn't have to be specific to the hour but just a 2 week countdown with x days remaining would answer the common question we get from newfriends.
as long as they're categorized with the att.category yeah. that would mean the minigame pics just need a category instead of tag unlike what I said earlier >>1547136 my bad. I don't think the gallery plugin has a way to sort them under headers by game so I'm doing it manually
countdown's a good idea. I'll just have to look for a clean and simple one that doesn't do weird things like steal people's data
Here's the server research we've gathered so far.

>Secret of the Solstice
Xen Rebirth: https://www.xenrebirth.com

>Silkroad Online
Origin Online
– 3x EXP/SP (5x for parties), 1x Gold, 4x Drop
– 110 level cap
– Been around for over six years
– Closest thing to a “classic” server this game has
– Botting is not permitted

Legends Online
– 3.5x EXP/SP (5x for parties), 3x Gold, 3x quest rewards (Droprate is unknown)
– 100 “progressive” level cap (likely between ~110-140 now)
– Wide variety of QoL changes and alterations (faster monster respawn rate, extensively rebalanced classes, buffs last longer when cast, inventory auto-sort, et cetera)
– Botting is not permitted

– 100x EXP/SP, 10x Gold, 20x Drop
– 140 level cap
– Looks to be the main EU-focused private server server for this title
– Hosted in Germany

>Spiral Knights
Official only.

>Warhammer: Age of Reckoning
Return of Reckoning – The largest private server for Warhammer.
Player count fluctuates around 1000 during peak EU times, to 100 during late NA.
Still receiving patches in 2024.
Server located in France.

Official only.

>Iris Online
x15 exp, skill exp, and drops.
x8 gold.
85 level cap.
Custom dungeons and bosses.

>Dragon Ball Online
DBO Global
Consistently updated.
Largest playerbase.
Canadian server.
x1 exp.
Double exp on weekends.

DBO Crisis
Custom content.
Fewer players.
US server.
x4 quest exp rate.
Double exp on weekends.

DBO Galaxy
x1 rates unless you pay.
Miami server.

Official Servers Available.

Test Server
x10 exp.
x3 drops.
Low playercount, no updates.
Sounds pretty buggy.
three DBO servers? lmao.
>100x EXP
holy shit
>Ace Online already played
damn I wish I could time travel
I'd like to recommend Legend of Ares and Minions of Mirth to the list
>Legend of Ares
ownership of Legend of Ares has passed hands several times in its lifetime to the point where the version on Steam doesn't even work anymore so you have to get it from their website. the most notable achievement of the current dev team is they have reworked the game client so that it no longer presumes fullscreen on a 4:3 CRT monitor is the only way people play MMOs. The game is in the style where at character creation you choose one of two conflicting factions to join, there are 4 classes and everyone is human, and the gameplay is simple kill things, get loot and levels.
>Minions of Mirth
Minions of Mirth went down for good due to iirc the dev's location in the UK getting hit by floods which took out the servers and basically everyone's data. It is kept alive by a private server project called Minions of Mirth Reborn. a notable feature of the game is that in mid to high levels it has a multiclassing system through which you can utilize spells and abilities from different classes.
I'd recommend Sherwood Dungeon as well but I imagine two weeks instead of two hours of that would drive people stir crazy.
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>damn I wish I could time travel
You really didn't miss much. It wasn't very fun, barely anyone played it, and the server's community was terrible.
A large portion of the anon who were around for Ace Online would almost certainly agree that it was a low point for the project. It's kind of a miracle things came back so strong with the very next game afterwards.

For extremely grindy MMOs, there's always at least one private server which boosts the rates to ludicrous levels. The grind never actually goes away for them, it's just moved further up the level curve.
I'm sorry to hear that. I played it way back when it was called Space Cowboy Online and had an alright time. Maybe too much got changed over the years.
If you want really obscure shit then maybe one of those Fallout 2 based russian created Fallout Online games?
Also, you could add Pirates of the Burning Seas, Pirates of the Caribbean Online and also SAGA mmorts. Those are obscure too.

From your list I played Conan Unchained, Dungeons and Dragons online. They were nice, if I had time for mmos I would return to them.
>recommendation: y/n
>experience rating 0-10
I think that could be a good baseline and everything else can be up to the author. if anon wants to go wild in his review/blogpost, then he can go ahead.

comments section into gallery page inclusion might be a good pipeline. maybe we can cross-link the reviews/posts through a seperate page, should we eventually gather enough of them. that would provide better visibility and maybe encourage anon to bother sending something in.

also, I've totally been reminded of this because I'm rewatching some dead MMO youtuber and pic related is how his group handled the text reviews from people that he played with.
>maybe one of those Fallout 2 based russian created Fallout Online games?
yeah, we have that on our suggested games list. it's currently not in the running because we have too many titles in the active lists already. we'll probably get around to it in 2 years time :^)

>Pirates of the Burning Seas
that looks like it could be good. do you know anything about the server situation? I'm sure this got named before at some point, but I can't recall if there was a good reason not to include it.

>Pirates of the Caribbean Online
I forgot this existed. sounds horrible, I like it.

>SAGA mmorts
looks interesting. I wonder if this has a lobby to hang out in. sitting in a circle is very important for morale.
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Awrite, we'll be holding our Christmas movie night on Thursday the 26th. First movie will begin playing at the usual 21:00 UTC.
We'll be sticking to Hyperbeam, which only allows for 12 people at a time, so I apologize beforehand if anyone makes it after the room has filled up.

>Timer here:

>Pick your favorite movies here:

>Jingle All the Way
>The Nightmare Before Christmas
>Tokyo Godfathers
>Home Alone
>Don't Open Till Christmas
>Bad Santa
>Christmas Evil
>Violent Night
>The Christmas Chronicles
>How The Grinch Stole Christmas
>The Polar Express

(Thanks for helping me out with the trailers, I usually take ages selecting 'the right one')
See you there!~
pirates of the carribean, my favorite christmas movie
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where did anvi's christmas spirit go? is he turning into grinch..?
I uhh.... forgot to change the strawpoll link.
Kinda want to baleet post and rebake cause of OCD, but with these many replies... should I? I feel it tends to look 'cleaner' and make for less confusion.
for me, it's One Piece
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>Can't delete a post this old
>Strawpoll link directs to view results
>Crossthread post links to this disaster

It's over. I ruined Christmas. Sorry.
I hope you made eggnog you nog
>these movies
i will not be voting because i like them all and it's too hard to decide, great taste see you there
Just vote the reverse of the results order to make the vote closer
cute retard
merry christmas you fucks
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merry christmasu, nigger
Merry Christmas bros

yeah I'm thinking just making it all freeform would be simplest. I find a lot of the MMOs are hard to recommend without a group. I'll leave it as a simple comment box and nothing fancy for now
>maybe we can cross-link the reviews/posts through a seperate page, should we eventually gather enough of them. that would provide better visibility and
something I've been thinking of was manually making a homepage instead of the blog card things. maybe include the OP image somehow, then clicking on the games will lead to their screenshot pages with reviews. it'll look something like a wiki page maybe
what's the point of this """project""" if you don't play any games
we're literally playing right now though, dumb nigger ape
both me btw
t. ChatGPT
uh guys?
i'm pretty sure i rigged this to be a war win
i think there's a second rigger faction
or i guess a third if you count the post-vote riggers
where do I vote. . .
someone will write an instruction post in the AK thread. but you can just follow >>1516885 for any played games for your vote token for the next game
voting instructions post here
can we please watch at least ONE psycho killer santa movie? I'm begging you guys.
Violent Night looked interesting to me. My ideal top 4 would be:
Jingle All The Way
Tokyo Godfathers
Violent Night
Bad Santa
In That order. I'm happy with the current top 4 though.
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How has the reception towards Aura Kingdom landed, now that we're only a few days away from finishing its run? Better than average, worse than average, or just run of the mill?
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is this average?
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Haven't gotten to play as much of it as I would've liked (on either of my characters), but I've still mostly enjoyed what I've seen so far.
Tab-targeting combat at its core - which isn't exactly unique - but since virtually everything at the player's disposal is instant-cast, it keeps the pace of play feeling quick, similar to a more action-y MMO. Great aesthetics, respectable (if a little generic) OST, loads of progression systems to sift through if you really get into it... There's a good amount to like here, even if it admittedly feels more shakily built/lower budget than other contemporary Asian MMOs released around the same time (TERA, Blade&Soul, etc).

Biggest gripes for me have largely been technical. Unavoidable latency issues, the pervasive stuttering of some classes, etc.
Plus, the soloist nature of things 'til the later levels is pretty double-edged. No risk of getting hardstuck throughout the MSQ, but there's also no real reason to actually party-up with others 'til you're close to done with it either.
Still, if I lived in the EU and didn't need to deal with 300+ms ping all day, I'd half-consider playing more of it on my own time once we've moved on, at least for a little bit. AK ranks decently above average for niche MMOs of its weight class. Certainly compared to the likes of Scarlet Blade and Fiesta, at the very least.
yeah 4channers dont actually play games
>34 confirmed Anon in AK's guild alone
No (You)s for low quality phoneposts.
Those are me and all my alts actually.
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~3 hours left until polls close, don't forget to vote for your favorite movies!
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Awrite, movie room is up!
Feel free to join me to listen to some music and chat while I sort out the links. Maybe watch random things before first movie starts if time allows for it.
>Room here:
>Invite link for new viewers (ask for new if expired):
>First movie will begin in a little under 1 hour: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/christmas?iso=20241226T17&p0=615&msg=Christmas+Movie+Night&font=cursive&csz=1
performance is absolutely disgusting, I don't know how they could ship this. game has a ton of shit to do, much of it super shallow. idunno, I kind of hate it. at least it looks pretty most of the time.
Amazing detail, just look through all the mounts/costumes/eidolons. Was very impressed, It's a beautiful game. Lot of content too.

Can't stand Gear-check walls or a bazillion skills to mindlessly cycle through though. Plus this game ended up being mostly a solo experience, which is par for the course on Questslop games so I get it. It's also a little too complicated for its own good.

Overall I'd say it's run of the mill, not great not terrible. I think if we had more time to get everyone past the MSQ clickathon nightmare to actual content there would be a higher opinion.

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