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One Happy Maushold Edition

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>PvP IV Checkers & Battle Simulators

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Previous Thread: >>56168220
I dumped 11 necrozmas during the spotlight hour and I feel bad
this game actually tries to fuck with you, every team recommendation i get to use against a grunt ALWAYS leads with a mon that's weak to it's type team regardless of me having super effective options
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>there is a limit on how many remotes you can have in your inventory
holy shit lmao i had no idea they fucked them up this much the greedy bastards won't even let you hoard the thing
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Reminder that if you are autistic you should try going for the rare family of 3 form Maushold, it has a 1/100 rate of appearing upon evolution in the main games but no one knows the rates yet in go
The regular evolution is the family of four Maushold
Is pidgeot any decent? I found a hundo pidgey lying around in my box
>inb4 they fuck it's code and you can't move it to HOME
It’s supposed to be the best flying type mega
just found out my bro Gligar is actually good here, which IVs and Lv should I try to look for to use it on league? I assume a 15/15/15 for Master League and 0/15/15 for every other league are the optimal IVs but what about it's level and CP?
Is the new mouse pokeman good
he is useful in the 1500cp league, both normal and shadow, you can check the best ivs and moves here
How do nests work? The park i take my dog to has been full of mudkips for about a month. Before that it was wishmurs. Are different nests different pokemon?
>Gligar in master league
It's a great league exclusive
Gliscor does pretty well in Ultra League. Not as good as Shadow Gligar in Great League, but still pretty good.
I found a shiny Tangela today. Terrible IVs, 0 stars and almost max atk.

I haven't got a Tangrowth, is it viable in any way or should I evolve this terrible one for the shiny dex entry?
its hot shit even as a raid attacker
just have it be your buddy/bro
maybe someday niantic will allow daily hyper-training for stars/stats
the "game" does this during raids too trying to fuck over the player, always micromanage anon
It would be good in Ultra League.
The only flying type megas it's better than don't have flying type charge moves.
Yeah gliscor does alright in ultra but theres a reason we use gligar in great even though we totally could get gliscors with low enough cp and its because of dig.

Maybe they'll give gliscor a community day where it actually gets dig one day or just add it to its charged attack pool because it's pretty lame it loses such a good move upon evolving.
>battle a team leader 3 times
I've battled 2 now and the counter doesn't go up
Is it glitched or am I missing something?
from what you wrote, just "team leader" means either instinct, valor or mystic leader
you can train with them right on the bottom of the battle menu
oh... I thought it was the rocket leaders....
been there, done that, that training feature is useless but i think i read it counts as an extra heart for battle with your buddy
>at gym
>refuse to put in any ice or water types because I think they would be sad since it’s hot out
>in battle
>refuse to use solar beam because it's too powerful in this weather
he didn't have to wait two turns
unless sunny day or drought was activated first
>clearing a gym
>used Dialga
>gym is a few days old so everything is weak so I don’t even use charged attack
>last defender
>one click should finish him
>accidentally tap charged moved
>feel bad for dropping a Draco Meteor on a Pidgey
>but also imagine he looked really badass in front of his fallen comrades tanking a meteor
well, that's not me
okay, for one, learn english holy fucking shit, your posts are autistic and badly formatted actually annoying to read
There's a single typo in that post. And it was auto correct changing "the" to "think".
Which is still less typos than what's in your posts.
If you fuse Necrozma can you earn energy via walking? And if you unfuse does it cost energy to refuse?
I can't find any info on this.
No and yes
Thanks, I was afraid of that.
You mean you?
Please stop discussing off-topic characters.
>this game actually tries to fuck with you, every team recommendation i get to use against a grunt ALWAYS leads with a mon that's weak to it's type team regardless of me having super effective options
I've actually had PoGo suggest teams with pokemon that are weak to any/all of the mons I'm fighting.

The suggestion is broken as shit and needs to be revamped. it should go off of CP and the moves needed.
Can i solo Articuno with couple shadow TTars?
>Is pidgeot any decent?
The only Flying Mega that's better is Mega Rayquaza but since that's a bitch to get ahold of and better used as a Dragon Type, Pidgeot wins almost by default.
>Can i solo Articuno with couple shadow TTars?
shit GAME
you're not supposed to solo tier 5 raids. if you're able to solo a t5, it's cause niantic fucked up.

this is a shit game, but not for that reason
buddy the grunt battles remembers your previous team, if you went with the shit team then it will keep showing it as default
>buddy the grunt battles remembers your previous team, if you went with the shit team then it will keep showing it as default
don't forget they routinely change up the rocket grunt and leader teams but don't tell you so unless you have an updated 3rd party site ready to go, you have to go through trial and error figuring out what to use.
the grunts still use the same types, you rarely need to change teams

for leaders, sure. though they mostly have the same final pokemon, and on the first you just need something to beat the shields. don't need many changes
In raids it should prioritize defensive pokemon who resist the charge move the boss does. I've almost never not had this the case.

Used to just recommend bulk without regard for typing so everyone came in with blissey's and Aggrons.
All these posts are the same faggot replying to himself right?
>unless you have an updated 3rd party site ready to go
There used to be bot websites that would document the rates of all possible Rocket encounters (e.g., https://rocket.malte.im/), but Niantic restricted accounts to 100 Rocket encounters per day, so now it's impossible to collect a large amount of info without running dozens of bots/spoofing accounts.
Yeah hes been schizoing for at least 10 years now.
>There used to be bot websites that would document the rates of all possible Rocket encounters (e.g., https://rocket.malte.im/), but Niantic restricted accounts to 100 Rocket encounters per day, so now it's impossible to collect a large amount of info without running dozens of bots/spoofing accounts.
Go Tool v2 used to be real good at updating Rocket encounters but the app has really fallen off lately. It looked like it was a one-man show and the person running it moved on or something.

Leek Duck needs to get on top of that feature methinks.
all me
hey bros I finally want to jump into the PvP scene, my acc is a year1 acc but only played for like a month or so back then and moved everything to home, but I picked up the game again last around september so I have a decent amount of stuff from a pair of shadow mewtwos to necrozma and the origin form dialga, a shitton of hundos and all kinds of things so, what I should look for?
You're going to struggle a lot unless you kept up with community days and such.

You could just play Master League, do you have origin Palkia? Ho-oh with sacred fire? Dawn wings necrozma? Lando-T with sandsear storm? Kyogre?
That's pretty much the Master League meta right now, and unlike great or ultra league the top 3 pokemon really are the top three.

Great League is even more exclusive but you can at least find yourself an annihilape and gligar to fit into the meta, they're a strong core that doesn't lose to a whole lot, but will have issues switching into things sometimes. Ultra league is terrible since it's dominated by XL's and regi/cress/giratina.
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After more careful research, I decided to do another experiment with another area. I wanted a specific stop to become a gym because the location would benefit the most amount of people in that area, so I upvoted that stop and waited several days. It was the only stop with an upvote in the area. Today when I administered the final stop to create the gym, the desired stop did indeed become the gym, which makes the time-sync theory seem correct. Another reason why I think this is because in another area where I tried to make a second specific gym I upvoted my desired stop but then added the final stop right afterward, which was about a day. The second gym went to a different stop that I never upvoted, due to the game not syncing the upvote in time apparently, and the gym priority went to the oldest stop in the area, which sparks another theory of gym creation. Perhaps if there are no extra photos or upvotes in an area, the oldest stop automatically becomes the gym.
After carefully evaluating this experiment, it seems my desired second gym is good to go, but I’m just going to be extra careful and get another upvote to the stop and wait several days for another sync before doing anything.
>origin Palkia?
>Ho-oh with sacred fire?
I have like 4 Ho-Oh but can't remember if they have the move
Dawn wings necrozma?
caugh over a dozen Necrozma and have both, Lunalala and Solgaleo but not enough mats to fuse them sadly
Lando-T with sandsear storm?
like 12
>Anihilape and Gligar
my shiny Primeape has like 3/13/14 stats and caught a shitton of gligar a few days ago because I really like the guy
I think I have Regivcce and have 3 Cress one of them Shiny, ZERO Giras tho
also have some Rayquaza with it's meteor
Ray is good in no league after the breaking swipe nerf unfortunately. Your cress are likely raid IV's which are usable but you'd really prefer traded ones if you can get ahold of them. Also you need Grass Knot on cress, Feraligatr is a thing in both Ultra league and Great league and even swampert still shows up from time to time.

If you really want to get into pvp your best strategy is to shop around the youtubers and twitch streamers until you find someone you like and then copy their teams if you can. Also, if they're above you in MMR (likely they are) try and find someone in your elo range to scout potential teams from opponents. Sometimes the high MMR teams don't translate well to lower ranks due to the vastly different meta landscape.

Gligar is the single best pokemon right now for GL, so if you like the guy now's the best time to use it. Bear in mind because it's the best you'll run into teams where all three pokemon counter it and just auto lose, though sometimes Gligar can win even against it's hard counters. Keep your eye out on rocket battles for a shadow gligar as well if you don't have one, vastly superior to the non-shadow.
>pgsharp wants to update
>could not install
Why even release updated shit if its broken
>cheater cant into tech
lol just kys
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>even the $15 paid ticket doesn't give you enough cosmog candy to evolve\fuse
is this fucking for REAL???/??

>also give us FIVE USD for a shitmon deadmaus
In-person fused Necrozma raids gave 10 Cosmog candy each so I had way more candy than I needed, but yeah still really goofy.
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>increased magneton spawns instead of magnemite
Are they afraid of ruining the shiny magnemite economy or something?
what mvoes do I want on a primarina for PvE?
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The theme is Better Together, so they seem to be either running regional variants that are a part of the same general species (or family I guess is what they're going for) or Pokémon that eventually develop one or more extra heads, since they're "Better Together" or some shit. That's why Koffing, Vanillite and Deino are in field research.
Popplio CD is bound to come next month (probably), just wait.
Popplio more like Flopplio
looks like pgSharp is finally ded, wonder if theres a banwave coming
for me its FitAs
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Is it worth the investment for this Lick?

It was caught as a gbl reward. The rank in pokegenie is #9 (level 48.5 and pc 1499)

Personally I only battle casually just for the rewards and not for the elo
perfectly suitable, you lose 2 HP, .3 defense, and gain .8 attack. The defense and attack are largely meaningless, and the 2hp may or may not come into play ever. Lickitung is rarely ever farmed down due to it's massive HP and suitable defensive stat. you're almost always killing one with charge moves right before they get to another body slam.
Do you really want to waste almost 1,000,000 dust leveling a Licktung that you never use?
lickitung is only 500k to power up to 50 anon, it's the 296 XL candy that's the gatekeeper....though there's been licki spawns in the wild for years now so anyone who want's one can easily get one. You can make 500k dust in no time in PvP, especially abusing triple dust weeks.
>Licktung that you never use?
It's ranked #11 in GL right now so, surely Lickitung is widely used
That person said they only casually PvP. Hello? Context?
Well, who wouldn't want to invest in something that you can use with relative success even if you only do it casually?
>rank 1 is 8/14/15
>yours is 10/15/14
not bad, go for it if you have enough candy
>top 10 overall
>is it good
are u fuckin serious RUN THAT SHIT
The open GL meta right now is Annihilape, Gligar, Feraligatr, dewgong, Charjabug, skarm, and azu anon, lickitung does amazing into all of those.

The biggest threats to Licki are dark types, and most of those are hated out of the meta by Annihilape, Mandibuzz is about the only dark type that can threaten Annihilape back, and to be fair it's a massive wall to lickitung. If we saw the resurgence of double dark teams to counter anti-meta teams then sure, licki gets less potent, but as is it's a strong as fuck threat into a lot of meta teams.
you can start farming xl candy in the meantime and maybe find a better one in the wild. But if not, I personally consider it a great option for a casual player
wait a min, why I can trade a shiny with my bro?
I want his Shiny Skarm and he one of my Necrozmas, I dont have the bird registered as shiny but have over 800k dust... the fuck is going on?
pgshart sisters, it's over, at last.
one of the two already did a special trade or he doesn't have enough dust.
his game says I don't have enough, but aren't non-legendary shinymons 80k?
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Just read you don't have the shiny Skarmory registered, it will cost you 1M dust.
Level up your friendship first or be ready to waste some dust.
That fucking bird that I hate
i'm a ran 41 dustletfag that never ever did a single PvP battle and has ZERO idea of where to start before going to battle.
Give me your strongest tips
Shadow ttar no shadow aggrons yes.
>A whole event to commemorate the release of a single 2 stage pokemon line.

I just returned to the game is it always like this? It's kinda cool if every pokemon gets its turn in the spot light but also kinda dumb at the same time lol
It's a mix of drip feed and selling event tickets for the bonuses that should be free
They just want to push Party Play some more and this shitmon happens to be pretty good for that theme.
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Well. Think I burned all my luck for the month.
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Clown Ghost bodies the yugioh fuson mons
Looks like imma grind out the fire rocket grunts for a good shiney darumaka
does the pokemon switch cooldown on pvp still goes down during the shield prompt clock?
yes, it never stops.
dragging the clock when applicable is optimal then, nice thanks
I doubt anyone here beyond the two of us will know the vid you're referencing anon...
>fire rocket grunts for a good shiney darumaka
That's field research, not Rocket grunt encounters. Only certain Pokémon from Rocket encounters can be shiny, specifically only if they were ever used as the first Pokémon in a Rocket admin's lineup, or if Jessie or James used them as the first Pokémon in their lineup.
Here's a list for the current lineup/in general: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1brsg3w/list_of_all_and_currently_available_shiny_shadow/
i need that hundo cute nigga
Nobody cares about your defit offshoot but much worse and paywalled
bros i got a shiny trapinch from that team rocket mommy
>found a level 26 Lickitung Hundo
shit like this is the definition of a gold turd: it's a pretty hundo but in the end, a stinky and useless piece of shit
i hate niantic
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we all do.
Is it random if you get a family of 3 or 4? Or are they just incompetent to add family of 3?
3 family is 1:100 chance
Any real reason to save hundos? they're not useful outside ML and raiding
some hundos may work very well on other leagues besides ML because their max cp hits close to 1500 or 2500
Pidgeot's a ton of fun in Ultra league, capping at 2436.
Probably my favorite Giratina slayer, simply because, for some reason, no one thinks Pidgeot can beat Giratina in the 1v1.
Pidgeot's also an incredibly Pokemon to tank with. Against properly ranked players? Spam feather dance against their shields. Against a fellow tanker? Lead Brave Bird and outright delete their first pokemon as they refuse to use a shield, likely just getting you the win immediately.
>head out for the evening to deposit mons in gyms even though I don’t want to because I’ve been playing too much lately
>Come back home with a total of 9 gyms occupied
>”Alright, this should last me until Sat-“
>6 are taken within 2 hours after I already got 50 coins in the morning, leaving 3 gyms left in areas that rarely get attention
Fuck this game and greedy Mystic and Valorniggers
>wanted 9 gyms for himself
>other two teams even it out
>calls others greedy
Don’t you need to trade it to get the special evolution?
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as someone who never ever played league since I started the game two years ago I have a fee questions:
>there's any overlay or something that checks my pokemon to see if they're viable on X or Y league tier?
>which League would be the best one to start on?
>any good "starter teams I can try on to get a grip of how PvP is supposed to be played?
thanks in advance
No, it's just not possible to solo an articuno even with weather boost. Best you can hope for is a "solo" using an alt account to duo with.
Is this the Pegging general?
if she asks you to do this, politely but FIRMLY decline
>is optimal then
It also goes while you're prompted to switch after a faint, so if your opponent swaps in and KOs you quick you need to act fast
Is there any way to report spoofers? I have this player that beats your pokemon within 15 minutes as soon as you put them in a gym.

I have no problems with people spoofers, but when you don't have any courtesy regardings the gyms I get really annoyed.
so after the CD Eelektross's best moveset will be
>volt switch
>dragon claw
Can you get Necrozma solar/lunar fusion energy any way besides raiding that one day? I'm about 500 short on each and already used those codes.
& you're fucked walking 20KM per candy if you dont have enough to change forms back\forth
20km walked = 20 fusion energy though? Solar and lunar?
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The sad state of things is that Eelektross is so frail that it can't beat any water-types besides water/flying-types and the frailest of meta water-types without landing a Thunderbolt. At its best, it's a shitty electric-type spammer with dragon or dark-type coverage.
You know what's even worse? Eeleketros loses the 1s switching into feraligatr and poliwrath as well, it's that frail.
>second shiny Azelf this month
they really increased it's spawn rate right? it's the 5th Azelf i've seen this month after not seeing a single one in over two years
One of the research things gives you energy, a free Luna/Sol and supposedly enough energy to fuse it. I haven't gotten far enough to know how much energy but i believe it's supposed to give you 1k
That was the paid research for gofest. The freebie one just gives you a cosmog and no candy
Don't deadname Nebby. He is no longer Cosmog.
Nebby a shit just like Ririe and Alola. only ya boi Guzma is worth your time
Nebby Based
Guzma Based
Snowy Based
Simple as
Guzma balls lmao
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Maybe it's Fwoofy.
Nebby is a specific cosmog though anon, there are thousands of cosmogs out there, if not more.
Fwoofy is a redditor
>spoof to raid in NYC
>look at other people in the raid lobby
>nigger nigger nigger

>spoof to raid in Japan
>look at other people in the raid
>everyone in the raid lobby is as white as the driven snow

Explain this.
ayo they tryin to git reparations from niantic n sheet
I picked the ugliest nig as a character because it was funny.
In America white people are too busy working to no life mobile vidya, but in Japan we are the racial underclass that do no real work and thus have lots of free time.
Are there any soloable 5 star raids?
Quality post
so true
>Are there any soloable 5 star raids?
none. there were several years ago (i had a friend irl who could solo specific mon) in very specific circumstances but they are either buffed to stop that or they haven't been in rotation forever.
Pokemon Go would be less of a shit game if it had a pity system like other gacha.

After X number of raids you are given a shiny no matter what.
After X number of raids you get a 100iv no matter what
After X number of raids you get a shundo no matter what.
Mega swampert can be solod, and we just had guzzlord, phermosa, and kartana.
Sorry anon, best I can offer is a free raid pass for your troubles.
>Mega swampert can be solod
Megas are T4 not T5.

>and we just had guzzlord, phermosa, and kartana.
ultra beasts are different tho. they were designed to be soloable in the start.
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Nebby is a girl and Lunala is the canon evolution
Nebby is a boy and Lunala is his only evolution
I've never played any other gacha, so I wouldn't know

A QOL upgrade I'd like is turning candy into rare candy. Like a 100 of a certain type gets you 1 rare. I don't get why that isn't a thing.
I don't care for pity shinys or hundos just get lucky.

What I want is a revamp of the pvp rewards system. Its nice when you win 5 games in a row and get all those rewards but when you lose even 1 and miss out on those rare candies it suck especially because 90% of pvp match are determined by luck. It should be changed to an exp bar that goes up a lot if you win and a little if you lose.

PvP rewards new/returning players with everything they need to catch up but only if they win which they can't because they don't have the resources to
>90% of pvp match are determined by luck
while this is demonstrably false, I'm not going to get into an argument with retards, fucking retard.

I was on a team back during the GoStadium days and the silph battles that talked with Niantic and attempted to get them to change the reward format. The dumbfuck coders and laypeople agree the system is stupid and broken but the higher ups won't do anything about it. Niantic only fixes pvp bugs when Daddy Pokemon company yells at them or they're extremely broken bugs. There's been a fucking 1 turn lag after charge moves, switching, and coming into battle for a fucking year now and Niantic doesn't even care to do anything about it.
does the game still restart itself when it's in the background even for a small period of time? or is this something people don't need to worry about if their phones are good?
>does the game still restart itself when it's in the background even for a small period of time
i don't know what you consider "small" but yes. if you exit out and do something else (like take a picture) it shuts down.
>I start with a fire type
>Opponent starts with a a grass type
>They switch to a water type
>I switch to an electric type
>this leads to me winning the game

Don't pretend that the pvp in GO isn't the laziest bull shit ever. I don't want to hear shit about the whale exclusive auto win technique of baiting with second attacks lol. almost all the best PvP pokemon are legendaries and it costs 100 candies + 100,000 stardust for their second move fuck off.
>This is bullshit if I knew the red backpack was no longer compatible with the Pikachu hoodie I would’ve never changed my appearance.

This sucks. I got used to that finally too.
>Don't pretend that the pvp in GO isn't the laziest bull shit ever. I don't want to hear shit about the whale exclusive auto win technique of baiting with second attacks lol. almost all the best PvP pokemon are legendaries and it costs 100 candies + 100,000 stardust for their second move fuck off.

lmao, you're one retarded fuck you know? You don't even have a basic understanding of pogo pvp, go fuck off and quit bitching about it.
walkies dont deserve shundos
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Anyone else know this feel?
>whale exclusive auto win technique of baiting with second attacks
I agreed with you until this, now i know you're just a shitter.
>captcha: JRNGX
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after 7 years of spoofing on my main account i finally got my first 7 day ban so i'm ready to settle down, find a big tittie goth pogo gf and play legit with my fellow walkbros on the local park
Cant wait till this game is out of Alpha build and fully released, itll probably be pretty fun. Oh and then they can afford to hire more than 5 employees to fix the infinite bugs and glitches, hopefully! Fucking retarded faggots at niantic
No one cares you Esl retard faggot
pretty pathetic top 15 with no shundos for spoofing
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Guys.. how is my top 15 looking
Congrats anon, I finished mine when I hit level 44 and the level up requirement had me purify 100 of them
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Not as good as mine
Do you only get Tandemaus 3 family from randomly evolving or can you see the silhouette of 3 before evolving?
I thought you only got it by trading
It’s on the mouse
Big time based
you need candy to change forms in addition to the "energy"
neutral matchup debunks theory & now it matters what moves\charged attacks are thrown
The evolution preview silhouette will always show 4 but 3 can still happen regardless
Family of 3 will never show up as the silhouette
It is entirely random
No one knows the exact rates but its not impossible
Wait does walking with necrozma give solar and lunar energy?
I'm surprised to see people defend GOs PvP on 4chan lol.

>Plays 6 seconds of fruit ninja
>Omg he used dark pulse instead of sun steel strike he totally baited me
>Now hes switching out necrozma to save for later what an unexpected and original play
>"Make sure you save all your rare candies, stardust and elite tms for registeel"

The point I was trying to get across was that it's very difficult for new players to get into and/or benefit from pvp. I don't know if you guys have any real friends trying to get into the game but when you tell them that pvp is the best way to get Stardust and rare candies and they can't win because they have nothing to fight with yet and its try hards all the way down what do you do. I cant even blame the try hard because if you don't win you dont get anything.
Wait does walking with Solgaleo give Solar Beam energy to oneshot Palkia Origin and Zygarde Compete?
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you only need to "win" one round
even a complete shitter can do that even a "tanker"
I went for a long walk to catch pokemon and do the timed research task along the way and when I got back home there was a shiny lickitung in my backyard. An hour later I open up the app again and there's a shiny klink.
That's what I'm trying to figure out. With regular mega energy it's 1 per km walked if I'm not mistaken. Kind of crazy if there's no way to get solar/lunar energy outside of that one day event.
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>it doesn’t one shot
there isn't, you either did the raids (around 10 at least for each kind of energy) or paid for the event ticket to get 1000 of an energy of your choice
what can one shot palkia complete and zygarde origin?
Umm pogobros? Where is our Ogerpon?
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Guaranteed replies lmfao
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that will be $8.99
no you cant choose the ball, because FUCK YOU
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>every single thread
im gonna poast it again guise! shoualairbleen!
>fap fap fap
hurr durr i suck at pvp so da gaem sux!!
>i have boaSded solairbeem yet again guize
noOoOOoO not le heckin BEAN!!!
>question: is the gaem fuckin me over yet again???

this board is almost as bad as actually playing the "game"...sad.
I dunno man, works fine on my machine?
Anon the pvp actually relies on the type chart unlike the main games which is just ability and signature move spam. Sour grapes-ing it just makes you seem even more like a shitter. And i agree with you, the pvp actively taunts new and returning players with resources they need to catch up. Just stop talking like a shitter.
The fuck were you expecting out of a /vp/ general?
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So what's up with the stats in this game? Does niantic personally tweak them to whatever they want? Comparing Buzzwoles stats to Flutter manes data mined stats Flutter Manes attack and defense are a little bit higher dispite them being pretty much identical(although reversed) in the main games

Futter Mane
280 attack
235 defense
146 HP
>135 Sp.Attack/Sp.Def
>55 attack/Def

236 Attack
196 Defense
216 HP
>139 Attack/Def
>53 Sp.Attack/Sp.Def

I thought the game had a special bias but that doesn't seem to be the case what's even more absurd is that blissey has the same def as snorlax for some unholy reason
Speed matters to attack as well anon. Buzzwole has base 79 speed whereas flutter has 135.
Tell us about your dream /pgg/ and how it can maintain its dream quality over 8 years, smartass
Typing is far less important than you think in pvp, the fact that dragonbreath spam can beat a lot of steel types and sableye can beat a lot of opposing dark types with sclaw and return.

The aggregate fast move damage even when resisted is often enough for a coverage move to KO, see shadow Feraligatr beating grass types with straight HC spam.
You are by far the most mentally ill person to ever exist.
marowak being a reward in better together research because it wears its mother's skull is some metal shit
Sure, it's totally not related to all the other reginal variants currently in the pool
>Typing is far less important than you think in pvp
Nigga i use Buzzwole you think i dont know the horseshoe theory of typing mattering until it doesnt until it does?
>Hanke is trying to shitpost that PoGo PVP is better than mainline
Fair, buzzwole is such a fucking weird pick cause on paper it should never work but sometimes it just works amazingly.
A Counter user that resists ground and gets Lunge is insane role compression. He also has an amazing matchup against a bunch of XL pokemon.
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but if you recognize the intent and meaning of the picture without any other context, hasn't he succeeded?
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I understand that mobile games are meant to be dishonest in order to "trick" people into spending money but I think when it gets to the point where a raid boss will just stop attacking and stop taking damage for random periods during a raid battle, that's going a bit too far
took 3 teams of lv50 rampardos & rhyperior 260sec to beat an articuno because the raid instance would keep locking up repeatedly and no one could do anything
What you might think is a feature designed to make you spend more money, is in reality Niantic's incompetence.

Pokémon Go is the #1 buggiest large mobile platform game in the world. By far.
>do an easy duo raid
>bugs out
>contact support
>Sorry we didn't find any issues, please use 20 trainers next time lmao.
Why not just do it again? Your pass is still viable if you don't beat him i thought
>Why not just do it again? Your pass is still viable if you don't beat him i thought
no. the second the raid starts, your pass is gone.

raid passes aren't rocket radars.
Sometimes you can't because the raid ends, or in my case it's a shadow raid and it eats your gems.
No if you’re fighting in a raid your pass is viable until the raid itself ends, so you have as many tries as you can get in the time available
That's only for remote passes. I've accidentally started the wrong raid during the sausage fest on Wednesday and end up with a group of 3. You just quit mid raid or fail and wait for everyone else to join up and start over again.
>flutter mane
When did Pokemon names get so lazy?
It's even worse on the "future" end
Everything is Iron This, Iron That, nothing else.
Then it sounds like the future sucks. Just as I always assumed, old good, new bad
In Gen 1 with Seel and Slowpoke and Krabby
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I'll never forget the time I was doing a Reshiram duo earlier this year, Resh had only a sliver of health left, my alt. and I both had an Outrage ready to go, and the raid just stopped. I had 12 seconds left in the raid... and the raid just cut me off.
>every 1000 of the pokemon is guatanteed shiny
>every 100 of the same legendary is shiny
>5 dollar monthly sub for extra daily stuff
>pvp completely removed
there fixed this shitty game
>there fixed this shitty game
haven't addressed any of the real issues.
Those are all creative puns. These names would be like
>aloof seal
>tough crab
>lazy salamander
Flutter Mane is 100 times more creative than Snake but backwards doe
I bet your favorite pokemon is Kum.
>haven’t addressed the real issues in the game
Fine, I’d also fire every tranny
>no terashit
Because it is.
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When even GBL is better than VGC's
>lmao pick incineroar and the same 5 mons that everyone else does
>lmao protect 50/50s all game
you know VGC is in a shit spot
>the same 5 mons that everyone else does
That's not even close to true, but it doesn't matter. VGC is a piece of shit that nobody cares about and nobody should.
On a fundamental/mechanical level though, GBL is a bottom feeder not just among Pokémon games, but games overall.
Some years are better than others for VGC sure, but you cannot sit there and tell me that VGC doesn't suffer from sameface all the time.

Just last year, of the top 8 finalists for worlds, there were only 16 unique pokemon picked, with over half of those being one offs or at best two of's. Almost every single team was Flutter Mane, Urshifu, Iron Hands, Chien Pao (With Urshifu having 100% attendance amongst top 8 teams.)

Do you not remember CHALK?
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chalk it up to another time where VGC went full retard
who the fuck though it was a good idea to only let you take to HOME 1 shiny mythic/legend per day? it's obtuse as fuck, I already purged all my shiny trash now I want to clear all my useless shiny legends to keep hunting actual goodstuff
There's a limit?
Just get more coins.
>1k coins to reload
fuck you Hanke
60 Machamp Cocks in Hanke
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>1 shiny mythic/legend per day
You mean per week.
Unless it's from Kanto or Meltan/Melmetal, then you do this
>Mega that's better is Mega Rayquaza
really? i thought dragon ascent mogs the shit out of pidgeot
>No unown raids in my town
>A billion shadow raids
Kill Hanke Now
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>first mouse

>give us MONEY LEL
they said it was to stop pogo shinies from flooding into the main series games
while making shinies so fucking easy to obtain they feel worthless anyway
>random full odds shiny appears in scarlet
>feel nothing, quickball it, move on without even caring
ruined franchise
corporatists are out of touch with what made the series fun in the first place
what is the point being able to trade shiny if you can just go get your own in a literal speedrun
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nooooooOOoOO dont heckin WIN!!!
sometimes it really does feel spiteful
but the raids are a glitchy fat mess
so it probably was just a fuckup
win by such a large margin
that its impossible for that
fuck hanke, fuck tpc
He said the ONLY flying mega that's better(then mega pidgeot) is mega ray. Which isn't even true because Mega salamence is better too but who uses flying type moves on salamence?

But to answer this guys question bluntly yes (mega)Pidgeot is very good.
How difficult is it to solo mega swampert? I have a legion of 2500cp grass types I just want to know if its possible before I try
do you have a lvl 40+ mega sceptile with frenzy plant?
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damn dusk mane is so good, gonna try to trade for a few more solgaleos
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Depends anon. I remember how I caught my shiny Latias from Go (invited to a raid in Japan randomly, got lucky). I was very happy, she became my best buddy and I took pics with her out there. Later she joined my adventures in other games.
Shiny odds be damned, she's precious to me.
my point was GO shiny are somehow more valuable\rare than actual current main-series games ;(
it really is sad.
only exception (maybe) is community day shitmon
Good thing rare marks exist.
>caring about random horseshit gimmicks tacked onto monsters caught in the dumpsterfire scarlet\violet "games"
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who is going to tell the fucking troons at niantic that "clicking accept" is not a legally binding agreement

fucking comical levels of retardation
>caring about random horseshit gimmicks tacked onto monsters
So you dont care about shinies? Damn
retaliating against end-users for participating in class-actions sounds VERY dystopian
Honest question, ACK. How do you live being this mentally ill? What went so wrong with your life that you even want to act this way?
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>u didnt login enough
BYE BYE 2016 user!
Solgaleo can't one shot O-Palkia and C-Zygarde with solar beam.
Cope harder, ACK. You ruined your life over being obsessed with a "single" other 4chan poster who is long gone.
Parroting what people say to you is a text book trait of autism. And even with this being pointed out to you, you will won't be able to stop. Because restricted behavior is also a trait of autism.
Daily reminder that ACK
>Is a Reddit refugee
>Came her after 2010 like a newfag
>Awkwardly hit on a femtripfag names Apple in Madoka threads
>Was cucked from his lover Apple by !Akemi
>Lives in Plattsburgh New York
>Sees a psychiatrist
>Doesn't take his meds and lies to his doctor
>Has gone 18 hours straight posting before
>Stole an image from Facebook to pretend he was super ripped and fit
>Has been banned from manga and yuri sites and forums multiple times
>Thinks he can sway moderator opinions by sockpuppeting handles
>Shitposted his own Kiwifarms thread to death
Whats her favorite Pokeman?
spoofs on suicidewatch
I think she said she's a Johtofag
What do you think of GSC and HGSS?
Holy mad. Who used Taunt?
Mind broken by !Akemi.
So which one is it? Wooper? Heracross?
Nope. You are just desperate to think you hurt people because you don't want to accept that you are a failure at everything in your life.
You are desperate to think multiple people are against !Akemi, failed bioengineer.
>banned from 4chan
>banned from the archives
>banned from dynasty-scans
>banned from e-hentai
>banned from animesuki
>banned from boorus
>banned from madoka wiki
Sounds like you are the problem, ACK.
Talking about yourself, !Akemi? Because you are banned form all of those places.

Actually, you being banned from the archives is extra funny. Because you had spammed literally 5,000+ posts in ghost just saying random crack ship names, and the mods mass deleted every single one of them, and made a public announcement saying for people to report you is they saw more.
How the fuck do I trigger a raid? For 2 days I have not seen any unown raids, the gyms get no raids for hours, and then when there are raids it’s never what I want. Is it really all RNG?
>pgshart broken
>Faggot that claims all gyms in a 1 mile radius is mia
Wooper? Heracross? I dont understand
Thank you genies
works on my phone
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Me and the boys during 2024 GoFest.
This looks AI generated.
Did the face blob in the back not give it away?
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So if I invite someone one to a raid what does that do exactly? Are my friends able to use a remote raid pass to raid with me no matter how far they are from the raid?
>Are my friends able to use a remote raid pass to raid with me no matter how far they are from the raid?
Yes, if they have one.
There is no distance limit wherever in the world you are for joining a remote raid. The only limit is how many remote raids you can do in a day, which is 5.
I doubt it’s RNG, but they do seem to have designated certain gyms for certain types of raids more easily. They should really make a part of party power the ability to set up a local raid at any gym once a day or something
Hi, /pgg/. I'm doing a survey.

On average how much black gay porn does a Pokemon Go player watch daily?
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Im too busy walking to fap. Try /pug/ instead.
Walking doesn't get you muscle mass.
Plus, you should have enough coordination to walk and fap. Not that hard.
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>Niantic can change or remove virtual money or virtual goods at any time without liability.
>Niantic can use your likeness and data for promotional purposes without compensation.
>Niantic can change event features or cancel events without compensation.
Why don't they fucking have us sign off our first born sons while they're at it?
Has anyone gotten a three family moushold yet?
yes. i got lucky with my third evolution.
Look at this cutie. Look at her.
>that first one
shielding themselves from all that avatar fuckup
>Why don't they fucking have us sign off our first born sons while they're at it?
That would imply /pgg/ is having sex.
lol the shiny thread calls him something else, he even thinks !Akemi is there too
What are you gonna name her?
You are linking your own post, !Akemi. And stop ban evading just to shitpost and spamming off topic garbage about your personal grudges.
XXX Ribbon Slayer God XXX
>30 day ban
I own a physical copy of all. Naturally, Crystal for the GameBoy as I played the hell out of it when I was like 6 or 7 years old. As for the remake? It would be Heart Gold. Ho-oh's theme is just too good. It makes me feel like I have fight back against women wearing cheongsam with a bladed fan in each hand.
Is that the only special evolution it has?
Yes. The only other thing like Maushold is Dudunsparce, which has a regular 2-segment form and a rare special 3-segment form that you’ll have to evolve a couple for the chance to have one like with Maushold.
>finally got enough candies to evolve my hundo Klink I got years ago
Did I just miss all prior events for him or have there just not been any?
In the past it's almost always been raid and sometimes egg exclusive, and even then it's rarely available in either.
It only recently started spawning in the wild a season or two ago, this has been the best event for it so far I think. Before it was a pain in the ass to dex enter klang and klinklang but I’m glad I’m done now
No this is the first time it’s readily been available in the wild. That + double candy event is something everyone should take advantage of for that dex entry if you don’t have it already. Probably will never be this good again
Bro you should already have like 400 candy for it from eggs
Are the hisumons worth the effort? Between entei and them I dont think I have enough raid passes to get them all by Monday
Only things worth in this game are shiny legendaries you spoof
New Thread, Migrate Whenever:
Don't know why I came back. Sorry for ignoring you. My 6 favorite per gen up to 5 was
Venasaur, Scyther, Arcanine, Rapidash, Ninetails, and Gyarados

Typhlosion, Umbreon, Steelix, Noctowl, Kingdra and Ursaring

Swampert, Aggron, Mightyena, Gardevoir, Kecleon, and Ludicolo

Infernape, Spiritomb, Froslass, Luxray, Lucario and Roserade

Serperior, Reuniclus, Volcarona, Bisharp, Chandelure and Golurk

If they're good or not is irrelevant. Anything beyond gen 5 I don't know.
I rp as a Bugcatcher, so legendaries are useless in this game
Found you, spreading your fanfic boogeyman character again
Fact: it was Ack who wrote these posts. Ack has always been indeed Ackemi.
Mystery solved
Do you honestly think anyone at all actually believes you, !Akemi? Telling off shitposters is normal. Being mentally ill and obsessed with shitposting the way you are is not.
Daily reminder that !Akemi has never once had proof "ack" exists, and has been obsessively consumed with "ack" for 12 straight years of his life. !Akemi straight up lies to try and force his narratives, and pretends that people believe him just because he says things.

You calling people mad doesn't mean they are mad.
Just like you calling people "ack" does mean they are "ack".
You have literally mind broken yourself with circular logic.

Mods ban !Akemi (you) for all his (your) various rule breaking.
You have been banned by mangadex mods for making multiple accounts to shitpost.
You have been by e-hentai mods for various shitposting there as well.

I genuinely can not fathom how you delude yourself into thinking only a single person is against you causing problems and ruining threads.
>tell me to stop shitposting means you are mentally ill
Hey, !Akemi. Let's see you link a single post, ever, where someone brings up !Akemi (you) unprovoked. The way you constantly bring up "ack" unprovoked. You will refuse to do this.

Why are you linking your own post, !Akemi?
No one but you even tries to pretend that telling a shitposter to stop shitposting is somehow "schizo".
You pathetically trying to force your own "memes" is so sad.

Honest question, !Akemi. What the actual fuck is wrong with you, and why do you care so fucking much about shitposting and trying to attack people?
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>You have been by e-hentai mods for various shitposting there as well.
wait... how do you know that?
Because the mods publicly banned, and you cried about it. And you've had hundreds of posts deleted there where you spamming and shitposting in the comment sections of uploads you think were by your "ack" boogieman.
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You’re wasting your time with a mentally ill scumbag.

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