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>Wagie, Orevald, Lime and I continue LAWDS
>I'm finishing up, while Wagie and Orevald are nearing the endgame and Lime is getting clloser to the end of Terajuma
>Lock is getting drowned in 6v12s and Cass cringe in Reborn's postgame
>Ose is finishing up his 100% autism Reborn Allgen playthrough
>Bunken is still suffering through Soulstones 2 and it's dogshit characters
>Tiramisu is trudging through Empire, prepping to go to the Desert

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Download Links

>Crimson and Cobalt

>they specifically EV'd ryland's lead mega sandaconda to always outspeed weavile


can weavile even oneshot it? kek
What great dialogue
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Oh right, I should probably do a final goodbye to the mons that I used a ton in the postgame
Glimora was a great teamate from start to finish and Mega Arcanine is really fun to use, shame that New World faggotery means drought is useless
Man New World also probably means Miraidon won't work as well, real shame since I used him the entire postgame
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They randomly made that one faggot you have to fight to get painting with Maria one of the shittiest fucking fights in the game for no good reason.
Thanks bros.
GG, Jan removed both Brick Break and Lycanroc from the game (he moved them later, so absurdly late that they might as well not exist) exclusively because of this fight.
Might as well be hax with how unlucky I usuall am, but I would not put it past the utter faggots behind this mod to do something like that.
Well, it's Ground/flying, so icicle crash probably ohkos? still pretty retarded to specifically EV for one specific mon
Speaking of which, I can only imagine how absurdly late we'd get the loyal 3, Pecharunt and Ogerpon, if we got them at all to begin with, they definitely feel like late-game Pokemon that would still be perfectly fine available earlier than the usual big hitters.
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>They randomly made Thomas into a dogshit fight by giving him a Mega Duraludon with an ability that makes his entire team borderline unkillable
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lmao, absolute trash
After all the hard fights recently, this guy got curbstomped
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GG and hoo boy, I woldn't recommend getting maximum hype against Amber.
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>Your choices matter
Thanks bro.
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UH OH.......
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Decided to fish for a crit to stop TR, because fuck that kek
I was going to use the totally le good ground zero to stop sand, but aurora veil was better to let the ubercat survive more
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Managed to get to the third fight without anyone being K.O.d
Time for the finale
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>Aelita HELPS you solve the puzzle
Holy kino
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Tough, but thanks to Deoxys Sneed being extremely fast and having HP Ice, this wasn't the worst thing in the world, still very fucking painful.
>Beats everyone on the ship
>Clearly proves nothing can stop me by defeating the tranny and her helper
>Everyone acts like I'm still in a losing position
I hate this game.
GG, surprised this fight isn't just Desert's Mark stall hell.
I don't remember this being base game, did they add this?
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This far into the game, D Bond Persian is still kicking ass.
It's fun to cheese these bosses and use it to eliminate a health bar and/or set paralysis.
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Wow, this really was Aelitakino.
100% worth being nice to her, not that you'd have any reason to be bad to her to begin with.
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So here I have to option to leave Lin to die don't I?
Now on to the other new bosses
It's really the best part of the mod desu
Yeah, if you just battle arceus without helping her, she dies
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Also here is the team that did it
Subhuman carried the team on the last fight, he managed to toxic arceus and recover spammed until arceus got a lucky crit but by that point toxic was already deleting almost half of his HP
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And for some KINO I got my starter from the box to feature him here
Thanks, guess it's time to leave her to die since I hate her
>Chess field
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>Nearly runs you over
>Game hints he's in an incestuous relationship with his own sister
>Threatens to kill innocent people including the player twice
>The game wants you to like this character
Thanks bro.
wew kek
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By the fucking skin of my teeth...



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this actually didn't take as long as it seemed, i just had to do a bunch of stuff to get tms i didn't have that i thought i'd need and then needed almost none of them
G fucking G
also GG. good job bros

i think i'm done with this mod at least for now, as by the time i'll be able to continue we'll probably have moved onto something else
when i come back if we're still /vp/ playing whatever i might do up to saki and the .karma shit
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Your rewards are
>>Aquabatics tm for valarie
>ArCHADludonGOD's evo item and CHADgronite for Saki
I don't remember if there's any more bosses, so unless there's any more notable ones, or they add new ones, I'll probably stop here
Thanks, and g fucking g on the Desert tranny


didn't realize they just straight up cut the adam fight kek, nice work
i believe spirit jenner and keta have new fights, which give crests/volcarona (they must have forgotten to remove the event or something?)
At least the scope creep literally cannot get any higher.
>Aevian Zombiesect
Cripes dude, they really want to make people suffer, GG.
GG and thanks bro.
Genuine mental illness.
Thanks, think I am going to disappear for a while, got the itch to play 7th stand user again and it's never just one playthrough with that game
Wish Pokemon fangames took notes from that fangame
idk how they can't wrap their heads around it. even in my top 5 games there are sections I would love to skip with a password on replay, and rejuvenation is far from my top 5
>b-b-but the new chapter 1-4 content!!!!1!
And if you've already seen the le new content, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to skip it, right? Not that I personally give too much of a shit, I'll probably just load up one of my 2k backup saves if they add more shit somewhere and I want to see it, but that's still retarded, and it wouldn't surprise me if that's just a excuse so they don't have to outright say 'we don't want you to use the mc's teams' desu
>i believe spirit jenner and keta have new fights
Noted, I'll go take a look
lmao ok, I see how it is
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Only 1 attempt this time, used the field against him and had Tyrantrum stacking Attack boosts by spamming Rock Slide
Also, I don't recall this field at all. Is it new to the mod or just super obscure in the base game?
>Yeah let's just have mons start with omniboosts and then stack MORE of them over the next couple of turns
Not busted at all
holy fucking shit kek

go enjoy some jojo's bro.

anyway, yeah, i'm gonna be out all tomorrow and friday. there was that spanish fangame unbreakable ties that just came out with an english patch
sadly does not look complete, but probably worth a look. also hidden place, i remember that being big a week ago
it's only used at the very end of the ana quest in the basegame yeah

for good reason, it sucks dick
>permanent shadow tag on all mons
>certain abilities just give you huge stat boosts for no reason
You know what, I'm fucking done with this mod, I don't have the patience anymore to put up with this, every single fucking fight is just miserable, the few good things the mod has done are so meaningless compared to the ocean of excrement that it just doesn't matter, these cunts are obsessed with making everything worse, in each and every fucking way and I'm tired boss, I'm way too tired to continue dealing with this, I'll probably come back to it in a while to see if anything's changed. If I had to give a final verdict I'd say it's not worth it in the slightest, the people behind this mod are painfully fucking retarded and incompetent, bordering on mental illness even.
Wow, just wow.
Unironically brought it on yourself, fuck you
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and ez
Whiteouts: 220 because I wasn't expecting Whimsicott to like a sun boosted fire fang and used tailwind too early kek
I'll probably write something up in a bit
Yep, very fair and balanced kek
Fair enough kek. GG on what you did up to
>They bent the knee and restored the Terajuma password
kek, honestly surprised desu
They also revamped Valarie's team, it seems
gg on keeping sanity. I think it's far past "bordering" mental illness
My review is basically what we've been repeating the whole time. There's a few good ideas especially with the new Aelita content and the Aevians, but the fight design just felt off. A lot of teams feel barely unchanged from basegame or feel like lazy remixes of them, and """balancing""" decisions were done that really didn't feel like they had much actual positive impact on the experience other than REEEing at players who were beating things too easily.

These aren't actually flaws that are distinct from Rejuv, so if someone wanted to play Rejuv I would actually recommend this as a hard mode. I don't know if I'd recommend it to someone replaying.

Anyway, I wanted to do a tier list of the new Aevians, for autism's sake:

S Tier: Breloom, Lanturns, Glimmora

Breloom is a no brainer. Especially in a run where so many of my mons were slow, Fake Out, 100% accurate sleep, and two forms of Sucker Punch was absurd. There were very few fights I couldn't use it. Dazzling had great niche use too for the Fake Out cancer that plagued doubles or Sucker Punch input reading. Yes, Deeffect cooked.
The Lanturns were also very powerful. Having access to basically any ability in the game which was strong even in my limitations, Mimicry for niche, priority on the ghost one and being surprisingly powerful on the fairy one, made them very splashable.
Glimmora's ability as auto-Soak was great not only for Breloom, but also for AI abuse as it made them swap out a lot. Spiky Shield and Stealth Rock made this a fantastic lead and it was surprisingly strong, bulky and fast in it's own right.

A Tier: Golisopod, Musharna, Politoed, Aurorus

Golisopod had strong priority and a great ability but was just a bit too slow and not being able to control the switchouts was a bit awkward at times.
Musharna took a while to get useful but really got strong after it got it's signatures. With Dark Void it might enter S Tier depending on how it does in karma doubles faggotry.
Politoed was just "you win doubles": the Pokemon. Instruct, it's ability, Helping Hand were all great. Not very useful in singles albeit.
Aurorus was just a solid all rounder with some nice tools in Encore and a pretty nifty ability. It's too late though. Just not that fast, and not bulky enough to be as consistent as I'd have liked.

B Tier: Galvantula, Reuniclus

These two I think I could and should have used a lot more. I just wish Galv hit a bit harder than it did, the fact its special crit move was Bug instead of Rock sneeded me a lot, and Reuniclus's really bad typing in spite of the mon's other tools just did it no favors. Galv also needing pre-status that got removed and Reuniclus's late evo level was also not great.

C Tier: Arboliva, Poliwrath

I just wish I understood what the deal was with Poliwrath. It's a mediocre mon that just has some okay coverage. That doesn't change after you get an Incense (over 6 badges in) and it's special move isn't boosted by field effects nor is it even good enough to use in fields where it's not affected (i.e. Water incenses in Desert). At least you get it pretty early, but man.
Arboliva is just sad. Two abilities that rely on getting hit to get not even that big of an offensive boost, on a mon that's not bulky and has a terrible defensive type, just sucks. I really tried to make this work but you need to build a proper dark or ice team around it which I just didn't have.

I think Lanturn is placed correctly, but Politoed, Aurorus and probably Galvantula should definitely be moved back and both of the C Tier mons need major buffs. Musharna being post Fly is pretty shitty as I don't think the mon becomes actually ridiculous until it gets Dark Void, which is exactly when you get it after Fly. But it is a lot stronger than base game for sure so could probably be moved back a bit.
Honestly there's not much I can really write about beyond the extra dialogue and scenes, the difficulty autism and the kneejerk seethe over literally anything as long as one singular faggot says something

The extra dialogues and scenes are really nice, especially if you're an Aelitafag, but since Wingdings is also an Aelitafag, when she's gone, there's very little changes, it's just Rejuv again with varying degrees of difficulty autism.
I really think that they should've just kept these separate, story/characterfags generally won't care for the difficulty autism, and difficultyfags also won't really care about the extra scenes too much, especially after their first playthrough.

The kneejerk changes are also really, REALLY dumb. It'll probably get better when the mod's done, but man, following along with development and seeing random shit get changed just because one, ONE faggot said it was le strong or because one thing trivializes one of the, what, 100+? bosses in the game is not a good look at all imo.

In it's current state, I'd probably only recommend this to Aelitafags, at least up to Amber or so, and maybe up to rift Aelita if you REALLY like Aelita enough to suffer the pastshit and Grand Dream Shitty to get there, anything past that isn't really worth it at the moment. Maybe that'll change when it's out of discord alpha, but personally, I probably won't replay it unless they add a lot more extra dialogue after chapter 8.

I really didn't use Breloom as much as I should've kek, I only really brought it out when I hit a wall thanks specifically to priorityfaggotry
congrats on getting through the lawds content. what do you mean when you say that the lanturns had access to every ability?
iirc Lanturn basically gets Passimian's ability but it also works in singles, so it could copy your fainted mon's ability when you send lanturn out
I didn't get the chance to use one though, so I can't personally confirm kek
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what felt like 20 trainers+15 roaming "sentry" pokemon in a big temple all ending with caitlin blowing up the fabric of time/space. what an endearing character

I've heard better apologies from people who accidently bumped into me on the street, this cunt broke open a rift for an army of creatures to enter our world through on an apocalyptic scale and says that. an electrified net launcher would've been a much better idea, or using a pokemon with sleep powder/hypnosis/thunder wave, fuck just calling him out on his bluff could've worked. but no, you have to use tnt to blow up a leyline that MIGHT open a sinkhole under his feet, bravo.
About to tackle Valor Mountain which, for catching everything to make sure I don't miss mons and completing all the sidequests, I'd say I made a good amount of progress.

As for the mod, I ALMOST agree with the sentiment of playing this as a hard mode of Rejuvenation if it weren't for the extra shit added like movepool changes (Crabominable getting Mach Punch as a less egregious example), more fake moves to keep track of, ability changes, type changes and a wave of untested new forms. I don't mind extra shit like this in a vacuum, but as part of a mod designed to greatly increase difficulty? It just adds to the strain. Maybe this would get better when the game moves out of alpha, but with what I've heard from the Discord, I don't have much hope.

The small story changes and extra scenes have been cool so far, but they seem to be fair and few. I wouldn't say they are worth playing through the whole fucking game to see.

The removal of certain encounters and nerfing of some mons in general is pretty fucking dumb tho. What do you mean I can't get a Cyndaquil egg? Why can't Lucario get E Speed at the usual level? You're already increasing difficulty and breaking the rules for the AI, now you're taking away options? There's a point where a game turns from challenging to unfairly frustrating and this likes to cross that line.

That's what I've gathered anyway from the few days I've been playing. If you want a harder experience of Rejuvenation, play this I guess, but don't be surprised if you pull all your hair out.

I'll keep moving along with this for now until a new game is started or something, otherwise I'll probably finish this in my own time (if I don't mcfucking kill myself first)
GG and nice review. I think they've hinted some other characters might get the Aelita treatment, hopefully it's not for retards like Ren
Breloom was just super strong for me due to the circumstances of my run, obviously not as necessary when you have the God Cade kek
Thanks. But yeah the Lanturns have an ability called Eidolon which copies the ability of the last Pokemon out. Imagine it with Pure Power (the ghost one has 90 attack I believe), Adaptability, Prankster, etc.
It's even better than Passimian since it doesn't require the mon to faint
The worst part is later on she does one of those dramatized "Oh woe is me how will they ever trust me" for comedic effect. What a horrible character
It's still fucking insane remembering that she was just boring in Soulstones 1 and got turned into this monstrosity
>I think they've hinted some other characters might get the Aelita treatment, hopefully it's not for retards like Ren
>Going to have to deal with Ren, Venam, Saki and other unlikeable faggots getting new scenes as penance for starting out with Aelitakino
Jesus christ how horrifying kek
Lets see whether its a dogshit chapter or a mediocre chapter this time
I've got bad news for you...
shitty desert is actually just about the worst chapter for now...
remember not to save in the desert and if you get really fed up with it octavius only tied the timer to the entrances to the desert so if you just debug through a wall above or below the actual entrance (as well as the oasis ones) the timer just won't activate or tick down. you still have to worry about the lmao sand dunes though
Also if you haven't already I suggest reading up on the local field, chaparral
Oh, so dogshit chapter time? Well, thanks for warning me! The desert map is really confusing the shit out of me so far.

Another complaint: even random trainer fights are really hard. Either its supposed to be the case, or my team are pathetic shitmon
Thanks bros.
I like Poliwrath conceptually but it really feels they overbalanced it and it's signature move for no good reason, it also loses Filter on evolution from Poliwhirl, which severely harms it's bulk as well, it's the Pokemon that best represents this mod, wasted potential. I'm honestly flabbergasted Aevian Glimmora was made into a post-fly mon, seems like a really fun mon, I really like Aevian Golisopod, but it losing Skill Link due to seethe is just horrid, it's way too slow as it is and relies way too much on priority to get anything done. GG as well.
GG, I really hope and cope they'll take their head out of their ass and possibly kick Deeffect out of the dev team, but I don't see this getting better with how things are.
Nah, Chaparral is complete and utter horseshit, this field is pure RNG hell with some of the most moronic effects ever and each and every trainer in the desert has extremely frustrating sets on their Pokemon just to make the player's life hell.
I really hate this part, as I am probably expected to.
What you don't like moves and abilities raping your pp
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sensors or devices would've worked here but sure mcguffins, I'm laughing so hard bruh. also artie can't swim so I have to do it of course
T. Brave Mexican trying to enter the land of the free.
Post borderwall
if only I could just leave him at his house, he does nothing but be a cone
There's no side quest guide anymore for Empire after chapter 7. No idea how I'm supposed to get the few decent new mons now.
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>I'm too scared to cross the bridge, I won't move until we fight
I would rather have cain, no contest
Thanks bro
Yeah, it feels like they wanted to have an earlier game dragonmon that gets a lot stronger later with all the Incenses but then it's signature doesn't get buffed by fields and doesn't do a lot of damage so....
Maybe if the move was 50 BP but then boosted to 100 BP with an Incense and powered by fields, and the incenses were moved back but idk
You're not really going to get anything that's a lot better than what you have currently unfortunately, outside of maybe the secretshit. You can try using the online PBS and filtering by episode
turns out I had 3 pokemon I could use to stall out the start of round tailwind and setup a sweeper, netting me extra points for that shop that doesn't exist yet. yay

>Vanguard ended up taking one of Azurite's fakemons

JJK just killed the final villain today and the ending is definitely shaping up to be a shitshow, hopefully Ayrei will take notes for his own game

>last sentence in pic
damn, gottem
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That's a lot of words for the 'ooh free shit! free shit! gimme gimme gimme!' I remember Ayrei going on about in reborncord when the Azuriteshit started up a few months ago
Also, while I think the final evo looks alright, the other two look nothing like it kek
The art style doesnt really match Pokemon. It looks more like a mix of Digimon and Epic Battle Fantasy.
>doesnt really match Pokemon
Sounds perfect for Vanguard then
I never usually bother to browse /vp/ much but wow it's been fucking dead these past few weeks.
They could have made the fossils available earlier as well as making something like Applin and it's evos as well as Tatsugiri available earlier if they wanted more Dragon variety early game, but that would require them giving a shit about good design decisions.
Because clearly what Vanguard needed was more shitty regional variants and ugly fakemon the player isn't even allowed to get.
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Decide to check something real quick by seeing if I could access my completed v13.5 save that seemingly got corrupted that I copied and patched into LAWDS, for some bizarre reason, it's working perfectly fine, but I still can't access it via normal Rejuvenation, fucking bizarre dude.
>fight 10~ trainers, then 6-7 anomalies for main quest
>15-20 wild mon fights for side quests
>final double battle with anomalies with galvantula ace
it wasn't super hard once I found chandalure can sweep the current single anomaly teams but holy shit it just takes so long to do anything in this game even at 3x speed. also the anomalies are pulse 2 or beyond, if you can't beat them within one or two turns you're done. can't wait for the anomaly world section
GG. Forget anomaly world though you're headed for nonstop ubisoft quest spam for the rest of the game
There's a mono dragon run that I'm not sure of the stipulations of that has made it past Angie
Therefore obviously dragon distribution is clearly flawless and everyone who says otherwise is le evil chuddite, clearly
I'll at least give them some credit for "discussing things" with Vanguard devs and redoing the sprite, but yeah that shit looks bad
I also imagine it won't be the last instance of this
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>Reborncord seething over Dark Lightdev le """stealing""" assets again
Is this going to be the new monthly Opalo seethe kek
Also, it was Jos I was thinking of with the 'wanting to use a azurite mon' thing, but holy kek I guess I wasn't wrong in assuming it was Ayrei
haha...I think it was around there I started spamming the debug heal kek
Probably not kek
>The only Dragons available before Angie are Charizard and Sceptile (not the one in Sheridan due it to getting moved post-fly due to pointless seethe) if you want to stipulate their Megas and such as most do, Dragalge, Altaria, Aevian Leavanny, Aevian Poliwrath, Noivern, the apple dragons minus Hydrapple, Haxarus, Tyrantrum and Aevian Gyarados (mystery egg and I don't know if Gyarados got nuked out of seethe, wouldn't doubt it was) and Tatsugiri
I really can't imagine beating Angie being an easy affair with this selection, especially if single species clause was in effect, I imagine they gave Tyrantrum the sneed for a speed boost and hoped for the best with Rock Slide spam.
I find it hilarious they still think Baxcalibur is too strong for the mod even though every single pseudo is already available minus Dragapult and I think Salamence.
thanks bros.
>ayrei makes big deal on taking the azurite sprite
>weighs in on luis's game by saying that taking shit that isn't yours is going to make people assume you made it
Fucking lol
You can also get Aevian Amaura from the aevium egg. The seed probably wouldn't work due to the seed giving you a Torment effect, but maybe they used Purify or something as both Poliwrath and Aurorus get it
Oh yeah also I found the proper list of all missing gen 9 mons
>Paldean Tauros
>obviously most paradoxes and legends
I thought the list I provided before was too short. Espathra seems garbage if it doesn't get Calm Mind (which I don't believe you get the TM for yet in Rejuv). Greavard, Tauros, and the parrot I imagine are in soon to be added stage
Who is Dark Lightdev? Are his games good.
how come it's the Dev's fault the fandom is illiterate?
I really hate the artist need for a "moral pressure" form of copyright. Aren't these the same fags that cry their eyes out and have hissy fits when nintendo does the same for their project?
If it's the Dark Light I think it is the game had no speed up and a disobedience level cap with no common candy.
>the real game hasn't started yet
what did he mean by that?
>Ayrei "praises" Rejuvenation's story
>Backtracks and states he barely played through the game, ignore much of the content and even said the story was garbage and nearly impossible to understand
A retard, a hypocrite and a liar, what a combo.
>Paldean Tauros'
Dunno how you'd handle this one, Tauros is stuck way too late into the game for no good reason.
Route 3 seems like the perfect spot for it, adding a vendor that sells one in the fair or a quest for it would be nice.
Espathra sucks without Calm Mind like you said, it doesn't have enough to be broken otherwise.
The dolphin is stupid to be fair, I think it being a post-fly Dive encounter somewhere to be fine.
Goldenleaf, it should have been available in Goldenleaf to begin with and I hate that these morons still think it's broken with the massively nerfed Last Respects.
They made it broken on purpose on fields like Holy just to make Vivian's fight a living hell, I think it would be fine as a late Terajuma mon, probably in the volcano, but since it's "le broken", I doubt it will be available anywhere before the desert.
Incredibly mediocre outside of doubles, at the latest it could be in route 7 or Darclight, though it'd be fine earlier.
Post-fly in Angie's cellar works I think, can't really think of many places where it would fit otherwise.
>Paradoxes and gen 9 legends
Most low tier Paradoxes and hell, even many UBs would be fine around the time you reach the desert, though I can even say some would be fine as secrets in places like darclight caves.
Ogerpon and Pecharunt + the 3 tards are tough to say, but none of them are that good to justifiably be too late into the game either.
That he's just begun to drain money out of his paypiggies.
this was all a prelude to Rejuvenation 2
Real game starts when nintendo hits them with the C&D.
why do all the shitty rom hacks never work on myboy
The first half will end with the player character dying(renegade) or failing to save the world(paragon) and in the second half you will play exclusively as Melia, also Aelita becomes a villain because reasons(totally not because she got more votes than Melia)
mythbros we're so back
>dev masking drama blog posts as official updates
we bussin now mythbros
Why do people like Aelita, she's the most generic heckin epic tomboy character ever

Now Erin, on the other hand ...
My best ally playing through Pokemon Empire is the AI. Sending a Fire/Rock mon into a STAB Ground attack ... you'd never comprehend this level of strategy
surely the AI calculates how much potential damage the switch in will take, SURELY the devs didn't skip such crucial (and for the record, easy) condition for the switch scoring
>terrible past ive had
huh, transitioning?
Considering the profile pic and name. Probably.
>the company
>merging with another company
who could they even be talking about
Luis Serpa, and probably not kek
He''s got a lot more patreonbux to farm
>With that being said, do not mention the "C&D and DMCA" or any past issues I was involved in/related to
That's certainly an opinion kek. I think most of us like Aelita because she's one of the few characters of the main cast most of us don't hate
Erin's been one of the victims of the earlier revamps in V13.5 imo, she was always a bit of a bitch (which isn't really unexpected tbf), but Jan really upped it up to annoying levels t b h, and by the time that gets mostly smoothed out, she drops the cringe 'I'll be the devil' line and I personally checked out there kek
>don't mention the CnD/DMCA I was involved in
What an odd way to word it holy kek
You're right that is the case, and Aelita is unfortunately still not well written along with the rest of the game
But she is tolerable, and cute which is more that can be said of pretty much the entirety of Rejuv's cast
Erin is just Generic Cunt #181979179 who makes the most surface level observations ever and is expected to be called le smart for it, and while she does have a nice moments they're few and far between
I think switching AI is basically completely broken from all the amounts of custom effects they've made that effects switching score desu
son why are you playing this tranny game?
We're all proud transwomyn in here dad
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thats right sis-ACK
Eiscue used Self-destruct.
"the real game" could mean the final version or the final stage of Rejuvs schizoplot.
There is this last morsel of hope/copium inside me w̶a̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶o̶ b̶e̶ c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶e̶d̶ that says what if Jan will resolve the multiple versions plotline by making it so in the version before the final one it's resolved and leads to said final version. Then there'd be no mention of other versions in the final one besides maybe some obscure "if you know you know" easter eggs. It'd also be better for people who play the game like 5 years after its release (OR NOW) to not need info from versions of the game you can't even get anymore.
>Stumbles into rejuvenation's shitty reddit by mistake while searching for a guide on how to farm black prisms legit
>Retard straight up admits he cheated by editing the fight code of the visornigger soul fight
>Stumbles into another post
>Tards were bringing up the fact Crescent's backstory and some of Karma Files' plot surrounding her seems similar to JJk
I have frankly no clue about how dogshit that anime is besides zoomers being obsessed with it, but yikes.
Well, at least I find some cool art while dumpster diving.
You can just write an event that gives you 999 of them. I can try and show when I get back
JJK isn't "bad" per se, it's got some cool fight scenes and if you're an anime watcher I think it's done really well, but man the story, characters, worldbuilding etc. are all just fucking bad. Not "mid" as zoomers will meme but actually just bad. It's entertaining enough to watch/read but it definitely is not the modern savior of battle shonen like some retards tried to peddle
Come to think of it, this sounds pretty eerily similar to how most fangames kind of work kek, neat gameplay but abhorrent writing
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these quests are either on par or worse then mmo ones
At least in MMOs there might be fun parts that aren't related to the sidequests
This game just designs the main story exactly like the sidequests
Anyone's thoughts on Fool's Gold? Its a rom hack where every mon is made a different type and look, but I know its a tranny-led game since some of the mons scream lefty concepts (like Crawdaunt is a bisque lobster soup that kills rich people) and the discord bans Clover discussion so yep.
shitstones has made me weary of any fakemon only games
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they really are
>Crawdaunt is a bisque lobster soup that kills rich people
isn't that some mythical monster or something eastern
some critter is made of gold and needs to kill rich people to get into heaven
just googled it, it's the yeongno
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>world's tiniest violin plays, not joking
she makes a comment earlier in the cave at the wizard town that the crystals surrounding the leylines are just pure raw energy, super dangerous, possibly radioactive, etc. she still blew them up anyway knowing this, to have the chance of causing a sinkhole under angelo. what an endearing character
anyone notice eevee expo is just adding non pokemon games now
Really hard fight because their mons are EV trained and mine not, meaning I get consistently outsped

Also, the field effect sucks fucking ass just randomly confusing mons
Finally beat this nigga.
Rock slide's really all you need in doubles
oh, its THAT kind of fight again ...
Uuuh ... racism in my pokeman games??
it's the part where she's surprised she can drop the accent that gets me
Okay, I'm at chapter 9. Lets hope its one of the chapters thats mediocre instead of one of those sucking ass ...

Chapter 8 was, without a doubt, of the latter variety. The plot felt like nothing of consequence happened, a big verbose nothing. The field effect does little other than annoy you, the mini games do little other than waste your time.
That puts her head and shoulders above the others and their bullshit.
Erin's a moody cunt who somehow got bullied in a world where you can easily train magic animals to beat the bullies up.
Design wise though, I agree. Erin is pure sex. Like damn, I think she shows the most skin out of any other character.
That moody slut.
oh man, this game is so frustrating for no reason oftentimes
>the lead pokemon for minor anomaly teams will change depending on who you lead with
>not the order, a completely different pokemon that isn't on the team otherwise
that was demice for sure
Yeah, they technically rebranded into being a indie game + pokemon fangame forum or some shit, but it's still (and will likely always be) 95-99% pokemon fangames
gg, Chapter 8's probably the worst of it until you hit Chapter 12 kek
Don't bosses have multiple teams? iirc they can randomly swap between them on resets
it was consistent, I reset a few times changing leads and it was always a specific mon
tbf, that could just be a case of Orevald tier luck kek
found another one anomaly team, turns out it was just bad luck. I swear on that first team I tried 4 or 5 times and it kept switching between the two, that's frustrating kek
I remember back in the Musk era people actually liked Erin. There was even a writefag story back then where she became a defense lawyer/detective despite having not gone to law school.
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forgot these were in shitstones 2, fuck
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won using trick room and defog to get rid of free screens, considering just getting mr mime on the team if free screens are really common. this sucked ass
GG. It's still so wild to me that these kids just get straight up killed on screen and this is the only fangame we've seen that's done that kek
Musk era was the pre-patch Erin era, so it made sense why people liked her.
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the world of pain is upon me
thanks. I think their bodies even shield artie's unfortunately
She was still pretty bad back in v13 but horniness trumped common sense kek

Come nu Darchlight and the .karma stuff though and yeah she became absolutely insufferable. They also started hard pushing that she was le asexual
are these better type weakness berries?
went down to adept difficulty, not worth the frustration.
I think the shields don't go away, which becomes annoying if the enemy has them and you don't have knock off
I'm surprised you managed to last that long, even Adept is completely joyless since you're still getting gigafucked by shitty RNG just not as frequently

Literally the worst difficulty settings I've ever seen in a game, any game. I would vastly prefer if it was the usual lazy level modifier shit like enemies get an extra +5 levels on hard mode or even just "players do .5x damage to enemies" or some shit like it's DOOM or GOW. Just the worst fucking design ever to make a game that already has so much annoying RNG and make it worse specifically for the player
it's not just the shitty rng, the damage modifiers are what were really killing me. I couldn't relax, so many battles needed some kind of stat boost or manipulation or luck to get through. it's like driving on a very curvy road for an hour, even if you're the only one on it it's still fucked
Lmao it actually does include an enemy damage modifier like DOOM does? On top of everything else? Wow
Well looking back at the older breads

>multipliers[:final_damage_multiplier] *= 1 - 0.1 - target.level/500.00
>modifiers[:accuracy_multiplier] *= 1.3
>ret *= 1.2 if !user.pbOwnedByPlayer?
>ratios = (Settings::NEW_CRITICAL_HIT_RATE_MECHANICS) ? [8, 3, 2, 1] : [16, 8, 4, 3, 2]
>@moves.each { |move| move.pp*=2 }
>If I'm reading this right at level 100 you only do 70% damage, the enemy won't miss, they have a 20% increase to get things like burns, they have +1 crit by default, and they have 2x the pp. I'm sticking to adept
Fucking kek
Hope White Man's doing well
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much better, fuck the points
wait it's not based on level difference, just how high you are in general? that's more fucked then I thought it was. hope he's doing well, too
>is given rental pokemon to use in battle, which so far is an azumarill that only uses spikes or mirror coat
>despite being hated so much that cara is just allowed to beat him up randomly I am not allowed to stop him from monologuing about dumb shit
stopping here for now
well, sorry bros, it appears that i'm going to be out of action for playing new shit for still yet another few days

if you guys want to do one of the spic games listed above, don't stop for me

in the meantime i have a game already downloaded a while back, some early demo shit i'll probably do


>boot up game
>instantly loads into a cutscene, no intro screen
>those portraits

this game is called 'uakitite'
>Uakitite is a mineral found in a single meteorite on Earth, called the Uakit meteorite, that fell in the Bauntovsky Evenkiysky District, in Republic of Buryatia, Russia. It was named after the region in which it was found, Uakit
what a weird name. i'm surprised no one's made the uakititty joke on pokeshartmunity yet
not only no intro cutscene, but tons of technobabble
sure do love stories written like this
>welcome to pokemon uakitite! a game with no affiliation to gamefreak or the pokemon company!
lol, lmao

do these morons think messages like this would save them if the ninjas came a-knockin'
just say 'i stole gamefreak and creatures inc's shit and am using it to make a freeware passion project' bro, would be 10x more honest than half of the fucks who make these
>talking chinchou
this is a new one

still no intro screen
bro what is GOING THE FUCK ON

>technobabble about some shit called 'DLV'
>a dhelmise which just attacked a bunch of scientists
>a talking chinchou
>now a green guy who heads the pokemon league
thanks bro
nice ahegao face

>if you see any of these three, run immediately
i definitely will
oh hey, this might actually be a normal pokemon game after all

>these are the MC options.
probably going to go with the one that doesn't resemble my sleep paralysis demon
i have no idea which is male or female
>this is the options screen

in addition to the actual options menu that's thankfully normal, i can go review this cutscene >>56390543 and change some settings, like 'Save Scumming', 'No Shopping', a difficulty setting with 3 options, 'Story Mode', and 'Stat Limit' that only goes between 2 and 6


...how does it feel like i'm the only one to find schizoid shit like this
and resetting the game actually gives you the proper intro screen

the title music is a heavily distorted version of that song that plays inside the garufan pyramid and similar places from rejuv, i know it's an actual song from like PMD or something but i forget what

the fuck is this game?
what's the deadline
>because you don't have any pokemon yet you don't actually have the 'trainer id' app
these are some...unique tilesets

from what i can gather of this game's story, there's some virus sweeping the region that turns you into literal goblinos
also apparently all of the gym leaders are in cahoots with some higher up in the league and the professor who are all criminals, apparently?

ah schweet, manmade horrors beyond my comprehension!

am i talking about the paras or the gray things...? yes
b-but the heckin 2 pointerinos!!!
Sorry to hear that, been kinda busy myself
kek, this is certainly a game alright...
>how does it feel like i'm the only one to find schizoid shit like this
>el goblino disease
how horrifying
thanks bro
>kid tells me something is looking at from this window
>try opening the door, nothing
>try interacting with the window, game crash
wow epic

also this sailor earlier tried to give me something but then it didn't actually show up as him giving me an item and i don't seem to have a bag so i have no fucking clue

it's alright kek, a break for a bit from a longer game is probably fine tb.hd.esu
i think i'll be able to actually play some shit by wednesday of next week?
that's fair kek, i know you find some too. i'm being selfish and think i find it more often
how unprogressive of you

also the item up there, i can't interact with it at all

apparently everyone in the region is infected with it too
>an entire region of goblino people and pokemon
it's joever, even telius seems a better alternative
some days i'm reminded official pokemon doesn't have a 'blind' status effect, and on those days i'm pretty happy
>i know you find some too.
I think you, Bunken and I are the main three who occasionally end up in schizoshit during filler threads kek
This one just seems really schizo and not put together well at all
i literally have no fucking idea what is going on in this plot
>tons of characters and lore just getting introduced out of fucking nowhere
>talking about shit i don't understand
>the MC talks and apparently has some history with one of these faggots, or i guess more, but i have no idea what it is
i mean i guess this is supposed to be le kind of story that doesn't hold your hand and lets you infer shit as you go but this seems exceptionally poorly paced

throwing 100000000000 different things at me to start a game instead of starting off simple and building to more complex just looks fucking bad

yeah, that's being unfair to bunken as well, i forgot he found that chaos dreams game and other shit
that's certainly one way to put it kek
this is the party status screen and the fakemons (the latter 3 are the starters)

yeah this is uh........you can form your own opinion
>a tree just popped out of the ground
also i still can't pick up items i just don't think there's a bag in this game
going to stop for now
ms paint aside, I do appreciate that the party screen's layout actually looks different at least
Everything else though? haha...
The Empire discord is the same as the Empire fan game - bloated and slow as fuck
new game just showed up, pokemon the soul of hope, it says it's completed
Does say only 2 of 3 arcs are completed, but we can still try it out
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Time to get back the grind
>pokemon the soul of hope
Doesn't sound edgy enough for my tastes.
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le sigh...
I hate dicksore so much
There's nothing more seethe inducing than actual useful wikis being turned into 'yeah just ask on the discord!!!'
at least there's a search function, but still...
My second favorite thing about empire's documentation is how the entire online pbs has to be done by hand and the guy who maintains it has been off the radar for a while other than updating the site a little while ago and that's why it just can't be used or trusted at all past episode 10
My third favorite part is about how there just isn't ANY documentation AT ALL about any sidequests, event mons, etc. past episode 8 or so and you're just shit out of luck and get to go fuck yourself if you wanted any sort of hint about what's to come or what you could possibly miss
at least there's a search function, I guess...
>at least there's a search function, but still...
>at least there's a search function, I guess...
I haven't even started playing and I'm already losing my mind...
Gliscorman... save me...
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>go to this fucked up swamp and kill- er... defeat my enemies for me!
one hell of a lifeline
>first npc battle
>pursuit his ghostie as it switches
>misdreavus comes in with a spite which also confuses me
>then pops it's relaxing herb
>then also lives on 1 health
>pursuit is now down to 9/32 pp from two uses
>get outsped on another spite
>pursuit is now 0/32 from three uses
sasuga, shartavius-sama...
>dewpider uses protect
>power through the confusion, not that it matt-
>oh cool it's relaxing herb is going off despite the protec-
>take down goes through the protect and oneshots it (down to 43/56 pp off one use btw)
sasuga, shartavius-sama?
I really thought everybody was overreacting but no, this guy (first chump npc battle of the chapter) had 5 pokemon all with relaxing herbs all spamming spite
>use Gnashing Teeth once not paying attention
>next use it's orange PP
>am I low already? the hell?
>PP: 22/16
it'd be so cool and awesome to have a changelog so that I can see all of the pp-reductions shartavius made but it's too difficult to write things down I guess
honestly how petty do you have to be to make a fucked up terrain like this, put fucked up teams on it, and then ALSO go and outright reduce the max PP of moves
>NPC uses spite
>fails because I switched out
>get confused anyways
holy shit man
I'm only 3 battles in and my resolve to play 'as intended' and not just debug fullheal my team after every battle is already breaking
and also he (bug catcher) has THREE fucking identical Duskull with the Ghoulish ability (Depletes all PP of the move that KO's this Pokémon.)
And Protect just doesn't function any more?
that's twice now an NPC has used it and my attack has just gone straight through (albeit at what seems to be a reduced effectiveness)
>regi morse code puzzle
it just ain't happening
Kinda cool fakemon, its a very physically tanky Fire/Dragon
I wish I could say it gets better, but I think we both know that's not true
Been off for a while due to constant power problems, September is storm season and my state always gets cyclones during it, so I dunno if I'll be able to play much, any recommendations for fangames?
>Game advertises pointless shit like different color shinies and that you can catch mons from all generations up to gen 9, as well as shit like dynamax and megas
>The game's download page barely has any info regarding gameplay
>The game is bloated with a billion features and yet seems to be relatively pretty short
>Autistic changes to mons
This doesn't bode well.
Nobody wants to play this game, not even the devs, the (non-existent) quality has dropped so much in the last few chapters that even the few people who liked this game are giving up on it, so there's probably not gonna be guides going forward.
And let me tell ya something, episode 12 has some of the most retarded puzzles in any fangame ever, if you want to get the rewards for the ossuaries, you'll probably need to edit their variables, the step one needs to be changed to 60, the hour one I think is 8 and the other one is 4 I'm pretty sure.
>Protag-kun, in my dialogue which I know you've skipped I said that being selfless is important. Something something something sacrifice without expecting anything in return is the most important thing.
>That's why I'm going to tell you to waste your time training a pokemon to level 25 so you can give it to me (throw it in the trash) in return for progressing the story or something I dunno I skipped that part of the dialogue
*ring ring* *ring ring* Uh, hello? Hello, hello? Oh, the debug department? And they're sending me a level 25 pokemon via instant techno-mail?
it seems like I'm past a bunch of the pp-stall spammers now that I'm in shittyswamptown but there'll probably be more coming up
>if you want to get the rewards for the ossuaries
as I recall, those are the gaylar starters right?
I just won't bother until chapter 25 in 2050 when I need to complete the pokedex to progress in the story
>splash is a dual-target accuracy-halving confusion move
haha yeah the joke isn't funny any more you can stop now
You do get some neat TMs like Thunder Wave and and Will-o-Wisp for it too, don't recall if there was anything else, but yeah, the gaylar starters are not worth all the autism.
Don't worry, Octavius thankfully wasn't sadistic enough to put killzones in the grass.....yet....though he did compensate for that by making one the shittiest to traverse areas ever with a stupid amount of wild encounter spam.
There's some good mons around the area, you were a running a dualtype of Normal + something else right? You can find a few neat things like Hisuian Zorua near the pumpkins.
>interact with pumpkin
>pumpkaboo encounter
>oh a cool little event with a bunch around in case you messed one up
>oh a sidequest where I have to go and trigger every single encounter
Dear Gliscorman, I wrote you but you still ain't calling...
normal+poison, yeah
I've been picking up everything I can so far and haven't been lacking at all in choices
Gumshoos in particular has been putting in work as a lead with pursuit+the ability that chunks enemies when they swap out because of all the ghost types and fucked up ai
gastly (now haunter) has been pretty strong as well
... so they made a custom Jynx evolution that "totes isnt ugly" and the best they came up with is ... this? AHAHAHAHAHA
>Thinking on what could replace the cancer protect sneed effects
>Mind immediately jumps to shit like free aurora veil
For Fairy tale at least, I kinda like the Idea of a 3 turn Arenite Wall desu That might still be retarded if Tania gets to keep Veil access though
I also didn't realize just how much Magic coat is slapped on to sneeds kek
Best of luck with storm season bro
It's been a bit bros. How've the games been on a scale from normal garbage to latest yugioh banlist garbage?
Did lawds get any more aelitakino? Did it get any actually good fights?

Certified Empire moment. Are you still enjoying it?
Welcome back bro
Not too much Aelitakino happened after Terajuma unfortunately. There was a bit, but nowhere near the kino that was in Chapter 8 desu
The new visornigger battle in the school of boring was pretty alright t b h, was a better puzzle battle than the usual kaizofag fare at least
Hey bro, don't think we played anything that compares to the sheer retardation of banning Branded Fusion for no good reason besides being too much of a faggot to hit the actual problem cards no one would care were gone. Yeah, there's some new Aelitakino near chapter 11, it's surprisingly pretty sweet until you are thrown into one of the worst fights I've ever seen, nah, they either have no changes or they're some absolute horseshit that would make you want to tear your eyes out, the only good thing is that the retards are planning on adding Aelitakino like sections to other characters, fingers crossed it's Amber, Valarie or some other character who's not too annoying like Reina instead of garbage like Venam, Ren and Saki, though my gut says Ren and Venam are on top of their list.
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infernoids are back on the menu
>Certified Empire moment. Are you still enjoying it?

Great question, I’m pondering about it myself from time to time. I poured 50 hours into it, but cannot say for sure I like the gameplay, so how comes?

If I had to describe the game with one word, it’s CUMBERSOME

The custom field mechanics are cumbersome, the dialogue is cumbersome, the quest design is cumbersome, getting money and EV training mons is cumbersome, all more convoluted than it is engaging.

But the game is TRYING. there’s so much effort poured into everything, even a dogshit anti-fun level like Toliman is conceptually and mechanically extremely complex (now, again, the resulting gameplay experience is still dogshit)

Oh, and the setting is great. Don’t confuse the setting with the plot, which is mediocre so far, but the setting by itself - a post-Revolution region with monarchist revisionists as antagonists - is great. Copied from GoT I guess, but here the new gubberment is democratic, so it doesn’t feel the same.

Think I’ll write a long review once I’m done.
Oh and I gotta give Empire credit for not making the main character the ChosenOneSupermanInterceptorArceusIncarnate or something, at least SO FAR.

Youre just a tiny cog in a big moving machine that has to claw his way to make a tad of a difference, there are plenty of characters far more relevant than you lore-wise, and that’s a fairly pleasant feeling you don’t get from most Pokemon gayme plots

Ambers‘ the most annoying thougheverbeit, all she does is whine how her mom didn’t love her even if she clearly did or something
But they didn't ban Branded Fusion
welcome back. they've just got done with lawds and I decided to replay shitstones 2 since I lost my save. john and tiramisu are getting through empire, so you didn't miss anything good
I've missed you all desu.

What's the next big group LP planned? How far off do you all wager it'll be?
Yugibros, what're you planning on playing this format?

Yeah that fight looks way better than the stuff that was being posted prior, at least at a glance.
I'm genuinely hyped to see what people come up with with this.
Branded Fusion limit is peak Konami out of touch as it's easily replaced with Kitt(s) in deck for functionally the same thing. The deck's a little more vulnerable to Droll given it has to make a few extra searches per turn, but overall I'd even say this list is a net buff simply because you never have to try and play into Apo with 5 engine hands anymore ever again even if you only have 1 BraFu. I was expecting a Sanctifire hit, a GPNightmare+Ido hit, a Branded Albion limit, possibly even Granguinol or Cartesia hits for when Konami decided it was time for their players to stop enjoying a 4 year old deck but the BraFus limit has not been on my banlist bingo since 2022 and betrays how little Konami actually understands their own game. Shifter dodging the list again had me laugh-crying.
It strikes me as the kind of game with a tremendous amount of effort put into all the wrong places.
>so you didn't miss anything good
Real life picked an optimal time to get hectic then kek.
She's a cute redhead, which is more than enough for me to like her, that and I find her growth arc endearing, most other characters in Rejuvenation horribly degrade as the game goes on.
Oh yeah, my bad, the site I checked the banlist from was kinda incorrect and messed up the position between Branded Fusion and Apollousa, still dumb though.
I'm having some fun with D-Link+Unchained on Duel Links right now, well, as much "fun" as I can with how shit that game is, I'll probably come back to MD at some point and try to play that there as well.
Apollousa getting banned is nice and Dragon Rulers getting released further also makes me really happy as someone who loves dragons and especially a certain rank 7 tax collector.
Shifter not getting banned makes me feel a guttural sense of hate, THAT and they only slapped the wrist of Snake Eyes AGAIN without actually addressing how insanely stupid the deck is, and don't get me started on Yubel getting fucking Sacred Beast cards hit, they give a deck with cancerous gimmicks NHOPT effects or limitations and wonder how things went to shit like they did, they have no fucking clue what they're doing as usual.
Hey bro, glad you're back
Others have basically said it, but yeah we've not really done much since LAWDS. I got sent on the boat to Commiefornia and don't really have time to do shit unfortunately

There's a ton of Spanish fangames that have come out recently that I think we can do. The lads might be waiting for me or might just be taking a break, but either way we'll probably start shit sometime between Tuesday-Thursday next week

Also while I know you're curious about good fights, they unironically added a fucking No Guard Guillotine fight to LAWDS kek
She's significantly less bratty now than in past versions from what I've seen.
Paleo buff is further evidence Josh has Konami's ear when making these lists.
Pisty can unironically come back if stuff like Fiendsmith Requiem is acceptable card design now, but it doesn't make Konami money so they won't. It's a shame the DRulers are back 5 years too late to matter though.
>Snake Eye
The OCG-style consistency hit of making Snake Eye still at full power in terms of their ceiling when they pop off but sometimes just randomly lose the game because they drew their single Poplar is the most retarded thing Konami's done in a bit. I think the play was to leave Poplar alone since there's a million and one ways to search them but ban SnOak which will greatly decrease the ceiling of summoning a single SnAsh as well as kill the grind game and resiliency of being interacted with making it way easier to deny Flamberge which in turn incentivizes them to have a plan B aside from 15 handtraps.
A mistake. All of it. Banning Baronne and BorrelSavage was clearly just to bottleneck people into Fiendsmith for their new generic omni negate.
I legitimately have no problems with Yubel outside of Fiendsmith. Ban Requiem and let Yubel keep its 3 Phantoms for all I care. Unchained Abomination+Soul of Rage + monster negate+ set Superpoly is pretty reasonable to play into by even 2023's standards.
Good to see you again too.
Take a long shower to get the smell out when you get home and light all the clothes worn while you were there on fire.
When you say 'next week' do you mean the 3rd-5th or 10th-12th? Either is fine for me.
>they unironically added a fucking No Guard Guillotine fight to LAWDS kek
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can't tell if tink is the skeletal dragon or is just holding it, or something like that
both seems like
it's a bit covered by masquerain but she's got something of a gardevoir goth look and is holding the lower spine of the dragon like tinkaton normally does her hammer
I figured it was a reference to Monster Hunter. Since you normally either make your weapons out of metals(Like its base form) or out of the bones of your slain monsters(In this case the dragons it slew as a fairy type)
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>blowing up infected people after beating their team of pokemon isn't intimidating
smug bug
it only used some ghost type version of triple axel kick, it would've been quicker if it didn't get free screens and didn't put my defog mon to sleep at the start. "mid battle" dialogue is rarely used for good moments in fangames, it's so often just for free setup/damage for the AI
I feel like Pisty is really fucking stupid, but considering the absurdly broken 1 card starters we've been seeing in recent times that are absurdly generic, I can see the point of it being made legal again, frankly I wished they eased up on stuff like the Dragunity engine and some other stuff, glad Red Rose is finally back to three after so long. The issue is it's still super easy accessing their key pieces even with the hits, Flamberge and Ashe just give them nearly infinite grind game if you do the right combos.
I am still so fucking mad over Savage getting banned, THEY SHOULD HAVE LIMITED IT TO ROKKETS IF THEY THOUGHT THE CARD WAS A PROBLEM, fucking kneejerky faggotry, it's super clear they were banning the card because it was about to be reprinted like Baronne.
Fair on the Yubel stuff, I just tend to play gimmickier decks that can get stung pretty hard if they shafted too much by stuff like full field wield Superpoly into Phantom.
Kanto bros.......
Also I still find it funny the admin guy looks so much like Shaggy.
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it's everyone's favorite "forced to talk to everyone to progress" section! it's weird that no one is wearing heavy winter gear, no ice pokemon have been seen, no ice formations, nothing like that despite being as cold as fucking Antarctica
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if I remember right there's 13 chapters, so 9/13.
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>underwater temple with forced reading done
>four routes and a cave, two with beat all trainers/find the things
>anomaly team with mismagius with ethereal, grappleloct, and big hoopa with contrary+superpower
it's lucky I only needed one dance with machamp to sweep the boss team but this game just won't stop being long
3rd to 5th, I imagine
>light all the clothes worn while you were there on fire
Kek, will do
GG. I think it was this part of the game where I went from "good lord this is dogshit" to losing my fucking sanity because the game just would not stop constantly throwing "go to this area and beat up 15 trainers, move on to the next" back to back to back to back
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stopping here for now, hopefully at most I have 3 chapters left, not even doing side quests anymore or talking to randos for tutor moves, just speeding through the fire
thanks bro. the forced reading bits might be worse for me because I'm still reading some of it, and it's all just worthless. everyone steals from reborn but will forget about things like the fast text skip. my A and B buttons are going to be destroyed before the game is over
I just had a horrible thought, what if AP points are used not in some shop for premium shit, what if they're used to unlock gates/bypass shit like the zyguarde quest in reborn? if you don't have enough points you have to do more annoying sections
Haha..no, but they've said there would be a shop and they are tied to difficulty settings so that would be a bit awkward

They could maybe do it as some thing like "you can't see the true ending unless you buy X from the shop which requires Y points"
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Damn, just when my schedule gets less crazy, it looks like the Eevee general's balkanized completely, kek. Either that or it's filled up again.
Anyway, time for... even more faggotry, fuck. Goddamn, this is a lot of faggotry.
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This wouldn't be so annoying if you could actually see the other side. The screen just isn't big enough. And did they really need this many floors? Most of them don't have any loot or anything special, really. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad without this faggot making his gay and/or smug comments.
At least now I don't need to feel guilty about using Calm Mind.
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I actually forgot Titania was here, kek. Feels like the main point of this desert was to finish the most cucked quest in a long line of cuckshit.
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I dunno what I expected, really. Despite coming out here to maul the fuck out this faggot finally, you still follow him around listening to muh tragic backstory. Sure, why not, one last cuckening before putting this fucking quest to rest.
It's still a bit satisfying, I guess. It'd be a 6v5 if you don't leave a spot open to grab your Magikarp. Too bad though, overworld sun seems a lot more rare compared to all these other weathers.
Also forgot my Leafeon didn't have Chlorophyll kek. The mod gives it Regenerator, which was a nice surprise.
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Uh huh, it's so nice that she didn't join the Meteors and all. Except she was still helping to electrorape all those kids long before Sirius showed up. Plus she just ditched the kids afterwards, since there were a bunch who didn't bother escaping. So did they all just starve, since the orphanage is all locked up now?
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And goddammit, I thought Ame wasn't supposed to write romanceshit
hey, it's a free +1 relation with Taka if you say yes, and otherwise it goes nowhere
kek, I dunno if going back to the city counts as -2 each time, but I did it a bunch of times
No romance for the problematic straight men*
I bet the creators wished it were this easy in real life, too ...
Titania is inserted into this desert plot into the most random way imaginable -- thats how I felt as well
I figured her not being in the desert "gym" anymore and instead in the isolated pocket dimension gym, was a way to "subtly" suggest that Amaria had been isolating Titania from other people over time. Making her more standoff'ish and antisocial. And lead the refugee desert camp to suffer, since Titania is no longer there to support them.
And it never occurred to Amaria that she could solve the camps entire water problem in like a day.
why would Amaria do anything right
What the ... whaaaat?
It would be so much simpler if the people in that camp just dehydrated and died. That way Titania wouldnt waste so much time on them, and could instead spend her time with her loving girlfriend.
Hehe, gg no re.

This gauntlet is supposed to be super hard, but Dragon Dance Impergator just 5-1'd it
>Oh my Science
Lmao, I always wanted an IRL basedjak in a Pokemon game
Empire has its moments.
next rejuv update when
when jan pays off his car with patreon bucks
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whenever he mades comparisons like this I just think of stupid shit like palkia parting the red sea or arceus on the cross, it's weirder when we get to see what arceus' home looks like
You WILL love the heckin epic cinnamon bun and you WILL like it
Sciencespeed is my favorite kek
I'd be surprised if it's out within a year t b h, Jan's gotta get all the patreonbux he can
>use core collapse, a self buff move, on starmie while one of the ai's pokemon is invis via phantom force
>it fails because I guess you can't use self buff moves when the ai is invis/otherwise "off field"
great design
idk if there's some movie where some german rats escape a lab or what, but this raticate will say a few things in german and some logs say it started speaking german with other raticates for some reason. very strange
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mr mime might have to join the team, corviknight isn't fast enough to use defog before being blasted. first try though, literally one macabre dance with machamp and he swept the remaining 5
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>free sticky web and toxic spikes at start of round
other then that it was pretty easy, two tries. you fight dialga afterwards because cara sucks, I just spammed corviknight's electric surge move and won.
I thought he needs the money for transitioning
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>wait no not yet the player has to fight dialga
>almost, I need the twins out of the story...
>NOW the soulstone can free dialga from the mind control somehow
I know for a fact I ranted about this last time but why not have artie just ram into claude and knock the mind control tech off him or something, he literally just stood there behind the dead twins until everything ended. useless fucking cone
I suppose Meliafication would include that.
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I got so fucking bored and tired of dealing with cheaters and general shittiness in TF2 and skill cancer in DL that I eventually caved in and decided to try and beat the shitty fight that made me give up on this mod, and while I was working on my way to beat said dogshit Cofagrigus Crest gauntlet, I noticed something was off, I'm entirely certain they implemented some feature that boosts the stats of opposing Pokemon, I saw a Leafeon eating Sludge Bombs like candy and in general everything seemed at least a bit bulkier than normal, great, I love how this mod keeps getting infinitely worse. Also they nerfed the Cofagrigus Crest to shit because fuck the player being able to have any fun whatsoever.
thanks bro.
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jos must've been like "well since it's a pokemon game I have to put in a rival, it's just how it is" and made artie. idk why he didn't have him do anything in the plot but that's why he's there. it just doesn't work for me, he's not on the opposing team where we'd naturally fight over the course of the game, we're not training together to become time wardens or whatever, he's just blocking me from progressing because it's pokemon and he's a rival. he does nothing else in the game but block you, even though he's your best friend of 21 years, even when the villain is moments away from achieving his goal, he's still blocking me. having a single ethereal grunt in this spot blocking me from stopping angelo would make infinitely more sense. I might hate artie more then cain, ace, possibly even terra.
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took me longer to make the previous post then to beat him. think that's the last time I fight him hopefully.
GG. The wild thing is that I don't remember SS1 even having rivals. They kind of set it up with the Gary motherfucking Oak lookalike but then dropped it really quickly. Artie is the most uniquely pointless character that's possibly ever existed
I do know Leafeon Crest got buffed, maybe it was that?
Which fight sneeded you btw? If it was the visornigger you can probably just use Ren's team
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>trial of time gets free trick room
>trial of space and final trial gets free screens
the only good thing that's happened is route 17A and B being completely skippable, no required fights or anything, a miracle.
thanks. he's more useless then the actual roadblock characters in the mainline games, the "we're dancing and someday we don't be" at least don't fight you
>heavenly clouds, things made of gold including statues of himself, white doves flew by
>so mad that humans didn't want to be erased so they fought back that he isolated himself away for centuries
>is now emo butthurt and won't do shit, even praises angelo for trying to reset the multiverse
>also his realm is conveniently safe from said reset
great game
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Yeah, as it turns out Leafeon's Crest got a significant buff, I don't understand why they mirrored this shit for Glaceon when the poor thing already has a good defense stat, they should have buffed it's speed instead, but of course they wouldn't let the players get their hands on a fast Ice attacker.
Nah, it was the gauntlet in the labyrinth shithole against the boss Cofagrigus, I probably lost a good 36 or so attempts trying to beat that fight without any success, 100% accuracy Hypnosis on the partner Stantler, stat drops seemingly not working, Cofagrigus just not taking much in the way of damage and some other bullshit regarding the haunted field and the player's Pokemon getting cursed all the time just made this horrible to deal with, I eventually beat it by exploiting good old Toxic strats (something that I'm surprised hasn't been nerfed to shit yet).
Fuck, I'm having memories from how beyond tired I was when I reached this section, best of luck for the last absurdly shitty gauntlet coming up.
thanks bro. wow that crest just seems like a straight upgrade, no downsides
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>They want you to believe this is a butterfly
>They locked most of the regional variants to absurdly late into the game despite most of them being alright at best and more often than not mediocre
Gotta love how this mod is handled.
Favoritism I wager, it's very easy to tell what Pokemon the retards behind this mod like.
>Puzzle wants me to show a Falinks
>I can't even access alamissa urben right now to get one I'm pretty sure
I never went this route in the desert, how the fuck are you meant to deal with this normally?
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>free screens
>having mr rime leading doesn't proc his ability
really slowed things down, this took 8 tries. two more to go
You're almost out. Enjoy your end of game Fly
Ah GG, yeah I imagine they fucked with that hard
>I eventually beat it by exploiting good old Toxic strats (something that I'm surprised hasn't been nerfed to shit yet)
For me, it's sleep
They're definitely nerfing the shit out of status when they realized how le broken it is, or at least can be
Eh, Chinchou is actually good enough to the point where I don't mind it being this late
They did originally make it so that you could only get the Fairy form on Paragon/Ghost on Renegade kek which was indeed retarded. Though they changed it so you can now swap forms using the Darchlight Mirror
end game fly is just one of those things that is only meant to cause pain to the player, you can't justify it
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11 attempts to finally take the nignog down, pretty annoying fight.
Thanks bro.
I hate that they haven't made the sensible and logical decision to replace frozen with frostbite yet, I will never understand the sheer retardation of Jan's cocksuckers in thinking keeping frozen as a status was a good idea to begin with, but then again even Gamefreak completely abandoned that in gen 9.
Noted and maybe so, but I still hate so much of this mod's contents are locked way too late into the game instead of distributed evenly throughout.
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>The tranny comes off as the voice of reason compared to Reniggade the cuck
Thanks bro.
the second spire wasn't so bad, but the third one had an obstagoon that outsped my starmie while it had +4 speed. found out starmie can learn vacuum wave and then I won, that was 6 tries. now I'm here at the final bit, it can't be as bad as last time.
H-haha.....you do remember what the final boss was like right?
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I don't even get why this scene/section exists, okay, so Erin got shot or something? I hate how they will not stop coming up with backstories for this character that never go anywhere, it's just Jan trying to pretend his shitty and vague writing is cohesive and was definitely planned all along, even with later context this still doesn't make sense and I think it's even contradicted.
I'm not going back to record that. two hours of attempts, first two I had a consistent plan for, third I was hoping for paralyze on dialga to buy time for a sweep setup, it kinda worked I won fuck this game it's shit
not much I can say that I didn't already. the team outside of jos did good, environments look nice, most of the fakemon look good, everything else is trash. it's too long, so much forced reading of a bad plot, NINE NINE NINE eight NINE objectives every fucking time, it's painful to play. not a single redeemable character, especially artie and caitlin. adding 3 new types and changing pre-existing type matchups (steel is weak to elec, shit like that) is too much, do one or the other. I'll end it with this, even though I just spent around 30-40 on this I would still be overjoyed if it was announced tomorrow that he cancelled the dlc for this game. screw sunken cost, let the game die.
Sorry you put yourself through this bro, hopefully that abomination of a DLC gets delayed as much as possible, even better if was cancelled like you said, I don't think any of us want to go through that, even replaying Empire sounds more appealing.
thanks bro. honestly if empire wasn't so buggy I wouldn't mind giving it another shot instead of shitstones 2
gg bro
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Annoying, but not that bad, took 2 attempts.
Kek, I think the bugs are not even half of what makes that game so shit.
>The game """""""""""""subtly"""""""""""""" hints Nastasia was working for the time/space hags all along
I saw a few cutscenes from Karma Files and it struck me, the game has one of the npcs killed by the hags say they contacted a character who's name just so happens to have the same amount of letters as Nastasia's name about the S.S. Oceana, because truly this dogshit plot needed more convolution.
GG again. I honestly genuinely shudder at the idea of replaying this, king shit you managed to pull through
Basically "just throw as much shit at the player as possible and hope some of it sticks" and if it doesn't rewrite the story and blame it on eizen and anomalies. Nor like the shiteaters on discord will care. Literally the most lame storytelling ever
thanks bros.
>Bastiodon clicks Fissure and it lands
>It had a custap berry and somehow just to get priority on Fissure again, which also landed
Why is this a thing.......?
Also the Porygon Z Crest is surprisingly pretty decent. Anyhow I'm calling it a night, didn't have plans to finish this crap, but I'm kinda bored and since I think we're waiting for a bit to start a new game, I'll see if I can finish it.
Thanks bros.
Kek, I find it funny even the faggots who praise and so.yface over this game very often do a 180 spin and immediately start saying the game is shit or that they barely bothered to pay attention.
When Jan transitions and becomes Melia
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I dunno if this is supposed to be the gym puzzle, but holy shit. This place is fucking aids, and I'm saying this right after getting out of the fucking desert.
Apparently there's no trick to it - you just need to wander around aimlessly until some fucking stairs appear randomly. Just in case I need to be reminded to hate Tit*nia, huh?
Speaking of which, you guys mentioned how Am*ria doesn't help those hobos, but does she even know they exist? They're supposed to be a secret, hiding from some mean old toxic masculinity husband or something.
Apparently Tit*nia knows about these hobos living in the trains lol. She does have whatever is causing all this snow, so you'd think she could help with their water problems.
Damn, so that's what it was, gj finishing it lol
thanks bro
I think the implication is that this is where Giratina first arrived in Reborn before settling to Byxbysion, and Solaris's ancestors were fighting it off at the time using Pokemon strong against it with Garchomp and Aegislash
Managed to figure out a secret quest for once and snatched this qt3.14
If you want we can just tell you all the secret quests. Unfortunately you've already missed some at the point in the game you're at
If it's not too much effort, please do. If you make a public text file, we could circumvent the Discord gatekeeping
Unfortunately, I have to phonepost:

Ch1 - get a secret file from the lady who tries kicking you out in Polaris Pass (you have to sneak through a window on side of her house), a file from the inn upstairs, and a tail from the old guy on the east of Polaris Pass (need 50 mons caught). Take it to a weird guy in a house at the south of Polaris Point to get a key, then find a secret entrance behind a house in the upper left of Polaris Point.

Ch4 - not actually 100% sure how to get this one, but other than Phione, you need to navigate the lava puzzle segment (I think all crystals need to be activated) to a table in the center on the bottom floor

Ch7 - requires you having to do the child trafficking sidequest. If you haven't done it, talk to soldiers outside Toliman. Once you've done it, head to the Docks, walk around the west side of the area until you see a weird conversation. From there there's a bike rack in the south of that area which opens up a container down at the port. After that it's easy to follow

Ch8 - just talk to a guy in the bank that's in the embassy's basement. If he says he needs an Explorer that's reached the peak, head back to Polaris mountain, as if you're going to the plane crash, but go through the other cave entrance and use Rock Climb on cliffs nearby to find the mountain peak, then go talk to Ezrael

Ch9 - you need a Pokemon with the move Boulderdash, then head to the Vulcan Tartaros Forge, dislodge a boulder stuck in some machinery there, and you can then use it to unlock a new path

Ch10 -

Ch11 -

Ch12 - I'm not entirely sure on this one either, but I believe it's completing the ossuaries around the area, talking to an NPC in the south of town, and heading to the final ossuary

Everything else is shit you've missed. I think there's a way to get Ch6's secret mon, Solstwins, in Ch8, but I forget exactly how
thanks a lot, I'll make a proper text file out of it if I find all info

also congrats for being auti--, ehm productive enough to figure that all out
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found a game called emerald seaglass, it's a romhack based on emerald but it uses gen 2 graphics, but the tiles are custom I think. gen 3 dex with some "upgraded" pokemon, like you can get honchcrow, mamoswine, farafrig (the two tailed giraffe one) and a few other regionals. also some new events and minigames (pinball, some kinda diving game that functions like the bug catching thing at the national park)
>grueling gold , an essentials game, can't even use hg/ss layout, it's barren
>meanwhile this is a romhack and it's custom tiles
god damn. also I'm taking this opportunity to ask something unrelated. sometimes the thread is dead like this and I feel like it's intentional, like it's just to let it die so a new lp can start sooner or something, and I feel awkward when I end up bumping the thread like this. Is that the case or was I the schizo all along?
oh it's got some reborn-esque codes, including one that lets you start with applin and it's evolution items
>Is that the case or was I the schizo all along?
I don't have much to add until the next big multi-LP starts, but other anons continuing what they're doing is no issue either. If everyone has collectively burnt out on what they're doing, it's fine to just see if everyone's ready to start the next big multi-LP a bit earlier though.
>may is just replaced with lyra
that sucks
that makes sense. was a new game decided on?
Not a fan of the white outlines either tbqhdesu
>sometimes the thread is dead like this and I feel like it's intentional, like it's just to let it die so a new lp can start sooner or something, and I feel awkward when I end up bumping the thread like this. Is that the case or was I the schizo all along?
I think we're just ded because we're waiting on the next lp and nobody really has anything else to play, though one thread lasting nearly a week is pretty crazy kek
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you got the types showing, they do an animated intro and a little dance when you win, good backgrounds, it's got style for sure
true. I kinda bungled it since I didn't notice we were also close to outright post limit, not just image posting, so now we have to make a new thread anyway. do we have an lp game in mind?
Didn't Wagie have a spanish game for us to run or something?
that's right, he did mention unbreakable ties and hidden place a few days ago. unbreakable ties isn't quite finished, 6/8 gyms
No problem
Some of it is spite from the shartcord community trying their best to hide it, but yeah it's 100% autism
Yeah, also there was another Spanish game Bunken found. Also Hidden Place which has been out for a minute
You guys can start without me, I'm stuck in commieland for another day I think kek. I can just catch up
don't even remember what I found, kek. I'd be down for hidden place
Fuck's sake, wanted to get back to finishing LAWDS and my power goes out all day. Checked hidden place and unbreakable ties. Unbreakable ties sorta reminds me of edelweiss with the art and it seems really fucking bland, hidden place is hard to say anything about since nothing stood out to me, hopefully they end up having something interesting going for them.
I'm pretty tired due to LAWDS majorly burning me out, that coupled with my power constantly going out and my boss doing everything in his power to piss me off have contributed to me not being able to do much sadly.
I'll go ahead and bake bread so we don't die tonight kek

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