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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>56385780
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Little by Little Every Day
Anon's talking bout his penis.
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>wait 2,5 years
>get a freebie
It's just a hold over until her arc pair next year.
Is there a guide for newfag players for Gear? That shit is fucking cryptic
The 3 stars Gears were released one per month and you had to grind them to be at Lvl15. Now I think the only way you can unlock them is to buy one set each Master day (25th) and spam the coop battle they release to have enough material to buy them in the Shop. There is also very old gear Co-op battle but I doubt player do them again.
For the other gears this shit is weird and random as fuck and unlike the Skills you can't really reroll to have what you want. Never really tried them
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I love my cute wife Whitney! I give her lots of big and warm hugs!
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Oh neat, SS Hilbert was the only other unit on this I was interested in
Is that a real new alt for Lillie? Or did I miss it?
It’s just a reskin of her anni alt. It’s available right now for free though.
I guess its an alt, its a recolor of the 2nd anni lillie but this time she has solgaleo instead of lunala.
Don't fucking bother with the ingame 1 amd 2 star gear, worthless, just wait till they roll around 3 star gear events
new players are just lucky enough they can directly switch to skill gear which is fairly enough accessible to them between event rewards and extra yellow feather drops, give them 3 month and they'll save enough valuable skill gears to exploit and patching the rest with 3* type gear
I actually just now unlocked skill feathers, huh. No idea what even the conditions were. The only functioning gear I had so far was the free Electric one they give you in the tutorial. I had no clue what the feathers were for until now.
This game is a mess, there's a lot of systems and a lot of them are much less relevant than others. I also still have no idea if there's much of a point to hatching eggs or what I should look for.
Eggs are mostly useless, but they have a few niches
>more weather setters
>debuff or trapping
>status (though rare)
So they can be handy for getting through a legendary arena battle or something where you just need to shut off weather once or twice

I would say the best way to do gear is get Mewtwo powered up and do the Psychic weak Coop arena. You can set it up to do three teams of three, all your own Pokemon and no AI. If get it set up right, can have it do the battle on Auto. Don't power up the gear you get, transfer it all in shop. Then buy the 3 star gear from shop and power that up (uses the same currency to buy for powering it up).

Eventually you can switch to the new gear with feathers, but it's dependent on themes matching up. You need a number of those before you can use them consistently. The 3 star type gear will give a stat boost no matter what.
Before the datamine I was wondering what EX Roles they'd give to the OG Dragonite/Garchomp/Metagross units but I guess that's null now?
Oh yeah you're right. I wish they did more alts. Seems artists dont care about the designs much anymore even though it's literally free real estate
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Why isn't Zygarde part of the two 15x banners?
It's a Masterfair, for now it counts as higher tier than Pokefair due to the rates but apparently is present in a ridicule % in the daily pulls pool. Eventually they'll start doing MF select scouts too or featured double-triple MF banners with meme 0.3% rates but good enough to let you at least pick either as pity.
Eggmons are useful on Legendary Gauntlet event as a dummy target that can also uses status moves like Anon said.
Saving all my gems for Lear. Fuck arc suit memes.
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>all those top responses
Damn, he's easy

>lodge is favorite location
And a homebody, adorable
I don't care for Lear in particular but I echo the sentiment, Arc Suit is going to be what kills the game with how it's conditioning people to accept glorified rehashes as 1% 500 SP units
Yeah the 500 SP bullshit is honestly just a fucking slap in the face. I don't want to support that at any cost.
It was a red flag for me that Afroman left, but the optimist in me is hoping he was responsible for every bad decision and the game might try and turn around in his absence, with the Arc banners being his last dirty deed
It's pokemon; it's proven to be lightning in a bottle time and time again, and somehow I can see this dumb, greedy gacha getting lucky completely by accident. Which would be nice, since they'd instantly put some attention and effort into it again.
>thinking to buy gems for Selene Alt
>she isn't included on the Select Scout for some reason
Selene is a costume event the pick one scout is at the end of the week and Ultra Selene is too new for this type of things
Nah, it's a good idea. People want their fav pairing to be strong to be able to spam them.
The outfits look different enough and the kits are really good.
The only bad thing is that 500 pity
Apologists like you will be all that's left to fellate each other when everyone else has finally had enough, hope you're able to keep the game running forever if you enjoy them scamming you this much.
I think I would've been okay with rolling for arc suits if they had just stuck to the regular 400, you need gold candies to get them to a higher level anyways so why make it more difficult by making it 500? It gives people more of a reason to buy the Daily Gem Bundle + for the candy coins if they didn't make it 500
>People want their fav pairing to be strong to be able to spam them.
They were already doing that with the upgrades of the older units then abandoned them in order to scam people because they could get away with it, especially given there are people that think like you do. The fact is they could've kept upgrading the originals, or even done something like how they did cakes last year where you could apply an item you summon for to an older unit in order to make them stronger. You saying it's a good idea how they went about things is genuinely pathetic since they didn't have to screw people over like this at all.
>The outfits look different enough
No they don't. Steven's is the closest to looking different and that's because they literally just tacked on elements from Wallace's clothing onto him to imply Wallace won't be getting one. They even reused the sync animations, dude. Anyone defending how rehashed these units are must be sticking their head in the ground to pretend it's not as bad as it is. No shit it'd be nice to have a big meta factor but acting like they needed to do this to get that shows you have no standards.
where's chartanon
Found dead in a ditch hugging a Tina body pillow
Reminder seasonal units don't get upgrades
the kits are completely different but you can't expect them to buff 2021 PFs to MFs levels. What would be the point in pulling for MFs if i can't just wait to the pair (that they gifted even) to get a super boost.
Again, the problem is the absurd pity. And there's even worse problems in the game like the extremely repetitive modes there are.
>reused trainer model
>reused mindscape with minor additions
>reused sync animation with minor additions
>reused outfit with minor additions
>reused pokemon

>1% banner
>yellow candies only
>5/5 grids
>500 scout points

and there are people that actively defend it
there are always morons who do stupid shit
The point is the anniversary is flopping hard
>Saves your anni month
excluding the last few days of August, only about 18k gems for this month
The kits are not completely different. Cynthia is EQ and Sand focus, Steven is Iron Head and sturdiness focus, Lance is Hyper Beam and HP regulation focus.
>but you can't expect them to buff 2021 PFs to MFs levels
How can you actually be an adult and be this uncreative? They could just make an item that when applied to an older unit, applies the following:
>transforms deadweight move into B Move
>buffs Sync damage
>adds new grid tiles for free that include whatever passives like Cynthia getting Ground Zone and Lance debuffing Def/SpDef
Have that item be initially bound to a 1% banner of a NEW unit like say Sada Koraidon or Volo Giratina or whatever like cake was and allow a trickle to access it later on.
>What would be the point in pulling for MFs
What would be the point in pulling for MFs if Arc Pairs are now the top units, huh? That's what many people are asking. Gen pool are the new freebies (Malva is just Lodge Serena), Pokefairs are the new general pool (Greta and Kabu and Arven hardly stand out), and now Master Fairs will be the new Pokefair as they hold back on them and save the best stuff for Arc banners. They already destroyed the balance of this game. Maybe you just can't see that yet.
>and now Master Fairs will be the new Pokefair as they hold back on them and save the best stuff for Arc banners. They already destroyed the balance of this game.
just like they did when they released Master Fairs. Or do you really think Greta is PF material when it used to be only for champions? Before arcs people already prioritized MFs and PFs were doing regular.
I remember when Clemont released and people were saying that they were adding too many 5* spotlights
When they released Master Fairs, it was at least only 1 MF, then ramped up to 2, and then finally 3. Here they jumped to 3 different 1% 500 scout point yellow candy only 5/5 grid banners that will be around the same time as 2 1% banners in SS Nemona and SS Lear. Not to mention they had the first rerun of the Galar NCs recently that only lasted a week and Lear himself only lasts like 2 weeks.
Haven't seen anyone mention it yet but the story to explain how they got the Arc Suits was also incredibly lazy and bland. All they said was that they had strong bonds for Arceus to pay attention to them, which is such a non-reason since Pasio is an island full of strong bonds between trainers and Pokemon. Made me disappointed for the rest of the Arceus Arc since I went in expecting something meaningful for each character to be chosen.
I feel like the event stories are always much better than the main story chapters, as if they have different writers or something
It's a way to say "Hey look everyone can have an Arc Suit" when we know it's gonna just be Champion level trainers and (You). It's Neo Champion idea all over again
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I have replicated this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cdr7c64OWE
but my Pidgeot never lives the Sync move like his did at 1%
Any other ways to beat this battle? My only other "good' Flying attackers are Lodge Skyla and Anniv. Steven and they seem weaker.
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Late chart
>>reused trainer model
>>reused mindscape with minor additions
>>reused sync animation with minor additions
These are done with nearly every alt in the game
variety bp and lodge aren't alts
simple as
How about this: keep current scout, but also add an upgrade scout, where instead of a sync pair you can get a sync pair upgrade item to upgrade say, Cynthia to Arc Cynthia (only if you have regular Cynthia already). Make the pity only 300 on it.
>>reused trainer model
>>reused mindscape with minor additions
>>reused sync animation with minor additions
>>reused pokemon
None of this matters in the slightest to me. I've had sync animations turned off for years
The pokemon are good
>>reused outfit with minor additions
its different enough, and looks good

Character/favorite > kit > outfit >> rest

>>yellow candies only
>>500 scout points
This is bad, but hey its gacha life
Also Cynthia and maybe Steven at least are busted enough to semi-warrant it.
because you dont have to roll out if you dont want it?
You could also just not play a game that gets that way, which is why people are dropping it or losing interest in keeping up as much.
exactly anon, leaving the game is better than complaining like a bitch for something that is optional since the beggining
>to imply Wallace won't be getting one
Or that it's not ORAS Wallace getting the Arc Suit, but Emerald Wallace.
The best May in the game is the original one, right?
Her SS
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Chart is here ! Today Arc Steven is at the top ! Zapdos and Meloetta have a new rival let's see how things evolve in the future ! It's also the week were we got the most users !

As asked in the previous thread for Lillie here are a note for all the new pairs :
>Arc Suit
Steven not only won this week but with 20 uses he also beat Irida and Glaceon who was the max use for one chart (she was at the top with 19 at W13). He also have the best first week for a 2024 Pair (and probably ever but I don't want to check the archive for 5 years). To end this with only one week he already did better than a ton of pairs for this year final ranking like Dhelmise and Nihilego (17) or Fall Morty (1)
Cynthia have to compete with Courtney and Fall Roxanne (and a bit of Excadrill and Phanpy). I'm curious to see how things will go for her
Lance is Lance maybe he can help some shit pairs in the future and gain some use but I'm not surprised.
She performed in a perfect way. She did better than Lunala when it got it's EX role (10 uses). A bit sad since she have to compete with Steven and can't be used like (You) for another stage
At least she is here
>BP Pairs
They all got ranked ! Will and Rose got only one use but they are both pretty strong for free Pairs. Raikou,Cheryl and Lusamine are at two, can't tell for the other but Cheryl is okay At least she don't die from a physical move now
They all did great. The 6EX help them a lot. Even if Evelyn is low it's a good result since she never got higher than 5 this year.
I hope she can break the glass ceiling and acheive the double digits or 9 one day... Still a great result this week and Happy bithday to her !!!

Next week first rank :
>EX Role
Raihan and Flygon (Support)
Leon and Dragapult (Sprint)

And that's all !
As always you can still post your clear even and I hope there are no mistakes because got that's a lot of pairs to rank !
See you next week !
>Steven not only won this week but with 20 uses he also beat Irida
Arc Shits don’t count, I refuse to live in Fujoshistan
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One year of Tina she is adorable and cute ! I had so many memories when I checked the archive to see her first ranks before I replaced the previous Chartanon. I hope I can celebrate her second anni next year before EOS
Meta looking kinda gross haha
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Coomer cat and Slowbro are indeed strong.
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My son
Oh yeah Lodge Lance rank next week too ! Sorry Norman anon I know you are the only one who gonna use him (please talk with him about his slef harming problem)
>Arc Steven is at the top !
Oink oink, paypiggies.
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I can fix him, but he first has to come home with a pity. That Kingdra's looking viable as DPS too with multipliers, stats and HB base power. Can hit slightly behind F Iris while being a support.
may blaziken is the best one for battles, original may is still good but depends a lot of rain, swampert is shit with not rain. may latias is also good but brendan and latios is better. even then, the best is bunny may because it makes my penis harder.
Steven is at the top precisely because he is the cheapest pair perfectly usable at 1/5
I didn't pay a damn cent for him, I got him for free, tell me more about being a lucklet
arc cynthia?
a genpool and seasonal sidegrade
What is a good party to trample most stuff in auto?
FujoYume game…
Cute and Canon
Newfag player here, I could spend 5k on one of the select banners. Anyone there I should pick? I see a lot of people have Hau & Tapu Koko in their charts, is he good? I don't really have any good Electric sync pairs.
holy fuck so many of you rolled for the arcshit. guess i should have expected this place not to have any integrity lmao
my integrity is in the fact that they're not getting my money for it
Field effects are really strong in this game and he's one of only a handful of pairs who sets two of them.
With that said, there's at least four other pairs you can get from there that also set up dual fields and Roxie is one example who's significantly stronger while also setting Electric Terrain. As always though if you want Hau then feel free to get him.
What parameters do people use to clear the E4 with f2p units? exactly which ones?
I just can't presync Glacia with my new Lilie while maxing their offensive stats, and I have noticed a lot of people here have been using her alongside not the best of support units.
Just under half the anons here pulled for arc steven.... you people are subhuman for giving dena a single gem.
Sycamore, A24 Lillie, filler like Nanu flinch or Skyla, really anything.
It's very simple after you EX sync with Sycamore.

Alternatively all HP, defenses, crit shields and so on, pick Sycamore, Koga or BP Erika for Toxic and Janine for debuffs and watch poison taking huge chunks of health bar eventually.
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I am avery's strongest soldier, if I can use him to chart I will
>getting made about people using FREE in game gems
Lucklet spotted
>you people are subhuman for giving dena a single gem
They gave me the gems, I just gave it back to them, not like I gave them money for it
I'd only have a guilty conscience if I paid for it, but I wouldn't put money into the game at this point
? Are you okay?
I'm a filthy casual, I don't chart.

My integrity lies in shelling out for husbando after submitting a bunch of feedbacks for an alt (and lodge,) and all but the last pull used free gems.
2 Liza but 1 CeleLiza? I had to dig back, looks like the other dualLiza poster didn't chart this week... damn
Keep seething
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Sorry I barely do the chart anymore cuz I can't upload pictures off my old ass phone very easily anymore
You team could use more Morty, anon.
disgusting OP. see ya'll in a few days
>Cynthia's deity-blessed outfit detaches her sleeves
I've seen that composition here plenty of times, just curious about the parameters used.
I'm saving a stall team for the weak to bug one since I got 0 decent ones.
Steven is insane so not surprised to see him on top, but I would have honestly expected to see Cynthia close behind or slightly ahead even if she does have competition. Oh well, my girl got second place so I'm happy with this week's chart.
>Lillie (Anniversary 2024) & Solgaleo
>Arc Suit Cynthia & Garchomp
>Morgan & Virizion
>Player Character & Raikou
>Will & Slowbro
>Cheryl & Wailord
>Lusamine & Lilligant
>Rose & Perrserker
>Leaf & Blastoise
>Silver & Crobat

>Arc Suit Steven & Metagross
>Arc Suit Lance & Dragonite
>Lance & Kingdra

Not out yet
>Malva & Talonflame
>Chuck & Poliwrath
>Trevor & Florges
>Sygna Suit Lear & Gholdengo
>Rachel & Gimmighoul
>Sawyer & Gimmighoul
are Rachel and Sawyer going to share a banner? Might try and go for them if there's chance of getting both in one go.
where is naomi 6ex dena............
Yes, and there will also be a ticket that guarantees one of them at random
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we wuz married to each other in real life canon or something
Look at this dude, he's a true beginner
You are small time
Wtf I didn’t know this existed, thats convenient
blame it on the triple option with just "interesting"
Uhh you just doxxed yourself
i will , thanks for the encouragement :)

dont they still get like analytics on how much the unit was pulled for

you get a pass
awyeah, thanks daily gambling
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>This pair can be obtained through a Poké Fair sync pair scout beginning on September 4, 2023.
It's her day for real today !
Can she survive another year ?
I hope that this year she appears in more events and stories ! And maybe, just maybe have an alt (I'll even take a Variety pair)
She has such slutty poses, I love her. Happy birthday~
The Pasio OCs have such great designs, shame Dena severely underutilizes what they have.
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I believe in Tinamentum, alt Soon™
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Paulo design is a bit lame and generic but I really like them too. I would love a side event where you follow just Rachel, Sawyer or Tina to learn more about them because they really feel sidekicks for Paulo and Lear.
I don't want to spoil myself the story so I don't know what the SS Lear event talk about but I hope they let the three of them interact with more people. Of course I want a Tina event where she can have Dratini back (or Paulo if they really want to push him as another Pasio MF) but in the end they all have a personality that match other trainers or can be fun to watch (Sawyer and Darach, Rachel and other laid back trainer, Tina with the Eevee trainers, I think Hilda or Nemona can convert her into the battle autists gang and Trainer like N that really care about pokemon in general)
Outside Paulo they also use other pokemon (Sawyer Bewear, Rachel Lapras and Sandslash-A, Lear Staraptor, Donphan and Krookodile and Tina two unknow mons) so I wouldn't mind BP/Variety/Lodge pairs of them even if it's lazy and not really an Alt. I hope that SS Lear and the Pasio theme lead the path for that even if he flop
This is cute. I haven't seen this Tina before.
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>even game freak makes a references about the unfinished and inaccessible areas of their latest games
yeah you're right they contacted gamefreak and specifically got them to write lines for just this one character
everything has to be approved by gamefreak since the characters that aren't pasio oc are based on the mainline games and tpc character & co copyrights, you can't write random bullshit like kris telling you she took part in unova musicals or how lucas caught a toadscruel in sinnoh
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never forget what they took from you
Nope just one dude from TPC I forget his name but it's in the credits
>latest games
USUM was seven years ago, anon
>So was LGPE

The Masuda era still seems so clear in my mind because fuck if it wasn't scarring
The 3DS-Switch transition wasn't that old still, from CY forward everything seemed rushed for whatever reason.
Blaming Masuda is missing the forest for the trees.
>Gold and Silver (sub-director, but it sounds like Tajiri gave up as early as 1998 and Masuda took over the team and repurposed whatever he could into the final version)
>Crystal (director)
>Ruby and Sapphire (director)
>FireRed and LeafGreen (director)
>Diamond and Pearl (director)
>Black and White (director)
>X and Y (director)
>Sun and Moon (director)
>Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee (director)
Obviously none of these are perfect, but I wouldn't say that third versions are that much better than the initial pair, it's 90% the same game with some bells and whistles. The issues people have don't stem from his creative decisions, but likely from TPC. Linearity was a direct response to children having difficulty navigating in Gen I - IV and giving up, but that doesn't sound like a Game Freak observation, but like another party doing focus testing and telling Game Freak they should lower the bar so they can guarantee more repeat buyers in the future. Masuda is just the producer who listened to them.
Bros, should i get the annie gems when Malva drops or Lear, to signal i want more alts of them? They did my girl dirty
You should be buying the gems 2 days ago so they know you actually want more Lance.
>one multi away from pity because i can't into luck
>prob 3000 gems only by next week
hope at least it shits out a featured unit, this (triple) 500 scout pity with yellow candies is fucking garbage, especially everyone but steven basically wants dupes up to 5/5 instead of 3/5 at best, and that's just the first batch of arcfairs that will keep running together with masterfairs while the yellow candies remain extra slowly to hoard
this anni left me with a bittersweet feel
Linearity didn't start happening significantly until Gen V, which was Masuda's personal baby and was the single game without Pikachu. The only reason TPC exists at all was so Game Freak could have complete creative control over their games since TPC is key people from Game Freak and Creatures collaborating together. They didn't get completely corporate until XY

So I'm inclined to believe the man who was the Director/Producer for most of the franchise had enough creative control over the franchise he'd been working on since Generation I to make these awful, awful decisions. Especially since the moment he left Game Freak suddenly the company started attempting to be more ambitious with their game design. Even if results may vary in quality
>muh yellow gems
watch them add another type of coins to dilute the pool even further
Yeah this is the worst Anni by a landslide, way to ruin a major milestone
Asking people to drop 46K gems and yellow candies on heavily rehashed units
Dicksucking Kanto for 2 years straight was way worse. Not like I'm a fan of Arc Suits either but this anni ain't that bad.
Kanto is the foundation of the franchise and was part of 1st Anni and 2nd Anni month datamine (VA) and this Anni with Lance, so literally every year
500 scouts points on arc suit banners makes it objectively the worst

If it wasn’t for that it would’ve been above 4th anni at least
B Moves and EX Roles didn't stain the game forever like 500 SP will, I already know people quitting
>Dicksucking Kanto for 2 years straight was way worse
burn all kantofags
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An extra Marley for the monthly count

take me back
It was probably going to be Kahili’s trial but got scrapped because of time constraints and just ended up making her an E4
Am I the only one that doesn't care about 500 scout points? That's just 3 multis more, if that's too much for you just don't roll on those banners. The biggest sin that arc pairs commit is the cheaply reused assets.
I think the rehashing (for a big anni milestone, no less) is a bigger deal too but that's because I have over 100K gems, I'd probably be more upset about the 500 if I were lower on gems so I get where people are coming from
Does it really matter if the overshilled character loved by powerscalers and the character who has a massive amount of alts who have both already headlined an anniversary before are Red and Blue or Cynthia and Steven?
Anon dropping heavy facts
Yes, because an anniversary should be celebration of the franchise as a whole, not just what appeals to obstinate boomers the most. Yes, I understand that even if all generations are allowed, there is still a very shallow pool of characters that can properly carry an anni, but at least that is preferable than just strictly Kanto.
NTA but you can easily take what you said about being a celebration of the franchise as a whole and ask why we don't get Anni Hapu or even just Anni Wallace, and the same idea of focusing on what's more popular (Steven for the umpteenth time over Wallace when they're both Hoenn champions) is why they go to the Kanto mill over and over as well, since a ton of people do like it
When is the Hoenn dicksucking going to start?
Your steven alts?
You're a brain-damaged moron if you're actually asking that
Definitely, I wonder if they aimed too high with some golf minigame using the gyroscope originally but didn't have time left for it, same for the inner volcano area cave system and that "ultra" megalopolis that was just a corridor. They could have sacced that thing nobody played like the secret agent feature with rentals.
Bro, the game is called Pokémon Stevens EX.
Hopefully around half anni, I am gembroke for October, don't dare to add poke contest alts, PF Wallace or varieties of favs and seasonals, although Roxanne means Halloween might get a break from Hoenn. Can only get over a genpool Wattson or Juan that can spook me later, ir poor dude Aarune.
I wonder if it’s just 3D ballooning the dev time, Pokemon games used to have all sorts of weirdly deep side modes that maybe like 2% of the players actually touched.
The greediness to make Arc Suit is going to bite them in the butt as people skip past Master Fair more often now, they are pointlessly trying to chase down money that will just keep readjusting to make them chase it harder
Unova Musicals come to mind, butchered the Gen 3 Hoenn and Gen 4 Sinnoh contests hard, also that Unite Tower whatever or the shitty FRLG postgame with the same preset trainers in the Sevii Islands or their obscure minigames.
Sinnoh also had the online minigames thing, all superniche stuff. I enjoyed the pokethlon and mining minigame hunting for fossils, shards and stones, designated toilet gaming.
Linearity began in Platinum of all games, Unova just happened to be the first region designed from the ground up to be that way. I played both Diamond and Platinum when they came out, and I even noticed it then. They blocked off the south gate in Hearthome City so you couldn't head to Pastoria City first, you had to take the eastern gate. Not only that, but they changed the badge order so that it's Fantina (Hearthome) > Maylene (Veilstone) > Crasher Wake (Pastoria) to match the more linear progression compared to DP requiring you to return to Hearthome City to battle Fantina as the fifth badge. Yet they never updated the badge case to match this new order.

HGSS also makes a number of once-optional parts mandatory, such as Sprout Tower, the daycare, and the version Legendary. They were all things I was doing ASAP in Gen II to begin with, but making them mandatory leaves a bad taste in my mouth since the rewards for doing so are no longer tied to your own choices as a player.

The Iwata Asks interview for BW has them state that they intentionally made the game more linear because of feedback of kids getting lost and giving up playing. But they started making these efforts before BW, even if they were doing it to games based on previous games that weren't as linear.
Hot take linear games are better they create a more streamlined higher quality experience
I wanna meet the retarded kids who got lost and confused in a fucking pokemon game so I can put them out of their misery.
You made me remember cursed shit like Gen 5 had 3 different difficulty modes and one of them was locked behind trading and if I recall correctly the difficulty were available only after completing the game, who the fuck wants to replay it on easy mode even. Just make it Hard from the beginning.
I refuse to believe people were filtered by the maps and battles.
What difference does it make if the overshilled surface level pick is from a 28 year old game or an 18 year old game? If anniversary is supposed to celebrate the entire franchise then why is it just champions from games that are at best ten years old? Wouldn't a fairly popular character without any alts like Ghetsis getting an alt or a popular character who hasn't been added like Kieran getting in be a better show of celebration for the whole franchise than another alt for Steven, the character with the most outfits in the entire game and already highlighted an anniversary? There's no real difference between the anniversary being Kantrio or Kantrio for DSzoomers
DeNA is so behind the times, by the time we get Carmine and Kieran people will have likely moved on to PLZA character fixation
No way. At that time we should be getting rumors of the game that comes after gen 10 DLC.
Carmine and Kieran are probably gonna come a lot faster than the Gen8 DLC rivals. Probably within the next year. Unlike Klara and Avery they’re actually popular.
Please let October be skippable Kalos and Paldea month without Sina and Dexio.
I wish we got a Paradox Arc where the Paradoxes could go to trainers from regions of the mons they resemble. Arceus Arc is so lame since it just makes me think of 2 more years of rehashing. I'd be more excited about Alder & Slither Wing and Benga & Iron Moth than Arc Alder and Benga both getting Volcarona again.
It's not only that, but Challenge Mode in B2W2 alters the levels of the Pokémon, but not any of their stats, so you end up getting more experience and leveling up faster. Some teams still have slightly different Pokémon and items, but the updated levels simply make the game easier outside of edge cases like Seismic Toss damage or the chance of landing a OHKO move.
They definitely made a bad first impression with the Arceus arc. Not even counting what happened with Anni, the storytelling for how they got Arceus's attention was dogshit. Somehow I don't see myself lasting the entire arc as a regular daily player, maybe a few times a week or just once a month since datamine is really all that matters anyway to know if to care about the rest of the month.
Rhyme is getting in for sure, so im expecting some kind of music/sound related halloween event with maybe Noivern and other bats with the main star a crobat arcsuit
linear bad
pointless branching paths good
but open world bad
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Added with the rest ! Nice to see Janine Her 6EX is cute. She is on my list of 6EX for this month
>Carmine and Kieran
literally whos
>the main star a crobat arcsuit
Poison Arc Suit Koga, here we go!
Linear can be good, but linear Pokémon is shit and highly restrictive for the sake of servicing a mediocre narrative. Very rarely does it ever effectively challenge the player in the way someone designing a linear narrative could anticipate, and part of that problem is because they throw tons of Pokémon at you that can easily accomplish the task. Gen I Brock is interesting because you're limited. Stadium 2's Trainer School challenges are interesting because you have to overcome specific hurdles like high evasion. Whitney is interesting in the case that you chose the Fire starter and only trained it (a pretty large number of players), because Rollout is going to wreck you and Attract will screw you over since starters are male 87.5% of the time. Pokémon is historically not a difficult series, but taking away player agency only exacerbates problems.

Alola keeping you on a leash as you're motioned down hallways in a wacky guided tour is not justified by its story.
I won't mind her as new comedy relief addition, she is fun with her sister carrying a salt mon to repel her ghosts.
But if she comes as Pokefair she better be a decent physical ghost support, utility or dps.
Rerunning Horse Victor without Support or Tech role is fucking bullshit tho.
Also I hope DeNA didn't forget about the Furisode Girl quartet, thought they were about to deliver them all like the Chatelaines this year.
i hope shes a special supp so i can pair her and Dj G-Rave with Roxie and Piers
Her ace signature is physical, no way they fuck up.
I'm a 100% F2P player and have only ever missed out on one or two units I wanted.
If fucking Cryogonal got a physical sync everything is possible
Cryogonal has a physical sync move because it was designed to be a terrible (free)unit
The last two were introduced during the New Years events
These things do not correlate. It's not that linear is the problem, it's that the lack of options in the early game equate to an easier game because you're allowed to grab shit like Ralts, Riolu or even fucking Bagon as early as Route 2 sometimes in the modern games. Linearity has nothing to do with it because early Gens had linear as fuck early games. You're literally on a straight line until Gym 3 in Kanto, but the difference is you're working with Rattatas and Pidgeys. The only Special Attacker pre-Brock you can get with STAB is Pikachu

Johto suffers from fake nonlinearity too. There's absolutely zero reason to do Mahogany before Olivine because they block off the path to Blackthorn until you have 7 badges for no reason. This is the reason for the shitty level curve, despite the fact if you go to Olivine you'll loop back to Olivine, regardless and that leads right into the Mahogany trek. Gen II also tried to replicate the Gen I Cinnabar-Pallet town route but failed because Route 45 is dogshit to navigate and is 100% optional while you're forced to navigate Route 21 regardless

But linearity is something that only kept propping up more and more the longer Masuda was in charge of the series, to the point of making LGPE the worst interpretations of Kanto in the franchise
Route 45/46 are better than Cinnabar to Pallet because they have some actual worthwhile encounters and decent items. There's Gligar, Phanpy/Donphan, Skarmory, Teddiursa/Ursaring, and Wobbuffet in the secret Dark Cave entrance. Not only that, but because there are branching paths, you feel encouraged to traverse the route multiple times, which is easy because Blackthorn City is a quick Fly point. It would be better to compare this to Route 134 in Hoenn with its tides and eventually ending up at Slateport, but without the annoyances that surfing brings. Gen I Route 21 has no items, all the surfing encounters are Tentacool, the fishing encounters aren't exclusive to it, and the only unique grass encounter is Tangela and it's not quite worth it to go all the way from Cinnabar to get it when the grass patch is right beside Pallet Town.

What you're saying about linearity is what I was saying. There are so many options as the games and series progressed that keeping things a challenge becomes difficult, and what made linearity work in those earlier instances is because your solutions are far more limited. I don't think the linearity is justified when the player has so many options to mash A to Champion. This applies to Johto too, even if the level curve wasn't a thing, the game would still be a cakewalk, and how it tries to rectify this in Johto is the level spikes for the League and Red. Pokémon isn't inherently difficult, but if the level curve led you up to a level 50 team of 6 by the Elite Four, it would take away from what difficulty is there. But I'd rather have decision making in how I progress because it makes it feel like how I play matters.
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Funny. In the inquiries, I've asked for an event with Alder & Iron Moth and Benga & Slither Wing. I think it could be a fun story, with Alder having to adapt to something so modern and Benga having to learn to respect tradition.
Kino idea, I'm adding this to my list
I only care about Lacey
Lacey's lacies...
What order should I go after these shit suits? Is Steven the best?
Pretty much yeah.
Providing Steel rebuff and sync move boosts to all allies are two very unique things he has going for him.
The way the Paradoxes are “distributed” region wise would make this arc boring
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>Candice: By the way, do you have a boyfriend, Jasmine?
>Jasmine: "N-no, I'm not here! That's not the kind of relationship I have with Silver!"
>Candice: Silver?
>Jasmine: (dammit!)
>Candice: I see, I thought that was strange!
>Jasmine: "I told you it's not that!"
>Sygna Suit Silver Implementation Event Backstage
Ok, we all know this account, right? They upload 3D stuff on Pixiv all the time. It feels kinda odd to look at
LOL nope, he is the worst, cynthia and lance are broken compared to him
>4 Latios Arena medals but 0 Ultimate Battle medals and titles and just a miserable gems reward for each UB
Give me a Noland medal already.
Does she likes Ash?.
>celebi uses giga impact when you defeat lugia
based showderpdev
>What order should I go after these shit suits?
fully invested: Cynthia > Steven > Lance
at 1/5: Steven > Cynthia > Lance
Suggester here, this is Rhyperior
>another fucking hard challenge
why dena wants scare away newcomers?
everyone has an SS Hau l already
I dont, sorry Im not a fag
Cynthiakek crying
rent free
rent free, kek
fucking schizo
What's my alternative if I'm the sort of person who skips ugly brown kids?
Nemona, SS Piers and Iono. They are all ugly compared to Hau's cuteness
I have nemona and roxie but they die easily
Skill issue
don't know. Hau striker electric sync deals with the sides easily but Roxie is poison so you will have to experiment
>got SS Diantha to 4/5 from mix scout
>the nodes are dogshit

Do I just invest an extra candy into her for the zone extension at this point
Red & Rat
>>another fucking hard challenge
Sounds hot
New players should not expect to be able to clear hard challenges
>they create a more streamlined higher quality experience
You could just read a book instead, if that's what you want.
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I just like the #ポケマスフォト hashtag
>I will change the thing I don't like into something I like, just to spite all those who like the thing I don't like
Good luck with that sister
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Didn't know they posted elsewhere. I recently grabbed this from their Pixiv as I thought the ship was unusual. They have the closest shading to the in-game, it's pretty spot on
> I recently grabbed this from their Pixiv as I thought the ship was unusual

It's actually one of GSC's oldest ships, it was more of a Japan thing.
>Drasna was in no event or story last year
>Ryuki was in the music event
>Lenora was in the Halloween event
>Tierno was in the Dance event
>Chuck, Malva and Trevor are in no event this month
They really hate them. At this point in a few months we will have all the missing Team Admin in a giant Variety Scout for no reason
Shut up crispin
Good, if you're not in by now and youre not feom the very latest gen, you honestly don't matter. The only thing these literal whos are good for is taking valuable time and events away from characters people actually care about.
Nurse Joy & Chansey/Blissey
Officer Jenny & Growlithe/Arcanine

Before EoS, thanks
Bitches love guys that can cook
At the very least Drasna still has a unique sync move. Every general pair released after Drasna
uses the generic [Type] Impact/Beam.
>officer Jenny
That’s an anime oc you dumb motherfucker
So Victor and Siebold?
Just wait until Milo gets added next month with a story event featuring him and Chuck.
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>That’s an anime oc
Wait, Ryuki doesn't even get a Z Sync?
You don't have a point so you just sound like a foaming baboon
And a lot of new pairs got a Dynamax too. It was a really lazy year for Dena
I can only imagine they're saving Gmax Venusaur and Blastoise for Blue and Red, and Mega Charizard Y for Leaf.

Will & Slowbro is disappointing because they're never going to upgrade it to Mega Slowbro.
We have yet to get a non-shiny Mega Tyranitar, which they could easily make happen with Sygna Suit Brock.
Candice could receive a Mega Abomasnow upgrade, and Maylene could get Mega Medicham in some sort of event since the characters are always paired together. Drake should also get a Mega Salamence upgrade.
Lance (New Year's 2021) feels like a waste to suddenly dump Mega Gyarados on this late, they'd probably give it to a new Lysandre alt.
Wattson will probably get Manectric/Mega Manectric.
Mega Mewtwo X is going to be a Master Fair or Arc Suit Fair without a doubt, maybe even for Giovanni.
The only thing I can think of for Mega Kangaskhan is bringing in one of the mother characters like Johanna since she uses a Kangaskhan in contests in the Sinnoh games and has a full character design.

Mega Aggron sounds like Steven but we've had enough of him for a while. Audino will probably be some sort of seasonal pair.
>had enough of Steven but not enough of the K*nto fags, especially when they already hog two sets of the same starters
I'm hoping gmax venusaur or blastoise goes to Honey at least. Mustard or some Galar alt can get the other one.
Why tf are lysandre and victor options when they could have picked anyone else from kanto/johto/champions
Because they're intentionally low interest choices. You get the best scores by knowing who that character is, but you need suboptimal answers for that to work.
Why would you waste Mega Slowbro on Will when MCs and more popular gym leaders and characters in general could get one?
And I am fine with that Will's DPS Slowbro doesn't have a nerfed nuke honestly. At least eventual gacha Slowbro can only get better.
>Mega Kangaskhan
>not Giovanni or Norman or Lenora
>oneesan about to whip her sisters
>We have yet to get a non-shiny Mega Tyranitar, which they could easily make happen with Sygna Suit Brock
They'll revisit the idea with Arc Suit Brock
This is why you should have invested in $hotacoin:
>Sycamore - 3/5 Summer Tate - Lodge Gladion (triple Vigilance)
>Sycamore - 3/5 Variety Elio - Lodge Gladion (triple Vigilance)
Gladion provides Haze for late game and defensive buffs and heals, Tate applies paralysis and always debuffs -2 sp.def and optional -2 atk using pokemon moves and buffs the team with random stats for every doom desire, this includes evasion, Elio debuffs -2 sp.def on every hit and -2 atk, he has heals and protects the whole team from status and interferences in psychic terrain, Gladion can just poison the pairs that have usually would require paralysis.
Optionally Tate can be combined with Elio and Sycamore too.
SS Roxie and best supports. That's all it needs
They could maybe make it work with Giovanni if they tie it to Silver somehow since Kangaskhan is the parent-child Pokémon (also Norman for the same reason and being on-type), but frankly I want representation from more obscure mainline game characters. Johanna has Sugimori art from the TCG and she actually does use a Pokémon in her game that represents her as a mother. It could frankly go to any mother character, the Gen II mom is my favorite, but Johanna feels like the only one that has enough material to work with.

But my true never ever pick is Cal with his Stadium 2 art. They could make three special BP exchanges with him with each Johto starter.
Evens: Arc Steven's paid banner
Odds:Fortnite V-Bucks
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Seems like luck was on your side
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Wattson is going to be based on his ORAS appearance, so he'll probably just have a Magneton that maybe evolves into Magnezone, though I'm not sure if they'll do that, can't remember the last time they had a sync pair that evolves, so it might just be a Magneton

I honestly have no idea who's getting Mega Aggron, I doubt Peony will mega his Aggron since megas didn't exist in gen 8, so he might just randomly dynamax it or get a dupe Copperajah

I heard some people say Hoenn NC, but Hoenn NC seems more likely to be primal Groudon/Kyogre

I would've said Steven, but he just got a unit, so DeNA will hopefully take a break from him for at least a year and half

Maybe SS Jasmine if they start bringing those back in the next arc? I mean, at this point she's always destined to be a support unit
>I mean, at this point she's always destined to be a support unit
Please DeNa just one Striker Jasmine just one Striker please DeNa please
No it fucking wasn't. My bank froze my account, so I can even go for pity ATM.
Even worse, I had to break pity for Cynthia's (unpaid) banner too
This in some fact, is some of the worst luck this game has ever given me. .
Fortnite will outlive this game by a decade
>One single away from breaking pity
Yeah, some great fucking luck that was.
pitty for 4/5 you coward
Dude, they not even giving enough gems to pull for all three banners. You either commit to one or none. Hope your luck is good because that’s the only thing preventing you from having any bit of fun with this anniversary.
am I missing something in the new battle against lusamine?
i tried most of the teams that other used for it but I'm not able to beat it
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imagine having to get to pity in any of this banners
I got Cynthia after doing the daily 1x paid scout for a bunch of times lol
if you're an oldfag quite literally use the rats for all of them because they cover all the required gimmicks
don't sync with blue until lusamine hasn't synced so you can reapply electric rebuff
turns out it was so easy with them you can just sync with blue first, then ash sync and use his buddy
>I immediately got cynthia, Im not a faggot to care about the other two
>Colress still at 2/5 despite the shit ton of rolls from tickets, 10 gem scout, etc…
What the fuck is this nerd’s problem? He’s literally the only gen pool unit not maxed out, even all the new ones added are already at 5/5.
The top-tier challenge sure is impossible for newfags.
Which makes sense I guess but it still fucking sucks to be cucked out of 1500 gems. Unless there's a trick I'm not getting.
>Unless there's a trick I'm not getting.
Just arc them, bro
Not rolling for Arcslop, what's everyone using to beat the Deity challenges and Extreme Battle challenges? New one with Lusamine I'm planning to wipe with Marnie's Moltres and my dedicated Dark team at least, but Ethan is still a mystery to me.
for me it was N Zekrom for ethan and Brycen-man for Lusamine, use brycen man b move once then after she syncs use it again
This >>56410906 or the Kantoooo Electric teams wipe out the two EBs so far, can do it even at full HP.
I think Alola EB can be done with Gordie, a Sp.Def support maybe like Sycamore again and a Fire Strike or Tech (or limited Field) of choice.
And if you plan to use Marnie she can go with Gordie or C Gloria for rebuffs and same region skills. Else SC Zinnia.
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Newfags can clear it too
Here with EX Lillie and 1/5 Steven
Jirachi is also 1/5
nobody here has an ex role either
Ass suits are just OP
>he rolled for Arcshit
Opinion discarded.
Steven is worth rolling for because he is good at 1/5 so yeah, he is not a scam unlike the others
Don't fall for DeNA's dirty tricks and schemes, did you know that those free gems they keep giving to you are then required to be used on banners?!?
You're not actually required to use them on anything
The last time a non Eggmon pair was able to evolve was Elio and Selene which was 3 years ago
Is NC Blue obligatory for every currently active fight
Shit anni.
Why are they using popular characters instead of giving the people what they want?
Like 6ex egg mons with grids.
No but he makes them much easier.
I did happen to roll Cynthia but she just fucking dies
>newfags can clear it [if they have this one.specific unit
arc Steven is there for anyone to get right now and Lillie is free bro. And a 1/5 Tate isn't good at all
>pull in best high-damage team I got
>get flattened before the first opponent Sync Move
>can only dent 20% health
What am I doing wrong here? Is debuffs and healer support the answer?
>inb4 "roll for arcs"
Well since you haven't told us what you tried or given us anything to work with, I'm gonna say roll for arcs
Please dont forget to exchange the daily stuff in the shop and co op stages for the rewards anon! Today was a whole free cake roll!
Fair enough. Pls no bully.
It's even better, 20 1/20s of any role cake
I don't have Cyrus or Calem so maybe I'm wrong, but two zone setters seems redundant. Do you have any support/sprint pairs?
Top ones I got in Support, and only Sprints I got are Archer and Solar Lillie, not counting the Sprint Cake I burned on SS Nemona this morning, not sure if that counts.
I used ss brendan with nc marnie, both with their extra roles, and won before lusamine's second sync. If you can use marnie's protect before they sync it shouldn't be too hard
>I would've said Steven, but he just got a unit, so DeNA will hopefully take a break from him for at least a year and half
>going through an entire calendar year without a new alt
Steven is the only character with every kind of limited unit
- Base as Pokefair
- Seasonal
- Special Costume
- Sygna Suit
- Master Fair
- Arc Suit
and bonus for him having a freebie too
Oh shit I keep forgetting this, thank you.
>it's all steven?
>always has been
All the bitching about lillie, cynthia, red, etc when it was steven's game all along
Steven fanbase is chill, they never went out of their way to bother me, well deserved
You should be able to clear it presync if you have NC Marnie and either dark zone/area/whatever or rebuff. You can have gotten NC Marnie just recently and you can get a guaranteed Brycen-man for the rebuff right now. Then you just need someone who can take hits.
I've actually forgotten a couple days. This is such a stupid system to give rewards.
>arc Steven is there for anyone
Do Costume pairs never rerun a 2nd time?
If I want Skymin Rosa I gotta do the select scout, right?
Rosa is a special case because her event unlock Naomi. Last year it rerun in September I think. Weird we didn't get it this year
They did a rerun for Rosa sometime in the past year I remember, but there's a sort of thing with seasonal/special costumes where they run the new event and last year's. This year's was Barry, Selene, Brycen, and Sabrina in the tokusatsu stuff while they reran the Sherlock Holmes stuff. While they were doing the Sherlock Holmes event with Steven, Shauna, Lyra, and Zinnia last year, they reran the Alice in Wonderland event with Lillie, Sonia, Emmet, and Ingo. But spring is a weird time, because they tried doing it as a seasonal Easter thing in 2021 with Burgh and May before switching to special costumes with the Alice and Wonderland thing the next year. But between that in fall 2021, they did the golden ball thing with Hilda, Diantha, Guzma, and Jasmine but they started treating fall as an Eevee thing in 2022.

Rosa is the weirdest special costume since she was released on her own and the only other character was the Naomi freebie.
Yeah I think I'll just have to assume it doesn't run a 3rd go overall and select it.

Bit annoying, last year's anni drained all my gems from 3 MFs I had to spark on so I passed on getting Rosa, now this anni I don't personally want any of the pairs and have 140k gems just sitting around.
I’ve been able to clear everything and I don’t have any of the NC Kantrio
Any idea why they are doing this?
Are they trying to train players to visit the event shop out of habit and if so why?

Because otherwise its a dick move to anyone who forgets for the day when they could just make it a login gift.
Blue has the most alts, so it's technically his game.
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Struggling to break 300k damage on hugh challenge with elesa.
Would changing up the support help? it feels like i should be able to push way more damage roxie and piers than 285k
Guys guys, I thought I did not have what it takes to beat UB Giovanni but apparently I did it with SS Korina, SS Diantha and arc Steven.
The times Rock Wish refreshed(easily 4+ times)...it was honestly insane and the few Potion resets(2 or 3 maybe) helped secure the win too.
Shame I didn't record.
>those gears
There is your problem
Also your total does sound really low. With 2 recent Pokefair attackers feels like you should be able to easily get to 1M, theoretically.
I did 250k with Elesa being my only Electric attacker lol
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when the expanded gear came out i was struggling for decent 5*s so it was a problem i kicked down the road. Guess that time has come
stop using slop gears
use type gears

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