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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading.

>Thread question:
What's the most difficult part of characterizing a pokemon?

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You took a while, I was about to make a thread with pic-related lol
Might as well reuse my thread question:

>What do you think about NUTRITION? Is it a good narrative device for a monster catching story like Pokemon? Or you prefer other narrative methods?
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>>What do you think about NUTRITION? Is it a good narrative device for a monster catching story like Pokemon? Or you prefer other narrative methods?
Pokémon has magic berries and stuff, right? I guess it can work if you embrace the fantasy aspect but using our world's NUTRITION KNOWLEDGE™? I honestly think that's stupid because even if based on real animals the fact that they tougher and can control energy means that everything we know would be useless.

A reptilian wouldn't eat the same stuff as us because their biology is different
It’s fine if it’s used in conjunction with other stuff to show the trainer is building up their team, but in shit like BoD it comes across as retarded. Yeah, a world with battling for sport doesn’t know how to optimize nutrition or keep a log book or whatever. Sure.
I'll have to agree with this anon.
As a supplement? Part of the winning formula? That's cool.
I remember, long ago, I read Vicky and she just spammed the classical stolen from Dragon Ball "Gravity Training" which made her Pokemon very strong but then when she fought Surge she barely scrapped by the win because while they were very strong they had zero real skill or ability and were just unga bunga'ing through superior brute force. No idea how's Vicky ever since since that's around when I got bored and stopped reading it but at that moment I thought that was a good thing to show since it demonstrated how even "isekai knowledge training methods™" weren't everything and even those sooner or later hit a wall.
>As for the second quote, bloodliners have the secondary superpower of attracting females for breeding purposes. It's how the author justifies Ash having a harem.

I thought he justified it with female bloodliners being far more common than male ones and a lot of prejudice between them and normal humans.
>and a lot of prejudice between them and normal humans.
So literally the "xir was nice to me" bs? Hahaha, fucking hilarous from the "best" harem writer in Pokémon fics
>Let's be honest here; in real life, and in most fictional ones, Polygamy is tricky if it supposed to be considered healthy for all. Emotional needs are hard enough to meet with one partner, let alone six. There is also the fact that Ash has no time turner or shadow clones. There is a reason Muslims can only have a maximum of four wives; people may have abused the Islamic Religion (As all religions are abused), but Muhammad knew where to draw a line.
>Ah yes, let's "fix" a hard to believe plot detail from a genre like "harem"... by making it 9 times more stupid.
Those people really think they're geniuses, eh?
Just make an omake porn collection
Finding a balance between species personality (The characteristics in dex entries, like Gardevoir being protective.) and individual personality, which can vary a lot like with people.
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Total newposter never lurker here.
Been sitting on an idea for a smutfic, Fic starts after Psychic themed Villian Orgnization nearly succeds in their take over of their region leading to a Mass Regulation and Suppression of all psychics trainers and pokemon. The MC would be the son of that Orgnizations Leader. Due to reasons beyond his understanding he notices that he has weak psychic abilities, notably the ability to compell people to act however he wants by winning competitions or completing , things like RPS, any kinda of personal favors and obviously winning pokemon battles would activate the ability.
So im pretty set on the general flow of how id want the story to be but i kinda want a few ideas/opinions on certain things.

If I decide to write the Fic as a traditonal 8 Gyms, Elite 4 and Champion journey, I wouldnt want to add any OC characters on that journey, so how would you justify having an all female Pokemon League Challenge that isnt that much of a strecth.
Been thinking things like alot of male gym leaders had complications from when the villian team wrecked havic but that honestly feels really lazy and not the fun.
Any ideas?
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>Due to reasons beyond his understanding he notices that he has weak psychic abilities, notably the ability to compell people to act however he wants by winning competitions or completing , things like RPS, any kinda of personal favors and obviously winning pokemon battles would activate the ability.
Finish Reset Bloodlines you hack
Do you really need to add the weird psychic power, would it be so bad to make him attractive enough to girls want to fuck him.
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TQ: The worst part is describing it without sounding like you're plagiarizing Bulbapedia. Everything else should come natural, based on their species or setting.

OTQ: All Pokemon have berry preferences based on their nature, though it depends on what they're based off of. Bug-types may eat leaves from the trees of berry plants they like, as an example. Pokemon based on animals that are likely to eat meat can and do.
The psychic part is there to make the sex feel earned. Writing porn where everyones DTF all the time is like writing an action series where the main character starts off as the strongest.
"the point of the mind control is to make the sex feel earned"

Re-read this sentence again, anon
Not kinkshaming, but just write a bunch of hypno
smut oneshots instead with whatever characters you want.
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>to make the sex feel earned
...how exactly?
>"I won bitch, now fucking smell me!!!"
>"Oh no, this smell is too strong, so strong I want to be fucked senseless"
>If I decide to write the Fic as a traditonal 8 Gyms, Elite 4 and Champion journey
Why go so far with a smut gimmick?
Just write a free-form plot about getting X thing or defeating Y person/organization, your idea is a short~medium fic size idea, it wouldn't support a big chapter count, if you REALLY want to make a long smutfic then you need a less one-note gimmick.
Someone’s been reading too much “Wonders of Alola.”
You're the God of that world dude. You don't need psychic power to make it happen. Unless that's your fetish in which case go ahead. Plenty of interesting things you can do. Personally, subtle nudging is more interesting than straight up brainwashing. Just seems too easy.
I think he means plausible?
What we readin?
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In my head mind control with the limits im giving it allows for some fun. I didnt really elaborate on how cause wasnt really the point to my post but the long and short of it is.
Im writing a battle fuck story with an underdog protag, the mind control is (my fetish) context for how and why he does it.
I guess calling it mind control sounds too intense when The MC doesnt really force control he kinda has to buy/win it.
Funnily enough this idea started cause I was trying to write something new everyday, and i found the easiest and most thing to write was just Battle fucks with whatever NPC girl i liked.
Making it a whole pokemon journey seemed fun, the gym battles rival fights and whatever orgnization could have the more complex requirments for victory(and seggs) and also have like things deeper then that like the mysterys sorrunding the old Evil Orgs take down or other non porn plot points i could add.
>Personally, subtle nudging is more interesting than straight up brainwashing.
nothing right nyow, I'm waiting for fics to update
Im reading Pokemon: The Long Con, its about a guy who enters the Galar challenge by accident after his Deino saves him and Hop from a Wooloo stampede, its pretty fun!

Is battlefuck what I think it is or does it mean something else
in the dead of the knight
oak and audience
you got a link?
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Since Psychic was mentioned, what's Hard Enough's take on Sabrina and Psychic? I kinda need inspiration for my fic and her being a prominent tag makes me curious if it's worth going through 1M+ words.
Weren't her powers aura too?
Ghost Specialist. Caught up with Traveler recently as well. Also reread an old Dawn/Lucas fic from years ago.
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Golden Straits chapter with terrible pacing like the rest of it

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>mogs psychic fags in power level
>make aurafags seethe because they will never reach that realm

Chosen Chads ww@
About to get anally devastated by Volo.
for those of you writing OC trainers, do you include Ash/vg protagonists?
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>do you include Ash/vg protagonists?
Well, yeah. I basically made one of my OCs as a direct counterpart to Ash, think, the Kaine Parker to Ash's Peter, or the K' to his Kyo. It'd only make sense to have them interact at one point.
How else is my SI supposed to flex? Gotta take their teams and feats
It's not taking their teams. So long as you get to them first it's fair game. Even if they're in the middle of approaching Ash/the VG protagonist and directly requesting to be captured it doesn't matter as long as you throw the master ball first.
The one time I used Ash it ended up being a borderline bashfic whenever he was involved.
It feel pretty cathartic to be able to let out all my frustrations with the character that way though to be honest.
Someday I would like to write a Journeys rewrite in a much more positive manner for him but that day is far and far away still.
>Other Protagonists
Yes, mostly as partners but sometimes as rivals or enemies or simply as side-characters who just appear do a thing and then drop out. There's actually plenty of nice and proper variation to go around with them.
I don't know how to write them to be honest.
game protags as soulless terminators
This interpretation is so weird to me because they're not the ones fighting, their pokemon are, so if the game protags are soulless then what is actually making them terminators in a world ruled by hard work and the power of friendship?
Some fics will justify it by making them extreme battle and training junkies, but others just have them kind of walk around and perform incredible feats with no rhyme or reason.
After the DLC that doesn't surprise me, they're basically guided by fate
ywncao (you will never catch an ogerpon)
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This but unironically. Game protags are either up and coming nightmares leaving destruction in their wake or they've made their mark and have decimated the region by reigning atop the hill or set off somewhere else unsatisfied by conquest.

Especially as of recent when you get handed legendaries for story reasons.
It's really really hard to translate the typical gary stu/mary sue silent protagonist (you) whose dick everyone sucks and who's just da bes at everything just because it's your self-insert into writing. Specially so if you truly want to write it in a logical manner. It's borderline impossible to justify all those things in a good and convincing ways.
Turning them into silent battle junkie battlebots is just creating a non-character. Doesn't work. It's not fun or interesting. And if you do try to give them a personality then it becomes just as hard ot justify how someone with that personality managed to accomplish so much.
It's one thing to bash Ash in a casual conversation, it's another to actually dedicate your writing energy for that.
Just write a good story and ignore him, that's the most mature thing to do.
I try to avoid including Ash (just don't like him). Inserting a vg protagonist is basically making a second OC based on the fact that they have NO SOUL
>that's the most mature thing to do.
There's a reason why hateboner is a thing
Why do so many people hate Ash so much?
And why is there a lot of fanfics about Ash being betrayed?
Dude lost a 6v5 in BW and literally had a transformation named after him (Ash-Greninja) and still lost in XY.
Genius savants or something. Or any Pokemon they capture grows preternaturally quickly. Could also make them groundhog loopers to fulfill the "New Game" thing if you wanted to go meta. I had an idea ages ago where the male and female protags left breadcrumbs and stuff for the OCs in order to help them achieve what the VG protags did, and it's never unveiled that they were helping from the shadows until the end.
>And why is there a lot of fanfics about Ash being betrayed?
I feel like that happens everywhere. I see it in Naruto, Harry Potter, MHA, etc.
>has people who clearly hated him and the audience (Shudo, Hidaka)
>inconsistencies in his character
>everything surrounding BW
>his atrocious design in SM
>executives demanding he lose important matches
He's had it rough, like Spider-Man after the Mephisto deal.
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>Why do so many people hate Ash so much?
People though he was holding back the anime and that he needed to get to get a PokéSpe/Game anime, I agree that he needed to go from the anime but it was proven it was less about him being the real problem and more the suits in charge if Horizons is anything to go by despite their cope
>And why is there a lot of fanfics about Ash being betrayed?
Its Kino, just like NEGLECTED Naruto and Harry, its so over the top it gets charming in a way
>Why do so many people hate Ash so much?
He lost his personality after only a couple seasons, he falls upwards but it's played entirely straight instead of as a joke which completely undermines every other established powerhouse, he never formed a harem, he overstayed his welcome, and he looks ugly in SM. I like him but I can easily see why many wouldn't.
>And why is there a lot of fanfics about Ash being betrayed?
Naive kids are the perfect bait for BETRAYAL stories. It's not an Ash-only thing but it's the easiest way to add substance to an otherwise substanceless character. No real drive or hurdles to overcome? No problem, Brock was a rapist all along and now Ash has to unlock the powers of Rape Aura to rape the rapists.
>Brock was a rapist all along and now Ash has to unlock the powers of Rape Aura to rape the rapists
Take that back, Brock never BETRAYS beyond that 00s fic, he's always on his side
>Why do so many people hate Ash so much?
He's a symbol of and the epitome of stagnation and false hopes who by the time they finally let him do anything meaningful it was contrived, badly written and felt very unearned and ultimately disrespectful to everything that came before when he was not allowed to do anything or be anything but were the perfect moments to do so.
He long since overstayed his welcome. Too little, too late.
It's a good thing, in all honesty. Now the other protagonists get to stay away from the cancer.
>Now the other protagonists get to stay away from the cancer.
The suits are still in charge tho? The anime has been even more boring despite the "hype" and anyone thinking the E7 faggot will make a masterpiece is retarded after all the shit he did to that, still, funny how all the people saying Ash was the problem have to cope by slurping shit without complaining just to "prove" they were right while attacking anyone that disagrees

Not the thread for this tho
I have no clue what you're talking about because I don't participate in anime hate threads. I just think the anime sucks.
Fuck you, what the fuck were they thinking with the movies and AO
True. If anything, Brock got raped by professor Ivy.
I don't even hate him. I'm nostalgic over the OS, it's just that it felt like his character arc was never completed? They kept resetting the guy and watering down the rough edges he once had so I lost interest. You can do definitely do him better in a fic if you are motivated to.
>anime decided to remove Ash after 20 years
>they still won't bring back the Porygon line or Earthquake
I suffer.
What's wrong with earthquake?
nips got hit with earthquake around the same time the move featured in an episode
BoC made them normal people sort of but it seems like BoD's turning Lucas into a battling machine or something.
>tfw spending more time plotting out chapters in the far future than on anything that's likely to happen anytime soon, thus ensuring there is nothing that continues from the last chapter to post
Two. turns. ahead. But the battle is ending in one.
It's a crime that Porygon got essentially completely replaced by Rotom. They've had to go out of their way to make technology in-universe specifically compatible with Rotom even though Porygone was sitting right there, ready to be shoved into practically any electronic.
Yup. The cope is pathetic. Just look at that one faggot who keeps a chart of Nico likes ratings (which aren’t even ratings) to prove the new show isn’t a flop.
I think the hardest part is that pokemon have certain stereotypes applied to them, and while they're all the same, there also individuals tied by thread. Gotta pull the pokemon in just such a way that doesn't snap that thread and makes them unique.
Hm, I wonder what the most stereotyped Pokémon are?
These three I think
Only ever lurked but I wanted to share this idea from my younger, more dreamy years, specially since it was a bit of a start to my writing career I have been running for years now, even if it never got made. Me and my sister were coming up with ideas for a new pokemon fangame when we were like 14-15, I wrote a entire amateurish script draft.
It would be a pokemon prequel set around the 1920s, in Unova, originally we wanted it to be Wild West themed but I walked back on it. It would be a noir detective-like full course adventure that dabbled with crime and mafias in NYC, and would be about how the first and oldest pokemon league was forged in Unova. Pokemon fighting was considered a retarded mudsport like chicken fights, and pokemon were mostly used for all types of labor. The fangame's plot revolves around a detective consistently trying to get a hint on a pokemon mafia's operations just to find out all their meddling was in a attempt to lead the new city planner into finding Zekrom, since they got paid by him. He has a new idea to turn the entirety of Unova into the biggest shiniest metropolis in the whole world, that just happens to evolve attempting to enslave a legendary pokemon for all he's worth for brand new electric advancements. My sister came up with all types of crafty and fun designs back them but they slowly got lost to time, albeit I have them in my memory and she wants to redraw them. I only remember some of the characters like the main mobsters, some Nikola Tesla inspired schizo guy, a jazz singer who only had pokemon behind the stage doing her whole act becauuse she never could sing and a raging Rotom who would constantly try to assault the MC in various types of electric equipment as a bit of a pseudo rival.
Sorry if this sounds like nonsense, im kinda drinking rn and thought this would be cool to post, if yall want more info just ask me.
Felt like this was relevant to post because pokemon Z-A seems to be following a similar direction and we joked they stole our plot
Damn, it does sound cool as someone that loved The Godfather PS2
Their personal gravity is such that fate bends to them unconsciously. If they can control it, it isn't nearly as cool (it's barely cool as is).
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Bump and reminder
Only when I deem appropriate, and I give them a cool post game backstory like Red. Simple really
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I always assumed pokemon have different levels of sentience and intelligence. A geodude or grass-type is dumb, a psychic type is intelligent but solitary, something like weavile is academically dumber but is socially more intelligent.
>Pure poison
Dumb as a bag of rocks tier
New to this board but what's the deal with this guy?
Some discord retard pretending to be a spammer obsessed with cynthia getting vored after that spammer stopped posting, because he wants to absorb that spammer's notoriety or something. It's like how the current barneyfag isn't the original one either. Just ignore.
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>be me
>browse /lit/ all day
>have some faggots spamming Nabokov, Kant, pictures of Jesus and Clarice Lispector 24/7
>Fuck this board sucks
>Get back into pokemon with some IRL friends as a way for some drunkards to relive nostalgia
>Go check /vp/
>Also has faggots spamming shit 24/7
So fucking tiring...
Anon this is easily one of the top 3 worst boards on the site when ranked by community, at least half of the users are underage and tons of retards show up here from twitter and youtube that don't otherwise use the site at all, especially during leak season. Significant chunks of the catalog are made by discords dedicated to arguing about stupid shit nobody cares about like "debunking the pro-[randomly chosen gen] agenda" or arguments over which avatarfag is better than the other ones. What made you think this board would be better? This is the only thread I still come to /vp/ for at all.
Anon, you are in 4chan. This place fucking sucks
It's funnier somewhat, the intellectual posteuring on /lit/ has always been a integral part of the board but the lack of self awareness of it nowadays has grown insane.
At least people who act like idiots here are spiritually honest about it, I just lost my shit laughing at an archive post of 2 grown man erping like they are double teaming unovan gym leaders and using pokemon eufemisms to describe it. I don't open the comp or genwar threads, only the shitposty ones
>He didn't start with the Kantonians.
>tried to write a poke fanfic
>can't come up with ideas
>decide to try a different fangenre
I wanna write a pokefic, but I think I'm too lame
I want to write cool battles and shit, but Borne of Hiatus already capitalized my favorite region. Should I make up a fake enemy team to blunder the whole enemy plan? Like a Team Twilight that fuses Kyoge and Groundon and both teams have to join to save them and save the world, or should I pick a different region?

Coming up with original shit is hard when you don't have an entire story to tell you what to do, but gen 1-2 is shit story telling, gen 4 is half baked and gen 5+ is 'oh no we suffered an earthquake'-pozzed
The only limit is your imagination.
Hoenn I feel is the best option, but I think there needs to be a twist where the bad guys have to work with the good guys, which bring the two bad guy leaders together since they know each other

but how to go about it.
I'm thinking a good guy isekai protag and a bad guy isekai protag who wants something else
>I want to write cool battles and shit, but Borne of Hiatus already capitalized my favorite region
Who cares lol. There are already fanfics for every region
>but Borne of Hiatus already capitalized my favorite region
Why is that a problem tho? Are you aiming for the same audience?
I wouldn't sweat it. The region isn't really that important if your story is distinct. Born of Nutrition will be its own thing and yours will too. Don't force yourself to write a place you have no interest in, it'll affect the process.
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Accurate. Every other fic writer I've talked to has had an inferiority complex.
There’s only a few regions, you’re going to get overlap on stories. Just write it, anon
Based Colress.
Wow they're both literally me
I keep getting writing ideas in my dreams/while half asleep even though I've lost my will to write
My brain is taunting me
>but gen 1-2 is shit story telling
I actually think gen 1-2 are the most fic friendly gens.
These things wouldn't return to you if you moved past it. Right something, now.
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>"Hey there little guy"
>pokemon gets more pissed
>"Err, girl?"
>pokemon noticeably calms down
I'm tired of reading this scene.
did he just assume an animal's pronouns?
Same. This is why in my stories I have the MC avoid saying boy/girl until they get a view of the pokemon's genitals, then they suddenly start using the correct sex. I don't actually write that they've seen the baby makers, but anyone who's paying way too much attention will notice.
They're probably the ones that requires the least head-scratching to justify. Gen 3 has a problem with setting up its legendaries, Gen 4 has no real reason to get off the ground in the first place, and 5 is too centralized on hero v hero, imo.
Yup. Most fics are journey fics and Kanto is such an easy setup to execute that type of story. Johto is also ideal for a sequel.
bro you could just let the box legendaries sleep, invent a new evil team and do a whole different plot, you don't even need to use all the stuff in the games, and even if you use there's so many new takes and directions that you could lead it.
The only problem here is your pea-sized creativity.
Not sure if it's the right thread to ask since I rarely check /vp/:
Did Wanderlust ever got a continuation?
I remember if stopped due to drama, but the team behind it said they still had at least a skeleton of the rest of the story ready.
However checking the net I can only find a handful of non-story related porn pics after the drama.
Is it completely dead and unfinished, or did someone at least post a .doc of how the story was going to end. I just want closure.
Qrd? The name sounds familiar but I doubt the one I know of is the same as yours
A 10% porn, 90% story comic about a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon-style universe, following a guild that got taken over by a sex-obsessed Mienshao, and the consequences of said guild getting a terrible reputation under her care.
Yep, totally different
I know nothing about it, but I think there's some sort of PMD ERP thread on /trash/ that's probably full of the exact type of people to have the answer to your question if you can't find information anywhere else.
Anyone reading Pokemon: Apocalypse (Pokemon/Our World)?
So far I like the setting and how that flyover town has to deal with territorial super beasts.
So it's like the apocalypse comes to the real world on the form of Pokémon being isekaid into IRL? That actually sounds pretty interesting, mind posting a link?
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So, what happened to the anon making a Fate crossover, did they kill him?
Which anon do you mean?
Wheel of Time had that in it's 3 MC's, called it "Ta'veren", and is basically the universe warping around a person fated to do great things.
And eventually, they each decided to stop fighting it, and try to steer it instead of just going with the flow.
So when one guy was leading an army and trying to buy some grain to feed all of them, the forces of evil were spreading famine and pestilence. They got some grain off a ship, checked a few bags and they were full of rot and maggots.
Then the guy says "Wait a minute, I'm a Main Character! Someone check another bag." And every single other bag was in pristine condition.
Someone pointed out the odds that out of all the bags they chose at random, it was just the first few that were bad, and he waves it off as Bad Luck.
But the point is that it's reality warping itself around him to make it bad luck that they would chose the few bags out of hundreds that were spoiled.

So what I'm saying is that over a long enough arc, you can make it cool for them to control it.
This one https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56327417/#q56327603

Btw, I kind of want to make a Kamen Rider based story after looking at the Sygma Suits, Emma's power armor and technology as a whole
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I see.
I think I get it but come on, there must be a better example than WoT.
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Dude, just pick your preferred site.
>But with Pokémon
I honestly don't know what to think? Do humans get classes like they do in that kind of stuff?
Not at all. Just read the first few chapters. The 'Dungeon' things you read in one of these descriptions gets explained but didn't come up yet.
Why do some people get upset when an OC "steals a pokemon" from a canon character, but never when an OC takes over a canon character?
Rescuing "Ash's" Charmander before him is off limits but for some reason we can get away with literally stealing Ash's entire life. Crazy.
>but for some reason we can get away with literally stealing Ash's entire life. Crazy.
That's a thing? In Pokémon fanfics I mean, I'm more used to see that happen in some haremslop like To Love Ru or DxD
I've seen plenty of "I woke up as X character from pokemon!" there were for non-playable characters like Ash. Either way they're stealing their lives.
In this essay I will explain why Hard Enough is actually a very elaborate NTR and defacement story about someone stealing Brock's body and proceeding to have sex using it, knowing full well the real Brock would never get any.
What would you honestly change if you were isekai'd as Ash right before his journey began?
>report Erika for unfair bans on her gym
>not meet "Richie" so Team Rocket can't harass me and fuck up the match with him
>dust off Kingler, Muk, and some of the less used Pokémon in Johto
>catch better Pokémon in Hoenn, Torkoal and Corphish fucking suck
>also bring old Pokémon back to prevent the same shitty ending from that league
>accept the Frontier Brain offer, even if temporarily
>prevent the Ambipom ping pong episode from happening at all costs
>before leaving Sinnoh, investigate what happened to Tobias
>avoid Cameron so he fails and doesn't enter the Unova league
>dunno about Kalos, maybe break into Team Flare's base and hopefully find an Essentia suit prototype?
>dunno about Alola either
>don't get traumatised by tentacles even if I still lose to Bea
>put Team Rocket in jail
>probably put Giovanni in jail as well
>don't care enough for romance because hooking up with Serena, Anabel, Macy, or Angie will just create a giant butterfly effect not worth trying
>What would you honestly change if you were isekai'd as Ash right before his journey began?
I would beg Brock to teach me how to cook.
>discover the fairy type/evolve hisui mons/nutrition/gravity training/etc
>report sabrina and the cerulean sisters to the league
>vet a trusted neurosurgeon with a Lucario to fix the brain tumor Ash has that makes his IQ cap at 70
>get myself checked for imbalanced estrogen levels so I can actually go through puberty
>send a letter to Serena calling her a cringe bitch for not being a trainer like me coupled with claims that I think girls who can beat me in a pokemon battle are hot. This will hopefully activate her dormant Player Character genes and guarantee I get a battlewife in the future
>fuck Pikachu anyways
In Born Of Caution the MC get Ash's Treeko.
Reincarnating as a character feels like an "inevitability" since it is part of the concept from the very beginning. Furthermore, lots of the times the reincarnated person does their utmost to follow the canon counterpart footsteps one way or the other so that eases the blow. Sometimes to "make things better" and sometimes they make things worse, most of the times as an unintended consequence of the setting being not like the canon setting down to the most minute detail, which absolves them of that responsibility somewhat, but ultimately there's a "guideline" that "respects" the character itself.
Meanwhile "stealing" a character's canon Pokemon or canon goals feels more "petty" since it is something the MC is completely in control of, it would then become a conscious choice, something they go out of their way to do. There's no limits, countless roads ahead, and you've got lots of meta knowledge to abuse that no one has touched upon before, and you purposely go out of your way to go do a thing you know someone else will do someday and that is a vital part of their character and history? It's not surprising it can feel like a dick move to so many.
This is by Fabled Web right? He takes forever to update because his patrons decide what he writes that month outside of his Pokemon/Worm quest.
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Holy hell, it seems that having a Pokémon cover can fuck you if they want
For that particular concept, I doubt it.
WoT has it's issues, but overall it's great.
Has the spirit of Tolkein, if not half the skill.
Yeah, I check it out regularly. After all author author is pretty decent(though he clearly wants to fuck panacea) and most of his stories are at least good and somewhat unique.
Ah yes, that Worm story. Will be interesting to see how it continues and how much more the Porygon will play a role.
Also as coincidence wills it, Apocalypse updated a few hours after I shilled it here. And now I am reminded that he also wrote another good Pokemon fic of a fairly weak Psychic and his melee fighting, female Ralts.
Well of course. You don't just leave that door closed. It's a handful to actually pursue though, especially for small-time fucks that aren't even selling their content, so it's more like a clause just in case, especially so in regards to publishing content that ends up being similar to traceable ideas someone else had prior to the release of the content. If in 2nd gen someone came up with the idea of Mega Evolution and their description ends up being eerily similar to what GF puts out, even if it's just coincidence, they would still be protected from any claims of the original work. They're not playing whack-a-mole with my smut.
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So for human powers we have
>Ki by fighting type specialists
>Dragon force
>Real human ghosts
Right? It'd be cool reading a SI that thinks he knows everything about Pokémon just to get smacked by a HIDDEN MASTER™ because the world is real now so it isn't just limited to the games or anime's NPCs
There's an SI as a youngster with the top percentage Ratata, for his age he is really good, but because he is a youngster and under so many restrictions he's getting creamed a lot.
Although he does that voluntarily to learn more instead of any hubris.
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>find an Essentia suit prototype
Would you even need it with that body? If the world is real then that means they nerf hammer isn't hitting you,
>don't get traumatised by tentacles even if I still lose to Bea
Hot, I might put that in my story.

Anyways, I think I would go to the mirror cave to make sure I'm the only one, I don't want some fucker to appear wanting to kill me and absorb my aura in some The One bullshit plot
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>wake up in Sinnoh
>use my meta knowledge to find the hidden Gible cave underneath the cycling road
>get mauled to death by an angry mother Garchomp because why would video game encounters be a hard rule
Name one thing wrong with this plan.
Peak if it's a contestfic and the protagonist or their friend is a master poffin maker
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>Wake up in Unova
>I have no knowledge of Pokemon beyond Gen I-III
>Follow a small candle looking buddy to civilization
>Keep following
>Keep following
>reading a fic where the SI fights Ash
>Ash uses rigged protagonist hax to paralyze her Charmeleon at the perfect time to beat her
Wake up on time and pick Bulbasaur
Spearow are cool so catch a Spearow
Rescue Charmander and give it to a Nurse Joy because I am not dealing with that useless jobber
It's canon that Meowth is a wild Pokemon so toss a cheeky Pokeball at him
Anime Sabrina kinda gives me the creeps so take the magnet train to Goldenrod and grab a quick badge from Whitney
>Goes unarmed
At least take a stick with you, anon
I've been working on a plotpoint for my Paldea based fanfic. It involves both paradox pokemon, initially the ancient pokemon are the ones rampaging across the region. But mid-way the future paradox Pokemon make an entrance and become an organized invading force. The reason behind this is that they are controlled by an AI that went haywire after the future civilization collapsed (I think retroactively making Rose right in an alternate future is really, really funny).

My question is: how stupid would you say this premise is?
Pokémon Skynet? Sounds cool but who's the retard that let an AI evolve that far?
How would that make Rose right? From my understanding he was just being retarded about Eternautus, I'm not sure where AI comes into play.
Gible aren't a "baby" Pokémon. There's no guarantee its parents would be Garchomps instead of older Gible's or that they take an active role in rearing their offspring. Many apex predators just desert their young, especially reptiles and sharks.
Do we also get a John Connor thrown into the story?

My idea for the future paradox world is that the primary energy source used by that timeline is tera-crystals. An incredibly powerful energy source that caused severe ecological damage to the Pokemon biosphere due to it affecting the Type Energy across the world (like radiation or something similar).

This caused an ecological collapse, followed by a borderline societal collapse, until the groups that managed to weather the storm started to technologically/mechanically recreate pokemon. The AI in question was a complex software that was designed to manage and regulate the "robotic biosphere" of that future, unchecked technology did what it does and the AI went rogue.

Now i'm considering that being a thing.
Let it go, Porygon. It's been 26 years, 9 months and 4 days.
Thoughts on the orbs being able to do magic bullshit at the cost of your sanity? red orb lets you control fire, blue orb does the same but for water, lustrous lets you teleport, adamant lets you control time, etc.
I think that was a thing in PokéSpe and why original Archie and Maxie went crazy, but then again Kusaka had to back pedal the "legendaries are toxic for humans" since they started to be plot mandated since RSE in the games
Really? why did he do that? groudon and kyogre are like the only asshole legendaries aside from like necrozma and that faggot is like always in pain
Kusaka just sometimes backs out of his own ideas if they deviate too much from videogame canon. In the BW arc, he teased the idea that the Striaton triplets were the Shadow Triad, but after they were revealed to be separate people in the games, he just made both groups fight each other and act like he never suggested anything.
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Lore was even more non-existent at the time, not an expert on the manga tho so I'm sure someone that actually cares about that thing can tell you more.
>O, My Celebi
Kek, to think they said Ash's asspulls are worse than the manga
>red orb lets you control fire
Groudon is ground type tho
>to think they said Ash's asspulls are worse than the manga
>"Hey dood, this Victini who never interacted with Lack-Two decided to help him because Black got out of the stone and it had to repay him a favour from two years ago! Isn't that clever!"
This stupid manga deserves to be wiped out of existence.
I'd run through every region like Forrest Gump and give zero fucks about the gyms or the league unless I got something extremely beneficial out of doing it. If I got to live a second life I'm going to appreciate it doing what I want, not getting railroaded to episode of the week drama by two assholes I barely know.
The manga has some silly moments here and there but it makes up for it by being fast-paced, fun, and having clever moments that actually hit the mark.
In that way it's not very different from any other fanfic, the good parts are good enough that you want to stay and see the rest, even with some low points throughout the journey.
For me it's the child beating.
Lack-Two being Looker's superior and the retarded training flash flashback where he was a toddler has its charm, stupid as fuck mind you, but charming.
>>"Hey dood, this Victini who never interacted with Lack-Two decided to help him because Black got out of the stone and it had to repay him a favour from two years ago! Isn't that clever!"
What's wrong with it?
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>Protag is isekaid to the pokemon world as a 30 year old man instead of being aged down
Cringe desu.
It kinda gross seeing a old man seriously battling children and teenagers.
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>30 year old man seriously battles children
>What's wrong with it?
Which part of
>"this Victini who never interacted with Lack-Two decided to help him because Black got out of the stone"
did you not understand? The motivations and actions are completely nonsensical and unrelated to each other.
I will be the 60 year old man who challenges children for their allowance.
If you are 10 years old and not even a champion it's actually over for you and should probably get to work finding a real job like bug catcher or super nerd.
Any examples outside of the gay groomer trainer in kalos?
Wanted to try something if you feel like indulging me. If I gave you these rosters for 3 characters' first 6 Pokémon, what would you imagine about what their personalities are like?

>Paldean Wooper

>Nidoran Female
>Toxtricity (Amped)

>Sensu Oricorio
>black is good guy
>lack-two is good guy
>helps another good guy against a bad guy
>ok debt repaid :)
honestly you could probably pass this off as legitimate if you squinted a bit
>Black didn't know where Lack-Two was
>Black didn't request Victini to help Lack-Two
>the only interaction Black and Lack-Two have is quite bitter, as Lack-Two is an asshole and neither Black nor White like his attitude
>in fact, Black didn't even meet Victini until after Colress was dealt with
>and most importantly, if Victini really cared about repaying Black at all, why didn't it show up to save him from being sucked into the Light Stone? Why did it wait two years to help him?
You're defending an asspull through out of sheer ignorance of the arc. Why are you doing that?
Foolish junior...
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Better than working for the Interpol tho
>black is good guy
>lack-two is good guy
>helps another good guy against a bad guy
>ok debt repaid :)
>>b-but if Victini really cared about repaying Black at all, why didn't it show up to save him from being sucked into the Light Stone? Why did it wait two years to help him?
Reshiram > Victini
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>"V-Victini has to obey the will of Pokémon it never met because it just has to, okay?!"
I'm done with you. Btw, Reshiram didn't willingly turn into a stone.
>fighting a PokéSpe fan
I thought you knew better Carnagebro
>implying im a pokespe fan
it's easy to handwave shit but you guys act like animefags and froth at inane nonsense
Both are shit but I don't remember ashnimefags acting as if they were the best of the franchise like mangafags

Do you know that Guzma lost against a second stage just because that didn't even use a Z-move then acted like an edgy fucker?
Not either of those anons, but there's this weird thing with Pokespe fans where tourists just larp as real fans and start shit with people despite never reading the manga.
>t. guy who used to be in one of the scanlation's servers before it went down the shitter
>before it went down the shitter
Pedo incident (again) or plot related?
Age regression is cringe to be desu. Just isekai an actual child if you want them to be a child. That's something (most) Japanese isekais do better than western isekais. It's just a teenager who's straight up transmigrated, age regression pedo isekais are the rarity.
Pedo incident. Pretty sure the whole story is in the archives.
So are Nintendo consoles actually in the Pokemon world or is it cheeky product placement?
I mean... it's not like the bar is very high here. Remember, this is the franchise where people thought BW was some amazing story and that Plasma were supposed to be hidden villains.
>So are Nintendo consoles actually in the Pokemon world or is it cheeky product placement?
I don’t see why it can’t be both. Besides, a more specific example of a Nintendo game appears in gen 1, which mentions “a game featuring Mario with a bucket on his head”, referencing Mario and Wario, which was developed by Game Freak.
They have to exist, given that many stores in the games mention videogames.
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I think I get aurafags now, they can probably larp as Archer or Roxas with two swords or a spear or whatever the fuck they can imagine with aura while using different type moves like Lucario does
So then do we have trainers running around in the wild playing mobile games?
Good idea to include a blurb or two about it in a story for world-building purposes, or will it just be skimmed over and ignored since it's likely just not that relevant?
The later most likely unless you make some gacha expy or officers telling trainers to not get absorbed in their phones as a reference to Go's mess
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If your SI can use Dynamax how likely is it to stop the plot by beating Groudon and Kyogre?
If I dynamaxed and vored Grodon + Kyogre then cancelled my dynamax, would I explode or would they get crushed?
Why do you need to dynamax to stop them in the first place? Can't you just use protagonist power and beat them up like in the games?
Because "muh canon route"? Last I checked that was a big deal in SI stories
Did I miss something in gen 8 where dynamax was used to beat up Kyogre and Groudon?
Hypothetically speaking bro
My dude, it's your own fanfic. Have dynamax Golurk break Groudon's jaw if you want.
Wait, are your version of Kyogre and Groudon god-like or closer to how they are in the games?
You would be torn to pieces pretty quickly.
Not if beforehand I ability swapped with a Shedinja to gain Wonder Guard and then used Conversion on a mono-Fire type after they used Burn Out, thus giving me a typeless typing and rendering me immune to all damage.
Any Pokemedieval recommendations?
I don't think so?
Weak, 27 years of Pokemon and now decent Medieval fanfic?
Come on dude, we're known for everything but creativity so give us a break. Besides with the new Legends games its only a matter of time until we get some real ground, maybe.
There are medieval PMD fics. I've only read like one and it's dead
The Burden of Discovery (Pokémon SI) has two random people get stranded in the tribal pre pokeball Pokeworld
Do they know about nutrition?
warning: gay lover protagonists who whine and cry a lot about their sensitive feelings.
Hm I dunno, I only read a bit into it, so I just posted it because it fit the criteria OP was looking for.
I've seen a lot of medieval AU fics while crawling ff.net.
I wouldn't be able to give you any names though.
I didn't read too far into it myself so I'm not sure if they ever stop being little bitches who feel like they're written by a high schooler who enjoys the high of feeling like they're a victim.
The gay romance was also offputting, but romance in general is offputting. In typical gay romance fashion, though, there's never a break to it.
Man, Ash & Co are just so fucking terribly handled in Pinnacle. I really just want Luna and Ursula to fucking stomp Ash and Dawn.
Funnily enough TR is actually a highlight.
>Ash & Co are just so fucking terribly handled
Read the fic, nerd.
Fuck you, I would never ask someone to read FTDS or Reset Bloodlines
We aren't talking about an easy to digest 2 hours movie, it's a fucking 100k+ words fanfic so yeah, people are going to ask for summaries because it's too much work just to get to know a bad plot.
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>2 million words
It cannot have that much story to tell
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Currently reading through that insane world of pokemon fanfic.
It's definitely what my 13 year old self's ideal pokemon story would have been like so i am actually enjoying it.
Very chuuni.
>covers currently four regions
>Ash has a very different team and new companions
>he now fights legendaries in different ways
>plotlines not present in the anime like Lavender Tower
>none of that "rival overpowers the protagonist until the last match" bullshit, Ash constantly hands Gary's ass
>a whole plotline involving Zinnia
>Flannery is given a lot of focus for some reason
There's a lot of shit down there, anon.
>>Flannery is given a lot of focus for some reason
The power of the waifu is strong, you sure as hell believe that people are gonna shove their best pokegirls into their fics.
Also shout out to Lanna's mom, best girl from a generation she isn't even in.
I read like the first 3 chapters, chapter 1 is kinda bad but it feels like he was adressing feedback in chapters 2 and 3, still mediocre but I could see it getting good after a while but I'm too lazy to see that happening for myself, Borne of Nutrition and Hard Enough have more immediate food for inspiration imo
Detective Pikachu made me wonder, how many fighters use underground fight? Not being part of the league means that their rules are wild, like attacking the opposite trainer if its a kind of royal battle with humans involved.
desu i read the first chapter of it to give it a chance then dropped it when i recognized the author
it unironically does, the only major flaw the fic has is the later chapters not being split up into more manageable chunks
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I think attacking trainers would still be taboo outside of certain events desu, humans getting severely injured is the easiest way to get berserk pokemon (which would likely have to be heavily restrained if not put down), while being careless with how the fights go can lead to a surge of pokecenter visits. Both of these could get the league jannies to come down on them regardless of if they're sanctioned.
Trainer + Pokemon events could be a thing at those tournaments anyway, but underground scenes would probably be more focused on non-standard battles.
>Trainer + Pokemon 2v2 with various ground rules (e.g. humans have TKO clauses), assuming humans can take a few attacks from an average pokemon without getting fucked up (anime/game rules rather than grimderp rules)
>Cage Match battle royale with several Pokemon
>King of the Ring 1v6 (or higher)
>TEAM DEATHMATCH with varying degrees of trainers (e.g. 6v6 with one trainer on each side vs 6v6 with 6 trainers per side)
>Non-standard tournaments like Dodgeball
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>humans getting severely injured is the easiest way to get berserk pokemon
>To the face
Ash's progression is really slow, he takes a long time to catch up to really powerful opponents despite being pretty strong in general. It also details the environment of the regions and their histories pretty often, so you get lot of description bloat. New areas are created for Hoenn as well, with their own histories and animosities. Team Aqua is completely different as well. Legendaries are really, really powerful and you see people (including Ash) with strange powers as a result of legendaries later on.
This scene is always so fucking funny. This guy takes a Hyper Beam to the face and just groans about how strong Lance is. Meanwhile in Gen 7 the dex tells you Bewear will easily kill you through hugs.
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>assuming humans can take a few attacks from an average pokemon without getting fucked up (anime/game rules rather than grimderp rules)
That's why anime/game rules were mentioned, a lot of fics like to ignore them for "muh dangerous beasts that'll kill everyone" even though you have people like Oak and Alder regularly tanking attacks just fine. If a fic is going to have underground battles that explicitly hide from the league, chances are they'll have maiming and other edgy shit in them that would cause potential problems.
Isn't the Oak thing a literal gag? Like Ash got knocked out by having his hand crushed by a dude's boot.
Even then, there are still several serious instances where humans are hurt by dangerous moves. Ash and the twins from Altomare shocked each other during Movie 5. Same when Chimchar burned his body due to trauma.
>Ash got knocked out by having his hand crushed by a dude's boot.
When? J tried to strangle him to death with a Pokémon and he kicked it
The Celebi movie. You don't remember that scene where he tries to keep Celebi from the team rocket dude?
Honestly, it just seems more like inconsistency than humans being superhuman or whatever.
I've only read Borne of Caution/Desire
Anyone got any good recommendations to read?
>The Celebi movie
Ah, right. I think that was Shudo's last movie. Anyways, Ash is kinda hard to scale since he can do some bullshit but then get nerfed to just once again do some stupid feat. In the first episode of Journeys he jumped like an entire skycraper to reach Lugia just like go but he was even more ground level than Goh.

And most tend go "lol, aura" because otherwise it would be a mess to write in a "serious" story.

I do believe they are superhuman tho, like Captain America, Deathstroke or SPARTAN without powers.
I like to think most of the population tend to be complete ordinary and that a few (some blackbelts ie Bruno and aurafags/psychics) are more durable.
What are you looking for exactly? A general journey story? Porn? Shipping?
I'm reading a neat little journey fic set in Galar called "Pokemon: The Long Con"

It's about a guy who gets roped in the Galar circuit by accident after he saves Hop (and himself) from a herd of stampeding wooloo and now has to fake it till he makes it. It's pretty fun!
>>Flannery is given a lot of focus for some reason
I will now read your fic
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>Flannery is given a lot of focus for some reason
>for some reason, as if EVERYTHING involving pic related and her being a foil to ash weren't reasons enough, on top of the town being near Mt. Chimney
desu her being in for waifu reasons didn't even cross my mind while reading it.
I can't believe how big of a role this two-off motherfucker got.
Don't leave me hanging, tell me more. Last thing I remember before dropping was Steven teaching him fencing and some glowie shit
Flannery's grandfather is a Fire-type E4-tier trainer who helps Ash train. He eventually gets killed.
Thanks to Aqua/Magma? I can't take those retards seriously
Sort of. Actual spoilers: The person who kills him is a rogue E4-tier trainer who left because of... nebulous shit happening in Kalos which I assume is related to Team Flare. She was working with Team Aqua for some reason. Some dude in Team Magma (I think it was the disguise guy from the anime) used a Ditto to kickstart a fight between Team Aqua and the Kalos trainer and Flannery's grandfather, some rangers, and Ash. The Kalos trainer, a ranger, and Flannery's grandfather end up dead.
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This fanfic about Gold and Whitney being irresponsible and flagrant, getting pregnant really young had both my girlfriend and I in a horny frenzy with each other when we read it, for real.
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>Possible PTSD Ash
Sounds Kino, I might pick it up again
Almost perfect, now draw her barefoot.
probably a general journey story preferably with long chapters. I dont mind a little romance
Yellow being proto N is still funny to me, shame they never met.
Wasn't that Lance, Yellow was even more bullshit than N since it wasn't just about understanding Pokémon but actually giving them a boost
Yellow and Lance both have the same power, Lance gets the addition of being able to control non-legendary dragons at will.
He's also a bit like lysander in his goal to destroy humanity except for a select group of people he deems worthy.
>E4 and Lance aren't in jail after nuking a city
Was it because Lance appeared as a glowie in GSC forcing Kusaka to handwave the consequences?
People thought he died and he was hiding behind a HM puzzle in the Whirlpool Islands.
btw I'm saying this while reading the RS arc right now, dunno how they address him later.
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I do think this had potential, starting with fucking Zekrom was stupid tho because everyone knows in raw power it has no equal outside of Reshiram and the other legendaries are more about hax
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If I was the mayor of the time I assure you I would do everything in my power to find that faggot's body and then nuke every member of the Dragon Clan in Kanto and Johto because fuck that place
I fucked up
Never read the manga, but I know that how the pros do it is they put a bullshit restriction on it (like, he can't use it more than 3-5 minutes for whatever reason). So they can have the big explosive story start and still give the protagonist reason to branch out and find alternative forms.
Is there any Pokémon trope you just wish to shit on when you write? Every time I see these shitty disguises I just cringe to myself -as they all just make other characters look like idiots for not seeing through them-. and they're everywhere. Do kids even find them funny?
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Yo where else can I go to get pokemon smutfics? I've exhausted every goddamn thing on AO3.
>I've exhausted every goddamn thing on AO3.
Obviosuly you need to start writing yourself now.
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I don't mind rocket disguises, they're only really recognizable to the viewer because you see them every other episode. Even accounting for that, most of them are rather good if you exclude the obvious Meowth.
Other than the obviously-not-a Pikachu, what's bad about that Ash and Serena disguise? You're not likely to recognize some random trainer's face compared to their patented outfit.
I do write them! But fine, give me some suggestions. More than just "character/character" and a sex position; I need an actual premise to start with.

But also, seriously, where else can I go to find jerk-off material to read?
>The site where I used to read Serena NTR deleted every story
Sadly SlyAdam nuked everything and I don't think it was backed up anywhere that's readily accessible. The wayback machine does a very inconsistent job of archiving stuff on AO3 for some reason.
Expand to new franchises.
I'd probably find them less amusing if they popped up every other episode or chapter or whatever. I haven't watched the anime past the end of Johto or read the manga since ORAS concluded. why does 4chan keep eating my posts?
How do you come up with a motif?
bros when this gets better? other than a couple of more realistic descriptions it feels like eating plain bread
you know those games where people say it gets good 20 hours in?
That's a fucking lie, I fell for that when playing Kiseki and outside of some small scenes there's not much going on with the plot still being le mystery after more than 20 years
god bad demon good
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Dendra/Tulip/OC(preferably an unnamed Naranja academy librarian)

premise Dendra has been (unsuccsefully) trying to hide a massive crush she has on Librarian. Tulip, who has had an on-and-off relationship with Dendra, decides to arrange a very fun surprise for both Librarian and Dendra, making Dendra 'forget' an important item in the Library and having Librarian deliver it to Dendra's house. Only to find Dendra gagged, bound and being currently edged by Tulip, who proceeds to power domme Librarian into admiting he also has a massive crush on Dendra. Yadda yadda yadda, they made up and have a hardcore 3 way till morning.

in regards to finding jerk-off reading mateial, sometimes I found extensive caption images on rule34, not really into reading them.
yeah well I don't remember when it really hooked me
Thats just hazbin hotel
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Gold and straight
My favorite trope to shit on is Charizard. Every Charizardtrainer is going to be either a fucking retard, or a Giga-Chad who deserves what’s coming to him.

The sad part is I like Charizard. But he must be defecated upon for Pokémon to grow
Do you think trainers lose interest once it becomes a job-job? It's probably exhilarating for the successful ones to get those early paychecks, but after a while it might become an passionless chore. Especially once I get isekai'd and call them battle cucks since they train pokemon to fight their battles for them while I, an aura chad, fight my own battles.
Many trainer classes imply people train pokemon on the side while still doing a regular 9 to 5. The money isnt the main draw for most normies i think.
Well, if we go by the anime Cynthia and Leon were getting bored and tired because of how strong they were and how there was no challenge or fun or anything anymore.
Lack of waku waku seems to be a more of a common issue. Volkner is another prime example of this, one that's universal through all medias.
Didn't Ash decide to end up as a hobo than a battle wagie? Leon went full teacher in the games too and Lance is a glowie.
It forms naturally on its own, or not at all.
Trainers getting bored of it because they're too good and no one offers them a challenge is complete horseshit written by people who have never been the best in class anything in their life. Do you think Magnus Carlson is tired of chess? Do you think Tom Brady got bored with playing football? You don't get to be one of the best in the world at something without being so completely obsessed with it that you are incapable of becoming bored with it.
Yeah being the best doesn't make you bored. It just inflates your ego. Besides, you can always pit your own pokemon against eachother.

But the people I was thinking of were the average joes who never make it big but aren't failures either. Like Ace Trainers who can never reach elite level, the ones where it really does become a job because they just can't make it to legend status
What do you mean by a motif?
A lot of stories I see have those types become feds.
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Imagine wanting to be a glowie, Aurachads we stay winning
Some of those stories also have aura users as feds too. Like Cynthia.
The faggot with one joke
Aura Knights were literally Medieval Feds.
Fuck, I meant Guardians.
Does Pokemon even have an established government? The most I recall is that people listened to Alder before he got BTFO by N.
To be very stereotypical, first is a nerd that grows into being a real fighter, second is a hotheaded, punk girl and third is probably a ninja, I'd guess very taciturn and serious.
I love chuuni stuff so much bros, but I'm a wagie that can't pay comissions nor draw.
This is AI. It's not even very good.
Is Coloseum/XD interesting lorewise? I only know about shadow pokemon.
It's fertile territory for expansion. Why is it a desert? Why do people insist on living there despite the inhospitable climate? Why are there no wild pokemon? It would be easy to insert some sort of catastrophe or apocalyptic event into the past there. The region doesn't give you a ton of people and places to work with though.
iirc it's extremely vague lorewise. There was a story that added lore to it but it was pretty melodramatic, though I really enjoyed the prose.
It's got one of the best cultures and environments, but as the other anons said its actual "history" is lacking a bit worse than most gamefreak regions.
I'm honestly considered trying to get into Fire Emblem just so I can consume the massive amounts of smut written for it.
I appreciate the depths of the prompt and it sounds super cute, but I have no idea how to write a F/F/F threeway. I barely know what to do with one woman, much less multiple. Girls are scary. D:

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